Sample letter of recommendation for a teacher from parents. Letter of recommendation for domestic staff

Our daughter learned simple rhymes, sculpted and learned to draw with paints, learned to fold a pyramid. In September, we registered Eva in a kindergarten. Olga Dmitrievna helped us with the adaptation of her daughter while getting used to kindergarten. I am grateful to our nanny for the love and care shown to Eva. For additional information about the work of Olga Dmitrievna, you can call me on mobile 025 98 76 - Santa Lewit. You can write a letter of recommendation in any form. It is important to remember that if positive reviews it will not be possible to write about the work of a nanny, parents can be allowed to call and provide feedback on the work of a nanny orally. For a nanny, a positive recommendation is an opportunity to confirm previous experience and positive feedback about your work. For employers, this is an opportunity to check the accuracy of information about a candidate who claims to work with their child.

When selecting service personnel for your home, especially a nanny, take Special attention the applicant has letters of recommendation. The person you hire must have an impeccable reputation. The safety of the whole family, the peace of mind of parents depends on this, psychological comfort child and its further development.

Would you like to make a recommendation for your nanny? We have prepared a special article for you - it will be easier for you to compose, and it will be easier for the nanny to find new job. letter of recommendation nanny, as a rule, is compiled in free form, but must contain contact information to be able to contact previous employers and confirm the described characteristics. The recommendation also indicates the full name of the specialist, year of birth, how long he worked in the family, with what children, what was his responsibility.

Her responsibilities included: daily care after the child, accustoming him to cleanliness and neatness, feeding the child, preparing food for him, keeping the child’s clothes and toys clean, walking, playing games - classes according to age, accompanying the baby to developmental activities. Lyudmila has a pedagogical education, knows and uses methods in her work early development, constantly improves her skills, attended a seminar on the method of Maria Montessori, reads various books on the upbringing and development of young children. Lyudmila quickly found mutual language with Vanechka, she showed both gentleness and severity to the child, depending on the circumstances.
I want to note the punctuality, conscientiousness, accuracy, diligence, kindness, patience of Lyudmila in relation to the child, politeness and tact in relation to us.

What to do if the nanny does not have references from the previous job? If a candidate for your child's nanny has no characteristics from a previous job, but she claims to have experience, please specify what is meant by it? Perhaps such a woman did not work in families, but raised her own children or grandchildren. Ask what methods of education she used, how she looked after the kids and all the necessary information. If the candidate, in general, suits you, but she has no recommendations, you can appoint her probation in a few days, during which she will perform her duties under your supervision.
In conclusion, we note that when hiring a nanny, you should take this issue with all seriousness, because you trust her with the most precious thing you have. The development of character and the upbringing of the baby depend on the qualifications of such a person.

Vestacity Household Staff Agency


I want to note that Olga Dmitrievna has become an indispensable assistant in our family. She conscientiously fulfilled her duties, adequately responded to our requests and recommendations, behaved kindly and tactfully, took a responsible attitude to the safety of the child, constantly maintained professional contact with the second nanny, which had a positive effect on Eva's development. As a teacher, Olga Dmitrievna knows how to find an individual approach to the child, owns and skillfully puts into practice the methods of early development of children, knows many children's poems and fairy tales, which is necessary for the development of the baby's speech.


Spent a lot of time sensory development and development fine motor skills. Olga Dmitrievna explained to us why it is so important to use this when working with a child. Olga Dmitrievna contributed to the development of the child's speech.

A letter of recommendation from the parents of the previous pupil, who, if necessary, can make clarifications about the future nanny, is a kind of guarantor of her professionalism and decency. How to make a recommendation for a nanny:

  • The content of a letter of recommendation should be concise and specific in size, no more than one sheet.
  • Information should be objective, reflect both the pros and cons of the employee, of course, that absolutely ideal specialists do not exist.
  • Specify the general data of the nanny: full name, date of birth, passport details, place of registration, terms of cooperation.
  • Indicate the age of the child, describe the responsibilities of the nanny.
  • Describe personal qualities nanny, the properties of her character, which manifested themselves in communication with the child during her work in your family.

