Next increase in old age pension. Military pensioners stand for Russia and its armed forces. Who will not be affected by indexing?

“Today the average pension is about 14 thousand [rubles]... And unless we raise pensions at a rate higher than inflation, then 46.5 million people will live very poorly,” the speaker warned immediately after voting on the bill.
“Their salary is much less than the salary of State Duma deputies, their pension is less than our pension,” he recalled. “And our task is to do everything to ensure that the pensions of our pensioners grow, grow quickly, and this very task was solved through the adoption of a law that received the support of 332 deputies,” Volodin emphasized, noting that the number of those who supported the bill has become larger compared to previous readings.

The Chairman of the State Duma indicated that pensions will increase this year, next year it will continue, and in the near future the average size pensions will already amount to 20 thousand rubles. “You and I have adopted Convention 102 (of the International Labor Organization - TASS), the minimum will be 40% of the salary with which a person leaves,” he noted.

For 1,000 rubles. will increase payments non-working pensioners from January 2019, which exceeds the forecast inflation rate. This dynamic will continue until 2024, that is, the income level of pensioners will increase every year.

What will happen to the pensions of non-working pensioners?

For ordinary citizens, the officials’ wording did not reveal the essence of the increase. The questions remained unclear: For 1,000 rubles. will all pensioners receive an increase in their pension from January 2019? Will it be a fixed amount? How long will it take to pay the promised thousand?

In fact, the Government meant annual indexation of insurance pension provision, which was traditionally held in February. But unlike recalculations that were made before, the promised increase will not be tied to the actual level of inflation. Until 2018 inclusive, payments to non-working pensioners were increased twice: in February by the planned figure and in April, based on the results of the past year, namely by the level of actual inflation.

Indexation will be carried out in a new way, regardless of inflation set at the end of 2018, since the planned increase coefficient initially exceeds it. This will allow not only to increase insurance payments at a faster pace, but also to postpone the indexation period to the beginning of the year.

In fact, indexation will be carried out only once - at the beginning of 2019. From January 1, pensioners will receive an increase of 1,000 rubles. benefits throughout the year, which in total will give an increase of 12,000 rubles. by year. Increased level pensions, taking into account growth, will remain throughout 2019 until the next indexation, which will be carried out in January 2020.

The price itself is 1,000 rubles. was designated by the government as the statistical average amount. Pensions will be indexed by 7.05%, which, based on the size of the average pension, is one thousand.

That is, the average pension payment, amounting to 14.4 thousand rubles, will be increased in January 2019 to 15.4 thousand rubles. Throughout the year, the average pensioner will receive 15.4 thousand rubles. monthly (1 thousand rubles more than in 2018). Over the course of a year, his income will increase by the promised 12 thousand rubles.

Such indexations are planned to be carried out annually in January until 2024 inclusive, that is, over 6 years, payments will increase by 1,000 rubles, which will ultimately result in an increase in pensions from 14 thousand rubles. up to 20 thousand rubles.

Amount of 1,000 rubles. was designated by the Government as a guideline. Conventionally, the increase was tied to the average pension in Russia.

Note! Before the reform, the pension increased on average by 500 rubles.

But the increase will not be carried out in the form of adding a fixed amount, but according to an indexation scheme. That is, a coefficient will be used to calculate the increase.

The promised “increase of 1,000 rubles.” – this is 7.05% of the average pension of 14,141 rubles.

This means that retirees receiving higher benefits can expect a significant increase. For example, those who receive 25,000 rubles will receive an allowance of 1,762.5 rubles, and security of 40,000 rubles. will increase, accordingly, to 42,820 rubles.

However, not everyone receives retirement pensions above the average level. Therefore, the bonus for many pensioners will not reach the promised 1,000 rubles. So, for payments of 10,000 rubles, only 705 rubles will be added. and a pension of 7,000 rubles. will increase by 493.5 rubles.

Increase in pension from September 1, 2018 for non-working pensioners

No additional increases or one-time payments for Russian pensioners from September 1, 2018. not provided for by law, except in cases of pension increase as a result of individual recalculation at the request of a citizen (if there are grounds for this). Moreover, no promotions not planned until the end of 2018- the amount of pensions already received current retirees, will remain in the same amount until January 1, 2019, since all indexations and recalculations provided for by law have already been carried out in full, and no others are provided for by law.

The next planned increase in pension benefits will be carried out only in 2019- this is also the one announced by the Government monthly increase of 1000 rubles.

