At what time is it better to do 4d ultrasound. When can this study be completed?

Science does not stand still - our grandmothers could not even think about the possibility of seeing their child before giving birth, our mothers were given only static ultrasound, but now you can get not only a three-dimensional image of the baby, but also create a record of his movements while still in the womb. This is called 4D, that is, a four-dimensional ultrasound, where the fourth dimension is time. Why is such a study needed and is it prescribed for all women during pregnancy?

What is 4D ultrasound and when is it prescribed during pregnancy

In the classic form of ultrasound, a flat picture is displayed on the monitor - a projection of the internal organs onto a plane. 3D ultrasound gives a three-dimensional image, and 4D ultrasound allows you to demonstrate a video - in real time you can see all the child's movements, examine his facial features, assess his condition.

4D ultrasound allows you to see not a flat image of a baby, but a volumetric video

Of course, parents are delighted with the opportunity to get the first video of a child even before his birth. But not every ultrasound scan makes sense to be carried out in this format. It is considered optimal to do 4D ultrasound for a period of 20-27 weeks.

At an earlier date, the fetus has not yet developed subcutaneous adipose tissue capable of "reflecting" a directional sound, so it will be possible to see only bones and internal organs, which sharply reduces the information content of the study, in addition, this kind of child can frighten the expectant mother.

And closer to the end of pregnancy, the child is already too big to completely "fit" into the monitor, in addition, its mobility is limited due to its size. Since this research is usually done for the sake of beautiful picture and video, it is better to choose the time when the image of the baby will be the best, and the movements are more free.

Usually, expectant mothers go to 4D ultrasound of their own free will, but sometimes it happens on the direction of a doctor. Indications for which this type of study can be prescribed:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • surrogacy;
  • pregnancy as a result of artificial insemination;
  • suspicion of complications in the development of the fetus;
  • the risk of hereditary pathologies.

The reason why 4D ultrasound is more informative than its predecessors is simple - in real time you can examine the fetus from all sides, try to evaluate its condition by the expression of its face, evaluate its motor activity, that is, get additional information.

However, doctors still have not come to a consensus regarding the benefits of such a study - many of them believe that classical ultrasound is quite enough to assess the condition of the baby. Therefore, there is no unambiguous list of indications for which it is imperative to undergo a 4D ultrasound scan - the doctor can direct the patient to this procedure if it seems to him that this type of study will provide more information.

4D ultrasound is a fairly new study that requires a certain technical equipment of medical institutions and sufficient skills from doctors. Not all clinics are able to carry out this procedure due to the lack of the necessary equipment. Another obstacle to young parents on the way to the desired result can be the price - its cost starts from 2 thousand.

Video: 4D ultrasound during pregnancy


The 4D ultrasound procedure has no contraindications - it is a non-invasive study that does not in any way affect either the expectant mother or the fetus. The study is considered completely safe - no negative effect of ultrasound on the human body was found. The scanning frequency, intensity and power of the ultrasonic wave are the same as for a conventional examination.

The importance of the survey

As you know, ultrasound during pregnancy allows you to identify abnormalities in the development of the fetus, which sometimes cannot be seen in another way. Many problems can be avoided by finding out the presence of these deviations in time and taking appropriate measures. Some fetal malformations, such as heart problems, require surgery immediately after childbirth - if you know about them during pregnancy, you can prepare for the operation in advance and thus save your baby's life. If deviations from the norm cannot be corrected and they will irreparably affect the life of the child, parents should know about this in order to make a decision about his future fate.

How to prepare for a 4D ultrasound

A pregnant woman does not need to prepare for a 4D ultrasound in any special way. Usually the doctor prescribes the same actions that are required to prepare the body for classic look Ultrasound:

  • a couple of days before the study, you need to refuse products that cause increased gas formation, as this may interfere with the examination of the fetus;
  • on the day before the ultrasound, it is better not to have dinner;
  • half an hour before the procedure, it is advisable to drink a couple of glasses of water so that the fetus is better visualized.

