Pedagogical technology “Club hour. Club hour in kindergarten Long-term planning of a club hour in kindergarten

Thematic Club hour"The secrets of our boys, the secrets of our girls."

Participants: Children of older groups, teachers of all age groups, specialists.

Additional assistance in organizing the event: all employees of MBDOU d/s No. 54.

Club hour type: active

Resource support: a long-term plan for the pedagogical technology “Club Hour”, a layout plan for the premises of a preschool educational institution, red incentive circles, a candle, calm music for a reflective circle, emblems - signs on the doors of the premises.

Preliminary work among parents:

Inform parents about how, when and at what time Club Hour will be held and how it will affect children;

How will the safety of children be ensured?

Provide the opportunity for parents to take part in the work of the “Club Hour” (“Master Class”)

Preliminary work among teachers:

Discuss organizational issues;

Discuss with children the rules of behavior during the “Club Hour”;

Determine the number of groups participating in the event;

Target. Introduce children to the “Club Hour” situation. Help children gain life experience (meaning formations), experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.


To foster independence and responsibility in children;

Encourage the child’s attempts to consciously share various experiences with the teacher and other children;

To develop in children the ability to listen and understand each other;

Form a common position regarding various aspects of life in the group;

Learn to discuss plans for the day, week, month;

Develop the ability to express your feelings and experiences publicly;

Involve parents in the lives of children in preschool educational institutions.

Event plan

1. Organizing time : (discussion between the teacher and the children of the plan - diagram of the preschool educational institution, with a discussion of where, what is located)

2. Progress of the event: (movement of children for 1 hour throughout the building of the preschool educational institution, observing certain rules of behavior (previously developed), and upon a signal returning to the group).

At their own discretion, children attend any group where they are given the opportunity to choose an activity of interest.

Motivational and motivating Surprise moment: The chef came to visit

Creating a problematic situation: the cook needs assistants - cooks - to prepare a treat. Show interest. They think and guess what she does, what his profession is. They come to the conclusion that his profession is a cook, he prepares food, food

They offer themselves as assistants, promise not to mess anything up, and to be real cooks.

Organizational and search

D. Game: "Guess it"

Target: ability to solve riddles about food

D. Game: "What's being cookedcooks»

Goal: to learn to form relative adjectives from the names of food products

D. Game: "What is it made from"

Target: practice isolating properties.

They are learning a tongue twister.

Offers to tell the chef what you would like to learn how to cook.

Story plan

What type of product?

How is it produced?

Where do they sell it?

What are they cooking?

Do you like it?


Rub carrots, beets;

Cut cabbage and onions

Salt and pepper

Stir with a spoon

They look into the pan to see if it’s ready, and smell it.

The borscht turned out wonderful!

D.Game: "Let's set the table"

Target: exercise children in word formation.

Conducts individual work.

Show interest. They listen to the cook’s riddles, reflect, and express their opinions. They solve riddles.

They tell what they are fed in kindergarten

Meat cutlets (meat)

Buckwheat porridge (buckwheat)

Pea soup (pea)

Salad with vegetables (vegetable)

Cheese casserole (curd)

Semolina porridge (semolina)

Beetroot salad (beetroot)

Soup with milk (lactic)

Fish pie (fish)

Chicken broth (chicken)

Take part in the game. Food is collected in a red saucepan. Which have sounds in their names (R)- these are vegetables for preparing the first course - borscht (potato, carrots, pepper)

Berries and fruits that have sounds in their names are collected in a green pan. (L)

(raspberry plum, lemon, orange)

They determine and name where, at the beginning, middle or end, the indicated sounds are located, and highlight them with their voice.

Taking the chef exam , The cook names any dish, and the children list the ingredients for its preparation.

Rice porridge - milk, rice, salt, sugar, butter.

Borscht-potatoes carrots , cabbage, beets, onions, oil.

Pancakes - milk, eggs, salt, sugar, butter, flour.

Remember the tongue twister:

“I crushed the potatoes into okroshka. Kroshka likes potatoes in okroshka ».

They talk about food products by first selecting a picture.

This is cake. A cake is a confectionery product. It is made from flour, eggs, butter, sugar. The cake is sold in the store. It's sweet, I love cake.

Carry out in accordance with the text.

Take part in the game.

We will put butter (Where)-into the oil can

Where will we pour the sugar? - into the sugar bowl.

Where will we pour the milk? - Milkman

Where should we put the candy? - the candy bowl.

Where should we put the napkins? - a napkin holder.

Reflexive - ear correction

Reflexive - corrective - The cook says goodbye to the guys.

Encourages children.

Conducts a reflective circle “Remember and answer.” They say goodbye.

They share their impressions.

(Expected Result).

(Play): stories about food according to plan

(Understand): form relative adjectives from food names

(Apply): children’s ability to identify sounds at the beginning, middle and end.


Types of activities (contents)

Will prepare. gr.

Club "Girls' Secrets": sewing on buttons, embroidery.

Will prepare. gr.

