Is it possible to re-gift flowers from a birthday? The main thing is not to spoil. Should men be given gifts? What you can’t give a man according to signs

Gifts and signs

The closer a holiday gets, the more often we think about gifts. What do you think about gifts, when should they be given? What do you think about the gifts that were given to you? What signs about gifts do you know and do you follow them?

Let's start with the signs. It turns out that they are a dime a dozen! What immediately catches your eye is that all the signs are negatively colored, i.e. We are warned what not to give. It turns out interesting... “bad” gifts are the same for everyone, but “good” ones are different for everyone? Why did they notice and perpetuate only what brought misfortune? And who noticed this? Why didn't you notice happy accidents?

Let's look at the list of gifts with bad omens

“A bad gift, from the point of view of signs, is a towel. Bathroom or kitchen, it has nothing to do with misfortunes in the literal sense. However, this item belongs to the list of items that is involved in the funeral rite, so giving something like that is considered inappropriate.”

From my own experience: it just so happens that we are often given towels as gifts – both kitchen towels (for the New Year we were given 4 of them with funny dragons) and terry ones. We sometimes give towels ourselves. Nowadays there is a very large selection, you can find a set of towels for the whole family at once, and even with bathrobes; There are towels with wishes for all relatives (for mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, nephew, etc.). I don't see anything wrong with such a gift. Firstly, it does not oblige with its cost, and secondly, it will be used in everyday life for a dear soul!

“A gift like a handkerchief also has a hint of a funeral, because this thing is distributed to everyone present in memory of the deceased. Another reason to call this gift unsuccessful is the fact that by giving away the scarf, you seem to convey all your misfortunes. Receiving this thing as a gift means tears.”

It seems to me that in modern world Handkerchiefs have not been given as gifts for a long time because they are unnecessary. Everyone has long switched to paper disposable “Zevs” :)

“Pearls are also given to tears. Moreover, we are talking about natural pearls, and artificial. This sign is based on the belief that pearls are the tears of widows and orphans.”

I don't want to seem rude, but in my opinion this is complete nonsense! It's rare that a woman will refuse to receive expensive decoration with pearls (I’m already silent about rare, luxurious pearls!) and you definitely won’t cry from such a gift.

“A watch is considered an unlucky gift. On the one hand, the watch symbolizes the breakdown of relationships (love, friendship, business), on the other – inevitable old age.”

From personal experience: Indeed, twice in my life young people gave me wrist watch and our relationship ended soon after the gift... But I had far more than two young men in my life! And the rest didn’t give me a watch, but the parting still came! 🙂

“You cannot give sharp objects - knives, scissors, decorative weapons, etc. All piercing and cutting objects received as a gift are an “omen” of misfortune.”

From a personal note: my mother loves all sorts of super-knives, Burner graters and other sharp kitchen utensils, and is always happy to receive such gifts. There were no quarrels or misfortunes after our gifts.

“You cannot give mirrors or similar items. It is believed that through a mirror you can enter the world of spirits, and this can be dangerous.”

I have no personal experience with such gifts. I think it’s kind of stupid to give a mirror as a gift. The owners of the apartment themselves know where and what kind of mirror will hang in their home. Mirrors are often built into bathroom furniture, in cabinets, and in women's dressing tables.

It turns out that some bad omens can be outwitted. For example, a purse and a piggy bank as a gift can be the beginning of the ruin of a person dear to you. To prevent this from happening, you definitely need to put money into such things (the more, the better! – author’s note :)).

Where to buy gifts?

Where to buy gifts?

Well, the main signs are listed. And now the most interesting thing - let's go to a gift store, not a gift shop or department, but a large gift store and see what they offer us. Where else, if not in a gift shop, are there real gift specialists! I wasn’t too lazy and stopped by a couple of reputable stores. And what do you think I saw there?

The first thing that caught my eye was a wall with weapons :) All kinds of sabers, swords, dirks, knives! Taking my eyes off the weapon, I was struck by the variety of watches - from sand clocks for 5 minutes to huge floor clocks with a pendulum, there is also a whole display case of wristwatches, and there is a guy who can engrave them. Piggy banks and all kinds of figurines, ships in bottles, flasks for alcoholic drinks with glasses! What is not on the “not to give” list! Just before leaving, I remembered the handkerchiefs, and I jokingly asked the sellers about them. "Of course have!" - they were delighted and showed me sets of scarves with embroidery, plain and checkered, business options, ladies’, gift boxes and tubes. I was delighted with the contradictions of our culture!)))

