What a belly at 3 months. The third month of pregnancy - changes in the body of the expectant mother. Analyzes and medical examinations

The third month of pregnancy is one of the most difficult for future mother. The tummy is still quite small and does not interfere, but the general state of health is at zero. 9-12 weeks inclusive - the time of the peak of toxicosis.

What does the expectant mother feel in the third month

Nausea and vomiting increase in many expectant mothers. But, fortunately, not everyone. And this does not depend on the sex of the child: contrary to popular belief, women who bear girls do not have toxicosis more often than mothers of boys. In addition, mothers suffer from increased salivation. Often wake up on a wet pillow.

But by the end of this month, these symptoms should go away. Some scientists believe that this is due to the extinction of the functional ability of the corpus luteum. Soon it is reduced, and the placenta will begin to produce progesterone instead.

The mammary glands are also subject to changes. They increase in size and become heavy. If you do an ultrasound now, the doctor will definitely notice this preparation for future lactation. If before pregnancy, the average weight of the mammary gland is 200 grams, then with the onset of pregnancy it doubles, and closer to childbirth it grows to 800 grams! When breastfeeding, the breasts become even heavier. All this leads to stretching of the skin and the appearance of stretch marks. Can they be avoided by using creams? It is hardly possible. A lot depends on individual characteristics skin. But even if stretch marks appear, they will not be noticeable for so long. They will turn white quickly.

Since the volume of blood in expectant mothers increases dramatically, almost 2 times, the vascular system is subjected to stress. And visually, this is also noticeable: the veins on the legs, chest, and abdomen become more visible. Such a large volume of blood is necessary to provide nutrition to the child, and after childbirth to feel normal, despite the large blood loss.

During pregnancy, both the amount of blood plasma and red blood cells increase, but the plasma grows faster, and for this reason, iron deficiency anemia occurs in a pregnant woman, that is, hemoglobin drops. This drop usually occurs gradually and can be almost imperceptible if the pregnant woman takes prophylactic complex vitamins or an iron preparation. Remember the main signs of anemia: fatigue, dizziness, tachycardia, general weakness. With such symptoms, it is necessary to pass general analysis blood. If there is anemia, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible, then you will feel much better, and everything will be fine with the child.

Although the embryo is still very tiny, and there is very little water, the weight of mothers who do not suffer from vomiting has already increased by 2 kg on average. And this is not due to overeating. As we wrote earlier, the volume of blood circulating in the body has increased, the mammary glands, uterus and lymphatic fluid have grown. During the entire pregnancy, women usually gain 10-12 kilograms, someone up to 20 kilograms or even more, but this is not the norm. It is also not the norm when a thin woman gains very little during pregnancy. This speaks of malnutrition, which is dangerous for both her and her child. You need to eat fully and well, but without leaning on foods with so-called fast carbohydrates (you need to eat less sweets).

It will be difficult for women who have varicose veins and those predisposed to it. Progesterone, the main pregnancy hormone, leads to weakness in the venous walls, causing them to expand even more. At first it may feel like heaviness in the legs, then the veins will begin to appear. By the way, the veins will increase not only on the legs, but also in the perineum and in the anus. Yes, it is progesterone that needs to be “thanked” for hemorrhoids, which manifest themselves for the first time during pregnancy. In some situations, varicose veins of the perineum are an indication for caesarean section.

As for the veins on the legs, wearing compression stockings and stockings helps the veins well, the absence of significant weight gain, shoes without heels and light physical activity. Exacerbates varicose veins for a long time in an upright position. That is, it is harmful to walk, stand and sit a lot.

After childbirth, the load on the veins will decrease, the walls will get stronger and become lighter.

What happens to a baby in the 3rd month of fetal development

The formation of organs and systems of the body continues. The first trimester of pregnancy is very significant in this regard. The baby is already in the amniotic sac, doctors call it an embryo. The approximate amount of amniotic fluid is 20 grams.

