Chickenpox quarantine announcement. How many days does the chickenpox quarantine last? The leaflet was developed to prevent the occurrence and spread of infection in organized children's groups caused by the varicella-zoster virus, chickenpox and measles

Chickenpox in kindergarten occurs frequently. Moreover, many parents, and even doctors, are of the opinion: the sooner, the better. It is known that this infectious disease in adulthood is much more difficult to tolerate, even requiring intensive care. In childhood, it can get by with a couple of pimples.

Source of the disease

Chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets. It can also be infected if it is applied to the skin healthy child fluid from a blister on the skin of a person with chickenpox gets in. A patient with chickenpox is contagious two days before the rash appears and until the crusts dry out.

It is almost impossible to become infected through second persons or objects used by the patient, since the chickenpox virus is very unstable in the external environment and dies within a few minutes. If the child has been in contact with a sick person, the infection may appear from 10 to 21 days. Therefore, chickenpox in kindergarten, as a rule, is not limited to a few weeks. Children get sick one after another, and quarantine can last from winter to summer.


Chickenpox can be easily identified by its red pimples. They appear in small quantities, but in just a couple of hours they can cover the entire body: from the heels to the crown. The pimples become watery and burst over time.

The disease may be accompanied by fever, up to 39.5 degrees, headache, weakness, nausea, and abdominal pain.


The treatment is very simple and boils down to smearing the pimples with brilliant green. This limits the entry of secondary infection into the wound.

If the pimples have reached the mucous membrane, then the mouth should be rinsed with a solution of water with furatsilin or soda. You also need to be careful with your eyelids - you cannot avoid lubricating the wounds; doctors advise disinfecting rashes on the eyelids with miramistin or okomistin.

The rash can last up to 5-10 days. Showering or bathing during illness is strictly contraindicated. As a last resort, you can quickly wash your face with water: just splash water on your face and pat dry with a towel, under no circumstances wiping it dry.

Quarantine in kindergarten

If there is chickenpox in a kindergarten, then a quarantine is declared in the group where the sick person went.

The mechanism for declaring quarantine is as follows. A local pediatrician is called to see a sick child and determines the infection. The doctor informs the clinic about the sick person and calls the kindergarten. Based on an order from the clinic, quarantine is declared in the group.

If a child is seen by a private pediatrician, no one is required to call the kindergarten. If parents themselves inform preschool that the child has chickenpox, the group will be alerted, the clinic will be informed, and then a quarantine will be announced.

Parents of healthy children are notified of the “special situation” of the group through a notice on the door. Children from the quarantine group do not attend premises where classes for other, “healthy” groups are held (music halls, gyms), or are the last to attend them. Classes are held as much as possible in a group. In addition, children go out for walks through a separate entrance.

The group carries out quarantine measures in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological standards (XVIII. Basic hygienic and anti-epidemic measures carried out by medical personnel in preschool educational organizations).

Children are examined daily, or even several times a day, by a nurse. If a rash is noticed on the child’s body, the teachers immediately call the parents with a request to take the sick person home. The child himself, before the parents arrive, is sent to the isolation ward.

Finally, I would like to say that many parents underestimate the severity of the disease and can, even if there is no temperature, take their child to the playground or go on a tourist trip, so as not to cancel a long-planned trip. At the same time, the rashes are smeared with desitin or potassium permanganate so that they cannot be identified as “chickenpox.” However, at the same time, they put not only the children around them at risk, but also their own child, because the consequences of chickenpox may not be as mild as the disease itself.

Chicken pox- a disease that is very quickly transmitted from a patient to healthy people; outbreaks of the disease are especially common in places where there are large crowds of people. Pay attention to age group, it can be noted that chickenpox develops in children in kindergartens and schools. Like any disease, chickenpox has several stages of development. Each stage lasts a certain period of time; therefore, there is a quarantine for chickenpox, which must be observed without fail if you do not want to aggravate the patient’s condition and infect healthy people.

How many days is quarantine for chickenpox?

Stages of disease development:

  • Initially, the herpes virus becomes infected and adapts to a specific organism.
  • Further, there is a massive reproduction of the virus and its accumulation in the mucous parts of the body.
  • When there is a high concentration of the virus in the body, and in particular in the patient’s blood, the first symptoms are observed.

