Briefing script, professional conversation for educators. Master class "briefing as one of the innovative forms of working with parents." Washing clothes for a doll

Participants of the Competition Participants of the Competition are teaching staff of preschool educational institutions with a qualification category and work experience of at least five years. Participation in the Competition is voluntary, the applicant’s consent to nominate him for the Competition is mandatory. Winners of the “Teacher of the Year” competition during…… next years do not take part in the competition.

To participate in the Competition, the following documents and materials are sent to the Organizing Committee: submission in the form (Appendix 1); personal statement of the candidate (Appendix 2); information card of the Competition participant (Appendix 3); competitive materials of the first (correspondence) round of the Competition (Appendix 4); Acceptance of documents and materials is carried out in paper and electronic form from November 9 to November 13, 2015 by e-mail: [email protected] Bratsk, st. Podbelskogo, 33-a, MAU "TsRO", department of innovative development Format of documents see the Regulations on the Competition

A candidate is not allowed to participate in the Competition if: 1. he has submitted an incomplete list of documents; 2. discrepancies between the documents and the information contained in them are identified with the requirements for their execution; 3. the application was received after the deadline;

The competition has necessary set tests that allow you to fairly objectively assess the skills of participating teachers and identify leaders. The competition takes place in three rounds. The first round (correspondence) includes three competitive tasks: “Internet portfolio” “Pedagogical find” Essay “I am a teacher” Members of the competition commission from November 17 to November 19, 201... evaluate the correspondence round and, on the eve of the in-person competitive tests, fill out evaluation sheets . Second round (full-time). The second round includes two tasks: “Pedagogical briefing”; pedagogical event with children Third round: “Master class” Talk show “Professional conversation” In the third round, three participants of the Competition take part, having scored greatest number points in the overall ranking based on the results of the first and second rounds. Points scored based on the results of the first and second rounds are not taken into account when determining the Winner of the Competition.

Each stage of the Competition is accompanied by the competitor solving a number of tasks, including the following: 1. systematize materials about his own teaching experience; 2. carry out analysis and pedagogical reflection of systematized materials; 3. objectively assess your professional level; 4. select materials that most fully reveal the system of one’s own pedagogical activity; 5. present the material in an accessible, concise and yet complete manner, taking into account modern educational trends; 6. prepare for a public presentation of your teaching experience.

As practice shows, the winner is the competitor who works and conveys his experience in accordance with the requirements of the Competition, while maintaining his individuality, acting in the logic of his pedagogical paradigm.

“Internet portfolio” Format: Contest participant’s page on the preschool website educational organization, including methodological and (or) other author’s developments, photos and video materials, reflecting work experience and demonstrating the quality of presentation of educational information on the Internet. The address of the Internet resource is entered into the participant’s information card (Appendix 3). Only one Internet address is registered.

What should be on the participant’s website: general information: Full name, education, employment and teaching experience, information about advanced training, awards (certificates, letters of gratitude), achievements, hobbies. That is, a kind of “dossier of success”, which reflects everything interesting and worthy of what happens in the professional and personal life of the contestant; teaching materials, indicating the professionalism of the teacher: justification for the choice of educational program, set of educational and methodological literature, educational technologies used; reflection of the experience of using ICT in teaching; developments and recommendations for colleagues and the possibility of their use in various educational situations; author's developments reflecting experience educational activities; recommendations for parents; articles on professional topics; forums and (or) other forms of feedback and their activity; reviews from site visitors.

"Pedagogical find" Methodological development classes with children on a topic chosen by the Competition participant. Format: Lesson summary using illustrative materials (infographics, photos and video materials) with children, of any focus and topic. It is presented in printed form in the Word text editor. Font – Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing – single, aligned to the width of the page. The volume of work should not exceed 7 pages of A-4 format (excluding the title page).

INFOGRAPHICS from lat. informatio information, explanation, presentation; is a graphical way of presenting information, data and knowledge, the purpose of which is to present complex information quickly and clearly. One of the forms of information design Infographics is the visualization of data or ideas, the purpose of which is to convey complex information to the audience in a quick and understandable way. In addition to images, infographics can include graphs, diagrams, block diagrams, tables, maps, and lists.

Essay “I am a teacher” Essay by a Competition participant, revealing the motives for choosing the profession of a teacher in an educational organization implementing the program preschool education and reflecting his own pedagogical principles and approaches to education and his understanding of the mission of a teacher in the modern world. Character traits essay: Figurative, aphoristic style with a focus on conversational intonation and vocabulary; Free composition (however, it does not imply the absence of composition at all; those creating the internal structure are present: introduction, main part and conclusion).

“Pedagogical briefing” Format: a short press conference with members of the jury, allowing to evaluate the professional teaching experience of the competitor, formed through interaction with all participants in the educational process; the innovativeness of the methods and technologies he uses (the discussion is based on materials from the correspondence tour). Regulations: briefing up to 10 minutes, including an introductory speech by the participant and questions from the jury members.

