The most popular beauty procedures. What beauty procedures should you not skip now, so as not to regret later? Strengthening hair with henna

Do you like various beauty treatments for your face and body? Read our review of the most unusual procedures from different countries!

If you are tired of your usual spa treatments, this article was created especially for you!

Have you already tried all kinds of masks, peelings, wraps and no longer know what to please your body with?

We bring to your attention an overview of the most unusual procedures from around the world! It’s not a fact that you will want to try every one of them, but they are all nevertheless quite interesting.

So, if you want to know which beauty treatments are the most unusual in the world, check out our selection!

Thailand: beauty treatment “Fish pedicure”

Medicinal fish Garrarufa live off the coast of Southeast Asia. These fry have become famous throughout the world for their ability to consume dead skin flakes, thereby cleansing it.

Don’t be afraid, they don’t have any teeth at all, so this beauty procedure definitely won’t hurt, except maybe a little ticklish. The tiny fish act like pumice stones, rejuvenating your feet. In addition, their saliva contains wound-healing and regenerating substances.

“Fish peeling” is carried out in an aquarium with many fish, where feet treated with an antiseptic are placed. The procedure is completed with a traditional pedicure.

This service can now be found not only in Thailand and China, but also in Moscow.

The estimated cost of a fish foot peeling session is 1,500 rubles, and the entire “fish pedicure” will cost you 2,000 rubles. and more. For comparison: in Asia this procedure costs from 3 to 10 dollars.

Czech Republic: beauty procedure “Beer baths”

Now, after a traditional glass of beer, tourists are invited to take a beer bath and undergo a massage with hops. The Czechs themselves claim that such a bath helps cure many skin diseases, and a massage with hops is very beneficial for the musculoskeletal system and muscles. Both of these procedures are not only useful, but also very pleasant!

The estimated cost of the procedure in the Czech Republic is 20–30 euros.

England: beauty treatment “Bull sperm mask”

This proposal is perhaps one of the most original we have ever come across. One of the London salons offers its clients an unusual restorative hair mask, playfully called “Viagra for hair.” The main ingredient of this miracle remedy is the sperm of Aberdeen Angus bulls. Those who have tried this procedure say that it truly revitalizes and strengthens damaged hair, restoring its shine and beauty in just one session!

USA: beauty procedure “Chocolate massage”

This procedure is a real dream for those with a sweet tooth! The city of Hershey, Pennsylvania offers not only chocolate wraps, but also a chocolate massage.

During the procedure, you will be able to enjoy your favorite delicacy without harming your figure. Chocolate massage activates cellular metabolism and burns fat, stimulates blood microcirculation, saturates the skin with active elements, and affects nervous system as an antidepressant, it has an stimulating effect, promotes the production of joy hormones - endorphins.

By the way, Moscow spa salons have also adopted this trend.

The estimated cost of the procedure in Moscow is from 3,000 rubles/hour.

Japan: beauty treatment “Bird droppings face mask”

In Japan, geishas and kabuki actors regularly make face masks from bird droppings. You will be surprised, but the Japanese love this procedure very much and constantly praise it. It turns out that this product has the properties of whitening and restoring the skin, giving it a healthy and radiant appearance. Perhaps you will be reassured by the fact that before applying it to your face, the droppings are irradiated with ultraviolet light, which kills the harmful bacteria contained in it. Then it is mixed with water and crushed brown rice - it makes a great scrub!

In America and Europe, this beauty procedure is becoming more and more popular. They say that the beauty Victoria Beckham regularly makes this mask.

The estimated cost of the procedure in New York is $130–$150.

Our body is truly cunning. If we allow ourselves to eat a piece of cake at night, then in the morning we curse the scales. Yesterday we heavily abused a bottle of Pinot Noir from New Zealand, then looking at the circles under our eyes in the morning, we suspect the mother of adultery with a panda. Have you applied the serum to your face, but forgotten the SPF protection and gone for a walk along the emerald coast of the Costa Smeralda? By evening we get a kaleidoscope of pigment spots on the face. Did you go to bed early instead of watching a new episode of your favorite TV series? We feel a surge of strength and a charge of vigor the next day. Following the iron logic of our body, the “reward” will always find its “winner”.