In a word, you will learn everything that she herself will not tell about herself if you ask direct questions. The main thing is not to raise doubts with your curiosity, not to arouse caution. All questions should be asked, sort of, by the way. So in the police they catch on contradictions during interrogation, and big scouts fail on trifles. Letter of recommendation A letter of recommendation to a nanny (governess) must contain a formal and an informal part. The formal part of the letter of recommendation shall indicate: surname, name, patronymic of the specialist; the year of her birth or how old she is; passport details and where she lives; terms of work in this family; with which child (gender, age) and what did you do; what was her responsibility. In the informal part of the recommendation, her attitude to work, personal qualities, and the peculiarities of relationships with the child and in the family are described.

Be sure to write: what the nanny taught the child, what progress the child made during the time the nanny worked with him. 7. It’s good if the employer writes: why does the employer recommend this nanny in new family according to her personal and professional qualities. 8. Write the reason for the nanny leaving: the child has grown; moving to another area of ​​the city and the nanny turned out to be a long way to visit the child; the need to change the nanny to a governess; personal reasons for babysitting; any reasons (personal, financial) in the family where the nanny worked, etc.

9. At the end, write: the phone number and full name of the person who wrote the letter of recommendation - so that new employers or representatives of the recruitment agency could call and clarify any information about the nanny.

M.I. helped us choose a gymnasium for Vasily in accordance with his talents and accompanied him to preparatory classes. Our son was always the first in these classes. We have always highly valued the work of Maria Ivanovna and have repeatedly raised her wages. At present, our son Vasily has successfully entered the gymnasium.

Because in this educational institution full-time regime, the need for the services of a governess disappeared. According to M.I. she gave Vasily everything she could and her pedagogical mission is over. We are very grateful to Maria Ivanovna and recommend her as a highly qualified preschool teacher. Ready to answer additional questions by phone.

Characteristics of a nanny sample

The duties of Olga Ivanovna, who worked 5 days a week from 9.00 to 19.00, included: full care for the child, cooking for the child, cleaning the children's room, washing children's things, observing the child's daily routine, games - classes with Alena according to age. Ivanova Olga Ivanovna is a kindergarten teacher by education and she was engaged in the development of our daughter in traditional methods, Considering individual characteristics child (for example, Alena did not want to draw for a long time). My husband and I consider ourselves very lucky to have a nanny. Alena quickly and correctly began to speak, knows a lot of songs and rhymes, draws well and with pleasure, grows up as a contact, cheerful child, favorably differing in development from their peers.
Alena was always waiting for the arrival of Olga Ivanovna, who every time surprised us all with her ingenuity, creativity and optimism.

It's fast and free! Table of contents:

  • Who can make a recommendation?
  • Nanny recommendation letter examples
  • informal part
  • What should an employer pay attention to when choosing a governess?
  • What to do if the nanny does not have references from the previous job?

Who can make a recommendation? Letters of recommendation are written to the nanny by people who used her services, but stopped working with her on various reasons. The letter consists of a formal and non-formal part. The formal part should contain:

  • full name

The formal part should contain:

Petrova Olga Vasilevna, born in 1969, passport data 0000, No 000000, issued by (....), registered at the address Moscow, st. Zelyonaya 142. kv.51, worked in our family as a nanny from February 12, 2002 to June 15, 2004. Olga Vasilievna was engaged in the care, care and development of our daughter Natalya (born in 2001). Olga Vasilievna's job responsibilities included:

  1. child feeding;
  2. baby care (bathing, changing clothes, cleaning ears and nose, cutting nails);
  3. daily walks in the fresh air;
  4. cleaning in the children's room;
  5. developmental activities and games appropriate for the age of the child.

informal part

The informal part should display the following:

  • the level of professionalism of the nanny during the performance of their direct duties;
  • some personality traits can be noted;
  • attitude towards the child;
  • attitude towards overtime and requests not included in work duties;
  • reasons for dismissal;
  • why you recommend this particular person to work with your child;
  • contact details of employers.

The informal part might look something like this:

“During her work with us, Olga Vasilievna proved herself to be a highly qualified specialist.

She has a higher pedagogical education and good experience in dealing with young children.

She quickly became friends with our daughter and the child reached out to her.

Olga Vasilievna constantly improves her professional skills, reads specialized literature on the upbringing and care of children.

For all the time of work, the child was fed, clean and well-groomed. In case of illness, the nanny strictly followed the instructions of the pediatrician. Walks with the child took place every day. Olga Vasilievna was not late for work and did not miss it without a good reason.

She was calm about requests to go to the store or stay for a couple of hours. The nursery was always cleaned. The nanny organized her meals on her own.

We are breaking up with our employee because we have assigned our daughter to kindergarten. I recommend Olga Vasilievna for working with young children (1-3 years old).