Club "Big Secrets of Our Boys": carpentry work.

Senior group

Games and toys for boys and girls.

Senior group

Making a doll.

Middle group

Making a dress for a doll (applique).

Middle group

"Hairstyle school for young beauties" (boys evaluate the results).

2nd junior group

Play activity(boys and girls)


Let's set the table slowly and eat ruff (boys and girls). Training in table setting, development games fine motor skills.


Sports (boys vs. girls)

Music hall

Creative musical and visual activities "What unites us?!" (for boys and girls).

Upon the children’s return to the groups, a discussion is held - “Reflective Circle”, where each participant shares his impressions, talks about whether he managed to follow the rules, and if not, why; what you remember, what you liked.

The teacher records the problems that children have encountered during the “Club Hour” and discusses them with children and parents (at a suitable time), finding ways to solve them in joint activities.

3. Bottom line.

After the “Club Hour” event during the teaching hour, teachers and staff exchange opinions:

What did the children do when they came to their territory, what was special about their behavior;

How did the children who were in their group react when guests came to them?

Did the children follow the rules, and what prevented them from complying with them?

What problems need to be solved at the next “Class Hour”.

"Club hour as an effective technology

positive socialization of preschool children"

One of the most important tasks of the preschool period is the socialization of the child and its most important part is the development of sociability, that is, the ability to communicate with peers and adults.

The need for communication is one of the most important human needs. Relationships with other people originate and develop intensively in childhood. Without full communication, a child will not be able to adapt socially in society, and this will also affect intellectual development and the formation of personality in general.

This problem is of particular importance nowadays, when moral and communication development causes serious concern for children. It's no secret that best friend For modern child– it’s a TV or a computer, and your favorite pastime is watching cartoons or computer games. Children began to communicate less not only with adults, but also with each other. But live human communication significantly enriches the lives of children and paints the sphere of their sensations with bright colors.

Communication with peers occupies an important place in a child’s life: the pace of development of the child, his sense of self and self-esteem, and attitude towards other people depend on how successfully it develops. In communicating with peers, he learns to build relationships according to certain rules. Recognize yourself as a subject in a system of social relations.

Thus, the formation communicative competence baby preschool age is an urgent problem of modern preschool pedagogy.

To solve this problem, we decided to introduce such a new technology like "Club Hour".

"Club Hour" is a special modern technology development of the child's personality. The pedagogical technology is that children can freely communicate with each other for one hour and move around the kindergarten, observing certain rules of behavior, and return to the group when the bell rings.

The main goals of the “Club Hour” are:

  • nurturing friendly relations between children of different

age, respectful attitude towards others;

  • instilling in children independence and responsibility for

your actions;

  • spatial orientation training;
  • developing the ability to plan your actions and evaluate them


  • strengthening children’s skills to politely express their requests,

thank you for the service provided;

  • development of children’s desires to express their attitude towards

environment, independently find various speech means;

  • teaching children how to resolve controversial issues and

conflict resolution;

  • encouraging the child’s attempts to consciously share with the teacher and

other children to various impressions;

education) experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.

The following types of “Club Hour” can be distinguished:

  • Free. Children move freely throughout the territory

kindergarten (indoors or outdoors) and independently organize multi-age communication based on interests without the help of adults;

  • Thematic. In this case, Club Hours are included in

situation of the month.

  • Active. The basis of this type of "Club Hour"

The child’s self-determination in choosing various types of activities is based.

  • Creative. Children of the preparatory group for school themselves

organize all activities at Club Hour for all children.

To conduct a club hour, educators and specialists first discuss and determine:

  • Theme of “Club hours” perspective thematic plan

for half a year. This is necessary, since the “Club Hour” can be held at various forms: How educational activities V morning hours, as an activity in interest groups in the evening, as one of the forms of organizing a walk or leisure time.

  • Frequency and duration of Club Hour. Activity,

As a rule, they take place once a week at the beginning of the program and 2-3 times a week thereafter. One of the main conditions for holding a “Club Hour” is its duration, namely at least 1 hour, since otherwise children do not have time to gain their own life experience;

  • Rules of conduct for children during Club Hour:

- “Say “hello” and “goodbye” when you enter another group”;

- “If you took a toy to play, put it back when you leave”;

- “Do not take toys from other children if they took it first”;

- “Help conduct the lesson if it takes place during the “Club Hour”;

- “Speak calmly”;

- “Walk calmly”;

- “Return to the group when the bell rings”;

- “If you don’t want to go to other groups, then you can stay in your group or return to it if you’re tired”;

  • Organizational aspects of the “Club Hour”. All kindergarten employees are warned about the day and time of the event.

The event goes like this. The entrance doors to the garden are closed. Employees are at their workplaces and go about their daily business, waiting for the children to arrive. If possible, they communicate with guests, show and talk about their activities. Children are also encouraged to help employees with their work. To do this, prepare in advance different kinds activities for visiting children. At the end of the “Club Hour”, the person in charge passes through all floors (groups), for example, with a bell, giving a signal that it is time to return to the groups;

  • Organizational aspects of the “Club Hour”. Preschool team

determines how many groups and which ones will participate in the first event, how to prepare children for the first “Club Hour”.