Sometimes not much time passes between cause and effect, and we easily understand our mistakes and draw conclusions. But it also happens when awareness of the importance of self-care procedures does not occur immediately. For this reason, many women at first deny themselves some cosmetic procedures because they do not see the point in them, and then regret it.

To avoid future regrets, I have compiled a list of what can and should be included in your beauty routine.

Hydration and protection

I'll start with the most common and perhaps most ignored procedure today - a face mask. And I’m not talking about your eye patches, which you remember only when you find yourself in a chair professional makeup artist. I'm talking about a complete moisturizing mask. After all, sometimes our face needs protection much more than you think. For example, many of us don’t even realize that after 3-4 hours spent on board an airplane, our skin begins to suffer from dehydration. While Changes - David Bowie is playing in your headphones, the hyper-increased dryness of the air in the cabin evaporates moisture from the surface of the epidermis, as if you were sitting in a chair in the middle of the desert. Unexpected, right?

The scorching sun and stress from your skin are not enough environment, climate change, gas pollution in the metropolis, and also as a result of such multiple flights in the “totally dry” mode, it (not immediately, but after a while) will begin to fade and lose vitality at an accelerated rate. To prevent wrinkles from starting the victory march on your face ahead of time, I recommend that everyone make it a rule - be sure to allow yourself a face mask 2 times a week. Now there are many of them on the market, let your cosmetologist recommend for professional home care exactly the one that suits your skin type.

In the case of traveling, you can make a moisturizing mask before boarding and another one after arriving at the hotel. For example, if you have normal skin, apply a mask for dry skin to prepare for flights. And before the plane lowers the landing gear, you can simply wipe your face with makeup remover wipes and apply your moisturizer. As we know, the task of any cream is primarily to restore the barrier functions of the skin and provide protection from an aggressive environment. Moisture will not be lost and new wrinkles will not appear. You may not think about it now, but your skin will thank you because it won't turn into a piece of crumpled parchment for the next 10 years.

Elasticity and tone

Attention is for those who go to bed late, get up early, smoke and don’t miss a single after party after closed screenings. If you don’t have time for a mask (and you’re also lazy), doing a brossage using a gadget with a rotating brush is incredibly boring for you, and the only beauty products you recognize are toner and cream in the water-in-oil emulsion format, then... Houston, We have problems! Your “eternal youth” will not last long. No illusions. Today you are fresh and beautiful, and your bathroom shelf can serve as an art object in a minimalist style? Take your time to rejoice. For every year of our life after age 25, we lose about 1% of collagen. (Surprise!) But this is the main protein in the skin. Thanks to it, we can evaluate its density and elasticity. As long as there is enough collagen in the skin, we are young and our face resembles an elastic ball. But as soon as the amount of collagen decreases, we see changes in the mirror in the form of a flabby, flabby face with deep wrinkles.

It is true that we all age differently, each person has their own genetics. But ask any cosmetologist, he will confirm to you that if you do not start caring for your skin on time, then in the future you will have to take care of it twice as much. Consider this a kind of saving, if you like, but with such a rhythm of life, you absolutely cannot deny yourself the following:

Once every 3-4 months, you should definitely go to a cosmetologist’s office for a course of light peelings and stimulation of cellular renewal. The life cycle of cells is 28-30 days. If we do not remove dead epidermal cells from the surface of the face in a timely manner, we create a fertile environment for wrinkles. Peeling removes dead skin cells, evens out the microrelief and improves complexion. But most importantly, peeling stimulates, accelerates regeneration and increases collagen production. This helps eliminate symptoms premature aging skin (photoaging).

Have at least a tube of 2-in-1 scrub mask on hand. Apply it to your face in circular motions and leave for 15-20 minutes after every weekend. Rinse off with warm water, and then boldly wipe your face with your toner and apply day cream. Let your skin breathe, then feel free to last another 5 years at this rhythm, but then, of course, you will still have to change something.

Lifting and renewal

A woman at any age should remain desirable and beautiful. Look at the Hollywood stars. Do you think they are all “naturally beautiful”? No matter how it is. The modern beauty industry allows millions of women to get rid of age-related changes skin, become more self-confident and prolong youth. What is the difference between red carpet stars and you with similar tasks? Almost nothing, not counting the army of makeup artists, tons of makeup and properly set lighting. You can afford the same cosmetic procedures, as they do.

