Alcohol ritual. Conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences. Powerful rituals during Orthodox holidays

Words backed by faith can work miracles. They can ruin another person’s life forever, but they can also help when the situation has become hopeless. Very often a woman, tired of her husband’s alcoholism, finds solace in this: sometimes in the words of prayer, sometimes in magical conspiracies. The fight against alcohol addiction with rituals and conspiracies has always been popular, and in the modern world this popularity has again begun to grow in waves.

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Everything needs to be done right

Three main conditions for a successful conspiracy against alcohol addiction:

  1. Right timing. The plot should be read on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, for maximum effect - when the moon is full or the month begins to wane.
  2. Firm confidence in one's abilities. A person reading prayers or doing spells must be 100% sure that this remedy will help the first time. Only faith in a positive result will help save your husband from alcoholism.
  3. Secret mode. No one should know that the wife of a drinker decided to read a conspiracy against her husband’s addiction, either before the ritual or after its successful completion.

An important rule for conducting a conspiracy is seriousness. You cannot read prayers or ask a higher power for help just in case (“what if it works out”). It is recommended to read conspiracies and prayers only after careful “preparation,” starting at least with excommunication from your drinking companions. Only a serious approach to the matter and a clear understanding of what will happen can guarantee results.

From the simplest

Ways to find the most effective and strong conspiracy there are a huge number. Another thing is that not everyone is recommended to trust. The most simple conspiracies- for water and food, since this “material” is the easiest to work with at home.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at a dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. EFFECTIVE METHOD

A simple way is to spell water:

  1. You need to take water from a spring or well (at least from the tap, but first soak it for a week in the dark) water.
  2. The corresponding plot should be read over the water.
  3. Using enchanted water, you can make tea or coffee for your drinking husband, or you can give him something to drink just like that. Important: you should drink all the charged water.

A food conspiracy is even simpler: you can take any food that will then be served to a person, and read the necessary words of the conspiracy over it, and then make sure that all the food is eaten without a trace.

A simple fish spell is effective:

  1. Take two glasses - empty and with an alcohol-containing drink, fresh fish, a knife.
  2. With a knife you need to open the fish, extract the bile and alternately wet your finger twenty times in it, then in the drink, reading the words of the conspiracy.
  3. The charmed drink must be added drop by drop to the husband’s drinks, after which the craving for alcohol will begin to subside.

To more complex

The conspiracy of the healer Vanga is considered more serious and complex.

  1. On the 19th of any month, you need to take clean spring water and pour it into a glass container.
  2. Over the water you need to read the healer’s spell, then say “Amen” three times and spit over your left shoulder three times.
  3. Water charmed in this way should be added to drinks or food, and you can even sprinkle it on a person.

In addition to the spell, Vanga’s recommendation is a special herbal decoction made from wormwood and thyme (80 g each). The herbs should be crushed, mixed, take 20 grams. mixture, add clean water (500 ml) and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Infused for an hour, this decoction is filtered and the person is given 100 ml to drink three times a day. In a month, a set of measures “conspiracy plus decoction” will help rid the alcoholic of the desire for alcohol.

Various differences

You can get rid of alcoholism by using conspiracies for a variety of things. The ritual is carried out over everything: from a towel, with which a person must dry himself after the ritual for a week, to a photograph on which the hex is “recited” by candlelight. You can charm any thing - a tie, a button, a keychain:

  1. Take an item and wipe it with holy water to cleanse the item of negativity accumulated during drinking alcohol.
  2. Place the object on which the ritual is being performed in a saucer of water.
  3. Light a candle, pour the first drops of wax that form on the sides of the saucer, drip the rest onto the thing and read the spell.

After the ritual, the enchanted item should be cleaned of wax and returned to the owner. The conspiracy will begin to take effect immediately after the alcoholic touches it.

The ritual over a photograph has always been considered the most powerful (a woman reading a spell works with an aura imprint or a trace of energy), although not the most difficult. It should be done after sunset.

  1. You need to take a photo and three white church candles.
  2. In an empty room, you need to put candles in a row, light them, put a photo in front, then sprinkle holy water on it.
  3. After reading the corresponding plot three times, you can put the picture somewhere where no one will find it.

Improvements will occur within the first week, and to consolidate the result, it is recommended to repeat the “session” in a month.

What to Expect

Experts say that all conspiracies and rituals aimed at curing alcoholism belong to the so-called white magic, which, by definition, cannot harm either the woman using the technique or the man receiving help. There is no need to fear serious consequences after such manipulations. In terms of an alcoholic’s health, one should expect the usual physiological and psychological reactions that are also characteristic of the rehabilitation period after traditional anti-alcohol therapy.

