Projective techniques. Picture tests: What does friendship mean to you? Can you make friends? Can you empathize? Can you make friends? (test) Do you think that a true friend should

Take the tests and find out what friendship means to you and what love means.

The picture shows the outlines of two people walking their dogs. Complete these contours, depict those details that, in your opinion, are missing.

Now answer yourself the question: “Who did you finish drawing first?”

The figure you tackled first, “tells” about you, and the figure you finished drawing second speaks about your friend. And this is not a specific person, but a certain collective image of the qualities that you value in friends.

If first of all you finished drawing the people, this demonstrates your ability to make friends. You treat your friends as equals and never try to devour each other, never argue about who is in charge in your relationship, etc.

If first of all you finished drawing the man, and then the dog, this indicates your desire for dominance. You do not understand equal relationships in friendship, considering it boring and a waste of time. You like to command your loved ones so much, subordinating them to your will, that sometimes you even demand from them a report on the completion of your tasks.

If First of all, you dealt with the dog, and secondly with the person, this accordingly shows your tendency to be submissive in friendships. It is easier for you to play the role of second fiddle, remain in the shadows and not take the initiative.

If first of all you finished drawing both dogs, this indicates that you are contrasting your friendship with the entire environment: “Who will we be friends against?” The reasons for the opposition can be very different - from teenage conflict with adults to deep trauma and disappointment in people in general or in a certain category of people. But most importantly, you are looking for exactly the kind of sincere and faithful relationship that only dogs can have. And, unlike many, you find them.

The test shows your ability to empathize.

In front of you is a picture of a sad dog. And she really needs something to cheer her up. What? Draw on paper. Draw whatever you want, don’t analyze: “This suits the dog, but this doesn’t.”

What did you draw?

animal bigger size , this indicates a certain arrogance that manifests itself when your friends have problems. You do not refuse help, but you also do not miss the moment to reprimand (yes, this word needs to be highlighted in bold) the person for his carelessness and inability to predict the situation.

If you drew next to a dog smaller animal than the depicted dog, this means that you know how to sincerely sympathize, but you don’t always know how to help.

If you drew next to a dog person, this indicates your indifference. The problems of others for you are something distant and foreign, unnecessary troubles.

If you built the dog a house, a kennel, laid bedding, let him into the house, this means that you will always (mentally and physically) warm a person in trouble. You are not afraid to be responsible for a business that suddenly falls on you; you always keep your promises. All your friends can rest assured: you won’t be lost!

Collar, muzzle, pen, cage. If you have added similar details to your dog, this means that you don’t care about the problems of others. You deliberately do not interfere in their affairs, believing that everyone must get out of the swamp themselves.

Water, food(any one, even one that dogs don’t eat), attributes associated with food(bowl, spoon, cup), cooking– if you added such details, this means that you will not pass by someone in need and will definitely help a person in trouble. And not necessarily a friend. You cannot calmly watch others suffer. And so you rush to everyone’s rescue. Your problem is that sometimes such “care” can turn out to be unceremonious. Although this is a matter of ethics and specific situations. In any case, even such help is much better than no help at all.

The test will show your attitude towards love.

Here is another drawing. Finish it to give the image a finished look. Required conditions: the background and people must be depicted.

What did you depict?

If you turned the boat into an old and unusable one(drew cracks, holes, emphasized old wood), this means that your attitude towards love is this moment leaves much to be desired. Now you are not able to build normal, stable love relationships for two reasons:

  • you are young and inexperienced, and therefore you make stupid mistakes in interpersonal relationships;
  • you have suffered a love drama and have not yet recovered from the wound, and therefore do not rush to start a new relationship.

If you strengthened the boat, this means that you know how to love and want to build (or have already built) a strong union.

Sail. If you have added sails to the boat, this means that you are ready to develop relationships and work on them. The feeling of love has never been unnecessary for you.

Without sails. If you do without sails, this indicates that you do not know what to do with the feeling of love. The state of falling in love and love scares you rather than pleases you.

Water. What does your pond look like?

