Fairy tales are a means of developing the speech of speech therapy children. Logopedic story. Exercises for the correct pronunciation of hissing sounds, sounds L, L, P, Pb

Ludmila Galitskaya
Logopedic fairy tales. A cycle of fairy tales on articulatory motor skills

Logopedic fairy tale"The Adventures of Snowflake"

(to a set of exercises for practicing whistling sounds [s], [s "], [s], [s"], [ts]). Lexical subject: "Seasons. Winter".

Today I will tell you about the adventures of Snowflake.

Winter came. Snowflake with her sisters - other snowflakes lived in a large snow cloud. ( "Coil") The cloud swayed gently, cradling the snowflakes. ( "Watch") Suddenly a strong wind came up and rolled a cloud across the sky. ( "Swing1") Waking up, snowflakes jumped from the clouds and flew to the ground. ( "Swing2") The blizzard raised snowflakes and circled them quickly - quickly. ( "Blow the Snowflake") The wind, playing up, then lifted them up, then lowered them down. ( "Swing3") And so the cold north wind carried Snowflake to the city. In the city, they rejoice in winter, sculpt different figures from the snow. Whirling, Snowflake flew up to the window and looked through it. And there the guys helped their mother with the housework. She smiled "Smile", settled down comfortably on the window ( "Pancake") and watched how mother and children baked pancakes and pies. First they poured flour, patted her with their childlike hands. ( "We will punish the naughty tongue") Then they rolled out the dough, ( "Comb") baked pancakes and sculpted pies. ( "Pancake", "Pie") While pies were baking in the oven, the children went outside to breathe fresh air and go downhill on a sled. ( "Slide") When the pancakes and pies were ready, my mother called the children. They came from the street, counted them, ( "Count your bottom teeth", shared and began to eat with delicious jam ( "Delicious jam") and sour cream. After that mom said It's late and it's time for bed. The kids went to brush their teeth "Brushing lower teeth") and sleep. And Snowflake remained to decorate the window of the house in which hardworking and obedient children lived.

Logopedic fairy tale"Adventure of the Brook"

(to a set of exercises for practicing sonorant sounds [l], [l "]). Lexical subject: "Seasons. Spring".

Today I will tell you about the adventure of the Creek.

Early spring has come. The weather was wonderful. The sun was warm and everything around was melting. The spring season has begun. In the ravine behind the small house in which the girl Lena lived, a blue stream flowed. It was either wide or narrow. ( "Spatula" - "Needle") Once Lena made a boat with a sail and let it into the stream. ( "Sail") She was very worried whether her boat would reach the real river.

Lena asked Brook:

Will you carry my boat to the river?

The brook murmured:

I will carry it, other streams will help me and carried the boat up and down the stream. ( "Swing")

Suddenly the brook came across a barrier of ice and could not carry the boat further. ( "Slide") But the sun warmed more strongly and the ice melted. Gradually, other streams began to flow into this stream. There was more water in the stream and the Brook carried the boat with even greater force. ( "Turkey") The boat was pressed either to one shore or to the other. ( "Painter")

And finally, the Brook carried the boat into the river, where a huge steamer was sailing. ( "Steamboat") When Lena was walking along the river bank, she saw a majestic steamer and her little boat with a pink sail. ( "Steamboat" - "Sail") The girl was very glad that the Brook carried her small boat to a real big river. ( "Smile")

Logopedic fairy tale"Adventures of the Sun"(to a set of exercises for practicing sonorant sounds [p], [p "]. Lexical subject: "Seasons.".

Today I will tell you about the adventures of the Sun.

Summer has come. The sun was sleeping on a soft, fluffy cloud. ( "Spatula") A gloomy cloud swam up to the sun and said that it was time to wake up, but he did not want to get up. The sun has risen "Proboscis", smiled, ( "Smile") and woke up. The rays of the sun lit up the earth. Birds chirped merrily in the summer forest. The animals have awakened from their night's sleep. Nature is alive. Looking up at the blue sky and down at the forest clearing, "Swing") he so wanted to warm everyone with his warmth and affection. The sun released its sunbeams on the forest dwellers. ( "Focus")

The horse, feeling warm, playfully clattered its hooves ( "Horse") and snorted. ( "Snort")

At the very path, under a birch, a mushroom has grown on a thick stem. ( "Fungus")

The woodpecker thumped loudly on the trunk of the tree. ( "Woodpecker")

Mosquitoes squeaked thinly and curled around the tree. ( "Komarik")

The sun illuminated the master's yard.

The owner was painting the fence. ( "Painter")

The owner played the harmonica. ( "Harmonic")

The turkey chattered merrily. ( "Turkey")

From the warmth and caress of the Sun, everyone was pleased and joyful in their souls!

Logopedic fairy tale"The Adventure of Kapitoshka"

(to a set of exercises for practicing hissing sounds [w], [g], [u], [h]). Lexical subject: "Seasons. Autumn".

Today I will tell you about the adventures of Kapitoshka.

Gloomy autumn has come. The weather is inclement, it often rains. The cloud descended lower, closer to the ground. Bach! And droplets of water jumped from the cloud - raindrops. One of these raindrops turned out to be Kapitoshka. He jumped onto a beautiful maple leaf and flattened himself like a pancake on a plate. ( "Pancake") Then he smiled, ( "Smile", stretched ( "Bagel", jumped from one leaf to another ( "Swing", from one flower to another ( "Painter"). Suddenly in the clearing he saw beautiful bells. In the cups of the bells, various midges and insects hid from the rain. ( "Cup") When Kapitoshka wanted to look into the cup of the bell, Flower said: "Just don't scare away the insects that hide from the rain". It was warm and dry under the bell. The captain wanted to have some fun. He called his sisters Dozhdinok, who jumped on the colorful autumn leaves. ( "Horse") And Kapitoshka turned into a small fountain. ( "Focus") All midges, insects were frightened and flew out of the cups of bells and hid under a large fungus - boletus. ( "Fungus", which from such rain has grown even more.