Dear friends, I personally have the opinion that all these signs are nothing more than negative attitudes. If there is no harmful attitude, no misfortune will happen. If a person is sure that trouble will happen because of a gift, it will happen! We will talk in detail about attitudes and the law of attraction more than once. Finally, I’ll give you some wonderful expressions that I liked better:

  1. A gift shop is a place that sells things that you wouldn't want to receive as a gift.
  2. People rarely think alike except when choosing wedding gifts. Without hesitation, name 3 gifts that are appropriate for a wedding))) Write the result in the reviews, let's see how true the expression is :)

Choosing a gift is a responsible matter. It may turn out that the person who receives the gift is superstitious. Therefore, instead of joy, the gift will bring grief and resentment. To avoid this, you need to know what you cannot give as a gift for a particular holiday. It is better not to buy gifts such as a watch, a mirror, piercing or cutting objects in any case. You should take especially seriously the choice of a gift for a person of a different nationality and religion.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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      What should you not give to your other half?

      Some things that are given as a gift to a beloved boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband are “notorious.” It is believed that these are the items that lead to quarrels and even separation of couples in love, so they should not be given as a gift.


      Negative meaning

      Gifted watches can bring closer the moment of separation of lovers


      A gift will provoke a person to utter rude and harsh words, which he will greatly regret. This will cause a major scandal with your loved one


      A person will have secrets and mysteries, which will cause dissatisfaction with the other half and undermine trust

      Sharp objects

      The present will lead to a “sharpening” of the relationship and further separation


      Alcohol that was given as a gift should be drunk immediately. Otherwise, it will cause health problems and deterioration in relationships.

      Gloves, mittens

      This gift will cause disagreements and omissions that will lead to separation

      Roses with thorns

      The gift will bring taunts and quarrels into the lives of lovers

      Sad pictures

      Pictures that depict sad people, destruction, sad events have negative energy. They can ruin the relationship between lovers

      If you give a man socks, he will leave for another woman

      The gift will encourage your loved one to cheat

      If your loved one doesn't like the gift, don't be upset or hold a grudge. You should take the gift and promise to give something else. There is another way out of the situation. You can offer to buy the gift for a nominal fee. The purchased item will not have a negative message and will not cause harm to the owner if in fact it is exchanged for money.

      • In addition to the above gifts, you should always give a coin if you give knives, forks, scissors, a mirror, icons, an animal, indoor flower.

        Unwanted housewarming gifts

        If a person is invited to a housewarming party, then it is important to know about those things that cannot be given to the owners of a new home:

        • Knives, forks. Such gifts will bring quarrels, scandals, resentments and mutual claims into the house.
        • Watch. This gift is prohibited. Housewarming is no exception, as the clock is a symbol of separation and parting. This type of gift should be avoided.
        • Mirror. This is a mystical object that serves as a connection between two worlds.
        • Bed linen, pillows, blankets. These gifts are quite popular, but these are personal items that should be purchased by the owners of the house themselves.
        • Money. Such a gift will cause lack of money and financial losses.

        What is not customary to give for a birthday?

        If a person is invited to a birthday party, it is important to remember that there are many signs associated with this holiday. After all, the birthday person may turn out to be a superstitious person, and the wrong gift will greatly upset or even anger him.

        One of the most common signs concerns the number of flowers in a bouquet. It should only be odd, since among the Slavs an even number is a symbol of mourning. Although in the modern world not all countries adhere to this tradition. In the Caucasus, they always give an even number of flowers so that a person always has a pair. And they give it for a funeral odd number so that a person does not take his soul mate with him.

        Unwanted birthday gifts are presented in the table.

