Sports entertainment in the middle group “Fun Starts. Physical education leisure “Sports summer has come to us” outline of a physical education lesson (middle group) on the topic Summer sports entertainment on the street middle group

Sportsentertainment « Merrystarts»

Vmiddle group

Program content :

1. Involve children in healthy image life through sports entertainment.

2 . Develop interest in sports games, improve children's health.

3. Develop speed, dexterity, and the ability to independently complete a task.

4. Foster collectivism, the ability to play in a team, and empathy.

Inventory :

2 balls, 2 hoops, 2 rattles, skittles, flags, dice, steering wheel, emblems for each team, prizes for each player.

Progress of the event:

Host: Guys, you need to do physical exercise and sports, as people become stronger and healthier.

To the sports ground

We invite everyone now

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us.

Host: Sports, guys, everyone needs it

We are close friends with sports

Sport is a helper,

Sport – health,

Sport is a game.

To all participants - PHYSICAL HURRAY!


    To be strong and dexterous

We need to be friends with the sun.

Get up earlier than everyone else in the morning

And do exercises.

    We all love physical education

We love to run and jump.

We also love to wash our faces

We love to sing and play songs.

    To grow and harden

Not by days, but by hours.

Do physical exercise

We need to study.

    So as not to deal with diseases,

Don't go to doctors

To become strong and brave

Fast, dexterous and skillful,

We need to harden ourselves from childhood

And do exercises.

Everyone loves physical education

And be friends with sports.

Host: To be healthy means not to get sick, to play sports, to toughen up. And don’t sit still, move more often.

Host: Children, today we invite you to go on a journey. And we'll go on what I'm thinking about now:

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,

A beetle is running down the street.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline (car)

Right! Today we will go on a trip by car. Show how the car honks.

Imitation game “We are drivers.”

Now we will leave the car and sit on the bench.

Presenter: Today, teams of the most dexterous, quick-witted and intelligent guys will prove in a fair and open fight that they are worthy of the title “Champions!”

Presenter: Today on our site in the “Fun Starts” competition teams of middle school students are meeting.

Teams "Stars" and "Friendship".

Host: Team “Stars” is your motto?

- “We are Stars! We will always be ahead!”

Host: Team “Friendship” is your motto?

- “We have one rule: one for all and all for one!”

Presenter: We wish you all excellent success. May you not feel tired today and bring a lot of joy!

Host: Let's wish both teams success in the upcoming competitions and move on to our first competition, but before we start the competition, we'll do a warm-up.

Relay race.

Children stand in a column one at a time, the first one with a flag in his hands runs to the pin, runs around it and runs back, passing the flag to the next participant.

1. "Harvest"

(Each player takes a cube and runs forward, puts it in the hoop).

2. “Running with the ball”

(Each member of the team runs around the pin and passes the ball to the next one).

3. “Passing the ball over your head”

(At the signal, the children pass the ball over their heads to each other. The latter runs forward).

4. “Running - cannonball flight”

(The ball is held between the knees. Jump to the pin, then pick up the ball and run, and pass it to the next one)

5. “Rolling the ball between the legs”

(Teams stand with their feet apart, the first one rolls the ball back, the last one presses it and runs forward, etc.)

Relay race "Who is faster?"

With a rattle in your hands, run a “snake” between the pins and pass the baton to the next participant.

Host: And now you guys and I are going to play a game.

A GAME low mobility "Friendship"

Children stand in a circle, hold hands and walk.

"We're going in circles,

We'll find ourselves a friend

We'll find ourselves a friend

Let's find ourselves a friend"

Leading: 1,2,3 - find yourself a friend!

Children are looking to see who is the fastest pair. The one left without a pair is eliminated from the game.

Host: And now, guys, we will talk to you about vitamins.

