Training contractions before childbirth, symptoms and sensations. What to do in case of false contractions. How to recognize real contractions

A few weeks before the expected date of birth, a pregnant woman may experience contractions. They are often unexpected for the expectant mother, and, mistaking them for ordinary contractions, the woman rushes to the doctor in a panic. These are the so-called Braxton-Hicks training contractions. They are named after the English physician John Braxton-Hicks, who first described this phenomenon at the end of the 19th century. In our article you will learn what training contractions are, when they begin, what symptoms and sensations appear when they occur, and how to distinguish training contractions from real labor contractions.

So what is it? Training contractions are contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, during which the cervix does not dilate, and therefore such contractions do not lead to labor. In fact, a pregnant woman's uterus tenses throughout pregnancy as part of the body's preparation for the upcoming birth. Just for more early stages During pregnancy, a woman does not feel these contractions, but when the pregnancy reaches more than 20 weeks, such small contractions become noticeable.

Training contractions: symptoms, sensations

The main symptom of training contractions is a feeling of tension in the uterus, as if the uterus is turning to stone. This is due to the fact that some of the muscles of the uterus come into a state of tension.

How long do training contractions last? Training contractions are short-term in nature - they last approximately 30-60 seconds. These contractions are irregular and can appear at different intervals: they can occur several times an hour, or they can last throughout the day. A pregnant woman can feel them by placing her hand on her stomach.

So, when do training contractions begin and what can cause them? The occurrence of training contractions can be affected by:

  • Stress, anxiety and emotional overload.
  • Physical activity, active fetal movements.
  • Full bladder.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Sex can also provoke false contractions, so from the 38th week of pregnancy it is recommended to limit intimate life.

What to do during training contractions?

To avoid the occurrence of training contractions, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid factors that can provoke contractions: try not to worry, avoid stress, and also limit or even exclude intimate life for a period of time. later pregnancy;
  • Take more frequent walks fresh air in the morning and evening;
  • Empty your bladder on time;
  • Drink enough water.

If training contractions occur, you can do the following:

  • Take a warm shower;
  • Relax (listen to calm music and lie on your left side with your eyes closed);
  • Will help alleviate the condition breathing exercises. This also increases oxygen availability to the fetus. At the same time, you can practice - breathing exercises will need to be done during childbirth. The most popular breathing techniques:
    • Slow inhalation at the moment of tension of the uterus, alternating with a deep exhalation.
    • Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, then exhale sharply and briefly through your mouth, as if you were blowing out a candle.
    • Breathing is frequent and shallow, like that of a dog. Likewise, it is not recommended to breathe for more than 30 seconds.

When to see a doctor?

  • If contractions become painful, with increasing pain;
  • If there is a nagging pain in the lumbar region;
  • If they become intense and frequent;
  • If your water breaks or you notice leakage;
  • If bloody discharge appears or a thick thick mucus plug begins to come off;
  • The intensity of fetal movements became less frequent.

How to distinguish training contractions from labor contractions?

So how can you recognize training contractions? They have a number of distinctive features:

  • Training contractions are mild, they gradually decrease and finally disappear on their own. During labor contractions, their intensity increases and they become more painful.
  • During training contractions, the tension of the uterine muscles is local in nature, that is, it is concentrated in one place (for example, in the upper part of the uterus or in the lower abdomen), but during real labor contractions, the uterus is completely tense. In addition, during training contractions the pain does not radiate to the lumbar region.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions are irregular and irregular (less than 6 contractions per hour). Labor contractions are rhythmic and regular. They are constantly growing, becoming longer, and the intervals between them - shorter.
  • Training contractions stop when the body position changes. And during labor contractions, changing body position does not affect their intensity.

Pregnancy is an amazing time when a woman becomes more sensitive to her feelings. The sensations can be very diverse, but today we will talk about those that raise the most questions - about training (false) contractions. From this material you will know how and why this phenomenon occurs, how to distinguish such contractions from the real ones, and how to behave during training contractions.

