Will military pensions increase in October? Latest news from the Ministry of Defense on increasing military pensions

Draft budget for next year assumes an increase in salaries in the army and military pensions by 4.3%. We talked about how State Duma deputies proposed to find funds so that military pensions would increase more than salaries. Last night there was fresh news - the Russian President announced exactly the same indexation of military pensions as parliamentarians proposed. The indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2019 will thus turn out to be more significant than expected.

Increase in military pensions in 2019

The growth of military pensions next year will exceed 6%, said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“From October 1, 2019, taking into account decision taken on indexation, the pay of military personnel and persons equivalent to them will increase by 4.3%, and military pensions will also be further indexed by another 2% from October 1 next year. Thus, the overall increase in military pensions will be 6.3%,” Putin said at a meeting ceremony with senior officers and prosecutors on the occasion of their appointment to higher positions and assignment to senior (special) positions. military ranks and class ranks.

In this regard, the head of state instructed the government to provide appropriate resources in the draft federal budget for 2019-2021, and asked parliamentarians to support the necessary amendments.

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2019, latest news for today

The State Duma today began to consider the federal budget for the next three years. This is the first reading. The country's main financial document is in surplus. Special attention it focuses on social issues.

The first reading of the budget can be called conceptual; deputies approve the main parameters. For the first time in last years the financial plan was compiled with a surplus. This means that the government will earn more than it spends. The difference between income and expenses is impressive - almost two trillion rubles. These funds will ensure budget sustainability. For example, in case of the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions or instability in world markets.

“This is a guarantee for the country’s economy, which allows us to create a safety cushion regardless of how energy prices fluctuate or what sanctions are imposed. No matter who of our partners wants to do the next thing in relation to our country. And this safety cushion allows us to approve all social obligations taking into account the instructions of the president, his decree, national development goals, and national projects,” noted Andrei Makarov.

According to government forecasts, next year GDP, that is, the country's economy, will grow by 1.3%, inflation will be slightly more than 4%, the dollar exchange rate is set at 63 rubles 90 kopecks, and oil at $63 per barrel. Important Feature this budget – dependence on oil and gas exports continues to decrease. The contribution of raw materials as recently as 2014 exceeded half of all receipts. But now the proportion has changed. The share of revenues from hydrocarbons is declining, while revenues from production, on the contrary, are growing. Anton Siluanov presented the draft budget at Okhotny Ryad. As the Minister of Finance stated, the document includes funds for the implementation of the May presidential decree.

“Poverty reduction is also one of the key objectives reflected in the draft budget. Here is the continuation of the increase wages along with the growth rate of wages in the regions Russian Federation. Here are the necessary resources to increase the minimum wage at the level of the subsistence level that we accepted, and this ratio will continue, so to speak, to continue. And here resources are provided, both at the federal level and to support the constituent entities of the Russian Federation,” Siluanov said.

The largest faction of United Russia members decided to vote for the budget the day before.

“The budget can definitely be considered a development budget. We must weigh everything, analyze everything so that the national projects adopted by the president in the May decree are supported by funding. We are talking about very large resources, but, as you understand, not only resources are needed, but their effective application,” emphasized Vyacheslav Volodin.

Today, liberal democrats have also joined United Russia.

“We will support the budget in the first reading. The entire faction is 40 of our deputies, six senators and three governors. We will definitely make amendments. Give money for roads. This means that we also want to increase education for military pensioners, we cannot discriminate - we are increasing everyone’s pension, indexation from January 1, and for them from October 1, 9 months later. That is, we will try to make amendments to some positions,” said Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

The left opposition, according to the law of the genre, criticizes the government draft budget. “A Just Russia”, according to tradition, has prepared its own version of the budget. Both expenses and income are significantly higher. The communists are also not satisfied with the expenditure part of the financial plan.

