Craft a church from pasta step by step instructions. Eggs and other Easter pasta crafts. Additional decorative elements

The Easter holiday inspires both adults and children to prepare for it. This DIY Easter craft will help you plunge into the world of creativity and create your own Easter mood. There are a lot of crafts in Easter style, but one of my favorites is the basket. A basket made from pasta looks unusual and beautiful.

Not only baskets, but also eggs can be made from pasta of this shape.

Pasta art

In the master class for children, a step-by-step description of the process of creating an egg-shaped basket-house for an Easter animal will be given. It could be easter bunny or chicken.

Color the desired shape of pasta in the desired color using Easter egg dye. This can be done in bowls, or, as in the photo, in plastic bags with clasp. When the pasta is colored, you need to remove it and dry it well.

Prepare the foundation on which our craft will subsequently stand. This can be thick cardboard covered with foil, or a board covered with sisal.

Inflate the balloon to the size of the planned craft.

You need to inflate it so that it is not stretched too tightly, because if it is pierced, it may rupture too much and the entire pasta structure will burst.

If a child is making a craft, then you need to use PVA glue. If an adult makes a craft and is not hot-air balloon, and on a can, it will be faster and more convenient to use a heat gun. Carefully begin to glue the ball, trying to ensure that each part fits tightly against one another.

Draw the place where the “entrance” will be in advance; do not glue the pasta there.

Allow the ball with the glued pasta to dry. Then carefully pierce the ball and, helping yourself with tweezers, pull it out of the structure.

Place the egg house on a stand and decorate with pasta painted a different color. Place a “tenant” inside, decorate the inside of the house with eggs, flowers, and sweets.

The varied shapes of modern pasta allow you to make whatever your heart desires.

You just need to choose the shape that is most suitable for the product, paint them in the desired color and you can glue them not only into souvenirs, but also into things that can be used in everyday life.

Coloring the pasta different patterns by using acrylic paints, you can get blanks for decorating postcards, crafts, vases, photo albums and other items that suddenly need to be decorated.

Decorating the windows

Cut out an egg template from cardboard, trace it with a pencil on the pages of an old magazine, wallpaper or just colored paper. Cut out more images of eggs, punch paired holes in them, some at the top of the egg, some at the bottom. Take decorative twine or colored six-piece threads and thread them through the holes, turning the eggs up and down. Use these colorful Easter garlands to decorate your windows.

Inflate small balloons, coat them with glue, wrap them with colored threads, coat each layer, wait until dry. Remove the balls from inside, attach bright threads to the top and decorate the windows or chandelier.

Using scissors, cut strips from cardboard. Glue them into rings to make egg cups. Wrap them with twine, decorate with a bead and a flower, insert painted eggs.

Easter Angels:

  • tear the white one with your hands soft cloth on 2;
  • padding polyester for an angel's head;
  • 2 pieces of strong thread for modeling a figurine and connecting parts of an Easter craft;
  • elegant ribbon or lace (about 25-30 cm).

We place a padding polyester in the middle of the square of fabric and use a strong thread to form the head of an angel. Using the same thread we form the wings and skirt. Fold the second square in half diagonally and make wings, tying it in the middle.

Tie the wings to the back. We tie a “wreath” from a ribbon onto the angel’s head, and with the free ends of the ribbon we tie the chest and back crosswise. We tie the ends of the ribbon in front in the form of a belt.

Hang the angels on the Easter tree along with the painted eggs.

Video on the topic of the article

The bright Christian holiday of Easter is approaching and many of our housewives have already begun to prepare for the joyful event, choosing interesting recipes for making Easter cakes and asking different ways coloring Easter eggs. And another important question faces us - what gifts to choose for Easter for household members, relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Of course, the easiest way is to go to some specialized store and take advantage of the wide selection of a wide variety of Easter gifts. But the most ideal option is to do Easter gifts with your own hands. Beautiful homemade products and original crafts, created with love and attention, will preserve the warmth of your hands and the spiritual harmony of your inner world, which is born in the process of working on each gift.

In this article we will share with you interesting ideas, master classes and video lessons, with the help of which you can easily and quickly make very interesting crafts for Easter from pasta. Pasta of various shapes and sizes, combined with improvised and even waste materials lying around in a closet or on the back shelves of home furniture, will serve us as a universal material for creating unique Easter crafts with our own hands.

