How to make a shaving brush. How to make a shaving brush soft - the secrets of a good shave. Brush care and storage

Perhaps one of the most important and complex topics in the classic wet shave is the choice of shaving brush.
whether you shave or not.

Why is it important
It would seem that here is special?
But if at least a little delve into the details, it turns out that there are quite a lot of nuances here,
which should be considered when buying a shaving brush.
As already mentioned,
in order for it to be sure to need a brush.
The quality of the foam depends on the shaving brush and how quickly you will achieve good results.
Thus, shaving brush is, perhaps, regardless of *.

Of course, you can use pressurized foam and gels,
(many use them and do not complain), but water, which is extremely important for
a good and soft shave in these products is practically absent,
it is replaced by various chemicals, often based on petroleum products,
which dry out the skin. "Foam" from these products settles quickly,
often leaves an unpleasant sensation on the skin, and,
in my opinion, can not compete with wet foam,
which moisturizes the skin, softens and prepares the hair for shaving
(provided you know how to whip a good foam, which is actually not that difficult,
but it also takes a little patience. In general, a good shaving brush is not a guarantee of success,
but it can quite speed up and facilitate the process and improve the results.

Significant differences
1. Price

For a brush, you can pay from a few to several hundred dollars.
In any case, it is recommended to limit yourself to a certain amount,
and, even if there is such a temptation, for the first time not to buy an overly expensive shaving brush, the "middle class" will be quite enough.
In principle, you can get by with an inexpensive model if finances are very limited.
Over time, you will understand what brush you would like to use, what qualities it should have,
then you can take something more expensive.

2. Materials
Firstly, brushes are made of pig, horse and badger hair, as well as synthetic ones.
Synthetics will be primarily of interest to animal lovers and allergy sufferers,
in its qualities it can be described as a cross between pig and badger tassels,
Periodically, improved models with newer materials appear.
brushes from horse hair disappeared from the market for a long time and reappeared some time ago,
therefore, finding them is more difficult than pork or badger, which will be discussed later.
Both badger and pig hair have their lovers, to say that one material is 100% better than the other.
it is forbidden. For example, it is better to buy a good pig brush than a poor-quality badger one.

If you want to try an inexpensive but decent horse hair brush,
pay attention to Shaving Brush No. 6 with wooden handle from Turkish bestshave store,
which costs less than $3 (the store has free shipping on orders over $50).
Another alternative is a large Spanish made brush.
Vie Long with wooden or metal handle, within $10,
such brushes are often used in professional salons - "barber shops".

Pork("boar") or "natural" wool ("natural bristle")
as a rule, it is tougher than badger, absorbs moisture worse, which is why it is better to take models
with longer hairs long hair= more moisture), which are rarely sold on the mass market.
Pig hair shaving brushes are usually cheaper than badger shaving brushes and can work well with harsh shaving soaps.
However, good lather may take longer to produce than a good badger brush,
and a very decent amount of swabs from pork is not particularly good quality, especially those
that are available in regular stores. However, a good natural wool brush
can do its job well and serve for many years.

Badger comes in different quality:
- plain ("pure badger")- usually darker and harder, but manufacturers can also recolor the wool,
- higher quality ("super badger", "fine badger"), which often performs better than ordinary pork brushes, and
- "silvertip", two or three colors, with light tips, which is valued among lovers of a good shave the most.
Unfortunately, there are no established standards here, even within a certain category there may be
a significant difference in price, hair stiffness and other subtleties of production,
for example, what part of the badger they are taken from, whether they were plucked or shorn,
in the latter case, the hair will prick more.

Also for the price, but not for the quality of the foam,
the role the material from which the handle is made,
it can also be a tree that requires some care due to contact with water.
The wooden handle can be rubbed olive oil once every 2 weeks
putting it in water while brushing is not recommended.
There are also handles made of metal, plastic, ivory, buffalo horn...
In a word, for every taste.