“In our country, basically, foreign capital gets into not only enterprises, but into all pockets. Foreign capital today dictates terms to us. He owns 80 percent of trade and 75-95 strategic enterprises. It is not normal. Then accumulate funds and invest in leading basic industries,” Zyuganov criticized the project.

“How are we going to get additional income. First of all, we believe that oil and gas exporters do not need to return the value added tax - this is two trillion rubles. We insist on a progressive scale of income tax - that’s another 600 billion rubles,” Mironov explained.

But the votes of United Russia and the Liberal Democratic Party are more than enough to pass the budget. Voting is expected any minute. It is worth adding that in the first reading the Duma takes the financial plan as a basis, and the most interesting thing will happen in the second reading - the funds will be redistributed among sections and articles. Each faction has its own recipes for dividing the budget pie.

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2019, the latest news

Military pensions are financed separately; such pensioners do not receive money from Pension Fund RF. On the one hand, this is a privilege, but on the other hand, it is rather a disadvantage. At least in the last few years, when the growth of pensions of military pensioners noticeably lags behind the growth dynamics pension payments for “civilians”. What will the indexation of pensions for military pensioners be like in 2019, when will it happen - the latest news from the State Duma.

Indexation of pensions for pensioners in 2019 latest news today

The budget for next year has not yet been officially adopted. The draft financial plan has been prepared; it will be discussed by State Duma deputies and then adopted as an official document.

According to the existing project, in 2019, pensions of military pensioners will increase by 4.3%, and this will happen only in the fourth quarter of the year, namely from October 1. Let's look at how military pensions will grow in more detail.

Normally, military pensions in Russia should increase for two reasons. Firstly, in this moment they are tied to army salaries. A military pensioner receives a pension, the amount of which is tied to the salary of a person who serves in the same rank and in the same position as the pensioner himself before entering his well-deserved retirement.

Secondly, pensions should grow due to the fact that the coefficient by which the pension is tied to the salary in the army increases annually. At the very least, this ratio should increase, but in recent years this has not happened. At the moment, the coefficient linking the pension and salary of a military personnel is 0.7223. This means that the pension is 72.23% of the salary in the army.

How much will pensions for military pensioners increase in 2019?

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2019 provides for growth only due to rising salaries in the army.

In October next year, military salaries will increase by 4.3%. Accordingly, the pensions of retired military personnel will increase by the same amount. But the coefficient of 0.7223 remains at least until 2020. In principle, it is assumed that annually due to this coefficient the pension should grow by an additional two percent, but this does not happen.

As for the figure of 4.3%, a different value was initially spoken about. It was assumed that in 2019, military salaries and pensions would be indexed by 4%. However, inflation is expected to be higher, and plans have been slightly adjusted so that indexation does not turn out to be less than inflation.

Increasing pensions for military pensioners in 2019 - the latest news

The State Duma Defense Committee criticizes the government's plans for military pensioners. According to deputies, indexation should be carried out at a higher percentage.

Parliamentarians draw attention to the fact that in recent years there has been no indexation of military salaries and pensions at all, which is why, against the backdrop of accumulated inflation, the real value of these payments has noticeably lost. According to deputies' calculations, military salaries should be 50% higher than today's, pensions - by 20%. Only in this case would their real value return to pre-crisis values.

Another point that deputies are talking about is that military pensions have recently been growing much slower than “civilian” pensions. Budget draft next year assumes the same picture - with regular pensions growing by 7.05% at the beginning of the year, military pensions will be indexed by only 4.3%, and even then in the fall

Military pensions from 01/01/2018. Latest news about the increase in military pensions from January 1, 2019

In Russia today there are approximately 3 million person associated with military service. According to the federal law dated 12.01.1995 (as amended on 03/07/2018) “About veterans” these include the following persons:

  • former employees of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other various military formations approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation or former union republics;
  • disabled people and persons who served during the Second World War 1941 By 1945.

