"Kolyada has arrived!" - We celebrate the Slavic New Year together with nature. New Year traditions and rituals

No holiday is anticipated by both children and adults like the advent of the magical New Year. For some, during such a period it is important to receive the desired gift, for others to make a cherished wish and expect its fulfillment in the coming year.

Main new year character festivities - the fabulous Father Frost, who is an East Slavic variation of the Christmas Giver. In Slavic mythology, the Christmas giver was the inspiration of frost. As an obligatory character, the creation of an image similar to Santa Claus occurred towards the end of the 1930s, at a time when, after many years of prohibitions, it was again allowed to decorate the Christmas tree as a symbol of festive celebrations.

Santa Claus is usually depicted in a red, blue or white fur coat and felt boots, with a long white beard and with a magic staff in one of the hands. On such celebrations, Santa Claus rides around his vast expanses on three magical horses. Always not alone - with his granddaughter Snegurochka, who is depicted as a beauty, a rosy-cheeked girl with a long brown braid and a fur coat. At all times among the Slavs New Year was marked by festive fun, but this holiday did not always initially occur on January 1.

The traditional arrival of the New annual period was introduced precisely from January 1 by Tsar Peter the Great, who issued a decree according to which the chronology began from Christmas Nativity. Previously, chronology began from the date of creation of the world.

Traditional New Year's festivities and rituals in Russia

A long time ago in Russia, festivities on the occasion of the New Year acquired an exclusively secular character as a holiday, where there is no longer room for many elements of religiosity. The Russian celebration has absorbed many customs and various signs from other nations. For example, the signs adopted the eastern features of calendar customs, where the color of the ceremonial attire is selected depending on the symbol to which the coming year-long period belongs.

Despite everything, the calendar of the Russian people is quite rich: it contains quite a few superstitions and signs, as well as ritual claims, on the correct observance of which the celebration itself and the well-being in the house in the coming year depend. Let's consider the main New Year traditions of the Russian people, which are unshakably observed in every family.

Feast and circle of guests to the festive table

The Russian feast is not an easy test for people from other countries. In Russia, it is customary to generously set the festive table so that the coming period of the year will be just as generous to the owners of the house.

Treats should be particularly rich and varied. Since ancient times, traditional Russian New Year's dishes have been considered: goose, baked and stuffed with apples; roast hare; baked pig, served whole; kulebyaku.

In many courtyards and houses, the tradition of baking special pies with a surprise has been preserved until the modern period, inside which they contained peculiar prophecies for the coming year: a coin was hidden in one, another was baked too salty, a third was too sweet, and so on, based on the wild imagination of the hostess of the feast.

Depending on the treat, that is, which pie fell into your hands during the chiming clock, fate foretells this fate for you in the next year: a pie with a coin portends wealth; whoever tastes the salty pie will face unsweetened trials from fate and other omens throughout the year.

Avoid serving crayfish on the table; this foreshadows your indecision in many important matters next year, when you will try to move backwards, avoiding solving important issues.

Let us note that in Rus' the New Year has been identified with the family in all periods and times, so it is better to gather the closest people at the table, with the obligatory presence of parents. Forget about quarrels and make peace with your family, family, employees and friends, whom it is better to invite for treats on the day of the new year.

New Year's beliefs that ward off illnesses

There is a belief that can ward off illness: to celebrate a celebration in new underwear, then no ailment or disease will stick. Buy all family members new socks, beacons, panties and tights, in general, everything that is appropriate on the body. This is a great reason to get something that you can’t afford during the year.

On New Year's Day, money takes on special meaning.

It is not customary to give away everything from home on the solemn midnight and on its eve, without exception. Especially in debt, the main thing is not to lend it yourself, because according to superstitions, you will not be able to get rid of burdensome debts for the next year. Traditionally, it is worth trying to pay off any debts before the festivities.

Let's make cherished wishes

Many different traditional fortune tellings are used on the special night. The most common custom is to write a wish on a piece of paper during the chiming clock, which is quickly burned, and the ashes are poured into a glass filled with wine or champagne, which is drunk in one gulp. They believe that a wish made in this way will come true without question.

Traditional New Year rituals in Ukraine

The day before New Year's Eve in Ukraine the evening is called “generous”, the holiday of Vasyl and Malanka comes. In every house, housewives baked pies, prepared sausages, dumplings, and “knishes.” Everything was prepared in such an assortment and abundance that I would like to see the table in abundance next year.

Ritual songs Shchedrovka and carols are performed on the evening of January 13 (on the night of the Old New Year). “Mummers” in masks and animal costumes (Crane, Horse, Goat, Bear and Bull) arrive at all houses, signifying the wealth and well-being that they bring to every home. For this, the owners give gifts to the “mummers”: pies and coins.

After a dinner filled with importance, that evening, with treats, they go to the neighbors to make peace or ask for forgiveness if misunderstandings have occurred. It is so customary that the coming period will pass in peace and mutual understanding between neighboring residents.

On the night of December 19, Saint Nicholas, who has been revered since ancient times, comes to obedient children. Of course, New Year's festivities are not complete without Father Frost, as well as granddaughter Sneguronka, but St. Nicholas is expected more.

Family celebrations and feasts

Traditionally, like the Russian people, the Ukrainian feast has its own generosity and diversity. At one table the owners of the house try to gather different generations a kind of way to spend the outgoing period and leave all the strife and misunderstandings in the past.

Rituals for the New Year in Ukraine no longer have any special features; many celebrations are closely intertwined with the customs of the Russian people. The only difference, in which Ukrainians are a little more fortunate, is that they greet the chimes and the arrival of a new period twice. First, the New Year comes according to Moscow time, then according to Kyiv time.

Towards the end of the discussion, we will provide some purely female rules observed on New Year's Eve. In many countries, there is this kind of custom when, before the chimes, a woman takes off all her existing jewelry, and after New Year’s Eve, she puts it on. With this custom, men have the opportunity to present gifts to their ladies, which do not exclude decorative jewelry.


People have been celebrating the New Year since ancient times, but the customs used to be completely different. It will be very interesting for a modern person to know exactly how the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year, what they associated it with, what customs they observed and why they burned the log.

Interestingly, the tradition is to widely celebrate new year holidays exists among any people and on any continent. In the modern world, celebrating the New Year is a global event, on a global scale. Today all nations celebrate it almost the same, but in ancient times the celebration was very different.

The ancient Slavs called the beginning of field work New Year

The calendar was also used in ancient times. It was mainly used to calculate the time of sowing, but knowing about the seasons and days was also important for hunters, fishermen, beekeepers and cattle breeders.

When there was no paper, everyone kept a calendar in their head, and the date was replaced by signs of nature. It is clear that this situation led to inaccuracies and some discrepancies with the modern calendar.

Initially, they took the lunar countdown as the calendar, so the year was divided into “months.” However, with the advent of agriculture in people’s lives, their lives began to greatly depend on the Sun, therefore the calendar was changed, and holidays began to be celebrated depending on the position of the Sun in the sky.

It was believed that winter, spring, summer and autumn come during the equinox and solstice - on the 22nd: in December, March, June and September. March and September were considered New Year's months. In the spring, the New Year was called New Year, that is, a new summer is coming, a new working season.

For the most part, our ancestors chose to celebrate the New Year in September. This is due to the fact that the work in the field was already coming to an end, almost the entire harvest had been harvested: all that was left was to rest and enjoy the fruits of your labor - there was no better time to organize a holiday and not pick it up.

Happy celebration of the Slavic New Year on September 22, 2018 there are many traditions connected

The Slavic spring and autumn New Year has a longer history than the modern one, celebrated in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. The New Year was introduced by Tsar Peter I in 1700, and since then it has been celebrated only a little over 300 times - nonsense compared to the many centuries of traditions of the ancient Slavs.

The ancient Slavs associated many traditions and beliefs with the New Year. So, it was impossible to enter the New Year if you had not been forgiven, if you held a grudge against someone, or if you had not paid off your debts - this was considered not good. And people tried to put an end to all quarrels by the New Year, to pay off debts, rent, and tribute. It was considered a good omen for this holiday if a family moved into a new hut the day before.

When the last day of the outgoing year approached, the ancient people went to their fields early in the morning and started singing spells. This was done so that the next harvest would be rich. During the chants, people joked and danced merrily.

On the same day in the evening it was necessary to extinguish the fire in the stove and carry out a ceremony to light a new fire. The fire will flare up quickly - fortunately in the New Year, but if not - not so.

Then they were supposed to visit their relatives and congratulate them on the upcoming New Year, after which they began to set the table and have a party.

The winter Slavic holiday on December 22 is called Kolyada

In winter, our ancestors had another fun celebration, reminiscent in scope of the New Year's - Kolyada. It was celebrated during winter solstice December 22. The daylight hours on December 22 are the shortest, and the night is the longest. Ancient people considered this day the death of the old Sun and the birth of a new one.

The essence of the celebration of Carols came down to the glorification of the newborn daylight and in the most good wishes to all your family and friends.

