Garbage on the banks of the Akhtuba, Volga, Don and other small and large rivers! How to organize a toilet and washbasin on a camping trip How to make a toilet on a camping trip with your own hands

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Camping toilet and shower: urban comfort in the field

Greetings, comrades. Recreation in nature is known to be beneficial - 2-3 hours per fresh air won't bother anyone. But longer events, for example, a multi-day hike, will require participants to provide effective method maintaining personal hygiene. After all, even in the forest it is not always possible to find a secluded place for these purposes, not to mention a tourist camp in an open space.

And today we will look at what a camping version of a toilet can be, and we will get acquainted with its multifunctional portable analogues in the form of a tent, which can be either a room for performing natural needs or a shower stall.

Personal hygiene

Of course, you can argue that you can do without a shower for 1-2 days. tourist trip, but experienced tourists will object to you and argue their arguments:

  1. You can get dirty much faster on a hike than at home;
  2. Dirty skin will not allow your body to fully recover overnight;
  3. The lunch shower is invigorating, which is important during long treks;
  4. In extreme heat, you just need to cool down.

The situation is the same with the toilet:

  1. Every time it is unsafe to move far from the camp to relieve natural needs, especially at night;
  2. It is unhygienic to adapt bushes directly near the roosting site;
  3. In open areas, the problem of arranging a secluded place only intensifies.

Captain Obvious informs: you can add protection from adverse weather conditions to the list of reasons for the need to take a camping bathroom with you. Agree, rain dripping down the collar and soggy ground under your feet is unlikely to please anyone.

Constructive tandem

As you know, the apartment has separate showers and toilets. On a hike, where every kilogram of weight matters, the most preferable would be a combined design - a camping shower-toilet.

What it is?

  • Waterproof fabric tent with dimensions 100x100x250 cm;
  • Container for water made of rubberized fabric with shower head and hose;
  • Toilet paper holders (inside) and coat hooks (outside).

With a shower, everything is more or less clear: hang up a tank bag filled with water, go inside and you can wash. What about the toilet?

Most of the time, the tent is used precisely as a toilet - a latrine is equipped inside it.

What it should be is up to you to decide. It could be:

  1. Peat dry toilet;
  2. Folding toilet seat;
  3. Tourist cardboard toilet box.


Experienced tourists can tell you many ways to arrange a latrine during a stopover. Instead of using a portable toilet, you can dig a hole and place a tent on top. For such cases, there are folding seats, but their design provides for securing bags, which is much simpler and more convenient than arranging a pit.

Captain Obvious informs: if you do not want to combine a shower with a toilet, then you can arrange a tandem, for example, install 2 tents together. They should not be separated from each other - water for washing hands after visiting the toilet can be taken from the shower.

How to choose the right one

It is clear that it is best to buy travel equipment in specialized stores. But before you go shopping, you should determine the acceptable parameters for yourself:

  1. If you are going to travel by car, then you have practically no weight restrictions. If the trunk allows it and you like comfort, feel free to take a full-fledged dry closet and a tent. If there is little space in the car, choose folding options;

A tent is necessary not only to create privacy, but also to protect from rain, wind and scorching sun. You can’t refuse it, if only because it weighs 1.5 kg and can be installed in a couple of minutes.

  1. For traveling on motorcycles or bicycles, only folding options are suitable. Why? Lack of roomy trunk;
  2. For hiking, you need models with minimal weight and dimensions.

Let's take a closer look at which toilet models you can purchase for travel.

For autotourists

For campers, stores selling camping equipment offer the following models of camping toilets and showers.

As I said, when traveling long distances, the most important thing is to have a full toilet available. First of all, this is:

  1. Dry toilets;
  2. Bucket toilet;
  3. Folding seats with waste container.

I won’t talk in detail about dry closets - such information is available in other articles on our website. I will focus on highly specialized models intended exclusively for travel.

My verdict: the most simple model, the idea for which is borrowed from the classic chamber pot. All you have to do is remove the lid with your own hands, secure the waste bag and you can use it.

My verdict: combining a latrine with a stool, in my opinion, is controversial. If we consider the model solely as a toilet, then overall it’s not bad. One of the advantages is the possibility of using ordinary plastic bags.

As for the shower, everything is simple:

  1. The tent should have a hole for the hose to enter and a loop for attaching the shower head;
  2. Choose the color of the water bag black - it heats up the water faster;
  3. For a company of 3-4 people, 40 liter bags are preferable.

The instructions for the toilet tent contain information about the maximum possible load. If the weight of the rubberized water bag exceeds the permissible value, set up the tent near a tree from which you can hang it.

For motorcycle and bicycle tourists

My verdict: it is clear that you have to pay for compactness, but, in my opinion, the price is too high.

