DIY calendar as a gift. How to make a calendar with your own hands - original ideas Advent calendar content ideas

In this article we will offer ideas for calendars that you can make yourself.

A calendar is usually a necessary purchase. However, maybe it makes sense to think about having such an item also serve as part of the decor? And if you make a calendar yourself, the interior will also gain some zest!

How to make a calendar with your own hands for children in kindergarten or school: step-by-step instructions, photos

With small children you can make it simple and at the same time unusual button calendar:

  • First of all, you need to ask the baby choose the right size buttons. This task will contribute development fine motor skills hands
  • Next you need to ask the child cut out circles with numbers from paper. Such a task will teach you to handle scissors carefully.

IMPORTANT: The circles must be of such a size that they can fit inside the buttons.

  • Then you need glue the circles into the buttons, and themselves buttons - stick on any calendar base. It could be fabric, cardboard. Such work will develop in the child perseverance, creative thought.

Teachers also advise doing this with your children. weather calendar, which will help your child quickly learn not only numbers, days of the week and months, but also weather phenomena.
Will come in handy:

  • A4 paper
  • Felt thick and thin
  • Velcro tape
  • Fabric and bias tape

IMPORTANT: The dimensions of the bias tape should be approximately 1.5 m.

  • Embroidery threads
  • Needle, scissors

The working process is as follows:

  • First you need to draw on paper sketch.

  • Further a panel is cut out of thick felt approximately 30x42 cm in size. You also need to cut 19 parts to indicate months and days of the week in 2x10 cm format, 12 parts for numbers measuring 4.5x7 cm, 6 or more parts for weather measuring 10x10 cm.

  • Next are created blanks made of thin felt.

  • Now they're getting chopped strips of Velcro tape.

  • Then ribbons need to be sewn to felt pieces sticky side out.

  • It's time to prepare number patterns.

  • Numbers needed cut from thin felt.
  • Next you need felt numbers place on thick felt strips and sew them among themselves.

  • Further Weather phenomena are cut out of thin material– sun, clouds. The rain can be cut out, or you can simply embroider it.

IMPORTANT: They should also be sewn to pieces of thick fabric.

  • On small strips you need write months, days of the week. Preferably used for this purpose disappearing marker– you can embroider on it, and the paint itself will come off over time.
  • Now you need to cut and sew or simply embroider a phrase with thread on the largest base for the craft "Weather calendar".
  • Further Velcro is sewn on according to the diagram below:
  • Now you can take care creating a pocket– you can put all the removable parts in it. Are cut out one blank size 17x32 cm, two blanks 15x32 cm each, one stripe 10x63 cm.

IMPORTANT: Parts with a format of 15x32 cm must be rounded along one edge.

  • Now two identical blanks are folded with their front sides facing each other, stitched on three sides, and then turn out. On the edge that is not sewn, you need to do seam allowances, tuck them in, stitch to the edge. Attached to the top with threads Velcro.
  • Further The fabric strip needs to be folded with the wrong side out, ironed, and sewn to the pocket. At the same time, the allowances are turned over to the pocket and attached.

  • To your pocket the second part of the adhesive strip is sewn on, and the pocket itself is sewn to the blank for the calendar.

IMPORTANT: The corners of the large felt blank must be aligned so that it ultimately follows the outline of the pocket.

  • Top and bottom connected pocket The edges should be hemmed bias tape.

  • Top corners calendar is worth providing loops– with their help the calendar should be attached to the wall. And so that the loops are not conspicuous, you can decorate them with sticky strips– symbols of the month can be attached to such strips in the future.

How to make an advent calendar from felt?

So-called advent calendars, which count from the first day of December to the last, are especially popular in European countries. After all, each day corresponds to a certain pocket in which a surprise is hidden. Often people create such calendars on their own. So, For a felt gingerbread house calendar you will need:

  • Felt is a must have Brown color, since the gingerbread house is exactly that shade. Other colors are selected at your discretion
  • A hanger on which clothes are usually placed
  • Threads, needles, scissors
  • Decor – buttons, sequins, beads, sparkles

It’s not difficult to create such beauty:

  • Made from brown felt need to create two large basic patterns for the house.

IMPORTANT: They must be wide enough to accommodate the hanger.

  • Blanks needed sew right sides facing out.

