Nature calendar in the library. You and I need the Earth: environmental education in the library. Let's take care of the Baltic Sea

Hello everyone! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch! Do you know when to congratulate a polar bear on the holiday? When should you give gifts to a tiger? Do not know? We'll fix it now! The ShkolaLa blog presents to your attention the latest ecological calendar nature with official dates, short explanations and beautiful pictures!

Lesson plan:


Reserves and national parks of Russia

This day began to be celebrated in 1997. Why exactly January 11? The fact is that on January 11, 1916, the first nature reserve was created in Russia. It still exists, called Barguzinsky, located in Buryatia, located on the eastern coast of Lake Baikal. And they created it in order to preserve the Barguzin sable and other animals of Lake Baikal.

This oldest reserve in our country is part of the “necklace of reserves” of Russia. And today in total Russian Federation there are more than 100 nature reserves and 35 national parks.


Protecting marine mammals

The second name is Whale Day. Celebrated worldwide on February 19th. Aimed at protecting not only whales, but in general all marine mammals and animals living in the seas and oceans. Whale Day was established in 1986, when a ban on the killing of whales and the sale of whale meat came into force.

Currently, only aborigines living on the shores of the seas and oceans are allowed to hunt whales and other sea animals. These people need whale meat to live. But, unfortunately, there are also poachers. They continue to kill whales, despite all the prohibitions, causing irreparable damage to nature.

Support the polar bear

This day, February 27, is celebrated by people all over the planet in order to attract public attention to the problems of these huge snow-white animals. Polar bears are considered the largest land animals on earth. The height of a polar bear can reach 1.5 meters and a length of 3 meters. Interestingly, the bear's white fur hides very dark skin.

Polar bears live on the northern plus of our planet. They feel great at temperatures of -45...50 degrees. Polar bears are listed in the Red Book, but this does not stop poachers who continue to hunt them. Today, polar bears are on the verge of extinction. They need the protection of all humanity.


Let's not offend the squirrels

Squirrels are baby seals. Charming harmless creatures dressed in beautiful white fur coats. And it is precisely because of these beautiful fur coats that the squirrels are killed. Hundreds of thousands of babies die every year.

Every year on March 15, protests are held around the world to protect the squirrels. For a long time, hunting seal pups was officially allowed in Russia because of their valuable fur. Fortunately, in February 2009, the Russian Federation banned the killing of white seals, but this ban did not affect adult seals. And for poachers, as usual, the law is not written. And the squirrels continue to die, and caring people continue to fight.

Let's protect forests

The date was set in 1971. Forests are the lungs of our planet. If we divide all the forests of the earth into 5 equal parts, then one part is the forests that grow on the territory of our country. And if something happens to them, it will be bad not only for us, but for the entire planet.

Forests regulate the temperature on Earth, purify the air, produce oxygen, and provide shelter for many species of animals. They need to be protected. A large number of forests are dying due to human fault. They are threatened by fires, soil pollution, and thoughtless cutting down of trees. The fact that the forest is one of our main natural resources must always be remembered, and not just on March 21.

World Water Day

It has been celebrated in Russia since 1995.

Water is nature's most valuable resource! If there was no water on earth, then there would be no life here. A person cannot live without water, and he himself is 2/3 water. On March 22, environmentalists remind people that water must be conserved, not wasted, and not polluted.

When drinking water flows from the tap in unlimited quantities, it is difficult to understand its value. But scientists have calculated that by the 25th year of this century, about 3 billion people will experience water shortages, as water supplies on the planet are depleted at a very rapid pace.

Let's take care of the Baltic Sea

The date has been celebrated since March 22, 1986. The Baltic Sea is a water corridor that connects Russia, Asia and Europe. It must be said that the corridor is very dirty. Huge amounts of pollutants enter the water area due to municipal drains of cities, waste discharges by industrial enterprises, operation of maritime transport, and emergency oil spills.

All this leads to the death of marine life and the growth of harmful toxic blue-green algae, which makes the water cloudy and pollutes the coastline. The waters in the Baltic Sea are renewed very slowly, and negative impact on him a person can become a time bomb.


Let's wave to the birds

In the USSR, Bird Day has been celebrated since 1927. But in the 60s of the 20th century, this tradition was interrupted and was revived in Russia in 1999. In our country, birds have always been treated very carefully. Our ancestors considered the return of migratory birds a holiday; they even baked larks from dough for this occasion.

On April 1, International Bird Day, it is customary to hang birdhouses and feeders for feathered friends. Today, this is not the only, but the most famous “bird” holiday in our country.

