New Year at home in a warm family circle: ideas, competitions and scenarios. New Year with family. If the guests are from two to... Ideas for a home scenario Game “Decorate the Christmas tree”

I already know...

I know how difficult it is to organize a holiday when people gather around the same table several generations. Someone wants to see New Year's programs, for someone just to eat deliciously, listen to jokes. Children run between the table and the Christmas tree, the hostess with salads - from the kitchen to the living room.

That's all! There is nothing to remember. After the chimes start to yawn and crawl?

No! Holiday mood- the work of the most talented, mischievous and life-loving people. Us with you..

Celebrating the Year of the Pig 2019!

Look interesting competitions and in other scenarios: , (this is my favorite selection),
Here's the script!

Prize selections

Every year I update a selection of cute little things that are suitable as incentives for participating in competitions with links to the store.

Sequence of competitions- your choice. I’m just reminding you that you can use it when creating your own script for a New Year’s home party.

Ceremonial part (comic reward for successes in the past year)

I host an awards show every year. From the Internet (look for “Certificates” in the pictures), I print out blank Certificates of Honor and Diplomas, and enter my own text there for each family member.

For example, I have a one-year-old niece. He received the following certificate: “Artem Evgenievich is awarded for masterfully mastering the technique of upright walking and using the word “Give” instead of all other words of the Russian language.”

My husband’s mother filled out documents for several months in a row, so she was awarded a large chocolate medal “For following certificates.”

My daughter has made progress in developing flexibility and received an “A” in physical education, so she has a diploma “For building a strategic bridge (okay... a bridge) between the legs and arms.”

I awarded my son for the most sonorous pronunciation of the sound “Rrrrrrr” (learned in December)

Myself, of course, for my blogging successes along with maternal concerns. It’s difficult, why don’t I deserve a medal?

Election of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

I propose not to hold a vote, but simply write and add up in one hat the names of all the men, and in another hat- the names of all the ladies. The Snow Maiden is 60, and Santa Claus is 1 month old? Great! We put a hat and cap on the chosen ones, take a photo as a souvenir.

You can come up with roles for all the other guests. Only now write these roles on pieces of paper and hide them in Kinder capsules, and the guests will pull it themselves. For example, I have only 10 guests. I wrote down the roles like this:

  • Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden (whoever happens to dance together)
  • The sheep is the symbol of the year (show this animal and “bleat” happiness for everyone in the new year)
  • Snow Baba and The Snow Queen(even if it falls to male representatives, we put on crowns and ask them to sing the duet “Oh, Frost-Frost”)
  • “I’m just the most important one here.” The one who gets this should say a toast and congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year.
  • Snowflakes (all others). They also have crowns! Now we put them next to each other and ask them to perform the “Dance of the Little Snowflakes.” Naturally, we borrow music from little swans :-). It will be fun, I promise!

Comic fortune telling

After my sister came across a rattle, and I got the car keys, I believe in this fortune-telling.))) At the end of December I graduate from driving school and for a month now I have been bearing the title AUNT IRA.

What can you wrap in a napkin or wrapping paper? All, what can be deciphered as a prediction. A screwdriver? There will be renovations. Coin- to good earnings, jar of vitamins- excellent health all year round, theater ticket- bohemian life, tassel- to discover hidden talents, globe- there will be interesting trips, folded thin handbag- for successful shopping, mirror- someone will become very prettier in the new year, etc.

More options:

  • A book - you will learn new things
  • Letter - good news
  • Watch - interesting events await
  • Ring - you will receive an unexpected offer (even if it’s for work)

Or so. Let's pull out "Fortune of Fortune", I assure you, everyone will be pleased! For adult company the list can be supplemented with predictions of changes in your personal life.

  • You will be the most successful in work and business in the new year
  • You will study the most in 2013
  • You will travel the most
  • You will discover new talents
  • The most pleasant and unexpected surprise awaits you!
  • You will become the pride of our entire family
  • You will show your greatest sporting achievements
  • You will get the most best gifts on New Year
  • Your most cherished dream will come true
  • You will have many good changes in your life

Let's remember our childhood

The competition can be held immediately after the presentation of photographs of your relatives “I am at the Christmas tree” is shown. Offer to read a short New Year's poem“like then, at 3 years old.” Prepare the quatrains in advance.

Another option is to read poetry, imitating a cartoon character. And once I suggested to someone born in the year of the Rat to read like a rat, in the year of the dog - like a dog, a dragon talked about snowflakes, a tiger growled about an elegant Christmas tree.

Or so (we have 2018 - the year of the Dog). Poems are read by a Sleepy Dog, a Kind Dog, a tired, cunning, greedy, cocky, etc...


There is no need to invent anything special here. We launch proven “Dance of the Ducklings”, “Gypsy Girl”, “Polka”, “Lezginka”, “Ledka-Enka”, Oriental melodies for belly dancing, and so on.

Couples "grandmother-grandson", "grandfather and granddaughter" always win, don't forget to reward.

A story without adjectives

Old timeless fun. Write a story about your family "Unusual adventures in the Far Far Away Kingdom" no adjectives. Let your guests name innocuous but bright words (“glossy”, “pompous”, “abstruse”, “super-duper-savvy”, Lumpy”, “loud”, “slippery”). Then insert the words into the prepared text instead of ellipses in the order in which they were named. It always turns out funny.