        Present Negative meaning
        Piercing and cutting objectsThey will “sharpen” the birthday boy’s relationship with his other half. The spouses will begin to quarrel over various trifles. At work, conflicts will arise with management and colleagues. Gifts such as knives, daggers, sabers, axes, forks, scissors, razors are prohibited
        WatchThis is one of the most dangerous gifts, as they shorten a person’s life. Gifts in the form of towels and slippers have the same meaning.
        Pillows and blanketsCan cause the birthday person to feel worse and have health problems
        Yellow flowersThey attract separation, parting and deception
        HandkerchiefsThis gift will bring tears. For the same reason, it is not customary to give shampoo and conditioner
        SoapIt will cause quarrels, tears and troubles. The person will find himself in a “slippery” situation
        MirrorIt reflects a person's life. This present can turn over beautiful life vice versa
        PearlSuch a gift will cause tears and grief.
        Pectoral crossThere is a sign according to which a cross cannot be given as a birthday present. There is only one reason for this - Baptism. However, the church encourages a gift in the form of a cross. The main thing is that it be consecrated in the temple
        Empty bag, walletIt is believed that you cannot give an empty bag as a gift. You need to put a small symbolic gift in it: a keychain or even greeting card. An empty wallet will cause financial difficulties
        GlovesThis gift will cause quarrels between lovers
        Dear penSuch a gift shows respect for the birthday person. But there is a belief that if you give a person a pen, he will not be able to make independent decisions; he will be controlled
        PortraitThe gift will quarrel between the birthday person and the person giving the gift. A person may not like his image on canvas, which emphasizes flaws in appearance
        DollUsually such a souvenir is given to a child. The meaning of a gifted doll for an adult can be twofold. Since ancient times, a homemade doll has been a talisman for humans. But if the birthday person is not sure of the sincerity of the wishes of the person giving the gift, then it is better to immediately refuse it
        CasketA person will reveal his secrets, which will cause quarrels with people around him.
        AnimalIf an animal is given as a gift for a birthday, the birthday person must give a symbolic payment for it.
        KitchenwareWill lead to quarrels in the family of the birthday boy.

        What should you not give as a wedding gift?

        There are many signs and superstitions associated with wedding gifts for newlyweds. In order to avoid getting into trouble, you should know about the most common ones. The following gifts and souvenirs are prohibited.


        Negative meaning

        Knives, forks, sharp objects

        Some guests of the celebration may be guided by the everyday needs of the newlyweds and give them forks and knives. This will lead to discord between future spouses and quarrels over trifles

        Place settings, sets of pots, glasses, salad bowls, bowls that are given on the wedding day should not be empty, as this can lead to poverty for the newlyweds. You can fill the dishes with candies, coins, money, postcards

        This gift is also prohibited on the occasion of a wedding celebration. It is believed that this can cause divorce of spouses or even the death of one of them

        Suitcases, bags, wallets

        Some of the guests can buy a suitcase for the newlyweds, which will be useful for them on their honeymoon. Such a gift is acceptable only if it contains a symbolic amount

        Things for newborns

        There is a superstition that says you should not buy baby clothes before the baby is born.

        Large home appliances

        If young people live in their parents’ house, then such equipment may become unnecessary. It will only take up space and cause irritation to the residents of the house. This also applies to interior items and furniture. It is better to give the certificate to a household appliance store

        Cheap souvenirs

        You should not buy useless things that will only cause negative emotions in the newlyweds. If you can't buy worthy gift, then it is better to hand over the money in an envelope


        Even if a person has prepared a set of personalized scarves for the newlyweds, they should not be given, as this gift symbolizes tears and sadness


        It is believed that such a gift will negatively affect the health of one of the members of the new family.

        Even the mirrors self made in a beautiful frame cannot be given as a wedding gift. This gift will cause selfishness in the family, conflicts and disputes will arise between the newlyweds

        Hairpins, combs, combs

        Gifts will cause the wife to be closed, which will lead to conflicts between the young spouses. For the same reason, it is not customary to give cufflinks and a tie.

        Empty vase

        This gift is considered a symbol of childlessness. If a person has a great desire to give a gift, then it should be filled with water and a bouquet of fresh flowers should be placed.

        Fan, air conditioner

        The gift will cause a cooling of relations between spouses

        Fragile things

        Such gifts can lead to a breakdown in relationships and divorce of spouses.

        Roses with thorns

        Before presenting roses, all thorns must be cut off. Otherwise, flowers will cause quarrels and conflicts in the family.