A little theory - what is it?

Contractions in general concept- These are involuntary contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus. In childbirth without contractions, it would be impossible for a child to be born. Muscle contractions seem to push the fetus out of the womb when the time comes.

Training contractions are not associated with labor, they never lead to dilatation of the cervix and the onset of labor. They are called training because for a long time it was believed that it was precisely with such short-term attacks of tension in the uterine muscles during pregnancy that the body of the expectant mother prepares for the real stress of childbirth.

The question of why false (aka training) contractions appear is still open and very controversial. If we take into account the theory of training activity, it becomes not entirely clear how women who have not had a single training contraction during the entire period of bearing a baby give birth. Believe me, there are many such women, and they give birth without any peculiarities, just like women who felt false contractions throughout their pregnancy.

It turns out that training the uterine muscles does not have such of great importance for subsequent births.

Medicine knows another theory of the occurrence of training contractions (synonym - Braxton-Hicks contractions). It is believed that these sensations are “phantom”, not real, and they are associated with increased excitability of the uterus itself, because with the onset of pregnancy and the growth of this reproductive organ nerve endings begin to perceive certain neurosignals differently. As a result, the brain is “deceived” and makes the muscles of the uterus ready (a feeling of tone arises). If this is not childbirth, then quite quickly the brain “puts two and two together” and cancels the “order” of high alert. Thus, according to this theory, contractions are "tricks" nervous system pregnant woman.

Women often ask who Braxton and Hicks are, who wrote the first description of strange contractions that do not lead to labor. In fact, this is one person - the English doctor John Braxton-Hicks, who, back in the 19th century, observed pregnant women and described a mysterious phenomenon. Since that time, his colleagues and followers have not advanced one step towards establishing the truth - the nature of the occurrence of false contractions remains a big mystery.

Speaking about training contractions, a woman should clearly distinguish between several of their types. Those that appear long before birth are called false, training. And those that start a couple of weeks before birth are preliminary contractions. They are also known as precursors. They, like early false ones, do not lead to the opening of the cervix and the beginning of the expulsion of the fetus from the womb, but they occur more often. Preliminary contractions can rightfully be called training contractions, since it is before childbirth that the muscles and ligaments begin to relax under the influence of a special hormone - relaxin. It is its action that becomes the beginning of the preparatory period for all organs involved in childbirth.

Should I be afraid of training bouts? The answer to this question lies in the very definition of the phenomenon. They do not lead to dilatation of the cervix, do not stimulate or bring the day of birth closer, and do not in any way affect the condition of the fetus. Therefore, there is no need to worry, the main thing is to know how to behave during false contraction-like activity, as well as how to distinguish such contractions from real ones. Let's talk about this in more detail.

When do they start?

The timing of the appearance of false contractions is another complex and controversial issue. Officially, medical sources indicate that a woman can theoretically begin to feel Braxton-Hicks contractions after the 20th week of gestation. In practice, these periods may well turn out to be different from theory - for some they begin before 20 weeks, for some they appear only at 30 weeks, and for some only precursor contractions occur, which begin a couple of weeks before the baby " will gather" into our world. There are women who do not feel any training tension in the muscles of the uterus at all, and this, too, is completely normal.

Experienced obstetricians and gynecologists have long noticed a certain pattern in the appearance of Braxton-Hicks contractions depending on the number of previous births. Thus, in primiparous women, such sensations may appear much earlier. And in multiparous women, such contractions usually appear immediately closer to the expected date of birth. This can be explained by the difference in the state of the smooth muscles of a woman who has given birth and a woman who has not previously given birth. In those who have already given birth, the smooth muscles are more elastic and stretched, the growth of the uterus and its intensive filling with blood proceed more “softly”, as usual.

