The script for the theatrical production “The Adventures of Dunno. Script for the theatrical production "Dunno from our yard" Script for Dunno and his friends


Characters and performers:

Nurse – Mityukhina Valeria

Znayka - Andrey Yushkov

Dunno - Cartel Kirill

Pilyulkin – Dmitry Chistyakov

Tsvetik, Steklyashkin - Kolmogorov Alexander

Syrup - Savelyev Kirill

Donut – Sidorenko Egor

Shpuntik (driving) – Anton Gurtovenko

Shurupchik – Oshchepkov Sergey

Button - Babak Diana

Lungwort – Derid Vasilina

Sineglazka – Elizaveta Kornienko

Pulka, Gunka – Bulygin Artyom

The Wizard – Zabolotnikova Daria

The Wizard – Nikulshina Karina

Guslya – Artyom Gyulbangyan

Radio – Karaseva Daria

Snowflake - Pokhabova Varvara

Squirrel – Tatyana Smolyakova

Tick ​​– Anna Smolyakova

Poster – Pokhabova Varvara

Booklet – Sidorenko Egor

Decorators –

Music decor -

Stage workers -

Scene 1. “In the yard”

Yard Children play ball.

Music "Where Wizards Are..."

Tsvetik looks out the window and at the thermometer on the window. Dunno hits the open window with the ball. A nurse looks out (she has a dog in her hands).

Nurse : How long can you play under the windows? Well, stop it now!

Crowd of boys looking out the window sadly. They say:

Auntie, please give me the ball. We won't do it anymore.

Nurse : mmm (gives the ball)

The boys run off to play ball.

Tsvetik looks out the window, observing.

Dunno kicks the ball again and hits the window.

Girls jumping rope and rubber band.

The nurse looks out, grins and closes the window.

The boys sit on a bench and talk.

Dunno: If only we had a magic wand. We wish we had so much!

Znayka: Invented it for me too. There are no wizards or magic wands!

Dunno: But it happens!

Znayka: But no!

Dunno: Here we go!

Znayka: But no!

Dunno: I know!

Znayka: You don’t know anything, you know nothing!

Donut: And you know everything, you know everything!

Dunno: I saw it!

Znayka: You didn’t see anything!

Dunno: No, I saw it!

Znayka: You didn’t see anything!

Dunno: I heard!

Znayka: You didn’t hear anything!

The music is magical. The guys turn around.

The Wizard appears from around the corner of the house on a bicycle.

Wizard: Did anyone call me?

Dunno: And who are you?

Wizard: I am a magician!

Znayka: What kind of wizard are you? Wizards (laughs) don’t exist, you’re from the circus!

Dunno: Do something magical, Wizard?

Wizard: Well, okay, so that some people believe that wizards exist. I'll give you a surprise. (takes off his hat). Big surprise. Does everyone remember the adventure of Dunno? We already have Dunno. Znayka too. Let's look at the rest of the roles. So, the magical game begins!

Song Surprise, dance!!! A second wizard appears.

While the main characters are dancing, they run to the foreground one by one with their attributes, on the screen there is a photo and a signature of the role and a signature of the last name and first name.

Walking along the road Bullet, a car is coming towards you (Shpuntik and Shurupchik)

Shurupchik: A! Pulka, are you already from hunting?

Bullet: Naturally! At dawn. Hello, Vintik, hello, Screwchik.

cog: Sit down, Pulka, we’ll give you a ride to the city now.

Shurupchik: There is a cloud over the city!

Bullet: Where is the cloud? Right now I’m going to blow her away. (points the gun at the sky). It will spill right away. (shoots)

The song “If it rains” plays (or dance with umbrellas, or shoot a video in the pool and show the video in the background).

Dunno and Znayka are walking, Tsvetik is carrying an umbrella above them.

A lungwort collects its flowers in the rain.

Donut: Rain, hurray!

Everyone is jumping, whispering, dancing in the rain.

Znayka sits in a chair and reads a book, slams it: Look, doctor, has the rain stopped?

Pilyulkin approaches the window: The square has been dry for a long time. The sun is shining and people are gathering.

Music is playing (the theme without words about the rain), children are playing chess and kicking each other under the table, others are standing around and watching.

Flower(reads poetry, waves a book): Ah, oh, uh. I wrote the poem "Pooh". I planted my flowers. I planted flowers, and you? (points to Dunno)

A crowd of boys looks at Tsvetik and listens to him carefully. Dunno makes his way through the crowd and stands in front. When Tsvetik points to Dunno, he yawns and walks away through the crowd.

Znayka takes a brush from the shelf and cleans his clothes: I hope, my friends, that you have adequately prepared for the answers. (puts down the brush, takes a book under his arm) The main goal of our gathering today is to fight the urban ignoramuses. (shakes his finger).

Pilyulkin(getting ready to go outside): And first of all, with Lungwort. Many children, having fallen under its harmful influence, are treated with honey, roots and destroy their health at the root.

Znayka(chuckling): And after listening to all Dunno’s stories about wizards and all sorts of miracles, some actually believe in this nonsense.

Steklyashkin(descends the stairs): Dunno claims that from his swing he sometimes sees wizards.

Znayka: nonsense. I sat on his swing and didn’t notice anything suspicious.

Steklyashkin: I must admit, I also sat on them, although Dunno does not allow anyone to do this. Even to my friend Knopochka.

(another scene)

Dunno is swinging in a hammock, someone is on a rocking chair.

Gunka: Dunno, but Dunno, maybe we should go or something?

Dunno: Where to, Gunechka? They still don’t understand us there. (waves hand)

(Donut sits at the table, collects a bag of buns, Syrup comes down the stairs).

Syrup: Maybe we shouldn’t go to this meeting? Let's get organized? How long can this chaos continue in the house?

The donut gets up and goes to another table and we put more buns in the bag.

Donut: No, Syrup, let's go. Let's listen to the questions and how Znayka will answer them.

(in another room, Sineglazka is sitting in front of the mirror? She is preening herself. There is a bouquet of flowers in a basket nearby, she takes out a card, reads it and tears it up. Throws it away. Smirks).

(Dunno's room)

Dunno: Should I go to the square and tell him that I just saw wizards? Oh, they still won’t believe it.

Shurupchik(swings on a swing): Tell them again how a piece of the sun fell on your head.

Gunka: Or about a magic wand and wizards. Last time maybe they will believe you?

Dunno: Who will believe? Znayka? (imitates Znayka) This is all unscientific, shameless lies! (Waves his hand) Enough, we heard.

Gunka(drawn out): There will be a Button!

Shurupchik(dreamy): And Sineglazka!

Dunno: Mmm, okay, we’ve persuaded you, let’s go (waves it off). dreams

(music plays, Sineglazka dances in her room).

Sineglazka: how beautiful am I? I have to go to the square so everyone can see me.

RADIO: Babies and babies! Attention attention! We are starting our favorite program “Town News”. Every child in our city can take part in the program.

(all the residents have already gathered in the square, sitting at tables and clapping their hands - this can be done on the back screen).

(Znayka, Sineglazka, Pilyulkin, Steklyashkin are sitting at the table).

Sineglazka: Dear friends! The rain has stopped and, finally, we begin our meeting with interesting people. According to tradition, they will answer your letters (takes a stack of letters from the table).

(everyone clap)

(Dunno, Shurupchik go and sit on the swing, Donut, Syrupchik take buns out of their bag and eat)

Dunno: So, of course, Znaechka is speaking.

(everyone clap loudly, music plays, two talk in one’s ear)

Syrup: You can’t know everything (waves hand)

Donut: Dunno said this.

Syrup: Remember, Donut, I am my own head.

Donut: What if they really know everything?

Syrup: And I say, you can’t know everything!

(a girl and a boy at the table).

Squirrel: How cute Steklyashkin is!

cog, shakes his head and shows his fist to the girl.

Sineglazka(envelope in hand, takes out a letter): Here is a letter from a resident of Siropchik, Siropchik asks how, how does jam get into candy?

Syrup(explains to Donut): I wrote it last week. So what?

Znayka: Friends, this is a question as old as time. We feel bad for Syrup. (waves the letter) This is a letter that, excuse me, smells of vanilla, flour and sugar a mile away!

Steklyashkin: And donuts!

Dunno: I saw, Screw, the maestro knows everything, and he’s evading the answer.

Shurupchik: How does it get there?

Dunno: It really hits (shakes a finger).

Button: Dunno, a little more and everyone will think that you really envy Znayka!

Dunno(shouting): Stop mocking our friend, Syrup! (turns to Shurupchik) they take on too much! (whistles)

RADIO: Dunno, don’t squeak the swing! You are disturbing radio listeners!

(Ghusla takes pictures with an old camera, clicks)

Sineglazka: word to our doctor, Pilyulkin.

Pilyulkin: From this place I would like to discuss the propaganda of Lungwort (shakes his finger). The root of valerian, motherwort, and all the herbs with which she treats you are fundamentally harmful! And the pills, although bitter, are useful! In addition, treatment with honey and herbs has no educational value! Bitter pills and iodine make many kids think twice...

(The lungwort sits, sorts out the herbs and listens carefully)

Lungwort turns to Dunno: No, just listen to this disgrace! I put so many babies on their feet solely with roots and honey. They can cure anything! Right down to the most neglected pig.

Pilyulkin: Remember! Difficult to treat, easy to maintain! And lastly, it’s time for us all to start fighting the ignorant!

Dunno: Well, what are you saying?

Sineglazka: Here is a letter from Button. The button asks where the soul is located and why it is sometimes fun and sometimes sad? (passes the letter to Znayka, Button thinks, Dunno laughs)

Znayka: Your area, doctor! (hands the letter to Pilyulkin).

Pilyulkin: They used to think (waves an envelope) that the soul lives in the heart, (all children touch their hearts) Here, there, so what did you find there? There is no soul!

Dunno(loudly): they’re lying, the soul is everywhere or nowhere!

Znayka taps her pen on the table: Well, where is she, Dunno?

Dunno: at your heels! And in general, it turns out interesting for you, you don’t know anything, and I’m Dunno? (laughs)

Znayka(gets up, gets angry): There was no soul, there is no and there never will be!

Pilyulkin(waves a stack of letters): I have hundreds of letters and in each one the question is, why do some people see wizards, but we never see them? And we also want

Dunno: You don’t want anything. If you wanted, you could see them perfectly. That's why I see what I want? (waves his arms)

(all the kids laugh)

Dunno: laugh, laugh. And then it will be too late.