"Pedagogical event with children" Format: Pedagogical event with children demonstrating practical experience participant of the Competition, reflecting the essence of the educational technologies used, declared in the correspondence round of the final stage of the Competition and the first competitive test of the full-time round. Educational activities with preschool children can be presented in different forms. The age of the children is determined by the participant in the final stage of the Competition. Regulations: lesson with children - up to 20 minutes, self-analysis - up to 5 minutes, questions from jury members - up to 10 minutes.

In preparation pedagogical event you should: 1) think through: teaching aids, content of the developing subject-spatial educational environment; methods that help solve educational problems, activate all participants in the event and create a general atmosphere of interest; 2) take into account: the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and Sanitary Regulations; classical didactic principles and the latest achievements of science and practice. 3) ensure: integrative connections (interrelation of various types of activities, content); motivation and activation of children's cognitive activity; emotional component of the event; connection between the content of the event and life and personal experience every child.

Activities with children presuppose a partner position of the teacher, which can be expressed by the motto: “We are all included in activities that are not bound by obligatory relationships, but only by desire and mutual agreement: we all want to do this.” Main characteristics of partnerships: 1. Organization of the workspace (children voluntarily join the activity, it is necessary to think through and create a problem situation). 2. Free movement. 3. Communication between children. 4. The end of the lesson is open.

“Master Class” The theme of the “Master Class” is determined by the participant independently. Format: public presentation in front of colleagues and jury members, demonstrating a specific methodological technique, method, technology of education, training, development and health improvement, reflecting modern tendencies development of preschool education. Time limit: 15 minutes for the participant’s presentation, 5 minutes for questions from the jury members.

In terms of content, the master class demonstrates, in the broad sense of the word, the authorship of the participants. For example, own educational programs, technologies, techniques, or individual forms, methods, techniques - in a word, pedagogical “finds”. In the time allotted under the terms of the Competition, each teacher-master goes through, together with his “students,” step by step, the following path: justification for the choice of a relevant (problematic) topic of the master class; searching for original and effective ways to solve it; understanding the result obtained; argumentation of the possibility of widespread use of the proposed educational tools, reproducibility of the presented experience.

Talk show “Professional conversation” Format: talk show in which the winners of the Competition conduct a discussion on the proposed topic. The topic of the talk show and its host are determined by the Organizing Committee of the Competition and announced on the eve of the event. Time limit: 1 hour 30 minutes. The topic that is proposed for discussion involves a public discussion of any issue related to education.

Tips that will allow you to succeed: express your opinion clearly, reasonably, do not miss the opportunity to show off your erudition, but do not be overly emotional; do not “spread your thoughts all over the tree,” but strictly adhere to the topic; A sense of humor is welcome. It is desirable that the participant be concise, vivid and convincing, and propose ways to solve the problem posed. The contestant’s general erudition, his knowledge of modern educational trends, and communication culture are assessed.


Yartseva Elena Nikolaevna

Born 1101.1976 in Kantemirovka village

My teaching experience is 23 years

Work in kindergarten teacher

My pedagogical credo:

The world of childhood is joyful and subtle, like the floating sound of a flute.

As long as my child laughs at me, I know that I am not living in vain.

My friends say: “There are quieter fields,” but I won’t back down for anything.

I love these cute kids like my own children...

And every day, as if on a premiere, I enter a quiet kindergarten:

I’m not coming here for a career - every child here is happy to see me,

To be in the midst of joyful events...

And so on over the years -

My destiny, childish souls! There is no better life on earth...

Educator - what is this word, why is it called that?

It seems so simple to the ear, but how much meaning is put into it!

To begin with, a teacher is, first of all, just a person,

Love for children is his path and he will never turn away from it!

The teacher is a man from God, everything is already embedded in him:

Kindness, purity, faith in everyone and also care for everything!

The teacher is a professional person, he is familiar with both theory and practice,

He gave his heart to his children - for him this is both reality and romance!

Educator... you can’t count everything, you can talk a lot about this: There are both personal and professional qualities, But the main thing is caring for children!

Why did I choose the profession of a teacher? The answer to this question is very simple: for me this is not just a profession or a job - it is a calling, a state of mind, a way of life. Everyone chooses the path of life in their own way...

My choice of profession was more than conscious. When they ask: “What do you do?!”, I cringe at having to answer with an empty phrase: “Educator.” Not because this is now a completely unprestigious profession. It’s just that for me, “educator” is not a profession, not a social position, not a hobby, not a job...

