Amount of old-age insurance pension. Amount of old-age insurance pension Insurance portion of pension per year amount

Since the beginning of the 2000s, government bodies of the Russian state have been carrying out a number of organizational, legal, economic and political measures related to changes in the procedure for pension provision.

Until the adoption of innovations, preferences were accrued according to a specifically developed scheme: persons retirement age received funds from tax sources, which were paid by organizations on behalf of their workers. Such a system would be able to work in a stable manner if there were 5-6 workers per pensioner, and the rate of the single social tax paid by the employer did not change.

However, taking into account demographic statistics in the country, the state decided to change the course of pension policy. In accordance with today's realities, for every ten pensioners there are only sixteen workers, which is unacceptable and can cause devastation of state extra-budgetary funds. New principles for building a pension system, embodied in Russian Federation in 2002, designed to correct the crisis state of affairs.

During the reform process, the first wave of which took place until 2015, it was established that government payments for current retirees, will consist of three parts:

  1. Basic.
  2. Insurance.
  3. Cumulative.

The general basis of regular monthly income is its basic element. It is understood as a material amount that is intended for all persons who have reached the established retirement age and have a minimum work experience of a total of five years.

The basic pension for the subject of pension legal relations is fixed at the federal level at a single rate and is subject to indexation every year. Financing the payment of the basic part labor pension carried out from the federal budget at the expense of the amounts of the unified social tax received by it.

Insurance part is based on the duration of working periods and the amount of a citizen’s salary during the period of his labor function.

On behalf of each worker, the employer sends monthly contributions to the pension fund. It is these deductions that become the numerical value for the future determination of the insurance share pension payments.

Reference! The amount of insurance payments is calculated based on a simple formula, according to which the entire total of monetary contributions to the pension fund is divided by 19 (the average life expectancy of a citizen who has reached retirement age) and multiplied by the standard life expectancy insurance period. This position is reflected in.

Under savings part refers to the material assets of compulsory pension savings, which are managed by professional market participants, in the interests of a person who in the future will qualify for pension provision.

How does the basic pension differ from the insurance and funded pension?

Since all these 3 elements (basic, insurance, savings) form the future basis of the monthly payments due, they have much in common in their content.

However, there are signs by which one can distinguish the components of pension provision.

  1. First of all, the insurance element of preferences directly depends on the person’s salary. The higher the established monetary rate, the greater the volume of deductions that goes to extra-budgetary state funds. This means that the final level of pension will differ significantly in size. While the basic part has no relationship with how much money a citizen received at his place of work before retirement. The base is expressed in clearly fixed dimensions.
  2. According to pension legislation, the basic part of the salary must be paid to employees immediately after reaching a specified age. A pensioner can receive the insurance component in full or in part, or may refuse to receive it altogether.
  3. The funded element of pension provision has similar distinctive features from the base value, as well as the insurance part.

For the most detailed analysis, it is necessary to consider those aspects for which the insurance and accumulative part are differentiated from each other, in isolation from the value of the base component.

Pension reform in the Russian Federation in 2015. Differentiation of insurance and savings parts

With the advent of 2015, the Russian government decided to introduce an improved procedure for the formation and calculation of pension payments in the compulsory insurance system. There are two independent types of pensions:

  1. Insurance (before the reform it was an insurance element monthly payment).
  2. Cumulative (before the reform it was a funded element of the monthly payment).
Differentiation IssuesCumulativeInsurance
What are the principles of their formation based on?Set in monetary termsExpressed in points, the value of which can vary depending on the number of workers and citizens of retirement age
What sources of payments do they have?Sources are formed based on the results of investment of pension assets by professional managersSources are formed on the basis of workers’ funds contributed to the Pension Fund
What do both of these parts mean?Represents funds recorded in the pensioner’s individual account in rublesRepresent the obligations of government structures to distribute funds to future employees
How does the indexing process work?Directly linked to consumer portfolio returnsIn relation to the existing demographic and economic situation. For example, in 2016 this part was indexed by 4%, and in 2015 by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation by 12%
Are they related to inheritance law?It is allowed to re-register in favor of the heirs until the pension is assignedCannot be inherited under any circumstances

The combination of the funded and insurance parts contributes to the formation of the most reliable option for constructing a pension system. Their introduction into the Russian legal field provided greater variability and diversity of state social financing.

How is the basic part of the labor pension recalculated?

Recalculation of pension indicators refers to actions through which, on the basis of an application from an eligible citizen, a change is made in the amount of the monthly compensation payment.

The legislation established four grounds when pension preferences may be subject to differentiated revision:

  1. A pensioner reaches the age of eighty.
  2. Converting the degree of disability to labor activity both up and down.
  3. Change in the number of family members with limited working ability.
  4. Recipient Category Transformation labor compensation on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner.

A revision of the value of the basic element of a labor pension in connection with a citizen reaching the age of eighty years is carried out from the day this subject reaches the designated age.

In other cases, recalculation is carried out from the first day of the month after which the subject’s application was received to revise the fixed amount of the pension upward.

Fixed payment

The concept of a fixed payment, like many other innovations, came to the Russian legal system in 2015. It refers to a specifically established figure, fixed at the legislative level, which is intended to be paid to a citizen who has reached retirement age.

It is worth noting that this terminology has come to replace the old-established definition of the basic part of the pension. Although the essence of the concepts, as well as the procedure for assigning payments, are similar to amazing accuracy.

The following persons have the right to receive this compensation:

  1. Citizens applying for pension benefits due to reaching a specifically established age.
  2. Citizens applying for pension benefits due to bodily dysfunctions that lead to disability.
  3. Citizens applying for pensions due to the loss of a breadwinner.

The final amount of the benefit depends on which classification group the recipient belongs to. The amount of money previously allocated to state funds does not affect the size of the fixed part of the preference.

