Men's size charts for creating patterns. Typical children's measurements. Many GRASSER women's patterns are offered in three to four to five height ranges

We record the measurements taken from a certain area of ​​the body and designate them with conventional letters. Measurements that start with capital letter P (half girth) or W (width) is removed full size, but are written in half, for example, half-neck girth ( Posh), or chest width ( Shp).

Measurements of lengths and girths are completely measured and recorded, for example Product length (Di) Knee girth (Ok).

When taking measurements, the child should stand straight, the body should be in a natural position without unnecessary tension, with arms freely lowered. Must be worn by a girl or boy thin shirt. IN childhood Deviations from typical figures are possible, for example, too sloping or straight shoulders, a protruding tummy or a special structure chest. Then, when measuring the body, the child should be dressed in a well-fitting T-shirt and panties.

When taking measurements, do not hold the measuring tape too loosely or pull it too tight. It is advisable to measure the child’s body quickly and accurately, since children under three years of age are very mobile and easily get tired of the same body position.

The sequence of taking measurements from a child's figure.

For horizontal measurements, see figure number 1. We take the measurements of the half girth and width in full, and write them down in half size.

We start with the first measurement - half neck circumference ( Posh). We measure it along the line of the base of the neck, above the seventh cervical vertebra and the jugular fossa.

Measure the floor circumference of the chest ( Pog) film in full and record at half size. We measure around the child's body with a centimeter.

We start from the back, through the armpits to the front, and draw the tape along the most protruding points of the chest and shoulder blades.

Semi waist circumference ( Sweat). In young children, it is usually difficult to determine the waistline.

To find the waist, we do the following: tie a ribbon in the deepest place, around the expected waist, and ask the child to move a little: let him walk, bend over, sit on a chair. After these movements, the braid itself will be correctly positioned at the waist line. This measurement must be taken in full and recorded in half size. And for small or plump children, we measure this measurement along the protruding part of the abdomen.

  • - Half hip circumference (Hob). We measure around the body at the most convex places on the sides of the hip line, behind, through the buttocks and at the same time take into account the protrusion in front.
  • — Chest width (Wg). The centimeter should pass above the measured floor circumference of the chest (Pog) and be located between the front corners of the armpits.
  • — Back width (Shs). Measured along the line of the shoulder blades, between the back corners of the armpits.

We remove the girths and write them down completely.

  • - head grab (Og) Using a centimeter, measure around the head at the widest point. This measurement is needed for sewing hats (hats or caps).
  • — Knee circumference (Approx). Around the leg, through the center of the kneecap.
  • — Ankle circumference (Osch). Measured at the bottom of the leg around the narrowest part.
  • — Hip circumference (About). Measured under the groin around the top of the leg across the widest part.
  • — Wrist circumference (Oz). We measure along the wrist where the arm meets the hand.
  • — Thigh height (Wb)). See Figure 1. Film and record in full. We measure from the side from the waist line to the horizontal measurement along the hip line.
  • — Armhole length (Dpr). See Figure 1. From the shoulder point (the point of contact between the base of the neck and the shoulder) down vertically to the half-chest girth measurement (Pog). Filmed and recorded in full

Vertical measurements (lengths) are taken and recorded in full. See picture number 2.

If the child is very small and it is difficult to take measurements from him, then you can use the table.

Tables of children's measurements and clothing sizes, for children from 0 months to 18 years.

To pick up right size When purchasing clothes or taking measurements when sewing, you can use tables of standard children's measurements and sizes. On this page, for example, there are size tables for newborns and small children from 0 months to 2 years, for whom it is very difficult to take measurements. And also sizes for boys and girls different ages: nursery 2 - 3 years, preschool 3 - 7 years, junior school 7 - 11 years, middle school 11 -13 years, senior school 13 - 15 years, teenager is considered from 15 to 18 years inclusive can help out.

Table navigation:

  • 1. Children's measurements for newborns.
  • 2. Necessary measurements for a child from 1 month to 1 year for sewing a vest with short sleeves.
  • 3. Measurements, clothing sizes for children from 1 year to 3 years according to height, weight and chest circumference.
  • 4. Grouping by clothing size and age of boy or girl from 0.5 years to 18 years.
  • 5. Table of standard measurements for the height of children from 2 to 15 years old.
  • 6. Measurements of children's typical figures 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 - size
  • 7. Children's measurements from 1 year to 8 years
  • 8. The child’s age is from 3 to 11 years and the corresponding height groups for boys and girls.
  • 9. Measurement values ​​for boys of primary school age
  • 10. Sizes and measurements for girls of primary school age.
  • 11. Measuring children's figures preschool age from 2.5 to 7 years. Table 11.

Table of children's measurements for newborns.

The size of children's clothing up to the first year of life is divided by month (up to three months - up to twelve months). For babies in sizing main role age, height and body weight play a role. Over 1 year, product sizes are determined by the height and age of the child and are divided into clothes for a boy or a girl.

Necessary measurements for a child from 1 month to 1 year for sewing a vest with short sleeves. Table number 2.

Measurements, clothing sizes for children from 1 year to 3 years according to height, weight and chest circumference. Table number 3.

Grouping by age and clothing size for a child from 0.5 years to 18 years. Table number 4.

In children of nursery and preschool group There are no deviations in the body proportions of the figure. Therefore, when choosing the size of children's clothing, you can use the tables. It is enough to know your age and height. To find out the size of a product for a child over 4 years old, it is enough to measure the half-chest circumference and the length of the product; the remaining measurement values ​​can be taken from the tables (measurement values ​​can be rounded). In most cases, tables can be used when sewing clothes up to 11 years old.

Table 5. Standard measurements for the growth of children from 2 to 15 years.

Measurements of children's typical figures 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 - size. Table number 6.

Children's measurements from 1 year to 8 years. Table number 7.

Age and corresponding height groups of boys and girls from 3 to 11 years. Table number 8.

Measurement values ​​for boys of primary school age. Table number 9 in centimeters.

Sizes and measurements for girls of primary school age. Table number 10.

For girls school age See the rules for taking measurements here.

Children's clothing sizes (children's size chart)

When choosing children's clothes, it is important to pay attention not only to the quality of the product, but also to whether the pants or blouse you like will fit your child. The table corresponding to the country of origin will help you determine the required children's clothing sizes. This article will help you understand the sizes of domestic and imported items, taking into account the manufacturer and the child’s parameters.

How to determine a child's clothing size

Recently, beautiful and high-quality children's things were in short supply, but now their abundance can turn the head of any parent. A huge number of stores constantly tempt moms and dads with their vast assortment, offering goods for every taste.

If you don't know your child's size, you risk buying something that won't suit him. To avoid this, you need to carefully measure the baby’s body parameters.

Almost any size chart for children's clothing requires taking certain measurements. An exception is the table of children's clothing sizes by age.