My verdict: the model is interesting due to its compact size and the presence of a lid. Its appearance is more classic, maintenance is the simplest.

Another one interesting model for transportation - a toilet-suitcase from an American manufacturer. When assembled, it doesn’t look much like a bathroom.

My verdict: an original solution. The cost is justified by its versatility.

For hiking

Tourists who go hiking on their own prefer secluded places to relax, going deep into the wilderness. Accordingly, they choose tents of “hidden” colors.

Regardless of the model of folding toilet you choose, you need to address issues with odors while camping. Locating a bathroom at a great distance from the camp is not an option, so it is more logical to use special kits for the disposal of human waste.

What is included in such a kit?

  1. Double recycling bag made of durable material:
    • The outer bag is used to transport waste;
    • The internal one contains a filler - a disposal agent that absorbs odors;
  1. A set of toilet paper – 4 meters;
  2. Hand sanitizer in a plastic bag.

Captain Obvious informs: the cost of such a solution is 1,400 rubles per pack of 12 bags. As for me, for such a complete set – quite reasonable money.

For construction lovers

A couple of tips on how you can bring yourself closer to civilization even in camping conditions:

  1. Take durable and opaque polyethylene film on your hike;
  2. Make a rectangular one from the branches and cover it with film;
  3. For wind resistance, hang it from a tree;
  4. Secure the lower part with stakes;
  5. Install a folding toilet inside or hang a rubberized bag with a watering can and use it.

The author of the article is more than sure that at least a third of people who go camping are thinking for the first time about how and where to go to the toilet while camping? However, only a few dare to ask this question to the administrator, because defecation is considered something dirty and unworthy of mention in conversation. But if there is a question, it needs to be answered, if only in order to simply raise the eco-cultural level of novice tourists. After all, not knowing and being embarrassed to ask, they manage to go to the toilet, harming the aesthetic appearance most beautiful places Crimea.

How to properly go to the toilet while camping?

Ideally, one of the participants in the hike should take a hiking shovel with them. It is better to have several of these shovels if the group size is more than ten people, because several tourists may want to go to the toilet at the same time. So, the ideal tourist, who has decided to cleanse the intestines naturally, takes a tourist spatula with him and goes into the forest. Having walked a couple of tens of meters from the parking lot, he chooses a place (not on a slope or near a path), digs a small hole and begins the process of defecation. After completing this sacred act, the ideal tourist buries defecation products and pieces of toilet paper and goes back to the camp.

If a group of ideal tourists stands still for several days, they dig and build a toilet. Again, he does this away from the road and not on a hillside. Yes, that's exactly what you should do! If you follow these instructions, the parking lots will be clean, and no one will get into someone else's defecation product.

How can you go to the toilet while hiking?

It is clear that we are all not perfect. The author has never seen anyone go to the toilet in the mountains with a tourist shovel. Well, all that remains is to tell the reader how to cause less harm to the aesthetic appearance of the mountains. After all, the nature of defecation products is indifferent; they only harm tourists. So, the main thing is, do not go to the toilet on roads and paths, in parking lots and within a radius of one hundred meters from them, and you should also not “delight” cave cities, grottoes, observation platforms, rivers, lakes, streams and natural monuments of Crimea with defecation products. If you want to go to the toilet, just go into the woods and do your thing in the bushes you like. Toilet paper leave it there and, if you have enough strength, throw branches over the product of defecation.

How not to go to the toilet while camping?

Alas, for some people it is not obvious that you should not go to the toilet near parking lots, places of public recreation, cave cities or near cultural monuments. I remember a couple of interesting cases involving defecation products from unscrupulous tourists.

One day the author was swimming in a mountain lake, and then, since there were several members of the fairer sex in the group, he decided to take off his swimming trunks behind the tree closest to the water and put on dry clothes. Imagine the author’s surprise when he discovered that behind the tree there was no room for anyone to take a step without getting into the product of human defecation! We apologize for the details, but they covered the territory of an average living room.

Another unpleasant incident happened to the author in the Valley of Ghosts. There is a large stone in the shape of a broken heart. Having passed through the split in the center of the stone, the author of the article came out into a small clearing with an altar stone in the center. On the altar lay the product of human defecation. So there is no need to go to the toilet in the mountains!

Try to be aware and love the mountains just as you love your home, to which you return again and again.

In Russia, unfortunately, there are very few areas for outdoor recreation, where can
use a ready-made waste collection system (bins, toilets, etc.), therefore,
when going on a picnic, walk or hike, you need to have a good idea
What will you do with the garbage you produce during your trip?
If you are going for one day, in our opinion, it is best to take away all the trash
take it with you and take it to the nearest trash can in your city.
If you don’t like this option, you need to take a mining shovel with you.
All organic waste (including waste products) must be buried,
It’s much easier to do this with a spatula.