  • Now it's worth cut out pockets. You should not immediately glue them onto the base - it is preferable to think about the plot in advance and, if necessary, decorate the pockets before placing them on the calendar. This will make the job much easier.
  • Don't forget about in numbers! They can be cut from the same felt or from any other fabric. You can also attach it in any way you like - with Velcro, glue, thread.
  • The final and most creative stage remains - decor! You need to stick snow-covered window sills and roof, Christmas tree, candy canes, snowmen, etc. on the house.

How to make a desk or desk calendar from paper and cardboard? How to make a scrapbooking calendar with your own hands?

To create such a calendar, you will need:

  • A4 cardboard

IMPORTANT: It is preferable to choose the following density – 250 g/cm2. This density is observed in photo cardboard.

  • Scrap paper with any motifs
  • Springs if there is a binder or rings if there is none
  • Decor elements
  • Printable calendar grid for 2019

You can get started:

  • First of all, you need crease the base cardboard, that is, creating a groove for further folding of the material. A regular fold in half can damage the image, so creasing is preferable. It is advisable to use a special board for this process.

IMPORTANT: Of course, not everyone can have a board, so you can make do with improvised materials. For example, a ruler and a pen that does not write.

  • After creasing the cardboard needs to be folded into a kind of triangle, which will be stable on the table.
  • In order to make the sides of the calendar elegant, you need each of them decorate with scrap paper. When cutting out rectangles, be sure to take allowances into account. About enough for them 2-3 mm.
  • Now rectangles are glued to a photo cardboard base.
  • Next you can do calendar grid.

IMPORTANT: The leaves should be designed in any form you like and printed so that each month is located on a separate piece of paper.

  • You can start decorating front side of the calendar.
  • Next, the leaves with months are placed in a stack, and the stack is processed binder. The binder also needs to be used to process the base for the calendar. If there is no such tool, you can do fastening with rings.
  • Now you need some leaves string on a spring or rings, attach to the base.

How to make a wall calendar: description, ideas, photos

To make the following universal calendar you need:

  • Cork board
  • Buttons that are convenient for attaching something to such a board
  • Colored cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Markers

Operating procedure:

  • You need to cut out days from colored cardboard for every month. Colors can be alternated at your discretion.
  • Then pieces of paper are attached to the board buttons, and The numbers are written with a marker.

IMPORTANT: It is most convenient to attach not all months, but one current one.

  • On separate sheetthe name of the month is written.
  • That's it - you can hang the calendar on the wall! The period of the month change is marked a new portion of paper-days. By the way, you can not only draw numbers on the leaves, but also write notes.

The next calendar idea is similar, but has its own nuances. For production you need:

  • Cardboard base with picture frame. A glazed base is required. Preferred size not less than 30x40 cm
  • Colored cardboard or colored paper. Stickers can be used
  • Double sided tape
  • Scissors
  • Marker

IMPORTANT: You need to select a marker on water based, traces of which can be easily removed with a sponge.

Let's get started:

  • The basis is needed mentally demarcate into 31 sections– one current month will be presented.
  • Further stickers are attached. If you only have colored paper at hand, you need to cut it into squares, which, in turn, should be attached using double-sided tape.

IMPORTANT: There is no need to write anything on these pieces of paper yet!

  • If provided decor, It's worth addressing it at this stage.
  • All that remains is cover the workpiece with glass. It's already there you can make marks– month, days, various notes.

How to make a tear-off calendar from paper: description, ideas, photos


  • Regular wooden board
  • Board on which you can write with chalk
  • White acrylic paint, as well as a multi-colored set of paints
  • Spray paint
  • Clamps, screws for them
  • Paper
  • Double-sided tape

The operating procedure is as follows:

  • Wooden board should be covered white paint.
  • After the paint has dried, you need to apply stripes and other patterns. colored paint.

IMPORTANT: It is preferable to apply the paint randomly.

  • Then, in the place where the chalk board will be attached, you need attach tape.
  • Board attached.
  • The clamps need to be coated with paint, which is sprayed. It is preferable to leave gaps - this will create an antique effect. Or you can scrape off fresh paint.
  • With screws The clamps are attached to the board.
  • The calendar is ready! Left Attach pieces of paper to the clips on which dates will be written. As the dates progress, the pieces of paper will be torn off. You can write months on the board.