Many information sources also report increase from September 1, 2018 as a result of accounting for insurance premiums paid during the citizen’s work activity. But such recalculation is done traditionally from August 1 for all working pensioners, therefore, a working citizen begins to receive an increased pension back in August.

Pension payment schedule in September 2018 will also be standard since there are no government holidays this month holidays, which in any way could affect the traditional procedure for the delivery of pensions (the nearest non-working holiday in 2018 is November 4, national unity). If necessary, you can always check the exact date of pension delivery in September at the Pension Fund office at your place of residence.

What awaits pensioners from September 1, 2018?

As already mentioned, the law does not provide for any new increases or additional payments to pensions in September 2018, since all traditional indexations and recalculations have already been produced. In particular, planned increases have already been carried out in 2018:

  1. For insurance pensions for non-working pensioners- from January 1, they were indexed relative to 2017. by 3.7%, as a result of which the cost of one pension point (IPC) increased and fixed payment.
  2. For social payments from the Pension Fund of Russia- from February 1 by 2.5% indexed monthly payments Pension Fund for federal beneficiaries, as a result of which, in particular, the sizes of the EDV and NSU were increased.
  3. For social and state pensions - from April 1, these types of collateral were indexed by 2.9% due to the increase living wage pensioners.
  4. For insurance pensions for working pensioners- from August 1, traditional non-declaration recalculation, which takes into account insurance premiums paid during the citizen’s working life. The amount of the increase in pension in this case is determined individually, but does not exceed 235.74 rubles.

Thus, all planned recalculations and indexations for pensioners in 2018 have already been carried out. No other reasons for increasing payments from September 1 not provided. Consequently, until the end of 2018, the amount of paid pension benefits will remain at the same level.

You can receive a pension increase until the end of 2018 only for other reasons- for example, if there are reasons for an individual recalculation (for example, when the number of dependents changes). This bonus is assigned from the 1st day of the month following the submission of the application to the Pension Fund- which means that in order to receive an additional payment from 09/01/2018, the application had to be submitted during August.

Recalculation of pensions from September 1, 2018 at the request of a pensioner

As noted above, in September 2018, only those citizens who submitted an application to the Pension Fund for recalculation of their pension amount can receive an increase in their pension, if they have the right to do so. grounds provided by law.

According to Art. 23 Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”, you can increase your material security as a result of recalculation in the following cases:

  1. The number of dependents has changed(disabled family members supported by a pensioner). The surcharge is determined depending on the number of dependents by increasing the amount fixed payment- 1/3 for each dependent, but not more than three.
  2. Because of moving to the area Far North or equivalent areas. During the entire period of residence in these areas, the amount of the fixed payment increases by the corresponding regional coefficient.
  3. The category of recipient of the survivor's insurance pension has changed. For example, if a person receiving pension benefits for one parent subsequently lost the other, then the amount of the fixed payment should be set at an increased rate.
  4. At initial calculation pension benefit were not taken into account" non-insurance periods» . Such cases include, for example:
    • care of one parent for each child until the age of 1.5 years (the so-called recalculation of pension for children);
    • caring for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80;
    • passing military service by conscription, etc.

In all of the above cases, to increase payments it will be necessary contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a corresponding application and documents confirming the right to recalculate on the appropriate basis.

Since the increase is assigned from the 1st day of the month following submission of the application, then, for example, in order to receive an increased amount of payments from 01.09.2018, it was necessary to apply with a corresponding application to the Pension Fund in August. And if such an application is submitted in September, the additional payment will be assigned only from the next month - i.e. from 01.10.2018

Increasing pensions for working pensioners from September 1, 2018

Some sources on the Internet are disseminating information that a recalculation is expected in September 2018, as a result of which an increase in pensions will be made for working pensioners. It is worth noting that the increase in pension provision for this category of citizens is carried out only once a year - from August 1, and no other planned recalculations are provided for by law.

Recalculation from August 1, 2018 has already been produced Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, therefore the amount of pension provision for working pensioners has already been adjusted taking into account additional insurance premiums, paid during employment in 2017 (over the past year). Therefore, citizens who continue to work received an increase already with the August pension. The same amount of the increase will be paid monthly until the next adjustments (i.e. until 08/01/2019), if the citizen continues to work.

No recalculation for working pensioners from September 1, 2018 not provided for by law, therefore no additional increases will be made. The amount of payments that was determined as a result of adjustments from 08/01/2018 remains until the next August recalculation in 2019 and is paid throughout this period.