On the night of December 22-23, the Slavs put on their best outfits, told fortunes, treated guests, and sang special songs with good wishes.

An important ritual on Kolyada was to make a larger fire and burn a larger log on it - as a symbol of the old Sun, the passing year and all troubles. By how brightly the log burned, they judged the harvest that would be next summer.

When Christianity came to Rus', people began to believe in spirits and all kinds of evil spirits that come that night from the afterlife. Since then, caroling has come to mean dressing up brightly and singing loudly so that the evil spirits will get scared and disappear.

According to the Slavic calendar, the year 7526 is currently underway - the year of the Curled Hedgehog. Children born this year will turn out to be real fidgety and ruff. But when they reach adulthood, such people will become homely, smart, honest and loyal. They will never reveal someone else's secret and will be loved and successful in life.

There is one memorable date in the calendar of our glorious ancestors of the Slavs, with which a great battle is associated, which laid a new starting point in their ancient calendar. It is with regret that we can state the fact that today very few people know what we are talking about. What kind of battle does few people know about? What kind of calendar are there rumors about? Yes, and the concept of the word “New Year” can remind few people of anything meaningful, not to mention the fact that this concept will evoke associations with the coming of the new year in few people.

On September 22, 2017, on the day of the autumn equinox, the enlightened part of the Slavic-Aryans or Rus will celebrate the New Year. Namely, the onset of 7526 years from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple or in abbreviated writing - 7526 S.M.Z.H.!

In order to understand all the greatness of this date, all the depth of its past, it is necessary, first, to understand for yourself what these words, incomprehensible at first glance, “Creation of the World” and even in some kind of “Star Temple” carry within themselves? And in general, where did such large numbers come from in the chronology, especially of our ancestors, to whom official history ascribes a little more than 1000 years of age?

The ancient Chinese calendar is well known in the world, which includes this moment– 4694, the ancient calendar of the Jews, who already celebrated their 5778 year on September 5-6, 2017. The well-known Gregorian calendar, which we now use, is approaching the 2018 mark, and many other calendars and high-profile dates are also heard, except for one and the most important one for you and me. For some reason, official historians and scientists are silent about the Slavic calendar. Also, they are silent about the surprisingly high-profile date that gave birth to a new calendar of our ancestors, which took place 7526 years ago.

But where did the Russians suddenly get 7526 years of known and explored past? Where could the ancient Slavs, who allegedly lived in dugouts, in the forest on trees or in swamps, get their ancient calendar, and which is even more ancient than all the ancient calendars of civilizations known to us?

But everything is not as scary, at first glance, as it seems, if you just want to know the truth about the true past of your ancestors, and not about the one that has been imposed for centuries by foreign historians and teachers who have enslaved the consciousness of our people with their false theories and 100% perverted facts about the life of our glorious ancestors.

But I will try to help you figure this out, in particular, with regard to the New Year holiday, please do not confuse it with the New Year, to which we are all so accustomed. There will be another article about it in due time entitled “What do we celebrate on the New Year”, which will give the maximum available answers about a holiday that does not exist!

What is New Year's Eve?

The word New Year itself has a rather simple meaning and consists of words such as new And summer, which, united into one word, began to sound like a new year and, at the same time, the new word began to denote the onset of a new summer ( Note A.N. - Please do not confuse this with the time of year when it is hot and the harvest is ripening). Summer, in the understanding of the year, as we are now more accustomed to calling it, was written since ancient times as LETTO.

Unfortunately, the initial letter Ъ – yat, which sounded like "ee" and carried a figurative meaning "Truly Is", was mercilessly thrown out of the Russian primer during the reform of the Russian language carried out by Lunacharsky and Lenin, after the October seizure of power by the Jews in 1917 in Russia.

So that all readers can reliably understand what is happening, why and where it comes from, I will try to unwind the ball of knowledge that carries the truth about our past in such a way as to touch upon the maximum number of facets associated with the New Year, and to show them not only with in-depth understanding, but also to present them them in chronological order.

So, continuing the topic, let's consider what Summer is in the understanding of our ancestors?

Our ancestors had a calendar from the very beginning of their appearance on our Earth, by the way, whose name is Midgard, which means the middle earth. And the word CALENDAR itself carries answers to its origin and is associated with the name of God who gave our ancestors the calendar. And his name was the god Kolyada, so it turns out that the Gift of Kolyada, or Kolyada's Gift, began to be called a calendar. Everything is very simple when you understand Russian. There is also another name for the Calendar - Krugolet Chislobog, which essentially denotes the principle of the calendar, namely the word Krugolet means the circle of years, i.e. indicates that our ancestors considered summer to be circles, but more on that later.

In the process of the settlement of our ancestors across the continent, many peoples lost contact with their mother empire, they began to be called differently, but they all used the same calendar - Kolyada Dar, the same language - Russian, the same letters - runes. Subsequently, “scientists,” in order to somehow justify the fictitious past of all European peoples, made up their own myths and legends for them, wrote their own history for them, but they were all similar, like two peas in their essence, and originated from the origins of our culture ancestors

Thus, such concepts as the Scandinavian or Celtic calendars appeared, which for enlightened people should mean only this and nothing else. Both the Scandinavians and the Celts are Slavic-Aryan tribes who, in search of pastures, explored new lands and moved from the East to the West of the continent, thus populating all of Eurasia.

Most often, tribes received their names on behalf of the prince or king who led them. This is how the Sarmatians appeared - the people of Prince Sarmat, the Scythians - the people of Prince Scythian, the Scandinavians - the people of Prince Skand and many others.

Today, the ancient Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog is used only by Righteous Slavs, please do not confuse with Christians, Old Believers-Ynglings and the Irish Order of Druids. Your name "Daariyskiy" The calendar dates back to the times when our ancestors lived on the northern continent, which was called Daaria. This continent was buried under the waters of the Arctic Ocean more than 100 thousand years ago, when Dazhdbog destroyed the Koshcheev base with his force ( Note A.N. - Princes of Darkness - Dark Forces) on the Moon Lele ( Note A.N. - Previously, there were 3 Moons around the Earth - Lelya, Fatta and Month), which were going to take over our Earth.

The ancient Slavic-Aryan calendar (Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog), as well as the Scandinavian or Celtic calendars, had a runic display form, i.e. Initially, the names of months, numbers, days of the week and the names of years were written in runes. For those who do not know, let me remind you that a RUNE is not a letter or a syllable... A rune is a complex secret image, and many runes have at least 3 levels, and only people initiated into their understanding can read the runes, but few who can read what the runes hide on other levels. The names of the months in the calendar were initially also indicated by runes, and only later a letter was added with an initial letter with a brief explanation of the semantic meaning.

It is worth noting that the year of our ancestors was divided into 9 months of 40 days each. The first month was designated by one rune, and the remaining eight months were designated by the combination of two runes, with the second rune indicating part of the cycle of rotation of our Earth around our Yarila-Sun and it was called Summer. From the word "summer" The following concepts have been preserved in the Russian language: chronicle, chronicler, chronology. Also, we say how old you are, not years.

To a modern person, the calendar of our ancestors seems unusual, but it is precisely this calendar system, and specifically the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog or Kolyada's Dar, that is the most accurate and convenient of all currently existing calendars. Moreover, over the past few tens of thousands of years, this Slavic-Aryan calendar has not “hurried” or “behind” a single day, which is not observed in any other calendar system known to us.

We will not dwell in more detail on the consideration of the ancestral calendar, but for those who are interested in studying it in detail, I recommend that you read the article “Slavic-Aryan Calendar (Vedic)”, which can easily be found on the Internet.

But it is also worth noting that the calendar of our ancestors is based on the ancient 16-digit number system. 16 years form a Circle, which passes through 9 elements, creating a Circle of Life of 144 years. The circle of years is 16 years: fifteen simple years (Note A.N. - simple summer contains 365 days) and the sixteenth - Sacred Summer (consists of 369 days). This cycle is also connected with ancient events, namely, for 15 years the migration of the Clans of the Great Race from Daariya to Russenia took place - this is the territory from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean, and on the 16th Summer our ancestors settled in new lands and brought glory to our gods. In honor of this event, the ancestors began to celebrate PASKHET, which in modern translation from the Kh'Aryan runic means “The path along which the Gods walked” ( Note A.N. – You can read more about this in my article “What do we celebrate on Easter”).

Initially, the years were counted from the day of the great holiday Ramha-Ita ( Note A.N. – remember this name, we will return to it later) or from the day of the New Year, i.e. the beginning of a new summer. Therefore, the New Year is a starting point, a memorable date in the events of the past of our glorious ancestors, which is so strong in their memory that in honor of it they began to count down a new era of their life, while not forgetting all the old starting points too. The memory of them has been preserved for thousands of years and these memorable dates have been preserved to this day, which truly unfold before us the whole truth about the events of the past, and even in such a way that even if you want to erase or distort it, nothing will work. These dates are so deeply ingrained in the soul, they resonate with the genetics of a person who is Russian in spirit, that at the level of his essence he can trust them as true sources from the past.