Znayka: And why?

Dunno: And because

(wizards look out the windows)

Dunno: He who laughs last laughs best.

Znayka shakes his finger: These are not your words, Dunno.

Dunno: All words are general. Let's go, Shurupchik. Let's take a shower. Let's calm the nerves (shaking hands) using the Lungwort system.

Donut: Long live Dunno!

Squirrel: No, he's bad! He confused everyone.

Ghusla: No, long live Dunno!

Znayka climbs onto the table: Stay calm, friends! All this is a shameless and unscientific lie! There were no wizards, no, and there never will be! I promise you this (beats himself on the chest)

Steklyashkin: All this is an invention of Dunno, who can’t do anything, doesn’t do anything, and doesn’t know anything. Like this!

Button: Not true! He's fantasizing! Dunno is the main dreamer of our city. He searches day and night for wizards and will find them. You'll see!

Znayka: And so, friends, let's part. And remember, there are no miracles! No wizards and not even any trace of them!

Dunno swings on a swing, thinks: Enough, enough, you can’t know everything! Knowing everything is disgusting!

Shurupchik: Maybe I should run after Sorreltail?


Dunno: If a person knows everything, he will run out of intelligence. He won't need intelligence. Why does he need intelligence?

Donut: Dunno, drink some valerian, huh.

Dunno: Don't knock me down! If Znayka knows everything, then he has run out of intelligence!

The button wipes away tears.

Shurupchik: And who has no mind?

Dunno: Who? Who? Crazy, that is! Znayka is crazy! (whistles)

Button(wipes away tears): No, Znayka cannot be denied a certain mind.

Dunno: when he doesn’t know something!

Button: You're wrong.

Dunno(pounds his fist): I'm always right!

Button: You're wrong.

Dunno: Stop crying! Transfer scarves to Znayka! I wouldn’t cry like that for others!

Button: I also sometimes cry about others when they don’t read anything, don’t know and don’t want to know anything.

Dunno: So, Znaechka, yours is the best.

Button: I did not say that.

Dunno: Yeah, what can I say if everything is clear.

Button: You and Znayka are both good, you’re just different.

Dunno: different? Different people cannot be friends!

Button: maybe, you just have a swing from which you can see the wizards, but he doesn’t. If you had let him sit on them for a little while, then maybe he would have seen them.

Dunno: Oh no! This will never happen!

Button: and let me, and let me, I will definitely see them and tell Znayka about them. And he will believe you, honestly.

Dunno threatens with his fist: Just try!

Donut: Dunno, drink some valerian, huh.

Dunno: Well, that’s it, now Znayka is finished! We will give him such a surprise!

Shurupchik: Surprise?

Button: What a surprise?

Dunno: But you, Button, are not supposed to know this! So that you don’t go crying on Znayka’s chest!

The button is gone. Gunka went too, Dunno grabbed him by the collar.

Dunno: Where are you going, my faithful friend and like-minded person?

Gunka: Dunno, well, you know I’m with you.

Shurupchik: And I’m always with you, Dunno.

Dunno: So, we have the best minds. Now we need manpower. Gunka, run for Donut, Syrup.

Syrup: Today I was disgraced in the square.

Everyone is sitting at the table.

Dunno: Brothers, I believe that this cannot be left like this. We must teach them a lesson.

Gunka: I agree.

Donut: Who are they?

Dunno: Pilyulkina, Znayka, Steklyashkina. This whole company that offended our dear Syrupchik (pats Syrupchik on the head). What proposals will there be?

They whisper, as if discussing a plan, drawing on a cake.

Dunno: Well, how?

Shurupchik: Great idea!

Dunno: Gunka, call Sorreltail.

Syrup: Well done, Dunno!

Donut: You cleverly came up with all this.

Dunno he beckons Sorreltail with his finger and whispers in her ear: We want to help Znayka believe in wizards. To do this, we will plant something on the square. And for one thing, we’ll teach their whole company a lesson. Come with us. A?

Lungwort(sighs): But we can send science down the wrong path.

Dunno: No. This is the only way (continues to eat) to direct science on the right path.

Lungwort: Perhaps you are right, Dunno. Then Pilyulkin will dance with me.

Dunno: I’m glad, Medunichka, that you are with us. And so, let's wait until night (he hits the table with his fist).

NIGHT (music Surprise without words)

Dunno and Gunka are carrying a big hat, a big shoe, and a big comb. The wizard peeks, and when Dunno, etc. leave, he brings a lot of hats and hangs them on the legs of overturned chairs.

Steklyashkin looks through a telescope: Always the same, not a single new star. (points the telescope at the square, sees hats): Oh, what is this? (gets down from the chair, walks and whispers) what is this? (goes down the stairs, mysterious music, looks around, looks around, enters Znayka’s room, he sits at the table reading a newspaper and whispers) there, there, there in the square.

Znayka: Have you discovered a new star?

Steklyashkin: no, there in the square...

Pilyulkin turns: drink some water, Steklyashkin. Calm down, close your eyes and remember what happened there in the square? (moves finger in front of eyes)

Steklyashkin closes his eyes and thinks.

Steklyashkin: there are size three hundred hats on the square.

Znayka gets up: This can’t be!?

Znayka and others are crawling around the square (minus Surprise sounds).

Znayka: all this needs to be analyzed urgently, banging his fist on his big hat.

They take the hat to their room and put it on the table. All hats and boots are carried.

Steklyashkin: We dug them up in time!

Pilyulkin: Yes, otherwise they said that there are no traces

Znayka, Pilyulkin, Steklyashkin examine a hat and shoe (magnifying glass, compass)

Everyone else appears on stage

Song It's Impossible to Know Everything

Literary and theatrical circle "Rainbow" Project defense


"Dunno and His Friends"

The roles are performed :

Dunno - Byvalin G.

Button - Kositsyna A.

Pilyulkin-Zhigailova L.

Flower - Klushina E.

Bullet-Dyukarev N.

Medunitsa-Zaikina P.

Vintik-Makarov S.

Shpuntik-Inozemtsev V.

A play in 9 scenes.

Picture1 .

Sound #1 (V. Meladze “Dunno on the Moon”)

The short guys come out and set up the props for the performance, adjust them (hang up a map of the starry sky, put down medical instruments, take out the easel).

Dunno runs out in the background of the chorus. That one with a trumpet, trying to blow. Then he sits down to write poetry and then quits. Then he starts reciting and then quits.

Then he draws a portrait and throws it away. Then he comes across an ad and reads it.

Dunno . “Attention all shorties! A set of shorties for a flight to the Moon is announced. Everyone is welcome, healthy short people who know the multiplication tables, can solve problems and navigate the cardinal directions. Znayka." Fi! This Znayka again! Yes, even without it I can fly to the Moon or Mars! Also for me, multiplication tables! (leaves)

The little guys run in, notice the ad, read it and rejoice.

Pilyulkin : Okay, shorties, pay attention! Before flying to the moon, everyone needs to undergo a medical examination. I have to check every little one for any diseases. Please come to my office by 1 pm and stand in line. And don’t make noise! ​​(threatens) Otherwise I know you! (leaves)

Lungwort : I will pass the very last commission, nothing hurts me. I’d better go and collect the honey in jars and prepare it, in case I need to take it into space!

Bullet: I think I need to check my gun. What if there are some terrible wild animals on the Moon? We must protect ourselves from them! (leaves)

cog Where's the rocket? There's no rocket! How will we fly to the moon?

Shpuntik. You know, Vintik, I had a wonderful idea!

Flower. Well, everyone has gone their separate ways, everyone has things to do.

What are we going to do?

Button: Flower, I know what we'll do! We need to remember everything that we studied at school: the cardinal directions, the multiplication table, the rules of addition, multiplication and division.

Flower: With pleasure! I loved studying so much! I really loved getting A's in math and geography!

The girls sit on a bench and begin asking each other questions about the multiplication table.

Picture 2.

Dunno enters.

Dunno: Where is everyone? Where has everyone gone? All the short guys in our city were just here!

Flower: Everyone is preparing to fly to the moon! This is such a joyful event! Never in the history of our town have we moved so far!

Button : Imagine: we must overcome this... what's it... gravity and become lighter than feathers! Can you imagine?! But I’m thinking, how are we going to move in zero gravity (and I know this too!!!)?! We've never been there!

Dunno : I also found some literate people! They know everything, they can do everything! But I think that you know the multiplication table, and that’s enough! And no gravity or weightlessness is needed!!!

Button: Dunno! What are you saying? what are you bragging about! After all, you won’t even find the cardinal direction!

Flower: And I’m sure: you can’t tell the difference between north and south! And I’m not saying anything about the West and the East!

Dunno: Who? I? Can't tell the difference? Now I will prove to you that I know everything and can do everything! Ask!

Girls in chorus) Here's Dunno! What a braggart!(rotate Dunno) Turn around yourself, show us north-south!

Dunno stops and randomly shows the direction with his hand

Dunno: North is there!

Girls (in unison) Why the north?

Dunno: Because there was a draft, how cool it was!

Button: You don’t know anything about geography, Dunno!

Flower: Maybe you're good at math? Come on, sit down!

Dunno: Well, I sat down! Ask!

Sound No. 2. Sketch “test of knowledge”

Button: Stop, stop, stop! You can stomp your feet as much as you like!

Flower : You can bang your fist long and loud!

In chorus : But you don’t know math either! But they don’t take people like that to be cosmonauts!

Dunno: Just think, they don’t take it! Who are you to judge this! I don't want to be friends with you anymore!

Button: Dunno, let us help you!

Flower: Let us teach you! It is not difficult!

In chorus: You just have to try!

Dunno: I won't try! I won't study! I won't be friends! (leaves)

Button: How so? After all, we didn’t offend him! We wanted to help! He is always so cheerful and kind!

Flower: We offer him help, but he’s also offended! Eh, Dunno!


Vintik and Shpuntik are making a space scooter.

cog : Hold tight! It is very important to make this unit strong so that the wheels will hold on later.

Shpuntik: I hold it, I hold it! You too support! Pull it tight! Tighter!

Dunno enters.

Dunno : Hello, brothers! What do you do?

Cog: I believe that on the Moon we will need to move on something.

Shpuntik: We are making a lunar scooter, it is lightweight and does not take up much space. Now we’ll tighten the wheels, and we can test it!