Taking measurements

  1. The first measure is height. Place the barefoot child with his back to the wall and use a pencil to make a mark at the level of the top of his head. The distance from the floor to the mark (in centimeters) will be an indicator of growth.
  1. The next indicator is chest circumference. It is measured by taking a centimeter around the upper part of the body at the most protruding points of the chest and shoulder blades.
  1. Waist circumference. Measuring it is simple - you need to circle the waist around the circumference so that the measuring tape is not stretched too tightly.
  1. Hip girth measured by circling the lower part of the body with a measuring tape along the most protruding points of the hips and buttocks.
  1. The length of the sleeve. To take this measurement correctly, the child's arm should be slightly bent. We measure the distance from the shoulder joint to the wrist, through the elbow.
  1. The next measurement is the length of the trousers. Using a measuring tape, measure the distance from the waist to the ankle, along the side seam of the trouser leg.

To be fair, it must be said that such a number of measurements is not required for children under 3 years of age. When choosing things for babies, you should only take into account age and height.

Advice. Size chart for children outerwear will not differ from the standard one. If you are going to buy winter or demi-season clothes for your child, first put a blouse, thick tights or panties on him, and then measure his parameters.

Children's clothing sizes that stores offer us depend not only on the child's parameters, but also on the standards of the manufacturing country.

Size chart for children's clothing from Russia

Things for children made in Russia should ideally be sewn according to GOST. If you are lucky enough to buy just such a thing, it will meet the specified parameters and fit perfectly on your baby.

In Russia, clothing sizes for children are indicated by numbers: size number, height.

Russian sizes of children's clothing (table)

Advice. If your baby was just born, don't buy him too many baby clothes. In the first year of life, children grow very quickly and manage to carry things of 6 (!) sizes.

European and American sizes of children's clothing

When buying foreign-made items, keep in mind that the standards will be different. The easiest way to understand them is to have a table of children's clothing sizes in hand.

Table of children's clothing sizes from Europe by height and volume

European size chart for children's clothing by age

In some countries, clothing models may have a letter designation - XXS, XS, S, M, L.

American manufacturers sometimes mark the size range of children's clothing by age, and if the child is under one year old, then monthly, with an interval of 3 months (0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12).

Clothing size chart for children from 0 to 2 years old

European and American size standards are universal for boys and girls under 3 years old. And after 3 years, manufacturers take into account the increasingly obvious gender characteristics of children, you need to remember this or stock up on another table for your son or daughter, respectively.

Size chart of children's clothing for girls

Size range of children's clothing for boys

Advice. Some manufacturers sew things “to grow,” practical and beautiful. The folded pants and sleeves look very original.

Chinese children's sizes

Chinese children's clothes are very widely represented in Russia and are in great demand. Therefore, it is important to know Chinese clothing sizes for children.

The main difference between Chinese manufacturers and Russian ones is that the determining indicator of the size of things for children is age, and not height, like ours.

Chinese size chart for children (from 0 to 2 years)

If the child has left the infant period, then the clothing size will be the age number in years with the letter “T”. For example, things for three-year-olds are marked as “3T”, for ten-year-olds “10T” and so on.

Chinese children's clothing size (chart for children from 3 to 14 years old)

It is noteworthy that the Chinese size range is inferior to the Russian one. Even for infants in Russia there are as many as 6 sizes, but in China there are only 4!

Size matching for children's clothing and some other useful tables

Summary of sizes for children's clothing by different manufacturers (table)

Standard sizes of children's hats

Size chart for children's tights

Finally, briefly about the important

  • Having the same height, children can differ greatly in other parameters (for example, in obesity). Do right choice Sizing charts for children's clothing will help.
  • In Russia, clothing sizes for children are indicated by numbers: size number, height.
  • The sizes of children's clothing made in European and American countries most often have a letter designation and depend not only on the child’s parameters, but also on gender. This applies to children aged 3 years and older.
  • European and Russian manufacturers When sewing clothes for children, height is taken as a basis, other parameters are secondary. At the same time, it seems that European standards are designed for larger children than Russian ones. It’s just that in Europe they believe that children’s clothes should be as loose as possible, and not tight-fitting, so as not to restrict the children’s movements.
  • French things, oddly enough, often come in small sizes. Taking this into account, your child should choose a larger size for new clothes. And with German and Italian things everything is exactly the opposite.
  • Things from China can be either “small” or “large”. If it is not possible to try on the model you like on your baby, it is better to refrain from purchasing. Without trying on, you can only buy factory-made clothes, the sizes of which usually correspond to the stated sizes.
  • When you go to buy winter or demi-season clothes for your baby, take him with you, if possible. It is better to try on jackets, overalls and coats before purchasing. It is important that the child can easily move in the purchased model.
  • When purchasing items for children under 3 years old, it is better to choose clothes made from natural fabrics with simple and comfortable fasteners and soft knitted elastic. Children should not be dressed in synthetic materials.
  • Wash a new item before putting it on your child. Be careful when washing items made from natural fabric in hot water can lead to significant shrinkage.

Children's size chart, clothing height, what is children's size

Typical children's measurements

Systematizer forum Season.
From: Donetsk
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List of guests that we have at the race.
Of them children's:
GOST R 50713-94. Products for newborns and toddlers
GOST 17916-72. Girls' figures are typical. Dimensional characteristics for clothing design (obsolete)
GOST 17916-86. Girls' figures are typical. Dimensional characteristics for clothing design (new)
GOST 17917-86. Boys have typical figures. Dimensional characteristics for clothing design.
GOST 25294-91. Outerwear, dress and blouse range (for women and girls)
GOST 25295-91. Outerwear, coats and suits assortment (men's, women's and children's clothing).

clothing demagogue
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Typical children's measurements

A table of children's sizes, or rather standard measurements that you need to know if you are going to sew or buy clothes for your child. By determining your baby's height using the table, you will see what the child's waist or chest circumference should be. Of course, the table provides information for standard figures, individual deviations from the standard, I think mothers will determine for themselves.
Basic measurements of typical children's figures of preschool age

How to use tables: in the height line, find the height you need, for example, the third number in the line and below the next lines is also the third number in the line and there will be that measurement corresponding to the height you have chosen.
EXAMPLE: height 86
neck girth 26
chest girth 55. etc.

