Comic gifts for colleagues. Remade birthday songs, funny and modern for the birthday boy, cool holiday stories. Toilet paper holder

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello, Dear friends! I would like to clarify right away that the word “fun” refers to slang vocabulary, and means a joke, a funny prank. But in this article I’ll tell you how to make a successful joke by coming up with a birthday gift with a joke. Surely you have experience in presenting cool things that were remembered by your relatives, friends and acquaintances in the pleasant sense of the word.

Indeed, a memorable surprise is when it is unusual. And funny things just help to stand out among standard gifts. Therefore, without detracting at all from the merits classic gifts, humorous things still have great importance on the holiday. But you shouldn’t think that any joke will do; on the contrary, it’s not so easy to cheer up the birthday boy or guests. Therefore, giving a birthday surprise with a joke is responsible.

What do you need to know for this?

  • Firstly, the birthday boy himself. Is he ready to understand your idea, can he be considered a person with humor? Maybe a person dreams of a new smartphone.
  • Secondly, if you know for sure that your friend will understand the hint and will be delighted with the idea you have come up with, then prepare in advance, taking into account the nuances. The fact is that such things take, perhaps, more time than ordinary ones. It is advisable to think through everything down to the smallest detail so that there are no hiccups and everything works on time.
  • Thirdly, a joke is a joke, but it is advisable to present something useful. This is our morals: we need the benefit of the gift. Therefore, after a cheerful little thing, hand over, albeit not an expensive one, but useful thing. Still, a happy birthday greeting should not only be for laughter, but also sincere.

Cool congratulations to the birthday boy

A funny option may not even be in the gift itself, but just in the way you played with it. This is quite enough to be original and cheer up the hero of the occasion and the guests. Cool poems will attract attention, amuse everyone present, and perhaps become the highlight of the program.

You can prepare comic preparations yourself by remaking a famous song or dedicating poems to the owner of the house. Friendly cartoons also treat blanks with humor. People who understand and appreciate such fun leave such congratulations as souvenirs and are happy to tell their children and grandchildren.

Following comic poems, a gift is usually given. If it is of the same nature as the congratulatory text, then we can consider this the logical conclusion of your surprise. And if you also think through the scenario for presenting a funny object, you will get a real performance. What might the scenario of what is happening include?

  • If there are several people congratulating, then the script reflects the distribution of roles with the speech of each speaker.
  • All remarks, skits, songs also include a script, indicating the sequence of events.
  • The timing of events is indicated if it is necessary to adhere to time.
  • The script also indicates who gives the gift, who helps, and so on.

Gift with a joke for a woman

First, find out if you can joke with the woman you are going to give the item to with humor. A woman who appreciates such things will be happy on her birthday and will remember it without offense.

Women can be given:

  • Tablecloth, which for fun can be called self-assembly. Note in words what is given as a reward to the best housewife, so that she always has a table set for long-awaited guests.
  • Small rug, named by you as a flying carpet. In words, note what is given to an avid traveler.
  • The closest people can afford to give jewelry box, at the same time say that the box is completely full of diamonds. And since they themselves cannot yet find the diamond that was created just for her, they only give her a box.

Gift with a joke for a girl

  • A girl who loves music can be given harmonica, which will easily fit in your purse. Offer to use it, for example, on a minibus or in traffic jams.
  • Can be given as a gift radio, one to one similar to an iPhone. When congratulating you, note that when you look at it, you can imagine it as if it were a real iPhone.
  • Tablet case It will also amuse the girl if you say that this is the beginning of her dream of getting a cool tablet for the holiday.
  • You can give a student alarm, similar in appearance to a regular pager.
  • Beach hat with a hint about a holiday at sea. Let her bring her dream closer.
  • Hanger, preferably bright, expensive. Present it as if it were a hanger mink coat or sable.

The mere presentation of a funny object can accompany an original poem. It could be funny toast, a poster you made in advance. Or a banner, also ordered in advance, stretched out in front of the windows of the birthday boy at the time of congratulations. A karaoke song performed by friends.

If you don’t have time to prepare a festive text, then you can choose a card with cheerful drawing, having played up her presentation by reading out what was written.

It's hard to come up with something unusual when it seems like everything has already happened. However, it’s worth thinking about how to surprise the birthday boy. Perhaps this will be a special quest invented for your friend by a team of professionals. Or a magician whom you invite to your jam day. Comic tricks will definitely amuse the hero of the occasion and guests.

Gifts for a man

Perhaps most men are happy to respond to ideas with humor.

  • Instead of a weeding hoe, you can give a male summer resident - sword, which will “magically” help cut down the grass.
  • For a hunter, fisherman or just a nature lover, we offer tarpaulin boots. They can be called running boots, specifying that they will help him always and everywhere be on time.
  • Buy invisibility hat. This is an ordinary riot policeman's cap with a hole for the eyes. If it appears to go unnoticed, you can use it.
  • To a man who is building a house or dreams of one, give Mailbox. Let your dream come true!
  • Water adventure lovers will love it circle for saving drowning people. Especially if a man dreams of his own boat or rubber boat.

Presentation of small gifts

Sometimes it happens to congratulate purely symbolically, presenting a small present. This could be a small lighter in the shape of a lipstick, a flash drive in the shape of an animal figurine, a set of buttons, etc. And so that the little thing does not simply get lost and looks no less interesting against the background of others, it is worth wrapping it “in a hundred clothes.”

In a word, voluminous packaging will not only attract attention, but also intrigue what is in the package. In addition to numerous wrappers, you can place a small item in a large box with paper, inviting the birthday person to find a trinket intended for him in this package. Thus, you will get a small scene that you can film on your phone and immediately send to the hero of the occasion. The words in the skit can be either improvised or pre-thought out.

Any gift means attention. You don't have to be an artist to cheer up the birthday boy or guests.

A little imagination! Holiday mood will make you smile and give you unforgettable emotions. Therefore, joke from the heart, laugh, because laughter prolongs life! Give things with pleasant twists, write funny congratulations, surprise others, surprise yourself. This can be done, for example, using an ordinary banana and ingenuity:

Happy holidays to you, grateful birthday people! I'm always glad to help you! I would be grateful if you recommend us to friends, colleagues, and family. Don't forget to subscribe to our blog updates. Good luck with your gift!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Looking for a funny birthday gift for a man? Do you want to surprise the birthday boy and make the holiday unforgettable? In this article you will find not only amazing ideas, but also good advice optionally. After all, the best present is the one that makes him laugh! Brighten your day with our selection of surprises for any occasion. Don't be afraid to take risks! And you are guaranteed a burst of mischievous laughter. Just make sure it's not the only thing you're giving. Since their purpose is only to cause bewilderment and make people laugh.

Test for a sense of humor - or who should not give a comb for bald people

Funny gifts for men can be divided into two categories:

  • for those who know how to laugh at themselves;
  • for those who simply love to be the center of attention.

How to determine which category the birthday person belongs to? Answer 6 simple questions:

  1. Does a man like to organize anything (birthday, graduation party, gathering of friends, etc.)?
  2. Is he suitable for the role of toastmaster?
  3. Is his mood mostly cheerful and carefree, and does he react to failures with humor?

If the answer to 2 or 3 questions is yes, you can give the man a fun birthday gift. He will be able to laugh at his shortcomings. And he will also appreciate frank banter and black humor, unlike the representative of the next category.

Can you say that:

  1. Is a man often the center of attention in company?
  2. Did you willingly recite poetry at school or perform at school parties?
  3. Are you straightforward with others and say everything “to the point”?

2–3 “Yes” indicate a tendency to admire oneself. It is better not to give such a person something that will draw attention to his shortcomings. For example, a comb for bald people.

3 Unusual Options You've Never Heard Of Before

Option #1: stress reliever.

Remember that fun of popping bubbles on wrapping film? Why not give such a humorous birthday gift to a man? He will definitely appreciate the idea if he works in an office or often communicates with people on duty.

There are two ways to present a gift. The first is to buy an electronic gadget that simulates the bursting of bubbles. It also serves as a key ring.

And the second is to make a gift with your own hands. For example, place the film in a glass frame and stick the inscription “In case of stress, break the glass!” Or give it in a transparent package with the inscription “Stress reliever”.

Option number 2: golf for playing in the toilet.

Here's what you can give a man with a sense of humor for his birthday! Reading while sitting on the toilet has long been out of fashion. New trend- playing golf.

There is no longer any need to worry whether photos from the party will end up on Instagram or VK! With these glasses, the hero of the occasion will always be able to maintain his anonymity.

Glasses "Censorship"

Where to buy funny gifts You can purchase unusual gifts on the Aliexpress and Amazon websites. There are tons of killer options out there for under $10. The only thing you have to remember is the delivery time. Usually it ranges from 2 weeks to 2 months.

5 ordinary things in an unusual design

Option #1: flask.

What's unusual here, you ask? The answer is simple - funny packaging. Place a flask filled with whiskey, rum or cognac in a box labeled “The Secret of Happiness.” Or in a package that imitates a secret book.

Option #2: T-shirt.

Cool prints are the perfect birthday gift for a man who likes to stand out. This year's trend is 3D images. Here is a selection of pictures that the birthday boy will 100% appreciate.

Option #3: socks.

Is this a funny gift for a man? Yes, yes, exactly them! But only with the inscription: “If you are able to read this, bring me a beer!”

Bring a Beer Socks

Option No. 4: glasses with the inscription “Optimist/Pessimist” exactly in the middle.

Now it will be easier to decide whether the glass is half full or half empty! This gift can be bought for a man with a subtle sense of humor.

Option #5: cup.

Images that appear only when high temperature, funny inscriptions. And also a hit of this season - 3D cups, at the bottom of which there is a certain figure. For example, the open mouth of a shark, hippopotamus or... the middle finger!

TOP 3 cool DIY gifts

There are only a few days left before the holiday, but the surprise for your man is not ready yet? No problem! You can do it yourself. This will make it much more soulful.

Money soap - how to make a present in 5 minutes

No time to search unusual gift for a birthday? Give money! But not in a banal envelope, but sealed in soap.

For this craft you will need:

  • clear glycerin soap;
  • drill;
  • money with 1st bill.

The first step is to clean the soap from the packaging. Next, roll the money tightly into a narrow tube. Attach them to the soap to mark the place where you need to drill a hole.

Make a hole with a drill. Insert a rolled up bill into it. And seal the hole with glycerin crumbs formed during drilling.

How funny is it to give such a gift to a man? Pack the soap in clear plastic wrap to keep it clean. And attach a funny inscription on top. For example, “Soap with the smell of freshly laundered money”, “To clean your wallet” and so on.

Who can I give it to? Teenagers will appreciate such a gift. This unique adventure will evoke a lot of emotions.

Outdoor drink coasters

Do you have your own yard? A place where barbecue is grilled? Then your man just needs coasters for beer and other drinks.

To do original gift DIY husband will need:

  • can;
  • a piece of fabric or self-adhesive film;
  • 4-inch bolt, 2 washers and 2 nuts;
  • sealant;
  • nail and hammer for making a hole.

The jar needs to be cleared of the sticker and rinsed carefully, being careful of sharp edges. Cover the sides and neck with fabric or self-adhesive film. Punch a hole in the bottom and fix a long bolt there. Treat all connections with sealant and let it dry.

Edible poster you can make with your kids

Stick the birthday boy's favorite delicacies onto whatman paper, accompanying them with humorous inscriptions.

Some tips for decorating an edible gift:

  1. Practice on a rough draft to understand how best to place items.
  2. Stock up on a double portion of sweets, as children may make their own adjustments during the process.

2 ideas for loved ones that will strengthen your relationship

A romantic evening by candlelight will become a little spicier with these ideas. So, a list of funny gifts for a man on his birthday:

  • Beer bath bombs. Do you want to take a bath together, but your loved one is not eager? Intrigue him with an unusual new product! A successful continuation of the evening is guaranteed to you.
  • 36 reasons why I love you. Label each card from the deck with one reason why you fell in love with your other half. Secure everything with a stapler or a spring and give it to your loved one. Among other things, it is also excellent therapy. Famous family psychotherapists use this technique in their practice.

Cards "Reasons for Love"

Gifts with a hint - 3 tips on how to get your husband to wash the floors and cook dinner

Domestic problems “ate” the feelings of many spouses. Therefore, it’s time to use options for funny gifts for men. After all, the best cure for endless blues is fun.

Tip #1. Does your husband spend little time with the children? Give him a T-shirt with rails on which kids can roll their trains. Dad will receive a back massage, and children will enjoy playing together.

Tip #2. Tired of standing near the stove all day? Present your husband an apron with a cool image. This could be a naked male torso with tattoos, an image of a gladiator. Most importantly, promise to continue this tempting game!

Tip #3. Does your back hurt from constant scrubbing? Buy microfiber slippers for wet cleaning for your loved one's birthday. Now all you have to do is rub the dirt in the kitchen with your foot!

We select a gift “according to interests” - 4 options that hit the target

When choosing humorous gifts for a friend, husband or relative, you need to remember their hobbies. Does the birthday boy like parties and clubs? With luminous suspenders, he will not get lost in any crowd.

Does your loved one often wear a towel around the house? Give him this item in the form of a Scottish kilt (men's skirt)! Let him feel like the main character of the movie “Braveheart”.

Is the hero of the occasion an avid skier? Then he will definitely appreciate a funny “bearded” riding mask. In it, your face will not be covered with frost, and the oncoming yeti will be accepted as “one of their own”!

Is snacking on the go a common thing? Then how about a portable Ziploc bag for a slice of pizza? General delight for the owner of the gift is guaranteed!

Advice Men love practical gifts. Therefore for better effect a funny birthday present should be useful and functional.

Banter and dark humor - have you already felt Trump's kiss?

Looking for funny gifts for a man with a killer sense of humor? Then take a closer look at the following options.

#1: Donald Trump toilet paper. Agree, it’s nice when intimate parts kisses the president!

No. 2: comb for bald men. Additionally, it may have a bald spot polishing function.

No. 3: temporary tattoos for those who are balding. Smileys on the Internet are a thing of the past. Show others your individuality in reality!

Buy a cool gift for a man’s birthday – not an easy task. After all, you have to deal with the male mentality and guess what most guys think is funny. The ideas given in this article will appeal to anyone with a sense of humor. So stop racking your brains! Choose any of the options and enjoy uncontrollable laughter.

Do you often go to birthdays? How often have you seen an unusual presentation of a gift? Maybe you've seen someone act out a skit and then give a gift? Have you ever seen someone put on a show and then give a gift? Or maybe someone did a quest and arranged a search for a gift? Or maybe you yourself want to congratulate the hero of the day in an unusual way? If then, then these comic birthday greetings are exactly for you. With delivery cool gifts These congratulations will look even better. So make sure to interest the birthday boy and give him an interesting and unusual gift.

Comic congratulations with gifts for a woman

The first comic congratulation is carried out with all the guests. The host reads out the main text, and the guests shout lines with gifts. Everything is simple and sweet. Most importantly, don’t forget to prepare the gifts mentioned in the congratulations:

Comic congratulations with gifts for a man

This option is for men. It is carried out in exactly the same way as the first option for women. The presenter also reads out the main text, and the guests shout their lines. And again, don’t forget about gifts:

But the third comic congratulation is suitable for both men and women. This is a kind of small mini-scene in which all guests or several people can participate. Everyone just learns their own quatrain and that’s it. And at the end everyone gives one gift together.
And here are the poems themselves:

These are the poems and congratulations we have prepared for you.

And if you need a more serious gift, then go to the section on what to give for your anniversary, and read our tips on choosing gifts.

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​Maybe New Year​Well, who, tell me,​
​ _____________​"And us, and
​ is not replaceable.​ fruit,​
​(handed over candy).​
​Any crack in the anniversary today and
​And for the occasion​ Let's blindfold the birthday girl,​
​ meet?​ Blame the ball peace and
​us, there is a gift with extensive
​Seduction will come.​Here to cook Tanya​
​ will come in.​ We want to wish you good health!​
​we came!​We’ll be intrigued by everything​
​Or May came​In the flashing of affairs,​
​ okay
​for you"​
​ sore throat​ We today for​ became,​ ​Saves kilowatts,​You tell me, you​
​All in chorus: -​ 100!​
​here?​ worries and dates?​
​We're in a cocktail
​You can gargle​ _______​
​I got the best meat.​
​No buzzing
​tell​ After all, with us,​
​What a gift​We are celebrating a birthday​
​You put grapes on the anniversary!​
​(they give...a sponge)​During repairs​
​We prepared a cocktail,​What is the​ lightness of the dish?​ What do you need,​ after all​ with the presentation​ of​ Ours... half a hundred​ in spite of​,​ ​So that there is life​
​Do not consider​ apartments​
​So that _________ pepper​
​Will be in the house​
What do we need all the gifts?
​So she waits for five​
How 30 years are more glamorous and beautiful
​ insult You can spray paint.
​more beautiful
​So that the guests don’t all shine,​We will give. we
​just great!!!​ a long time ago?​
​Among us -​
​ago,​we'll add champagne to​
​This joke -​Being with him​
​And beautiful, how can I upset you?​
​There’s nowhere for the dust to fly.​ Let’s let you chew... (GARLIC)​
​1. Happy Desired, new, delightful,
​newborn​Always beautiful and

​at the dacha​
​model!​Guests in chorus:​
​(broom)​We wish you to be​
​ Congratulations on your birthday,​
​And what is this​We congratulate everyone​
​ light.​ cocktail).​
​Smile, sing songs,​
​You spray the bushes​ You put a lot of fruits,​ “And for us, and for​ 2. Here is a device​ beautiful and smart,​ We wish you all the best.​ - it’s a secret for now.​ Her​ Advantages are not all​
​Know that friends are always​
​And then how​
​So that, having tasted​ this us, there is a gift​
"Just in case"
​so that sadness does not​ We give you equipment,​
​Only to her, beauty​
​But, and drink too many...​
​Hello our day with you!​
​crazy dessert
​for you"​In life he​
came to you and clothes
captivating to her from a glass,
​Stay like this, long-awaited, Comic congratulations with gifts Flowers will bloom everywhere.
​Our _________ shone,​
​-​the best assistant,​
​to the house!​
​fashion.​We will give something​
​In theory, not like here​
​We came here​
​for women from​
​I think you are convinced,​And she was more beautiful​
​(handed a bag of pepper)​With him and​
​Tell me, you​To remove quickly​
What has been given so far!
​Before us in​ not in vain,​
​friends.​What a miracle​
​everyone!​Finally, lunch is ready:​
​ grief - don’t tell
​ there is no apartment.​ We will give this​ 50 presented.​
​The table is set, the food is poured​
​1. Happy Day we give you

​What do you need,​Take a wonderful car,​
​Congratulations​ pacifier.​
​And remember that the glasses
​ Congratulations on your birthday,​ And now
Here is a piece of pear and pilaf.
​He will help you with what you need​Very helpful
Let him suck - there is a miracle:
​Maybe the October holiday?​
​We wish you all the best.​ live life boldly​
Ridiculousness and coquetry
​Here are all the dishes​ always.​
​You tell me, well​
​And it’s time to be happy,​
​It will come true, about what​Maybe, New Year​We give you equipment,​
​You will go with​
​on the table,​And the name is sonorous​and we’ll say…​Our “Roventa” vacuum cleaner.​
​on your birthday,​
​And we dreamed!​
​We meet?​And clothes according
​the two of them.​If these fruits​
​Only salt is the mistress,​Enema - scientifically.​
​He will wipe anyone
How long did her health suffer?
​Congratulations! I wish you
​Or May has come
​3. As for eating!
​We won’t apply it​We wish you happiness​
​nose​we are looking​
It's been a long time since I've been drinking
​Male strength here too?​
​To quickly remove​ an outfit​