You must not forget to take with you:

  • exchange card;
  • a diaper - to spread on the couch;
  • wet wipes - to wipe the gel applied to it from the skin.

An exchange card for a pregnant woman is the main document that you must always keep with you

How the research is done

The procedure itself also does not differ from a conventional ultrasound in anything, except for the duration. If in the traditional type of research it takes on average 15–20 minutes, then 4D ultrasound can last up to an hour.

Usually, during the study, the expectant mother lies on her back, but sometimes the doctor may ask her to roll over on her side so that it becomes possible to better examine some of the parameters of the baby.

Before the start of the ultrasound, the doctor applies a special gel to the woman's abdomen - it improves the passage of sound waves and is absolutely harmless, you just need to remember to erase it at the end of the procedure.

Conducting an ultrasound scan, the doctor moves the sensor over the woman's abdomen and receives the result in the form of an image on his monitor. Special programs measure all the necessary parameters of the child and compare them with the norms for the current stage of pregnancy. At the request of the mother, the resulting picture can be displayed on a separate monitor, which is visible to her too - many pregnant women go to 4D ultrasound precisely in order to see the first "video" of their baby. You can also ask to record the received video on your information carrier - sometimes this service is included in the cost of the study, sometimes it is done for an additional fee.

After the end of the procedure, the doctor gives the woman a protocol for examining the fetus, which indicates the measured parameters of the fetus, their comparison with the norms and the doctor's conclusion.

During the ultrasound, the doctor measures the vital signs of the fetus and the condition of the pregnant woman

Norms and interpretation of results

Because the best time for a 4D ultrasound, a period of 20-27 weeks is considered, then it usually goes to it as a second screening.

The main parameters measured during the second screening are:

  • biparietal size of the fetal head - the gap between the walls of the parietal bones of the skull;
  • frontal-occipital size - the distance between the outer contours of the frontal and occipital bones;
  • Head circumference;
  • girth of the abdomen;
  • length of bones - lower leg, shoulder, forearm;
  • length of the nasal bone;
  • amniotic fluid index.

The coccygeal-parietal size allows you to find out the size of the fetus and establish the exact duration of pregnancy. The size of the head indicates the level of development of the fetal brain. The thickness of the collar space is one of the most important markers of a large number of chromosomal abnormalities. A discrepancy between the length of the nasal bone and the normal values ​​may indicate hypoplasia of the nasal bone and the presence of malformations, including Down's syndrome. Deviations in the length of the bones from the norm means abnormal development of the fetus.

Table of values ​​of ultrasound readings for a period of 20 weeks

Causes and consequences of deviations from the norm

The reasons for the deviation of the parameters of the fetus from the norm can only be determined by a doctor. To do this, the expectant mother is sent for additional examinations, because the excess or decrease in the value of any indicator can be as follows characteristic feature this child, and the consequence of a long series of problems.

Deviations in bipariental size:

  • above normal:
    • hydrocephalus - dropsy of the brain;
    • macrocephaly - a congenital disorder of skeletal development;
    • diabetes mellitus during pregnancy;
  • below normal:
    • violation of the development of the spine;
    • intrauterine infection;
    • genetic diseases - Patau, Edwards, Down syndromes.

Frontal-occipital size deviations:

  • more than normal:
    • volumetric formations of the brain or skull bones;
    • cerebral hernia;
    • hydrocephalus;
  • less than normal:
    • underdevelopment or absence of anatomical structures of the brain.

The reasons for the insufficient length of the nasal bone:

  • genetic abnormalities;
  • toxic effects on the fetus in the early stages;
  • infectious diseases;
  • physical trauma to the abdomen;
  • heatstroke.

Possible consequences of an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios):

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • fusion of tissues of the developing fetus and fetal membranes;
  • abnormal development of the fetal limbs.