Here it comes... New Year. The whole ... family is assembled: ... dad, ... mom, ... Aunt Nina and ... Masha. How beautifully the Christmas tree is decorated! There are... toys and... garlands hanging on it. There’s just so much that’s not on… the table! This is... herring under a fur coat,... Olivier,... meat. When we eat all this, we will become very...!

And we will also have... dancing! Grandfather will with...grandmother, and mother in...dress will dance to the!

Now about the gifts! The most... gift will be from Vova, and the most... from Masha.

What else does this site have for family fun?

If there are many teenagers among the guests - . There’s everything there for a birthday, but if you change the description of the competitions a little, it’s also suitable for the New Year.

New Year is the biggest time for many of us. Just look at the pre-holiday bustle! Choose and beautifully wrap gifts for family and friends, buy new outfit, decorate the Christmas tree and write a delicious and unusual menu. And how the children are looking forward to this holiday! And no wonder - after all, Father Frost and his assistants, led by Snegurochka, lay out coveted gifts under the tree for obedient kids.

And of course, no preparation for a magical night takes place without some innovations. Some decorate the Christmas tree according to the latest fashion, others arrange themed party, and someone works magic in the kitchen, inventing a culinary masterpiece. And despite the fact that traditional gatherings in front of the TV and a bowl of Olivier are still observed in many families, each of us wants to bring something new to this holiday that will make New Year's Eve special and unique. Unusual and interesting ideas New Year celebrations can be found in this article.

An excursion into the past

According to scientists, the custom of celebrating the New Year originated in Ancient Mesopotamia 3000 BC - and that’s almost 25 centuries ago! True, among the ancient people the year lasted 10 months, and the beginning of a new one was celebrated at the end of March, when the rivers overflowed and a new agricultural period began. The celebration lasted for 12 days, and during these days people were strictly forbidden to work. In addition, everything was allowed to everyone, slaves became masters and vice versa. The strictest taboo was imposed on trials, punishments and executions - this was a period of a kind of anarchic permissiveness.

Innovation of Julius Caesar

Celebrating the New Year on January 1, or more precisely on the night from December 31 to January 1, is considered quite common in our time, and few people know that this tradition appeared thanks to Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar. It was he who, in 46 BC, increased the annual cycle from 10 to 12 months, adding January and February, and signed a decree that the year should begin on January 1. On this day, the inhabitants of the Roman Empire brought gifts and sacrifices to the two-faced god Janus - the patron of entrances and exits, as well as the end and the beginning. Over time, it began to be used in all corners of the globe, and the celebration of the New Year began to be carried out in accordance with it.

First day of the year

Until the Julian calendar appeared in Rus', the year of the Russian people began in March, and the holiday itself was called nothing more than “The First Day of the Year.” This continued until 1492, when a deeply religious Christian, the great Tsar John the Third, with the assistance of the Moscow Council, signed a decree appointing September 1 as the first day of the annual cycle. On this day it was customary to pay tribute, collect duties and quitrents. New Year, the celebration of which was accompanied by cash prizes for ordinary people, yet, despite this unpleasant moment, was loved by many of them. After all, only on this one day of the year could any commoner appear in the Kremlin before the royal eyes of the king and gain justice and mercy from him.

Emperor's New Year's Decree

The decree on celebrating January 1 in 1700 was signed by the great innovator - Emperor Peter the Great. It was he who introduced the Julian calendar, which was widely used in Europe.

In addition, the sovereign ordered to celebrate the beginning of a new annual cycle for a week and personally checked whether his subjects complied with his decree. So in Russian Empire The familiar New Year has entered. Peter the Great “spotted” the traditions of the celebration in Europe: it was thanks to him that this holiday became what we know it to this day.

Christmas tree, candles, New Year

Thanks to the decree of Peter the Great, the doors of all houses were open for 7 days to any guest, be it a simple worker or a boyar. Festive bonfires were lit every night in all the courtyards and streets, and the lights of lighted bowls of butter blinked merrily in the windows of the houses. At the same time, a tradition arose to put up a Christmas tree, which was decorated with everything the soul desired: nuts, sweets, homemade toys and apples. This was such a fun celebration. New Year in Russia quickly became the favorite holiday of all people.

First New Year's fireworks

By the way, Peter the Great also approved the New Year's fireworks, signing a decree to arrange a large fireworks display on Red Square, and also ordering everyone who has a cannon or rifle to shoot three times. More than 300 years have passed since then, but on the night from December 31 to January 1, we still celebrate the New Year. Traditions of celebration and folk festivals, fireworks, richly decorated tables and gifts - all these innovations of Peter the Great are still alive.

In the footsteps of Santa Claus

What is something that a family with children cannot do without during the New Year? The celebration for kids begins with gifts that the kind Father Frost brought them personally or quietly left under the Christmas tree. Do you know who he is and where he came from?

They say that the prototype of Santa Claus was quite a real man, who lived in the 4th century. His name was Nicholas, and in addition to the fact that he had a kind soul and a warm heart, he was an archbishop. According to legend, this holy man helped poor people by throwing bundles of gold into their windows, and if there were children in the family, then in addition to gold, the bundle contained toys carved from wood and homemade sweets. After the compassionate Nicholas ascended to heaven, he was canonized and declared a saint. St. Nicholas Day (Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker) began to be celebrated on December 19, and the good tradition was continued by admirers of the saint. Due to the change of calendars, the dates got mixed up, and the custom of giving sweets and gifts to children shifted to the New Year. Appearance Santa Claus has acquired new details over the centuries. The familiar image of the kind old man, without whom not a single New Year celebration is complete, was acquired in 1860.