So, the guardian magicians have preserved for us the following memorable dates from the life of our ancestors - the Slavic-Aryans, and don’t let these events scare you - I will only tell you briefly about them:

Summer 13 022 from the Great Cold or Great Cold Snap ( Note A.N. – dates are indicated for the period from the New Year, September 22, 2013 to September 2014. AD) - this chronology originates from the Great Cooling, which was associated with the catastrophe - the fall of fragments of the destroyed Moon Fatta onto Midgard into the Pacific Ocean. Before the fall, Fatta revolved around Midgard in the equatorial plane with a revolution period of 13 days.

Summer 40 018 from the 3rd Arrival of Vaitmana Perun - a little over 40 thousand years ago, for the third time, one of the Highest (occupying a high place in the hierarchy) Slavic-Aryan Gods Perun descended on the large Heavenly chariot - Vaitmana to Midgard-Earth. He came to us from Urai-Earth from the Hall (constellation) of the Eagle.

Summer 44,558 from the Creation of the Great Colo of Russia - the Great Colo, i.e. The Great Circle, i.e. the unification of the Slavic-Aryan Clans for living together, i.e., there were several stages of the settlement of Midgard. The first stage, Daaria was populated. Then, during the time of the Great Asa, the “children of Ares” migrated from the Earth of Arya (Mars). There were also migrations from Indgard. Etc. And they settled in different places, but this is all one RACE, and Dispersions are the land over which they settled. The Elder Clans gathered and created the Great Circle to live and create together.

Summer 106792 from the Foundation of Asgard of Iria (from 9 Taylet) - in the ancient Slavic language As is a god embodied in human body. Our Ancestors called themselves Asami, their country was called Asia (the Old Scandinavian epic “The Saga of the Ynglings” also mentions this). Asgard means “City of the Gods,” and Iriysky means because it stands on the Quiet Iriy River (abbreviated Irtish, or Irtysh). There were four Asgards in total. Asgard Daariya, located at the North Pole, died (sank) along with the death of the Northern continent - Daariya. Later, Asgard Sagdiyskiy (a region of present-day Ashgabat) and Asgard Svintjodskiy (city of Uppsala, Sweden) were built. The ruins of Ancient Asgard of Iria, destroyed by hordes of Dzungars in 1530 AD, were discovered by Peter the Great's cartographer Remizov, after which the Omsk fortress (now the city of Omsk) was built on this site.

Summer 111820 from the Great Migration from Daariya - Daariya is a continent at the North Pole of Midgard-Earth, where our ancestors lived for a long time after settling Midgard-Earth. This continent sank as a result of a flood created by waters and fragments of the destroyed small Moon Lelya.

Summer 143004 from the period of Three Moons - this is the period when three Moons revolved around Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and Month. Lelya is a small Moon with an orbital period of 7 days, Fatta is a medium Moon with an orbital period of 13 days, and Month is a large Moon with a period of 29.5 days. Two of these Moons - Lelya and the Month - were originally the Moons of Midgard-Earth, and Fatta was dragged from the Earth by Dei. Confirmation of those times has been preserved in the myths and legends of various peoples.

Summer 153380 from Assa Dei - Assa – battle of the gods or war. The period indicated in the chronology separates us from the war that took place in Svarga, not only in the World of Revealing, but also in the multidimensional Worlds of Glory and Rule. Not only people, but also Legs, Arlegs, and Gods took part in that battle. In the World of People, the grays (Kashchei) fought against the Slavs and Aryans, and on their side were blacks (people with skin the color of darkness). Before settling on Midgard-Earth, the Clans of the Holy RASA (Clans of the Aesir of the Country of the Aesir) first populated the Land of Svarog (Dey), then moved to the Earth of Oriya (Mars).

Summer 165044 from the Time of Tara - originates from the time when the Goddess Tara visited Midgard-Earth. The polar star of the Slavic-Aryans is still called Tara, in honor of the beautiful Goddess Tara.

Summer 185780 from Thule Time - the arrival of the Rasens. This Rod of Thule (Tul-fire) arrived from the Dazhdbog (Golden) Sun System from the Ingard Earth, the annual period of its rotation is 576 days, and they called themselves the grandchildren of Dazhdbog. This Sun is located in the Hall of Ras - the White Leopard or Pardus. Their height was from 175 cm to 285 cm. Their eyes were brown (fiery) and light brown (yellow). Hair is dark brown. Russes are also called Dews. These include the peoples: Western Rossi, Lynx (eyes like Lynx), Italians, Etruscans (these or those Russians), Dacians (Dakki or Moldavians), Samaritans, Polesgi, Syrians, Thracians, Franks, Gotts, Albanians, Avars, etc. .d.

Summer 211700 from the Time of Svaga - the arrival of the Svyatorus from the palace of the Swan (Ursa Major). They called themselves Sva-Ga (sva-radiance, ha-promotion) - they were blue-eyed Slavs. Height 175 cm to 300 cm (relatively not tall in comparison with the Aryan Clans). Blood type 1 and 2. Hair from white to light brown. Eye color from heavenly to blue. This genus includes the following peoples: Northern Russians, Belarusians, Borus (Divine Rus from the Land of Borussia in Germany), Chervony-Rus (in Poland), Polyana, East Prussians, Silver Rus (Serbs), Croats, Irish, Scotts, Assyrians (Assy from Iria), Macedonians, etc. Their ancestral home is Earth-Ruth in the Hall of the Swan of the Sun-Arkolna system.

Summer 273908 from the Time of H'Arra - the arrival of the H'Aryans from the Hall of Finist the Clear Falcon (Horn) or, in modern terms, the constellation Orion. This genus of the Holy Race looked like this: the iris of the eye is green according to the color of their Sun-Rad, blood 1 gram, rarely 2 gram. Height from 180 to 360 cm. Hair is brown and light brown. These include: Eastern Rus, Northeastern Pruss (Pomeranian Rus or Perunov Rus), Scandinavians (Suomi, Svei, Rodei), Anglo-Saxons, Normans (Murmans), Gauls, Icelanders (Belovodsk Rusichi), the Holy Lynx people.

Summer 460532 from the Time of Gifts - the arrival of the Da'Aryans on the Whitemars (intergalactic ships) to Midgard from the Zimun Star System - the Celestial Cow (Ursa Minor), their Sun Tara (the Polar Star) - an iris with silver-eyed eyes, light brown and almost whitish hair color, 1 blood group, height from 175 cm. up to 390cm. These include the Siberian Rusichs (Tabol Tartars), Northwestern Germans, Rasichs (Yugorsky and Lukomorsky), Danes, Dutch, Flemings, Lachalls, Latvians (Latvians), Rives (Lithuanians and Lithuanians), Estonians, etc.

Summer 604388 from the Time of Three Suns - this is one of the most Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendars of Midgard-Earth. He mentions events more than 600,000 years ago, when, due to rotation around the center of the Universe, a neighboring galaxy came closer to ours. As a result, two solar systems of a neighboring galaxy came so close to ours that its two giant Suns, silvery and Green colour were observed in the sky of Midgard-Earth and were equal in size to the visible disk of our Yaril-Sun.

Well, is it impressive? Are you proud of your past? Or do you still think that this is a sick fantasy of Slavists and lovers of everything Russian? If you don’t understand, then prove that this never happened and could not have happened - you will have something to do for the rest of your days... Yes, I’ll also tell you that your research will be in great demand by the world government, and if you can refute our past with reason, then you can undoubtedly be canonized and even awarded the Nobel Prize!

In addition, most memorable dates of our ancestors left their mark not only in the calendars kept by the Magi, but also simply around us - there are ancient buildings, ancient maps, myths and legends, tales and legends, and just fairy tales that keep the memory of those difficult times, through which our ancestors passed through. It is enough just to plunge into this unknown world, to study it, and with your soul you begin to understand that “Even though the fairy tale is a lie, there is a hint in it, a lesson for the good fellow!”

And whoever knows how to clearly understand the messages left by their ancestors will certainly figure out where the truth is and where the lies are. And to help everyone who wants to understand this personally, Academician Nikolai Levashov left his wonderful books “Russia in Distorting Mirrors” and “The Tale of the Clear Falcon. Past and Present,” which will help you reliably understand the real chronology of past events through which our ancestors, the Slavic-Aryans, went.

The last point of reference for our ancestors, or the New Year, was the date that arose 7526 years ago from an event that was so memorable for them that they introduced a new calendar in its honor and began a new chronology. What happened in those distant times?

As you already know, our ancestors had many calendar forms of reckoning, and according to the latest of them, Summer 7525 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.H.) is now ending. And from September 22, 2017, on the day autumn equinox, the 7526th summer from S.M.Z.H., or the New Year, begins. But this does not mean at all that our World was created 7526 years ago, as Christians believed and still believe, when this chronology had not yet been abolished by Peter I and the year calculation was introduced, supposedly from the Nativity of Christ (R.H.).

