Decorate the wedding procession. Decoration of the wedding procession. Photos of car decorations for a wedding

In the old days in different countries newlyweds came to the wedding on horses, on camels, on elephants, even on donkeys, in carriages, carriages, and carts. But one thing remained unchanged: the wedding transport was anything, but differed from everyone else in its bright and varied decoration. Decorating a wedding procession is now also mandatory for any style of wedding. But there is now only one mode of transport – a car.

General view of the wedding procession

Decorating a wedding procession is a responsible matter. Many companies rent cars of the same color, style, brand and already with wedding decorations. That's a plus. Some couples like it. Others use car rentals, but want to decorate the motorcade with their own hands. Some save on decoration, others believe that their own decoration will be unique and exclusive.

You can decorate the wedding procession yourself, but it is better to leave it to the professionals, especially if you want to decorate the cars with fresh flowers. Only experts know which flowers do not fade for a long time, how to care for them and when and how to change them if the flowers have lost their beautiful view. Make up beautiful flower arrangements only professional florists can make fresh flowers.

Many people can decorate cars with ribbons, artificial flowers, fabrics or balloons.

Attention! Don’t forget to ask the car owners what can be attached to the car body and glass. If the jewelry gets damaged appearance it, then it will cost the wedding organizers dearly.

You need to start decorating by discussing the appearance of the wedding procession. The biggest and most beautiful car for the bride and groom is, of course, in front. She is decorated more richly than anyone else. Small individual decorative elements of the lead car are repeated in the design of all accompanying cars on the radiator, on the door handles, a small bouquet or butterflies on the hood. The roof is usually decorated only in the newlyweds' car.

All decoration elements are attached firmly and securely so that they can withstand the fast pace of driving.

There are several options in the photo general view wedding processions.

Pay attention to the color of the cars and the harmony in the decorations of the lead car and the accompanying ones.

Decoration of the newlyweds' car

To decorate the car you need:

  • Fresh and artificial flowers;
  • Tapes of any size;
  • The fabrics are airy, transparent, light, so that they flutter when cars move;
  • Balls filled with gel and figures made from balls;
  • Any bows;
  • Figures of birds, butterflies;

The design of the wedding procession should be in the style of the wedding and the image of the newlyweds. If the wedding is a pirate one, the car design may include nautical details and pirate symbols. In fairy tale style stories, say Cinderella's wedding, the car is decorated to look like a carriage with a pumpkin on the radiator. If the wedding is designed in one color, then the wedding procession should continue this color scheme.

Flowers on the car

Decorating your car with fresh flowers looks stylish and rich. But fresh flowers require special care. If you don’t take care of them, if you don’t replace faded flowers and arrangements, then all this glamorous beauty will look pitiful. The flowers will droop and wither.

Advice! Specialized stores sell flowers and entire arrangements that look life-like, and you don’t have to think about them for the entire wedding. Their appearance will be brilliant any time. After the wedding, you can keep them as a memorable souvenir.

It is most convenient to place flowers, floral arrangements, garlands of flowers on the hood in the form of the letter V. The letter is laid out with a ribbon or strip of fabric, and bouquets of flowers or one bouquet are placed on it.

If there are a lot of decorations on the hood, then the decoration at the back should be more modest. A small bow made of organza, in the middle a small bouquet of the same flowers as in front.

Decorations made from several elements and different materials: flowers, ribbons, fabrics. They need to be firmly secured to the machine so that they last the entire wedding, but for the effect of airiness and lightness, leave the ends of the ribbons, separate pieces of fabric, secured on one side, so that when the cortege moves, they would flutter in the wind.

Attention! Don't forget about safety so that the driver's view through the windshield is not blocked. Flapping fabric can cover it and create an emergency situation.


Do not get carried away too much so that the car does not look vulgar and flashy. Modern decoration the cortege should be discreet and glamorous. Cars, the wedding hall, and the newlyweds' suits should be decorated in the same style.

Rings are usually installed on the roof of the car.

Handles are decorated with flowers and a bow.

Decorating with balloons looks bright and fun.

The wedding procession begins wedding ceremony solemn passage through the streets of the city. We wish that everyone you meet will see you off with admiring glances. May you live happily ever after.

In the videos you will see a master class on making jewelry for a wedding procession:

A beautifully decorated wedding procession stands out from the huge traffic. He shows the whole city that today the newlyweds have a wedding, a big event and the happiest day of their lives. It also shows the style and taste of the newlyweds; the way it is decorated immediately catches the eye of passers-by, and this is very important. Since the modern decoration of the wedding procession pleases not only the newlyweds, but also gives a piece of the holiday to everyone.

