Strong conspiracies for all occasions. Magic rituals of the Slavs. Who can pray to the saints

Conspiracies and prayers for all occasions are always used by people in order to improve their lives and make it more productive. Please note that each prayer implies an appeal to a specific Holy Face. The point is that higher power can help a person only if all words are spoken from a pure heart. We must remember that spells and prayers only work in those moments when a person really needs the help of magic. Otherwise, magical rituals simply will not make sense.

Rituals for protection from negative energy

A fairly common event in a person’s life is that he has to deal not only with white magic, but also with black magic. If white magic always helps, then black only brings destruction. Damage and the evil eye are very common in a person’s life and can destroy his life as a whole. All such conspiracies are aimed at improving life and can cleanse the energy sector of this negativity. Such magic words can be read every day and there will be no consequences from them. They are read only in the mornings. It is advisable to do it on an empty stomach and before dawn. If you carry out such simple rituals, your life will become much easier, without any troubles.

The words of the prayer are as follows:

“I, the servant of God (name), turn to the Most Holy Theotokos for help, so that she can help me get rid of damage and the evil eye. I ask you to put a shield on me from the evil eye. As soon as I meet bad person, so I immediately feel negative. It is quite possible that someone is deliberately sending this energy towards me. But I can’t understand who needs this, because as far as I know, there are no enemies or ill-wishers in my life. I live according to all the rules of the Lord and never violate the instructions of heaven. I believe in God and always try to help those who really need it. So may the Most Holy Theotokos hear my words and help in difficult times. I ask you, punish the one who wishes me harm. Amen".

How to make peace and prosperity reign in your home

Before performing the ritual, you must prepare several very important attributes:

  1. Poppy seeds. The poppy should be held in your left hand.
  2. Candle. It should be placed in your right hand when you cast your cherished spells.

“Let these poppy seeds absorb all the positive energy of heaven and begin to protect my home from dark forces. No one will ever be able to harm me, because the grace of the Lord will protect me. My home will become a fortress for me that dark forces cannot remove. Sorcerers and witches are not able to overcome the defense done. Sorrow and troubles will not be able to settle in my house. The walls of your home will represent metal obstacles that no one will get around. Amen".

How to prevent trouble

Very often, unpleasant situations can happen in the house. For example, a broken faucet or a gas leak. In order not to resort to the services of RES and not to call RER, you can use a simple ritual. Its meaning is that you need to memorize the treasured words and read them every day.

“May the forces of the Lord protect me, the servant of God (name), from the fact that I can make a terrible mistake. Only heaven can make sure that there are more correct conclusions in my head. There is no man in my life who could protect me. I want to be able to fix everything myself and not attract trouble. As soon as there is a problem in the house, I can immediately fix it. I just really want such moments to occur as rarely as possible. I am a fragile woman and can hardly do all the housework alone. Amen".

How to attract health

To ensure that no diseases take you by surprise, you should perform a special, simple, but effective ritual. It lies in the fact that you should learn magic spells by heart and read them early in the morning.

“I ask the Almighty God to help me. Only he, with his blessing, can protect me from diseases that could kill me. Everyone knows that the disease is very difficult to treat and does not always bring the necessary results. The point is, I don't want to get sick. My entire family relies on me to go to work and earn money. We exist only thanks to my earnings. May God protect my body and prevent any infection from ruining my life. Amen".

How to regain youth

If you are already at an age when you need to worry about your appearance, then you don’t have to spend money on expensive cosmetic procedures. It is enough to carry out a simple ritual that will help restore youth and beauty.

The words of the prayer sound like this:

“The girl puts her whole soul into her words and prays for help. Let the higher powers direct all their grace to ensure that she regains her youth and beauty. Let the men turn around in her wake and confess their love. As soon as she gets her old self back appearance, then her life will immediately improve noticeably. There will be new job offers and perhaps she will get married. I want the skin of my face to become more elastic and all wrinkles to disappear. Amen".

How to attract good luck

Conspiracies for all occasions.

Conspiracies are whispers. Whispers for all occasions. Powerful spells for money and luck

Whispers from negativity for all occasions

It is important to note one very important point. A conspiracy can only strengthen your efforts. He is not able to work independently. This is just an aid to your actions.

To get rid of smoking or alcoholism

Problem modern world is that common bad habits are quite common in it. Some people simply cannot imagine their day without alcohol or a pack of cigarettes. If you are not satisfied with this state of affairs, then you can read special spells:

“Conspiracies and prayers for all occasions will help the servant of God (name) get rid of bad habits. They will begin to positively influence his opinion. If he wants to smoke a cigarette or drink a glass of wine, his body will immediately reject it. Let all bad habits will cease to be in his life. I place my last hopes only in the Lord. A powerful flow of prayer will become powerful and contribute to beautiful family life. Current amulets do not help, so we ask God for help. Lord, your servant is turning to you. Amen".

It is very important that the words are read with a sacred candle and water. After this, the charmed water should be given to a person with bad habits. He can both drink it and wash his body with it. If you read the spell for at least a week, then soon progress will be felt. In just a few weeks, you will not recognize your loved one.

Conspiracies are a special type of oral magic, the purpose of which is to help a person achieve well-being in various areas of life. There are a huge variety of rituals, they can relate to both black and white magic. Let's look at the most popular and safe conspiracies and prayers for all occasions!

However, they are all united by the same rules that must be followed by the performer when pronouncing the cherished words:

  • any conspiracy must be read quietly, in a whisper or in a low voice;
  • you cannot read the ritual in the presence of strangers, otherwise they will lose their power and turn out to be useless;
  • the performer must have a strong will, not smoke, not drink alcohol;
  • conspiracies aimed at good and benefit are read on bright days (Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday), negative ones - on dark days (Monday, Friday). This rule may not apply to all rituals: often the day suitable for performance is specified in the ritual instructions.

For effectiveness, it is useful (but not necessary) for the ritual to begin with a foreword and end with an afterword. They sound like this:

  • words before pronouncing the spell: “Nikolai, God's saint! You are in the house and in the field, on the road and on the road, on earth and in heaven. Intercede and save from all evil!”;
  • spell after reading: “Whoever eats the white, flammable Alatyr-stone will overcome my conspiracy.”

Perhaps the most important condition for the success of any magical ritual is faith in its power. Such rituals help only those who believe in them. If you are very skeptical about magic, you may not even try to read conspiracies yourself. B best case scenario Nothing will work out for you; at worst, you will get the completely opposite result.

There are a myriad of different conspiracies and prayers. Even if we wanted to, it is impossible to cover all of them in this article. Therefore, I will present to your attention several proven rituals. The rituals described below, in my opinion, are relevant for every person. Get acquainted and use it for good.

For luck (for any thing)

Just imagine that almost any thing can become a talisman that brings happiness. To do this, you just need to speak to her using the words below and keep her with you at all times. The text needs to be read 12 times, the text reads as follows:

“Just as a squirrel wore a fur coat and couldn’t bear it, so would this (-t, -a) (name of item) brought me good luck. Today, tomorrow and always! Let it be so! Amen!"