... For me, “educator” is life, my philosophy. I don’t work as a teacher, I live as a teacher, I like being a teacher. It’s difficult to say that work is an everyday holiday, yet we deal with different characters every day. It can also be very difficult. Sometimes you just give up, but as soon as your child smiles at you and that’s it, you understand that you simply cannot betray them. The question is, did I make the right choice? And I can say with confidence:

I - happy man! I am allowed by fate to be close to our future - with our children! Every mother is happy when she relives her childhood period with her child. And I was lucky enough to enjoy this age many times, each time “teaching others, learning myself”! I - loving person! And this is many times more wonderful than being loved. I have a wonderful mission - to give my Love to children!

I am a creator! It’s not for nothing that children are called “the flowers of life”, and teachers are called “gardeners”. The work of a teacher can be compared to the work of a gardener growing various plants.

I am a teacher!!! I am proud of this! There are many professions in the world, but this profession is not chosen, SHE chooses! There are no random people here; they simply cannot live in this state.

Every morning when I come to work I see the eyes of my children. In some there is wariness, in others there is interest, in others there is hope, in others there is still indifference. How different they are! Everyone has their own idea, their own special world that cannot be destroyed, which must be helped to open up.

I am sure that children should be loved for who they are. Instill in them a sense of self-esteem and responsibility for themselves and their actions. Praise, encourage, approve, create a positive atmosphere around him.

You always need to believe in the capabilities of every child, in the goodness that is inherent in him. I teach children kindness, caring for others, and respect for other people.

From early childhood I form character traits that will help him become a person and a citizen of society. I cultivate love and respect for home, kindergarten, home street, city, feelings of pride in the country’s achievements, love and respect for the army, pride in the courage of soldiers. I develop children’s interest in social life phenomena that are accessible to their age.

Presentation of work experience at the competition

"Teacher of the Year"


(grandfather and grandmother are sitting on the bench)

Next to the children's playground

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother

We lived peacefully, did not grieve,

But they didn’t have any children.

With envy, the grandfather looked furtively at the playground.

And one day, out of the blue,

Grandma gave this layout


Stop dressing like girls, I need to give birth to a baby

Don’t give birth, so be strict

After all, we are not 25.

Come on, give me some wood

And a hand towel (grandfather leaves)


I was completely dumbfounded

She gave everything, if it was for the cause.


Grandfather snored in the closet

Grunted over the log


Grandma prepare a bunch of diapers

We have a baby

(grandfather comes out with a model of the child)


Grandfather, what a great guy you are

Give the child aspic


Jellied meat will not be happy

His grandmother needs to send him to kindergarten.(SLIDE 1) (grandfather comes up to me)

Please adopt our little one.

It has long been proven that every child from birth is endowed with enormous mental potential, which, under favorable conditions, develops effectively and enables the child to reach great heights in his development. Let's try to develop it.

1. The most important thing is to create a positive psychological attitude(SLIDE 2)

Let’s try how to do this together.

I am a child - You are a child

I have a nose - You have a nose

My cheeks are smooth - Your cheeks are smooth

My lips are sweet - Your lips are sweet

I am your friend - You are my friend

We love each other

Well, now a positive attitude has been created, we can continue.

2. Same developing fine motor skills hands, which increases the level of organization of the child’s thinking. For this I use, for example:(SLIDE 3)

Finger games - with theatrical elements

3. I develop my memory(SLIDE 4)

For example: We learn and memorize short poems and texts.

Games for memorizing picture cards.

I use games such as “What has changed?”, “What has disappeared?”

5 . Also developing perception(SLIDE 6)

I use it in my work, for example:

1. Drawing games “Complete the picture”

2. Games to find a form similar to the object “What is like what?”

3. Identification games “Silhouettes”, “How many objects are hidden in the picture?”

6. More developing thinking(SLIDE 7)

For example I use:

1. Games and exercises for writing stories based on a series of pictures.

2. Logic games“Continue the row.”

7. When Development of imagination

I use those games that were also used in the development of perception, but I think the most important thing is the exercise when the child can fantasize on his own, for example, “Draw a non-existent animal”(slide 8)

8. It is equally important that the child develops harmoniously (slide 9)

I develop not only mental capacity, but at the same time both physical and Creative skills, for example, my students staged the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” as this year has been declared the year of cinema, and for all this a subject-development environment has been created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

9 . Of course, without the help of my parents I would not have achieved certain results.(slide 10) I believe that only what is formed in the family can take root in a child, which means that parents are the basis for success. Family is the basis for children's success. Children are flowers of life. To grow a fragrant flower we must work together. For example, the parents of my students enjoy participating in many events, competitions, projects and much more. The result is, for example, the creation of a mini-museum “Victory Day”, a corner for children and parents was created for the “80th anniversary of the Saratov Region”.

10. (slide 11) As you may have noticed, I use playful methods of work and believe that it is necessary to develop productive forms of thinking in preschoolers. When developing a child's intellectual abilities, I use play techniques that help me create a problem situation. And children, through research, experiments, and trial and error, find the right solution.

Grandfather: Where is my baby, I hope she’s not sick?


No, of course not sick.

