Options to say hello. How to say hello correctly. Modern greeting etiquette. Welcome to secular society

Even if you are a polyglot, there is no guarantee that you will hit the mark with greetings in a new country. And a lot depends on how correctly the first exchange of phrases occurs. Especially when traveling.

You get lost on the road, take the right turn, or just want to grab an inexpensive snack. You will have to communicate with the local population.

The word “hello” or the familiar “Hi” does not always mean greeting. Every culture has its own unique way of saying hello. To avoid getting into trouble, I suggest you learn the interesting customs of different countries.

In Japan

1 This country of the Rising Sun is known throughout the world for its traditions and customs. In Japan people greet with a bow from the waist. The duration and depth of the tilt differs.

You can nod casually. Or bow from the waist and freeze in this position for a long time. It depends on who is being greeted and with whom. A very respected man accepts very long “hello.”

In an environment with a traditional floor covering - tatami, it is customary to kneel before this.

Bowing is appropriate: in China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, India and other Asian countries

In Kenya

2 When going to East Africa, or more precisely to Kenya, don’t forget to learn the dance. In the Maasai tribe it must be performed upon meeting. This dance of "jumping" is called "adamu". It is performed only by male warriors.

Before doing this, it is advisable to tell a story from your fearless past. Then, with screams and shouts, there is a jumping height competition. And the other part of the tribe stands in a circle and waits for its turn to show courage and bravery.

In Tibet

3 Have you decided to make a pilgrimage? Or were you just tired of the hustle and bustle of the metropolis and went to Tibet for fun?

The monks greet people in a very unusual way. They use - language! Opening their mouth wide in a good-natured smile, they show their entire chewing organ.

The beginning of such a tradition dates back to the 9th century. In those days, the monks proved by this their non-involvement with the cruel king of Landarma with a “black tongue”. Symbolic proof of goodwill.

They also cross their arms across their chests and “declare” that they come in peace.

In the Philippines

4 The “mano” gesture means “hand” in Spanish. When meeting, the younger one takes the elder’s hand and places it on his forehead with the outer side. At the same time he pronounces a respectful “mano po”. In this case, there is a slight bend forward.

To Tuvalu

5 The local population in the small island state of Tuvalu, in Polynesia, greets with their cheeks. They press their faces closely to each other's cheeks. After this, take a deep breath at the same time.

In the Middle East

6 In all Middle Eastern countries, it is customary to shake hands when meeting. And the words “As-salamu alaykum” are pronounced. Men can kiss each other on the cheek by placing left hand on the right shoulder of a friend.

Greeting kisses are used by residents of: France, the Netherlands, Turkey, Sweden, Belgium, Spain and Italy.

In Botswana

7 This ritual is familiar to many. It consists of several simple movements:
  • Habitual handshake
  • Finger lock
  • Raising your hands to your chest
  • And again the usual handshake

Handshakes are common: in Europe, the USA, Australia, Asia, and some Arab countries.

In Latin America

8 Temperamental residents of these southern countries famous for their violent emotions. They are happy to greet everyone with wide hugs, long handshakes and even kisses. Sound familiar?

It happens that such loving behavior causes a stranger to become confused and bewildered. Should we throw ourselves into hugs when meeting residents of these countries? You definitely shouldn't. But be prepared for such manifestations of affection and attention.
Hugs accepted: in countries Latin America, possible in Spain and Italy

Want to hear what a greeting sounds like in different languages?


The main rule for all tourists: respect the culture of the country you are visiting.

Greeting for an emergency

In case you forgot all the rules of etiquette or are simply confused:

  • Do not make sudden movements or jumps
  • You shouldn't rush to hug either
  • Avoid kissing for sure

A friendly smile and an open outstretched hand can win over any stranger.

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How many times do you think during the year we greet work colleagues and business partners? Please determine the circle of people you greet every day and multiply this number by the number of working days per year. The resulting figure (and on average it will be several thousand times) will impress you! It would seem that, having such experience, there can be no mistakes, but practice shows the opposite.

Many people do not remember, and perhaps are not aware of the rules business etiquette regarding status differences, and also do not pronounce greetings clearly and loudly enough. Often, at the moment of greeting, we forget to look into the eyes of our counterpart, smile and call the person by name. In addition, it is important to know how to say goodbye correctly.

