Self-analysis of a middle group event with parents. Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of the teacher Svetlana Alexandrovna Polyanskaya. Video: conclusions from self-analysis of an integrated GCD

Introspection joint activity with children and parents middle group as part of the work of the “Parents Club” on the topic: “Development of fine motor skills and motor skills in children.”

The lesson was attended by children of the middle age group who had not yet attended the speech center, and their parents.

Since the main activity of preschoolers is play, the lesson was structured using game-based learning technology: various games were used to develop fine motor skills(“Turning into Cinderellas”, “Magic Threads”, “Visiting Thumb”, etc.). Developmental and personality-oriented learning technologies were also used, which increased the internal motivation of children and parents for the correctional educational process.

The following goal was set at the lesson: improving traditional forms of working with parents for effective interaction kindergarten and family in the process of developing the sound-pronunciation side of speech, which was achieved by solving the following tasks:

  1. correctional and educational: deepening and systematizing the knowledge of group members on the development of motor skills in children; extension vocabulary children;
  2. correctional and developmental: development of visual and auditory attention, fine and gross motor skills;
  3. correctional and educational: developing a positive attitude towards classes, control over one’s own speech, developing cooperation skills, and the ability to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting.

The purpose of the lesson corresponded to its content. The selected methods and techniques corresponded to the age of the children and were selected taking into account their individual characteristics(state of attention, degree of fatigue, etc.). Visual and verbal instructions were presented accurately and clearly. The following assistance was used: attracting attention, stimulating verbal and mental activity through instructions, advice, using questions, using additional visual supports (pictures), demonstrating the image of a separate action and activity as a whole. The stages of the lesson are interconnected and sequential.

Throughout the entire lesson, children and parents maintained interest, which was facilitated by the dynamism of the lesson and the use of a surprise moment in the final part of the lesson (“What is hidden in the finger pool?”). All tasks were selected based on several analyzers and contributed to the development of higher mental functions(attention, perception, memory, thinking).

A favorable emotional background was created during the lesson. Creating positive motivation to complete a task and encouraging correctly performed actions builds confidence in the child in the ability to overcome existing difficulties and facilitates the transfer of methods of action to other conditions. Both children and parents showed a positive emotional attitude and jointly completed the assigned tasks.

Thanks to a meeting at work parent club the goal is being realized - psychological and pedagogical support for families in raising children preschool age and increasing the educational potential of the family.

The meeting lasted 20 minutes.

Result: the set goals and objectives were successfully achieved.

Leonova S.E.,
teacher speech therapist

Self-analysis of working with parents (senior group)

Raising and teaching children in kindergarten is effective only in close cooperation with parents.

In our group, when working with parents, we use both traditional forms work ( parent meetings, consultations, psychological training, visiting children at home, individual conversations with parents, participation of parents in joint competitions and entertainment, moving folders, parent corners, open days), and non-traditional ( round tables and etc.)

Methods and techniques for working with parents: surveys, Team work parents and children, analysis of pedagogical situations, formulation of debatable problems, giving examples from literary sources, method of empathy, etc.

A generally accepted form of working with parents is meetings at which issues relating to various aspects of children’s lives are resolved.

During school year We held the following meetings:

  • “Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old. Features of modern children."
  • "Raise curious people"
  • “How to help your child stay healthy”
  • Intellectual game “I want to know everything!”

Parents are active helpers in creating a developmental environment in the group and in kindergarten. Many decisions are made together with parents organizational issues(repairs in residential premises, landscaping playgrounds etc.) A large number of events in the preschool educational institution are carried out with the participation of parents. At these events they act as spectators, participants, and organizers.

Our events:

  • Autumn holiday “Autumn Cafe”
  • Sports entertainment “Dad, Mom, I – a sports family”
  • Reading competition “Autumn Time” (Olya Sh., Olya Ch., Artyom Sh., Matvey D. – 2nd place preschool educational institution)
  • New Year's party "New Year's adventures".
  • "Kolyadki"
  • Reading competition “Winter-Winter”. (Roma P., Zhenya R., Olya Ch., Masha M. - 2nd place preschool educational institution)
  • Entertainment for Defender of the Fatherland Day. "The little mice go to the army"
  • Matinee dedicated to the International women's day"Harmful Guest"
  • Easter entertainment "Geese and swans"
  • Graduation evening "Goodbye, Kindergarten!"

Interesting and useful form The dissemination of information about the life of children in kindergarten and at home was photographic information regularly posted on stands in groups. The group now has a “feedback” stand, where photographs are posted about the children’s lives at home, their hobbies, and family traditions. (Decor " family tree families". Participation in the exhibition of drawings “My Family”. Photo exhibition “Family route through memorable places of the city of Kineshma”)

We carried out pedagogical conversations with parents on topics that interest them.