Dunno : Brothers! Let me help you! Here I’ll attach a trunk, and here is an additional seat, and here is a second brake pedal! And also...

Mechanics (interrupt in chorus) Nooo! Don't even come near us!

Cog: We remember how you helped us assemble the vacuum cleaner!

Shpuntik : Who tested the car? Forgot? We then repaired it for six months!

cog : So go already! Do not be late!

Dunno: Just think, mechanics! Yes, I can do without your scooter! Yes, I can make things myself too! (leaves)

The mechanics knocked on the parts some more, consulted and left. Dunno approaches the scooter.

Dunno : Eh, they did a good job! I wonder if she only travels on the moon? Does it travel on the ground? Need to check.

He gets on the scooter, pushes off, rides across the stage, then taxis behind the curtain.

Sound#3 accident.

Dunno comes out, dragging a pile of pieces of iron. The mechanics run out.

Cog: What have you done! I thought you'd get to the scooter!

Shpuntik: Guard! Who gave you permission to touch the scooter? What have you done?

Dunno: Brothers, I... didn’t want to... it happened that way...

Cog: (mocks) I didn’t mean to... brothers... You’ll always ruin everything! You can't be trusted with anything! Get out of here!

Dunno leaves.

Picture 4.

Sound No. 4

The lungwort sniffs, tastes and rearranges the plates of honey.

Lungwort. Here's linden honey, it's for colds and coughs. But it's fragrantBuckwheat honey is good to take for blood pressure. But the flower honey, fragrant, is my favorite. It is what makes our skin clean and smooth.(thinks) Which one should I take with me? After all, everyone is good! I'll go see the girls and get some advice.

She runs to her friends, meets Dunno on the way, waves to him and runs away.

Flower and Button, sad, drooping.

Lungwort: Girls! What's happened? I came to you to ask for advice. What kind of honey do you think is best to take into space? Buckwheat, linden or floral? What's wrong with you? Are you not listening to me at all? Is your temperature rising? Or maybe your throat hurts? So I quickly run for honey!

Girls: Wait a minute!

Button: Your delicious honey won't help us!

Flower: And we are not sick at all, but sad.

Lungwort: Who upset you so much? Who was so upset? Speak up!

Button: You see, girlfriend, it’s all about Dunno. This obnoxious boy was planning to fly to the moon, and...

Flower: He himself doesn’t know the multiplication table, he can’t determine the cardinal directions!!!

Button: He's so naughty! It will disappear there, on the Moon!!!

Lungwort: Oh! Dunno! And I met him on the way to you! He walked...towards me...And I have honey on the table!!! Karauuul! He will eat it!!!

All the girls run off stage.

Sound No. 5.

Picture 5.

Dunno at the table with honey plates reaches with his finger first into one, then into the other, licking his lips. The plates end up empty.

The girls run in. Dunno froze.

Lungwort : I knew it! Here, look at him! He ruined all the honey! What a mess! He ate it! What am I going to take to the moon now?

Button: Dunno-Dunno! Why do you only think about yourself?

Flower (defends) No, he wasn’t thinking about himself! He probably wanted to determine which honey is healthier, right, Dunno?

( comes up to him, pats him on the shoulder) He just always gets carried away and forgets to stop in time.

Dunno: Yes, I...Yes, I...didn’t want happened that way! Lungwort’s honey is very tasty!

Lungwort (angrily) That's how it always works out for you! You're disturbing everyone! You're ruining everything! Get out of here, I can’t see you!!! (to girls) And you, girlfriends, are always protecting him! And he doesn’t even think about changing! Everything is disgraceful!

Button : Dunno is just so special!


Scene 6

Button: Listen, little flower, you can’t leave the situation with Dunno any longer. Let's make him fix it!

Flower : Of course not! I myself wanted to find Dunno and talk to him. But here he comes!

Button : Let's pretend we're offended by him.

Etude “reconciliation” (sound No. 7)

Picture 7.

Doctor Pilyulkin's office.

Sketch of the Doctor and Pulka “Misrecognition”

Pilyulkin : Well, Pulka, did you want to scare me? So know this: I am not one of the timid ones! Why did you come? Does something hurt? Have you got any problems?

Bullet : So you said it yourself, you need to pass the commission. I, too, was planning to fly to the moon. And I’ll take a gun with me (points to him). What if there are wild animals there, so I’ll protect everyone! Pooh! Pooh! - And all the animals ran away!

Pilyulkin: What do you mean you ran away? Don’t you know how to shoot? Or don’t you hit?

Bullet : (indignantly) Yes, I can shoot! Yes, I hunted an elephant! Yes, I scattered all the moles in the garden! Do you want me to prove it to you now?

Pilyulkin : If you prove it, you will prove it! Sit on a chair here, close one eye and name the letters. Let's check your vision! (The bullet sits down). So, what letter is this? (shows U)

Bullet: This is the letter U!A! I remembered! This is the duck that flew away from me! Oh, what a duck it was!

Pilyulkin : What letter is this? (shows M)

Bullet: So this is the mouse that got into my boot! Oh, and she scared me!

Pilyulkin: Well, what can you tell us about this letter? (points to Z).

Bullet : A! So this is Z! A hare who ran into my hut in the cold and hid under the bench. So he overwintered with me.

Pilyulkin: Well well! And this letter will probably remind you of a huge fish.

Bullet : Exactly! How do you know that? This fish, can you imagine, had such an eye! (shows with hands)

Pilyulkin: So, everything is clear to me! Well, let's write it down: Patient Pulka. Excellent vision, good heart. Fit for a flight to the moon! Congratulations!


Sketch “Dunno at the Doctor”

The girls push Dunno, he resists.

Button : Doctor, help us!

Flower : Doctor, save Dunno!

Pills n: Calm down! Now let's figure it out! What's the matter? Speak separately!

Button : Doctor, Dunno doesn’t want to study!

Flower: He is sure that knowledge is not needed. But he interferes in other people’s affairs, about which he knows nothing, and only spoils it!

Pilyulkin : What will the patient say?

Dunno: Yes I...Yes I...Eh, I!

Pilyulkin :All clear! We will treat! Laziness, I think we can cure it with an enema. (thinks) Will it help? It's probably better to give an injection? (takes a syringe, examines it, thinks) No, we will treat laziness with the most reliable medicine - castor oil! (takes a bottle and a spoon) So, sick, open your mouth wider!!! Patient, where are you going???(Dunno runs away, the girls follow him).

Pilyulkin ( solemnly) Here she is, Magic power castor oil! I think, even without taking the medicine, Dunno was cured!

Scene 8

Sound No. 5

All the shorties gathered around Dunno, sitting on the bench. Etude "calming"

The music stops.

Bullet: And I never said that Dunno is bad. He's just curious! I took apart my gun last year. And why? Because he was interested in how it worked there! True, I couldn’t collect it later. Yes, and there are some extra details left.

Cog: Well, yes, curious. And also a dreamer! He can’t think of anything! Based on his imagination, Shpuntik and I assembled a garden vacuum cleaner against caterpillars. If it weren’t for Dunno, there would be no vacuum cleaner, there would be no strawberries, which means there would be no jam! Here!

Lungwort: And Dunno is also compassionate. My bee didn't fly. It turned out that the wing was torn. So he sealed it with glue, it became so shiny, like a ray of sunshine. This is what Dunno we have.

Dunno: Why do you all calm me down! How kind I am! What a dreamer I am! (distressed) Yes, I’m good for nothing! Yes, I don’t know anything! And they won’t take me on a flight to the moon? And I really wanted to make friends with lunatics!

ALL: And we will help you! The main thing is to want it!

Picture 9.

The final


Money can't buy you friendship

You won't find her just like that

After all, friendship is as valuable as gold

And also not everyone can handle it.


She is something that not everyone is

In his lifetime he will be able to find

But if you find it, take care

Don't let anyone take it away!


And soon you will understand how important

Find that one light

Who can listen to you?

And give you the advice you need!


Should I call a friend?

When it's dark on the road,

When the road is unrecognizable

And you don’t have the strength to go?


When there is trouble on all sides,

When it's night in the sun,

But won't he see

Won't he rush to help?


After all, he will not be able to eat and sleep,

When does this suddenly happen!

But... if you need to call a friend -

This is hardly a friend...


Friendship is a warm wind

Friendship is bright world,

Friendship is the sun at dawn,

A joyful feast for the soul.


Friendship is only happiness

Friendship is one thing people have.

With friendship you are not afraid of bad weather,

With friendship - life in spring is full.


A friend will share pain and joy,

A friend will support and save.


With a friend - even an evil weakness

In an instant it will melt and go away.


Believe, keep, value friendship,

This is the highest ideal.

It will serve you well.

After all, friendship is a valuable gift!


Sound No. 6 Song about friendship.

If your friend doesn't laugh, turn on the sun for him

Turn on the stars for him - it's easy

And correct the mistake, turning it into a smile

All the sadness and tears are simple

Sunday, Saturday - friendship is not work Friendship is not work.

There are friends, and for them friends don’t have days off.

If happiness falls,

Divide it into parts

And give it to all your friends - it's easy

And when it is necessary,

All friends will be there

To turn on the sun or stars for you

If each friend in a circle extends his hand to each other,

That will be visible through the porthole: friendship is the equator.

If every friend of the planet waves a daisy to each other,

It will become clear: friendship is a planet of daisies!


“This amazing Dunno”

as a defense of the project of the literary and theatrical circle "Rainbow".

Natalya Ostakhova
Script for the theatrical production “The Adventures of Dunno”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution No. 72 combined type

Theater production script

« The Adventures of Dunno in the Flower City» .

Made up: Ostakhova N.A. musical

head of the highest quarter categories.

Musical script« Adventure of Dunno» .

After 1 verse and chorus, they go to their places and each do their own thing in the flower city. Sit down after the music ends. Dunno continues to ride his horse, Pilyulkin goes to the city with Znayka. Dunno sings a song.

Scene"The sun is falling".

Dunno: Oh, who hit me on the head, hey, who is fighting without


Strange, there is no one. Maybe something fell on me from above?

(Dunno raised his head and looked up. But there was nothing above either,

only the sun was shining overhead.)

Dunno: Everything is clear, the sun fell on me. Probably a piece of sunshine

broke off and BOOM! Hit me on the head.