Decorate yourself or leave it to the professionals

Another option is to decorate the motorcade with your own hands. Of course it will take time and require a little skill, but the result will be worth it. Do-it-yourself decoration will add a special twist to the design, unique only to the bride and groom or their families, depending on who will be making the jewelry.

Ribbon decoration

The tape is traditional decoration for cars. The most durable are considered to be made from nylon and satin. Ribbons come in a wide variety of colors and shades, as well as with and without patterns, matte and glossy. They are freely sold in stores; first of all, you can look at those that specialize in holiday decorations. If the idea to decorate the cortege came long before the wedding, then you can order it on the Internet, where the choice is huge and limitless.

As for the choice of flowers, this is up to the newlyweds. You can make a rainbow out of a row of cars. Decorate the first with red ribbons, the second with orange, the third with yellow, and the subsequent flowers, green, blue, indigo and violet. Also, for a certain time, combining bed colors was in fashion. Delicately pink with delicate light green, blue with yellow, cream with purple. You can use the favorite colors of the bride and groom as a basis. Or if the festive celebration will be decorated in a certain color, then take a ribbon of the corresponding color.

The design method depends on the characteristics of the machines. Usually the tape is tied around the hood, trunk and roof. They hook the tape onto the door handles. And if you lift the hood and trunk, then there will be something to tie it to. Glue, silicone and Double-sided tape– are not used, they can damage the coating of the car, and scrubbing them is not the most fun thing to do.

You can make decorations, flowers, butterflies from ribbons, or simply tie them with a bow - whatever your imagination dictates.

Balloon decoration

It is very popular to decorate your car with balloons. Unlike tapes, they can be found in any store and they cost pennies. Their selection is also varied, many colors, transparent, glossy matte and with congratulations. You can create many different compositions from them. For example, figures made from balls. Everyone has seen them at least once in their life. Long, narrow balls are taken, inflated and rolled into various shapes, flowers and animals. Flowers are suitable for a wedding; they can be different in shape and color. If your family does not have the talent for rolling balls, then you can go to stores; as a rule, sellers who sell balls know how to roll them.

You can put a heart made of balloons on the hood or trunk. Or simply decorate your car with them and attach them to the roof. Here are some photos

Decoration with flowers

Flowers are the main subject for decoration. We can say that they are used to decorate everything, including motorcades. Professionals do not advise decorating cars with fresh flowers, since they are still alive. Along the way, they can fly around, become disheveled, wither, or turn gray from car exhaust. After even a short journey, they will lose their aesthetic appearance and beauty. And they will only spoil the appearance, and they cost many times more than artificial ones. If artificial flowers are associated with something bad, then there is no need to worry in advance. To decorate cars there are special flowers and garlands of them. Such props can be rented in a wedding salon; sometimes you can find them in flower shops. Buying them will be a waste of money, since a few hours of driving around the city and they will no longer be needed. Of course about Wedding Dress you can say the same thing, but it will warm the girl’s soul for many more years, even if it just hangs in the closet. And no one will be happy about the garlands in the pantry.

Preparing for a wedding is always a very important stage. You must approach the design of the wedding procession with special care. The main task of wedding organizers is how to decorate cars so that they look tasteful and fit the overall theme of the wedding, the color scheme, as well as the outfits of the bride and groom.#How to decorate a car for a wedding#

The number of cars that will be included in your wedding cortege may not be limited, but it is worth remembering that there should be a minimum of two cars, since the bride and groom must arrive at the registry office in different cars.

If you invited a lot of people to the wedding, then the number of cars can increase, the main thing is that all the guests who want to accompany the newlyweds for a traditional walk and photo session can fit in.

The brand of car for the wedding procession is also not so important - it all depends on the desires and capabilities of the newlyweds. It is advisable to take a more responsible approach to choosing the color of cars. It is preferable if the cars of the wedding cortege are light in color, but the car in which the groom will ride can be dark - to match his suit. Cars for the bride and groom of the same brand, but in different colors, will look great, but this depends on the capabilities of the newlyweds. You can also rent a limousine - it will not cost much more, since you can also seat guests in it.

The ordered cars of the wedding procession must be delivered to the groom's house. He, along with the witness and guests, goes to the bride’s house, where the folk ritual “bride ransom” takes place. After the “ransom”, the bride and groom go to the registry office in different cars. The groom and witness are in the first car, and the bride and witness are in the second. Guests can also get into these cars.