The following printed consultations are presented:

  • "How to prepare your child for school."
  • "Autumn walk and games with children."
  • “Senior preschool age. Tasks of education"
  • "The ABCs of Security"
  • "Autumn. DIY crafts"
  • "Games for health"
  • “Wild and domestic animals. Harm or benefit"
  • "My family"
  • "First class is serious"
  • “Recommendations for parents to improve children’s health”
  • "Prevention of colds in kindergarten."
  • "Winter Injuries"
  • “Preparing for the New Year with the children.”
  • "New Year's ideas for the children's table"
  • Happy New Year and Merry Christmas.
  • Memo “How to answer children's questions.”
  • "An extraordinary walk."
  • “Alone on the street or a safe walk.”
  • "Fire safety".
  • "Winter Walking Safety"
  • Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day.
  • "Little Why Questions"
  • "How to Avoid an Icicle"
  • “Health is the head of everything”
  • "Child and negative emotions."
  • "Your baby is coming to school"
  • “Do boys think differently or the same”
  • “Interesting leisure time in summer”
  • "Happy Easter!"
  • "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!"

Exhibitions of joint child-parent creativity were held:

  • “Autumn fantasies” (crafts from natural materials)
  • “Golden Autumn” (drawings)
  • “The most delicious and original dish” - dishes made from vegetables and fruits
  • “Winter's Tale” (crafts) – 1st place preschool educational institution
  • “Fire-friend, fire-enemy” (drawings) – 2nd place preschool educational institution
  • “Space fantasies” (drawings, crafts)

Also, drawing competitions were held at the Central Bank (children's department) named after Pazukhin and the Art School:

  • “Christmas Gift” (parents were awarded diplomas)
  • “Easter souvenir” (thanks)

The most important goal of reforms in existing pedagogical practice is to create conditions for maximum satisfaction of the requests of parents of preschool children for their upbringing and education. For the first time in many years, parents are becoming full participants in the educational process, and their opinion must be taken into account when conducting self-analysis.

For this purpose, each parent (or person replacing him) was offered an anonymous questionnaire. Information about the purpose of the questionnaire was brought to the attention of parents at the meeting parent committee. 24 families out of 25 took part in the survey, which is 96% of the total number of families. According to monitoring data, 91.6% of parents are completely satisfied with the work of the teaching staff carrying out the educational process, are informed about the goals and tasks of preschool education, positively evaluate the forms, methods and content of the kindergarten, the mode of operation and the organization of nutrition. They receive sufficient information about the life and activities of children in kindergarten.

Thus, the data obtained from the results of the parent survey will allow us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our work and implement possible improvements.

Our group pays special attention to pupils belonging to preferential categories:

· large families

· families with a low social level

Characteristics were written for children in social spheres(Timofey U., Olya Sh., Nikita R.)

I believe that in my work I have achieved positive results: parents began to listen more carefully to the advice of teachers and cooperate with the preschool institution.

One of the key conditions for the successful implementation of the educational mission of a kindergarten is the continuous improvement of the teacher’s methodological literacy. To do this, it is very important to see the final and intermediate results of your work in the context of the organization’s immediate educational activities(GCD), an idea of ​​which is given by self-analysis of the lesson.

Goals and objectives of self-analysis in kindergarten

Self-analysis is an analysis of the content (topics, goals, tasks, techniques) and form (compliance with timing, logic and sequence of types of work) of the conducted element of educational activity, that is, a lesson, entertainment, matinee or routine moment.

The ability to do self-analysis and use it in work is an important component of a successful teacher

The goals of self-analysis are:

  • identifying the level of mastery by pupils educational program(this goal of self-analysis becomes the main one when analyzing classes in the senior and preparatory groups, since this parameter is the main indicator of children’s readiness for school);
  • identifying shortcomings in the use of methodological techniques for interacting with children (for example, in the first younger group emphasis on practical methods of interaction, instead of playful and visual ones, which are perceived better by children 1.5–3 years old);
  • identification of organizational failures (for example, too long physical exercises in the main stage of the lesson and, as a result, crumpled reflection in the final stage).

To achieve the goals of self-analysis of educational activities, this type of diagnostics is designed to solve the following problems:

  • assess the objectivity of the goals, that is, how the time for their implementation and the level of preparedness of children correlate with each other (the criterion of realism is often “lame” in the classes of young teachers who set goals on a “global” scale, for example, in senior group develop the skill of reading long passages of fairy tales, not taking into account the fact that some children at 5-6 years old do not read at all or do it very slowly);
  • identify the level of children’s assimilation of program material and identify gaps, which will then be eliminated in the process of further work with the whole group or individually;
  • choose the optimal method for the group to integrate different educational areas within the framework of one type of GCD (for example, for some groups who master the material well, it is permissible to combine mathematics with drawing, while for other, low-achieving children, integration is possible only within similar areas, for example, drawing and modeling);
  • determine the psychological justification of the content of the lesson form, that is, the choice of work methods (games, visualization, etc.) for a specific topic;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of using motivational techniques, forms of summing up and ways to maintain children’s interest (this task becomes especially relevant when working with children of the first and second junior groups, since children do not have the required ability to independently switch from one or another activity indicated by the teacher) .

This is interesting. Analysis of educational activities can be of two types: actual self-analysis or reflective diagnostics and problem analysis or analysis of colleagues. At the same time, self-analysis necessarily contains problematic elements, for example, when assessing the level of children’s mastery of material according to the program.

Self-analysis includes elements of problem analysis, which is carried out by a methodologist or colleagues

Activities for self-reflection

As with monitoring of a problematic nature, self-analysis is organized for any educational area. Moreover, the schemes for drawing up diagnostic cards for diagnosing occupations will also be uniform. Self-analysis is also carried out for walks, entertainment, and matinees. However, if the organization is key when analyzing GCD cognitive activity(for example, conducting an educational game) and physical development, then the emphasis in self-analysis of entertainment and walks shifts towards social and communicative activities, that is, organizing and conducting games.