It is reported that at the beginning 2018 approximately 18 billion rubles th was allocated from the budget to pay military pensioners. Thus, a person who served as a platoon commander will receive a payment of approximately 66,100 rubles, former battalion commander - 88,700 rubles, company - 83,000 rubles, battalion commander - 96 000 , and a private under contract - about 34 000 .

The highest increase in pensions ( 30% ) is observed among former and current employees of the prosecutor's office and investigators. Thus, a district prosecutor can count on a pension of up to 29 000 rubles instead 22,000 rubles.

Latest news from the Ministry of Defense on increasing military pensions

The latest news from the Minister of Defense on military pensions is that the authorities have allocated enough funds to cope with the task set by the president: 38.6 billion rubles in order to cover security among military personnel and pensioners.

Already in January the pensions of former military personnel were increased by 4%, which, in his opinion, corresponds to the level of wages for workers in key economic sectors. Shoigu also recalled Vladimir Putin’s instructions to carry out indexation in relation to “military” accruals within 2018, 2019, 2020.

Will there be an increase in military pensions from October 1, 2018: Latest news?

At the end of last year, it was announced that one of the planned stages of indexation is planned to be carried out with October 1, 2017. However, Vladimir Putin, in his subsequent speech, indicated that early payment of military personnel must be carried out no later than the beginning of January of this year in order to achieve synchronized indexing of all other social payments.

How is military pension calculated?

The legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 4468-1) states that to assign a pension to the length of service, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • position in one of the various military formations taken into account by law;
  • the presence of a special rank (the increase in this case is from 5 before 30%);
  • general seniority V 25 and more years

It must be remembered that from 25 specified years, persons must have at least 12 years and six months of military experience.

In addition, it is possible to count, in order to increase the final amount of the pension, the time that the person spent on educational process before being assigned to any of the military formations. This category includes dismissed officers and representatives of senior ranks of various military departments approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Pension amounts also vary. So, for the above-mentioned citizens, with length of service up to 20 years inclusive of accrual 50% from the size of the pension. After 20 years every year an amount of 3% from the size of the pension. In this case, the total number should not exceed more than 85%.

It is also necessary to take into account factors for increasing pensions for individuals not included in the general list:

Person status

% of pension amount
Heroes Soviet Union and the Russian Federation 100
Persons awarded the Order of Glory 3 degrees 100
Heroes of Socialist Labor, heroes of labor of the Russian Federation 50
Persons awarded the Order of Labor Glory 3 degrees 15
Persons awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3 degrees 15
Persons who were in military service from June 22, 1941 By September 3, 1945 no less 6 months, or awarded orders and medals of the USSR for valiant labor and military service in the Second World War 16
Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad” 32
Disabled since childhood due to wounds, contusions, injuries associated with combat operations 32

If a military pensioner receives a second insurance pension, payments are calculated using the following formula:


JV– insurance pension

IPC– the amount accumulated by a person by the date of enrollment of pension pension points

SIPC– the cost of the pension card on the date of assignment of the insurance pension

FV– fixed payment

Considering that military “contractors” or those living with their spouses in settlements where it is difficult to find a job, 1.8 points behind 12 calendar months.

Second pension for military pensioners: what is it for?

The second pension for military pensioners is assigned when the person has all the following parameters:

  • 60 years for men, and 55 years for women;
  • Available minimum experience insurance;
  • The pensioner has at least 13,8 pension points;
  • Registration in the compulsory insurance system has been completed.

Additional possible options:

  • There is a disability received during hostilities;
  • Loss of a breadwinner while performing military service.

If a pensioner, receiving a second pension, continues to work in a civil institution, he will have to wait for the annual recalculation in August of each year.

Will the reduction factor be canceled in 2018?

For the first time, the reduction factor mechanism was applied in practice in 2012 Initially it was equal to 54% from the accrued pension amount. Its real meaning has grown to 72,23% in January of this year, due to an increase in payments by 4%.

The increase in this coefficient affected many persons associated with military service, excluding former employees of the FSB, SVR, judges, current prosecutors and investigators serving in the Investigative Committee.