The belief that early onset of training contractions increases the likelihood premature birth, does not correspond to reality. Be that as it may, such sensations only look threatening at first glance, if you look at the phenomenon more closely, you can understand that the presence or absence of training activity of the uterine muscles does not affect the date of birth. Often, those who began to feel false contractions at week 20 carry the pregnancy to term and give birth only after 42 weeks, and those who have not had such contractions are sent to the maternity hospital much earlier than their due date.

Symptoms and sensations

Many official medical sources authoritatively state that false or training contractions are completely painless. In practice, and reviews from women are clear proof of this, much depends on the individual degree of sensitivity. One pregnant woman may indeed not feel anything disturbing, but another will feel quite unpleasant.

The contraction is manifested by tension in the muscles of the uterus. Many pregnant women describe that their “stomach turns to stone” and becomes tougher. A pulling sensation may occur in the very lower abdomen (due to tension in the ligamentous apparatus that holds the uterus). A pulling sensation may appear in the lumbar region (for the same reason). Often women claim that the sensations are very similar to how menstruation feels.

Tension in the uterus may persist for several seconds or several minutes. After this, it disappears and does not appear, or appears, but not at certain cyclical intervals. It is the fact that training contractions are irregular that allows us to understand what is really happening. Regular contractions are a sign of the onset of labor. Spontaneous episodes of increased tone are false contractions.

Even if the contraction repeats several more times within an hour, it will not become more noticeable. Painful sensations intensify only during real labor contractions, and during false ones they always weaken and decrease.

The appearance of such tension can arise spontaneously at any moment, even where it is completely inappropriate - at work, in transport, during an important meeting.

There are also circumstances that indirectly or directly increase the frequency of such false episodes.

  • Active intimate life. During sexual arousal and orgasm, small contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus occur, so after sexual intercourse, Braxton-Hicks contractions may occur within an hour or two. This is not a reason to refuse intimate relationships, if the woman has no other contraindications.
  • Big physical activity future mother. Bending over, lifting weights, walking up stairs, rarely resting, constantly being on your feet - all this can provoke the appearance of false cramp-like muscle activity.
  • Child activity. Too much active kids, which often and painfully “kick” the expectant mother from the inside, can also indirectly cause increased nervous excitability of the uterus.
  • Stress. At the time of strong emotional experiences, a woman often feels tension in the uterus, but most often false contractions “visit” expectant mothers after stress, as soon as the woman relaxes a little.
  • Full bladder. If the expectant mother does not have the opportunity to go to the toilet (she is in public place where there is no toilet, travels in transport), then the bladder filled with urine is strongly compressed by the uterus. But there is also counter pressure - on the uterus. This effect causes short-term tension in the muscles of the reproductive organ.

There is also an individual pattern of the appearance of contractions and certain actions of a pregnant woman. For example, for some, false uterine tension begins to appear after a woman gets out of bed in the morning and stretches, while for others, only after women get up from a sitting position. For others, after taking a shower. Therefore, you need to carefully observe in what situation Braxton-Hicks contractions most often develop in you in order to reduce such situations to a minimum or be psychologically prepared for them.

Over the years of monitoring pregnant women, doctors noticed that Training contractions most often occur in the mornings and evenings. After a hearty meal, the likelihood of feeling uterine tension is higher than after a moderate dinner or breakfast. On average, the period of false hypertonicity lasts from 15 minutes to 2-3 hours, but there are also isolated contractions, as well as longer periods - everything is very individual, no two identical symptomatic signs can be found.

Differences from the real ones

The question of how to distinguish training episodes of contractive activity from real labor contractions is asked very often, especially by first-time mothers. A woman who has no experience in childbirth is afraid of being confused, not being able to detect it in time, not recognizing real contractions and not being able to get to the maternity hospital on time. The question becomes especially relevant as the expected date of birth approaches - at 38-39 weeks, as well as a little earlier and a little later. Believe me, distinguishing one from the other will not be so difficult. When real contractions come, they will not at all resemble false ones. Here are the main differences.