In ancient times, the creation of the world was called the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring peoples. Thus, we have a “new frame of reference.” This is the most peaceful treaty between the Great Race (Slavic-Aryans) and the Great Dragon ( Note A.N. – ancient Chinese or Arima, as they were then called) was concluded on the day of the Autumnal Equinox, or on the 1st day of the First month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold (Great Cold). Ice Age).

And again we come across an interesting date, if anyone is not inspired, let me remind you once again what is worth paying attention to. So, the truce of the Slavic-Aryans with the Chinese was concluded on the first day of the autumn equinox or on the first day of the first month of 5500 Years from the Great Cold. To understand the whole essence of this event, we need to return to the consideration of the calendar of our ancestors, namely the Daarisky Circular Year of Chislobog, which gives us reliable knowledge about what months our ancestors had!

As you already know, our ancestors divided the year not into 12 months, as is customary now, but only into 9 months, each of which had 40 or 41 days, depending on whether the month was even or not. They were also called fortieths, who bore this name from the number of days in the month. Each month had its own name, as in the modern calendar, but these names were different and are not familiar to us now.

I will list the names of these 9 months:

Names of months (fortieths)



Fortieth Anniversary of the Divine Beginning



40th Anniversary of New Gifts



40th Anniversary of White Light and Peace of Peace



Fortieth Blizzard and Cold



40th Anniversary of Nature's Awakening



The 40th anniversary of Sowing and Naming



Fortieth of the Winds



40th Anniversary of Receiving the Gifts of Nature



40th Anniversary of Completion

It turns out that the first month in the calendar of our glorious ancestors is a month called Ramhat, the name of which means “Divine Beginning”. Now we remember the great holiday of the ancestors, from which the calculation begins - this is the holiday of Ramha-Ita, in honor of this holiday the month of Ramkhat was named. It turns out that our ancestors calculated their chronology at least 13,025 years from the autumn equinox! The beginning of the New Year in the fall is associated with the fact that the entire harvest was harvested, the bins were filled, and it turns out that the new summer began with complete prosperity. In addition, the most important events It was customary to take it on the New Year.

Remember this well in order to connect the antiquity of this data with the celebration of the New Year by the Slavs in March. But more on that later.

It turns out that for at least 13 thousand years, our ancestors have been celebrating the New Year, i.e. The arrival of the New Year, according to our modern concept, is in the fall! Not in winter, and not in spring, as many Slavists believe, having succumbed to false facts. And to take it to the maximum, the Slavic-Aryans have been celebrating the autumn new year since the festival of Ramha-Ita appeared and the first month of Ramhat was named in its honor. And this may not even be tens of thousands of years, as we have already established, but hundreds of thousands of years! But, unfortunately, there is no reliable data about this yet; we have to operate with what is open now, in our time. But even this data, no one in the world has yet put it together into a single holistic picture!

Well, a few more puzzle bricks found their place and connected, thereby forming a single, complete picture. Let us continue to consider what happened in those ancient times - 7526 years ago.

And events from the past tell us that the Great Race won, which was depicted in the form of an image - a White Knight on a horse hits the Dragon with a spear. But since Christians attributed all the achievements of our ancestors to themselves, now this image is interpreted as the Christian holy Great Martyr George the Victorious defeating the serpent who was devastating the lands of the pagan king. As the legend says, when the lot fell to give the king’s daughter to be torn to pieces by the monster, George appeared on horseback and pierced the snake with a spear, saving the princess from death. The appearance of the “saint” contributed to the conversion of local residents to the Greek religion, which was later renamed the Christian religion. This legend was often interpreted allegorically: the princess is the church, and the snake is paganism. But as you already know, this same George has nothing to do with ancient events. Christians simply brazenly stole an ancient image well known to our ancestors, and, distorting its essence, used it for their own purposes.

In fact, the white horseman (God-Knight), striking the Dragon (Ancient Serpent) with a spear, was depicted on frescoes and bas-reliefs of ancient Temples and various buildings of the Great Race. Sculptures with this subject were sculpted from stone, cast from precious metals and carved from various types of trees. This victory was depicted on Images (icons) and minted on coins. That's how important this victory was for our ancestors! It can only be compared with the familiar Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the victory of which we also perpetuated in every possible way...

Hanuman Asur (Asur - As - God living on Earth, Ur - inhabited, fertile Earth) - Bright Prince of the land of the Holy Race or Prince of Russenia), who ruled in Belovodye and Ahriman (ruler of Arimiya or ancient China) "Created the World", that is, they concluded a peace treaty between the Great Race and the Great Dragon, according to which our ancestors built a wall (with loopholes towards China) to mark the border of Russia or Great Tartaria. The wall was called Kiy-Tai, which translated from ancient Slavic means Kiy - fence, hedge, and Tay - the completion of the peak, great, that is “the final, limiting great hedge (wall)”.

It turns out that in ancient times " China" called a high fence or fortress wall. And there is a lot of evidence of this that has nothing to do with China as a state. So, for example, there is its own China Town in Moscow, which is named so because of the high wall that surrounded it, and not at all because of the Chinese. I am close to the city of Sumy (Ukraine), which also has its own Chinese city, the name of which the locals already know nothing about, but call it out of habit. I am sure that many ancient Russian cities have their own Chinese cities; you just have to think about the names of the districts of the cities in which you live.

From that great event, a new countdown of years began for our ancestors. In memory of that event, our ancestors wrote Az-Vesta or the first message, or as it is called - Avesta on 12,000 ox skins. The Avesta, which is an example of ancient Slavic books written on both parchment and gold, was destroyed by order of Alexander the Great, whom our ancestors called the dark warrior. Although he was a Slav by origin, he was under the spiritual influence of the Jew Aristotle. Later, the world became aware of the longest preserved distorted version of the Avesta - the Zend-Avesta, which Zarathustra distorted, adding his comments and corrections.

The destruction of these ancient Indian Vedas was the main goal of Alexander the Great’s campaign in India, after which he was soon destroyed by the conductors of the Dark Forces on Earth, as having completed his mission.

Thus, 1 day of 1 month of Summer 5501 from the Great Cold simultaneously became 1 day of 1 month of Summer 1 from the Creation of the World, and since the peace treaty was signed in Summer, which bears the name of the Star Temple on the Chislobog Circle, the name of the new Summer Calculation became - from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.H.).

And our ancestors did not forget this tradition of observing chronology according to all their calendars until the October “revolution” of 1917. Surprisingly, the royal books contain, of course, not the Vedic calendar, but their modern forms countdowns that are taken from various dates, but they could only borrow this from the Magi, who were strong in Vedic knowledge.

I am publishing a chronological index for 1894 from “Memorable book of the Kyiv province for 1894”, publication of the Kyiv Provincial Statistical Committee, Printing House of Peter Barsky, Kyiv, 1894:

"Chronological Index to 1894

From the Nativity of Christ - 1894,

From the Creation of the World - 7402,

From the foundation of the Russian State - 1032,

From the baptism of the Russian people - 906,

From the beginning of the Moscow State - 567,

From the accession to the throne of the Reigning House of Romanov - 281,

From the reunification of Little Russia with Russia - 240,

From the abolition of serfdom - 33 years,

From the introduction of new Judicial Statutes of Emperor Alexander II - 30,

From the introduction of all-class military service - 20 years,

From application in the South-Western region of the City Regulations - 19,

From the accession to the throne of Emperor Alexander III - 13-14.”

As for me, this is nothing more than a tribute to the traditions that were laid down by the ancient Slavic-Aryans, and the later kings observed them in their own way, according to the spirit of the time and their calendars. Although Christians curtailed the concept of the Star Temple in our chronology, they still left the Creation of the World, since according to their beliefs, this is the beginning of life in general! I highlighted another important date - this is the beginning of the Moscow State. This good topic for research, since no beginning happens in a vacuum, and behind such events there are always some ancient state formations, which, having been captured in wars, simply changed their status - the formation of a new state was proclaimed and a “new” life began, but already under new rulers and according to new rules, which was done more than once in our past with Russian Empire Vedic!

“Remember, children of the Great Race, everything that strangers tell you is only a lie and a great deception, which lead your souls away from the Right Paths into darkness (hell).”

(Commandment of God Ramhat)

Another interesting fact is: The Gregorian calendar appeared in Summer 7090 or 1582 AD., and it supposedly came to replace the “Julian” calendar. The calendar received its name from the name of Pope Gregory XIII. In the new calendar, the dating was no longer from the Creation of the World, but from the Nativity of Christ. It is worth noting the fact that even the dating from A.D. appeared in circulation only more than 500 years after the supposed event ( Note A.N. – the true day of the crucifixion of the white sorcerer Radomir or the one we call Jesus Christ occurred on February 16, 1086 on Mount Beykoz near Constantinople). So, only in 532 AD. The Roman monk Dionysius the Small proposed counting time from the Nativity of Christ.

