Can pregnant women do water aerobics? What are the benefits of water aerobics for pregnant women? How does exercise affect the physical condition of expectant mothers?

Water aerobics is a type of aerobics in which rhythmic exercises are performed in water accompanied by music. During classes, the load is placed on the main muscle groups, and therefore the effectiveness of the classes is high.

Water aerobics during pregnancy: benefit or harm?

Not so long ago, pregnant women were recommended to lead a sedentary lifestyle: rest more and walk less. Modern obstetricians and gynecologists have completely changed their view on this issue: they believe that it is very good if a woman does this in water. Everyone knows that exercises in water are much easier to do, the loads are smaller, and the benefits for a woman expecting a baby are great.

Throughout pregnancy, heavy physical activity is prohibited. And if a woman was involved in sports, then she will have to forget about it for 9 months. But maintaining physical fitness and muscle tone during pregnancy is simply necessary. IN in this case Water aerobics is a wonderful alternative to sports.

Water aerobics classes are not limited to the period of pregnancy: if the woman’s health is good, and the gynecologist has given permission, then the expectant mother can perform exercises in water at any stage. But in the last three months of pregnancy, it is necessary to select calmer exercises, while the main attention and most of the time in classes should be given to breathing exercises. This will all make the process of labor easier.

Water aerobics is also safe for expectant mother, and for the fetus, because compared to exercises on land, when performing exercises in water, the load on the human body is carried out in optimal doses. Therefore, the answer to the question that arises for many pregnant women is: " Is it possible to go to the pool while pregnant??, positive. It must be remembered that the last word remains with the doctor.


Pregnant women need to move, as movement helps the heart and blood vessels perform their functions, and the load on them increases monthly during pregnancy. Water aerobics is recommended for women, because this type of physical activity

  • very useful if a woman is diagnosed with abnormal fetal position, since water aerobics can help the unborn baby change its position in the womb by the end of pregnancy;
  • allows a woman to relax, since she is very often visited by fear and anxiety, which leads to muscle tension;
  • makes it possible to well prepare the body for a difficult test - childbirth: strengthen the muscles involved in labor, as well as learn to breathe correctly and hold your breath, which is necessary during contractions and pushing;
  • does not allow a woman to gain extra pounds, which negatively affect the physical condition of the baby;
  • is the prevention of such a condition as fetal hypoxia, which develops as a result of a lack of oxygen supplied from the mother’s body to the fetus;
  • sleep improves, and this has a positive effect on the psychological state of the expectant mother: her irritability and weakness disappear;
  • eliminates bloating, prevents the appearance of;
  • serves as an excellent prevention of varicose veins;

Gynecologists say that childbirth in women who have done water aerobics is much easier, because during exercise the muscles become elastic, and this helps the baby move through the birth canal. Calm swimming during pregnancy in the pool also useful.

When should pregnant women not do water aerobics?

Despite the benefits of water aerobics for pregnant women, there are some contraindications for visiting the pool:

  • threat to the normal course of pregnancy or;
  • location of the placenta at the very bottom of the uterus: when performing physical exercise possible injury to the placenta, which leads to bleeding and termination of pregnancy;
  • the presence of toxicosis, protein in the urine;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • all kinds of diseases in the acute stage and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • fungal diseases.

Features of water aerobics classes for pregnant women

The instructor plans water aerobics classes, taking into account individual characteristics women, gestational age and, of course, the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

The lesson usually lasts from 40 to 60 minutes. To begin with, women warm up (warm up) by freely swimming in a mode acceptable to them, after which they perform various exercises in the water under the guidance of a trainer, and they can use special devices to strengthen individual muscles. Instructors pay great attention to breathing and stretching exercises, which will be needed during childbirth.

Small tips

A woman who is expecting a child and wants to attend water aerobics classes needs to adhere to some rules.