I learned a lot of new things

And she showed herself to us!

Grandfather: Well, thank you. Respected.

(GRANDFATHER leaves with the girl)

(slide 12)

Children are the flowers of life,
No wonder they say so
No need for too much charisma here,
All children are our blooming garden.

With love, reverently and tenderly,
We will plant a new sprout,
And of course we will grow up with him,
A beautiful, fiery flower.

Let's add a little patience,
And of course kindness,
And we won’t leave you without attention,
Your favorite flowers.

"Pedagogical Briefing"

This competitive test takes place as a short press conference with members of the jury, allowing you to evaluate the professional teaching experience of the competitor.

When preparing for a competitive test, it is necessary to remember that the format of a speech at a pedagogical briefing is close to a public speech. Therefore, a successful performance will be one in which the contestant not only provides information, but also demonstrates the ability to direct the audience’s perception along a certain path that is beneficial to the speaker, and the ability to manage their impressions and emotions.

Effective means of holding the audience’s attention can be: visualization (example, detail, comparison), image (metaphor), appeal (exclamation), contrast, etc.

A typical mistake in speaking at a pedagogical briefing is its insufficient information content. For example, absence:

    • a specific description of the technologies used, techniques and methods of work that ensure the development of preschool children, taking into account their psychological, age and individual characteristics;

    • analysis of personal professional competencies and capabilities and, as a consequence, the achievements of students, ensuring the social situation for the development of their personality;

    • the competitor’s contribution to the organization of a developing educational environment in a preschool educational organization.
Another common mistake is the lack of logic and consistency in the development of thoughts in the speech. As a result, it is difficult for the audience to perceive the content of the speech and follow the course of the contestant’s reasoning. Therefore, in a speech, it is important to observe the basic rule of composition - logical sequence and orderly presentation of the material.

A particular difficulty for the contestant is preparing the beginning and end of the performance.

In the process of perceiving oratorical speech, the “law of edge” operates and what is given at the beginning and end of the speech is better remembered. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider these compositional parts of the speech; their text must be related to each other.

At the beginning of the speech, the contestant should formulate the purpose of the speech not only for himself, but also for the audience. A clear formulation of the target facilitates the perception of speech and tunes the audience.

A convincing and vivid conclusion is remembered by listeners and leaves good impression about speech. On the contrary, an unsuccessful conclusion sometimes ruins a good speech.

Sometimes speakers at the end of a speech begin to repeatedly apologize to the audience for the fact that they did not have enough time to prepare the speech, so they did not manage to speak well, that they probably did not tell the audience anything new. This should not be done.

Some speakers, failing to meet the time limit, simply cut off their speech and do not say their final words. As a result, the effect of the performance is significantly lost.

Therefore, you need to work especially carefully on the last words of your speech: repeat the main idea for which the speech is being made, summing up the most important points, and draw conclusions.

Elements such as the correctness of speech, its emotionality, and the clarity of presentation have a significant impact on public speaking.
"Master Class"

The purpose of this test is to present and disseminate the results of one’s own educational activities, reflecting current trends in development and positive changes in the practice of preschool education, aimed at solving problematic issues in the education of preschool children.

The main mistake when developing the content of a master class is not understanding the meaning of this concept. Within the framework of this competitive test, it is not enough to prepare only open event or a presentation of the teacher’s achievements.

According to the figurative expression of M. Potashnik, a master class is a pronounced form of apprenticeship with a Master. The master conveys to the “students” his pedagogical skills, a feature of which is the “art” of solving pedagogical problems.

During the time allotted under the terms of the Competition, each competitor must:

    • justify the relevance of the chosen topic (problem);

    • describe the original and effective ways her decisions;

    • comprehend the results obtained;

    • argue for the possibility of widespread use of the proposed educational tools and the experience presented.
Typical mistakes when conducting a master class are the lack of:

    • depth and originality of content;

    • methodological and practical value of the chosen topic for preschool education;

    • skills to broadcast (transmit) your work experience.
A common mistake when conducting master classes is the reproductive (explanatory and illustrative) approach to presenting your experience.

A master class conducted in an active or interactive mode (with feedback) is considered effective. The art of communication and interaction, as well as pedagogical improvisation, allow you to figuratively, visually and convincingly present your pedagogical skills. Therefore, among the evaluation criteria for this competition task, such an indicator as the ability to interact with the audience is taken into account.
Talk show “Professional conversation”

This competitive test involves a public discussion of any issue related to education in the form of a debate.

Therefore, when preparing for the test, it is necessary to take into account the rules of discussion. The main ones:

Always remember the purpose of the discussion - to find the truth, a solution, a way out.

Be respectful of the other person's opinion.

Any opinion expressed must be substantiated.

Respect everyone's opinion.

Keep a friendly tone.

Don't argue for the sake of arguing!

Only those who are open to other points of view and tolerant of different opinions can participate in the discussion.