Very interesting and unusual appearance embryo. As long as it doesn't look too much like a human cub. One of its heads is half the length of the body. True, the ponytail that he used to have has almost disappeared. By the end of the third and the beginning of the fourth month, the baby's weight is about 15 grams, and the total length is 9 cm.

The child has formed the main joints, there are auricles and even the rudiments of all 20 milk teeth! The eyes of the fetus are open, but he still does not see anything at all, the formation of the iris has just begun. The brain is actively formed, the pituitary gland, an important endocrine gland, begins to function. There are already lymphatic vessels.

The pancreas begins to work, it produces insulin. The intestines of the embryo gradually begin to contract. While boys and girls look exactly the same. It is impossible to distinguish them even on the best ultrasound diagnostic apparatus. Despite this, boys are already producing their hormone - testosterone.

What examinations should a woman undergo in the third month

You need to visit a gynecologist and get registered for pregnancy. At this time, they are already registered without problems. During a gynecological examination (on a chair), the doctor will undoubtedly establish pregnancy and tell you the exact, up to a week, her term.

But in addition to a vaginal examination, you need to undergo an examination, pass a series of tests:

  • general blood test, for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, coagulability, sugar, biochemistry, coagulogram, Rh factor and group;
  • general urine analysis;
  • consultation of a therapist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, dentist and other specialists if there are complaints or chronic diseases.

Such specialists can be, for example, a cardiologist, urologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, etc. They can also refer the patient for additional examination.

At a period of 12 weeks, women undergo the first screening - they do an ultrasound of the fetus and take a special blood test. This is necessary to exclude severe malformations in the baby.

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Finally, you got used to your new position, and even toxicosis began to weaken a little, however, exciting thoughts often visit you. In addition, you have to go to work, and getting up in the morning is difficult, you need to go through a lot of examinations and doctors, and you are constantly lethargic and sleepy. Tips on nutrition, behavior and life of a pregnant woman are pouring on you from all sides, like from a cornucopia, learn to treat everything positively. The most important thing that is needed from you now is peace and health.

Changes in the mother's body

Toxicosis still does not let you go, although you have already learned how to cope with its manifestations. It will pass by the end of this month, so hold on a little longer. You are still sleepy and tired faster than usual, but remember - this is a defensive reaction of the body. He tells you that it's time to calm down and change the frantic rhythm of life to a more measured one. By the middle of the month, the corpus luteum of pregnancy, which produces progesterone, has reached its peak, and by the end of the month, the placenta gradually begins to take over its functions, it grows and actively releases hormones.

Your breasts are also changing - they may tingle, change in size, darken the halo. This is the preparation of the breast for a full breastfeeding after childbirth. Inside the breast, adipose tissue is replaced by glandular tissue, lobules, ducts are formed, and the processes of preparation for milk secretion begin.

Breast volume can increase from one to three sizes. Take care of the right underwear for your chest. With a sharp increase in volume, stretch marks may appear on the chest. Therefore, in order to increase the elasticity and hydration of the skin, use special products for stretch marks.

The volume of circulating blood increases and veins on the chest, abdomen and legs may become noticeable, but you should not be afraid - this is a physiological phenomenon that makes it possible to deliver nutrients and oxygen to both mother and her baby. Therefore, the doctor will constantly monitor your blood test and hemoglobin level. Along with an increase in blood volume, it is responsible for your well-being.

This month, your weight may become a couple of kilograms more than it was before pregnancy, and if you have a sufficiently pronounced toxicosis, it may not change - this is not dangerous, but a constant increase in body weight will continue - the uterus and the child are growing, nutrient reserves are accumulating.

If your family is predisposed to varicose veins, it's time to do prevention - from the third month, initial manifestations may occur. This is associated with a decrease in the tone of the veins in the legs under the influence of hormones and an increasing blood volume. To avoid its manifestations, you need to control weight, do not sit cross-legged, do not stand for a long time and rest with raised legs. Wear special varicose tights or stockings, change your heels to ballet flats. Light exercise is helpful.