Usually the groom's car is decorated with two rings, slightly different in diameter. It looks simple, modest, but tasteful. But with the bride’s car you can show more imagination. The brightest accent should be placed on the bride and groom's cars, but the rest of the cars should also be decorated accordingly. Everything should be harmonious with the outfits of the bride and groom, the general theme of the celebration, colors and decor.

Decorating the wedding procession with ribbons

Basically, cars are decorated with narrow ribbons, swans and rings. Narrow ribbons Can be tied to door handles and antenna. You can attach small bouquets of flowers tied with multi-colored narrow ribbons to the door handles.

You can also use wide ribbons - stretching them along the trunk lid and hood. Most often, wide ribbons are arranged in three parallel lines. In this case, you need to be very careful when choosing the color of the ribbons in order to avoid the difficult perception of mixed and incompatible colors.

They will look great different shades one color. Moreover, it is better to arrange them not intermixed, but in increasing color. For example, put a line in light blue, then dark blue, and then blue. You should also pay attention to the combination of the color of the car and the color of the ribbons. For a light-colored car, bright colors of ribbons are suitable, and for a dark-colored car, light shades.

In addition to ribbons, you can also attach roses made using ribbons to cars. You can easily make such a rose with your own hands. To do this, you need to take a ribbon at least one meter long, leave a tail of about 10 (15) cm, wind the ribbon on your palm and leave a second tail also 10 (15) cm long. Then you need to thread the remaining tail into the resulting ribbon ring and tie it together with the first tail. When you straighten the ribbon rings, you will get a rose.

In addition to ribbons, you can also use veils, lightweight transparent fabrics, tulle type. It will look especially great in combination with flowers or figures.

Decorating the wedding procession with flowers

Nowadays, it is very fashionable to decorate the wedding procession with fresh branches of coniferous trees (spruce, pine), as well as branches of hops, garlands or wreaths of flowers, beautiful leaves, and ripe berries. Flowers on wedding cars symbolize solemnity and beauty. They can be attached to the car bumper or on the hood.

You need to approach the decoration of the cortege with flowers very carefully, taking into account the time of year when the wedding celebration is held, because delicate summer flowers will not be able to withstand the frost. In addition to this approach, one must also take into account the aesthetic aspect - choosing the right flowers that will be combined with each other, both in color and in general characteristics.

It is not advisable to use artificial flowers to decorate the cars of the bride and groom; you can decorate the guests' cars with such flowers, but the main thing is not to overdo it so that the guests' cars do not look more elegant. If you are not sure that you will be able to decorate the car correctly and reliably so that the compositions do not fall apart, then you can order registration from specialized companies.

When decorating the bride's car, it is worth asking in advance what kind of flowers she prefers, so that the bride is satisfied with the decoration. It is also worth considering what flowers the bride’s bouquet is made from, so that everything is harmonious.

Options for flower decorations for cars:

  1. Solid compositions that are attached horizontally to the hood of a car in the area of ​​license plates.
  2. Arbitrary compositions that are attached to different parts of the car (mirrors, doors, handles, wheels).
  3. Nets and garlands for the car, decorated with flowers.
  4. Flower boutonnieres for door handles and mirrors.

If you decide to decorate wedding cars with fresh flowers, then you better resort to the help of florists who will help you make the right, compatible compositions. They will tell you how to properly keep flowers fresh for a long time. But you can easily decorate your wedding procession yourself if you use other materials, such as balloons, ribbons or artificial flowers.

Decoration of the wedding procession with balloons

Now this type of decoration for a wedding procession is no longer considered fashionable, since balloons have such properties as coming off while driving or bursting. Threads with pieces of a balloon hanging on them look very ugly on a wedding car.

If you still decide to use balls, it is better to choose them in small sizes. You should attach them to the hood very carefully so that they do not interfere with the driver’s view. Do not attach the balls in such a way that they even slightly cover the windshield.

Decoration of the wedding procession with bears

If in our time it is no longer possible to surprise anyone with wedding rings on the roof of a car, then the use of soft teddy bears on a car is the hit of the season. It looks fashionable, fresh, and will attract the attention of others.

These bears are easy to buy in wedding salons, even already dressed as the bride and groom. Or you can contact a specialized company that will sew you custom-made bears and outfits for them, completely duplicating the outfits of the bride and groom. You can keep such toys as a family heirloom and pass them on to your children. Decorating a wedding procession is a very responsible matter.