“Vitamins are pills that grow on a branch”

You can help maintain health and not get sick with the help of vitamins. Have any of you taken vitamins? Vitamins make our body strong and healthy, resistant to disease. But vitamins come not only in tablets, they also grow on branches. A lot of vitamins are found in berries, fruits, and vegetables. Name what fruits do you know? Vegetables? Berries?

Host: And now, as a farewell to you guys, our order:

To grow up healthy, energetic and intelligent,

To drive away fatigue and laziness

Eat vitamins every day!

Don't be lazy to exercise early in the morning!

The sun, air and water always help us!

To strengthen your muscles, do physical exercises!

Vitamins are life!

Everyone needs to be friends with them!

You have no diseases!

I'll give you this advice:

Consume vitamins

And increase your health!

I never lose heart and have a smile on my face

Because I accept vitamins A, B, C!

Host: Well, our competition is over.

Presenter: Summing up. Presentation of prizes and gifts.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 4 of a combined type in Boksitogorsk"

Sportsentertainment « Merrystarts»


Prepared and conducted: teacher Semyonova N.P.


Summer physical education holiday

TARGET: creating a cheerful, sporty mood in children, nurturing the desire to engage in physical education on the street.


1. Increase the functionality of the body through physical exercise.

2. Develop the musculoskeletal system.

3. Develop agility, accuracy, dexterity.

4. Foster a caring, caring attitude towards your health and the health of others.

Progress of entertainment:

Presenter: Hello guys! Today we have gathered with you to hold a sports summer holiday. And the motto of our holiday today will be:

“Sun, air and water are our best friends!”
​So that we grow strong, dexterous and brave,
​Every morning we do exercises.
​We raise our hands to the sun, we walk together happily
​We squat and stand up and don’t get tired at all.

– And we will start our holiday with fun exercises.

Charging with music.

Guys, look, there is some kind of chest here, and there is a letter on it. Let's open the letter and read who it's from!

Presenter: Letter to “Children from Summer” "Dear Guys! Summer is writing to you. I found out that it was your holiday and decided to send you a chest with a surprise.” To open it, you will need keys, which you will receive if you show speed, agility, endurance and ingenuity. Wish you luck! With respect to you, Summer!”

Presenter: Guys, I know that you have all these qualities. Are you ready to prove it? (children's answers). Then let's start completing Summer's tasks to get all the keys to the chest.

To do this, you and I must divide into two teams and choose a captain.

(Children are divided into 2 teams, captains are selected).

Presenter: Guys, guess the riddle:

A scarlet ball over the roof in the morning
​He went out for a walk in the sky.
​He walked, walked, walked.
Met the evening - and disappeared.
​Where should I look for the ball now?
​Tell me, wind!
- Tomorrow he will go for a walk again
​Coming out at dawn! Children: (Sun)

Presenter: I invite the teams to the start and here is the first relay.

Relay No. 1 "Merry Sun"

(Each team receives a hoop and plastic sticks. First they place the hoop, then sticks-rays are attached to it. Thus, to the sound of cheerful music, both groups of preschoolers lay out the sun on the ground.) (The winning team gets a key)

Presenter: Guess the riddle:

In winter it falls
​In the spring it murmurs,
​It's noisy in the summer
Is it dripping in the fall? (water)

Host: Water plays an important role for human health. Why do you think we need water? (children's answers).

Guys, our sun is kind of sad, let's give him some water to drink.

Relay No. 2. “Let’s give the sun a drink from a ladle”

So, the obstacle is the ladle!
​And there is water in the ladle.
You can't run, you can't tremble.
​You can laugh, but only very, very carefully!

(Scoop up water with a ladle, run to the sun, pour water on it, run back, pass the spoon to the next player.) (The winning team gets a key)

Relay No. 3 “Splash on the Water.”

(In front of each team, at a distance of 5 m, there is a basin with water. In front of it, 6 pins are lined up in a row. At the signal, the first players, performing a “snake” run, run to the basin, slap their hand on the surface of the water and return to their team. Next to the relay race the following participants are included.) (The winning team gets a key)

Bake, bake, sunshine,
​Red bucket!
​Play early and early
​Keep your kids warm!
​Your kids want to play
Jump from hoop to hoop!