A ritual that restores strength and protects against illness

Pour water into a bucket and heat it to a comfortable temperature. Say the prayer “” to it 3 times, any prayer 1 time. Go to the bathhouse or bathroom, take a ladle and pour water from the bucket on yourself, saying:

“Water is the nurse, flowing from above to below. Wash the body of God's servant(s) (your name), take away accursed diseases, sickness and aches. Give me strength and health in return. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Repeat the cleaning session once every month.

Giving harmony and consent to the house

He will help you if quarrels and scandals have become more frequent in your family. Prepare 3 white candles And 1 carrot.

  1. Rinse the vegetable well, peel, grate and place in a plate.
  2. Place 2 candles on the sides of the front door, the third - 2 steps from the threshold, in the center. Light them up.
  3. Stand facing the threshold and say the text 7 times: “Roll, O mountain, across wide expanses, across fields, across meadows, beyond forests, beyond seas. Happiness, come into the house, bring joy!” . After each time, throw a handful of carrots into the candle triangle. After 7 times, all the carrots should be on the floor.
  4. Put out the candles and put them away. Carefully collect the carrots in a piece, put them on a clean piece of paper, take them outside, leave them in a deserted place, saying: “Hello, happiness! Hello, joy!

For an apple against childhood illnesses

There is nothing more painful and terrible for a mother’s heart than a child’s illness. If your child is sick, read this plot - recovery will come very soon.

For the ritual, prepare a large apple, press it a little from the sides and say:

“I will ask the Lord for a fruit that has grown, saturated with the power of His grace, to help the troubles of my child’s body and to give him a blessing to get rid of bodily illness. The Lord will hear my request through the power of the great Plant Spirit and will help so that the child’s body will no longer experience unnecessary suffering, and the fruit eaten by it will bring new strength for healing and great changes. The disease will leave the body, and the Lord will give strength to withstand, for the Plant Spirit will give support to my request and with the power of the Lord will satisfy the fruit for my child. Amen".

Many Slavic customs and traditions are firmly rooted in modern life. This becomes especially noticeable on major Christian holidays, when people turn to magic and perform various fortune telling, rituals, and read conspiracies that help change their lives. better side. Very often on such days (for example, Epiphany, Easter, Intercession) verbal magic is used and protective prayers are read that protect a person from bad weather, misfortune, evil people, as well as conspiracies that attract love, luck, money, and other benefits to life, for successful trading and success in other areas. It is about such conspiracies and amulets for every day and for all occasions that we will talk today.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors established a connection between certain objects and words and subsequent events. Therefore, they were among the first to use spells and prayers that protected, protected from all sorts of troubles, and also contributed to improving the quality of life.

Everyone knows the saying “If you knew where you would fall, you would spread straw.” The roots of its occurrence go deep into history, which makes us think about the rationality of the statement and the fact that already in those days our Slavic ancestors used magic to prevent negative phenomena, as well as sudden events that threaten human life.

In the old days, in order to protect themselves, people performed fortune telling. Based on the stacked prophecies, they used one or another conspiracy or prayer to prevent the situation. But, as practice notes, only a few were able to make the most reliable predictions. As a rule, they were hereditary sorcerers. Therefore, soon more universal magical texts began to appear, which could be suitable for different occasions in life. Such a charm-talisman became more popular, as it allowed a person to protect himself from various misfortunes.

The charm charm could be used in a wide variety of situations. Very often, against danger, misfortune, envy and the wishes of evil people, protective words of prayer or conspiracy were uttered immediately before leaving the walls of one’s home. They also put protection on housing by pronouncing strong magical texts on the eve of big holiday, for example, on Pokrov.

At present, a huge number of different amulet conspiracies have reached us. Ancient Slavic and later ones, written by famous hereditary healers, all of them can be divided by type of action. So, for example, there is:

  • protective conspiracies that establish an energy shield around a person that resists various problems and wards off troubles, negative impacts, the wishes of evil people and the envy of neighbors, as well as leading him away from sudden death (accident, etc.);
  • charms and charms that attract various blessings and good luck, which can be read on holidays to ensure prosperity for the whole year, improve health, make trading more successful, etc.

As you can see, there are charms and prayers for all occasions. Therefore, it will not be difficult for a person to choose the most optimal version of the magical text. And below we will give the most common spells that are often used lately.

Amulet spell for every day

For those who want to protect themselves from any dangers that await outside the walls of the house, there is a universal charm for every day. You should read it in the morning, before leaving the house.

The words of the universal conspiracy should sound like this:

“The Lord gave me a way, but an evil spirit filled me with anxiety and worry. The Lord always defeats evil, and this time he will win and free me from anxiety and evil. Only our Lord is great and strong. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A powerful amulet plot against adversity

Unlike the previous magical protective spell against dangers, this amulet spell will ward off troubles, misfortunes, and all sorts of misfortunes from a person. You can also read it every day, leaving the walls of the house and going about business.

“The Lord Almighty stands in front, and the Heavenly Queen is behind, my Guardian Angel is above my head. Save and protect me, the humble servant of God (your name), from troubles, misfortunes, misfortunes, envy, evil thoughts, enemies and sudden early death. Bless and save".

The reading of such a prayer ends with a threefold “Amen.” After this, you can safely cross the threshold of your home and go about your business.

A spell that saves you from enemies

This magical text will help build a protective energy shield around a person against enemies and evil people who can cast the evil eye, cause damage (even death). Such amulets are very powerful and with these words you can cast a small piece of wax as a talisman. Further, the charmed wax can be attached to the pectoral cross to protect the person.

“Be marked by the life-giving cross, each one, including the servant of God (say your name). The cross is on me, behind me and in front of me. Let the whole army of enemies run away from this cross. The power of the cross will both flash and scorch all enemies, blinding the enemies. All the power of the cross and heaven, Jesus Christ himself is near me, they are devoted to preserve my body and soul from holy baptism. All the angels and archangels for the salvation of the servant of God (say your name again) pray to Jesus Christ the Savior and His Father, the Most High Lord, that the heavenly powers would protect me, protect me from trouble and enemies, and bless this amulet. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

As in the previous case, you should finish reading the prayer by saying the words “Amen” three times. You can read such a charm plot once a month to regularly strengthen your energy protection.

Amulet shield for the whole family

There are conspiracies for all occasions, with the help of which you can install a talisman on several people at once. Such spells are used for families when it is necessary to protect each family member from various dangers and the influence of evil people.

To be able to place a family verbal amulet, you will need to first prepare:

  • a lock of hair from the head of each person requiring protection;
  • one wax candle bought for a great holiday in the temple;
  • a small piece of white fabric;
  • natural red thread (preferably wool).

After laying out all the strands of hair on a piece of paper, light a candle. You should hold it so that the wax drips onto the spread out curls of hair. At the same time, you need to read the charm charm:

“From now on, I am putting up a talisman for my family, creating a reliable and bright stronghold for everyone. It’s not a house, not a wall, but strong protective words against evil and envy. Anyone with evil thoughts against the servants of God (list the names of each family member whose strand of hair lies on the fabric) will receive rebuff from the protective shield and will find shelter for himself in the cemetery. Whoever touches the servants of God (list all the names again) with an envious glance, everything will be returned to him a hundredfold. From now on and forever, let there be no people who would go against my family. May my words forever become a faithful wall, a reliable shield, a strong fence against evil, various misfortunes, evil people and envious neighbors. I speak, I speak, I speak, in strong words. Amen.".