Measurement name Legend measurements
Height, cm 74 80 86 92 96 98 104 110 116 122 128
Neck circumference ОШ 25 25 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 30 30
Chest circumference OG 51 53 55 56 56.5 57 58 59 60 62 66
Waist circumference FROM 48 50 51 52 52.5 53 54 55 56 57 60
Hip circumference ABOUT 52 54 56 58 59 59 61 63 65 67 70
Shoulder width ШП 6 6.5 7 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10
Sleeve length AP 23 26 28 31 32 33 36 38 41 43 46
Back width ShS 18 19.5 20 21 22 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 27
Back length to waist line dst 19 20 22 23 23.5 24 25 26 27 29 30
Front length to waist line dpt 18 19 22 23 24 24.5 25 25 26 28 29
Upper arm circumference OR 16 16.5 17 17.5 17.5 18 18 18.5 18.5 19.5 21

Typical measurements for children up to one year and up to 1.5-2 years

Height, cm 50 56 62 68 74 80 86 92
Bust 43 45 46 48 49 51 52 54
Waist 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Hip circumference 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
Leg length 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Sleeve length 15 18 21 24 27 30 34 37

Table of standard sizes of children's clothing from 3 to 13 years: basic measurements
To sew children's clothing from 3 to 13 years old, you need to know the typical sizes of children according to basic measurements. Table of standard sizes of children's clothing from 3 to 13 years: basic measurements
Name of measurement Measurement (in cm) depending on age (years)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-13
Height 92 98 104 110 116 128 128 134 140-154
Neck circumference 25-26 25-26 26-27 26-27 27-28 27-28 27-28 28-29 29-32
Bust 52-56 52-56 56-60 56-60 60-64 60-64 64-68 68-72 72-78
Waist circumference 49-52 49-52 52-55 52-55 55-58 51-54 54-57 57-60 60-63
Hip circumference 56-60 56-60 60-64 60-64 64-68 64-68 68-72 72-76 76-82
Back width 26-27 27-28 28-29 29-30 30-31 31-32 31-32 32-33 34-37
Back length to waist line 23 24.5 26 27.5 29 29.5 31 32.5 33.5-36
Arm length 30 32 34 36 38 40.5 43 45.5 48-52
Leg length from outside 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85-96
Leg length from inside 38 41 45 48,5 52 56 59,5 63 66,5-77
Knee height 22.5 24.5 26.5 28.5 30.5 32.5 34.5 36.5 38.5-45

Children's clothing: size tables by age, height and parameters

Adults usually know what number is marked on their clothes, since the parameters human body have not changed for decades. It’s more difficult with children: they grow rapidly, and parents are forced to calculate children’s sizes annually, and at first, monthly. Manufacturers of rompers, bodysuits and baby shirts indicate sizes by age or height on the labels of clothing for children. To purchase a comfortable item for a preschooler or teenager, you need to calculate its exact metric data by taking measurements using a tailor's centimeter.

Variety of size grids

Many Russian manufacturers sew clothes for infants and teenagers according to GOST, taking into account metric data: up to 7 years - height, from 7 to 18 - chest girth (CH), hips (H), waist (WT), crotch. We recommend watching: clothing sizes for newborns by month.

To find out at what height 36 child size, and at which 40, there is no need to consult the tables. The designations on the labels coincide with the metric values ​​and alternate in 6 units: 26, 32, 38, 44 or 30, 36, 42, 48 cm.

If the baby's height turns out to be between sizes, focus on a larger number. Designations on clothing tags, based on other metrics, correspond to numbers from 18 to 42.

If the company is conscientious, the sizes of children's T-shirts and jeans stated by it correspond to reality. But GOST documentation is purely advisory in nature.

Manufacturers are not obliged to adhere to it, so many have switched to the European standard or created personal size charts. The metrics in them differ from the generally accepted ones, so when shopping in branded stores, it is worth looking for the Size Chart or Sizing Guide section on the manufacturer’s website. Information can be found online by searching for “brand name Size Chart” or by reading reviews about the brand of interest.

Another difficulty is that not all children develop according to the standard: the first seven-year-old may be thin, the second – broad-shouldered, the third – even a “hero”. Before determining the size of children's clothing, you should find out the child's parameters and compare them with the values ​​​​entered in the Size Chart or in standardized tables of children's clothing sizes.

How to take measurements

During the measurement process, the young fashionista must be in underwear, otherwise the results will be incorrect. To find the size according to the child’s height, you need to take one measurement - the distance from the top of the head to the heels. Up to two years of age, height is measured lying down, then standing. This is due to the fact that little fidgets cannot keep their backs in a straight position.

But it is still advisable to take the remaining measurements, because determining the size of clothes based on the child’s height is not always correct. Such things are designed for average children, and each baby is individual: one is taller and thinner, the other is shorter and heavier.

Principle of taking measurements:

    OG. Stretch the tape in a circle so that it touches the most convex point of the chest and runs along the armpits. FROM. Place the ribbon around your waist so that it goes through the narrow part of the waist. Round the value slightly so that the pullover does not squeeze your protruding tummy. ABOUT. Wrap the tape around your thighs so that it touches the fullest part of your buttocks. Step seam. Measure from the groin to the ankle if you plan to buy pants, or to an imaginary edge if you need shorts. The length of the sleeve. Measure from your forearm to your wrist. This indicator is only necessary for selecting sweaters, cardigans, and full-sleeve shirts.

When updating your wardrobe, not all metrics need to be used. When updating the top, the main attention is paid to the OG and sleeve length, the bottom - to the crotch seam and OB.

Determining the coveted number based on the measurements taken

Size charts for children's clothing by age and metric indicators are generalized for boys and girls under 14 years of age who have similar builds. For three-month-old babies of both sexes, baby vests of 20–22 children's sizes are suitable.

Size chart for children up to one year:

Age (months) Sleeve Breast Height Hips Weight Waist Crotch seam Russia
1 14 43 50 =OG 3 =OB 16 18
2 16 45 56 4 18
3 19 47 62 5 20 20
3–6 21 49 68 7 48 22 22
6–9 23 51 74 9 49 24 24
9–12 26 53 80 11 50 27

When looking for T-shirts made in the Russian Federation, rely on bust size. The appropriate size of children's clothing can correspond to the table height, which exceeds the height of the person being measured by ten millimeters. This is explained by the fact that some manufacturers make patterns according to the minimum breast volume.

Clothing size chart for children from 1 to 7 years:

Age Sleeve OG Height ABOUT Weight FROM Crotch seam Russia
1 26 53 80 53 11 50 27 24
1,5 28 54 86 54 12 51 31
2 31 55 92 56 14 52 35 26
3 33 56 98 58 15 53 39
4 36 57 104 60 18 54 42 28
5 38 58 110 62 21 55 46
6 41 59 116 64 25 56 50 30
7 43 62 122 67 28 58 54

If the metrics are interdimensional, focus on the extreme number. Especially if you plan to purchase things for newborns. Kids grow up quickly, so the product will soon fit him. Children up to one year old grow one size in about 3 months, up to 4 years old - in six months, after 4 years - in 12 months.

Size chart for children's trousers and outerwear items for schoolchildren under 14 years of age:

Age Sleeve Breast Height Hips Weight Waist Length trousers Russia
8 46 65 128 70 32 59 58 32
9 48 68 134 73 33 61 61
10 51 71 140 76 35 62 64 34
11 53 74 146 80 36 64 67 36
12 55 75 152 82 38 65 70 38
13 55 78 158 85 40 67 74 40
14 55 81 164 88 43 69 77 42

Determining clothing sizes for teenagers of different genders requires different tables. Since the body proportions of children over 14 years of age are close to those of men and women, and their figures differ significantly, the size ranges for them are called “Teenage” and are divided by gender.

