What are the signs of imminent labor? Precursors of childbirth - how to understand that you are about to give birth? The main signs of labor beginning

How to understand that labor is coming soon - the main signs

How to understand that labor is coming soon, what are its signs? In another way they are also called harbingers.

They appear shortly before the onset of labor. Usually no more than 2 weeks. But the first signs of imminent labor are not always felt in first-time and multiparous women. Multiparous women may not pay attention to them. And first-time mothers, on the contrary, take for symptoms something that is not one, although it is similar. What are the signs that multiparous women will soon begin labor and what can they be easily confused with?

1). Are the contractions real or training? The uterus is a muscular organ. And in order for a child to be born, its muscle layer must contract well and correctly. Due to this, the cervix dilates and the child is subsequently born through pushing. For this reason, the mother’s body begins the “training” process a few weeks before giving birth. The woman experiences something like contractions, but not painful and mild. My stomach just periodically turns to stone. Many people also call this tone or hypertonicity of the uterus. And doctors in such cases like to treat the threat premature birth, whereas this should only be done if the cervix begins to open and shorten. But in this case we are talking, rather, about real labor activity.

False contractions do not lead to the onset of labor, although they can anticipate imminent true contractions. This happens especially often in primiparous women, who perceive any uterine contractions very acutely and do not ignore them.

1. They do not go away if you take a warm bath, no-shpa tablets, or take a comfortable body position.
2. Each time they become longer in time.
3. The time intervals between contractions are always reduced; it does not happen that contractions suddenly disappear for an hour, and then reappear with the same intensity. This effect can only be achieved by taking certain medications. They are given out in the maternity hospital to prevent labor weakness.
4. True contractions resemble a wave. At first, mild soreness, which increases, reaches its peak and subsides. A few minutes later everything repeats itself. Correct breathing helps to survive the contraction - inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
5. Soreness. Real contractions are always at least unpleasant. And for first-time mothers, this sign of impending labor sometimes seems unbearable.

2). A sharp drop in the level of the abdomen. This occurs due to the advancement of the presenting part of the baby, most often the head, into the mother's pelvis. Sometimes uterine prolapse is noticed by women who still have 1.5-2 months before the expected date of birth, and consider this a possible symptom of preterm labor. But you don't always need to panic. It happens that the stomach changes its shape somewhat due to the fact that the child has changed the position of the body, for example, lying across in the uterus. Of course, this is not good, in terms of giving birth to a child in this position naturally It’s impossible, but it doesn’t mean that the baby will be born premature.
When the fetus descends into the pelvis, if this happens in the last month of pregnancy, the woman experiences relief - her heartburn, shortness of breath, belching disappear, it becomes easier to breathe, but at the same time she wants to go to the toilet more often, and bowel movements are more frequent. Few people experience constipation before giving birth. On the contrary, it goes away without any laxatives or changes in diet. But pressure is felt on the bladder, perineum and rectum. It becomes uncomfortable to sit and walk. In order to maintain a more or less tolerable physical activity, and sometimes a special bandage in the form of a belt or panties will help to prolong pregnancy a little, delay the onset of labor.

3). Removal of the mucus plug and amniotic fluid. In first-time mothers, the mucus plug usually comes off immediately at the beginning of labor, and not in parts over several days, as happens in multiparous women. Sometimes women confuse the mucus plug and amniotic fluid. In principle, if a woman does not have oligohydramnios, then it is not at all difficult to understand that the water has broken; there will be a real flow, which is unlikely to be contained by the most reliable sanitary pad.

If there is relatively little discharge, but it does not stop after 30-60 minutes and is more liquid than mucous, you need to do a test for leakage of amniotic fluid. Of course, it is better not to buy it yourself, since the result cannot be obtained quickly and it will not be 100% accurate, but in the maternity hospital. Plus, it will be absolutely free.

If you notice a clear sign of an imminent birth, do not forget to check whether everything is collected at the maternity hospital, whether all documents (policy, passport, birth certificate), call your doctor if you have agreed with a certain specialist about the management of childbirth.

Any woman who has been expecting a baby knows that last weeks before the upcoming birth drags on for quite a long time. A special feeling of anxiety is inherent in expectant mothers who are about to give birth for the first time.

The article will talk about birth harbingers — this information will be useful both for women expecting the birth of their first child, and for women who have already given birth.