Possible consequences of an excessive amount of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios):

  • violation of the functionality of the placenta;
  • developmental disorder of the nervous and digestive system fetus;
  • infectious diseases;
  • premature birth.

3D and 4D effects exist not only in cinemas and beauty salons. The latest technologies of three-dimensional and four-dimensional "imaging" are widely used in obstetrics and gynecology. 4D and 3D ultrasound during pregnancy gives parents joy of visualizing their baby "as in life", but also has a medical value in the diagnosis of many malformations. How safe is the study and for what period is it better to do 3D and 4D ultrasound during pregnancy?

Ultrasound is considered a safe test at any stage of pregnancy. The most common 2D version, a two-dimensional image of an organ or a child is displayed on the screen. 3D and 4D appeared relatively recently, they require ultrasound devices of an expert class and more high level specialist knowledge.

The difference between 2D, 3D and 4D ultrasound during pregnancy

Ultrasound is a wave of a certain frequency that is generated by special sensors installed in devices. Dolphins, the smartest mammals, communicate in this range. Ultrasound propagates well in water, extremely poorly in air. Therefore, during the examination, a layer of gel or liquid is created between the sensor and the human body. This helps to increase the quality of the resulting image.

The wave beam generated by the sensor is delivered to the tissues. Some absorb it, others reflect it. All this is recorded and analyzed by special programs embedded in the equipment. It's easier to get a 2D image. This is a 2D ultrasound. In this case, the organ can be seen from one side, as in a cut. During pregnancy, this particular research method is used for several reasons:

  • all devices allow you to receive it;
  • it is enough to identify malformations in the fetus at any time;
  • it is cheap.

Four-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound during pregnancy allows you to see the baby as in reality, and not just slices. This is carried out by special software embedded in the ultrasound machine, which analyzes wave flows from a large number of areas at once, compares and displays a ready-made image. Future parents, even without a medical education, clearly understand where the baby's nose, eyes, ears are. The table shows the main features of all ultrasound options and the nature of the resulting image.

Table - Characteristics different types Ultrasound during pregnancy

When done

In case of physiological pregnancy, ultrasound is recommended to be performed at the screening time. Namely:

  • 11-14 weeks;
  • 18-22 weeks;
  • 32-35 weeks.

The rest of the studies are only for indications. 3D and 4D ultrasound is not included in the list of free medical examinations during pregnancy, not all parents can afford it. Therefore, the question arises, how many weeks to do 3D ultrasound during pregnancy. Landmarks:

  • normal pregnancy- it is better to carry out "fashionable" ultrasound at the end of the second or in the third trimester, it can be timed to the screening;
  • with suspected malformations- informative from 11-12 weeks, carried out at any time.

There is no point in doing 3D ultrasound in early pregnancy without significant indications from the fetus. At this time, the baby is very small in size, he is not yet fully formed, and his face may not yet correspond to the usual parameters and greatly impress future parents.

How is

3D and 4D ultrasound during pregnancy is carried out in a similar way to a conventional study and can even be performed on the same apparatus, if its class permits. There is no need to prepare for the procedure. You should bring two towels or diapers with you. One to lie on it, the other to wipe the rest of the gel from the abdomen.

A 4D ultrasound scan lasts an average of 40-60 minutes during pregnancy. It all depends on how long, the baby is sleeping or awake, whether it is necessary to focus on identifying malformations or describing abnormal structures in the baby.

Indications for the procedure

3D ultrasound for pregnant women can be done at will. Many modern parents want to see their offspring as quickly as possible. The ideal option for this is a 3D or 4D study. In this case, the procedure is more an aesthetic pleasure than a medical one. Private clinics often pursue exactly these goals, because 3D and 4D ultrasound are expensive procedures.

The medical indications for fashion research are as follows:

  • suspicion of fetal malformations;
  • previously identified congenital anomalies;
  • complications of multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets).