After the words of the conspiracy have been spoken, in order for the amulet to act and help all family members in life, you need to wrap a cloth with hair and wax spread on it. Having tied the bundle with thread, hide it in the most secluded place, away from prying eyes.

Shield for housing

Very often, amulets are read under church holidays to enhance the effects of verbal magic. The most powerful protective spells are read on Pokrov. On this day, all Orthodox Christians and many Slavic descendants around the world glorify the miraculous appearance of the face Holy Mother of God, carry out fortune telling. And since she is the patroness of all mothers, unmarried girls, children and all those in need, this day is considered suitable for conducting various rituals and applying amulets.

To place a talisman under the Veil on your own home (house or apartment), you will need:

  • dried thyme herbs;
  • small censer.

First, wash the floors throughout the house very thoroughly. Then fumigate every corner of your home with the smoke of the fragrant collection. And, facing the eastern side, you need to pronounce the following charm charm:

“Let our mansions be bright and blessed. Let our house be full of Gods, let us keep it from evil, misfortune, the envy of neighbors, and other evils. So that every crack, board, hole, wall, door and window is protected by the forces of heaven. Stand in the Pokrov circle of our house, a high stone fence, a strong iron wall!”

Universal amulet shield from various troubles

This charm charm is one of the universal ones that can be applied to all occasions in life to protect oneself from troubles, enemies, damage, evil people, gossip, failures, etc.

Continuing Slavic traditions, the text of this prayer is read in the form of an appeal to Perun. Our distant ancestors worshiped this deity and considered him the protector of all people.

To ask Perun for protection from all sorts of misfortunes, you need to go out into the wasteland at dawn and, raising your open palms to the sky, say to the rising sun:

“Like water, drops cannot break through rain, like snow strong ice If you don’t break me, so I (say your name), protected by the name of the Great Perun, cannot be pierced by swords, knives and arrows. So that the enemy's eye does not jinx me, so that an evil word does not hurt me, so that my flesh is stronger than the lying Alatyr Stone, the flame of the Burning Fire. Like water bubbles, it pushes out the air, so that everything evil bounces off me - slander, bad words, speeches of envy, and dashing looks. Let my conspiracy be a strong talisman from now on!”

Amulet plot for a successful journey

To summon good luck on the road, you can place a special amulet before leaving. Such protective words help to install an energy shield on a person who is going on a long journey, so that good luck accompanies him along the way.

Before leaving your home, you need to say the following words:

“I’m calling you, my Guardian Angel, come with me! Go, my Guardian Angel, before me, I will follow, and Jesus Christ will follow me. Almighty Lord, be above me, and the archangels on my sides. Bless and save! Amen."

Plot to prevent an accident

If you are worried about the road and want to protect yourself from trouble and accidents, under the Veil you can cast a talisman spell that will provide protection for the whole year in advance. In the morning, on a holiday, you should pour some water into a not very deep bowl. Bending over the filled container, whisper the words of prayer so that you can touch the water with your breath:

“Just as a drop of dew cannot stay on a birch tree, so let not a drop of dew linger on me.” evil eye, neither envious nor malicious wish. Cover me, O Pokrov, with a veil from all troubles, misfortunes, troubles, misfortunes and evil people. Let it be so from now on! Amen."

After this, you need to wash your face with the charmed water. As a rule, such a talisman is valid for a whole year, up to next holiday Veils.

A conspiracy to ward off enemies from home

Like the previous amulet spell, this protective text is read under the Veil. Saying on the eve happy holiday Such strong magic words can provide strong and reliable protection against thieves. It will operate for a whole year, keeping thieves away from your home (and even when you're away).

To carry out the ritual and read the plot, you will need a homemade amulet on which to place a talisman. It is advisable to make it under the Veil from a handful of dried nettles. Having made a small amulet and filled it with dried leaves, read the protective words of the spell over the product:

“I’ll leave the house and cross the threshold. I’ll throw away my wallet over the threshold. Every passerby who has eyes and has seen the faces of the Lord Almighty will not be able to offend me - he will not take or steal from me, he will not take anything from me, will not take away anything. If anyone dares to rob me, at that hour he will stop seeing and say goodbye to his belly. Just as a copper castle becomes golden, so does my conspiracy become empty. Word by word, the front ones are forward, the rear ones are back, and the middle ones are in between. The Protection and the Lord will protect my house!”

The charmed amulet should be placed in a secret place closer to the front door. If you do everything correctly, it will protect your house and keep thieves away from it for a whole year, until the next Veil comes.

Spell to attract good luck and happiness

Unlike previous rituals, which are carried out under the Intercession, this one must be performed on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala. On July 6, every person can read conspiracies for all occasions, including to attract good luck and happiness. For people who placed such a talisman, their lives improved in a matter of days. If you also want to attract happiness and good luck to yourself, do the following.

On the summer evening of July 6, when girls begin to conduct fortune telling, go to a river or lake. Having taken off your shoes, go into the water and, splashing yourself from the reservoir, say the words of the conspiracy:

“The first tree will be Elijah, and the second will be Vitriol, and the third will be a pretend tree, submissive to the Heavenly Father himself. So let happiness and good luck also come to me, let the servant of God (your name) submit under that feigned tree, obedient to the Most High Father himself. Just as there is a fern under that tree, and great happiness lives there and grows to the fern, so let it grow to me, the servant of God (again my name), grow to my flesh. Anyone who knows and reads this conspiracy on the bright day of Ivanov calls for happiness and good luck. My speeches are strong, I lock them, I lock them tightly with a key. Amen."

This text must be said nine times in a row. After saying the words of prayer for good luck and happiness, you can put on your shoes and go home. The main thing is not to wipe away water that gets on your face and body. You need to wait for the water drops to dry on their own on the way home.

Conspiracies for successful trading

Like other magic spells and prayers, every day spells and amulets for successful trading are popular. Such texts help increase sales and, consequently, the quality of your own life due to increased profits. One of these conspiracies for good luck in sales should be read by the seller before leaving home for work.

Standing in front of the threshold, you need to voice the following words of the conspiracy:

“The Lord’s Son, the Savior Jesus Christ, bearing human needs in the flesh, walked the earth and bought what was needed, took his money with his own hands, and the Holy Spirit protected him. Understand my need, save my goods and make sales profitable. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Such a talisman will make trade more successful, help preserve goods and protect the seller from thieves. It can be read every day when a person goes to trade.

A powerful spell for successful sales

Like the previous conspiracy, this one is aimed at making trade more successful and attracting good luck to this area. The seller must pronounce it before leaving home for his workplace.