  • Painful sensations. Once labor begins, each subsequent contraction feels more painful than the previous one. This never happens with premonitory or early training episodes of tone. During true contractions, the cervix opens, which is why the pain will become more and more intense.
  • Duration of the fight. If it’s a matter of training and preparation for childbirth, then each subsequent contraction does not increase in time. No need to worry. If the contractions are painful, and each subsequent one lasts a long time, no less than the previous one, we are talking about labor. You need to arm yourself with a stopwatch or a special counter program on your smartphone and simply measure the duration of two or three consecutive episodes of uterine tension.
  • Frequency. Preparatory contractions are not regular. They can be repeated at random intervals, while the real ones will be very rhythmic (will occur at certain intervals). At first - at large intervals, then the contraction will become strong, long, and the episodes will become frequent. If periods of uterine tension become more frequent and occur at regular intervals, it’s time to go to the maternity hospital.
  • Measures to reduce sensations. If a woman during a false contraction simply changes her body position, takes a shower, takes a pill, she will feel noticeable relief. True contractions cannot be numbed; they also will not respond to showers and changes in body position. It is impossible to stop labor that has started.

To accurately distinguish the type of contractions, you need to analyze other accompanying signs. If cyclical tensions of the uterine muscles arose after the passage of the mucus plug, after the discharge of water, or the discharge and discharge of amniotic fluid happened after the appearance of contractions, then you cannot delay - labor has begun, so it will be better for everyone if the woman ends up in a hospital as soon as possible under the supervision of a qualified medical personnel.

There is a joke among obstetricians: “If you're not sure you're in labor, you're not in labor yet.” Think about it and calm down. When the time comes, the question of the differences between the types of uterine contractions will not arise.

Are Braxton Hicks contractions dangerous?

This question comes from time to time to all women in an “interesting position” who feel such sensations. Expectant mothers who are at risk of premature birth and pregnancy pathologies are especially worried. Let us reassure everyone at the same time - Braxton Hicks contractions do not pose a danger to either the mother or the fetus.

There is one theory (it’s hard to say how scientific it is, but doctors often say this to their worried patients), which says that a training contraction increases blood supply to the reproductive organ, as a result of which, after relaxing the muscles, the child receives more nutrients and oxygen, and therefore false contractions can easily be classified as useful and productive.

If there is still a lot of time left before giving birth, and training contractions occur frequently, for example, they are present all night, then you should still visit a doctor to find out the causes of uterine hypertonicity. If even the next morning such contractions disappear, consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. This will make everyone calmer.

How to behave in case of false contractions?

If false contractions appear, the woman will have to come to terms with them. Even if uterine tension causes discomfort, there are many ways to alleviate the condition and live with these training episodes until childbirth in relative comfort. What do we have to do?

  • Change the position of the body in space. If a training contraction has begun, you need to try to change your position. If at this moment the woman was lying down, it is better to get up and walk around, if she was sitting, to lie down, and if she was standing, to sit down or take a horizontal position. The “cat pose” helps well - a knee-elbow position with a bend of the spine in the lower back. You can use it to avoid wasting time and practice proper breathing; this will come in handy when the time comes to give birth.
  • Do not mention it. If a false contraction is quite gentle and does not bother you much, it is best to ignore it - turn on your favorite movie, good music, open an unread book, or return to needlework that was put off for later. This will help you take your mind off things.
  • Walk. The advice is simple and effective. During a leisurely and sedate walk in a park or square (away from city roads), a pregnant woman and her baby receive positive emotions and oxygen. Regular walks reduce the frequency and duration of false contractions several times.