It should be noted that the amount of the monthly supplement for working citizens is limited and is determined according to the following principle:

  1. The amount of the increase is calculated based on the amount of accumulated pension points(IPK) for the past year of work(i.e. in 2018, IPK earned in 2017 was taken into account).
  2. Number of pension points taken into account when recalculating limited to three, and their cost is fixed at the level that was set on the date of the citizen’s retirement (due to the indexation freeze in force since 2016 for working pensioners).

Thus, payments to working pensioners were increased in 2018 no more than 235.74 rubles. (this is the cash equivalent of three pension points). This amount of increase was received by those citizens who retired before the end of 2017 and after that managed to accumulate at least 3 additional pension points. For all other citizens, additional payments were made in a smaller size. And in September, working pensioners will continue to receive the same bonus that was assigned to them in August - i.e. no more than 235.74 rubles.

Due to these restrictions in case of dismissal of a working pensioner in 2018 the amount of his pension is also subject to recalculation and increase. Firstly, his earnings up to the moment of dismissal will be taken into account in full. pension points. Secondly, his pension amount will take into account all indexations missed since 2016. Thirdly, after dismissal, a non-working pensioner will rely social supplement to pension to the level of the regional subsistence level, which can also increase the size of the pension.

No other additional recalculations or increases to the pension in 2018 will be made either in September or in the other remaining months - this is not provided for by law. The next indexation of pensions is expected only from January 1, 2019.

IN Russian Federation effective from 2019 pension reform, which will radically change the conditions for retirement. First of all, this concerns raising the age of workers, and secondly, the indexation of pensions, including for non-working pensioners. At the government level, the reason for the adoption of the new bill is the need to balance the system as a whole.

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Indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners in 2019

To form savings in old age, a citizen must maintain labor activity. In accordance with new reform the right to the insurance and savings portion remains. This procedure requires a working person to make contributions to the Russian Pension Fund in the established amount, and send the second part to a non-state pension fund or management company.

The volume to non-profit structures is no more than 6%, and the amount of payments to the Pension Fund is 10%. Thus, the funded part consists of those funds that a person transfers solely at his own request. In the absence of a corresponding application, deductions in the amount of 16% are automatically accumulated in the insurance part of the benefits.

After retirement age achieved, the Pension Fund is conducting a procedure for assigning payments, the volume of which is calculated from two indicators - the insurance and savings part.

Probability of pension increases

Pensions for non-working pensioners require indexation every year. The amount of the increase is based on the inflation rate. The Russian Government Decree states that in subsequent years, after 2018, the following increase in deductions is possible:

  • from 2019-2020 conversion will increase by 4%.

Accordingly, the average level of benefits for an actual pensioner will be 13 thousand 400 rubles, and by 2020 it will increase to 14 thousand 900 rubles.

Please note: the restrictive measures established in 2016 will remain unshakable. The Ministry of Finance explains this situation by increasing wages for working older people. Thus, in 2018, the minimum wage became equal to the subsistence level.

Increase in pension contributions by 1000 rubles monthly

The Cabinet of Ministers plans for 2019 to adjust the established procedure for indexing contributions to elderly people and increase their level by 7.05%, i.e. above the inflation threshold, relative to previous periods.

In turn, this will make it possible to charge bonuses of one thousand rubles, which will improve the quality of life of a socially vulnerable group by an average of 12 thousand rubles. It is noteworthy that indexation will begin to take effect from 01/01/19 at a time, and not in 2 approaches, as established in the current Russian legislation.

Increase planned for next year, will be carried out due to budget funds included in the new bill, i.e. due to savings due to increasing the age of retirement.

Such an increase in payments will be made only for pensions, non-working pensioners, including in 2019. There are no plans to increase those citizens who will remain in their jobs.

Who is entitled to a bonus in 2019?

At the government level, an increase of 1,000 rubles is associated with an increase in the retirement age of persons with insurance contributions. Thus, an increase in payments does not threaten all citizens, but only that category of persons who have fulfilled the following requirements:

  1. Persons who are current actual pensioners;
  2. Citizens receiving benefits in old age, due to the loss of a breadwinner or disability.

At the same time, the Russian government has not provided for the accrual of increases for working elderly citizens since 2019. Indexation of this category of persons has not been carried out since 2016 and in the future this provision will not be revised in a different direction.

Against this backdrop, recipients social benefits from April 1, they received an increase in payments in connection with the adjustment of the minimum subsistence level for an unprotected category of citizens.

