Is it worth adopting a child? How to adopt your child in a civil marriage. The application indicates

People may decide to adopt for a variety of reasons.

Some couples, unable to have children of their own, resort to this option. Some cannot indifferently pass by a baby who is left without parents. And someone just wants to do a good deed. Before you decide on this serious step you need to think very carefully whether it is worth doing.

Firstly, you need to clearly understand that a child is not a pet that can, as a last resort, be given to friends. This is a man. A man who has already been abandoned once. If the baby is still very small, he will not remember this. It is much easier psychologically with such children. Children who have reached 4-5 years of age have already begun to develop as individuals. The loss of parents and spending some time in an orphanage will not go unnoticed for them and will leave a deep imprint on their soul. You need to be prepared for the emotional problems that such children may have. Some of them will happily accept the news that they have new parents. But sometimes children stubbornly refuse to establish relationships. Parents need to have great patience to be able to earn the trust of such a child.

Secondly, genetics plays a huge role. If the child is healthy this moment, this does not mean that some hereditary diseases will not appear with age. It is likely that some negative character traits of the child’s biological parents will be present in him. Adoptive parents need to clearly understand this and be prepared for such a situation.

Thirdly, adoptive parents will always know that the child is not their own. Even if they consciously convinced themselves that they would treat someone else’s child as their own, then subconsciously the thought that this is not their own blood will always be present. When a woman carries her treasure for nine months, she already becomes attached to him and begins to love him. The father, taking the newborn in his arms and discovering that the baby has his eyes or ears, cries with emotion and immediately becomes imbued with love for this little bundle of happiness. In case of adopted child, there will be no such emotional help.

Fourthly, in order to issue , you need to visit many authorities, collect a huge number of documents and stand in huge queues. And if potential parents have passed all these tests, it is quite possible that they will never receive a child, since the selection foster parents very tough.

If all these difficulties do not frighten people who have decided to become parents for someone else’s child, then they are really ready to take this important step.

Naturally, I always wanted to have one. And I never even suspected that in life everything would not be the way I wanted. She played a cruel joke on me. I got married at 19 years old. I graduated from medical school. A few months later, my husband and I find out that we are expecting a child. The whole pregnancy went very well. But due to the doctors’ oversight, my child suffocated on the umbilical cord during childbirth (there was a breech presentation) and it was as if my life was cut short. After that, it took me 3 years to come to my senses. Then we change our place of residence and again expect a child, but he is born dead. 2 years after a sea of ​​paid examinations (which showed that we are healthy), we make a new attempt, but history repeats itself.

After this, I felt terrible depression, I couldn’t see the kids walking with their mothers, I couldn’t hear the children crying. I couldn’t watch TV with programs for children. To be honest, I barely got out of this state, the help of my husband, family and friends helped. I constantly felt somehow inferior or something, I couldn’t understand why I felt this way! Why doesn’t God give me children! After all, we have a good family, we have no bad habits!

If you look, there are alcoholics living nearby, and their children are hungry, but they are born every year. I went to see my grandmothers, and then I got tired of everything. My husband and I went to church and were baptized. My faith was strengthened again and I again went for another pregnancy, but to my great regret the child dies again. And at this time in the maternity hospital they abandoned the little girl who was born, whom I saw and grew to her. My husband was not against it - he was crazy with happiness (we decided that this girl will be ours)! After that, our life changed dramatically - we became a full-fledged family, I no longer thought about other children, since the happiness of motherhood completely absorbed me. Now our daughter is already 11 years old, in November she will be 12. By the way, she was born on November 15, and her husband is 16 .So we celebrate our birthday on the same day! We love her very much, I never even once felt that this was not my child! She even looks like my husband and all their habits are the same. We are incredibly happy! This is my God-given fate!

And that’s why I always want to say, shout, dear girls, women, if you suddenly have such a problem, take other children under your wing who need both a dad and a mom, and there are so many of them on our planet now! And this child will be yours! Just try to give him all your love and affection! Children always feel this! I wish you all happiness, love and family well-being!