(Dunno ran home to tell everyone about what happened. On the way he

I saw Znayka, who installed his telescope on the roof and

looked through it at the sky).

Dunno: Listen, Znayka, can you imagine what’s the story with me? happened?

Znayka: No, Dunno, I can’t imagine yet.

Dunno: Do you see the bump on my head?

Znayka comes out from behind the screen and looks at the bump.

Znayka: Yes, a decent big shot.

Dunno: Do you know where I got it from?

Znayka: I can’t imagine how you can get a bump in a clearing.

Dunno: This bump is because the sun fell on me. Or rather, not the whole sun, but a piece of it, and Boom came off! Hit me on the head! Real sunstroke!

Znayka: No, Dunno, again you got something mixed up.

Dunno: And why is that? You said yourself that the big shot is decent.

Znayka: If a piece came off from the sun, it would crush you into a cake.

Dunno: What are you talking about?

Znayka: Sun, Dunno is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.

No, it seems to us from here that the sun is very small,

because it is far from us. But in reality it is a huge hot ball. I saw this through my pipe.

Dunno: Is the sun hotter than an iron?

Znayka: Much. And if even a small piece comes off from the sun,

then he will destroy our entire city.

Dunno: Wow!

I'll go tell our people, maybe

they haven't heard yet.

Dunno: Brothers! Brothers, a piece has broken off from the sun and is flying straight towards us.

Soon it will fall and crush us all.

(Everyone laughs at Dunno) .

Dunno: Brothers, save yourself, the piece is flying!

Shorty: What piece?

Dunno: Piece, brothers! He pulled himself away from the sun, and soon he will flop and everyone

there will be a cover!

Shorty: What are you making up!

Dunno: I'm not making anything up. Znayka saw this through his pipe.

(A Dunno, meanwhile, climbed onto the roof and screamed at the whole street.)

Dunno: Save yourself, who can! Trouble!

Znayka: Calm down, brothers! The sun won't fall on us, you can

do not worry! Dunno mixed everything up again.

(Everyone laughed at Dunno) .

Doctor Pilyulkin: Dunno, drink castor oil at night so you don’t fantasize. (He leaves the city and sings a song).

Doctor Pilyulkin: You are wonderful Dunno. In general, I would take up some business. Yes, everything is topsy-turvy for you.


I really want to learn something.

But somehow right away, without any difficulty.

I'll go to Tube.

Scene« Dunno artist» .

(And he went to Tube’s studio. Tube stood in front of the easel with a palette in his hands, throwing back his long hair. Dunno understood immediately that in front of him is a real artist.)

Dunno: Hello, Tube! what are you doing here?

Tube: I, Dunno, I’m painting my new painting, would you like to see it?

Dance with canvases “I draw on the window, the world is almost like ours”.

Dunno: Listen, Tube, I also decided to be an artist. So, do you think I can do it? A?

Tube: I don’t know, I don’t know, my dear. Painting is a delicate thing. You won't master it easily.

Dunno: Tax, well, now everything is clear to me, take the paints and mix them thicker, here’s your painting.

Listen, Tube, give me some paints and a brush, I’ll paint pictures too. (draws, says).

Period, period, comma, a crooked face came out.

Tube: Well, my dear, take it.

Shorties do the dance "Dot, dot, comma".

Shorties laugh at work Dunno.

Dunno: I don’t want to be an artist, I want to be a musician. I’ll go to Gusla...

Scene« Dunno musician» .

Dunno: Hello, Guslya.

Ghusla: Hello, Dunno.

Dunno: What are you doing so interesting here?

Ghusla: Yes, here it is Dunno, I composed a new melody today and am now rehearsing it. Listen here.

Gusli's song.

Dunno: Great, Guslya, teach me how to play something, I also want to re-pe-ne-ti-ti-ti-ti-rovat.

Ghusla: Please, Dunno, what instrument do you want to play?

Dunno: What is easier?

Ghusla: I think on the balalaika.

Dunno: Well, give me your balalaika here, I’ll wear it


Okay, let's see and try. No, Guslya, your balalaika is playing quietly, nothing is clear, give me another instrument, louder.

Ghusla: Well, there’s also a violin.

Dunno: Now let's see what kind of violin this is. (playing).

Dunno: No, Guslya, is there an even louder instrument? Otherwise this one plays quietly.

Ghusla: There is also a pipe.

Dunno: Well, give it here, I’ll try it on the trumpet. (Dudit).

This, Guslya, is a very good instrument, it plays very loudly, it’s pleasant to listen to.

Ghusla: Well, Dunno, learn the trumpet if you like.

Dunno: Why should I study, I already know how.

Ghusla: Not really, Dunno, you don’t know how yet.

Dunno: I can, I can. Here, listen.

Ghusla: What kind of music is this? Dunno, you're just blowing, not playing.

Dunno: No matter how I play, I play very well, loudly.

Ghusla: In music, Dunno, the main thing is not to be loud, but to be beautiful.

Dunno: And I can do it very beautifully.

Ghusla: And not at all beautiful. I see you Dunno I'm not good at music at all.

Dunno: You’re probably saying it out of envy, you want to be the only one listened to and praised.

Ghusla: But nothing like that. Take the trumpet and play as much as you want, let them praise you too.

Dunno: Well, I’ll play.

(In the evening, when all the kids gathered at home, Dunno He took the trumpet again and began blowing it as much as he could. The shorties were very alarmed, and Doctor Pilyulkin specially went out to the balcony to check if anything had happened.)

Doctor Pilyulkin (Shouts out from behind the rooftops): What is this noise in our yard?

Dunno: It's not noise, it's me playing.

Doctor Pilyulkin: Stop it now, your music hurts my ears.

Dunno: It’s because Pilyulkin that you’re not used to my music yet, but you’ll get used to it and your ears will stop hurting.

Doctor Pilyulkin: But I don’t want to get used to it, I really need it.

Get out of here now with your nasty pipe.

Dunno: where should I go, I wonder?

Doctor Pilyulkin: Go out to the field and play there.

Dunno: Hello, who will hear me in the field?

Doctor Pilyulkin: Do you really need someone to listen to you?

Dunno: Yes, definitely!

Doctor Pilyulkin: Well, then go outside, the neighbors will hear you there,

and if you don’t leave, I’ll give you an injection.

Dunno: Okay, okay, just a little, just an injection. They won't let you play in peace.

Ghusla: listen, Dunno What an orchestra we have, we rehearsed for a long time.

Orchestra "In the grass Grasshopper sat".

Dunno: It’s just that no one understands my music, they haven’t grown up to my music yet. When they grow up, they themselves will ask, but it will be too late. I won't play anymore, that's it.

And I will become a poet, like Tsvetik.

Scene: « Dunno poet» .

Flower: ABOUT! Who do I see Dunno! Come in!

Dunno: Hello. Listen, Tsvetik, teach me to write poetry. I also want to be a poet.

Flower: And you have abilities.

Dunno: Of course there is, I’m generally a very capable little guy.

Flower: Well, this still needs to be checked.

Dunno: Check!

Flower: Do you know what rhyme is?

Dunno: Rhyme? No, I do not know.

Flower: Rhyme, Dunno, this is when two words end the same. For example, duck is a joke, shortbread is a walrus. Understood?

Dunno: Of course, I understood what was unclear here.

Flower: Well, if you understand, then come up with a rhyme for me for the word “stick”.

Dunno: "Stick" - "herring".

Flower: Well, what kind of rhyme is this, my dear, “stick” - “herring”, there is no rhyme in these words.

Dunno: What's missing? They end the same way.

Flower: This is not enough, my dear! Listen here.

Flower: Well, do you understand what a rhyme is?

Dunno: Got it, got it. A stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle.

Flower: Well, if you understand, then come up with a rhyme for me for the word “tow.”

Dunno: "Shmaklya."

Flower: Hello, what kind of “shmaklya”? My dear, is there such a word?

Dunno: No, then “whack”.

Flower: What kind of “whack” is this?

Dunno: Oh, this is when they tear something, so it turns out to be “tear”.

Flower: Again you are all sorts you're making up nonsense, Dunno, there is no such word, but we need to select words that exist, and not invent them. Cannon - drying - curl, spoon - tower and piece of paper, forest - dunce, Jamaica - husky, bed - watering can - balalaika!

Dunno: What if I can’t find another word?

Flower: So you have no talent for poetry.

Dunno: WHAT? Well, then come up with a rhyme for this word yourself.

Flower: Just a minute. Tow, Tow, Tow, Tow, Tow, Tow. Rwaklya, kavyryaklya, shmaklya. Now, now, now.

(Tsvetik stopped in the middle of the room, folded his arms on his chest, put his head to the side and began to think. Then he raised his head up and began to think looking at the ceiling. Then he grabbed his own chin with his hands and began to think, looking at the floor. Having done everything It was he who began to wander around the room and mutter.)

Flower: Just a minute. Tow, tow, tow, tow, tow, tow, tow. Rwaklya, kavyryaklya, shmaklya. Now, now, now.

What kind of word is this, strange. There's no rhyme to it Dunno!

Dunno: Well, he himself asks words that don’t rhyme, and then says that I’m not capable.

Flower: Capable, capable, just leave me alone. Write in such a way that there is meaning and rhyme, and here are your poems.

(Dunno started writing poetry. The whole day he walked around the room, looking first at the floor, then at the ceiling, holding his chin and muttering something under his breath. Finally the poems were ready. And in the evening he solemnly entered the living room, where all the other shorties were sitting.)

Dunno: Brothers! Listen to the poems I wrote about you. Here, from the beginning, are poems about Znayka.

Znayka went for a walk to the river,

Jumped over the sheep.

Znayka: One minute, Dunno, excuse me, when did I jump over a sheep? I don't have such a strange habit.

Dunno: Of course, why should I make up the truth?

There is no need to create the truth, it already exists.

Znayka: Try again, you’ll find out! Well, read what you wrote about others?

Dunno: Listen to Toropyzhka.

Toropyzhka was hungry,

Swallowed a cold iron.

Shorty: Brothers! What is he making up about me? I didn't swallow any cold iron.

Dunno: Don't shout! I just said for rhyme that the iron was cold.

Shorty: Well, I didn’t swallow any iron, neither cold nor hot!

Dunno: And I’m not saying that you swallowed a hot one, so

you can calm down. You don't understand anything about poetry. I also wrote something about Pilyulkin.