3. Dimensions and other details
On average, the length of the hair from the top of the brush to the ends of the hair ("loft") is 5 cm,
the length of the whole brush from the base of the handle to the ends of the hair ("overall hight") is 10 cm,
node size("knot") about 20-21 mm.
Knot - an indicator of how much hair is "tied" in the handle - an important parameter,
which can be manipulated how tightly it is "tied", how much hair is in it.

Also important, stuck together or brush, then contact with water can quickly cause it to go bald, as is often the case with readily available mass-market products, or tied- good handmade noticeably more expensive, but can last much longer if.

There is larger and more lush brushes, which allow you to quickly beat and spread the foam on the face,
however, they are more difficult to manage, such as applying foam to a small area of ​​skin,
they also use more soap and lather and take longer to dry than smaller models.
With brushes of small and medium size, you can beat a good foam right on your face,
while the larger and lusher ones probably work better in combination with a bowl,
so that their potential is used "to its fullest"
- it is easier to control the process, and there is less splashing, because a large brush holds more water;
and the larger the brush, the larger the bowl may be needed
(some people use large iron animal bowls or salad bowls for this purpose).

There is a whole mass of opinions about which brush (shape, dimensions, materials)
goes better with shaving soaps or creams, which works best on the face / in the hand / combined with a bowl...
I note that soap can be both hard (it can also be allowed to get wet), and soft, resembling a cream,
the same with creams, so the boundary between these categories is in a sense conditional.
Anyway, rigidity, shape - more conical or more rounded, elasticity,
and other parameters - perhaps a matter of taste
Absolute truth in the last instance here probably does not exist,
on this you will have to draw your own conclusions.

It should also be noted that a new shaving brush may smell unpleasantly "dog" for some time,
unless of course it is synthetic, it is enough to wash it with shampoo and use it several times so that the smell goes away.

It may also take a little time for a new shaving brush to get in good shape -
with a shaving brush, something that is often scared in shampoo advertising happens, but here this effect is desirable:
the ends of the hair are split, you get a "thicker" brush surface,
more area, a good foam with fine pores will whip up even faster.

There are certain brands that enjoy a good reputation,
for example, Simpsons, Thäter, Plisson, Rooney, Truefitt & Hill and Vulfix.

Can be quite manageable inexpensive tassel - e.g. from Hans Baier, Mühle/HJM
or cheaper Omega or Vulfix 404 Both are made from pig hair.
This investment will quickly pay off if you move from

Think brushes are nothing special? Do you think that any shaving brush can handle lather and apply it to your face? In fact, the quality of shaving directly depends on the characteristics and quality of the shaving brush. In this guide, you will learn everything there is to know about badgers and boars, from selection to use and storage.

Not just a brush: the shaving quality depends on the shaving brush

Why you need a shaving brush

The shaving brush does two things: getting the lather from the shaving cream or soap, and preparing the bristles and skin of the face for contact with the blade.

Getting foam

A good shaving cream is made up of three ingredients: soap base, water, and air. A high-quality shaving brush helps to combine these ingredients into one substance. When lathering on the face, in the palm of your hand, or in a bowl, the soap base of shaving cream or soap is combined with water. Thanks to this, the foam effectively moisturizes the epidermis and bristles. Wet foam easily penetrates the hair. Thanks to the alkali, which is in the soap base, it makes the bristles soft.

The air turns the foam into a mechanical barrier or a kind of cushion. This protective layer prevents the so-called razor burn, which is manifested by severe redness and inflammation of the skin after shaving.

With quality brushes, you can control the characteristics of the foam: the balance of water and air. For example, whipping soap or cream with a good badger hair brush for 2 minutes removes excess air from the foam and provides a strong bond between water and soap. The result is a moist, dense and persistent foam.

Preparing skin and stubble for shaving

Some novice wetshavers use the shave brush solely to transfer lather to the face. They whip up a great lather in a bowl and then just spread it evenly over the face. This mistake drastically reduces shaving efficiency.