“I will pray to the Lord God and the Mother of God. Protect me, the servant of God (say your name), deliver me from troubles and misfortunes, all kinds of bad weather, evil people and envious neighbors, dark spirits. Before these petitions addressed to the Lord and the Mother of God, help, Nicholas the Wonderworker! From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Charm the amulet for successful trading

The amulet can be both verbal and objective. In this case, protective words for successful trading are written on a piece of paper and tied with a red thread. This amulet is kept in the place where a person carries out trade. However, the piece of paper with the conspiracy must be kept where no one will find it or be able to read it.

The following words of the conspiracy are written on a piece of paper:

“A bright shepherd with horns walks across the sky, tending his sheep from morning until evening. He grazes them, but cannot count them. Just as that shepherd’s horned sheep cannot be counted forever, so let me, the servant of God (my name), have so much money that it will not be possible to count them. There is a beehive in an open field. Just as bees fill that hive with pollen, so let my buyers replenish my treasury, make my trade successful, and fill my wallet with money. Just as everyone looks at the moon and admires the stars, so let every buyer admire my goods, buy them all up. Let it be so from now on! Amen".

A conspiracy to protect yourself from an accident on the road

No less popular than other protective conspiracies is the conspiracy against accidents. Allowing protection from sudden death or accident, it is read by the driver in the morning when he gets into the car.

You need to pronounce the following words of the charm charm:

“Help me, God’s servant (your name), Lord! Protect from trouble and misfortune on the road. Take away from me injuries and bruises, terrible wounds and sudden death. Protect my flesh from possible accidents and problems on my way. Bless and save. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

As you can see, all these amulets and conspiracies are aimed at protecting people and attracting various benefits into their lives. These miraculous spells and many other magic spells (Slavic and not only), as well as various fortune-telling and rituals do not lose their popularity, which may explain their effectiveness and relevance even in the modern world.

I call on the earthly miracle to reveal itself in the name of the Divine Virgin and my requests will be heard, and through the power of the great Feminine Nature I ask the Lord to pour the spirit of Life into my organs and give me the strength to fight negative manifestations, and seven golden Rays from the Marvelous Crown will touch me and help me get rid of earthly ailments and will cleanse me from the negative layers growing in me, for the Good of the World was born from the Feminine Principle. Amen.

I turn to You, Lord and Creator of all things in the earthly world, and I ask you to preserve my nature from decay and corruption, to give strength to my blood, so that I can reject all previous negative influences and gain protection from future influences, so that an unkind eye and an evil speech will not touch my heart and did not poison my soul, for now I am revealed only before the Lord. Amen.

Consciously imagine the process of child growth and turn to the Lord's power with the words:
Send, Lord, the growth of my child’s body, let neither illness nor a dashing will stop its development, for the power of the Lord will help it grow, and His help will destroy all negative influences. Saturate my child, Lord, with the power of life and give him a blessing for his future earthly existence. Amen.

Take a large apple, slightly press the sides and say:
I will ask the Lord for a fruit that has grown, saturated with His grace-filled power, to help the troubles of my child’s body and give him a blessing to get rid of bodily illness.
The Lord will hear my request through the power of the great Plant Spirit and will help so much that the child’s body will no longer experience unnecessary suffering, and the fruit eaten by it will bring new strength for great change and healing. The disease will leave the body, and the Lord will give strength to withstand, for the Plant Spirit will give support to my request and will satisfy the fruit for my child with the Lord’s power. Amen.

Let the child eat the whole fruit, and expect a speedy healing.

Pour some poppy seeds into your open palm in one hand and hold a lit candle in the other. Speak:
He will be satisfied with the miracle of the Lord, and Natural power will manifest itself with the Higher Light. In the name of the Lord, the evil of unclean influences will be reflected, and the plant power will protect me from them. All troubles and sorrows will go away from my home forever when the poppy seeds and the vegetable good spirit are summoned. The good Source that brings goodness and peace to the world will be revealed, and the walls of my house will become a strong defense against the manifestations of the unclean. Amen.

Scatter the poppy seeds in the corners and do not sweep them away for seven days.

The Lord has three brides, and none of them has an advantage, but only the Light of the Lord brings to each of them that glow of body and soul that people call beauty. Only unearthly Light gives birth to earthly beauty, and I do not ask the Lord for new features to my body and face, but I ask the Light to give them for the beautiful human good, so that the great harmony of the world will touch my members and my face. I ask you to saturate me with Heavenly beauty, so that every person can see in me the miracle of the Lord’s touch and be satisfied with His Light through the perception of this miracle.
My simple beauty will shock everyone who sees me. My heart will be filled with happiness that I bring Heavenly beauty to people. The Lord will perform a wondrous miracle, and I thank Him for His lasting touch on my appearance. Amen.

For the good of the family I ask the great Lord, who brings complete fusion of my soul with the soul of (name), my husband, for there is no greater happiness in the world than to be part of an integral Family, and I do not ask for earthly blessings, but I ask to strengthen our union and protect (name ) from worldly temptations and will take the first step towards a new family life myself, so that there are no obstacles to our rapprochement. Amen.

Try to forget the grievances and spend the evening with your husband relaxed, without tension.

I ask the Lord to give great help from Heaven. There is no place for a person in the world without the power of the Lord. I will bring a cup of water of painful suffering to the bright face of Heaven, and I will ask the three powers of the Lord to give me luck and Light on my path.
Touch my life, Lord, with your hand and draw a line of Light from me to Yourself. Give me the strength to live until the end of my days in a natural state of mind and body, and do not give serious tragedies to my loved ones. By faith I will draw closer to You for relief from suffering, and my gratitude to You knows no bounds. Amen.

Lord Heavenly Light, touch my soul, bring it a new Light, give me new happiness and a new decision for fate. Let me meet someone in a world where there is so much deception and suffering, who can heal the wound of my soul with his bright spirit, with the touch of his hands return vitality to my body, and the Heavenly Light will give new happiness for family life and for physical intimacy. I will ask the Lord not to refuse me help. For His Light nothing is impossible. Amen.

O Lord, I will ask You with Your hands to take away trouble from me, Your servant (Your servant) (name). I will be a rare miracle for the river of my life, the face of the Lord will be sheltered from trouble by living power, and my soul will not endure wild and unnecessary suffering, from which the Lord will allow me to evade.
By His power I will sanctify my path, and the threat will go away, and the line of life will not be broken before the deadline. The storm will not carry me away, the rain will not flood me, the trials of life will not destroy me, while I draw my days by the fatal power of the Lord.
I thank the Lord for this strength. It is indestructible and provides a way out of any test. Amen.

Think of a desire, take a handkerchief in your hand and say three times: My great desire will be fulfilled by the spirit of the Lord’s help, for the Lord helps those who ask for help.
Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will become reality, events will acquire a path for fulfillment, and the Spirit of the Lord will give me what I ask of Him. I'll tie a scarf and wait. Amen.

Tie the scarf in a knot and carry it with you until your wish is fulfilled, and then burn it without untying it.