  • Water procedures. A warm shower helps relieve unpleasant symptoms. It is better to refrain from taking a bath. A shower for 5-10 minutes will help you completely relax and get rid of tension in the walls of the uterus. If a woman’s contractions occur frequently and bother her greatly, it makes sense to buy a subscription to the pool, special group For expectant mothers, swimming will help reduce the frequency and duration of Braxton Hicks episodes.
  • Medicines. To tablets and others medicines It should be used only in extreme cases, if the sensations are very disturbing. It would not be a bad idea to consult a doctor first. Most often, suppositories with papaverine (rectally) or “No-shpa” (orally) are recommended for pregnant women to relieve increased uterine tone.
  • Eat or drink. It helps some. Even a glass of milk, water or a light vegetable salad can work wonders - the uterus quickly relaxes and the condition returns to normal.

Elena Zhabinskaya

Hi guys! This is Lena Zhabinskaya! From the moment of conception to the moment the baby is born, 280 days or 40 weeks pass. For the convenience of monitoring the pregnant woman, doctors conditionally divided this period into three trimesters. In each of them, characteristic changes in the woman’s body are noted, which indicate the presence or absence of problems. One of these changes is training contractions.

Sooner or later, all pregnant women hear about them, but not everyone experiences them. Is it correct? Why is this happening? Today there will be no blank spots left: we will find out what training contractions are: sensations and their differences from real ones.

The British gynecologist John Braxton-Hicks first spoke about training contractions in 1872. Around the same time, the mechanism of their appearance was described.

The uterus is a muscular organ that can spasm during pregnancy, in other words, periodically contract. This usually happens in the following way: at one moment the expectant mother’s stomach tenses, turns to stone, to the point that she can even feel the uterus, and then relaxes.

The sensations are unpleasant, but simply because the woman feels fear for her unborn baby. There is no pain, but the concerns themselves disappear only during a consultation in the doctor’s office. He explains that such phenomena, so frequent in the later stages, are a variant of the norm. This is how the uterus prepares for the upcoming birth. Moreover, this happens almost from the first weeks of pregnancy, it’s just that initially the contractions are insignificant and the woman does not feel them.

But everything changes for first-time mothers in the third trimester. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule when the expectant mother does not notice the spasms. Doctors explain everything individual characteristics body. Judge for yourself: each person has their own pain threshold. In addition, each woman has her own frequency, intensity and duration of training contractions. If she doesn’t have them, it means they are insignificant to her and she doesn’t notice them.

Other names for training bouts:

  • false;
  • braxtons;
  • premonitory or harbingers;
  • Braxton-Hicks contractions.

It is worth noting that in European countries the condition in which a woman feels uterine spasms is not given much importance. In our country, on the contrary, the doctor listens carefully to the patient’s complaints, if any. And in rare cases, it may even send her for preservation if increased tone is diagnosed and the threat of miscarriage or premature birth increases.

Reasons for appearance

According to scientists, training contractions occur in response to:

Please note that some women experience contractions when a stranger touches their stomach.


How to recognize false contractions? It turns out that everything is simple here: they represent a sharp, uncomfortable compression of the organ. He himself tenses up, mainly in the lower abdomen, which sometimes entails the appearance discomfort even in the lower back. There is no pain, although everything is individual.

In general, doctors identify the following symptoms of Braxton syndrome:

  • periodic abdominal tension, somewhat similar to cramps;
  • the difficulty of palpating the fetus at the moment of squeezing (it seems to turn to stone);
  • viewing the clear contours of the uterus (in some cases, but this is not necessary).

Immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary if the warning signs are:

  • accompanied by watery or bloody vaginal discharge;
  • pronounced pain in the lower back;
  • freezing of the fetus (the reason for contacting should also be the fact that it has become less likely or weaker to move);
  • at the same time the waters broke.

And it doesn’t matter how many days are left before the birth. All these factors may indicate a danger to the child, therefore, the doctor should be informed about them.

Empire of Moms will help you figure out how to distinguish labor contractions from training contractions.