With older and older children preparatory group Preliminary work is also being carried out:

  • a discussion is organized during which senior

preschoolers will learn what Club Hour is and why it is needed, what they will do during this event, and who would like to go to it;

  • it is discussed what groups there are in kindergarten, the age of children in

these groups and on what floor (wing) they are located;

  • explains what facilities there are in the kindergarten, how they are

they name who works there, what they do and what benefits they bring;

  • a plan (map) is issued showing what is happening and where, depending on

what type of “Club Hour” is planned - thematic, activity-based or creative;

  • penalties are established for non-compliance with the rules.

Immediately before the Club Hour, the children discuss all the rules. There is a plan - a map, each child plans where he wants to go. Instructions are given: “Children, you can move around the entire building for one hour, observing the rules of behavior. And at the ringing of the bell you return to the group.”

  • after the end of the “Club Hour”, all participating children, each

in their group, with the teacher, sit in a circle on the carpet, a discussion begins - a reflective circle. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interrupt each other and patiently wait for their turn to speak.

The following questions are discussed:

Where was the child?

What do you remember?

Do you want to go there again and why?

Have you planned before Club hour"go somewhere? Were you able to accomplish this, and if not, why not?

Were you able to follow the rules, and if not, why?
The teacher records the problems that children have during the “Club Hour” and discusses them with children and parents (at a suitable time), finding ways to solve them in joint activities.

  • after each event at the pedagogical

the council, educators, teachers and employees exchange opinions on:

What did the children do when they came to his territory, what was special in the children’s behavior;

How did the children who remained in their group react when guests came to them (a question for teachers);

Did the children follow the rules, and what prevented them from complying with them, were there any conflicts;

What problems need to be solved at the next “Club Hour”.

As noted, during the event children can move freely throughout the entire kindergarten building (“go wherever you want, do whatever you want”). At the same time, at the initial stage of the “Club Hour” for children, it is advisable to organize a wide variety of activities: an art studio, a music club, make free entry to the gym, to the accounting department, to the nurse, to the kitchen, and not only to watch, but also to do something interesting. And for safety, nannies can constantly “clean” the stairs and corridors, without interfering with the children’s movements, without making comments, but quietly keeping an eye on them. For the first time, children find themselves not as guests, but as owners of the kindergarten. As if from a locked cage, they escape from the group room. Having escaped from constant guardianship, children very quickly acquire the ability to independently find something to do and bring it to the end. They easily learn what an hour is... and plan how best to spend it.

“Club Hour” proved that five- and six-year-olds are not only able to take advantage of the freedom provided, but are also able to draw certain conclusions.

Publication date: 11/09/17

Municipal budget preschool

educational institution"Sun"

municipal formation city of Gubkinsky




Vashumirskaya Sevim Albenkovna

teacher of visual arts

Dudareva Elena Nikolaevna

musical director

Stepanova Inna Viktorovna

teacher speech therapist

Gubkinsky 2017

Target implementation - supporting children's initiative in various activities.


§to foster independence and responsibility in children;

§teach children to navigate in space;

§to foster friendly relations between children of different ages, respectful attitude towards others;

§develop the ability to take initiative in caring for others, to be grateful for help and signs of attention;

§develop the desire to express one’s attitude towards the environment, independently find various speech means for this;

§promote the formation of self-regulation in children.

Type club hour: active.

Preliminary work:

discussion, during which the rules were repeated “ club hour»:

Speak calmly;

Walk calmly;

Do not take away toys, materials or tools from other children if they take them first;

Start and finish work in the center at the signal of the bell;

selection of presenters in the centers, depending on the interests and skills of the children.

identification of centers for children's interests.


  • didactic manual"Funny Beads";
  • bell.
  • multimedia projector;
  • computer;
  • piano:
  • children's musical instruments: bells, sticks, tambourine.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the gym and line up in a circle.

Musical director. Guys, I think our activity will seem unusual to you: today each of you will choose for himself what he is interested in doing. Moreover, we have guys from different groups: preparatory and second junior. And before we begin, I suggest we introduce ourselves. “Funny Beads” will help us with this. On the carpet in front of us lies an unusual rope. We will string beads onto this string, like a thread. And we ourselves will be the beads. In order to become a bead, we put a loop on our hand and say our name. And we do it quickly. So, let's begin…

Communication game"Funny beads."

Musical director.We got some funny beads,

And we met and became friends.

And now I propose to remember the rules of our lesson. Tell me guys!

Speak calmly;

Walk calmly;

Be polite and attentive to adults and each other;

Do not take away toys or tools from other children if they took them first;

Help older kids help kids from junior group;

Start and finish work in the center with the ringing of a bell.