  1. Before starting classes, you must obtain permission from a gynecologist.
  2. When choosing a pool, preference should be given to those pools where the water is disinfected without the use of chlorine. It is desirable that the temperature of the water environment be comfortable - 28 - 29 degrees.
  3. It is advisable to perform the exercises under the supervision of a trainer. New types of exercise should be introduced gradually, taking into account how you feel.
  4. Classes should begin with once every 7 days, and after a month you can switch to twice visits to the pool.
  5. You should start exercising an hour to an hour and a half after eating. It is also not recommended to eat immediately after water aerobics.
  6. There is no need to continue classes if you feel any discomfort, fatigue or if your health worsens. If the water seems cold, it is better to get out of the pool.

Finally, I would like to note that pregnancy is a very important moment in a woman’s life, therefore, recommendations regarding her health and the health of the unborn baby should be given by the gynecologist who is observing the pregnant woman.

During pregnancy, a woman experiences a double load on her spine. Many expectant mothers have a question: how to relieve back pain without harming the unborn child. Water aerobics classes are very effective in this regard.

The benefits of water aerobics for pregnant women

Water aerobics refers to a sport in which a pregnant woman performs moderate physical activity. During pregnancy, a woman will have to give up her usual visits to the gym and strength exercises. Now, first of all, it is necessary to think about the health of the unborn child.
One of the positive factors of doing aerobics is that the fetus will remain in its usual position and not feel any discomfort, and the mother, in turn, will retain all her stretching and plasticity acquired before pregnancy .

Water aerobics classes help the expectant mother to correctly distribute the load on the spine. Another advantage is that when exercising in the pool, a woman maintains her weight at normal levels, which is especially important during pregnancy.
By performing a set of exercises, you can keep your gluteal muscles, leg muscles, back muscles and other muscle groups in shape.

Water aerobics classes help a woman prepare for the exciting process of childbirth. During the period of exercise, especially in the last months of pregnancy, a woman works out correct technique breathing, which in the future will become an absolute plus in the labor room.

It is worth noting that the technique of holding your breath when diving underwater brings great benefits. This will also help in the future during childbirth.

If the child is in the wrong position - breech presentation, then with the help of a special set of exercises you can help him turn his head down and take a position that is comfortable for himself and his mother. This is why many doctors strongly recommend water aerobics for this problem, especially in the last months of pregnancy.

However, despite the benefits of water aerobics, it is worth noting a number of reasons why it is contraindicated, as it can harm the mother and unborn child:

  • possible threat of miscarriage;
  • the occurrence of skin and infectious diseases (this applies to people with a tendency to allergic reactions, for example to chlorine, which is contained in pool water);
  • the mother has polyhydramnios;
  • severe toxicosis, especially in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • exacerbation of chronic gynecological diseases or the acquisition of new diseases during pregnancy (for example, with a long stay in cool water, a woman can develop cystitis);
  • increased uterine tone;
  • elevated blood pressure in a pregnant woman.

If any of the above problems are absent, then water aerobics classes can be started at any time, but before doing so, you should definitely consult with your doctor.


On average, one lesson lasts from 40 minutes to an hour.

On average it lasts up to 10 minutes.

It starts with warming up the muscles: To do this, a pregnant woman needs to swim near the edges of the pool several times and perform light jumps in the water. After this, special weights are put on the woman and a series of exercises are performed for the arms and legs.

This includes exercises that help a woman establish proper breathing. This is diving underwater while holding your breath. It is precisely these exercises that help a woman perform breathing techniques while pushing, and at this time the child gets used to the lack of oxygen and will easily pass through the birth canal in this state.

Breathing exercises include the following::

  • holding her breath, the woman should jump out, strongly spread her legs at the knees and dive, grabbing herself by the feet;
  • cross your arms over your chest and dive into the water, holding your breath for a few seconds;
  • swimming underwater with maximum breath holding time;
  • Pregnant women stand in a circle, holding each other’s hands and, at the coach’s command, dive under the water one after another, holding their breath for a certain time.

It is at this stage that the main set of water aerobics exercises begins. Of these, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Walking underwater. In accordance with the rhythm established by the trainer, the woman simply walks underwater, while performing rotational movements with her arms.
  2. A set of exercises to strengthen the thighs. This includes squats, spinning your legs at different paces, raising and lowering your legs, lunging forward and to the side.
  3. Training the muscles of the pelvis, back and abs. At this stage, the woman performs a set of exercises directly at the edge of the pool. This includes exercises for raising and lowering the legs and rotating them. More difficult exercises may be assigned by an instructor if the woman’s condition allows it. To strengthen the pelvic muscles, it is necessary to perform movements with the hips and buttocks. With the help of these exercises, a woman can get rid of such an unpleasant moment as urinary incontinence due to strong relaxation of the pelvic muscles.