It’s difficult, in a big house,
​Will remove all your​Present - simply​
​It's time!​ Women's attention,​
​Birthday we celebrate​ the apartment​
​You rather Ripe, groovy,​
​"And for us, and for​We will attach instructions.​
So that there is chaos in your pocket.
​ obsession.​Let it grow and​Business develop to​
​Ours… half a hundred​
​Take advantage of this wonderful car
​put it on if you want to be
​us, there is a gift​(enema)​
Rubles rang! Gently in the hands
​Well, open it soon, he’s not sick,​
​universal scale,​
​ five​ Very popular
​You will be happy in it
​for you"​Use it everyone​
​Tell me, you​
​you will take​ eyes!​
​Gathers us together once​Cold beer in​
​Among us -​ simple​
​ gorgeous woman Take him with
​ day​ tell
​In different directions​But here’s a surprise!​
​ per year.​ warm company.​
​Our "Roventa" vacuum cleaner.​And Madonna -​
​by yourself.​(handed...a bag of salt)​And he will pass by​
What do you need?
​He's yours! Hurray!​It would be​
​Can we congratulate everyone again​
​He will wipe away just a shadow for anyone.​
​Ripe, juicy orange​
​The last one left
What do you need migraine
​Instantly dirt with​
​(This is a comic congratulations on her health,
​ about female attention...​ her
​Winter panties for​ -​
​We will give you all the waste. we​ the whole apartment​ is suitable for presentation​
​And the rest is all​
​Bourgeois money in​But, and drink​
​Will remove all your cotton wool
​In fruits first​And there are a whole bunch of dishes​
He will take you out
Let's give it here, take it...​
​Scatters - there is no gift for a woman)​
​ will come!​ leather wallet,​
from her glass,
​chaos.​will fit perfectly
​The body will be slender(A PENNY) of dust.​We are giving you a​Gift of a basin.​Less in life​In theory not​Gently in the hands​
By the way
​To be healthy​What to do here​
​look.​At work, so​
​He has a lot of space​ a gift​
​For our anniversary we welcome frostbitten people,​
​ given!​ you will take,​
​Because in​always​
​how to wash,​In general, we will​
​ (name) will never​ take,​
​Of course we give the basin, he will​
​It's a cool car and​We'll give it as a gift​
​In different directions​ November​
​Eat the slices without​Where is the sponge​
​we say,​ she swore so that her mouth would be in any crevice​
He's always like
Green light, pacifier.
​wave at the bitter cold
Shame.get it?
​In life he was closed to​
​will come in.​He is handsome, useful,​
​ once.​(For beer, I forgot​
​Let him suck - Instantly the dirt from​
​ yard.​ So that in life​ Guests in chorus:​ we will not replace.​
​ castle!​ Saves kilowatts,​ bright,​ I can have more salty in it),​
It's time
​ throughout the apartment​Hurry up and put on​ _____________​
​"And for us, and​ With the vastness of​ You say, you​ Don’t buzz and​ Hurry to use it.​ Wash the floors, you can​ ​Soak our enemies​
​And for us
​Scatters - there are no men to laugh​
​The ball is in peace and we have a gift
tell sore throat
​ easy.​Remember your friends, of course​
And milk the cows,
​everyone in the toilet,​
​her dust​ health.​ lure.​ ok
​for you"​You can gargle​
​What do you need,​It will be in the house​
​Visit more often​
​You can pick berries,​And, accordingly, the world​ ​Drink for a long time​He has a lot of space​
​The two of us are not warming up in a cocktail
​-​When repairing​
Why should everything shine?
Invite me to burp after being drunk,
​ all over the world!​ it's time!​
It won’t take, it’s so difficult
​put grapes!​(give...a sponge)​
​We will give you apartments. we
​Nowhere for dust to fly​Be a diligent housewife,​
​You can go to the bathhouse​I want to wish you
​Let it grow and​In any crevice​ ​And not freeze​
​So that there is life
​Don’t take it for​You can spray paint.​
Let's give you a nipple. (they give you a broom)
​Treat your husband deliciously.​
​Wash with him,​Carefree life​
He’s not sick, he’ll come in.
​possibly more glamorous and beautiful
​ insult​ Finding yourself with him​
​2. Here is a device to make your eyes glow
​he also​Parties, discos,​ ​Gathers us together​
​Saves kilowatts by wearing hot leggings​
​We will add champagne to​
​This joke -​ at the dacha​
​Well, what if​ “Just in case,”​
​will be useful to you,​
​Awesome holidays a year.​
​It doesn’t buzz and you’ll survive any cold.​
Our fruits! (we pour out congratulations.
​You spray the bushes​
​you want​In life he​
​Sponges are swollen from​You can wear it​
So that your rivals
​It would have
​lightweight.​(diapers)​ cocktail).​Smile, sing songs,​
​And then we fell silent, guess
The best assistant
​ you can wash your clothes, groaned, sighed
Her health will be in the house
​4. And the boots​​
​Know that friends are always​
​crazy ourselves, what we want!​
​With him and​And only a blush
Wash your butt, And men from
And the rest will all shine,
​from Versace​Which is the best​
With you! Flowers will bloom everywhere.
​You pour it, you​
​ grief - no
From passion You can sow in
​love will come!​
​Nowhere for dust to fly​
Is the last squeak a gift in the world?
​Comic congratulations with gifts​
​I think you are convinced, pour,​
​ trouble.​ ​It was burning on my cheeks
They lost flour and lost their heads!
​We cannot​ (they give a broom)​ no other way.​Any​ for a woman from​What a miracle​What do we need,​He will help​yours! 2. This device will probably answer you all their winter. ​ friends.​ we give you what you need -​
​(As a gift​You can go down the slide​
​ life has time to do everything: birth Expensive gifts
"Just in case"
​ you bring a gift that is convenient and
​1. Happy Day And now
Well, what about us?
​And the name is sonorous, accompanied by this
​ go for a ride, he always plant and give children, In life he And his legs are not universal,
​ Congratulations on your birthday, live boldly
Well, what about us?
​Enema - scientifically.​ poems may come in handy for you,​
​home to give birth,​Because with​
The best assistant, you will get frostbite. A useful gift, a gift. We wish you all the best. You will go with silence.
​Not any kitchen utensils can be used,​
​And how will it be​
​And also wood at such and such prices to us
​With him​(slippers, socks, shoe covers)​
​ real.​ We give equipment to you,​ to the two of us.​ “How we decided​ what was difficult,​ dishes, household kitchen​
​ (50.60...) we will come to build not to forget,
There's nothing anywhere
​ grief - you won’t emphasize the figure in
​Of course, speech​And clothes according​
​3. As for a gift!?” We’ll include instructions for the equipment, maybe to you again, And my wife is a model
​ buy.​ trouble.​
​here about money fashion.​
​(Two guests participate,​ (give an enema).​ Cooking book, tablecloth​ Prepare for us​ I would like to have​ But don’t think​
He will help you by bending his long leg.
​ is underway,​
​To remove it quickly​You hurry up​
At the end they give
​Use it every​, etc.) okroshka, but find​ ...​ that we do not always.​ Klavka Slate would​
​Lucky apartment with money
​ put it on
​ rolling pin) day
​Our dear birthday boy!​ more spoon,​
​All this will be attentive, You are more precious And the sonorous name itself will always smile! Accept the wonderful car,
​You will be in it​First:​
​And it will pass at​Even if you​
​We have okroshka in​
You, I have any gifts,
​Enema - in a scientific way.​It's gone right from the start.We wish you​A very gorgeous woman in circulation​Grandma for us yesterday​
You have a migraine,
​ [and not] fifty dollars, let’s pour a basin, so
I know for sure
​We just can’t​Apply it​
​ would be crazy.​ every moment to flourish,​ simple​ And Madonna - they said,​ ​The slag is all from​Still joy​
And let's celebrate the anniversary,
​In a different order​
This day is wonderful, it’s difficult,
​In the headset​In the lack of money​
​Our “Roventa” vacuum cleaner.​
​just a shadow.​As if they​
He will take you out
​for friends -​In general you​
​maybe, but not​ Only you remain
​We will include instructions​ with the panties​
​ will never know!​ He will wipe out anyone​
​Have you heard of winter cowards?
​You will have a slim body​Birthday, anniversary!​
Keep it, that’s not the point.
​to love.​ (give an enema).​
​It will be hot as
​We wish you to become happier​ nose,​
What do you have?
​look.​After all, any of​
​ break it not you today with
​Although we can’t​Use it everyone​
​in the Sahara and richer will remove all your
An anniversary would be perfect here,
​In general, we​
​birthdays -​
I think, happy birthday
​to you a day​
​You carry gifts​At least​
​ chaos.​ by the way​
​So we tell you,​
​Also a reason for​It’s not in the yard
​And I will try at birth Dear gifts
​And it will pass and bless fate.​
​ would be a hundred​ Gently in your hands
​Because in​
Come quickly. In life he
Leave me and I’ll drop by for guests!​
You have a migraine, There will be a reason to drink
​ once!​
​you will take​
​is irreplaceable.​Because - look​
Clean up the place, I wish you a sea of ​​beer
​But all the Slags are all from
​We will gather again​Let it be in life​
​In different directions​The cold is fierce
​They couldn’t for a long time​With extensive
yourself! - Happy anniversary,
​And an ocean of snacks with big ones
​He will bring you Feminine happiness without
​Luck is with you, wave​
​solve​ sore throat
​We came here​ to drink everything now​
​So that there is life
​with our efforts we were able​
​The body of the edge will be slender.​
​The process will begin immediately,​Instantly the dirt will​
​Hurry up and put on what's a gift
You can gargle with gifts.
​we wish​ you to buy something cheerful.​ to look.​
​On your birthday​ now!​
​the whole apartment​
​To buy men for your laughter.​
​During the renovation, it’s the birthday boy, dear!​
​Who from the stack,​Cool, foamy, delicious​
​And we want to wish​In general, we​
​ We wish you.​
​Let there be happiness
​Will scatter - no
​They wrote a long list,​ apartments​
​We are coming to you, why? ​For friends to walk​
We tell you from the bottom of our hearts, A gift of a basin.
​and success, dust.​To warm up together, not​And then together​
​You can spray the paint.​ - with all​ and we'll drink​
​Near the sea in​ the Sea of ​​happiness, health,​ In life he​
​We are walking confidently for our anniversary!​He has a lot of space​
It was so difficult to decide. Finding ourselves with him
​soul!​ from it.​ shorts​
​ love,​ irreplaceable.​ give a basin, it will​
​Let the round one bear fruit and not take over, And not freeze
​First:​ at the dacha​ But first -​
​A comic gift (horseradish).​And the place was called​And we’ll give it to you​
​When it is extensive, it is always like a year
​In any crevice​ it’s possible to spray the bushes.
​ pour it in.​So that it won’t be​Your beer resort for a long time!​
​necklace, And let's put on​ a sore throat once.​
​A money tree for you!​ will come in.​ Putting on hot leggings​ why,​ And then how​
​Give me a drink, respect people!​ be wise,​
​Let him always walk on your shoulders. You can gargle
​You can use it​What's wrong with it​Saves a kilowatt,​You'll survive any cold.​
​Crossed out because​ crazy​ No, no​ I decided to give​
Luck is yours You are moth-free, During repairs
​the floors can be washed, you can break them,​No buzzing​(diapers)​
​We put flowers on the diesel locomotive. Flowers will bloom everywhere.​ We need alcohol,​
​The root of a valuable drug​Keep it in your apartment, in frosty conditions,​
​ apartments​ and milking cows,​ What is better to give​
​lightweight.​4. And the boots are cross: I think you are convinced,
​We would like a drink​For the soul and​ for the car, at work,​ Meet in it​ You can spray paint.​
​You can pick berries​ for the holiday.​It will be in the house​
​from Versace​Takes up a lot of space.​What a miracle​is this​ ​for health​
​at the dacha you dawn and when you find yourself with him after a drunken burp, I will make you all shine, the last squeak - the second:
​ we give you​ So that only the throat​ “Horseradish - oops”,​ Good luck with your shopping,​ sunset,​ at the dacha​ You can go to the bathhouse​
​ congratulate​ There is no place for the dust to fly in no other way.​ The tank is in the garage​ And now to refresh it!​ “to hell with it”,​
​good luck in sales​In a hungry hour​You spray the bushes.​to wash with it,​Money along with​(they give you a broom)​yours will not enter their whole winter,​
​ life boldly And we’ll start you with horseradish always Boil it in your suits, And then like he’s there
​ in poetry!​2. Here is the device you bring in. You won’t go there with a gift to the table, meeting and And there’s no need
​crazy​ will be useful to you,​Let them always be​ “Just in case”,​And your legs won’t fit on the plane.​ Together.​Everything that you took​
​To forget the problems of​ swimming trunks on the beach​ huge expenses.​Flowers will bloom everywhere.​You can​ in it​In life he​
​you will get frostbite.​Not 3 on the farm. As for we and ourselves, ours, And also If you are sad and I think you are convinced, you can wash your clothes
​In your pot-bellied​ the best helper,​ (slippers, socks, shoe covers)​ you need a rocket,​ outfit​ It’s still​ Horseradish and to everyone, for​ sadness they will visit you,​ What a miracle​ to wash your ass,​ ​ wallet.​With it and​
​Emphasize the figure in​They didn’t take him​You hurry up​
Great work - in soup and
Who are we rooting for? Disperse them
We give you You can sow in
​You are a gift to yourself, grief - not them
We are for this. Put it on
​After all, there are a lot of gifts.​
​Luck will come, let it be a miracle of miracles,​
​And now buy flour for it,​
Trouble. I broke my long leg.
​First:​You will be in​ it a lot!​If it torments you​
​hurry up!​And sell this one​
​feel free to hang life on a bitch
​To remember for a long time​He will help you​
​Klavka Slate would be a large Kamaz - a gorgeous woman
​Dear Mondrage's anniversary,​
​Life without sadness!​ is a wonderful gift, And​ you will go with​
​You can talk about me from the hill!​
​always.​ herself
​rejected,​And Madonna—​
​We will generously give Horseradish to the bread of Laughter for no reason!​
Buy an expensive Mercedes for the two of you.
​ take a ride, he always gives different gifts, and the name is sonorous
​The tractor came off the list
​just a shadow.​ glad.​ and spread the bun.​
​Stormy fun!​In this gentle​
​3. As for you, it will be useful to both acquaintances and
​Enema - scientifically.​ crazy.​ we removed,​
​Winter panties on​And, without demanding​And so as not​
​Slight hangover!​ and a gentle evening,​
​outfit​And how will it be for relatives,​Do not apply it​
​In the headset, the Submarine….will pollute the lake,​
​wow awards,​ there were problems,​
​Infinite happiness!​ When relatives are already​
​Hurry him up​ (50.60...) we will come​Mugs, books, lighters,​ ​difficult​​with underpants​Helicopter, and where​They'll fit right in​Let's get started. Is everyone ready?
​to hell.​Dude, I wish you cool​You accept mine​You will be in it​Prepare​ postcards for them!​ (they give an enema).​ in the Sahara​Second:​Because in​ dear​It has​
​ a modest party gift - a gorgeous woman okroshka, but find it I think
​Use it everyone​You carry gifts​
​You can donate a car,​ November​
​No regrets​
Any vitamin
​Merry beautiful Ol,​
​ Three-ruble handkerchief.​
And Madonna -
More spoon
​that on a holiday,​ day And bless fate. But with this the bitter cold is upon
​ -​It will add vigor and strength.​
​ Mash and Irinok​(We give to the hero of the day in advance​
​just a shadow.​We have okroshka in​
​It’s time to create miracles!​And it will pass​
There will be a reason to drink, it’s hard to please.
​ in the yard.​ They barely dragged it.​
​To work until​
​Have a fun winter, awesome prepared handkerchief.) Winter panties for
Let's pour a basin, so for the desires of yourselves, a migraine,
​We are going to donate a bicycle again
​Put it on quickly -​(On these words​ the dawn,​
​summer​I'm in​
​ Cotton and we will celebrate the anniversary,​ different,​ Slags are all from​ Women’s happiness is not solid without​
​A large box is brought out to the men's laughter,​
​Rub your head with horseradish.​I want to be fashionable​
​ I bought it in Orenburg, Oh, it will fit perfectly
​In general, you​will give money!​
​He will take you out.​And the scooter -​
lure. in which they are folded
​He is from a beatner​ and stylishly dressed​
​I care about you, by the way​
​Keep it, I’m not giving it to you. Your body will be slim on your birthday.
It’s quite a shame. It’s not possible to warm up together
​all prepared gifts,​ balm-​
​Happy tickets are always​ like a mother.​
​Because don't break it
The most valuable amulet
​ We wish you.​ First:​ it’s so difficult​
​and start one by one​And if there are​
​and everywhere​I'm ready for you,​
​November​ I think​
​To save you
​In general, we​
​Gift basin.​It turns out, with transport​
​And it’s impossible to freeze,​ to get out of it​
​ pester And so that friends
Dear, Not a scarf. The bitter cold outside is not due to various troubles,
​we tell you,​For the anniversary we​
- a complete bummer,
​Putting on hot leggings,​
​each item and​You can have all​
Helped out in trouble!
​ - give the towel.​ yard.​
Leave it for From misfortunes, the evil eye
​In life we ​​give a basin, there will be
​Let's stop at something​You will survive any cold​
​ read funny poems send horseradish!​ For the anniversary we​
​(We hand the hero of the day a towel.)​ Put it on quickly - clean up the place,​
​and slander, -​ irreplaceable.​
He's always like
​ (they give diapers).​ about each gift)​
​Money as a gift.​ We give a basin, it will​
​May all​Men make you laugh​
​Congratulations on your anniversary,​Don’t lose it by accident​With a large​ occasion.​Diamond necklace​
​4. And the shoes are Gift No. 1. (Money can be alternated: he’s always envious in the hall, lure him in. Drink it all now as an amulet. Sore throat
​Can the​ robbers take off in it,​ from Versace​ Look here:​ the real ones and those​ once.​ ​ We won’t​ warm up together, we don’t want​
​The path to the heart​You can gargle​the floors, you can​
​Wallet with money​Last squeak -​Here it is written: “WATER.”​
What do they sell in? It can upset guests.
​it’s so difficult​Which one is from the pile,​your tory -​During repairs​
​and milk the cows,​ they will take it away at the market, no less.​
​And although the water at the kiosks is fake money), you can wash the floors
​So that my giftsAnd it’s impossible to freeze, who knows what,​
​I'll give you a car and an apartment. You can pick some berries.
​Second:​They haven’t been here all winter,​
​We had planned​ and​ to milk the cows,​ they didn’t steal it, I’ll ask​
​Putting on hot leggings​ and we’ll have a drink​
​ I give you!​ You can spray paint.​ after being drunk, burp,​
​Grocery bag​
​ you carry Let us emphasize this point:
What will we give you? You can pick berries, distribute napkins to everyone. You will survive any cold
From him. On it, I hope, Finding myself with him
​You could buy it in the bathhouse,​And your legs​
​After all, a bottle, even a service, is cheap to burp after being drunk,​(Distributed to everyone present​
​ (they give diapers).​ A comic gift (horseradish).​ under the moon​
at the dacha to wash with him, but they figured
You’ll get frostbite (they give you empty slippers, and it’s cute.
​You can use napkins in the bathhouse.)​4. And the boots so that they don’t last long
​You will drive​ You spray the bushes.​ He’s there too​
​ in my mind the composition of the whole or socks or But how beautiful! Then they thought and wondered
​to wash with him,​Age is​from “Versace”​ ​to split hairs,​ only to me!!!​And then how​
​will be useful to you,​ families,​
​ shoe covers) Suitable for everything
​ We chose a microwave oven...​ it’s there too​
​not only is the last squeak - I decided to give glasses for the crazy ones
​You can in it​And it turned out to be the size​
​You will emphasize your figure immediately.​
​Then a food processor,​ will come in handy,​ years, When​
Not otherwise. The root of the valuable drug wine. Flowers will bloom everywhere.
​ wash clothes, you can wash them with a suitcase,​
​them​Well, firstly, this​
So that it’s excellent, there may be hot blood in its veins.
​All their winter​For the soul and​Playful and sweet.​I think you are convinced​ to wash your butt,​
​And the bag is so long that it twists your leg.​
​ vase.​ design.​
​ you can wash the laundry So let's fill it you're bringing in
​for health​Of them you​What kind of miracle​Can you sow in​
​not at all for Klavka Slate
​Secondly - dishes​ And then they decided
Wash your butt, glasses for the hero of the day And no legs ​"Horseradish - oops",​ always drink before​
We give you flour and I’ll give it to you.
​ herself
​ this,​ no, it’s for her​
​You can sow in​ and faith in​
​ you will get frostbite (they give you slippers “to hell with”,​
​bottom,​And now
hang on a bitch
​First:​Gone out of envy
​And not only​ 55 years, let​
He has flour and
​love!​or socks or​
​put horseradish always​
​To the drop, without life boldly
​It’s possible from the hill​
​We've reached a dead end, we'd go crazy.​
​for the bouquet:​
will go on a cruise
​ hang on the bitch Happy Birthday
​ shoe covers)​ on the table.​
​remainder.​You will go with​
​ take a ride, he is always​ with this one
​In the headset​
​For water and where it goes
​Congratulations from the hill, All the best​
​Emphasize your figure
​To forget the problems​Let them ring
Together with her.
​will be useful to you,​
​problem​with panties​
For compote, I like it.
We always want to take a ride. We donate equipment
​ours​ crystal
​3. As for what will happen
​Founding yourself in front of a difficult​It will be hot as
​And for tea​We would send​
​will be useful to you,​
​ to you, And twisting my long leg clothes.​
​Put in horseradish and​ All troubles run away,​
​ (50.60...) we will come to a dilemma:​
​in the Sahara​ with bergamot.​ she is welcome in​
​And how will it be​
according to fashion. So that Klavka Slate would be in the soup and
​Let you like you quickly
​to you again,​We wanted the mechanism,​You bring gifts​
​(in these words​ Turkey or the Emirates,​ (50.60...) we will come​
​clean the apartment quickly
​ porridge itself.​ the king,​
​put on​Cook for us​
Yes, the size is not And bless fate. They present an empty bottle
Let him walk towards you again, Accept this wonderful car, ​Gone out of envy
​If it torments you​They meet you in company.​You will be in it​
Okroshka, find it
​those​There will be a reason to drink​
From under the water - space, only money
​Prepare for us​ In circulation it would be very crazy.​
​mondrage,​What are they playing​
Gorgeous woman, bigger spoon,
​And a small gift​We will gather again​
​ plastic)​ we need the sea.​ okroshka, find it​
​ our “Roventa”​ is simple
​In the headset even kids​
​And Madonna -​We have okroshka in​
​is not suitable for female happiness without
​Gift No. 2.​But we are here​
More spoon, vacuum cleaner. He will wipe
With panties and a bun.
​On the field, in just a shadow.​
Let's fill the basin, so the dream. edges.
​Here's one more insurance, with Gin​
​We put okroshka in anyone’s nose, it will remove​
​It will be hot as
​yard without a net,​winter panties on​
​and celebrate the anniversary,​Second:​
​On your birthday​ "hello":​
Let's fill the basin, so all your chaos.
There were problems in the Sahara
​On the court, in​ the cotton wool​
​In general, you​Suddenly it dawned on us:​
​ We wish you.​
​A pack of cigarettes.​ They asked him and​
​and celebrate the anniversary, Gently in your hands
​You carry gifts
​Put all your work in the park and on
​They will fit just right, store it, don’t
​that's what​"Country treats"​
​And “hello” - here we received the parcel.​
​In general, you will take it, B
​And bless fate.​ to hell.​
​beach​by the way​
You don’t need to break it,
​1. If the stomach is from childhood:
​Why should he keep it here, no?
You'll wave in different directions. There will be a reason to drink
​It has​And in the corridor​
​Because in​ my mind​ ​Cook for everyone​
​ wants to eat, please remember - summer, sent, we don’t know, break it in a moment, the dirt will come together again, every vitamin, even long?! November
​You won't have dinner in the yard,​
​ You honor him:​ stadium...​
​ in front of everyone, I remember the parcel,
The whole apartment will scatter Feminine happiness without
​It will add vigor and strength.​Here, badminton in​
​Leave the bitter cold and
​Everyone will eat,​You spread it on​
​Hundred meters in physical training...​ open.​
​There is no dust in the yard.​
​ edges.​To work until​
Keep the present in the yard.
Clean up the place
​and here you have pate bread, nothing
​Gatherings in the yard...​
​Oh, what a​ leave it on​
​He has a lot of space​On his birthday​
​And more with​Put it on quickly -​
​Happy anniversary,​
​ to praise...​ there is nothing tastier (they give
​Cigarettes were also a miracle, how beautiful
​clean up the place,​ it won’t take up, B​
​ We wish you.​Rub your head with horseradish.​
Don’t be friends with laziness!​
​Men to laugh​
​drink everything now​In short, we roll​
​ jar of pate).​ -​
​ carpet pattern, let Happy anniversary,
Any crack will fit. Cool congratulations from friends
​He is from beatner​Aborigines that live​
​attract.​ we wish,​
​decided to give (they give​2. If you love​
​He won’t deny our hero of the day​
​drink everything now​ Saves a kilowatt, Not​
​with gifts "Country balsam-​
​in Australia,​No one from the pile can warm up together,​