Foam is not enough just to spread over the face. Before shaving, it is necessary to massage the shaving area with a shaving brush for several minutes. This solves the following problems:

  • Raises stubble. Usually, facial hair lies flat, so it is difficult to shave it off without pressing the razor.
  • Helps the foam to penetrate the bristles and epidermis. This makes the hair softer and the top layer of the skin more elastic. As a result, trauma is reduced and shaving efficiency is increased.
  • Removes dead cells of the epidermis. This is called exfoliation. AT this case shaving brush replaces scrub.
  • Increases blood circulation in the face. This stimulates the healing of microtraumas that the epidermis inevitably receives upon contact with the blade.

The use of a shaving brush helps to obtain a quality lather and prepares the skin and stubble for the encounter with the blade. This works when two conditions are met: using the right shaving brush for you, which is from a reliable and trusted supplier. The choice of a suitable shaving brush will be discussed further.

Anatomy of a shaving brush: what to look for when choosing

Shaving brushes consist of natural or artificial pile (bristle) and a handle. The bristle consists of a knot that is hidden in the handle, a base and a dome.

Knot (1), base (2) and dome (3) pile shaving brush

Dome - the area from the widest part of the pile to the tips of the bristles. She may have different length depending on the type and density of the pile. In order for the dome to fully open, a new shaving brush must be used within two to three weeks.

The following characteristics of the dome and base affect the consumer properties of the shaving brush.

Degree of softness or pliability Soft dome brushes are excellent at retaining moisture. Hard dome shaving brushes massage the shaving area well, lift the bristles and remove the dead layer of the epidermis. Dome Capacity This rating describes the capacity of the dome to hold foam. Badger hair brushes have the largest capacity. The ability of the dome to give off foam Connoisseurs of traditional shaving know that some brushes "eat" a lot of cream or soap. In fact, the brush has a low ability to give foam. The characteristic depends on the type of pile and the size of the bundle. Best of all, small shaving brushes and brushes made of synthetic pile give foam.

When choosing a shaving brush, it is important to pay attention to the density of the knot. It is determined by the amount of lint used to make the brush. The tighter the knot, the higher the shaving ability to hold foam. Brushes with dense knots massage the face better and more effectively exfoliate dead epidermal cells.

At the bottom of the knot, the hair should be at the same level. Otherwise, the brush will lose bristles.

In the specification of shaving brushes, manufacturers indicate the following characteristics:

  • The total length of the brush. This is the distance from the edge of the handle to the ends of the pile.
  • Loft brush. The distance from the top of the handle or where the lint exits the handle to the tips of the bristles.
  • Brush knot diameter. It is measured at the point where the pile exits the handle.

When choosing a shaving brush, it is also important to consider the shape of the dome of the pile. The most popular forms are light bulb (bulb) and fan (fan) shaving brushes. Light bulb shaving brushes have a wide base that supports more short hair. Thanks to this, the shaving brush picks up hard soap more easily. It also more effectively whips the foam in the bowl.

Fan-shaped shaving brushes have piles of the same length. It is in closer contact with the surface. This type of shaving brush is best used for lathering on the face.

A variation of the fan is shaving brushes with a flat dome or flat top. They are in particular demand among those who like to beat the foam on the face.

Boar, badger or synthetics: which is better

Shaving brushes made of badger and wild boar bristles are the most popular among connoisseurs of classic shaving. Often there are brushes made of synthetic bristles. Horsehair brushes are considered the most exotic. Which bristle option is best? Let's figure it out.

Boar bristle brushes

This is a relatively cheap shaving option for connoisseurs of natural pile. Boar bristles are hard. Therefore, shaving brushes of this type pick up solid soap well, perfectly massage the shaving area and effectively exfoliate dead skin cells.

Boar hair brushes "eat" a lot of cream or soap. This is due to the fact that they are reluctant to give up the formed foam.

The benefits of boar wool shaving brushes include:

  • Relatively low cost. "Boars" are cheaper than high-quality "badgers".
  • Excellent massage and exfoliating properties. Due to the rigidity of the bristles, this type of shaving brush replaces the scrub.
  • The ability to lift hairs. The intensive work of the boar bristle brush perfectly prepares the facial hair for shaving.

Among the shortcomings, some vetshavers note the incompatibility of the shaving brush with boar hair with sensitive or problematic skin. Allegedly too hard hairs on the brush injure the skin and cause discomfort.

