Decorating the school entrance for the New Year. How to decorate a school and classroom for the New Year: ideas for children, teachers and parents. Christmas boot on the door

School is not only a place where children gain new knowledge and master socialization skills. An educational institution is also a place where schoolchildren and teachers celebrate holidays, have fun, make friends, and show creative activity. The children's especially favorite holiday is New Year. To make the holiday especially memorable, children and their teachers decorate the school. How can you decorate a classroom, foyer, assembly hall and school facade for the New Year 2019 so that it remains in the hearts of students for a long time? Read about it below!

Every person, regardless of age, wants to be surrounded by beauty and harmony, especially during the holidays. Stylish decor creates festive mood and improves the learning process. And so that you can decorate the foyer and facade of the school and classrooms in an original and beautiful way for the New Year 2019, I advise you to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • The next year will be symbolized by the cutest animal - the Yellow Earth Pig, therefore, as a gesture of respect for it, it is recommended to decorate the room in the main colors of the pig - yellow, orange, sand, golden, white, red.
  • Since the main symbol loves fun, enthusiasm, and, surprisingly, cleanliness, the classroom and school premises need to be decorated brightly, elegantly, but at the same time it should look elegant and neat.
  • The Yellow Pig loves the forest, nature, everything natural. It is recommended to use themed decorations for the classroom and school foyer for the New Year. Suitable for natural elements, for example, pine cones, acorns, wreaths of twigs and dried flowers, handmade wooden toys. The pig will certainly appreciate such offerings in next year will create a cozy atmosphere in the classroom, and students will study more diligently and attentively.
  • Engaging in a common cause strengthens relationships and makes the atmosphere in the team more friendly. For this reason, I advise you to make decorations for the New Year for school and class with your own hands, and in such a way that all students and the teacher participate in the process.
  • Try to maintain a happy medium - decorations should be interesting, impressive and beautiful for children, but at the same time they should not distract from the educational process and be artsy.
  • When decorating a New Year's class, you should take into account the age of the students: for high school students, something original, not banal, is appropriate, and for elementary school students, something cute and bright.

Advice! Each classroom can be decorated according to the theme of the subject, for example, if they teach in the classroom foreign language, then you can make the decor in the style of the holiday of this country, and if Russian and literature, then you can use images of literary heroes, fitting them to the New Year theme.

How to decorate a school classroom for the New Year

The school classroom is a workroom for the teacher and a forge of knowledge for children. The entire furnishings of such a room should help you concentrate and immerse yourself in your studies. But for any holidays, such a room should turn into a place that also gives inspiration and a festive mood. Read on to learn how to decorate a school classroom for New Year 2019.


Windows are the eyes of any building; through them we look at the world when we are at home or in a school building. And if you beautifully decorate the windows in the classroom for the New Year, then you can admire them both from inside the school and from the outside.

There are many ideas for decorating windows for the New Year. And all these options are applicable for classroom and school windows:

  • , cut from white or colored paper. There are many stencils that allow you to cut out snowflakes of various shapes and designs.
  • — it can be either luminous or cut out of paper. In both cases it will look impressive.
  • - figures cut out of paper. It could be Santa Claus, a pig, Christmas tree and other attributes.
  • - one of the most interesting types of window decoration. The painting enlivens the room and fills it with a festive atmosphere. You can draw with gouache or toothpaste. The object of art can be winter silhouettes of the forest, New Year's attributes, or the symbol of the year.

Photos of classroom window decorations for the New Year for inspiration and original ideas:


Unfortunately, when decorating a school room, too little attention is paid to the ceiling; it remains without decoration or a hint of a holiday. It's in your hands to fix everything! After all, if the school premises are decorated as comprehensively as possible, then the classroom looks more elegant.

The most successful and convenient options The following decorations are used to decorate the classroom ceiling for the New Year:

  • Tinsel- it can be formed on the ceiling in the form of some interesting figure, for example, a star, snowflakes, or simply hang ribbons.
  • Brilliant and bright rain- it will hang with colorful stripes, like unusual vines from a fantasy and fairy-tale world.
  • Ribbons- wide ribbons of festive colors can be hung around the entire perimeter of the ceiling or framed only in those places where the ceiling meets the wall.
  • Beads- you can decorate the classroom ceiling with them in the same way as with ribbons or tinsel.
  • Air balloons- the most standard decorative element that can be used for almost any holiday. To make such a decoration sparkle with new colors, you should choose New Year's colors - white, blue, red, golden, yellow (part of the Yellow Earth Pig).
  • The letters that form the inscription “Happy New Year!” will look interesting. and stretched on the ceiling.