Teacher speech therapist. Well, let's begin! (Rings a bell.) Let's turn from beads into guys. (Children and adults remove the “loops” from their hands and place them on the carpet in front of them.) Guys, answer me this question: do you like fairy tales and cartoons? (Answers) Who are your favorite cartoon characters? What's your favorite hero? And you? Very interesting! Can you guess my favorite fairy-tale character? (Answers.)

Visual arts teacher. Who is my favorite fairy tale hero?

Musical director. Who are my favorite heroes? (Answer.) Masha, like me, loves to sing, dance, play musical instruments and invites you to music hall.

Visual arts teacher. And I like Kolobok because it is sculpted from dough, and I really like to sculpt colorful figures from plasticine in our art studio.

Teacher speech therapist. Luntik came to us from the Moon and is learning to speak. And I also teach the kids to speak correctly! Join Luntik and me, a lot of interesting things await you!

Musical director. We invite you guys to choose which of the heroes you will work with today.

The guys choose chips with images of fairy tale heroes.

Teacher speech therapist. All the guys decided what they will do today. Let's hurry! But do not forget that at the ringing of the bell we are going to gym.

Children and teachers disperse to club centers.

Speech therapy session in the form of a club hour

“Journey to the land of fairy tales. An unusual guest from the moon"

Target: acquaintance with the sound L - for the second youngest group. Automation of sounds L, L in syllables, words, sentences - for older preschool age


Correctional and educational:

  • introduce the sound L, highlight it in words;
  • consolidate the child’s knowledge of the sounds “L” and “L”; continue to learn to differentiate the sounds “L” and “L” in words;
  • consolidate the ability to determine the position of the sound “L” in words;
  • continue to learn how to make sentences; strengthen the ability to select adjectives to nouns.

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop phonemic hearing, articulatory and general motor skills, verbal and logical thinking.
  • cultivate self-control over speech through oral, tactile-vibrational and acoustic control.

Correctional and educational:

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

Today we have an unusual guest. Guess who it is:

“I am kind and good,

Not like anyone else

I really like it here

Even though he was born on the moon.” Who is this? (Luntik) ( Slide number 1)

Tell me, what is the first sound in the word “Luntik”? (sound "L")

Let's tell Luntik what sound this is (characteristic of the sound “L”)

In order to pronounce this sound correctly and beautifully, we will perform articulatory gymnastics. ( slide number 2)

D/U "Candy" Vupsen and Pupsen. (slide no.)

Oh, I completely forgot, Luntik brought candies, for girls with a soft sound “L”, and for boys with a hard sound “L”. But the trouble is, Vupsen and Pupsen saw the candies, but confused them, and even threw them into a vase with ice. Luntik sits sad and doesn’t know what to do, he’s afraid of the cold, and doesn’t know how to get them out of there. Let's help him. ( Cryotherapy)

What kind of candy is made from strawberries? (strawberry)

What kind of candy is made from oranges? (orange)

What kind of candy is made from lemon? (lemon)

What kind of candy is made from lime? (lime)

Well done!

After working with ice, you need to put your hands in a cup of warm water. Wipe dry and massage with hedgehog massagers

D/U "Chamomile" (slide No.)

Speech therapist:- One day Luntik was walking and came to an unusual clearing, daisies grew there, he wanted to collect a bouquet of daisies and give it to Baba Kapa. But the trouble is, he touched them and the petals scattered. Let's help him. Here we have the core. You need to find and take a petal with images of pictures with the sound L and thus collect a chamomile.

(Pictures: pin, tie, table, ball, bow, hat, doctor, acorn, well, bucket, umbrella, pencil).

Speech therapist:- Well done! Look how beautiful the chamomile turned out.

Didactic game “Wizard’s Letter” (slide No.).

Luntik has a wizard friend on the Moon. He wrote him a letter in which he mixed everything up. Help Luntik, listen carefully to the sentences, correct mistakes, say correctly.

  • The sky is on the moon. (Moon in the sky)
  • Mom made beets from the salad. (Mom made beet salad)
  • Refrigerator in sausage. (Sausage in the refrigerator)
  • The apple squeezed the juice out of Mila. (Mila squeezed juice from apples)
  • Waves float on the boat. (The boat floats on the waves)
  • Kalach ate Slava. (Slava ate the kalach)

Luntik has learned a lot from you, you have become his true friends, but it’s time for him to return home, and as a souvenir he gives you his photograph, which you can color in your group with colored pencils.

Musical activity"New Adventures of Masha and the Bear"

Target: developing the ability to engage in various types of musical activities in collaboration with children of other ages.


consolidate knowledge about the three main genres of music: song, dance, march;

develop emotional responsiveness to music, expressiveness of performance;

cultivate an attentive and friendly attitude towards each other.

Musical accompaniment:

“March” (E. Tilicheeva);

Musical game “Sunshine and Rain” (A. Barto, M. Rauchwerger);

“Waltz Joke” (D. Shostakovich);

Music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” (composer V. Bogatyrev).