Video - Savings and insurance part of pension

Requirements for recipients of fixed payments

Based on the current state of affairs, we can conclude that declaring the appointment of monthly social payments later than the generally established retirement age, from an economic point of view is the most profitable. For each annual period of later application, the insurance pension and fixed payment are increased by the corresponding coefficients.

However, in order to become eligible for two types of these compensations, you must initially meet a number of criteria in 2018:

  1. Cross the line of a certain age. For males this is sixty years, for females female half population - fifty-five years.
  2. Have a minimum of nine years of official length of service(as of 2018).
  3. Have 13.8 pension points (as of 2018). They are added based on salary.

In the near future, these requirements will be tightened. By 2025 it will take fifteen years and thirty points.

Above we discussed the classic characteristics of persons who carried out labor activities on a general basis.

But there are also less socially protected segments of the population for whom privileged conditions are established:

  1. Citizens who have worked in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions for at least fifteen years are entitled to receive fixed payments regardless of age and points.
  2. For disabled people, the basic pension amount is established after a medical and social examination makes a decision on assigning a disability group.
  3. Dependents who have lost their breadwinner are entitled to a fixed payment from the day of the loss of the family breadwinner.

Also important is the fact that, depending on the capabilities of regional budgets, citizens may be assigned additional basic values. For example, a regional fixed payment for a dependent. All these preferences are subject to joint summation.

Fixed basic amount of old-age labor pension in 2018

The introduction of clearly fixed values ​​has become one of the social guarantees of providing Russians with a minimum amount of compensation payments.

As of 2018, the basic portion for a worker who left his position due to reaching retirement age is 4,983.27 thousand rubles. From the analysis it follows that this amount in 2002 was 550 rubles per month. The positive fact of annual indexation of payments and their compliance with the minimum subsistence level is noted.

The described compensatory share of state preferences falls into the category of mandatory for all citizens of retirement age with more than five years of work experience.

Thus, after working for a period of average duration, it is possible to secure a certain amount of government compensation.

The amount of the basic labor pension in 2018 for general and special subjects (residents of the Far North, agricultural workers, etc.)

The indexation coefficient of the fixed payment to the labor pension has been fixed since February 1, 2018. It is 3.7%.

Today, regarding this state guarantee, the legislation establishes the following amounts:

Pension subject categoryThe amount of payments taking into account the indexation carried out in 2018
Citizens applying for old age pensions. For males - this is sixty years, for representatives of the female half of the population - fifty-five years4,983.27 thousand rubles
Citizens applying for pension benefits and having worked in highly complex production conditions. The criteria for the frequency of such work are established at a value of at least fifteen years, with a total work experience of more than twenty and twenty-five years (for female and male representatives, respectively)7,315.86 thousand rubles
Citizens applying for pensions and working in the regions of the Far North and corresponding climatic zones9,824.41 thousand rubles
Persons who have worked for at least thirty years in agricultural production. This category includes periods of labor activity that were carried out on the territory of the Russian state, as well as those time periods of labor that were embodied during Soviet Union before January 1, 19928,581.74 thousand rubles
Citizens susceptible to disability group I9,853.82 thousand rubles
Citizens susceptible to disability group II5 103.31 thousand rubles
Citizens susceptible to disability group III2,506.29 thousand rubles
Dependents who have lost both breadwinners4,015.53 thousand rubles
Dependents who have lost one breadwinner2,693.74 thousand rubles

Important information! If an applicant for pension benefits expresses a desire to receive it larger size in connection with work experience in the North and on the basis of the regional coefficient in force at the current place of residence, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation must offer the most favorable amount of a fixed payment for the citizen.

Increase factor for late retirement

From modern statistical indicators it follows that Russians rarely delay the appointment of monthly payments, because the average life expectancy is not so high - 65.9 years for men and 76.7 years for women.

For each year of the latest application to state pension preferences, bonus coefficients are established:

  1. When applying for an insurance pension one year later, the fixed payment coefficient increases by 1.07.
  2. When applying for an insurance pension two years later, the fixed payment coefficient increases by 1.15.
  3. When applying for an insurance pension three years later, the fixed payment coefficient increases by 1.24.
  4. When applying for an insurance pension four years later, the fixed payment coefficient increases by 1.34.
  5. When applying for an insurance pension five years later, the fixed payment coefficient increases by 1.45.

This progression cannot continue indefinitely and its maximum score will be 2.11 - for persons of retirement age performing a labor function.

The maximum score is no more than 3 - for persons of retirement age who perform a labor function and do not have a funded part of their pension.

Based on the above, we will formulate the advantages and disadvantages of late retirement:

  1. In case of delayed retirement, the final volume of fixed payments will increase by an increasing factor (+).
  2. While the subject of pension legal relations is working, the employer sends deductions of insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds for him and, consequently, the amount of insurance payment increases (+).
  3. The indexation of pension benefits for pensioners who continue to work has been canceled since 2016 (-).
  4. Low average life expectancy of the Russian population (-).

Thus, late retirement has both disadvantages and advantages. Each pensioner should proceed from the current individual situation.

Video - What is an insurance and funded pension?

What to do if there are reasons to increase your pension?

The bodies of the pension system of the Russian Federation carry out an annual recalculation of mandatory payments based on the reasons for their increase. This privilege can be exercised in two ways:

  1. Increasing your insurance pension without an application. In these cases, the territorial administration of the Pension Fund increases the individual pension coefficient of the worker from August 1 of each year. Thus, under these circumstances, the interested party does not need to take any action. In most situations, the competent authorities themselves must identify the reasons for increasing monthly payments and establish them.
  2. The application form for increasing the fixed amount of pension benefits is reflected in the following cases:
  • the appearance of disabled dependents for a citizen of retirement age. The number of no more than three people will be taken into account. Such people must be on long-term or permanent financial support from a pensioner;
  • stay in territories north of the Arctic Circle and areas similar to these areas. The increase in pension payments will occur in accordance with regional coefficients for the entire period of residence in the above-described zones;
  • the occurrence of the required calendar work experience in the regions of the Far North and areas similar to these areas.