Stormy sea with big waves. Love for you is something comprehensive, passionate, stormy, crazy. This is something that can confuse you and plunge you headlong into the abyss of feelings.

If you depicted quiet body of water without waves, this means that your love usually flows smoothly, calmly, sincerely, without tears or hysterics. Your love is very similar to the warm feelings you have for close relatives and friends.

If you drew a body of water infested with dangerous freshwater or marine animals– crocodiles, sharks, poisonous jellyfish, prickly urchins, sharp corals (yes, corals are also sea animals, and very ancient ones at that), this means that you are afraid to fall in love, considering this feeling unsafe.

Sky shows your mindset. If you painted in the sky night, moon, stars, seagulls at sunset, this means that you are an incorrigible romantic.

If there is light in your sky bright sun so that you can see where to sail, and in the sky windy and windy inflates the sails, this means that you even approach love from a practical point of view.

People. What are they doing?

If your heroes are just holding hands(that is, you have drawn a standard, socially known image of a couple in love), this means that at the moment you are not yet ready to open your heart to another or you are tired and unprepared for testing.

If the depicted people actively interact:

  • working together with oars,
  • one sits on the bow and commands where to sail,
  • pointing at something to each other, discussing something, etc., -

all this means that you know how to love and know how to make the relationship work for both of you.

If one of the people you depict is working alone, and the other is resting, or one is telling something, and the other is not listening / sleeping / wants to leave the boat, this means that your love relationship is not currently experiencing better times: one tries, carries everything on himself, and the other does not make any effort, lives “on the ready.”

  1. You know a lot of funny stories about one of your friends:
  2. A. You tell them to other people.

    b. You will tell, omitting names.

    V. You will keep them to yourself.

  3. Your friend often borrows something from you to use, but never returns the borrowed item. And so he asks you for an expensive camera or video camera. What will you do?
  4. A. Say that you don’t have this device.

    b. Give the device to a friend.

    V. Refuse, explaining the reason.

  5. A friend accidentally broke your watch. What will you do?
  6. A. Make a little scandal, but refuse the new watch.

    b. Ask to pay for the broken watch.

    V. You say that you already wanted to buy new ones.

  7. Your friend is in a relationship with someone you don't like.
  8. A. You tell your friend that he must choose between you and the other.

    b. Stop seeing your friend.

    V. You will continue your friendly relations as if nothing had happened.

  9. You feel that your friend is about to get into trouble. Then you:
  10. A. Break off relations with him so as not to hurt you too.

    b. Continue your friendship as before.

    V. Have an honest conversation with him.

  11. Do you think that a true friend must:
  12. A. Shares everything with you.

    b. Keep your thoughts and problems to yourself.

    V. Tell you only what he considers necessary.

  13. You know that your friend needs money. You have enough of them to serve him. You speak:
  14. A. You'll get over it! We need to save money!

    b. Take them and please me!

    V. Remember how many times you helped me. My service is nothing compared to this.

  15. What do you do if you want to borrow money from a friend?
  16. A. You will come from afar.

    b. Ask directly.

    V. If you don’t tell him anything, maybe he’ll figure it out on his own.

  17. Your friend bought clothes that you don't think suits him. Then you:
  18. A. Directly tell your friend that she doesn’t suit him.

    b. Tell him it doesn't suit him and explain why.

    V. Keep silent.

  19. Do you think your friend:
  20. A. Less intelligent than you.

    b. More intelligent than you.

    V. At the same or approximately the same intellectual level.

Key to the test:

21 points or less. You are truly a good friend; your friends believe in you and admire you; you can rightfully hope that if necessary, they will come to your aid, of course, if you do the same.
22-42 points. You have friends, but, like most of us, you sometimes do not show proper understanding in your relationships with them. When you don't know how to react, try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.
43 or more points. You tend to pay more attention to yourself than to others. This trait of yours is a barrier to true friendship. To become good friend, you need to show more interest in other people and their problems.

Test “Can you make friends?”

1. You consider those your best friends (girlfriends)…

a) with whom I have an excellent relationship

b) someone you can always rely on in a difficult situation

c) who knows how to achieve a lot in life.