        There is a belief that romance and passion between lovers will melt away just like the wax of gifted candles.

        This gift symbolizes tears and parting

        Even if the guest knows well the literary preferences of one of the spouses, you should not give books at the wedding, as this may cause one of the newlyweds to cheat

        Gifts with a price tag

        If the guest wants to emphasize the high cost of the gift, you should not leave a price tag or receipt. It will look stupid and ugly. The exception is equipment where a receipt is required in case of warranty repairs.

        Unnecessary things

        This will look undignified and may upset the young people. You should choose a gift that the guest himself would be pleased to receive. By handing over a useless item, a person gets rid of negativity in his home and “passes it on” to the newlyweds

        Negative signs about flowers in pots

        Quite often, instead of a bouquet, the hero of the occasion or simply as a sign of attention to the beloved woman is given flowers in a pot. There are plants that are energy vampires. They take from their owner vital energy, your health worsens, and problems with sleep appear. Many of them bring failure in their personal lives.

        You should not give potted plants to someone who is sick. On the other hand, there is a belief that if a flower withers or dries, it will take bad energy and illness with it.

        If the gifted flowers in a pot do not take root in a person’s home, then the owner of the gift will face unforeseen obstacles in business.

        Another belief says that if you present a person with a pot of damp earth, then illnesses and problems in life await him. different areas life. To neutralize negative impact, you need to buy plants in a special soil mixture.

        The one who gives a flower in a pot of soil throws off all his problems, adversities and accumulated negative energy. If a person is afraid of the negative influence of a plant or doubts the sincerity of the bright feelings of the one who presented the gift, simple rituals can be performed:

        1. Pay off. A few coins or small paper bills will be enough for this.

        2. Clear the plant of negativity. You should read the “Our Father” over the flower, and then sprinkle it with holy water.

        3. You can give away a present. It must be taken into account that this method is quite cruel and dishonest, because all the negative energy will transfer to an unsuspecting person.

        What cannot be given for the New Year according to the eastern horoscope?

        Choosing gifts for New Year, it is important to take into account what the coming year will be like according to the eastern horoscope.

        Each animal has its own preferences, which you should pay attention to when choosing a gift.

        Year according to the Eastern calendar

        What can't be given?

        Bags, shoes, leather belts. Impractical and dull gifts, useless souvenirs. The snake does not like to rush, so it is not advisable to give a watch this year


        Banal things, trinkets, gifts that have already been given for several years in a row, bath accessories, household electrical appliances, Stuffed Toys. A bad option would be figurines, candlesticks, photo frames. You should not give a lot of souvenirs with the image of a monkey, money, beads, chains, pearls, perfumes. Dishes, clothes, shoes, books are undesirable

        Items made of goatskin and sheepskin. Items related to fire (candles, candlesticks, fireplaces, fireworks, lighters). Acoustic systems, musical instruments. Items made of synthetic materials, various trinkets

        Jewelry in the form of necklaces, chains, beads. Perfume is undesirable for women, and shaving kits, knives, tools, and scissors are undesirable for men. Children should not buy cat toys. Not the best for teenagers the best gift various modern gadgets will become

        Not the most good option For the present there will be a personal photo. It is not customary to give such things either in a frame or in an album, or even just like that. Home textiles in cold colors should not be presented. The color of blankets, towels and other gifts should be bright. Sharp, piercing objects, edged weapons

        In the coming Year of the Pig, there is no need to give banal and unnecessary things that will lie on the shelf and gather dust. The hostess of the year will appreciate practical gifts

        The tiger is a noble sign. It represents greatness, strength and self-esteem. Therefore, this year you should not give impractical and useless items. You should not give soft toys, photo frames, figurines, candlesticks, refrigerator magnets, or unpaired items as gifts.

        This year you should not give those items that the hostess of the year does not like. This applies to cats and things with their image. In addition, rats are afraid of animals such as dogs and foxes. A live rat is an unfortunate gift

        Gifts that are associated with fire should not be given. Even lighters were blacklisted. You cannot give watches or alarm clocks. Sharp, piercing and cutting objects are prohibited.

        This year you cannot buy anyone or yourself any product made from genuine leather. This also applies to purses, wallets, and briefcases made of cow leather.