After successful conspiracies, the likelihood is especially high that the former drunkard will experience discomfort associated with the body’s weaning from artificial stimulation with alcohol components, which can lead to the need for medical care or traditional medicine.

It's better to trust the experts

Every woman can independently carry out any conspiracy against alcohol. However, it is better to entrust such an important and energy-consuming event to specialists. Greater energy potential, stronger willpower, self-confidence - all this helps professionals to significantly influence the situation for the better.

When contacting professional healers, it is worth remembering some rules:

  • you need to take with you photographs of the drinking person and some of his things;
  • on the way to the session, as well as on the way home, you cannot talk to anyone;
  • To enhance the effect of a specialist, it is better to visit a specialist more than once;
  • after completing treatment for an alcoholic, you should remove from the house everything that would remind you of your addiction;
  • it is extremely important to believe that the conspiracy will be effective, that it will help the drunkard, because for the most part all the “magic” of the rituals is associated with the woman’s sincere desire to rescue her husband from the trap of alcoholism.

It doesn’t matter what remedy will be used - whispering over water, Vanga’s recipe or a spell over a photograph. Words can help in the fight against cravings for alcohol, but only if they are supported by faith and a certain “baggage” of knowledge. If people believe in the positive outcome of their actions, any ritual will be effective. And, of course, we should not forget that alcoholism is also a medical problem, so a person after healing may need support with traditional medicines or remedies generously provided by traditional medicine.

In this article:

According to official statistics, in Russia every fifth man suffers from alcoholism, while many today are already at the first stage of this disease, but still refuse to admit their own problems. Massive drunkenness leads to the development serious illnesses, destroys families and destinies of people of all ages.

Everyone needs to fight alcohol available means, and one of the most effective is a conspiracy against drunkenness. This is a special magical ritual aimed at eradicating a bad habit.

If such a misfortune has come to your home, you cannot wait long and hope that the man will be able to get rid of it on his own. bad habit, you need to try to convince him to break with alcohol, help him get on the right way, help stop drinking. But this is not always possible, since alcoholics do not admit their problem, and any hints lead to hostility and sometimes aggression. We live in a society where a person cannot be treated for alcoholism without his consent, and therefore, the hands of relatives are most often tied.

In such a situation, a conspiracy against drunkenness is almost the only means of combating alcohol.

Such rituals are carried out without the knowledge of the target, affect his subconscious and can convince the alcoholic to quit drinking on his own.

This looks like a miracle, and therefore many people question the effectiveness of magic, however, when there are no other options left, even skeptics turn to magicians and sorcerers for help.

The effectiveness of rituals against drunkenness

Practice shows that magical rituals have very great strength and have a very positive effect on alcoholics, however, not a single, even the most effective and proven ritual can guarantee a 100% result. Exists a large number of factors that can both increase the power of the ritual and reduce its impact to nothing.

The most terrible enemy of rituals is the company of a person - the people who surround him.

If you want to rid your loved one of alcohol addiction, but his drinking buddies are preventing you from doing so, the likelihood of a positive outcome is greatly reduced.

In this case, without the desire of the alcoholic himself and his will, it is difficult to achieve deliverance.

And yet, you should not despair, even if some people are dragging your husband or son to the bottom. With the help of powerful, time-tested rituals, for example, using a photo ritual, you can reduce the rate of development of alcoholism or awaken in the person the desire to give up alcohol.

Strong version of the plot

This ritual must be performed every morning completely alone. Before reading the words of the conspiracy, concentrate on your desire to help to a loved one, and also believe that you can achieve what you want. Conspiracy words:

“Let heaven hear, let heaven see. What do I want to do on the body and mind of the servant of God (name of goal).

The sun is bright, the sun is free, rise into my yard. There are no people or animals in my yard. Young moon, red month, come down into my cage, where there are no doors or bottom.

Distant stars, clear stars, come down into my cup, where the water is clear and cold. Bright sun, turn away the servant of God (name) from the wine.