Don't listen to what celebrities say on TV or in interviews. Better find out what their cosmetologist says. These Hollywood dream wizards will answer (if you're lucky, of course) what makes their patients so beautiful. As world practice shows, at the age of 38, none of them refuses to undergo invasive procedures. Namely, Botox, dermal fillers (fillers), meso-cocktails, mesothreads (bio-reinforcement of tissues), as well as TCA peeling at least once a year (painful, but very effective). These procedures allow them (and, therefore, you) to gain a clear oval shape, strengthen a dense facial frame and remove deep wrinkles.

At 48 years old, everything is the same, only accompanied by laser cosmetology. For example, fractional microthermolysis ( laser resurfacing) using a CO2 laser (carbon dioxide). A kind of evaporation of the surface layer of skin on a separate area with a laser beam.

Don't be afraid, it's not scary. The beam energy launches a powerful process of renewal and regeneration of new cells. After the rehabilitation period (3-5 days), you will have new, smooth, velvety skin on your face. The procedure is painless and very effective. Often, many women experience a feeling of fear just from the word “laser”, so they don’t even allow themselves to think about it. And in vain, because in 1 course of procedures it removes 10-15 years from your face.


It's no secret that it is better to maintain the achieved result with the help of professional products, and not mass-market products that you bought in the nearest store. The difference is that cosmeceuticals contain the required concentration of active ingredients. They are the ones who penetrate the skin better and work to prolong the effect that you received from any of the above procedures. Do not forget that they all must have indications for use. When you choose what to afford this time, be sure to consult with an experienced dermato-cosmetologist.

I am for the golden mean in everything related to the beauty industry. If you think about it now, this is all a lot for one person. This is wrong. Perhaps you have denied yourself them too often?

Prefer: Gwyneth Paltrow, Drew Barrymore, Madonna, Fergie, Uma Thurman, Liv Tyler.

To hide signs of fatigue, improve complexion, get rid of circles under the eyes and make the skin more elastic, stars often resort to oxygen therapy. This means that the facial skin is exposed to a high-speed stream of pure oxygen.

The fact is that epidermal cells receive oxygen directly from the air, but it contains only about 20% oxygen, and for rapid skin regeneration you need as much O 2 as possible. Oxygen therapy is literally a sip fresh air for your skin. As a result, metabolism is instantly normalized, regeneration processes are accelerated, and the skin returns to its healthy appearance.

Drew Barrymore believes oxygen therapy is the best nutrition for skin

In addition, oxygen therapy can be used with various cosmetics, preferably with liquid concentrates and serums. For example, with hyaluronic acid.

Price: 3,000–6,000 rubles per procedure.

2. Anti-cellulite massage

Prefer: Eva Longoria, Halle Berry, Ksenia Sobchak.

Naturally, stars struggle with cellulite, like all ordinary women. And many are helped by the popular anti-cellulite massage in combination with a variety of scrubs and oils.

Halle Berry considers a massage effective means against cellulite

Anti-cellulite massage improves lymph flow, metabolism, accelerates the breakdown of fat, helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins, and removes excess fluid from the body. After each massage procedure, the “orange peel” will slowly disappear.

Price: 1,000–3,000 rubles per procedure.

3. Fish peeling

Prefer: Jessica Simpson, Angelina Jolie, Paris Hilton.

Foot peeling with the help of predatory fish garra rufa is familiar to everyone who has ever been to the hot shores of Turkey, Thailand or Vietnam. The client puts his feet in warm water, and the fish bite off dead skin particles from them. It’s a little ticklish and not painful at all, because little cosmetologists don’t touch living tissue.

Jessica Simpson is crazy about exfoliating with small fish

After this procedure, the feet become tender, soft and smooth. If previously fish peeling could only be tried abroad, now fish have been brought to Russian beauty salons.

Price: 500–800 rubles per session.

4. Diamond peeling

Prefer: Mila Kunis, Adriana Lima, January Jones, Zoe Saldana, Charlize Theron.

Refresh your complexion, get rid of fine wrinkles, tighten pores, remove dark spots- Diamond peeling (skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion) can do all this. What is the essence of the miraculous procedure? This is cleaning the skin from impurities and dead epidermis with a special device, which is equipped with attachments with diamond coating. For each client, the cosmetologist selects an individual combination of attachments for polishing the epidermis. The procedure is painless, hypoallergenic and safe.