Let's save the snowdrops

This holiday originated in 1984 in Great Britain, where snowdrops are treated with great respect and are considered protection from various unpleasant incidents. Every Briton tries to surround their home with snowdrops. Then this one beautiful holiday adopted by residents of many other countries. They celebrate it annually on April 19th.

Interestingly, the flower we know as “snowdrop” has other names. For example, the Germans call it “snow bell”, the Bulgarians call it “badass”, the British call it “snow drop”, and the Czechs simply call it “snowflake”. Snowdrops symbolize the beginning of spring and the onset of warmth. Snowdrops are listed in the Red Book of Russia. They cannot be picked for bouquets or for sale. And those who buy snowdrops from poachers contribute to their destruction.

Let's save planet Earth

In general, our planet has two holidays. Another “Earth Day” is celebrated on March 20; it has a peacekeeping focus. And on April 22, increased attention is paid to the environmental problems of the planet. Russia has celebrated Earth Day since 1992.

The earth is our common home! It is very stupid to litter a house, blow it up and offend those who, like the people, live in it. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. On April 22, scientists around the world gather for round table to discuss the planet's environmental problems and find ways to solve them. well and ordinary people They go out on cleanup days and do cleaning and landscaping.


Let's smile at the Sun

This holiday originated in 1994. It was created to draw people's attention to the possibilities solar energy. In Europe, events are held on May 3 to demonstrate its use. Scientists believe that solar energy is the future. It is cheap and environmentally friendly. This is not a fuel that must first be extracted and then burned, and therefore pollute the environment.

Let's help Volga

This holiday was established in 2008 as a sign of respect to Mother Volga. It is widely celebrated in cities located on the banks of this largest river in our country. On May 20, charity concerts, fairs, and exhibitions of artists' works are held in cities.

But the main goal of Volga Day is not fun at all, but to attract public attention to the environmental problems of the river. People go out on cleanup days and clean up the coastal zone of pollution. Various educational and entertainment activities are held for children.

Let's preserve biological diversity

Previously, this day was celebrated on December 29. But due to the fact that people's attention last days year was focused on other holidays (New Year and Christmas), it was decided to move it to another day, namely May 22. This day is dedicated to everyone who lives on the earth or grows on it. It began to be celebrated in 2001.

The biological diversity on our planet is constantly declining. Many species of animals, fish, insects, and plants are lost forever, while others are on the verge of extinction. But the disappearance of any type of flora and fauna can upset the ecological balance on the planet and lead to disaster.

Let's take care of turtles

The holiday appeared in 2000 on the initiative of the Turtle Protection Society. It is celebrated in many countries around the world. Turtles are the same age as dinosaurs. They have lived on earth for 220 million years. They even survived the ice age, but now they can be destroyed due to human fault.

On May 23, environmental activists are trying to draw attention to the problems of these amazing animals, to achieve a ban on the use of household items made from turtle shells and on the use of turtle meat as food.

Let's meet the snow leopard

In Altai, this holiday has been celebrated annually on May 26 since 2010. With its help, animal rights activists want to convey to everyone the information that the number is decreasing. Currently, there are only 200 of these beautiful cats in Russia.

Snow leopards are listed in the Red Book; hunting them is strictly prohibited. But this does not stop poachers; they are attracted by the beautiful skin of the animals. In order to preserve the snow leopard as a species, people raise animals in captivity, in zoos.


World Environment Day

This day was established in 1972. It is celebrated all over the world. This is a very important date. Pollution environment is gaining momentum every day and is becoming a threat to the existence of humanity. And either people will end the pollution, or it will end them.

It is customary to celebrate June 5 various events aimed at environmental protection and nature conservation. How clean the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat will be depends not only on large industrial enterprises or environmental organizations, but also on every person living on planet Earth.

Let's save the oceans

70% of the earth's surface is the world's oceans, which today also suffers from human activity. The oceans are subject to both direct pollution when garbage is dumped into their waters or oil spills, and pollution through precipitation. Animals and plants that call the ocean home are suffering.

On June 8, a huge number of actions are taking place around the world aimed at publicizing the problem of the oceans and protecting them. Exhibitions, seminars, conferences, and festivals are held.

We will fight desertification and drought

Desertification is one of the most serious dangers threatening humanity. It leads to the disappearance of 24 billion tons of fertile land per year. Africans face this problem. Due to drought, they are unable to farm and lack drinking water. Therefore, they are forced to leave their native lands and move to new places.

In Russia, the problem of desertification and drought is observed in the Republic of Kalmykia. If desertification is not combated, then hot deserts will soon appear in place of green meadows.