Doctor Pilyulkin: Brothers! This bullying must stop! Are we going to calmly listen to what Dunno is lying about everyone here?

All: Enough!

We don't want to listen anymore!

These are not poems, but some kind of teases.

Znayka and Toropyzhka: Let him read!

Since he read about us, let him read about others.

All: No need! We do not want!

Dunno: Well, since you don’t want to, then I’ll go read to the neighbors, -

All: What?

Dunno: Okay, brothers, I won’t.

Just don't be angry with me.

Scene with flower girls.

Presenter: There is a small country beyond the seas, behind the forests.

Only kids live there,

Their life is full of miracles.

Sineglazka and Chamomile live there without any hassle.

(Girls water flowers, sing a song).

Girls song “There is a scarlet, scarlet flower in the world”.

They sit in a semicircle and start a conversation.

Girl: All boys are bullies,

Well, it’s impossible without a fight.

Girl: They don’t understand anything

It just takes time.

Girl: They start arguments with us,

And this is what causes all the quarrels.

Girl: They always break everything and don’t take it into the game.

Sineglazka: Enough chatting, girls,

Let's dance better.

Waltz of the Flowers.

The girls stop in a semicircle and bow. Shpuntik and Vintik run out.

Shpuntik: The sisters have gathered again.

Pull some pigtails?

(After the dance, Vintik and Shpuntik pull the girls’ pigtails).

(The boys pull the girls’ pigtails, they cry and go aside.)

cog: All the girls were capricious,

Just touch them with your shoulder,

They shed tears in a stream.

Shpuntik: Asked, imagined,

They pouted their lips into a bow,

How can they understand boys?

The sound of glass, fire and smoke.

Girls: We don’t want to play with you,

It’s better to run away to your mothers.

Shpuntik: You girls are cowards.

Either way, we are boys.

cog: I decided to come up with a ball, and I came up with....

Girls: What a nightmare!

Girl: What do I hear? How terrible!

But this is dangerous!

Girl: What's behind the clouds?

Girl: Have you heard? Have you heard?

Like out of town yesterday

The boys flew to us,

Three balloons burst!

Girl: Yes, not three, but five!

Girl: Well, girls, you should lie!

Maybe stop writing?

Girl: Sineglazka, why are you silent?

Maybe you will surprise us?

Sineglazka: How much trouble is it with you?

They spread out like magpies.

Well, okay, I’ll make it up, I’ll sing a song now.

Sineglazka's Song "Sineglazka's Song".

Lyrics "Sineglazka's Song"

Shorties with love and affection

They call me Sineglazka.

And they look at me admiringly,

Passing gallantly forward.

I smile in response, embarrassed

I lower my eyelashes in embarrassment,

And I remain silent, as if embarrassed.

Well, my heart sings with happiness.


Ah, Sineglazka’s eyes

You took the colors from the sky.

And heavenly beauty

My blue gaze shines.

Blue-blue, the bluest,

My blue gaze shines.

I should show up somewhere

Faces light up with joy.

How nice it is to be a star -

Everyone recognizes you everywhere.

I try to seem simple

Unnoticeable and simple.

It’s as if I’m just standing still,

Well, the heart, rejoicing, sings.

Scene “At Lungwort”.


I am Doctor Medunitsa.

Who wants to get treatment?

Let him come to us!

Let him come to us!

We have our own hospital

Everyone comes to us for treatment.

To good doctors!

Song of the Lungwort.

Lyrics "Song of the Lungwort"

No matter how ashamed a person is

Just need to run to the pharmacy,

There, take at least a hundred pills -

Still no health.

But Mother Nature

Full of other gifts,

Accept the forests, fields and waters,

And mountain ranges and firmaments

And you're practically healthy

And you are practically healthy.

All recipes for Lungwort,

Not like in the hospital

I'm preparing my composition

From roots and herbs.

Always with Mother Nature

Full of such gifts

Accept the forests, fields and waters,

And mountain ranges and firmaments

And you're practically healthy

And you are practically healthy.

Nurse: And just think, the hospital was empty for a whole year, no one came. (Shorties come to the hospital).

Lungwort: But today, there are no places! How lucky it was that the air travelers fell right on top of us! Get up sick!

Grumpy: I'm not sick!

Lungwort: Show your tongue!

Grumpy: Ah-ah-ah

Lungwort: Enough, hide it! This patient needs honey inside, and a honey plaster on the bruise.

(He approaches Shorty, measures his height, listens to Donut, goes to another Shorty.)

Pilyulkin: Your treatment methods are wrong! You need castor oil inside!

And outside there is no honey, iodine!

Lungwort: I know better than to smear them!

Since they ended up in our hospital, we will treat as we want!

(Included Dunno in a robe)

Donut: Brothers, quietly, some Aibolit is coming towards us!

Dunno: Get up, patient! Breathe!

Grumpy: Either you breathe or you don’t breathe!

Dunno: And you are still the same Grumpy! Are you grumbling as always?

Pilyulkin: Dunno, You? Help us get out of here! We are all healthy!

Dunno: OK OK!

Lungwort: Why are you wearing a robe? Who are you?

Dunno: I? Professor Kastorkin!

Lungwort: Professor?

Dunno: Yes, and my examination showed that everyone is healthy! Everyone needs to be discharged!

Your honey treatment helped!

Lungwort: Fine! We're signing everyone out!

All: Hooray! Hooray! Thank you!

Scene: "At Donut's".

Dunno: Hello, Donut! What are you doing?

Donut: Yes, I’m coming up with a recipe for a new pie, now I want to cook it, I think it will be delicious.

Dunno: What a pie, quit quickly, sit down, I’ll draw you.

Donut: Me, draw?

Dunno: Yes, sit down. So, don’t turn around, Donut, otherwise it won’t work out.

Donut: I’m sitting, yeah, right? Well, what seems to be working out? Dunno?

Dunno: Very similar, very, that’s it, that’s it.

To make it more beautiful, red nose, green ears, blue lips, and orange eyes. (thought)

And a big purple mustache.

Everything, Donut, is ready, you can watch.

(Donut approached the portrait and almost fainted from fright.)

Donut: Oh, Dunno, am I like that?

Dunno: Of course it is, but what else?

Donut: And why did you draw a mustache for me? I don't have them.

Dunno: Well, they will grow up someday.

Donut: Why is your nose red?

Dunno: And this would make it more beautiful.

Donut: Why is my hair blue? Is that what I have?

Dunno: Blue, blue. Well, if you don't like it, I can make green ones too.

Doctor Pilyulkin: No, Dunno, this is not a portrait. This is a crude, anti-artistic daub and there is absolutely nothing to admire here. Let me tear it up.

Dunno: What? Why destroy a work of art?

Donut: Ah well! Well, I'll show you now! (Fight).

Doctor Pilyulkin:

Hey brothers, why are you fighting?

Donut: Judge for us Pilyulkin. Is it really not me?

Pilyulkin: Of course not you, there’s some kind of scarecrow drawn here.

As I see, you didn’t turn out to be an artist either. It would be better if you thought of doing something else, maybe you will be more useful. Also, if you take the brush, I’ll give you an injection.

Dunno: Well, here we go again with my injection. You draw and draw, but no one even says thank you, everyone just swears. I don't want to be an artist anymore.

Scene: « Dunno and the car»

(The mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik locked themselves in their workshop and began to make something. They made a car.)

cog: Brothers! Newest model works on sparkling water with syrup.

Shpuntik: The syrup flowed through the tube into the tank and served to lubricate the mechanism.

Let's learn to manage.

Dunno: Let me drive the car. I also want to learn how to manage.

cog: You won't be able to. It's a car. You need to understand this.

Dunno: What else is there to understand! Pull the handles and turn the steering wheel. It's simple.

Shpuntik: It only seems simple, but in reality it is difficult. You yourself will kill yourself and crash your car.

(Everybody left. Dunno climbed into the car, which was parked in the yard, and began to pull the levers and press the pedals. At first he couldn’t do anything, then suddenly the car snorted and drove off. The shorties saw this through the window and ran out of the house.)

All: What are you doing? You'll kill yourself!

Dunno: I won’t kill myself!

cog: Stop now!

(The car is rushing around the yard, and Dunno screams at the top of her lungs.)

Dunno: Brothers, open the gate quickly, otherwise I’ll break everything in the yard! Beware!

(Dunno drove all over the city and didn’t know how to stop the car. Finally the car rolled head over heels. Dunno fell out of it and remained lying on the shore. Shorty Dunno and carried home).

Dunno: Brothers, am I still alive?

Doctor Pilyulkin: Alive, alive. Just please lie still, I need to examine you.

Marvelous! All the bones are intact, only a few bruises.

Dunno: Does it hurt?

Doctor Pilyulkin: No, not at all. Here, let me, I’ll smear you with iodine now!

Dunno: Ah-ah! - shouted Dunno.

Doctor Pilyulkin: What you? Does it hurt?

Dunno: Of course it hurts! Ah ah ah!

Doctor Pilyulkin: Why are you screaming as if I’m cutting you? I'm not cutting you.

Dunno: Hurt! He himself said that it didn’t hurt, but now it hurts!

cog: Don't yell, don't yell! You love to drive a car, but you don’t like to be patient!

Dunno: Ay! It burns!

Doctor Pilyulkin: Now I’m your thermometer I'll put it.

(Pilyulkin went to get a thermometer. Dunno jumped out of bed, And running)

Pilyulkin: So treat such a patient! You treat him, treat him, and he runs away. Where does this fit?

Scene: "In a trip".

(Twilight, Dunno went out into the yard)

Dunno: Again, nothing worked out for me. Nobody needs my creativity. No one understands my music. Nobody likes my painting. Everyone is offended by my poetry. There was also some trouble with the car. Why does this happen?

You try, you try, you come up with all sorts of different things for them. But they only mock you and scold you in vain! I'm just a miserable little guy.

Oh, who is this? (sees Znayka).

Oh, it's you Znayka.

Znayka:Why are not you sleeping, Dunno?

Dunno: Eh, Znayka, I’m not succeeding at all in my life.

Here you, for example, are all praise: “Znayka is smart, Znayka is a head, he knows everything.”

And everyone praises Pilyulkin too, they even praise Donchik for his pies, but no one praises me. Everyone just scolds me and says that I can’t do anything.

But I can do everything, just not like others.

Dunno: Somehow it’s different, but no one understands this.

Znayka: Listen, Dunno, but you can’t do something that is of no benefit to anyone but you.