In general, what I'm getting at. The date of introduction of the Gregorian calendar looks very mysterious, if you do not take into account the fact that in 1559 another Roman pontiff, Paul IV, named Gianpietro Caraffa, died, who in August 1559, or rather on the 18th, was destroyed by the famous Venetian witch ( Note A.N. – knowledgeable mother), whose name was Isidora, and about whose fate Svetlana Levashova told us in her book “Revelation”. And those who have already read this wonderful book already know that during the time of Pope Paul IV Caraffa, Venice spoke Russian, which means ( Note A.N. – with a high degree of probability) could also have used a single Slavic-Aryan calendar, i.e. Calendar Krugolet Chislobog, and abolition Gregorian calendar dating from the Creation of the World only confirms this “suddenly” caused replacement!

Also, from this book it is known that Venice had just fallen into the hands of the Inquisitor Caraffa, and before his reign, there was no known genocide of the people in charge there. From here, we can conclude that the introduction of the Gregorian calendar was a consequence of the occupation by the Roman Church of the next land-states of the Vedic Russian Empire, their complete subjugation into their own property and their forced conversion to the Roman religion of the holy faces, which we know as the Catholic Christian Church!

For those who are interested, I explain and introduce into circulation the true term denoting the Catholic Church. This is not the universal church, as it is supposedly translated from Greek, it is the church of holy persons! Since, the word "Catholic" in Latin it is written as "Catholica", then in Russian it reads like "satalika" or "satalitsa", where “sata” is a saint, and "face" or "face" and so it is clear, but everything together means holy persons or the church of holy persons, holiness! Which is confirmed by the title of the Pope, which sounds like His Holiness the Pope! And Caraffa himself called his church nothing more than "holy church", which once again confirms my conclusions! This is later, when the Russian language was Latinized, the word "holy-faced" turned into Catholic, and the enlightened ( Note A.N. – disciples of Mary Magdalene) became known to us as the Cathars!

Why this diversion from consideration of the topic with the New Year, you ask?

There are no coincidences in our world, I will answer! We didn’t have time to switch to new calendar, just over a hundred years later, the Latinizers approached the borders of the Moscow State or Moscow Tartaria, as it was called before the Romanov occupation. And already in 1700 Emperor Peter I ( Note A.N. – not a king, but an emperor, since Tsar Peter did not return from the European embassy, ​​where his substitution was carried out, the boyars, noticing the substitution, did not accept him as a king, and therefore the false Peter had to be crowned emperor) issues a decree on the abolition of the old calendar that existed in Rus', and introduces the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ. At the same time, he moved the beginning of the calendar, i.e. New anniversary from the day of the autumn equinox on January 1 or, in a new way, January. He chose the year 1700 as the starting date of the new chronology, thereby cutting off not a lot or a little for our ancestors, but a whole 5508 years of the past! Strangely, the introduction of the new calendar and the circumcision of the old one coincided in time with the return of the replaced false Peter from a trip to Europe!

And this despite the fact that not a single European state has even a thousand-year-old true history, but the false past of many powers goes back deeply to the times of the Roman Empire, which, by the way, never existed, and the real past of the Roman or Byzantine Empire was taken as its basis mixed with the real past of our Etruscan ancestors, who in those days inhabited the lands of modern Italy, and their cultural heritage - the old ruins in Rome, is now admired by tourists from all over the world.

False Peter I legitimized what was diligently planted in Rus' after the Jew Vladimir the Baptist, popularly nicknamed the Red Sun, not for the beauty of his face, but for the blood shed. At the baptism of Rus', the so-called “Julian” calendar was introduced ( Note A.N. – why uncertain, you should have already understood from the message that the Roman Empire is just a myth, like everything connected with it, I’m more than sure that the Julian calendar was a variant of the ancient Vedic calendar of the Slavic-Aryans, from which the new government decided to quickly get rid of it), the people did not accept it. Therefore, it was not clear to the people why a foreign calendar was needed on Russian soil, with numbered months in Latin, of which there were 3 more, and besides, it began not on the day of the autumn equinox, but at the beginning of spring. But the baptists of the Russian land found a way out of this situation and came up with Slavic names for the “Julian” calendar. We still use these names, and they have remained almost unchanged in the so-called Ukrainian language. These are Berezen, Kviten, Traven, Cherven, Lipen, Serpen, Veresen, Zhovten, Listopad, Gruden, Sichen, Lyuty. Only in this form were the baptist-enslavers able to impose an alien calendar on the Slavic peoples. Thus, in Rus' there were 2 calendar systems in parallel, the old one was Vedic with chronology from S.M.Z.H. and new.

The authorities did not like the fact that people celebrated holidays according to both calendars, but most of all they were not satisfied with the confusion that the chroniclers created, because Russian chroniclers used the dates of the old, Slavic calendar, and the invited Greek chroniclers used dates from the new calendar, where the New Year counted from the first spring full moon! In order to somehow streamline the inconsistency of the new calendar, in Summer 6856 or 1348 AD. By decree of Tsar Ivan III, the New Year in the new calendar was fixed on March 1, and the number of the year was taken from the old Slavic calendar.

And now we remember how many thousands of years our ancestors celebrated the New Year on the day of the autumn equinox - that’s no less than 13,021 summers! And how can the recently introduced celebration of the New Year in the spring compare with this? It turns out that everyone who believes that the Rus celebrated the New Year in the spring fell for the recent substitution of concepts that was carried out by the baptizers-enslavers of Rus'! And we should not forget that no one stopped celebrating the New Year in the fall until 1700, until the false Peter moved the New Year celebration to January 1, but this will be discussed in detail in the article dedicated to the New Year holiday. And the Vedic strovers still celebrate the New Year on its true day - the day of the autumnal equinox, which is also not stable in dates, and can fall from September 21 to 23!

In addition, the adjustment of the new calendar to everyday life began; some holidays were prohibited, others, which were celebrated despite the prohibitions, the Greek Church began to adapt to itself. Thus, the ancient Vedic holidays were replaced with new church holidays:

The Day of God Veles was replaced by the Day of Blasius;

Maslenitsa-Maryon Day was declared simply Maslenitsa;

The Day of God Kupala became the Day of John the Baptist;

The Day of Triglav or Svarog-Perun-Sventovit turned into Trinity;

The Supreme Day of God Perun was replaced by the Day of Elijah the Prophet... etc.

But most of all, the church and secular authorities did not like the fact that the people, using two calendars, celebrated two New Years - the Church New Year on March 1, and the Slavic New Year on the day of the autumn equinox.

None of the prohibitions of the Slavic Vedic calendar helped, and the adoption of harsh measures, including executions, gave the opposite result. In many cities and villages, unrest began and uprisings arose, everywhere there was a wholesale extermination of priests and their assistants. Things got to the point where many were destroyed "God's people", and then Tsar Ivan III had to "go to the people", for this was the only way the authorities could calm the rebellious people.

To prevent further unrest and discord, the king not only allowed people to use the old calendar, but also legalized the right to honor the old faith of their ancestors. Thus, dual faith and two calendars were officially legalized on Russian soil. The church calendar began to be considered official, i.e. state, and the old calendar - folk.

It is worth noting that the beginning of the year did not immediately become close to the Nativity of Christ. Before the Gregorian reform in 1582, the beginning of the year was celebrated on March 1, it was the so-called Easter year, because according to some calculations this date corresponded to the “Christian Easter” ( Note A.N. – and what is actually hidden under the concept of Easter, read in my previously announced article), and in Russia, since 1492, the beginning of the year was moved to September 1. This is not quite the New Year, but it is as close as possible to what people are used to. This is where the tradition of starting the school year on September 1 came from. And this was preceded by the following events.

As Summer 7000 from the Creation of the World (1492 AD) approached, apocalyptic sentiments grew among Christians in Russia. Everyone was waiting for the End of the World and did not even make up Easter for the following years. But when all the expected dates for the End of the World had passed, the Moscow Church Council in September of Summer 7000 (1492) approved a new Easter and decided to move the beginning of the year from March 1 to September 1. This decree is still in effect in the Christian Church today!

Interestingly, the Russian Orthodox Church New Year is celebrated on September 14 according to today’s calendar or September 1 according to the “Julian”. In honor of the Orthodox New Year, prayer services are held in churches for the New Year. Some remnants of conscience seem to have been preserved in the genes of our great-grandfathers and among church people.

Further, in the Summer of 7208 (1699 AD), the false Peter I moved the New Year to January 1 and issued a special decree:

“Since in Russia they count the New Year in different ways, from now on stop fooling people and count the New Year everywhere from January 1, 1700 from the Nativity of Christ. And as a sign of good beginnings and joy, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing prosperity in business and in the family.”

After this decree of Peter the Great, people began to forget their traditions, and the New Year was already celebrated in winter - on January 1, and this tradition has been preserved to this day. The memory of the New Year, as it turned out, is kept, surprisingly, by the Russian Orthodox Church and the Old Believers. But about how we celebrate the New Year now, and what events and holidays merged into it, there will be another article in due time.