Relay No. 4 “Sunny Jumpers”»

(With the ball in our hands, we jump from hoop to hoop until the sun, run around it. We come back, pass the ball to the next player.) (The winning team gets a key)

Presenter: Well done guys, you did a good job. And I suggest we play, fly with our wind.

Relay No. 5. "With the wind in your hand"

(With wind in hand (plumes), run like a “snake” near the hoops, run to the sun, run around it. Go back, pass the plume to the next player.) (The winning team gets a key)

Guys, guess the riddle

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off -

He took off and flew away. (Children: Butterfly.)

(Children stand in a circle. The leader has in his hands a stick with a ribbon on which is tied paper butterfly. The leader moves the stick in a circle, the children try to jump to the butterfly and catch it.)

Relay No. 7 “Sharp Shooter”

(Each child has 2 balls (bags), they need to get into the baskets. The number of balls that the teams were able to throw into the baskets is counted)

Relay No. 8 “Draw a picture about summer”

Presenter: Well done guys, and now it’s time to count the keys. We did it all! Our chest has opened, let's see what Summer has sent us? (There are candies in the chest). Delicious sweets!

Presenter: Ours is ending fun party! I hope you liked it, gained strength, improved your health, had fun, and showed that you are friendly guys.

Municipal budget preschool

kindergarten No. 8 combined type

Physical entertainment

"Hello summer!"

(with middle group children)

Instructor physical culture

Pogodina A.V.

Volodarsk, 2017


    Create good mood and satisfy children's need for movement.

    Develop the ability to creatively apply motor skills and abilities previously acquired in new conditions.

    Promote the development of general endurance, speed, agility, attention.

    Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.


    Illustrations depicting summer sports and sports games.

    Recording of musical and outdoor games “Butterflies and Flowers”, “Spider and Flies”.

    Pool with balls,

    Khokhloma spoons (2),


    Flowers are flat.


Children go into the hall and sit on benches on both sides of the hall.


The snow has melted and the paths have dried up,

It's time for us to warm up a little,

Hurry up and saddle the bikes -

Try to overtake us now.

The elastic ringing ball is tired of waiting,

He misses his racket, no less.

And there's a bigger ball on the green field

Reminds us all of football.

You can choose any sport according to your taste,

Someday we will break the record.

In stadiums, warmed by the sun,

A sports summer awaits us!

Leading: Guys, tell me, what sports can you do in the summer? (children's answers). Well done, you named many sports and interesting games.

Game "Find out the sport." I have pictures from different types sports and sports games. I will take turns showing pictures to our teams, and you must name what sport or game it is. And how to play this game.

Leading : Well done boys. You know sports well. Do you yourself like to engage in physical education and sports? Do you want to play? There is a lot ahead of us fun games. But first, let's do a warm-up.

Rhythmic gymnastics “Radiant Sun”

Now let's play. Guess the riddle:

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off -
He took off and flew away. (butterfly)

That's right, guys. This is a butterfly. Let's play butterflies.

Musical and outdoor game “Butterflies and Flowers”

Leading : Guys, you were very beautiful butterflies and, moreover, very attentive. And now I want to see how fast you are. We have a ball pit. We will split into two teams and use a spoon to carry the balls from the pool. But first you need to overcome an obstacle - crawl into the tunnel.

Relay race "who will bring the most balls from the pool."

Leading : In summer we can meet different insects. Which ones do you know? But some of them are very annoying. For example, flies. Who are flies afraid of? That's right, a spider. Let's play the game "Spider and Flies". When the spider sleeps, the flies frolic, fly, and crawl. And as soon as the spider wakes up, the flies freeze and do not move. The spider goes hunting. If the spider sees that the fly has moved, it takes it into its web.

