Laser and ceramic files with diamond coating for cuticles. Another important stage of manicure is caring for the cuticle with a nail file.

When doing a manicure, especially if you do it at home, you definitely need a laser cuticle file. It allows you to painlessly remove the skin around nail plate, which is constantly growing. Cuticle files are used both by professionals and at home, you just need to learn how to use such a tool correctly.

You can remove the skin around the nail by softening it with special oils. Then we use wooden sticks, but this takes a lot of time; with the help of laser cuticle files this can be done quickly and painlessly.

Features of manicure

Traditional edged manicure requires a lot of time and skill. First, using a regular file, it can be abrasive or ceramic, the shape of the nails is adjusted. After this, they are dipped in a saline solution to soften the skin of the hands, and tweezers are used to remove the cuticle.

If the expression “I use this method” applies to you, then you should know that it is very painful, and any careless and careless movements can lead to injury. If damage occurs, infection may be introduced, which is another disadvantage this method, and if the procedure is performed ineptly and unprofessionally, then this leads to the formation of burrs.

A cuticle file will help you avoid all of the listed disadvantages and consequences,

Although a professional cuticle file is expensive, it is very practical and functional, and not only a professional, but any woman can work with it. If you use a cuticle file, then it is no longer necessary to perform such an operation as additional softening.

If you don’t yet know how to use a cuticle file, then learning how to do it is not difficult at all. Her work is based on turning the skin around the nail into fine dust. After you have done the specified work, all that remains is to rinse the area that was treated and lubricate it cosmetic oil.

This tool can be used for both manicure and pedicure.

Skin that has been removed in this way grows back much more slowly, and the whole process occurs painlessly and quickly.

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Every girl has faced the problem of the appearance of overgrown skin around the nail, which is so inconvenient and painful to remove.

But how can you properly eliminate it without wasting time and effort? There is a special cuticle file for this purpose.

What is she like?

So, this is a small file that looks like a honeycomb or just a solid surface.

The ends of the file are hidden behind plastic covers, which prevents them from damaging the skin during operation.

Using a cuticle file

This file can only be used on dry nails. Pressing the working part of the file against the skin of the nails, you need to carefully move it from side to side. In this case, the end gently rests against the nail plate, but care should be taken that the rough surface does not touch the nail.

This cuticle removal method saves you money and time. The principle of operation of such a nail file is similar to a regular one. The rough coating removes unnecessary skin and gives elasticity and firmness to the fingers. You can treat your finger anywhere: around the base of the nail and on the sides. After processing the cuticle, apply emollient oil or cream. You can use a softening pencil when traveling. Its operating principle is identical, besides, it takes up little space in your bag and perfectly moisturizes your skin and gives it shine and softness.

Sometimes home manicure lovers are afraid to purchase professional nail files because the price is too high. However, experts assure that this cost is well justified by its quality. Thanks to these files, you can remove cuticles as quickly and effectively as possible without harm to your health.

These files are characterized by their shape, which is unlike ordinary nail files. The safe ends of the files prevent damage to the nail when working with the cuticle and its rapid removal.

Cuticle files Mertz, Shere Nagel and others

There are enough types of such files, among them there are any that can bring any cuticle into shape: crystal, laser and others.

The top manufacturer of such files is Shere Nagel, which patented a crystalline coating, thanks to which nail files with such a base will serve their owner for a long time and will not wear off. Also popular are the companies Mertz, Messer, Solinberg and others. They are notable for their peeling principle, removing dead skin from the nail, turning it into dust.

Using such files, you will not need to spend money on salons, buying such a file only once and doing a wonderful manicure yourself.

Mertz cuticle file

The file from the manufacturer Merz does an excellent job of removing the cuticle and acquiring a beautiful, even line at the base of the nail. The file works on the principle of peeling, erasing unnecessary skin into dust. It is multifunctional and can be used in pedicures. The main advantage of such a file is the slow regrowth of the cuticle and its gentle removal. With the Mertz file you will always have well-groomed nails and a wonderful manicure.