What are you talking about Dunno, so you will have to live completely alone and do everything for your own pleasure.

Dunno: But then I’ll take it and leave you all.

Znayka: Where will you go?

Dunno: I’ll leave our city and become a traveler!

Znayka: Well, a traveler. traveler. You know, I read that the most incredible and even dangerous things often happen to travelers adventures.

You might as well die of boredom

And somewhere the oceans are seething

Distant, distant countries...

How interesting, how interesting

But unknown, but unknown

It seems like a lot of books have been written

But how dry and fresh

How interesting, how interesting

I wish I could get to this place

Where they rose to the skies

Mountains and forest.

Dunno: Listen, Znayka, let’s all go on some trip together!

Znayka: To be honest, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, Dunno. But I haven’t decided yet which one is better to go on a hike. On foot or by boat.

Dunno: No better!

Znayka: Why?

Dunno: But your legs will get tired on foot, and you’ll get tired of rowing in boats.

Znayka: Can I have one more car? build.

Dunno: Well, then this is not a trip, but some kind of construction.

Znayka: Yes.

Dunno: Yes.

Znayka: What to do then?

Dunno: Eh, I wish I could fly like a soap bubble. Every day I blow bubbles from the roof and think every time. If I were a soap bubble, I wouldn’t sit here for a single minute. I would have flown away right away.

somewhere to look at peacocks.

Znayka: Bubble you say?

Dunno: Yeah, like this (shows) huge!

Znayka: Exactly! You need a hot air balloon, what could be better than traveling by hot-air balloon. Well done Dunno!

Dunno: Great! Hooray! Let's go on a trip!

Znayka: So, let’s make a ball out of ficus sap, Shpuntik bring a pump, we’ll attach a long rubber tube to the pump.

(Everyone found work near the ball). (Everyone marches and sings a song).

Song “So that the waters of stormy rivers would turn back”.

Shorty: Look, brothers, Dunno, finally came to my senses.

A true leader!

I became a completely different person!

Yeah! And without any castor oil!

Dunno: Hey, Donut! Whose turn is it to pump the pump?

Donut: My, Dunno!

Dunno: Let's download faster. Otherwise our balloon is about to deflate.

Znayka: Please sit down and make yourself comfortable. There is enough space for everyone on the hot air balloon.


Goodbye, brothers!

We will fly to distant lands.

We'll be back in a week, goodbye!

Shorty: Goodbye! Goodbye! Bon Voyage! Hooray!"

(The short ones shouted and began waving their arms and hats).

Natalya Belyaeva
Script for the theatrical production “The Adventures of Dunno”

A theatrical production dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Nikolai Nosov based on the fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno.”

Adventures of Dunno.

Scene one.

The song sounds: “What progress has come.” from the movie "The Adventures of Electronics". All the heroes dance around the Time Machine.

There is a Time Machine on the stage. Vintik and Shpuntik are turning the mechanisms.


: We have a time machine

It came out simply - top class!


: We'll go on it

To distant lands!

And they worked with you,

Not in vain, not in vain, not in vain!

Dunno's song is playing. Dunno comes in.


: Vintik, Shpuntik - hello everyone!

From me and the old boots!

And what are you doing here?

For whom are you trying again?


: You Dunno, don’t interfere

And talk less.

You better help us

Bring me the wrench for the nuts.


: No, I have no time for friends

I'm very, very busy!

Hmm...What kind of unit is this?

Either a tap or an automatic machine?


: This is a miracle of technology!

Just imagine, my friend.

You wanted to go

Somewhere to the south.

You press the button

And you're already on your way.

The machine carries

You to the ends of the earth!


: That's it, guys...

I have never seen anything like this...

Tell me again.

How how? What needs to be done

To go south for me

Fly away in a car...


: Dunno, I repeat

You get up and press the button.

Dunno jumps up and presses the button. The car starts, special effects music…. smoke came out and he disappeared.

Vintik and Shpuntik

: Dunno! Stop! Where ….

Scene two.

A Russian folk melody sounds. A flower dance is performed in a forest clearing.

Masha and the Bear are sitting in a clearing in the forest. They teach lessons. The bear reads poems about friendship, about helping your friends.


: Masha and Misha are friends

There's no way to keep them apart!

Masha is bored, she sits and yawns...

Masha, Masha, don't yawn.

Listen and remember!

There is a roar and Dunno appears on the Time Machine.


: What kind of miracle is this?

Where did you come from?


: Did you fall from the moon?

Dunno answers and brags.


: My name is Dunno

People recognize me everywhere!

I came from a fairy tale

And the fairy tale is about me!


: You're too proud, boy...


: Yes, you're putting your nose up too much.


: Apparently, brother, you are a little naughty!



: What should you and I do?

Join us

Try together with Masha!

We teach poems about friendship

And what life needs

To be a good person


: Stop, stop, stop...

I understood everything.

Dunno with mockery:

To be friends with everyone

We must value friendship.

Ha, and I know about this...


: Then where are your friends?

I have a friend Misha!

He and I are together, well, everywhere

And we walk and eat

We have a lot of fun!


I have a million friends!

A trillion and a small carriage….

And I don't need them.

I am my own friend and brother

I sing to myself, I dance

I'm having some fun...

Dunno yawns...


Dunno presses the button and disappears.

Scene three.

The song “There is nothing better in the world...” from the cartoon "The Town Musicians of Bremen". The Bremen Town Musicians appear: Donkey, Dog, Cat and Rooster.


: Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!

I can't go anymore!


: And for some reason our Donkey fell behind.

Let's take a break.

They sit down and light a fire.

There is a crash and Dunno appears.


: Moore, meow, what is that sound there?

What kind of fireworks and what kind of knocking?


: It's probably a UFO.

Yes, we guys are lucky.

Dunno stands there and doesn’t understand where he’s ended up....

I know many languages...

Here we need a Martian one.

He turns to Dunno and speaks with a drawl.


: We are Breeeeeeeen muuuuzikaaaantyyyy.



: I don’t know, and I say,

Quite in Russian, I am friends.

I'm from a fairy tale. And this is a fairy tale

About myself, me...


: Are there any friends in this fairy tale?

You yourself, you? (speaks mockingly)


: In my fairy tale I am the main friend

I don't need friends, girlfriends.


: What about life without friends?

A friend will always help you

And he never puts it!

When trouble comes to your home.

Dunno thought...


: Well, my friend, are you depressed?

Keep your nose up, tramp.

We will help you get back

To your friends, poor fellow.


: Far away, in the East

In a beautiful palace

One joy lives

Beautiful, playful and smart

She is Scheherazade.


: Thank you for everything, for everything!

I hope I find her!

Dunno flies away on the Time Machine.

Scene four.

Scheherazade sits in the palace. An oriental dance with scarves is performed. There is a roar, Dunno appears.


: Hello, beautiful queen

I flew from distant countries

I'm looking for Scheherazade here

Tell me, did I get there?


: My young friend, I greet you

Scheherazade is me.

How can I help?

How can I please you?


: Scheherazade, I repent

I want to go back to the fairy tale.

Where my friends are waiting for me.

There's Vintik, Shpuntik, Znayka...

I miss them.

There is a chest next to Scheherazade, she takes out a pipe from there and begins to play. An oriental melody sounds and a genie appears from the chest.


: O wisest of the wise!

O oldest of the oldest!

Help Dunno

Return him to the fairy tale.


: I listen and obey.

Gin and Dunno fly away.

Scene five.

At this time, Vintik and Shpuntik are sitting. Shpuntik is crying.


: Shpuntik, Shpuntik, don’t cry,

Our dunno is such a trickster.

Against everyone he fails

There will always be progress

And the sun to him

He will smile towards you.

Dunno appears. He rushes to his friends and starts hugging.


: Vintik, Shpuntik, I’m so glad

That he came back.

I missed you friends

I can't live without you!

All the heroes come out and sing a song about friendship.

About Dunno (Script)

The song “A grasshopper sat in the grass” plays. The music gradually fades away. The characters, in their “baby” costumes, take turns walking onto the stage one after another (in front of a closed curtain)

Scene 1. Introduction

1. In one fairytale city lived the short ones.

2. They were called shorties because they were very small.

3. Each short one was the size of a small cucumber.

4. It was very beautiful in their city.

5. Flowers grew around every house: daisies, daisies, dandelions.

6. There, even the streets were named after flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisies Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard.

7. And the city itself was called the Flower City.

8. The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, and others were called babies.

9. Many kids were very proud of the fact that they were kids, and were almost not friends with the kids at all.

10. And the little ones were proud that they were little kids, and they also didn’t want to be friends with the little ones.

11. The kids called the little ones imaginaries (they’ll come up with such a word)…

12. And many little kids called the kids bullies

and other offensive nicknames.

13. You will say that there are no such children in life.

14. But no one says that they happen in life.

15. In life it’s one thing, but in a fairy-tale city it’s completely different.

16. (Together) Anything can happen in a fairytale city!

(Everything is prepared for the first scene - “in the field”)

The song sounds " In the grass Grasshopper sat«

Everyone goes to their places (on stage or in the “hall”)

Scene 2. How Dunno became famous

Tube. The most famous among the kids was a baby named Dunno.

Pilyulkin. He was nicknamed Dunno because he knew nothing.

(Dunno appears; on it bright blue hat, yellow canary color trousers, orange shirt,

Green tie)

Dunno. I know a lot of things. Otherwise, how would I be able to chat with my friend Gunka for hours at a time?

Guslya. One day Dunno was walking around the city and wandered into a field.

(Dunno walks around the stage, smells flowers, chases butterflies and dragonflies.

A huge cockchafer flies, hits Dunno on the back of the head, and immediately flies away. Dunno falls; sits on the “ground” and, sitting, looks around, shrugs)

Dunno. Who hit me? Maybe something fell from above?

(Raises his head, looks up, for a long time looks at the sun)

This means that something fell on me from the sun. A piece of the sun must have fallen off and hit me on the head. I'll go to Steklyashkin.

Donut. This Steklyashkin is a famous astronomer.

Tube. He knows how to make magnifying glasses from broken bottles.

Pilyulkin. Steklyashkin made a large telescope from several such glasses.

Guslya. You can look at the moon and stars through it.

Dunno. Listen, Steklyashkin, you understand what the story is: a piece of the sun came off and hit me on the head.