        A freedom-loving horse will not like objects that limit its freedom: belts, locks, leashes, pet collars. You should not buy gifts that have a closed shape. These can be bracelets, rings, chains

        Since the Rabbit is a family animal, useless items should not be given as gifts. You should buy things that the whole family will use.

        Traditions in other countries

        When choosing a gift, be sure to take into account the person’s religion. When planning to congratulate a Muslim, you need to find out about those things that can offend and offend him. In Islam, there are certain rules and norms that must be followed. The following gifts are prohibited:

        • Alcohol. Muslims are not allowed to drink, produce or give alcoholic beverages as gifts.
        • Products with erotic content. After giving such a gift, the person will be forever removed from the social circle.
        • Products made of silk, gold, silver. This applies to both men and women.
        • Figurines depicting various deities, sculptures.
        • A dog, regardless of its breed.

        If you want to treat a Muslim, it is important to consider that the dishes should not contain pork or meat of predatory animals.

        Giving gifts in the land of the rising sun is a delicate matter. There are many nuances that are important to remember when presenting a gift to the Japanese:

        • You should never give something for nothing. This will shock a Japanese person, as the person will think about how to say thank you and will feel embarrassed.
        • The gift must be wrapped in a beautiful wrapping paper and placed in a colorful package. Any packaging color except white.
        • When giving gifts, the Japanese will never open it immediately and examine it. They do this later after the holiday alone. This is a sign of delicacy. After all, the person might have been wrong with the gift, or the present might have been too modest. In Japan, it is not customary to show your disappointment.
        • You need to give a gift with both hands. As a last resort, with the right hand, but not with the left hand.
        • They don’t give it for New Year expensive gifts, since they consider it an insignificant holiday. Instead, it is customary to exchange postcards, which should arrive exactly on January 1st. If a congratulation is received already on January 2, then this is a sign of disrespect.
        • One of the biggest horrors for Japanese people is receiving a greeting card from someone they forgot to congratulate.
        • Children are never given toys or sweets for the New Year. A common gift for children is an envelope with money.
        • If a person is invited to a big celebration, then on this occasion they often give paired items, sometimes edible ones. Good gift the manager - two black densuke watermelons or yubari melons.
        • Elderly and sick people are not given plants in a pot, as they evoke associations with the earth, a cemetery, and stagnation.
        • In Japan, white flowers symbolize mourning, so this is not the best choice for a gift.
        • You cannot give items in quantities of 4 or 9 pieces. These numbers are consonant with the words “death” and “pain”. In Japan, this tradition is so strong that hospitals often simply do not have the fourth and ninth floors.

Not everyone knows how to choose gifts. This probably requires a special talent.

Women love to receive gifts from men, but many have a very unique approach to choosing a gift for their loved one: from “I’ll give myself” and “only a man should give gifts” to trips to the Maldives.

Is it even worth giving gifts to your man in order to please and demonstrate love, or is it better not to spoil him?

Dear and not so dear

I'll start with the most common one: women often believe that an expensive gift is the best manifestation of love. Only a woman shows love for a man in a completely different way.

I would like to believe that this is rather an exception to the rule, but there are women who are ready to give a man not just the latest iPhone model, but something like a Lexus.

Many women feel that they absolutely have to fit in and social status men, manifesting themselves in the world as they do: through achievements and money.

For such women, an expensive gift to a man is a way of self-affirmation, a signal “look, I’m no worse, I can do it too.” But it is important to understand that such a gift will not bring much pleasure to a man.

And the latter is precisely the feeling that the gift was chosen for a long time, with love, especially with the soul and thoughts of you.

Turn on your imagination
yours Yaroslav Samoilov.