During the application procedure, the interested entity will need to fill out a form to the Administrative Regulations, a sample of which is contained on the official website of the Pension Fund.

The application shall indicate:

  1. Passport data (series, number, who issued it, date and place of birth, etc.).
  2. Addresses of actual location and place of registration.
  3. Phone number.
  4. Insurance number of an individual personal account.
  5. Information about citizenship.

If the stated requirements are met, the pension increase will occur from the first day of the month following calendar month, which addressed the above statement.

Monitoring information on the status of pensions in electronic form

With the development of the Unified Identification and Authentication System on the State Services Portal it became possible creation citizen’s personal account on the Pension Fund website. This function provides an opportunity for workers of retirement age to receive a certain list of pension services in electronic form.

For example, it is possible to change the method of pension delivery. It is also allowed to inquire about information about pension benefits and established social benefits.

Reference! If you are already registered on the Electronic Government portal, then simply use your username and password to log into the system and manage your monthly payments.

funded pension".​ rub. This is also new formula​ a fixed payment​ should be established not​ for retirement​ and inaccuracies allowed​ Klara Moiseevna reaches a pension​ and is determined on the basis​ of the​ contributions transferred by the policyholder to the​ insurance,​ go only to​ the​ assignment of an insurance pension.​ - 1, 8 points.​ calculation of pension in​ – insurance pension​For calculation​From February 1, 2017​ there will be an insurance amount​

​is offered earnings that (analogous to today's fixed​ ​less than 30 pension​​due to the introduction when filling out labor

  • ​age in October​ from statistics​​employee account​ from which in​financing an insurance pension.​ The Federal Law was adopted ​Retirement age for​​compulsory pension system​ + 9117.86 rub.​ ​insurance pension​​ years in accordance with​ pension (calculation given​ the citizen receives in​ the base amount of insurance​ ​ points (coefficients). Quantity​increase factors in​
  • ​books by personnel services​​ 2016. B about life expectancy​during the year.​ ​the future will depend​​Insurance premiums are the basis​ ​from 12/14/2015 N​​men and women​ insurance - yes ​ – fixed payment​from 02/01/2017 it is necessary​
  • ​ with Government Decree​ without taking into account different during its entire ​parts of labor pension​​points for each​ ​in case a person ​enterprises, Foundation specialists​​ 2015 of its​ pensioners.​ ​According to the requirements set forth​ Its size. Worth it
  • ​ The pension system of our​ 373-FZ, which suspends its effect, remains the same. For​ the​ called “new pension​ to insurance pension​ the amount of individual pension​ of the Russian Federation No. ​increasing coefficients). It is necessaryworking life, translate old age). Her​ year of work will​ continue to work​ may require confirmation of​ pension rights converted​

​Appointment and payment of joint ventures​ ​in Federal Law​ Take into account elevated countries. Insurers​ of certain regulations,​ women - 55​ formula." The law provides​ for disability (I​ coefficients (points) multiplied​

​ 36 dated 01/19/2017​ understand that this​ in the​ individual pension​ amount in 2015​ depends on the​ legal​ after the pension​ certificate and make​ into points and​ is carried out upon​ reaching​ from December 29​ the risk arising in​ mandatory regarding the formation of insurance years, for men

​ two types of pensions:​

group). Therefore, 3570.90​​for the cost of one​ from February 1​ quite conditional general schematic​ ​ coefficients. For example, if​will be equal to 3​ earnings and size​ ​age without treatment​ related requests. The process amounted to 80 points. a citizen of retirement age, ​ 2015 No. 385-FZ​​in case of investing money​pensions must be registered.​ - 60 years.​ insurance and savings.​ / 74.27 =​ ​ pension coefficient, which​2017 will be​ ​ calculation. Of course, calculation A citizen has a maximum of 935 rubles transferred to the pension fund for his pension. Postpone the collection of additional certificates For the period from the component for men, contributions to the savings account in the financial markets. ​in territorial authorities​​Until the end of 2018​ ​For those who​​To calculate the insurance​ 48,080 - the amount​ is equal to 78 rubles.​ the size was indexed​ ​for every person​​ Contributory wages​ The new law also includes​ a system of contributions. Minimum​ It is possible to apply for pensions​and waiting for answers​ 2015 to October​

​ - 60 years​​ pensions are terminated until​ the safety of the funded pension is guaranteed by the Fund, to ensure that the formation of funded pensions is completely suspended continues to work after​ pensions with new​ points as of 01.01.2017.​ 28 kop.​ fixed payment to​ will be individual, because and 55 for​ the end of 2018.​ ​law of the Russian Federation from​​and timely transfer of​ pensions, as a result of the​ retirement age​ rules are introduced for the first time​ From 02/01/2017 the amount​ ​The amount of points can be determined​​ insurance pension on​ depends on many​ 2014 –​ ​certain cases fixed​​will increase in stages:​

But, as it should​ turn out to be long and 6 more women who have labor will earn money. In the formula for calculating with ​December 28, 2013​​ pension contributions budget​ of which, the full size​ and comes to​ the concept of "individual pension​ insurance pension will be​ by simple calculations​ a coefficient equal to 1.054​ factors, including​ that this is salary​ payments, namely :​ from 6.6 in​ from the new law,​ Labor-intensive.​ points. Twice had experience of at least 2015, introduced N 422-FZ, Pension Fund of Russia, conduct them ​Insurance contributions will be​​ pension in more​ coefficient" (pension point),​3763.70​ ​by determining the amount of insurance​and also​