10 surest signs of imminent labor

  1. Stomach dropped
    Approximately fourteen days before the onset of labor, primiparous women may notice abdominal prolapse. This happens because the baby, preparing for birth, presses against the outlet, descending into the pelvic area. In women expecting the birth of their first child, the belly may drop a couple of days before giving birth.
    After abdominal prolapse, a woman may experience ease of breathing, as well as discomfort associated with swelling and increased urination. However, you should not be afraid of this. Swelling and frequent urination will serve as a key sign that labor is approaching - that is, very soon your little one will be born.
  2. Incomprehensible weight loss
    During the entire period of waiting for the baby, the woman gains weight, but before the onset of labor she can suddenly lose several kilograms. This indicates that you will soon meet your baby. Weight loss occurs due to the absorption of fetal fluid and should not cause concern to the expectant mother. Weight loss is approximately one to two kilograms. At the same time, the swelling goes away.
  3. Mood variability
    Psychological metamorphoses occur in the female body, along with physiological changes. One to two weeks before the birth of the baby, the woman feels the approach of this meeting and prepares for it. The strength to do household chores appears. I want to do everything at once.
    The mood and character of the expectant mother becomes so changeable that she either laughs or cries. This is not very noticeable throughout pregnancy, but is clearly visible before childbirth. Do not neglect this sign.
  4. Goodbye heartburn!
    IN last days before childbirth, the pressure from the diaphragm and stomach is eliminated, and you feel that breathing becomes much easier. The shortness of breath and heartburn that plagued the woman throughout her pregnancy disappears. At the same time, some difficulties arise - it becomes more difficult to sit and walk, it is difficult to find a comfortable position, and difficulties arise with sleep.
  5. Unstable appetite
    For those who have had a good appetite throughout pregnancy and suddenly notice a decrease in it, this sign will be a signal to prepare for childbirth. An increased appetite for those who previously ate poorly will also indicate that labor is approaching.
  6. Loose stools and frequent urination
    Throughout the nine months, the woman managed to run to the toilet. However, now everything is happening differently. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent. The intestines begin to cleanse themselves first - and here you have diarrhea. Hormones that relax the cervix begin to affect the intestines, resulting in loose stool. Such symptoms usually appear two to seven days before birth. Some women may even confuse the onset of labor with some kind of poisoning.
  7. Nesting instinct
    Some time before giving birth, a woman has a desire to withdraw into herself, secluded from everyone. If you want to curl up in a ball or hide in a secluded place, you can’t see your relatives - congratulations, childbirth is just around the corner, and the clock may have started counting down. Female body will feel this and requires a break for the expectant mother in labor so that she can prepare herself psychologically for the birth of the child.
  8. Quiet baby
    The baby's movements in the mother's womb change significantly before labor begins. The baby is growing up, and there is little room for him in the uterus. That is why he can not kick or push for a long time. The CTG machine will show the mother that the baby’s activity and heartbeat are normal, there is no reason to worry. In the last four weeks before giving birth, CTG is recommended to be done at least twice a week, and preferably every day.
  9. Nagging pain in the pubic area
    Immediately before the baby is born, a woman begins to feel a nagging pain in the pubic bone. This is explained by the fact that childbirth requires softening of the bones to facilitate the birth of the baby. The process is accompanied by a dull aching pain. These symptoms are not scary at all, you can prepare your things for the hospital.
  10. Exit of the mucus plug
    Every woman has undoubtedly heard that throughout pregnancy it protects the baby from various infections. As the cervix dilates, the plug comes out. Remember, during the first birth the uterus opens quite slowly, and much faster during subsequent births.

Harbingers of an approaching birth are nothing more than signs that the body is preparing for the birth of a child, and only a few days remain. The symptoms listed below can be caused by a variety of reasons: preparation of the cervix, changes in the position of the fetus, hormonal changes - but they all indicate one thing: your pregnancy has smoothly come to an end, and very soon you will be able to meet your baby.

When do the warning signs of labor appear?

How long before the onset of labor do the warning signs appear? Since the body begins to prepare for childbirth several months in advance, the first signs of imminent labor are attentive future mom may also notice on - . Other harbingers of impending labor appear the day before or on the day of birth.

So, the following signs indicate that labor is approaching:

Abdominal prolapse

Your future baby takes the position most favorable for childbirth. At the moment when the fetal head descends into the pelvis, you will notice that the stomach has dropped slightly.

When does your stomach drop? In primiparous women, the abdomen usually drops to - , and in multiparous women this occurs a few days before childbirth or already with the onset of labor.

How to understand that the stomach has dropped? It has become easier for you to breathe, you can fit a palm between your chest and stomach, and the pressure on your bladder has increased and you have begun to go to the toilet more often. began to appear much less frequently or went away completely.

Removal of the mucus plug

Towards the end of pregnancy, the character may change, and this is due to the mucus plug. A mucus plug is a clot of mucus that is located in the cervical canal throughout pregnancy. A mucus plug looks different: sometimes it is a clear liquid discharge, and sometimes it is pink or brown mucus.