Let's help the tiger

The tigers had their own holiday in 2010. On July 29, tigers who live in zoos receive increased rations, and in the wild, support from animal rights activists who raise funds to solve tiger problems. And tigers have the same problems as snow leopards. They are disappearing! This is facilitated by deforestation, mining and poachers. Tigers are listed in the Red Book and need our protection.


Let's ban nuclear weapons

On August 6, 1945, a terrible tragedy occurred on our planet. The United States of America dropped a nuclear bomb on the city of Hiroshima, which is located in Japan. The explosion was so powerful that most of the city was destroyed. More than 200 thousand people died or went missing. Another 200 thousand civilians were exposed to radioactive radiation and lost their health forever.

Since then, August 6 has been considered Hiroshima Day. People around the world are holding actions aimed at banning the use of nuclear weapons. And in Hiroshima itself, a memorial ceremony is held and a “Peace March” is held under the slogan “No to war and nuclear weapons!”


Let's save Lake Baikal

Baikal is the oldest lake on our planet. Scientists believe that it is more than 25 million years old. And it is also the deepest and purest! The lake even has its own holiday, which is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of September.

Baikal is a huge reserve of fresh water. If all the water in the lake is divided among all the people now living on earth, then it will last for 40 years. Baikal is a real gift from nature and you need to cherish this gift like the apple of your eye.

International Day for the Preservation of the Earth's Ozone Layer

This date was officially set in 1994. Representatives of 36 countries, including Russia, signed a document that confirmed their agreement to reduce the production of substances that destroy the Earth's ozone layer.

The ozone layer is for our planet like a shield for a knight. It protects the Earth and everyone who lives on it from the destructive effects of solar radiation. It envelops the planet like a thin blanket of gas. Unfortunately, holes began to appear in this protective blanket. Scientists discovered the first ozone hole over Antarctica in the 80s of the last century.

If the ozone layer disappears, then life on earth will cease. Therefore, it is very important to carry out measures to protect it constantly, and not just on September 16th.


Let's protect animals

Just think: “Every hour on earth 3 species of animals disappear irrevocably.” This data was published by the World Wildlife Fund. That's 72 species per day! Just a nightmare! And they disappear due to human fault.

Amur tiger, chimpanzee, dolphin, giraffe, koala, African elephant, peacock, zebra, all these animals could disappear forever if we don’t take care of them. And this is far from full list. Therefore, it is very important for every person to take part in actions aimed at protecting animals that take place on October 4th.

Let's help the Black Sea

On October 31, 1991, six countries, namely Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey and Romania, agreed that they would defend the Black Sea. Protect its amazing ecosystem.

On the last day of the second month of autumn, events are held in these countries aimed at attracting the attention of the world community to the problems of the Black Sea. But the problems are still the same: pollution and excessive fishing. Anyone can take part in exhibitions, video screenings, competitions and quizzes. Schoolchildren are also required to participate in such events. After all, what our Black Sea will be like in the future depends on them.


Celebrating the titmouse holiday

This holiday appeared in Russia on the initiative of the Bird Conservation Union. It is no coincidence that it is celebrated on November 12th. Around this time, people prepare to meet the birds that winter in our area. And these are tits, bullfinches, goldfinches, jays, etc.

On this day, it is customary to prepare feeders and treats for birds, “titmouse treats,” for example, unsalted lard. Wintering birds will certainly say their avian thanks for such human kindness.


Let's pay attention to the mountains

Three charming little schoolgirls spoke about him in great detail. Watch the video)

And that's all for today! I hope that the information will be useful to you and will be useful for children when preparing projects and.

I wish you all the best!

Excellent and interesting studies to the students!

See you again!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

August. Summer decline

Month of August

Air temperature: from +12° C to +22° C;

Daylight hours: 14 hours 54 minutes;

Weather: Warm sun, cold nights;

Wildlife: The birch tree turns yellow, the grass dries, the first flight of birds, the first leaves fall...

August is the time when the heat retreats to quiet, serene warm days. The sun does not heat up so intensely, the evenings become cooler, but the weather becomes calmer, more moderate and comfortable for long walks.

Nature calendar

I week - II week: the days continue to be warm and hot, mild and windless, the average temperature gradually drops to +17° C, lingonberries are ripening, swifts are flying away, the first yellow leaves on the linden

III week - IV week: the sun becomes less hot, as soon as the average temperature drops below +15° C, the first colors of leaves on the birch tree, nature begins to prepare for autumn

Nature observation (August)

Average date

Cabbage blooms

August 1

Wheat harvesting

August 4

Harvesting oats

August 9

Sowing winter rye

August 20

The first unnoticed leaf fall

August, 26th

Frosts possible at night

August 27

Sowing winter wheat

August 27

Harvesting potatoes since the batwa withered

September. Early autumn

Month September

Air temperature: from +7° C to +16° C;

Daylight hours: 12 hours 42 minutes;

Weather: sun, partly cloudy, drizzling rain, frost;

Wildlife: Yellowing leaves, birds flying away...