Size chart for girls and boys 14-18 years old:

Russia 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
Height 110–117 123 129 135 141 147 146–152 152–158 165 171
Hip volume M 56–59 62 67 71 75 79 83 86 89 92
AND 79–82 82–86 90 94
Bust volume M 50–52 56 60 64 68 72 78 79 85 87
AND 77 82 86 90

It is not recommended to rely solely on growth indicators. For example, having found out what size you are with a height of 152 cm, you cannot immediately go for leggings, since this figure is listed in two columns: under the numbers 38 and 40. You should measure your hip circumference. If it is 80 cm, you need to look for leggings marked 38. And if it is 85 cm - 40.

Correspondence of sizes of the Russian Federation vs foreign countries

In boutiques and on the Internet you can find boys’ and girls’ outfits, sewn not only in domestic factories. Foreign companies use other clothing nets, which adds confusion to children's shopping. To streamline it, manufacturers try to adhere to the average values ​​of chest and hip girths typical of children of the corresponding age groups. However, many of them either run large or run small. Therefore, it is better to use the networks of specific stores. For more information, see: tables with American clothing sizes in Russian.

Unlike the USSR-their labels, the Chinese are age-oriented. USA size ranges include both numeric and alphabetic symbols. The first ones correspond to age, the second ones are abbreviations for the words: children's size L – large, S – small, M – medium.

The letter T can be marked on the labels of children's clothing. The number before the T indicates the age: 2T - 2 years old, 3T - 3 years old. And the letter itself means that the T-shirt was made for children with a “baby” configuration: with a thick torso, but short arms and legs. Things in sizes 2 and 2T will fit completely differently on a two-year-old child.

European nets are universal for babies up to 2 years old. The clothing parameters for boys and girls over this age should be looked at in different tables. They contain completely different symbols.

To compare which Russian clothing size is equal to 16 Chinese or 5 European, use the table. See also: US children's size to Russian on Aliexpress.

USA Approximate age Europe girls Europe boys RF China
0/3 0–2 months 56 0 18
3/6 6 68 6 20
6/9 9 74 8, 10 22
S, M 12 80 12 24
2-2T 2 years 92 24 28
3T 3 98 0 30 3
4T 4 104 1 4
5–6 5 110 2 5
S 10 140 7 38 10
M, L 12 152 9 40 12
XL 16 164 12 42 16

For a child to put on a new suit with pleasure, it is not enough to know at what height child size 28 or 36. It is necessary to take measurements and compare them with the metric data in the grids of the brands of interest. But even such measures may not be enough. Sometimes manufacturers have their own opinions about the parameters of children at certain ages. Therefore, when choosing foreign-made clothing, remember:

    Clothing from France runs small. German manufacturers often go larger. American things are characterized by oversized parameters.

Indicated in the Size Chart sections on websites selling Chinese clothing, the sizes by year for boys and girls are incorrect in both directions: both smaller and larger. Trust such sizing charts only if items are produced in state-owned factories of the People's Republic of China.

If your child is taller than his peers, buy roomier clothes for him. For short children with large builds, items marked X (2X, 3X) will do. They have a standard length, but a looser fit.

Patterns for children. WE'RE BUILDING A PATTERN FOR A LITTLE FASHIONISTA. Part 1. Step-by-step instructions.

In this article we tell you how Make your own pattern for the base of a dress for a younger or older girl. If you have a little fashionista, I mean a daughter or granddaughter, then you just need to master the technique of creating patterns for girls. Children grow out of clothes very quickly, and every time you want to update your children's wardrobe, you will have to create a new pattern. It may seem difficult the first time. But I assure you, the second, third time everything will be much easier. And the fifth time, starting to build, you will know all the calculations by heart. It's not difficult at all. Moreover, we offer STEP-BY-STEP instructions constructing a pattern drawing. Line by line and the pattern is ready. It's simple.
Today we will learn how to build a pattern basics dresses. And later, on the basis of this foundation, we will master modeling different styles children's clothing. It is very exciting! I don't even know who will enjoy it more. You - from the very process of creating a children's wardrobe, or your little “client”, receiving new outfits as a gift from you. In my opinion, this is a mutually beneficial cooperation. Moreover, the benefit, first of all, is the moral satisfaction of both parties. This is cool!

For the manufacture of correct pattern It is necessary to have accurately taken measurements. If mistakes are made when taking measurements, the drawing will turn out to be inaccurate and the dress will not fit well on your figure.
Measurements are taken with a measuring tape, which is not loosened or pulled too tightly. Girl dressed in light clothes or in underwear, should stand without tension, in a normal position. A cord or thin belt is tied along the waist line.
When taking measurements, it is necessary to clarify the height of the shoulders. Shoulders can be high, normal or sloping. Everything is like adults.

The correct construction of the drawing largely depends on this measurement.
As an example, we will create a pattern for size 32. You take your young lady's measurements.

Dress for girls

To create a pattern drawing, you will need the following measurements:

Measure at the base of the neck. The measurement is recorded in half size.

This measurement determines the size of the figure. The measuring tape should go along the protruding parts of the shoulder blades on the back and along the highest part of the chest. The measurement is recorded in half size.

Measure at the narrowest point of the waist. The measurement is recorded in half size.

Measure along the highest part of the hips, taking into account the bulge of the abdomen. The measurement is recorded in half size.

The distance between the high points of the chest.
The measurement is recorded in half size.

Measure by placing a measuring tape from the left hand to the right at the level of the protruding parts of the shoulder blades. The measurement is recorded in half size.

Back length to waist line

Measure from the seventh cervical vertebra to the lace at the waist. The measurement is recorded in full.

Measure from the seventh (protruding) cervical vertebra in the middle of the back to the required length (8). The measurement is recorded in full.

Measure from the base of the neck to the shoulder joint. The measurement is recorded in full.

Measure around the arm armpit. The measurement is recorded in full.

Measure from the shoulder joint to the hand. The measurement is recorded in full.

Allowance for a loose fit along the chest line is 6 cm (for older girls, add 5 cm for a loose fit), along the waist line, 2 cm (for older girls, add 1 cm), along the hip line, 3 cm (for older girls, 2 cm).

From the left side sheet of paper,
Having stepped back 7 centimeters from the top cut, draw a vertical line on which to measure the length of the dress and put points A and H. Draw horizontal lines through points A and H to the right.

Dress width.
From point A to the right, set aside the measurement of the half-circumference of the chest plus 6 cm for a loose fit (for older girls, add 5 cm for a loose fit) and place point B.
AB = 32 + 6 = 38 cm.
From point B, lower the perpendicular until it intersects the bottom line. Designate the intersection point as H1.