Weight loss

A few days before giving birth, a woman may notice that her weight gain has stopped, and perhaps she has even “lost weight” by 1-1.5 kg. Weight loss is one of the harbingers of an early birth and occurs due to a decrease in edema and a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid.

Frequent training contractions

Braxton Hicks contractions (false contractions, practice contractions) may become more frequent in the days before labor. During such a fight, the stomach becomes heavy and seems to turn to stone. As a rule, training contractions do not cause pain, but shortly before the onset of labor they are accompanied by aching pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen.

The main difference between training contractions and real ones is that they are not regular and go away when you change body position. However, a pregnant woman should remember that one day training contractions can develop into real contractions, so do not underestimate them.

Digestive disorder

A few days before labor begins, a pregnant woman may experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Diarrhea may appear several days before labor begins. The reason why indigestion develops is due to hormonal changes affecting, among other things, the intestines.

"Nesting" instinct

Severe weakness that overcomes pregnant women later pregnancy, can unexpectedly develop into a desire to produce general cleaning or spend the whole day at the stove. This is the so-called “nesting” instinct. It's normal if you want to prepare for the meeting with your baby, but try not to get overtired, as you will have work that requires a lot of energy in the coming days.

What to do if there are no warning signs of labor?

Are you already 40-41 weeks pregnant, but there are still no signs of labor? Don't be upset, because this does not mean that your body is not preparing for childbirth. Remember that every pregnancy is unique, and you should not compare your feelings with the feelings of your friends or acquaintances.

Precursors of labor are not obligatory symptoms, and obstetricians-gynecologists almost never pay attention to them. Doctors know that labor can begin without warning on any day starting from the 37th week, when the fetus is considered full-term.

The absence of warning signs in no way means that your pregnancy will be post-term or that your birth will be more difficult than others. Get ready for the best, because there are only a few days left until you meet your child!

The first warning signs of a cat's impending birth give the owner important information. Even with planned mating, the gestation period may vary and your pet may need help. Let's take a closer look at how to determine a cat's gestational age and what signs indicate that labor will begin soon.

The gestation period for kittens in domestic cats is 61-67 days; normally, pregnancy lasts 63 days. To fully monitor the progress and establish the exact date of birth, the owner must know the date of conception.

Note! It is believed that slight post-term birth in cats is safer than premature birth.

Note! Some cat breeds are allowed for breeding only after specific DNA tests have been carried out.

To be on the safe side, immediately after determining the pregnancy and its duration, the cat is registered for a planned pregnancy with a gestation period of 63 days. Naturally, if C-section will not be necessary, it is not carried out intentionally. A pregnant cat should be examined by a veterinarian at least four times.

About a week before the expected due date, the cat is examined or x-rayed. After the examination, the veterinarian determines the exact number of kittens in the litter. This procedure is necessary; by determining the size of the litter, the owner and veterinarian can be sure that the birth is over after the complete expulsion of the kittens and placenta.

Advice: During childbirth, record on paper the order of birth of the kittens, their gender, weight and placenta release.

If the date of conception is unknown, to establish the gestational age and expected date of birth, the owner and veterinarian must rely on data on fetal formation, behavioral and physiological changes in the cat.

Behavioral signs

If you discover that your cat is pregnant, you should take her to the vet. If the date of conception is unknown, your veterinarian will not be able to determine the expected due date. However, the veterinarian can determine, and based on these data, the range in which birth will occur is established.

If you detect one or more physiological signs of imminent labor, carefully monitor your cat's condition. The onset of contractions is indicated by increased breathing and heart rate. Many cats, especially those with flat and depressed noses, begin to experience intense pain. Make sure that the pet keeps its head above the bedding (does not stick its nose into the fabric). If possible, ventilate the room in which the nest is located.

Note! Usually, on the day of birth, no active movements of kittens are observed when palpating the peritoneum.

Harbingers of imminent birth

usually divided into three stages. The onset of the first stage of labor is called precursors. Normally, before contractions begin, a mucus plug comes out of the birth canal. However, you should not rely on this sign for several reasons. The mucus plug may be very small and come out during urination. This process will be invisible not only to you, but also to the expectant mother. Moreover, many experienced owners report that they have observed the mucus plug being rejected several weeks before giving birth.

Anyone who is faced with a serious illness feels in a difficult situation. It’s also difficult for his friends and family. Of course, modern medicine is located on high level, however, some situations can be changed through pills, operations, etc. already unrealistic.

It happens that a cancer patient anticipates his death, thinks, perhaps dreams, and can accurately determine the time period when the irreparable will happen, without telling anyone, so as not to upset them even more.

In order to be able to personally monitor the condition, it is useful for relatives and friends to know not only, but also what is hidden behind the ornate statements of the treating staff.

Signs of imminent death of a person with cancer - what are they?