Place a glass of yellow juice on the table, preferably between a window and a lit candle, and say:
My words will reach my merciful Lord. The ladder of Heaven will deliver you from base passion, let your petty insignificant desire be destroyed by my prayer.
The zones of the frontal brain will be broken by yellow Heavenly help from the Lord, for the Light of His rays will touch my soul, a change will come to my soul, my head will be sanctified for treatment. The power of life will return, for there is still a future. The river of life has not yet become shallow, and the human desire to drink cannot revive the evil of me. The blockade of the intoxicating liquid potion will be overcome by the liquid in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Drink the juice and wash it down with water or tea. Do this in the morning for a month.

Sit in front of a lit candle and speak, raising and lowering both hands at once:
In my speech, for the essence of my message, I ask for a new path. The new path will not be filled with anxiety, for the Lord will no longer leave me in the earthly world, where I was born and will be able to fulfill the vow of renouncing the unclean attraction to poisons and unnecessary substances that lead my body to premature death and my soul to suffering. and destruction.
A little time will pass and I will become independent from drying habits and decay will stop and a new source of vitality will open and the happiness of liberation will come and my very hands will stretch out to Heaven to praise the power that gave me the continuation of life. Amen.

Take paper and write:
I vow not to smoke as long as I live. I swear to the Lord never to take a poisonous potion into my mouth, which does not allow me to breathe fully. I will always remember that there is no such force that will force me to break my word given to the Lord by me, and I will get rid forever of the madness of self-poisoning by inhaling poison that is unnecessary to me and harmful to all my organs. For a new tobacco-free existence in life, I will endure only three days, and then the Lord will take away unnecessary thirst and give me strength to resist earthly temptation, for only the Lord’s strength can defeat the power of habit. Amen.

Oh, Jesus, Son of the Lord, bring me peace, and I will pray to You and ask for help to cleanse my soul from old bad deeds, and change my essence so that I can atone for my sins. For a new life, Jesus give me strength and call the Light of the Lord onto my soul. I will fall asleep with prayer, I will wake up with prayer, and the Lord’s power will water my parched soul. Amen.

Place a yellow metal ring without stones on your stomach and say seven times:
Belly, give me a head treatment, ah, ring, give my stomach the strength to do so. I release the life force of the ring and ask the Lord to place it on a pure heart and take the pain from the head into the ring, and transfer the power of the ring to my soul for deliverance from torment and earthly influence. Let the river mud take my pain forever, and I will gain strength. Amen.

Throw the ring into the river where there is mud.

The poppy seeds grown on the earth will be sanctified by the power of the Fire of the Lord. Growing up in nature will be filled with the power of the Lord’s spirit, Heavenly peace, will give me renewal, health, cleansing, and will enter into me with particles of the powers of blessing for great bodily healing. This plant of the Lord will be saturated with the miracle of an unearthly influence on my body, on my organs, on my brain. Amen.

O good power of the Lord, bringing Light into the souls of people and giving a feeling of unity with the Creator of the world, give me the strength of bodily formation without suffering and illness so that with new strength, through the miracle of Heavenly touch, I will bring the goodness of the Lord into the world and I thank the Lord for His help. Amen.

Take any object that the child constantly comes into contact with and say:
I ask the Lord to give joy to my child so that he will not be able to experience in life that which brings grief, that which will disrupt his connection with the Higher Power that brought him into the world.
Give him, Lord, various trials, but do not give him those that will destroy his soul. Bring joy to him for the rest of his life, for only Your power provides the path to the Heavenly Light.
May my request be accepted! Let it be so. Amen.

Return the item to the child and make sure that the child does not part with it for the first three days.

Hold money in your hand and say:
Seven vital forces and gold power, give me smooth and quick financial saturation. It is not the yellow gold that strengthens my paths, but those seven of my vital forces that I call for help, but help will reach me through the worldly power of the Lord.
The Lord will not give yellow gold to those who have no help from the world’s complex law, which gives to those who multiply, but at the same time gives what is theirs without regret. You must first give without a doubt, and then wait for the yellow gold. Amen.

Say money like that and give it to the beggar. Luck will come and profit will come when you give without regret.

Take two knives and connect them with a cross. You need to position the knives so that the blades are facing out. Move your hands over them and say:
With my hands I will drive away the bad force from my dwelling, and the lunar curse sent will flow out like a salty stream to where it came from, and by force the force will be destroyed. Heaven will support him who is the root of the house, and the spirit of the Speech of God will take away the spirit of evil and dark power from my dwelling.
Let the illness sent melt away and the Heavenly Light cleanse my body and free it from disease, perform a rare glorious miracle for the sake of achieving the triumph of the forces of the Lord on earth.
The night fights with the day, and the bad fights with the good, but everything is decided by the Sword of God, for His Power is in everything. Amen.

Separate the knives and place them side by side on the table, blades facing out. Do this for seven days, and the evil will go away.

Saturate, Lord, my soul, open the frontal protection and accept enough of the Light of the Lord. There will be joy in my organs, and my body will receive the rays of the Light of the Lord, and thousands of particles of Heavenly Rain will pour into my soul, and the Lord will touch me for my wondrous liberation from the old influence of sins and mistakes that have placed heaviness on the path of my soul, and my soul will become pure, and for a long time to come. I will thank the Lord for the forgiveness of the sins of my life. Suffering will subside, and I will become filled with the good of the Lord. Amen.

Cut off the nail and place it in melted wax. Roll up a ball and warm it with the warmth of your hands and say:
Let the unkind desire of my body to accept more than is necessary for its activity disappear, and let the Lord melt the excess support in my body, just as the warmth of the body softens wax, and the Lord will hear my request and help remove unnecessary fats and harmful substances that have accumulated in me. Where the incorruptible of the Lord flows in, there the corruptible of the earth will leave in the name of the great Lord, and with the Essence of the Lord I will find a firmly pure body. The Lord will strengthen and cleanse every cell of my body with the miracle of earthly manifestation, and the Love of the Lord will manifest itself stronger than earthly negative influences. By the Pure Light of the Lord a pure body will come to me. Amen.

Bury the lump with your nail in the ground before sunset.

Bring, Lord, an even and natural attraction to the marriage bed and do not let the great power of the universal life principle fade away and become only a memory. All my youth, come into my members and fill them with new strength to continue and strengthen physical intimacy. Every night will become a blessing, as well as for me and for the woman who has merged with me with the Light of the Lord, who gives immeasurable bliss to my body with her whole body.

In the name of the Lord I call upon the powers of Heaven to help me in this. Amen.

I ask the Lord, by His great power, to help my body return to that state, strong and productive, which is saturated with the great strength of youth, and decrepitude will not come to me silently, and bodily suffering will not overwhelm me before my time. My faith will drive away the fear of feeble old age, and my body will acquire freshness and elasticity by the power of Heavenly Light, and a miraculous restoration of my lost youth will occur, my blood will become hot and my muscles will become strong, my eyes will marvel at the bright colors, and I will thank the Lord for the miracle of my great renewal . Amen.