Back length to waist line.
From point A down, set aside the length of the back to the waist plus 1 cm (for older girls plus 0.5 cm) and place point T.
AT = 29 + 1 = 30 cm.
Draw a horizontal line through point T to the right. Designate the point of intersection with line BH1 as T1.

Hip line.
From point T down, set aside 1/2 of the back length measurement to the waist and place point B
29: 2= 14.5 cm
Through point B to the right, draw a horizontal line until it intersects with line BH1. Designate the intersection point as B1.

Back width.
From point A to the right, set aside the back width measurement plus 1.5 cm and place point A1
14 + 1.5 = 15.5 cm

Armhole width.
From point A1 to the right, set aside ¼ of the half-chest measurement plus 1 cm (for older girls, plus 0.5 cm) and place point A2.
A1A2 = 32: 4 + 1 =9 cm.
From points A1 and A2 down, draw vertical lines of arbitrary length.

Back neck cut.
From point A to the right, set aside 1/3 of the neck half-circumference measurement plus 0.5 cm and place point A3.
AA3 = 14: 3 + 0.5 = 5.2 cm.
From point A3 upward, draw a perpendicular, on which set aside 1/10 of the neck half-girth measurement plus 0.8 cm and place point A4.
A3A4 = 14:10 + 0.8 = 2.2 cm.
Divide the angle at point A3 in half, from point A3 along the line dividing the angle, set aside 1/10 of the neck half-girth measurement minus 0.3 cm and place point A5.
A3A5 = 14: 10 - 0.3 = 1.1 cm.
Connect points A4, A5, A with a smooth concave line.

Back shoulder line.
From point A1 down, set aside 2.5 cm for normal shoulders (1.5 cm for high shoulders, 3.5 cm for sloping shoulders) and place point P. Connect points A4 and P with a straight line on which
remove the shoulder length measurement from point A4 plus 1.6 cm for the dart and place point P1.
A4P1 = 10.3 + 1.6 = 11.9 cm.

Back shoulder dart.
From point A4 to the right, set aside 3.5 - 4 cm and place point O. From point O downwards, draw a vertical line, on which set aside 6 cm and place point O1. From point O to the right, along line A4P1, set aside 1.6 cm and place point O2. Connect point O1 with a straight line to point O2, on which set aside the value of segment OO1 from point O1 and place point O3. This construction can be done using a compass (see Fig. 10).
By connecting points O3 and P1 with a straight line, we complete the design of the shoulder line.

Armhole depth.
From point P down, set aside 1/4 of the half-chest measurement plus 7cm and place point G
PG = 32: 4 + 7 = 15 cm.
Draw a horizontal line through point G to the left and right. Designate the point of intersection with the line AN as G1, the point of intersection with the line of the armhole width as G2, and with the line BH1 as G3.

Back armhole cut.
From point G up, set aside 1/3 of the distance PG + 2 cm and place point P2
GP2 = GP: 3 + 2 = 15: 3 + 2 = 7 cm.
Divide the angle at point G in half and along the line dividing the angle from point G, set aside 1/10 of the width of the armhole plus 1.5 cm and place point P3.
GP3 = 9: 10 + 1.5 = 2.4 cm.
Divide the width of the armhole GG2 in half and place point G4. Connect points P1, P2, P3, G4 with a smooth line. We get the back armhole line.

Front armhole cut.
From point G2 up, set aside 1/4 of the half-chest measurement plus 5 cm and place point P4.
G2P4 = 32: 4 + 5 = 13 cm.
From point P4 to the left, draw a horizontal line, on which set aside 1/10 of the half-chest measurement and place point P5.
32:10 = 3.2 cm.
From point G2 up, set aside 1/3 of the value of the segment G2 P4 and place point P6.
G2P6 = G2P4: 3 = 13: 3 = 4.3 cm.
Connect points P5 and P6 with a dotted line, divide it in half, set aside 0.8 - 1 cm from the division point to the right, and mark this point with the number 1. Divide the angle at point G2 in half. From point G2 along the angle dividing line, set aside 1/10 of the width of the armhole plus 0.8 cm and place point P7.
G2 P7 = 9: 10 + 0.8 = 1.7 cm.
Connect points P5, 1, P6, P7, G4 with a smooth line.
We have finished building the front armhole.

Shelf neck cut.
From point G3 up along line H1B, set aside 1/2 of the half-chest measurement plus 3.5 cm (for older girls, plus 2-2.5 cm) and place point B1.
G3B1 = 32: 2 + 3.5 = 19.5 cm.
From point G2 along line G2A2, set aside the value of the segment G3B1 and place point B2. Connect points B1 and B2.
From point B1 to the left, set aside 1/3 of the neck half-circumference measurement plus 0.5 cm and place point B3.
В1Вз = 14: 3 + 0.5 = 5.2 cm.
From point B1 down, set aside 1/3 of the neck half-circumference measurement plus 2 cm and place point B4.
B1B4 = 14: 3 + 2 = 6.7 cm.
Connect points B3 and B4 with a dotted line and divide it in half.
From point B1 through the division point, draw a line on which set aside 1/3 of the neck half-girth measurement plus 1 cm and place point B5
B1B5 = 14:3+1 =5.7 cm.
Connect points B3, B5, B4 with a smooth line. We get the line of the front neckline.

Center of the chest.
From point G3 to the left, set aside the measurement of the center of the chest plus 1 cm (for older girls, plus 0.5 cm) and place point G6.
Г3Г6 = 7+1=8 cm.
From point G6, draw a perpendicular to line B1B2, mark the intersection point as B6.

Shoulder cut and dart lines.
From point B6 downwards, set aside 1 - 1.5 cm and place point B7. Connect point B7 with a straight line to point B3 and a dotted line to point P5.
From point P5 to the right along the dotted line, set aside the measurement of the shoulder length minus the value of the segment B3B7, minus 0.3 cm and place point B8.
10.3 - 2.8 - 0.3 = 7.2 cm.
Connect points G6 and B8 with a straight line, along the continuation of which from point G6 set aside a value equal to the segment G6B7 and place point B9. Connect points B9 and P5 with a straight line.
(This construction can be done using a compass. From point G6, as from the center, draw an arc through point B3 to the left, until it intersects with a straight line and place point B9). Choose the option that is convenient for you.

Side seam line.
From point G to the right, set aside 1/3 of the width of the armhole and place point G5 (9:3 = 3cm).
From point G5, lower the perpendicular to the bottom line, mark the points of intersection with the lines of the waist, hips and bottom as T2, B2 and H2.