Stretching exercises

This set of exercises is also performed at the edges of the pool. They are designed to relax muscles, normalize breathing and pulse.

Performing exercises under the guidance of an instructor, a pregnant woman can do the splits in the water, do split lunges on the floor to the right and left, perform upward jumps with a strong spread of the legs, placing one of the legs on the side, and perform squats in the water.

Basic rules for exercising in water for pregnant women

The basic rules include:

  • It is necessary to visit a doctor who will give you a referral for water aerobics classes;
  • you need to choose the most “safe” pool (you need to pay attention to the water temperature in the pool, water disinfection, etc.);
  • you need to start water aerobics classes gradually, without overloading your already tired body;
    adhere to the optimal number of workouts per week;
  • eating is allowed at least an hour before and after training;
  • if a woman feels the slightest signs of discomfort (hypothermia, fatigue, etc.), it is necessary to interrupt the training to avoid negative consequences;

Video: exercises for pregnant women

It is important to note that before starting training, you must consult with your doctor and undergo a series of laboratory research(take a blood test, urine test, smear test, etc.).

With the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, many mothers begin to worry too much about their health. This manifests itself differently for everyone: some are afraid to go outside when it’s raining, some do not allow themselves unnecessary movements and even reduce their walking time, while others, on the contrary, continue to lead an active lifestyle. Moderate physical activity and swimming will not cause harm to the expectant mother. If you are for healthy image life, then you definitely need to try water aerobics.

Water aerobics for pregnant women is both fun, a great pastime and a wonderful option for preparing for the upcoming birth. Many people have heard about the benefits of this sport for pregnant women. All experts, without exception, recommend that expectant mothers go to the pool for positive emotions. A more pleasant and safe physical activity on the body while carrying a child has not yet been invented. Water aerobics classes for pregnant women are an excellent chance to strengthen all muscle groups, prepare for childbirth and strengthen your body.

What is water aerobics

The word itself speaks for itself, “aqua” means water, “aerobics” means physical activity. When doing water aerobics for pregnant women in the pool, you can not only swim calmly, but also perform special exercises that are designed for pregnant women. These can be dance elements and aerobics, but only in water. The main goal of water aerobics is to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. As a result of exercise, water exerts resistance on all muscle groups, which means that the muscles will be more elastic, more resilient and stronger.

Classes in water are not just jumping and chaotic movements - water aerobics is conducted by a qualified instructor who individually develops a program for pregnant women. For those who started exercising literally from the first weeks of pregnancy, exercises with gradually increasing load will be offered. And for expectant mothers who decide to come to class with a big belly, a special gentle set of exercises will be selected. In any case, without exception, all classes begin with a light warm-up and gradually move on to performing complex movements. For women with experience in water aerobics, complex programs with elements of gymnastics and dance movements are provided.

Who can sign up for water aerobics classes?

Since water has a beneficial effect on the human body and evenly distributes the load, plus it strengthens all muscle groups, water aerobics can be practiced by all people of any age, as well as pregnant women.

Don't worry about the fact that you don't know how to swim - classes take place in waist-deep water. As a result of this situation, the weight own body is reduced by approximately 80%. You have no idea how easy you will feel in the water.

Indications for classes:

  1. People suffering from obesity and arthritis, as well as after suffered a stroke. People in this category have difficulty coping with physical activity, so it is best to start muscle training in water.
  2. For older people and, as we have already said, pregnant women.
  3. For people with varicose veins. As a result of training, blood outflow and circulation improves. But before you start exercising, you need to consult your doctor.

The benefits of water aerobics for pregnant women

There is bad weather outside, slush and rain; pregnant mothers’ mood often deteriorates and they have no desire to go outside. And in vain, as soon as you attend your first water aerobics class, everything will pass in seconds. As a result, you will earn a great mood and good health.