In the classroom, all the children's attention is focused on the board, on which the teacher writes the necessary information. So why not combine business with pleasure? If you decorate the chalkboard beautifully for the New Year 2019, then children will be able to not only gain knowledge, but also admire the decor. This design will put everyone in a good mood, because pleasant thoughts about the upcoming holiday not only lift your spirits, but also increase educational productivity.

Let's look at photos with options for decorating a chalkboard for the New Year:

1) Beautiful and weather-friendly option - snowman and icicles on a blackboard. You can build a snow man, snow and icicles from cotton wool.

2) Snowflakes, beads and tinsel, framing the board around the edges, look elegant and stylish. A clock cut out of paper, symbolize the most climactic moment - the onset of the New Year.

3) Minimalistic and cute option - inscription or letters made of paper attached to the board. It’s immediately clear what’s what! Just don’t forget to decorate the inscription with some bright detail, for example, tinsel, garland, sparkles, snowflakes.

Advice! You can draw thematic drawings on the board: Yellow Pig, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes, Christmas tree.

Door and wall

To beautifully and unusually decorate the door and walls in the classroom for the New Year, you can use:

Here are some other options for cute and original decorations for doors and walls in a school classroom:

Decorating the school foyer and corridor for the New Year

The foyer and corridors of the school (as opposed to a specific classroom) are a common room in which all students and teachers, school staff, and parents visit every day. Therefore, the school hall should be especially solemn!

Let's look at ideas for decorating the school foyer and hallway, which the whole school will be delighted with:

  • Christmas tree in the most visible place. The main attribute of the holiday will look amazing in the school foyer! And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a real spruce or an artificial one.
  • Pig toy. It will look harmonious near the Christmas tree or at any other central viewing point. You can buy it or make it yourself from paper, cardboard, or fabric. By the way, you can lay out a dummy around the yellow pig gift boxes, wrapped in bright wrapping and ribbons.
  • Father Frost- the main fairy-tale symbol of the holiday, standing in the school hall, will bring pleasure to everyone (from first-graders to eleventh-graders). You can make it out of cardboard or dress up a mannequin accordingly.

In addition to the options listed above, there are many other, no less magnificent ideas on how to originally decorate a school foyer, corridor and assembly hall. All their charm is best conveyed by photographs:

New Year's decoration of the school facade

Few people don’t like December, because the approaching holiday literally transforms the entire city - apartment buildings, shopping centers, hospitals, storefronts, schools. It's the latter that we'll talk about. To decorate the facade of the school for the New Year 2019, you can use large tinsel, beads, fabric garlands. Also, around the perimeter of the school yard, many will enjoy making stunning snowmen and dressing them up festively, for example, using tinsel as a scarf, and colored rain as a wig. It will be fun to put a bright shiny hat on top.

U painting a New Year's scene at school

If the school administration is loyal to the activity of students and encourages them, then they organize holiday-themed concerts, which are held in the school assembly hall, on the stage. To make the school concert more artistic and memorable for a long time, it should be done at school stage decoration for the New Year. It is possible use a large Christmas tree in the middle of the stage, snowflakes, tinsel and rain on the curtain and on the fabric at the back of the stage. The inscription “Happy New Year!”, silhouettes of New Year’s symbols cut out of paper, will not be superfluous.

The anticipation of the New Year holidays becomes even more joyful if you manage to create the appropriate atmosphere. The task of the teachers is to organize the decoration of the school for the New Year 2019 and to involve students in this event.

How to decorate a school for the New Year 2019

City streets and buildings are transformed for the New Year holidays. Schools hold competitions for the best best decoration class, install a Christmas tree in the foyer or assembly hall. New Year's decorations can be purchased or made with your own hands. For independent decoration of premises they use Balloons, paper snowflakes, Christmas tree toys, figures of Father Frost and Snow Maiden, tinsel and garlands.


Administration educational institution tries to decorate the front part of the building for the holiday so that it looks festive. Decorating the porch, windows and surrounding area is important here.



The main entrance or the door to the office is decorated with crafts in the form of a Christmas wreath or New Year tree.

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Interesting composition with a peeping deer and Santa Claus.



It's nice when festive decorations are in all corners of the school. In the foyer you can arrange installations using fabrics, figurines and other New Year paraphernalia. This is also a good place to install the main decoration - a Christmas tree.


Many winter heroes will delight junior and senior schoolchildren.


Ice cave.


An abundance of tinsel and glitter is an important component of the New Year holidays.


Winter and imitation of sparkling snow on tree branches.


White paper decorations successfully convey the atmosphere of winter.


Decoration for foyer with columns.


Many openwork snowflakes and a throne snow queen- a wonderful thematic installation.


Bright colors can also be present in jewelry. Here is a solution with a composition in the center and wreaths on ribbons.


Wooden figurines will serve as decoration for many years.