For determining general tuck solution along the waist line, add 2cm to the half-waist measurement, for older girls 1cm (28+2=30cm), then subtract this value from the width of the dress between points TT1 (38-30= 8cm).
The size of the front dart opening is equal to 0.25 of the total dart opening along the waist line (8x0.25=2cm), the side dart opening is 0.45 of the total dart opening (8x0.45=3.6cm),
rear 0.3 of the total solution (8x0.3 = 2.4 cm).
To calculate the dress along the hip line, add 3 cm to the hip half-girth measurement (for older girls, 2 cm) for a loose fit; from the resulting value, subtract the width of the dress obtained when constructing the drawing between points BB1 (38 + 3-38 = 3 cm).
Distribute the result equally between the shelf and the back (3:2 = 1.5 cm).
From point B2 to the left and right, set aside 1.5 cm and place points B3 and B4.
From point T2 to the left and right along the waist line, set aside half of the side dart solution (3.6: 2 = 1.8 cm) and place points T3 and T4.
Connect points T3 and T4 with straight lines to point G5 and extend the line up to the armhole line.
Connect points T3 B4 and T4 B3 with dotted lines, which you divide in half.
Set aside 0.5 cm from the division points to the left and right and connect them with smooth lines to points T3 and B4, and, accordingly, T4 and B3.

Front waist line.
From point T1, set aside 1.5 cm down and place point T5. Connect points T5 and T4 with a smooth curve.

Hip line.
From point B1, set aside 1.5 cm down and place point B5. Connect points B3 and B5 with a smooth curve.

Design of a dart on the back.
Divide the distance between the points GG1 in half, designate the division point as G7. From point G7, lower the perpendicular to line BB1. Designate the intersection points with the waist and hip lines as T6 and B6, respectively. From point T6 to the left and right, set aside half of the back dart solution (2.4: 2 = 1.2 cm) and place points T7 and T3. From point B6 up, set aside 3 cm. Connect the resulting points.

Design of the dart on shelf.
From point G6 down, draw a vertical line until it intersects with line B3B5. Mark the intersection points with the waist and hips as T9 and B7, respectively. From point T9 to the left and right, set aside half of the front dart solution (2: 2 = 1cm) and place points T10 and T11. From point G6 down, and from point B7 up, set aside 4 cm and connect them with points T10 and T11.

Design of the side seam line.
Draw vertical lines from points B3 and B4 down, mark the points of intersection with the bottom line as H3 and H4. If the dress should be widened, then set aside 3-5 cm from points H3 and H4 to the left and right and connect them with straight lines to points B3 and B4.

Bottom line of the dress.
From H1, set aside 1.5 cm down and mark point H5. Connect points H5 and H3 (and in the extended version, the lower point of the side seam 3) with a smooth curve. If the dress is widened towards the bottom, it is necessary to adjust the bottom line of the back. From point H downwards, set aside 1-1.5 cm, place point H6 and connect it with a smooth curve to the bottom point of the side seam of the back 3.

All. Pattern construction is complete

Remind you, that this is a dry drawing, a kind of frame from which a style of any complexity can be modeled. The simplest thing you can do yourself is a yoke on the bodice, or cut the dress along the waistline and gather the lower part of the dress (skirt), or make a frill along the bottom of the dress, etc.

In the next issue we will create a sleeve pattern for children.

In subsequent issues we will learn how to model, and then we will begin to master sewing technology.

Follow the site news, subscribe to our news feed and you will always be up to date.

To choose a suitable pattern in our GRASSER online pattern store, you need to know your standard size.

To do this, you need to measure yourself and take basic measurements correctly:

1. – measure the full circumference of the chest. The tape should pass horizontally around the body through the protruding points of the mammary glands.

2. – measure the full waist circumference. The tape should run horizontally around the torso at the level of the waistline.

3. – measure the full circumference of the hips, taking into account the protrusion of the abdomen. The tape should run horizontally around the torso, from behind - along the most protruding points of the buttocks. To more accurately measure the protrusion of the abdomen, use a ruler.

*To take correct measurements, you should tie an adjustment belt at your natural waistline.

Chest circumference Waist circumference Hip circumference

Now compare your measurements with the standard ones.

Conduct a comparative analysis of your own measurements with standard measurements. The difference between your measurement and the standard one is permissible up to 2 cm, both minus and plus.

For shoulder products(dress, blouse, coat) the main choice of size is made by measuring the chest circumference. For example, your chest circumference is 84 cm. Divide 84 cm in half and get the standard size - 42. Sometimes the chest circumference differs from the standard size, but the rest of the measurements are very close to the standard size. In such cases, the standard size is selected based on the remaining measurements.

For waistband items (skirt, trousers), the main measurement is the hip circumference.

These are the basic measurements you need to determine your size.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the additional list of typical measurements on the basis of which our patterns are built. You will need them to more accurately determine the size:

Neck circumference– The lower edge of the tape passes through the 7th vertebra from the back, along the base of the neck from the side, and closes in front above the jugular cavity.

Chest Width- measured horizontally above the base of the mammary glands between the verticals, mentally drawn upward from the front corners of the armpits.

Back width– measured horizontally along the shoulder blades between the rear corners of the armpits.

Shoulder width– measured from the highest shoulder point to its end point.

Shoulder circumference– measured with the arm freely lowered. The tape should pass at the level of the armpits.

Wrist circumference– measure the circumference of the wrist at the thinnest point.

Neck circumference Chest width Back width Shoulder circumference Wrist circumference


Many GRASSER women's patterns are offered in three to four to five height ranges:

You can focus on your overall height. But in order to most accurately select the height range you need, you need to know the measurements of Dts, Dtp. Since when choosing a pattern based on height, the first thing you need to do is rely on the length of the torso from the level of the base of the shoulder to the waist.

DTS - Measure from the highest point of the shoulder seam to the back waistline. The measurement is taken parallel to the spine, taking into account the convexity of the shoulder blades.
RTA - Measure from the highest point of the shoulder seam at the base of the neck through the protruding point of the chest gland (in men through the nipple point) and then parallel to the midline of the figure to the waist line.

MIC - measured by the shortest distance from the point of intersection of the waist line with the spine to the end point of the designed shoulder seam.

DTS road accident military-industrial complex

We made a video that will help you decide on the size and height of the pattern:

To select the size of swimming trunks (pattern No. 477), the size must be determined by the half-circumference of the hips.

Use the following values:

Choosing a size for pregnant women

The chest and waist circumference of pregnant women increases, but other dimensional characteristics very often remain in the “pre-pregnancy” range.To choose the correct size for the GRASSER pattern for pregnant women, you must first take all measurements, and thenBased on all measurement parameters, determine your size in the table below.

We talked more about choosing a size for pregnant women in this article - “How to choose the right size for a Grasser pattern for pregnant women”

Basic measurements for choosing the size of a men's pattern:

For men's patterns just like for women, in order to most accurately select the desired height range you need to know the measurements Dts, Dtp. When choosing a pattern based on height, the first thing you need to do is rely on the length of the torso from the level of the base of the shoulder to the waist.

Dts - measure the distance from the point of the base of the neck to the waist line at the back, parallel to the spine.
accident- measure the distance from the base of the neck through the nipple point to the waist line in front.
Military industrial complex- measure the shortest distance from the intersection of the waist line with the spine to the shoulder point.