In general, chickenpox lasts from 10 to 21 days; in rare cases, a child struggles with the disease for 39 days. It is difficult to say at what stage a person becomes a threat to others, because exactly how the virus will behave in a particular organism cannot be predicted by any doctor. There is an opinion that with chickenpox there is a danger of becoming infected during the first 5-10 days. At this time, the child experiences symptoms such as:

  • general weakness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • itching of the skin;
  • decreased appetite;
  • minor redness;
  • chills;
  • rarely nausea.

The signs of chickenpox are reminiscent of ARVI; parents, without suspecting anything, freely contact the child and treat him for a cold, while the virus spreads to others and successfully progresses in the baby’s body. Characteristic rashes with transparent contents will help you understand that you are faced with chickenpox. The person will be contagious and forced to stay at home until these papules become covered with a thick crust and completely stop appearing.

It should be noted that sometimes the baby remains contagious, even if the wound is covered with a crust. Due to little awareness, parents at this time take the child to Fresh air, mistakenly believing that the disease has already receded and he does not pose a threat to others. The patient's contact with healthy babies who have weakened immunity will certainly lead to infection.

According to numerous studies of sanitary and epidemiological stations, quarantine for chickenpox is 14 days. If chickenpox occurs, how many days you need to be at home is decided first of all by the parent, but the established standards must be taken into account. Even kindergartens and schools are closed for such a period of time if there is an outbreak of the disease. During this time, children have time to fully recover and communicate freely with each other.

When can you go to kindergarten or school after chickenpox?

Now you know how long quarantine for chickenpox lasts in children, but when to send your child to kindergarten is another question. Some parents believe that in two weeks the baby has not had time to get stronger, his immunity is weakened and he can catch other diseases that happen in children's groups. This is the right line of thinking; the child should not be put in danger again, so it is better not to attend kindergarten for a few more days.

In the body of children after 10 years, the virus can cause complications and only the attending physician will say how long the quarantine will last. You can go to kindergarten 17-18 days after the virus is activated in the body, but in no case earlier. Even if you observe that your baby is recovering faster, the blisters on the skin disappear - do not rush to send him to kindergarten after chickenpox.

The herpes virus that causes smallpox remains in our body for life. It is the correctness and duration of therapy that determines what concentration the virus will remain in. Often, untreated chickenpox becomes an impetus for the development of more serious ailments, which will have to be eliminated in a hospital setting.

For some children, chickenpox is a minor inconvenience, but for others it is a serious test for the body. To ensure that your baby does not encounter complications and is free to go to kindergarten in two weeks, you must take care of his immunity during and before the illness. Children get all useful substances from food, so supplement your child’s diet with vitamin-containing foods, and also monitor his hygiene. Such a simple measure sometimes allows you to avoid illness altogether, because once a virus enters the body, it is quickly eliminated by immune cells.

What certificates should I take and from whom?

If your baby had chickenpox, how many days you need to be at home, you knew and successfully defeated the disease, but were faced with a documentary type of trouble, it will be interesting to know that parents sick leave prescribed for chickenpox in children for 10 days. Sometimes this time is not enough to completely cope with the baby’s illness and there are two ways out of the situation. The doctor can send the parent to work, and leave the child in the care of other relatives, or the parent extends the sick leave for another 4 days. This is permitted by the laws of the country.

As for when to visit the kindergarten after chickenpox, parents should bring the baby for examination to a regional therapist in a children's clinic. After examining the skin, the doctor can issue a certificate that the child is completely healthy and can attend childcare facility. In most cases, such a certificate is issued five days after new blisters on the skin have completely stopped appearing.

Despite the fact that the forced holidays for the child and parent last more than three weeks, there are unpleasant symptoms and hassle, it is better for your child to get sick before the age of 10 years. If this does not happen, be sure to get vaccinated. Forced interruption at home will seem like a trifle to you, in comparison with the serious complications after chickenpox, which affect vital organs if an adult child is sick.

Most people get chickenpox once in a lifetime. After recovery, the body forms immunity to this disease, and with subsequent attacks of the chickenpox pathogen, it successfully fights it. It is curious that children suffer from this infection much faster and easier than adults.