It was the manufacturer Shere Nagel who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a cuticle file with a diamond coating, which allows you to process the cuticle and side ridges without harm or grooves.

The Shere Nagel diamond file has a special coating that can work with any type of skin, even the driest and most sensitive. The crystalline coating of this file using diamond micro-spraying ensures the file’s high strength and indelibility.

By constantly using such a nail file, you will significantly soften your cuticle and stop its growth for a long time.

Other types of cuticle files

  1. Crystal cuticle file

    This is the most gentle and safe file due to its corrugated coating, which can be used in different directions. Using this file, the cuticle is carefully removed and the nails are filed. After treatment with this tool, the nails do not need polishing.

  2. Ceramic cuticle file

    This is a harder file to handle nails. May cause minor damage if used carelessly. But on various trips and hikes, a normal manicure is impossible without it.

  3. Laser or diamond cuticle file

    Laser file It is quite expensive, which, however, justifies it. It is laser coated, which explains its lightness. Thanks to diamond perforation, the cuticle is processed very simply and carefully. In addition, it is also used to treat nail folds. The laser file is very durable, it can be used for about ten years.

    The price of a nail file varies depending on its quality. This tool can replace hardware manicure, and the file itself does not leave burrs and will very delicately polish the surface of your nails, so that any manicure done in the salon will not be different from yours.

  4. Various sets

    Many companies produce sets of such files for both rough and delicate removal. Files with a hard coating are suitable for too hard skin around the nail, and delicate files with a gentle surface are also suitable for adding shine easily. There are also files for smoothness. nail surface no harm to her.

Why professional cuticle remover files are in high demand and is it worth expanding the arsenal of your manicure set with this rather expensive tool? The fact is that for some women, the keratinized skin of the cuticle grows very quickly and they have to constantly take care of their nails so that their fingers always look impeccable. Of course, you can use special nippers or tweezers to trim the overgrown skin, and cut off the protruding edges of the cuticle with nail scissors with narrow blades. But if the periungual skin is very delicate and you often injure it during trimming manicure, then painful procedures can lead to inflammation of the periungual fold, the appearance of hangnails and bleeding cracks.

A special cuticle file allows you to remove periungual keratinized skin and pterygium on the nails quickly, painlessly and, most importantly, without injuring the periungual fold, which protects the root of the nail plate from infection. Before the procedure, you do not need to make a softening bath for the skin of your fingers. This tool can be compared to a scrub that delicately grinds dead epithelial cells into dust. In addition, constant use of a professional file slows down the growth of the cuticle and your fingers will always look well-groomed.

To make these files, special materials are used that are safe for the delicate skin around the nail. Mertz laser files for cuticle removal are especially popular. Using special equipment, notches in the form of a honeycomb are applied with a laser onto the working surface of the tool. Some brands produce ceramic, glass, crystal, diamond (coated) nail files, the working surface of which can be either mesh or solid.


Mertz laser file:

Diamond file Mertz 966:

Ceramic file Mertz Manicure 591:

Laser file Irisk Professional:

Shere&Nagel diamond file:

Zero angled cuticle file:

Solinberg diamond coated file:


❶ Disinfect the instrument with an antiseptic. Then you need to dry both the file and your nails;

❷ Apply the file to the cuticle with the entire working surface and lightly press it against the keratinized skin;

❸ Move the tool from side to side. Movements can be performed in different directions, since there is virtually no risk of damaging living periungual tissue. The end of the file should rest against the nail plate, but make sure that the working surface of the tool does not touch the nail during the process of removing the cuticle;

❹ After this, you can use a file to exfoliate the dead skin on the side rollers;

❺ Then it is advisable to rub softening oil into the nail bed or treat it with a special cuticle pencil;

❻ If necessary

Cuticle file – a real find for modern beauties. Eliminating the possibility of causing injury and infection, it will delicately and painlessly remove not only the cuticle, but also dead skin around the nail, similar to peeling.