During the acquisition of three- and four-dimensional images, among other things, it is possible to establish everything that is clearly visible with a conventional ultrasound. For example, determining the position of the fetus and localization of the placenta, the structure of internal organs. 4D ultrasound acts as an additional, rather than the main, method for studying elementary indicators.

Pros and cons of volumetric research

There is no doubt that three-dimensional and four-dimensional ultrasound have a right to exist. Perhaps, in the future, the indications for their implementation will be expanded. The pros and cons of this study are presented in the table.

Table - Diagnostics using volumetric ultrasound

Volumetric ultrasound does not make it possible to establish the velocity of blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord and fetus. This is only possible with dopplerometry. Special decoding of the data obtained using volumetric ultrasound is not required. It is enough to correctly interpret what the doctor sees.

Are there any risks

Future parents, of course, are interested in the question of whether it is harmful to do 4D ultrasound during pregnancy. According to generally accepted provisions, this manipulation does not cause any harm to the fetus. Reviews of women who have gone through an ultrasound scan confirm this fact for the most part. However, there is no reliable data on the safety of ultrasound waves for the fetus. Most often, ultrasound is associated with changes in the structure of tissues at the subcellular level, including DNA. This can lead to the accumulation of mutations, and be realized in the disease. The latter are not always associated with an intrauterine ultrasound scan. But these are theories.

Many researchers argue that ultrasonic waves for a baby in utero are comparable to the noise of an aircraft flying towards a landing for an adult. It is difficult to refute this, especially considering the fact that many children immediately wake up after installing the ultrasound sensor on the surface of the abdomen, while others begin to move excessively violently.

Frequently asked questions of women and answers to them

  • Does it help to establish an ectopic pregnancy?... In some cases, three-dimensional ultrasound can be important if this pathology is suspected. However, auxiliary methods play an important role - examination on a gynecological chair, blood test for hCG in dynamics, correspondence of the ovum by week.
  • Is it useful to do just before childbirth... It is possible to perform 3D and 4D ultrasound, but they are not highly informative during this period. The labor management tactics and prognosis for mother and baby will remain unchanged by this study.
  • Are there any contraindications to the study... 3D ultrasound can be done by anyone. There are no restrictions both early and late.
  • Do I need to do after IVF... Assisted reproductive technologies have a slightly higher risk of fetal birth defects. First, due to the lack of natural selection. Secondly, due to the large number of drugs used. But the role of volumetric ultrasound for detecting these anomalies is minimal.

Any manipulations during gestation should be minimized, even if they are considered safe. The same goes for ultrasound. To a greater extent, it is performed for parents so that they can see their baby and make sure that everything is in order with him. Regarding when to do 3D ultrasound during pregnancy, preference should be given to the second or third trimester. At this time, the baby is already formed, active, you can see not only his face, but even facial expressions and gestures.


How 3D differs from 4D ultrasound

Unlike 3D diagnostics, 4D ultrasound allows you to assess the dynamics over time. It will be not just a color three-dimensional image, but a full-fledged video. The picture is captured in real time. 4D ultrasound is performed within 45-50 minutes.

How long does 3D ultrasound take?

A three-dimensional ultrasound, if there is no medical indication, the doctor does not prescribe. But at the request of future parents, the study is carried out from the 24th to the 28th week of pregnancy. For more early term while the organs and tissues of the fetus are still at the stage of formation, the picture is unclear.

Will 3D ultrasound determine gender

In some cases, when it becomes necessary to establish the sex of the child in the first trimester (if genetic diseases are suspected), 3D will be informative. It is possible to recognize the genitals of the baby from the 14th week of pregnancy.

How much does 3D ultrasound cost

The cost of the research starts from 1,800 rubles. The upper limit is around 8,000 rubles.

Where to get 3D / 4D ultrasound

To sign up for a 3D or 4D ultrasound, choose a suitable clinic for the price, or the closest location, as well as for the opening hours. The questionnaire of each medical center contains the necessary contact information, working hours and a telephone number by which you can contact consultants and sign up for a study.