When Kapitoshka and his sisters Dozhdinka played enough, the cloud swam closer and called them back. ( "Chorus") they all went on another exciting journey together.

Fairy tales have great educational value for children of all ages. Special meaning have speech therapy tales.

Speech therapy fairy tales are such fairy tales that provide significant assistance in working with children who experience certain difficulties in speech development. The main purpose of using speech therapy fairy tales is to prepare children with speech disorders for school. Fairy tales facilitate the solution of such tasks as the formation of correct sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic perception and coherent speech, the enrichment of the dictionary, the prevention of the appearance of specific errors in writing, the development of attention, thinking, memory, and imagination of communication skills.






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Once upon a time there was a tongue in the world, and he wanted to go to the zoo. And we will go with him: we will depict all the animals that the tongue meets.

So Tongue came to the zoo and sees that someone huge, like a mountain, is sitting in the pond, and his mouth is wide open. It was… a hippopotamus. Come on and we will turn into hippos and open our mouths wide.


Open mouth wider

We play hippos:

Let's open our mouths wide

Like a hungry hippo.

You can't close it

Yes, I count five.

And then shut your mouth

The hippopotamus is resting.

O. Perova


We imitate frogs:

We pull the lips straight to the ears.

You are now pulling your lips -

I can see your teeth.

We will pull - we will stop

And we won't get tired.


I will imitate the elephant!

I pull my lips with a "proboscis".

And now I'm letting them go

And I return to the place.

Tongue admired the elephant and went to another cage. And there is no one there, only a long rubber hose is lying around in the middle. But suddenly the hose stirred, and Tongue saw that it was ... a snake. Let's make a snake!


We imitate the snake

With her, we will be on a par:

Stick out your tongue and hide

Only in this way, and not otherwise.

Tongue watched the snake and went on. He sees the horse rides the children. I wanted to ride myself: “Horse, will you ride me?” And the horse replies: “Of course!” Tongue sat on a horse, shouted "but!" and jumped. Let's show how Tongue rode a horse.


I am a happy horse

Dark as chocolate.

Click your tongue loudly -

You will hear the sound of hooves.

Tongue rode, got off the horse and suddenly saw himself in the mirror: “Oh, how shaggy I have become! Probably, he raced very fast on a horse! Gotta brush up!" Tongue took out a comb and began combing his hair. Let's show you how he did it.


I'm friends with hair

I put them in order.

Thank you hair.

And my name is ... comb.

Tongue put himself in order and suddenly thought: isn't it time for him to go home? We need to know what time it is. Show me how the clock works!


Tick-tock, tick-tock.

The tongue swung so

Like a clock pendulum.

Are you ready to play the clock?

Learned the tongue what time it is. Unfortunately, it was already late: it was time to return home. What about a gift for mom? I bought a tongue several balloons and began to inflate them, but, unfortunately, some of them burst. Show how the Tongue inflated the balloons.


I blew up a balloon.

A mosquito bit him.

The ball popped. No problem!

I will inflate a new ball.

The end, and who listened and did well done!!!


"Speech Therapy Tales"

1. Introduction

"A fairy tale is a grain,

from which will grow

emotional evaluation

child of life phenomena"

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

For the first time in the history of our country, pre-school education has become the first level of education. The main idea of ​​the Federal State Educational Standard is to support the diversity of childhood through the creation of conditions for the social situation of the assistance of adults and children for the development of the abilities of each child. It sets out conditions and development programs that take into account the diversity of preschoolers. The preschool standard will give all children the opportunity to show their individuality. Each child will develop at the pace that is characteristic of him. Modern children are different from us, therefore, it is more and more difficult to establish interaction between a child and a parent, a child with a teacher, a child with society.

Implementing the priority areas of the federal state educational standard preschool education, we, as representatives of the young generation of Modern Speech Therapy, have to constantly look for ways to improve and optimize the process of teaching and developing children. Innovative technologies that we use in speech therapy practice, namely fairy tale therapy, are based on the priority areas of the Federal State Educational Standard, serve as an effective complement to the formation of the sound culture of speech of preschoolers and are relevant today.

The ability to speak correctly and beautifully great importance for the full development of a person's personality. Currently in preschool institutions there are more and more children with speech disorders.Modern speech therapy is in constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children in different age stages and in various educational conditions which are typical for children with speech disorders.One of the most important qualities is sound pronunciation. It is known that working on sound pronunciation for preschoolers is hard work.

The fairy tale as a treasury of the Russian people finds application in various areas of work with preschool children with speech disorders.

When using fairy tale therapy in the development of speech, a communicative orientation of each word and statement of the child is created, the lexical and grammatical means of the language are improved, the sound side of speech in the field of pronunciation, perception and expressiveness, the development of dialogic and monologue speech, there is a relationship between visual, auditory and motor analyzers.

The development of speech through fairy tale therapy will contribute to the development of an active, correct, emotionally rich speech of a preschooler.

Project "Speech therapy fairy tales"has become one of the most important components in the organization of continuous educational activities in our group. Its most important advantage is the independent "acquisition" of knowledge by children. "Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I'll remember, let me try and I'll understand" - so says Eastern wisdom. Indeed, only by acting independently, by trial and error, the child acquires - "appropriates" knowledge and experience.