How to make a calendar with photographs from cardboard: ideas, manufacturing schemes, photos

Favorite photos can be added to the calendar quite simply. All you need is:

  • Actually, the photographs
  • Cardboard
  • Pre-printed calendar grids with months and dates
  • Scissors
  • Hole puncher
  • Double-sided tape or glue
  • Satin ribbon or twine

You can start:

  • So, first of all, you need compare the sizes of photographs, cardboard blanks and calendar grids.

IMPORTANT: They must match.

  • Photo need to stick on cardboard.
  • Then you need to do holes at the bottom of the cardboard with photo and at the top of a stack of sheets with dates.
  • Need to connect the photo to the calendar grid. And this can be done using twine or tape.

Advent calendar in the form of a herringbone Advent calendar in the form of bags Advent calendar with buckets Bright desktop easel calendar with thematic drawings suitable for each month

There are an endless number of options for creating calendars. This is what makes handmade unique, which allows you to decorate your interior with unique things. And as a gift, such a calendar is quite versatile!

A few ideas for creating calendars with your own hands:

Hello, Dear friends my blog! I haven’t even started writing the article yet, but I’m already in a festive mood. Still would! After all, today we will be inspired magical ideas and create New Year's Advent calendar 2018. Consider interesting options, so that each of you can make it with your own hands, even if you are not used to needlework! I’ll also give you a lot of cool ideas for assignments and Advent activities. These 2 lists are my little gift to you to make your calendar amazing and fun.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been wanting to make an advent calendar for my son for two or three years now. However, something always got in the way. Either there was not enough imagination, or mood, or time. But this time I will definitely do it. The child’s age is just right (5 years old), and you can come up with a lot of interesting tasks, and even the youngest one will be one year old, she will also get something.

While I was looking for possible options for advent calendars for myself and you for the coming 2019, many times I came across interesting variations in almost any type of needlework. So, if you like to sew, you can sew New Year’s bags from multi-colored fabric or sew a Santa Claus figure with pockets. Pockets made of felt, or with stripes made of it in the form of snowflakes and figures, look very nice.

If you like to embroider, you can embroider a picture with a New Year’s motif on fabric, and under the picture sew pockets for all days, decorating them with symbolic small elements. By the way, if you take not ordinary fabric, but plastic canvas, then the work will hold its shape, it will be easier to hang it on the wall and it will look even more unusual.

For those who know how to knit, prepare colorful socks or caps or bags. For those who are keen on scrapbooking, decorate matchboxes or full-fledged boxes, make a desk calendar. You can also make an advent album in which they will hide in pockets interesting tasks, and next to them a subsequently printed photograph of how the child coped with them. Cool, did I come up with this?)

If you love baking, then look towards gingerbread houses, or just dough figures - snowmen, men, snowflakes, etc. Use protein cream to write the corresponding numbers on them, and then just make sure that the child does not gobble up all the creations with joy.

But even if you don’t know how to do anything, don’t rush to get upset! After all, an advent calendar can be made using any available means - multi-colored, and even ordinary white paper, cut out or ready-made snowflakes, plastic cups, jars baby food, wooden planks, beads, lace, stickers, tin buckets, boxes, colorful socks, caps and much more. What is your imagination enough for?

Advent calendar what is it

I was so carried away by ideas that I almost forgot to tell you what an advent calendar is. Surely, my inquisitive readers will be interested to know how it arose. In general, the word Advent comes from religion, which means the period of the beginning of the Nativity Fast (adventus - arrival). While waiting for the Nativity of Christ, people carefully prepared for it.

Of course, the adults knew exactly how much time was left before the Holiday. But how to convey this to children was up to the adults to decide for themselves. For example, the inventive Lutheran theologian Wichern solved this question in this way. At the same time, he raised several ripples, whom he took into his house from the poorest families. And each of them bombarded our hero with questions about when Christmas would come.

Soon he got pretty tired of it. Still would. Tired of endless questions, he simply left home before the holidays. Joke. He made a wreath from a large wooden wheel. So what, you might think. So, this wheel was carefully decorated with candles, small of which were lit alternately every day. And the big ones Sundays. After this, the children themselves clearly saw and calculated when the long-awaited day would come.

But this is not an isolated example. Thanks to similar questions from another child, his mother once baked 24 meringues, attaching them one at a time to paper. Her little Gerhard Lang tore them off and ate one a day. Growing up, inspired by this idea, he offered to print a waiting calendar at the printing house where he worked.