Your emotional background also changes, your mood changes so often that even you get tired of it. Hormones are to blame for this, but you need to pull yourself together - get distracted by housework, find a hobby, meditate, listen to music, go shopping. It is useful to talk with your husband or girlfriends about the baby, about what worries you - if this is not possible or you do not want to discuss it with them. You can turn to a psychologist or go to childbirth preparation courses. If there are more babies in the family, now is the time to start preparing them for the birth of the baby.

Your baby (fetal development in the third month of pregnancy)

This month is quite important - the main organs and systems of the baby are being formed, it is already surrounded fetal bladder, it is filled from the inside with amniotic fluid (analogous to amniotic fluid in the future). He swims freely there, attached to the placenta with a thin cord - the umbilical cord. It pushes off the walls and somersaults in the stomach, but you can't feel it yet.

There is still little amniotic fluid - only about 20-30 ml, but their volume will increase with the growth of the baby. Outwardly, the little ones still very vaguely resemble a person, his head is huge and his eyes are open on it. The arms are very long, and the legs are short, the tail that the embryo had earlier as a memory from the ancestors almost disappears. By the end of the month, it already grows to 9-10 cm and weighs as much as 15 grams.

His skeleton has already been formed, however, while it is mostly cartilaginous, the main joints are already bending, the fingers and toes are already distinguishable, you can see his ears, nose, lips, all milk teeth have already been laid. The eyes of the crumbs are not covered by eyelids, but he still does not see them, since the iris of the eye and its inner chamber are just being formed. In the brain of a child, the pituitary gland begins to work - the main endocrine organ of a person that regulates the work of the entire endocrine system. In addition, lymphatic vessels are formed, and the pancreas of the crumbs begins to produce insulin, which is responsible for the breakdown of glucose.

The kid trains in digestion - swallows amniotic fluid, it passes through the intestines, and its walls are trained in rhythmic contraction. It is possible to distinguish the sex of the child by the end of the third month, if the doctor’s eye is trained and the ultrasound machine is powerful, however, there may still be errors - the labia and clitoris of the girl can look very much like “manhood”.

medical supervision in the third month of pregnancy

Your visit to the gynecologist will now become a regular procedure - for now you meet monthly, and this month you will have to take tests and go through specialist doctors, if you have not already done so. The doctor will examine you on the armchair and specify the gestational age, measure your height and weight, fill out your exchange card in detail and completely, with which you will now visit the doctor constantly. All data about you will be entered into the card - your illnesses, family characteristics, allergies to medicines, operations, and other information important for doctors.

In addition, this month you will see your baby for the first time - you are supposed to have a scheduled ultrasound examination for a period of 11-12 weeks. The doctor examines the baby and the condition of the membranes, placenta, and if you have twins, he will confirm the presence of two babies. According to the ultrasound, the gestational age, the expected date of birth and the weight of the fetus are specified.

But the most important thing in ultrasound is the detection of severe genetic and congenital anomalies that prevent the child from living and developing. If suspicions are high, a detailed examination is carried out by sampling a piece of membranes or amniotic fluid. If everything is confirmed, the question of prolonging the pregnancy is raised.

In addition, a general blood and urine test, blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, as well as special TORCH infections, determine the blood group and Rh factor, conduct a biochemical analysis and study blood coagulation. All this gives a complete picture of the woman's health and, based on the tests, the doctor makes recommendations and prescribes treatment, if necessary. In addition, you will need to undergo an ECG and obtain the conclusions of specialists - a general practitioner, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, ENT and dentist.

Recommendations in the third month of pregnancy

You need regular walks - allocate yourself at least half an hour a day to stay in the air. If there is a catastrophic lack of time, go at least a couple of stops on foot from work to work, just away from roads with car exhausts.