Knowledge, skills that a child acquires in the process of practical activities are absorbed faster, easier and give better results; complex and sometimes uninteresting speech therapy exercises become fun for the child.

2. Purpose: Correction of sound pronunciation and speech development of older children speech therapy group through the use of speech therapy fairy tales and fairy tale therapy.


    Awaken children's interest in the correct sound pronunciation through a fairy tale.

    To develop coherent speech of children.

    Improve: lexical and grammatical means of the language; the sound side of speech in the field of sound pronunciation, perception and expressiveness.

    To create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom, to develop the cooperation of a speech therapist with children and with each other.

    Strengthen children's faith in their own abilities, smooth out negative experiences associated with speech inferiority.

    develop speech and Creative skills children.

    Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory.

    Increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes to involve children in the process of active learning.

    To unite the efforts of teachers and parents in joint activities for correction speech disorders, make extensive use of parental potential.

    Encourage joint productive activities of children and parents.

Project Implementation Methods

1. Visually effective method:

Examination of book illustrations;

Conducting didactic, outdoor games;

Reading by teacher fiction;

The embodiment of the impressions of children in creative manifestations;

2.Verbal-figurative method:

Reading fairy tales with subsequent dramatization;

Advice for parents, explanations, instructions, verbal instructions.


Answers to the questions of the teacher, children;

Conducting various games;

Messages of additional material by the educator;

3.Practical method:

Automation of sounds in independent speech

Organization of productive activities: writing fairy tales, drawing illustrations for fairy tales;

Making characters for fairy tales for the table theater;

Making a book based on fairy tales and drawings of children.

Expected results of the project:

In children:

    Automation of delivered sounds in independent speech;

    improvement of the sound side of speech;

    successful mastery of competent and coherent speech;

    mastering the skills of expressive, correct speech;

    development of creative potential, culture of speech, cognitive activity child through a fairy tale (theatrical activity);

    increased interest in activities.

Parents :

    Participation with children in the preparation of speech therapy fairy tales

    active participation of parents in the educational process of preschool educational institutions from the standpoint of cooperation

    increasing the interest of parents not only in the results, but also in the very process of correctional and educational work.

    Pride for the participation of parents in a joint project.

For teachers:

    Assistance to teachers of preschool educational institutions in determining the main directions and content of work on the development of a sound culture of speech.

    development of methodological and practical material for the project.

3. Theoretical justification project

Fairy tale therapy is a form of knowledge and treatment of the soul. Thanks to fairy tale therapy, a person develops a creative attitude to life, it helps to see the variety of ways to achieve a goal, develops hidden abilities to solve life problems, self-confidence appears, a person is also freed from negative emotions, orients himself in the environment, realizes his strengths and weaknesses, develops self-esteem and self-control.

Grishina I.I. and Dalkheeva A.M. considered the influence of fairy tale therapy on the formation of a self-sufficient personality in childhood. When getting acquainted with a fairy tale, the child enters a virtual world that does not come into contact with reality. The world of fairy tales, in their opinion, is filled with a variety of events and situations, and when a child encounters similar situations in life, he is able to find a solution to the problem. The fairy tale forms in the child the ability to make decisions independently (1).

The study of fairy tales begins in the 17th century, when scientific interest in this genre arose, especially in the field of philology, ethnology, and history. One of the first scientists who saw in fairy tales a reflection of the history and life of the Russian people and spoke about their value was the historian V. N. Tatishchev. Many writers of the 18th and 19th centuries also showed interest in fairy tales, who saw in them a reflection of the “soul of the Russian people”. They not only found echoes of antiquity in the fairy tale, but also understood their vital significance. Belinsky especially appreciated satirical tales, which, in his opinion, were very important for the study of folk concepts, attitudes and language (4).

Both foreign and domestic psychologists turned to the analysis of fairy tales in their work: E. Fromm, E. Garden, A. Meneghetti (3), E. Lisina, E. Petrova, R. Azovtseva, and others. The method of fairy tale therapy appeared at the turn of the 60-70s of the twentieth century, justified by M. Erickson and further developed by his student V. Rossi. In Russia, the method of fairy tale therapy began to be used from the beginning of the 90s by I.V. Vachkov (6), D.Yu. Sokolov, S.K. Nartova-Bochaver.

But not so long ago, fairy tale therapy arose as an independent direction in practical psychology, and immediately gained immense popularity. (8). IN scientific world fairy tale therapy has existed for only 12 years. Attempts to explore fairy tales, to look at them from an unusual angle, to see something hidden, completely unreal at first glance, have been made by scientists more than once. Psychologists say that fairy tales evoke intense emotional resonance in both children and adults.

For a child fairy tale is a guide to "adult" life with its sometimes harsh moral laws; fairy-tale events become the first “school of life”, and the actions of the heroes become a measure of good and evil and a guiding thread leading to independent decision-making (3). In these complex processes of personality formation, the form of metaphor in which fairy tales are created is the most accessible to the perception of the child. A fairy tale teaches a child not only to understand the situation, but also to act in a certain way, thanks to the solution of fairy tales.situations, the child receives intuitive selection criteria and freedom of action (4).