New Year's troubles

New Year is not only everyone’s favorite Holy holiday, but also very troublesome. On the eve of New Year's Eve, you need to resolve a lot of issues: finish important things, come up with a New Year's menu, buy gifts, go to the hairdresser, buy a new outfit. But the most important thing: how, where and with whom to spend the New Year? The celebration scenario can be different and vary depending on what kind of impressions you want to get. After all, one thing is suitable for married couples with children, but something completely different for unmarried boys and unmarried girls. We offer several ideas that will make your New Year celebration happy and unforgettable!

Idea No. 1: restaurant

Let's make a reservation right away: for kids, celebrating the New Year in a restaurant will be too tiring: they will be capricious and cry, and parents will be irritated and nervous. As a result, the holiday will be hopelessly ruined. Therefore, it is better to celebrate the New Year in a restaurant without children.

If you decide to spend a magical night in a restaurant, your actions should be as follows:

  1. Choose a restaurant in advance, familiarize yourself with the cost of admission and the show program, inquire about the menu and find out about the dress code.
  2. Decide on a company for the New Year, discuss the details.
  3. Book a table at your favorite restaurant.
  4. Think over your image in accordance with the dress code approved by the restaurant program.
  5. Find time and sleep before a long day New Year's Eve, and also visit a beauty salon to look perfect.

Idea No. 2: rented apartment

New Year's celebration in rented apartment- a favorite practice of young people. And no wonder: the budget of most of them will not withstand the test of a restaurant, and celebrating a holiday with their parents is no longer interesting. The main thing is to develop a plan and strictly follow it:

  1. Gather a group of friends with whom you will celebrate the New Year.
  2. Find an apartment that will meet all the requirements (it is advisable that it has several rooms for those who want to retire).
  3. Choose someone who will be responsible for the rented apartment.
  4. Think over the menu and make a list of products.
  5. Divide the budget among all guests.
  6. Come up with a holiday scenario and, in accordance with it, decorate temporary housing.
  7. Decide in advance who does what and schedule tasks for everyone.
  8. Stock up mineral water and activated carbon tablets.
  9. After New Year's Eve, cooperate and all together remove traces of the celebration.

Idea No. 3: country house

Celebrating the New Year in a new place is unusual and very fun. And a country house, especially if it is located in the forest, is an excellent solution for both married couple with children and for teenagers.

Fresh air, snow-white fluffy snow, clear stars and close people nearby - it’s truly fabulous! Unlike the metropolis, where the snow turns into a gray mess, outside the city you can sled and ski, make funny snowmen with carrot noses and play snowballs. New Year's menu can be both sophisticated and simple. And what could be better than hot mulled wine and barbecue grilled in the middle of a quiet winter forest? By the way, you can decorate a Christmas tree right in the forest - the main thing is to take toys with you. And if, instead of traditional plastic balls, you hang corn cobs, apples, nuts and cookies on the Christmas tree paws, then you can become a real Santa Claus for squirrels and other forest dwellers. So, to unforgettably celebrate the New Year in a country house, you need:

  1. Decide on the number of people who will celebrate the New Year with you.
  2. Use the Internet or reviews from friends and choose a country house.
  3. Agree with the landlord, if required, make an advance payment.
  4. Pack a bag with things and, in addition to holiday outfits, grab more warm clothes.
  5. Think about it and take a first aid kit with you (keep in mind that situations are different, and you will have to travel a long way to get to the pharmacy).
  6. Discuss the menu for the New Year's table and decide whether you will cook everything in the country house or buy it ready-made in the supermarket.
  7. Think about your Christmas tree outfit.
  8. If you will be driving your own car to your destination, make sure the fuel tank is full and you have everything in the trunk. necessary tools in case of unexpected breakdown.
  9. Don't forget to bring hygiene products with you!

Idea No. 4: home comfort

Celebrating the New Year at home is a tradition loved by many. This is a great opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle and have a nice time with your family. After all, in the whirlwind of events there are so few such moments! Celebrating the beginning of the year at home is not only cozy, but also fun! For example, you can prepare dishes that are not usually prepared in your family, come up with something new together, decorate the house with homemade toys, and paint the windows with New Year’s patterns.

You can invite your parents, grandparents, and close friends to visit. If you have pets, don’t ignore them: you can tie festive ribbons with bells on cats and dogs, stick snowflakes on the aquarium, and hang a couple of bells on the cage with a parrot or rodent. Here are some tips for celebrating the New Year in your native land:

  1. Sit down as a family and discuss home council, exactly how and with whom the family will celebrate New Year's Eve.
  2. If there are children in the family, ask them to make invitation cards for all guests (aunts and uncles, and especially grandparents, really love crafts from kids).
  3. Ask each family member what dish he would like to try at the holiday (you can use an old cookbook or the Internet).
  4. Come up with ideas or competitions, don’t forget to buy small prizes (handkerchiefs, lollipops, wet wipes, fridge magnets)!
  5. Buy funny costumes for the kids (you can buy kind and funny masks for yourself).
  6. Decorate your house with colorful garlands, New Year's figures and balls, and don't forget about the Christmas tree.
  7. Place lit candles throughout the house - this will add magic (remember about fire safety!).
  8. Prepare holiday dishes 5-6 hours before guests arrive - this way the whole family will have time to walk in the park, relax and get ready.
  9. Don't forget to charge your camera and video camera!