Mila Kunis spent several thousand dollars on diamond resurfacing of her body

The skin becomes clean, fresh, renewed, smooth. The main thing is that the diamond peeling procedure is recommended not only for the face, but also for the décolleté, arms, neck, and elbows.

Price: 2,000–3,000 rubles per session.

5. Head massage

Prefer:Cindy Crawford, Demi Moore, Charlize Theron, Kylie Minogue.

Want luxurious hair? Then quickly sign up for a head massage, which Hollywood beauties love so much. This massage not only relieves headaches, relaxes and soothes, but also stimulates hair growth.

To avoid hair problems, Kylie Minogue chooses a head massage

Massage keeps the scalp healthy and supplies the hair follicles with oxygen and nutrients. In addition, it is effective in combating dandruff and hair loss.

Price: 300–3,000 rubles per session.

6. Wrap

Prefer: Shakira, Teri Hatcher, Zoe Saldana, Anna Kendrick, Emmy Rossum.

To ensure that your body is always elastic and toned, you need to add body wraps to your hard training. For example, a seaweed wrap breaks down fat deposits, restores tissue elasticity, removes excess fluid from the body, improves skin tone, eliminates cellulite, and reduces body volume. This procedure is an ideal companion to physical exercise when losing weight.

Shakira keeps her figure toned with body wraps

If you don't like seaweed, use clay, chocolate or honey, the effect will be just as good. In addition, wraps can be easily done at home.

Price: 2,000–4,000 rubles per procedure.

7. Masks with bee venom

Prefer: Victoria Beckham, Kate Middleton.

Cosmetology has long discovered bee venom as magic remedy for skin care. Rumor has it that the effect of bee venom peptides is similar to the effect of Botox! Whether this is true or not, no one can say for sure, but the fact that the most famous English beauties preferred masks with this component speaks for itself. Bee venom, as it were, deceives our skin: the body thinks that you have been stung and begins to urgently produce collagen and elastin.

Bee venom mask helps Kate look flawless

A mask with bee venom instantly soothes inflamed skin, slows down the aging process, smooths out wrinkles, and improves complexion. The mask looks like a regular cream - nothing special or unusual.

“Where can I get such a miracle mask? ordinary women? - you ask. Of course, you won’t be able to buy it at a nearby pharmacy. But this mask is easy to find in shops in Thailand. Neither you nor your friends are going to Asia? There are many online stores on the Internet where you can buy masks with bee venom at very reasonable prices.

Price: 400–600 rubles per tube (excluding delivery).

8. Eyebrow correction

Prefer: Natalie Portman, Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Lopez, Camilla Belle.

Don’t rush to throw tomatoes and shout: “What’s wrong with this? normal girls they pluck their eyebrows!” Celebs spend a lot more time and money on grooming their eyebrows than you might think.

Penelope Cruz's eyebrows must be perfect

For a complete eyebrow correction, simple tweezers and a pencil are not enough. To determine perfect shape, color and thickness of eyebrows, good master looks at the structure of your face, the shade of your hair and skin, even your type of appearance. Next, the client will undergo waxing, haircut, coloring and styling of eyebrows! All this with professional paints, gels, oils.

Price: 500–2,000 rubles.

The modern sphere of salon care and cosmetology can solve, if not all, then many problems female beauty. And to make it easier for you to navigate the new names, we asked specialists from Moscow clinics and beauty salons to sort out the most trendy procedures of the coming year

Photo: DR

Masters of the Bella Potemkina Beauty salon on Okhotny Ryad

Among hair treatments this year, Olaplex will be very popular. Its essence lies in the fact that a special Olaplex composition is added to the dye, and an innovative patented molecule helps make the process of any hair coloring and bleaching gentle. As a result, you get soft, healthy, shiny and strong hair that remains that way for a long time. In general, with Olaplex, any experiments with color will be of no concern to your hair.

Massage to achieve a toned and slender figure began to gain popularity at the end of 2016, and in the coming year it will generally turn into a must-have. LPG massage is considered almost the most effective procedure for body correction: with the help of LPG you can remove cellulite, tighten your silhouette, reduce body volume and get rid of swelling. Using special rollers in the automatic attachments of the device, the skin is retracted at a frequency of 4-16 times per second, which allows you to renew and improve blood flow in specific areas. The action also affects fat cells, so that as a result the skin becomes firm and elastic, the texture of collagen fibers is improved and toned, puffiness is relieved, the skin is regenerated and nourished, which helps eliminate wrinkles. LPG massage is also relevant for the face.