According to existing legislation, the abolition of the reduction coefficient is not in the government’s plans. However, there are forecasts as a result of which it will be reduced to 0%, after which military personnel will be able to receive payments in full. It is also necessary to take into account that the successful development of such a forecast depends on the results upcoming indexations military pensions.

Increase in military pensions from January 1, 2019: Latest news from the State Duma

In the past year, I initially expected to pay additionally 25% from the standard pension for a given case to all military personnel who have worked for more than 20 years, but did not resign.

But the latest news shows that no big increase is expected, and the next indexation is not scheduled until October 2019.

Also, the latest news from the State Duma makes it clear that military pension With January 1, 2019 and received a reserve from the budget of about 82 billion rubles for wages during the period from 2018 By 2020 Only with October 1 this year it will be possible to talk about how dynamic the indexing process will be in 2019.

Indexation of pensions from January 1, 2019 by 7% or by 1000 rubles, and military pensions from October 1, 2019 by 4%

The policy of our state has always been that military service is a special type of government service. Accordingly, it should be paid specially. However, in recent years the state has forgotten its soldiers a little. From 2013 to 2018, military pay was not adjusted to the inflation rate at all. But according to the presidential decree, the indexation of monetary allowances should be 2% higher than inflation.

Military pensions, at the very least, increased, but increased due to the notorious castration coefficient of 0.54.

Finally, in 2017, the state remembered the military and, from January 1, 2018, they increased their salary by 4% . Accordingly, military pensions increased by the same amount. However, at the same time, the legal addition of 2 percentage points to the coefficient was “taken away” from military pensioners 0.54 (0.7223 Now). For information, military pensions were multiplied by this coefficient from January 1, 2012.

That is, that year military pensions were almost halved. At the same time, they increased them by 2 times. Only in Russia does this happen. The law on increasing military pensions (military pensions) enshrined in law: annually increase military pensions by 0.2 points to this "castrato" 0.54 (0.7223 now) until reaching 100% of military pensions in 2035.

At the same time, it was announced that the indexation of “salaries” of military personnel was planned for the next three years from October by 4%.

However, a year has passed and people are talking about new indexation figures. In the newly compiled [what the government calls its work] budget, indexation of DD for military personnel is planned annually from October 1, 2019-2020-2021. on 4,3 — 3,7 — 4 percent respectively.

Increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2019, increase in monetary allowance

Oh how happy you made me! The indexation of pay and military pensions in 2019 will be 0.3% higher. But it has long been known that if there is an increase somewhere, then look for a place where it has decreased. Correctly, in 2020, the indexation of “shoulder straps” will decrease by the same 0. 3 %.

However, the State Duma Defense Committee of General Shamanov, remember comrades military pensions, how the general promised to remove the castration coefficient of 0.54 (now 0.7223) and what came of it?

When and how much will pensions for military pensioners be increased in 2019?

So in explanatory note To the budget law, military deputies propose:

First, indexation for military pensioners in 2019 will be raised from 4.3% before 6.3% .

Second, indexation should be carried out not from October 1, but from January 1, 2019. Because if this is not done, it will be a disaster for the wearers of shoulder straps. Indeed, according to the Defense Committee, from 2013 to the present, the under-indexation of the “wallet” of military personnel is 50 , and military pensioners 20% . Due to “under-indexation”, the size of “military pensions” for ordinary military personnel has approached the size of insurance (labor) pensions.

So the time is not far when civil pensions will again overtake military pensions. At least privates and sergeants.

Based on the proposals of the Defense Committee, the average military pension, currently 23 100 rubles, may rise to 24100 (4.3%) or up to 24 555 rubles (6.3%).

However, the Ministry of Defense says that the average military pension is already 24 600 rubles I don't know who to believe.

However, friends military pensioners, feel free to multiply your current pension by 1.043 - there will definitely be an addition. Only when? From January 1 or October 1, 2019. I am inclined to the second option, because the government will not allow deputies to take away their extra penny.