2. Honestly, you'd really like it if your best friends...

a) were cool and interesting personalities

b) helped you when you ask for it

c) never betrayed you in difficult times.

3. If you were asked to choose one of the books to read in the evenings, it would be a book...

a) how to make friends and support a good relationship in life

b) about interesting people and their adventures

c) detective or science fiction.

4. During recess, classmates begin to argue and it seems that they are about to quarrel. How will you handle this?

a) I’ll try to calm them down...

b) I’ll step aside - it’s not my problem!

c) I’ll figure out who is right and who is wrong – and express my opinion.

5. Would you agree with the statement that most people would be happier if they trusted each other more?

a) I think so

b) I'm not sure

c) in my opinion, this is not where happiness lies.

6. Do you think you have qualities that you are proud of, but that your friends never appreciated?

a) I doubt it

b) such a thought never occurred to me...

c) I am sure that there is.

7. You know that a friend is having trouble and he/she will most likely call and ask you for help. You…

a) I won’t wait and call myself

b) I’ll sympathize over the phone

c) I’ll ask my parents to tell me that I’m not at home.

Add together the points that apply to you. The sum of points will show you the result.











0-20 points. You probably wouldn’t be able to really answer why you need friends at all. In essence, you are fine without them... You can do whatever you want, again - no obligations to the person you are friends with...

Think about it: are you never lonely deep down? Still, it is difficult to live alone in the world.

21-33 points. You are a person with whom it is interesting and pleasant to communicate. Many people dream of having you among their best friends. In addition, you have a wonderful quality - reliability: you will never let you down in difficult times. In a word, you really know how to make friends, and your close people can simply be envied.

34-48 points. For you, friendship is everything or almost everything. You get tormented (and you get tormented others) when you have to go a long time without seeing someone you consider a friend. For the sake of this person, you are ready to even push your interests aside, but at the same time you demand the same in return. This is probably an idealistic view of friendship. Try to come down from heaven to earth!

Test "True Friend"

This test will help you assess your level of readiness to be a true friend. To do this, you need to express your agreement or disagreement with the 25 statements below. In the answer form, you need to write “yes” (if you completely agree with the statement), “no” (if you disagree) or “don’t know” (if you do not have a clear answer to this statement).

Answer form

Last name, first name________________

Date of________________________

Question number
















Question number















Total points________________

I believe that a true friend :

1. Shares news about your successes;

2. Provides emotional support;

3. Voluntarily helps in times of need;

4. Strives to make a friend feel good in his company;

5. Repays debts on time;

6. Protects a friend in his absence;

7. We are tolerant of our friend’s other friends;

8. Keeps the secrets entrusted to him;

9. Does not criticize a friend publicly;

10. The friend is not jealous of other people;

11. Strives not to be intrusive, does not bother;

12. Doesn't teach how to live;

13. Respects the inner world of a friend;

14. Does not use entrusted secrets for his own purposes;

15. Does not seek to remake a friend in his own image;

16. Does not betray in difficult times;

17. Confidence in your innermost thoughts;

18. Understands the state and mood of a friend;

19. Confident in your friend;

20. Sincere in communication;

21. He is the first to forgive a friend’s mistakes;

22. Rejoices at a friend’s successes and achievements;

23. Does not forget to congratulate a friend (for example, happy birthday);

24. Remembers a friend when he is not around;

25. Never envies a friend for anything.

Processing the results

For each “yes” answer, give yourself 2 points; for the answer “I don’t know” - one point, and for the answer “no” - 0 points. Sum up your scores and compare them with your interpretation of the results.

from 0 to 14 points. You have not yet fully appreciated all the charms and advantages of true friendship. Apparently you haven't had any luck with friends until now. Most likely, you do not trust people and are wary of them. This makes it very difficult to be friends with you.

from 15 to 37 points. You already have some experience of true friendship, but there were also serious mistakes, as a result of which you were disappointed in your friends. It's good that you still believe in true friendship and are ready to be friends.

from 35 to 50 points. You are a true friend who understands well what true and devoted friendship means. It’s warm and joyful to be with you, your friends feel calm and reliable, they trust you, and you pay them the same.