The main task in the process of business communication is to demonstrate respect and interest in the partner. The correct greeting (especially at the first meeting) can become the basis for further development of acquaintance, business and personal. It is important to let the person know that you are happy to see him and are committed to continuing communication. Try to express your joy with words and a smile, but do not overdo it - excessive politeness can damage your authority. Be natural and show friendliness. Notice how the work environment changes when colleagues greet each other appropriately and show kindness.

A greeting in business communication consists of two parts: a greeting in the form of a verbal address and a handshake. Each of these parts has its own rules. In this article we will look at the rules of oral greeting.

1.According to the rules of business etiquette, where such indicators as age and gender fade into the background, and the status of a person is primarily important, the junior in status is the first to greet the senior in status.

2. If the status is equal, the younger one greets first, if the age can be identified.

3. If the status and age are equal, the order of greeting does not matter, but in opposite-sex couples the man can be the first to greet the woman.

4. When greeting a client or partner on your territory, it is customary to say hello first, regardless of status, age and gender.

5.One person, regardless of status, age and gender, is the first to greet the group.

6. The person entering always greets those present.

7. When overtaking a person, the one who goes faster greets first.

8. If four partners of equal status meet (for example, two women and two men), then first the women greet each other, then the women greet the men, and finally the men greet each other. Please note that this rule also applies outside of business communications.

9. When greeting a person, you should call him by name or first name and patronymic, which depends on the standards corporate culture companies. Greeting a person by addressing him by his last name with the addition of the words Mr. or Mrs. in oral speech is considered incorrect in Russian business practice.

10.When greeting, it is important to maintain eye contact and smile.

11.You must respond to a greeting! To refuse to say hello is to publicly insult a person.

Please note that according to the rules of general civil or social etiquette (outside of business communication), the younger one greets the older one first, and the man greets the woman first. The exception to this rule is when a very young woman meets an older man. In this case, the woman greets the man first. When people are equal in age and gender, the more polite person greets first.

Formal words of greeting:"Hello!", " Good morning!", "Good afternoon good evening!".

Recommended Not recommended
Always be the first, regardless of your status, age and gender, to greet those present when entering any room. Wait for those present to greet you.
When greeting a person, stand up if you are sitting at a table or in a chair. Remain in a sitting position when greeting the person.
Always join in the greeting of someone you are with and trust when they say hello to someone. Don’t say hello to the person your companion is greeting, thinking that since you don’t know each other, you shouldn’t say hello.
Greet a person once a day and remember who you have already greeted. Forget who you have already said hello to during the day, otherwise the person may regard it as if you didn’t even notice him the first time.
Say hello regardless of whether you like your friend or not. Pretend that you haven't noticed someone you know that you don't like.
Look the person straight in the eye and smile lightly. Look away when greeting, greet with a “stony” face, or use a wide smile.

The opposite of greeting is goodbye. The last words at the end of a meeting are just as important, so it's important to say goodbye properly.

In this case, the basic rules apply:

1. Regardless of status, age and gender, the person leaving is the first to say goodbye to those remaining.

2.The guest is the first to say goodbye to the host.

Formal words of farewell: “Goodbye”, “All the best”, “All the best.”

According to the rules of business etiquette, when saying goodbye to a person, you should not only say goodbye words, but also express satisfaction with the meeting, for example: “I’m glad that we agreed on everything” or “I’m very pleased with the meeting,” etc. . In a farewell situation, an apology for the time taken away from a person is also appropriate, but if possible, it is better not to focus the partner’s attention on this, but simply to thank him for the time spent talking or meeting.

Trainer-consultant and expert on modern business protocol and etiquette

The most important thing you need to know first in Russian is how to say hello in Russian, because any greeting immediately makes you polite and gives people good first impression of you. The Russian language has many greetings, which are used differently depending on the time of day and the people you're talking to.

In this article, we'll teach you how to say hello correctly and start by learning a few Russian phrases that are essential in most situations where you need to greet a person or people.

  • Hello! (Zdravstvuj, Zdrah-stvooy; Hello).

Most often this greeting is used to greet one person with whom you are on an informal basis.

  • Hello! (Zdravstvujtye, Zdrah-stvooy-tee; Hello).

Used to greet a person with whom you are on official terms. You can also use this greeting when addressing two or more people, even if they are children, family members, or close friends.