You can often come across this opinion“Apple core (banana)
peel, etc.) can be safely thrown away - it will rot anyway.”
Indeed, it will rot.
It will just rot for several months. in front of everyone passing by
places. Agree, it’s not very pleasant to see peels and stubs on the ground in the forest,
and most importantly traces of vital activity, so try to bury all
organic waste.
Do not bury plastic containers (bottles, bags, etc.).
If you can't carry it away, burn it.
If you have lit a fire (without destroying living trees, of course) and are going to
burn some of the garbage in it, make sure that it burns completely and completely.
Glass and cans It is advisable to take it away.
If you cannot do this, the glass needs to be buried deep, and the cans
burn the jars well, flatten them and bury them.
Think before you burn anything. It might be better to pack it carefully and deliver it
to the city trash can rather than raking out the unburnt remains of “this” (for example, diapers)
from the fire.
We try to do just that, and we take away empty plastic bottles,
wet diapers and other similar debris.
Of course, it is better to make a fire where there is already a fire pit.
Here you often have to face a difficult choice, because... fire pits are very common
sometimes they get dirty, but we don’t want to sit in the trash at all.
If it is not possible to bring someone else’s fireplace into decent shape and you have lit your own,
try to keep it clean - do not leave anything in the fireplace except ashes and wood.
On the one hand, multi-day hikes simplify the task, because... glass containers and cans are not profitable to use for packaging, but on the other hand, they make it more complicated, because Usually there is no time and energy to collect garbage, and they don’t always take a sapper shovel on a hike.
It can be useful when one of the participants in the hike is appointed as an “ecologist”.
If you go with children, they usually play this role happily and very diligently.
If you are walking without a fire (on gas) and do not take the cylinders with you, then after
use, you need to pierce the cylinder (of course, making sure that it is empty) and
bury (fill with stones, throw into a crack in a glacier).
In the mountains, in areas of snow and ice, they usually carry garbage with them (fortunately there is not much of it), and burn it below on the moraine or already on the green area.
In conclusion, I would like to note that no one is the best good advice garbage collection
in nature will not help if a person is used to littering in the city or does not think about it,
what the place will look like after visiting it.

Lenya Fishkis

To all those who relax in nature!
Comrades, do not pollute our nature, our mother, because we ourselves live in it!

If you want to merge with nature and go hiking for this, don’t forget about more prosaic things - for example, hygiene and visiting (sorry) the toilet. The current situation is completely wrong when these issues are kept silent during organizational gatherings as “not clean.” As a result, in many picturesque places it is impossible to set up a parking lot, since there is nowhere to step along the perimeter of the clearing - there are suspicious piles, scraps of multi-colored paper and used gaskets everywhere.

And the rules of human behavior in the wild are quite simple and they can all be reduced to one thing: do no harm. The choice of parking place has been discussed more than once at meetings and the most successful schemes for arranging tents and places for a fire have been discussed. But not every tourist knows about the basic rules for the comfortable arrangement of a latrine and a clearing for washing.

Any stop lasting more than 5-6 hours requires the installation or provision of a toilet area. The ideal area for such an intimate action would be a cozy clearing 25-30 meters from the tents and twice as far from swimming areas and running water. You can simply dig a ditch 30*50 centimeters and at least half a meter deep and place a jar next to it with a fire pit for periodic dusting of the effects of defecation.

If you plan to spend more than a day at this place, then it makes sense to install a wooden toilet or construct a special tent. These can be purchased at any travel store or made yourself.

Don't forget about personal hygiene. During a hike, every tourist experiences, albeit short-term, but increased physical activity. Accordingly, sweating increases, work increases sebaceous glands and there is a need to wash it all off. If the parking lot is located next to a river or lake, then most of the problems are solved. Cold water can be heated in a fire flame and disinfected with a manganese solution.

If you set up a camp near a spring and there are no open bodies of water nearby, then you must strictly follow several rules:

  • Water procedures and teeth brushing must be carried out away from the spring
  • never carry out hygiene procedures in places where water is collected for cooking
  • Do not pour water with residual detergents into the spring.

If you want more comfort, you can install a camp shower (for example, “Expedition”). This is a durable plastic bottle with a capacity of 15 liters with a spray nozzle. The entire structure is hung on a tree and filled with water. All. You can take a shower. For those who are especially shy, you can fence off the area with a tarpaulin or opaque film. If desired, the camp shower can be easily replaced by a reliable fellow hiker armed with a ladle or a bottle of water.

An important nuance: do not take full-size bottles of liquid soap and shampoos with you on a hike. No matter how carefully you pack them, they will still spill and stain the entire backpack. The best solution would be disposable shampoo packages and bar soap. When hiking in the cold season, wet wipes are a lifesaver.