September - the first signs of the coming autumn are already visible on the trees. The birch tree is the first to begin to play in the autumn rays of the still warm sun with the yellowness of its leaves, the crowns of the trees are covered with the first noticeable gilding. There are many more good ones ahead autumn days Indian summer.

Nature calendar

Week I: slight morning frosts after the night, frost formation, cloudy days are replaced by inconsistent sunny days, leaf fall of birches, flight of cranes

Week II: birds gather in flocks, noticeable yellowing and the first fall of leaves of many trees

Week III: noticeable changes in leaf color, abundant leaf fall, approximate timing of the beginning of “Indian summer”, sometimes even temperature increases above +19 ° C in the sun are possible, ducks fly away

Week IV: cold fronts and night frosts, gradually cumulus clouds are replaced by a continuous veil and gray haze, the approximate end of the “Indian summer”, birds fly south

Nature observation (September)

Average date

Rooks gather in flocks

September 3

First ground frost

4 September

Latest possible thunderstorms

12-th of September

Maple begins to lose leaves

September 14

Hazel tree drops leaves

September 15th

Rowan colors the leaves

September 18

Linden and birch leaves turn yellow

September 19

The beginning of aspen leaf fall

September 19

Maple leaves change color

September 20

The elm completely loses its leaves

September 20

Leaf fall also affects oak

September 20

Aspen and apple trees change leaf color

September 21

Bird cherry and linden leaves completely fall off

September 24

Cranes fly south

September 27

October. Golden autumn

Month October

Air temperature: from +3° C to +9° C;

Daylight hours: 10 hours 30 minutes;

Weather: Fog, long rains;

Wildlife: Abundant leaf fall, departure of the last birds...

October is the month of golden autumn, when the forest briefly dresses in the most colorful golden clothes, the wind noisily swirls the leaves in the fall, lining the forest paths with a golden carpet. The leaves will fall very quickly and the next half of the month will not be so beautiful, but rather rainy, dirty and cool, especially since the first snow will fall very soon.

Nature calendar

Week 1: heavy leaf fall, the brightest contrasting colors of trees, despite half of the discarded leaves, rooks flying away, persistently cold weather is possible.

Week II: the first hints of snow dust in the air, snow is falling but not yet settling on the ground, the end of leaf fall

Week III: in the mornings and evenings, thin ice appears on the puddles, clouds disappear, turning the sky into a gray film of rain

Week IV: the first snowfall, the snow cover already remains on the ground, but after a little time it melts.

Nature Observation (October)

Average date

Aspen leaves completely fall off

October 5

First snow

October 14

The maple tree is completely losing its leaves.

October 14

Birch fell down

October 15

The hazel tree has lost all its leaves

October 15

Last cumulus clouds

October 19

Puddles are covered with ice

October 21

The first snow cover is falling

October 23

Ponds are covered in ice

November - end of autumn

Month of November

Air temperature: from -3°C to +2°C;

Daylight hours: 8 hours 24 minutes;

Weather: Fogs, frosts, first snow, ice drift;

Wildlife: The end of leaf fall, the extinction of nature...

November is a month of fog and cold winds. Winter is coming closer and closer, its cold breath can already be heard, and when the snow falls and almost no noticeable traces of autumn remain, nature wraps itself in a snow-white blanket of thin ice and wet snow.

Nature calendar

Weeks I - II: temperature drop, day and night temperatures around 0° C

Weeks III - IV: a stable cover of snow falls on the ground, rains replace drizzle and snowfalls

Nature observation (November)

Average date

06/16/2017 Folklore and ecological excursion “The Folk Calendar - the Cradle of Nature” was collected in the library-branch No. 5 named after. V.I.Krivobokov junior boys school age

The library hosted a folklore and ecological excursion “The Folk Calendar – the Cradle of Nature”, dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia. Children of primary school age gathered for the event.

The presenter told the children about calendars based on historical information, that folk calendars helped people live in the same rhythm with nature. The children listened carefully to the librarian and asked questions.

Then the librarian played the “Plant and Collect” game. Two teams of 5 people played. At a signal, the first numbers of the team members laid out and “planted” what was in the bag, then the second numbers collected all the items. Of course, in the game it’s easy to plant and harvest crops, but in reality it’s hard work.