If the doctor does not express concerns about health, you can be like fitness for pregnant women, swim, do gymnastics and exercises. Start doing pelvic floor strengthening and Kegel exercises - this will make it easier to give birth and get in shape.

Change clothes and shoes for more comfortable and spacious ones. Now is not the time to flaunt in heels and tight jeans, the center of gravity is changing, the uterus is growing - pressure on it can hurt the baby. In addition, choose beautiful underwear - a maternity bra and panties - thongs are not the best. suitable model panties during this period. Linen should be elastic and breathable, the skin changes its properties.

Take simple precautions - put a rubber mat on the bottom of the tub. Try not to step on wet and slippery floors - falls are dangerous for you. You can not lift weights, wash floors with your hands, sit or stand for a long time, be in stuffy and smoky rooms. Protect yourself from heavy, exhausting homework. In addition, now it is already possible to notify relatives and relatives about your situation.

3 months of pregnancy is the most difficult for a woman. At this stage, raging toxicosis and psycho-emotional "imbalance" reach their peak, as a result of which the well-being of the expectant mother worsens. Do not despair! There are only a few weeks left, after which the unpleasant symptoms will completely disappear, and your appetite and calmness will return to you.

3 months - how many weeks pregnant?

The third month, according to obstetric indicators, begins with the 9th and ends with the 13th week. It is the border between the I and II trimester.

According to calendar values, the "age" of the fetus will reach three months at 13 weeks and 2 days. By this time, its embryonic development will be completed and a period of active growth will begin.

Signs of pregnancy at 3 months

At 9-13 weeks, the expectant mother still has all the signs early term. The most severe of them are considered to be: nausea, vomiting and emotional outbursts, resulting in an unstable mood.

They are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. breast augmentation;
  2. great drowsiness and fatigue;
  3. frequent urination;
  4. swelling of the veins in the abdomen and legs;
  5. slight weight gain;
  6. heartburn, constipation and headaches.
But you do not need to wait for the manifestation of all these symptoms in yourself - there are often cases when a woman painlessly passes the first stage of the childbearing period, without feeling either irritability or disgust from food.

What happens at 3 months pregnant

At the end of the first trimester, important changes continue to occur in the body of the future mother related to the completion of the formation of the placenta, which is the link between the woman and the child. These changes entail serious hormonal changes, behind which lies the unstable state of the pregnant woman.

At one point you want to cry, but then the tears are replaced by an attack of fun - this is a normal phenomenon of the third month. Call on your household to treat your condition with understanding in order to survive the difficult pregnancy period as easily as possible, at the end of which the most fertile trimester of absolute calm will come.

At this time, the volume of circulating blood in the woman’s body increases, which makes it possible to ensure the delivery of all nutrients and oxygen to the baby. As a result, swelling of the veins may occur under the mother's skin, which looks unaesthetic on the woman's body. You should not be upset about this - after all, the main thing is that the child does not experience starvation and develops correctly, and the veins will definitely “deflate” after childbirth.

Often, it is at 9-11 weeks that toxicosis in pregnant women becomes unbearable - women feel sick not only in the morning, but also at any mention of food. The recommendations of doctors in this case are: save yourself from toxicosis by walking on fresh air, eat fractionally, trying to “seize” an attack of nausea with even a small cookie or a sour apple.

Belly at 3 months pregnant

At the end of the first trimester, the belly in pregnant women begins to appear indistinctly, but manifest itself. At this time, it increases faster in thin people than in obese women, the size of the small pelvis is much wider and can accommodate an increasing uterus for a longer time.

In general, when describing what the stomach looks like at the end of the first trimester, it can be noted that it grows from the bottom up, that is, it begins to round from the suprapubic zone. At this stage, the size of the uterus borders only on the pelvic area, so you should not expect that the tummy will begin to grow immediately from the chest and quickly become large.