Projective techniques are intended for diagnosing a personality using vague stimuli, which the person being tested must supplement, develop, etc. For example, you are asked to interpret the content of plot pictures, complete unfinished sentences, interpret vague outlines, etc. In projective techniques, like and in other diagnostic methods, answers to tasks cannot be considered correct or incorrect. Extensive range possible various options. It is assumed that the nature of the test taker’s answers is determined by the characteristics of his personality, which are reflected (projected) in his answers.

Next, you will be offered several tests in pictures that diagnose the specifics of interpersonal relationships:

  1. Projective technique "What does friendship mean to you"
  2. Projective technique "Your ability to empathize"
  3. Projective technique "Are you a good friend"

Projective techniques for diagnosing interpersonal relationships (Tests in pictures: What does friendship mean to you? Do you know how to be friends? Can you empathize?):

Projective technique "What does friendship mean to you"


Before you are the silhouettes of two people and two dogs. Your task is to fill this picture with details, to draw the figures the way you want. The main thing is that the drawing is finished; how you achieve this is at your discretion.

Stimulus material.

Key to the test.

Now look carefully at the figures. The more carefully all the little details are drawn, the more accurately and reliably you tried to display appearance people and animals, the more attention you pay to details in your relationships with others.

A picture filled with small details indicates a sensitive person.

If the figures are drawn carelessly, there are very few details and they do not play important role, then this means that a person does not attach importance to friendship of great importance. Most likely, he was used to taking advantage of the favor of others and he never had to seek anyone's friendship.

Now let's talk about the figures themselves.

  • The figure that you started to draw first is yourself.
  • The second figure is your friend (not a specific person, but a collective image). This is a very important point.

If you first outlined people, this means that you know how to be friends and treat your friend as an equal, and no one plays the role of first fiddle in your relationship.

If in your picture you are a human and your friend is a dog, then this indicates that you are used to dominating in everything. In friendship, you like to manage people and from your friends you demand obedience and agreement with your point of view.

If you draw yourself as a dog and your friend as a human, then most likely in friendship you remain in the shadow of your friend and do not take the initiative yourself.

If you draw both yourself and your friend as dogs, then this means that for some reason you are contrasting your friendship with the whole world. Perhaps you are still very young and tired of the nagging of adults who are always trying to interfere in your relationships with friends. Or maybe you have just become disillusioned with people and are afraid of getting burned again. Be that as it may, you are looking for an honest relationship (dogs are always sincere).

Projective technique "Your ability to empathize"


This picture shows a dog with its head and tail hanging down. She clearly lacks something to be happy, but what exactly? Draw next to the dog everything that could, in your opinion, cheer him up. Don’t let practical arguments stop you: this won’t suit the dog, it doesn’t need it. Draw whatever you want.

Stimulus material.

Key to the test.

This test will help you understand whether you can empathize with people, whether you are able to help a person who needs it.

  • If you draw another animal next to the dog, this means that important help you consider the ability to listen to a person, let him speak out, pour out his pain. You will always sympathize with a friend in trouble and help him with advice.
  • If the animal you draw is larger than a dog, you will not refuse to help the person, but refrain from reproaching him for his unreasonableness and short-sightedness. Your sympathy will be like teachings and lectures.
  • If your animal smaller than a dog, then your sympathy will be sincere, but you think it is of little use.
  • If you drew a person next to the dog, you do not like to burden yourself with other people’s problems, perceiving them as something foreign, unnecessary troubles.
  • A kennel or bedding drawn next to a dog indicates that you will always shelter and warm a person in trouble. You are not afraid of responsibility and always keep your word. Your friends can count on your help in any situation.
  • A collar, leash, muzzle are evidence of your reluctance to take care of a person in trouble. You believe that other people's problems should not complicate your life and that a person should help himself get out of difficult situation, this is his personal business. The only help you can provide is money, one time, on loan.
  • Food, a bone, or a bowl drawn near a dog means that you will definitely help a person in trouble, even if he does not ask you to do so. You simply cannot look at the torment and suffering of those around you, especially if you know what needs to be done to help the person. True, sometimes your help can be unceremonious.