Idea No. 5: visiting

If you are invited to visit, you should think about etiquette. Coming to a welcoming home empty-handed is bad manners. Let's not forget about politeness and rules good manners, especially on New Year's Eve! So, if you are invited to visit, then it is worth considering the following details:

  1. If the holiday will be held with close friends, discuss the menu in advance (you can agree that each invitee will bring something to eat with them).
  2. Alcohol tends to run out, so take a bottle of champagne, wine or cognac with you.
  3. Remember that you can never have too many fruits and sweets; tangerines and sweets are especially popular.
  4. If there are children in the house, don’t forget to buy them small surprises: girls will love beautiful hairpins, lipstick or a cute bracelet, and boys will be delighted with cars, dinosaurs or a laser keychain.
  5. If the owner of the house is not an inveterate tidy, you can bring confetti, firecrackers and streamers, they will fit perfectly into the New Year's mood;
  6. In the case when the owners of the house take full responsibility for festive table, we recommend buying them good gifts: Choose a gift according to their preferences.
  7. If you are taking any medications, do not forget them at home (the same goes for feminine intimate hygiene products).
  8. Ask the owners of the house about the dress code if new Year party will be themed, make sure you wear a proper costume.

Idea No. 6: enjoy your steam!

You can celebrate the New Year not only at a party, at home, in a restaurant or in the forest, but also in a sauna. The main condition is not to drink too much alcohol, as in hot steam conditions it is dangerous to health. This option is suitable for people without children, as well as a bachelorette party or purely men's company. The most difficult thing is to find a free sauna. Everything else is at your discretion. You can cook the food yourself, order it at a restaurant, or buy it from the prepared foods section of the supermarket. A birch broom placed in a vase and hung with garlands can act as a Christmas tree. Champagne can be drunk from beer mugs, and the menu can consist of sushi, rolls and sashimi. The simplest thing is new Year costume: snow-white sheet.

By and large, it doesn’t really matter where you celebrate the New Year. The most important thing is that there are those next to you whom you love and by whom you are loved. This is the best thing that can happen on the most magical night of the year. The rest is just decoration.

What I have collected today is suitable for a situation where several families with children gather in one apartment to celebrate the New Year. Some part of the evening should definitely be dedicated to little guests, agree.

It will be even more fun if adults participate! A real family holiday!

What we have?

All children of different ages, but with the same desire to have fun. There will be no invited Santa Claus (or this is a 5-minute formality), and you have failed to raise your own in the team.

There is no room in the apartment for very active games; you did not have time to create complex props for games.

Well? Fits? Read on!

I will give New Year's competitions for children in thematic blocks. Choose suitable options, create a program taking into account the alternation of active and calm competitions.

First, about what ALREADY IS on my site and what can be added:

And further!

Look at interesting ideas in other scenarios: (this is my favorite selection),
Add several competitions for kids to the script and you’ll get a full-fledged program!


Lotteries and fortune telling

From experience, both children and adults always like it. Apparently, everyone is interested in looking into the future and testing their luck.

Choice of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

We put notes in the capsules from the kinders (you can just use paper parcels in a bag). All participants of the feast are pulling! On one note there is “Father Frost”, on the other there is “Snow Maiden”. All the rest may be empty, but it is better to give out New Year’s roles to all guests: snowflakes (there can be 20 of them), Grandma Winter, Snow Queen, Snowman, and so on. If Santa Claus is 2 years old and Snow Maiden is 55, you have succeeded :-)!

Now we announce the first New Year's dance for the lucky ones! Don’t forget to put on the necessary attributes and take a photo of them near the Christmas tree.

Success Prediction

Everyone is pleased to know that only success awaits in the future. Therefore, we put the names of everyone present, written on pieces of paper, into a hat and voice questions like these:

— Who will study best in the new year? (pull out the piece of paper...)

- Kate! (well, or Grandma Tanya...)

  • Who will make the great discovery?
  • Who will find the treasure?
  • Who will win the lottery?
  • Who will receive the most gifts?
  • Who will have the most good news in the new year?
  • Who will travel a lot?
  • Who's in for the biggest surprise in 2015?
  • Who will be the most successful at work (at school)?
  • Who will be the most athletic in the new year?
  • Who will be the healthiest?
  • Who will become famous?
  • Who will have the biggest dream come true?

What's in the black box...

Now we will all be psychics. Place a box (perhaps a shoe box) on a chair in the center of the room and ask them to guess what is in there. Allow guests to approach the box and make movements with their hands, copying the magicians.

We begin to accept one answer option from each person present. Children naturally assume the presence of toys, adults - anything.

You can put a really valuable thing in the box that is suitable for any gender and age (a cup with the symbol of the year, for example), or you can put a cracker. Let everyone receive confetti for their efforts :-). By the way, now there are firecrackers from which $100 bills fly out.

New Year's word...

Prepare a bunch of small prizes (sweets, chocolate medals, chewing gum, calendars).