Musical activity game “Spider and Flies”

Leading : Guys, you had a lot of fun playing. Let's play another game. While the music is playing, we will pass the ball around. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the ball should show an interesting movement that we should all be able to repeat.

Low mobility game “Show the movement”

Leading : Well done boys. You had a lot of fun playing today. Showed how dexterous and fast you are. Did you enjoy playing today? What games did you enjoy playing the most?

I hope in the summer you will all grow up big and healthy, because you will exercise, do exercises, swim in the lake, play with your friends. See you soon.

Presenter 1:
We celebrate the holiday of summer,
Festival of the sun, festival of light.
Come visit us
We are glad to have our guests!

Presenter 2:
Summer, red summer,
Sky, clear sky,
To the sun, to all the guys
Turns into chocolate.
Let's shout loudly, kids,
Our greetings – “Fizkult. Hooray!"

Children: Hooray! Hooray!

Presenter 1: Guys, let's all march together in a joyful way along our sports ground, let's show each other how we have learned to march this year.

Presenter 2: Be equal! Attention! March cheerfully, following the guides through the stadium!
(Children march to the music)

Presenter 1: Attention! Attention! Let's start our competition!

Presenter 2: And for competitions we need friendly teams. Guys, I have multi-colored balls prepared in my basket. You take turns taking out one at a time.
(Balls are prepared according to the number of children in three colors: red, blue, yellow).

Presenter 1: Look at the balls, what colors they are (children's answers). Let's now divide into teams. First team - yellow, the second team is red, the third is blue.
(Teams line up by color)

Presenter 1:
Is everyone here? Is everyone healthy?
Are you ready to run and play?
Well, then everyone pull up,
Don't yawn, don't be lazy,
Get ready to warm up!

Presenter 2(does warm-up):
We start walking on the spot.
1-2, 1-2, 1-2, 1-2.
Hand up, hand down.
We repeat the exercises.
Let's move faster!

1 – lean forward
2 – let’s bend back
And bending to the sides
We will undertake to do it.

Squats again
Let's do it together.
1,2,3,4,5 – who started to lag behind?

Let's start running on the spot!
The finish is in two hundred meters!
We'll start walking
Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth!
Let's start the competition!

Presenter 1: Our warm-up is over, it’s time to start our competition, and a funny TV will help us with this.

First test. Guess the riddle, if you guess correctly, the TV will show us the answer, and if not, then we’ll start over.

Look around -
Everywhere - everywhere a semicircle.
Semicircle on the head
Under the birch tree on the grass,
In the clouds and on the sand
And in the girl's hand. What is this?
Children: Hoop.

Presenter 2: Let's see if we guessed the riddle correctly (the TV is showing a sports hoop).

Presenter 2: the first task is for accuracy and precision in movements, whose team will throw the most bags into the hoop.
(The presenters give each child bags of sand, the teams throw them into their hoop. The winning team receives a flag).

Presenter 1:
Well done! And here is the next task:

Who has no arms and no legs
Best jumper?
He jumps and jumps,
If he hurts himself, he won’t cry?
Children: Ball.

(TV shows the answer - a sports ball)

Presenter 1: Now we will have a competition to see whose team can roll the ball through the obstacle course the fastest. (This relay will require pins that are staggered).

Presenter 1: And you fans, support our teams more closely.

Presenter 2: Guys, tell me, what time did it start today?
Children: Summer.

Presenter 2: Right! And in the summer, children love to walk, sunbathe, and swim. Listen to the riddle:
Big sunflower in the sky
It blooms for many years
Blooms in winter and summer,
But there are still no seeds. What is this?
Children: Sun.
(TV shows the sun)

Presenter 2: Look how many balls are left around. Now, while the music is playing, the first and second teams will begin to compete with each other to see who will throw the most balls to the opponents’ side. Then the third team will play with spectators. After two winners are determined, they will compete with each other.