Training contractions

Training contractions, or as they are also called, fake contractions, or Braxton-Hicks contractions, are irregular contractions that do not increase in intensity. The uterus may become toned, but normally it should go away quickly. For example, tone appeared once in half an hour and the uterus relaxed quite quickly. Then the tone appeared again only after 2:00 and went away again. These are training contractions; they do not increase in intensity and do not become more frequent.

Training contractions are physiologically provided for by our body. This is how the uterus prepares to do the hard work of childbirth. Normally, training contractions appear in pregnancy close to childbirth - from the 37th week of pregnancy.

The appearance of training contractions in the early stages of pregnancy is not the norm. The uterus can become toned with an active lifestyle, physical activity, when changing body position, but this tone should pass quickly. Normally, the uterus should not often become toned. Moreover, there should be no contractions as such until the 37th week of pregnancy.

Birth pains

Unlike training contractions, labor contractions are regular. The uterus comes to tone first once every 15 minutes, and after a while - once every 7-10 minutes. Contractions gradually become more frequent, longer and stronger. And they already occur every 5 minutes, then 3 and finally every 2 minutes.

Real labor contractions are contractions every 2 minutes, 40 seconds. If within an hour or two the contractions intensify - pain that begins in the lower abdomen or lower back and spreads to the abdomen - most likely these are real labor contractions.

Training contractions are not so much painful as they are unusual for a woman. When the expectant mother sees how her stomach becomes toned, its shape changes and it becomes dense, like an inflated ball. This might scare her a little. But a woman must understand that in real labor contractions there must be a clear frequency, intensification and frequency over a certain period of time. Real contractions never stop, but training contractions do. The uterus either becomes toned or relaxes.

Often women confuse contractions with tone, which is caused by other physiological processes in the body. For example, increased intestinal motility, intestinal infections, colic, etc.

What else should a woman be wary of?! If within an hour or two the uterus periodically comes to tone and mucous, bloody (with streaks of blood or brown) discharge appears, then most likely there are structural changes in the cervix - it opens. Another important sign that you should seek help is the release of the mucous plug long before birth. Its discharge during labor, a week or two before birth, is normal.

Tracking labor pains

There are several methods for determining the types of contractions. A woman can do this herself by recording the frequency and duration of contractions on paper, or track them using special programs for a computer and phone, or use our online contraction counter. Or maybe consult a doctor at antenatal clinic or to the maternity hospital, where a specialist will conduct fetal monitoring (fetal CTG). Using 2 sensors, the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions are monitored and it is determined whether these are training contractions or labor.

When to go to the maternity hospital

If within an hour or two the pain increases and intensifies, its intensity increases, the frequency of contractions is clear and regularity is visible, you can go to the maternity hospital. A woman may make a mistake, but it is better to come and make sure whether these are labor contractions or training ones.

If the amniotic fluid breaks, then you can slowly pack up and go to the maternity hospital. Since, normally, labor should begin after this.

The main thing is that a woman should not panic. The latent phase of labor can last 8-10 hours until the cervix is ​​fully dilated. Labor does not occur in 30 seconds. During labor, the cervix of women who give birth for the first time opens by about 1 cm in an hour. It needs to open by 10 cm, that is, a woman has about 10:00 by the time the child is born.

Have an easy pregnancy and childbirth!

The long-awaited moment is getting closer and closer when the most beloved and desired miracle - your baby - will finally be born. Do you want to be prepared and feel confident, understanding what processes are happening now with you and your baby and when everything will really begin? Then let's figure out how to recognize contractions, determine whether they are true or false, and whether there is a difference between contractions during the first pregnancy and in women who have already given birth.

What are contractions?

Contractions are so called because a sharp contraction of muscles occurs and the pregnant woman experiences cramping pain. This process are primarily a signal that the birth canal is ready for the birth of a child. Normally, due to complex physiological interactions between the body of the child and the mother, hormones and biologically active substances are released that promote the opening of the cervix and the onset of contractions. At this time, the muscles of not only the anterior abdominal wall and perineum contract, but primarily the uterus itself.