Can be done at the table: Look under your plates! Each of you has one letter!” (write the letters in advance on cards)

So here it is. Now we ask you to name “New Year’s” words for each of these letters. For every word - a PRIZE!

But we give something more substantial to the one who puts the letters together into the word “Snow Maiden”.

  • WITH- snow, icicles, snowflakes, snowballs, candles
  • N- new year, outfit
  • E- spruce
  • G- guests, garland
  • U- luck, food, decoration,
  • R- practical jokes,
  • ABOUT- Olivie
  • H- watch
  • TO— confetti, calendar, clown, karaoke, costume
  • A- applause, aroma, angel, actor

You can name the dishes that come on New Year's table, fairy-tale heroes, in which guests are dressed up, drinks, games, natural phenomena, and so on.

Who is faster?

Chiming clock

Divide children and adults into 2 teams. We give everyone decorations for the Christmas tree and clothespins. Toys, snowflakes and garlands need to be hung on... one of the team members. Let him spread his fingers and shine like a Christmas tree!

Yes! You can also hold a garland in your teeth.

Turn on the recording of the chimes (available on YouTube)! Whoever comes up with the funniest Christmas tree in 1 minute while the recording is going on wins!

Take a gift

Two participants. Two boxes (possibly from shoes) with prizes, wrapped in beautiful paper. Tie a ribbon (2 - 2.5 m) to each box, the other end to a pencil.

We put the participants on one line and give them pencils. 1-2-3! We begin to wind the tape around the pencil. The one who does it faster takes the prize.

You can joke too. Let a child and an adult compete. We put something very light in the “children’s” box, and in the “adult” box - dumbbell... Let him reel in! 🙂

Let's make a snowman... together!

You need softened plasticine. Two participants sit next to each other at the table, and you can hug. Left hand one participant and the right hand of the other must act as if they were the hands of one person.

How difficult it is... Try to pinch off a piece of plasticine, roll three balls between your palms (remember, two people are involved), then stick on a carrot and eyes.

Let each pair have adults and children, it’s more fun.

Snatch it up

It’s somewhat similar to a game with chairs, when some of the gape people have nowhere to sit. Just no chairs are needed - just a small table or stool with a tray on which there are carnival accessories - noses, glasses, wigs, caps. The one who doesn't get the decoration at the end of the music is eliminated. Naturally, the accessory must not only be grabbed, but also put on. For the second round, we put everything back on the stool and continue until there is 1 winner. Here is an example of funny glasses and masks for such a competition.

Balloon contests

I will not repeat myself, as I have already written an article. In general, you can take them as a basis and carry out all children’s New Year's competitions only with balls.

Throwers, knockers, hits :)

There is no need for intelligence here, and it is quite possible to entertain guests from 3 to 103.

From experience, such competitions sometimes turn out to be very exciting. It’s hard to guess what exactly your guests will like, I’ll just list the options, and you decide on the available props and set aside a place for the game.

  • if there is any version of darts (magnetic, balls with Velcro), feel free to award a prize to the most accurate, there will definitely be interest in the competition
  • skittles or plastic bottles, filled with beans, peas or water, are fun to knock down with a rubber ball at any age. Prize for winning New Year's bowling!
  • throwing “snowballs” from a newspaper into a basket (what if someone gets a 10 out of 10 result?). Distance - 2 meters!

Blindfold your eyes!

A standard set of comic competitions, but they are always a success on New Year’s Day.

Here are 3 options:

  • cut the prize from the ribbon (it’s more fun if you don’t tie the string to the cabinets, but give it to two guests - let them change the height after the player has stopped seeing the target. A blindfolded person will have to work harder, and it will make the observers laugh!)
  • sticking a plasticine nose to a drawn snowman is also not so easy (blindfold, spin, let the participant go to the poster with the drawing)
  • build a pyramid from plastic cups. Before blindfolding, we show the “drawing” of the tower - 4 inverted cups at the base, then three, two, one on top. The fastest and neatest builder wins

Comic concert!

We collect all music, circus and dance competitions here.

Noise orchestra

Great entertainment for a mixed group of adults and children from 2 to 12 years old. .

Poetic horoscope!

We remember what Symbols of the year are in the horoscope, let the guests name theirs. If there are 2 dogs or 3 snakes, joint execution is allowed.

Exercise: read Mikhalkov's poem

They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true

How… rat, pig, dragon, snake, cat, dog, bull, tiger, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster!

Neon show

To be honest, it was unexpectedly impressive even for me, although I came up with this idea and implemented it. For seven children who celebrated the New Year with adults, I bought neon glowing accessories. Previously it was only bracelets, now there are glasses, beads, head decorations, ears and sticks. By the way, I bought earrings for myself.

So... I gathered the children in a separate room and dressed everyone, from toddlers to teenagers, in these decorations (bracelets for arms and legs are possible):

Then I turned on “Jingle Bells” in a rock version, turned off the lights in the room and launched all the glowing children. It was really cool as the kids started jumping and spinning around, the neon decorations seemed to fill the entire space. I'll tell you, light show it was no worse than those for which they pay a lot of money at corporate events :-). All these accessories are sold in almost all holiday tinsel stores.