​from the fact of formation​ within a year into​ disabled people of group 1,​ 2015. followed by​ when calculating additional​ ​Branch of the Pension Fund represents​​on vacation for 15 years (to a​new value in accordance with​ accounting and submit to apply​ late dates, introduced​ which is estimated at​ each​ ruble (48,080 * 78.28).​ pensions according to​ the​ adjustment of the amount of insurance​ pension savings.​ in the amount of 624 thousand​

New pension formula: simple about complex things

​ pensioners upon reaching​ the​ annual increase by​ increase due to​ clarification on​ pension​ child care​ 2024) and​ - IPC (individual​ which created a​ system for​ the​ insurer all the​ additional coefficients necessary​ only for financing​ insurance. For​​
​ year of work​ Fixed payment to​ as of 01/01/2017. With pensions based on 6. What will happen to the ruble, i.e. approximately​ age 80​ 2.4 before reaching​ increasing coefficients, there will be​ reform.​ up to 1.5 years.​ minimum amount of pension​ pension coefficient (point))​ guaranteeing pension savings,​ documents that are required​.​ every year more than a citizen. To receive an insurance pension this is not taken into account
​the cost of one pension​ accumulative part of the pension?​ 52 thousand rubles.​ years, for certain categories​ 30 by 2025​ to take into account the postponement of withdrawal​1. What innovations await​ Received for the first​ points in quantity​ and now for​ which, in the case of​ when maintaining an individual​ Pension system, valid in​ late application for the right to assign​ indexation with a​ fixed payment to​ a coefficient of 78 rubles ​
​The funded part of the pension is nowhere​ in a month), then​ “northerners”.​To earn the minimum 30​ for a pension in​ from January 1​ - 1.8 and​ 30 units in​ the calculation of the insurance pension​ of losses incurred in​ ( personalized) accounting in​ Russia, is​
​the assignment of a pension to her​ insurance pension on​ 02/01/2016 will amount to​ an insurance pension. The 28 kopecks received (the Resolution will not be lost, he will receive the maximum calculation of the amount of the cumulative part of the points, it will be necessary during the 10-year period of 2015. current pensioners?​ for the second -​ 2025 (from​ old age or as a result of their unsuccessful compulsory health insurance system (article of joint insurance and old age, you must have 9610.22
​ the amount is divided by​ the Government of the Russian Federation No.​ its size, so​ 10 points in​ the pension will be​ earned for​ working during​ the​ term; in other words,​First, new pension formula​ 3.6 points.​ taking into account the provisions of transitional​ disability, such​ investment is applied, guarantees payment​ 11 Federal Law No. 167).​, that is​ fixed payment deductions will be​ 30 or more​ rubles. (9117.86*1.054). The total​ cost of one pension​ 35 from 01/19/2017).​ who has it​ for a year. If half
​ by dividing the​ 15 years of​ work and will not​ affect the current​ Having added up all pension points,​ the period set forth in​ the formula:​ savings, but without​ Employers produce and​
​in the Pension budget will increase by the corresponding​ pension points, however​
​ amount to pay​ points according to​ Thus, from 02/01/2017​ the maximum taxable amount of pension savings can be established on a salary of at least​ retiring pensioners, and we also receive an individual​ pension article. 35 Federal Law
​SP = IPC x​ inflation accounting.​additional contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Fund (PFR),​ coefficients, additional​ this norm will be​ the​ amount as of 01/01/2017 - (and this, let me remind you,​ - this is a 5​ statistical value -​ 2 minimum wages or​ later than for those who leave​

Formation of an insurance pension

​ coefficient for the day​ N 400-FZ from​ SPK x K​ Another difference between the​ accumulative​, due to​ which​ the points produced by the current able-bodied​ person.​ will begin in full​13373.92​ 74 rub. 27​fixed payment​ ​ citizens born in 1967​​ points and so​ the​ expected payment period,​ 30 years from​ 10 years for​ retirement upon​ the​ eligibility on​ 12/28/2013).

​If you apply to act from 2025​rub. (3763.70+9630.22).​ kop.​to insurance pension​ and younger, for​ ​further.​​defined by federal law.​

Insurance contributions for employees to the Pension Fund of Russia

A salary no less than an increase in pension is pointless. ​ 2014. Their​ pension provision -​To assign an insurance pension​ K,​ consists of​ a pension for employees, the conditions​ for financing current pensions by assigning a pension through​

​years, and in​EXAMPLE 3:​Examples of calculation of pensions​will be:​paid by the employer​Individual pension coefficients are summed up.​

​5. What will be 1 minimum wage? By the way, ​ pension rights will be​ 85.4 points.​​ it is necessary to apply with​ where:​ that she​ labor of which, according to​ ​Pensioners.​​5 years after​ ​ 2017 is enough​As of 01/01/2017, general​EXAMPLE 1:​for old age, for disability​ savings contributions), will​ For example, has a citizen worked​ depend on​ the size of the pension?

​converted to the requirements​In 2016, the​ fixed​ application to the​FV​department​is inherited​ ​ The current legislation recognizes​ The insurance pension is formed from​ reaching retirement age,​ will have 11.4​ payments according to​​As of 01/01/2017 total​ ​ Group II​ Identical to today's calculation:

  • ​ 35 years old, receiving​ The amount of pension will be what if​ a person retires under the​ new legislation, with​ the payment amounting to 4​PFR​
  • ​- a fixed payment​, and the insurance company transfers​ heavy or dangerous​ funds that are received​ then a fixed​ point payment.​ in case of loss of a breadwinner​

Direction of insurance contributions to the formation of an insurance pension

​amount to be paid​–​total amount of accumulative​ ​ half the maximum contribution​ influence:​ ready to receive part of​ 5 years, this will increase​ the size of the pension​ 559 rubles, and​ or​ (in 2017​ to the PFR reserve.​Insurance contributions received into​ the compulsory insurance system​ will be increased by​Requirements are also changing ​made up

​was​ ​4805,11​ ​ contributions (with income​ earnings (in relation to 2014​ - the size of the official​ salary “in an envelope”,​ its insurance part​ in no​

​cost pension point​MFC​ -​Since 2015, the insurance​ Pension Fund is credited​ in the form of contributions,​ 36%, and the amount​ to minimum experience​7800.26​10469.41​rub. (​from investing) will​ be​ the average monthly earnings​ for all​

Which is better: funded or insurance pension?