Red month, turn away the servant of God (name) from wine. Clear stars, turn away the servant of God (name) from the wine. In an open field, in a deep blue sea, a key and a lock lie. No one can open that lock, no one can find that key. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy for husband's alcohol consumption

This spell, which must be cast on any alcohol that the target later drinks, has already proven its effectiveness. It is perfect for freeing a person from constant binges. Words:

“The abbot called the priest and together they said a prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name) from foul passion, from the misfortune of intoxication. Let him not know the toil of intoxication from this day until the grave. Just as a fat pig cannot cross the ocean alone, so the servant of God (name) from this day forward will never drink alcohol, should not hold it in his mouth, and will not desire it at all. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The methods are quite serious, but you can’t get rid of it in one go, you will need complex work

After the alcoholic drinks the charmed alcohol three times, he must stop drinking.

Lapel potion for drunkenness

Preparing an anti-alcohol potion is a difficult task even for experienced practitioners, since it will not be easy to get all the necessary components, however, if everything you need is collected, the potion guarantees a persistent hostility to alcohol in the target.

  • The first component is crayfish, which was caught during the full moon so that the appearance full moon coincided with the last calendar day of the month. The rak must be dried in a Russian oven and then ground into powder.
  • The second component is the root of weeping grass. It needs to be cleaned, washed and dried.
  • The third is grass from a nest abandoned by birds. It is also washed and dried.
  • The fourth is the root of the herb, which is washed and dried.
  • Fifth - seeds and flowers of wormwood.
  • The sixth is thyme herb.
  • The seventh is white snowdrop flowers.

All ingredients must be ground into powder by hand using a mortar and pestle.
When the day corresponding to the alcoholic’s birthday arrives, you need to boil all the ingredients with water taken from three different houses. The owners should not know how you will use this water. Afterwards, you need to cool the broth, wash the person with it and let him drink 12 sips at a time. If a person begins to shake or experience itching, it means that all the infection is leaving his body. While preparing the decoction, you need to read the plot:

“I (name) conjure saliva and blood, brain, mouth, joints and liver, breath and semi-joints, veins and tendons, and the heart. I conjure the entire frame of a person from any kind of hop, from daytime, lunchtime, night and morning hops, from daily and semi-diurnal hops. At home, on a visit, in government, in oak chambers, in stone chambers, he should not drink. The Lord created the Universe in seven days, and the seven parts of my body in this house will create peace and tranquility for the servant of God (name of purpose) from every intoxicated passion. Now and forever. Amen".

Water spell

Read on pure spring water or any other non-alcoholic liquid that the target drinks. Words:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. One man was born, baptized, lived, and died. Just as he is dead, (name of target) does not take alcohol into his mouth or drink. Just as one’s hand is dead, so another’s hand does not pour wine, does not carry it to his lips, does not pour vodka into his mouth. (Target name) does not pour more wine into the cup, does not drink alcohol. I (name) am baptized with the cross, and with the cross I am protected, and I am saved from wine. Ivan the Baptist, help, be you a deliverer from wine to God’s servant (name of target). My word is strong, no one can interrupt it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Alcoholism is a terrible disease that makes both the patient and the people around him suffer. Drunkenness prevents a person from being a full-fledged member of society and prevents him from building healthy relationships and a career. In order to save a loved one from addiction, women go to great lengths: medications, coding, hypnosis, scandals and hysterics. When nothing helps and even love spells are powerless, others come to the rescue good methods. These are effective conspiracies against drunkenness and alcoholism that you can carry out on your own. In this article we have collected the best rituals, according to user reviews.

Conspiracies against drunkenness are prayers or appeals to higher powers with a request to rid a person of a bad habit. In order for them to act quickly and effectively, you need to pronounce them very seriously and correctly. Under no circumstances should you commit a conspiracy for the sake of laughter or entertainment. For women, the conspiracy against drunkenness is read on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and for men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Conspiracies for drunkenness and alcoholism come in a variety of forms. There are spells for wax, for water, for photos, cemetery plots and rituals for a husband’s drunkenness. All you have to do is choose the one that suits your heart and thoughtfully carry out the ritual. So, here are the basic anti-drinking spells that will help you and your family regain peace and tranquility.

Conspiracy against drunkenness on yourself

It is best when a person addicted to alcohol realizes his addiction and wants to be treated himself. In this case, the treatment is more effective, and the spells work faster. If you are the one who is faced with the problem of alcoholism, then you can talk yourself out of drunkenness. To do this, you need to fast for several days, then be sure to go to the bathhouse and put on clean underwear. Take clean, undrinkable water (it’s good if it’s water from a stream or spring). Then read the spell over it three times and drink, while imagining how your addiction is leaving you:

Conspiracy against drunkenness on water

A very strong conspiracy against drunkenness on water must be performed on the 19th of any month. To do this, say the following text over a container of water:

This water then needs to be added to tea, coffee, compote, soup and any other liquid dishes. Such a spell can take effect immediately, or it may take some time and several containers with charmed water.