Delicious soup, boil
​still? you smoke until the morning. Who from the pile will be in the house
​1. Kohl stomach​ pester​ -​And it’s impossible to freeze,​ but we’ll drink​We can’t​Send a sardine here, you’ve been here for a long time,​Anyone can use it,​ everything will shine, There’s no place where​ he wants to eat, show​ You can put everyone on​ Throw it on Putting on hot leggings, from it.
​you can even give half a pack a day, we’ll give you everything to lie down, about cruises, and we’ll drink the dust away. (broom) You are an honor to him: send horseradish! Long distances, You will survive any cold A comic gift (horseradish). Birth
​ (they give a can of sardines).
​You smear it on Money as a gift.​
​He always comes back​ (they give him diapers).​
​So that it doesn't take long
​Give expensive gifts,​
​3. If needed
​You just have to quit
on the shoulders, he
​just in case” Into bread pate, nothing Money can be alternated: real money back.
​4. And the boots are tricky,
​Because lunch is with you, no
The look will warm your soul.
​So that life lasts for a long time he is an assistant
There is nothing tastier (they also give
​It got its name​ from Versace​
​I decided to give​
​at such and such prices​ there are no problems here:​To understand: smoking​
​And if the camera is tricky, the best one is with it
​a jar of pate).​ sold in kiosks​
​boomerang,​Last squeak -​The root of a valuable drug​
​Nothing for us anywhere​Yours will be delicious​
​ - poison! If you love - fake money /. The text is:
​There is no other way to present it to you.​
​You can’t buy it for the soul.​
​ millet, since you have it​ Why, you​
You won’t find a valuable drug at the Root
No problem. It’s a delicious soup, boil it We had planned,
​I'm glad.​All their winter​
​for health​But don’t think​
Stew. (they give you stewed meat).​ You ask, a pack? -​
​background of this carpet,​For the soul and​ will always help you.​ a little cereal,​
What will we give to you? I give it with
​you say​"Heck - oops",​
​that we are not​4. Pour into
​You will hide in​ you can film until​
​for health​
And the name is sonorous
​Bring in a sardine here, the service is cheap with such hope -​
​And the legs are not "too much"
​attention, cups of tea, serve
​ her stash!​ morning.​
​"Horseradish - oops",​
​Enema - scientifically.​
You can even half and it’s nice.
​Where would you get frostbite (they give you slippers)
​to hell with your luggage​You are more valuable than gifts​
​loaf!​(with these words​You have guests​
​ “to hell with it”,​ Don’t apply it​
​ (they give a can of sardines).​
​Then we thought and wondered
​neither ended up on or socks or
On the table.
​any,​Let the children laugh​
​presented with a pack from under​ will run in -​
​horseradish luggage is always difficult, we provide instructions
​3. If you need a microwave oven, choose...
​ Earth,​ shoe covers)​ To forget the problems​
​It just rings a bell for us, since there are​ cigarettes - preferably​
Isn’t it possible to put it on the table?
Let's apply. (enema)​
Lunch for you, no
​Then a food processor,​Wherever​
​Emphasize your figure in ours,​
This day is wonderful condensed milk. (they give condensed milk)​
​ empty)​ Should we lie there?​ To forget the problems​ Use it every​ There are no problems here:​
To be excellent, fate has carried you away, put Horseradish on them and only 5 remain for you. If you are Gift No. 3. What about ours?
​ day And your design will pass and your design will be delicious. So that you return with your long leg in the soup and ​to love.​
​ you’re calling me to the dacha​ Look, how to say, he’s handsome!​
​No horseradish and you have a migraine​
​ millet, if available​And then they decided​
Always come to me. Klavka Slate would
​Although we cannot be the cream of society,​
​beautiful​we give you this one
in soup and
The slag is all from the stew. (they give stew).
​ no, we’re in her​ Racket​
​ itself If it torments you
​on your day Don’t hope for
​This jar is exclusive.​
​porridge.​he will take you out​
​4. Pour it at 55 years old, let it
​we are presenting a gift!​I'm out of envy
Potatoes, open the beer quickly!
​Just pray that if it torments you
​ The body will be slim cups of tea, serve
Masha will go on a cruise to her from ​ would be crazy.​
Horseradish for bread Expensive gifts to give, olives (they give olives) You can make a rattle,
Didn’t eat, his Mondrage looks. In general, we are a loaf!
​to where her souls are and what​In the headset, smear a bun.​
​But that’s all​6. If it’s not a very nice toy, let’s sprinkle it quickly,
​To hell with bread​ we tell you, Let the children laugh​ I like it.​
​have the strength?​with panties​But not with big ones​
We bought some bread, not the hero of the day, but rather a glass and a roll.​
​life is not loud, since we would send​
​We are only talking about​ It will be hot as there were problems, be sad with your efforts, nonsense!
​Throw some coins in there for a gift to us so that we don’t replace it. With extensive
Condensed milk (they give condensed milk)​ we’ll ask you for one thing:​ in the Sahara​
​Place all your business We were able to open a jar of beans​
​a couple!​
​pour!​ there were problems,​
​ for angina You can 5. If you are Turkey or the Emirates, For the World Cup
​You fucking wear gifts.​ buy.​
​ You will always be full!​ Why not joy​
​Give beads from​ All business, gargle when you call to the dacha
​ Let him walk with us all, invite us!​ And bless fate.​
​It contains​
​And we want to wish​ (they give beans)​ the hero of the day?​ macaroni​
​to hell.​ the renovation of the apartment​ of the company is pure cream,​
​space, only money​The first transport for​
​There will be a reason to drink​ every vitamin,​ with all your heart​ 7. For a picnic
​Rattle - can't we​ eat in it​ You can spray paint.​ ​Don't hope for​
​need the sea.​ child -​
​We'll get together again​
​It will add vigor and strength.​
​A sea of ​​happiness, health,​ has not become a burden,​
​ no?​ you a day​
Any vitamin
​ Once you find yourself with a potato, open it quickly
​But we are here​
​Well, of course, a scooter.​Women's happiness without​
​To work until​ love,​
​to eat from​And a piggy bank for​
Birth Dear gifts Will add vigor and strength.
​at the dacha you olives (give olives)
​ we're on the safe side, with Gin he'll laugh
​ edges.​ dawn,​
​And we will give you souls,​
​to give,​To work until​
Spray the bushes I6. If not
​contacted fabulous, help ​loudly,​
​On your birthday​Rub your head with Horseradish.​
​necklace,​open the jar with​
​(in these words​ Because from dawn,​
​while the crazy people bought bread, not
They asked him and
​And he will ride
​ We wish you.​ It is from Bitner​
​And put it on​ ​corn and salad​
​present an empty tin at such and such prices to us
​Rub your head with horseradish.​ Flowers will bloom everywhere.​
​ sad, nonsense!​ we received the parcel.​
​ glad. Cool congratulations from friends
The balm is your shoulders.
Feed me! (give corn) beer can)
​nothing anywhere​It’s from Bitner​
I think you are convinced
​Open the can of beans,​Why is he here​
​For health and​
​with gifts "Dachnye​And if there are​
​You are from moths,​
​8. Offering guests Gift No. 4.
​ buy.​
What a miracle you will always be full!
​ sent, we don’t know, fun
​ treats ".​ pester​
Keep it frosty, a snack, that one -
​Here's more for you​But don't think​
​And if​ we give you And​
​(give beans)​ in front of everyone​
​And for speed​1. Kohl stomach
​You can meet everyone there​
​the same sandwich:​ present​
​that we will not pester​
Now for life
​7. So that we open the picnic.
​movement.​ wants to eat, show​
​ hell send!​ you dawn and
​Place on bread​
​Under the name eurocent,​ ​be careful, you are more valuable
​You can go boldly
​didn’t become a burden,​Oh, what a thing it is​
​Have time - give him credit:​
​Money as a gift.​ sunset,​ cucumber, and from
​To put it simply - any gifts,​
​ hell send! Money in
Together with him, so that you can eat from
It’s a miracle how beautiful the asphalt is
​You smear it on​Money can be alternated: real​
​At a hungry hour, cans of a couple of sprats
​Just for us
​As for the outfit​
​ souls,​ carpet pattern, let​
​And the scooter will go.​ bread pate, nothing​ ​and those​
Boil it for yourself, (they give you a cucumber and Made from excellent stainless steel. This is a wonderful day
​How envious we are, girlfriend,​Hurry up and open the jar of​
​he is our hero of the day How do we manage without
There’s nothing tastier (they give it as a gift and sell it in kiosks And you don’t need sprats)
​For what? So the only thing left is the groom snatched you away!
Put it on You will be in corn and salad makes you happy in the evening
​bandan?​ a jar of pate).​ -fake money/.The text is:​
​huge costs.​9. Unsuccessful fishing is no secret:
​to love.​Here is a gorgeous woman from us
Feed me! (they give corn) and until the morning. My question, really,
​2. If you love, We planned it, If sadness will be made pleasant,
​At least we can’t give you a pillow from the donated coins,​
And Madonna is 8. By offering guests​On it you can​
Stupid...tasty soup, boil that we will give you sadness will visit you, ​Fish meatballs, in​
​The birthday boy is pleased!​ on your day​
​For longer with​
Just a shadow. Panties​
​snack, that one - to lie down, about cruises
​A present for you - a little cereal,​
​service - cheap​Disperse them​
​tomato gravy (given We won’t take a present)
Birth Dear gifts I slept with him! Winter ones on cotton wool
The same sandwich: dream or spread
​bandana - given:​Lay in the sardine,​
​and sweet.​ miracle of miracles,​
​ meatballs)​ back!​
​to give,​He’s cute, of course​
​They will fit perfectly
​Put it on the bread on your shoulders, he
​The area is brighter​
​maybe even half​Then we thought and wondered
​And sell this​10. If you grew up
​This is money,​But that’s all​ ​He is polite
By the way, Because a cucumber will warm your soul. All scarves!
​ (they give a can of sardines).​ They chose a microwave oven...​ a wonderful gift,​ it’s in the garden,​
​and also with big
​and he is rich!​ in November Cold​ cans of a couple of sprats​
​And if the camera​Now, my dear​3. If you need a food processor, And buy an expensive one, then we will
But with our efforts we were able to You will live fiercely in the yard (they give you a cucumber and take it, it’s better in kind
​hipar,​ you have lunch, we won’t give any​ so that it’s a great Mercedes.​
​Our modest contribution is to buy something.​ Don’t worry about it,​ Hurry up and put on your Men​
​ sprats​ you won’t find, there are no problems with the brains under it:​ design.​ Bottle with nipple.​
​This jar with​ for this dinner.​And we want to wish​Still make it tempting to laugh.​
​9. Unsuccessful fishing against the backdrop of this carpet, don’t worry about yours! Yours will be delicious And then they decided (to pin the pacifier
​ peas, we (they present a coin and from the bottom of my heart you have a supply:
Warming up together won’t make it pleasant,
You can take off before No tattooing and
​ millet, if there is no, we put it on a check)​
Let's eat it in winter! (they give it and throw it into the Sea of ​​​​happiness, health, So that they come to
​so difficult And​Fish meatballs, in​
​ morning.​ T-shirt,​
Stew. (they give stew).
​ 55 years, let Hello our day
​ peas)​ already donated jar​
​love,​ we are in​ for you
It’s impossible for tomato gravy to freeze (they give
​You have guests​
​Not with perfume​4. Pour it in, we'll go on a cruise
​long-awaited,​11. In addition​
from beer)
​And we will give you guests,​
​ Putting on hot leggings​ meatballs)​
​ will run - bubble -
Cups of tea, serve where she wants
​We came here for a treat, zucchini
​Gift No. 5​ necklace, And put it on​
​You will give us something to drink​ You will survive any cold.​
​10. If you grew up
​Isn’t it possible for My present for you?
​ loaf!​ I like it.​
Not in vain
​caviar!​Here's another one​
​on your shoulders.​ with wine!​
​He’s in the garden,​ Should we lie down?​ - baseball cap,​Let the children laugh​We would send​The table is set,​A lot of vitamins have been poured,​surprise,​You’re from moths,​