O my Lord, my Creator, I ask for Your help, grant healing to the servant of God (name), wash her blood with Your rays. Only with Your help will healing come to her /him/. Touch her /him/ with miraculous power, bless all her /him/ paths to salvation, recovery, healing.
You will give her /him/ health to her body, her /him/ soul - blessed lightness, her /him/ heart - divine balm. The pain will subside, and strength will return, and her/his/ physical and mental wounds will heal, and help will come Yours. Your rays from Heaven will reach her /him/, give her /him/ protection, bless her /him/ for healing from her illnesses, strengthen her /him/ faith.
May the Lord hear this prayer. Glory and thanks to the power of the Lord. Amen.

A plot of land must be selected next to the home, seven steps from the entrance to the house, in the shadow area of ​​the house. In sunny weather, when only the shadow covers the chosen place, sit on the ground and say:
May the Earth heal me, and may Heaven give the Earth a way for my bodily healing from earthly ailments and help my new triumph in life, for the Lord will send a great miracle with a mighty hand to His servant (name). The Earth will bear my torment and by the hand of the Lord the illness will go away from my body to the Earth, and I will hide from illnesses in the shadow of my house, and Heaven will cover me with a net of great solar protection. Amen.

Get up and go to a sunny place, stand there for three minutes.

The power of the Lord will heal me, the servant of God /servant of God/ (name), from the powers of the curse. I will be cleansed from all uncleanness, from human evil, from illnesses. Truly, everything that has entered into me will come out with miraculous power, the power of the Lord will wash the blood with purity. The rays of the Divine Light will give the servant of God /servant of God/ (name) health, healing, purification. Everything will be renewed by the touch of the Lord. Lord grant the power of renewal, cleansing, healing in Your holy name. I will feel the power of the Lord’s help throughout my life. Amen.

The body grows the fetus with the power of the Lord’s good, and I ask the Lord not to cancel the miracle of the birth of a new one and give me the strength to carry my desired child to term. May the Lord protect him from negative influences and not give me dangerous paths, so as not to interfere with the correct distribution of vital forces and development will not be distorted and disrupted, for the Lord’s hand will help me and at the right time will reveal into the world the one who is under my heart. Amen.

Strengthen, Lord, my faith and give strength to endure difficult trials for my body, give it relief from bodily torment, find ways for the fruit of my body to escape such that there will be no injuries to me or the fetus, and will not cause unnecessary suffering to bodies bound by a common tether until tearing them apart and freeing a new being, for there is no greater joy for me than giving him life.
The light of the Lord will illuminate with its touch new life, and there will be no more suffering, but only happiness and goodness will enter me with this Light. The Lord’s miracle will happen, and I thank the Lord in advance for His help. Amen.

Place a vessel with water in the place where the rays of the Sun fall and say:
My Lord, give the power of protection from bad influences to the water that is in front of me. The protection of the great spirit of the Lord will be given to me through water saturated with the Light of the rays of God's blessing, and alien influence will not touch me when I sprinkle my body with water. Can an enemy’s bad eye look at me then without harm to me, for I will be protected by the Lord’s power, which accepts good things and returns bad things to those who wish evil. Amen.

Sprinkle yourself with water (face, palms, feet).

You need to pick up a candle, light it and say:
I turn to the Lord, and there is no other support for me in the world than His power, which brought me into the world to suffer, and it is too early for me to think about moving to other worlds, which await me only after the natural and God-ordained end of the life test, given to me for the strengthening and formation of an incorruptible soul, saturating it with the Light, and I have no right to try my death in violation of the deadline in order to escape from the grave trials destined for me, for it will be even harder for the soul with such an outcome, tragic and unnecessary, for the Lord soon the joy of life will return to me, and a new meaning will fill my remaining days, and may I never remember the moments of my weakness.

Thank you to the Lord for helping me, by His power, not to lose the power of life. Amen.

Take a liter of grape juice, pour it into one bowl and say over it in the morning:
My healing from all ailments will be blessed by the power of God, the wondrous Staircase of Heaven. All illnesses will go away irrevocably, a new birth will suddenly be given to me, and I will be immeasurably filled with new strength. The southern influence will prevail over the northern, and I will have double the moisture of life. It will be good for all my members for their future existence. I rejoice, for the rays of the Lord have already touched me. I thank the Lord. Amen.

Drink half a glass of juice after the spell, but charm all the juice each time.

Brew and rub into your head in the morning before sunrise and in the evening after sunset a mixture of plantain, nettle and mint branches in equal proportions. At the same time say:
I pour the divine decoction on my head. What grows in nature will not fade, it will be repeated with new growth, abundant density, rich growth, the divine power of addition, multiplication, saturation. It will be born, it will be repeated, it will increase! It will take strength from the grass, from the leaves, from the trees. Doesn't die, doesn't dry up, doesn't disappear! Amen.

Place your hand on your head and say:
I will, Lord, be saturated with Your power and the Spirit of the body, and my head will not endure unbearable torment, for Your power will help me and bring relief from oppressive bodily pain and give divine lightness.
The pain in my head will no longer return. I will no longer lie with a sore head, afraid to move. There is no oblivion from pain, and only God’s help will save me and give me future healing. I will thank the Lord day and night for his help. I will always do this, and my pain will go away. Amen.

Remove your hand from your head and place it on the heart area. The pain will stop.

Place a glass of water on the table in front of the icon of St. Nicholas and ask him:
Oh, great Nicholas, saturate the water that I drink with the Light of your Power. Let my nervous left brain stop the process of occurrence of foci of inhibition, minor drowsiness and bodily weakness. Dispel the fog in my thoughts, with small steps, drive away my decrepit laziness for a long time, and new strength will distract my body from unnecessary sleep for great work. I will come to a new close life without relaxation.
My strength is under the blessing of Nicholas the Great. I catch His rays on the water I drink. Amen.

Drink some water.

The power of Heaven protects the one who has received protection from the spirit of the Heavenly Rain, and the Great Spirit will give protection when, with his cold speech, he takes the cold of flying death away from the servant of God (the servant of God) (name).
A wonderful warm salvation will come to me by the Light of the Heavenly Ray, and the weight of lead will not touch my members. Rarely is anyone given earthly protection by the Spirit of Heaven, but there is the hand of the Lord, and it will take away the silent iron and the whistling lead from me. And the black darkness will not yet receive me, there is still no place for me among the departed spirits, life will not be interrupted by someone else’s hand.
Death will leave me, and I will preserve my body in its entirety. The Spirit of Heavenly Rain will protect me. Amen.

Speak three times before a dangerous road.

Pour water (not boiled) into a glass, pour half of the soil from under the fruit tree into another glass, and place a burning candle in the ground. Speak:
Let the water of the earth be saturated with the power of the Lord, and let the earth receive the power of influence. Fire will burn away infirmity, and the Spirit of God will stop the process of decay, and illnesses will depart from me by the forces of Earth, Fire, Water and the Spirit of God.
The power of the Lord's blessing will destroy the black force of the birth of illness, physical and mental ailments. May the forces of nature of Fire, Water, Earth and the Supreme Lord's Spirit of touch be reunited. I will receive great cleansing in the name of the powers of the Lord. Amen.

Wash the sore areas with water, and you can also drink it. Scatter the earth under the tree.