This is not an axiom. Those with sensitive skin can use "boars" with a suitable shaving product. Moreover, brushes of this type are indispensable in the fight against ingrown hairs. Due to the ability to exfoliate dead cells of the epidermis and release hair, "boars" prevent inflammation.

Another disadvantage of pig hair brushes is the smell. It is really present in the early days of using brushes from some manufacturers. But a simple wash with toilet soap or shaving cream completely eliminates the unpleasant odor.

Omega 48 Pro is one of the most popular boar hair brushes.

Badger brushes

"Badgers" are considered the standard of high-quality shaving brush. Brushes of this type whip foam faster than "boars". The foam itself is more dense and moist at the same time. This is possible due to the good ability of badger hair to retain moisture.

Badger shaving brushes give off foam well. Due to the softness of the pile, "badger" does not cause discomfort when applying foam, even for those with sensitive skin.

Depending on the quality of the pile, badger shaving brushes are classified into categories.

Pure Badger This is the most affordable type of badger hair brush. The most rigid bristles are used for production. Pure Badger shaving brushes are similar to boar hair shaving brushes. They are great for working with bar soaps, as well as massaging the face well and removing dead skin cells. Best Badger

For the production of these brushes, softer badger hair is used. It is taken from the belly area of ​​the animal.

Best Badger brushes outperform Pure Badger and boar brushes in terms of moisture retention and lather. At the same time, they retain good massage qualities and the ability to lift facial hair.

Super Badger The hair for this type of brush is taken from the back of a badger. These are soft razor brushes that whip up a dense and thick lather. Super Badger is best used to work with a mild soap or cream. It is more comfortable to whip the foam in a bowl. Silvertip Badger

This is the highest category of badger brushes. For their production, wool from the neck of the animal is used. Silvertip are the softest shaving brushes. They retain moisture best and form the highest quality foam. In terms of moisture retention, Silvertip has no competitors.

Some manufacturers distinguish an additional category: Extra Silvertip. Shaving brushes of this class may differ from Silvertip in appearance and handle material. But the properties of the brush remain the same, since all Silvertip are made from wool, which is taken from the badger's neck.

Badger hair brush

Note! Do not try to determine the class of shaving brush by appearance. Some manufacturers specially color the Best Badger or Super Badger tips to pass them off as Silvertip. To purchase a real high-end badger hair brush, you need to choose a reliable manufacturer and study the brush specification.

Horsehair brushes

This is a rare type of shaving brush made of natural bristles. In terms of stiffness and ability to retain moisture and foam, horsehair brushes occupy an intermediate position between "badgers" and "boars".

An important feature: horse hair is thinner than pig hair, and its tips are sharper. Therefore, when foaming on the face, horsehair shaving brushes can cause more pronounced discomfort than harder boar hair brushes. Therefore, "horses" are not always suitable for people with sensitive and problematic skin.

An important point: to make shaving brushes from horsehair, horses are sheared, not killed. Therefore, brushes of this type - preferred option for zookeepers.

Vie-Long Peleón horsehair brush

Mixed bristle brushes

Some manufacturers offer shaving brushes with mixed bristles. For example, Progress Vulfix No 10 Bristle and Badger is made from boar and badger hair. The manufacturer sought to combine the best qualities of two types in one accessory: the rigidity and excellent massage properties of the "boars" and the ability to retain moisture and beat the dense foam of the "badgers".

Hybrid "boar" and "badger" from Vulfix

Brushes with synthetic bristles

A few decades ago, among connoisseurs of classic shaving, brushes made of artificial hair were considered bad manners. They were inferior to their counterparts made of natural wool in all respects, except for the price. This is not surprising: artificial pile was made from ordinary plastic.

Modern brushes with synthetic bristles are made from fiber. For example, the Muhle company has developed a fiber of the highest category Silvertip Fiber, which, in terms of consumer qualities, is as close as possible to the badger's wool of the Silvertip class.

Quality fiber brushes produce dense and moist lather. They are soft and comfortable, like real badgers. Separately, it is worth noting the durability of fiber brushes. Synthetic material does not deteriorate from moisture. In addition, it dries instantly.