It only remains to say that with the arrival of 7521 Summer from S.M.Z.H. not only a change of eras is expected, so the era of the Fox is replaced by the era of the Wolf, but also the onset of the end of the World for the Dark Forces, and the end of Darkness for the Light Forces. Although the Night of Svarog ended back in 1996, and now we live in the pre-dawn twilight of the Morning of Svarog, the Dark Forces are still very strong and the events that happened this year are proof of this - the murder of Nikolai Levashov.

Of course, there are also beliefs of the Mayan Indians that at the end of 2012 we will experience some serious changes associated with the change of eras, and their Svarog night calendar ends on December 22, 2012. And as the ancient scriptures say, we must expect incredible changes associated with the transition. The Dark Forces have been preparing these global changes and cataclysms for a long time for the intended date, but, as we see, not everything is going as smoothly for them as they would like, and I hope that the grandiose catastrophe with which they want to destroy the “superfluous” will never happen » Earth's population.

The dawn is coming - the era of the Wolf, the orderly of nature, under the auspices of one of the ancestors of the Slavic-Aryans - the god Veles, and these events were also predicted in the Scandinavian epic "Edda": “Waters will pour onto the Earth and cleanse it of filth.” For dark people the end of the world will come, and for light people the end of darkness will come, and the onset of these events can occur within no more than one circle of life, i.e. 144 years old. We can only hope that this never happens!

And a little more about the origin of the Mayan calendar. It is known that several serious scientists and researchers indicate that the Mayan calendar is based on a more ancient source - the Slavic calendar. It turns out that it was not the Mayans who predicted the end of the world, but the Slavs who predicted the restoration and cleansing of Rus', its ascent after 2012.

Yale history professor Timothy Snyder spoke about this and much more in his 1993 dissertation:

“The Mayan priests received all the necessary information from a highly developed civilization - these were the Slavs, the ancestors of the Russian people living today in Russia.”

Columbia University Ph.D. David Grunwer writes:

“No matter how many thousands of years May had observed the stars, even 10 thousand years, they would not have been able to create a calendar of such accuracy. The only origin of the May calendar, and this is beyond doubt, is from the Slavic people.”

Thomas Cooper from the University of London wrote the following about the Slavic calendar:

“The Slavic calendar is far ahead of all known calendars; it would still be in effect in Russia today, but by decree of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great, the calendar was aligned with the Gregorian calculus standards. At the same time, historical events that took place on the territory of Russia for more than seven thousand years (!) even before Tsar Peter were not recorded in any way and did not find their place in the new calendar. They are almost all lost. Peter discarded everything old and had no habit of preserving it.”

As scientists from the UAE found out, the Mayan calendar was created on the territory of today's Russia. The Slavic tribes passed this calendar on to the Mayan priests:

“... no matter how much scientists argue and no matter how fiercely they prove that they are right, they will no longer be able to hide this truth... the calendar of the ancient Slavs, in its subsidies, is far ahead of all others and goes back centuries, to such an extent that it is still adherents of Charles Darwin’s theory have never even dreamed of it.”

This is how many researchers of this problem could not lie to themselves or to society, and openly declared their findings, while everyone unanimously agreed that the most ancient calendar on earth was possessed by our ancestors – the Slavic-Aryans! This fact should make us proud of our ancestors and their heritage, appreciate and respect them, study and restore the lost culture, return ancient calendars to use, and instill knowledge and love for them from childhood!

I would like to finish the topic with the New Year with the words of the sorcerer of the North:

“...if a person knew the truth about his past, he would be a man PROUD of himself and his Ancestors and would never put on a slave collar. Without the TRUTH, from being free and strong, people became “slaves of God,” and no longer tried to remember who they really are.”

We are all accustomed to the fact that the New Year begins on the night of December 31 to January 1, although our ancestors celebrated it at a completely different time. According to the old Slavic calendar, the new year begins on the day spring equinox or March 21. This means that it is celebrated 80 days later.

Today we will talk about how this holiday was traditionally celebrated. significant date our ancestors and what zodiac signs the Slavs had in the past.

Before touching on the topic of the new year, or as our ancestors called it “new years,” let’s talk about the Slavic calendar itself. Such a short excursion into history will allow us to better understand the traditions of the Slavs and their attitude to this holiday.

Features of the Slavic calendar

The Chinese calendar, which gives it its name modern years. For example, the “year of the green dragon” or “year of the yellow dog” is based on the duodecimal number system. This means that the cycle repeats every 12 years.

  • The Slavic calendar implies having a cycle at 16 years old, Moreover, each year has not 12 months, but 41.
  • The days in the past consisted not from 24 hours, but also from 16.
  • Each time of the day was allocated exactly 4 hours - morning, afternoon, evening and night. As a result, it turns out that 1 Slavic hour corresponded to one and a half hours modern.
  • The Slavs had 9 days in a week, not 7..

This number of days made it possible to conveniently organize work and rest time - our ancestors had 3 days off and 6 working days.

How to celebrate the Slavic New Year by year

Our ancestors celebrated the New Year no less vigorously than we do now. Interestingly, in some territories the New Year was celebrated not in March, but in September. This is due to the fact that by this time the entire harvest had already been harvested, so there were much more reasons for joy.

An analogue of the Chinese symbols of the year were totemic yearbooks. These animals represented next year, made it clear what it would be like, and, of course, set the tone for the celebration organized in honor of the new anniversary.

Now celebrating the New Year in the middle of spring is quite strange. Therefore, modern lovers of Old Slavonic customs usually celebrate the holiday like everyone else - December 31. At the same time, they adhere to the traditions of their ancestors.

Year of the Dark Plow or Elk (1960, 1976, 1992, 2008, 2024)

The year of the dark plow patronizes people with leadership qualities, determination and the desire to reach sky-high heights.

To ensure that good luck accompanies you in all your endeavors this year, it is advisable to celebrate the holiday by sorting out all your troubles and completing your pressing and current affairs.

Since the dark dry season is a great year to try something new and go on an untrodden path. On the eve of the holiday, you can begin to think about the most daring plans for the future.

It is also better to celebrate this year with everything new, and the more new things there are in the house, the more you will attract good luck to the elk on the eve of the holidays.

Elk are a big fan of salt. Therefore, carved figurines made by the hands of a master will act as an excellent and powerful home amulet this year. So if you find a figurine of a forest dweller cut out of a piece of rock salt on a shelf in a souvenir shop, then be sure to buy it and decorate your home with it for the New Year.

By the way, such a small souvenir is an excellent gift for friends and relatives. Indeed, over the next 12 months, the totem animal will protect the house and bring good luck to a person’s home.

The best color to wear to celebrate the New Year is considered to be dark and rich. Brown color. On New Year's Eve, you can decorate your house with elements of natural wood, as well as homemade garlands made from beautiful fallen leaves.

Year of the stinging hornet or wasp (1961, 1977, 1993, 2009, 2025)

The Hornet patronizes people who are optimistic and persistent in achieving their goals. Also to all those who are not afraid to persevere and like to have a lot of fun.

It is better to celebrate the year of the hornet fully prepared. And in order to attract the spirit of the totemic patron into your home, make sure that on New Year's Eve it is noisy, satisfying and fun under the roof of your house.

The Hornet is a totem that cannot tolerate lazy and passive people. Therefore, if you are planning to celebrate the new year according to Old Slavonic traditions, you will have to make a lot of effort. Your table should be bursting with all kinds of treats, and the house itself should look festive and full of all kinds of decorations.

You can’t do a noisy feast without honey - a traditional tribute to the totem of the stinging hornet. Make sure that there is at least one delicacy on your table, generously seasoned with bee honey.

Mead is another opportunity to please the stinging hornet, who cannot imagine life without a noisy feast surrounded by family and friends.

On the eve of this holiday you can gather big company, since the stinging hornet loves a warm family environment. But still he does not forget about his friends and buddies. In Rus', it was believed that the more guests there are at your table on this New Year's Eve, the higher your welfare will be in the coming year.

Year of the Lurking Lute or Wolf (1962, 1978, 1994, 2010, 2026)

The lurking lute is the totemic patron of people who are strong in spirit and intolerant of disorder in anything.

To please the ancient Slavic spirit and properly prepare for the coming New Year, you will have to bring perfect cleanliness to your home.

Try to get rid of everything unnecessary, give away useless junk, or even spend general cleaning. All this will allow you to bring prosperity and prosperity into a tidy house.

The lurking lute is the guardian of the family, as well as a wise adviser. It is better to celebrate the coming of the year of fierceness in a narrow circle of family, and with people with whom you are connected by blood ties. It’s not worth celebrating noisily and too cheerfully this year, but organizing a quiet and cozy holiday with your closest relatives is a sound idea.

In order not to upset or scare away the ancient spirit, you should not drink too much or abuse intoxicating drinks. However, the lute will appreciate it if there are meat dishes on your table.