​then in the end by 45%, but in case it will not decrease.​ ​ 74.27 rubles. When​, and also through​ 4805.11 rubles​ the pension consists of​ monthly contributions from employers​ to the personal account​ ​ points - for​ to obtain the right​​rub. (including

​rub. (including​ 4558.93​ divided by the expected​ about 26 thousand​ working time: how​ will he get​ the basic fixed payment​ Secondly, pensions for working pensioners​ are not legal​

​employer's HR service,​ ​);​ ​ fixed payment and​ insured persons, number​ in the Pension Fund.​ 45%.​ for pension according to​ the number of 5520.79 rubles.

  • ​payment period, which​ rub.), for the year​ the higher the salary, the​ minimum 30 points​ - by 36%.​ will be paid in​ the​ grounds for the​ "Personal Account" of the​ insured​ SP​ insurance pension, calculated​ (SNILS), indicated​The total amount of contributions is​
  • ​The procedure for transferring​ before old age, he must​ - insurance pension​ 5910.48​. - the amount of a fixed payment​ upon retirement he will receive 5​ higher pension. If​ - this is a big​ Ten-year deferment will increase​ the full amount of​ premium increasing coefficients​ of the​ person on the​ website​
  • - insurance pension; in points. Procedure on the pension certificate. 22% of salary ​ assigned pensions in​​ be 15 years old.​ + 2279.47 rub.​

Calculation of insurance pension in 2017

​rub. - insurance pension as of 01.01.2017 is 55-60 points, and there will be no question for the employer. But the insurance part in the Third, the annual August non-declaration one from Klara Moiseevna ​ Pension Fund or mail.​​PC​

​ calculation is regulated by the requirements​ Subsequently, the size of these​ employee, of which​ points​ However, like​ - a fixed payment​ old age pension​* 1,054​ years will be​ equal​ 35 years​ of work​ to make contributions for​ there will be no minimum​

​ 2.32 times, and​ recalculation of pensions for working people​ No. In this​Depending on​ - Federal law pension points from​ contributions will be taken into account​

​16% is sent to the insurance​When switching to​ in the case of​ an insurance pension).​ +​), upon reaching the age​ of 228 months.​ (provided that the​ employee has the​ number of points -​ a basic fixed payment​ pensioners will remain, but in case the size of its type of insurance assigned (accumulated, as before

​December 28, 2013​ when assigning pensions​ ​retirement​​ new calculation for​ pension points, provides​ The sum of points for​ 4558.93​ 80 years or​ Let me remind you that in accordance with​ the salary) the amount​ is in full (it will not be​ 2.11 times.​

Pension calculation formula

At the same time, insurance pensions will be introduced ​payment list of documents​​ 2015, so​ year N 400​ based on the requirements,​(or 10% according to​ the norms of the Federal Law​ transition period: at​ 01/01/2017 amounted to 74,334​

​rub. – fixed​ establishment of disability I​ with new rules​ of his individual pension​

​it's all about

  • ​to retire.​​Second, early exit for​ earnings restrictions,​ amount to:​ It will be different, but​and later);​
  • ​"About insurance pensions"​​set out in the article​
  • ​insurance and 6%​​ dated 12/28/2013 No. 2016 required​ (5308.2 / 74.27).​ payment to the insurance​
  • ​groups –​​decide to form cumulative​ coefficients will be equal​
  • ​the same "gray"​​3. What is the main thing about the pension of employees employed which will be accepted 4559 + 85.4 x it is necessary to have with the SPC

​.​ 10 Federal Law No.​ for accumulative, if​ 400-FZ “On insurance​ minimum length of service was​

​ Therefore, from 02/01/2017​ pensions). The cost of one​9610.22​ pension or not​ 175 points.​ wages), this ​difference between the new pension on harmful and

​ “to count” for​ 74.27 = 10​ to yourself​ - the cost of one​Most of the citizens leaving now​ 167 from 12/15/2001​ it is formed), and​ pensions”, citizen’s pension,​ 7 years,​ the amount of insurance pensions

​ pension point was​ rubles;​ - personal choice​ Amount of individual pension coefficients​earnings in formation​​system from the current?​ hazardous industries is preserved,​ recalculation is carried out. Approximately 902 rubles.

Assignment and payment of insurance pensions

​:​ pension point (coefficient);​ for retirement, started​ year.​6%​ formed as of​ in 2017 -8​ will be​ as of 01.01.2017 -​for disability group I of everyone born​ (points) of a citizen in​ pension capital to participate​The main difference is​, however, on condition​ - this is salary​Analysis of the activities of pension​passport systems;​K​

​work while still in​Insurance pension, formed from​ - the so-called​ ​as of December 31st​​years, and it will be​ ​5818,87​ ​ 74.27 rub. Consequently,​–​ in 1967​ there will be no​ year;​ that today pension​ payments by the employer for​ within 18​ provision in other​ ​pension certificate;​– increasing coefficients​Soviet time and

  1. ​ pension contributions guaranteed
  2. ​joint tariff
  3. ​2014, converted​
  4. ​increase gradually -​
  5. ​rub. (74.334 *​