Another spell for water against drunkenness is suitable for mothers who want to help their sons get rid of alcohol addiction at home. On Maundy Thursday, you need to wash the windows with clean water, and then pour this water on your son’s back seven times with the words:

Water spell against female drunkenness.
They read over water that an alcoholic woman drinks. You can also read over food or other liquids (not alcohol).

Conspiracies against drunkenness using photographs

Also very effective and popular folk conspiracies from drunkenness according to the photograph. In this case, conspiracies and prayers against drunkenness are not pronounced over water. They are read over a photograph of a person who needs to be saved from an illness.

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness from a photograph must be pronounced on the waning moon. Above the photograph of the patient you need to say:

There are other conspiracies against drunkenness based on photos. You need to read three times over a photo of an alcoholic.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen! Leave hops and wine from the servant of God (name) into the dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam and birds do not fly.”

Below are other effective conspiracies for alcoholism. Before performing them, you need to take a shower or bath, and best of all, go to the bathhouse. In addition, you need to fast for several days (this is also relevant for fulfilling a plot to sell an apartment).

Food spell

They say it over any food, the main thing is not to talk about the perfect conspiracy to the person for whom it is being committed.

Conspiracy to fire

IN odd number you need to collect brushwood in the forest, light a fire from it and draw a circle around the fire. Then sit behind this circle and read the plot, without taking your eyes off the fire. The tears that come out cannot be wiped away either.

Conspiracy against drunkenness by Natalia Stepanova

Pronounced over alcoholic beverages that an alcoholic drinks. Usually, after a person drinks the charmed alcohol three times, alcoholism disappears without a trace. Conspiracy text:

Wax spell

You need to make sure that a drunken person bites a piece of wax when he drinks or has a snack. Then they take this piece and read a conspiracy over it. After this, a piece of wax is sewn into the alcoholic’s clothes. Conspiracy text:

Ring plot

Difficult to do, but very effective conspiracy on the widow's ring. You need to take the wedding ring of a woman who buried her husband not more than a month ago. On the waning moon, the ring is placed in the water and a spell is cast upon it. This ritual must be performed three times, after which the person’s craving for drinking will go away.

At midnight you need to say wine, vodka or any other alcoholic drink that your loved one drinks three times.

“Just as a dead person does not rise from the grave and does not drink green wine, so you, servant of God (name), do not drink either from dawn to dawn, or from noon to day, or from evening to night. Amen."

Alcoholism spell on a towel

This spell is read over a clean new towel, which is then given to the drinking person to use. It is important that the person does not know that this towel is under a spell.

Old Russian conspiracy

Old Russian conspiracy against excessive alcohol consumption. With the help of this prayer, alcoholics were treated in Ancient Rus' and, I must say, quite successfully. To perform the ritual, buy an ordinary lock. This must be done on Friday on the waning moon. Take the glass from which the person you want to talk drank. There should be at least a couple of drops of alcohol left in it after he drank. Pour these remains into the keyhole, while saying:

“You, (person’s name), are a libertine and a drunkard. Just as this castle is closed, so should you always keep the doors of pubs closed.”

After this, the lock must be closed two turns and hidden well so that no one finds or sees it.

Cemetery Plot

You need to take a bottle of alcoholic drink, which the person being charmed usually drinks, and go with it to the cemetery. There, stand at the gate and wait until the funeral procession passes by. As soon as you see people going to bury a dead person, immediately say the words:

“Just as a dead person does not live among us, so a slave (name) does not drink intoxicants. Amen"

At home, place the charmed bottle where the person drinking can see it, but do not offer him a drink yourself. When he sees the bottle himself, pours from it and drinks, the conspiracy will begin to take effect.

It happens that a drunkard categorically refuses treatment and becomes very aggressive when you bring up the topic of his bad habit and treatment. In this case, it is best to hide the conspiracy ritual from him. Go to a grove, forest or garden and collect a broom from trees and herbs. To charm a woman, there must be plants with names in the broom female(viburnum, rowan, birch, mint). And to charm a man - plants with masculine names (maple, oak, ash, St. John's wort). When you come home, sweep all the corners in the house with this broom, while reading the prayer:

After all the corners have been swept, dig a hole behind the house that will accommodate your broom and bury it. By the time the broom rots, the patient should give up alcohol. After this, you may need a spell to work.

