Merry Catholic Christmas my friends. Catholics celebrate the Nativity of Christ: congratulations on Catholic Christmas. Happy Catholic Christmas

Light and joyful holiday Every believer looks forward to Christmas. Western Catholic Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th. And even though Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7, there is still a feeling in the air on Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve. magical atmosphere expectations of miracles and magic, houses are decorated with garlands, decorated fir trees sparkle, everyone remembers the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Festive services are held in churches three times: at midnight, at sunrise and during the day. The symbol of Christmas is a baby in a cradle, surrounded by the Virgin Mary, Joseph, shepherds who brought gifts, and animals. It became a good tradition to go from house to house with cheerful songs and skits, for which the carolers received gifts. We celebrate Catholic Christmas - December 25th.

A clear dawn is shining in the sky,
Today is the Catholic night of the birth of Christ,
I congratulate everyone on the holy holiday,
I wish joy to both friends and family.
May Christmas bring you health, peace,
And now the feast will be bright and magnificent,
And let goodness settle in our souls,
And the light of love, warmth of the heart.

Snow will cover the earth gently - gently,
And the holiday will come - Catholic Christmas,
Wishes, hopes will come true,
This day is full of miracles.
May it bring you a lot of happiness,
Lots of light and comfort and warmth,
Adversity and bad weather will disappear
On this holy Christmas day.

Happiness quietly looked into the house -
This long-awaited holiday has arrived,
We wish you all a Happy Catholic Christmas,
And we wish you inspiration and strength.
To keep the house warm every day
And it was cozy and sincere,
And let goodness dwell in our hearts,
And happiness will come to you, undoubtedly.

Today at the Christmas table,
We have gathered and wish everyone
May your home be filled with happiness,
And the joy of the soul warms.
Christ was born, he brought -
Warmth and forgiveness to us,
Let's live in peace
Appreciate humanity and humility in life.

Christmas is a wonderful time
We sincerely congratulate you from our hearts,
Warmth of soul and warmth,
We wish each of you.
May the holiday bring you joy,
And a lot of fun and good luck,
May the Lord protect you
Driving away troubles and failures.

On the wonderful evening of Catholic Christmas,
We wish you success and goodness in everything,
Let the winter blizzard sweep away all troubles,
May the road to life be bright.
Let them always sound to your address,
The most sincere and tender words,
Let your dream come true,
IN Holy holiday Christmas.

End of December, Christmas,
The Julian calendar says so,
So the celebration has come,
The holiday will block the path of evil.
I congratulate you today,
I say hello to the whole family,
In the New Year's atmosphere,
I meet the dawn of beliefs.

Every year I look forward to this holiday
Today is Catholic Christmas,
It’s not for nothing that winter is a time of happiness,
There is nothing but magic happening around.
On this day, people say
The Holy Spirit will ascend to Earth,
I congratulate you and all the other guys,
The snow flies after you like fluff.

Catholic whole world
Looking forward to December:
Look at the calendar:
Christmas, Christmas is coming!
This is a whole year of fun
We will read the congratulations.
After the holidays, everyday life will come,
Everyone's business, of course, is waiting,
Only all this will happen later...
In the meantime, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas!
We want to sincerely wish -
May grace descend upon the world!

People all over the world receive congratulations on Catholic Christmas on December 25th. According to legend, the first lit star in the sky on this day is a symbol of the appearance of Christ. He was born in a pen with animals that were hidden from the rain.

But Christmas itself is symbolized by the scene in which shepherds came to the newborn Savior, bringing gifts.

Merry Christmas greetings for the family

In our time, Catholic Christmas 2018 unites folk traditions, church rituals and congratulations. The eve of the holiday is celebrated in the church. Then Catholic families receive congratulations on Catholic Christmas, gathering around the table and praising Jesus. A couple of days before the holiday, most cities decorate their avenues, streets and courtyards with bright garlands.

More than 145 countries around the world celebrate Catholic Christmas.

As part of family traditions, spruce wreaths are hung on doors. They are an ancient and very deep symbol. The wreath, which has four woven candles, symbolizes the globe and the four cardinal directions. Green color The wreath embodies the flow of life, its changes.

The round shape means:

  • life given by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ;
  • cyclical seasons;
  • hope for a renewal of life.

There are often two Christmas wreaths at Christmas. One hangs on the entrance doors, the second is placed in the middle of the table, at which each family member makes a toast or congratulations. An example would be:

"December. Today is Christmas

There is magic all around.

On this wonderful bright holiday

I wish you not to be sad in vain.

I wish you health and faith in your heart,

God will open any door.”