The process of the contractions themselves is very clear, and the answer to the question of how to recognize contractions during childbirth is simply necessary.

Painful contractions

Unfortunately, there is no universal gradation of the intensity of pain during contractions. Since each person has his own pain threshold, the pain is of the same intensity different people feels different. Some women note the appearance of aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, similar to menstrual pain. They can occur long before the preliminary date of birth, starting from the third trimester of pregnancy. These are the so-called false, or training, contractions. It is especially difficult to identify such contractions for first-time women. Despite the fact that doctors tell and warn how to recognize contractions when they first appear, many pregnant women may not notice them or mistake them for discomfort associated with muscle pain or, for example, imbalance digestive system. At the same time, others may perceive a simple movement of the fetus as contractions that have already begun.

It’s a completely different matter when they are true and indicate the beginning process of giving birth to a child. In this case, there are much fewer questions about how to recognize contractions, because the pain no longer leaves any doubt that the process has begun. At the same time, the intensity and severity of the pain syndrome increases. The woman feels not only discomfort, but also tension in the uterus. Most people describe this condition as follows: the uterus becomes like stone.

False, or training, contractions

Let's figure out how to recognize false contractions and why they are needed. It's not for nothing that they are called training exercises. They are really aimed at preparing the woman’s body for the upcoming birth. Periodically arising and contracting the muscles of the uterus, they thus train it. Normally, such contractions do not cause the opening of the cervix, but, on the contrary, compress it. They are irregular and not intense.

How to recognize real contractions?

The distinctive characteristics of true contractions are the frequency of their occurrence, increasing intensity and duration. First, pregnant women feel discomfort in the abdomen and lower back, then a nagging pain occurs. Gradually (as it increases), its severity increases, and the periods between contractions shorten.

Pregnant women often share information with each other about how to recognize contractions. The first birth is a long-awaited event, and women try to learn as much as possible about the upcoming changes in their body and the development of the child.

Phases of true contractions

To navigate and know how to recognize contractions, you need to familiarize yourself with their main three phases:

  • Phase I - hidden, or initial. On average, a contraction lasts up to 20 seconds and occurs no more than once every half hour. As a rule, by this period the cervix is ​​shortened and smoothed, but there is still no opening of the pharynx or it is minimal (up to 3 cm). This is the longest phase and can last up to eight hours.
  • Phase II - active. During this period, the duration of contractions increases to one minute, they occur much more often (every 3-5 minutes) and the pharynx gradually opens, reaching seven centimeters in diameter. As a rule, it is in the active phase that outpouring occurs amniotic fluid. As for its duration, it ranges from three to five hours.
  • Phase III is transitional. This is the shortest phase (lasts no more than an hour, on average 30-40 minutes), but at the same time the most productive and intense. During this period, contractions become more pronounced and painful, last about a minute and repeat every two to three minutes. The pharynx opens up to 8-10 cm.

How to behave?

Having learned how to recognize contractions before childbirth, you need to learn correct behavior during them. First of all, you need to calm down and relax as much as possible. Put everything aside, take any position that is comfortable for you, even if from the outside it looks ridiculous and funny. The most physiological and comfortable position, primarily for the child, is the knee-elbow position. It helps remove excess pressure and tension in the uterus and abdominal muscles. Smooth, circular, rocking movements on the fitball are recommended.

How to recognize contractions and choose the right psychological attitude?

During contractions, it is especially important not to waste additional strength and energy, which you will soon really need. If possible, lie down and try to get some sleep or at least rest. Scientists say that women who are self-confident and have a positive attitude towards childbirth go through the stage of labor less painfully than those who are tormented by fear and anxiety about the process of childbirth itself.

If these are training contractions and they occur long before childbirth, do not cause pain and are not accompanied by other symptoms, then there is no need to worry or take any action. However, if you often feel contractions of the uterus, you are worried about malaise, or other symptoms arise that were absent before (especially spotting), you should immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist, as these may be the first signals of premature labor.