Please note that when pronouncing "Hello" and "Hello", the first letter "v" ("v") is missing. Otherwise it would be difficult for a Russian to pronounce it!

  • Hello! (Privyet, Pree-vyet; Hello, Hi)

This is an informal way of greeting and you should be familiar with the person before using it.

Greeting people at different times of the day

  • Good morning! (Good morning, Dohb-ruh-ee oo-truh) Good morning!

This greeting is used in the morning until noon.

  • Good afternoon (Dobryj dyen’, Dohb-rihy dyen’) Good afternoon!

You can use this greeting most of the day, except in the early morning or late evening.

  • Good evening! (Dobryj vyechyer, Dohb–rihy vye-cheer) Good evening!

This is a greeting you can definitely use in the evening.

You can also use all these expressions without thinking about whether you should address the person you are greeting with "Ty" or "Vy". No matter who you're greeting, you can safely use any of these phrases.

“How are you?”

To the question “how are you?” Russians tend to answer more commonly:

  • How are you? (Kak dyela? Kahk dee-lah?) How are you?

You can use this phrase at any parties, events, when you meet a friend or several friends, and also if you talk on the phone.

  • How are you? (How vy pozhivayetye? Kahk vih puh-zhih-vah-ee-tee?) How are you?

This is a formal way of addressing. You can use this phrase when talking to your boss, your professor, someone older than you, or someone you just met.

How to say goodbye to a person?

  • Goodbye! (Do svidaniya! Duh svee-dah-nee-ye! Goodbye!)

This great way to say goodbye in any situation, which literally means to say goodbye "until the next time."

  • Bye! (Poka! Pah-kah! Bye or See you later).

You can only say “bye” to someone you know very well.

A phrase you can use in the evening or before bed:

  • Good night! (Spokojnoj nochi! Spah-kohy-nuhy noh-chee; Good night!).

This phrase works in both formal and informal situations.

Now, with the help of our note, you know how to say hello or goodbye to a Russian person or several people in various situations. We will be glad if this article helps you in your further study of the Russian language!

Correctly chosen greeting words are an opportunity to win the attention of the audience from the very first seconds of communication or, conversely, to miss your “star” chance. Future relationships are often built on the basis of first impressions, so it is important to correctly introduce yourself to the public, as well as draw the attention of everyone present to yourself in a proper and appropriate manner. Welcome words should be selected according to the setting, society and purpose of the event. At first glance, it seems that diversifying the usual “Hello!” quite difficult, but people knowledgeable in etiquette can argue with such a statement.

Good start

In how to say hello correctly, the person to be greeted plays a huge role. And, perhaps, this is the most important principle by which you need to select greeting words. The dictionaries give a clear definition of greeting, which states that the meaning of this word is an expression of approval in order to give a sign of goodwill towards those present on the part of the speaker.

It would seem, well, what’s so complicated about it, you just need to say hello. However, as with everything, there are rules and principles, which are also subject to fashion, but rather to the style of communication between different social groups. A couple of centuries ago the following words and their combinations were in use:

  • "Greetings!"
  • “Bowest bow!”
  • “Peace to your home!”
  • “I wish you good health!”

Such phrases can still be heard from people’s lips, but this is rather an exception to the rule than the norm of everyday communication. In everyday life, a short “Hello!” is used between close people. and “Good afternoon!” Sometimes even the usual “Hello!” seems archaic and strongly smacks of officialdom.

The word is not a sparrow

A popular saying says that “the first word is more valuable than the second,” and one cannot argue with it. Welcome words are the first thing a person says when entering a room. According to the rules of etiquette, it is the person entering who should be the first to say hello, addressing everyone present. If this strangers, just a general address is enough, but if this is a well-known company, work colleagues, hobby mates, then it is quite acceptable to personally approach all or some of the meeting participants. This technique is called “moral stroking”; an individual greeting can endear the interlocutor to the person, because it shows his importance.

At the same time, you can say something like “Hey, bro!”, clapping your interlocutor on the shoulder, to a friend. older people, strangers, girls need to respectfully:

  • "Hello!"
  • "Hi, how are you?"
  • "Glad to see you!"

Intonation and facial expression of the speaker are very important. Saying hello under your breath is not a good conversation starter. But excessive emotionality and loudness are not always appropriate.