Usually, traditional Easter symbols are chosen as gifts for Orthodox Easter - eggs, candles, angels, Easter cakes (as well as rabbits and chickens, which can be called symbols of the Catholic trend). The good thing about pasta as a material for crafts is that it can be easily painted in any color. different options paints (the most popular is aerosol paints in cans) and connect to each other using PVA glue, “Moment” or a glue gun. Since Easter is a spring holiday, shades from the green palette and golden options are appropriate for creating crafts. But the main Easter color is red. So, let's learn how to make crafts for Easter from pasta with your own hands in the form of eggs and angels.


Materials for work:

It is best to decorate wooden or plaster egg blanks with pasta., because eggshell too fragile and may break during operation. Wooden blanks for Easter eggs made from pasta can be bought in a specialized store, but plaster ones can be made with your own hands.

1. Take a plastic egg that splits into halves and cut a small round hole in the base. If you don’t have a plastic egg, you can use a regular chicken egg: make a hole in it, let the liquid drain out and then enlarge the hole a little (very carefully so as not to break the shell), dry it.

2. Now prepare the gypsum solution. Pour a glass of water into a bowl and add 5 tbsp. l. building gypsum. Stir the plaster thoroughly until smooth so that there are no lumps left.

3. Place the egg on the base of the glass or shot glass and pour plaster through the hole using a funnel. Leave to dry for an hour.

4. Remove the plastic halves from the plaster egg or simply peel the shell.

5. Once you have the base, you can start decorating.

Golden Easter egg made from pasta

Take a wooden or plaster blank for an Easter egg made from pasta and apply PVA glue to it in a thin strip around the longitudinal side of the egg. Then glue small uncooked pasta (like stars) onto the strip, end to end. Make several of these stripes.

Now take paint (acrylic or gouache) and completely color the egg with pasta.

Decorate the center of the egg with glitter. To do this, pour some PVA glue onto a plate and sprinkle glitter into it. Apply a thick layer of glitter glue to the center of the egg.

You will get real golden Easter eggs from pasta.

You can also cover the eggs completely with pasta or lay out a pattern and cover them with silver or gold paint.

Combine pasta with other natural materials

ami, to lay out a wide variety of ornaments.

If you paint Easter eggs made from pasta, the relief will be more noticeable; if you don’t paint, the color will be more noticeable.

Easter egg made from pasta using a ball

With a little patience and hard work, you can make an Easter egg made entirely of pasta.

You will need:

    PVA glue;



    paint (optional).

You can choose pasta of any size, shape and color, but To create a flat surface, pasta in the shape of cart wheels is best.

1. First, soak the pasta in PVA glue for 5 minutes.

2. Inflate the balloon until the right size, tie the end tightly.

3. Start gluing the pasta onto the inflated ball so that there is a cavity inside.

4. Let the product dry thoroughly, and then pierce the ball and remove it from there.

5. Decorate the edges with other shaped pasta, such as bows or shells. It is advisable to use hot melt glue, because it will easily fill all the gaps and voids.

7. You can place a cross on the top, made from the same pasta as the whole egg.

8. If desired, the pasta Easter egg can be coated with paint and a layer of varnish.

This is no longer easy, this is real art!

Elena Vyrodova

I continue to be creative and do it with great pleasure!

For the holiday of Light Easter We had a traditional competition" Easter Joy"Of course, it was impossible to miss this. After rummaging through the nooks and crannies of the Internet, we decided to do pasta craft. Such there are a lot of crafts, different, very beautiful! But I still really wanted to try it, because the result looks simply amazing!

So, let's go)

For the work we needed the following materials and tools: all kinds of curly pasta(we didn’t skimp and bought good, high-quality pasta, glue gun, glue sticks for the gun, PVA glue (a lot, a balloon (you need to choose a larger ball size, the shape should resemble egg, a used computer disk, a metal bell, gold paint in a can, and of course your desire and imagination!

We begin the work by making the egg itself. To do this, inflate the balloon, place it on some kind of stand, generously grease it with PVA glue and begin gluing it onto the ball pasta, leaving round holes on both sides. It turns out like this egg:

We leave egg to dry. In the meantime, we begin to make a little chapel that will fit inside the egg.

We glue the columns using a gun and glue them onto a disk, which will be the base of the chapel. We glue the dome, attach a bell under the dome.

After the egg itself has dried, we begin to decorate it. Decorated pasta and beads. After decoration, we cover it with spray paint. There is a lot of room for your imagination. What pasta and how to decorate What color to paint is up to you!

Here we have it What:

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To work you will need: Corrugated cardboard Colored paper Sequins of different colors PVA glue Scissors Sequence of work:.

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