Fetal development at 3 months of pregnancy

At the 9th week, the embryo looks like a cherry - it weighs about 4-5 g, reaching 30 mm in length. By the end of the third month, its parameters change dramatically. In size, the fruit resembles an apricot - its weight increases by almost 5 times (up to 20 g), and its growth reaches 7.5-8 cm.

What does a baby look like in the third month:

  • he can move his arms and legs, turn his head, open his mouth and swallow;
  • the baby's eyes are already fully open;
  • his endocrine gland begins to work at full capacity;
  • the first lymphatic vessels appear in his body;
  • he has fully formed fingers and toes, teeth, elbow joints, auricles and lips.
By the end of the first trimester, the baby also "gains" the floor. And although he was determined at the time of fertilization of the egg, but only after 11 weeks, the external genitalia begin to form in the crumbs.

Due to the fact that the end of the first stage of pregnancy is accompanied by such serious changes in the body of the unborn child, doctors prescribe ultrasound in order to identify all kinds of pathologies as early as possible. With the help of the device's sensor, doctors look at how the baby looks, determine the correspondence of its parameters with the average generally accepted indicators. If an ultrasound scan is performed on the 13th week, then mommy can get a nice “bonus” during the examination - find out the sex of the baby, which is easy to identify, provided that the baby is turned to face the front wall of the uterus,

Discharge at 3 months pregnant

Vaginal discharge at the end of the third month may increase slightly. This is considered the norm if they have a transparent or milky hue, without an admixture of unpleasant odors. If the discharge causes itching or burning, has a curdled consistency - then this is a reason to consult a doctor, thrush is not excluded, requiring immediate treatment.

A serious pathology is considered if at 9-13 weeks a pregnant woman begins to bleed, similar to menstruation. This sign may indicate a threat of miscarriage and requires urgent intervention in the situation of the gynecologist.

You bleed, but there is no pain - these spotting can be hormonal in nature, when the body cannot properly adjust to new way. In such cases, you still need to consult a doctor who, after finding out the exact cause of bleeding, will prescribe hormonal drugs to maintain pregnancy. If the bloody discharge has a smearing consistency and brown shade, then this is a signal that fetal fading could occur.

Abortion at 3 months

Up to 12 weeks, the risk of miscarriage is high. The causes of this disaster can be many factors, some of which cannot be prevented. Self-abortion in the first trimester occurs in many women, which is why doctors insist on a full "pregnant" regimen from the moment of conception.

The causes of miscarriage can be:

  1. Hormonal disorders in the mother's body
  2. Genetic abnormalities in the fetus
  3. Immunological diseases and infections
  4. Uncontrolled reception medicines
  5. Stress and unhealthy lifestyle
  6. Sloppy intercourse and heavy lifting
  7. History of abortion
Termination of pregnancy in the third month can be carried out at the request of the woman. The maximum term for an abortion is 12 weeks.

Sex in the third month of pregnancy

For most couples who are preparing to become parents, at the end of the third month, sexual relations come to life. This is due to the fact that in women toxicosis begins to gradually recede, the emotional state stabilizes, the haunting drowsiness and constant feeling of fatigue disappear. But not all spouses, even with mutual desire, decide on intimacy, fearing to harm the baby.

In medical practice, there is no categorical ban on sex, but gynecologists only allow women who do not have any complications associated with the threat of miscarriage to make love. Having received the green light for sexual intimacy see a doctor, do not forget that sexual intercourse should take place without sudden movements, pressure on the abdomen and deep penetrations.

In the third month of pregnancy, all signs and sensations persist, although the growth of the abdomen is not yet noticeable. At this time, there may also be feelings of toxicosis and general weakness, drowsiness, but gradually these feelings subside by the end of the month and the condition returns to normal. Now, due to a hormonal surge, emotionality, irritability and tearfulness can be increased, there may be food fads and appetite problems, a slight weight loss due to toxicosis and fatigue. This will not last long and by the end of the month, and with it the first trimester, everything will fall into place. The third month lasts until the 12th week of pregnancy, very soon the critical period will be passed, and you will enjoy your position to the fullest.