Steklyashkin. What are you, Dunno! If a piece came off from the sun, it would crush you into a cake. The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.

(shows the Sun in the solar system)

(takes the plate, compares it with the Sun in the sky, on the map)

Dunno. Can't be! In my opinion, the Sun is no bigger than a plate.

Steklyashkin. It only seems so to us because the Sun is very far from us.

The sun is a huge hot ball. I saw this through my pipe. If even a small piece came off from the Sun, it would destroy our entire city.

Dunno. Look! I didn’t even know that the Sun was so big. I’ll go tell our people - maybe they haven’t heard about it. But you still look at the sun through your pipe: what if it’s actually chipped!

(Dunno runs and alarms everyone he meets)

Brothers, do you know what the sun is like?

It is larger than our entire land. That's what it is!

And now, brothers, a piece has broken off from the sun and is flying straight towards us.

Soon it will fall and crush us all. It's terrible what will happen! Go ask Steklyashkin!

Pilyulkin. Dunno, everyone knows that you are a talker.

Guslya. There is no point in listening to him!

(Dunno runs, screams, sows panic)

Dunno. Brothers, save yourself, the piece is flying!

Tube. What piece?

Dunno. Piece, brothers! A piece came off from the sun! Soon it will flop - and everyone will be done!

Do you know what sun?

It is larger than our entire Earth!

Tube. What are you making up?

Dunno. I'm not making anything up. Steklyashkin said this. He saw through his pipe.

(Everyone runs up and looks at the sun; rubs their eyes as if tears have flowed)

Donut. It seems that the Sun is actually gap-toothed.

Tube. Yes…

Dunno. Trouble! Save yourself who can! Trouble!

(Everyone grabs their things and rushes around the stage:

Tube - paints and brushes,

Guslya - your musical instruments,

Pilyulkin - looking for a first aid kit, looking for a long time, can’t find it

Donut - umbrella and “food”;

Znayka appears - calm, with dignity)

Znayka. What's happened?!

Dunno. A piece came off from the sun. Soon it will flop and everyone will be finished. Do you know what the sun is?..

(again everyone except Znayka rushes around the stage)

Znayka. Calm down, brothers! There’s nothing wrong with it. Don’t you know that Dunno is a talker. All this he thought.

Dunno. Made it up? So go and ask Steklyashkin.

(run to Steklyashkin, return)

Guslya. Dunno actually made it all up. This is hilarious.

Tube. I'm surprised how we believed you!

Dunno. And I don’t seem to be surprised! I believed it myself.

Donut. That's how wonderful Dunno was!

(sounds " Sineglazka's Song")

(the curtain closes, the scenery and props are being prepared for the stage“How Dunno decided to become a musician”)

Scene 3. “How Dunno decided to become a musician”

(The kids have gathered in the corner of the stage, singing under the guidance of Gusli)

Znayka. (addressing Dunno)Dunno, everything turns out topsy-turvy for you. You can only read in letters and can only write in block letters.

Pilyulkin. You, Dunno, have an empty head.

Dunno. This is not true, because how could I think then?

Maybe sometimes I’m not thinking well, but I put my shoes on my feet, and not on my head—that, too, requires consideration.

Znayka. Dunno, you're not that bad, but you don't like to work.

You want to learn right away, without any difficulty, but even the smartest little guy can’t get anything out of this.


Dunno. (addresses the audience)I like music very much. All babies and toddlers love music. Our Guslya is a wonderful musician. He has different

musical instruments. He plays them often. Everyone listens to the music and praises it very much.

(kids sing to the soundtrack “Sitting in the grass

grasshopper" 1st verse.

Afterwards everyone quietly disperses)

Dunno. I want to be listened to and praised. I'll go to Gusla.

(goes to Gusla)

Guslya, teach me to play. I also want to be a musician.

Guslya. Learn. What do you want to play?

Dunno. What is the easiest thing to learn?


Dunno. On the balalaika.

Well, give me the balalaika, I’ll try it.

(Guslya gives Dunno a balalaika; Dunno strums the strings)

No, the balalaika plays too quietly. Give me something else, louder.

(Guslya gives Dunno a violin; Dunno tries to move the bow along the strings)

Isn’t there anything even louder?

Dunno. Guslya.

There is also a pipe.

Come here, I'll try.

Guslya. (Guslya gives Dunno a trumpet; Dunno blows into it; she roars)

Dunno. This is a good tool. Plays loudly.

Well, learn the trumpet if you like. Why should I study? I can do that too.

Guslya. No, you don’t know how yet.

Dunno. (shouting)

Guslya. I can, I can! Here, listen!

Dunno. (blows into the trumpet with all his might)

Guslya. You're just blowing, not playing.

Dunno. How can I not play? I even play a lot! Loud!

Guslya. Oh you! It's not about being loud here. It needs to be beautiful.

That’s how it turns out beautifully for me.

Dunno. And it's not pretty at all. I see you are not at all

Guslya. capable of music.

Dunno. You're the one who can't do it. You're just saying that out of envy. You want to be the only one listened to and praised.

Nothing like this. Pick up a trumpet and play as much as you want if you don't think you need to study. Let them praise you too.

Well, I'll play.

(plays, plays, plays; Guslya listens. Finally, he gets tired of it. Guslya puts on a velvet jacket and a pink bow around her neck)

I'm leaving for a visit.

Dunno. It's not noise. This is me playing.

Znayka. Stop it now. Your music hurts my ears.

Dunno. This is because you are not used to my music yet. Once you get used to it, your ears won’t hurt.

Znayka. And I don’t want to get used to it. I really need it!

(Dunno stops playing; then starts playing again)

Pilyulkin. Stop it! Get out of here with your nasty pipe!

Dunno. Where should I go?

Pilyulkin. Go to the field and play there.

Dunno. So in the field there will be no one to listen.

Pilyulkin. Do you really need someone to listen?


Pilyulkin. Necessarily.

Well, go outside, the neighbors will hear you there.

(Dunno goes under the windows of the neighboring house) Neighbor 1.

Please don't make any noise.

(Dunno goes under the windows of another house) Neighbor 2.

Stop making noise. They don't let you rest!

(Dunno goes to the third house) Neighbor 3.

Go away with your pipe!

(Dunno is making noise on purpose.

Dunno. All the angry neighbors run out of their houses and chase Dunno, waving their arms)

(sounds " He ran away from them by force. They don't understand my music. When they grow up, they will ask themselves, but it will be too late. I won't play anymore!« Secretly around the world)

“How Dunno Was an Artist”

Scene 4. “How Dunno Was an Artist” Presenter\Znayka.

Dunno. Tube was a very good artist. He always dressed in a long blouse, which he called a “hoodie.”

Since no one wants to listen to my music, I will become an artist.

Dunno. (goes to Tube)

Listen, Tube, I also want to be an artist. Give me some paints and a brush. Artist Tube.

I'm not greedy at all. I give you, Dunno, my old paints and a brush.

(gives Dunno paints, a palette and a brush.

Dunno goes to her place.

Dunno. Gunka comes to him)

(Sit down, Gunka. Now I will draw you.

Dunno sets up a chair for Gunka and makes him sit down)


That's great!

Dunno. (Gunka sits down on a chair.

Dunno draws)

I want to paint you more beautifully, Gunka... I’ll draw you red. ..nose... green... ears... blue... lips... orange... eyes... (Gunka jumps up)


Dunno. I want to see my portrait as soon as possible.

I want to paint you more beautifully, Gunka... I’ll draw you red. ..nose... green... ears... blue... lips... orange... eyes... (Gunka spins around in his chair)

Don't turn around, don't turn around, otherwise it won't work out.

Is it similar now?


Is very similar. (as if to myself)

Now I’ll paint a mustache on him with purple paint...

Gunka. (with curiosity) Come on, show me what you got!

Dunno. (Dunno shows Gunka a portrait)

I want to paint you more beautifully, Gunka... I’ll draw you red. ..nose... green... ears... blue... lips... orange... eyes... Gunka. (indignantly)

Am I really like that?

Dunno. Of course he is. What else?

I want to paint you more beautifully, Gunka... I’ll draw you red. ..nose... green... ears... blue... lips... orange... eyes... Why did you draw a mustache? I don't have a mustache.

Dunno. (looks in the mirror)

I want to paint you more beautifully, Gunka... I’ll draw you red. ..nose... green... ears... blue... lips... orange... eyes... Well, they will grow up someday.

Why is your nose red?

Dunno. This... to make it more beautiful.

(takes the brush)

Gunka. (scared) No, don't. (indignantly) No, this is a bad portrait. Let me tear it up.

(tries to take the portrait to tear it up; they fight; they make noise)

(Znayka, Pilyulkin, Tube, Steklyashkin, Guslya, hunter Pulka, Avoska come running)

Znayka, Pilyulkin, Tube, Steklyashkin, Guslya, hunter Pulka, Avoska.Why are you fighting?

Gunka. (shouting) Judge us here. Tell me, who is drawn here? Really, it's not me?

Znayka. Of course not you. There's some kind of scarecrow drawn here.

Dunno. You didn't guess because there are signatures here

No. I’ll sign now and everything will be clear.

(takes a pencil and signs “Gunka” in block letters, hangs up the portrait)

Dunno. Let it hang. Everyone can watch, no one is prohibited.

Gunka. (decisively) All the same, when you go to bed, I will come and destroy this portrait.

Dunno. And I won’t go to bed at night and will guard!

(Gunka leaves with an offended look)

Scene 4. “How Dunno Was an Artist” But Dunno actually didn’t go to bed in the evening. When everyone fell asleep, he took paints and began to draw everyone.

(Dunno draws and hangs portraits)

By morning, he hung up these portraits and wrote signatures under them, so it turned out to be a whole exhibition.

Pilyulkin. (looks at the portraits, laughs)I really like these portraits.

(puts on glasses and begins to look at them more carefully)

Pilyulkin. Well done, Dunno! I have never laughed so much in my life.

(stops near his portrait)

Pilyulkin. (strictly) And who is this? Is it really me? No, it's not me. This is a very bad portrait. You better take it off.

Dunno. Why film? Let it hang.

Pilyulkin. (offended) You, Dunno, are obviously sick. Something happened to your eyes. When have you ever seen me have a thermometer instead of a nose?! I'll have to give you castor oil at night.

Dunno. Ugh! I don't like this castor oil. No no! Now I myself see that the portrait is bad.