Take measurements and compare your measurements with GOST:

(for pattern numbers up to No. 357)

Basic measurements for choosing the size of a children's pattern:

(for pattern numbers AFTER No. 357)


Where, where, but when shopping, size matters, and how much. To focus on a pleasant choice of colors and styles, without wasting energy on complex sizing calculations, just arm yourself with our reminder - and go towards a new wardrobe!

1. How to determine your clothing size?

First of all, you should know your Russian size. To do this, you need to take two measurements - across the chest and across the hips. We measure the circumference of the hips at the level of the hip joint and divide the result in half - this is how we get our domestic clothing size.
For example, the hip circumference was 92 cm, divide in half and get 46 cm, which means the clothing size is 46, or more precisely, this is the size of the waist garment: trousers, skirts and shorts. Using the same principle, we measure the circumference of the chest (at the most protruding point) and, dividing the result in half, we get the size of shoulder clothing: tops, dresses, blouses, coats.
The sizes of the top and bottom are not always equal, so you need to take both measurements and choose each item according to the appropriate size. Let's say Scarlett Johansson's top or blouse will be size 44, and her skirt or trousers will be size 46.
Please note that Russian sizes are always calculated in even numbers, so the result obtained is rounded in one direction or another to the nearest size.

2. What to do with the international size chart?

To easily get dressed even in Moscow, even in Milan, even in London, check your data with the table below, which shows the correspondence of Russian sizes to the standards of other countries.

3. How to determine your shoe size?

Here you cannot do without some manipulations. First of all, you need to measure the length of the foot with an accuracy of 0.5 cm. The easiest way is to trace the foot on a sheet of paper or stand barefoot on a tailor's yardstick and measure the distance from the edge of the heel to the edge of the most protruding toe.

To find out your half size, measure the length of your foot with an accuracy of 0.75 cm. For example, Oprah Winfrey wears size 41.5 shoes.

4. How do shoe sizes compare in Russia, Europe and the USA?

As with clothing, shoes different countries also has different markings. When shopping for new shoes, don't forget to check out our international shoe sizes cheat sheet.

5. How to determine your underwear size?

With panties and swimming trunks, everything is quite simple: their size is determined in the same way as for waist clothing. But with bras, things are a little more interesting. To determine your size, you need to take two measurements. First, the circumference of the chest is measured - around the torso directly under the chest, while holding the centimeter straight, avoiding sagging.

Typically, in ready-made bras, the chest circumference has 5 cm increments, and the clasp has several hooks at different distances for ease of adjustment. Therefore, round your chest circumference to 5 cm, although in the store it makes sense to try on underwear in 2-3 sizes to choose the most comfortable one.

Let’s say, if your girth is 78 cm, then we round it up to 80 cm, and try on a bra with a girth of both 80 cm and, just in case, 75 cm.

Some brands adhere not to the international, but to the national calculation of chest circumference; for such cases, the table below is useful.

Now find out your bra cup size. To do this, measure the circumference of the chest along its most protruding part. To fully assess the volume of your chest, it is also recommended to tilt your body parallel to the floor and measure the circumference of your chest in this position, without squeezing your body too much, but also without loosening the centimeter too much.

Important! Don't forget that cup size isn't everything. The shape of the breast can be different, so pay attention to the shape of the cup, its density and the distance between the cups - the comfort of wearing the bra will depend on all of this. appearance neckline

6. How to choose the right jeans size?

When buying jeans, you need to know their width and length, which are traditionally indicated on the tag with the Latin letters W and L, respectively. The width is easy to calculate. To do this, take your Russian size and subtract 16 from it. So, if you wear trouser size 46, then you should look for jeans with a width of W 30.

The length of the jeans corresponds to the length of the inseam from the groin to the bottom of the leg. There are standards by which you can track how the length of jeans changes depending on a person’s height. We learn the generally accepted canons of lengths from the table below.

7. What about the length of trousers and skirts?

Some brands produce more than just jeans various lengths, but also other wardrobe items. Depending on the client’s height, the patterns change somewhat, and as a result, the same trousers or skirt can be produced in three lengths at once: short, middle and long.

Of course, only large clothing manufacturers can afford such an assortment, but the buyer, of course, appreciates the excellent fit of things without further manipulation in the studio - hems and allowances.

8. How to choose the right size for hats and gloves?

Hats and hats also have sizes. It directly depends on the circumference of the head in centimeters and in most brands this is how it is measured. Just wrap your head with a tailor's yardstick in the widest part - just above the ears, round the result up to the nearest whole number. This will be the required size of the headdress.

For example, if the head circumference is 58.5 cm, then the hat size will be 59 cm. Sometimes you can find a letter designation, as on clothing. In this case, we are guided by the information from the table below.

To choose the appropriate glove size, measure the circumference of the palm at the widest part, but without thumb. We focus on the obtained centimeters. In a number European countries The girth of the palm and, accordingly, the size of the gloves are measured in inches, and in America letter designations are used.

Moreover, male and women's sizes are labeled differently. In order not to get confused in the notation system, let's look at the table.

9. When should you buy the wrong size?

When shopping abroad, you may find that things seem to be... correct size small or large for you. And a cheat sheet with sizes doesn’t always help. The fact is that national characteristics physiques can leave their mark on clothing patterns.

So, in Southeast Asia it is better to immediately take things a size or two larger than your normal one. And in Germany and Scandinavian countries, you may have to try on a size smaller. But in Scandinavia and the Netherlands, tall people will find their ideal length of trousers and sleeves, while in Asia, on the contrary, petite people will find their ideal length.

10. When is size not important?

There are situations when you can relax while shopping and forget about sizes for a while. This happens if we come across a thing of universal or one size. Most often these are loose-fitting items made of plastic fabrics that fit the figure volumetrically and somewhat carelessly. Less often, one size can be found on elastic things that stretch very well and fit the body.

And, of course, let us once again remember with a kind word the modern fashion trends, which gave us huge scope for experiments without regard to size. Now, without a twinge of conscience, long trouser legs and sleeves are rolled up and rolled up higher, oversized clothes wrap us in voluminous cocoons, and boyfriend jeans can dangle on the hips as freely as they like, as long as they don’t fall off.

And what are we, we are only happy about this! Less conventions - more freedom of expression!

In order to sew a dress or trousers for a child, you need to create a pattern. And for this you need to take the measurements correctly. After all, it is the measurements that determine the accuracy of the pattern, and the more accurately you take the child’s measurements, the less time you will have to spend trying on and adjusting the product.

When taking measurements for children, there is one problem that many dressmakers probably face - children often do not want to stand still - they spin, laugh and complicate the process in every possible way. And persuading them to stand evenly for at least a short time when taking measurements is not so easy! However, even if your child is fidgety, it doesn’t matter. To avoid errors in measurements, after taking them, compare your values ​​with the conventional values ​​given in Tables 1-3. You will immediately understand if you have made mistakes and will be able to re-measure the disputed measure.