At Christmas, the whole family should be at the same table, at which there should be no quarreling, swearing or arguing. The adults prepare dinner, and the children help the elders in the pre-holiday preparations. The celebration begins with prayer and lighting candles. Popular congratulations for the family on Christmas Eve or for the holiday itself include:

Do you consider this form of congratulations outdated?


“My only husband!

I wish you Merry Christmas,

You are a reliable, loyal friend,

I wish to continue to be like this.

When the snow covers the ground,

And Christmas will come again

Raise a glass to happiness,

For peace, for friendship, for love!”

Christmas is a cozy, family holiday, where every family member joyfully offers congratulations and toasts.

The atmosphere in the house is warm and endowed with something magical. The holiday brings together relatives, especially those who are rarely at home due to work or life situations. It is for such family members that Christmas greetings on December 25 would be appropriate:

“Today is the bright holiday of Christmas

For everyone who is looking forward to it in December.

So let him give a lot of goodness!

And only the light will come to you now!

Let him shine the lights of hope,

Just as the star shone in Bethlehem!

And may he protect you as before,

The spirit of Christmas is always, without fail!

It is also customary to invite neighbors with good intentions to a family dinner.

Every wish spoken at the table should be:

  • deliberate;
  • clear;
  • clear.

Every spoken word of congratulations will bring happiness and harmony in the family to the recipient. Catholic Christmas is a family holiday that unites all its members.

Congratulations for friends

If family members are congratulated at the festive table, then friends and acquaintances are congratulated with letters, postcards, personal calls or voice messages. Also these days, fairs and Christmas exhibitions have become popular, where you meet with friends and exchange small gifts and wishes. To fill the holiday with good and warm congratulations, you can use the words:

"A star lights up

For Catholic Christmas, the date does not change from year to year.

And December sparkles:

On Holy Christmas Day

Let a miracle happen!

Let joy come from heaven,

Will give happiness to everyone,

If you believe, it is waiting,

To become a part of life.

Let the lights burn brighter

On a good, bright holiday -

You will make all your dreams come true

May heaven help!

The majority of residents of Western Europe, Northern and South America, Australia, African and Asian countries. If friends live in these zones, in good form it is considered to send them a card by mail or use the phone for video greetings or through social media. Christmas is a great time to write forgotten friend, congratulating him with the words:

Do you like such events?


“I wish, my friend, on Christmas Day,

May you be in good health.

So that the shadow does not touch sorrows and troubles,

And so that you are ready for success.

Let your eyes sparkle with happiness,

And dreams come true instantly.

May your every day be filled with miracles,

There will be wealth and chic in life.”

Friends are like-minded people who know how to support in difficult times, so wishes are chosen based on the dreams and tastes of a friend. Every Christmas greeting brings strength, light and purity of the word. Wishes on this day bring only joy and strengthening of friendship. Every word spoken as a wish is addressed to Jesus.

Christmas is a holiday of peace and unity, so it has the ability to destroy long-standing quarrels between people and unite their souls. Old friends have the opportunity to remind themselves with a postcard, a letter or a walk through the Christmas markets, the beauty of which is mesmerizing. They will captivate you with their lights, warm drinks, delicious food and ice skating.

Congratulations for colleagues

At Christmas, it is customary for families to give gifts and congratulate not only loved ones and friends, but also colleagues with cards. After all, over the years of work, all employees become one family. Since the Catholic holiday gives people days off, it is best to congratulate your colleagues with cards or letters.

Words should be chosen in a more formal style:

“Congratulations on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ! Let him bring happiness and comfort, joy and fun to the family. May this year please you with warm conversations, favorable acquaintances and unexpected surprises, and may all adversities pass you by.”

A poetic version is also used:

“Christmas has come to your house,

The holiday is knocking on the door.

Let's wish you magic -

Let it happen!

Is your New Year's wishlist ready?


May the Lord bless

Strengthens you in faith.

This evening there is a bright spirit

Let him come to your door.

Do good to others

And it will return.

And then for sure

Happiness will smile.

Guiding star

Will add joy

Pure white snow

Add joy."

At Christmas it is customary to wish happiness, harmony and health, because it is a holiday that brings goodness, joy and wonderful days. It is congratulations from colleagues that bring warmth and calm to dull workdays. Work spaces are decorated with different Christmas decorations, postcards, rain and snowflakes.

After the Christmas weekend, employees of one company exchange stories about the celebration and gifts in the form of cookies and sweets. Therefore, the holiday atmosphere still floats after December 25th.

Some large companies play songs and treat employees to hot chocolate during breaks to boost the Christmas spirit. This drink is popular at fairs and on Christmas Eve.

Merry Catholic Christmas cards

In Catholic families, Christmas cards made by hand or purchased in specialized shops are highly valued. Some families make special cards by inviting a photographer and placing a photo of the family on the cover. Wishes are written on the back of these paper congratulations and a signature is left in the form of the family’s surname.