Symptoms and signs of pregnancy in the third month

In the third month, all possible signs of pregnancy that existed before can persist. First of all, the most basic sign that you are pregnant is the delay of your period by at least two cycles, and accordingly, positive test for pregnancy and even an ultrasound with the definition of the gestational age. It is this symptom that is one of the key in the diagnosis of pregnancy in a woman.

Usually, manifestations of toxicosis also persist this month, especially such as morning sickness and vomiting, they can also accompany a pregnant woman at the beginning of this month. Usually, the manifestations subside by the end of the month and gradually stop. There may also be sensations of motion sickness in transport, a feeling of lightheadedness in stuffy rooms, malaise in hot weather, appetite disturbances and selectivity in food - some foods are craving to the point of madness, and the sight of some simply turns out. There may be cravings for salty or sweet foods, for special foods - raw vegetables, chalk, etc. It is worth informing the doctor about this and taking a blood test, sometimes anemia (deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood) can manifest itself this way.

Emotional instability also remains due to an excess of hormones with tearfulness, incontinence, mood swings, and hysteria. A woman herself can get tired of such problems in behavior and character, but all these phenomena are gradually declining, and soon there will be a noticeable stabilization of both the state and emotions.

The breast of a woman can change greatly, as it is being restructured due to the imminent change in its functions. Discomfort and itching, tingling of the chest may occur, it significantly increases in volume, changes shape and sensitivity, the venous network may appear, and a predisposition to stretch marks may also form, which dictates the need to use special cosmetics for prevention.

Veins can also appear as a result of an increase in the volume of circulating blood that gradually occurs in the body of the expectant mother. Because of this, there may be attacks of heat and increased sweating, a slight increase in body temperature up to 37.0-37.2 degrees. Veins can show through on the legs and abdomen, which also creates a predisposition to the development of varicose veins. It is important to carefully control the load - do not cross your legs, do not stand for a long time in a static position on your feet, keep your body weight under control, choose special compression underwear. clothes without pressure on the chest, waist and hips, by the end of the month, the tummy may gradually begin to slightly contour.

What happens to the body in 3 months

During this period, a woman needs to register and visits to the doctor will become regular to monitor the development of the baby and the condition of the pregnant woman. A child from a period of 10 weeks will be called a fetus, its embryonic development is completed, almost all of its systems and organs have been formed, they will now actively improve and grow, mature and prepare for independent existence. The child will look more and more like a future human, although still very small. By the end of the month, the placenta will be almost completely formed, which is responsible for the nutrition of the fetus and its development, for the production of hormones and many other functions. By the end of the first trimester, the baby will be able to move his limbs, turn his head and open his mouth, swallowing amniotic fluid. Its dimensions reach 8 cm.

This month, the fetus actively develops the brain and nervous system, actively grows and forms internal organs, the liver begins to produce bile, periodically there are contractions of the intestinal walls. The first leukocytes begin to form in the blood, which protect the body from infections and foreign substances. Now while the crumbs I protect antibodies of mother and a placenta. There is an active development of the reproductive system of the fetus, the testicles of boys produce testosterone, follicles, the rudiments of future eggs, are formed in the ovaries of girls. By the end of the month, according to ultrasound data, it is possible to approximately determine the sex of the fetus by the external genitalia, although the risk of errors is still high, you can also see the movements of the baby and its main parts of the body. In this period, the child does not have subcutaneous fat, the skin is transparent and thin, organs and blood vessels shine through it, and sensory organs begin to develop. On ultrasound, the fetal heartbeat is actively detected, due to which blood circulation is carried out, the norm is up to 150 beats per minute.