This form of placement of children means the transfer of a minor to new family with the emergence of legal relations between him and its members that correspond to the legal relations between the child and his blood parents. When a baby is born out of wedlock, he is automatically registered with the mother, and the latter is assigned single status. A natural question arises: if a child is born out of wedlock, is it necessary to adopt him? Should a natural parent adopt a natural child? When a child is born in a marriage, it is automatically registered in the name of both parents: the initials of the spouse are written in the “father” column, and the spouses’ initials in the “mother” column. However, if a child is born out of wedlock, complications arise. In this case, instead of an entry in the paternity column, a dash is placed, which is why the blood father is not considered such in the face of the state.

Rules for registering a child at the registry office if the parents are not registered in 2017

In such a situation, you should also carry documents with you that confirm the existence of a relationship. To avoid additional difficulties, you need to have an official translation of the child’s birth certificate.

This can be done at the consulate of the country you plan to visit. Thus, if parents have different surnames, then the child can receive the surname of either mom or dad.

If at the time of the birth of the child the mother and father are not in an officially registered marriage, then the newborn can be given the father’s surname. To do this, the father must write a statement of paternity, on the basis of which information about him will be included in the child’s birth document.

If a parent does not recognize his paternity, this can be done in judicial procedure, in this case, the child can also receive the father's surname.

How to give a child his father's last name if the father and mother are not registered?

Father” is marked with a dash, which does not affect his rights in any way. In chapter 11 Family Code Russian Federation All fundamental rights of the child are listed and disclosed in detail, including:

  1. The right to live and be raised in a family, including the right to know one’s parents, the right to be cared for by them, the right to live together with them and ensure one’s interests, comprehensive development, respect for his human dignity;
  2. The child’s right to communicate with both parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and other relatives;
  3. The child’s right to protection, both from his parents and from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  4. The child’s right to express his opinion when deciding in the family any issue affecting his interests;
  5. The child’s right to a first name, patronymic and last name.

How to register a child if the parents are not registered or the father has another family?

The application must be accompanied by a birth certificate, a document establishing paternity, marriage or divorce, as well as documents that justify the need and possibility of changing the surname and patronymic. When a child reaches 14 years of age, he can change his data according to his application.

In addition, the child’s last name can be changed upon adoption. The court determines the adoption of the child and changes in his data.

New data is entered into the registration record based on a court decision. After this, you can change your last name or first name only by obtaining permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.


Possible problems if the mother and child have different surnames If the child and mother have different surnames, difficulties may arise after a divorce or death of the father. First of all, the problems will be related to the obviousness of the family connection.

Should a father adopt his child?

The termination of a marriage or its recognition as invalid is not a basis for changing the child's surname. To do this, both parents must give their agreement, and also, if the child is 10 years old, his consent will also be required, but also the permission of the guardianship authorities.
Changing a child’s data without the consent of the other parent is possible if:

  1. The second parent died.
  2. Mom or dad of a minor is deprived parental rights.
  3. The location of the second parent cannot be determined.
  4. The parent does not participate in raising the child and avoids paying child support.
  5. At the time of the child's birth, the parents' relationship was not registered.

An application to change the surname and patronymic must be submitted to the civil registry office at the child’s place of residence.

If parents are not scheduled, what problems could there be?


Family law How to give a child his father's last name if the father and mother are not registered? IN modern world the birth of a child in an officially unregistered marriage is not considered uncommon. Such a marriage has no legal force and the spouses can only be called cohabitants.

Popularly, such a union is known as a civil marriage. Since this is a fairly common phenomenon, the question remains relevant whether it is possible to register a child in the father’s surname if the marriage is not registered. After all, the fate of the child and his material well-being may depend on this.
Parental relationships work out differently and fathers are not always conscientious about fulfilling their responsibilities towards their children. From the moment of his birth, any child acquires the right to a surname, first name and patronymic; it is enshrined in both international and Russian legislation.
The child receives a name by agreement of the parents or one of them.