All gynecologists talk about the benefits of exercising in water for expectant mothers. By visiting the pool, you can strengthen all muscle groups, improve skin tone (and this is an excellent prevention of stretch marks!), lift your spirits and say goodbye to extra pounds. Yes, this is also very important, especially for a pregnant woman. The erroneous concept of our grandmothers: “Eat for two” is still observed by many women. But this is an extra burden on the body. You can get rid of heaviness by visiting the pool and water aerobics classes.

You need to immediately understand that when doing water aerobics, you will not just swim, but perform a set of specially selected exercises. Standing waist-deep in water, expectant mothers do not even believe that they are able to lift their legs up and perform a number of other exercises that they could not do on land.

With each week of pregnancy, the load on the spine increases, pain in the lower back, legs hurt, and swelling of the lower extremities appears. You can avoid all the “delights” of pregnant women in the pool, and at the same time acquire correct posture.

A great mood, isn’t this the main thing for a pregnant woman? A positive attitude is very important, especially since with the onset of conception the body experiences extreme stress, hormonal changes occur and often such changes negatively affect a woman’s mood. Many people are overcome by doubts and fears, like pregnancy will pass whether the baby is developing correctly and what the birth will be like. Water will help a woman relax and forget about the bad. After classes you will feel calm and peaceful.

After training, lactic acid does not accumulate in the muscles, so o unpleasant sensations After physical activity you don’t have to worry.

Benefits of exercise for a pregnant woman:

  • the load is distributed evenly across all muscle groups. It is important that the abdominal, perineal and back muscles are strengthened, which is very important for a woman in labor;
  • muscle relaxation and oxygen saturation;
  • blood circulation improves, which means the baby receives more nutrients;
  • improvement of intestinal function;
  • water is the best cure for insomnia and stress;
  • prevention of stretch marks and cellulite;
  • fight against fat deposits;
  • in water it is easier to practice breathing techniques (rehearsal of contractions);
  • Water aerobics classes are beneficial for a child.

Based on numerous reviews from pregnant women who have done water aerobics, we draw conclusions: water has a beneficial effect on the human body, after exercise the woman is in a great mood, and this is passed on to the child. The muscles gradually get a load and become stronger, as a result of well-worked breathing exercises, childbirth is easy and without ruptures. Both mother and baby feel good, and this is the most important thing!

When can you go to the pool?

According to water aerobics instructors for pregnant women, you can start classes at any stage of pregnancy. There are no restrictions, the only thing is medical indications and the well-being of the pregnant woman. If you have a desire to exercise, then the benefits for the body and the unborn baby will be tangible.

If before conception you led an active lifestyle, swam a lot, did fitness or other sports, then with the onset of pregnancy you can continue training, just slightly reduce the load. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. During this period, many women (if this is a planned pregnancy) deliberately avoid physical activity. If you feel fine, then you can do water aerobics.

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is the most favorable time for stress; it’s time to start preparing for the upcoming birth.

The 3rd trimester is not a reason to give up exercising, only doctors recommend paying more attention to practicing breathing exercises. Calm swimming is recommended as a way to unload.

Water aerobics for pregnant women. Exercises

The duration of 1 lesson is from 40 to 60 minutes. The training consists of 4 parts. This includes warming up, doing exercises, breathing exercises and stretching.

During your warm-up, you can take a short swim in the pool. You will then be asked to put on rings or belts to help you float and try some simple exercises such as arm and leg movements. This is how the coach evaluates your preparation in order to select the appropriate load.

The next block of classes is aqua fitness:

  1. The first exercise is “Walking”. You need to walk along the edge of the pool (while being waist-deep in the water). While performing this exercise, you can rotate your arms and lift your legs up. The pace is set individually, depending on the duration of pregnancy and the woman’s feelings. After all, each person feels the resistance of water differently.
  2. Exercise to strengthen the hip muscles: rotating the legs, lowering and raising the legs to different heights, squats. All exercises must be performed in the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart - hands on the belt.
  3. We strengthen the back muscles and work out the abs. To perform a block of exercises, you need to grab the side with your hands (facing the side). First we raise the right leg forward, then the left one. Now back - we take the leg back, lower it to the starting position.
  4. Rotation of legs at the side. We “draw” a circle with our right foot, then with our left.
  5. We move our right leg to the right, then our left leg to the left. We hold on to the side with our hands. These exercises are easier to do in water than on land.
  6. We walk on skis - our legs are slightly bent at the knees, imitating the movements of skiing. Try to keep your back straight so that all muscles work during the exercise.
  7. The breathing block of exercises is the 3rd stage of water aerobics classes. Deep inhalation and exhalation must be done during warm-up and before each exercise.
  8. We hold our breath. The exercise can be done experienced women who have been doing water aerobics for several months. The mothers stand in a row, legs spread wide apart. One by one, the women dive under the water and swim through the “birth canal.”
  9. “Round dance” - women stand in a circle and join hands. At a signal, they take turns squatting, lowering their heads under the water.
  10. The last block of exercises is the final one, stretching. You can swim in the pool so that your breathing and pulse normalize, or bend your torso: “back and forth,” “right and left.”

The duration of classes will depend on the temperature of the water in the pool. If it is cool (approximately +25 o C), then the load should be more intense so that the woman does not freeze and catch a cold.

When going to the pool, remember that you don’t have to try too hard to keep up with those girls who have been training for months. You still have everything ahead, think about yourself and your baby.

In order to feel the benefits of water aerobics, you need to visit the pool at least 2 times a week, and preferably 3. Classes from time to time are stressful for the body, and the benefits will be less. Therefore, it is important not to skip training.

If you're uncomfortable, don't wait until the end of your workout. It's better to get out of the water and rest.

Organize your day so that you workout at a convenient time. It is best not to exercise on an empty stomach and not immediately after eating (after 1.5 hours).

Water aerobics classes. Minuses

Water aerobics has many fans and many benefits. Now let's talk about the disadvantages of going to the pool.

First of all, it is important to visit a doctor and inform him about the decision taken attend classes in the pool. If there are no restrictions due to health reasons, you can start training.

The main and main limitation is the pool. This public place, which is visited by many city residents. Choose a pool responsibly. It is your right to find out how often the water is changed, what water disinfectants are used, and to see the cleanliness of the locker rooms and showers. If you are satisfied with everything, you can meet the trainer and sign up for a trial lesson.

Contraindications for water aerobics:

  • threat of miscarriage;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • fungus on the skin;
  • gestosis;
  • asthma;
  • allergies to disinfectants.

When visiting the pool, skin irritation and the appearance of thrush are possible.

Remember that water aerobics should bring you only positive emotions, and this is especially important for a pregnant woman. Be healthy!

Water aerobics for pregnant women. Video:

During pregnancy, it is important that sports activity is not dangerous either for the unborn baby or for you. Take a closer look at water aerobics! This is the only sport during which you will feel like fluff. After all, in water, as is known, body weight decreases almost 10 times.

The benefits of water aerobics for pregnant women

  • Water aerobics is suitable even for those who cannot swim. The classes take place at shallow depths, so everything will be fine.
  • Water aerobics exercises develop all the muscles that will be involved in childbirth.
  • During water aerobics, you will learn to train your breathing, and this will also be very useful during childbirth.
  • Exercises in water “unload” the spine, which bears a large load during pregnancy.
  • Water aerobics classes will teach you relaxation techniques that will be useful during the birth of your baby.
  • Exercises train the abdominal muscles, including the rectus muscles. And this is the prevention of diastasis, that is, separation of the rectus muscles.
  • Water aerobics is the only type of exercise that does not provoke the development of varicose veins.
  • Activity in water and its warm temperature improves blood circulation, improves and enhances lymphatic drainage function, which prevents the appearance of edema.
  • Exercising in water is a great way to burn extra calories. The water also massages the skin. Therefore, aqua fitness helps keep the skin elastic. Therefore, for those who exercise in the pool, the risk of stretch marks is reduced, and cellulite does not increase.
  • Swimming strengthens the supporting and supporting muscles of the back and improves posture.
  • And exercising in the water is always fun. Remember yourself at sea! Isn't it great to splash around?! Water has the ability to lift your spirits. And this is how it happens - during exercise in warm water accompanied by pleasant music, joy hormones are produced - endorphins. Therefore, water aerobics is good not only as a sport, but also an excellent sedative, and also helps cope with stress and insomnia.