The librarian told the children about Russian holidays and customs, about the life of our ancestors, how they lived their lives, how they rested, who they believed and who they worshiped. The children were shown books in which they could read about this.

Then the presenter held the “Take a Wreath” competition, since the Green Loach holiday was celebrated on June 15. On this day in Rus', wreaths were woven to bring happiness to the home. To the cheerful music, the children stood up in a round dance, and wreaths lay in the center. While the music was playing, the players danced in a circle, but as soon as the music stopped, they put wreaths on their heads. Those who did not have enough wreath were eliminated from the game. The winners received prizes.

Everyone took part in the Russian folk game"Rope." The leader tied sticks to both ends of a long rope. The winner was the one who wound the rope to the mark on the stick the fastest.

At the end, the librarian held a “Draw Your Own Calendar” competition. The participants were divided into two teams. The presenter gave each team a piece of paper, glue, colored paper, clippings from old magazines. The guys came up with their own calendars, which included unusual and fantastic holidays. Both boys and girls decorated them in an original and beautiful way.

The history of mankind is inextricably linked with the history of nature. At the present stage, questions traditional interaction it and man have grown into a global environmental problem. If people do not learn to take care of nature in the near future, they will destroy themselves. And for this we need to cultivate environmental culture and responsibility.

The rapidly developing environmental crisis has put humanity in a very difficult situation. One of the serious manifestations of this crisis is its negative impact on human health. Attempts to force people to comply with environmental requirements are not always effective precisely because consciousness and culture have not reached the level where a person perceives these requirements as an internal need, and not as a duty. And we must reorient this task of protecting nature: protecting it not from humans, but for humans.

This can be done through environmental education, awareness and education. This is a large, lengthy and labor-intensive work in which educational and cultural institutions, environmental structures, and public organizations take part. Libraries play one of the leading roles in this process.

Environmental education activities will always be relevant; it may include, depending on the status and specifics of the library’s work, the following areas:

  1. Implementation of environmental education of the population, especially young people, through organizing mass and group events;
  2. Improving information work;
  3. Active assistance in environmental protection activities to regional government authorities, public and other non-profit associations, legal entities and individuals;
  4. Establishing new contacts and improving interaction with other institutions conducting professional activities in the field of environmental protection, scientific and educational institutions, cultural institutions, media, participants in the public environmental movement;
  5. Systematic participation in specific practical actions for nature conservation;
  6. Production of printed and advertising products;
  7. Identification of potentially significant traditional and electronic environmental resources, including local databases maintained in specialized institutions and organizations, as well as similar databases accessed via the Internet;
  8. Coverage of work in the media;
  9. Creation of information products on ecology and environmental protection:

o thematic collections of materials identified from periodicals on ecology and environmental protection;

o environmental digests - fragments of texts from many environmental documents, selected on certain environmental topics and current environmental problems of the region, not covered by generalizing publications, in the logic and sphere of interests of real or potential users;

o factual databases on long-term environmental programs in which the region participates, maintain files of organizations, institutions, and public environmental organizations.

Fostering a love for nature and the beauty of the surrounding world in the library begins with registration her interior. Effectively decorated space with original plants in beautiful flowerpots and vases decorated flower arrangements walls, window sills, shop windows, comfortably organized “green corners” - all this evokes a feeling of familiarity with the wonderful world of living nature. The stand “Nature is our common home” is appropriate, on which detailed information about the environmental activities of the library.

The attention of library visitors will be attracted by the “Living in harmony with nature” corner, where a collage of books, photographs, and illustrations will be presented. Arranged flower arrangements with a caring hand will add a special charm to the corner. By all means, organize exhibitions of books and magazines, the names of which speak for themselves: “The Road to the Nature Reserve”, “Russia: Health of Nature and People”, “Clean Water for Rivers and People!”

Working with reference and bibliographic apparatus on ecology remains one of the most important links in librarianship: a systematic card index of articles with sections on environmental topics with special sections “Man and Environmental Protection”, “Nature and Natural Resources”, “Nature Conservation”.

Readers should be informed about the availability of new literature in the collection through information days held at the library.

· “The world around us is beautiful”

· "We are your friends, nature"

· "In the arms of native nature"

Public events play a special role in the environmental work of the library:

¾ Environmental actions are becoming a tradition for libraries, where library methods are moving on to action. Shares make a real contribution to improving the environmental situation.

¾ Evening of questions and answers “Ecological and economic crisis: do you have a future?”

¾ Round table “Ecology of modern life: are we living correctly? And is it possible to live differently? (it is advisable to invite environmental specialists, university and school teachers, department employees, etc. to such events; they can outline the objective environmental situation in the region, locality, etc.)