Well, dream, multiplying your pension by 1.063 , as an option, if the proposal of the State Duma Defense Committee still passes.

In 2019, pensions of military pensioners (military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Russian Guard, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.) will be increased from October 1 by 6.3%. About this decision President V. Putin said during a meeting with officers and prosecutors on October 25, 2018. The increase in pensions in 2019 will be made as a result of an increase in the monetary allowance of military personnel by 4.3% and an additional indexation of pensions by another 2%, that is, in total, an increase in pension provision is expected by 6,3% .

  • The draft federal budget for 2019, which is already under consideration in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, initially did not include funds for increasing military pensions by 6.3% - it was planned to only indexation of monetary allowance by 4.3%, due to which payments to pensioners would also be increased.
  • But on October 25, 2018, the President announced that he had already instructed the Government prepare an appropriate amendment to the federal budget bill, which would provide for the implementation of

It is worth noting that even due to indexation at 6.3% military pensions will be not fully enlarged, as provided by law. For example, an increase in pensions due to an increase in the reduction coefficient in 2019 was made will not. According to the conclusion of the State Duma Committee on Defense, payments to military personnel underindexed by almost 20%, starting in 2015.

Will there be an increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2019?

In 2019, an increase in military pensions for citizens discharged from military service or equivalent service (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Federal Penitentiary Service, etc.) will be carried out in the form of indexation by 6.3% from October 1. Pension benefits will first be increased by indexing military salaries by 4.3%, and then will be further indexed on 2%.

According to the law, the increase in payments to military pensioners should be carried out in three stages, but not all of them will be implemented in 2019:

  1. Funds for indexing the pay of military personnel and, accordingly, increasing pensions have already been included in the draft federal budget for 2019-2021. The bill provides for an increase in payments from October 1, 2019 by 4.3%- i.e. on the forecast inflation rate in 2019.
  2. Presidential Decree No. 604 of 05/07/2012 stipulates that pension provision persons discharged from military service must be indexed annually 2% higher than inflation. Funds for such an additional payment were not initially provided for in the draft federal budget for 2019, but President V. Putin gave instructions to the Government to prepare such an amendment to the bill and carrying out additional indexation by 2% from October 1, 2019.
  3. The reduction factor applied to the amount of military pay when calculating the amount of pension payments, There are no plans to make any adjustments in 2019. The government has already submitted a bill to the State Duma, according to which the coefficient value will be “frozen” at the 2018 level.

Thus, the increase in military pensions in 2019 will be carried out from October 1 as a result of an increase in the monetary allowance of military personnel by 4.3% and additional increase in payments on 2%. There will be no increase in pension due to changes in the value of the reduction coefficient to the amount of monetary allowance in 2019.

Monetary allowances for military personnel

According to the bill on the federal budget for 2019-2021, the salary of military personnel will be indexed by 4.3% from October 1, i.e. on the inflation rate, as provided for in Part 9 of Art. 2 of Law No. 306-FZ “On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them”. In this regard, in October 2019 pensions will also be increased citizens dismissed from military and other equivalent service (employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, National Guard, etc.).

The draft budget for next year assumes an increase in salaries in the army and military pensions by 4.3%. We talked about how State Duma deputies proposed to find funds so that military pensions would increase more than salaries. Last night there was fresh news - the Russian President announced exactly the same indexation of military pensions as parliamentarians proposed. The indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2019 will thus turn out to be more significant than expected.

Increase in military pensions in 2019

The growth of military pensions next year will exceed 6%, said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“From October 1, 2019, taking into account the decision on indexation, the pay of military personnel and persons equivalent to them will increase by 4.3%, and military pensions will also be further indexed by another 2% from October 1 next year. Thus, the overall increase in military pensions will be 6.3%,” Putin said at a meeting ceremony with senior officers and prosecutors on the occasion of their appointment to higher positions, assignment of higher (special) military ranks and class ranks.