In working with children with speech disorders, a fairy tale is an effective developmental and corrective tool for the development of all aspects of speech. E.N. Vinarskaya notes that emotional discomfort negatively affects the development of all aspects of speech. Therefore, a speech therapist and educator in joint activities need to ensure a positive attitude and maintain interest in the exercises performed, consolidate and improve in a new situation. A fairy tale is a good helper in this work.
Methodical work with a fairy tale has a long history. For the first time the term "fairy tale" occurs in the seventeenth century. The fairy tale was "one fun", worthy of the lower strata of society. Later, based on the studies of B. Bettelheim, R. Gardner, K. Jung, V. Propp, modern concept fairy tale work.
At the present stage, the method of working with a fairy tale is being actively developed by many well-known teachers and psychologists (T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva (10), T.M. Grabenko, V.A. Gnezdilov, G.A. Bystrova, E.A. Sizova, T.A. Shuiskaya, M.A. Povalyaeva, etc.). The Institute of Fairy Tale Therapy, which was opened in St. Petersburg, is developing a methodology for complex work with a fairy tale for children who have developmental disabilities.
K. I. Chukovsky noted that adults think in words, verbal formulas, and young children think in things, objects. According to D. Rodari, "Fairy tales can help educate the mind, give the keys to enter reality in new ways, can help the child to know the world and endow his imagination."
Speech therapy fairy tales are such fairy tales that provide significant assistance in working with children who experience difficulties in speech development.
Logotales - it is holistic pedagogical process, contributing to the development of all aspects of speech, the education of moral qualities, as well as the activation mental processes(attention, memory, thinking, imagination).
Logotales can be used by speech therapists and educators in their work with children with speech disorders. Fairy tales are held as a whole lesson, a didactic game, a theatrical performance. A speech therapy fairy tale requires the active participation of children in the course of the story.

There are the followingtypes of logotales :
1. Articulation (develop speech breathing, articulatory motor skills)
2. Finger (develop fine motor skills, graphic skills).
3. Phonetic (clarify the articulation of a given sound, automate, differentiate sounds).
4. Lexico-grammatical (enrich vocabulary, consolidate knowledge of grammatical categories).
5. Fairy tales that contribute to the formation of coherent speech.
6. Fairy tales for teaching literacy (introduce sounds and letters).
Also distinguished:
1. Didactic logo tales with the inclusion of various exercises, tests, trials, etc. (T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva) (10):
- Articulation.
- Phonetic.
- Fairy tales for teaching literacy.
2. Logotales aimed at developing the polysensory nature of a child with speech impairment (“fairy tale” plus “objective activity”) (O. G. Ivanovskaya, E. A. Petrova, S. F. Savchenko), (11):
- Finger.
3. Logo-tales-trainings, saturated with certain phonemes, word forms, lexical and grammatical categories (author's tales of speech therapists teachers G. A. Bystrova, E. A. Sizova, T. A. Shuiskaya)
- Lexico-grammatical.
4. Logotales with simulated content (T. A. Tkachenko).
- Fairy tales that contribute to the formation of coherent speech.

4. Content of the project

Stages of project implementation:

I stage preparatory - organizational work

II main stage - project implementation activities

Stage III final - summarizing, analysis of the expected result of the project implementation

IV project presentation - The final event, theatricalization of a mini-fairy tale, compiled by children with a speech therapist teacher.

Preparatory stage:

Examination of the speech of preschool children.

Determining the theme of the project.

A plan of movement towards the goal is outlined, which is discussed with children and parents. The tasks of children at this stage of the project implementation are: entering the problem, getting used to the game situation, accepting tasks and goals, supplementing tasks with children. Children are involved in solving the problem “What do fairy tales teach us?” through the game situation and didactic games which contributes to the motivation for creative activity.

Acquaintance with the literature on the topic "Education by a fairy tale."

Preparation of the articulation apparatus for the formation of articulation structures.

Preparation of consultations, master classes for parents and teachers

Disclosure of the meaning and content of the forthcoming work, development

necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the project, taking into account modern requirements and speech capabilities of children.

main stage

The tasks set for all activities of the project are being solved.

Conducting classes, conversations with children.

Cooperative activity teachers, children and parents.

Making exhibitions of children's drawings.

Preparing and conducting workshops for parents.

Announcement of a competition of speech therapy fairy tales for parents and their children.

Ways to implement the project:

- Design and replenishment of the center of the book with fairy tales.

Drawing illustrations for fairy tales.

Organization of an exhibition of drawings.

dramatizations, theatrical performances, games - dramatizations.

Involving parents in the project.

Creation of a book of fairy tales.

The final stage

The final event, theatricalization of a mini-fairy tale, compiled by children with a speech therapist teacher.

Summing up the results of the competition of family fairy tales. (Graduations).

Presentation of the book of fairy tales.

- Presentation of the project "Speech therapy fairy tales" for speech therapists of the Poronaysky district and teachers of MBDOU.

5.Practical significance

Practical significancethe project isthat the proposed system for the use of speech therapy fairy tales, fairy tale therapy in correctional speech therapy process can be used in the speech development of children and without speech disorders, as a prevention of violations speech development V preschool age, as well as dysgraphia and dyslexia at school age.

The project allows children to develop public speaking skills, gives confidence in their abilities, and increases the child's personal status in the group. Contributes to the development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection.

This form of interaction with parents makes them active participants in the educational process (the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education on the interaction of the Organization with parents) and leads to a positive resolution of the tasks set.

Degree of application of the project:

Project presentation in kindergarten;

Expansion of the project, adding new fairy tales for various sounds, new forms of work;

The possibility of using the project in the preparatory, senior, possibly middle groups various preschool educational institutions;

Participation in the municipal competition of innovative projects;

Placement on the electronic portfolioMAAM. EN

6. Performance:

Children successfully mastered competent and coherent speech.

Improved sound pronunciation.

There was an interest in the lessons.

Parents are involved in a single space "family - kindergarten".

