How can a child learn to write beautifully with a pen? How to teach a child to write beautifully: homeschooling tricks. How to sit and what to hold in your hands

Many parents of preschoolers and younger children school age They are wondering how to teach their child to write beautifully, accurately and competently. This is not an easy task, but it is quite within the capabilities of caring parents. The main thing in this matter is determination, patience and adherence to certain rules, which will be discussed below.

However, in our modern age of computer technology, the statement about the need to teach a child to write beautifully is quite controversial: the ability to type quickly is much more valued. However, answer yourself this question: do you want your child’s grades to be lowered at school because of poorly readable handwriting? I'm sure not.



Why do we need beautiful handwriting?

Each person has an individual handwriting that is developed over many years. In the primary grades, schoolchildren learn to write, mastering calligraphy for children, and then spend a long time polishing this skill, writing dictations, essays and summaries. However, beautiful, legible handwriting in an adult is quite a rare occurrence.

Many parents of preschoolers and children of primary school age are wondering how to teach their child to write beautifully, accurately and competently. This is not an easy task, but it is quite within the capabilities of caring parents. The main thing in this matter is determination, patience and adherence to certain rules, which will be discussed below.

However, in our modern age of computer technology, the statement about the need to teach a child to write beautifully is quite controversial: the ability to type quickly is much more valued. However, answer yourself this question: do you want your child’s grades to be lowered at school because of poorly readable handwriting? I'm sure not.

What should you do if you see terrible scribbles in your student’s notebook, the letters “dance” in different directions and look, to put it mildly, not neat? You can try to correct bad handwriting by tutoring your child yourself. Teaching a child to write beautifully is a completely solvable task, the main thing is to practice regularly, and the result will not be long in coming.

Some people think that additional classes calligraphy overloads the child. I think that the ability to write beautifully and accurately will never be superfluous. In addition, writing classes develop well fine motor skills(child's finger dexterity), and this helps in intellectual development.

I’ll say right away thatteach your child to write beautifully- the task is much more complex than simply teaching him to write letters and words. Developing beautiful handwriting will require persistent work and daily practice from the student until the desired skill is established.

How to mark a child's handwriting?

Let's start with the fact that training should not start too early. Parents who are so proud of their 4-5 year old child’s success in penmanship often grab their heads later: after going to school, the child begins to write “like a chicken with its paw”, gets tired quickly, and does not try. The reason for this is the unpreparedness of the child’s hand for writing at such an early age. After all, it’s not for nothing that children used to go to school at the age of 7 and only study writing in the first grade. In order to learn calligraphy, a child must have sufficiently developed fine motor skills. This needs to be done starting from the very beginning. early age. Fine motor skills training is any exercise that involves the fingers: drawing, modeling, appliqués, finger games and so on.

When a child opens the first copybooks, parents should be especially careful. This is the key moment in developing the skill of writing beautifully. If you miss it, it will be much more difficult to correct a child’s handwriting, because, as a rule, habits childhood form very quickly.

So, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The child's seat at the desk must comply with the standards (back is straight, both hands are on the surface of the table, the head is slightly tilted).
  2. Make sure your child is holding the pen correctly. If the writing instrument is in the wrong position, the hand quickly gets tired, the letters turn out uneven, and the child gradually develops poor handwriting.

To teach your child to write beautifully, buy everything you need for classes.

  1. You will need:
    - a soft simple pencil (preferably a triangular one);
    - comfortable ballpoint, or better yet, gel pen;
    - copybooks for writing - 2 types: copybooks with letters and words written in dotted dots (or in pale gray), and copybook, where after each printed letter (word) there is a space for writing it (it) by hand;
    - a notebook with a narrow oblique ruler.
  2. Teach your child to hold a pen and pencil correctly.

You need to buy the most comfortable handle. Now there are special ones with indentations for the fingers. Such a pen is very helpful at the initial stage, so that the child learns to hold it correctly.

It is necessary to pay attention to how the child holds the pen. Special attention. If he gets used to holding it incorrectly, then retraining him and teaching the child to write beautifully will be much more difficult.

The pencil or pen should rest on the upper phalanx of the middle finger and be held in place by the thumb and index finger. In this case, the thumb should be higher than the index finger. Make sure the tip of the pen is pointing toward your shoulder.

  1. If your child has difficulties, do not scold him for it, do not raise your voice or punish him. Everyone makes mistakes, especially children during their learning period. Your task is to help overcome difficulties, and this can only be achieved with attentive attitude and practical advice.
  2. When your child draws sticks and circles and then begins the first letters, be there and supervise the process. In the future, also, do not let learning take its course: always check your first-grader’s homework, since it is still difficult for a child to write both beautifully and correctly, and errors may occur in his written speech.
  3. Constantly train your child’s ability to deftly use his fingers.