In this regard, the head of state instructed the government to provide appropriate resources in the draft federal budget for 2019-2021, and asked parliamentarians to support the necessary amendments.

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2019, latest news for today

The State Duma today began to consider the federal budget for the next three years. This is the first reading. The country's main financial document is in surplus. It pays special attention to social issues.

The first reading of the budget can be called conceptual; deputies approve the main parameters. For the first time in recent years, the financial plan was compiled with a surplus. This means that the government will earn more than it spends. The difference between income and expenses is impressive - almost two trillion rubles. These funds will ensure budget sustainability. For example, in case of the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions or instability in world markets.

“This is a guarantee for the country’s economy, which allows us to create a safety cushion regardless of how energy prices fluctuate or what sanctions are imposed. No matter who of our partners wants to do the next thing in relation to our country. And this safety cushion allows us to approve all social obligations taking into account the instructions of the president, his decree, national development goals, and national projects,” noted Andrei Makarov.

According to government forecasts, next year GDP, that is, the country's economy, will grow by 1.3%, inflation will be slightly more than 4%, the dollar exchange rate is set at 63 rubles 90 kopecks, and oil at $63 per barrel. An important feature of this budget is that dependence on oil and gas exports continues to decrease. The contribution of raw materials as recently as 2014 exceeded half of all receipts. But now the proportion has changed. The share of revenues from hydrocarbons is declining, while revenues from production, on the contrary, are growing. Anton Siluanov presented the draft budget at Okhotny Ryad. As the Minister of Finance stated, the document includes funds for the implementation of the May presidential decree.

“Poverty reduction is also one of the key objectives reflected in the draft budget. Here is the continuation of wage increases along with the rate of wage growth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Here are the necessary resources to increase the minimum wage at the level of the subsistence level that we accepted, and this ratio will continue, so to speak, to continue. And here resources are provided, both at the federal level and to support the constituent entities of the Russian Federation,” Siluanov said.

The largest faction of United Russia members decided to vote for the budget the day before.

“The budget can definitely be considered a development budget. We must weigh everything, analyze everything so that the national projects adopted by the president in the May decree are supported by funding. We are talking about very large resources, but, as you understand, not only resources are needed, but their effective application,” emphasized Vyacheslav Volodin.

Today, liberal democrats have also joined United Russia.

“We will support the budget in the first reading. The entire faction is 40 of our deputies, six senators and three governors. We will definitely make amendments. Give money for roads. This means that we also want to increase education for military pensioners, we cannot discriminate - we are increasing everyone’s pension, indexation from January 1, and for them from October 1, 9 months later. That is, we will try to make amendments to some positions,” said Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

The left opposition, according to the law of the genre, criticizes the government draft budget. “A Just Russia”, according to tradition, has prepared its own version of the budget. Both expenses and income are significantly higher. The communists are also not satisfied with the expenditure part of the financial plan.

“In our country, basically, foreign capital gets into not only enterprises, but into all pockets. Foreign capital today dictates terms to us. He owns 80 percent of trade and 75-95 strategic enterprises. It is not normal. Then accumulate funds and invest in leading basic industries,” Zyuganov criticized the project.

“Due to this, we are going to generate additional income. First of all, we believe that oil and gas exporters do not need to return the value added tax - this is two trillion rubles. We insist on a progressive scale of income tax - that’s another 600 billion rubles,” Mironov explained.

But the votes of United Russia and the Liberal Democratic Party are more than enough to pass the budget. Voting is expected any minute. It is worth adding that in the first reading the Duma takes the financial plan as a basis, and the most interesting thing will happen in the second reading - the funds will be redistributed among sections and articles. Each faction has its own recipes for dividing the budget pie.