Conspiracy against childhood alcoholism

Unfortunately, recently the trend of regular alcohol consumption among children and adolescents has been rapidly developing. Looking at adults, they begin to adopt their habits, including very harmful ones. In order to rid your child of alcoholism once and for all, you need to buy cow's colostrum. Now it is easy to get it in any village or market. On Wednesday, on an even day, the prayer to the Mother of God is first read over the colostrum. It can be read in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, which is considered an assistant for alcoholism. Then they read the following plot:

This colostrum is given to eat drinking child or a teenager. It happens that this conspiracy also helps adults, but this happens extremely rarely. We really hope that you will never need conspiracies against alcohol and drunkenness. But if such trouble has overtaken your family, use conspiracies wisely, do everything accurately and without mistakes. Remember that games with magic do not end well and the effect of a conspiracy can be completely opposite.

The scourge of modern society - drunkenness destroys families, breaks destinies, ruins health, and takes lives. According to statistics, every sixth Russian family has an alcoholic who poisons the lives of everyone living with him. And 500,000 people die from alcohol in Russia every year. And this number is growing every year. Scary numbers, aren't they? Unhappy wives and mothers are ready to do anything to save their husbands and sons from this terrible addiction. Some people succeed in this, but some don't. The main thing here is the desire of the person they want to help. If he doesn't want this, then it will be very difficult to help him.

In magic, conspiracies against drunkenness are used, which sometimes work, sometimes they don’t: it all depends on the desire of the alcoholic himself and the energetic strength of the one who reads the conspiracies against alcoholism. However, trying to help a person is not only possible, but also necessary. It won't get any worse. What if a miracle happens? The most important thing is faith.

Conspiracies are successfully used in folk medicine for treatment various diseases. Alcoholism is also a very serious illness, from which there are magical methods treatment. There are many known conspiracies against binge drinking and drunkenness, which can be successfully read at home. By following the sequence of rituals against alcoholism, you can forever save your loved ones from this terrible scourge:

  • The phase of the moon is of great importance in carrying out rituals against drunkenness - they read the conspiracy against drunkenness on the full moon or on the waning moon. The most optimal period is 2-3 days before the full moon;
  • a conspiracy against drunkenness of a husband or son should be read on men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. If a woman suffers from alcoholism, then conspiracies and prayers for drunkenness are read in women's days— Wednesday, Friday and Saturday;
  • if the one who reads the spell for alcoholism does not believe in its effectiveness, then the ritual for wine may not work. Faith is the main condition for obtaining positive results so that the husband does not drink;
  • An important condition is the desire of the alcoholic to be healed. If a person does not consider himself such and does not intend to undergo treatment, then it will be quite difficult or even impossible to help him.

If the above conditions are met, there is a huge chance to get rid of the drunkenness of your son, husband, wife, mother, etc. forever, and this chance must be used.

How to stop yourself from drinking

If a person is aware of his problem with alcohol, then it is much easier to help him, and he himself can perfectly heal from the misfortune. In order for the ritual to have the most effective effect, it is necessary to observe a strict fast for several days before it, then visit the bathhouse and fully dress new clothes. Prepare water from a source or spring, on which you need to say the following hangover spell three times:

“In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! Hops and wine, leave me, God's servant (name) forever, to the grave! Get rid of all desire for wine and alcoholic beverages from me! Get away from me, drunkenness, into the dark forest, where wild animals and black birds live! Take from me, wild wind, the destructive passion and desire for wine and take it across the blue sea to evil people and dashing people! Get attached, my passion, to a dashing man who does no good to people, but only brings evil, like a damned wine potion! Get rid of me and leave me forever, for all the times of my life. Let it be so! Amen!"

When reading the spell, you clearly imagine how the addiction goes away. Then the charmed water is drunk.

The most powerful conspiracy

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness, so that the husband stops drinking, is read over a sleeping person. It is best if it is the wife of a drinking man. When your husband returns from another drinking session and goes to bed, you need to stand at his head, read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then say a conspiracy against drunkenness:

“Hear me, heaven! See me, heaven, what I want to do over God’s servant (name)! The sun is red, rise over my yard, but in my yard there are no people or animals. It’s a clear month, come down into my cage, but in my cage there is neither bottom nor door. Bright stars, descend into the wedding cup, and in my cup the water is like mountain purity. Sun, turn the slave (name) away from wine, month, turn the slave (name) away from wine, stars, stop the slave (name) from wine. In the blue sea and an open field and a key and a lock.