So, back in 1903, the first printed Advent was published in Germany. It consisted of pictures of toys and Christmas poems. In addition, children could put special stickers on top of the windows with poems. This created a real sensation, and soon other companies began to develop their own calendars.

The popularity of Advent has experienced ups and downs, and also depended on the situation in the world. So, in times of war and famine, instead of Christian symbols and cute pictures, soldiers and guns appeared. During food shortages, chocolate and sweets were no longer used.

Now these calendars are again popular all over the world. You've probably seen chocolate sets with opening doors on sale? In addition to these, they are also sold in the form of books, toys and posters. But the ones that are made with your own hands are probably still more interesting for a child.

And by the way, it is not necessary to make such a calendar secret from the child! If you start making this together, then in addition to joy and entertainment, you will bring a lot of benefits and become emotionally closer while creating together! What could be more valuable than childhood memories?

The beauty of advent calendars is that children are immersed in the magical anticipation of the New Year. And so that they don’t get bored, you can help them cope with the tedious anticipation, teach them how to count days and time, and at the same time spend time usefully.

How to do it? Every day the child receives a small task that accompanies a new number on the calendar. Try to make them really interesting, not just educational, and have a winter theme. You know best what is best for your child.

Advent calendar tasks for children

And I will offer only a small list of ideas for tasks in the advent calendar. Some of them are educational, some are entertaining. I think from 50 points you will choose something interesting for yourself!

  1. Learn the dance of little ducklings and dance with the whole family
  2. Make a Christmas tree toy
  3. Cut out snowflakes
  4. Learn a New Year's poem
  5. Do any good deed
  6. Learn and perform a New Year's song
  7. Make a bird feeder and feed them
  8. Bake cookies or decorate your mom's
  9. Make a gingerbread house with your mom
  10. Skiing/sledding/skating
  11. Watch a New Year's movie
  12. Decorate the house for the holiday, decorate the Christmas tree
  13. Make a gift
  14. Make your own postcards
  15. Build snowmen on the street
  16. Play snowballs
  17. Do experiments with water and ice
  18. Come up with plans for next year
  19. Write a list of achievements and interesting events for the current year
  20. Go to the theater
  21. Create your own home idea
  22. Any creative work that is interesting to the child (burning, tinkering, building, sculpting, drawing, embroidering...)
  23. Complete a quest on a specific topic
  24. Arrange a family photo session
  25. Go on a visit or invite someone to your place
  26. Throw a masquerade party
  27. Go to the cinema
  28. Launch firecrackers, fireworks on the street
  29. Take a trip to the winter forest with your family
  30. Read a book about winter or upcoming holidays
  31. Find out how New Year is celebrated in different countries
  32. Write a letter to Santa Claus
  33. Take a walk around the city decorated for the holidays
  34. Go with the whole family to a cozy cafe
  35. Write your own fairy tale
  36. Choose or make a costume for the New Year
  37. Make carnival masks
  38. Make homemade ice cream
  39. Play board games with family or friends
  40. Make an album with photos
  41. Girls to do new hairstyle, boys update their haircut
  42. Take the quiz, solve the crossword puzzle
  43. Make a garland (from paper, beads, cardboard or other materials)
  44. Make homemade play dough
  45. Prepare salty dough, make figures and color them
  46. Come up with a New Year's wall newspaper for the whole family
  47. Prepare candied tangerine peels
  48. Have a warm family evening with candles, heartfelt conversations and goodies on the table
  49. Make funny prediction notes for New Year's Eve
  50. Assemble puzzles

Share in the comments any other tasks that can be added to this list!

Advent calendar content ideas

These were assignments. But these calendars can be filled with all sorts of surprises that cause surprise and delight in children. And even if they do not fit into the designated compartments, this is not a reason to refuse them. Prepare, for example, a holiday package, and the child will know that a present will be waiting for him there every day. Below is a huge list of ideas for what you can put:

  1. Sweets – both store-bought and homemade (kinders, cookies, chocolates, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, chupa chups...)
  2. Nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits in beautiful packages
  3. Small figures (soldiers, animals, etc.)
  4. Hair clips, hair ties
  5. Children's cosmetics
  6. Pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, stamps, paints, brushes, plasticine, etc.
  7. Stickers, including New Year's on windows
  8. Blanks for creativity
  9. Child's collectibles
  10. Air balloons
  11. Small toys
  12. Coloring pages
  13. Bubble
  14. Baby books
  15. Kaleidoscope
  16. Rubik's cube and other puzzles
  17. Puzzles.
  18. Face painting
  19. Compass, city map
  20. Flashlight
  21. Funny mittens or socks
  22. Unusual mug
  23. Stencils for drawing
  24. Bath toys
  25. Constructors
  26. Stand for markers and pens
  27. Tickets for cinemas and other events
  28. Magazines
  29. Slime.
  30. Antistress toys.
  31. Children's tie or bow tie.
  32. Set of engravings
  33. Children's thermos
  34. Sequins, glitter
  35. Glow in the dark markers
  36. Rubber jumpers
  37. Firecrackers
  38. Sparklers
  39. Serpentine
  40. Molds for kinetic sand or creating plaster figures
  41. Small mirror
  42. A beautiful comb or comb
  43. Sky paper lantern
  44. Doll furniture
  45. Children's sword for games
  46. Handbag, cosmetic bag or backpack
  47. Beautiful pencil case.
  48. Notepad
  49. Multi-colored note block
  50. Snowball
  51. Bath bombs
  52. Aroma candle
  53. Ring throw
  54. Road checkers or backgammon
  55. Magnets
  56. Crystal growing kit
  57. Reflectors for clothes
  58. Bell or other bicycle accessories
  59. Sports water bottle
  60. Carnival accessories
  61. Decoration
  62. Badges for clothes
  63. Flashlight lamp
  64. Musical instruments (tambourines, accordions, pipes...)
  65. Mosaic
  66. Hand toys
  67. Finger Theater
  68. Matryoshka
  69. Checkbox
  70. Fun toothbrush
  71. Ice cream molds
  72. Ice freezing molds
  73. Multi-colored juice straws
  74. Money box
  75. Children's wallet
  76. Spirograph for drawing
  77. Water polo toy
  78. Towel expanding in water
  79. Tattoo stickers
  80. Keychain
  81. Calendar

Well, do you like lists? I am 100% sure that you yourself would not give up such wealth if you were a child. What can I say, some items will be nice for adults too!

This means that if you have the time and opportunity, you can try and provide suitable gifts and tasks for your husband and close relatives.

I hope you are filled with inspiration and are already thinking about how to make a 2019 advent calendar for your children. Which means the most interesting things are ahead. Create, go for it! Wishing you a Happy New Year and priceless moments!

Until next time, Anastasia Smolinets

We never have to think that such a thing as a calendar can be made with our own hands. After all, we can buy it in any store or use it from our tablet. But if you try at least once to use a calendar made with love by your hands, then every time you take it out, you will feel the warmth of human hands.

From scrap materials you can create a whole work of art that will never compare with a purchased item. Think about what kind of calendar you would like to have and make it, taking inspiration from one of the ideas. Before you start making a calendar, you should think about what form it will be in: wall, desk, etc. Let's look at how to make a calendar with your own hands.

Desk calendar

A handmade paper calendar will help brighten up your office routine and will therefore be an excellent gift for your colleague or you. Let's learn how to make a calendar with your own hands from paper.

You will need to get a few pages of thick paper. Each page is dedicated to one month. The pages will need to be cut out with scissors and shaped into a rectangle.

Next, apply a calendar grid to each page; this can be done using a template or manually. You can find the template on the Internet and print it out, or arm yourself with pencils, felt-tip pens and do everything by hand. You can decorate the pages as you wish, you will need for this color palette, glitter, colored pencils, markers, stickers and other things.

Place each month in order, stack the sheets together, and use a hole punch to poke a hole in the middle of the sheet. Insert the ring there. You can make your calendar in any shape - round, oval, square, heart-shaped. Your imagination is not limited by anything.

So that you can always see the calendar in front of you, attach it to the base. To make the base you will need several sheets, preferably cardboard. Cut out three rectangles from paper, two of them should be the same in length and width. And one needs to be made half the width - this will be the bottom of the base. Next, you need to glue all these pieces together to create a base on which you will attach your desk calendar.

Postcard calendar

This idea is exciting and will bring a lot of pleasure to your household. Throughout the year, you can record on the calendar the events that happened to you and your family. In 10 years, such a calendar will become a family heirloom, which will be interesting to read.

To make such a calendar, prepare the following things: postcards for each month, a box, scissors, notebook sheets with a wide ruler, twine, stamp.