Sometimes expectant mothers mistakenly believe that the goal of water aerobics is a beautiful body during pregnancy. In fact, aqua fitness is designed to maintain good physical condition of a pregnant woman.

6 contraindications for water aerobics

“I would like to do water aerobics... What if I can’t?” - this is what many expectant mothers think. But for some reason they are embarrassed to ask their gynecologist this question and, in the end, lose great way improve your physical condition and prepare for childbirth. Girls, don't worry! After all, if you have no contraindications, you can safely sign up for water aerobics.

But expectant mothers cannot do water aerobics with these contraindications:

  • if there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • at risk of premature birth;
  • with placenta previa;
  • with late and severe gestosis;
  • with heavy vaginal discharge;
  • with fungal infections of the skin and nails.

If there are no contraindications, water aerobics is useful for all expectant mothers. But especially for those who have some complications. For example, if the unborn baby is incorrectly positioned in the uterus at a later stage. Often the baby does not turn over from a breech position to a cephalic position. And this is where water aerobics will become an assistant. It looks like this: the expectant mother, under the guidance of a trainer, dives deep into the water and combines diving with special exercises. And thanks to this integrated approach, the baby, who is in his mother’s tummy, understands that it’s time to roll over!

Water aerobics is useful for expectant mothers at any stage. And if the girl is healthy and there are no contraindications to classes, the difference in classes will only be in the intensity of the load.

Water aerobics in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

At the beginning of the 1st trimester, the expectant mother may not feel very comfortable: serious hormonal changes and toxicosis occur in the body. But if there are no contraindications to sports activities, it is advisable to do water aerobics in the first weeks of pregnancy. There will be less time to “feel sorry for yourself”, but there will be a lot of benefits. For example, pregnant girls who did water aerobics in the first trimester did not gain excess weight. A compelling argument not to carry out free time on the couch?...

Water aerobics in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

If in the second trimester of pregnancy there are no contraindications with physical activity, from 4 to 6 months you can do fitness in the water quite actively. Of course, everything is under the guidance of a coach.

Water aerobics in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Closer to the end of pregnancy, during the third trimester, activity in water aerobics is replaced by preparation for childbirth. At this time, trainers change the concept of classes: expectant mothers swim and do breathing exercises.

How aquafitness classes work: virtual lesson

We offer a virtual visit to a water aerobics exercise. Mentally we put on a swimsuit, take a shower and go to the pool.

In the pool, expectant mothers stand in several rows. After the greeting, aqua aerobics begins. Let's start with breathing exercise, we learn to breathe correctly, then hold our breath. We swim to the side and do a stretching exercise. Then an exercise with a board. Closer to the end of the lesson is a pair exercise. And the “cherry on the cake” is that expectant mothers are invited to experience the role of their baby at the moment of his birth. There is an imitation of the passage of the birth canal, the so-called “birth canal”: the girls stand one after another and take turns swimming “in the tunnel” between the legs of those in front.

The water temperature in the pool where expectant mothers do water aerobics is 29-31°C.

  1. You are expecting a baby and have decided to do aqua fitness. And, most likely, this sport has never been practiced before. Don't worry! Everything will work out! We have prepared useful recommendations especially for you:
  2. Get involved in the training process gradually. You can start with one lesson a week and gradually move to two. However, it is important that you do aquafitness constantly, otherwise there will be no benefit from it. Expectant mothers who swim a lot during pregnancy develop the habit of smooth and soft movements in the water. And this helps to move correctly during contractions and pushing.
  3. If you are tired during class, inform the trainer, do not perform the exercises with force. Relax in or out of the pool. And there is no need to be ashamed of this. After all, every expectant mother has different physical fitness.
  4. Don't go to the pool immediately after eating. Let there be a break of 1.5 hours. And don't eat a heavy meal right after exercise. “Kill the worm” with an apple or a glass of kefir.
  5. Don't worry about doing the exercises the trainer suggests! Remember “The eyes are afraid, but the hands do”? In this case, however, not the hands, but the whole body. Remember that the training program is safe and designed specifically for expectant mothers!
Expectant mothers who swim a lot during pregnancy develop the habit of smooth and soft movements in the water. And this helps to move correctly during contractions and pushing.