In corridors, the walls, windows and ceiling are usually decorated, because the decorations should not interfere with the passage of students to the classrooms. You can arrange an abundance of snowflakes under the ceiling and paper decorations windows


The corridor, disguised as an ice cave, will surely appeal to elementary school students.


Wreath, toys and drapery at the top of the wall and on the ceiling.


If the corridor is wide, then you can place figurines of fairy-tale characters.


Panels made by students are often used to decorate the school.



Windows are decorated first of all; there are many options for this. and the figures can be arranged in different ways, resulting in a unique design. It is not necessary to draw beautifully to create such compositions; there are many cutting templates on the Internet that you can use.


Windows decorated with hanging volumetric decor or.


Drawings on glass are made with toothpaste or gouache. Both images from professional designers and simple children’s pictures look festive.

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Assembly hall and stage

Matinees are held in the assembly hall, which are especially important for junior schoolchildren, they have not yet gotten used to these costumed events. It is necessary not only to make the assembly hall and stage elegant, but also to maintain the chosen theme of the holiday.


Professional decoration with balloons.

Imagination and fantasy allow each person to creatively approach the design of their home before the holiday. Many people are concerned about the question of how to decorate a door for the New Year with their own hands; photos will quite help to realize such an idea. Moreover, you can choose decorations on them to suit your interior and style.

If you have a rich fantasy and imagination, then the design will definitely bring a lot of pleasure. Moreover, as usual, there is more than one door in an apartment or house, and you want to diversify the decorations. After all, the entrance is unique in its own way, but the interior rooms are different in another way.

Interior doors

How to decorate a door for the New Year if it is an interior door? Today this is one of the easiest tasks, because charming garlands can immediately come to the rescue. Typically, such decorations consist of beautiful, brightly shimmering light bulbs, which can be either colored or plain.

Such devices are amazing in that they never get confused or interfere with the passage. That is, you can always enter without hindrance. After all, tinsel, rain or many other decorations can develop from the wind, thereby disturbing. Moreover, the garland can be folded into some shape and thus it will turn out Christmas decoration.

Of course, this is not necessary; the garland can consist of only light bulbs; other accessories that are securely fastened can be added to it. For example, stars, icicles, snowflakes and so on.

You can come up with some interesting New Year's ornaments yourself. For example, made Christmas tree template quite suitable for making a garland. You can also pick up a photo of the stencil from the Internet. After all, there is a lot interesting ideas and ideas.

Let's say if you take a snowflake template, you can cut them out of colored velvet cardboard into required quantity. Then glue the edges of the rays using glue in the form of a garland. It is best to make snowflakes in different colors or simply alternate, for example, 3 bright yellow, 3 bright red, 3 bright blue and so on.

If the New Year's decoration on the door consists of one garland, then this is somehow not enough. Therefore, you can come up with a beautiful applique and attach it to the middle, but so that it does not fly off or lift up in the wind.

For such a craft, you can take templates of Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden. Also bunnies, a team of deer, snowflakes, various kinds of congratulations in the form of a poster with illustrations. All this will look great on the door.

Moreover, we should not forget about the Lord, whose time is approaching. Therefore, you can decorate the New Year with your own hands with the image of a beautiful Cockerel. It’s easy to select an image using a template, and then color it beautifully. To do this, it is best to call on children for help. They will definitely show their fantasy and imagination.

Entrance door

Decorating the front door for the New Year may differ slightly from the interior door, but this is not always the case. Everything will depend on where and how it is located. Beautiful New Year's style, created with one’s own hand, is able to lift the mood not only of the owners, but also of all people passing by. After all, then you immediately feel the holiday.

Usually, the well-known Christmas tree wreath is an integral part of decorating front doors. Such toys are sold either ready-made or you can make them yourself. Some people call this accessory a “Christmas donut.” This decoration comes from the West, but in Russia this decoration enjoys enormous popularity.

You can make such a creation from spruce branches. By the way, it’s not uncommon at Christmas tree markets to see how sellers collect bouquets from tree branches, which they then sell. This is the kind of material you can use to make your own door decoration.

To do this, purchase spruce branches and weave them into a wreath. Secure it tightly with wire and use it to attach real cones to this accessory, which you can collect in advance in the forest.

You can show your talent in a beautiful design fir cones, for attaching to a “Christmas donut”. To do this, spray the purchased material onto the material. artificial snow, which can be purchased in cans. Then the cones will take on a snow-covered appearance and will definitely look like a New Year’s Eve.

How to make a Christmas wreath differently? To do this, you can take other decorative elements. For example, men's ties, satin ribbons, Christmas tree toys in the form of shiny balls, and much more. All this will depend on the personal imagination and taste of the owner of the craft.