Photoepilation is one of the most effective hair removal techniques and almost the only procedure of its kind that allows you to get rid of hair forever. Under the influence of heat waves, the hair follicle is deprived of nutrients, as a result of which hair growth stops. In addition to the fact that hair grows very slowly and weakly, photoepilation has a number of important advantages, including a non-contact method of exposure, minimal damage skin, high speed of the procedure (one session takes from 5 to 30 minutes) and even skin rejuvenation. To completely remove hair, you will need from 3 to 7 sessions, but after the first one, the hair begins to fall out rapidly, and the newly grown ones become thinner.

PQ Age peeling

This differs from all classic peelings in the absence recovery period and greater efficiency. Without affecting the upper layers of the dermis, PQ AGE peeling penetrates immediately inside and at the level of the middle and mid-deep layers has a rejuvenating and restorative effect, which contributes to the renewal of the epidermis. In addition, this type of peeling is very fast, painless and has no seasonality.

Natalia Imaeva, candidate medical sciences, Head of the Lantan Clinic


Today, the main trends in modern aesthetic medicine are associated with cellular skin rejuvenation technologies and the ability to stimulate fibroblasts - skin cells responsible for the formation of collagen, and therefore for its elasticity and youth. The ability to restore organs and tissues is inherent in the human body by nature itself, and the modern level of development of aesthetic medicine allows it to be greatly enhanced and effectively used for rejuvenation purposes. One of the advanced techniques in the field of rejuvenation is the RECYTOS-Skin procedure. The uniqueness of the procedure is that it stimulates functional cells of the dermis to produce new collagen fibers that replace deformed fibers of non-functional collagen. The procedure allows you to achieve a volumetric lifting effect, form a subcutaneous frame from your own new collagen fibers, improve skin texture, restore vascular elasticity, improve cellular nutrition and respiration, and return the function of skin cell regeneration to a “young” mode.


Bioreparation procedures have become a real breakthrough in the field of injection techniques. The procedure uses drugs containing peptide complexes and growth factors. When interacting with skin cells, a cascade of biologically active molecules is synthesized, which is necessary to activate the skin’s own stem cells; the drugs also promote the formation of collagen. The procedure increases the resistance of skin cells to aggressive environmental factors, slows down the aging process, and ensures the delivery of nutrients and signaling molecules to skin cells. Growth factors normalize microcirculation, improve skin texture and restore damaged cell systems. The skin is rejuvenated and acquires well-groomed appearance.


Unlike the series aesthetic technologies, allowing you to effectively combat the consequences of exposure to factors such as poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition or bad habits, the innovative CYTOS-jet technique affects the mechanisms of genetic skin aging, slowing them down. CYTOS-jet cellular rejuvenation technology uses an innovative technique for transferring ions and molecules across the cell membrane. The technique allows you to introduce active DNA-RNA complexes into skin cells, rejuvenating the skin from the inside. With the help of the procedure, collagen synthesis is actively stimulated, cell regeneration is restored and the processes of apoptosis (programmed aging) are slowed down. This allows you to significantly extend the life of skin cells, delaying their aging.

Nadezhda Kozhevnikova, cosmetologist at the Britana beauty studio


I'll start with a small educational program. Cosmetic face masks have long been one of the most popular and affordable procedures in the complex of cosmetic skin care methods. Face masks vary in many ways. First of all, they are divided into professional and intended for home use. The former are used in beauty salons, usually as the final stage of facial skin care. Such masks usually have a rather complex composition, including many active ingredients. The composition of the active components depends on the effect expected from the use of a particular mask. Examples of active ingredients include: hyaluronic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, ceramides, liposomal microemulsions. The second is a lighter option.

Masks also differ in the type of skin for which they are intended (for oily, normal, dry, combination, sensitive, problematic, aging and for skin with pigmentation), in form (powdery, paste-like, creamy, gel-like, plasticizing and film) , by composition (clay, algae, paraffin, animal and plant origin), by action and the problem being solved (moisturizing, nourishing, lifting, anti-inflammatory, whitening, cleansing, toning, thermal, vascular strengthening, rejuvenating). The latter, it would seem, immediately resolves the issue of choosing a mask, but in reality it is not so simple.