Analysis of his work in classes and leisure activities allows the teacher to draw up a diagnostic map of development:

  • play activity(for example, in the second youngest group the kids did not share toys, but in the middle and older groups this problem was solved);
  • moral, patriotic, cultural education (thus, usually, with the help of self-analysis, the teacher outlines those areas of study of the geography and culture of his country that children are not yet familiar with, noting in self-analysis, for example, that children are confused in distinguishing between the concepts of capital and country, or not can explain the difference between an exhibition and a fair);
  • cognitive activity (this area is usually studied in dynamics starting from the first junior group and up to the preparatory group, that is, the results are only intermediate, and in preparatory group this aspect of the analysis becomes key, forming the basis for the characteristics of the future first-grader).

Video: self-analysis of joint gaming activities

Techniques for self-analysis

Self-analysis is carried out through the integration of three types of techniques.

Speech methods

As a rule, the form of self-analysis is written. If a teacher takes part in a pedagogical skills competition, then the preparation of written monitoring is a mandatory requirement for filling out the applicant’s methodological folder. Wherein speeches at methodological or pedagogical council kindergarten with conclusions on self-diagnosis are carried out orally.


In the context of self-analysis, this technique is used to analyze the activities of children, as well as the organizational preparation of the lesson. So, with the help of observation, a teacher can judge:

  • choosing suitable or inappropriate illustrations on the topic (for example, if in the second junior group the illustrations of seasonal changes in nature are of a small format, then children will not be able to create a description of the signs of different seasons from the pictures, since they simply will not see all the details);
  • children in need special attention(for example, if a usually calm child spins around a lot and distracts others at the stage of systematizing knowledge, perhaps there is a block of material on the topic that the child did not remember);
  • successful or unsuccessful variations of methods of interaction with students (for example, performing a drawing after an overly active physical education break can be crumpled, since the children will be overexcited by the previous physical activity).

By observing children in the process of a particular activity, a teacher can evaluate the productivity of a combination of different techniques in work.

Practical Techniques for Self-Analysis

This type of work involves analyzing the expected results indicated in the lesson notes and those that were actually achieved. In other words, the teacher correlates the first part of the summary with goals, objectives and his impressions of the lesson conducted, regarding the level of children’s acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities on a specific topic.

This is interesting. Practical comprehension of a lesson usually causes difficulties for young teachers, who find it difficult to draw a conclusion about the level of children’s mastery of the material in accordance with the goals based on just one lesson.

Algorithm for self-analysis

  1. We designate age group children.
  2. Indicate the number of people present.
  3. We list the goals, objectives and expected results of the lesson.
  4. We give a description of the structure of the lesson, that is, the essence of the introductory, main and final stages.
  5. We review the teaching techniques used in the lesson, indicating the equipment and materials that were used for each.
  6. We evaluate the level of organization, that is, preparation for each stage of work, methods of motivating children.
  7. We describe how logically the stages of the lesson were structured, evaluate the pace of the lesson, and the level of initiative of the children in the process of work.
  8. We give a brief description of the indicators of the teacher’s speech (rate of speech, expressiveness, friendly intonation).
  9. We describe the general emotional atmosphere in class. This point may be accompanying when describing previous positions.
  10. We provide a list of shortcomings and outline ways to eliminate them.
  11. Let's summarize everything said above.

Example of self-analysis of a lesson (fragments)

Pashkova I.A., teacher

Goal: to develop children’s interest in knowledge about vegetables through the integration of educational areas - cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, health.
- To form children’s ideas about vegetables, the place of germination and their preparation for the winter;
- Strengthen children’s ability to describe vegetables according to their characteristic features,
according to the diagram;
- Improve the ability to write grammatically correctly and consistently construct your statements;
- Expand the active vocabulary, activate the names of vegetables in children’s speech...>
<…Занятие осуществлялось в соответствии с конспектом. Конспект составлен самостоятельно, в соответствии с задачами основной общеобразовательной программы, соответствующими данному возрасту детей. Для реализации каждой задачи были подобраны приёмы, в интересной и занимательной форме.
At every moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated the children’s mental activity. The manuals are of sufficient size and aesthetically designed. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the lesson.
Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception.
The organizational technique “Greeting” in poetic form was aimed at developing communicative qualities and establishing friendly relationships both within the children's team and between guests and children.
The lesson is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - sitting on chairs, moving around the group while looking for a way out of a problem situation with a hare - going to the garden, working with a dough, developing fine motor skills of the hands - sitting on chairs, search activity - standing, working with cereals “Find a vegetable”, logorhythmic exercise - “Walking in the garden.” A quick rotation of techniques and changes in poses during the lesson made it possible to avoid fatigue in children.
All aspects of the lesson are logical and consistent, subordinated to one topic. Moments from educational areas were integrated into the lesson:

Cognition. She consolidated the ability to describe a vegetable according to its characteristic features, according to the diagram, and developed the ability to distinguish and name colors;