She is a very responsible, kind, honest woman who loves children. I will answer all your questions regarding the work of a nanny in our family by the specified phone number. Logunova Irina 00-00-00.

What should an employer pay attention to when choosing a governess?

  • identity document;
  • registration is required;
  • sanitary book with a recently passed medical examination, or the result of an examination with the necessary tests;
  • diploma of education;
  • certificate of no criminal record.

At the request of some employers, the nanny must present a passport or driver's license. It depends on the specific case of employment.

The employer needs to check the submitted recommendations.

You should be wary if the question about the reason for the dismissal is followed by an answer about the departure of the former owners abroad.

Often, such a response may hide dismissal due to a conflict with the employer.

If he gets confused in words and phrases and there are inconsistencies in details, then such a recommendation can be written by the nanny's acquaintances, and not by the employer.

Clarify a couple of nuances not specified in the letter.

Watch the video below for some tips on choosing a nanny:

If a candidate for your child's nanny has no characteristics from a previous job, but she claims to have experience, please specify what is meant by it? Perhaps such a woman did not work in families, but raised her own children or grandchildren.

Ask what methods of education she used, how she looked after the kids and all the necessary information. If the candidate, in general, suits you, but she has no recommendations, you can assign her a trial period of several days, during which she will perform her duties under your supervision.

In conclusion, we note that when hiring a nanny, you should take this issue seriously because you trust her with the most precious thing you have. The development of character and the upbringing of the baby depend on the qualifications of such a person. Now you know how to write a letter of recommendation for a nanny.

There are quite a lot of applicants for the vacancy of a nanny, having familiarized themselves with which, employers, as a rule, pay special attention to resumes and profiles of nannies that have recommendations from previous employers.

So what is the right way to write a letter of recommendation for a nanny in order to attract the attention of an employer? A letter of recommendation can be written in a free form, but it must contain information and contacts about those families where your nanny previously worked. As a rule, the decisive factor for hiring is how the nanny will be presented in a letter of recommendation, because the comfort of the child, his psychological development, the safety of not only the baby, but the whole family as a whole will depend on this choice.

The letter of recommendation must also indicate the full name of the nanny, her age, work experience, what children she dealt with in a different family, what was in her duties at a different place of work. Was it a live-in babysitting job or was it a few hour activity and other equally important factors. Those. it should be described how the nanny has proven herself in relation to the child, whether she fulfilled her duties, why cooperation ceased.

It is worth noting that the more emotionally colorful a recommendation from a past employer is written, the more likely it is to interest a new one.

We offer to consider an example of what a letter of recommendation for a nanny looks like:

Ilyukhina Marina Viktorovna, born in 1988, who lives at the address: Zelenograd, st. Lenina d. 21, apt. 20 (passport (series and number, registration), worked as a nanny in our family for 3 years, from May 2011 to June 2014 (from 1 year to 4 years).

Her responsibilities included:

Full care for our daughter Marya, as well as her upbringing and development.
Cooking healthy meals for the daughter, cleaning the child's room, washing and ironing the children's things, preparing the child for kindergarten. Nanny lived with us.

Ilyukhina M.V. She has established herself as an experienced and competent specialist in the upbringing of the child and his development. For example, our Marya did not want to dance for a long time, but Marina Viktorovna gently and not intrusively managed to captivate her with this activity.

Our family and I confidently declare that we still need to look for a nanny better than Marina Viktorovna, our daughter loves her, she always looks forward to her arrival, and we have always been calm, our child is safe and under supervision.

Marina Viktorovna not only knows, but also has an excellent command of the practical skills of the early development of children. Carefully and responsibly refers to the recommendations and requests of parents. Knows how to gently convince the child of the need to perform certain actions. For example, Marya, without a whim, agreed to stop watching her favorite cartoon in order to put her toys in their places.
Our cooperation ended as the daughter went to kindergarten. The nanny prepared her and at first took her and picked her up, she helped the child to adapt in kindergarten. By the way, the nanny herself recommended that the baby should spend more time with her peers, learn to communicate with other children and adults before school.

You will definitely be satisfied if you invite Marina Viktorovna to be a nanny to your child. She is a wonderful, decent and very responsible person, as well as a professional in her field.

For more information, please contact our family.
Kungurtsev Daria, Vasily (home, mobile phone numbers).