The door for the New Year should look bright and shine. Therefore, do not forget about the iridescent rain, tinsel and other Christmas tree toys. The decoration of the wreath can be made from collected and no longer needed men's ties. Any circle is taken as a basis and ties are wound around it. They are attached so that the tails stick out from the middle, so that a real “donut” is formed.

It’s not uncommon to decorate the front door for the New Year in a slightly different way. For example, several Christmas trees are placed on both sides near the entrance. They are decorated with toys, and multi-colored ones are placed under the forest beauty. gift boxes, which are beautifully presented in shiny iridescent paper. A lush bow is attached to the top of the gifts. You can place a New Year's rug right next to the doorway.

You should not attach a lot of accessories to the front door. Because too many details like this doesn’t look very original. An electric garland can be placed on top of the entrance box. Now on sale various shapes of this accessory, for example, in the form of icicles or snowflakes.

You can buy individual copies of snowflakes and attach them to the middle of the door. When turned on, it will shimmer and blink beautifully. Hang New Year's balls around this silhouette, which are easy to make with your own hands so that they are not glass and do not break.

New Year's decoration of the front door is often represented by ringing bells, which can ring even from the wind, thereby attracting attention and lifting the spirits of everyone around.

A photo printed from the Internet with such a craft can help you make it yourself. After all, this does not require much effort and time. It’s not uncommon for the school to teach children how to make such gifts for their home. After all, New Year's decorations should always bring only joy and admiration to everyone.

For this craft you will need the following materials:

- a ring of the required size from any material;
- satin ribbons of different colors;
- small balls, but not glass;
- bells (you can buy them in the store in advance);
- a ball of wool or artificial thread;
- other auxiliary accessories, for example, small plastic hearts, snowflakes or stars.


First, take the ring prepared for the craft and wrap it tightly in several layers with woolen thread. After this, many satin, multi-colored ribbons are tied to the lower part of the circle, which are selected to the desired length. You shouldn’t make them short, because additional accessories and bells are attached to their ends.

After this, the finished ring is fixed to the front door using a hook or other objects. When the door opens or the wind blows, the bells will make a pleasant ringing sound. Do not use accessories that may get wet, such as paper or cardboard.

If all this fails, then you can resort to the most common decoration method - making the decor yourself using self-adhesive film. This decoration will be reliable and of high quality. For example, depict a forest beauty Christmas tree, decorating it with shiny tinsel or a garland.

Many housewives lay out entire designs from garlands, but then it is better to use light bulbs of the same color. For example, make a Christmas tree and next to it a bunny with a gift. Decorate them with shiny tinsel and snowflakes.

Having decorated the front door, you will immediately create an atmosphere of festive mood and the approach of a magical evening. Each home is already beginning to prepare for the winter celebration, so you need to give complete creative freedom to your thoughts and ideas, because a lot in the New Year will depend on this. Happy upcoming holiday!

New Year is not only the most joyful holiday, he is also the most elegant. At this time, everything is transformed: streets, courtyards, hospitals, apartments, shops, kindergartens and schools. It is especially important to dress up the school, because no one looks forward to the New Year more than schoolchildren: it brings them not only the desired gifts, but also the holidays.

That is why the atmosphere here should be the most wonderful. Funds are not always allocated for New Year's decorations; parents of different classes have to organize everything on their own, which does not always make them happy. But not so long ago there was not so much purchased jewelry and such things were organized only thanks to improvised means and imagination.

How to decorate your school for the New Year? - Just. You can use everything that catches your eye: tinsel brought from home, postcards, colored cards, cotton wool, rain, even A4 paper is suitable for these purposes.

In this article:

Corridor decoration

To decorate the school for the New Year, including the corridors, you should involve the children. Children will happily take part in this event, especially primary schools, children from 1st to 5th grade.

First, have each student make a poster or poster at home and bring the product of their labors to school. Volumetric crafts Place on window sills or place in corners. Hang beautiful ones along all the walls, and you can also hang small decorations there.

Collect all the tinsel you have, sort it by color and decorate the top of the walls, organizing it into something reminiscent of an awning. Can be secured with tape or paper clips. The corridors will simply shine for the New Year.

Secondly, use everything you were planning to throw away. For example, if you have old tulle or gauze, do not rush to throw it away. You can do this with fabric: by making beautiful waves, tie them with tinsel. The structure can also be placed anywhere: on the walls, under the windowsill and even under the ceiling. The ceiling itself is decorated with snowflakes or rain for the New Year. In a subject such as technology, a class teacher and students can cut out and glue a huge number of snowflakes, which are attached to the ceiling with a thread or safety pin.

New Year's glass

Today it is very fashionable to decorate glass with different winter-themed pictures. This could be the image of Santa Claus with his granddaughter, a forest, winter games and entertainment. Techniques such as “decoupage” are excellently used to decorate external glass.