Presenter 1: Guys, you are all so clever and strong. And now there will be a competition for speed, and the object will help us, and you yourself will answer which one:

Holiday, holiday at the gates!
Who will go to meet him?
Me and my faithful friend -
Red, small...
Children: Checkbox.

Presenter 1: Are you sure you guessed the riddle correctly? Let's look at our TV and check.
(TV shows flag)

Presenter 1: Is everyone ready for a new competition? Listen to what we're going to do. One by one you need to run to a chair, touch it with the flag, go back and pass the flag to the next team member. The team that completes it first wins. Get ready: one, two, three - run.

Presenter 2: And I have one more riddle.
Legs, arms - everything is in motion,
I'm crawling to the ceiling
Muscles - just tension -
I was able to lift myself.
There is a mat underneath me,
I climbed up. Helped...
Children: rope.

Presenter 2: Right! But we won’t crawl on it, we will drag it. And our viewers will help in this competition.

(Tug of War)

Presenter 2: Well done!
Girls - attention!
Boys - attention!
The time has come to sum up the results of our competition!

Presenter 1: Let's count together how many flags each team has scored.
(The results are summed up and the teams are awarded)

Presenter 2: Summer is a glorious time
Run and jump kids.
On the river and on the site
Let the “Physical Education!” always ring.
Children: Hooray".

Presenter 1: Our fun competition is over. You all showed yourself: brave, strong, dexterous, fast.
Presenter 2: And our TV signals to us that it’s time to eat. We invite everyone to a delicious, festive lunch.

Osokina T.I., Timofeeva E.A., Furmina L.S. Games and entertainment for children outdoors. – M., 1981.
Simanovsky A.E. Development of children's creative thinking. – Yaroslavl, 1996.
Shebenko V.N., Ermak I.N. Physical education holidays in kindergarten. – M., 2000.

MBDOU "Bobrovsky kindergarten "Polyanka"

Sports entertainmentfor middle group children

"Merry vegetable garden"

Prepared by: physical education instructor

Pavlenkova I.A.

Tasks: develop emotional sphere child,

memory, attention;

develop elements of creativity in games;

consolidate knowledge about vegetables.

Equipment: onions according to the number of children, carrots according to

number of children, 4 potatoes, 2 baskets, 16 green balls, 2 cords, a scarecrow costume, 2 watering cans, 4 beds, an envelope with riddles, vegetables for treats, 2 beds with weeds.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall to the music.

Hello guys!

I invite you to visit the garden today and see that vegetables can not only be eaten, you can have a lot of fun with them.

So, before we go to the garden, I suggest doing a warm-up.

Fun exercises going on"Our garden is fine"

Our garden is in order

We dug up the beds in the spring (we imitate working with a shovel).

We weeded the garden (we bend down and reach the floor with our hands).

We watered the garden (we show how to water it with a watering can).

There is not a lot in small holes

We planted cabbage (squat down, clasp your knees with your hands).

All summer she got fatter,

It grew in breadth and height (we are slowly rising).

And now she has dough, poor thing,

He says: “Move aside!” (stomp your foot at the end of the phrase)

Leading: Guys, I know what a wonderful vegetable garden you were able to grow on the windowsill. And if you were able to grow a vegetable garden, then you will guess riddles about vegetables.

Can you solve riddles? Then listen carefully.

1 riddle:

Who is the most useful person in the world?
Who will save you from all diseases?
Who will hurt us without hands?
Small, insidious... (bow)

An outdoor game is being played :"Quickly take the bow"

Onions are scattered around the hall (there are fewer onions than the number of children), children run to the music performing different kinds walking. After the music ends, they quickly take the onion. Those who don't have enough do the crybaby exercise.

Leading: You've had a nice warm-up in the onion patch, your muscles have warmed up well, and it's time to listen to the next riddle.

Riddle 2:

You dig up this tuber underground with a shovel.

Dig out some very round (potatoes)

And now I propose to throw all our energy into planting and harvesting potatoes.

The 1st participant “plows the ground” (puts down hoops).
The 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in the hoop).
The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can).
The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).
The faster team wins.