Gifts that cannot be given (folk signs).
There are popular beliefs about “bad gifts”: gifts that lead to something bad.
It is not recommended to give a watch to a person you do not want to part with.
A comb or brush given by you will help you find out your secrets.
But if you give a box as a gift, don’t expect to be privy to its secrets.
Glasses. It is believed that after such a gift a person will look at the world through your eyes.
If you give a carpet as a gift, it will be good luck. Most likely, you will have an excellent relationship with this person for a very long time.
Knives, forks, spoons. It is not recommended to give these items as gifts, as well as any cutting items. If you are offered them persistently, then it is better to pay off by giving the donor a symbolic fee
Alcohol. You can give it as a gift if you intend to drink this drink together on the same day. In other cases, I really don’t recommend resorting to such an original gift- take away a person’s health.
Giving gloves and mittens is dangerous. The danger is that a person can initiate a break in the relationship with you.
But a pen or pencil handed to a friend may mean that you will be able to guide his hand, guide him.
A wallet is given as a gift by putting any bill in it so that its new owner lives in abundance.
Cosmetics, perfumes, colognes bring the effect of deception and hypocrisy into your relationship with a person.
Scarves, towels and napkins have been seen to bring separation. So think hard about whether it’s worth giving them. And a handkerchief means tears, separation.
If you want to become a welcome guest in the house, old people recommend giving the owners a tablecloth.
It is considered a bad sign to give a lighter. As noted, the relationship of such people can end, and contrary to their wishes.
And finally - about flowers. It has been said a lot that if you give roses, you must first break off all the thorns from them.
Folk signs and objects - “Not Gifts” 2
Present houseplants in pots should be done with the purest intentions. If you feel sorry for a flower, it’s better not to give it as a gift: the new owner will still wither it.
You should also be careful about gifts (fountain pens, souvenirs, etc.) with unclear inscriptions. A superstitious person, seeing unreadable hieroglyphs, may consider them to be a magical inscription.
There is a belief that children should not be given unique porcelain Chinese dolls. If such a doll was made in one copy and had a real prototype, the “soul” of the toy can harm the child.
If a person is not a passionate art collector, you should not give him a painting with a sad or gloomy subject. Seeing a landscape with a shipwreck, a superstitious birthday boy may be upset.
It is not customary to give portraits and icons - such a gift will lead to a quarrel between the donor and the recipient.
Sad thoughts and troubles are brought by figurines of pigeons, crows, magpies and swamp birds, so giving them is also not recommended.
It is not advisable to give things related to illnesses. These are thermometers, tonometers, etc.
How to treat prohibited gifts folk signs? Decide for yourself whether to accept them. If you really want to receive a string of pearls as a gift, forget everything you just read.
If you accidentally brought a gift from the “black list” and the hero of the occasion does not want to accept it, do not insist. Take your gift back and promise to bring a more suitable one. There is one more sign: in order for a “dangerous” gift to cease to be such, you need to take a nominal fee for it. The birthday boy will not quarrel with the friend who gave the knives if he pays for them. A gifted indoor flower will not dry out, and the cat will not run away or die if it turns into a purchase. Let the payment be only 1 ruble or even 10 kopecks, the main thing is that the condition is met.

It is no secret that the question of whether it is possible to re-gift gifts from a birthday or other special occasion sometimes takes on a practical nature, since not all gifts turn out to be exactly what one would like to receive. Is it possible to get rid of an unnecessary thing without the risk of offending the donor or incurring any other troubles by this action?

Ethical side of the issue

Gifts to other people?" - this is a question to which everyone will have to give their own answer based on specific circumstances, of which there may be countless numbers. However, it should be remembered that the basis of the decision must first of all be the ethical side of the issue.

Even without touching on the mysticism that is so fashionable these days and without touching on the question of whether it is a good or bad omen to give gifts, we should remember that the people who chose them spent effort, time, emotions and, of course, money. This is especially true in cases where gifts - paintings, photo frames or any knitted items - were made by them with my own hands. It would be simply indecent to nullify the efforts of loved ones. That is why you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Unnecessary things

At the same time, it is not at all uncommon for a situation where gifts are bought on the principle of “well, at least you need to give something.” In these cases, we become the owners of sometimes very expensive, but most of the time completely unnecessary things. Over the years, a lot of all kinds of photo albums, figurines, vases and similar rubbish have accumulated in our homes. It is obvious that in in this case the question of whether it is possible to re-gift gifts should have a positive answer, but on the condition that the previous donor does not find out anything and, accordingly, will not be offended.