With the improvement of computer technology, observation of the sacrament of fetal development even in the womb became available, which was previously hidden from the eyes of people. Until a few years ago, only two-dimensional ultrasound procedure, which could not provide the doctor with accurate information about the existing pathologies.

Today, specialists use 4D ultrasound during pregnancy, which can show the full picture in real time. What is a 4D survey? Under what circumstances is he appointed? And in what time frame can you pass? Read about all this further in the article.

What is 4D ultrasound

4D ultrasound is actually a color three-dimensional scan, only it is carried out in real time, and at the output it has a moving picture (video image). The developers called time the fourth dimension.

The procedure is performed by a special sensor, which transforms the data from the ultrasonic wave into a video signal.

Four-dimensional research has several advantages:

  • the object can be viewed from different angles, which cannot be achieved with three-dimensional scanning;
  • allows you to identify pathologies of the bone tissue of the limbs, skull and spine;
  • allows you to determine the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • it is easy to measure internal organs and determine the correctness of their formation;
  • chromosomal abnormalities can be seen.

However, this survey method has some disadvantages:

  1. The quality of the data will be much worse with an excess of the mother's fat mass, polyhydramnios, the presence of scars on her abdomen or in the uterus, located in the foreground of the placenta.
  2. The duration of the procedure takes three times longer than with a conventional ultrasound.
  3. It is not possible to receive data if the child turns his back.
  4. This technique cannot be carried out on early stage pregnancy.

Despite the fact that the procedure of such echography takes a longer time, the intensity and duration of the ultrasound wave does not increase. New technology is able to better process the echo signal, while maintaining the minimum values ​​of ultrasonic waves.

This is what a baby looks like in the womb in a four-dimensional study:

How 4D ultrasound differs from 3D and 5D

Recently, developers have provided several types ultrasound diagnostics- 3D, 4D and 5D. What is their difference?

Most people know about a simple black and white test that is used to detect diseases of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity or to determine abnormalities of the baby in the uterus - this is a two-dimensional image.

The next in line is three-dimensional, which is a color static image, a three-dimensional image. 3D shows the object in three planes - width, height and depth.

A 4D image is also colored and three-dimensional, but differs from a 3D image in that it shows a moving picture in real time, that is, it is actually a video filming.

On 4D ultrasound, you can see the baby waving his hand, wiggling his legs, smiling and other movements. Based on this image, the psychoemotional state of the child and all developmental abnormalities that are already visible on his face in the womb, as well as other pathologies of the bone and circulatory system, are established.

5D screening also shows dynamism and three-dimensional picture However, the difference from the previous generation of formats is that the device itself identifies all existing developmental defects.

With its help, you can see the structures of the baby's organs and blood vessels. It automatically measures the diameter and length of organs, bones, and the brain, which greatly facilitates the process of identifying pathologies. Such screening is of higher quality, and allows you to see the fetus at an early and late stage development.

When using 3d and 4d, parents can get a disc with a photo or video of their baby, and 5d is assigned more often if developmental defects are suspected. Even an observing doctor can decipher such images, but the usual plane ultrasound image is hard to understand for the majority, so only a specialist reads it.

How long does it take for four-dimensional diagnostics?

It is customary to carry out ultrasound screening 3-4 times for the entire period of gestation:

  • at 4-5 weeks with IVF pregnancy or if there were problems with conception;
  • at 11-12 weeks;
  • at 20-21 weeks;
  • at 29-30 weeks.

The doctor prescribes an additional examination based on the clinical picture of the mother or possible fetal developmental disorders.

4D ultrasound is impractical to do both early and late date gestation. Until 14-17 weeks, the limbs and organs of the fetus are not yet fully formed, and the fatty tissue is so thin that only the bone tissue and organs of the fetus will be visible on the monitor. For more than 32 weeks, the fetus is quite large, so only parts of the body will be visible on the monitor.

Optimal time four-dimensional research- 20-27 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the arms, legs, fingers and all internal organs of the child are fully formed, and the size allows you to see it completely.