Progress of the lesson:

Musical director. Guys, are you familiar with the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”? Have you watched the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"? Tell me, guys, about Masha and the Bear's character. What kind of bear is it: good or evil? (Children's answers.) What is Masha’s character like? (Children's answers.) Yes, Masha very happy girl, inquisitive, mischievous, so we know a lot about her interesting stories. Do you want to come up with your own story about Masha and the Bear? (Answers.) Let's call this story "The New Adventures of Masha and the Bear." Where do you think this story will begin?

Children come up with the beginning of the story, the teacher coordinates and prompts:“Masha goes down the stairs and sings: “Here I go down.”

Song - chant “Ladder” (E. Tilicheeva)

Musical director. She liked the song, she rises up and sings: “Here I go up.” And again he runs downstairs with a song: “Here I go down.”

Children come up with a continuation of the story, the teacher coordinates and suggests.

Musical director. Masha goes on a sea voyage and who does she meet? (Children's answers. A slide with an image of a large whale appears on the screen..) Please note: this is not just any whale, but a whale named Marsh. What is a “march”? (Children's answers.) I suggest you, together with Masha, perform a vigorous step to the music of “March”.

Children perform a brisk step in a circle to the music

“March” by E. Tilicheeva.

“A whale named Song swims towards Masha. The bright sun appears above it.”

Musical director. To continue the journey, we need to sing a cheerful song about the sun.

Held music game"Sun and Rain"

(A. Barto, M. Rauchwerger).

Children come up with a continuation of the story, the teacher coordinates and suggests:“A whale named Dance is swimming towards Masha.”

“Waltz Joke” sounds (D. Shostakovich)

The teacher talks with the children about the nature of music and offers to perform it on musical instruments.

Musical director. To continue their journey, Masha and the Bear must dance a waltz or perform it on musical instruments. Which one do you think musical instrument will Masha choose? (Children's answers.) Which instrument suits the Bear best?

(Children's answers.)

Children perform in the orchestra (on bells and percussion instruments) “Waltz Joke” (D. Shchostakovich).

Musical director. A whale named Dance sailed far into the ocean, and Masha and the Bear got off the ship and went to their friends, the forest dwellers, with a cheerful song.

Did you like this story? Would you like to come up with more stories? (Answers.) Well, each of you come up with your own story and share it with your friends.

Visual arts lesson

"Kolobok and his friends"

The children sit at the tables.

Visual arts teacher.Guys, look, Kolobok is already waiting for us.

Kolobok. Hello guys! I came to your kindergarten today for a reason. You are so fun and interesting! What a friendly company you have here! How I would like to have such a friendly fun company koloboks.

Visual arts teacher. Guys, let's help Kolobok make friends, we'll mold them from plasticine. The koloboks will play together and sing songs. They will have fun!

- Let's stretch our fingers first.

Finger gymnastics:

1. Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman

In a clearing by the river.

(Knock fist on fist.)

2. And they loved it very, very much

Koloboks with sour cream.

(Clench and unclench our fists.)

3. Although the grandmother has little strength,

Grandma kneaded the dough.

(Shake your hands.)

4. Well, what about grandma’s granddaughter?

She rolled the bun in her hands.

(Three palms.)

5. Came out smooth, came out smooth,

Not salty and not sweet.

(We stroke our hands one by one.)

6. Very round, very tasty,

Even eating it makes me sad.

(Clap our hands.)

Visual arts teacher. And now we can begin our work.

We have one friend,

His name is plasticine!

Adults and children know -

With him, everything in the world is possible!

We will take plasticine of the desired color. What color will you use? (Children's answer; if the younger ones have any difficulties, the children from the preparatory group help).

Let's knead our plasticine so that it becomes soft and obedient.

One two three four five-

Let's start warming up.

I'm squeezing hard, hard -

I'm kneading my plasticine!

We transfer the plasticine from one hand to the other, as if we were hiding it.

Now you can make a bun from such obedient, soft plasticine. Place it on your palm, hold it with your other palm and roll it out in a circular motion.

I'm spinning, spinning, spinning -

I want to spin the ball!

- After the koloboks are ready, you can make eyes out of beads and use a stack to depict a smiling mouth. You can also do your hair and headdress. The guys from the preparatory group help the younger ones.

Independent work of children. The teacher provides individual assistance.


The molded koloboks are laid out on a plate.

Visual arts teacher. Well done boys! Oh, what beautiful koloboks you made. Round. What color are the koloboks?


Visual arts teacher. Koloboks can sing a beautiful song. Let's help them.

Kolobochek! Kolobok!

My side is ruddy!

And I am good and handsome,

And he looks like the sun!

Visual arts teacher. You see, children, how happy Kolobok is that he has made so many friends.


- Hooray! Hooray! Here are my friends!

Visual arts teacher. And here you can hear the ringing of a bell. It's time for us to get back to the gym.

At the ringing of the bell, all participating children and teachers gather in the gym, sit in the “Reflective Circle” and a discussion begins, where everyone is asked questions:

- Where have you been?