Take a wide-ruled notebook and cut out small rectangles from the notebook sheets. Stamp the date on each rectangle. But if it is not there, then you can do it manually.

Place all the leaves and cards with the months in a box. The leaves should be arranged by date, with each month highlighted by a postcard.

Calendar with photos

Select your photos, prepare leaves, colored cardboard, fastening elements - glue, tape, colored paper, ribbon (most suitable satin ribbon). Instead of photographs, you can take any pictures, such as images from films, landscapes, etc.


  • Photos must be the same size, this should be taken care of at the very beginning.
  • Prepare paper sheets suitable size on which you can glue photos. Do this with glue or tape.
  • Connect all the leaves together according to the days and months. Make a hole at the top through which you need to thread the ribbon.

If you know Photoshop, then you can print out the leaves yourself with a beautiful background and calendar grid. Print your work on a printer. Although sometimes it is impossible to print sheets in the format you need on a printer. In this case, you can resort to the services of photo studios or printing houses. After that, you can glue your photos and you will get a calendar dear to your heart.

Wall calendar - planner

If you want to make a calendar that will remind you of important things or events, then try making this option. Take a large sheet of paper - whatman paper, draw 12 sectors or 31 squares there.

In each of these sectors you can enter the information you need. Label sectors by month or squares by day. Now you can add any information related to your life there - plans for the coming months, birthdays of your loved ones, vacation days, etc.

You can make a universal wall calendar from canvas that will help you not just for one year, but for several. To do this, you need to find a canvas that is the right size for you. Draw borders on it, you should have 7 columns and 5 rows. This must be done using ribbons. Attach pretty pins where the lines intersect. On back side The ribbons can be secured with wire cutters.

You will need colored paper or cardboard, from which you need to make squares with numbers indicating the days of the week. Use double tape to attach them to each cell. The names of the month can also be prepared from colored paper and pasted on. Now you can write about any events and reminders on stickers and stick them on the date you need.

Perpetual calendar

You can make a perpetual calendar from any hard material, such as plywood or cardboard, or preferably wood. It will serve you faithfully for many years. In the base box of such a calendar there are a couple of cubes, where the days of the week and a block with months are written. A minimum set of numbers from 0 to 5 is applied to one cube.

The numbers from 0 to 9 are written on the second cube; the number 9 is not written, since its role could well be played by the number 6. The names of the months are written on the edges of three long bars.

If you want to make such a calendar from wood, then you need to prepare tools such as a saw, cutter, jigsaw to work with them on wood. We cut out cubes and bars. Sandpaper You need to sand your wood pieces.

Inscriptions are applied to the block cubes different ways. If you are confident in your drawing abilities, you can do it by hand using a brush and paint.

If not, make a template that you can trace. You can also apply numbers using a burning machine, wood cutters, or simply stick on buttons with numbers. You can soak your wood pieces in oil to give them a more attractive appearance.

The calendar case is made from pieces of plywood. The back wall must correspond to the entire length of the structure of cubes and bars. The size of the side wall should correspond to the width of the cube and the width of the back wall, the height of the cube and the thickness of the block. All cubes and bars should fit on the bottom.

The structure can be secured with carpentry nails or glue. The body can be decorated to make it look more attractive by painting it or sticking various images on it.

Such a calendar will not gather dust somewhere in the back of a closet; it will serve people faithfully and also decorate the room.

Simple wall calendar

There is the easiest option to make a calendar with your own hands, on which you can practice first. Take a simple sheet of paper and cardboard and draw 7 columns and 5 lines on it by hand. The lines must be absolutely straight with equal intervals. Label the columns and rows with days of the week and months.

Decorate your calendar with pictures or stickers. A color palette or stickers will help you with this. You can highlight important dates in a special way by sticking some small accessory or picture on them. For example, on the New Year's date you can stick a snowflake or a Christmas tree, on a birthday - a flower. If it is your sister's birthday, then stick a small photo of her on this date. Fold the sheets, make a hole, tie with twine or ribbon and hang on the wall.

If you like to draw and do it well, then simply paint a piece of whatman paper, having first outlined it and made the necessary notes. You can hang a wall calendar on a nail or hook, which must first be placed on the wall.

Show your imagination and create various options calendars yourself. You can present your crafts to your loved ones, especially on such a holiday as New Year. This will be a great sign of appreciation and they will be happy to receive such a wonderful gift from you.