A feature of fiber brushes is the need to add more water to the foam. Compared to natural brushes, artificial fiber shaving brushes retain moisture slightly worse.

Fiber travel brush

Fiber brushes are suitable for allergy sufferers, travelers, animal rights activists.

What you need to know about the size of the shaving brush and the material of the handle

When choosing a shaving brush, you need to consider its size. For road brushes, the design also plays a role. You also need to take into account the material of manufacture of the brush. Details below.

Size matters

The total length of the brush from the tip of the pile to the end of the handle, as well as the length and thickness of the handle, affect the usability of the shaving brush. This is especially important for men with large palms, older connoisseurs of classic shaving and men with hand dysmotility.

To hold a small brush with a short and narrow handle in your hands, as well as whip the foam with it, a person must use fine motor skills. It does not cause any problems in young people and healthy older people.

Some men have fine motor skills broken due to age-related changes or diseases, such as the consequences of a stroke. In this case, it is more convenient for a person to use a medium or large shaving brush.

Large brushes are also preferred by professional barbers. Some manufacturers produce special professional models of shaving brushes with an extended handle.

One of the important characteristics of shaving brushes is the diameter of the knot. Here you need to understand the pattern: the larger the knot, the faster and easier it whips the foam. back side medals - large shaving brushes "eat" a lot of soap and cream.

One more nuance: on the face it is not very convenient to beat the foam with too large swabs. But large brushes work great in a bowl. When choosing a brush size, be guided by the following guidelines:

  • If you are lathering both in the bowl and on your face, choose a shaving brush with a knot diameter of 21 mm.
  • To work exclusively with the bowl, shaving brushes with a knot diameter of 23 mm or more are suitable.
  • Shaving brushes with a diameter of 19 mm or less should be considered as a travel option.

Handle material and shape

This is a matter of individual tastes and preferences. It is convenient for someone to use a brush with a large handle, someone prefers compact shaving brushes. Some connoisseurs of traditional shaving prefer inexpensive brushes with plastic handles. The latter love solid shaving brushes with handles made of expensive wood or steel.

Road shavings deserve special attention. They may be required to:

  • Compactness.
  • Light weight.
  • The presence of a cap or case that protects the pile during transportation.

If you travel frequently, purchase a separate travel shaving brush with synthetic bristles. It dries quickly. Natural bristle brushes are inconvenient to use when traveling. They often do not have time to dry, so they deteriorate.

Travel shaving brush with case

How to use a shaving brush

Foam with a shaving brush can be whipped on the face or in a bowl. Some wetshavers instead of a bowl, whip the foam directly into the palm of your hand. Read more about the main ways to make foam below.

How to foam in a bowl

Before using the shaving brush, soak it in warm water for a few minutes. Make sure the water is below the knot of the shaving brush. This is especially important for brushes with a glued knot. Avoid too hot water, as it worsens physical properties pile.

The shaving brush can remain in the water while you wash your face, take a shower, and steam your skin with a towel. Soaking is especially important for boar bristle brushes. And brushes made of synthetic bristles do not need to be soaked.

Empty the bowl of water, shake the shaving brush to remove excess moisture. Do not wring out the brush with your hands. If using a cream, add a strip of about 2 cm into the bowl. If using soap, draw it into the shaving brush in a circular motion.

Beat the foam in the bowl with vigorous circular motions. Add a little water if the foam is too thick and dense. Add a little cream or soap if the lather is airy or watery.

The properties of the foam depend on the soap or shaving cream, the type of brush, the cooking time. Practice, find the one that works for you. Experiment with the amount of water and shaving products.

When the foam is ready, apply it on your face. Spread it over the shaving area for at least a minute. As noted above, this is how you prepare the skin and stubble for the encounter with the blade.

If you are using a boar bristle brush, you can use the palms of your hands to lather. This type of razor brush doesn't immediately release lather, so it stays inside the bristles. After 30-60 seconds of beating in the palm of your hand, transfer the shaving brush to your face and continue to lather in a circular motion.