The tradition of writing letters of recommendation in Russia dates back to the 19th century, when governesses working in families were required to provide written recommendations from previous owners. Abroad, letters of recommendation are used in full measure - without the recommendations of families for whom the nanny had previously worked, it is almost impossible to get a new job.

AT last years This trend is regaining popularity in our country. A rare family will agree to hire a person who is known only from his own words, so after parting with a nanny on a positive note, you will probably need to write a letter of recommendation for future employers. In the prepared material, we will talk about how to write a letter of recommendation for a nanny.

A letter of recommendation is written in free form. There are no restrictions from the point of view of the law, but in order for a letter to meet the original purpose of writing it, generally accepted norms should be followed. The letter of recommendation consists of two parts:

  1. The first is the so-called formal part. This part requires the full identification of the nanny, such as full name, age, date of birth, residential address, passport series and number. The same part displays information about the terms of work in the family, explains what gender and age the child interacted with the nanny, and also indicates the full list of duties performed;
  2. The second part, called informal, reflects the personal qualities of the nanny, the particular approach to the child, relationships with other family members and other information that may be potentially useful to the new employer.

As mentioned, a letter of recommendation for a nanny does not have strict restrictions, but it is not recommended to make it too long - it is unlikely that a detailed story about how the employee spent every day in the family will be of interest to new employers. As a last resort, if the parents considering the candidacy of a nanny become interested in the details of her location at the place of her previous employment, they can always call the parents who recommended the nanny to clarify certain information.

Letter text example

The text of the letter is composed as follows:

  • Full name of the nanny, full age, date of birth, place of residence by registration, passport data;
  • Terms of work in the family;
  • Information about the child - gender and age;
  • Designation of the range of duties assigned to the nanny;
  • Describe the character of the employee, positive qualities, identified shortcomings - how the relationship with the child and other family members developed;
  • Describe the results achieved by the nanny during the work with the child;
  • It is advisable to write the reasons, referring to which the employer would recommend hiring the specified candidate;
  • Be sure to indicate the reasons for the separation from the nanny (for example, the child has grown or there is a need to move);
  • Finishing the letter, it is necessary to paint the name of the originator with a contact phone number.

From parents

“Klementieva Oksana Mikhailovna, born in 1984, residing at the address: _________________________

Passport series ____ No. ________, issued by _________________________________________________

Oksana Mikhailovna worked in our family from 2013 to 2016 with our daughter Angelina from one to three years old. Oksana Mikhailovna came 5 days a week, being with the child from 08-00 in the morning until 18-00 in the evening. The duties of Oksana Mikhailovna included: caring for Angelina, cooking with subsequent feeding, walking, playing and developing activities according to age, keeping the child's room and children's accessories clean.

Oksana Mikhailovna has a higher pedagogical education and extensive experience working with children. For a long time she worked as a teacher in a children's preschool, has repeatedly attended courses and seminars to improve her skills, in confirmation of which she has a number of certificates. Oksana Mikhailovna uses her own method of building relationships with a child, as a result of which she very quickly managed to find an approach to our Angelina.

Separately, I would like to note the conscientiousness, accuracy and punctuality of Oksana Mikhailovna, her gentle perseverance and good nature in relation to our daughter, as well as tact and good manners in relation to other family members. Thanks to the efforts of the nanny, Angelina quickly developed speech, thinking, memory and other skills. Great importance Oksana Mikhailovna devoted herself to developing classes, which she conducted in game form. Also, the nanny spent enough time with the baby on the street, choosing outdoor games, taking into account the weather conditions. The girl became very attached to her teacher and waited for Oksana Mikhailovna even on weekends.

The reason why we had to part with Oksana Mikhailovna was that Angelina went to kindergarten. Together with my husband and Oksana Mikhailovna, we came to the conclusion that, despite the excellent individual program development, the child needs communication with peers. The nanny perfectly prepared our daughter for kindergarten, thanks to which the adaptation period was painless.

Klementyeva Oksana Mikhailovna is an excellent teacher and a wonderful person who treats a child with love and responsibility. Based on my observations over the years of working in our family of Oksana Mikhailovna, I can say with confidence that you can completely rely on her. I didn't see any cons in her work. If you have any questions, I'm ready to provide more detailed information regarding the work of Klementieva O.M in our family by phone: __________________________________

Tarasova Irina Nikolaevna

Date, signature.

From the employer

The letter from the employer is written on general principles applied to written recommendations. The main difference from a letter of recommendation to a nanny written by parents is that the employer must indicate the full name of the organization or recruitment agency and certify the finished letter not only with a signature, but also with a seal.