What do you remember?

Do you want to go there again, why?

Were you able to follow the rules, if not, why?

Scenario of the club hour “Traditions of hospitality of the peoples of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan”

Participants and organizers:
Golovach N.E. - Art. teacher
Konovalova T.A. - music supervisor,
Sheikina E.S., Dyagina A.V., Baranova S.N., Nikolaeva E.V., teachers.
Club hour type: thematic.
Date and time: October 24, 2016 from 10.00-11.00h.
Target: development of the personality culture of older preschoolers through the development of ideas about traditions and customs of peoples different countries, education of tolerance.
Previous work:
Study by teachers of various sources of information about traditions, customs, sights of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan. Working with Internet resources, encyclopedias. Interaction with parents: collection of information, survey.
Together with the teachers, we discussed the organization of the club hour, the choice of countries, determined the travel route and the distribution of preparation responsibilities.
The group rooms and music hall were decorated in the national traditions of the countries represented.
Literature: Grishaeva N.P., Strukova L.M., “Pedagogical technology “Club Hour” as a means of developing self-regulation of behavior in preschoolers,” M.: Venta - Graf, 2015.

Course of the club hour:

Leading: Hello, dear parents and children. We are glad to welcome you to our kindergarten. Thank you, dear parents, for taking the time to come to our open day. Today we want to hold it as part of the Club Hour “Traditions of Hospitality of the Peoples of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.” In our multinational country - Russia, lives a large number of people from different countries. We are all different, completely different from each other. We speak different languages, we different customs and traditions. But we are all united in one thing - we are people! People are born different, different.
So that you can understand others,
You need to cultivate patience in yourself.
You need to come to people's homes with kindness.
Keep friendship and love in your heart.
Among the pupils of our kindergarten there are children different nationalities. They are all friends, communicate, play. During the club hour we will get acquainted with the traditions and games of three countries: Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
According to the old Russian custom, Russia will greet us with bread and salt. It will be presented by the children of the senior group “Colored Palms”.
Peace be with you dear guests
You came to good hour
A warm welcome like this
Prepared for you!
Hospitality and cordiality
Our native land is famous!
Russian songs are here for you too
And a honey loaf!
There will be games, there will be dancing
The songs will be good
After all, once upon a time there were gatherings
Were a holiday for the soul
Come on in, come on in
Look at our hut!
Children perform the song “Russian Izba”