Typical mistakes when conducting a professional conversation include the absence of:

    • own position on the topic of discussion;

    • participants' arguments during the discussion;

    • persuasiveness and colorfulness of speech.
When preparing for a professional conversation, it is necessary to pay attention to the teacher’s development of such skills as:

  • keep the topic of conversation;

  • justify the stated position with additional arguments;

  • continue and develop the idea expressed by another competitor;

  • It is correct to object to another participant if positions do not coincide.
Development of competition materials for winners

regional stageAll-Russianprofessional competition "Teacher of the Year"


Karpova Lidiya Sergeevna, teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "TsRR - kindergarten" Kolosok village. Ivanteevka, Ivanteevsky district, Saratov region”, winner of the regional stage of the IV All-Russian professional skills competition “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2013”
Autumn. Early in the morning, as usual, I go to work at the kindergarten. Bright colors fly from the trees autumn leaves and, blown by a light wind, slowly fall to the ground. Looking at them, I think that the life of every person is like one of these leaves and the brighter and more saturated it is, the brighter the color of this leaf! And my little pupils are so cheerful, beautiful, and different from each other! They, like leaves, “spun merrily in the air,” and their lives are filled with love and joy. Their further perception of life depends on me, as a teacher.

I am a teacher, so my life philosophy, like my pedagogical one, will continue to change, and I know for sure: the main task of philosophy is to identify and study the laws of development of society, nature, and consciousness. Each person is a unique microworld, existing, developing, analyzing, making and correcting his mistakes, striving to achieve heights known to him alone, creating brick by brick his own philosophy, his own view of the world and the place of man in this world.

World and microworld. How closely they are connected! There often comes a time in life when your microcosm experiences an irresistible need to open up. This is how, in my opinion, people choose the teaching profession.

Each person has his own Path - the path that he chooses and follows throughout his life. My path - my conscious choice - to be an educator. The profession of a teacher is not only a profession, it is a calling. This is a choice made, perhaps, in early childhood. Sometimes I even think: “Or maybe it wasn’t me who chose this profession, but it took me a long time, patiently and persistently to choose me?”

What attracted and kept me in it? The curiosity of children's eyes that see in you the whole world, still so incomprehensible to them, but so interesting and tempting, or this special atmosphere of childhood that you want to return to again and again?

I like the fact that in this profession it is impossible to stop there; here you need to constantly “grow”, just like children who come to kindergarten grow. I want my students to grow up to be kind, honest and sympathetic people, to learn to treat all living things with care, and to be able to appreciate the beautiful and the good. From my point of view, a teacher is a kind true friend, someone you can turn to for help, just cry or laugh together. I don’t know who each of my students will become in the future, the main thing is not to suppress their personality in the present.

I can say with confidence that I am a happy person. I have a favorite profession. I am constantly in creative search. After all, only a creative teacher can infect with his warmth, faith, and talent. I'm happy because I have the opportunity to rediscover new world and absorb new knowledge about seemingly long-familiar things together with their students.

The Roman poet and philosopher Juvenal said: “Childhood should be given the greatest respect.” A teacher who respects the individuality of his students is always respected and loved. Without imposing myself, but by revealing the aspirations and needs of the child, I show that everyone creates themselves, shows their originality.

I really want children to be bright and unique, like these autumn leaves falling from the trees! I believe that my students will achieve great success in life, be able to overcome all obstacles and grow up to be good people!


Glazkova Maria Vladimirovna, teacher of the Compensatory Kindergarten No. 15 “Malvina”, Balakovo, Saratov Region, winner of the regional stage of the V All-Russian professional skills competition “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2014”.
The world of childhood is joyful and subtle, like the floating sound of a flute.

As long as my child laughs at me, I know that I am not living in vain.

My friends say: “There are quieter fields,” but I won’t back down for anything:

I love these cute kids like my own children... 1

My professional choice was not made by chance. And today it not only has not lost its attractiveness, but has also become a necessity, a vital necessity. Time and time again I am convinced that I chose the right profession.

Every morning on the way to work - my favorite one, I want to note - I see typical pictures from the life of my students and adults - their mothers, fathers and grandmothers.

So, morning...

The road to work...

Here the mother is in a hurry, and the baby, who was woken up and put on his feet, is still sleeping. He is slow and absent-minded, but his mother walks quickly, pulls his hand and shouts at him so that he doesn’t lag behind, doesn’t look around, doesn’t stumble...

The main thing is that she does all this rudely, irritably!

Here comes dad, and the smart little girl can’t keep up with him. She almost flies on her dad’s hand, trying to ask about something, show something, just shout: “Dad! I'm tired! Wait for me!"

Here is a grandmother taking her grandson to kindergarten. She is still young, busy with herself, and cannot shake hands with the boy: in one there is a telephone, in the other there is a cigarette. A baby is coming from behind and hears from time to time: “Well, where are you?”