You cannot teach a child to write beautifully if he does not know how to tie shoelaces or fasten buttons.

The following activities develop fine motor skills:
- cutting out parts of different sizes with scissors and making appliqués from them;
- origami;
- coloring and shading exercises;
- drawing in any form - with a brush, chalk, pencils;
- drawing on buckwheat;
- games with small details - puzzles, mosaics, construction sets;
- lacing, braiding, embroidery, knitting, beading;
- modeling from plasticine.

Stages of learning beautiful writing

1. The first stage is outlining.

Use special copybooks with letters and words written in dotted dots. In addition to letters, such copybooks also contain various sticks, wavy lines, geometric figures, patterns and even pictures. This is where you should start learning beautiful writing.

When the child is already good at drawing lines, ovals, curves, etc., you can move on to writing letters, numbers and words. By tracing them, the child trains his fingers and learns to write letters and their connections correctly.

Children like classes using such recipes. They enjoy watching the dots turn into beautiful letters. A little time will pass, and the child will be able to write beautifully without the help of dotted lines.

At this stage you can add graphic dictations when a child, on command, traces lines in a notebook in a box:2 cells left, two cells up. etc. and so on.

2. The second stage is practicing writing letters, syllables and words according to the model.

Use copybooks in which there is a template letter (sample) before the space for writing a letter by hand. At the same time, the child will always have the correct beautiful letter before his eyes. The fact is that when writing a letter, the child looks at the previous one, and if he did not write it well enough, he will copy it.

Make it a rule to move on to mastering a new letter only after the child has learned to write the previous one beautifully. It doesn't matter how long it takes - half an hour or more than a week. It is also necessary to first teach the child to write letters beautifully, and only then move on to syllables and words.

3. The third stage is rewriting entire phrases and texts using copybooks of the first and second types. These exercises will help you approach rewriting yourself.

4. The next stage is to consolidate writing skills: let the child write a few lines every day from any story, poem or song. Of course, he must write them beautifully and accurately. To do this, buy him a notebook with a thin, oblique ruler, which will make it very easy to write letters, serving as an additional “support” for them.

This stage of training is the most difficult, because before your eyes there is no longer an ideal model to look up to.

Correction of handwriting in children

Correcting children's handwriting is much more difficult than initially learning to write. But it is possible to improve a child’s handwriting, and this should be started as soon as it begins to deteriorate. When correcting handwriting, an important point is patience, both for children and parents.

Before you start correcting handwriting, convince your child of the need for such work. Under no circumstances force your child to practice calligraphy if he doesn’t want to. Such activities will not bring results. Better think about how you can stimulate his desire to write more beautifully!

When starting classes, be prepared for the fact that not everything will work out the first time. Therefore, do not scold or punish your child for failures. It is also impossible to compare his achievements with the achievements of other children. This can completely discourage learning, and without this it is impossible to teach a child to write beautifully.

On the contrary, praise him for his diligence and for the successes he has achieved over a period of time. Save all his works, return to them, compare the results. Then the child will have an incentive to develop.

Do not forget that the child must rest between studying at school, doing homework and writing practice. It is desirable that these be active games or a walk on fresh air. After all, if a child is very tired, he will lose all desire to learn.

To make it easier to teach your child to write beautifully, break the learning process into several stages.

  1. Tracing method. Buy tracing paper and invite your child to trace the letters by placing it on top of the copybook. This gives good effect: the skill is developed to perceive and then reproduce letters correctly. Each letter needs to be “practised” long enough until the skill becomes automatic.
  2. Do not buy regular copybooks, but print them from the Internet. In standard copybooks, each letter is given a clearly limited number of lines, while your child may need much more. Let the child write line by line, sheet by sheet, until the hand “remembers” the movement.
  3. When all the copybooks have been completed, you should consolidate your skills by writing dictations.

It may take more than one month or even a year to teach a child to write beautifully, but it is worth it. After all, beautiful, neat handwriting is the face of every schoolchild!

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If a chicken understood human speech, it would be very offended to hear that the hand of someone who writes ugly and sloppy is compared to its paw. But you shouldn’t offend or condemn a child who doesn’t know how to write beautifully.

Calligraphy is a skill

On their own, theoretically, absolutely anyone can do it, you can even teach some animals (monkeys, elephants) to do this. However, writing beautifully is a completely different kind of skill. Accurate handwriting takes a long time and hard to develop, and for some (and in our time - for most people!) it is not developed at all. “” in school generally pays too little attention, and every year less and less: it becomes irrelevant, unlike, for example, the ability. However, bad ratings continue to be reduced, which seems unfair.

Parents can cope with this injustice on their own by working with their children. Despite the fact that developing beautiful handwriting is a difficult task, it is quite possible to achieve success with the proper patience.