“I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed and go, crossing myself, from the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gates. I’ll go to the eastern side, on that side there is an okiyan - a sea, in this sea there lies a stone, a small pike fish swims near this stone. This pike has large cheeks, damask teeth, and fiery eyes. She comes and takes away from the servant of God (name) the disease - bitter drunkenness, frees him from terrible addiction from now on and forever. Let it be so. Amen!"

Then, they read the “Our Father” prayer again. A strong conspiracy against drunkenness, the consequences come gradually, but the next day the man’s craving for alcohol will begin to weaken.

Rituals for drunkenness with water

Water has a strong magical meaning. With its help, many rituals are performed. It is used to heal and bewitch. If you speak water against alcoholism, the result may not be 100% guaranteed, but there is a high probability that it will come. Conspiracies to keep your husband from drinking water are the most popular and in demand. Below are the most frequently used ones.

Sometimes you look at a family, everything is wonderful with them: the wife is smart and beautiful, she works, she is a good housewife; children obey and study well; my husband is always well-groomed and always on the job.

And everything seems to be fine, everyone is happy. How often happens when someone in the family, husband or wife, does not know how to drink. What happens when there is such a problem? It happens that a business built over years can end its existence in a matter of days. And it's all alcohol's fault.

If someone suffers from alcoholism and cannot get rid of this problem on their own, then only magic can help.

Money is very important in life, but it’s even worse when families are destroyed because of alcohol, when children, due to the fact that their parents, being in a state of binge for weeks, do not receive attention and education, and receive psychological trauma from an early age. How many cases have been recorded when, due to the fault of parents who were intoxicated, infants died or children received physical injuries that threatened their health?

The magic of alcohol for good

They say that there is no way out except from the grave and this is true. In any situation, it is always good to fight, try and make every effort. There are problems for which desire is not enough to solve, and when you need to take specific action.

If your family or your relatives are in trouble, that someone suffers from alcoholism and cannot get rid of this problem on their own, then only magic can help. There are ceremonies and rituals that not only tell and teach how to get rid of alcohol addiction, but also do not accept the client’s refusal, as happens in hospitals.

Basically, all conspiracies that are made in order to help someone get rid of problems associated with alcohol are spelled out for specific things, drink or food. Therefore, before choosing a specific spell, you should consider which particular drinker will use the item or what will be consumed in the drink or food.

Conspiracy against drunkenness

A powerful, although very simple to implement, conspiracy, the purpose of which is to heal a person suffering from alcohol addiction.

In order for the conspiracy to take effect, you should use a regular white towel.

You must purchase a towel in advance, always white. When buying an accessory, you should direct all your thoughts to the person to whom the act will be dedicated.

How to perform the ceremony

  1. It is required to read the spell over the towel thirty-three times:

    “Just as the servant of God (name of the target) wipes himself with this towel, so the craving for drink will stop. The addiction goes away and turns into a towel. Like seven days will pass, so the craving will go away, the servant of God (name of goal) will become clean. My word is true, as it is said, so it will come true, Amen.”

  2. After the towel is charmed, it should be given to a person suffering from alcoholism and make sure that he uses this particular towel for seven days.

On the eighth day, the towel must be burned or buried away from home.

Soap ritual

The ritual performed reduces and completely eradicates the craving for alcohol.

This ritual does not require special accessories or anything unusual. One bar of soap is enough.

How to perform the ceremony

  1. Before performing the ritual, you need to buy a bar of soap intended for the drinker personally.
  2. You need to read the following prayer at least nine times:

    “Oh, don’t drink, servant of God (name), don’t walk around drunk, don’t wander around drunk. I speak, I conjure! So that you wash your hands. So I forgot my addiction. So that every time a bad thought comes to you, you forget it, you hate vodka! Amen!"

  3. Place soap where the drinker washes his or her hands.
  4. In order for the effect of the soap to acquire new strength each time, you need to speak it every two weeks.
  5. After the soap runs out, you need to charm a new bar in the same way.
  6. Continue performing the procedure until the result is achieved.

The soap ritual reduces and completely eradicates cravings for alcohol

It is very good when a person himself understands that intoxication has a negative impact. And the person is unable to stop drinking alcohol on his own, but goes on long-term binges. Roughly speaking, not everyone can admit that they are an alcoholic, but if this happens, you can use the conspiracy and help yourself.

Conspiracy against drunkenness on water

Perfect for ridding yourself of problems with alcohol.

What is needed to carry out the conspiracy?

To carry out this conspiracy you should prepare:

  • cup;
  • Holy water;
  • church candle.