Dance "Locomotive" + family disco

This is a reason to distract all guests from eating salads. We invite adults and children, line them up by height and ask them to put their hands on the waist of the previous dancer. This picture touches me. A long, long teenager may be standing in front, all the grandparents behind him, and the “last trailer” is a two-year-old baby. The video turns out great, don't forget to film it.

I must say, the train falls apart quite quickly, but this is also good for us, since the guests are already ready to dance a little. It’s boring to stomp along to one long song at a family party, so we turn on the following cuts from hits one by one (copy the link):

New Year's karaoke (battle of the choirs)

As a rule, karaoke sites have a selection of winter songs. If not, put them in your “favorites” folder in advance so you don’t have to look for these songs on New Year’s Eve:

  • “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest...”
  • “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky”
  • "Three White Horses"
  • “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”
  • "Blue frost"
  • "Snow is falling"
  • "Five minutes":
  • "Song about bears"

Online karaoke sites have sections for New Year's songs; you don't need to search for each one separately.

Not everyone likes to sing solo, so you'll have four nominations: children's choir, women's choir, men's, mixed.

Dancing with obstacles

All guests stand in right side rooms. We need plastic cups again. We build a low fence (2 floors) from them, which guests can easily overcome, dancing, moving to the left side of the room.

We are adding another “floor”. Everyone moves over the wall again, doing dance moves. We build this way until the participants need to jump. The most dexterous one wins a prize!

If there are no machines, we pull the rope (held by two people) at a height of 20, 30, 40, 50 cm from the floor, and so on.

Photo proofs

You will laugh twice. During the process itself and after some time, when you receive the finished pictures.

We use New Year's accessories and don't skimp on facial expressions and gestures!

For each guest you come up with a casting with photo tests for the role:

  • himself good grandfather Frost
  • the greediest Santa Claus
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden
  • the sleepiest Snow Maiden
  • the most overfed guest
  • the most cheerful guest
  • the most cunning Baba Yaga
  • the most evil Kashchei
  • the most powerful hero
  • the most capricious princess
  • the biggest snowflake
  • and so on…

Little things from Santa Claus

In Europe, this entertainment is called “Secret Santa,” but we are patriots, we have our own wonderful grandfather. I came up with this legend... Santa Claus was walking through the forest with gifts, got caught on a branch, and slightly tore the bag. The big gifts remained in the bag, but the small ones fell out. We have selected them and will now give them to all guests!

We buy small and pleasant little things in advance and wrap them in opaque wrapping paper. Personally, to speed up the process, I simply put the souvenir in a square piece of paper, shape it into a bag and tie it with a ribbon. I've been purchasing all December - 2-3 items with each shopping cart in the store. By the end of the month I have a whole bag of kinders, liquid soap in the form of animal figures, candles, frames, calendars, chocolate bunnies, key chains and lanterns.

You ask “Who is this gift for?” You can pull pieces of paper from a hat, but my son likes to nominate the lucky winner himself: “Uncle Zhenya!” We give the gift, wait until he shows everyone the lost change from Santa Claus, then the next question “Who is this gift for?” Every time I am surprised with what trepidation guests wait for these gifts... Even adults :-).

Let's laugh and think

If you have a lot of adults at your party, buy ready-made collections with tasks on cards.

I honestly admit that I accidentally opened these wonderful cards with tasks at a ridiculous price. We were entertained by a real presenter, but I remembered the box with tasks... We laughed until we hiccupped, some words from related languages ​​sound too funny to the Russian ear. Actually, they had to be guessed (options were proposed).

"Naughty guy"— 120 double-sided cards. Well, for example, who is “t-shirt” translated from Bulgarian? Mom, cousin or grandmother? Or what should you imagine if the word in Czech sounds like “hammer”? And there are all sorts of stinks, battles and darkness (these are all decent words in translation).

What else happens?

  • "Nonsense"- a collection of rare words of the Russian language (so rare that even from the proposed options it is difficult to choose the right one to clarify the meaning)
  • "Whymeter"— 120 questions with answers, such as “Why is there a camel on the flag of the Chelyabinsk region?”
  • "Cytatomer"— 120 cards on which you will be asked to complete a quote from a great person
  • "Personometer"— 120 cards with names. You just need to remember and choose the correct answer: Rabindranath Tagore is WHO?

Sets are available in bookstores in the “Entertainment” section.

New Year in a warm family atmosphere - good idea. Such a holiday will be remembered for its coziness, excellent mood and exciting communication. To make New Year's Eve exciting and bright, you can prepare scenarios, games and other entertainment.

How to organize New Year's Eve at home with your family: 5 important tips

How to have fun celebrating New Year with your family?

We offer exciting and funny games that both children and adults will enjoy.

Competition "New Year's Card"

This is a wonderful and simple game for a cozy family holiday.

How to play?

  1. A few days before the festive evening, invite each participant to do greeting card with your own hands and write a New Year’s wish on it. You cannot show crafts to each other. Prepare pencils, paper and other materials at home. If anyone forgets about the card, they will make it during the holiday party.
  2. When everyone is ready for the game, the cards are collected (it is advisable that the participants do not see each other’s crafts), put in a beautiful box and mixed.
  3. Now each of the family members in turn goes to the box and by touch pulls out a card with wishes for themselves. Before picking up the gift, wishes must be read aloud. Most likely, many of them will amuse the guests; it may happen that they will wish the baby obedient grandchildren, and the mother - good grades at school. Also invite guests to guess the author of the postcard.
  4. At the end of the game, conduct a secret or open vote, determine the author of the most beautiful and interesting postcard and reward him with a symbolic prize.