It upsets me when I see such everyday pictures.

It was at the pedagogical college that we were told that “a child is a blank slate,” write what you want. No! For my students, the rules of life in this big and not always kind world have already been written: by family, by the street, by peers... And I really want to shout: “Wait for me, my preschoolers! I will now meet you in the group, hear your lovely voices and caress each and every one of you.”

And every day is like a premiere,

I enter a quiet kindergarten.

I’m not coming here for a career - every child here is happy to see me.

I am immersed in the thick of various events. I’ll definitely notice that Lenochka has a new dress, I’ll feel sorry for Lesha’s sick dog, I’ll look at Katya’s drawing, I’ll wipe Sonechka’s tears and whisper to her that mom will come soon, and now I’ll play with her... Yes, I want to pass on to the children from the bottom of my heart everything I know, surround your little naughty girls with love and care, attention and kindness. It’s great that I can make their morning sunny and kind, bright and affectionate, and their day interesting, useful and full of new events. I can still see their faces engrossed during classes, their palms raised: ask me - I know! And what a pleasure it is to look into children’s open eyes, where there is a whole sea of ​​feelings: delight and joy, grief and resentment and love - for the world, for the sun, for mom and dad and... for me! For me, the sparkle of those eyes is the best reward, “better than any praise.”

How can others - not teachers - have their hearts tremble like this at the end of the working day from the question: “Will you come tomorrow?” or a quiet whisper: “I love you! Come tomorrow!"?!

My dears, I will definitely come to you tomorrow. I will try to teach you everything that I can and that I know myself: to love books and draw, to be friends and speak polite words, to work and play... I will share with you all the sorrows and joys, help and support, explain what is good, what is bad, and I'll tell you how to do the right thing.

Doesn’t this justify the main hopes and objectives in the profession?! To be needed in someone’s life, to give love and impart knowledge, to understand each student, to make the world brighter and kinder for them. And constantly study, study... to become a real professional. And be able to be friends with colleagues, learn from their experience, and learn with them the intricacies of teaching skills.

Here they are simple ideas and the priorities of my pedagogical philosophy, which I have no time to think about.

And again, morning...

I'm going to my favorite job in kindergarten!

I am a teacher!

And so on over the years -

My destiny is children's souls!

There is no better life on earth!


Rubtsova Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of the MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 81” of the Engels municipal district of the Saratov region, winner of the regional stage VIAll-Russian competition of professional skills “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2015”
How often do we hear the expression “We all come from childhood.” But most, when they become adults, forget this magical world and do not always understand their own children. The teacher remains in the world of childhood forever!

“I am sure that if we had to choose: to live where the noise of children does not stop for a minute, or where it is never heard, then all normal and healthy people would prefer incessant noise to incessant silence,” wrote Bernard Shaw .

A teacher is a person who, by the will of fate, is allowed to always be close to our future - with children. People of this profession are allowed to enjoy the world of childhood constantly, step by step, repeating their path, learn something new, and give a piece of their soul to children.

Modern educator...

What is he like? What kind of teacher do modern children and parents want to see? Or maybe he, the best, is already among us?

The etymology of the Russian word “educator” is interesting. It comes from the root word “to nourish.” Not without reason, the words “educate” and “nurture” are now often considered synonymous.

In modern dictionaries, an educator is defined as a person who is involved in raising someone, who takes responsibility for the living conditions and development of the personality of another person.

When I am asked the question “When did you decide to become a teacher?”, I confidently answer “When I was a child and went to kindergarten!” I still remember my teacher, her kind and caring attitude towards me. Only my mother treated me the way she did. That’s when the thought “I’ll grow up and become a teacher!” arose in me. Many years have passed since then, but my opinion has remained unchanged.

Do I consider myself a modern educator?

I think yes. And although it is difficult to evaluate myself objectively, I try to make a number of demands on myself.

  • be cheerful and optimistic so that children see the world in bright colors;

  • be smart and erudite to answer “why” questions;

  • to love our Motherland, and it cannot be any other way, because the country trusts us with its most precious thing - children;

  • do all the work with sincere pleasure, because children always feel lies and falsehood.
"Educator"! For me it has become not a profession, but a way of life. For many years, from year to year, I come to kindergarten every day and discover a lot of new and interesting things. When I join a group, I find myself in a real “anthill”, in which everyone is busy with something. The children's eyes carefully watch my behavior, the intonation of my voice, and catch my every word. This requires a lot. When I find myself in various situations, I try to remember that a teacher must be able to control his character and mood. Children teach me to be patient and restrained. A necessary condition When working with children I consider smile, joy, praise, sincere interest in problems little man, support for children's initiatives. I want every child to feel comfortable and cozy with me.