Communication. The children participated in the general conversation and listened without interrupting their peers. I activated the children’s vocabulary using words-names of vegetables, practiced agreeing nouns and adjectives;

Socialization. The children were friendly;

Artistic creativity. I improved children’s ability to roll plasticine between their palms with straight movements, reinforced pressing techniques, developing fine motor skills...>

<…В каждом моменте занятия я старалась направлять малышей на поиск решений проблемы, помогала приобрести новый опыт, активизировать самостоятельность и поддерживать положительный эмоциональный настрой.
The creation of search and problem situations intensified the mental and speech activity of children.
The specifics of working with children in the classroom were reflected in a person-centered approach. She encouraged timid children and praised them in order to consolidate their situation of success.
During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to maintain the children’s interest in the lesson throughout the entire time.
The outcome of the lesson was organized in the form of a game problem situation “Guess the treat?” so that during its implementation the quality of assimilation of the material can be checked.
Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan to pay special attention to individual responses. It is also necessary to achieve clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, expand active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.

Pashkova I.A., teacher

In the process of self-analysis, the teacher understands the logic of combining the content of the lesson with its form

Table: diagram of the lesson self-analysis map

Educational focus of the lesson:
Teacher Full Name
the date of the
Number of children present

Analyzed criterionHigh level of manifestationAverage level of manifestationLow manifestation level
1 How well does the content based on the program correlate with the age of the students?
2 The activity has cognitive effectiveness (children learn something new).
3 Children have the opportunity to implement mental activity (by solving search situations, formulating answers to problematic questions).
4 Level of development of mental processes in children.
4.1. Speech.
4.2 Attention.
4.3 Memory.
4.4. Thinking.
5 Level of educational value of the lesson.
6 Compliance with hygiene requirements and standards when organizing a lesson.
6.1. Readiness of the premises.
6.2 Comfortable clothing.
6.3 Equipment suitable for the topic and age of the children.
7 The aesthetic side of the lesson.
7.1 Appearance of pupils.
7.2 Appearance of the teacher.
7.3 Aesthetics of the equipment used in the lesson.
8 Use of visualization.
8.1 Quality.
8.2 Variety.
8.3 Efficiency of use.
9 Rational structure of the lesson.
9.1 Correct motivation.
9.2 Interrelation of lesson stages.
9.3 The feasibility of changing types of activities during the lesson.
9.4 Carrying out physical education as a preventive measure for fatigue.
10 A variety of methods and techniques.
10.1 The validity of the techniques used from the point of view of the methodology for implementing the educational program in which the kindergarten operates.
10.2 The teacher’s knowledge of the methodology for selecting effective motivational techniques.
10.2 The teacher’s knowledge of the methodology for selecting effective techniques to ensure the emotionality of the lesson.
10.3 The teacher’s knowledge of methods for selecting effective techniques for presenting new material.
10.4 Teacher’s knowledge of methods for selecting techniques for enhancing children’s independence.
11 Evaluating the teacher's speech
11.1 Literacy.
12.1 Understandability.
12.3. Logic.
12.4 Emotionality.
12 How tactful is the teacher (when resolving disciplinary issues, correcting children’s mistakes, etc.)
13 Implementation of an individual approach to work.
14 How high quality are the tasks completed by children?
15 Children's behavior in the classroom.
15.1 Discipline.
15.2 Composure.
16 Development of skills in educational activities (ability to listen and hear, look and see, as well as understand the essence of the task).
17 The quality of the lesson summary.
18 Evaluation of completed tasks by children (they admire, rejoice, have fun).
Bottom line
Conclusions from the lesson:
Directions for further work:
Date, teacher’s signature

This is interesting. The levels of manifestation of the criteria are indicated by “+” in the column of the corresponding assessment.

Samples of self-analysis of various elements of the educational process

The described algorithm, but in a simplified version - without describing the stages, is also used for self-analysis of a walk or a matinee. You can see an example of analyzing a walk in the second junior group in the work of teacher T.S. Schwartz. When analyzing events, for example, matinees, the teacher describes not only the leisure element itself, but also the stage of preparation for it. An example of self-analysis of a New Year's party in the first junior group from the experience of teacher Yaroslavtseva O. can be seen

Video: self-analysis of a speech therapy session

Video: Self-analysis of a music lesson

Conclusions from self-analysis with examples

For a teacher, diagnostics of classes is valuable because of the conclusions (analytical report) that conclude self-analysis. However, despite the presence of an algorithm and a map, one must take into account the fact that the analysis carried out by the teacher himself still has a certain amount of subjectivity, which most often manifests itself in the absence of shortcomings or the listing of shortcomings that are only indirectly related to the methodology.

<…Недостатки: недостаточно правильно поставлена работа с ИКТ, во время занятия приходилось отвлекаться на установку…>

Iskhakova S. M., teacher of MAOU No. 106 “ZABAVA”, Naberezhnye Chelny

Usually in self-diagnosis there is a detailed consideration of methods and techniques in work, as, for example, in the self-analysis of teacher N.A. Akinina. In general, the conclusions from self-analysis are in the nature of assessing the emotional contact of the teacher with children. An example of a detailed self-analysis of a lesson in a senior group with conclusions can be seen in the work of teacher O.A. Stepanova.