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2019, the latest news

Military pensions are financed separately; such pensioners do not receive money from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. On the one hand, this is a privilege, but on the other hand, it is rather a disadvantage. At least in the last few years, when the growth of pensions for military pensioners noticeably lags behind the growth dynamics of pension payments for “civilians”. What will the indexation of pensions for military pensioners be like in 2019, when will it happen - the latest news from the State Duma.

Indexation of pensions for pensioners in 2019 latest news today

The budget for next year has not yet been officially adopted. The draft financial plan has been prepared; it will be discussed by State Duma deputies and then adopted as an official document.

According to the existing project, in 2019, pensions of military pensioners will increase by 4.3%, and this will happen only in the fourth quarter of the year, namely from October 1. Let's look at how military pensions will grow in more detail.

Normally, military pensions in Russia should increase for two reasons. Firstly, at the moment they are tied to salaries in the army. A military pensioner receives a pension, the amount of which is tied to the salary of a person who serves in the same rank and in the same position as the pensioner himself before entering his well-deserved retirement.

Secondly, pensions should grow due to the fact that the coefficient by which the pension is tied to the salary in the army increases annually. At the very least, this ratio should increase, but in recent years this has not happened. At the moment, the coefficient linking the pension and salary of a military personnel is 0.7223. This means that the pension is 72.23% of the salary in the army.

How much will pensions for military pensioners increase in 2019?

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2019 provides for growth only due to rising salaries in the army.

In October next year, military salaries will increase by 4.3%. Accordingly, the pensions of retired military personnel will increase by the same amount. But the coefficient of 0.7223 remains at least until 2020. In principle, it is assumed that annually due to this coefficient the pension should grow by an additional two percent, but this does not happen.

As for the figure of 4.3%, a different value was initially spoken about. It was assumed that in 2019, military salaries and pensions would be indexed by 4%. However, inflation is expected to be higher, and plans have been slightly adjusted so that indexation does not turn out to be less than inflation.

Increasing pensions for military pensioners in 2019 - the latest news

The State Duma Defense Committee criticizes the government's plans for military pensioners. According to deputies, indexation should be carried out at a higher percentage.

Parliamentarians draw attention to the fact that in recent years there has been no indexation of military salaries and pensions at all, which is why, against the backdrop of accumulated inflation, the real value of these payments has noticeably lost. According to deputies' calculations, military salaries should be 50% higher than today's, pensions - by 20%. Only in this case would their real value return to pre-crisis values.

Another point that deputies are talking about is that military pensions have recently been growing much slower than “civilian” pensions. Next year's draft budget assumes the same picture - with regular pensions growing by 7.05% at the beginning of the year, military pensions will be indexed by only 4.3%, and only then in the fall

Military pensions from 01/01/2018. Latest news about the increase in military pensions from January 1, 2019

In Russia today there are approximately 3 million people associated with military service. According to the federal law dated 12.01.1995 (as amended on 03/07/2018) “About veterans” these include the following persons:

  • former employees of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other various military formations approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation or former union republics;
  • disabled people and persons who served during the Second World War 1941 By 1945.

It is reported that at the beginning 2018 approximately 18 billion rubles th was allocated from the budget to pay military pensioners. Thus, a person who served as a platoon commander will receive a payment of approximately 66,100 rubles, former battalion commander - 88,700 rubles, company - 83,000 rubles, battalion commander - 96 000 , and a private under contract - about 34 000 .

The highest increase in pensions ( 30% ) is observed among former and current employees of the prosecutor's office and investigators. Thus, a district prosecutor can count on a pension of up to 29 000 rubles instead 22,000 rubles.

Latest news from the Ministry of Defense on increasing military pensions

The latest news from the Minister of Defense on military pensions is that the authorities have allocated enough funds to cope with the task set by the president: 38.6 billion rubles in order to cover security among military personnel and pensioners.

Already in January the pensions of former military personnel were increased by 4%, which, in his opinion, corresponds to the level of wages for workers in key economic sectors. Shoigu also recalled Vladimir Putin’s instructions to carry out indexation in relation to “military” accruals within 2018, 2019, 2020.