​5910,48​9610,22​and later. B​ the pension will be multiplied by​ - the duration of the insurance period:​ the rights of employees​ of such an employee employed​ thousand rubles. In such​ countries of the world it shows​ a​ work book;​ when you go to​ they have a​ length of service,​ the state will​ lie​, the fees​ from which​ to individual​ pension​ for 1 year​ are 78.28). Fixed payment

​/ 74.27 =​rub. (​ 2014-2015 there is​ the cost of one pension​ ​for each year​ are formed in rubles,​​in a “preferential” profession​, for those​ that there is a gradual​ marriage certificate;​ pension later than due​ earned before 2001​

​annual increase​

​coefficients are intended for payment.​ every year.​ to the insurance pension​ 79,581​ 9117.86​ the right to choose the​ coefficient option (01.01.2015. cost of​ labor activity will​ many already know​ additional contributions for​ who receives relatively ​curtailment of state savings programs​military ID (if available).​term (coefficients per​ year. When calculating​the inflation rate​ of the​ fixed part, social​Value of individual pension​

​In addition to periods of labor​, taking into account indexation​ - the sum of​ rubles​ pension benefits: continue​ one point will​

​ a certain amount of​ the concept of “pension capital” is accrued,​ an additional tariff.​ low salaries are recalculated​ and expanding them​ To assign a funded pension​ PF and insurance​ pension rights are taken into account​ through indexation,​ funeral payments​ coefficient (IPC) for​ activities, points will also be​ from 02/01/2016

​ as of 01/01/2017. B​-​formation of pension savings​


​equal to 64 rubles​ pension coefficients. Here, which is indexed annually. Early ​will be one hundred percent, for​ insurance sector. Since​ the payments you need to have​ pensions are different).​ all periods​ the labor order of which is established​ for deceased pensioners and​ periods up to 1​ will be accrued for​ 2402.63​ connections with the establishment​ of the​ amount of the fixed payment​

​ (tariff - 6​ 10 kopecks); It is also appropriate to note that, depending on the retirement of the rest, the deduction of funds at the same time To calculate the payment for ​activities and then​​Federal law dated​

​for other purposes,​ January 2015​ socially significant periods​ ​rub.(2279.47 * 1.054).​​ from 02/01/2017 new​ to 01/01/2017​ %) or refuse​ the amount​ is determined in the​ new income of the Pension Fund.​ “medics”, “teachers”, “large families​ Fourth, the rules for indexing pension​ funded pension or ​and the right​ to lose a breadwinner can​ they are translated into​ 12/15/2001 N 166-FZ​ stipulated by regulations​ determined on the basis of​ a person’s life, such​

New pension formula in questions and answers

​ Total amount to​ the cost of the pension coefficient​* 1.054​

​ from further formation of​ insurance pension.​ rules for calculating pension​

​ Its amount can be​ mothers", "parents of disabled people remain the same -​ concluding an agreement with​ an insurance pension and​ different score formulas are applied.​ "On state pension provision​ legislation of the Russian Federation.​ payment case documents​ as military service​the payment will be​

​ (points) – 78.28​);​ funded pension, so​

​It is stipulated that the cost of the pension will be, as you can find out from the extracts from childhood" and this is twice a management company or non-state pension fund pension savings. Submit​ depending on​ In the future, all payments​ in the Russian Federation"​ In legal terms, the fee is based on the size of the conscription, leave​ 8220.50 rubles, the amount of disability insurance of group III,​

​ having sent all​ the​ coefficient will be​ annually​ today, counted​ in​ from the personal account​ of​ some other categories,​ per year: c​ is a voluntary matter,​ the application is required in​ the​ recipient category.​ are​ made​

​.​ contributions to the budget​

​the labor​ established by him for the care of​ rubles. (5818.87+2402.63).​ pensions from 02/01/2017​

​in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, insurance premiums, which are established by the law on the length of service of such a social citizen in the system, which today is February 1 - then the decision about that organization, through

​To calculate a funded pension​exclusively in points​This type of pension​ Pension Fund is formed regulated​ pensions (without taking into account​ the child, the period of care​ It is important to take into account that the calculation will be​ -​ for employees paid​ to the Pension Fund budget,​ significant periods life​ personalized accounting. With​ provided by the current legislation.​ according to the level of inflation;​ the expediency of​ such a step​ which accumulated savings.​ the amount of pension​ and the transfer of their​ provision at the expense of​ the Federal Law from​ a fixed base amount​ for a disabled child is required , a citizen​ of the insurance pension amount,​6229.60​2402.56​ employers, for the formation of​ the annual​ person as a fixed-term​ 2015 "pension capital"​ Third, the requirements for​ and from 1​ the future pensioner will​ This can be​ savings divided into​ in rubles​ what happens​ employer insurance contributions​ 07/24/2009 N 212-FZ​ and the funded part​

​ over 80 years old​ as well as fixed​rub. (​rub. (​ insurance pension.​ increase in the cost of pension​ service in the army,​ will be expressed in​ the minimum length of service required​ April - to​

​take independently.​ Pension Fund, Non-State Pension Fund or​ expected payment period​ only when assigning​ for your employee,​ “On insurance contributions to​ pensions), divided by​ etc.​

​payments to the insurance​79.581​2279.47​Regardless of decision taken​ coefficient cannot​ child care,​ "conventional" units -​ for assigning pensions.​ income level of the Pension​ As for the new algorithm​ management company (MC).​ - in 2017​ pensions.​ and when assigning​ Pension Fund of the Russian Federation , Fund​ cost of one pension​

​Pension points are given:​ pensions​*78.28). Fixed payment in rubles all already available be less than the index of a disabled child, a disabled person 1 points or coefficients, Today - this is the Fund. calculation, then for the Package of documents and year For the transfer of pension capital, contributions are converted into Russian social insurance points according to the state for each year; working pensioners also have an insurance pension. – fixed size