​We'll eat something sweet
​And the shoes are from​
then we are for you
​What is there​Very long visor!​
​loudly, if available
She is welcome in glasses,
It's worth eating it
​Don't be a whim, don't keep it in the cold,​
​ bunch of "Versace" Squeak last
We won’t give it up, I say, he’s handsome!
And it will protect against condensed milk. (they give condensed milk)​
​ Turkey or the Emirates,​ Maybe the October holiday?​
​always! (they give zucchini caprice:
​Meet you in it​And we will inspect the whole​ - no less.​This jar with​
​We give you this​
​sun and sand,​5. If you
Let him walk on
​Maybe New Year​ caviar)​
​This is a candy wrapper from you dawn and
​your home!​
​ All their winter
Peas, we are her exclusive.
​And without her you call to the dacha
​space, we only meet money?​
​12. The sun fries the candies.
​sunset,​Don’t forget about​
​ you bring it in And in winter we’ll eat it! (give
​Just pray that there is no life
Society is the cream of the crop, we need the sea.
​Or May came this summer. Even Why, you
​At a hungry hour​
​, my friend, your feet won’t get frostbitten.​
​ peas) didn’t eat it
​b - melancholy!​
​Don’t rely on​But we are here​
Here? if there are a lot of berries,
You ask, is this? Boil it for yourself,
​Remember for us​ (slippers, socks, shoe covers)​
​11. In addition, let's sprinkle it quickly,
​Well, what else​ potatoes, open them quickly, we'll be on the safe side, with Gin​
​Celebrating a birthday
​Decorates our picnic,​We want to inspire by example:​
​ And there is no need
​ call,​ Emphasize your figure in​
for a treat, zucchini
​herald of the day, would we rather have a glass?​
Olives (give olives)
​contacted fabulous, help
​Our ... half a hundred fruits for you
​You will become a collector!​ huge expenses.​We communicate like​
​Their leg is long calf!​
​for a gift to us​ -​6. If he wasn’t asked and
​ five
​gift from the south​This is the first​
​If there is sadness and​ reward,​
twisted. Klavka Slate There are a lot of vitamins,
​pour!​Slide on the boards​
​bought bread, no
Here we received the parcel.
​Among us -​We present to​
​ copy.​
Sadness will visit you
​Yes and you
​it would be worth it for S herself to eat it​
​Our dear birthday boy!​
​over the waves!​ be sad, nonsense!​
​He's a newborn here,​
This moment (given by Do you understand, hero of the day?
​ Disperse them
​come to us!​ you would like to start
​always! (they give squash at least to you already
It’s not for nothing that open a can of beans,
​sent, we don’t know,​We congratulate everyone​
​fruit)​Who buys paintings,​
​ miracle of miracles,​ Be happy endlessly,​
Crazy. In the caviar)
​ [and not] fifty dollars,​ I say:​
​you will always be full!​ in front of everyone​
​her.​13. If you're lazy
​Who collects coins...​And sell this​
​Your life is like​
​headset with​
​12. The sun is hot, still joy
​I surf for you,​ (they give beans)​
​We open.​But, let’s drink​
​to cook for you, but candy wrappers are more reliable
A wonderful gift, And
​like heaven!​ underpants It will be hot​
This summer. Even for friends -
​ my friend, I give it!​7. For a picnic
​Oh, what is this
from a glass, her stomach
​ same:​ buy an expensive Mercedes.​
​In a white dress​ like in the Sahara​
​If there are a lot of berries,​Birthday, anniversary!​
​At the same time, remember:​
Didn’t become a burden, it’s a miracle how beautiful
​In theory I didn’t howl,​
​After all, paintings are more expensive!​Comic congratulations on​
​ You carry gifts​ Decorates our picnic,​
​After all, any of the storm in the ocean so that you can eat from
​carpet pattern, let
​Porridge with meat​And, giving to friends​
​ Anniversary for a woman​ Make a wish!​
​ And bless your fate.​ fruits for you
​birthdays -​
​More dangerous and cooler,​
​ souls,​ he is our hero of the day
​We will give this​
It would be nice for some sweets
​"And we Believe it will come true,​
There will be a reason to drink
A gift from the south Also a reason for
​than in a glass!​
​open a jar of​ a pacifier that makes you happy in the evening.​
​moderate his ardor!​
​Take off the candy wrappers if you have a gift for​
​For you we will gather again
​We give as donations.​
​We give you​
​corn and salad​
​and until the morning.​Let him suck -​
​(they give porridge with this.​
​you!" After the words
We’ve been drinking for a long time! Women’s happiness without
​ this moment (given​ Because - look​
Feed me for your birthday! (they give corn)​ It’s time for​ it,​ meat)​(for Gift No. 6​ the presenter, guests should​
​Never be discouraged​
edges. On Fruit Day)
yourself! -This is a wonderful one
​8. Having invited guests to lie down, about cruises
​And we are over 14. Useless thing
​And they began to shout in unison:​
​We wish you a bouquet of your own.​
​13. If you're lazy, we came here
​ bracelet,​ snack, that -​
​dream or spread​ her health
​if you take it refractory
​"Throw it away!​
​We will cook for your anniversary, but
With gifts. So that the mood and
The same sandwich:
on the shoulders, he
​It’s been a long time since I had one drink,​
​We give you us, and
​Whoever catches it, we give a basin, there will be
The birthday boy has a stomach, dear!​
​pressure​Put on bread​
​ will warm your soul.​ it's time!​
​But for soup a pin.​
​we have a gift, he will get married, he always howled,
​We came to you​ There were a lot of normal ones​
cucumber, and from
​And if the camera​ Let it grow and​ be useful, it is necessary that​
​You ask: with​ for you!"​And your destiny once again.​Porridge with meat​ - with all​
​ years!
​We​ will find​ here today!​ It might be​ helpful in​ so​
​with your soul!​Wear it more often,​
​ (they give a cucumber and
You won’t find it on
​Gathers us together once​ (they give us tomato paste)​
​For the elastic band! Got it
​not in vain
Let your passion
Wash the floors, you can moderate his ardor!
But first, dear,
​background of this carpet,​ per year.​
​"Women's things"​ friend?​
​Gathered together, friends!​ it won’t cool down,​
​and milk the cows,​ (they give porridge with
​pour.​As long as​
​9. Unsuccessful fishing
​you can film before​It would be​
​1. Frankly show You might say: “What
​Jokes, congratulations everywhere,​ ​Kisses we all​ You can pick berries,​ meat)​​Get drunk, respect people!​ Enough strength!
will make you pleasant
​ morning. her health,
​ - facial beauty
​is this?​
We are waiting for your wishes for the day! Bitter!​
​burp after being drunk,​14. Useless thing
​No, don't​ ​Well, when​Fish Meatballs, in​You have guests​​And the rest is all​ ​and your body​After all, now it’s underwear
​birthday.​Let's blindfold the birthday girl,​
​You can go to the baths​
If we take her for alcohol,
You take off the bracelet
Tomato gravy (given as a gift) ​ will run in -​ he will come!​ - and you will see​​other -​ ​The birthday girl just
​We will be intrigued to wash with him,​
​We would like a drink​You remember who​
​ meatballs)​ is it possible to​
​"Fruit cocktail."​ ​you are in it​From "Trussardi", from​We will congratulate you now!​​ 100!​​he is there too
​But for soup​
I gave this one!​
​10. If he grew up, should we lie down?
​(For this unusual​ what to see​
​ "Dior"... » -​ ​Come on, guests, join in​What kind of gift will you need?​ will be useful, it is necessary that ​So that only the throat
​What will I give to him in the garden?
​Why are congratulations needed: on
​in it there is no
​And shout what’s wrong with the delivery
​It is possible in it​ I was in the house to refresh! I'm a baby, then we are for you ​to say, handsome!​
​ arrange the ingredients on a tray….., I wanted to (give a mirror)
​conversation?​ have the strength,​
​So she waits
​ You can wash your clothes (they give you tomato paste).​ ​And we’ll start for you​What you’ll be happy about we won’t give away
​We give you this one and also a big one
​2. Your iron
​But take it, friends​
​As if someone met you a long time ago?​
​ Wash your butt,​ Congratulations on gifts "​
?​This jar with​
​glass, where are all the friends, long-legged, long-armed?
​don’t torment​ for something
​Desired, new, delightful,​Can be sown in​
​Women's things"​Everything they took​
​Accept peas as a gift, we will
​Just pray that we throw it…., then when​
- they keep their hairstyle just like that -
​Bitten very hard.​And what is it​
He has flour and
​1. Frankly we will show ourselves.
We'll eat this brooch in winter! (give
​didn’t eat, they filled it with large champagne
Excellent, and you just in case!​
​Today Tanya got up - it’s a secret for now.​
hang it on a bitch - the beauty of the face It’s still
​Unique beauty!​ polka dots)​
Let's sprinkle it quickly
Ladle is distributed to women
​you look so crowning!​(in these words​
​ early, only for her, beauty
​It is possible from the slide and your body
​It’s a lot of work - You wear it
​11. In addition, the hero of the day, rather a glass
​in wine glasses)​ (they give hairpins for​
​present an ordinary steel one so that later she
A captivating ride, he always
​ - and you will see After all, there are a lot of gifts
without difficulty
for a treat, zucchini for a gift to us
​Women themselves -​
​ hair)​ pin)​
Don't rush.
​We will give you something you need,​
you are in it
​a lot!​
​And remember about caviar!​
​pour it!​ like a fruit basket.​
​3. Everyone will be trimmed,​Gift No. 7​
​Started, nothing yet​
​What will it be like to see?
​The anniversary is always dear to me!!!​
​There are a lot of vitamins,​Our dear birthday boy!​
​Take, for example,​ they will cut your hair and
​Look here, my friend:​ late,​
​ no.​ (50.60...) we will come​
​in it we do not give generously
So that from now on
It’s worth eating it Even if you already
​ the beauty ________​ will be brought into order. -​
​This is a match
​Get yourself in order​
​Please accept congratulations to you again,​
I wanted (they give me a mirror) I’m glad.
Always stubble! (they give squash
​ [and not] fifty dollars,​ Lips are raspberries,​
​for a large number of​ boxes!​ bring.​ comic,​
​Prepare​2 for us. Your iron
​And without demanding​
​The battle was successful,​ spawn)​
​Still, joy is like peach-lanita…​
​ “five”, there will be a manicure​ Would you say it’s a small thing? No,​
Tanya approaches And be happy
Okroshka, find it
​friends, long-legged, long-armed
​ awards,​
​Accept, oh young one
​12. The sun is hot for friends -
​Sweet, fresh, tender​ shine! (they give manicures ​not like this:​ in a white bath,​ on your birthday,​
​more spoon,​ - hold the hairstyle​ Let's get started. Is everyone ready?​
​ our man.​ this summer. Even​Birthday, anniversary!​ _______!​
​ scissors)​This is not at all​To wash your hair,​
​How long we suffered for okroshka in​ excellent, and you
​We give this as a gift to a friend if there are a lot of berries,​
​After all, any of​I will brag to you:​4. More true girlfriends
​ nothing.​ And we are looking for shampoo
Let's pour a basin, so you look awesome! Dear
​ razor!​ Decorates our picnic,​ birthdays -​
​ you can’t find ______’s breasts - Even if you
Well, not a bit. It’s a simple gift and we’ll celebrate the anniversary,
​ (they give hairpins for​No regrets​Here I give it to you​
​Fruits are also a reason for you. Like delicious ripe ones, and to a fortune teller.
Not a tourist, What to do, obsession.
​In general, you​ hair)​ -​
​ keychain,​ a gift from the south.​ melons,​ don’t go -​
​Not an avid climber,​ what should I do?​
​Well, open it quickly and keep it, no​3. Everyone will be cut off
​We barely dragged it.​To save it​We hand over​Because - look​
​Lady fingers... It’s cool, at least But you can do it with the Guests in chorus: “A​
​eyes!​ break it, they won’t cut it in​
​(With these words they endure​ this moment (they give it themselves! -​
​ secret!​ don’t twist it, we need it now​
​us, but here’s a surprise!​ I think​
They will bring order. -​ a large box, in​ Everything, with happiness​
​ fruits)​ We came here​ Woman, in general, everyone is very... (they give
To kindle us in our souls, there is a gift. It’s yours! Hurray!​It's not a big number in the yard​
​which even the key is folded together!​13. If you're lazy
​with gifts.​ walking dessert!​ curlers)​ bonfire!​ ​for you" - (we give you enough
​ Leave it at “five”, there will be a manicure of the gifts prepared, and He will cook for you, but Birthday boy, dear! Language of fruits - 5. Gently removes
​(in these words​ shampoo from the box).​ gift​ put away,​ shine! (they give manicures; they begin to take out the fellow traveler one by one!
​ the stomach is already We don’t know much makeup for you, they’ll make it easy, they’ll present you with a box of matches) I’m so tired of dressing up, He’s of course from
​Happy anniversary,​ scissors)​ from it, everyone​ Someone gives the keys​ howled,​ - with all​
​Gift No. 8​Walk to the kitchen of the soul, drink everything now​4. Rather than girlfriends, the subject and read from the car,
​Porridge with meat​ with soul!​ they understand,​ at any moment​ we began to give you,​ it’s beautiful, useful,​ we wish​ you can’t find -​
​ funny poems about​ I give only​ it will come in handy, so that​ But first -​ What, having tasted the delicious​ will help good friend​ are glad to drink coffee,
​ bright,​ Who is from the pile,​ and to the fortune teller every gift) keychain for those​ to moderate his ardor!​ pour.​
​ the fruit,​ ours is soft...​ This tube is from​ the Force to restore.​ Hurry to use it.​ who cares,​ don’t go -​ Gift No. 1.​ to the keys...​
​ (they give you porridge with a drink, respect people! Seduction will come. you -​
​meat)​No, don’t​We are for​6 today. Take them ​And although quite a neighbor,
​More often​ to visit​ from there.​
​ don’t twist it, we need​ It says “WATER” here.​ a real man,​
​14. Useless thing, we need alcohol,
​ _______​ always with you,​
​it is empty,​and today is coffee​
​invite.​So that for a long time not everyone is very... (they give
​And although it’s water then buy a car
​if you take her​We would like a drink​
​We prepared a cocktail​ to get you excited​
​But there are no beautiful women.​Be a diligent housewife,​
​ be wise,​ curlers)​
​not here,​ you can do it yourself!​ one,​ such,​
​For _________ to become​ a hand, they are invisible
​ Guests said in unison: “A​
​Treat your husband deliciously.​I decided to give​
​5. Gently removes Let us emphasize this point: I give you,
​But for soup​ So that only the throat
The work is more beautiful. And if He keeps the touch.
​us, and so that your eyes glow
The root of a valuable potion makes makeup easy
​After all, the bottle, at least​ is a beauty,​
​useful, you need to refresh it!​And beautiful as
​there is no water nearby​Oh yes, a tube!​
​us, there is a gift of happiness, for the soul and
​ massage - and​ empty,​
​These wonderful tights!​ was in the house​And let's start for you​
​model!​ - they are like​
​ A sight for sore eyes!​ for you" - (takes out puffy lips from​
​for health​at any moment​But so beautiful!​
​The men will open their mouths,​ (give tomato paste).​ give​
​They put a lot of fruits, these are important.....​
​And advice I​ from a box of​ a bag of love,​ “Had - oops”,​
A good friend will help. Suitable for everything.
​If you wear them​Congratulations on gifts "​Everything you took​
​So that, having tasted it, this​ (they give wet napkins)​
​ I can give you:​ coffee).​ And the blush is just​ ​ “horseradish enough”,​ ours is soft...​ right away.​
​you!​ Women's things"​ we are with you.​
​dessert​7. He has a lot Throw him in
​We know, Tanya - always put horseradish out of passion
​ (they give a sponge)​Well, first of all, this is​​1. It will show frankly
​It’s still​Our _________ shone,​ hundreds of years, but​
​ enemy's pocket!​ sweet tooth,​ cheeks burning​
​on the table.​6. Take them vase.
​Photo session of the hero of the day in hats.​ - the beauty of the face is a lot of work -​
​And he was more beautiful, he looks fresh, He will take full revenge on him
​She loves sweets.​ yours!​To forget the problems​
Always with you, Secondly - dishes
​This is a very funny greeting card for your body, after all, there are a lot of gifts
​the most irreplaceable item we have for you
​Candy Day she is our beautiful birthday boy, ours to be under
This is a number for women - and you’ll see
​ a lot!​Here is a piece of apple, we hold it under our hands. How
​ wife!​ didn’t eat​ Dear birthday boy, put horseradish and
​by hand, they are invisible And not only the anniversary, which is greater
​ you are in it Dear Anniversary here is a piece of pear
A stream of pure wind (at this place And she’s already upset.
​We came to soup and work. And if for a bouquet:
Suitable for home what to see We generously give
​Ridiculousness and coquetry​ - subtle...​ an empty tube is presented​ Guests in chorus: “A​
​with a gift to you, porridge.​ there is no water nearby​ ​For water and​ holiday or celebration​ They are not happy there.
​ will be,​ (they give a handkerchief)​
from lipstick)
​ us, and with a bag full,
​If it torments you​ - they are like this​
​for compote,​ at the dacha, so​
​wanted (they give a mirror)​And without demanding​
​If these fruits​
​8. Like a whole Gift No. 9.
We have a big present.
​important, these.....​And for tea​
The culprit was not upset
​2. Your iron awards,
​battalion of soldiers, they​Look how lovely they are:​
​for you" - (handed
​What's there?​
Horseradish for bread (they give you wet napkins)
With bergamot due to the fact that
​ friends, long-legged, long-armed Let's get started. Is everyone ready?​
Here is a sweet banana, in a box
​At least for now
​ candy).​ You guess it!​
​ and spread the bun.​7. He has a lot
​(in these words​
Can ruin your hair - keep your hair in place
​We are for a friend
​Ripe, groovy,​
​ - will remove excess jaw area,
​Here to cook Tanya​You've been talking about​ for a long time
​And not for hundreds of years, but
​presented with an empty bottle​
​ (after all, every hat is excellent, and you
Dear If you want to be
​touches and cosmetics​Behind the teeth -​
​ became, Tom dreamed,
There were problems
​he looks fresh,​ from under the water -​
​She needs to try it on,​ you look so awesome!​No regrets​
Happy sins (given cotton wool)
​ eye and eye!​I got the best meat.​And enjoy today!​
​Put everything down
​the most irreplaceable item we​ plastic) to demonstrate to guests and
​ (they give hairpins for​ -​
​Take it from​ the stick)​We are giving... Now,​
​What dish did you become the owner of…​ for the hell of it.​
We hold it at hand. How
​Gift No. 2.​ in​ hair if desired)​
​They barely dragged it by themselves.​
​9. Now... pepper in it,
​(At this moment​ There is a clean stream of winds in it​ ​Here is another​ for everyone's memory​ ​3. Everyone will be cut off
​(With these words, they bring out a Ripe, juicy orange, just that (rummaging in the box) So that the guests do not get the desired gift of any vitamin, - thin... "hello":

​ take a photo) will have a haircut and
​large box, in​ -​
no: shadows, pencil, the hero of the day is ready to accept
​ to upset?​ for giving to a man​
​It will add vigor and strength.​ (they give a handkerchief)​
​Cigarette pack.​Eyeliner:​
They will bring order. - in which everything is added
​In fruits the first​ tweezers, pins, mascara,​
​This thread for​Guests in chorus: “A​
​happy birthday)​To work until​
​8. Like a whole "hello" -​
​The French say that​
​gifts prepared for a large number, and
​comb, varnishes, and​ teeth?​
​us, and with​him now​
A battalion of soldiers, they are from childhood:
A real woman can
​ “five”, there will be a manicure, they begin to take out one by one
​To be healthy​ there is still garbage there​
​Oh, it looks like they made a mistake...​ we have a gift​
Don't break up, rub your head with horseradish.
are in a box
Do you remember - summer?
Make it shine out of nothing! (they give manicures
​from her every​ always​
Everyone. Very necessary But we will hardly repent
​for you" - (handed​Sleep with​
​It’s from a beatner​ - they’ll take off the extra ones​
​ stadium...​ three things: salad,​
​ scissors) object and read
​Eat the slices without​ the thing - for​
whether - a bag of pepper)
​bring with you, balm-​
​ touches, and cosmetics​ Hundred meters on physical training...​ scandal and hat.​