Subsidies in the amount of 1,000 rubles will be provided to citizens with the average benefit in the Russian Federation in 2019, i.e. 14,414 rubles. In fact, the size of the increase differs from the amount of support, i.e. one thousand rubles for the average benefit. However, relative indicators indicate that growth will be no more than 7.05%.

Latest news about pensions from 2019

The President of Russia set tasks for the government to increase the level of income of the population. In this regard, a number of events and government programs are planned, within the framework of which benefits will grow at a rate exceeding inflation. Not last value in such measures an increase of one thousand rubles is given. Thus, it becomes clear how much the pension for non-working pensioners will be increased.

Next year, the increase in subsidies will be over 14,000 rubles relative to the current average income of an elderly person. This will be possible thanks to the increase and the projected inflation threshold of 4%. The government assumes that this approach will be able to guarantee the preservation of the average size of benefits, and by 2024 payments will amount to 20,000 rubles. Thus, there will be an increase in household incomes by 35% compared to 2018.

Important! Minister of Labor M. Topilin noted that regulations providing for the correction of traditional indexation will be considered as part of the second reading of the law on increasing the age of retirement. The State Duma will also consider the possibility of adjusting the pension budget in 2019 taking into account upcoming expenses.

In accordance with current legislation, non-working pensioners receive an annual conversion of 50% of current inflation. The possibility of subsidies in the next year, as well as their growth, depends on savings in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation due to an increase in the retirement age. In addition, the Russian government noted several times that the budget released as a result of the measures will be used to increase the quality of life of a socially vulnerable category of citizens.

Social supplement to pension

Social subsidies are overall size security transferred to the addressee if the citizen’s income does not reach the minimum wage. Accordingly, the additional payment involves bringing the pension to the minimum threshold. The social pension is intended for the low-income category of the population and is provided from the federal budget. Moreover, its size does not depend on the type of payments and personal savings of the citizen.

The main difference between SD and material state aid is the address factor and lump sum payment. That is, it is established and transferred every month until the person finds a job or his income reaches the subsistence level.

The process of determining rights to social pension is formed from the following types of deductions:

  1. All pension payments, including those passing through law enforcement agencies;
  2. Any monetary contributions to the disabled, WWII veterans, families due to the loss of a breadwinner, as well as those equivalent to these groups. The set of additional services includes:
    • use of public city transport, including to the place of treatment;
    • medications;
    • treatment in sanatoriums;
  3. Social subsidies of additional importance intended for Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, order bearers and other persons receiving payments for various services to the Motherland.

Experts note that the third point is inappropriately included in this list, since these citizens already receive material support several times higher than the minimum wage.

It is noteworthy that regional authorities also carry out social support measures in the form of one-time contributions. In addition, the total amount of income is not taken into account social support, presented in natural equivalent. The exception is payment for mobile or landline communications, housing, utilities, and free travel.

Important! The new bill sets the age for retirement: 65 years for men, 60 years for women. The President of Russia introduced such a softening of the policy, since initially the plans were 63 years for women. However, innovations will be introduced systematically, and in 2109 transition period, in connection with which the age of future pensioners will be increased by 6 months, i.e. for the female population - 55.5 years, for the male population - 60.5 years.

Who can claim additional payments to pensions?

SD is not intended for all categories of citizens, therefore, in order to obtain the right to receive deductions, a number of requirements must be met:

  1. Be a member of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation as an actual pensioner, i.e. the presence of employment automatically removes the right to apply for benefits, regardless of the amount of remuneration;
  2. Permanent registration and residence in the country. If you are abroad, the subsidy is automatically withdrawn;
  3. Benefits are intended only for low-income people if their income does not reach the pensioner’s subsistence level.

Determining the prerequisites for obtaining SD may include deductions:

  • due to old age;
  • presence of a disability group;
  • work experience;
  • due to the loss of a breadwinner;
  • and other.

In fact, the recipients of government subsidies are vulnerable segments of the population, i.e. people who have retired and lost their breadwinner, including those working in departments. In addition, applicants for the right to SD are disabled people of category III and recipients of a social pension.

Types and amounts of social supplements

State plan subsidies are divided into 2 types:

  • federal purpose (FSD);
  • regional purpose (RSD).

In each region, if a benefit equal to the subsistence level is not received, only one increase in the pension of a non-working pensioner can be received.

Please note: the type of subsidy depends on the price of the minimum wage in a particular region of location. If a person moves for permanent residence to another region, the amount of the supplement will be revised in accordance with the current standards in the new region of residence.