Below are 3 tables that group the measurements according to age groups children - Children's measurements for children up to one year old, children's measurements from 1 year to 8 years and teenage measurements from 9 to 15 years.

Children's measurement tables

Table 1. Children's measurements for children under one year old

Below is a table of children's measurements by age and height for children from 1 year to 7 years.

Table 2. Measurements of children from 1 year to 7 years

Child and adolescent measures for children from 8 to 15 years of age and height are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3. Child and adolescent measurements for children from 8 to 15 years old

For girls with a chest girth greater than 80 cm, you can use a table of women's measurements and a basic dress pattern for a chest girth > 80 cm; for boys with a chest girth greater than 88 cm, a table of men's measurements.

Always keep measurement tables at hand, this will make it easier for you to build basic patterns clothes.

If any of the measurements you took differ from the standard ones, write this down in a separate column and be sure to take it into account when creating a pattern.

Sew beautiful things for yourself and your children and be happy!

Pattern-basis for full figures, for sizes 50-58, built using the same method as But differs in some specific features: allowances and shoulder seam line, due to the fact that a full bust and, very often, a full waist and belly, require other allowances for a loose fit. And must be measured especially carefully.

Therefore, in this article, I decided to post a table with the real measurements of my clients, sizes 50-58, with body types “apple”, “pear”, “hourglass”. They will help you create your own individual base pattern.

Measurement chart for sizes 50-58.

Features of calculations for a base pattern of sizes 50-58.

Rule 1.

If for sizes 44-50 0.5 cm is added to half the chest circumference, then for patterns for full figures 54-58 - 0.7-1 cm. This is done so that the side seam does not move towards the front.

Rule 2.

When constructing a front pattern, size 54-58, due to big size darts – 11-15 cm, the shoulder seam line can be drawn at a significant angle. This makes the front armhole small and short for the size. It is very difficult to sew a sleeve into it correctly and beautifully.

Therefore, when I create a pattern, I usually check the shoulder slope line with a reference measure - oblique chest height - VGk. Even if it coincides with the drawn shoulder line, I “raise” the shoulder seam by 1-1.5 cm - the drawing is on the lower collage. And, as a rule, during fitting, if we are sewing a dress model with sleeves, we deepen the armhole by 1.5-3 cm for blouses and dresses, and by 2-4 cm for jackets

Rule 3.

For fuller apple shapes, the side seam line typically runs through the points at the intersection of the bust, hip, and reference lines. And the width of the side and central darts is only 2-2.5 cm

For hourglass and pear silhouette figures, it is more difficult to create a base pattern due to big difference in bust, waist and hip measurements. For example, if OG is 110 cm, From is 90 cm, and OB is 118, the width of the darts is 3 cm

As a result, you get a rather sharp bend in the side seam, which is difficult to iron when sewing a dress or jacket. Therefore, it is preferable to sew models with a central seam on the back, and redistribute the width of the darts. If the deflection along this seam is 1 cm, then side darts can be reduced by 0.5-0.7 cm each. And I prefer to sew a zipper, when the style allows it, into the central seam of the back. If the dress model with a skirt is “half-sun”, then the zipper is sewn into the side seam.

Calculations for a base pattern of sizes 50-58.

The allowance for a loose fit to the chest girth, for a dress and blouse, even a fitted silhouette, is better to make 7-8 cm, for a semi-fitted one and for a jacket - 9 -10 cm

Calculation of measurements for size 50.

OT – 78 or OT – 84

(OG + 8) : 2 = 108: 2 = 54: 2 = 27

For the front pattern, add 0.5, for the back pattern, subtract 0.5 cm

OG along the front chest line – 27.5

back exhaust gas – 26.5

Calculation of dart sizes.

From = 78 cm + 4 = 82: 2 = 41

From the calculated measurement of half the waist with allowance, subtract the resulting value of half the waist circumference with allowance: 54 – 41 = 13: 4 = 3.2 – for an hourglass silhouette figure.

With OT = 84, the size of the darts is: 84 + 4 = 88: 2 = 44

54 – 44 = 10 cm: 4 = 2.5 cm – for an “apple” silhouette figure.

Calculation of hip line size.

(OB + 4) : 2 = 104 + 4 = 108: 2 = 54

For a figure with such measurements, the points of the front chest line and the hip line are located on the same reference line.

If OB = 110 cm, then after calculating: (110 + 4 = 114) : 2 = 57, the difference between half the chest circumference with allowances and half the hip circumference with allowances would be 3 cm.

57 – 54 = 3: 2 = +1.5 cm - this value must be set aside from the reference line on the front and back pattern along the hip line. For the front - left, for the back - right.

Calculation of measurements for a size 52 pattern.

OG = (104 + 8) : 2 = 112: 2 = 56: 2 = 28

0.5 = 28.5 – front, - 0.5 = 27.5 – back

OT = (92 + 4) : 2 = 48

Darts = 56 – 48 = 8: 4 = 2 cm – each dart

OB = (112 + 4) : 2 = 116: 2 = 58

58 – 56 = 2 cm: 2 – + 1 cm along the hip line from the reference line.

Calculation of measurements for size 54.

OG = (108 + 8) : 2 = 116: 2 = 58: 2 = 29

Front exhaust = 29 + 0.7 = 29.7

Back OG = 29 – 0.7 = 28.3

From = (94 + 4) : 2 = 98: 2 = 49

Darts = 58 – 49 = 11: 4 = 2.7

OB = (116 + 4) : 2 = 120: 2 = 60 – 58 = 2: 2 = +1 cm from the reference lines along the hip line

Calculation of measurements for size 58.

OG = (116 + 8) : 2 = 124: 2 = 62: 2 = 31

Front exhaust = 31 + 1 = 32

OG back 31 – 1 = 30

OT = (98 + 4) = 2 = 102: 2 = 51

62 - 51 = 11: 4 = 2.7 cm – darts

OB = (122 + 4) : 2 = 126: 2 = 63

63 – 62 = 1 cm: 2 = + 0.5 cm from the reference line point on the hip line.

In order to create a pattern for the basis of a dress with a straight silhouette, draw lines parallel to the middle of the front and back, from a point on the hip line, to the required length of the dress.

Using such a pattern, if it is built accurately and checked, you can model and sew any of the models

For a dress with a trapezoidal silhouette, continue the reference line to the required length and place the inclination point of the side seam at a distance of 12-22 cm to the left of it - for the front half of the pattern. For the back pattern, respectively, to the right. This distance can be increased to 25 cm, but no more, especially if the length of the dress is knee-length. Side seams they will simply “fold” inward, and the dress will look sloppy.

If you want a more flared dress, then choose a model with an underbust and a half-sun or bias-cut A-line hem. You can choose a dress model with reliefs - each detail changes along the hemline to the required width.