How to perform the ceremony

The ritual is carried out as follows:

  1. You need to place a glass on the table and pour holy water to the brim.
  2. Light a church candle and use it to baptize a glass of holy water.
  3. During baptism, the following conspiracy should be pronounced:

    “The water is holy, the candle is strong. Just as moisture and fire can never be reconciled, so I can’t get along with alcohol. Moisture will get inside me, the fire inside me will flood, and the addiction will go away. The candle goes out and sin disappears into smoke. Amen".

  4. You need to drink water.
  5. Cross yourself three times.
  6. Blow out the candle.

Immediately after the conspiracy has been cast, you need to go to bed.

Vodka lapel made in a cemetery

  1. This lapel will help a person stop drinking once and for all.
  2. To carry out the ritual, you need to buy a bottle of vodka or wine and go to the cemetery, taking it with you.
  3. In order for the lapel to work as quickly and effectively as possible, you need to do this magical ritual against alcohol during the funeral.
  4. You must approach the deceased and place a bottle of alcohol at his feet. Say the spell:

    “Happy housewarming to you (name of the deceased), here is a gift from the servant of God (name of the target) and from me, Remember his binge for the repose, so that you can sleep it off quickly and not drink again. Just as you (the name of the deceased) will no longer drink wine, you will not stretch out your hands to the bottle, so the servant of God (the name of the target) will not drink, not become an alcoholic, but rather wake up as soon as possible. Sober will be now (name of goal) until the end of centuries. My word is true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After completing the ritual, you must immediately go home and not look back.

Conspiracy to divert a bottle to holy water

Conspiracy against alcoholism.

You should take a vessel with holy water and speak to it.

“Holy water, healing water, strong water, help the servant of God (name of goal) cope with his harmful habit. Let his body not accept alcohol, let it reject alcohol. Let the desire to drink pass once and not return forever and ever. As soon as seven days pass, the craving for vodka will go away. Amen".

When a person is intoxicated, it is best to add charmed water to alcohol, since it will be known for sure that the patient drinks water. This procedure should be done within seven days.

If a person is intoxicated for a long time and cannot get out of it on his own.

A conspiracy against binge drinking is carried out if a person is intoxicated for a long time

What will be needed for the ceremony

To carry out a conspiracy you need to prepare the following:

  • millet;
  • wine;
  • stack.

How to perform a ritual

This ritual is performed in a cemetery.

  • You need to find a grave, the name on which must match the name of the person who is being plotted.
  • The ritual must be performed on the 9th day after the funeral.
  • You need to take a glass and pour wine into it. Place it on the grave.
  • Make a cross on the grave using millet.
  • Read the following plot: I will bring a potion to the grave (name of the deceased), drink it, pour it on the ground. I bow to the soul of the deceased, Give me some reason for my drunken husband (son, daughter, wife). To talk yourself out of drunkenness. To return to reason.
  • After the spoken conspiracy, he bows and pours wine on the ground.
  • This conspiracy can be carried out if necessary, but it must be done near the grave on the 9th day of burial.

When magical rituals are performed in a cemetery, one must remember not only the ritual, but also some rules of behavior in the cemetery:

  • in the cemetery it is forbidden to swear or speak in a raised voice;
  • laugh or have fun;
  • to relieve oneself;
  • litter;
  • take something from a grave and carry it into the house;
  • Any rituals should be carried out in such a way that in no case do you get hurt or leave your blood in the cemetery; if this happens, be sure to rub the blood with your foot and most importantly do it with your left foot.

Ritual for drunkenness in the photo

As you know, a photo reflects a trace of a person’s aura. This ritual is aimed at getting rid of drunkenness not only temporarily, but also forever.

Before performing a magical ritual, you need to prepare the following:

  • a photo of a person suffering from alcoholism;
  • three wax candles;
  • Holy water.

How to perform a ritual

This ritual is performed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to close yourself in an empty room so that there are no strangers and sounds.
  2. Arrange wax candles in a row. The most important thing is that the candles are bought in the church.
  3. Place a photo of the person drinking in front of the candles. The photograph must be used one that was taken literally shortly before the ritual.
  4. Light candles.
  5. Sprinkle the photograph with holy water and say the following spell:

    “Lord God, holy, help me! I want to remove dependence from God’s servant (name). Make a conspiracy against drunkenness, wean him off drinking, win him away from alcohol. So that nasty vodka doesn’t go down his throat, So that he runs away from it like a demon, So that nothing but water comes into his mouth! My word is strong and powerful, my word is the law for the servant of God (name). Amen!".