A pregnant woman who knows how to recognize the first contractions is unlikely to miss their onset. Having noted their occurrence, you need to take a sheet of paper, a pen and a watch. To objectively assess labor activity, you need to record the following parameters of contractions: how often they occur and how long they last. If you see that the duration of contractions is increasing and the interval between them is decreasing, then calmly collect all the necessary things and documents and go to the maternity hospital.

Remember that you need to breathe properly during contractions. Breathing should be deep and even. Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. This will not only help you calm down and concentrate on breathing, thereby not thinking and not letting bad thoughts and experiences enter your head, but, more importantly, it will ensure the necessary delivery of oxygen to the body and have an analgesic effect (i.e., it will reduce pain due to oxidation lactic acid).

How does labor begin?

Reliable signs of the onset of labor are the appearance of true contractions and the release of amniotic fluid. These two processes are usually sequential, but their occurrence may vary. Some people experience contractions first and only then have their water break, while others may have their water break first and only then experience contractions. In any case, if the water has already broken, it is necessary to immediately go to the maternity hospital and not wait for the onset of contractions, since a long period without water poses a threat to the child’s life.

The onset of labor in a primigravida woman

A woman who has not yet given birth is much more emotional and more excited about any changes in her body. Many women perceive even the slightest discomfort as the beginning of labor. Along with this, not knowing what happens during pregnancy and not knowing how to recognize contractions, women may not even notice them.

If a woman is healthy, the pregnancy was uneventful, then contractions and rupture of amniotic fluid in first-time mothers take longer than with repeated births, and last about ten hours. And this is not surprising, because the body of a nulliparous woman requires additional time, her birth canal is less elastic, and it takes a little more time to prepare it.

Onset of labor in multiparous women

If a woman has already given birth, then signs of labor appear immediately before childbirth or a maximum of a week before it. Pregnant women know reliably how to recognize contractions during the second birth and how to behave.

The body of a multiparous woman is already prepared for the upcoming birth, so her period of contractions is less painful, exciting and prolonged. The cervix in such women smooths out more quickly and almost simultaneously with the smoothing of the external and internal pharynx.

What to do if contractions don't start?

In some cases, contractions do not begin for no apparent reason. This can happen both during the first pregnancy and in women who have already been in labor and know how to recognize contractions during the second.

The lack of contractions is very worrying expectant mother, and not in vain. After all, this can be not only a banal discrepancy between the timing of pregnancy and the preliminary date of birth, but also, what is much more important, pose a real threat to the baby’s life due to the aging of the placenta and lack of oxygen and other vital substances.

Of course, it is possible to stimulate and induce labor. But only a doctor can make such an important decision. Often, drug stimulation is performed or the pregnant woman is advised to independently induce labor. Non-drug methods of stimulation primarily include additional physical activity, prolonged exposure to an upright position, and sex. Orgasm and sexual arousal increase the content of endorphins in the blood, have a general tonic effect and cause uterine contractions. In addition, sperm contains a large number of prostaglandins, which soften the cervix and thus prepare it for the upcoming birth.

An additional stimulation of contractions can be massage of the nipples, during which oxytocin is released (a hormone that promotes uterine contractions). It is also useful for preparing the breasts for upcoming breastfeeding.

IN folk medicine There are many herbs and remedies that also help tonify the uterus, but they should be treated with caution, because uncontrolled use can cause more harm than good.

Often, even experienced mothers wonder how to recognize contractions. The first birth is often remembered with a degree of apprehension and anticipation of experiences already experienced.


Contractions are a natural process designed to help you, not cause additional worry and pain. Even in times of despair and pain, remember: everyone has been through this, and so can you. It’s also not easy for your baby during this period, so don’t complicate the process with additional excitement and fear, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and very soon your suffering will be rewarded, and the pain will be forgotten in a second as soon as you see your small and long-awaited miracle.