(quickly removes Pilyulkin’s portrait from the wall)

Hunter Pulka. (looks at portraits through binoculars, laughs)I almost burst out laughing.

(he sees his portrait, his mood immediately deteriorates)

Hunter Pulka. This is a bad portrait. Doesn't look like me. Take it off, otherwise I won’t take you hunting with me.

(Dunno takes a portrait of Pulka)

(the artist Tube comes, seeing his portrait on the wall, gets angry)

Listen, Tube, I also want to be an artist. Give me some paints and a brush. This is not a portrait, but a mediocre anti-artistic daub.

(takes portraits off the wall, takes paints and a brush from Dunno, leaves)

(Only Gunkin’s portrait remains)

(Dunno takes it off and goes to his best friend)

Dunno. Would you like me to give you your portrait, Gunka? And for this you will make peace with me.

Gunka. (takes the portrait) Okay, peace. Only if you draw one more time, I will never put up with it.

Dunno. And I will never draw again. You draw and draw, but no one even says thank you. Everyone is just arguing. I don't want to be an artist anymore!

(sounds " When my friends are with me". The scenery is being prepared for the stage“How Dunno composed poetry”)

Scene 5. “How Dunno composed poetry”

Leading. After Dunno failed to become an artist, he decided to become a poet and write poetry. Dunno had a poet acquaintance. His real name was Pudik, but since all poets love beautiful names, then he chose a different name for himself and began to be called Tsvetik.

(Dunno comes to Tsvetik)

Dunno. Listen, Tsvetik, teach me to write poetry. I also want to be a poet.

Flower. Do you have any abilities?

Dunno. Of course have. I'm very capable.

Flower. This needs to be checked. Do you know what rhyme is?

Dunno. Rhyme? No, I do not know.

Flower. A rhyme is when two words end the same. For example, korzhik is a walrus. Understood?


Flower. Understood.

Well, say a rhyme with the word "stick".

Flower. Dunno.

Dunno. Herring!

Flower. What kind of rhyme is this? Is a stick a herring? There is no rhyme in these words.

Why not? They end the same way.

Dunno. This is not enough. The words need to be similarso that it turns out smoothly. Listen: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a cone.

Flower. (screams happy)

Got it, got it. A stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a pine cone. That's great! Ha ha ha!

Well, come up with a rhyme for the word “tow.” Dunno. (without thinking) Shmaklya.

Flower. (surprised)

What kind of schmuck? Is there such a word?

Dunno. Isn't it?

Flower. Flower. Of course not.

Dunno. Dunno. (without a doubt)

Flower. Well, then the bastard.

Dunno. What kind of bastard is this?

Flower. Well, when they tear something, it turns out to be a tear.

Dunno. You're lying all the time. There is no such word. We need to choose words that exist, and not invent them.

What if I can’t find another word?

This means you have no talent for poetry.

Well, then figure out for yourself what kind of rhyme there is.

Flower. Now.

(stopped in the middle of the room, folded his arms on his chest, tilted his head to the side, began to think. He raised his head up, began to think, looking at the ceiling. He grabbed his chin with his hands, began to think, looking at the floor. Wanders around the room and mutters to himself) Tow, tow, tow, tow, tow...

Ugh! What is this word? It's some word that doesn't rhyme.

Flower. Dunno. (delighted)

Dunno. Here you go! He himself asks for words that have no rhyme, and also says that I

Flower. unable.

(Dunno goes home. Walks around the room, looks first at the floor, then at the ceiling, holds his chin, mutters something to himself. Writes something down... Gets up and screams)

Dunno. Brothers! Listen to the poems I wrote.

Flower. Come on, come on, what are these poems about?

Dunno. I wrote this about you. Here are the first poems about Znayka:

Znayka went for a walk to the river,

Jumped over the sheep.

Znayka. What?! When did I ever jump over a sheep?

Dunno. Well, it’s only said that way in poetry, for rhyme.

Znayka. So, because of a rhyme, you will invent all sorts of lies about me?

Dunno. Certainly! Why should I make up the truth? There is no need to create the truth, it already exists.

Znayka. (angrily) Try it again, you'll find out! Well, read what you wrote about others?

Dunno. Listen to Toropyzhka:

Toropyzhka was hungry,

Swallowed a cold iron.

Toropyzhka. Brothers! What is Dunno making up about me? I didn’t swallow any cold iron!

Dunno. Don't shout. This is me just for rhyme

said that the iron was cold.

Toropyzhka. Well, I haven’t swallowed any iron in my life, neither cold nor hot!

Dunno. And I’m not saying that you swallowed a hot one, so you can calm down. Here, listen to the poems about Avoska:

Avoska has it under his pillow

There is a sweet cheesecake.

(Avoska goes to his bed and looks under the pillow)

String bag. Liars! There is no cheesecake here.

Dunno. You don't understand anything about poetry. It is only for rhyme that they say that it lies, but in reality it does not lie. I also wrote something about Pilyulkin...

Pilyulkin. Brothers! This bullying must stop! Are we really going to calmly listen to Dunno lying about all of us?

String bag. Enough. We don't want to listen anymore. These are not poems, but some kind of teases.

Znayka. Let him read!

Toropyzhka. Since he read about us, let him read about others.

String bag. No need! We do not want!

Dunno. Well, since you don’t want to, I’ll go read to the neighbors.


String bag. What?!

Znayka. Are you still going to shame us in front of your neighbors?

Pilyulkin. Just try it!

Dunno. Then you don’t have to return home.

Well, okay, brothers, I won’t. Just don't be angry with me. I won't write poetry anymore. (sounds. The scenery is being prepared for the stage“We divide everything in half”)

“How Dunno rode in a carbonated car”

Leading. Scene 6. “How Dunno rode in a carbonated car”

Mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik made a carbonated car. The car had one very important improvement: a rubber tube with a tap was attached to the side of the tank so that you could drink carbonated water on the go.

Dunno. (Toropyzhka digs around in the car)

Yes, Dunno, whenever you want, I’ll take you for a ride again.

Dunno. Let me drive the car. I also want to learn how to manage.

Toropyzhka. You won't be able to.

Cog. It's a car.

Shpuntik. You need to understand this.

Dunno. What else is there to understand? I've seen how you manage. Pull the handles and turn the steering wheel. It's simple.

Toropyzhka. It just seems so simple.

Cog. But in reality it is difficult.

Shpuntik. You yourself will kill yourself and crash your car.

Dunno. Well, okay, Toropyzhka! Will you ask

I won’t give you anything either.

(Toropyzhka leaves. Dunno sneaks into the car. The car snorted and drove off)

What are you doing? You'll kill yourself!

Dunno. I won't kill myself.

(Crash sounds)

Toropyzhka. (shouting) Look what you've done. Cog. Shpuntik. Stop now.

(Sounds of a speeding car)

Dunno. Brothers! Guard! Beware!

(Vintik, Shpuntik, Toropyzhka and Avoska take Dunno and take him to Pilyulkin)

String bag. He's probably already dead.

(They put him on the bed. Everyone leaves. Pilyulkin prepares the medicine. Dunno sits down and looks around)

Dunno. Brothers, am I still alive?

Pilyulkin. Alive, alive. Just please lie still. I need to examine you.

(Approaches, examines)

Pilyulkin. Marvelous! All the bones are intact, only a few bruises and splinters.

Dunno. It was my back that got caught on the board.

Pilyulkin. We'll have to pull out the splinters(shakes head)

Dunno. Does it hurt?

Pilyulkin. No, not a bit. Here, let me, I’ll take out the biggest one now.

Dunno. Ah-ah-ah!

Pilyulkin. What you! Doesn't it hurt?

Dunno. Of course it hurts!

Pilyulkin. Well, be patient, be patient. It just seems that way.

Dunno. No, I don't think so. Ah ah ah!

Pilyulkin. Well, why are you screaming as if I’m cutting you? I

I'm not cutting you!

Dunno. He himself said that it didn’t hurt, but now it hurts.

Pilyulkin. Well, hush, hush... There's only one splinter left to pull out.

Dunno. Ay, don't! No need! I'd rather be with a splinter.

Pilyulkin. You can’t, it’ll break out.

Dunno. Whoops!

Pilyulkin. Well, that's it. Now you just need to anoint it with iodine.

Dunno. Does it hurt?

Pilyulkin. No, iodine doesn't hurt. Lie still.

Dunno. Ah-ah-ah!

Pilyulkin. Well, don't yell, don't yell! You love driving a car, but you hate it a little!

Dunno. Ay! It burns!

Pilyulkin. It will burn and stop. Now I’ll put a thermometer on you.

Dunno. Oh, no need for a thermometer! No need!

Pilyulkin. Why?

Dunno. It will hurt!

Pilyulkin. Yes, the thermometer doesn't hurt.

Dunno. You keep saying it doesn’t hurt, but then it hurts.

Pilyulkin. What a weirdo! Haven't I ever set a thermometer for you?

Dunno. Never.

Pilyulkin. Well, now you will see that it doesn't hurt.

(Pilyulkin goes to get a thermometer.

Dunno jumps out of bed and runs away.

Pilyulkin returns. There is no Dunno.

Pilyulkin looks under the blanket, under the pillow, under the bed. spreads his hands)

Pilyulkin. So treat such a patient. You treat him

you treat, and he will jump out the window and run away. Where is this good?

Leading. We showed only some stories about Dunno.

("Hymn of Dunno" sounds.

Everyone goes on stage. Sing to a soundtrack)

The children came up with the idea of ​​passing Dunno’s hat to each other and trying it on, and then it somehow got to the audience, and they also tried on Dunno’s hat.

Anthem of Dunno and his friends

Music: Minkov M.

Words: Entin Yu.

It's true, it's true, it's impossible

Know everything in the world.

Thousands of books have been written in the world,

Maybe millions, maybe trillions,

Read them and you'll be an old man,

A decrepit old man with gray hair.

Everyone should have understood this a long time ago:

It’s still impossible to know everything in the world.

It's true, it's true, it's impossible

Absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible

Know everything in the world.

Everyone would wither and wither from knowledge,

Like a flower from the scorching sun,

Since you have your own head on your shoulders,

She will understand complex issues.

Everyone should have understood this a long time ago:

It’s still impossible to know everything in the world.

It's true, it's true, it's impossible

Absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible

Know everything in the world.

It's true, it's true, it's impossible

Absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible

Know everything in the world.