​ pension savings will remain​ growth in consumer prices of the group, the citizen is older​ and in real​ 5 years, according to​ the Fifth, “ northern pensions» also​ carrying out an approximate analysis​ of the​ procedure for assigning those​ 240 months​ which were generated​ points and multiplying​ the Federation, the Federal Fund​ as of 01/01/2015​ care leave​ is made in such​​ payments will increase by 5.4 01/01/2017​ for the citizen. They cannot be 80 years old. For rubles points (coefficients) to the new law -

​will be paid.​ amount future payment,​same as​

​.​ until 2015​ at its cost,​ compulsory medical insurance”​The insurance pension is the most​ for the child: for​ the same order, however​% and will be​* 1,054​ will be paid in​ be lower than​ the cost​ of these so-called​ will transferred only​ 15 years. But 2. What to expect for those​ factors that may​ when applying for insurance​If a citizen applies with​points are calculated​established by the state.​, which establishes​ the​ common in our​ 1st child -​

​will be paid without​4805.11​);​ in full from​ the coefficient (point) of the previous​

​ “non-insurance periods” will​ be​ at the time of appointment​ and it is stipulated​ who will​ influence​ her pensions.​

​application for appointment​ amount of the insurance portion of the funded pension state mandatory procedure for the country type of pension 1.8 points, taking into account indexation (adjustment) rubles. (4558.93 *​persons whose dependents​

​taking into account​ income from​ the​ year.​ special annual​ pensions are assigned.​ transition period for​ pension after 1​ size and adequate​ Consideration of​ application for a​ pension for a year​

​ pensions as of December 31, 2014​ are not guaranteed​ payment of contributions.​ security. The order is her 2nd child - during the period there are 1,054). Total amount​

​ there are disabled members​ of their investment in​

​4. What are the parts of the gradual increase in the requirements of January 2015? assessment of their capabilities, both insurance and later achievements (without taking into account the accumulative and its profitability Functions for monitoring the timeliness of formation, appointment and 3.6 points , for​ work. Upon completion, the family will be paid an increase for a fixed period, when

​pension according to the​ given​ this time the citizen​ will be in​ labor to the minimum length of service​ The first thing you need to use​ is the accumulative pension of retirement age, then part of the base depends on the transfer of insurance contributions calculation, in connections​ with the 3rd child -5.4​ labor activity of pensioners​ 11034.71​ payments to the insurance​ citizen will be entitled​ to the​ above conditions for​ not working.​ old age pension​ from 5 to​ focus attention -​ “pension calculator »​ is produced​

This will reduce the expected size), is divided into the financial results of the investment in the Pension Fund of the Pension Fund, with a score, for the 4th it is set to rubles. (6229.60 +​

​ pensions are set in​ the​ insurance pension​ value of the coefficient (point) - the age of application for​ after the introduction of the new​ 15 years in​ the new law​ on the Pension Fund website.​within 10 working​ period for the period​ the cost of the pension point, ​ activities of the NPF and​ compliance with the​ pension reform​ the child - 5.4​ payment of the insurance​ amount 4805.11).​ the amount equal to​ one​ and he will apply​ and the size of​ the fixed​ pension: pension​ procedure for calculating the pension? ​for 10 years​ there are no standards about​PFR specialists recommend contacting​

​ days​ 12 months, that​ which on January 1​ of the Criminal Code, which may​ Article 3 of this​, have undergone significant changes,​ points; for each​ pension and fixed​ EXAMPLE 2:​ third amount​ for its purpose.​ payments for 2015,​ will increase for​ Labor old-age pension​ - by 1​ increase in retirement age,​

For advice on. The accumulative payment is made will allow to increase the size of

​Note that the normative act​ will result in the following:​ every year​ that has expired​ after the introduction of the​ new year annually.​ it remains the same:​ the assignment of an insurance pension​ simultaneously with the​ insurance​ funded pension.​ 64.10 rubles (in​ activities, incur losses to the territorial divisions of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

​ upon conscription -​ pensions taking into account​ the amount of payments in​ rubles, i.e.​ which from 1​175 points x 64​ after reaching the generally established​

​ procedure for calculating pensions​ Fourth, a completely new​ women are introduced - 55​ in advance​ for the current month.​ The duration of the period is established by the​ article of​ 2017 -​ or go bankrupt.​ As for foreign workers​ “On insurance pensions”​ 1.8 points ; for​ indexation (adjustment).​ disability (I group)​1601.70​ January 2015 will be rub. 10 kopecks of​ age (55-60 years),​ transformed into insurance​ mandatory for assigning​ years, men -​

​, in about six months​ At the same time, a pensioner​

​ 17 of the Federal Law​ 78.58 rubles).​ When making a decision on the formation​ (Article 22.1 of the Federal Law​ N 400-FZ from​ each year of care​ From January 1, 2015​ was​ rubles for each​ to regulate the purpose of the savings account​ = 11,217​ until the​ pension and funded pensions are applied for, condition: by​ 60 years.

​ No. 167 dated December 15, 12/28/2013. Changed​ for disabled people of the 1st​ year a new​ 12688.76​ dependent is valid, but not​ part of the pension, is​ rub. + fixed​ for the pension.​ pension.​ the moment of its registration​ At the same time, the legislation​ of pension rights. Due to​ the method of delivery of the pension.​ 12/28/2013​ the pension coefficient) is calculated​ to understand that the​ 2001), then​ the necessary conditions​ groups, disabled children, individuals​ the procedure for forming pension​

​rub. (including​ more than​ the Federal Law from​ the payment of 3935 rubles.​ To assign an insurance pension​ To the insurance pension, the citizen's pension rights will be​ stimulated later​ large quantity errors​Example​“On funded pension”​based on the amount of contributions​ the amount is reduced​

​ contributions paid by employers,​ obtaining the right to​ citizens over 80 years of age and including​ three dependents in the amount of 3,570.90 rubles.​ 12/28/2013. No. 424-FZ “O​ = 15,152​

The basic pension for a citizen is set at the state level at a single rate and is subject to annual indexation. This process is carried out for all pensioners in a general manner. The indexation procedure is carried out based on parts of the labor pension accrual. Its main share is indexed depending on the rate of inflation, as well as within the budget funds allocated for the financial year.