At 23-25 ​​weeks, you can accurately recognize the sex of the baby, which can be seen much better in 4D format than in a static image, since the baby is in motion.

The 26-week timeframe produces great pictures and videos. The facial expressions of the child are clearly visible, you can determine his mood. At this time, you can even see who he looks like.

At an earlier date, for example, at 16 weeks, 3D or 4D screening is also sometimes prescribed. But this is done only to identify some of the defects associated with the development of the spinal cord, craniofacial structures or limbs.

Indications for conducting

Despite the safety of three- and four-dimensional ultrasound diagnostics, conventional screening is used more often in the management of pregnancy.

When there are suspicions or concerns about the presence of defects in the baby, a detailed examination of all parts of the body and organs in a high-quality image is required.

4D ultrasound is prescribed for the following indications:

  1. Suspected complications in the development of the fetus, requiring clarification.
  2. Women after artificial insemination - IVF, ICSI.
  3. Multiple pregnancy.
  4. Surrogacy.
  5. In the family of a pregnant woman, cases of the birth of children with abnormal development or congenital pathologies have been recorded.
  6. Parents have hereditary diseases.
  7. The mother's desire to undergo a better examination.

4D research technique

The procedure for a 4-dimensional diagnosis is no different from a 2-dimensional one, but its duration is 40-50 minutes.

The main steps are as follows:

  • the patient lies down on the couch and exposes her stomach;
  • the doctor applies a special gel to the skin of the abdomen, which helps to better conduct ultrasound waves;
  • then the uzist moves the sensor over the abdomen, and all the data is displayed on the monitor screen;
  • after the examination, the gel is wiped off and the results of the diagnosis are given to the woman;
  • if desired, future parents order a disc with a photo or video of their baby.

Before the procedure, special preparations are not required, but sometimes the doctor may warn that the diagnosis will be carried out on a full bladder. This means that on the day of the examination, you will need to drink water before the screening. Intestinal fullness also does not play a special role. But on the eve of the day of the survey, it is better not to consume gas-forming foods and drinks.

If the baby is stationary during scanning, the mother is offered to drink sweet water. If the baby is hiding from the scanner or has turned its back against the front wall of the mother's abdomen, an experienced doctor will help him turn into the correct position.

Often the child reacts to the application of a cold gel or to the negative emotions of the mother during the diagnosis. Therefore, during the examination, the girl needs a positive attitude.

Decoding the results

Based on the diagnostic results, a long list of possible pathologies is revealed. Only a specialist is involved in decoding the study. The effectiveness of the appointment of a treatment course in identifying diseases depends on the results.

Attempts self-study survey findings lead to misinterpretations, erroneous assumptions, panic, and hasty conclusions. A expectant mother in a delicate position it is impossible to be nervous.

How much does a 4D ultrasound cost

The cost of this diagnosis is significantly higher than the usual screening, and depends on various factors:

  1. Used equipment (quality, manufacturer).
  2. The qualifications of the doctor and clinic staff.
  3. Indications for the procedure.
  4. The location of the clinic or maternity hospital where the diagnostics will be carried out.
  5. The duration of the waiting time for their turn.
  6. Favorable environment.

These circumstances require certain costs, which are included in the final cost of the study.

Additional factors affecting the price:

  • the presence of the woman's relatives at the procedure;
  • data recording on digital media - CD, DVD disc;
  • doctor's opinion with detailed description all indicators of the baby's condition.

The approximate price in 2018 varies between 3,500-5,000 rubles.


With the help of a four-dimensional study, significantly more pathologies are detected than with three-dimensional scanning.

However, do not forget that you should not undergo such a procedure too often, a maximum of 2 times during the entire pregnancy. In addition, scientists have proven that the fetus does not like ultrasound, since the baby constantly tries to turn away during the procedure, and his heartbeat becomes more frequent. Therefore, 4D screening should only be done with the approval of a physician.