Congratulations for gifts in comic verses

Cool poems about shame.
​ Housewives... (give a cosmetic bag)​ With a simple thread,​
​Finally, dinner is ready:​Bragging about your gift,​
​And if there are sins (they give cotton
​Gatherings in the yard...​ Our (name of the hero of the day)​ cannot be found -​
​every gift)​So that in life​
​10. It happens to be plastic
​A hundred salads, a cake​ And your friends​ ​ pester​ sticks)​
​Cigarettes were also, maybe much more, and to the fortune teller
​Gift No. 1.​ _____________​
​and gold, iron,​Somehow act more habitually.​
​and pilaf.​ love!​
​Everyone is welcome
​9. In it -
​she may​ ​don’t go -​Look here:​
​Ball of peace and silver and bone
​And they were wrong -​Here are all the dishes​
​There is a beautiful horseradish in the yard!​
​why won’t you deny?
​ all this is cool, at least
​It says “WATER” here.​ okay
​ - it’s not a problem to keep your hair:​ ​on the table,​
​ weather,​ We planned it,​
​ no: shadows, pencil,​
​yet?​ and arrange a real one
​Don’t twist it, we need it And although water
​We're in a cocktail
​he with a strong hand,​They will always come in handy!​
​Only salt is the mistress,​ ​Birthday, dear,​ what will we give you​
​tweezers, hairpins, mascara,​Even though you don’t smoke​
A holiday for yourself and everyone very much... (they give
​not here,​they put grapes!​ ​they are behind him​(in these words​
​where?​ at your place,​
​ service - cheap comb, varnishes, and
You've been visiting for a long time. That she is a curler) Let’s emphasize this point:
​So that there is life
​like the Chinese​ they present a reel of ordinary​Guests in chorus: “A​
​It’s so nice for us to congratulate.​
There’s still trash there. We’ll give you a pack of everything.
​with brilliance now​
​5. Gently removes After all, the bottle
​ more glamorous and beautiful​ ​ wall. A woman of every thread, you don’t have to
​us, and you are in a hunt,​
Then everyone thought and guessed. Very necessary.
​makes light makeup for all of us​
​ empty, add champagne to​
​at least once it​ is new)​ ​us, there is a gift​And give a gift,​
​ We chose a microwave oven...​ little thing - for​
​You just have to quit​ to demonstrate.​
​ massage - and​But how beautiful!​
Our fruits! (we pour helped - irreplaceable
​Gift No. 10.​ for you" - (presented....​
​ loving.​Then the food processor,​
​ housewives... (give a cosmetic bag) look, - Perhaps not
​at any time​Suitable for everything​
​ cocktail)​ like this... (rim)​ ​And now​ a bag of salt)​
​We will please you so that you have an excellent 10. It may be plastic
​To understand: everyone present knows smoking
​A good friend​ will help right away.​ ​​Perhaps you have “soaped up”​
​The last one left, we tried so hard,​
​ design.​ and gold, iron,​
​ - poison!​ what we are​
​ours is soft...​Well, firstly, this​
​Photo session of the hero of the day in hats.​ escape,​
​We will decide "dental​ ​ guest,​Shops all of us​
​And then they decided​ silver and bone​
​Why, are you​ in constant cooperation​
​(give a sponge)​ vase.​
​This is a very funny congratulatory message​But the lot is yours​
​question."​And they went around the whole​ ​dishes,​ no, she​
- holds the hair, you ask, is it a tutu? -​
​with the great couturier​6. Take them
​Secondly - dishes
​room for women​ - continue work!​
​This is paste.​ With blood, then and ​ 55 years, let​ him with a strong hand,
​of our time, Zakidon is always with you,​
This is an anniversary, which is greater
​ (they give soap)​ Yes, toothpaste!​
​What to do here,​ they were shedding tears (jokingly)​
​they'll go on a cruise for him, they'll give her a stash!​ We offer Shlyapnikov​
​to be under​And not only​
​suitable for home Who will receive the jar
​So fragrant!​ how to wash,​
​But we are a gift where she goes
​as in Chinese​(in these words they present​
​ personal all-season hand for the hero of the day, they are invisible
​for a bouquet:​ a holiday or a holiday​ ​ beer,​ We know, we tried it too...​
​Where would you buy a sponge!​
​like.​ wall. Every woman
cigarette pack
​collection of his hats.​ works. And if
​For water and​ at the dacha, so that​ ​Lives all year long​ True, we have doubts​
​get it?​
​You pick it soon​We would send​
​at least once​ - preferably empty)​ ​ Hats, mirror, photographer,​ no water nearby​
For compote, the culprit was not upset
Happy! (they give beer) gnawing:
​Guests in unison: “And​ the packaging,​ ​it’s welcome to​ help - irreplaceable​
​Gift No. 3.​ Is everything ready? Then - they are like this
​And for tea​ because​
​Bananas and coconuts​Is it​ ​worth it for us, but​We can’t wait​
​Turkey or Emirates,​
​ such... (rim)​
​Look how​ we begin!​

Comic gifts with poems for a woman’s birthday

With bergamot.
​can ruin your hairdo eat​ give?​ us, there is a gift​ find out already​ let him walk on​(Such a congratulation can be finished​ beautiful​ First model: a hat​ (they give wet napkins)​(in these words​ (after all, every hat ​And from fate​For to buy a new one for you" - (they give...a sponge)​
​After searching, quite​ space, only money by handing over the crown and this jar from under for playing sports 7. They often present him with an empty bottle, she needs to try it on, expect rewards! (we don’t give it today, don’t take it for long, we need the sea. awarding the title “Queen of Beer!” “Champion” (Children’s hat)
​hundreds of years, but​ from under the water - we managed to show the guests a​ banana)​.​ insult​ Will there be a gift​ But we are​ beautiful here").​ You can make a rattle,​ with a​ toe or​ it looks fresh, ​
​ plastic)​ if desired in​ While the boss is with​ But we’ll give -​This joke -​
​to your liking?
​Congratulations to the birthday girl from colleagues​A very nice toy​
​baseball cap.)​
​we are the most irreplaceable item
​Gift No. 2.​
for each one as a keepsake
​takes away the shavings from us,​
​ Congratulations.​ You are a beautiful girl, we contacted you in a fabulous way, help with gifts.​
​ -​Sports for stress​
We hold it at hand. Like Here’s another one
​take a photo)​Calmly make some tea​
​(with these words​Smile, sing songs,​
​Shy, dear.​ they asked him and​
​Perhaps you are “soaped up”​Throw some coins in there​
will deliver us
​ clean stream of wind "hello":​ Eyeliner:​
​ mug! (they give a mug) they present a tube of toothpaste Know, friends are always
​They came to you with​ here you received the parcel.​
​run away,​ a couple!​And health to everyone​
​ - thin...​Cigarette pack.​
​The French say that​ You will receive​ pasta as a gift - with​ you!​ a gift,​ That it's here​
​But your lot is not a joy
​ will add.​ (they give a handkerchief)​
​And “hello” - a real woman can
​this tube,​according to the text​
​1. Happy Day like you sent, we don’t know
​ - continue the work!​ to the hero of the day?​
​To stay young,​8. Like whole
From childhood he: arrange from nothing
​So that it should shine on this​ Congratulations on your birthday, bright!​
​in front of everyone a parcel​ (they give soap)​
​Rattle - is it necessary to play sports?
​ battalion of soldiers, they Remember - summer,
​ three things: salad,​ sunshine for every tooth!​
​case to take exactly
​We wish you all the best.​
​The gift is tied with a bow,​ open it.​Who will receive the jar​
​no?​Summer, autumn, winter​
​in the box there is a stadium...​
​ scandal and a hat.​ (they give toothpaste)​
​ used dental tube
​We give you equipment,​
​And what is there?​Oh, what is it​
​beer,​And a piggy bank for​
​Take up to sports walking.​ - they will remove excess
​Hundred meters in physical education...​ Our (name of the hero of the day)​ Since you got it​
​paste)​And clothes
​ We won't tell!​
It's a miracle how beautiful
​The coins will last the whole year.​
​To move the bus,​
​ touches and cosmetics​ Gatherings in the yard...​
​maybe much more,​ chocolate,​
​Gift No. 11.​ to fashion.​
​You will open his​ carpet pattern, let​
Happy! (they give beer)​(with these words they present​You must put on a hat.​
​ sins (they give cotton cigarettes, too, she can from
​Then we are not giving you a cup! Yes,​
​To remove quickly​
​ herself,​
He is our hero of the day Bananas and coconuts
​empty tin can​Second model: cap for​
​ sticks) -​
​all this will still be bitter - friends? apartment so that you can be surprised
​makes you happy in the evening, eat a beer bottle) swimming “Dive” (Rubber 9. In it You won’t deny and it will be sweet to arrange a real one! (gifted Look - she
​Accept the wonderful car,​ I could.​ and until the morning.​ And from fate​ Gift No. 4.​ bathing cap or​ what?
​Still?​ A holiday for yourself and​ some chocolate)​
​ yours!​ Very useful
​Believe me, we can​On it​
Expect rewards! (they give here's more for you)
shower cap)
​no: shadows, pencil,​Even though you don’t smoke​
guests. What is she when you drink
​Know, I was looking for her
​we just tried,​
​ lie down, about banana cruises)​
​present​To be always​
​tweezers, hairpins, mascara,​ you've been here for a long time,​
Now the cranberry jelly is shining,
Are you at home? Our “Roventa” vacuum cleaner.
​And they tried to please.​ to dream or to spread​
​While the boss with​Under the name Eurocent,​
​healthy,​ comb, varnishes, and
​We give a pack of everything to all of us and
​Forget about the worldly​We see - a cup
​He will kill anyone​ For this we​
​on the shoulders, he "takes off" us,​ ​To put it simply -​
​So as not to cough,​ there is also garbage there.​ will demonstrate.​
​ carousel!​ familiar.​ nose,​ meet you soon
Will warm your soul. Calmly brew some tea, don’t sniffle,
Everyone. Very necessary. You just have to quit - Perhaps don’t let the world be like
​Why? The answer will take away all yours And with a delicious cake And if you have a camera
​ mug! (they give a mug) Made of excellent stainless steel. This thing can be used for a long time - for
​ look,​ everyone present knows,​ they say, it will wait!​ here it’s simple:​
​ chaos.​ treat!​ take it, it’s better in kind​
​You will receive as a gift​For what? So in the park the housewives... (give a cosmetic bag) To understand: smoking
​that we are here​And you will be healthy​A wonderful toast will sound​Tenderly in your hands​
​Hello, dear friend!​ You won’t find it on​ this tube,​ it’s​ no secret:​
​Or on the horizontal bar​10. There is plastic - poison!
​in constant cooperation​
​all year round (they give​ -​
​you will take,​Happy birthday​to the background of this carpet,​To sparkle on​
​Hang from donated coins.​ and gold, iron,​
​Why, are you with the great couturier​
​ jelly)​Well, and you​In different directions​ of you!​
​You can shoot every tooth until the sun!​It’s nice for the birthday boy!​
​Once water is given​
Silver and bone, you ask, a pack? -​ of our time Zakidon​ At least this cream​
​the same as usual.​ you wave​ We will congratulate you in an unusual way,​
​ morning.​ (give toothpaste)​
​We won’t take a present for life, - the hair is holding you’ll hide it in
Shlyapnikov and we offer inedible, Drink from the dishes Instantly the dirt from ​And we'll give you gifts
​You have guests​Because you got​
​It’s more likely in​
With a strong hand, he gives her a stash!
​personal all-season celebrant But the smell is just
​the entire apartment​ personally!​
They will run -
​chocolate,​This is money,​
​ river, in the shower.​ behind him they​
​(with these words they present his collection of hats.​
Incomparable! (they give cream And imagine that
​Will scatter - no​1.) Here's a gift​
​Can’t you not
And besides, Just try on the cap,
like for a Chinese cigarette pack
​ Hats, mirror, photographer,​
​for hands)​ are you drinking tea:​
​ dust.​ for the soul,​
Should we lie down there? It will be bitter -
​After all, it suits​
wall. Every woman - preferably empty)
Is everything ready? Then to the one who receives Don’t get drunk and
​He has a lot of space​Don’t rush to be surprised,​
​What is it​
It will be sweet! (give
​This is our modest contribution​
at least once he ​Gift No. 3.​
Let's start!​ this candle,​
Don’t be bored! It won’t take you long
​Paint your delicate lips,​ say, handsome!​
​chocolate)​ for this dinner.​
​ helped - irreplaceable
​Look at the​First model: cap​
​You'll have to travel by​Drink Pepsi if​
​In any crevice​
​Kisses will be to your heart's content!​We give you this​
​When you drink​
​(present a coin and throw​Third model: hostess hat​
​ such... (rim)​
​beautiful for sports
​ to the world! (give a candle)
It's hot.
​ will come in.​ (Lipstick)​
​ exclusive.​ cranberry jelly,​
​her in already​ “Clean” (From a sponge​
​(Such a congratulation can be completed with this can from
​ “Champion” (Children’s cap​To write down where​
​It’s better to drink​Saves kilowatts​
​2.) And the gift​Only pray that​
​Forget about the worldly gift of a can
​or washcloths) by awarding the crown and
​ beer!​ with a toe or​
Did the payday leave from the gift?
​No buzzing
This one is important! I didn’t eat it
​ carousel!​ beer)​
​If in matters of awarding the title "Queen"
You can make a rattle
​baseball cap.)​ ​You will find it very useful​
​(in these words it’s easy.​
​Even if we sprinkle it quickly,​
​Let the world be like​Gift No. 5​
​the housework is suddenly beautiful").​ ​Very nice toy​
​Sport from stress​ this pen! (give
​is presented with a cup belonging to
​There will be paper in the house.​
​The hero of the day, as they say, will rather wait for a glass!​
​Here's another one​It turns out two are not enough​
​Congratulations to the birthday girl from colleagues​ -​
will deliver us
​birthday boy)​
Everything shines
He always helps out for giving us a gift
​And you will be healthy, surprise, ​legs and two
​with gifts.​Throw coins in there​And good health to everyone​You'll have to live by working​
​Gift No. 12.​Nowhere for dust to fly​Never lets you down!​
​ pour!​ all year round (give​
​Not a fad, not​ hands,​Perhaps you have “soaped”​ a couple!​
​ will add.​ grief,​ That's it, the gifts are over.​
​(give a broom)​ (Roll toilet paper)​Who leads everyone​
​ jelly)​ caprice:​And all that​
​to escape,​What a joy it is to remain young,​
​And forget about​But no: envelope​2. Here is the device
​3.) If a hole counts for stars? Well, at least this cream
​This candy wrapper needs to be wiped away. But is your lot for the hero of the day?​
​You need to do sports.​ calendar days! (given without a stamp!
​ “Just in case,”​ the astrologer appeared, of course! Only
​and inedible,​ candy.​ Fourth model: hat for​ - continue the work!​ ​Rattle - is it​
​Summer, autumn, winter​ calendar)
There will suddenly be a reason
​In life he
​Something has leaked somewhere, a star will flash somewhere,​
​But the smell is just​Why, you​
​works “All Visible” (Option​ (gift soap)​
​ no?​ Take up race walking.​
​And what love you are,​ the best helper,​
​Of course it will come in handy​ He arrives there.​
Incomparable! (they give you cream, you ask, is this?
​for the teacher -​Who will receive the jar​
​And a piggy bank for​To overtake the bus,​
The big one is waiting And the envelope -
​With him and
​Our gift for the celebrant I am with​
​for hands)​
​We want to infect with an example: sew on a hat
​ beer,​ coins.​
​You need to put on a hat.​And kisses all round​ ​at hand!​
Grief is not a maiden. (Threads and heaven Got a miracle for the one who receives
​You will become a collector!​ glasses from four​ Will last the whole year​(with these words they present​
​Second model: hat for​ a year! (they give a set
​Even though it’s a letter, it’s a disaster.​ needles, you can
from miracles. With this candle, This is the first side.) happy! (give beer) an empty tin can
​ swimming “Dive” (Rubber​ sponge)​ at least a note -​ It will help you​ in the​ set)​ congratulations on your anniversary. A lot
​You'll have to travel for​ a copy.​You need a hat​Bananas and coconuts​from beer bottles)​
​bathing cap or​It’s clear to you, in​After all, it’s always before the post office.​
​4.) If I promise you happiness. Brought to the world! (they give a candle) Do you understand, hero of the day? have, eat
​Gift No. 4.​ shower cap)​ what is the meaning of the gift?​ the path is not short!​ and the name is sonorous​
Everything is bad in the mirror, there are many luminaries. Catch​To record where​Who buys paintings,​To see everything,​And from fate​
​Here's more for you​To be always​Life will be joyful​However, it’s better not
​Enema - scientifically.​The French strictly say:​
You need a lot of them, the pay is gone,
​Whoever collects coins...​ watch everyone, expect rewards! (give
The present is healthy and bright! (give ​pull,​
​You don’t have to apply it. Just wash your hair.
​ strength. It will be very useful for your team
​Candy wrappers are more reliable
​So that the banana boils soon)​
​Under the name of the eurocent,​So as not to cough,​
​ felt-tip pens)​And in an envelope​
​difficult,​Our shampoo is always​
​ "three-four!" - smile
This pen! (they give:​ work,​
​For now the boss with​To put it simply -​
Don't sniffle
​Have you a look!​
​We will include instructions with you! (Shampoo)​
Need wider. And a pen)
​After all, paintings are more expensive!​Not for a second​
​we are “removed by shavings”,​ a penny​
​You can run​ in juice for a long time", in​
​(with these words​ (they give an enema).​
​5.) To the legs
​on "one time!" or I'll have to live by working
​And, giving to friends for laziness, yawning.​
​Calmly brew some tea
​Made of excellent stainless steel.​ in the park​
​ in the prime of life!​ presented with an envelope with​
​Use it everyone​
​were not sick,​ for "" two" -​ grief,​ candy,​ (Option for a teacher.​ a mug! (they give a mug)​ For what? So or on the horizontal bar​ Among your friends

​money prepared in​
​Not frozen, not​
​get ready first.....​And forget about​
​Remove the candy wrappers when​
​ So that the student does not receive as a gift
It's no secret:
​hang.​ there are no equals! (give
​as a gift)​And will pass at​
​were sweating,​Decided today our​
​ calendar days! (they give this.
I was able to write off this tube,
​From donated coins​If water is given​
​juice bag)​cool scene​ you have a migraine,​We give you slippers,​
​calendar)​(at this place they present​
​From someone else's notebook​
​It would be nice to shine on the birthday boy!​
​for life,​You are well “savvy”​
​birthday -​
​Slags are all from​
​Will they fit? The gift should be​
​And love for you, a candy wrapper)​
​ lick everything,​ sunshine every tooth!​
​We won’t take the present​ Then rather in​
​presentation in progress comic gifts A
Will he take you out? (Slippers)​
​ special, great awaits
​Gift No. 6​I couldn’t​
​ (they give toothpaste)​ back!​ to the river, to the shower.​
​And you will
​now we all will have a slim body
​6.) You are big​Among other gifts​
​And kisses all around​
​And he pulled out a spur from the steel...​
​Since you got​This is money,​
​Just try on the cap, we are here all year long​
It's time to look.
​sweet tooth,​ no​
​ year! (they give a set of refractory caps. Such a hat will be
​and besides​After all, it suits​
held in high esteem (given
​Let's say a friendly "hurray"!​In general, we​
​We know this for sure​
​This. There are no tastier sponges)
​We give you​
​It’s not for you,​
​she is a horseshoe)​(all guests pick up​
​we tell you,​ we!​
​baking!​It’s clear to you, in​ the pin.​Fifth model: the miracle hat “In​
It will be bitter -
​Our modest contribution​
​Walk with your hair and many times
​In life he​We give you​
​Not tormented so what is the meaning of the gift?​
​You ask: s​
Whether in the garden or
It will be sweet! (given at this dinner.
​Third model: housewife's hat​
You will be beautiful
Honor the hero of the occasion)
​indispensable.​ sweets,​
Thirst for you
​Life will be joyful​ what if suddenly?​
​ vegetable garden" (Old straw chocolate bar)​
​(present a coin and throw “Clean” (From a sponge)
Captivating everyone thick,
​[In case​With extensive
​Didn’t tear me away from my big one
And bright! (given for gum! Got it,
​hat)​When you drink​
​it in already​ or washcloths)​
fluffy mane (given as a gift)
Sore throat of the soul! (Candy)​
​works,​ felt-tip pens)​
​friend?​Sun in the country​
​ cranberry jelly,​ donated from​
​If there is shampoo in business)​
It's not supposed to be money,
You can gargle
​7.) So that we will give you more
​And you “​You might say: “What​
Burns mercilessly Forget about the worldly
​beer)​ around the house suddenly
​You will be cheerful​
​and something else,​During repairs​
The lights were on in the house, we’ll give you some kvass!
​in the juice", in​ this?​
​Someone on all fours​
​carousel!​Gift No. 5​
​It will turn out that two and energetic ones are not enough,
Donors will have their own apartments
​Our gift will come in handy,​We will show about​
​in the prime of life!​
​After all, the laundry is standing there now?​
​Let the world be like​Here is another one​
​ legs and two And therefore all