¾ musical living room" "The beautiful captivates forever" (use both visual and sound images, as well as moral, aesthetic, psychological aspects of influencing the readership)

¾ “Crow Porridge” holiday, including an ecological marathon in nature, a theatrical game, hanging feeders, and an eco-walk.

¾ competition of creative works “Beads and bracelets from the box of summer” (the purpose of the competition: education of a socially active, creative personality; crafts made from natural materials can be very diverse: and fairy-tale heroes, and various animals, and even entire plot compositions).

Environmental education in libraries takes on new forms that enhance the emotional impact, as they combine environmental issues, art and books. For example, a drawing competition “We are for a world without chemical weapons”, a wall newspaper competition, photo competitions and photo exhibitions: “In the world of flowers”, “In our native land”, “The purity and beauty of our village (city)”, a competition of flower growers “Man-made beauty” , multimedia lessons “Save our planet”, herbal bar, etc.

Many Russian and foreign writers, such as V. V. Bianchi, K. G. Paustovsky, I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov, N. I. Sladkov, M. M. Prishvin, E. E. Seton-Thompson, D. M. Darrell and others , dedicated their creativity to nature. These writers in their works were able to describe it in all its diversity and uniqueness, so the books of these writers help conduct various environmental lessons, conversations, book reviews, quizzes, and organize book exhibitions.

Work on environmental education, as a rule, intensifies during the period of Days of protection from environmental hazards. The beginning of the action can be marked by holding a discussion or round table.

In continuation of the action, initiate environmental landings, actions, raids and environmental patrols:

¾ “Clean Street”,

¾ “Clean Coast”,

¾ “Clean yard”,

¾ "The best defense is care"

¾ "Clean land - clean yard"

¾ “Clean Village”,

¾ “The best front garden”, etc.

Promotions and raids will be more successful the more social partners join in. This year, cleaning and landscaping should also be timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

practical meaning for readers, for example:

¾ digest “Ecology-2015”,

¾ list of scenarios "Ecology-2015",

¾ bibliographic list of articles published in the local press over the past 5 years,

¾ environmental guides, etc.

More and more libraries are creating electronic resources on ecology, web projects and web pages; for example, the Ecoculture website ( contains a list of environmental projects and environmental pages libraries.

The effectiveness of any environmental protection measures largely depends on the environmental literacy and environmental culture of the population, including the younger generation.

Environmental education should, first of all, instill in a person the knowledge and skills of intelligent communication with nature, improve methods and means of constructive participation in nature conservation and rational use of natural resources. “We must cultivate our garden,” said the great French philosopher and writer Voltaire in his work “Candide,” this phrase could become the motto of environmental education and upbringing. It should be noted, of course, that he meant the intellectual, spiritual garden that every person must cultivate within himself in order to become an individual and realize all his potential. Exactly environmental education and enlightenment must play main role in the formation of today's Man.


- “Reserved paths”,

- "Nature's wise advice"

- “Feathered inhabitants of the earth”,

- “Healing Forest”

— “Living Planet”

- “Water in our lives”,

— “Life-giving spring” (for World Water Day)

— “Russian “Columbus” (about travelers)

- “Live, Earth!”

— “How to save the blue planet” (to International Day Earth)

- “And the eternal beauty of nature”

¾ “Book Watch” (for World Environment Day)

— “Let’s throw a lifeline to nature”

- “Nature is not the only thing waiting for you to visit!”

— “They bloom, warming hearts” (about flowers)

— “Seasons of my village”

¾ Cycle about the seasons (4): “Beautiful Winter”, “Elegant Spring Has Come”, “Oh, Red Summer I Would Love You...”, “Autumn Kaleidoscope”

- “Clean ecology - healthy life…»

— “Our Mother Earth” (to World Day Earth)

— “Our cute pets” (for World Pet Day)

- “The beautiful spring has come”

— “Mother of all animal babies” (105th anniversary of birth V.V. Chaplina),

- “Nature, how mysterious you are!”