Place water in a glass on the window during daylight hours, light a candle and say:
I ask the Lord for the strength to saturate the water with His Light, which carries great power, the power of fear, dispelling and bringing people great blessings for good luck and fortune in any good undertaking that does not harm other people, for I do not wish evil in my deeds, but good, and not with fear I want to live, but with the joy of the great good Power, which I ask to touch the water for my spiritual development and for the path of life, blessings, and my path will not bring me terrible and risky things, and there will be no unpleasant and unnecessary events, for I trust the Lord with my life. Amen.

Drink a sip of water before an unpleasant journey or event, use the rest of the water for washing and wiping before going to bed or on a long journey.

Stand facing the daylight in front of a window or towards the Sun on the street and say with your eyes closed:
Hear my alarm, Lord, and help me change the distribution of life currents in my body for new growth and flourishing, for joining and strengthening organs, touch me, Lord, with Your power, and food will bring not only the maintenance of strength, but also growth There will be a simple accumulation of fat evenly throughout the body so that it does not disturb the harmony of my body. I thank the Lord for His great help. Amen.

Place and light a candle in front of you on the table, and bring your right hand to the fire so that you can feel the warmth of the candle with your palm. Say four times:
My right hand, with which the sign of the cross is made, will absorb the fire of the Lord’s candle, the warmth of the fire will calm and relax me, the servant of God /servant of God/ (name), will allow the penetration of the warmth of the Divine into every organ of my body. For the soul - peace and well-being, for the heart - tranquility, for the body - health, for the spirit - purity.
The power of God’s help will be present in my life with calm, cleansing, and relief. Amen.

Cross yourself and put out the candle.

O my Lord, let me feel Heaven’s blessing on my destiny. May my earthly path be sanctified by a miraculous change. In the name of the Lord I will be healed from my ailments, in my heart I will feel the presence of Your power and help from above, for Your powers, saturated with the rays of the sun’s healing Light, will calm me, pour into my blood the power of healing, cleansing, renewal, heal my body from serious ailments, from the vanity of my soul , out of heartfelt sadness, for Your power is unsurpassed, unsolved and secret, throughout the whole world, in rays and drops, in miraculous ways, visible and invisible.
Give me, Lord, a blessing for my earthly life with Your help. May my paths be illuminated by Your Light, pure and unfading, in the name of the Lord and all the powers of Heaven. Amen.

With everything that the Lord has given to me, the servant of God /servant of God/ (name), at the moment, satiation will be quick, I will not overeat unnecessary things, which after saturation have become poison for my body. I will stop with the Lord’s touch, I will be satisfied with little. The Lord's strength will stop my hand in time and will not give me unnecessary and unnecessary things. And I, Your servant (Your/ name), will be under Your Eye, under Your control. Give, Lord, the strength to internally stop from excess food, burdening excess weight. I will be healed by the power of the Lord from this earthly dependence. Thanks to our Lord. Amen.

Take a sheet of compress paper, rub it with your palms until it crackles, and say:
I will erase my illness so much that I will be without it. I will be healed by the power of the Lord, given to me in the palm of my hand, and I will thank Him, I will glorify His power that brings good. I will direct my palms there, where the disease will touch me with corruption, and the power of the Lord will remove the uncleanness from my organs and give quick treatment. My body will be blessed by the Lord, and the Lord will protect it in the future, for there is no greater cure than His power. Amen.

Place your hands on the sore spots, hold until the moisture comes out, and then apply the paper and hold for about an hour. The diseases will definitely go away.

Place the gold ring on your forehead and read three times:
Wonderful gold of the great Lord's Creation, unexpected for people, I ask your healing soul to give my frontal lobes of the brain its dual power for in-depth treatment of the lower blood circulation and normalization of the work of small and large bodily vessels (and give me the power to fight smoking). Day and night I will ask the Lord for healing, summer and winter. Amen.

When finished, put the ring on your finger and do not remove it until next time. Do this every evening for fourteen days.

Use a large number of liquid and in the morning, touching the window frame, say: My body will no longer violate rhythms large and small, and confidence in the blood rhythm will come so easily that the cycle will not be disrupted even for a day, and by the power of the Lord’s touch my body will not accept violations , and the unnecessary blood will leave at the right time for the blessed correct life development and existence, and with the unnecessary blood all ailments that disturb the natural balance given to me by the Lord from birth will leave me, and even chest breathing will destroy the touch of the corruptible influence of the earthly, and so my the organs will become stronger and there will be no more unnecessary deviations and hormonal imbalances. It is rare that healing will come through the hand of the Lord. Amen.

Do this every morning after waking up, and the rhythms of the body will be established for the benefit.

Look at yourself in the mirror and pray these words:
Lord, the great Creator of all things, I ask You to guide me on the path of Light and not to allow the strength of my soul to be scattered on negative deeds and deeds, but to be spent only on bringing satiation to my soul. Become a barrier to my negative aspirations, and by faith I will bring pure Light into my soul for a new page in my life. Amen.

Joy is needed for this prayer, and first you need to think about something very good: about children, about the arrival of spring, about the bright colors of Nature so that your soul becomes joyful at least for a moment, and immediately say:
Spirit of Nicholas, the great Pleasant, come to me and do not let my joy dissolve, do not let it go away, rejoice with me and bring to my body for the rest of my life the feeling of a joyful presence in the world, give it the unfading power of life so that God’s servant/slave God / (name) until the end of my days I will not lose the feeling of the joy of life, and ailments will leave my body, for through the spirit of Nicholas the Great my body will touch the rays of the Lord. I thank Nikolai Ugodnik for his help. Amen

I ask the Lord to bring me a new life and a new great joy, for only joy will lead me to the blessing of the Lord, and there will be no early withering of my body, saturated with the Light of the touch of the Lord’s rays. God has no negative branches, and I, touching His rays, will become one of them. Such heavenly bliss will overwhelm me that my body will take on new great strength, and I will come with joy into the world of the Lord’s Light. The world of the rays of the Lord will accept me and saturate me with its Light for further existence in the earthly world, where only joy conquers corruption. Amen.

Put in sea ​​water a small golden thing, think over the water and say a spell (2 times):
The soul of water is alive, where you can’t, don’t go, and where you should, go. Heal the itching and small suppurations, and melt the zones of change, non-flow or small scars with winter snow and remove them forever with an earthly miracle. I will see some necessary Stairway to Heaven, and it will accept me, and help me, and by an unearthly miracle it will sanctify the water, and the foam of the sea will take away my earthly skin organic abnormalities, and by an unearthly miracle, by the foam of the sea I will be rejuvenated and renewed, I will pray for our sins with water I'll wash myself.

While washing your face say:
Lord, give me a miracle, I will wash my face with the Lord’s water, and the Lord will give me the youth I ordered. Amen.

Do not wash your face with soap, but only with charmed water. After washing, do not wipe.

Creator, Lord, I ask You to exert an unearthly influence, to create a rare miracle, to change the strength of the human bodily essence and stop the processes of earthly bodily life so that my youth does not go away forever. Repel corruption with the Divine Light and the hand of the Lord, by drinking the streams of Heavenly Rain, preserve my body, that youth, which by the power of Heaven I will be able to receive in this way. May the power of the Creator keep me young and free of skin defects for the rest of my life. The world of the Sun will give me an amazing miracle, and I will control my body with unearthly powers and with the water of the Lord I will remove corruption forever. Amen.