Nothing personal just business

And if in everyday life various mistakes in etiquette are forgivable, then at the business level a mistake can have a detrimental effect on one’s career and reputation. Many people, due to their line of work, often need to make speeches and address a large society. A welcoming speech to the participants of a meeting or conference is the beginning of the meeting, setting the tone for the future event.

People who have experience of such events can determine from the first words what is in the speaker’s thoughts, in what mood he came to the podium, and in what format the meeting will take place. When writing a greeting for a speech in front of a large number of people, it is impossible to say hello to everyone personally, but it is important to acknowledge the participants by summarizing them:

  • “Good afternoon/evening, dear friends!”
  • “Hello colleagues, partners and guests of the meeting!”
  • “Dear friends, we are glad to see you at this meeting!”

Each business meeting takes place according to a pre-drawn up plan-protocol, which includes both the time allotted for greetings and its format.

The fun begins

Festive events are a completely different “weight category”. It’s hard to imagine Father Frost’s welcoming words in which he would address guests as business partners or colleagues. Having entered into the image, you need to follow it in everything, starting with the first and ending last minute. It’s not difficult to find words for such a colorful character, but you need to take into account the specifics of the event, age group guests, examples:

  • "Hello, guys!"
  • "Here I am! Good afternoon!"
  • “Happy New Year, children/friends/my dears/grandchildren!”

In the same spirit, the welcoming words of the Snow Maiden are chosen, who is also in a fairy-tale image and must live up to her role. Very often the script is written in verse, forming a rhymed form of greeting. This technique can be used on different holidays and celebrations - birthdays, weddings, christenings.

“Give me your word, please...”

However, it is not only official events that have to prepare speeches, and it is not always up to the presenters to prepare speeches. the main role, in which you need to say a welcoming speech. Guests also need to be able to say hello, because they happen to say congratulations, toasts, and express their opinions on various issues. Getting down to business right away is a sign bad upbringing, therefore, it is first necessary to show respect to the assembled company and say a few words of greeting appropriate to the occasion.

The importance of handshakes in the system of male values ​​cannot be overestimated. Nevertheless, even such a seemingly simple thing has its own simple science. In this material, the editors of FURFUR decided to remind the reader about the rules of the classic handshake, tell how real warriors or scouts greet each other, and what things are best avoided in the greeting ritual.


We make a smooth lunge forward towards the interlocutor, as if hinting at the beginning of the ritual. A palm correctly prepared for a handshake can be recognized by two main features: closed front fingers and thumb, set parallel to the plane of the palm. Look at yours and, if everything is so, calm down and move on to the next stage.

Be sure to look (or better yet, even with a smile) into your partner’s eyes or the bridge of his nose. This is very important because it creates the right friendly feeling. At the same time, watch the movement of his hand - this moment can only be compared to the docking of an interplanetary spacecraft.

The most crucial moment: contact. Don't worry or overdo it because of the surging emotions. All that remains is to make a small effort and lightly shake your hand, then after two or three seconds, smoothly release it.

It is better to give your hand at the same level as the one given to you. A hand directed from above can give the impression of an attempt to show one’s superiority; a hand directed from below, on the contrary, speaks of some kind of flattery towards a partner. If you are younger in age, it would be more appropriate to say hello first, thereby showing your respect; the elder should always shake hands first.


The canonical version of the black greeting is the so-called jiveshake, which appeared in hip-hop culture back in the early eighties, when two people extend their palms towards each other and then close them, hooking on the base of the thumb.

Variations of the handshake depend only on your imagination, for example, you can effectively end it with a shoulder-to-shoulder blow or a top gun five, combining the classic “high five” and “high five” from below.

Definitely the more original elements you come up with, the higher your status in the Bronx.

What not to do

Squeezing your hand and shaking it too hard. Even if in front of you is a school friend whom you have not seen for a hundred years, it is hardly worth turning a handshake into an arm wrestling competition. At the same time try to equalize emotions: if a person wants a long and strong handshake, do not refuse him this.

Give a limp hand or fingers instead of the whole palm. This is simply unmanly, and besides, a meeting with hands larger than yours will most likely end very painfully.

Do not forget that in different cultures the ritual of shaking hands can be interpreted completely in different ways. In many countries, the gesture is of an exclusively intimate nature, so it is never a bad idea to figure out how to behave in a particular place so as not to end up in a stupid position.