Gradually, the placenta takes over the functions of the corpus luteum in maintaining pregnancy, which reduces the manifestations of toxicosis and the threat of abortion. The placenta helps in delivering oxygen and all the necessary substances to the fetus, while not allowing potentially dangerous substances to it - toxins, viruses, drugs. Nutrient deficiency in the fetus leads to the fact that it literally "pulls" them out of the mother's body, because of which her body can suffer. Therefore, if you have any problems this month, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice and treatment.

Discharge in the third month of pregnancy

This month, the discharge may increase slightly, while it may be clear, light or whitish in color, with a subtle sour smell and without any discomfort in the genital area. Symptoms such as an increase or the occurrence of a sharp and bad smell, the appearance of curdled or foamy discharge, the presence of discharge of gray, yellow, greenish or heterogeneous colors, with impurities of mucus or pus, with the presence of burning, itching, discomfort in the genital area, swelling or redness of the skin.

These discharges require a doctor's consultation, as they may indicate the presence of candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis or sexually transmitted infections. All these infections can be dangerous both for the woman herself and for her unborn baby, as they can cause infection of the fetal membranes and spread of the infection to the uterus, which can lead to miscarriages or pregnancy failure. The doctor will conduct studies and, based on their results, prescribe a treatment that is compatible with the pregnancy of this period and does not harm the fetus.

It is especially important to immediately consult a doctor in the presence of brown, spotting or bloody discharge, especially if they are accompanied by pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, pulling, aching or cramping. These may be signs of an abortion, and then inpatient treatment will be necessary to save the baby. Need to call immediately ambulance in the presence of spotting or bleeding, it may be ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, they require immediate assistance to the woman in the hospital.

Analyzes and examinations

This month there will be a lot of examinations and tests to make sure that everything is fine with the baby, and the pregnancy is developing according to the normal scenario. Usually, it is in the third month that a woman is registered in the period from 9 to 12 weeks, a medical card is started, in which all the data from analyzes and examinations, as well as regular appointments of the expectant mother, will be entered throughout the pregnancy. After the first visit to the doctor with the measurement of your height and weight, abdominal circumference and pressure, pulse, examination on the chair, taking the necessary smears - gynecological (for sexual and other infections) and cytological (for structural features of the cervical canal), it will be necessary to undergo a whole list of tests and consultations with a number of specialists.

You will need to submit:

  • general clinical blood and urine tests,
  • blood tests for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis,
  • blood test for group and Rh factor,
  • blood test for specific TORCH infections,
  • biochemical blood test and coagulogram,
  • if necessary, the hormonal spectrum of the blood during a problem pregnancy.

Advice will also be shown:

  • therapist,
  • dentist,
  • ophthalmologist,
  • ENT doctor,
  • endocrinologist and other narrow specialists according to indications,
  • genetics in pregnancy older than 30 years or previous abortions,
  • taking an ECG.

In terms of 11-12 weeks, the first planned ultrasound is shown to clarify the timing of pregnancy and determine the estimated date of birth, determine the number of fetuses, pregnancy risks, and genetic and gross malformations. A screening study is being carried out - a double test.

Feelings and pain

This month, the body is often and very tired, drowsiness is constantly present, which helps to accumulate strength to actively provide the fetus with energy. There may be absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, as well as one of the common problems is low blood pressure and headaches. Due to hormonal changes, there is a change in vascular tone and a decrease in blood pressure. Usually headaches occur with overwork or after excitement. But taking headache medications is not worth it, as medications can adversely affect the development of the fetus. You just have to lie down and relax on the bed, closing the curtains and airing the room, distract from thoughts. Contrasting compresses on the forehead can help relieve pain, warm and cold compresses are changed every 15 minutes, and then you need to lie down or sleep.

Pain in the lower back or abdomen for normal pregnancy are not typical, therefore, when such symptoms appear, you should see a doctor - these may be signs of a threatened abortion. In such conditions, hospitalization or drug therapy methods to preserve pregnancy may be indicated.