Place a metal ring in front of the lit candle and pray:
O Lord, fill my body with a cloud of Heavenly Light, let it receive true saturation with the Spirit and let my soul merge for a while with Heavenly power when I touch the metal.
Through the touch the Good of the Lord will pour into my soul. I will touch you seven times, and the seven Rays of Heaven will enter me with Fire and the miracle of the Lord.
I will become filled with good Light and my life will be transformed by the Lord’s touch. Amen.

Touch the ring with the finger you will wear it on. Pray seven times, touching the ring each time at the end of the prayer. Put out the candle and do not touch the ring for an hour, then put it on your finger and do not remove it for seven days.

Cut the onion in half and place the halves on your cheeks with your hands. Say:
Oh, wonderful lives of the power of growth and the Plant soul, remove from the body that old age that I have acquired from the plants I have eaten, and let it go into the onion head, and through it back into the ground. My skin will cleanse, the bad force will go away, and my whole body will blossom. With the summer solar wind, the dust of the earth will leave me, and my body will be saturated with God’s Heavenly Dew. I will be life force, changeable by tears. Amen.

Place the onion halves together and plant the onion in the ground for three days.

The soul of a girl asks the Lord for her body for youth and the wondrous desired beauty of a girl, thick hair, clean skin, a white face. You can help me, Lord, by the power of Heaven. By an unearthly miracle, the pearls of heaven will touch my face, the evil of copper will leave my face. The Sun will send a thread from the wondrous world to my hand and wash it with living water. new skin on a new face. I will walk along good paths, a wonderful thing will touch me, the clear Sun will stop with its rays the timeline on my face and body. Lord help him! There is no stronger hand! Amen.

Pour some wine into a transparent container and say:
My prayer to You, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I invoke Your high touch and I expect a miracle from You, the sanctification and transformation of this liquid. With Your power, the Source of Plant goodness will saturate the wine with the Spirit of Life, and a close touch with the clear Solar spirit will reveal the essence of the wine. The Lord's Hand will sprinkle the Heavenly Light, fill this vessel with the power of purification, and seven corruptible influences will leave me when I drink the wonderful drink of Light. Amen.

Drink wine.

I ask the great Lord to hear me and give me a new, successful path so that the great influence of the Lord will help me to be satisfied with the Light and my loneliness, caused by an unclean spirit, will pass. I will block the river with three nets in order not to miss my happiness and with three forces of the Lord’s influence a new decision will come to fate, and a miracle meeting will happen with the only one I need in the world and our paths will be united by the light of true Love. Amen.

Pray in the morning.

Heat red wine and read the plot:
Alien, superfluous people will refuse to feed the creature, when I drink this wine, new strength will cleanse my blood, fill my kidneys with peace, purity and Heavenly power. I will tear away the tiny little impurities from my body like unnecessary rubbish, and my cheeks will be cleansed for a new one. healthy life. My illness will go away through small outbreaks. With red living wine I will be healed, by the power of the Lord I will become healthy. Amen.

Drink wine and go to bed.

Hold the hairpin in your hand and say:
The hand holds a large, wonderful, quick bodily healing. There is a great beginning of a new future life in this hairpin, and it will lead the Forest Soul to a new high purity of my face and body. The small ones will be discarded, and the large ones will be removed with the winter snow and melted with it. The White spirit itself will change the body, and the face will call the White spirit. The white day will protect my skin, and the spirit of the Forest will touch my skin and accept my illnesses, both physical and mental. Amen.

Attach the hairpin to your hair and do not remove it for seven days.

Touch your hand to the place under which the formation or tumor is located and say:
I ask the great Lord to give strength to my hand to change, by touch, the distribution of the Light of the Lord on my body in order to eliminate the violation that has arisen, and the currents of my body will restore the correct development and distribution, dispel the unnecessary formation of my body, growing not according to the laws of its formation, and distribute bodily tissues so that the proportions of my body given to me from birth will not be violated.
The light of the Lord's rays, touching my body, will restore the copper-salt exchange between the tissues and healing will come through the miracle of the Lord's touch to my hand. My body will become free from any deviations from the great balance of life established by the Creator for me. May the Lord hear my words and let His help come. Amen.

Place your hand in a vessel of water, hold for three minutes, then put your hand back and read. Do this three times a day for a month.

People sometimes wonder if there are conspiracies and prayers for all occasions? Of course, there are many of them. For example, “Our Father” is suitable for any situation, just like “I Believe.”

The point is what is in your soul at one time or another. A person who completely relies on the Lord, purely intuitively, turns to Him when something out of the ordinary happens. And other people get used to “repel” evil from themselves in a different way.

There is such a phrase as “get out, you idiot.” It is said both in joy and when a bad thought comes to mind.

“The Lord helps me and gives me strength. I follow his path, pursuing righteous deeds. By His grace I will be rewarded. I conduct business in his name. I will find happiness in his name. Amen!"

“Rubby egg! Roll and spin, turn around like the sun. With the cry of a nightingale, I conjure. A long day, a clear fire, flowing sand, flying water, a dark evening, a modest dawn, a mighty river, a dark cloud. So that from this day my goodness multiplies, so that it increases, and bathes in love! Amen!"

Letters from our readers

Subject: My life has changed for the better!

From whom: Larisa(lu****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Larisa and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to change my life for the better and get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You won’t buy any more toys or new things for your children, nor will you please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across an article on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Behind Last year we made excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

Another conspiracy for well-being and prosperity:

“Gold is flowing into my chambers. Not by, apart, but through my fingers casually. I put it in my wallet to fill it up. I send the gold into the house so that it doesn’t wallow in the dirt. Whatever I take is all mine. It will not burden the forehead. I will bring you joy and light for many years to come! Amen!"

Conspiracy in difficult times:

“Dear mother, beloved father. Do not reject your child, do not abandon him with love. In a bright time, in a difficult moment. Be near me where I go, everywhere. Bless! Bestow good luck and goodness. Amen!"

Conspiracy for righteous labors:

“Herod the king of the Jews had a royal disposition, not a plebeian one. He spent his life working and forbade us to be lazy. I will take the covenant of Herod the King. I will delight the whole world in his name. Just as Herod is memorable, so is my work glorious and good! Amen!"

If you use prayers or spells for all occasions, then try to do it in the right mood. The fact is that these “magic formulas” help sinless people, as the clergy would say.

The brighter your thoughts, the greater the likelihood of them. It's worth remembering.

Do not allow slander and slander, even mentally. Conspiracies spoken from the heart are sure to help, sometimes completely changing your life.

The same thing happens with evil people. Just rest assured, they are not happy about such a revolution.

These conspiracies will initially force them to “pay their bills.” That is, they will encounter such trials and obstacles that you will have to involuntarily learn to love the world and the people around you.

Why, one might ask, would one want this for oneself? It is better to initially understand that every person has the right to happiness and joy. Taking away this right from anyone is a sin.