How to foam on the face

Boar bristle shaving brushes are best for making foam on the face. So that the brush does not injure the skin, be sure to soak it for several minutes in warm water. Pay special attention to preparing your skin for shaving.

So that the stiff bristles do not injure the epidermis and do not cause discomfort steam your face properly. You can either use a hot towel or use a stream of warm water in the shower to shave. Steamed skin becomes elastic, and this protects it from injury in contact with the shaving brush and blade.

Apply a strip of cream 1-2 cm on the shaving brush or draw soap in a circular motion over the washer. Then beat the foam on your face in a circular motion. Work for at least 2-3 minutes. During this time, the shaving brush will remove excess air from the foam, and the hair and skin will be moisturized.

Life hack: use a shaving brush to wash your entire face while shaving. The brush will remove dead cells of the epidermis and cleanse the pores on the forehead. Just don't use shaving cream or soap all over your face. These products are too aggressive. It is better to lather the brush with regular baby soap or cleanser that you usually use. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week, depending on the characteristics of the skin.

How to store and care for a shaving brush

After use, be sure to rinse the shaving brush under running water. Shake the brush several times to remove water. Store the shaving brush pile down. It is better if this accessory will stand in a dry room.

To store the shaving brush, purchase a special stand. It will extend the life of the brush for many years.

Simple stand extends the life of the shaving brush

Brushes with synthetic bristles may be stored upside down.

If necessary, wash the shaving brush with toilet soap. You can also use shampoo for this purpose. But with proper storage and care, the need to wash the brush usually does not arise.

To remove soap scum, wash the shaving brush in an aqueous solution of table vinegar. Mix one part vinegar and four parts water. Soak the shaving brush in this solution for several minutes and rinse thoroughly under running water.

Although progress has long stepped forward and shaving foam was invented, my father did not like it. In general, shaving for the father is a kind of tea ceremony. Some kind of rejuvenation ritual, as he says. In a wide stainless steel cup filled with hot water, the father whips up soapy suds with a battered old shaving brush, as they call it. shaving brush. He applies lather to his stubbly face and begins to shave with Gillette with confident movements. In terms of a razor, he still appreciated the movement of progress. Everything old sooner or later falls into disrepair. So my father's shaving brush is completely bald. So my brain was visited by the thought that it would not be bad to help my father. Fulfill, so to speak, filial duty.

With a bristle, I decided not to bother and use a bristle from a regular molar brush. Although you can go shopping for artists and pick up a suitable natural bristle.

For the handle, either brass alloy plumbing adapters or PVC adapters of the right size are perfect.
Glue used rubber, but better epoxy resin which was not available at the time.

We disassemble the brush as in the photo.

We scratch the PVC adapter from the inside with an emery cloth for better adhesion of the glue.

Inside I glued a suitable nut left after the repair of the car.

We glue our broom from a paint brush.

After we pick up scissors and attach our shaving brush the required form.

Most men today prefer a quick shave, and therefore use either an electric razor or a razor with ready-made shaving products. However, the consequences of such hasty hair removal are often very disappointing. The hairs remaining here and there, redness, irritation, cuts are far from the result that we would like to get.

Attribute of a perfect shave

This is why some members of the stronger sex remain committed to shaving using a bowl, foam, shaving brush and a sharp razor, or a T-shaped machine, with a facial steaming procedure. Of course, this method of getting rid of bristles is lengthy, but the result is worth it.

Here, in addition to the razor or machine itself, a shaving brush plays an important role. It is a pen with a thick brush. The handle can be made of acrylic, wood, stainless steel. There are also rare or elite shaving brushes with a handle made of precious woods, bones or animal horns.

The brush can be made of artificial fibers or natural animal hair:

  • horsehair - have medium hardness, much depends on the specific shaving brush;
  • boar bristles are the most popular option, because in terms of properties (hard, well whips up foam, massages) and the price is similar to artificial counterparts, but the quality is undoubtedly better;
  • badger wool - a softer, but more expensive option;
  • squirrel wool is also a soft brush, but rarely produced, since the animals from whose hair it is made are protected in almost all countries.