​You can spray paint.​This is a light bulb for you,​
​ I care about you!​ Among your friends there is something else -​
​In the hottest time​
They say it will wait!​
​surprise,​ hands,​
​the year will be great!​Our wonderful birthday boy,​
​Having found ourselves with him​Our red maiden!​
​You were too
There are no equals! (give
​From "Trussardi", from​ hot time​
​And you will be healthy
​Not a fad, not​And all that​
​ (give coffee) Dear birthday boy,
​at the dacha​
​ (Light bulb)​ baby
​juice bag)​
​ "Dior" ... » - From harmful rays all year round (they give
​ whim:​
​ you need to rub it in.​ Eyeliner:​
​We have come to​You spray the bushes.​
8.) You are skinny And you ate a lot
​You are well savvy​
​Yes, what kind?
​ save your crown!​ jelly)​
​This is a wrapper from​The fourth model: hat for​
​The French say that​
​with a gift to you,​And then how​
Don’t go, chocolate.
​conversation​ at work?​Avoid overheating -​At least this cream candy.​ work "All-Visible" (Option a real woman can​
​With a bag full,​
​crazyHere, take the comb.​
​Now, having become an adult,​And you will​
​But take it, friends, put on the Wonder Hat!​
​and inedible,​Why, you​
​for a teacher - to create out of nothing​
​ big. Flowers will bloom everywhere.​
​No matter the tufts in the mane​
Don't torment us all year long,
​Sixth model: “Legend” hat​But the smell is just​
​you ask, is this?​ to sew on a hat​
​ three things: salad,​ What's there?​
​I think you are convinced,​ straighten​
​Forget about childhood in high esteem (given​
​Just like that -​
​for the weekend (Any​
Incomparable! (they give cream. We want to infect with an example:
​Glasses with four scandal and a hat.​
​Guess what!​What a miracle​
​Seduce the little man.​ Don’t!​
​horseshoe)​ just in case!​
​original hat)​ for hands)​
​You will become a collector!​ of sides.)​
​ Our (name of the hero of the day)​ You have been giving​ about you for a long time​9.) Finally, we give​
​It’s not customary to walk around with your hair
​(with these words they present
​If, (name of the hero of the day),​To the one who receives​This is the first​
​I need a hat like this, maybe much more, Tom dreamed, And now hand in hand, give
​you will be beautiful,​ an ordinary steel pin)​ you suddenly​ have this candle,​ a copy,​
​ she can from And today enjoy!​ life boldly To write down your pay!
​For men, a modest bouquet,​Captivating everyone’s thick,​
​Gift No. 7​
​Will invite you for the weekend​
​You'll have to travel around​Do you understand, hero of the day?​
​To see everything​
​ all this more
​You have become the owner…​
​You will go with​Hello, well done man!​
​We would like to thank you, with a fluffy mane (given as a gift)
​Look here, my friend:​
Friend, light! (give a candle)
​Who buys paintings,​ watch everyone,​
​and arrange a real​(At this moment​
​the two of us.​We came to​
​What's wrong with us shampoo)​
​This is a match
​Don’t think about writing down where​
​Who collects coins...​So that it boils soon​
​a holiday for yourself and ​ take out the desired gift 3. As for the name day!​ You in winter and ​You will be cheerful​
Don’t guess, the pay is gone,
​Candy wrappers are more reliable
guests. What is it for giving to a man?
​outfit Yes with hands
​in the summer!​ ​and energetic,​You say it’s a small thing? No,​Accept the offer!​​You will find it very useful​ ​ same:​Not for a second​
​happy birthday with sparkle now)​
​Hurry him up​
​not empty,​Every woman,​
And therefore all
​not like this:​ Be gentle and cheerful, this pen! (They give it as a gift. After all, paintings are more expensive! For laziness, yawning. to all of us and
​Now wear​ with him
​And funny gifts!​
​Not only will this year be great!​
​This is not at all​Not just a hat​
​pen)​ ​And, giving to friends​(Option for a teacher.​ will demonstrate.​ Don't break up ​You will be in it​
​1.) In the morning you
​ Piekhi,​ (give coffee).​
​ nothing.​ forget it!​
​You'll have to live by working​ candy​
So that the student does not ​- It’s possible not to sleep with a gorgeous woman​you get up from the sofa,​ ​Life is often divided
Hello, dear little woman, Even if you
​Hat for a weekend of grief,​
​Take off the candy wrappers if you can write them off,​
​Everyone present knows​ what to take with you,​
And Madonna - ​And you rush toward important milestones: how good are you not a tourist ​ –​
​And forget about it.​
​From someone else's notebook​ that we are​
​Bragging about your gift​
​just a shadow.​ in the bath,​ ​There is an intimate life,​ girl.​Not an avid climber,​
​Not a hat, but​ the days of the calendar! (give
​(at this place they present
"lick everything"
​in constant cooperation​And your friends​
​Winter panties for​To shave your beard,​
She's personal
​Although no longer​But you can with​
​ calendar)​ candy wrapper)​
​I couldn’t​ with the great couturier​
​ love!​ vata​
​No foam again,​So sweet and
​ 25 years,​ these days​
​Seventh model: eco-hat for​And you love​
​Gift No. 6​ pull out the spur...​
​ of our time Zakidon​ There is a beautiful one outside
​Will fit perfectly
​ fuck!​ all strawberry.​
​ vigorous mother, kindle in the soul
​ nature defenders (Spotted great one is waiting
​And such a hat will be made of steel​
Shlyapnikov and offer weather,
​by the way​All in chorus: -​There is family life,​
​We are sending you, my dear,​ a fire!​
​ Panama khaki)​
​And kisses all around​
Refractory just right).
​ Personal all-season birthday for the hero of the day, dear,
​Because in​ And with us,​
​ salty,​ for birthday
​(in these words they present We know you love
​ year! (they give a set​ We give you​
​Fifth model: miracle hat “To​ his collection of hats.​
And with us, When sober,
​boxes of matches)​ animals:​
​pin.​ Whether in the garden, in
​ Hats, mirror, photographer,​
​We should congratulate you like this. The cold is fierce
​there is a gift for​
When you give in.
​Here a little, here​Gift No. 8​
​Squirrels, hares, wood grouse,​You understand, in​
​You ask: from the garden" (Old straw
Is everything ready? Then I want you,
​ yard.​ you! (As a gift
​There is a mother’s, she’s a little bit, here you go
​We will give you a gift. Take care of your native river.
What is the meaning of a gift? Why suddenly?
​ hat)​ let's start!​
​And give a gift,​Hurry up and put it on -​
​ shaving foam) - bitter,
Don't blame me.
​ are glad and don’t suppress
​Life will be joyful​For the gum! Got it
​Sun at the dacha​
​First model:​
​loving.​Men for sex​
​2.) I shaved,​Especially when the child​
​If the CANDLES in​This tube are from​
​fish in it.​ and bright! (give
​friend?​ the activity cap is mercilessly shooting​ We will please you​
​attract.​ combed his hair
I’m not at home, here’s lipstick.​
​To make the trees green,​ felt-tip pens)​
​You might say: “What is there someone on all fours?”
​ sports "Champion" (Children's tried so hard,
​It’s not possible for two to warm themselves​
​And I looked at the shirt,​
​There is social, slightly
​ she, since it goes out
​And although completely So that the birds sing
​Are you like this?​ ​is there?​ a hat with a toe​ We are all stores
​ so difficult​ These are the times!​ with sourness.​
​ light.​ it is empty,​ they sang,​ in juice”, in​
​After all, now it’s underwear​In the hottest weather,​or a baseball cap.)​
​we walked around,​And it’s impossible to freeze,​Well, where​
​Downs, ups, income​MATCHES and PIECE​But beautiful women​
​To the Greenpeace​ society in its prime!​ another -​
​sultry time​Sports from stress​Blood, sweat and​
​Putting on hot leggings,​ a tie?
SOAP, so that you enter your mouth,
​Among your friends​From "Trussardi", from​From harmful rays​
​will save us​ shedding tears (jokingly)​ You will survive any cold​
​Well, why did I wash my face on the day?
​He keeps his touch.​We, the “greens,”​ have no equal! (they give "Dior"... " -​
​save your crown!​And health to everyone​But we are a gift
​ (they give diapers).
​And here’s a PACK​Oh yes, a tube!​ like a​ juice bag)​ Yes
​Avoid overheating - it will increase.​
​ purchased!​4. And the shoes All in unison: -​
​I will wish for a CIGARETTE, suddenly you light a cigarette, a sight for sore eyes!​ No match for us​
​Are you well versed in conversation?​Put on your miracle hat!​To stay young,​
​You'd better rip​ from Versace​ And with us,​
​probably the main thing:​ maybe not.​And my advice is blue!​
​at work​But take it, friends​Sixth model: “Legend” hat​
​You need to do sports.​ packing,​ Last squeak -​
And for us, So that we have a taste for Life,
​I can give:​Eighth model: hat “Visa​And you will​ not torment​
​for the weekend (Any​Summer, autumn, winter​We can’t wait otherwise.​ there is a gift for​
You won’t understand life, then Throw it in
​for a cruise" (Old​ us all year long​ Just like that - an original hat)​ ​Take up to race walking.​ find out already​
​All their winter to you! (I lost it as a gift, you’ll light a cigarette and drink. A pocket to the enemy! A man’s hat) is held in high esteem (given as a gift just in case!
​If, (name of the hero of the day),​To overtake the bus,​After searching, you are enough to bring​ a beautiful tie)​Could have done it​Here's PIVASIK for​
​He will take revenge in full.
​And the legs are not​3.) Dressed up to throw, start over.​ order after the bath,​For you it’s not on your head,​Walk with a​regular steel pin in your hair)​
​The second model will invite you for the weekend: a hat​Will the gift give you frostbite (they give slippers​ for work,​And so as not to be tired.​
​ wife!​ and in your hands.​ you will be beautiful,​ Gift No. 7​ friend, for swimming “Dive” you like?​ or socks or​ It’s time for breakfast,​
​ bent her back in vain,​ We are all of him​ (at this place it is presented​ If you want without​ Captivating everyone with the thick,​Look here, my friend:​Don’t think,​(Rubber bathing cap​
​You are a beautiful girl,​ shoe covers)​ Drink coffee, where​ I give you​ myself blowing and​ an empty tube from​ withering away,​
​ fluffy mane (they give this - don’t guess, matches, or a hat for Shy, dear. Will you emphasize your figure in the same cup? food basket. We recommend you.
​ lipstick)​Look at the Pyramids,​ shampoo)​ boxes!​Accept the offer!​ soul)​They sent you from​Ugh, in​There are​SALA products, here's a piece​
​Gift No. 9.​Gather capital​You will be cheerful​A trifle, you say? No,​ ​Be kind, cheerful,​To always be​
​ as a gift,​ by bending my long leg.​
​ wash, dirty...​ four tastes​ 3, eat like this​
​Look how lovely it is:​And you’ll go to​
​and energetic,​ not like this:​
​Only the hat is not healthy,​
​People like you​Klavka Slate​All in chorus: -​
​There is also a bonus​ or cook​
​At least to the station.​
​And therefore all​This is not at all​
​forget!​So as not to cough, it’s bright!​
​ herself And with us,
​ - a bag of “juice”!
​ the year will go great!​ nothing.​
​Don't sniffle for a weekend hat,​
​The gift is tied with a bow,​I'm ​​out of envy
​and with us,​Received a certificate?​ Nowadays it’s a jewel.​
​Be careful - you can get a visa
​ (they give coffee) .​Even if you​ -​
​You can run for a long time​What’s there?​
​ would be crazy.​ have a gift for​
​Here for you​Don’t look​
​eye and eye!​And you’ll go to​Hello, dear little woman,​
​not a tourist,​Not a hat, but​
​ in the park​ We won’t tell!​ In the headset​
you! (Everyone is happy as a gift,
​ get fat, better feed​ We give... Now,​ cruises!​
​ you are good as Not an avid climber,​
​ legend!​Or on the horizontal bar​You will open it​
​with panties​ mug)​We are for you now​
​ guests.​ now...​And finally, the ninth model:​
​ girl.​But you can with​
​Seventh model: eco-hat for hanging.​ itself,​It will be as hot as​
​4.) We’ll get you a job
​Let your foolish friends eat,​(rummaging in the box)​invisible hat (Big one's hat)
​At least not these days​
​ nature defenders (Spotted​ If the water is given​ To surprise you​ ​ in the Sahara​ you run,​ From the gifts hit parade!​
​If it’s not a pity for the hero of the day to accept the ready size, creeping on
​ 25 years old, Light up a khaki-colored Panama hat in the soul)​
​for life,​ I could.​You carry gifts
​Belatedly, you are trembling...​I give you​them figures.​This thread for​
​ eyes, or knitted vigorous mother, bonfire!​
​We know you love​It’s more likely to​Believe me, we are​
​And bless fate.​ So that the notebook will be before everyone else,​
​BOTTLE WITH WATER teeth?​ cap).​
​We send you, my dear,​(with these words​ animals are presented:​
​river, in the shower.​ we tried,​ there will be a reason to drink​
​get up,​you have a lot of money​
​ HOLY, drop by drop Oh, it looks like they made a mistake... A grandiose model has been made
​for birthday
​boxes of matches)​Squirrels, hares, wood grouse,​
​Just try on the cap,​And they tried to please.​We'll get together again​Set the alarm clock, damn...!​
Don’t spend it in your mouth in front of But we’ll barely repent
​ in a single copy,​ parcel.​ Gift No. 8​
​Take care of your native river After all, it suits us​ For this we have female happiness without​
​(you can squeak)​To know your​ food.​
​ has no analogues​ There’s a little here, here​
​We will give you a gift And don’t suppress it
​Hurry up to meet the edges.​All in chorus: -​ expenses,​
​So that no one has a simple thread, in the world and
​a little bit, here you are glad to have a fish in it.
​And a delicious cake​On your birthday​ And here,​ ​If you give​ them, say: “Most,​ ​ordinary​has a supernatural property​
​Don't blame me.​This tube is from​
​So that the trees turn green,​
​Third model: hat​ treat!​
​ We wish you.​ and with us,​
​write a notebook.​ they say, it’s not enough.”​
​Somehow act more habitually.​ invisibility. Let's try it on...wonderful! In vain
​lipstick.​For the birds to sing​
​ hostess "Clean" (From Hello, dear friend!​
​there is a gift for​ I’ll give you a watercolor.​
​And suddenly the back
​But you made a mistake - you try - that’s it
There is no home, here
​And although they sang at all,​
​sponges or washcloths)​
​Happy birthday​
​With​ you! (As a gift
​If you sit down and it suddenly hurts, rub it
It doesn’t matter: it’s the same as nothing
​ she, since it goes out, it’s empty,
​To the Greenpeace Society​
​If you are in business!​
​give a gift to a person as an alarm clock)​
​and hold it.​They will always come in handy!​
You'll see!​
But come, beautiful women,
​ suddenly We will congratulate you in an unusual way,
​any holiday, at​5.) To work​
​Draw a zero in​
​If you get sick, lie down and​(with these words they present​
​This collection of hats​MATCHES and PIECE​
​ mouth​ To us, the “greens”,​
​It will turn out that two are not enough​And we will give gifts
​you came -​ bill,​
​period, there is​ a spool of regular thread,​ designed for everything​
​ SOAP so that you He keeps your touch.​
​ like​ legs and two in person!​
​birthday, this
​A lot of documents!​And again to​ grandson and son-in-law​
​maybe not new)​ life cases and​
​I washed my face,​Oh yes, the tube!​No match for us​
​hands​1.) This is a gift​ actually​
​There are no pens, how
​ April soul!​ and daughter.​Gift No. 10.​
​ will help you feel
​ A sight for sore eyes!​ blue!​ And all that​
For the soul, real art. Needed for evil, I’ll hand it to you, let them wash it themselves, ​And now already​
​a real woman wearing a CIGARETTE, suddenly you light a cigarette, And I advise the Eighth model: the hat “She needs to wipe off her visa.​ Don’t rush to be surprised,​ make a lot of effort,​ Well, damn it!​ cardboard,​

​ wash, let mom​ seriously
​in any situation.​ maybe not.​
​ I can give:​ for a cruise" (Old​
​Fourth model: hat​Paint your lips delicately,​
​to select exactly​All in chorus: -​
​It didn’t happen so they wouldn’t bother me.​
​We will decide to “dental​Give a bottle with a pacifier​
​We have life,​Throw it in​
​ men's hat)​ for the work “All Visible”​
​Kisses will be to your heart's content!​ that the culprit​
​ And for us, it’s a bummer.​
​How will you receive​
​question".​(for fun we​
You'll understand, here
​ pocket to the enemy!​ This hat is worn​
​ (Option for teacher​ (Lipstick)​
Celebrations will be useful
​And with us,​You will write down yours​
​take the parcel quickly
​This is paste.​ We put the pacifier on​
You will smoke and drink. He will take full revenge on him
​not on the head, - on the hat
​2.) And the gift is nice. For​
​there is a gift for​
​ bottle,​ Yes, toothpaste!​
​ check)​Here's PIVASIK for​
​It’s in your hands for you.​
​sew on glasses with​ this important one!​
This should be good for you! (As a gift
​On cardboard for​ And write quickly
​So fragrant!​Hello our day​
​ order after the bath, wife!​
​If you don’t want four sides.)​
​Even if he​ knows this person,​
ball pen)​ table!​ answer that you liked it,​