Our profession is often called “thankless”. It cannot be said that the work of a teacher is a daily holiday, sometimes you just give up, but as soon as the baby smiles, cuddles up to you, and sometimes, forgetting to call you “mom,” you understand that you will never leave the profession, you would not exchange these minutes for anything. . My professional motto: “When you come to kindergarten, smile at the door!” Whatever you give, you get in the end!”

In every period of development of society The educator is given different tasks, but one always remains the same - the development and education of an independent, physically active and healthy personality. We, modern educators, have the opportunity to use all the best that has been created in the field of pedagogy, combine it with innovative methods and technologies, determination, initiative, love and invest it in the pure children’s souls of children. Children who trust us.

By raising preschool children, I “grow” with them, improve my professionalism, use advanced teaching experience and rejoice when the children accept and let me into their Magic world CHILDHOOD, full of fairy tales and miracles. And as long as the question comes from children’s lips: “Will you come tomorrow?” – my profession will be needed by society and people all over the world.

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten of a general developmental type (intellectual, physical priority areas of development of pupils)

prepared by: Art. teacher Ponomarenko I.Yu.

x Kavalersky 15.03. 2013

Topic: “Interaction with families of pupils”

Target: Introduce teachers to new forms of work with families of pupils

Show importance of aspects labor education in order to develop the child’s personal qualities.

Preparatory work:

1. Drawing up notes for the teaching hour.

2.Game “Briefing”

2.Design of tables.

3. Methodical pause: Preparation of the consultation “Organization labor activity with children at the site” teacher Stebaeva O.N.

4.Homework: prepare proverbs and sayings about work.

5. Preparation for the final speech and decision of the hour. Head of preschool educational institution Astakhova O.B.

Presenter's opening remarks:

Today our meeting is devoted to the topic of labor education in kindergarten and family. What is labor education and why is it needed in preschool age, we will talk about this today. I would like to read the words of A.S. Makarenko: “ Work - This at all Not what child's hands are busy, teenager . Labor is what develops a little person, supports it, helps him to assert himself“Industriousness and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are cultivated from early childhood. Work on labor education is based on the formation of children’s objective activities and is associated with their play activities. It is in the process story games The motivational-need side of children’s activities is formed, associated with mastering service skills (in the case of actions with toys) and self-service. Mastering the operational side of activity allows the child to become independent and skillful in meeting his immediate needs. Thus, the child’s personal development is stimulated. Family and preschool– two important institutions for the socialization of children with special educational needs. Their educational functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for the development of the child. An analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of combining the efforts of a preschool institution and a family shows that recently new, promising forms of cooperation have emerged that involve involving parents in an active partnership in the pedagogical process. Our life is constantly becoming more informationally complicated. It is no longer enough to get an education and work in your specialty. You need to learn something all the time. The need for knowledge penetrates into all areas of life - professional, family. A modern family needs pedagogical, psychological, and legal knowledge. Most parents trust their life experience, based on the experience of their own parents. This often leads to family disharmony: there are no models of how to cope with the problem. The activities of a teacher should not remain aloof from the changing situation in society. Working with families should take into account modern approaches to this problem. The content of the teacher’s work with parents includes all issues of raising and educating children, which the teacher introduces to parents. It is important to focus on the needs of the family, the requests of parents, and not just read them reports and lectures at parent meetings. Now we come to the main thing. Game "Briefing" All participants of the teaching hour participate. After consulting, distribute the answers among yourself.

Exercise 1.Name the traditional forms of interaction with parents.


    Parent meeting

    Visual forms of work: photo exhibition, holding exhibitions of works by children and parents.



Task 2. Name non-traditional forms of working with parents.


    joint leisure activities, exhibitions

    holding meetings, consultations in non-traditional forms, trainings, briefings, etc.

    Open days, class screenings, newspaper releases.

    preschool educational institutions websites

    joint work on thematic plan, projects

    weekend routes or excursions.

    organization of the group's development environment

    improvement of the kindergarten, landscaping,

    festive decoration of kindergarten,

    environmental campaigns (“Bird Feeder”, “Golden Autumn” (collection natural material for educational activities)).

    Pedagogical mini-library,

    information stands.

Task 3. What difficulties do you encounter when conducting parent meetings. Choose your answer

    Lack of parent attendance at meetings.

    Difficulties in establishing contact with parents.

    Uniformity of forms of holding meetings.

Task 4. " The most “difficult” parent is the most “pleasant parent” (I suggest participants divide into two groups)

    One group describes a portrait of the most “difficult” parent.

    Another group of "positive" parents.

Have you ever had such parents?

Do you think it is necessary to seek contact with those parents who are unpleasant to you?

Our work involves constant daily communication with the parents of children. Anything can happen in life, we are not always happy with each other. Let's analyze our dissatisfaction with our parents and formulate a list of complaints against them. Fill out the table by subgroups. (4-5 min)

Now put yourself in the shoes of a parent.