Game "Family History"

How interesting is it to spend the New Year with your family? Suggest this game. It will help you remember the most important and warm moments of the year and bring the participants of the holiday closer together.

How to play?

Let everyone remember the warmest, brightest or interesting story, which occurred in the past year and is connected with your family. You can tell stories one by one. This great way sum up the year, thank your relatives for the good things they have done for you, and just smile again.

Competition "New Year's Quartet"

If you have not yet decided how to celebrate the New Year at home with your family, you can spend this fun and noisy competition. It is especially fun and interesting if there are many guests gathered for the holiday.

Props: pots, pencils, sheets of paper, rattles and any other objects with which you can make sounds.

How to play?

Game "Decorate the Christmas tree"

This competition will come to the aid of those who do not know how interesting it is to celebrate the New Year with family and children, if the kids still want to have fun, and the adults are already tired and dream of peace. The game is suitable for any number of children. Even one child will happily decorate the Christmas tree.

Props: a sheet of paper, pencils or markers, sticker pictures, a blindfold.

How to play?

Game "What's in Santa Claus's bag?"

The competition can be held spontaneously because it does not require props.

How to play?

Invite participants to take turns listing the items that Santa Claus has. Each next player must name all the previous gifts in the correct order, and then add his own. The one who plays behind him repeats updated list and adds one more word. For example, the first one says: “Santa Claus has a bear,” the second: “Santa Claus has a bear and a candle,” and the third: “Santa Claus has a bear, a candle and Christmas tree decoration" etc.
If the items are named incorrectly, the participant loses. The one who lasts the longest wins. In order not to argue about the correctness of the list, you can select a leader. This person will not play, but will write down the sequence of words and will check the participants' answers against it.

Competition "Fruit or Candy Santa Claus"

To have a fun New Year's Eve at home, hold competitions for Creative skills. People of all ages enjoy these tasks.

Props. For the game, prepare the same or similar sets of pieces of different fruits (it is important that they are of different colors and sizes). You can also use candies in multi-colored wrappers.

How to play?

Scenario for the New Year in the family circle

If your family is creative and cheerful, you can not only hold competitions for the holiday, but also come up with a scenario New Year's Eve. We offer two interesting ideas.

"Magic Masquerade"

Before the holiday, get together with your family and choose a fairy tale to which the festive evening will be dedicated. Let it be a good and well-known story, for example, based on the plot of “The Snow Queen”, “Morozko”, the cartoon “12 Months”.
Assign roles and have each guest prepare a costume for themselves. But the celebration doesn't end there. Assignment for the whole evening or part of it: match the image of your character. You can also hold a riddle competition dedicated to history, act out scenes from a fairy tale and play the games that we suggested above.

"Journey to Another Country"

Another interesting scenario on New Year's Eve at home with children - it's a holiday in the style of another country. You can travel to warm Italy, snowy Finland, distant Japan or another corner of the planet.
Invite everyone to choose their roles and prepare costumes. Don't forget about the themed table and decorations.

Game "Stories and Legends"

To organizational issues was smaller, let each guest prepare a themed decor for the interior, as well as a fascinating story about the appearance and use of this thing. This task can be thought of as a competition. At the end, conduct a vote and give a symbolic prize to the person who prepared the most interesting subject and story about it.

Funny riddles

Also prepare riddles and questions about the country. For example, for Japanese New Year you can ask:

How many Santa Clauses are there in Japan? (There are two of them, the traditional Segatsu-san and the young Oji-san).
What color is Santa Claus's kimono? (Blue or cyan).
How long does it take Segatsu-san to congratulate all Japanese people? (A week).
Who gives gifts to children for the New Year? (Parents).
So that quiz participants can answer the questions, advise guests to prepare for the holiday and read about the traditions of the country.

Other games

Also, for the New Year in the Japanese style, you can hold a haiku competition to decide “Who can cook sushi better?” or “Who can eat rice faster using chopsticks?” and come up with other themed entertainment. The New Year's scenario should include the competitions that we indicated above.

A theme evening is a great idea not only for a family holiday, but for those who don’t know how to have fun celebrating the New Year at home with friends, a scenario in the style of another country is a solution for almost any holiday.

Have a nice holiday and magical events in the coming year!

Galina Grishko
Scenario of the holiday “And again New Year!”

Goals and objectives:

Evoke an emotional response from children preschool age on New Year's performance. Create an atmosphere of magic and mystery for children. Cultivate moral feelings: love and kindness, generosity of soul, responsiveness.

Fanfare sounds and the presenters enter.


Congratulations to everyone on New Year

I wish you happiness friends

We Let's celebrate the holiday with a round dance

Fun, full of joy.

Let New Year that we meet

Happy year is coming into our lives!

And all the good things we dream about

It will happen, it will come true, it will come!

When entering the hall, children perform a musical composition “Oh, winter!”


In a bright hall, laughter, fun

Our Christmas tree is the best

How much shine, how much light

You are beautiful, no doubt!


Hello dear guest,

Lush, in needles.

Hello slender big

Holiday tree!