Despite the fact that a natural shaving brush inspires confidence with its natural origin, this does not mean at all that artificial fibers are worse. They also have their own advantages.

Choosing an important subject

To choose a shaving brush, you need to know not only about the composition of the brush, but also about some manufacturers. Therefore, it is useful to look at some review of brands, where the properties of each of them will be described. Often the reviews of other men help to make a choice. However, it is worth remembering that each person is individual, and what is ideally suited to one, another may not like it at all.

To understand how to choose a shaving brush that will meet all the wishes of a particular man, you need to focus on the type of skin and bristles. The more sensitive the skin, the softer the brush should be. However, for thick and tough vegetation, a hard brush is needed. Therefore, which shaving brush is better - everyone decides individually, based on the characteristics of their skin and hair.

Another important nuance: it’s good if the shaving brush has a case. It is not only beautiful, but also convenient. The case helps to protect the brush from contamination, especially when traveling, because the shaving brush is a hygiene item, and you need to carefully monitor its cleanliness. This is another criterion that affects the ranking among these shaving attributes:

  • in the first place are badger hair brushes. Moreover, due to the fact that the animal's hair has different stiffness, manufacturers can produce several options for shaving brushes;
  • in second place are fiber brushes. Although it is an artificial material, it is considered the softest and most durable;
  • the third place is occupied by boar bristles and artificial analogues. They are good for lovers of hard brushes, but wear out quickly.

A more detailed rating of shaving brushes includes features of the material from which the handle is made, the presence of a case. Some people like light wood handles, while others like heavy metal ones. But they have one drawback - they do not like moisture, and mold may appear in the place where the brush is attached. Of course, nothing excludes its appearance on plastic or acrylic. But the handle itself is better preserved.

Therefore, each man decides for himself what to give preference to. Definitely not worth buying the most expensive shaving brush. If this is the first copy purchased, then let it be cheap or from middle category. There are many shops where you can buy a good quality shaving brush at an affordable price. Moreover, it is better if there is an opportunity to consult with the seller, touch the brush, hold the object. This will help you make your choice more objectively.

Shaving with a shaving brush

How to use a shaving brush is easy to understand, because it is needed to create foam. The bowl is poured with boiling water or hot water, shaving cream or soap is put there. The brush is also moistened with water. Then, with vigorous movements, as when using a whisk, the foam is whipped. Do not press hard on the brush, so as not to deform it.

Now, with the help of a shaving brush, the foam is placed on the face: along the hair growth and against it. Thanks to the brush, every hair of the bristle is raised and covered with foam, so you get a closer shave.

Sometimes men are faced with the fact that the brush is hard. Then you need to know how to soften the shaving brush. This can be done in several ways:

  • if the brush is not too hard, just hold it for a few seconds over a thin steam;
  • if the brush is of medium hardness - lower it into hot water for a few seconds as well;
  • hard bristles should be held in hot water for several minutes.

A similar problem most often occurs when using a new shaving brush. With each subsequent shave, the pile will be softer if it is good. Another reason is improper care of this attribute. After use, the brush must be rinsed well and left to dry with the handle up. Sometimes you need to rinse it well with shampoo to get rid of the remaining foam.

If you neglect these tips, then over time the villi will harden, and you will have to look for ways to make the shaving brush soft.

Sometimes the brush retains its rigidity for a long time due to poor-quality wool. Then you need to get a new shaving brush.

I will start the article with a little explanation, since many modern men simply do not know what a shaving brush is and what it is for. A shaving brush is a brush, but not for painting fences or painting pictures, but for directing foam, applying it to the face for the purpose of massage and lifting the bristles. Shaving brush is best friend men in the process of shaving, not archaism. Moreover, some shaving brushes are a real work of art and modern technologies. Therefore, you should not listen to those who say that the brush is superfluous in the process of shaving, as there are foams and gels in cylinders that eliminate its need. This category of people does not understand anything about the classic wet shave, or they pursue their own commercial goals.