There are always a lot of arguments in favor of such a decision, especially when it comes to things that are already in the house. All kinds of pressure cookers, juicers and blenders can certainly make a good present and make the owner of the house happy, but only on the condition that she has not yet had time to acquire them. Otherwise, she faces a dilemma: give this thing to someone else or bury it forever in the closet. This is where the question arises in its entirety: “Is it possible to re-gift gifts, and if so, how to do this without offending the giver?”

A little about our prejudices

Now let's touch on the mystical side of the issue. We will do this extremely carefully, since we will be talking about some secret forces, from which it is generally better to stay away. Nevertheless, we all live with an eye on them and, speaking about our disbelief “in all this nonsense,” we are not always frank, especially when it comes to bad omens.

If, for example, it is extremely rare to meet a woman with empty buckets in cities (except during an emergency water outage), then black cats crossing the road are a common occurrence. It’s no secret that they throw many people into confusion, even though we try to reduce our encounter with them to a joke.

What do omens experts talk about?

Is it possible to re-gift gifts? A question also associated with a number of different beliefs that, by the way, came from ancient times. The fact is that in the old days, every offering had a certain mystical meaning. It was believed that every gift carries what these days are commonly called the fashionable but very vague expression “positive energy.”

Simply put, our ancestors believed that along with the gift they were passing on to a loved one a part of your soul, dearer than which nothing in the world can be. Therefore, if a person who received such a priceless gift had the temerity to neglect it, he would inevitably incur the wrath of higher powers.

At the same time, positive energy (we will still use this term) could be transferred only to one person, namely the one for whom this gift was intended. Later it disappeared. That is why the question of whether it is possible to accept given gifts would, apparently, surprise our ancestors. “Of course, you can accept,” they would say, “but what’s the point? After all, deprived of a soul, they are like an empty eggshells" It is difficult to disagree with such a judgment.

Family traditions

However, there are no rules without exceptions. It is known that in ancient times there was a tradition of intra-clan giving. It was expressed in the fact that representatives of the older generation gave their young heirs edged weapons, works of art, as well as jewelry and various family treasures. Moreover, this could have been done during the lifetime of their previous owner.

For example, the head of the family received a sword as a gift from his father, and then, during his lifetime, passed it on to his own son when he reached the proper age. The grandfather had no reason to be offended: the family heirloom passed from him to his son, and then to his grandson - all within the framework of tradition. Likewise, grandmother’s diamonds, once given to her daughter, could become the property of her granddaughter during her lifetime.

A tradition that has served the continuity of generations

In this case, the question “is it possible to re-gift gifts” was resolved positively, due to the established tradition. It was believed that family heirlooms, passing from one generation to another, convey to them the wisdom of their ancestors and the good luck that accompanied it. Thus, a whole layer of national culture emerged, which contributed to the strengthening of not only the material, but also, importantly, the spiritual continuity of generations.

At the same time, it was considered completely unacceptable to give gifts to strangers, not related by blood ties, no matter how warm feelings one might have for them. This was considered an open manifestation of disrespect for one’s own family and caused universal condemnation.

And another drop of mysticism

Among the signs that have passed through the centuries, there are many that have shown extraordinary vitality. These include the belief that re-gifting jewelry to other people can bring disaster to both the givers and the recipients. There are no clear explanations for this statement, and yet many people adhere to this point of view. Therefore, it is generally accepted that if an item received as a gift did not fit or was simply not liked, it should either be melted down and then made into something else, or simply be stored in a box “for a rainy day.”

In addition, various kinds of mystics and other “experts” claim that a gift can, if desired, be charged not only with positive energy, as discussed above, but also with negative energy, which can bring disaster. For this reason, receiving gifts from unfamiliar people or from those who may harbor hostile feelings in their souls is considered dangerous. If for one reason or another it was not possible to avoid receiving them, then it is better not to use these things, but, if possible, get rid of them in any suitable way.


So, to summarize what has been said, we note that the question of whether it is possible to re-gift gifts does not have a clear answer; it all depends on many circumstances, some of which were mentioned in this article. For some, the ethical side of the matter is decisive, and for others, its mystical component. However, in any case, before making a choice, you should put yourself in the place of the person whose gift, and perhaps part of the soul, you intend to reject and transfer into the wrong hands. The Savior once said: “Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself,” and let these words of His help us make the right decision.