Is it necessary to adopt a child if the parents are not registered?

It is different from adoption. Citizens, if there is mutual agreement, can take one of the following paths:

  1. After the minor is born, both parents must appear at the registry office. An application regarding the recognition of the baby is submitted to this institution.

    After all the nuances have been settled, the relevant data will be entered into the birth certificate.

  2. You can apply before birth. In this case, both citizens must simultaneously appear at the registration authority and draw up the appropriate document.

Important! If a citizen dies during birth or is declared legally incompetent, the father must contact the guardianship authority.

When contacting the guardianship authority, you will need to provide substantial evidence of the relationship and submit a request to include initials in official documents for the child.

Is it necessary to adopt a child if the parents are not registered?

Some citizens believe that this problem can be resolved by initiating an adoption procedure. However, such a judgment is fundamentally incorrect. The citizen from whom the child was born is his blood parent.

Reference! According to the law, the blood father does not have the right to adopt his own son. If the baby was born in cohabitation, a different procedure is required.

In this case, the institution of adoption does not apply. It is necessary to establish the paternity of the baby. To do this, it is enough for citizens to mutually apply to the registry office or, in case of difficulties, to the court. But the blood father cannot adopt his own child. How is the issue of surname resolved? When a child is born into an officially registered family, he is assigned his father's surname (except in cases where there is an agreement between the spouses that affects this parameter).
If a parent does not want to admit the fact of relationship with the baby, this can be done during the trial. Formation of a family relationship leads to the emergence of certain rights and obligations.
In a situation where the father of a newborn dies or the parents are divorced, the child can receive the father's surname if no more than 300 days have passed since the date of death or divorce. During this time, paternity is recognized automatically and can only be revoked by a court. The surname may change if paternity is disputed in court and the plaintiff's claims are satisfied. A single mother has the right to give her child her last name.
The child also receives a first and patronymic at the discretion of the mother. Possibility of changing the surname The laws of Russia provide for the possibility of changing the surname of a child under 14 years of age. This can only be done with the permission of parents and guardianship authorities.
In this case, the signature of the parent who cannot come in person is confirmed by a notary or a person with appropriate authority, including the head of the place of detention (paragraph 2, paragraph 5, article 50 of Law No. 143-FZ). In addition, it is possible to submit a preliminary application to establish paternity while the child’s mother is pregnant. This is possible if there are circumstances that give reason to assume that filing a joint application to establish paternity may turn out to be impossible or difficult after the birth of the child (paragraph 2, paragraph 3, article 48 of the RF IC). It is also possible to establish paternity on the sole application of the father in certain cases (death of the mother, recognition of her as incompetent, impossibility of establishing her whereabouts or deprivation of her parental rights) with the consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authority, in the absence of such consent - by court decision (para.

Currently, many marriages end in divorce, and children remain under the care of one of the parents - most often with the mother, who may later remarry.

The new spouse can become the child's official guardian or adopt him, receiving full paternity rights.

Many men recognize their wife’s children as their own, take care of them, teach them, help financially, fulfilling all parental responsibilities.

Therefore, many stepfathers are interested in how to officially adopt their wife’s child from their first marriage.

The adoption process cannot be called simple, but the result is worth it, since the family becomes a full-fledged unit of society, and the child does not feel abandoned by his biological father.

The adoption procedure in the Russian Federation is regulated by Chapter 19 of the Family Code and regulated by Government Decree No. 275, which spells out all the conditions and nuances - what adoption is, what documents need to be collected and other subtleties of the process.

If the child was born in a first marriage or out of wedlock, but paternity was recognized by the biological father, then you will have to go through the process of adopting the child of your wife from her first marriage while the father is alive.

It is possible to adopt a spouse's child while the father is alive only with his official consent, unless he voluntarily renounced his rights or was forcibly deprived of them through the court.