As a rule, facial skin in different areas has different type, transitional or even outright opposite. For example, in the cheek area the skin may be dry, while in the area of ​​the wings of the nose and on the forehead it can be oily or problematic. It also very often happens that oily skin has already noticeable signs of age-related changes. And despite the fact that oily skin requires care using sebum-regulating, often drying masks, this is not suitable for aging skin and may even worsen its condition, due to the fact that the correct level of hydration is very important to maintain skin elasticity.

Multimasking solves this problem. Applying different masks simultaneously to different areas of the face looks like a complex mosaic, but only with this approach professional care behind the face you can get the best result. It should also be noted that there are masks that can solve several problems at once. For example, collagen sheets have a powerful lifting effect, and also significantly narrow pores and, in addition, can narrow dilated blood vessels. Alginate masks simultaneously have a powerful lymphatic drainage effect and provide noticeable face lifting, narrowing and cleansing pores.

Salon specialists Yes with Nelly Ermolaeva

Non-surgical removal of Bisha's lumps

The main mechanism of the procedure is controlled heating of the dermis and subcutaneous fat to a temperature of 40-42 degrees, which significantly activates lipolysis processes, due to which volumes are reduced. Also in the process, skin functions begin to be restored, tissue trophism and local blood circulation improve, the process of collagen remodeling starts, and visually we see a clearer oval of the face and the desired “sunken cheeks.” And yes, besides the fact that the procedure does not imply any surgical intervention, it is also absolutely painless.

Intimate rejuvenation

During life, the skin undergoes some changes that affect not only the face and body, but also the most intimate areas. Flabbiness, atonicity, pigmentation and other unaesthetic changes occur in intimate areas not only with age, but also due to heredity, hormonal imbalances, surgical interventions, after childbirth and during menopause. Such defects create discomfort in intimate life women, and sometimes are completely deprived of it because of the latter’s lack of confidence in their aesthetic beauty. You can restore your former beauty and confidence with the help of intimate rejuvenation, and in 2017, fortunately, this can be done without surgery, using an Israeli device, which, due to special technology in the system, provides an absolutely safe, painless process without rehabilitation period. The procedure is performed with two attachments: the first works for a lifting effect, triggers the production of neocollagenogenesis, thereby eliminating atonicity and improving the shape, the second eliminates pigmentation and reduces tissue volume. Summarizing all of the above, the result is not only tissue rejuvenation, but also improvement in the shape and size of the labia minora and majora, increased tissue tone and elasticity, improved skin color, elimination of pigmentation and prevention of all possible defects in the future.


The procedure is modern method non-injection mesotherapy. The method is based on the introduction of useful substances into the epidermis under the influence of electromagnetic pulses through opened channels, so the process takes place without pain: as a result of the action of currents of a certain strength and frequency on the skin, channels open in it, which close on their own after the procedure is stopped. Substances, getting deep into the epidermis, trigger the regeneration process - natural work to restore cells. The use of needle-free mesotherapy is possible on various areas of the skin: in the décolleté area, on the torso, on the limbs, which significantly expands the list of problems solved with its help, including sagging and sagging skin, expression wrinkles, lack of elasticity in different parts of the body, acne and acne. Also general form the skin becomes more perfect, swelling and pigmentation disappear, stretch marks fade. And the recovery processes after plastic surgery and peelings pass. Another method is successfully used for cellulite and hair loss. But it is worth remembering that long-term results are guaranteed only by completing the course: after ten sessions once a week, the effect is observed from 4-6 months to 1 year. Regular courses significantly improve the condition of the skin in general and provide a rejuvenating effect.

Laser hair removal

Currently laser hair removal is one of the most effective procedures removal unwanted hair Once and for all. This pure result is achieved by destroying the hair follicle under the influence of a laser beam that penetrates to a predetermined depth. Laser pulses are not absorbed by proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and do not cause mutagenic reactions (which, by the way, makes the procedure clinically safe), but only affect the dark hair pigment - melanin, which flashes all the way to the follicle, causing atrophy of the hair follicle.