For the holiday, it is better to give things and objects that represent close family ties that speak of your love, loyalty and devotion.

Year of the Fire Veksha or Squirrel (1963, 1979, 1995, 2011, 2027)

The fiery veksha or squirrel is an ancient totemic patron of people who are active, incredibly energetic and everyone who cannot sit in one place. In the old days, on New Year's Eve, Special attention was given to children. It was believed that it was the little restless ones who would have the greatest luck in the coming year.

The fiery Veksha is a lover of mischief, children's fun and noisy games. Therefore, in order to attract good luck and prosperity to your home, gather as many children as possible under your roof, organizing a fun and noisy celebration for them.

And in order to please the totem animal, do not forget to treat the children with sweets with nuts, and also treat them to all kinds of sweet dishes.

Year of the Pearl Pike (1964, 1980, 1996, 2012, 2028)

The coming year of the pearl pike is a time when you should maintain peace of mind and take a break from heavy thoughts.

In Rus', it was believed that the pearl pike patronizes wise and successful people, and also makes all those celebrating to remember long-dead relatives and friends.

On the eve of the coming year, it would be a good idea to take out old family photo albums from dusty shelves so that the whole family can share pleasant memories.

It is better to avoid too much exuberant fun and celebrate the new year with family and close relatives.

Of course, the celebration will not be complete without traditional fish dishes; if you have such an opportunity, then you should not miss the chance to decorate the festive table with fish delicacies.

Pearl pike loves fabrics that sparkle and shimmer in the light, as well as shiny metal utensils. The ancient Slavic spirit will certainly appreciate the new light linen tablecloth.

You can give anything in such a year, the main thing is that such an offering should not only be pleasant, but also useful. Don't spend too much money buying something that is impractical. The pearl pike is an economical creature and intolerant of waste.

Year of the Bearded Toad (1965, 1981, 1997, 2013, 2029)

On the eve of the celebration of the Year of the Bearded Toad, it is worth devoting as much time as possible to creating comfort and a sense of security in your own home.

The bearded toad loves well-groomed and looked after houses, and also patronizes all housewives and neat people.

It’s good if on New Year’s Eve your home looks not only neat, but also decorated with homemade decor.

Traditional colors that attract a bearded toad to the roof of a house are green, swamp and gold. In addition, this particular color palette will help to maintain good luck in the apartment in the coming year, as well as attract material wealth.

Traditionally, the Year of the Bearded Toad is celebrated in a close circle of close people, and the greatest attention is paid to your family.

Gifts should be given that are good and useful, and it is especially important to please your life partner and your children. Gold jewelry, which should be given to the hostess or owner of the house, will also be a good amulet.

The treats on the table should be tasty and hearty at home; it is welcome if the hostess shows imagination for original decoration table.

Year of the Wild Boar (1966, 1982, 1998, 2014, 2030)

The wild boar is an ancient Slavic totemic animal that patronizes people who are slow, prudent and, at the same time, very persistent in achieving their goals.

Everything that is the personification of goodness, quality and status are excellent things that will help attract the spirit of the coming year into your home.

If you have been putting off purchasing some valuable item, then by the coming of the year of the wild boar this desire can be fulfilled. To attract good luck and prosperity to your home, on the eve of the holiday it will not be a bad idea to surround yourself with things made of natural wood, as well as crafts skillfully made by real craftsmen.

The wild boar also values ​​things from genuine leather, so this will be an excellent gift for loved one. In order not to tire the totemic spirit with unbridled fun, it is better to focus on the holiday menu.

A wild boar is a lover of tasty and a lot of food, and therefore the more generous and varied your New Year's table, the luckier the coming year will be.

Year of the White Owl (1967, 1983, 1999, 2015, 2031)

The totem animal, the white eagle owl, patronizes not only all hermits, but also people leading a solitary lifestyle. Gravitating towards mysticism, the white eagle owl loves any magical and unusual objects.

On the eve of the coming year of the white owl the best gift there will be amulets, amulets, original crafts and things related to esotericism.

The white eagle owl pays little attention to the dishes displayed on the table. However, it will be nice if at the feast you are able to please your loved ones with some rare and original dishes. Be sure to add dried fruits and nuts to your list of treats.

Most suitable color palette To celebrate the year of the white eagle owl, the colors are lilac, deep purple and dark blue.

It is best to decorate the New Year tree on the eve of the holiday unusual crafts, symbolizing night and mysticism. Images of the moon and stars, as well as the wisest eagle owl, are ideal for this.

Year of the Hissing Snake (1968, 1984, 2000, 2016, 2032)

Contrary to New Year's traditions, it is better to celebrate the year of the hissing snake in your favorite, but old outfits.

You should not spend your savings on buying expensive dishes, fancy and original food, as well as all kinds of overseas treats.

The hissing one patronizes people who know how to maintain their financial position and who do not allow unnecessary financial expenses. Therefore, it is better to make gifts this year that are economical but practical.

It’s good if, on the eve of the celebration of the year of the hissing snake, your table will have simple classic dishes, served in a rather banal way. Also, the hissing snake totem does not tolerate excessive noise and fuss. Therefore, it is better to celebrate the new year in a narrow family circle.

Last year's garlands and homemade crafts will help you decorate your home and your fluffy fir tree. They will additionally demonstrate to the ancient Slavic spirit your frugality and scrupulous attitude towards money.

This good year to get my grandmother’s dusty set from the sideboard shelf. And also wash and iron the old New Year's tablecloth.

Year of the Sneaking Fox (1969, 1985, 2001, 2017, 2033)

The sneaking fox is an ancient Slavic spirit that has great insight and cunning. However, he is not too decisive.

The fiery forest dweller is a somewhat timid creature. Therefore, those who prefer to spend time exclusively in the circle of their closest people, equal to themselves.

It is better to celebrate the coming of the year of the sneaking fox in new and beautiful decoration, creating a feeling of solemnity and festive splendor.

Traditional shades suitable for this totem are brown, golden and orange. This color palette will help you create an atmosphere of comfort and fun in your home.

The fox is a lover of delicious and delicious dishes, but you still shouldn’t have too much of a celebration. It's much better to focus on menu variety. It’s good if both fish and meat dishes are on your table on New Year’s Eve. Several varieties of original salads, as well as a fruit basket, will not be out of place.

When it comes to booze, cunning foxes prefer something sweet and sticky, so liqueurs and homemade liqueurs are an excellent choice.

In the year of the sneaking fox, you can give all kinds of decorations, good and high-quality things, but you should not choose something too banal. The cunning forest dweller loves to make a good impression with the help of well-chosen gifts and offerings.

Year of the Curled Hedgehog (1970, 1986, 2002, 2018, 2034)

The curled up hedgehog represents quiet family idyll and the reliability of a faithful comrade.

That’s why it’s worth celebrating the coming of this year surrounded by your close relatives and old friends.

A curled up hedgehog is a homebody. But still he does not shy away from noisy fun and a good feast. The beautiful decoration of a human home can also please him. Paper and cardboard garlands, as well as lush tinsel made from foil and other rustling materials, will be very relevant for this year’s celebration.

The cautious and quiet hedgehog is an omnivore, and therefore he will be pleased to see variety and abundance at a feast. For dessert, you should choose sweets that include slices of ripe fruit.

The color palette most suitable for a curled up hedgehog is gray-brown shades, as well as pure white. The Old Slavonic spirit greatly values ​​home comfort, so it will appreciate neat and well-groomed houses in which the owners spared no effort and time in decorating for the holiday.

Year of the Soaring Eagle (1971, 1987, 2003, 2019, 2035)

The totem animal of the coming year is an eagle, soaring high in the sky, from where it can see everything.

The soaring eagle will be incredibly happy about a good and cheerful feast, where there will be a place for both friends and distant relatives.

It is better to decorate your home for the New Year in such a way that it can demonstrate its individuality and originality.

The soaring eagle is a spirit that cannot tolerate insipidity and ordinaryness.

Beautiful decor and lavish decorations will help you prepare for the upcoming celebration. The eagle is flattered by everything shiny, beautiful and bright.

In the year of the soaring eagle, it is better to give something to your loved ones and friends that will emphasize your attitude towards them. It could be something special or original gift, which no one else could have come up with.

Year of the Spinning Mizgir (1972, 1988, 2004, 2020, 2036)

The spinning misgir is an ancient spirit that personifies the desire for superiority and status, but does not forget about its family and friends.

In a spider’s home, the most important thing is comfort and prosperity, as well as the comfort of his family. Therefore, the spinner Mizgir celebrates the winter celebration on a grand scale, but in a homely manner.

To attract this totem animal into your home, it would be a good idea to decorate the holiday with all kinds of textiles.

On your festive table On New Year's Eve, a tablecloth should definitely show off, and it would be better if it had all kinds of lace.

Take care of knitted or at least textile napkins for guests. The mizgir spinner will certainly appreciate your efforts and will bring not only prosperity, but also family happiness to your home.