It is quite difficult to adopt a child if his blood father does not agree with the adoption by a stranger and is not deprived of parental rights.

If the biological parent consistently pays child support, communicates with the child, and takes a direct part in his upbringing, then it will be almost impossible to become the official father of the child.

If the father does not communicate with the child for more than six months and pays child support by court decision, and not voluntarily, then your chances increase.

The court will be able to make sure that the adoption will be favorable for the child and, possibly, make a positive decision.

You can become a father for your spouse’s child if the child has not reached the age of 18, and also if the biological father:

  • abandoned the child;
  • deprived of parental rights;
  • does not raise a child;
  • died.

In this case, the adoption procedure will be standard. First, the adoptive parent will need the permission of the official father, who must fill out a special application form and have it notarized.

But there are situations when the adoption of a child does not suit the father.

Then there will be a trial to clarify the arguments of the biological father and forcibly deprive him of parental rights.

His motives could be:

  1. Personal. He doesn't want a stranger to become the father of his child.
  2. Benefit. It is beneficial for a man to have the status of a father, although he does not live with the child and does not raise him.

The applicant's evidence and the defendant's motives are considered in court. Proceedings can only be decided by those authorized to deny your adoption or grant your request.

After the deprivation of the parental rights of the natural father, the court will make a positive decision on your adoption of his child no earlier than six months later.

If you are determined to become a father to your wife's child, then you should carefully think and prepare.

If you divorce your wife, you have the same parental rights as if you were the biological father.

In addition to legal issues, you may face a serious moral problem. Since you have assumed responsibility for this child, he may suffer mental trauma, because he is again abandoned by the parent whom he accepted as his own father.

Also, by law, the child you adopt has equal property rights as your own children. The descendants of this child have equal legal rights with the generation of their own children.

An adopted child loses similar rights in relation to his biological father.

If you want to become a father to your wife’s child, then he needs to have the right to choose whether to recognize you as the father or not. His word will be decisive for the court if he is over 10 years old.

You should also know that you are obligated to adopt all of your wife's children under 18 years of age.

The law always stands on the side of protecting the rights of the child. Even the most caring stepfather can be rejected if he does not meet the requirements of an adoptive parent:

If these restrictions have nothing to do with you, then you can start collecting the necessary documentation.

Unfortunately, often a mother raises her children on her own, without financial help from the father if he is missing or dead. In this case, the new spouse can adopt the child without his consent.

If a child was born to a single mother and there is no information about the biological father in the documents, you can use formal recognition of paternity. You can avoid the troublesome procedure by collecting documents and going to court.

You will only need your ID and your spouse's passport, her child's birth certificate and your marriage certificate.

At the nearest registry office, you submit an application to establish paternity, where you indicate that you are the father of the child, and you got married after his birth.

The registry office will change the entry based on the act of establishing paternity and indicate your last and middle name. A joint application can be submitted at any time before the child reaches adulthood.

By deciding to remain silent about the fact that you are not the biological father, you will make this procedure much easier for yourself. However, the blood father can challenge your paternity in court by providing evidence in the form of a genetic examination.

The stepfather has the right to adoption only if he has officially registered the marriage with the child’s mother. If a couple lives together in civil marriage, then such a right is not given to him.

Of course, there are also single fathers. If his new wife wishes to adopt her husband's child, the procedure and conditions will be the same.

To officially adopt a spouse’s children, you will need the following documents:

It is better to make 3 copies of each document in advance, since they need to be submitted to the board of trustees, the court, and keep one copy for yourself.

This standard package of documents satisfies all legal requirements; all documentation is collected quite quickly and without problems.

The situation is worse if the future father is a foreign citizen, lives permanently abroad or has no citizenship at all.

In this case, additional certificates will be required confirming legal status, availability of property and income.

In the application, you must ask the court to appoint you as the official adoptive parent of your wife’s children and recognize the change in their last name.

The claim must indicate that you are not against the adoption of your wife’s child, can also support him financially, and your health condition allows you to fulfill paternal responsibilities.