Solve the pedagogical role situation. You are a parent. You are in a hurry. We ran to the kindergarten to pick up the child. A car is waiting for you on the street, and your daughter turns to you with joy: “Look how I drew!” Your actions (options)

Was it easy for you to complete this exercise?

To what extent have you been able to create a real relationship between parent and child?

Would you like to change something in the relationship between children and parents?

Methodical pause. Listening to the consultation “Organization of work activities with children on the site”

The work of children in nature creates favorable conditions for physical development, improves movements, stimulates the action of various organs, strengthens the nervous system. Great importance has labor in nature for the mental and sensory development of children. This work, like no other, combines mental and volitional efforts. Native nature provides a wide scope for children’s observations and work, to enrich their knowledge and ideas. In the process of growing a plant or caring for animals, the child constantly faces simple and complex tasks that the child has to solve. The surrounding nature is a source of development not only of the mind, but also of the child’s moral feelings. It is especially important to induce in a preschooler an emotionally positive attitude towards objects and natural phenomena. The most effective means for this is the systematic, progressively more complex work of children to grow on the kindergarten site and in a corner of nature. Nature is also the child’s first aesthetic educator. Working in nature, a child learns to see, understand and appreciate its beauty. Caring for flowering plants, planting bushes and trees gives children incomparable lively and vivid impressions of the beauty and aroma of flowers, autumn foliage, and emerald raindrops sparkling in the sun.

Children are involved in collecting seeds: from a flowerbed, autumn leaves for a herbarium and decorating a group room, replanting flowers from a flowerbed into pots for a corner of nature, maintaining order in the walking area and verandas. To successfully solve problems of self-development and accuracy, instilling hard work, it is very important to choose the right children's equipment - rakes, shovels, scoops, buckets. Of great importance when organizing work with children during a walk is the emotional attitude to the task, which is set by the teacher even before the start of work. The work itself will not always interest children; sometimes they are attracted by the goal set by the teacher, and while doing the work they are captured by the community of interests, coherence, and competitiveness.

It is equally important to create the right motivation, to explain why it is necessary to do this work today and in this particular way. Children senior group should be brought to the understanding that it is necessary to do not only interesting work, but also the necessary diversification and brightening up of monotonous activities; the teacher can invite children to guess riddles. In order to properly guide the observations and work activities of children during a walk, the teacher must expand his knowledge of the biology of plants and animals, possess practical skills in this area, as well as methods for conducting observations, excursions, and organizing the work of children of senior preschool age

Task 4. Draw up a schematic algorithm of actions for raising a child’s work skills .

* Caring for indoor plants.

* Hand washing.

* Washing clothes for the doll.

Task 5. Auction of pedagogical ideas.

    How can you arouse children's interest in being on duty?

    How can you arouse children's interest in working in a corner of nature?

    How can you get children interested in self-care, such as putting on tights?

Task 6."Which personal qualities Are we shaping a child by instilling hard work?” (ball game)

(Attention, ability to finish a job, responsiveness, mutual assistance, activity)

Task 7. Homework Let's remember folk wisdom, proverbs and sayings about work.

8. Summing up.

Closing words of the Head of the preschool educational institution O.B. Astakhova:

I thank all participants. At our teaching hour, it turned out that a family for a preschool institution has both advantages and disadvantages, and that you should pay attention and think about what conditions are necessary for a child to fully grow and develop. Both family and preschool have their pluses and minuses. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the pedagogical competence of preschool teachers, and for this it is necessary

Pedagogical solution:

    Continue to work with families of pupils based on the principles of cooperation and mutual understanding.

    Bring the topics and frequency of parent meetings in accordance with the plan. Pay attention to the specific conditions and problems of the group, the relevance and practical significance of the topics of parent meetings and consultations.

    Promote pedagogical level, and in particular the communication skills of preschool teachers in interacting with parents’ families.

    Study the traditions of labor education that have developed and are developing in the families of pupils

    Encourage parents to read literature together with their child on various professions, work, and watch relevant feature and animated films.

6. Conduct joint competitions with parents, events for improvement and landscaping of the kindergarten territory, focusing on the needs and capabilities of children and science-based principles and standards.

7. Before March 28, prepare and hold a meeting in non-traditional form meeting on labor education.

I would like to end with a poem:

When the child was born -

Event, but the most important thing here is

That the person, of course, was not born,

And hope was born for him.

When he gave way to the elders,

Supported the sick and elderly

He was still on the march -

It was far from a person.

When I flew into the apartment, as if on

Carrying my certificate with me from school,

They made some effort

But he has not yet become a man.

And only when with persistence and patience

He will tie himself to work forever,

You can congratulate him on his birthday,

A real man was born.


1. Komarova T.S. Labor education in kindergarten. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005.

2. Kutsakova L.V. Moral and labor education in kindergarten. For working with children 3-7 years old. M.:Mosaika-Sintez, 2007