- “My little Motherland”,

- “My country is immense and bottomless”

- "Seasons"

— “Discover the wonderful world of birds”,

— “Swift and incomprehensible” (for International Bird Day)

— “Nature conservation is the call of the times” (for International Environment Day)

- "Protect the environment!" (for the Year of Ecology)

- “Queen Voditsa”,

¾ “People always and everywhere need water” (for World Water Day)

— “Nightingale Festival” (for International Bird Day)

- “Take care of the nature of your region”,

— “Journey to a green pharmacy” (for International Environment Day)

— “Sun, air, water – this is our life” (for the International Year of Water Cooperation)

— “About our little brothers”: (for World Animal Day)

— “Commandments of Nature”

— “Let's save nature for posterity”

— “What do you know about environmental protection”

— “Let's clean the planet of garbage”

— “Our furry friends” (for World Cat Day)

— “Our feathered friends” (for World Bird Day)

— “Learn the rules of behavior in the forest” (for World Earth Day)

— “Favorite corners of nature” (for World Ecologist Day)

— “Environmental disaster zones”

- “She is your long-time good doctor”

— “Let's look into the world of living nature”

— “Our mutual friend is nature”

— “For those who love nature”

— “My planet is EARTH”

¾ “Nature conservation is the call of the times”

— “Let's save nature” (for International Earth Day)

- “Have you heard about water? They say it’s everywhere!...” (on World Water Day)

— “Our feathered friends” (for International Bird Day)

— “Save the world today” (for World Environment Day)

- “We are responsible for this world!”

— “People are responsible for the cleanliness of lakes and rivers” (2005-2015 – International

decade of action "Water for Life")

— “Travkina wisdom” (about medicinal plants)

— “Let’s save nature - that means we’ll save the Motherland” (for All Day of Protection

surrounding environment)

— “Seven pages about animals and birds”

— “Through a book – love for nature”

— “The world is reflected in a drop of water” (To the International Year of Water Cooperation and the International Decade of Action “Water for Life”)

- “The Earth is a teardrop on the cheek of the Universe!” (for Earth Day)

— “Living in harmony with nature”

— “The world of animals and birds leaves the pages”

— “Living planet - living soul”

- “To the descendants - a flourishing Earth!” (year of ecological culture)

— “Studying our native nature”

— “Walking in the Woods”

— “Through the pages of the Red Book”

— “Our little brothers” (for Animal Protection Day)

— “Water is the source of life” (for World Water Day)

— “The Red Book and its inhabitants” (for Environment Day)

— “Housewarming of Birds”

— “We only have one Earth” (for World Earth Day)

— “The world around us is beautiful” (for Environment Day)

— “Ecological assortment”

— “Books by naturalist writers”

— “The Earth is our home” (for Environment Day)

- “How can we not love this Earth!”

¾ "A Word about Native Nature"

¾ "My favorite cat"

¾ “All about cats”

¾ “My family loves nature”

¾ "In the animal world"

¾ "Nature and Fantasy"

¾ "Quirks of Nature"

¾ "The amazing world of nature"

¾ "Let's save our world"

¾ “Nature needs to be loved”

¾ “Man – harmony – nature”

¾ "Environmental problems of the 21st century"

¾ "Colors of the autumn forest"

¾ “Where do our birds spend the winter?”

Olga Krokhina
Environmental project “Nature calendar in our group”

Type project: ecological, research, long-term

By duration: 2 months

Children's age: 4 years

Educational area: "Cognition". A child discovers the world nature.

Integration of educational regions: "Socialization", "Work", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Safety".

Relevance project:

All phenomena in nature occur in a certain sequence. Every year, the seasons come in a certain order, one after another. In every season natural phenomena also occur at certain times, in a certain order. In spring, the snow melts, plants and animals awaken, and birds fly in. IN summer days animals and birds have new offspring, fruits and berries ripen on trees and shrubs. In autumn, trees lose their green attire, migratory birds fly south, and animals intensively prepare for winter. In winter, the plant world is at rest, many animals hide from snow storms and severe frosts. For a child who is just beginning to understand the world around him, all this arouses great interest. One of the most accessible ways to understand the surrounding reality is to observe it. The child observes, analyzes, draws conclusions.

In the process of introducing preschoolers to nature You can create and use a wide variety of models. Some of them are nature calendars- graphic models that reflect various, long-term phenomena and events in nature.

Maintaining nature calendars It has great importance For environmental raising children from two points vision: first it is created (modeling of phenomena, then it is used in the educational or educational process.

Target project: awakening interest in research activities with natural objects and fostering a caring attitude towards them.


To form elementary skills in children environmental nature.

Learn to notice changes in the weather, phenomena in living and nonliving things nature;

Learn to observe, experiment and draw conclusions.

Develop interest in phenomena and objects nature.

Replenish the development environment in group.

Organization of the corner nature promotes:

developing the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena;

formation of primary ideas about natural diversity of our world;

the formation of elementary ecological ideas;

developing the ability to behave in nature;

nurturing love for nature and the desire to protect it.

Expected results:

Children have formed elementary environmental knowledge and culture of behavior in nature.