You can buy a postcard with an inscription and congratulations already provided, or you can also purchase a blank postcard, in which you write personal wishes that convey sincere emotions. Here are some options for congratulations:

Almost all Catholics adhere to the tradition of observing strict fasting on Christmas Eve.

“Happy Catholic Christmas! I wish that there is peace and quiet, harmony and prosperity in every home. Let miracles and wonderful events happen, filling life with delightful moments, happy smiles and the kindness of human hearts. Love, prosperity and prosperity!

“The Catholic world today celebrates

The brightest holiday - Christmas!

I cordially congratulate you on this,

May it bring celebration soon

Much love, health and patience,

Participation, joy, prosperity and goodness.

Let the holiday erase all your doubts,

And, of course, let your dream come true today.”

Each member of an American family mails about thirty cards on the eve of the holiday. They can be addressed to relatives or friends, as well as colleagues or acquaintances.

Most often, verses that warm you up in the cold winter are used for congratulations on a postcard:

Beautiful decorations, a Christmas tree and mistletoe take pride of place in Catholic homes.

"May Christmas bring to your home

Joy and smiles a million!

Let it awaken old hopes,

Will give you the best clothes!

Will warm you with sun and love,

Will give you happiness and health!”

Christmas is coming
Give up all your worries,
Let goodness and magic
At the glorious hour they come to visit.

Let the sparkle of the candles shine,
Banishing all the bad things,
On the best night of all
Giving you the light of happiness!

Let the holiday knock on the door,
And Christmas will come to your home.
And magic will certainly happen,
Fill everything around with goodness.

So that there is prosperity in your home,
Calm, harmony and peace.
There was always order in affairs,
Everyone was healthy and happy.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Catholic Christmas! May this bright and kind holiday bring joy, happiness, comfort and harmony to your home, may there be many wonderful days that will delight you with cheerful family gatherings, sincere conversations and pleasant surprises!

Catholic Christmas,
The snow is spinning quietly
People believe in magic
And faces brighten.

In anticipation of miracles
The soul froze
Life generously gives us fairy tales,
How good!

Let the light shine on everyone
Joy, warmth,
Much happiness to you, love
On Christmas Day!

Happy Catholic Christmas
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
May your home be filled with happiness,
I wish you well on your holiday!

May luck always be with you,
May life always be good!
Positive, kind charge
The soul will be illuminated on this holiday!

Merry Christmas!
Happiness, light, peace:
The Lord will overshadow with goodness
Everything that is dear to the heart.

And the star in the sky
Let it warm your soul,
And the dream will come true,
If you believe in miracles!

Merry Catholic Christmas to you!
May the celebration please everyone,
Santa Claus with a huge bag
He will definitely visit your house.
Friends will gather around the table,
Friendly and large family,
Wish each other well
So that hope lives in souls.
Well, I wish everyone success
Lots of happiness, smiles and laughter.

A star lights up
And December sparkles:
On Holy Christmas Day
Let a miracle happen!

Let joy come from heaven,
Will give happiness to everyone,
If you believe, it is waiting,
To become a part of life.

Let the lights burn brighter.
Good, bright holiday -
You will make all your dreams come true
May heaven help!

The December day is knocking
Christmas through our window,
A miracle will happen soon
It will lure you into a fairy tale.

I wish you peace
On the best day of the year,
Let the holiday ward off grief
And will drive away trouble.

Let your wishes come true
The power of the sky protects you,
Let prayer come forth
Like a reliable, powerful shield.

In the December night sky
The star's light is shining
Merry Christmas
I congratulate you.

Christmas tale
Walks home
Meet miracles
I wish you.

Goodness, love, joy
Let the house be filled
I'm with the Catholic
Merry Christmas.

Christmas is coming wonderfully
Embracing the whole world with magic!
I wish everyone love and tenderness,
Celebrate the evening with kindness and celebration.

Let under the bright evening star,
Joy will soon knock on the house.
Let a beautiful winter fairy tale
There will be a holiday amidst the happiness of the lights!

We congratulate all Catholics on the magical holiday - Merry Christmas. Let the Christmas star shine brightly over your homes and let this light fill your souls with warmth and joy. Merry Christmas to you.

Happy Catholic Christmas. I wish that your heart burns with love like a bright holiday candle, that there is peace and happiness in your family, that luck and joy knock on your door, that important and desired gifts await you in your sock. Health and prosperity. Merry Christmas.

Happy Catholic Christmas and on this holiday of miracles and joy I wish you a pleasant crackling of wood in the fireplace, bright lights of garlands on the fir tree, cheerful and flickering candles, bright hopes of the soul and sincere love in the heart. May your life be happy and long, may you meet good and kind people in it.