  6. The prayer must be read three times.

As you know, a photo reflects a trace of a person’s aura.

Within a couple of weeks it will be noticeable that the craving for alcohol becomes less. In order to completely cure a person from drunkenness, the ritual should be performed every two months until the desired result is achieved. The main thing is to use the photo with which the first ceremony was performed. The ritual must be performed at sunset.

Ritual for husband's drunkenness

Will help my husband get rid of problems with alcoholism.

What is needed for the ritual

To carry out the ceremony you need to prepare the following:

  • spouse's wedding ring;
  • Holy water;
  • glass.

How to perform a ritual

  1. To carry out the ritual, you need to take your spouse’s wedding ring. Since everything needs to be done secretly from him, the main thing is to remove the ring in such a way that the spouse does not feel it.
  2. Place the ring at the bottom of the glass and pour holy water into it.
  3. Over the glass, read the following plot, taking into account that the quantity should be thirty-three times:

    “Heal you, holy water, my husband, God’s servant (name of target) from alcoholism, from drunkenness. As long as he wears this ring, it will protect him, protect him, and drive away harmful desires. Amen".

  4. Repeat the words of the conspiracy, taking into account that the number should be thirty-three times.

After the ritual, you need to put the ring on your husband and make sure that he doesn’t even notice its absence.

After this, return the ring to your husband and do it so that he does not notice its absence.

This ritual will help well if the husband wore the ring before the conspiracy. Because wedding rings have magical power and bind two loving hearts together into a single whole.

Ritual against constant heavy drinking

If carried out correctly, you can forget about the problem of drunkenness forever.

What will be needed for the ceremony

To perform the ceremony you need to prepare the following:

  • table;
  • three chairs;
  • white tablecloth;
  • three glasses;
  • cup;
  • fresh water;
  • three candles;
  • a bottle of red wine;
  • empty decanter.

A ritual against constant heavy drinking will help you forget about the problem of drunkenness forever.

How to perform a ritual

  1. The ritual must be performed on Friday and it must be the first Friday after the holy holiday.
  2. It is necessary to lay a white tablecloth on the table, just so that there are no patterns on it.
  3. Place three glasses, a bottle of wine and three candles on the table; in the middle of all this there should be a glass with water poured just before the ceremony. Sit on a chair, before doing this, put on your clothes backwards.
  4. Pour red wine into glasses. Pour only with your left hand. And every time you pour wine into a glass, read the plot.
  5. After the work has been done, pour wine and a glass of water from each glass into an empty decanter. The contents in the decanter need to be added to the person you are trying to free from addiction. It doesn’t matter how long this procedure takes, but be sure to drink everything to the end.
  6. After three months, the person on whom the magic ritual was performed will begin to have a fever and will have all the signs of illness. The main thing is to prevent a person from starting treatment with medications; all the symptoms need to go away on their own, otherwise the person will start drinking again. While casting the spell, you need to name the names of the deceased who are blood relatives of the alcoholic. This is a strong and powerful ritual against alcoholism.
  7. The tablecloth must be put away in a secret place for three months or given to someone
  8. Conspiracy for the ritual: Holy Friday, your day, the Lord is with me. I open the coffin lids, my keys are golden. Come, slaves (names of the deceased), to be a guest, drink some wine, and give the slave (name) something to drink. With your permission, let the slave (name) drink the unfinished treat, and let your saliva prevent him from drinking as long as he lives. Lord, let him forget the wine. Amen.

Features of rituals from Zapoyna

Like all magical rituals, all rituals and conspiracies against drunkenness have some peculiarities in their implementation. Let's take a closer look at these features:

  • It is absolutely necessary to take into account the gender of the drinker and choose the day for the ceremony depending on it.
  • If a woman suffers from alcohol addiction, the ceremony should be performed on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, and if a man, then choose Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.
  • Conspiracies or rituals must be carried out either on the full moon or on the waning moon.
  • Carry out this magic in secret from the drinker and from other members of the seven.
  • You must have faith that everything you do is for the good and will help.
  • Magic rituals should be performed in a sober state, so that there is not a drop of alcohol in the body. It should be borne in mind that we are now talking not only about alcohol, but also about some medications: cough syrups also contain alcohol.

The most important thing is that the ritual of getting rid of addiction to alcohol should really be dedicated to a person who not only drinks sometimes, but who is sick. If a person can simply drink on a holiday or on a weekend, but does not go on a binge, knows his limits, but someone simply does not like it, then in no case should any conspiracies or rituals be performed.