Leading: You completed this difficult task quickly. Because everyone was friendly, fast, dexterous.

Now listen to what vegetable is the next riddle about?

Riddle 3:

I am both fresh and salty.
All pimply and green.
Don't forget me, my friend,
Stock up on your health for future use. (Cucumber)

Leading: I suggest playing in the cucumber patch.

Outdoor game:"Brothers - cucumbers"

Hey, well done guys, the children surround the driver, squatting

turn into cucumbers

Day by day we grow children raise their hands up

Under the wind and rain, children gradually rise, straightening their knees.

Alone and together.

The sun has dressed us up, They march in place, waving their arms to the beat

Like soldiers, in uniforms.


We're walking, look.

As soon as we mature in the lowlands, they sit down again and put them under our cheeks.

Then they will put us in baskets. Palms folded together

Immediately everyone who grew up here, Children rise to their feet and scatter to their own

They will take them away from the garden

Leading: And we still have riddles in the envelope. Listen carefully.

4 - riddle:

Although I am called sugar,
But I didn't get wet from the rain,
Large, round, sweet in taste,
Did you find out who I am? ...

Red mouse with a white tail

Sitting in a hole under a green bush... (radish)

My caftan is green,

And the heart is like red.

Tastes like sweet sugar

It looks like a ball. (Watermelon)

Leading: Well done, you guessed the riddles, now help us unload the car with vegetables.

Then the relay race is held UNLOAD THE CAR!”
Children are invited to unload the “cars” with “vegetables”. The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other participants can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand near the cars, run to the baskets at a signal and carry the vegetables into the cars. Machines can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.

You got the job done quickly. And we have more riddles in the envelope, try to guess them.

Both green and fragrant.

And, like a Christmas tree, fluffy.

It is needed in winter and summer,

For pickling and omelettes…. (dill)

Like gathered skirts

Your leaves are frilly.

And look behind the fold,

Vitamins inside!

Everyone will be very happy

Eat some green... (salad)

Leading: Guys, you said so many interesting things about vegetable crops, and now it’s time to collect peas.

“Whose team will fill the pea pod with peas faster?”
The first participant takes one ball and places the peas in a pod made of cords and lying on the floor.

Leading: Well done guys, they completed the task, but our peas are overgrown with weeds and we need to weed the beds.

Relay race « PICK UP THE WEEDS!”
Opposite the teams are beds of weeds: paper vines, cornflowers and dandelion leaves. When given a signal, they must collect one weed.

The team that completes the task faster than others wins (repeated 2-3 times).
Leading: And now a task for the captains. You need to guess which vegetable it tastes like. “WHAT ARE THESE VEGETABLES?”
Blindfolded, the players must taste the vegetables that are offered to them.
Leading: Oh, and we still have one last riddle left in the envelope.

Standing in the garden

Does not say anything

He doesn't take it himself

And he doesn’t give it to the crows (garden scarecrow)

Guys, who knows what kind of garden scarecrow this is. (The scarecrow is a silent guardian of the garden.) From whom is he protecting the garden? You all answered correctly, it scares away crows and other birds so that they do not destroy crops and peck at the harvest.

And our garden scarecrow drives away not only crows, but also hares that came to our garden to eat carrots.

Outdoor game: “Scarecrow and Hares”

A large circle is made from a cord - a vegetable garden. There are carrots scattered in it. A child in a hat - a “scarecrow” - stands in the center of the circle, hares are behind the circle. Hares jump into the garden to grab carrots, the scarecrow tries to lure them.

(Children stand in a circle).

We did a great job today, let’s now lie down on the grass, close our eyes and remember what a fun garden we had today. We warmed up in the onion patch, planted and harvested potatoes, picked carrots, transported the crop to storage and, of course, rested. They pulled their arms up, opened their eyes, and stood up. While you were resting, the scarecrow prepared a vegetable treat for you.