Start classes as early as possible

Many experts say that children need to develop correct handwriting as early as possible - preferably even with three years old. However, others object, recalling that a baby’s hand at this age is not yet physiologically prepared for writing; In addition, the rules for writing letters are not familiar to all parents, and standards in this regard are changing: for example, in the mid-90s, new models appeared in school copybooks, more simplified than the classic written font. Many teachers at that time did not accept the innovations and continued to teach children according to the previous standard.

However, from the age of three it is necessary to train the child’s hand, preparing it for writing. And for this you don’t need to teach him to write letters. It is necessary to teach him to draw simple figures: circles, lines, triangles, loops, etc. Let him draw whatever he wants, this trains not only the motor skills of the hands and fingers, but also develops imagination, imaginative thinking, and introduces figures, shapes and colors. At a later age, you can start writing letters.


Practice is one of the most important factors in learning to write. There are a great many ways to develop your hand, and here are just a few:

  • tying shoelaces, fastening buttons; you need to move your fingers in these activities deftly and carefully;
  • coloring and shading activities;
  • drawing different ways– both traditional (pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, pens) and non-traditional (buckwheat, flour, etc.);
  • folding origami, assembling puzzles, construction sets, mosaics, modeling from plasticine;
  • beading, embroidery, knitting, cutting out parts with scissors and making appliqués;
  • playing the guitar and other similar musical instruments.

It has been noticed that children (and adults) who are interested in these types of activities have significantly improved handwriting. These hobbies also affect the intellectual development of children - they become smarter, more savvy, and in the future it is easier for them to master professional skills.

High intelligence of the population is characteristic of the countries of Southeast Asia, where they write in hieroglyphs. Mastering their writing is a rather difficult task, requiring not only patience and memory, but also intelligence. In the past, calligraphy was also popular as a separate art. Nowadays, calligraphy - writing out hieroglyphs - is not popular in Japan, China and Korea, but is still in demand in Vietnam, despite the fact that the Vietnamese language has been using the Latin alphabet for a long time: in everyday life, the Vietnamese are fond of beautiful and picturesque writing of hieroglyphs and attend special courses.

How to sit and what to hold in your hands

To develop beautiful handwriting, it is important to adhere to certain rules. This applies to posture and the placement of writing instruments.

  • When sitting, your back should be straight, your elbows should be on the table.
  • The height of the desk should be suitable.
  • The notebook must be tilted at an angle of 25 degrees to the edge of the table; This rule, unfortunately, is practically not observed today; even in schools, desk tops are horizontal, but in Soviet time school desks were made inclined. Older generation He also remembers desks connected to a bench: in them, both the inclination of the tabletop and the distance from the desk to the student are strictly maintained.

There are rules for pens and pencils. It is desirable that they be triangular, since this shape is more convenient. Nowadays, handles with special recesses for fingers are also produced.

By the way, the debate regarding ballpoint and fountain pens continues to this day. Someone noticed that after the introduction of ballpoint pens and the abandonment of fountain pens, students’ handwriting began to deteriorate en masse. The fact is that it is difficult to write with a fountain pen; it is necessary to carefully draw out each element and dip it into the inkwell more often, which is why the handwriting is formed especially carefully; at the same time, ballpoint and gel fountain pens, with their fast and constant writing, free the writer from the need to painstakingly write letters. One way or another, but in some European countries Schoolchildren today, at the beginning of the 21st century, can only use fountain pens.

It is also necessary to monitor how the child holds the pen in his hands. It should lie on the front phalanx of the middle finger and be held by the thumb and forefinger. The tilt of the hand and handle must also be correct: it will be difficult to relearn at a later age. As a rule, for a right-handed person the pen should be tilted towards writing, and for a left-handed person - in the opposite direction.

Some parents still believe that left-handers must be retrained. For what - they cannot give an adequate answer: the reason for this is either superstition, or a vague awareness that writing with the left hand is “wrong”. In fact, retraining is a serious mistake. The child should write with the hand that is comfortable for him. There is no difference in thinking between “left-handed” and “right-handed” people.

To develop handwriting, you should stock up on school notebooks with a narrow oblique ruler, as well as copybooks - with and without dotted lines.

There's no need to rush

If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Including handwriting. You should never rush a child who has sat down to write or draw. At first he will perform the correct movements with his fingers very slowly, because the necessary automatisms have not yet been formed. The child himself will feel when he can increase his writing speed. And if you rush him, then his studies will not bring any benefit and his handwriting will remain sloppy.

You should exercise daily, at least 15 to 30 minutes a day. In between classes, the child should rest so that the hand and eyes do not become overtired. Finally, you shouldn’t force him to study if he doesn’t want to: exercising by force will be ineffective, you will only waste your time and nerves. In general, calligraphy, like other things that require patient and monotonous work, should be done in a calm and balanced state, when nothing prevents you from going deeper into the process and focusing on correcting minor shortcomings.