The main thing is to do everything in moderation, not to overdo it with decorations, otherwise they will simply look ridiculous. Decorating wedding cars cannot be left to the last minute; you need to calculate whether you have enough time and funds for this in advance.

You definitely need to think about whether you can handle this matter on your own or whether it’s better to seek the help of specialists.#Banquet hall for a wedding#

Read our tips and look at photos to beautifully decorate your car for a wedding with your own hands. The cortege is the face of the wedding, a common backdrop for memorable photographs, its “outfit” should be as good as the suits of the bride and groom.

There are many ways to decorate a car for a wedding: ribbons, flowers, bows, soft toys, stickers, balloons, decorations cut out of cardboard or paper are used. We will describe all the methods in detail below, but now here are five main tips that will come in handy if you do everything yourself.

1. The more compact the decoration, the less risk that it will be blown away by the wind and the less effort you need to spend to secure it. It is better to make decorations wider and lower.

2. It is important that the decor of the wedding car, the special one, the main car in which the bride and groom are sitting, matches the chosen colors of the celebration. The photo below shows that the ribbons decorating the car are matched to the ribbons that decorate the wedding hall.

Photo: @SAM Cheong -

3. When creating decorations for a wedding car with your own hands, it is important not to overdo it and maintain a sense of proportion and taste. From large quantity The details are dizzying, and as a result, the decor of the car, as in the photo below, looks tasteless.

Photo: @Geoff Stearns -

4. It is advisable that all cars in the wedding cortege be decorated in the same style. All cars, in addition to the main one, can be decorated exactly the same. This is not a competition “Who can decorate the car better,” but a wedding, so everything should be subordinated to one plan. But it is not necessary that everything be the same: you can use, for example, ribbons of the same color, or tie ribbons of different colors in the same way.

Photo: @斯克爾影像館 -

5. Consider the color and style of the car. If we are talking about a flashy car, for example, a rare retro car, then the decorations should be minimal, the car itself will attract attention. When it comes to color, it's important to use contrast. Decorations of almost any color will suit a white car. On dark background pale colors will get lost, especially if the decorations are small.

Photo: @Mack Male -

How to decorate a car for a wedding with balloons

Oddly enough, do beautiful decoration from balloons quite difficult, you need to use your imagination. Bundles of balls on mirrors look boring and banal. Either ribbons and compositions of small round balls of different colors, or compositions of balloons and other elements, as in the photo below, look interesting.

Photo: @Jeremy Weate -

In order to make a composition from balls, for example, animal figures or flowers, you will need a special pump, balls of different shapes and some dexterity. The video shows how to decorate a wedding car with your own hands balloons in the shape of double hearts.

This video shows how to make lamb and lamb shapes from balloons. Cars are often decorated soft toys, however, figures from balls are made extremely rarely - an excellent opportunity to stand out. Sheep will be especially popular at weddings in 2015, which is the year of the sheep.

Balloon figures have one important advantage: they can be easily attached to a car using magnets or double-sided tape.

​How to decorate a wedding car with fresh flowers

Fresh flowers are a classic of the genre; such decor always looks solemn and bright. There is only one drawback - fresh flowers are expensive these days.

Photo: @Jakob Montrasio -

But there are a huge number of variations of floral decorations. Some of them are economical and do not require the use of expensive flowers. An original and quite economical option for decorating a car is shown in the photo below - this is a floral “skirt”.

Photo: @Cristiano Betta -

A good idea is shown in the photo - you can decorate the inside of your car for a wedding with flowers: the decor is clearly visible, it won’t be blown away by the wind, and besides, the car’s interior smells great without any “Christmas trees.”

Photo: @Andrew -

Another economical but bright option: few colors are used, but it looks interesting - like a cake decorated around the edges with cream. It is important that a contrasting combination of car colors and decor is used.

Photo: @David Schroeter -

As a rule, floral decorations are combined with fabric decor. This helps, on the one hand, to diversify decorations, and, on the other hand, to save floral material. Here is an example of a classic decoration made of flowers and ribbons:

Photo: @Connie Ma -

How to decorate a wedding car with tulle

Making tulle decorations for your car with your own hands is quite simple - it is a light mesh fabric, which is usually used to make ribbons and lush voluminous bows. The video below shows how to make it from tulle beautiful pom-poms, which in combination with ribbons and flowers will be an excellent decoration for the bride and groom’s car.