Will there be an increase in military pensions from October 1, 2018: Latest news?

At the end of last year, it was announced that one of the planned stages of indexation is planned to be carried out with October 1, 2017. However, Vladimir Putin, in his subsequent speech, indicated that early payment of military personnel must be carried out no later than the beginning of January of this year in order to achieve synchronized indexing of all other social payments.

How is military pension calculated?

The legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 4468-1) states that to assign a pension to the length of service, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • position in one of the various military formations taken into account by law;
  • the presence of a special rank (the increase in this case is from 5 before 30%);
  • total work experience in 25 and more years

It must be remembered that from 25 specified years, persons must have at least 12 years and six months of military experience.

In addition, in order to increase the final amount of the pension, it is possible to count the time that a person spent on the educational process before he was assigned to any of the military formations. This category includes dismissed officers and representatives of senior ranks of various military departments approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Pension amounts also vary. So, for the above-mentioned citizens, with length of service up to 20 years inclusive of accrual 50% from the size of the pension. After 20 years every year an amount of 3% from the size of the pension. In this case, the total number should not exceed more than 85%.

It is also necessary to take into account factors for increasing pensions for individuals not included in the general list:

Person status

% of pension amount
Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation 100
Persons awarded the Order of Glory 3 degrees 100
Heroes of Socialist Labor, heroes of labor of the Russian Federation 50
Persons awarded the Order of Labor Glory 3 degrees 15
Persons awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3 degrees 15
Persons who were in military service from June 22, 1941 By September 3, 1945 no less 6 months, or awarded orders and medals of the USSR for valiant labor and military service in the Second World War 16
Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad” 32
Disabled since childhood due to wounds, contusions, injuries associated with combat operations 32

If a military pensioner receives a second insurance pension, payments are calculated using the following formula:


JV– insurance pension

IPC– the amount of pension points accumulated by a person by the date of enrollment of the pension

SIPC– the cost of the pension card on the date of assignment of the insurance pension

FV– fixed payment

Considering that military “contractors” or those living with their spouses in settlements where it is difficult to find a job, 1.8 points behind 12 calendar months.

Second pension for military pensioners: what is it for?

The second pension for military pensioners is assigned when the person has all the following parameters:

  • 60 years for men, and 55 years for women;
  • There is a minimum insurance period;
  • The pensioner has at least 13,8 pension points;
  • Registration in the compulsory insurance system has been completed.

Additional possible options:

  • There is a disability received during hostilities;
  • Loss of a breadwinner while performing military service.

If a pensioner, receiving a second pension, continues to work in a civil institution, he will have to wait for the annual recalculation in August of each year.

Will the reduction factor be canceled in 2018?

For the first time, the reduction factor mechanism was applied in practice in 2012 Initially it was equal to 54% from the accrued pension amount. Its real meaning has grown to 72,23% in January of this year, due to an increase in payments by 4%.

The increase in this coefficient affected many persons associated with military service, excluding former employees of the FSB, SVR, judges, current prosecutors and investigators serving in the Investigative Committee.

According to existing legislation, the abolition of the reduction coefficient is not in the government’s plans. However, there are forecasts as a result of which it will be reduced to 0%, after which military personnel will be able to receive payments in full. It is also necessary to take into account that the successful development of such a forecast depends on the results of the upcoming indexation of pensions for the military.

Increase in military pensions from January 1, 2019: Latest news from the State Duma

In the past year, I initially expected to pay additionally 25% from the standard pension for a given case to all military personnel who have worked for more than 20 years, but did not resign.

But the latest news shows that no big increase is expected, and the next indexation is not scheduled until October 2019.

Also, the latest news from the State Duma makes it clear that the military pension January 1, 2019 and received a reserve from the budget of about 82 billion rubles for wages during the period from 2018 By 2020 Only with October 1 this year it will be possible to talk about how dynamic the indexing process will be in 2019.