We wish all expectant mothers a pleasant training and an easy birth! Have questions?

Water aerobics for pregnant women - the benefits of swimming for expectant mothers

Many pregnant women wonder: is it possible to do water aerobics or swimming while pregnant? Everyone knows that lack of movement worsens a woman’s overall well-being, mood, and physical condition. And during pregnancy, it is more important than ever to be in a positive mood, to keep your body and body in good shape.

Losing excess weight during pregnancy with water aerobics

Many pregnant women suffer from excess weight. It is for this reason that doctors most often refer to water aerobics classes in their recommendations to expectant mothers. After all, swimming is one of the most effective ways getting rid of extra pounds . In addition, when exercising in water, your joints and ligaments will not be subject to excessive stress. Water absorption will make light exercises to perform and very pleasant to the body.

Besides this, you provide yourself good mood and get rid of the nervous tension and fears that pregnant women are so susceptible to. After all, what, if not water, promotes relaxation and relaxation. By doing water aerobics, pregnant women will rest your spine , which, due to pregnancy, is under a very heavy load. And, as a bonus to all this, you will also receive elastic and firm skin and .

Breathing training during aqua aerobics classes before childbirth

During childbirth, one of the most important points is a woman's ability to control her breathing. Many factors depend on the respiratory process and successful outcome of labor . Water aerobics for pregnant women will help you learn to breathe correctly. You will be taught to perform special breathing exercises in water.

For example, inhaling and exhaling while diving will be an excellent workout before childbirth. A breath holding exercises , like nothing else, will help you endure labor during childbirth, when you have to carefully control and hold your breath.

Using water aerobics exercises, we help the baby take the correct position in the uterus

There are cases when the baby is not positioned correctly in the uterus. This is called gluteal or. In such situations, doctors very often advise pregnant women to attend water aerobics classes.

There are a number of special exercises in swimming that will help your baby roll over in your tummy correctly , thanks to which you will avoid possible complications during childbirth. Such exercises can even help later pregnancy.

In addition, women who swim during pregnancy childbirth is much easier to bear . Accustomed to movement in water and proper breathing, they automatically move and breathe correctly during labor contractions .

How and when can pregnant women do water aerobics?

Swimming instructors believe that women can attend water aerobics classes for pregnant women during any period of pregnancy . But, of course, every expectant mother should, first of all, when choosing physical activity, be guided by her own well-being.

    • Water aerobics in the first trimester of pregnancy

      During the first trimester of pregnancy, you should be very careful about physical activity. Since the amniotic egg attaches to the uterus, it is better to avoid too much active activities in a swimming pool.

    • Swimming and water aerobics in the second trimester of pregnancy

      The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the most stable and calm. During this period, women can increase the intensity of their aqua aerobics exercises in order to feel all the benefits and positive dynamics from swimming.

    • Third trimester of pregnancy and water aerobics classes

      Here it is worth practicing more measuredly and giving preference to leisurely swimming and gentle water aerobics exercises. Special attention In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is worth paying attention to breathing exercises.

Basic rules for water aerobics classes for pregnant women

  • One of the most common problems for expectant mothers in the pool can be chlorinated water . During pregnancy, you may find that you are allergic to it, or simply have an individual intolerance. In such cases, you can exercise in pools with sea ​​water, which will significantly reduce possible risks.
  • You shouldn’t immediately rush “into the pool headlong” and take on loads that are already performed by experienced regulars at water aerobics classes. Start with the simplest exercises and gradually make them more difficult.
  • Don't go to the pool with a full stomach . Remember that at least forty minutes must pass after the last meal and the start of classes.
  • Keep your classes regular . Initially, you can do water aerobics for pregnant women once a week, gradually increasing to two to three times.
  • The most important thing is that did water aerobics bring you joy? and the most pleasant sensations. Monitor your well-being and take action at the slightest discomfort. And then water aerobics for pregnant women will bring health and excellent mood to you and your baby.