Chickenpox is usually contracted in places where large quantity people: schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, because in the case of a single disease, the virus spreads at enormous speed and leads to mass infection. Therefore, children's institutions are always closed for quarantine if one of the children visiting them falls ill with the disease in question.

The chickenpox virus has very poor persistence in the environment.

Chickenpox symptoms

Chickenpox is caused by the Varicella Zoster virus in humans. Moreover, infection occurs through airborne droplets.

The first sign of the disease is a sharp increase in body temperature. It reaches 38-40 degrees. The patient complains of a headache. After some time, a rash appears on the skin in the form of small blisters filled with liquid. This rash causes the main discomfort of the disease - it itches.

In very rare cases, chickenpox occurs without a rash.

After some time, the bubbles begin to burst, forming small ulcers on the surface of the entire body. To disinfect and dry them, they are treated with a solution of brilliant green, and sometimes potassium permanganate. The next stage of wound healing is covering them with a crust, which must not be picked off under any circumstances, otherwise a scar will remain at the site of the ulcer in the future. Chickenpox can be treated at home.

Quarantine for chickenpox

A person with chickenpox becomes contagious to others already 2 days before the rash appears on the skin and mucous membranes. After the bubbles appear, the ability to infect others continues for another 7 days. The rest of the course of the disease does not pose a danger to people near the patient.

The incubation period of this disease is 7-21 days. During this time, the virus spreads through the blood and lymph throughout the body, gradually enters the skin and then leads to the appearance of a rash.

If, after three weeks after contact with a sick person, the child does not show the main signs of chickenpox, it means that he will no longer get sick.

Tip 2: How long does the chickenpox quarantine last in kindergarten?

Chickenpox is an infectious virus that is quite common. As a rule, it occurs in early preschool age, and the garden is quarantined. During the quarantine period, many disputes and questions arise that require the right approach and solutions.

Chickenpox spreads through the air very quickly and over long distances. Children get chickenpox more often due to the fact that their immune system is extremely weak and unstable to the virus. That is why, as soon as kindergarten begins, chickenpox becomes the first serious illness for most parents.

Chickenpox in the garden: how long does quarantine last?

As a rule, quarantine is announced immediately after an order is received from the medical institution where the sick person is being observed. The sick person is isolated for an average of 10 days, and the rest are warned that the group has been quarantined. Parents are usually notified by posting a notice on the door to the group.

The incubation period is 21 days. If during this time no more cases of the disease are detected, then the quarantine is lifted. If new infected people appear, then 21 days of quarantine are added to the date of the last sick person.

So, quarantine can be 3 weeks and even up to 7 months, depending on the number of children in the group and the sequence of their illness. During this time, the garden and the group do not stop their work; the quarantine group is just not allowed into public places: a dining room, a music room, or gym. They are allowed to walk on the playground; as a rule, each group walks on its own.

What to do if they refused to accept a child due to quarantine due to chickenpox?

There are cases where some parents are refused to accept their child into the group during quarantine. Such cases occur mainly in those who were ill at the time of discovery of chickenpox or for some other reason did not attend kindergarten. And this is not because the manager and nurse feel sorry for a little virus for you, but because they want to reduce the quarantine period in this way.

Remember - they cannot refuse you a visit! They can only advise you not to take your child so that he does not become infected, but they cannot turn him around and send him home. If the situation cannot be resolved peacefully, then there are several ways:

  • Ask the kindergarten medical worker for the number and title of the document according to which they do not accept your child into the group. Usually after this they will simply give up on you and allow you to visit, because this is not prohibited by law;

  • if you do not want to get sick, then offer to temporarily transfer your child to another group where there is no quarantine;

  • write a receipt stating that you have been notified of the chickenpox quarantine and are not against your child getting sick with it.

It is important to know that children suffer from this disease much easier and more easily.

Chicken pox is a disease from the list of acute infectious diseases that is transmitted by airborne droplets, which is why its distribution is very wide in kindergartens and schools.

Chicken pox does not manifest itself immediately, so an infected child can calmly go to kindergarten and school for the first time, while being a source of spread of the infection. The virus is most easily transmitted in childhood; children over 10 years of age and adults are much more difficult to tolerate the disease. In this case, chickenpox is accompanied high temperature and complications.