Federal social subsidy

The accrual of FSD is established in those areas where the subsistence minimum of regional significance is lower than the national average. The amount is calculated in such a way that the final income of a person’s pension contributions is not below the pensioner’s subsistence level.

Deductions for this type of benefits are made from the federal budget under the auspices of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Statistics indicate that in most regions of the country there is a system of federal subsidies for actual pensioners.

At the same time, there are entire districts where the population’s income does not reach the minimum wage, namely:

  • North Caucasian Federal District, where the average monthly salary is 7535 rubles;
  • Southern Federal District - 8171 rub.;
  • Volga region - 7746 rubles;
  • Siberian district - 8514 rubles;
  • Crimean Autonomous Okrug - 8098 rub..

This situation is due to the low incomes of citizens, and as a result, the unsatisfactory quality of life in a particular region. After reviewing the economic indicators, the Russian government established the possibility of obtaining additives.

Regional social supplement

Regional bonuses are assigned in those areas where the minimum wage of older people is higher than throughout the country. Such territories are recognized as the northern regions, as well as donor regions with positive dynamics in quality of life. According to statistical information, in the Russian Federation in 2017 there were only 16 regions with a valid RSD.

The right to form and make payments of regional subsidies is vested in executive authorities. Most often, such institutions are bodies social protection in the area where an elderly person is located.

Only the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can assign and pay federal subsidies, according to an application received from a citizen, which is submitted simultaneously with the formation of old-age benefits or other subsidies. In addition, the application can be submitted at the moment such a right arises directly at the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the address of residence.

Note: complete information on how to receive a regional subsidy is provided by social security authorities automatically without a citizen’s application.

The Government of the Russian Federation sets goals for the coming years to improve the quality of care for the welfare of the population. Therefore, obligations were taken to support actually elderly people if they receive benefits below the minimum wage or minimum wage. Thus, the poverty threshold is expected to decrease to unprecedented levels.

Watch the video about whose pensions will be increased in 2019

November 20, 2018, 19:31 Jan 29, 2019 20:13

The retirement age in Russia, as one of the elements planned by the Government, will begin to increase in 2019. This increase will be 5 years for men(respectively from the current 60 to 65 years) and 5 years for women(from 55 to 60 years old). The increase will occur smoothly, taking into account a long transition period - the retirement age will increase annually for 1 year, and for the first two years of the new law, mitigations will be provided - in 2019 and 2020. it will be possible to retire six months ahead of schedule (see). For those who must retire before the end of 2018, the standards do not change.

A law of this content was adopted in the third reading by the State Duma on September 27, 2018 and signed by the President of the Russian Federation on October 3, 2018. This law fully takes into account the amendments proposed by Vladimir Putin, thereby softening the parameters of the reform of raising the retirement age proposed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (annual increase by 1 year and increasing the age for women to 63 years).

The increase in the old age pension age will be the first to affect men born in 1959 and women born in 1964- instead of retiring in 2019 at the ages of 60 and 55, they will be able to do so only six months later (at the ages of 60.5 and 55.5, respectively). The amendments taking into account were adopted in the State Duma in the second reading on September 26, 2018 and approved in the third on September 27, 2018. The law in its final form (No. 350-FZ) was signed by the President on October 3, 2018.

Law on raising the retirement age from 2019

Table - Which years of birth are eligible for raising the retirement age?

Proposed retirement age targets with adjustments made by President V. Putin 65 years for men and 60 years for women will be finally established only in 2023. Thus, the transition period for men and women will last 5 years. The retirement age by year of birth will look like this (table below):

MenWomenIn what year will they retire?
Date of BirthRetirement ageDate of BirthRetirement age
I half of 195960.5 I half of 196455.5 II half of 2019
II half of 195960.5 II half of 196455.5 I half of 2020
I half of 196061.5 I half of 196556.5 II half of 2021
II half of 196061.5 II half of 196556.5 I half of 2022
1961 63 1966 58 2024
1962 64 1967 59 2026
1963 65 1968 60 2028

Thus, the proposed changes will affect all citizens of the Russian Federation who as of January 1, 2019, they have not yet received an old-age pension in accordance with the current retirement age established by paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 - namely women born in 1964 and men born in 1959 and younger.