Distribution of experience:

    project presentation on methodical association teachers-speech therapists of the district;

    participation in the municipal competition of innovative projects.

    posting on an e-portfolioMAAM. EN

Project product: "Kiga of logopedic fairy tales"

Project Demand: the project can be used in kindergartens, schools, speech centers.

Possible risks and compensatory measures to eliminate them:

1. Weak interest of children and parents.

Ways to overcome: Joint events with children and parents. Informing parents with information boards.

2. The inconsistency of the composition of children during continuous educational activities.

Ways to overcome: Individual work with absent children, making memos for parents, informing children and parents at the end of the week.

7. Financial and economic feasibility study of costs for the implementation of the Project

Use of extrabudgetary funds:

Personal funds.

A children's fairy tale is a necessary element in the upbringing of a child; it tells him about life in an accessible language, teaches him, highlights the problems of good and evil, and shows a way out of difficult situations.

A fairy tale is the language of children, for them it is more informative than the squeezed insipid adult speech. Therefore, if we, adults, want to help, explain, support, discover something for our child, then we need to re-master the forgotten children's language - a fairy tale.

By telling and reading fairy tales, we educate a child, develop his inner world, give knowledge about the laws of life and ways of displaying creative ingenuity.

Children who have been read fairy tales from early childhood begin to speak faster, not just in a set of words, but in a good literary language.

A fairy tale forms the basis of behavior and communication in a child for life, teaches perseverance, patience, the ability to set goals and go towards them. Listening to fairy tales, children accumulate in their subconsciousness the mechanisms for solving life situations, which, if necessary, are activated.

The fairy tale develops the creativity, fantasy, imagination and sympathy of the little man.

There is always a lesson in a fairy tale, but the lesson is very soft, kind, rather, it is friendly advice.

So why not use a fairy tale to correct children's speech?

One of the most important principles in working with children, especially on children, is the principle of repetition, which is explained by the reduced ability to automate skills. But the same exercises quickly bother the child. In order to interest children, all exercises can be combined into small fairy tales. These fairy tales can be invented by a teacher, parents, or you can offer to dream up the child himself. And then the usual occupation will sparkle with new colors, emotions, and, accordingly, the child will be able to quickly master the necessary knowledge and skills.

The proposed fairy tales were invented to work out sets of exercises that develop the correct one. You can tell a story and do the exercises at the same time.

Fairy tale "How the mouse and the kitten became friends."

One morning the kitten Timka woke up very early, scratched himself with his paw behind the ear and decided to wash, comb his hair ( exercise "Comb"). The kitten smiled, stretched ( exercise "Frogs smile", "Fence") and suddenly became alert (exercise "Donut"). What is this noise? I listened, and the clock is ticking ( Exercise "Clock"). No, it's not just the clock, something else is making noise.

And then Timka noticed a little mouse, which quickly ran to the pantry, moving its paws. The kitten was very surprised, then he was delighted and began to quietly sneak behind the mouse. He seized the moment, jumped and squeezed the little mouse in his front paws. The mouse was so frightened that he closed his eyes and completely stopped breathing.

"Mrrr meow!" - said Timka and licked his lips ( exercise "Delicious jam"). The little mouse opened one eye and saw sharp cat teeth right in front of him. He wanted to squeak, but from fear he could not utter a sound and only weakly moved his tongue ( exercise "Cup").

What, you can't talk? - the kitten was surprised and moved the mouse with its paw.

The mouse opened the second eye, smiled and was even able to click the tongue ( Exercise "Horse").

Yes, what's wrong with you? Let's play! Timka said and licked the mouse with his tongue.

Uff! - the mouse was finally able to exhale ( exercise "Proboscis"). - So you want to play?

Well, yes! And what did you think? Tim was surprised. - Now everyone is still sleeping, but I'm bored. Let's be friends!

Let's! the mouse agreed.

And now every morning they play together exercise "Swing"), and the little mouse Timka is no longer afraid of a bit!

Fairy tale "Resourceful little bear".

There lived a bear cub. Every morning, as soon as he wakes up, he brushed his teeth ( Exercise "Brushing your teeth") and went for a walk. After all, there are so many interesting things around!

Once he walked like this on a sunny summer day, until he felt that he was very hungry. The little bear stroked his tummy with his paw and thought about where to get delicious, sweet strawberries ( exercise "Stroke tongue, lips with teeth"). The bear cub looked around and decided to look for a clearing with berries. First he had to go down the hill ( exercise "Slide"). The bear stopped under a tree to rest a bit and then he heard that some bird was singing over his head ( ).

The little bear threw back his head and politely asked: “Dear bird, you are sitting so high, can you see a clearing with strawberries? Tell me which way to go!”. But no one answered him. The bear scratched his head with his paw and thought that the bird had not heard him and that he needed to climb higher and shout louder. He jumped up, clung to the trunk with his paws and stood slowly, leaning against it with all his might. go upstairs (exercise "Language strongman"). Then the bear cub pulled himself up a little more, hung on a branch and began to sway ( exercise "Swing").

“Hey, is there anyone there?!” the bear cub shouted, but again no one answered him. Then he rose even higher, from the effort he even pulled out his tongue ( exercise "Shovel"), and suddenly from a height I saw a clearing on which a lot of strawberries grew.

Hooray! It's good that I came up with the idea of ​​climbing a tree! - the bear cub shouted and as quickly as he could, he rolled down from the tree ( exercise "Coil").

Under a tree, he caught his breath and quickly ran to the clearing to finally refresh himself.

Fairy tale "Ill-bred mouse".