Children know the relationship nature, treat living objects with care nature: animals, birds, insects, etc.

Children develop interest in phenomena and objects nature.

Children know how to observe, experiment and draw conclusions.

The development environment in group.

Promoted environmental culture of parents and teachers, understanding of the need for environmental education of children.

Ways of implementation project

project Contents of work with children Interaction with parents

preparatory 1. Drawing up a work plan for project.

2. Collection, accumulation of material.

3. Inclusion in the plan lesson project, games and other types of children's activities.

4. Homework and assignments for independent completion.

5. Create environmental corner project in a group. - Conversation with parents "Getting to know project»

-"Round table" with the participation of parents and children.

Making bird feeders together between parents and children.

Participation in the selection of literature on the problem.

main 1. Preparation of consultations on the topic for parents "Games ecological nature» , "We are watching nature with the whole family»

2. Selection is clear – teaching aids, demonstration material.

3. Develop a file of observations during a walk in the middle group for living and inanimate nature.

4. Develop a plan for composing stories according to the seasons.

5. Selection of proverbs and sayings about the seasons.

6. Selection of poems about the seasons.

7. Selection of pictures on the theme of holidays

8. Card index of conversations ecological nature.

9. A selection of pictures on the topic of children having fun at different times of the year

10. Selection environmental fairy tales for children. - Participation in the selection of didactic material.

Hang bird feeders in the area together with the children.

Consultation for parents

"We are watching nature with the whole family»

Consultation for parents

"Games ecological nature»

final 1. Generalization of materials project.

2. Creating a corner nature in a group.

3. Presentation project on the pedagogical council.

4. Correlation of the set and predicted results with the obtained ones. Presentation of the corner nature for parents


Implementation experience calendars in the practice of kindergartens, showed: the use of this type of modeling has an intense impact on the development of visual-figurative thinking. Work with calendar at all stages(filling in, summarizing, re-examining, comparing similar phenomena) enriches specific ideas children, forms a special type of ideas that reflects the process of changing objects nature in unity with the time parameter. However, the formation of this type of representation is possible only with regular, time-ordered recording of observations. The model thus serves as a means of developing unified spatiotemporal concepts. In addition, when discussing the results of observations, children are forced to compare those recorded on the pages. calendar phenomenon, trace the nature of changes, the relationship of individual components; Thus, they learn to detect temporary and causal relationships and establish the simplest patterns.

Thus, it develops logical thinking, and with it inextricably speech. What is meant here is a special, so-called collective form of speech - a conversation between a teacher and group, when statements are mutually complemented, when the content of a conversation, unified in meaning and complete in form, is created. It should be noted that calendar- this is the subject of a logically structured discussion, which contributes to the development of skills to reason, analyze, compare events, and then reflects them in speech (conclusions, generalizations, i.e. serves as a visual means of teaching logical operations.

In the future given project will help educators achieve good results in their professional activities. The knowledge gained will provide the opportunity to work freely in the field of preschool education.

Practical significance the project is, that it explains in detail the content and requirements for construction educational activities in kindergarten, which will help teachers achieve the highest results in the profession.

Project can be implemented in any preschool educational institution.

List of used literature:

Aksenova, Z. F. Log in nature's friend. Ecological education of preschool children. – Moscow: Sphere shopping center, 2011. – 128 p. – (Teacher's Library).

Gorkova, L. G. Scenarios for classes environmental education of preschool children (middle, high, preparatory groups) / L. G. Gorkova, A. V. Kochergina, L. A. Obukhova. - Moscow: VAKO, 2005. – 240 p. - (Preschoolers: teach, develop, educate).

Egorenkov, L. I. Ecological education of preschoolers and younger children schoolchildren: A manual for parents, teachers and kindergarten teachers preschool institutions, teachers primary classes. - Moscow: ARKTI, 2001. - 128 p.

Lopatina, A. A. Tales of Mother Earth. Ecological education through fairy tales, poems and creative tasks / A. A. Lopatina, M. V. Skrebtsova. - 2nd ed. - Moscow: Amrita-Rus, 2008. - 256 p. - (Education and creativity).

Nikolaeva, S. N. Theory and methodology environmental education for children: Textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. - Moscow: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. - 336 p.

Voronkevich, O. A. "Welcome to ecology» - modern technology environmental education of preschool children // Preschool pedagogy. - 2006. - No. 3.- P. 23-27.

Kuznetsova, L. V. Interaction kindergarten and families in environmental raising children // Preschool pedagogy. - 2009. - No. 6. - P. 54-57.

Motygullina, G. Creation environmental development environment // Preschool education. – 2012. - No. 6. – P. 28-31.