Video: conclusions from self-analysis of an integrated GCD

Self-analysis of classes and other types of educational activities in kindergarten is of great importance not only for identifying the level of children’s mastery of the educational program, but also for determining the vectors of subsequent work with children in a group and individually. To obtain an objective picture, self-analysis must be approached responsibly, relying on an algorithm and diagram. And also try to indicate not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of the work. This will allow you to methodically correctly determine ways to eliminate them.

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During the internship, I became acquainted with the advisory activities of a preschool educational psychologist and with the documentation he maintains. The work that an educational psychologist does has become clearer to me. Before this internship, I had an incompletely formed, vague idea of ​​the work of an educational psychologist. And now I realized that his work is very important and makes a significant contribution to the pedagogical process.

During the practice, I was helped and supported in every possible way by the preschool educational psychologist Oksana Anatolyevna, with whom I developed a very warm, trusting relationship. I also really liked the kindergarten staff. They treated me very well and also helped me. This attitude of the team towards me greatly inspired me, gave me strength and confidence. I guess I think so, it’s thanks to my openness and sociability.

In practice, I learned how to conduct individual and group consultations. I especially prepared for the consultation of preschool teachers. I was looking for literature on the problem of “Intragroup relations of children in a preschool institution.” I was very worried. In the end everything went well. Of course, the preschool teachers asked me questions, the answers to which they knew perfectly well even without me. I was also worried before the consultation with the children’s parents.

In general, I am very nervous before any public speaking. This really bothers me. I constantly wonder how others will treat me, how they will perceive me, i.e. I care about the opinions of others about me. I think the reason lies in my insecurity and low self-esteem. And this again reminded me that I need to finally start working on myself, get rid of my insecurities and low self-esteem.

I also think that in order to increase the effectiveness of the consultation, it is necessary that it be, or at least try to do so, associated with master classes or practical classes on conducting recommended games and exercises for both teachers and parents of children . Without this, in my opinion, the consultation will be purely informational.

Protocol for consultation of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions. The following teaching staff of the preschool educational institution took part in the consultation:

FULL NAME. employee

Job title

Kutyavina Svetlana Gennadievna


Baltacheva Tanzilya Shamilyevna


Bystrova Tatyana Valerievna

musical directs.

Vasilyeva Svetlana Viktorovna


Vakhrusheva Irina Vasilievna


Ivanova Irina Vasilievna


Korotaeva Tatyana Veniaminovna


Lomaeva Natalya Pavlovna


Mamushina Oksana Anatolyevna

educational psychologist

Melnikova Natalya Kimovna


Meshchaninova Natalya Pavlovna

FC instructor

Salamatova Elena Yurievna

art teacher

Saparova Svetlana Alexandrovna


Tikhonova Natalya Mikhailovna


Sharipkova Svetlana Sergeevna


Shchelchkova Lidiya Yakovlevna


Questions from MDOU teachers:

  • - How to properly structure the pedagogical process so that it contributes to improving intra-group relations among preschoolers?
  • - What activities, exercises, games should be carried out with preschoolers in order to increase intra-group communication and unite the group?
  • - How to reduce the number of children with low sociometric status?
  • - What should you do when there are several leaders in a group?
  • - What activities, exercises, games should be carried out with outsider children (low sociometric status)?
  • - How to reduce tension in a group of children?
  • - How does the cohesion of the preschool educational institution team affect children’s intragroup relationships?
  • - How to increase the cohesion of the preschool educational institution team?

Protocol of consultation for parents on the problem: Hyperactive child. Parent questions:

  • - In kindergarten, my son constantly violates the daily routine: he does not want to go to bed at quiet times, does not want to go for a walk, constantly violates discipline, does not keep up with classes, is not attentive, and is restless. What to do with this, what to do?
  • - Isn’t it contraindicated for a child with hyperactivity to attend kindergarten?
  • -What kind of kindergarten, i.e. with what direction does a child with ADHD need?
  • - Will my child be able to completely get rid of hyperactivity? What specialists should you contact for this?
  • - What needs to be done to make a child attentive and diligent?
  • - What daily routine should a child with hyperactivity have?
  • - What activities (games, clubs) are best suited for a child with hypopectivity?
  • - My son doesn’t want to study in clubs, he quickly gets bored with them and loses interest. You can’t force him to read or draw. What to do, how to interest him in some activity, or how to study with him at home?
  • - Is it possible that with age my daughter will go away with this hyperactivity? Can we hope for this or not?

Consultation protocol for a parent on the problem: Adaptation of a child to kindergarten. Parent questions:

  • - Why does my son behave differently at home than in kindergarten? At home he is more active, he is interested in everything, but in kindergarten, according to the teachers, he shows no interest in anything, is passive and withdrawn?
  • - What games should you play with your son, what exercises should you do at home in order to overcome his isolation? And also, please advise which clubs should enroll him in.
  • - Why does my son constantly complain to me that in kindergarten he is constantly offended and scolded?
  • - My son sometimes throws tantrums when he comes home from kindergarten. Starts to stop breaking toys. In kindergarten he is obedient, never offends anyone, and teachers never complain about him. How can this be explained? Or it’s not possible to get him ready for kindergarten in the morning, I don’t want to, I won’t.
  • - Also, my son constantly catches colds in kindergarten. I have to constantly sit with him on sick leave with him. The teacher assures that he is well dressed during walks, since I asked to keep an eye on him so that he is dressed appropriately for the weather. I can’t understand anything, or does the child have a weak immune system, or does he lack affection, love, care?
  • - In my presence, my son becomes more sociable with his peers, begins to participate in games, and when I leave and leave him in the group, he withdraws into himself again. What to do, how to work with him, what circles to take him to so that he becomes more sociable and open?
  • -It also bothers me that he has few friends in the kindergarten, only two boys with whom he is friends. This worries me very much, what needs to be done to make him more sociable and open?