Lived alone in the forest ill-mannered little mouse. He didn't say "good morning" or "good night" to anyone. All the animals in the forest were angry with him - they do not want to be friends with him. The mouse became sad. He went to his mother and asked: “How can I make peace with all the animals in the forest? ". Mom tells him that you need to be polite to everyone. The mouse decided to improve, brushed his teeth ( exercise "Brush your teeth"), combed my hair ( exercise "Comb").

He sees a bunny swinging on a swing ( exercise "Swing"). He came up and said hello loudly Good morning!».

The bunny smiled and treated the mouse to a carrot. The mouse was delighted and went on. Towards the snake crawls ( Exercise "Fast Snake"), holds a weight in the tongue so that it is strong ( exercise "Language-strongman").

And the little mouse greeted her. The snake was surprised and dropped the weight. The mouse really liked being polite. He ran on to say hello to someone else. He sees a crow sitting on a tree and holding a bagel in his mouth ( exercise "Doughnut").

The mouse shouted loudly to her "Good morning!". The crow croaked in response and flew off to tell everyone how polite the little mouse had become.

And the mouse kept running through the forest, greeting everyone and was so tired that he stumbled and rolled down the hill ( exercise "Slide").

Almost fell into the water. Well, the fence kept him, which the frogs built ( exercise "Fence").

He rested, looked around, he sees: the frogs are jumping, they invite him to play with them.

But the mouse has no time to play - he has not yet wished everyone a good morning. He runs through the forest and sees: a bat woke up on a tree. "Good morning!" - the mouse shouts to her. “Evening has already come,” the bat answers, “ Good evening, little mouse! And the little mouse whistled merrily like a train exercise "The train whistles"). And he ran home so that his mother would not worry that he had been gone for so long.

It is useful for children to repeat fairy tales with their parents and educators. Such consolidation of the material can be an additional task for the development of vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech.

Good luck in your studies, joy in communication!


Description of articulation exercises used in fairy tales.

Exercises to relax the muscles of the organs of articulation and to form lip movements.

Stroke, then lightly bite your lower lip with your teeth.

"Comb":“comb” the upper and lower lips in turn with the teeth.

"The Frogs Smile": learn to smile openly.

"Fence": learn to involuntarily hold a smile, opening his teeth.

"Elephant Trunk": stretch your lips forward and close.

"Bagel": smoothly round the lips and do not close the count to 5.

"Watch": open your mouth, stick out a narrow tongue; pull it alternately to the right, then to the left.

Exercises for the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds.

"Spatula": you need to learn how to relax the muscles of the tongue, keeping it wide.

Smile, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on your lower lip, hold it in this position, counting to 5.

Put the spatula in your mouth. Then lower the shoulder blade behind the lower teeth, trying to keep the tongue lying still, not trembling or moving.

"Am brushing my teeth": smile, open your mouth, brush your lower teeth with the tip of the tongue, moving from side to side.

"The Train Whistles": bring a clean vial to your mouth, stick out the tip of the tongue slightly so that it touches the neck, exhale air smoothly into the vial.

"Language-strongman": smile slightly, open your mouth, lower the wide tip of the tongue to the lower front teeth; put your tongue on your teeth.

"Swing": smile, open your mouth as with the sound "A"; lower the wide tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth (with inside) and hold under the account "times"; raise a wide tongue by the upper teeth and hold it at the expense of "two"; repeat several times, make sure that only the tongue works, and not the lower jaw.

"Slide": open your mouth wide, lower your wide tongue behind the lower teeth, rest against them with your tongue; firmly press the lateral edges to the upper molars.

Exercises for the correct pronunciation of hissing sounds, sounds L, L, P, Pb.

Learn to stretch your lips with a tube and hold them in this position. ( exercise "Elephant Trunk", "Tube").

"Cup": open your mouth wide, put the spatula tongue on the lower lip, lift the edges of the tongue and get a bowl.

"Delicious jam": with a wide tip of the tongue "lick off the jam" with upper lip making tongue movements from top to bottom.

"Fast snake": tense tongue movements from the mouth, then back to the mouth; moving the tongue from side to side; tongue movements to the right and left along the upper alveoli; hide the tongue in your mouth.

"Horse": smile, open your mouth, click slowly with the tip of your tongue; try so that the lower jaw and lips do not move, but only the tongue works.

Differentiation" href="/text/category/differentciya/" rel="bookmark">differentiation of sounds).

Tales for teaching literacy (in sounds and letters).

slide 9. 2. Logo fairy tales aimed at developing the polysensory nature of a child with speech impairment (“fairy tale” plus “objective activity”) (,):

Finger (development fine motor skills, graphic skills).

Slide 10. 3. Logo fairy tales-trainings, saturated with certain phonemes, word forms, lexical and grammatical categories (author's fairy tales of speech therapists teachers,)

Lexico-grammatical (enrichment of vocabulary, consolidation of knowledge of grammatical categories).

slide 11. 4. Logo fairy tales with simulated content ().

Fairy tales that contribute to the formation of coherent speech.


I also include additional fabulous material in my work.