And now honest people
Join the round dance
Entertain guests
Show yourself to people.
A round dance is held: “We were in the round dance, ah - lyu-li, we were!”
The corners of the hut are not red
And red with pies
Let's sit next to each other on the bench
And I'll sit with you
I'll tell you a riddle
I'll see who's smart!
Riddle: A house grew up in a field
The house is full of grain
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up
The house is shaking
On a golden pillar (Spikelet)
The Russian people have many riddles and proverbs. What proverbs do you know about bread?
Children say proverbs:
- Mother Earth - Father Bread
- Bread is life
- A bad lunch when there is no bread
- A hungry godfather has bread on his mind
- You can live without gold, but you can’t live without bread
- Rye bread is the grandfather of wheat
- All the power is in bread!
-A lot of snow - a lot of bread
- If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove (Egor M.)
- Bread is the head of everything (Anya K.)
The teacher brings a loaf of bread to the guests.
Here it is, a fragrant bread with a crunchy twisted crust
Here it is warm golden, as if filled with sunshine
In it is health, our strength.
It's wonderfully warm
How many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him
There will be bread, there will be song
There will be bread, there will be dancing
There will be bread, there will be games
The game “Granny Hedgehog” is being played
Progress of the game: Baba Yaga jumps on one leg and tries to touch the guys with a broom. Whoever it touches stops and freezes in place. The last one left in the game becomes Baba Yaga.
And now we invite you to the warm and beautiful country of Armenia. It will be presented by children and parents of the preparatory group. "Smeshariki".
Today our group will represent the country of Armenia. All children have the national flag of Armenia attached to them. It consists of three colors. The following meanings of colors are approved in the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia:
The red color symbolizes the Armenian Highlands, freedom and independence of Armenia. Blue color symbolizes the desire of the Armenian people to live under a peaceful sky. The orange color symbolizes the creative talent and hard work of the Armenian people.
National music sounds, a representative of Armenia enters national costume with children and greets guests in their native language.
A national dance is performed.
Tells about the country, nature, riches, national dishes (lavash, tolam).
Speech by the children of the group: Armenia is my native country. This is the country of Transcaucasia, a country of high mountains. We have very beautiful nature. In the mountains, where the air is clean, medicinal herbs grow that can treat many diseases. The climate in Armenia is slightly warmer than in Russia. Peaches, tangerines, persimmons, and lemons ripen in the gardens. Lavash and tolma are considered national dishes.
Tolma is most similar to cabbage rolls - however, the role of cabbage leaves is played by wide grape leaves. The most common filling is also similar to cabbage roll - minced meat with rice. However, for grape “stuffed cabbage rolls” it must be mixed with a large amount of herbs. Stuffed bundles of leaves are boiled, stewed, steamed or baked until cooked and served with
garlic and yoghurt sauce.
Lavash is unleavened white bread, which is made in the form of a thin flatbread.
Typically made from wheat flour, it is popular among Caucasian peoples. In English-language publications you can see names of this product such as “brittle bread”. The word “lavash” is translated from the ancient Assyrian language as “knead.” Traditionally, this dish is prepared in an oven called a tandoor. It is built in the ground, and the walls are coated with clay.
Dry dung or brushwood is used as fuel.
Together with the children they play the national game “Tyshkinak” - handkerchief.
Game description: Children sit in a circle. The presenter with a handkerchief runs in a circle to the music. When the music stops, the presenter places a handkerchief on one child’s shoulder. This child must take a handkerchief and catch up with the leader. Children change roles.
Presenter: The country of Azerbaijan will share its hospitality. And it will be presented by the children and parents of the preparatory group “Pochemuchki”
Educator: “Salam” - hello, we invited you today to talk about the country of Azerbaijan, its traditions and customs. We hope you find it very interesting.
Azerbaijan is a country that sacredly observes its centuries-old national traditions. Traditions accompany Azerbaijanis from the moment of birth and throughout their lives: matchmaking, childbirth, holidays, harvesting and much more. In addition, many traditions of Azerbaijan are embodied in the hospitality of the original people, their culture, ancient beliefs, national clothes, folk festivals and entertainment.
You can see many traditions and customs in the illustrations, and Sabina’s mother will tell us more about them.
(Tale about the traditions of the country, parents).
Also today we will present to your attention the national dance of Azerbaijan.
(folk dance is performed).
And of course the children's room will be very interesting folk game"From the back of a horse."
Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, eye, strengthening of jumping skills, musculoskeletal system of the torso, legs.
Using a counting rhyme, a player is selected to lie face down on the mat and place his hat on his back. The remaining players take turns jumping over the lying person, having first placed their hat on the hat of the lying person. If during a jump the hat falls, then the jumper must replace the one lying down, but if not, then after the jump he takes his hat, and then jumps. next child.
a loss is counted if the hat falls from the lying child to the ground.
Educator: And now we ask you to try the national delicacy of Azerbaijan - Baklava.
Baklava is a traditional oriental sweet whose history goes back more than five hundred years. It is a multi-layer dessert, which is made from the thinnest layers of dough with the most delicate nut filling, soaked in syrup based on rose water, sugar or honey.
Host: Thank you for your hospitality and treats. Our club hour is coming to an end. The signal has already sounded. We invite children and parents to join their groups to exchange impressions. Thanks everyone for participating!

From work experience

"Club hour as an effective technology

positive socialization of preschool children"

Churkina Anna Innokentievna,

teacher of preschool educational institution No. 14,

Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk region.

One of the most important tasks of the preschool period is the socialization of the child and its most important part is development of communication skills, that is, the ability to communicate with peers and adults.

The need for communication is one of the most important human needs. Relationships with other people begin and develop intensively in childhood. Without full communication, the child will not be able to socially adapt in society, this will also affect intellectual development and the formation of personality as a whole.

This problem is of particular importance at the present time, when the moral and communicative development of children is of serious concern. It's no secret that the best friend for a modern child is a TV or a computer, and his favorite pastime is watching cartoons or computer games. Children began to communicate less not only with adults, but also with each other. But live human communication significantly enriches the lives of children and paints the sphere of their sensations with bright colors.

Communication with peers occupies an important place in a child’s life: the pace of development of the child, his sense of self and self-esteem, and attitude towards other people depend on how successfully it develops. In communicating with peers, he learns to build relationships according to certain rules. Recognize yourself as a subject in a system of social relations.

Thus, formation of communicative competence preschool child is an urgent problem of modern preschool pedagogy.

To solve this problem, we decided to introduce such a new technology like “Club Hour”.

“Club hour” is a special modern technology for developing a child’s personality. The pedagogical technology is that children can freely communicate with each other for one hour and move around the kindergarten, observing certain rules of behavior, and return to the group when the bell rings.

Main goals"Club hours" are:

  • fostering friendly relations between children of different ages,

respectful attitude towards others;

  • instilling in children independence and responsibility for their actions;
  • spatial orientation training;
  • developing the ability to plan your actions and evaluate their results;
  • strengthening children’s skills to politely express their request and thank them for the service provided;
  • the development of children’s desires to express their attitude towards the environment, to independently find various speech means for this;
  • teaching children how to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts;
  • encouraging the child’s attempts to consciously share various impressions with the teacher and other children;
  • acquiring one's own life experience (meaning formations) experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.

You can select the following types of “Club Hour”:

free. Children move freely throughout the entire territory of the kindergarten (indoors or outdoors) and independently organize communication of different ages based on interests without the help of adults;

thematic. In this case, "Club hours" are included in the situation of the month.

active. This type of “Club Hour” is based on the child’s self-determination in choosing various types of activities.

creative. Children of the pre-school group themselves organize all the activities at the “Club Hour” for all children.