The more objects you surround your dog with, the better. Your help can be very diverse.

Projective technique "Are you a good friend"


This drawing has no apparent meaning. You need to complete the picture in such a way that it takes on a specific meaning. Draw whatever you want, the main thing is that you get a meaningful drawing.

Stimulus material.
Key to the test.

If you saw a snake in this drawing and connected three parts to each other, and also added the snake’s muzzle and the tip of its tail, then this indicates that you take friendship as something self-evident and natural. You've never had to exert special efforts to win people's friendship because everyone liked you since childhood. You love to be the center of attention and receive the admiration of others. However, if your friends feel bad, you will definitely come to their aid.

If from the given details you created three drawings independent of each other, then this indicates a lack of need for friendship. For you, your goals, interests and objectives always come first.

If you made two drawings out of three parts, then this means that you trust few people. But for the sake of your loved ones and dear people, you will do anything, you will not regret anything to help them. You are a good friend, one of those who is tested in adversity and withstands the test with honor.

If you drew an animal or a bird, adding a lot of your own details to the given drawing, then this indicates that you are a cheerful and friendly person, you have many acquaintances and friends, you always find yourself in the center of attention, no matter what society you are in. You yourself always try to help those who need it; you cannot look indifferently at the suffering and experiences of other people, even those who are not very close to you.

If you saw the inscription “SOS” in this picture, then this speaks of your kindness and ability to empathize with other people. You never refuse help and sympathy to anyone, you provide moral and material support.

Projective techniques. Picture tests: What does friendship mean to you? Can you make friends? Can you empathize?

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With the help of the proposed test, you can determine whether you are really a good friend, whether your friends trust you, whether they can rely on you.

1. You know a lot of funny stories about one of your friends:

A. You tell them to other people.

b. You will tell, omitting names.

V. You will keep them to yourself.

2. Your friend often borrows something from you to use, but never returns the borrowed item. And so he asks you for an expensive camera or video camera. What will you do?

A. Say that you don’t have this device.

b. Give the device to a friend.

V. Refuse, explaining the reason.

3. A friend accidentally broke your watch. What will you do?

A. Make a little scandal, but refuse the new watch.

b. Ask to pay for the broken watch.

V. You say that you already wanted to buy new ones.

4. Your friend is in a relationship with a person you don't like.

A. You tell your friend that he must choose between you and the other.

b. Stop seeing your friend.

V. You will continue your friendly relations as if nothing had happened.

5. You feel that your friend is about to get into trouble. Then you:

A. Break off relations with him so as not to hurt you too.

b. Continue your friendship as before.

V. Have an honest conversation with him.

6. You believe that a true friend should:

A. Shares everything with you.

b. Keep your thoughts and problems to yourself.

V. Tell you only what he considers necessary.

7. You know that your friend needs money. You have enough of them to serve him. You speak:

A. You'll get over it! We need to save money!

b. Take them and please me!

V. Remember how many times you helped me. My service is nothing compared to this.

8. What do you do if you want to borrow money from a friend?

A. You will come from afar.

b. Ask directly.

V. If you don’t tell him anything, maybe he’ll figure it out on his own.

9. Your friend bought clothes that you don’t think suit him. Then you:

A. Directly tell your friend that she doesn’t suit him.

b. Tell him it doesn't suit him and explain why.

V. Keep silent.

10. You think that your friend:

A. Less intelligent than you.

b. More intelligent than you.

V. At the same or approximately the same intellectual level.

Key to the test:


21 points or less. You are truly a good friend. Your friends trust you and admire you, and you can rightfully hope that if necessary, they will come to your aid, of course, if you do the same.

22-42 points. You have friends, but, like most of us, you sometimes do not show proper understanding in your relationships with them. When you don't know how to react, try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.

43 or more points. You tend to pay more attention to yourself than to others. This trait of yours is a barrier to true friendship. To become a good friend, you need to show more interest in other people and their problems.