Incubation period of the disease- from 13 to 17 days. At the same time, only the first 5-10 days are dangerous for others. You can take the rash as a guide: as long as it is on the body, the virus is in the active stage. During this period, it is best to protect the patient from communicating with healthy people. Rashes can be different: single and completely covering the body. The most difficult thing when dealing with a rash is not to scratch the resulting blisters.

Chickenpox, as a rule, lasts 4-13 days and therefore educational institutions closed for two weeks for quarantine. Usually by this time the rashes heal, and new papules stop forming.

If a new infected person is discovered during quarantine, then from that day the quarantine will be extended for another 21 days. So, in a kindergarten group, quarantine due to chickenpox can last for several months until the last one recovers from the disease. At school, quarantine is much shorter, because many were ill in childhood, and therefore acquired immunity to the virus for the rest of their lives.

Chickenpox is a serious disease, and for those who did not have it in childhood, It is recommended to get vaccinated against chickenpox. Vaccination is very effective way prevent the virus.

(or chickenpox) is an acute infectious disease with symptoms manifested by many skin rashes in the form of papules filled with clear liquid and high body temperature.

The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets and spreads among children aged 2 to 6 years. In children, the disease occurs in a milder form. Some time after the illness, the body becomes covered with pink spots, which subsequently turn into papules with liquid. They itch a lot. After the rash, the patient's temperature rises to 39°C (more details). After the bubbles disappear, a brown crust forms in their place.

In the absence of immunity to this infection, adults can also get chickenpox. Their disease is severe (more details). If a person’s immunity is weakened, then in most cases he experiences the development of complications.

Since children are susceptible to chickenpox infection, kindergartens and schools are centers of spread of the disease. When a disease is detected, special disinfection measures are not carried out in educational institutions. This is due to the unstable life of the microorganism that causes chickenpox. In the external environment, the virus that causes the infection is quickly destroyed.

In the kindergarten group, a chickenpox quarantine is declared for the incubation period from the moment the last sick person is identified.

All children who have been in contact with the patient are allowed to attend kindergarten. Children, for various reasons, who did not attend a child care facility at this time, are asked to move to another group or stay at home for the quarantine period.

When and how is quarantine declared?

If a child with symptoms of chickenpox is found in an educational institution, a doctor is called to the group or class to make a diagnosis. In case of a positive result, the head of the educational institution issues an order to impose quarantine.

An announcement about quarantine due to chickenpox in a kindergarten or school is posted on the doors of the institution to inform parents. Sick babies are left at home until rashes appear.

What to do if there is an outbreak of chickenpox in a team?

During quarantine, the institution continues to operate. Measures to ensure the protection of the team from the spread of chickenpox:

  • quarantined groups are not allowed into the music and physical education halls; classes are held in the group room or classroom;
  • into buildings educational institutions and quarantined groups get to the walk through the emergency entrance;
  • The premises are subject to frequent ventilation and wet cleaning;
  • children from quarantine groups who have not previously had chickenpox are not admitted to sanatorium-resort institutions, for inpatient treatment, etc. public places where they can become sources of infection.

According to quarantine rules, children must be examined every day nurse. If a patient is identified, he is isolated from the rest of the children and the parents are called to take the child home.

How long does it last?

The maximum incubation period for the varicella zoster virus when there are no symptoms of the disease is 21 days. Quarantine for chickenpox is prescribed for the same period from the date of detection of the last sick child. If another patient appears, the quarantine is extended.

When in contact with a sick person at home healthy child allowed to attend kindergarten for 10 days. From 11 to 21 days inclusive, he is not taken to kindergarten.

SanPiN for chickenpox

IN sanitary rules(SanPiN) on chicken pox, regulations have been collected that prescribe measures to prevent the spread of infection in groups of children and adults.

SanPiN states that when a focus of the disease appears in children's team It is not necessary to introduce quarantine. Recommendations common to all infectious diseases apply to a sick child:

  • the sick person cannot attend preschool for about 3 weeks;
  • mandatory doctor's visit;
  • providing a health certificate after chickenpox to a kindergarten or school.