For better memorization and pronunciation of words, a speech therapist uses various techniques and aids to help a non-speaking child act more and speak less: toys that are put on the child’s fingers, toys from kinder surprise); various desktop-printed aids, voluminous screens, mini-layouts, gloves with fairy tale characters glued on, a fairy tale on a carpet, masks, cards with graphic symbols, various kinds theaters, such as: with puppets on sticks, mittens, cardboard;

slide 13. An excellent tool for the development of movements is the game of "Theatre of fingers and tongue." Articulatory gymnastics, accompanied by movements of speech-motor rhythms to pronounced sounds (“Morning of the Musical Cat”).

slide 14. fairy tale on fingers

Very good training of finger movements provide folk games with fingers (white-sided magpie, goat, etc.). Finger fairy tales are included in fairy tale classes. For example, after reading the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" you can play like this. “The chicken went out for a walk ...” (Appendix)

The child learns the world through movements and emotions, and speech-motor exercises with elements of psycho-gymnastics will help him overcome pathological problems. To the fairy tale "Three Bears" exercise "Morning", Appendix, exercise for the fairy tale "Teremok" for the development of general motor skills and the formation of the ability to relax muscles in contrast with tension, Appendix

Slide 15.16,17,18. Articulating tales (development of breathing, articulatory motility). It is quite difficult for a child of 2-4 years old to perform “tongue exercises” with full dedication, they quickly get bored. But if all such difficult and not interesting work is presented in the form of small speech therapy fairy tales that develop the correct articulatory pattern of sounds, then everything changes: their eyes sparkle, and the children follow the story with interest and want to definitely help the main character of the plot. “The Tale of the Merry Tongue”, “The Frog-Green Belly (multimedia presentation accompanied by illustrative slides for children) “Tales about the Tongue”, Stories of the Merry Tongue. From my work experience, I can say that this form of presentation articulation exercises The children liked it and gave positive results.

slide 19.

You can use logo fairy tales not only for speech therapists, but also for educators. It is useful to include speech therapy games in the fairy tales recommended by the "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" under the editorship: "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip", "Three Bears", "Teremok", "Zayushkina Hut".

If we achieve noticeable results in working on breathing, auditory or visual attention, in the ability of children to feel and understand others, then this will inevitably have a beneficial effect on speech.

Phonetic (voiced) tales Didactic tasks: development of speed of reaction, sense of tempo and rhythm, articulatory motor skills.
Methodology. The teacher reads the text, the children accompany the story with sounding gestures, onomatopoeia, and finish the phrases. To voice fragments of fairy tales, poems, you can also use musical instruments, choosing them in accordance with the content of the work and the nature of the game character.
Phonetic warm-up for the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen", Appendix; to the fairy tale "Three Bears"; Appendix, an example of voicing the tale "About the naughty goat", Appendix.

slide number 20

In the logo tale there are necessarily and special exercises on breathing training, development of general speech skills. For example, the logo tale "Merry Journey" (exercises for the upper respiratory tract (based on materials), Appendix

To develop the power of the voice. Game: "The bunny will hear our ay - it will quickly be found in the cold forest" (according to the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"). Purpose: to teach to raise and lower the power of the voice. The goal that is voiced for children: the bunny is upset and lost in the winter forest, help him

Exercises for the development of speech breathing

-negotiation of individual words in a phrase;

“Ok, ok, ok, I have ... (kolobok).

Ka, ka, ka, no longer ... (kolobok).

Ok, ok, ok, the fox ate ... (kolobok) ".

-pronunciation of individual phrases fairytale heroes ; “Say phrases” (according to the fairy tale: “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”).

The goal that is voiced for children: let's plant a turnip, say the words:

“Let the turnip be big, strong”, “Let the turnip be tasty, sweet”;

The chicken came out for a walk and pecked at the peas: “Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! Pecking grains is easy!

-Breathing and articulation training"Talking Brook"

Didactic tasks: development of articulatory motor skills.

Methodology. The children hold hands, walk one after another and say the song of the stream: “On the pebbles - ding-ding-ding, on the snags - bul-bul-bul, on the sedge - sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”.


Slide 21.

Working with a fairy tale contributes to the development of the prosodic side of speech (voice timbre, its strength, tempo, intonation, expressiveness), forms ideas about the basic principles of constructing a coherent message (appeal-motivation, appeal-question, appeal-message). The use of logo-tales as a means of correcting and developing the communicative function of speech increases the speech activity and communicative orientation of the speech of children with disabilities.

Slide 22. References

1. Arushanova, and verbal communication of children: A book for kindergarten teachers / - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 1999. - 272 p.

2., O.M. Kislyakova Logopedic rhythmics. Methods of working with preschoolers suffering from OHP. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2002.

3. Gavrilushkina, on the development of communicative behavior of preschoolers in a kindergarten / // Child in kindergarten. - 2003. - No. 1.

4. Gribova, O. E. On the problem of communication analysis in children with speech pathology / // Defectology. - 1995. - No. 6. - P. 7

5. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, on fairy tale therapy / - Evstigneeva. - St. Petersburg: SPEECH, 2001. - 310 p.

6. Ivanovskaya, fairy tales for the development of speech: A fairy tale in natural education /,. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008. - 64

7. Abstracts of complex lessons on fairy tales with children 2-3 years old. - St. Petersburg: Parity, 2006.

8.E. Karelian. Let's help Buratino speak: From the experience of a speech therapist / / preschool education, 1999 No. 6 - p. 14-17

9. Naboykina games with a "special" child. - St. Petersburg:, 2006.

10. The practice of fairy tale therapy / Ed. .- St. Petersburg: , 2004.

11. http://www. *****/art. html#butterfly


The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass

And behind her the guys -

Yellow chickens.

"Co-co-co, co-co-co,

Don't go far

Row with your paws,

Look for grains.

Walk with two fingers - index and middle - of each hand. Pinching movements with all fingers of each hand.

Run with all fingers of both hands.

They clap their hands.

They threaten with the finger of the leading hand.

Rowing movements with each finger of both hands at the same time, thumbs fix the palms at the edge of the table.

Children collect grains alternately with two fingers of each hand or both hands at the same time: thumb - index, large - middle, etc.


Develop proper breathing.