In the resolution, indicate whether you want to change your surname and patronymic or you can leave them the same.

The application must also indicate where the biological father baby. If he has not lost his rights as a parent and has not given his consent to your adoption, list the reasons why it can be determined that he is not fulfilling his responsibilities as a father.

In the statement of claim, it is advisable to indicate the reasons for the adoption of the spouse’s child:

  • if the mother of children from a previous marriage married you;
  • if a child who is to be adopted lives with you;
  • you have established a trusting relationship and the child agrees with the adoption;
  • the spouse and biological father of the child are also not against it.

Terms of consideration statement of claim are not established by law, since the court must carefully study this issue. At the preliminary hearing, the judge examines all documents and certificates, assessing the need to consider the case with witnesses.

Adopting a spouse's children is much easier than guarding children from orphanage, but this procedure will still be quite lengthy.

To do this you need:

You must remember that this procedure is not only legal. You must first become a full-fledged family, establishing a trusting relationship with your child, experiencing all his sorrows and failures with him.

Therefore, a child over 10 years old can consciously answer whether he needs a father like you or not.

You will also need to undergo a full medical examination, after which you need to obtain a certificate in a form strictly established by law.

First, a referral is issued, and according to it you undergo a series of examinations. This standard procedure, and you shouldn’t be afraid of her.

The guardianship authorities deal with adoption issues, but only the court can legitimize the rights of a stepfather. The decision of the board of trustees is not final; the board of trustees only approves your paternity or rejects the petition.

All claims are stated in writing in the decision. It can be challenged in court if there are no absolute prohibitions.

The head of the guardianship department at the child’s place of residence will review these documents and certificates and visit the place of residence to examine family relations and living conditions where the child lives.

After this, he will give you a conclusion about the possibility of being an adoptive parent. You attach this certificate and other documents to the application and send it to the court.

The court hearing is held behind closed doors, where you, your wife, the biological father of the child, if he is not deprived of parental rights, the prosecutor, and an employee of the board of trustees must be present.

As an exception, a minor is not invited to court only if the stepfather lives together for a long time with a child who is sure that he is his father.

The court considers the testimony and the decision of the board of trustees. You must be prepared for the fact that witnesses or relatives of your wife may testify against you for personal reasons.

Of course, you can refute unfounded accusations, but during the proceedings, the court's decision may lean against you.

Therefore it will be for you the best option keep your future adoption a secret and hire a good lawyer.

If the response is satisfactory, the court decision will enter into force in 10 days. The court will send an extract from the case to the registry office within 3 days so that the parents can legally receive new passports and the child a birth certificate.

Usually, the court favorably considers such cases where the husband of the child’s mother is the adoptive parent, rather than strangers adopting him.

No matter what you have to go through - a simple recognition of paternity or a complex tedious adoption, it will be worth it. When all the litigation is over, you will no longer live just with your wife’s child, but with your own son or daughter.

You will have rights and responsibilities towards them, they will have your last name, and you will fulfill the obligations of fatherhood, having full voting rights.

Video: Adopting a child of another spouse (wife or husband)

This format of relations between a couple has become common, when official registration of marriage is not carried out. People live with one family for years, but are in no hurry to enter into marital relations. The reasons can be very different, and by and large they are completely unimportant. But when it comes to having a common child, inevitable questions and problems arise.

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Basic moments

Civil marriages in the modern world are usually called such relationships between people when the family actually exists, but is not formally registered.

At the same time, all other signs inherent in most official families are evident:

  • Cohabitation;
  • joint farming;
  • general (with rare exceptions);
  • raising common children.

Everything happens by itself - you need to take your passport and a certificate from the maternity hospital to the registry office. It is not clear what to do if the marriage is civil.

The fact is that in the eyes of employees of the state civil registration agency, a couple who has a baby will be considered not spouses, but cohabitants.

Indeed, such a family is not officially registered and therefore cannot be recognized from the point of view of the law.