To conduct a club hour, educators and specialists first discuss and determine:

1) The theme of “Club Hours” - a long-term thematic plan for the six months. This is necessary, since “Club Hour” can be carried out in various forms: as an educational activity in the morning, as an activity in interest groups in the evening, as one of the forms of organizing a walk or leisure time.

2) Frequency and duration of the “Club Hour”. Activities typically take place once a week at the beginning of the program and 2-3 times a week thereafter. One of the main conditions for holding a “Club Hour” is its duration, namely at least 1 hour, since otherwise children do not have time to gain their own life experience;

3) Rules of conduct for children during Club Hour:

- “Say “hello” and “goodbye” when you enter another group”;

- “If you took a toy to play, put it back when you leave”;

- “Do not take toys from other children if they took it first”;

— “Help conduct the lesson if it takes place during the “Club Hour”;

- “Speak calmly”;

- “Walk calmly”;

- “Return to the group when the bell rings”;

— “If you don’t want to go to other groups, then you can stay in your group or return to it if you’re tired”;

4) organizational aspects of the “Club Hour”. All kindergarten employees are warned about the day and time of the event. The event goes like this. The entrance doors to the garden are closed. Employees are at their workplaces and go about their daily business, waiting for the children to arrive. If possible, they communicate with guests, show and talk about their activities. Children are also encouraged to help employees with their work. To achieve this, various activities are prepared in advance for visiting children. At the end of the “Club Hour”, the person in charge passes through all floors (groups), for example, with a bell, giving a signal that it is time to return to the groups;

5) organizational aspects of the “Club Hour”. The preschool team determines how many groups and which ones will participate in the first event, how to prepare children for the first “Club Hour”.

Preliminary work is also carried out with children of the senior and preparatory groups:

1) a discussion is organized during which older preschoolers learn what “Club Hour” is and why it is needed, what they will do during this event and who would like to go to it;

2) it is discussed what groups there are in the kindergarten, the age of the children in these groups and on what floor (wing) they are located;

3) it explains what rooms there are in the kindergarten, what they are called, who works there, what they do and what benefits they bring;

4) a plan (map) is issued of what is happening and where, depending on what type of “Club Hour” is planned - thematic, activity-based or creative;

5) penalties are established for non-compliance with the rules.
Immediately before the Club Hour, the children discuss all the rules. A plan map is kept, each child plans where he wants to go. Instructions are given: “Children, you can move around the entire building for one hour, observing the rules of behavior. And at the ringing of the bell you return to the group.”

6) after the end of the “Club Hour”, all children participating, each in their own group, with a teacher, sit in a circle on the carpet, a discussion begins - a reflective circle. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interrupt each other and patiently wait for their turn to speak.

The following questions are discussed:

-Where was the child?

- What do you remember?

— Do you want to go there again and why?

— Did you plan to go somewhere before Club Hour? Were you able to accomplish this and if not, why?

— Did you manage to follow the rules, if not, then why.
The teacher records the problems that children have during the “Club Hour” and discusses them with children and parents (at a suitable time), finding ways to solve them in joint activities.

7) after each event on pedagogical council educators, teachers and staff exchange views on:

- what the children did when they came to his territory, what was special in the children’s behavior;

- how did the children who remained in their group react when guests came to them (a question for teachers);

— did the children follow the rules, and what prevented them from complying with them, were there any conflicts;

— what tasks need to be solved at the next “Club Hour”.

As noted, during the event children can move freely throughout the entire kindergarten building (“go wherever you want, do whatever you want”). At the same time, at the initial stage of the “Club Hour” for children, it is advisable organize a wide variety of activities: art studio, music club, make free entry to the gym, the accounting department, the nurse's office, the kitchen, and not only to see, but also to do something interesting. And for safety, nannies can constantly “clean” the stairs and corridors, without interfering with the children’s movements, without making comments, but quietly keeping an eye on them. First children turn out to be not guests, but owners of the kindergarten. As if from a locked cage, they escape from the group room. Having escaped from constant guardianship, children very quickly acquire the ability to independently find something to do and bring it to the end. They easily learn what an hour is... and plan how best to spend it.

"Club Hour" proved: five- and six-year-olds are not only able to take advantage of the freedom provided, but are also able to draw certain conclusions.


Mikhailova-Svirskaya L.V. Individualization of education for preschool children. A manual for preschool teachers. (We work according to the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education) – M.: Education, 2015.

Mikhailova-Svirskaya L.V. Children's advice: guidelines for teachers. – M.: publishing house “National Education”, 2015.

Modern technologies for effective socialization of a child in preschool educational organization. Federal State Educational Standard. /Author of the article Researcher, IS RAS Grishaeva Natalya Petrovna//Editor Sukhova E.A.: Ventana-Graf Publishing House, 2015.