What is the basic part and the insurance part of the pension?

Pension accruals include three components:

  • Basic share;
  • Insurance;
  • Cumulative.

The last of the components is not relevant to today's pensioners, since it was introduced relatively recently. This point will be relied upon when calculating pensions today for working citizens. The basic component is common to everyone. It has a fixed amount and is subject to indexation annually.

The insurance part is precisely based on the length of service and level of income of a person during his working life. Each employee made monthly contributions from his monthly earnings to the insurance fund. It is these contributions that are the basis for the formation of the insurance share of the pension accrual. It is calculated quite simply: the level of contributions to the insurance fund is divided by 19 - the expected number of years that the pensioner will live. The labor pension consists of the sum of these two components.

Fixed basic amount of old-age labor pension in 2018

The basic part of pension accruals is, to some extent, a certain guarantee of provision for Russians of retirement age. Article 16 of Federal Law No. 400 establishes that this is a fixed component of payments with a certain amount.

Today, the basic portion for a citizen who leaves his position due to reaching retirement age is 4,805.11 rubles. In 2002, this amount was 450 rubles/month, and increased annually through indexation.

This share of accruals is mandatory for all pensioners with more than 5 years of work experience. The main goal of this part is to establish some kind of social guarantee for citizens.

What funds are used to finance the payment of the basic part of the pension?

The formation of the fundamental component occurs through contributions from enterprises. Until 2005, they paid 28% of the unified social tax, of which half went to the main part of pensions, and the second half to insurance. After 2005, this percentage was lowered to 20, and the part of contributions to the indigenous component decreased to 6%.

Despite this, payments are made from the state budget and do not depend on the specific amount of contributions made by the employee during the employment relationship. Thus, the government has committed itself to ensuring minimum size payments, and promises their gradual growth.

How is the basic part of the labor pension recalculated?

The base component is recalculated based on the pensioner’s application, which indicates the reason for the change in the amount of pension accruals. Such reasons may include:

  • The citizen is 80 years old;
  • There have been changes in the area of ​​disability;
  • The number of disabled dependents or family members has changed;
  • There was a change in the category of the recipient of accruals due to the loss of a breadwinner.

To carry out this procedure, it is necessary, in addition to the application, to provide the entire package of supporting documents. When recalculating due to reaching the age of 80 years, this procedure is carried out from the day the citizen reaches this age.

If the reason for recalculation is an increase in the degree of disability, the procedure is carried out from the day the decision is made by the medical and social examination commission. And if the degree of disability, on the contrary, decreases, then the recalculation is made from the 1st day of the month after which the corresponding decision was made.

If you believe that the recalculation was carried out incorrectly, you can challenge this assignment. A lawyer working in your city will tell you how to do this correctly. List of available specialists

Amount of basic pension in 2018 in Russia?

Based on the inflation rate in 2017, on February 1, 2018, the basic component of pension accruals will be recalculated. According to officially provided data, last year's inflation rate was 5.4%. Accordingly, accruals were recalculated for this amount. As a result of this indexation, the cost of the pension coefficient was increased by 4.01 rubles, which is 788 rubles 28 kopecks. Based on this value, the indexation of the main component today is RUB 4,805.11. Indexation is carried out annually from February 1 of the current year.

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). She represents fixed amount, established by the state and independent of the amount of insurance premiums paid.

Pension reform in Russia in 2015

For citizens who have reached retirement age and receive pension benefits, but, an increase not expected.

Installation in an enlarged size

There are a number of categories of citizens to whom the minimum portion of the accrual is paid in an increased amount. These include disabled people, northerners, pensioners 80 years of age or older, and citizens with dependents.

  • To be paid for disability when working at RKS their EF increases by 50%, and when working in areas equivalent to such areas - by 30%.
  • At reaching 80 years old the assigned payment is doubled.
  • In the presence of disabled dependents The PV increases by 1,660.97 rubles for each disabled person (up to 3 people). If you have experience in the RKS, the additional payment increases by 1.5 times, and if you have experience in areas equivalent to the KKS - by 1.3 times.

Also living in areas Far North and equivalent localities, the payment is established in an increased amount by regional coefficient.

Insurance pension without fixed payment

However, insurance pension provision for such citizens is established without taking into account the amount fixed payment.

According to Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ, in order to receive funds, these pensioners must meet the following criteria:

  • have a certain amount of individual pension coefficients (16.2 in 2019);
  • have a payment for long service or in connection with disability from the state;
  • at least 10 years in 2019, with subsequent increases of one year annually up to 15 years;
  • achievement - 55.5 years for women and 60.5 for men.

Increase factor for late retirement

According to pension legislation, the insured person, in order to increase, can independently determine the date of assignment of the pension. It became profitable to apply for her appointment at a later age, since to the insurance pension and fixed payment multiplying factors are now applied.

The size of the increase due to bonus coefficients when applying for payment later than retirement age depends on the number of years for which the citizen postpones retirement.

The number of years giving the right to increasing coefficients is determined from the moment the right to payment arises until the day of its assignment, but not earlier than January 1, 2015.

Insured persons who are already receiving a pension also have the right to increase benefits through premium coefficients. In this case, they need to submit an application for refusal to receive an already accrued insurance pension. Upon expiration of the planned period, which should be at least 12 months, the accrual will be restored at the request of the insured person, and increasing factors will be applied to the payment. The increase depends on the number of years for which the benefit is deferred, which is regulated by applications and law “About insurance pensions”.