You can decorate a car for a wedding with ribbons made from satin and other fabrics. Artificial bouquets made from fabric look interesting: they are an original, stylish and also budget-friendly solution.

Photo: @Steven Isaacson -

It is important that ribbons and other decorations do not block the driver’s view. They are usually secured under the hood of the car. It is also convenient to use double-sided tape: it can leave traces of glue on the car, but they can be easily washed off with warm water.

How to beautifully decorate a wedding car with your own hands: photo

There are many ways to decorate a car in an original way for a wedding. This is especially important if the wedding is themed. However, for a classic celebration you will have to try. Much depends on the car itself: if we are talking about a deliberately cheap car, it is worth decorating it as ridiculously and cheerfully as possible. Here, for example, is an unusual car for the bride and groom. SpongeBob is lucky!

Photo: @Alexander Lyubavin -

With exquisite and expensive cars, comic decoration usually looks bad. However, cute decorations such as stuffed bears or bride and groom figurines will work just fine.

Photo: @Greengirl 24 -

Floral decorations are a classic, but you can make it very unusual by using rare flowers. Sunflowers like the ones in the photo below, for example, are not seen every day, but the decoration turns out to be sunny and joyful.

Photo: @KeWynn Lee -

The photo shows what can be done using just scissors and paper. Option for a Hawaiian themed wedding.

Photo: @ilovebutter -

In fact, you can create a lot interesting jewelry using self-adhesive paper of different colors and textures. For example, place silhouettes of the bride and groom, hearts, doves and other symbolic figures on the hood. True, you will have to tinker to remove this decor.

Decoration does not have to be very bright and catchy to be beautiful and original. Good example in the photo below. True, the car itself is important here, and not its decor.

Photo: @anna Hanks -

​Heart is a classic car decoration for a wedding. You can make it more original by adding figures of the bride and groom.

Photo: @Calbee Chen -

This decoration is placed either on the radiator grille or on the hood.

Photo: @CMY Kane -

You have decided that your wedding procession should be the most stunning and eye-catching, and flower decorations are the best fit for this role. Well, you are undoubtedly absolutely right. And in order to understand how to make your dream of a fairy-tale cortege come true, you can familiarize yourself with the 10 basic rules for decorating wedding cars.

1 Decide what how many cars will you decorate?. Traditionally, they decorate at least the car in which the bride and groom are traveling from the registry office, or separately the groom’s car and the bride’s car. The rest of the cars in the motorcade that carry guests can be decorated more modestly. You can symbolically imagine it like this: on the car of the bride and groom, “ bridal bouquet”, and on the guests’ cars - “boutonnieres”.

2 Determine desired location for attaching the decor to the car. Some car owners are very categorical in this regard, although modern technology If done correctly, the fasteners will not damage the car's surface. You can decorate the bumper, headlights, hood (but try to avoid the area above the engine, which can get very hot), front window, trunk, rear dimensions, wheels, door handles, mirrors, interior - almost any place in the car. But there is one dangerous place - the corner between the bumper and the hood - where nothing should be attached due to the properties of aerodynamics. The air pressure on this place when the car is moving is at its maximum, and any decoration will simply be torn off. The most popular place for decoration is the hood.

3 When selecting color range registration, you need to keep in mind the color of the car. Light flowers look better on a dark car, while a white car should be decorated with more contrast.

4 Also, of course, it would be very appropriate to link the theme of car decoration with the theme of wedding decoration, if there is one, and if not, then with the bride’s bouquet.

5 When choosing a composition form it is necessary to take into account the features of the hood shape, so that the design fits into it most organically. A competent florist must record all the parameters of your car.

6 If the flowers are fresh, you need to choose the most durable ones, with strong petals. Fragile and delicate ones, which are afraid of the wind, and on which kinks quickly appear, will not be suitable.

7 No matter how chicly you want to decorate your car, decorations should not obscure the driver’s view in the window, mirrors, or rear window. Also, they should not hide the license plates of the car.

8 Based on the wishes of the car owner and the decoration concept, you need to decide on the type of fastener. The car decor can be tied, held on with suction cups, or glued to a special double-sided tape that does not spoil the coating, or you can use a combination of these methods for greater reliability.

9 Sometimes compositions or garlands from cars can be removed and used to decorate a banquet hall. If you would like to do this, please notify the florist in advance.

10 And finally, try not to drive at speeds exceeding 60-80 km/h. This is safer for both you and the flowers on your car!

And remember that registering a car is a very painstaking matter and requires technical knowledge. Trust it only to a professional! Have a nice trip!