Fans of classic wet shaving are well aware that shaving brushes differ primarily in bristles (hair). For clarity, we divide them into main types:

  1. Boar bristle.
  2. Horsehair.
  3. Badger hair.
  4. Synthetics (fiber).

There is also a fifth type - combined. For example, a manufacturer mixes boar bristles with horsehair. In this case, the proportions may be different. The manufacturer usually indicates information about this in order to be able to determine the degree of stiffness of the brush bristles, so you should carefully study the description of its characteristics.

The main types of shaving brushes also determine their stiffness.

shaving brushes boar bristles are classified as hard. They become soft after a long time of use.

Shaving brushes with horse hair also tough, but they are the golden mean between boar bristles and badger hair. Just like boar bristle brushes, they get a little softer over time.

Shaving brushes with badger hair- soft. The higher the category of badger hair, the softer it is.

Shaving brushes from synthetics (fibers)- soft, but in the case of high-quality synthetics, and not Chinese crafts.

it general information about brushes. The types of handles and materials for their manufacture will be considered another time.

This article will focus on synthetic brushes. I will start from the fact that the reader is new to the world of classic shaving and he is faced with the question of choosing and acquiring a shaving brush. I’ll explain right away why we are talking about synthetics. Based personal experience, I think that a synthetic shaving brush according to its characteristics − the best choice for a beginner. Now more about this.

To begin with, for a beginner, first of all, the degree of rigidity of the brush plays an important role. A lot of fans of classic shaving, including me, started with boar bristle shaving brushes. To be honest, not everyone was delighted with them because of the rather strong rigidity. In the case of acquiring a poor-quality shaving brush, the overall impression of a classic shave was very spoiled. Quite possibly, some even threw out such copies of shaving brushes, and with them shaving products, and switched to foams and gels in cylinders.

Therefore, it is best for a beginner to start with synthetics. These are soft brushes that do not create discomfort on the skin. Especially if the skin is sensitive. I will make one more point. The tips of synthetic fiber are usually rounded ends, which eliminates the possibility that the fiber will prick at the time of brushing on the face. Shaving brushes made of natural hair or bristle are usually slightly prickly, as in most cases the bristle or hair is simply cut off, especially Chinese manufacturers.

“It should be noted that almost 80% of badger hair comes from China”

Basically, for premium shaving brushes, the hair is not cut, but plucked. Therefore, the hair thus obtained is not prickly. But as you understand, the price of such shaving brushes is premium.

At the moment, synthetics are available in two versions. A fiber resembling boar bristle and a second generation fiber similar in properties to badger hair. There are also third and fourth generations, but I will not focus on them, since these are just improved versions of the second generation. In addition, it should be understood that there is no single standard, each manufacturer of shaving brushes determines the categories of their products.

Shaving brushes with synthetic fiber reminiscent of boar bristles. The most famous and popular representative of this “family” is the Omega S10005 shaving brush, which gained its popularity thanks to good performance, quality and affordable price. Using his example, I can say that shaving brushes with such a fiber do an excellent job. It differs from brushes with second-generation fiber in a simpler production technology and a fiber of greater rigidity.

Shaving brushes with second generation synthetic fiber, reminiscent of badger hair. These shaving brushes are most often badger hair color, but there are exceptions. For example, the German company Muehle produces brushes with black synthetic fiber. The second and subsequent generations of synthetic fiber are characterized by higher softness and the fact that, in terms of tactile sensations, they are closer to natural hair badger.

Now let's move on to the characteristics. Shaving brushes with synthetic fiber create foam very quickly with low soap consumption, which is very important for soft grades such as Proraso. They dry faster, which makes them indispensable on trips and unpretentious in care. The main thing is that the shaving brush hangs down with the fiber, but this care rule applies to any kind of shaving brush. Another plus of synthetic fiber brushes is that they last longer than brushes with natural bristles or hair.

In my opinion, synthetic fiber brushes are a great choice for beginners. They are less demanding in care, optimal for various trips, ideal for sensitive skin and carry a minimal risk of allergic reactions.

Another important point is that animals do not suffer or die during the production of these shaving brushes.

I have been using synthetic fiber shaving brushes for a long time and am very glad that I have such an indispensable “friend”, but nevertheless I sometimes like to use Vie-Long horsehair shaving brush.