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Cheburashka"


pedagogical activity


Polyanskaya Svetlana Alexandrovna



To educate another

We must educate ourselves, first of all.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

I, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Polyanskaya, graduated from the Volgodonsk Pedagogical College State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education in 2002 with a diploma specialty in teaching in primary grades, and in 2007 I graduated from the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education with a diploma specialty in Social Pedagogy "

Total teaching experience 14 years, inI have been working in the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, child development center - kindergarten "Cheburashka" since 2009as a teacher.

In 2014 Completed course training at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the Rostov Region “Rostov Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers” under the program of additional professional education “Preschool Education”, on the problem: Updating the content of preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, 72 hours;

In accordance with the license, the kindergarten implements the main general educational program “Childhood” under the editorship of V.I. Loginova.The motto of the “Childhood” program is: “Feel - Cognize - Create.”These words are decisive in my work as an educator and define three interconnected lines of child development: the social-emotional, cognitive and creative attitude of the preschooler to the world.

The methodological council of the kindergarten, of which I am a member, has developed a unified approach to the implementation of the educational program of the kindergarten based on the exemplary program “Childhood”, work programs have been drawn up for each age group, long-term planning, and recommendations for current planning have been developed.

Achievement by students of positive dynamics in the results of mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization

I work with a group of young children. Taking into account age characteristics, I conduct educational activities in 5 educational areas, solving various problems.

I know the basic component of preschool education content, modern methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.In order to solve various pedagogical problems, I engage in self-education, studying the latest literature on pedagogy and psychology.

I have stable results in students mastering the educational program.

Results of students mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization


2011/2012 academic year year

2012/2013 academic year year

2013/2014 academic year year

2014/2015 academic year

2015/2016 academic year year

Results of students mastering the educational program in the area of ​​social and communicative development






Results of students mastering the educational program in the area of ​​cognitive development






Results of students mastering the educational program in the field of speech development






Results of students mastering the educational program in the direction of artistic and aesthetic development






Achievement of positive results by students in mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring the education system

Since I work as a teacher in a group with children of early preschool age (2 - 3 years old), the content of educational areas is implemented in the following activities:

- object activities and games with composite dynamic toys;

Experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.);

Communication with adults and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult;

Self-service and actions with household utensils (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.);

Perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems;

Looking at pictures, physical activity, etc.

I consider my main task in my work to be the selection of the most effective methods and techniques for organizing children, which would make it possible to make maximum use of the individual capabilities of each child, creating a situation of success. The conditions I created for the self-realization of each child in joint, exciting activities act as an effective means of expressing his individuality in a group of peers.

When interacting with children in my group, I use a personality-oriented approach (I. S. Yakimanskaya). A person-oriented approach allows the child’s personality, its originality, self-worth to be placed at the forefront; each person’s subjective experience is first revealed and then coordinated with the content of education.

Results of students' mastery of educational programs based on the results of monitoring the education system, carried out in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 No. 662 “On the implementation of the education system” *


2011/2012 academic year year

2012/2013 academic year year

2013/2014 academic year year

2014/2015 academic year year

2015/2016 academic year year

Attendance by preschool pupils






Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment






Creating safe conditions for organizing the educational process in a group






Identifying and developing students’ abilities

Repeated participation of pupils with their parents in city competitions for the best doll “Vesnyanka”, in the city review-competition “The most beautiful kindergarten for the New Year” and in the city competition for the best New Year’s toy “While the clock strikes 12”.

So in 2014, the pupil, together with her mother, won the city competition for the best New Year’s toy “While the clock strikes 12” in the “New Year’s composition” category “for originality and creativity.”

Characteristics of joint activities of the teacher with parents and the public to develop the educational environment

I systematically work onfamiliarizing parents with the organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.I involve families in a single educational space. I contribute to the implementation of a unified approach to the upbringing and education of children in families and kindergartens. I'm practicingholding meetings and consultations in a non-traditional form.

Thus, in 2014, a master class was held with parents “Lifeand adventuresin kindergarten" (using ICT) withtsthe purpose of familiarizing parents with the organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. During the master classthey are invited to play “Kindergarten”, parents of girls are “attached” pink bows, and parents of boys are given blue ones, then the parents “live” the day in kindergarten. The event ends with the distribution of booklets - instructions for parents, exchange of opinions and impressions.

Traditionalparent meeting (parent evening) “And in our kindergarten” is held using ICT. At the meetingthe results of the joint activities of the teacher and parents over the past year are summed up using a photo report and viewing video material, and prospects for the future are determined.