Colds and fever (use as a treat, runny nose, cough)

AT this period manifestations of SARS, such as runny nose and cough, fever and general malaise, are highly undesirable. Although the placenta is gradually beginning to take on the functions of a biological filter for viruses and microbes, it is not yet able to fully protect the child from all negative factors. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you do not catch a cold. Colds in the third month of pregnancy can provoke a threat of abortion or malformations in its development, since the laying of organs and systems is still active. An increase in temperature and severe fever in this period can lead to pregnancy fading and miscarriage.

At the same time, not all medicines used in the treatment of colds are acceptable in the first trimester of pregnancy, up to 12 weeks. Therefore, how to treat a cold, you must definitely find out from your doctor. Usually preference is given to non-drug and folk ways, but not all of them will be allowed for pregnant women. It is important to consult your doctor before using any substance. Thermal procedures are strictly prohibited for pregnant women - mustard plasters, banks, you can not soar your legs and go to the bath.

Diet and vitamins

During this period, proper and fully balanced nutrition will be especially important, as the fetus actively consumes nutrients, vitamins and minerals for growth and development. During this period, it is important to adhere to the principles proper nutrition, refusing potentially dangerous and harmful products - alcohol, convenience foods, fast food, fatty, fried, smoked and spicy foods. It is also important to monitor the amount of food, it is better to eat fractionally, at least four to five times a day, in small portions, in a warm, but not hot and not cold form. Caloric requirements increase by about 200-300 kcal. The diet should have enough protein foods, while the proteins should be complete, animal and easily digestible - this is rabbit meat, veal, boiled chicken, fatty pork and lamb, you should refuse or reduce their consumption to a minimum.

It is necessary to supply a sufficient amount of calcium, which can be obtained from milk and dairy products, sour-milk dishes and cottage cheese. A considerable place should be given to vegetables and fruits, limiting only the intake of potatoes and citrus fruits, these products will replenish vitamins and minerals, while helping the intestines due to fiber. No less useful will be complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals and cereal products. With such delicate problems of pregnant women as constipation and bloating, food can also help to cope. As the uterus grows, the intestines are compressed, in addition, under the action of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, the intestinal muscles relax, which will cause food to be delayed in the intestines and its active fermentation. Therefore, it is necessary to rearrange the diet in such a way that the peristalsis of the intestine is activated, and digestion works without problems. It is worth excluding for a while from the diet foods that increase fermentation in the intestines - sweets and fatty foods, legumes and cabbage, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and also eat foods such as prunes and dried apricots. A glass of fresh one-day yogurt drunk at night helps to cope with constipation, and in the daytime, a glass of cool water, which is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. You should not severely limit fluid intake, it should be at least one and a half liters per day, however, it is worth limiting salt intake - this helps to get rid of fluid retention in the body and the formation of edema. No more than 3-5 g of salt are allowed per day (a tea boat without a slide). It is also worth limiting the intake of animal fats, but they should not be completely excluded from the diet - they help in the formation of the nervous tissue of the fetus and sex hormones.

Sex (use - orgasm)

If contraindications to intimate life no, and the doctor did not forbid you to have sex, it is quite possible to continue marital relations. Contraindications to sex in the third month of pregnancy may be an increase in the tone of the uterus, the threat of termination of pregnancy, recurrent miscarriage or a history of miscarriage in this period. If there are no problems, intimacy will bring pleasure to both partners, especially considering the fact that toxicosis is on the decline and well-being and mood are normalizing. As the level of hormones in the body balances, there is a gradual increase in the woman's libido and she can experience a brighter and longer orgasm, which in no way negatively affects the unborn child. You should not think that intimacy in the third month of pregnancy can harm the baby, the child is reliably protected by the walls of the uterus, and the size of the uterus allows you to practice almost any posture. One has only to give up excessive activity and hard sex, deep penetrations, and to prevent infections, it is worth using a condom, since the microflora of the vagina of a pregnant woman becomes highly sensitive to a foreign infection.

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