Professional medical staff know that even with seemingly successful treatment that is not accompanied by frequent complications, the patient dies. Even innovative anti-cancer drugs that are produced and released in countries with developed medicine are becoming useless in resisting a cruel disease.

Deterioration of the condition, as well as possible approaching death a seriously ill person can be traced to the following factors (most often they are observed in combination):

  • loss of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • incredible apathy (moral and physical);
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • difficult breathing;
  • sudden fluctuations in weight;
  • ensuring your own isolation;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • disruption of vascular activity;
  • rapid freezing.

Each of them is discussed separately. Priority is given to difficulty eating. Refusal or extremely unexpected loss of habits. Now he likes fish, and a day later he completely turns away from it.

This is explained by the fact that the need to eat food disappears, and an ever smaller share of the energy that a healthy person is used to getting from food is spent. Meat is removed from the diet. The fact is that it is difficult for an organism weakened by a serious illness to digest it. Because of this, many doctors switch to cereals and increase the consumption of increased amounts of liquid: juices, broths, compotes. At the moment when the patient can no longer independently swallow what is in his mouth, those close to him, unfortunately, can prepare for the worst ending.

Fatigue, weakness and breakdowns can be added and collected into a single aspect, since their formation is simultaneous, which is quite natural. Caused by nothing more than exhaustion. The rest develops on the basis of this. It is difficult for the patient to move even short distances. The defining stage in the development of the above is a disorder of the central nervous system. There is a loss in space when the dying person forgets the people and the place where he was located more than once.

The dying person gives up and decides that there is no reason or strength to cope. From this point, a neurologist and a psychologist are connected, whose work is aimed at motivation and further fight against the disease. If you do not take these actions, the seriously ill patient will definitely give up.

If speech about breathing problems, then you need to study Cheyne-Stokes syndrome. Thus, they indicate that they mean intermittent and superficial inhalations and exhalations, which deepen and then return to their original character. This cycle is repeated more than once. Then it becomes complicated by developing wheezing and acquires a permanent appearance.

Changes in weight are characteristic and quite logical precisely because of the difficulties that arise. Therefore, they rarely stop at this point. The efforts of those around them and their determination to provide drinking water are commendable. But there must be an understanding that all the signs of death of a cancer patient are interconnected.

The closer the inevitable denouement, the more the sick person seeks to be alone with himself and get as much sleep as possible. This may be perceived as normal. This is explained by psychological and physical reasons. He doesn't want his family to see him weak. There is no desire to provoke anyone’s pity or indignation at the fact that care will need to be adjusted.

Urine turns strange color– red or dark brown. This is due to the fact that practically no fluid enters the body, and the kidneys, which serve as a filter, slow down their functioning.

Vascular problems reflected in regular swelling and blue spots, which are usually called venous. The skin turns pale, which leads to easy display of veins and even small capillaries. Edema appears due to the fact that the body is deprived of natural filtration.

The last messenger is considered decrease in body temperature. Blood begins to rush towards the heart and vital organs in order to increase its lifespan. When your feet and fingers get cold in a second, the end is near.

What do we have to do?

Of course, loved ones do not agree to accept this outcome. Although medications cannot always completely cope with the tragedy, there are still ways.

As for the loss of interest in food, the caregiver will need to be patient. It is prohibited to use coercive force, and even more so to show irritability and hostility. You can occasionally offer water, fruit drinks, fresh juices, etc. That's what it's wise to keep an eye on, so that your lips don't dry out. While a person refuses to drink, it is necessary to at least lubricate them with balm or a damp cloth.

The advice regarding fatigue is much the same. You must not disturb sleep, forcibly awaken the patient, or artificially prolong the period of wakefulness.

Fatigue also cannot be influenced by force. There is no need to worry a person unnecessarily. Still, there is no reason for this. All you can do is increase comfort and try to give him a rest, increase the dose joyful emotions and organize a good environment around.

Increased sensitivity of the nervous system requires a special approach. It makes sense to invite an experienced psychologist. He must be friendly. Indicative for him will be meetings with those people who... The main thing is to be able to motivate to continue the struggle, which will certainly end in success. And disorientation can be solved in this way - when visiting, a caring person needs to repeat his name, do not show aggression and try to express himself too softly. The same applies to the desire for isolation - do not interfere and introduce additional negativity. Gentle and calm intonations will help to gradually return the patient to the social environment.

Breathing will be restored special exercises. They are performed under the supervision of a professional support worker. A change in position is rational. Turning on its side - best elimination Problems.

Vascular dysfunction, swelling and rapid freezing can be included in one list. They are fought against with a massage or a warm blanket.

But relatives should know that all of the above is, unfortunately, signs of imminent death of a cancer patient and in a battle with them it is not always possible to win.