If before the birth of a child people could decide for themselves whether they needed to formalize their relationship, then the birth of a baby imposes additional responsibilities on them.

The case involves a minor who is facing constitutional rights. But in our country this is only possible through official means.

IN kindergarten, school, clinic will have to explain things to representatives of government agencies.

Therefore, many common-law spouses, in order to avoid problems, strive to record the child on the birth certificate in the usual way, that is, with the paternity column filled out and with information about the child included in the passport of not only the mother, but also her common-law spouse, that is, the father.

What it is

If the parents' marriage is officially registered, then there will be no questions regarding the registration of the newborn.

The usual procedure is that spouses become parents (officially, according to a birth certificate) immediately after applying to the registry office.

IN in this case The husband's surname is automatically assigned to the newborn and entered on the birth certificate.

Civil registry office employees will do the same if the child was born after the parents or father (within three hundred days after the breakup of the official marriage or the issuance of a death certificate).

If the parents live in a civil marriage, then the child is officially born without a father. This means that a dash will be placed on the birth certificate, and the baby will be registered under the mother’s surname and given the status of a single mother.

To register a child born in a civil marriage in the father’s surname and issue a regular birth certificate in which both parents will be indicated, you should do one of the following:

Indicators Description
After the birth of a child, both parents come to the registry office at the same time and write about the baby’s recognition
Both parents submit a corresponding application during the period of the expectant mother also appearing at the same time
The father may apply to the competent authority for the assignment of paternity in the event that his common-law spouse dies (during childbirth or at any time after) or is declared incompetent
Parents enter into an official marriage union
Father sues for the purpose of establishing paternity through biological examination
Mother files a lawsuit on recognition of a common-law spouse as the father of her child

If common-law spouses want to register a child in their name immediately after his birth, then two main methods are accepted:

The first option is certainly preferable. However, the father is not always next to his common-law spouse after the birth of the child.

It should be understood that the adoption of a child is a form of care provided for by law, which is provided for children left without parents.

If the child’s biological father is alive, is capable, and is included in the birth certificate, then there is no need to adopt the child - legally he is already the father, regardless of the form of relationship with the mother.

However, if there is a dash in the certificate, and the marriage was not officially registered at the time of the child’s birth, a statement of paternity was not received at the time of registration of the newborn, the situation is different.

Another option is the mother’s refusal to include her common-law spouse in the certificate. In this case, the issue can only be resolved through court.

Who can count

Two categories of men can count on officially adopting a child in a civil marriage:

The first option is the most common. Of course, most often you can do without adoption by simply appearing at the registry office and filing a statement of paternity at the same time as registering the baby.

However, if this is not possible, there is nothing left to do but go through the procedure of adopting your own child.

Where to contact

There are three options for officially resolving the issue of paternity in a civil marriage.

This is either the consent of the parents (common-law spouses) and a simultaneous application to the competent authority to register the newborn, or the mother’s disagreement with recognizing the common-law spouse as the father, or the absence of the father at the procedure for registering the newborn.

Depending on how exactly the issue is resolved, you can contact one of two bodies:

In the latter case, the plaintiff can be either the biological father (who is not included in the birth certificate and wants to establish paternity) or the child’s mother, who wants to prove paternity.

If the child’s mother has died or is declared missing, then the adoption of a minor can be carried out through an appeal to the department of guardianship and trusteeship. This option in a civil marriage is extremely rare, but acceptable.

How to adopt a child in a civil marriage

Thus, the question of whether it is possible to adopt a child in a civil marriage can be answered positively.

The only thing is that you need to distinguish the procedure for establishing paternity in the registry office from a similar procedure in court with the subsequent adoption of your own child.

The simplest and most understandable option is to submit a joint application to the registry office when registering a newborn, in which the parents ask to establish paternity.

This procedure is carried out quickly, since employees of the civil registration authority are often faced with relevant requests from common-law spouses.

The necessary conditions

The law establishes the adoption procedure only for other people's children. Therefore, if we are talking specifically about adoption, then this procedure is not typical for a successful civil marriage.