Teach basic self-massage techniques.

Expand articulatory capabilities.

Develop a positive emotional background.

Optimize the overall tone of the body, remove pathological clamps.

Bear cubs are sleeping sweetly

Children lean against the backs of chairs or lower their heads on their hands folded on the table, close their eyes.

And they snort in a relaxed manner.

Breathe calmly and deeply.

The sun peeked through the window, Everyone closed their eyes a little.

Close your eyes tightly.

Bear cubs, stop sleeping,

Wide open eyes.

It's time for you to get up.

They get up from their seats.

The cubs all woke up, Stretched, smiled.

With tension, they pull their hands up, lower them, stretch their lips in a smile.

Bears love cleanliness. Everyone goes to wash.

They walk in place.

Faucet, open up

Imitate the movement of a hand when opening a tap.

Nose, wash yourself

Make stroking rotational movements with the index fingers of both hands along the nose from top to bottom on both sides,.

Wash both eyes at once

Perform circular massaging movements over the eyelids.

forehead and cheeks,

Smooth the forehead from the center to the temples.

Rubbing cheeks.

Wash your neck

Rub the neck, turning the head to the right and left.

Hands, wash well.

They rub their hands.

As if with a brush, we will begin to brush our teeth with a tongue.

Open the mouth, stroke the upper, then the lower teeth in the horizontal and vertical directions.

Bear cubs sniffed:

Take a full slow breath through the nose, hold the air for 2 seconds, slowly exhale through the mouth.

Something smells weird.

Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Delicious. It's honey! Mom is waiting for us for breakfast.

They sit on chairs.

Bear cubs lapped honey,

Perform laxative movements with the tongue, keep the mouth open.

Then the lips were licked.

Lick lips back and forth, keep mouth open.

They lick sweet honey from the palate with a tongue back and forth,

They stroke the palate with their tongue.

The tongue is not lowered, the top is strongly pressed.

The mouth is kept open.

Suction the tongue to the palate.

It is necessary to drink hot tea, But first, cool it.

Hand depict a cup.

you bear cubs

do not be lazy, first blow,

They inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, the lips are pulled out with a tube, the air stream is directed to the "cup" in the hand.

Then have a drink

Imitate “drinking” from a “cup”.

And then smile.

They stretch their lips into a smile.

Breakfast is eaten, the cubs are naughty, like turkey poults.

Perform quick movements of the tongue back and forth.

They teased each other and got to work.

They calmly sit down at the tables.


There is a teremok in the field (hands above the head - this is the "roof")
He is not low, not high, not high (squat - "low", get up - "high")
A lock hangs on the door, yes a lock (they interlock their fingers into the “lock”
Who would help open that lock?
Bunny on the left, bear on the right. (nod head left and right)
Move the latch! (pull arms to the sides, but fingers in the "castle")
On the left is a hedgehog, on the right is a wolf (nod their heads left and right)
Click on the lock! (fingers tighten)
Bunny, bear, hedgehog, wolf
Opening the teremok, the teremok! ("open the lock", spread their arms to the sides)


Corydalis(based on a German song)

Corydalis at the barn -

KO - KO - KO!

Oh, where are my chickens?

KO - KO - KO!

Oh, where are my boys?

KO - KO - KO!

We are here, we are close, mom!

PI - PI - PI!

Someone dug a hole

PI - PI - PI!

We all fell into a hole!

PI - PI - PI!

And they didn't disappear at all!

PI - PI - PI!



A bear sat under a tree

And looked at the sky.

And a song - "mumbler"

Quietly he sang:

BU - BU - BU - BU - BU - BOOM,


BO - BO - BO - BO - BO - BOM,

BA - BA - BA - BA - BA - BAM.


Fairy tale "About the naughty goat"

A goat lives with her grandmother - sharp horns and quick legs. He runs around the yard, chases birds, amuses granny. Grandma told him: “Don’t go, goat, to walk in the forest, there is a terrible wolf. Do not go, goat, into the forest! But the goat did not obey and ran away, all you can hear is how he clattered his hooves along the road (the children alternately clap their right and left hands on their knees). He jumped over the fence (the children raise their hands up, clap their hands, then hit their knees) and ran along the pavement (the children alternately knock on their chest with their fists), runs, shouting: “I’m not afraid of anything, I’d better rush further ...”

teacher: Oh, what is it?
Children: Oh, what is it?
teacher: Swamp! Can't bypass it?
Children: Don't get around it!
teacher: The road is straight! (“chap-chap-chap” - children rhythmically pull their right and left cheeks at the same time).
goat: I'm not afraid of anything, I'd better rush further ... (children perform alternate claps with their right and left hands on their knees).
teacher: Oh, what is it?
Children: Oh, what is it?
teacher: River! Can't bypass it?
Children: Don't get around!
teacher: The road is straight!
Children(tongue): Boo-boo-boo!
goat: I'm not afraid of anything, I'd better rush further ...
teacher: Oh, what is it?
Children: Oh, what is it?
teacher: Forest! Scary forest.
Children: Wu-u-u.
teacher: Dense forest. Children: Shhhh.
The goat got scared and started to run. Runs across the river (children: "bul-bul-bul"), through the swamp (children: "chap-chap-chap" pull off the right and left cheeks), along the pavement (their fists alternately knock on the chest), through the fence (children raise their hands up and hit their knees), across the yard (alternate clapping with right and left hands on the knees).
teacher: He ran to us, "oh," he said.
goat: Oh!
Children and goat: I will obey my grandmother. I won't run into the forest anymore.


Exercises for the upper respiratory tract (based on materials) Logo tale "Merry Journey"