Sample letter of recommendation from a recruitment agency


Children are the most valuable and dear thing in life, therefore, the choice of the person to whom the child will be entrusted should be approached with extreme caution. Even if the candidate has written recommendations from previous places of work, it would be useful to contact the guarantors on their own in order to double-check the information and once again make sure that the written text fully corresponds to the applicant in reality.

Despite the best laudatory recommendations, the new nanny needs to check personal documents, medical certificates and, just in case, make copies of them. As for education, it may not always play a primary role. For example, a person with a pedagogical education who has seniority in children's institutions, they may not be able to find an individual approach to the child, while the nanny, without being a teacher, can easily become practically a new member of the family.

When choosing a suitable nanny, considering candidates, it is necessary to focus on the reasons for the applicant's departure from her previous job. If, in response to such a question, one has to hear information that the reason for leaving is related to the family moving abroad, this should at least alert. Of course, such a scenario is possible, but, on the other hand, such an answer may indicate the dishonesty of the employee who provided “fake” recommendations written by herself or someone from her environment. Therefore, when it comes to the life and health of your own child, despite the best written recommendations, you should definitely double-check the information provided.

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But now the presence of such letters is a big plus for job seekers when applying for a job, and in some companies it has even become a necessity.

What do you need

The word "recommendation" denotes a non-binding resolution. Therefore, such a letter cannot be considered as a guarantee of employment. It only provides additional chances for approval of the candidacy.

The purpose of a letter of recommendation is to confirm the qualities indicated in the resume by the applicant. It must produce good impression on the employer and convince him, if not to hire a person, then at least take him on a trial period.

Analyzing the personalities of all candidates, the recruiter will definitely pay attention to the person who provided such a document from the previous place of work. This means that he left without conflicts, and the authorities treated him well and appreciated his professional skills.

If in the resume the applicant can embellish some facts about himself, then the person giving the recommendation will tell the whole truth, as he does not want to lose his own reputation.

It is strongly not recommended to forge letters, it is better to do without them at all. After all, even if they don’t catch a lie right away, they can find out about it in the future, after getting a job. And not every manager is ready to tolerate an employee who deceives him.

Paperwork must be brought with you to the interview. But you should not immediately pass them on to the interviewer at the meeting. It is better to do this after the question of the reasons for leaving the last place of employment.

Filling rules

Even though a letter of recommendation does not have a strict form, it should not be forgotten that it refers to business documents. Therefore, the writing style should be similar. You need to write competently and accurately, without errors and corrections, clearly express thoughts.

  • title of the document;
  • information about the recommender;
  • the time the applicant worked at the previous place and his job responsibilities;
  • professional and personal qualities of the applicant;
  • progress achieved in the performance of official duties;
  • reason for dismissal;
  • an appeal to a new employer, a recommendation to hire a former employee;
  • contact details and details of the organization and the originator of the letter (for the possibility of double-checking information);
  • date of compilation, signature of the compiler;
  • company seal (if applicable).

To achieve the greatest effectiveness, the recommendation should contain real examples of the employee's success, but do not use routine phrases like "he took the initiative" and "showed himself to be executive and responsible."

Each recruiter in the letter wants to see answers to specific questions: do the candidate's professional qualities correspond to those sought for, for what reason he had to leave his previous job.

A letter of recommendation may be needed by people working in various fields. So, it will be very important for such specialties in which certain skills and work experience are needed, without them the employee is of little value.

For a lawyer:

For babysitter:

For housekeeper:

Focusing on the above samples, you can write a letter of recommendation yourself, or you can simply download and fill out a ready-made form.

What mistakes can be made

To prevent this from happening, you should avoid these errors:

  1. You can not write a letter of recommendation without first getting acquainted with the position desired for the candidate.
  2. Careless design, lack of spaces, different fonts, errors and omissions are unacceptable.
  3. Do not use pictures, diagrams, emoticons, colored fonts in the document.
  4. You can not insert artistic additions into the text, slang, it is better to decipher the abbreviation.
  5. Excessive praise can arouse suspicion, do not exaggerate the merits of a former employee, as well as criticize him too much.
  6. You should not be unfounded, it is desirable to confirm all the facts.

In order for a letter of recommendation to have an effect, to impress the employer, you should devote a lot of time and effort to writing it. It shouldn't be too dry. The recommender should talk about the achievements of the candidate, not forgetting to back up the information with examples.