Now, in order to get a manicure, you don’t have to visit a salon. A cuticle file will make it easy to do it on a trip, on a hike, anytime, anywhere - your hands will always be in perfect condition. With laser processing and diamond coating, long, short - how not to make a mistake when choosing, what to look for, and what is the price of such products?

What to choose: laser or ceramics

Today, cuticle files are divided into two main types: laser and ceramic.

The diamond-coated laser cuticle file is very durable; its use reduces the formation of burrs and processes the cuticle and ridge around the nail plate. However, it requires caution - if the pressure is too strong, the laser cuticle file can damage living tissue. The price for such products is quite high.

Ceramic cuticle files are quite fragile, so they won’t last that long. However, this does not affect the quality of their work.

You can buy similar products in specialized stores. Moreover, the price for them varies from several hundred to several thousand rubles.

Review of famous brands

  • Shere & Nagel

The idea of ​​​​creating a cuticle file with diamond coating belongs to the German brand Shere & Nagel, specializing in the production of professional accessories for manicure and pedicure. He was the first to launch it on the world market, and to this day maintains its leading position in it.

The developers tried to create a tool that would allow you to do a manicure at any time, anywhere, without steaming, quickly and efficiently. All this is embodied in the Shere & Nagel smart cuticle remover file.

Its unique coating, shape with safe sides and length cut off only dead skin particles, without touching living ones at all. Therefore, this tool is ideal for those with thin, dry cuticles. Moreover, the Shere & Nagel product significantly slows down the growth of the cuticle.

To buy a file from Shere & Nagel, you will have to fork out some money - the price of such pleasure starts from three and a half thousand rubles. However, its service life will be more than one year, with proper care. To do this, just rinse it with water, and the smart file is ready for use again.

  • Solinberg

Solinberg also produces nail files with diamond coating, for better and safer removal of cuticles and dead skin around the nail, even for those who have increased sensitivity in this area.

Compared to other brands, Solinberg files are a more budget option. They are light in weight and safe to use. These files are good for the cuticle because they slow down its growth.

Filing away rough skin with such a tool is similar to peeling, since the skin is simply erased into dust. Solinberg products are particularly flexible, allowing you to create a professional manicure. At the same time, you can use such files without fear of their breakage - they are quite durable. The Solinberg file will also last for many years. You can buy it from two hundred rubles.

  • Mertz Manicure

Mertz products are high-quality cuticle remover files that can be purchased at an affordable price. Both laser and diamond are available on the market. These files are suitable for nails and cuticles. The advantage of Mertz is that it can work in both directions.

Mertz Manicure offers very lightweight files that are ideal for removing skin from the sides of the nail plate.

The Mertz Manicure tool removes the cuticle as delicately as possible and slows down its growth. It also works like peeling - it turns dead skin into powder.

Mertz is an excellent solution for complex manicures. The minimum price of the product is about three hundred rubles.

  • Molecule Professional

Molecule Professional's elastic cuticle files allow you to file away excess cuticles at any angle and with any force due to the fact that they bend very easily and do not break. Molecule Professional does not harm the skin. In addition, it is very easy to care for – just wash it with a brush.

Molecule Professional with diamond coating slows down the growth of the cuticle itself and nail folds, which allows you to make corrections less frequently and the condition of the nail becomes better.

Molecule Professional are ideal for professional unedged manicure, both in the salon and for self-use.

  • Messer

The Messer brand has proven itself exclusively with positive side. Laser processing of the tool has made its use a pleasure. Ideally follows the shape of the nail, bends easily, completely eliminates the possibility of injury. With Messer your nails will be well-groomed, beautiful view even at home.

Manicure and pedicure, thanks to Messer, will not take much time - no steaming or tedious waiting.

Buying such a product will not be difficult - the price for Messer starts from five hundred rubles.

  • Singer

Singer products are universal, will not leave burrs, and act carefully and accurately. This is also based on the principle of peeling.