Comic birthday greetings with the presentation of cool gifts

​long-awaited,​almost tired.​
​(at this place it is presented to wither,​
​You need a paper hat like this.​
​his tastes and
​6.) At work​Here's ours​
​that it is not.​True, we have doubts​
​We came here​
​We are all an empty tube from
​Pyramids to see,​ to have,​
​He always helps out, habit, show great
​Are you tired,​ pencil,​
​If the house is gnawing:​
Not in vain, we blow ourselves and
​lipstick)​Collect capital​
​To see everything,​It never fails!​
​ attentiveness and interest.​ I walked to the car,​
​Don’t lose the gift, there is no money, tie it
​Is it worth it​The table is set, it’s poured​
​ We recommend you.​Gift No. 9.​
​And you will go to watch everyone,​ ​ (Roll of toilet paper)​ Chosen gift for​ Oh, how our snow is.​
​Are you giving to your leg?
​Look how lovely it is:​ the station.​So that it boils soon​3.) If there is a hole​
​you also need a dust cover. If suddenly something happens, a BROOM,
​For you can buy a new one​Maybe the October holiday?​ 3, so eat​At least for now​
​It’s easy to take a job,​ you have appeared, and you can also​
​A windshield!​ will happen.​You need to wave a broom,​We are not​
​Maybe New Year​ or cook​ the jaw,​
​you can present a visa, so as not for a second. Something, somewhere is leaky. Find for​All in chorus: -​
​Everyone knows​ he has a lot of money.​ shall we meet?​
​Stretch until summer,​To get your teeth -​And you’ll go to​ for laziness, yawning.​
​Of course​ this suitable accompaniment will come in handy,​ And here,​ ​at Lenfilm​ to collect.​But we’ll give it away -​Or May has come​
​ Nowadays this is a jewel.​ an eye and an eye!​ cruises!​
​(Option for teachers.​Our gift for​
​if it’s possible so​ but here,​And in Hollywood​That’s all​
​really!​here?​Don’t look​
​We give... Now,​
And finally, the ninth model: So that the student is not a maiden. (Threads and say. Excellent choice
​there is a gift for​ they know who he is.​ goodbye girl, you​
​(with these words we celebrate a birthday
​get fat, you better feed​ now...​invisible hat (I was able to write off the big hat,​
Needles may be offered to you! (As a gift, after all, he was lucky for us, well, a tube of our toothpaste... half a hundred guests. (rummaging in a box) size, crawling on From someone else’s notebook set) here are poems for a brush for cleaning as much as my sister, - in accordance with five Let your foolish friends eat, the hero of the day is ready to accept his eyes, or knitted everything to “lick”, 4.) If as a gift. Depending on the snow)​His cousin -​Vodka in glasses​ with the text follows​Among us -​If you don’t feel sorry for​ ​This thread for​ a cap).​Couldn’t the​ mirror be all bad,​ because​ 7 .) And so that Sharon Stone! Pour the guests a drink for this occasion, their newborn figure. Teeth?
​A grandiose model is made​ to pull out the spur...​The French say sternly:​ you have chosen​ for the house your wife was waiting,​ He will stab​ the enemy, invite him.​ take the used one​ We will congratulate everyone​ BOTTLE WITH WATER​ Oh, it looks like you made a mistake.. .​ in a single copy,​ Such a hat will be​ Just wash your loved one’s hair,​ Dying from desire,​ with a sword​ Cheerful congratulations from​ a tube of toothpaste)​ her​ HOLY, drop by drop​ But let’s repent almost​ has analogues are just right).​Our shampoo is always​ ​looking for a suitable poem,​We give you​And this, as​ friends​Gift No. 11.​But, and drink​ in your mouth before​ -​ in the world and​ the Fifth model : miracle hat is with you! (Shampoo)​ which you can read​ which...​ in general, it’s not strange,​ “How did we decide that​ We’re giving away a cup! Yes,​ from a glass,​ with food.​ With a simple thread,​ ​ has a supernatural property​ “Is it in the garden,​ 5.) To give the legs​ or also hand over,​ Even though​ I’ll give you dexterity as an inheritance!?” ​ friends?​ In theory, no one needs ordinary invisibility. Let's try it on...wonderful! It’s in vain in the garden” (The old one didn’t get sick, so that the culprit has you: OH-HO-HO!​ and courage​(Two guests are participating, in​Look - it’s given!​ gave, say: “Most,​ Somehow you act more habitually.
​He received from​ the end they give you a rolling pin)​ yours!​
​We will give this as a gift, they say, it’s not enough.”​
​But they made a mistake - it’s nothing. The sun in the dacha was sweating,​
​ as a keepsake.​ And here,​ D'Artagnan.​
​First:​You know, I was looking for​ a pacifier.​
​And suddenly your back isn’t a problem: you’ll see!​
​ it burns mercilessly​ We give you slippers,​​
​And here,​Good in the ranks​Grandma for us yesterday​
Are you at home? Let him suck - if it hurts, rub it
​They will always come in handy!​This collection of hats​On all fours​Will they fit?
​This frame is not easy,​ there is a gift for​ and at the parade,​
They said, We see - it’s time for a cup,
​and hold it.​(with these words they present​ it is designed for everything there?​ ​foot? (Slippers)​This is a place for​
you! (As a gift
​In decision making​
​As if they knew each other.​
​And for us​If you get sick, lie down and
​ spool of ordinary threads,​ life occasions and​
​In the hottest,​6.) You're big
​ good.​ Viagra)​ fast.​
​Have you heard,​Why? Answer
​her health is a point, after all
​maybe not new)​ will help you feel​
​ hot time sweet tooth,​
​Hurry up​8.) For a bonus​
​After all, he
​What you have here is simple:​
It's been a long time since I've been drinking
​grandson and son-in-law​Gift No. 10.​
​a real woman in​From harmful rays​
​We know for sure​ the photo,​ ​it’s not easy to count, uncle,​ it’s an anniversary,​ A wonderful toast will be made​
​it's time!​ and daughter.​
​And now in any situations.​ save your crown!​
​ we!​Receive the message of warmth.​Yes, the brains are not​He is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of all​Here we are​ -​
​Let it grow and​Let them wash it themselves, seriously​Give a bottle with a pacifier​Avoid overheating -​We give it to you​
​Let her​ keep stressing,​ Minister!​ Come quickly.​ Well, what about you​
​is not sick,​ they wash, let mom​We will solve the “dental​(for fun we​
​Put on your miracle hat!​ candy,​ happiness,​ We give you a calculator,​ Played with it​ Second:​
​the same as usual.​It collects since​ we are not bothered by the​ question."
​Sixth model: hat​From my big​The most joyful moment.​I really need a score​in one team,​For a long time we couldn't​
​Drink from a glassware a year.​How will you get​This is a paste.​
​ check)​ “Legend” for the weekend​
souls! (Candy) May you
​money!​It’s up to him to decide​
​familiar!​If you had​ the parcel, take it quickly​ ​ Yes, dental!​Hello our day​ (Any original hat)​7.) So that in​ the​ temperament​Everything will be in unison: -​ served.​What a gift​ And imagine that she is healthy, a bottle, so fragrant! long-awaited, If, (name of the hero of the day), the lights were on in the house, This is a sincere gift. And with us, instead of your mother, he will buy it for you. Are you drinking tea?
And write the rest quickly
​We know, we tried it too...​We came here​
​you suddenly​ Our gift will come in handy,​
​So that we have a bright moment,​
There was Ronaldo, They wrote a long list,
​Don’t get drunk and he’ll come!​
​the answer is that I liked it,​True, we have doubts​
It’s not in vain that he’ll invite you to the weekend
​This is a light bulb for you,​To place in the interior,​
​there is a gift for​Not yet
​And then don’t be bored together!​
​Giving pasta beads​ what not.​
​The table is set, the food is poured​
​ friend,​ Our red maiden!​ Photo frame​ ​ of you today! (I went to Real as a gift!​ They decided.​
​Drink Pepsi if​We can't​
​If in the house​Is it worth it​
​ glasses,​ Don’t think,​
​(Light bulb)​I want you​
​calculator)​Today is the Feast of Fools​
​First:​ hot.​
​you don’t have any money a day, tie it
​ give?​Maybe the October holiday?​
​don’t guess,​8.) You’re a loser​
​to hand over.​Finally, we wish,​
​ -​The steamer is not for you
Drinking is better than birth Dear gifts at your feet
​For buy a new one​Maybe New Year​
​Accept the offer!​ don’t go,​
​So that the photo makes you happy​So that all your dreams​
​Russians, hello!​ what,​
​from a gift?​ to give,​ ​ BAROOM,​
​Are we not meeting today?​
​Be gentle, be cheerful,​Here, take the comb.​
​And gave happiness.​
​came true,​A sea of ​​jokes and​
​Crossed out because.​(with these words it is presented​
​Because you need to wave a broom,​
​we made it.​Or May has come​
​Not just a hat
​Shreds in the mane​Look at​
​And the gifts came in handy,​ poems -​
​On the diesel locomotive we place​ a cup belonging to the birthday boy)​
​at such and such prices​ we have a lot of money​
​But let’s give it here?​
​light photo​And to the occasion​
​Who has teeth?!​ cross:​
​Gift No. 12.​ nothing anywhere​
​ collect.​ really!​ ​Celebrating a birthday​Hat for the weekend​
​Seduce the little man.​And forget the misfortunes.​
​ came!​ Who has it sharper​
​Takes up a lot of space.​That's it, we've run out of gifts.​
​buy.​That's all​
​(with these words they present Our... half a hundred
​ –​9.) Finally, we give
​On your table​All in chorus: -​
​No: an envelope​But don’t think​
​goodbye girl, you are a tube of toothpaste
​ five Not a hat, but
​pen,​ put
​ After all, we have stronger nerves,​
​Tank in the garage​ without a brand!​
​that we are not​ for us, well,​ ​ - in accordance with​ Among us -​
​To sign your pay!​A souvenir from the heart,​
After all, we have
​That one is famous today,​ yours will not enter,​
There will suddenly be a reason
​be careful, you are more valuable
​like a sister,​ with the text follows​
​newborn​Seventh model: eco-hat​
​And open​ all gifts -​That one today -​
​There's no​ ​any,​
any gifts,
​Vodka in glasses​
​in this case​
​We congratulate all​ for the environmentalists​
​Congratulations on​ ​positive​
​just class!!!​
​ first!​
The plane will fit. And the envelope -
​Just pour us a drink for the guests
​take exactly used it​
​ (Spotted Panama protective birthday!​
​There will always be a door.​From the​ ​If you get in​
​Not at hand on the farm!​
This is a wonderful day, invite me.
​ tube of toothpaste) But, what about drinking?
​colors)​I wish you, most importantly,​Photo as a keepsake in​
Pugacheva is in trouble
​need a rocket,​even a letter,​
​ All that remains for you is​ Cheerful congratulations from​ Gift No. 11.​
​from a glass,​We know you love​
​health, more strength, honor of celebration!​
​Your wig is almost​April 1st,​
​They didn’t take her, not even a note -​
​to love.​friends​
​We're giving away a cup! Yes, in theory not
​ animals:​ patience, understanding in​
​And for the photo​ what’s new.​ ​That’s it​
​we are for this.​After all, before the post office​
​Although we can’t​“How did we decide that​
​friends?​ given!​
​Squirrels, hares, wood grouse, family, so that yours
​ a frame is needed, only Maxim Galkin
​don't be a fool​First:​
​it’s a long way!​ to give you a​ day!?​
​Look - she​We will give this​
​You take care of your native river, your children don’t
Let him decorate the captured one. He asked for an apology:
​ -​Kamaz big -​
​However, it’s better not to give birth Expensive gifts
​(Two guests are participating, yours!​
The pacifier. And don’t jam it
​we were upset, but the grandchildren​ instantly​ ​The delivery of the wig is not a week ahead!!!​
​ rejected,​ pull,​
​ give,​ at the end they give a rolling pin)​
​Know that he was looking for her​Let him suck -​
The fish in it were more often pleased, well
​And the memory of​ he could,​
​Congratulations on the holiday,​From the list tractor​
​And in an envelope​
​But that’s all​First:​ are you at home?​
It’s time for the trees to turn green and for the crisis
​Keeps it beautiful!​And sent it to you​
​Happy holiday - prankster!​ we removed,​
​look!​ same with big ones​
​Grandma for us yesterday​
​We see - a cup
​And we are for​For the birds to sing​
​passed you by!​The scenes of life are changing​
Only a curl. (Curl
​No one is tired of​
​The submarine….will pollute the lake,​(with these words they present​
​ with our efforts we were able to say
​her health​
​ sang,​ And as a gift​
​ yours...​ from a Barbie doll.)​
​April 1st jokes,​Helicopter, where​
Envelope with money, buy something.
​As if they​Why? Answer
​Drink a long time ago​To the Greenpeace Society​
​this___________ for you,​We wish you a lot​
​Leps Grigory (as​And rather -​
​he will sit down!?​prepared as​
​And we want to wish you heard​
Here it is simple:
​it's time!​ come in,​
​to simplify your sunny days,​
He's cute!) On the contrary:
​Second:​ gift)​
From the heart to you What do you have
​A wonderful toast will sound​Let it grow and​
​To us, “green”,​ everyday worries, save money​
​Good luck, prosperity, peace,​your glasses​
​People are happy to laugh!​You can donate a car,​
​And now we have a sea of ​​​​happiness, health,​
​here is the anniversary,​
​ -​
not sick
​ such -​
​time for yourself
​ handed over.​ Let's laugh,​
​But with this​
It's time for love for everyone,
​Here we are​Well, and you​
​gathers us once​No match for us​
​beloved!​For love to reveal​Truth is in​
​Luck - let's smile,​ it's hard to please.​ Let's say a friendly "hurray"!​
​And we’ll give it to you, come quickly, as usual.​
​ per year.​ blue!​
​“And for us, but​ the wing.​
​their disadvantages -​
​And we will meet failure​
​Give a bicycle already​(all guests pick it up and​
​necklace, And put it on​
​Drink from the dishes​It would be​
​Eighth model: hat​
​we have​
​Treasured photos in​Blame it​
​Without sorrow and​ not respectably,​ they are honored many times​
On your shoulders. For a long time they couldn’t
​ habitual!​ her health,​ “Visa for a cruise”​
​ a gift for you!”​ Keep it in the frame,​ fans! (Black glasses
​without tears.​And the scooter -​
​ hero of the occasion)​
​You are from moths,​
​And imagine that​
​And the rest is all​
​(Old men's hat)​
​Hello, well done man!​Take care of your best moments​
​ with one knocked out April Fool's Day -​
​It’s a shame.​[In case​
​Keep it in the frost, What a gift
​ you drink tea:​ it will come!​
​This hat is worn​We came to​ ​In a​ ​frame, donated by​ glass.)​ good holiday.​ First:​
​as a gift​ In it, meet you to buy.​
​Don’t get drunk and​Give beads from pasta​
​not on your head,​ name day!​ from the heart,​ Stop! The subject is not
​Let him laugh​It turns out that it’s not money that’s involved with transport,​
You are dawning and you have written a long list, don’t be bored!
​We can’t​ but in our hands.​Yes with our hands​
​Be happy and for fun the sadness will get bogged down,​
- a complete bummer, but something else, sunset,
​And then together​Drink Pepsi, if​ it’s your day​
​If you want not​ not empty,​ hurry up to live!​ The group sends you
​And then we will settle on something the donors will have to do on their own
​At a hungry hour​ they decided.​ it’s hot.​
​ birth Expensive gifts fade away, And funny gifts! Let there be many congratulations, “Hands up!” (Children's
omnipotent, friend.
​describe the gift in poetry]​
Boil it for yourself
​First:​It’s better to drink​
​ give,​ see the pyramids,​
​1.) In the morning, I wish you bright impressions,​
​gun.)​And this is​
​Diamond necklace​This is a fun table chant​ And don’t​
​A steamer is not a gift for you?
​Because with​Collect capital​
​you get up from the sofa,​I wish you life as if​
​Glucose too​ seriously.​
​ the robbers will remove​ for the anniversary​
Huge costs.
​to what,​(with these words it is presented​
​at such and such prices to us​
​And you will go to​And you will run
​fairy tale,​ benefit.​
​In vain is the first of April​Wallet with money by presenting various gifts.​ ​If sadness and
Crossed out because.​
​ cup belonging to the birthday boy) nothing anywhere
​ station.​ in the bath,​
​Capture everything as​
​He's sending you glucose. They called everything daytime.
​ will be taken away from the market,​ After the words of the presenter​
​sadness will visit you,​We put on a diesel locomotive​
​Gift No. 12.​ buy.​Easy to take​
​To shave your beard,​ in coloring.​
​ Glucose. (A piece of sugar laughter!
​Second:​ guests should be friendly
​ Scatter their cross:​
​That’s it, the gifts are over.​But don’t think​
​can you get a visa?No foam again,​
​Keep your impressions,​ or a package of glucose.)​
​To whom - working
​Grocery bag​ shout:​
Miracle of miracles, Takes up a lot of space.
​But no: envelope​
​that we are not​
​And you'll go online!​
​And appreciate the photographs.​
​And the stylist Seryozha​ week,​
​could buy," "And from us,​
​And sell this​Second:​
​no brand!​ attentive, you are more valuable​
​cruises!​All in chorus: -​ ​But for​
​ Zverev And to the stupid -
​But they figured in​ and here
A wonderful gift, And a Tank in the garage
There will suddenly be a reason
any gifts, And finally, the ninth
And for us, impressions
​He sang himself, for fun!​ in his mind the composition of the whole
​there is a gift for​ buy an expensive Mercedes.​
​yours will not enter,​ which one,​
​Just for our​ model: an invisible hat (Hat​
And we have a beautiful design.
Believing yourself. Who would
​you!"​ ​***​Not there​
​And the envelope - this is a wonderful day
big size, creeping there is a gift for
Let me present you
​And even with​
​the work distracted you and turned out to be the size
​We are here today​
​(To the tune of the song
​the plane will fit.​ at hand!​
​ You are left only for your eyes, or
you! (As a gift​An irreplaceable souvenir.​
​I don’t know you,​ -​ ​she’s with a suitcase,​
​not in vain
​ "Orenburgsky down scarf")​On the farm not​
​Even if it’s a letter, it’s love.​
knitted hat).​ shaving foam)​
​He will be joy​Sending you a solo​
​He was not born​
And the bag is like this
​Gathered together, friends!​This tender one needs a rocket,​ at least a note -​
​Even though we can’t​The grandiose model has been made​
​2.) I’ve shaved,​ I’ll tell you,​
​ your album. (Blank
​simply,​ not at all for​ ​Jokes, congratulations,​ and a gentle evening everywhere,​
​They didn’t take her​After all, it’s up to the post office​
​to you a day in a single copy,​
​ combed his hair and decorated the apartments.​
​CD.)​And we are in​
​ ladies.​ Wishes for the day​
​ When relatives we are already for this.​
​ the path is not short!​ birth Dear gifts​
​has no analogues​And I had my eye on the shirt,​
​Accept this photo frame,​They love Dima Kharatyan.​
​today​First day:​
​birthday.​ all at the table​ ​First:​
​However, it’s better not
​give,​in the world and​
​Those are the times!​Let him give to souls​
​He is a man​
​We came to you​We reached a dead end​
​Birthday girl just​You accept my​
​Kamaz is big -​ pull,​
​But everything​ has a supernatural property​
​Well where​
​ Your light.​ without flaw.​
​ So, without a toast,​ We will congratulate you on this one now!​
A modest gift - rejected
​And in an envelope​
same with great invisibility. Let's try it on...wonderful! In vain
​tie?​put it in​
​He's like this
​ -​
​problem,​Come on, guests, connect​
​ Three-ruble handkerchief.​ From the list of tractor​
​ take a look!​ with our efforts we were able​
​you try - that's all
​Well, where can I take a photo?
There is only one of us - Congratulations on the holiday
​Faced with a difficult
And shout that
​(We give it to the hero of the day in advance, we removed it,​(with these words they present​ to buy something.​
​It’s nothing like I’m doing?​
​And remember the warm
​Actor, singer, midshipman.​
​with your​ dilemma:​
Have strength, prepared handkerchief.)
​The submarine….will pollute the lake,​ an envelope with money,​
​And we want to wish
​ you'll see!​ All in chorus: -​
​something.​Don’t lose​
​The one we wanted​The mechanism​
​As if someone took you in​
​Helicopter, and where​ prepared as​
​from the bottom of my heart​This collection of hats​
And here we have
​I present a photo frame,​
​courage,​ chief, -​
Yes, the sizes are not for anything
​ I bought it in Orenburg, O​
​ will he sit down!?​ gift)​
A sea of ​​happiness, health,
is designed for everything, but with us,
​To save the moment,​ ​As a keepsake for you​
​Let it be stupid, those​
​Bitten very hard.​ I care about you,​
​And now we love,​
​life occasions and​ there is a gift for​
​Photo hurry up​
​ gives a sword!​ but naive​
​And a small gift​Today Tanya stood up like a mother.​You can give a car,​it’s time for everyone​And we’ll give it to you​
will help you feel better! (As a gift
​You are in a masterpiece​
Sorry, bad luck: Let ours not approach you
​early,​I'm ​​ready for you,​
​But with this​ Let’s burst out a friendly “Hurray”!​ necklace, And let’s put​ a real woman in​ a​ beautiful tie)​ place this.​
​There was no sword, it’s not sad!​
​So that later, dear, not a scarf​
​hard to please.​(all guests pick up and​
​on your shoulders.​ in any situations​ 3.) Dressed up for​ May you have a happy moment at the dacha,​ Maestro! Humor neither
​Second:​ don’t rush.​
​ - give me the towel.​
​Giving a bicycle is celebrated many times
​You are a moth,​Hello, dear little woman,​
​work,​It always makes you happy,​Well, what’s the use of skewers​Suddenly it dawned on us:​I started, not yet​
​(We hand the hero of the day a towel.)​ not respectable,​
​ hero of the occasion)​
Keep it in the frost, how good you are
​It's time to have breakfast,​
​It will become a nice souvenir​ of these - a bunch.​Where the process​is that​ it’s late,​May you have everything​
​And the scooter –​[In case​
​Meet in it
​ girl.​Drink coffee, where​
​This frame is for​
​So it’s still working,​ you need,​They envy you in order in the hall,​it’s a shame.​as a gift​
You are the dawn and Although no longer
Is it a cup?
​ you.​ and cooler! (Hands over
​And let you cook for everyone
​ bring.​ We will not​ First:​ it is not money,​ sunset,​ 25, years are expected,​
​Ugh, let her be​
​a pack of wooden ones or it’s funny
You will have dinner
​Tanya comes up to upset the guests.​
​It turns out that with transport​ but something else,​ At an hour of hunger​ the mother is vigorous,​ washing, dirty...​ will decorate​
​plastic skewers for​
​Who will not work? Everyone will eat,​
​white bath,​
So that my gifts are a complete bummer,
​ The donors will have to boil it for themselves,​ We send you, my dear,​ All in chorus: -​ A beloved room,​ ​ canapés.)​ wants!​
​ and you are here to wash your hair,​
​not stolen, please
Let's stop at something
​describe the gift in poetry]​ And there’s no need​
​for your birthday​ And we have a thread with the past ​You are no less Colleagues! Let me now
​to praise...​And shampoo -​
​Give out napkins to everyone.​ to a friend.​
​This is a cheerful table chant​ of huge expenses.​ the parcel.​ but with us,​ ​ let him keep​ and not much​
​Read the congratulations without​ In short, we rolled a rolling pin, not a bit.​
​(Diamond necklaces are given to all those present
​for the anniversary with​If there is sadness and​Here a little, here​
There is a gift for the Subtle, Invisible One.
​ -​ jokes,​
​decided to give (they give​What to do,​
​ napkins.)​ the robbers will take it off,​ presenting you with various gifts.​ ​ sadness will visit you,​
A little bit, here you are! (As a gift
​Accept my sincere gift!​Black “Boomer” sends​
​I've known for a long time
​rolling pin).​ how to do this?​
​Age is a​Wallet with money​
​ After the leader's words
​ Disperse them, don’t blame them.​
​ mug)​Photo frame.​
​ Seryoga. (Toy car​ I am you, -​Original congratulations -​Guests in chorus:​ not only​ ​ will be taken away from​ the market,​ guests must unite​ miracle of miracles,​
​If the CANDLES are in​4.) For work​You carefully take it​ ​ in black color.)​The team is harsh, and
​surprise for a woman
​"And for us, and for​ years, When in​
​ shout:​And sell this one​
​ not at home, here you are running,
​us, there is a gift in the veins of hot blood.​ ​A bag for groceries​
​"And we have a wonderful gift, And
​ it goes out too late, you tremble...​
​I give it with​ “Viagra”,​ ​Men are harmful and​
​(For this unusual congratulations​ for you"​
​So let's fill it up, we could buy it,​
​ and buy an expensive Mercedes from us.​ ​ light.​
​To be before everyone else​
​ with care!​ You will forget about gout.​
​vicious,​necessary: ​​on a tray​ ​-​
​ glasses for the hero of the day But they figured in
​there is a gift for​***​
​get up,​insert your own photo​
​At least not all​Debts are not to be returned​ ​ by laying out the ingredients....., but​(takes shampoo out of the box).​
​and faith in
​mind the composition of all of you!"​
​(To the tune of the SOAP song, so that you Set the alarm clock, b...t...!​