Pension reform in 2019

Raising the retirement age is not the only change that will happen in 2019 in the pension system of Russians. On October 3, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a number of laws providing for adjustments pension legislation, which will come into force on January 1, 2019. In particular:

  • New grounds will be introduced for early retirement:
    • Opportunity to receive pension payments for 2 years ahead of schedule will be provided - 37 years for women and 42 for men.
    • , age will be set early exit to retire - in 57 and 56 years old respectively (i.e. 3 and 4 years earlier than the new retirement age).
  • Not only the generally established retirement age will be adjusted, but also the standards for certain categories of citizens who had the right to preferential registration payments:
    • For workers of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, the value of age, i.e. Now you can receive payments when you reach 55 and 60 years(women and men respectively).
    • For teachers, doctors and workers creative professions whose pension is assigned for length of service, the requirements for length of service will not change, but the deadline for processing payments will be deferred for 5 years. This means that they will be able to become a pensioner only 5 years after completing special work experience.
    • Social old-age pension can only be received upon reaching 65/70 years of age, i.e. The standard will similarly be increased by 5 years.
  • The rules for pension indexation will change. If the old law provided for an annual increase in payments from February 1 to the level of last year’s inflation, then in the period from 2019 to 2024 Pensions will be indexed from January 1 by a predetermined coefficient. Thus, already in 2019 the average due to indexation is 7.05%.
  • Every year, the state indexes pensions for the next year by an amount greater than the inflation of the previous year. So far, it is only assumed that the inflation rate in 2017 will be 3.2%. It could rise to 3.4% or even fall to 3.1%. Thus, strictly speaking, 2 months before the end of the year it is impossible to say exactly what the indexation will be. On the other hand, it has already been announced that indexation will be 3.7%.
  • Since the indexation percentage is calculated based on real inflation, it is clear why the indexation date was always February 1 - January was needed for calculations. But since 2018, it was decided to focus not on the real, but on the forecast inflation rate - this is in order to postpone indexation to January 1. This is how it will be now. To the point that it will also be held for military pensioners on the same day. The President of the country specifically asked for this at a meeting with the Government.
  • But here some factors intervene.

    Firstly, things are not going so badly in the Russian economy, especially in the second half of the year, there are additional income, some funds from 2017 will never be spent. That's why there is talk about additional raises. The State Duma even had to convene for an extraordinary meeting to adopt a special law on the distribution of 2017 funds in 2018.

    Secondly, Moscow is a separate region of the country. If they say that the economy in the country is gradually improving, then in Moscow things are really getting better, at least all companies, from Gazprom to, are “reporting” record revenues, semi-annual and quarterly.

    Thirdly, and for Russia this is especially important - here we are all “politicians” to a much greater extent than the people around the world - the country’s presidential elections are ahead. Surely we should expect these “gifts” from the state. At the very least, it would be the height of unreasonableness on the part of the authorities to reduce social payments before the elections - and there is nothing “bad” in this, the whole world does this.

    From all these observational facts and conclusions that are drawn for Muscovites by the city government.

    Let’s not forget that in 2018 there will be elections for the mayor of Moscow. Therefore, one should not be surprised that it was the mayor who came up with a high-profile initiative, which, there is no doubt, will definitely be supported.

    So, in 2018, the minimum Moscow pension will be increased by 3 thousand rubles - from 14,500 to 17,500.

    This is only a proposal for now, but it was expressed at a large meeting of the Moscow Government, so it will definitely be implemented. Sobyanin simply will have no other choice before the elections.

    Let's calculate what all this adds up to.

    With indexation at 3.7% and a pension of 14,500, from January 1, 2018, it should have been 15,036 rubles.

    An increase to 17,500 forces Sobyanin to look for another 2,464 rubles for each pensioner.

    If we take into account that there are 3 million pensioners in Moscow, it turns out that the total amount of the mayor’s proposal is 7 billion 390 million 500 thousand rubles per month, for the year - 88 billion 686 million.

    Now let's see how this looks against the background of the city's income.

    In 2016, Moscow had an income of 13 trillion 919 billion 400 million rubles (by the way, it decreased by 3% compared to 2015).

    Thus, it turns out that an additional 6.37% will be spent from the city budget to increase pensions in 2018. So, will you have to cut something?

    Sobyanin gives an answer to this question - spending on urban improvement will be reduced. The answer, however, cannot be satisfactory, because spending on improvement, for example, in 2016 amounted to only 22.4 billion. Well, even if they increased in 2017, it is still far from 88 billion.


    As for the Moscow pension increase in 2018, conversations immediately began in the regions - “why are we worse?”

    But these are, as they say in Odessa, completely different differences.