The whole truth about chickenpox

Chickenpox treatment

effective method disease prevention. SanPin does not require mandatory vaccination against chickenpox; a child is vaccinated only at the request of the parents.

These measures were created to prevent the spread of infection. Quarantine is carried out if a child with chickenpox was found in one of the groups of a kindergarten, school or other institution.

During quarantine, the institution carries out activities in accordance with SanPin:

  • In camps, schools or kindergartens, children are examined. Medical worker examines children daily for chickenpox infection.
  • Various classes and events are conducted without leaving the group or class.
    Employees of the institution carry out wet cleaning of the premises at least twice a day.
  • As is known, ultraviolet light effectively deactivates the chickenpox virus. As a result, the premises are quartzed several times a day.
  • Toys, furniture surfaces and dishes are treated daily with a special disinfectant.
  • The premises are ventilated twice a day.

How and when is quarantine declared?

If in a kindergarten or other institution with a large concentration of children a child is discovered who has chickenpox, information about the disease is transmitted to the clinic.

The local doctor examines the child, and if this diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor transmits the information to the sanitary-epidemiological service (SES). The SES, in turn, issues a quarantine order.

Is the kindergarten closed for quarantine if there is chickenpox?

It should be noted that institutions do not stop working; during the quarantine, the institution continues to work with some features.

How many days does quarantine last?

Typically, quarantine in kindergartens and other institutions is announced for at least 21 days. This period of time corresponds to the maximum. If, after the end of quarantine, a newly ill person is discovered, the quarantine may be extended.

Should I take my child to kindergarten?

Since not everyone has the opportunity to leave their child at home, this issue worries many parents. If the child was not in kindergarten at the time the sick child was discovered, the institution’s staff will advise you to stay at home to avoid infection.

If parents do not have this opportunity, the head of the kindergarten offers to temporarily attend another group. If parents decide to continue to take their child to kindergarten, the management of this institution asks them to write a corresponding receipt.

Situations often occur when a child has come into contact with someone who has chickenpox outside of kindergarten. In this case, the child is allowed to attend kindergarten for the first 10 days from the date of the incident. Starting from the 11th day, the child should stay at home until complete recovery.

Vaccination during quarantine

Parents are often faced with the choice of whether to vaccinate against chickenpox if there is a quarantine in the garden? Is it possible to make manta during chickenpox quarantine? Experts say that vaccination against chickenpox during quarantine is not contraindicated.

It is advisable to give preference to the Varilrix vaccine, which can be given urgently to prevent infection.

As for mantu and other vaccinations, vaccination is allowed only after the end of quarantine.

Precautionary measures

If for some reason you decide to take your child to a group that is in quarantine, facility staff and parents must take some precautions. These manipulations will help protect children from possible infection:

  • Kindergarten workers advise bringing children to the group wearing a medical mask.
  • Musical and physical education classes are conducted exclusively in a group.
  • Exit for a walk is carried out through a separate exit.
  • Children who attend the quarantine group walk in a separate area.
  • Upon arrival home, the child should wash their hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap.
  • Surfaces in the apartment should also be treated for preventive purposes.

Each parent should examine the child daily for rashes, and also monitor the baby’s well-being. At the slightest suspicion of infection, you should call a pediatrician.

Who should not visit quarantine facilities?

If a chickenpox quarantine has been declared in any institution, the following persons are not recommended to visit such institutions:

  • Pregnant women.
  • To old people.
  • Children under 1 year.

If for some reason it is impossible to bypass this institution, be sure to wear medical mask. If we are talking about a maternity hospital, pregnant women who have at least two weeks left before the expected date of birth are offered to go home during quarantine.

During quarantine in the maternity hospital, visiting by unauthorized persons is prohibited.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky believes that quarantine in kindergarten and school is not necessary at all. Since chickenpox in childhood is quite mild, he believes that it is better to let the child get sick at the same time as his peers.

If we are talking about children's hospitals or maternity hospitals, quarantine is necessary there.

Parents' opinion

If a quarantine is declared in a kindergarten or other preschool educational institution, many parents try to stay at home for the required period of time. If adults do not have this opportunity, some parents still have to take their child to kindergarten.

70% of parents insist that their child be assigned to another group during quarantine, despite the fact that the child will have to adapt again.