As part of the Year of Literature, a consultation for parents “Which books are best for preschoolers to be friends with” has been developed. Work was carried out on the implementation of the action plan, a parent meeting was held in the form of a “Round Table” on the topic “Children’s Book Day”(using ICT), which includes: a lesson with parents “Smart books for a smart baby”, video fragments from children’s activities.

I invite parents to participate in open viewings of direct educational activities for kindergarten teachers. I'll see you offsurveying parents on various issues, involving them in project activities, conducting pedagogical conversations with parents, individual consultations, usingvisual and informational forms of interaction with parents (video fragments of the organization of various types of activities, photographs, exhibitions of children's works, stands, screens, sliding folders).

To provide feedback to parents, work is being done on the group’s website ( MAAAM. ru) , where photographs of children in kindergarten are posted, consultation materials for parents on certain issues are published, parents have the opportunity to ask a question and get an answer on this site.

Personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and upbringing methods, and the productive use of new educational technologies, broadcasting the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, including experimental and innovative ones, to teaching teams.

In my professional activities I use the following technologies:

Socio-game technologies, play is the main activity of a child in a group;

Developmental education (D.B. Elkonina V.V. Davydova), the use of which contributes to the development of each child’s individual cognitive abilities, self-determination and self-realization;

Cooperation (K. D. Ushinsky, N. P. Pirogov, L. N. Tolstoy);

TRIZ (G.S. Altshuller, A.M. Strauning), which is aimed at developing creative abilities;

Health-saving technologies (including N. N. Efimenko), which I use to improve children’s health(I conduct games - relaxation, physical education, exercises for the eyes, breathing, fingers). INIn my work I use elements from N. N. Efimenko’s program “Theater of Physical Development of Children.” I select such motor situations that contribute to the formation in children of such motor qualities as flexibility, agility, strength, endurance, speed;

Problem-based learning (J. Dewey);

Research technology (I conduct entertaining experiments with air, water, sand according to T.V. Korobova).

Over the past three years, I have been widely using information and communication technologies for:

Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, classrooms;

Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization on the Internet with scenarios for holidays and other events;

Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.

Preparation of group documentation and reports. Computer technologies make it possible not to write reports and analyzes every time, but rather just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes;

Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.

The technology of project activities is also widely used (L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina).

For the comprehensive development of childrenprojects developed and implemented:

“Outdoor games in the pedagogical process” (2012-2013),

“Life and adventures in kindergarten” (2013-2014),

“Sensory development of preschool children” (2013-2014),

“Victory Day” (2014-2015),

"Fairytale therapy - as a method of adaptation of early preschool childrenage to the conditions of a preschool educational institution" (2014).

“Smart books for a smart baby” (2015)

“The role of socially-oriented games in children’s adaptation” (2015)

“Kindergarten Birthday” (2015-2016)

“Walking in an early age group” (2016)

In kindergarten, a variable part of the educational program has been developed, taking into account the exemplary partial educational program “Childhood with Hometown”. As part of this part of the educational program, I have developed a plan of activities with young children on the topic: “Acquaintance with the small Motherland - hometown.”

I am working on creating digital educational resources for preschool education.

The digital educational resource “Artistic Creativity” that I created, whichincludes work on collecting and processing information on the relevant educational field for all age groups of preschoolers and“ICT in preschool education”, which includes the collection and systematization of information for teachers and parents about the use of ICT in the pedagogical process.

The result of the project implementation"Artistic creativity"has become an electronic educational resource thatincludes a large amount of information for use in the direct activities of preschoolers of different age groups.

PI publish my developments and summaries of direct educational activities on the following sites:

- portals of the International Russian-language social Internet projectMAAAM. ru, information support for specialists of preschool institutions Educational resources, teacher mutual help,Modern teacher portal, “Methodists”;

- nportal. ru, KINDERGARDEN websites,

I am the administrator of the site of the MBDOU D/S “Cheburashka” on the portal of the International Russian-language social Internet project MAAAM. ru, where I regularly write news about interesting events that happen in our group. Websites on portals have been createdInternational Russian-language social Internet project MAAAM. ru and in the social network of educatorsnportal. ru

I take part in various teaching competitions at the city level:

Competition of notes on physical development of the educational activity “Adventure in the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Searching for a Kolobok" (2013);

GCD competition using ICT (2013);

Contestdigital educational resources (2014);

Contestinnovative projects for the patriotic education of children and youth in the Rostov region Project “My family lives in Volgodonsk” (2015).

I actively participate in online competitions for teachers, received:

Certificate of participationIIIAll-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence on the use of electronic educational resources in the educational process “Formula of the Future-2013”;

Certificate of participation in the monthly competition “Best lesson notes” (on the websitemaaam. ru) (2013);

Certificate of participation in the monthly competition “Best Methodological Development” (on the websitemaaam. ru) (2015);

Certificate “Best author’s publication” (Online magazine for preschool teachers);

Certificate for passing pedagogical testing on the topic “Computer literacy of teachers and managers of educational institutions” Electronic pedagogical journal-assistant to the modern teacher (pomochnik- vsem. ru); (2013)

Certificate for passing testing of teaching staff of preschool institutions. Electronic pedagogical journal-assistant to the modern teacher (pomochnik- vsem. ru); (2013)

Certificate of participation in the Sixth All-Russian competition of pedagogical ideas “Innovations in Education” (“Ascension” 2013-2014).