In that magical holiday With all my heart I wish you to spend Christmas with your dearest people! Let the frosty winter wind sweep good luck into your home, and let your loved ones warm you up on cold evenings!

Merry Christmas. I wish you delicious and satisfying Christmas bread on the table, merry carols in the yard, an unquenchable fire in the fireplace, inexhaustible love in the heart, an atmosphere of comfort in the house, good blessings in the family, great joy in the soul.

I congratulate you on Catholic Christmas and wish with all my heart and pure heart an atmosphere of grace and love around, good hopes and happiness in a vicious circle, the fragrance of fragrant spruce and desired gifts, a wonderful holiday in the circle of your beloved and wonderful family.

Happy Catholic Christmas and I want to wish that this bright and great holiday brings good hope and pure love, unearthly happiness and true goodness, home comfort with the aroma of spruce and goodies on the table, dear loved ones nearby and a wonderful mood.

Congratulations on the great Catholic holiday - Christmas! Today the Son of God was born, so let joy, peace, hope and prosperity be born with him in your home. Let inner harmony become more important than external vanity. I wish you spiritual growth, faith in the best and bright love!

On the holiday of Catholic Christmas, I would like to wish you a bright celebration and good gifts, elegant spruce and cozy atmosphere, cheerful carols and generous Christmastide, happy miracles and heavenly help. I wish to break holiday bread in a circle friendly family, wish each other health and peace, give loved ones your love and sincerity.

Merry Christmas. I wish you peace and harmony, the same kind and incredible miracles in life that happened when Jesus came to Earth. I wish you good health and faith, I wish you not to envy and boldly change your life for the better.

In verse Short

Catholic Christmas - December 25

On the night of December 24-25, Western Christians (Catholics) - residents of Western Europe, North and South America, Australia, Africa and Asia - celebrate the Nativity of Christ. The holiday of Christmas is celebrated not only by the Catholic and Protestant churches, but also by the religious movements associated with them - those who follow the Gregorian calendar in church chronology.
Christmas is a great holiday established in remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays, Public Holiday in more than 100 countries around the world.
The Feast of the Nativity of Christ has five days of pre-celebration (from December 20 to 24) and six days of post-celebration. On the eve or on the day of the eve of the holiday (December 24), a particularly strict fast is observed, called Christmas Eve, since on this day the juice is eaten - wheat or barley grains boiled with honey. According to tradition, the Christmas Eve fast ends with the appearance of the first evening star in the sky. On the eve of the holiday, Old Testament prophecies and events related to the Nativity of the Savior are remembered. Christmas services are performed three times: at midnight, at dawn and during the day, which symbolizes the Nativity of Christ in the bosom of God the Father, in the womb of the Mother of God and in the soul of every Christian.
On Catholic Christmas Day, it is customary for the whole family to gather for Christmas dinner, and festive table decorate traditional dishes - different for each country.

In December the world celebrates
God the Son Christmas.
Blooms in our souls
Belief in miracles and goodness.
We're trying to get better.
And more tolerant, wiser,
Let the love of our heart
At this moment the whole world will warm up! ©

Happy Catholic Christmas!
Let there be warmth and light in your home, let the holiday bring only joy and goodness, and let your hearts light up with mercy!
I wish you to smile and become truly happy on this wonderful holiday! Merry Christmas! ©

Merry Catholic Christmas to your loved ones

On the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, I wish you only one thing - good health!
Let your health not fail you and make you remind yourself every morning, and if you are healthy, everything else will be there - love, happiness, and wealth! Merry Christmas to you! ©

On this brightest and most family holiday - Christmas - I want to wish my family peace and kindness, understanding and patience! Let warmth and kindness abide in our hearts, and let our eyes shine with bright smiles! Let our house be bypassed by sadness and adversity, and may luck walk nearby and be lucky in all matters! Happy holiday! ©

Catholic Christmas - congratulations

Christmas is coming
Long winter night.
Magic from heaven
Descends towards us.
The star will announce
About the coming of the Son!
Earthlings, salvation
Granted to you!
Goodness and love
Heaven wishes you!
May happiness and joy
Blooms in hearts.

Happy Catholic Christmas

Christmas night is holy, time performs the sacrament,
Under the cover of the universe, a wondrous miracle hurries.
And the baby appeared, and a star lit up in the night,
And the Magi strive to soon bestow their modest gift.
Glory to the merciful God, holy by the triune spirit,
May the force be with everyone who chooses you forever,
And love shines in hearts, and good deeds are done.
He was born, he was born! Your son! We praise you!

It's Christmas again -
Celebration of the heavenly forces:
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.
Glory to Him eternal,
Conqueror of darkness.
Congratulations with all our hearts
With this great joy!