With cuticle files, unkempt nails will be a thing of the past. These multifunctional files are perfect for nails and cuticles, both for manicure and pedicure. They are convenient to use both independently at home and when working in a salon.

A straight line at the base of the nails makes neat manicure. Therefore, it is necessary to remove overgrown skin at the root of the nail plate. For this, the nail industry can offer many tools - manicure tools and various chemical compositions.

With a classic trimmed manicure, the skin at the edge of the nail plate is removed mechanically using nippers, cuticle scissors and a nail file. Before the procedure, you need to soften the skin using a hand bath.

European unedged manicure offers cuticle removal using special means with fruit acids. Removing the cuticle with a file makes it possible to do a manicure in any conditions.

We prefer a manicure file

Edged classic manicure may cause damage to the skin, but misunderstandings can be avoided by using a special cuticle file. This professional cuticle file is very practical and functional, which is why it is not cheap. The price of a household file is affordable to a wide range of consumers. You can buy it in stores and online boutiques.

Processing the cuticle with a special file does not require softening it. The tool is like an exfoliant, grinding the cuticles into dust. Next, the treated area is washed and lubricated with cosmetic oil. A cuticle file is used for both manicure and pedicure. After using this equipment, the skin grows slower.

Cuticle file

The surface of such an instrument resembles a honeycomb. It can be solid or mesh. The surface has plastic ends, allowing you to avoid damaging your nails when working. The length varies from long to moderate.

How to use?

Before the removal procedure, be sure to dry the surface of the instrument. Applying it with its entire area to the cuticle, you should rest the end against the nail. Sand in all directions, including the side bolsters. The file should only cover skin covering. At the end of the procedure, you can additionally apply a cuticle pencil.


As soon as the popularity of the product grew, cuticle files from other manufacturers began to appear at an affordable price.

Crystal nail file

This tool is used to remove cuticles and file nails. It is safe for nail health. Its corrugated structure makes it possible to work safely in different directions. After the procedure, the nails do not need polishing.


A ceramic file is more severe because, on the one hand, it is pointed and can cause injuries if used carelessly. But you can’t do without such an item on the road, a business trip, or a hike, which will always keep your hands in order.

Laser nail file

It is laser coated and lightweight. A laser file with diamond perforation helps to process the cuticle very carefully. In addition, it is also used to treat the periungual fold. The thinnest surface allows you to work very carefully with the cuticle. The laser file is durable. Its service life is ten years.

A diamond cuticle file can replace a hardware manicure. The laser file practically does not leave burrs, and diamond coating, regardless of the frequency of use, provides increased strength. The price of cuticle products depends on the quality. You can buy products by selecting the right thing on our website. Diamond files are produced by Solinberg, Mertz, Messer.

Use at home

The safety of cuticle files allows them to be widely used at home. A professional and practical cuticle file is not cheap. The most expensive products are the leading brands in this area Messer, Solinberg, Mertz and Solingen, which are distinguished by their high quality products.

Shere Nagel cuticle file

The company was the first to create a special diamond-coated cuticle file, giving it the required length and shape with safe sides. All this allows you to treat the skin around the nail without damaging the plate and does not create grooves. The brand's diamond smart file has a unique patented coating, which makes it possible to work even with dry and particularly sensitive skin near the nails. The crystalline surface is made using a special microspray technology, which guarantees high strength and protection against abrasion of the surface. Regular use of the file will make the cuticle soft and smooth for a long time, slowing down its growth.

Brands Messer, Mertz, Solinberg

Tools from Messer, Mertz and Solinberg work on the peeling principle, pulverizing rough skin near the nails. They are multifunctional and can be used for pedicures. The main advantage of Messer, Mertz and Solingen products is the slow regrowth of the cuticle. Buy cuticle remover tools brands Messer, Mertz, Solinberg are available in specialized stores. By using cuticle removal files from Messer, Mertz, Solinberg, you will always have gentle well-groomed hands and a flawless manicure.