We are talking about establishing the fact of paternity through the recognition by parents of their civil responsibility in relation to the newborn.

There is a procedure for voluntary recognition of paternity, suitable for common-law spouses.

In order to register a child as a father legally through the registry office, the following conditions must be met:

If paternity is established forcibly, the procedure will be different. A dispute between parents is resolved through court in the following cases:

In this case, the origin of the child must be established by the court on the basis of the documents submitted.

What documents are required?

If there is a voluntary recognition of paternity upon a joint application to the civil registry office, the following documents are required:

It is important that parents do not have to wait until the birth of their newborn, but rather submit an application for recognition of paternity in advance.

In this case, after the birth of the child, one of the parents will only need to come to the registry office with a passport and a certificate from the maternity hospital.

Possible alternatives:

In both cases, civil registry office employees will accept the documents for consideration. If adoption is formalized, the list of documents will be different.

What you need to submit for judicial review:

Indicators Description
Statement of claim original and copy
Copy of the child's birth certificate
A copy of the plaintiff’s marriage or divorce if such a document is available
Medical certificate about the health status of the plaintiff and the child
Mother's death certificate or declaring her incompetent (if such facts exist)
Certificate of recognition of mother as missing if it is established by the court
Any documents that can serve as proof of paternity for example, witness statements, photographs, etc.

It is important to understand that if the court refuses to recognize paternity due to insufficient information and makes a refusal decision, there will be no second chance for adoption. You'll have to go to a higher court.

How to register

When registering paternity in a civil marriage, you need to take advantage of the opportunities that a specific situation provides:

Indicators Description
The easiest and fastest option submit a joint application by personally contacting the registry office at your place of registration
If at the time of registration of the newborn his mother died, went missing, was declared insane and incompetent, the father can apply on his own, indicating the reasons and referring to the actual existence of the marriage. A decision from the guardianship authorities may be required
Parents can apply for paternity in advance, during pregnancy This option should be resorted to in the case where the common-law spouses know that at the time of registration of the child, one of the parents will not be able to be present at the registry office for some objective reason. In this case, a certificate of the woman’s pregnancy must be attached to the application.
If the parents entered into an official barque after the birth of the child they must submit a marriage certificate to the registry office. Based on this document, changes will be made to the previously issued birth certificate

It is important to understand that if the parents do not appear at the registry office together and do not submit a joint application, then the institution’s employees will be able to enter the father’s name on the certificate, but they will not be able to assign the child’s last name.

In this case, the basis for entering information into the birth certificate will be two documents:

The certificate, of course, will contain the name of the woman giving birth. Therefore, upon subsequent application by the father, paternity will need to be recognized and the documents for the child must be changed.

When registering a child at the registry office, in addition to the documentary part, there is a material part. The child's father is obliged to pay the amount established on the date of application to the government agency.

If only the mother writes the application, she pays the fee.

After paying and submitting all the necessary papers, all that remains is to wait for the issuance of a certificate for the child, in which both parents will be indicated, even if there is no official marriage between them.

The deadline for producing the document is set in accordance with the regulations.

Video: civil marriage

Special nuances

If at the time of registration of the child the common-law spouse is not in the city, there is no need to despair. The mother of the newborn should contact the registry office and explain the situation.

Most likely, she will be offered the following course of action:

It is possible to submit documents for acknowledgment of paternity in advance if a man is drafted into the army, leaves for a long period of time, or is so ill that there is a serious risk of his death before the birth of the child.

The biological father of a child can establish paternity without going to court. To do this, he will have to contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

If the guardianship staff considers the evidence presented convincing, and the mother is not present at the time of the application (death, deprivation of parental rights, etc.), then you will not have to adopt your own child.

The certificate will be reissued based on the resolution issued by the guardianship authority.

Genetic testing may be needed to prove that the applicant is the child's biological father. The man must go through it himself by contacting the appropriate institution.