No more elegant than the Christmas tree our

Nothing more beautiful and sweeter

All the needles are straightened

On spreading branches.


Don't yearn for the winter forest,

About my sisters

We will sing songs together,

Let's have fun.

Children sing "A song about a Christmas tree" at the choice of the music director.


It happens in the world,

That only once a year

They light up the Christmas tree

A beautiful star

The star is burning, shining,

Ice glistens on the river,

And that means it’s coming

All: Happy New Year!


New the year is knocking on the door,

With a song, a fairy tale, goodness

Everyone now believes in miracles

Every home is waiting for gifts.


Sparkles like golden rain

Our cozy bright room.

The Christmas tree invites us into the circle,

Hour for the holiday has arrived.

Children sing a song chosen by the music director.


New Year is a time of miracles! Guys, let's invite you to visit

The Snow Maiden appears to the music.

Snow Maiden:

Hello my friends!

I was in a hurry to visit you.

Let bad weather pass you by

Let there be cheerful laughter. (crying)


What is this? Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus gave me a magic wand to light your Christmas tree, but while I was running to kindergarten, I lost it somewhere.


What should we do, what should we do? The Snow Maiden needs to be cheered up. Let's call Grandfather Frost so that he can hear us, we need to sing or dance.

Children dance around the Christmas tree "Letka-Enka".

Santa Claus enters to the music.

Father Frost:

I see your holiday is in full swing!

Wasn't it me you were waiting for here?

WITH New Year! WITH New Year!

Congratulations to all the children!

Congratulations to all guests!

I visited you a year ago,

I'm glad to see everyone again!

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather! No fun! I'll open it for you secret: magic wand

lost on the way to kindergarten.

Father Frost:

It’s so good that you told me in time, snowflakes are flying after me, I’ll now send them a telegram, and they will bring our magic wand.

Well, now join in a round dance around the Christmas tree.

Song chosen by the music director.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, will your Snowflakes arrive soon?

Father Frost:

Yes, here they are!

Snowflakes come out to the music, they walk like a snake, the first one holds "magical" stick.


We are smart snowflakes

On the holiday has come to you

And a wand "magical"

They brought it to the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden:

Oh, you saved me! I’ll take the wand from you and light the Christmas tree

Now. Children admire the Christmas tree.


I really want it today

We should start dancing

And the dance is fabulous

We have it for you.

Dance of snowflakes with the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost:

You can hear alarming music and the howling of the wind. The Snow Queen flies into the hall.

Father Frost:

Look, the Snow Queen herself has come to our hall!

The Snow Queen:

It's ugly, kids, what you did to me

What's here on I wasn't invited to the holiday!

I will sweep away all roads: whirlwinds, I’ll twist the snow.

Disperses the children, Santa Claus stops them.

Father Frost:

Guys! Don't rush to run! You will teach the Queen a lesson! Look, there are snowballs - let them help you. Children play in the snow. The Snow Queen runs away, promising to return.

Father Frost:

Well guys, we will continue the holiday, I suggest you dance.

Children dance around the tree at the discretion of the music director.

Father Frost:

And now it’s time for us kids to play.

Games at the discretion of the music director. After the games, Santa Claus says that he is tired and wants to listen to poetry.

Children read poetry.


Santa Claus! We danced, played, read poetry and now we want gifts.

Father Frost:

Santa Claus hasn't forgotten you

I have a lot of gifts,

But the gifts are far away

And they are not easy to find.

The Snow Queen flies in to the alarming music.

The Snow Queen:

You think I'm scared of you! You are wrong! I won't forgive you for this! I'll shoot arrows of ice floes.

Children dancing "Dance of the Ice" Snowflakes gradually join them and at the end of the dance the ice flakes and snowflakes hug.


What a miracle - miracles! Ice flakes and snowflakes have become friends! Guys, let's put some ice on our holiday? Children's answer (Yes)

Father Frost:

And you, Snow Queen, fly to your home!

The Snow Queen:

Okay, I’ll fly away, but I’ll take the magic wand with me! He snatches the magic wand from the Snow Maiden and runs away.

Snow Maiden:

Look, grandpa, she took the magic wand. (crying)

Father Frost:

Don't cry Snow Maiden, don't be sad guys. Without a magic wand, we won’t receive gifts, but I think I know what to do. I've got magic pipe- the buzzer, as soon as it starts playing, whoever took the magic wand from us will immediately return. Come on, let’s play music with my pipe, have fun!

The Snow Queen appears in the hall and dances.

The Snow Queen:

I don’t understand what it is, my legs dance on their own! I beg you, help, stop the music! Here, take your magic wand.

Father Frost:

You did a very bad thing and hurt the guys! Well, guys, what should we do? What are we going to do with the Queen?

Snow Maiden:

I know! Let her guess the riddle!


Marina, Sasha, Misha, Dasha

They live in our huge house.

They sing and play here and also relax.

Snow Queen:

I know, I know this is kindergarten! Hugs the guys.

Santa Claus takes a magic wand.

Come on, the magic wand

Make all the guys happy

Show us where the gifts are!

Everyone is looking for gifts (beat). Distribution of gifts.

Snow Maiden:

That's New Year's holiday

We're done friends

Lots of joy and happiness

I wish you always.

Father Frost:

May you grow big

And they wouldn't know any worries

With my Snow Maiden

I'll come back to you in a year!