This year it is customary to give gifts not only to your friends and relatives, but also to your work colleagues. Especially if you are a manager or have subordinates at your disposal. In this case, care and attention to colleagues standing one step lower will work to your advantage. And the generous spider will allow you to achieve tremendous career success in the new year.

Year of the Crowing Rooster (1993, 1989, 2005, 2021, 2037)

The crowing rooster is the patron of somewhat extraordinary, but also cheerful and cheerful people.

The house of a person born under the sign of the crowing rooster will always be noisy, fun and satisfying.

This totem animal pays much attention to younger family members. Therefore, in the coming year of the crowing rooster, it will be useful to ensure that on the eve of the holiday children are generously presented with gifts.

Home decoration is considered especially important as a welcome to the coming year. Moreover, the brighter and more abundant the decor, the higher the likelihood that a crowing rooster will look under your roof, bringing good luck with it. Therefore, you should not skimp on tinsel, New Year's toys and garlands, as well as fireworks.

A loud, magnificent and noisy feast is exactly what the Old Slavonic spirit expects from you.

On New Year's gifts On the day of celebrating the year of the crowing rooster, as a rule, no savings are made. Especially when it comes to purchases intended for small children. And to appease the totem animal even more, collect a large and fun company. And dress up as brightly as possible.

Year of the golden-horned aurochs or bull (1974, 1990, 2006, 2022, 2038)

The golden-horned aurochs is a mythical creature that does not tolerate when the weak and defenseless are offended. Totem cares not only about his family, whom he loves madly, but also about those around him.

At first glance, the golden-horned aurochs looks like a large, good-natured, harmless creature. However, if you anger him, the consequences will not take long to arrive.

In order to attract the patronage of this noble spirit in the coming year, it is worth dealing with old grievances. Also ask for forgiveness from any people you may have harmed in the past. Remember that the golden-horned aurochs does not tolerate betrayal, deception and human meanness. Therefore, meet winter holidays with a pure heart and the same crystal-clear conscience.

The golden-horned aurochs like to celebrate heartily and leisurely. Therefore, he spends most of New Year's Eve at the table. Dishes for offering to the Old Slavonic god can be the simplest and most unpretentious. The basis of the Christmas menu should be vegetable dishes.

Year of the Fire-Maned Horse (1975, 1991, 2007, 2023, 2039)

The symbol of good luck in the coming year is a horseshoe. She's within the next 12 calendar months will have special magical powers.

To lure a fire-maned horse into your home, you should decorate your house correctly.

Things that symbolize the animal itself are perfect for decoration: bells and horseshoes. The same items should be abundantly hung on the New Year tree.

Fire-maned horses are creatures that personify the thirst for change and the desire for constant travel.

Therefore, it is better to make the gifts that you give to your friends and family appropriate. Souvenirs from distant countries, as well as items delivered from overseas lands, are well suited. The more exotic and surprising your gift is, the more it will please the fire-maned horse.

It is better to celebrate the year of the Old Slavonic spirit of the horse in decorations. They attract not only luck and good fortune to the house, but also material well-being. In this case, classic products made of gold and precious stones. Simple ones would also be appropriate. wooden beads or even leather straps.

In the year of the fire-maned horse, you can give children a figurine of a horse or even a rocking horse.

In ancient times, our great-great-great-grandparents, the ancient Slavs, had their own traditions of celebrating holidays. We can remember them from fairy tales that our grandmothers told us, as well as from collections of Russian folk tales that have survived to this day. Ancient traditions carried folk wisdom. After all, the Slavs, our ancestors, knew a lot, lived in harmony with nature, and were friends with various animals and birds, even knew their language! Remember how Ivan Tsarevich was helped by a bear, a pike, and a falcon in the sky to free Vasilisa from Koshcheev’s kingdom? “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows” - this is how almost every one ended folk tale. Therefore, now, listening to our fairy tales, we can learn a lot about our people, about what knowledge and skills our ancestors possessed.

How did our ancestors used to celebrate winter holidays? After all, the tradition of celebrating the New Year on January 1 began only after the decree of Peter 1! And before that, the New Year was celebrated in September, and in ancient times - in March, on the day of the spring solstice.
And what, it turns out that our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers did not have fun in winter, did not decorate the Christmas tree, did not set the table, did not invite guests?
Let's go back to that distant time and see how our ancestors survived the harsh winter?

It turns out that in ancient times people began to celebrate winter holidays on December 24th - it was on this day that Kolyady started, followed by the Great Veles Christmastide. At this time, according to legend, the gates opened between the real world and the world of spirits - the world of Reveal and the world of Navi. And it was important to find mutual language with the supernatural - ask the forces of good for prosperity and protection, and the forces of evil - to properly appease them with gifts.
The Slavs have always considered the oak to be a fairytale tree. And it was on the oak tree that gifts for good and evil spirits were hung. Remember, from A.S. Pushkin: “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak tree...”. Oak is a mighty tree, a symbol of enormous vitality, longevity, the sacred tree of the god Perun. Oak gave people energy and protection. The first bread was baked from oak acorns, grinding them into flour.

Peter 1 made his own changes to the traditions of celebrating the New Year. He ordered to decorate houses and gates with spruce and pine paws, according to the Western model. The tradition caught on quickly, because It was the fir trees and pines that remained green in winter, pleasing to the eye, and all children and adults enjoyed decorating them.
In the old days, the Christmas tree was decorated with various delicacies: nuts in bright wrappers, sweets, red rowan bunches and even vegetables. Wax candles burned on the branches, which then gave way to electric garlands. And shiny balls appeared relatively recently - about a hundred years ago. The top of the Christmas tree was crowned Star of Bethlehem, which was later replaced by a red, five-pointed one.

December 31, the last day of the outgoing year, was celebrated by the Slavs as Shchedrets. On this day it would be good to visit your relatives. Shchedrets is famous for its generously laid festive table. Before the feast, it was customary to amuse the people with songs - “shchedrovkas”. The composition of the mummers was the same as on Kolyada.

Carolers approach a house or a crowd of people and sing: “Generous evening! Good evening!":

Behind the canopy, in the canopy there for new ones
Generous evening, Good evening,
There is a newly built light,
That little room has four windows:
In the first window there is a clear sun,
In the other window - yes, a clear month,
At the third window there is a dark cloud.
The clear sun is his wife,
A clear month is the owner himself,
As small as the stars are his children,
Like a dark cloud, it lives on him.
And from the root - rooty,
And from a straw - stalky,
And from a spikelet - spikelet.
And God forbid, sir, the owner
Oh, live, brew beer,
Brew beer, marry sons,
Give your daughters away in marriage.
Generous evening, good evening!

The main symbol of prosperity and generosity on the festive table of the Slavs was a roasted ruddy pig, since “pork” means “fertility”, from Sanskrit - “to give birth”.

January 1 is the Day of Moroka (Frost), which in ancient times walked through villages and sent severe frosts. Over time, grandfather became kind and generous, taking care of the children, giving gifts.

From January 1 to January 6, the Slavs celebrated Veles Days or Vorozhnye Evenings. This was the second part of the 12-day carols, and it was dedicated to domestic animals - therefore it is associated with the name of Veles, the patron saint of livestock and shepherds. According to tradition, at this time the mummers went from house to house and caroled. Both children and adults love caroling. It’s very good if a friendly company gets together for this. Traditionally, carolers dressed up in costumes of animals - a bear, a bull, a goat, in sheepskin coats and masks turned outward with fur - so that evil spirits would not recognize them.
The carolers are thanked, treated, and given various village delicacies with them - sausages, butter, meat, and sometimes a little money.

The children receive pennies and gingerbread cookies as a reward - “kozulki” - figurines of horses, cows, deer, sheep, birds.

Of course, the main holiday of winter is Christmas, which is celebrated from January 6 to 7, to Orthodox calendar. It is curious that just on January 6, in Turitsy Winter, the Veles Days end, the Navi gates close, the evil spirits go home, and order reigns on earth.

In the ritual side of the Christmas mysteries, an important place is occupied by the so-called nativity scene, which historiographers consider no less than the forerunner of the theater.
Nativity scene is an old Russian word. It means a cave. According to the Holy Scriptures, the Son of God - the Infant Jesus Christ - was born in a den where the Virgin Mary and the righteous Joseph stopped for the night. But a nativity scene was also the name given to an ancient stage puppet show telling the story of the birth of the Child Jesus Christ. It is generally accepted that the history of puppet theater in Rus' begins with this Christmas puppet show.

Traditionally, the nativity scene was a two-level box, sometimes looking like a model of a house or church with a cross on the roof, with a missing front wall - biblical scenes were played out on the second floor, and worldly scenes and everyday jokes on the first floor. The nativity scenes were moved from house to house, from square to square, and there, in front of honest people, performances were performed.
Currently, static nativity scenes are best known.
In the Russian tradition, nativity scenes were small, light, easily portable boxes. Their sizes depended on the size of the dolls themselves. And the nativity figures should not have been smaller than the index finger