Certificateparticipant of the all-Russian seminar “What a teacher needs to know about the continuity of preschool and non-education educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard” (2015)

Certificateparticipant of the all-Russian seminar “Effective cognitive and creative activities in the learning process. “The world of a fairy tale: good and evil in Slavic folklore” (2015)

Certificate of participation in the All-Russian competition for the best pedagogical practices in the use of modern ICT tools for teaching in the general education system (Federal Institute for Educational Development) (2016)

Active participation in the work of methodological associations of teaching staff of organizations, in the development of program and methodological support for the educational process, and professional competitions.

As part of the implementation of the city innovation project “Introduction of information and communication technologies in management and the educational process as a condition for improving the quality of preschool education” at the MBDOU d/s “Cheburashka”, I lead the work of the creative group. It was in the creative group of teachers that the project “ICT in preschool education” was developed and implemented. As part of the project, I improve the pedagogical competence of teachers and parents by conducting consultations, and, together with a group of teachers, I create an information base on educational areas, including illustrative material (illustrations, subject pictures, etc.), textual (art works, etc.) , musical material (selection of classical works), video files (natural phenomena, etc.).Teachers also use the annotated directory of Internet resources for teachers and parents that I created.

As a member of the methodological council, I oversee the organization of educational activities in groups of early and primary preschool age. Together with other members of the council, I develop methodological materials on the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, mentor novice teachers, and carry out internal audits.

I share my experience by speaking at pedagogical councils, competitions and parent meetings.

Thus, in 2013, my work experience was summarized at the city level and presented at a city seminar for educators, and in 2014 - at a seminar for directors of preschool educational institutions in the city.

From the first year of working as a teacher, the need arose to creatively master new pedagogical techniques. Working with young children, I have the opportunity to observe how a child adapts to kindergarten, his activity and motivation change, and it becomes possible to differentially influence the development of each child. And in order to introduce parents to the activities of teachers and children in preschool educational institutions, I also use ICT in working with them.

In order to disseminate innovative experience, the following was carried out:

Master class for kindergarten teachers and parents “ICT in preschool education” (using ICT);

Master class with parents "Life and adventuresin kindergarten"(using ICT).

Took part twice in the South-Russian interregional scientific and practical conference-exhibition “Information Technologies in Education” (November 14-15, 2013 and November 17-18, 2016).

Performed in 2013at the city methodological association of preschool teachers with experience on the topic “Educational games for children of primary preschool age”, in 2014 at a methodological seminar of heads“Digital educational resources as an element of the developmental environment of a kindergarten.”

I am an active participant in webinarson the federal educational portalTC DO "All",methodological portal,center for children's specialists "Mersibo" Of particular interest waswebinar on the topic “Personal and professional self-development of a teacher in innovative activities.”

Positive assessment of the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities (availability of industry awards, certificates, incentives, thanks)

Prize of the mayor of the city of Volgodonsk “For personal contribution to the development of education in the city of Volgodonsk” (2016)

Certificate “for the introduction into the educational process of innovative forms, means, methods of teaching in the upbringing of preschool children and in connection with the 35th anniversary of the educational institution” (Department of Education of Volgodonsk ) (2016)

2nd degree diploma for 2nd place in the 4th All-Russian pedagogical competition “Secrets of Professionalism” nomination “Open Lesson” (2016) (IRSO “SOCRAT”)

Winner diploma 1st place in the All-Russian competition “Doutessa”, blitz-olympiad: “Federal state educational standard of preschool education” (2016)

2nd degree diploma, Winner of the All-Russian competition for teachers “Best author’s publication” in the category “Lesson notes, NOD\folklore” (2016)

Regional competition laureate diploma “Kindergartens for Children” in the nomination “Best Kindergarten Teacher” (United Russia Party) (2015)

Letter of gratitude from the Educational Center “Open Education” “for promoting the ideas of blended learning, effective partnership, successful positioning of the educational organization and its own pedagogical experience at the all-Russian level” (2015)

Awarded a Winner's Diploma (IIIplace)VAll-Russian creative competition “Talentokha” Nomination: “Scenarios for holidays and events in kindergarten, school, family” (2014),

Winner's diploma at the International Professional Festival for Teachers “Methodological Piggy Bank”,

Diploma of the laureate of the All-Russian pedagogical competition “Best presentation for a lesson” (on the websitepedakademy. ru).

Awarded the Certificate of the MBDOU d/s “Cheburashka” “For the manifestation of creative initiative, the introduction of innovative technologies, and the generalization of best work experience” (2014).

Victory “for originality and creativity” in the city competition for the best New Year’s toy “While the clock strikes 12” in the “New Year’s composition” category (2014).

Gratitude was announced from MBDOU d\s "Cheburashka" "For the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process and active participation in the activities of the kindergarten" (2013),

Gratitude forIplace in the review-competition of folders dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Second World War,

Gratitude forIplace in the review-competition of folders dedicated to the birthday of the city of Volgodonsk.

Certificate “For the manifestation of creative initiative, the introduction of innovative technologies, generalization of best practices and the day of preschool workers” (MBDOU DS “Cheburashka”) (2015)

Educator ____________________ Polyanskaya S.A.


MBDOU d/s "Cheburashka" I.V. Popova