Presenting comic gifts for an anniversary in verse

​of them are talented,​ are in a hurry,​
​also a large glass,​I’m so tired of dressing up, love!​
​ families,​ We are here today​
​"Orenburg downy scarf")​ washed her face,​
​(you can squeak)​Later, since you’re sad​
​How extravagant!​
​And women - where do we throw everything....,​
​Make your way to the kitchen​Unusual congratulations with gifts​
​And it turned out to be the size
Not in vain In this gentle
​And here is the PACK​All in chorus: -​
​they will come to you
are quarrelsome and quarrelsome, then when they flooded
​became,​1. Happy Day
​she is with a suitcase,​Gathered together, friends!​
​and a gentle evening,​ CIGARETTE, suddenly you light up,​
​And with us,​You will remember the past​
​are not indifferent -​And appearance -​
A large ladle of champagne To drink the coffee,
​ Congratulations on your birthday, And this is the bag
​Jokes and congratulations everywhere,​ When relatives are already​
​maybe not.​ but for us,​ ​years,​
​Send you a kiss whoever looks at it - distributed to women in​ Strength to restore.​
​We wish you all the best.​ not at all for​ wishes for the day​
​all at the table​We have life,​
There is a gift for As soon as there is air! (The balloon will drown!
​ wine glasses)​But yesterday I came in​We’re giving you equipment,​
​ give.​ birthday.​You accept my​
You'll understand, here you are! (Look at it as a gift!​
​ and on it​ It’s time, oh, it’s time​ Women themselves -​
​neighbor,​And clothes according to​First:​
Just a modest gift for the birthday girl - light a cigarette and drink.
​ alarm clock)​ And immediately sadness​ lip prints.)​ you will become better,​
Like a fruit basket. And today coffee is fashionable.
​We've reached a dead end​ Let's congratulate us now!​ Three-ruble handkerchief.​
​Here is PIVASIK for​5.) It will go to work,​Moiseev sends you​ ​Men, don’t whine​
​Take, for example,​ no.​
​To remove quickly​
​we are with this one
​Come on, guests, join in​(We give to the hero of the day in advance​
​ order after the bath,​ you came -​
​The past will appear.​ ring​
​and don’t gossip,​ beautiful ________​
​Guests in chorus:​ apartment​ problem,​
​And shout that the handkerchief is ready.)​
​almost tired.​There are a lot of documents!​
​Your sadness will dissipate.​With the words “We will​
​You are the boss of idleness​Lips are raspberries​
​"And for us, and for​Take a wonderful car,​
​Faced with a difficult
​I have strength,​I’m in​
​We are all of him​
​There are no pens, how do I remember the dear ones!​
​together!” (Ring.) tortured,
​like peach-lanita...​ us, there is a gift​ ​In circulation there is a very​ dilemma:​ As if someone​ Orenburg bought you, About​ ourselves we blow and​
​out of spite,​I want to give you a frame​To look great,​With the desire to knock and
​Sweet, fresh, tender​ for you"​
​simple​The mechanism we wanted​for something​
​ I care about you,​ we recommend it to you.​ Well, damn it!
​ _______!​-​Our “Roventa” vacuum cleaner.​ Yes, the size is not​Bite very hard.​ Like a mother.​
​SALA here’s a piece​All in chorus: -​Wishing for a photo​ for you personally​Well, in a word, I’ll leave​
​I'll brag to you:​(takes out a bag from the box​He will wipe away anyone​
​Today Tanya got up​ I’m ready for you,​ 3, so eat​ And with us,​ it was invested in​ Not a barrel organ, that​
​to the capital​ of the​ chest at ______​ coffee).​ nose,​ And a small gift​
It’s early, dear, Don’t scarf or cook, but we, you, don’t have it!
​I'm right on​How delicious the ripe ones are​We know, Tanya -​Will remove all yours​
​does not approach so that later she
​ - give me the towel.​Stretch it until summer,​
​there is a gift for​Beautiful, the best, as​A very necessary send​
​ this week...​ melons,​ sweet tooth,​ ​ chaos.​ dream.​
​ Don’t rush.​ (We hand the hero of the day a towel.)​ Nowadays the jewel is.​ you! (As a gift
​requires fashion.​item. (Mirror.)​Don’t you like​Lady fingers... This​
​She loves sweets.​Gently in the hands​Second:​She started until​
​May you have everything​Yes, look not​ a ballpoint pen)​And happiness with​
​This is what Lolita does,​ these faces are coming!..​ secret!​It’s candy day​
You'll take it, Suddenly it dawned on us: It's late, they're jealous in the hall,
​ get fat, better feed it 6.) At work, let it flow if it’s stuffy for her
​Do you understand everything? S​The woman, in general, did not eat
​In different directions​ that's what​ Get yourself in order​ We will not​ be guests.​
​ you're tired,​ it hits!​ it happens.​ on the first of April!​
​ a walking dessert!​ And I’m already upset.​ you need to wave​
​ bring.​ upset guests.​ Let your foolish friends eat,​ ​He walked to the car,​Let it be for you​
​Take a shower from​Anniversary - this is the Language of Fruits - Guests in chorus: Instantly dirt from
​You all have to prepare​Tanya comes up to​So that my gifts​If you don’t mind​
​Oh, how snowy this frame is​
​mineral waters,​
​not a joke​
​ know little​"And us, and
​the whole apartment​
You will have dinner
​white bath,​
They didn’t steal it, I’ll ask them for the figures.
​ snow for joy in the background,
​If it becomes very
​Honestly, I want​And sometimes I don’t​
​us, there is a gift, it will fly apart - no
​Everyone will eat,​To wash their hair,​
​ Distribute napkins to everyone.​ BOTTLE WITH WATER​
​Windshield!​ keeping your days​
It's hot! (Bottle of mineral water.)​
​say.​ understand​
​for you"​ dust.​
​and you are here​And shampoo -​(The HOLY is distributed to everyone present, drop by drop​All in chorus: -​
​From all kinds of adversity.​
Vinokur's hobby - Just imagine
​What, having tasted delicious​
​He has a lot of places to praise...​
Well, not a drop. Napkins.)
​ in your mouth in front​ And with us,​ Let them warm you​ Correct your figure.​ for a minute,​ fruit,​
​(handed candy).​ won’t take,​
​In short, we roll​
​What to do,​Age is​
​ and with us,​ Beautiful living moments​ It’s a simulator for you​ That the time has turned​ Seduction will come.​
​Here to cook Tanya​In any crack​
​decided to give (give​
​how to be here?​ not only​
​No one should have a gift for​
​ lights!​ sent.​ back.​ Today we are​ for​
Will come in.
​rolling pin).​Guests in chorus:​
​ years, When you gave, say: “Most,​
you! (As a gift I give a Photo Frame
​I tried it myself first.​Our hero of the day -​ _______​I got the best meat.​Saves kilowatts,​
​Original congratulations -​"And us, and
"There's hot blood in my veins. They say it's not enough."
​cleaning brush​For your beautiful ones​
​ (Jump rope.)​ still a teenager,​
​We have prepared a cocktail,​Why is the dish not a surprise for a woman?
​we have a gift​So let's fill it up​
​And suddenly there is snow on your back)​
​Musketeer Boyarsky Misha​ And at school​ ​To _________​ pepper,​
​"Fruit cocktail."​
​for you"​ glasses for the hero of the day​
​ if it hurts, rub it 7.) So that
​And don't forget​
​He sends his hat without​ studying for an "A"​
​more beautiful
​So that there are no guests in the house​
​(For this unusual congratulations​-​
​And believe in and keep it.​
​my wife was waiting at home, quickly
​ No need for words. Oh, that would be
​And beautiful, how can I upset you?​
Everything should shine, it is necessary: ​​on a tray
​(takes shampoo out of the box).​ love!​
​If you get sick, lie down and
​I was dying of desire,​Insert in this​
​It’s not easy for all of us to remove it​
​model!​Guests in chorus:​
​There is no place for dust to fly.​ to lay out the ingredients….., and​
​I'm so tired of dressing up,​Unusual congratulations with gifts​
​ period, there are​ We are giving you a frame of something.​
​ didn’t bother -​ Checking his notebooks!​
​They put a lot of fruits​
​"And us, and
​(broom) also a large glass,​
​Make your way to the kitchen​1. Happy Day
​grandson and son-in-law…​
​Let her decorate​You still need it,​
​Alas, my friend,​So that, having tasted this​
​we have a gift​2. Here is the device
​where are we throwing everything….,​ has become,​
​ Congratulations on your birthday,​ and your daughter.​
​Although the wall itself,​
​But this one​
This is how dessert is in life
​for you"​
​ “Just in case”​ then when it was flooded​
​To drink coffee,​
​We wish you all the best.​Let them do the laundry themselves,​
​ you: OH-HO-HO!​
​Let her decorate​
conveyed - it doesn’t happen,
​Our _________ shone,​-​
​In life he is a big ladle of champagne
​Strength to restore.​We give you equipment,​
​ wash, let mom​ Everyone in chorus: -​
The house was made by the wife. (Paper
But I know you were more beautiful
​(handed a bag of pepper)​ the best assistant,​
​is distributed to women in​ But yesterday I came
​And they don’t bother with clothes.​
​ And with us, Let him please you
​in everyone’s soul always!​
​Finally, dinner is ready:​With him and​
​Wine glasses)​
​fashion.​How will you get​
​And with us,​Hurry up yours​
Well, Babkina is a young man!
​Here is a piece of apple,​A hundred salads, a cake​
​ grief - not Women themselves - And today coffee To remove quickly
​ parcel, hurry up, there is a gift for
​ Nadezhda​ Let us​
Here is a piece of pear and pilaf.
Trouble. Like a basket of fruits.
​ no.​ apartment​
you! (As a gift
​We give you a photo frame,​
​Measured all hopes!​
​ Congratulations to the birthday boy Ridiculousness and coquetry
​Here are all the dishes​He will help you​

Poems of congratulations for gifts

​Guests in chorus:​​Accept a wonderful car, And write Viagra as soon as possible) To preserve the past. Everything is in front of you And for it will be, on the table, always. The beauty ________ "And for us, and in answer that I liked it,​8.) For a prize​To make his​ set special!​ Let's drink health, finally!​If these fruits​Only salt is the mistress,​And the sonorous name​Lips are raspberries,​we have a simple gift​ what not.​ count,​ do,​Gorus suggested a gift.​We are greeted by how​to eat!​where?​Enema - scientifically.​like peach-lanita...​for you"​Our "Roventa" vacuum cleaner.​If in the house

​No brains

Poems for a gift photo frame

​Be it a photo,​
​ (Stack and salty​ guests
​Here is a sweet banana,​Guests in chorus:​
​Do not apply it
​Sweet, fresh, tender​-​
​He will wipe anyone
​there is no money, tie it up,​
Be a portrait.

The hero of the occasion himself.
​Ripe, groovy,​
​"It's difficult for us,​
​ _______!​
​(takes out a bag from the box​
​nose,​to your foot
​We give you a calculator​
​She will brighten up the photo​​
​Congratulations to everyone​
​If you want to be​ us, there is a gift​
​We will attach instructions.​

​I'll brag to you:​ coffee).​
​will remove all your​ BROOM,​
​I really need your account,​
​Give a bottle with​Forgotten in that​
​happy​ for you"​
​(enema)​ breasts at ______​
​We know, Tanya is chaos.​
​You need to wave a broom, money!​
​Make it more beautiful.​ pacifier​
It’s the same hour
​Take it with​-​
​Use it everyone​Like delicious ripe ones​

​sweet tooth,​
​Gently in your hands
​money in a pile​All in unison: -​
​We wish​(for fun we​
​As we considered​
by yourself.
​(handed over....a bag of salt)​ day​

​She loves sweets.​
​you will take​
​collect.​ And here,​
​ you​
We put the pacifier on
​You!​Ripe, juicy orange​
​The last one has left and will pass by
​Lady fingers... It's Candy Day she​

​In different directions​
​That's all​
And here we have
​We were all happier.​ check)​
​Who will believe: fifty​
​ -​
Your migraine is a secret!
​didn't eat, wave
​goodbye girl, you
​there is a gift for​So that there is love,​
Hello our day

​Have you turned 10? They're playing pranks
​In fruits​
And the dishes are full of slag, all from
The woman, in general, is already upset.
​Instantly dirt from​ for us, well,​
you! (As a gift of hope
​long-awaited,​Apparently with us​
​He will bring you out as a walking dessert!​
​Guests in chorus:​
​the whole apartment​
Like a sister

​calculator)​In your heart​
​We came here eyes!​To be healthy​
​What to do here,​The body will be slim​
​The language of fruits -​"And we, and ​Will scatter - no​
​Vodka in the glasses​Finally we wish,
​and soul.​ not in vain,​
​There is no way to always give​
How to wash, how to look.

They know little
​us, there is a gift of dust.​
Pour the guests a drink So that all dreams
​So that in life​The table is set, poured​
​You can’t!​Eat the slices without​
​Where is the sponge​In general, we will​
​And sometimes not
​for you"​He has a lot of space​

came true
​ it turned out​ glasses,​
​Remain like this, shame.​
​get it?​ we say​
​-​ won’t take,​
​Congratulations on​
​And the gifts came in handy,​Everything is good, light!​
​Maybe the October holiday?​Like today, young people!​

We always choose gifts for our loved ones and friends with imagination and passion, but how do we feel about the process of giving? After all, you want to present such a carefully selected gift with humor and originality. The immediate delivery of a gift is an important stage of its giving. The gift should not only be bright and memorable, but its delivery should remain in the memory of the person who receives it. How to give a gift in an original way? Often the characteristics of a gift depend on the way it is presented.

Unusual methods and individual approach

How to give a birthday gift in an original and unusual way to your husband, man, child, wife, mother, friend, girl, boyfriend, colleague...

  • For a child, for example, you can arrange a search for a gift with hint notes, some kind of quest. Remember this team children's game? If you make an additional gift with a sweet present, then you can involve all the birthday boy’s friends present in this game.
  • It is better to give a gift suddenly. You can hide a gift in a certain place. You need to tie a very long thread to the gift. And attach the other end of this thread to the hand of the person to whom you are giving the gift. It is best to do this when your loved one is still sleeping. This will be an unexpected factor when you wake up!
  • You can choose an unusual path for congratulations. For example, arrange a themed costume party for the birthday boy. You can choose different styles - from a pirate gathering to a party in oriental style. To do this, you need to gather all the friends of the birthday boy in one place and warn about the themed outfit. And of course, prepare competitions and treats on the chosen topic. This birthday will be remembered for a long time!

  • Another great way to surprise a person is to use the “matryoshka principle”, that is, putting boxes one inside the other, that’s it. large sizes. After all, in anticipation of the gift, the person being congratulated will open the box, and there a surprise awaits him - another box, and so on. One of my friends decided to propose to his girlfriend. He bought a ring. But he considered it banal to simply pack it in a velvet box and hand it over. Therefore, I used the “matryoshka principle”. To begin with, he took a packaging box from under... a refrigerator, placed a box from under a TV inside, then there were five more boxes of smaller and smaller sizes. Can you imagine the reaction of his girlfriend, who, initially delighted by the huge box as a gift from her beloved, soon began to quietly hate him, unpacking another smaller box?! The end of this story with the boxes is very predictable - the last box contained an ordinary envelope with a bow and a ring inside. The girl was moved to tears and of course said “YES!”

  • Also instead of large quantity boxes, you can use one large, filled balloons with helium. Can you imagine the surprise of the birthday boy when he opens the box? Multi-colored balls will scatter throughout the room and will be a real decoration of the room. Some holiday agencies offer bright butterflies as a service. The meaning is the same as in the case of the balls... Very beautiful and impressive, I don’t argue, but... somehow inhumane, or something. Or give a gift in the summer, in the garden, on outdoors? Presenting a gift in this way is, of course, bright and colorful, but don’t forget about the gift itself. Place it in a box with balloons, butterflies, etc. in advance.

  • You can organize your surprise through an intermediary. Do you know exactly the route that your beloved man or girl takes every morning or evening? Find someone who always gets in his way (for example, a coffee seller). Agree that he will give your gift. And it doesn’t matter if it’s just candy or flowers, it’s better if the gift comes with a postcard. Such a surprise will make the surprise even more pleasant.

There are a lot of ideas on how to congratulate. The main thing is the desire to stand out with originality and congratulate the birthday person with all tenderness! And his happy eyes themselves will tell you that you guessed right!

What gift presentation do you still remember with a smile and joy?