Any parent wants to prepare their child for school as best as possible. Therefore, even before the child enters first grade, adults begin to teach the child the basics of mathematics, reading and writing.

And, if everything is clear with the first two points of preparing for school, then certain difficulties arise with writing. In particular, not a single teacher would recommend teaching a child how to draw written letters independently.

In the learning process, everything is important: seating, lighting, the sequence of learning capital letters, correct grip of the pen, the teacher’s explanations. The systematic practice of calligraphy plays an important role. In addition, children who have mastered writing early often use it situationally - to sign a drawing, a postcard, or leave a note. And not always in this case all the rules of writing are followed.

“But,” the parents will be surprised, “is it really impossible to take care in advance that the baby will write beautifully, quickly and competently in the future?” It is possible and even necessary! True, you will have to start small.

Younger preschoolers: preparation for writing begins with games

In principle, the baby begins to prepare for writing at the age of 3-5 years. At the same time, parents, playing with the baby, often do not even suspect it.

To notice that preparation for writing has begun, you need to think: “What exactly is necessary for a child to write correctly, without errors and accurately?” If you look into this in detail, it turns out that the skill itself does not play a leading role. When writing you need:

  • attention;
  • visual perception and memory;
  • good command of gross and, most importantly, fine motor skills.

By playing exceptions with your child, assembling mosaics, lacing, making appliques, modeling from plasticine, dough and other available materials, you are already preparing him for writing.

From the point of view of preparing the hand, various types of drawing are very useful: with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, fingers on paper, salt and various cereals.

Naturally, these are all play tasks, but a child of this age doesn’t need more. The most important thing is to encourage him to work more with his fingers and head. The more and more varied you play, the better.

We learn to do it right right away

One of the key points when teaching a child to write is developing the skill of correctly gripping a pen or pencil. This baby needs to be trained as early as possible. Already at the stage of the first “doodles”, suggest that he hold the pencil correctly.

The grip is made at a distance of about 1.5 centimeters from the stylus. The pencil lies on the upper phalanx of the middle finger and is fixed with the thumb and forefinger on top. Please note that your fingers should not be on the same line. The middle finger protrudes forward, then the index finger, and the thumb is at the greatest distance from the stylus.

It is advisable to purchase special triangular pencils, pens and markers. They are extremely difficult to hold incorrectly. There are also special attachments for pencils in the shape of animals to form the correct grip.

When the child begins the first exercises to prepare for writing, it will be important to monitor his posture: straight back, both hands resting on the table, elbows slightly protruding beyond its edge. You should not bend to the sides, and your baby should not lean his chest on the table. The legs are placed on a solid support and form a right angle at the knee joint.

It is advisable to equip the child's study area with a good desk and a chair with adjustable leg heights. Such interior items will last a long time.

Preparing for a letter from a senior preschooler

At the age of 5-6 years, the baby is ready to begin more serious activities. If the child is already familiar with the letters, it’s time to start “drawing” them. Show your baby how to “draw” a letter correctly, encourage him to put the letters together into words. Write letters and notes to each other. Praise your child for a beautifully drawn letter.

Draw simple elements with your little one:

  • sticks;
  • circles;
  • hooks;
  • crosses.

At first the child will draw. Therefore, for the first lessons, a small album without any cells or rulers is best suited. Start with a large sheet of paper on which your baby can place elements of any size and in any quantity.

When you notice that the lines have become smoother and there is no longer a need for a gigantic size, invite the baby to write letters and elements on half the sheet, then on a quarter.

When your child copes with a similar task, get a notebook for preschoolers with a large square. Design it beautifully and originally so that the activity does not turn into a boring routine. When working with a notebook, the child will inevitably have to adhere to the same scale when writing elements.

A preschooler does not need the usual copybooks. But if a child shows a desire to write letters, he has significant perseverance and he himself is interested in the beautiful and clear outline of printed letters, you can find a copybook for preschoolers. They ask you to trace and then draw printed letters yourself. What is significant is that the copybooks for preschoolers are also in checkered patterns. He will get to know the line later.

It is also worth purchasing special workbooks for preschoolers of the appropriate age. In addition to boring hooks and letters, you will find a lot of interesting tasks in them to prepare your hand for writing - tracing something, shading, connecting lines and much more.

Spend 10-15 minutes writing every day. It is likely that on some days parents will have to be quite creative in order for the child to want to “play” drawing hooks and letters.

It’s good if printouts with coloring pages that require shading, drawings that need to be outlined, and other useful and interesting tasks will always be available to the baby - it is quite possible that during the day he himself will want to play with them.

How to help a student write beautifully and competently?

Finally, the baby entered first grade. Now writing classes will be more serious and will require more perseverance. Moreover, alas, homework does not replace individual assignments.

The modern program is structured in such a way that the time allotted for penmanship is very small, and tasks in modern copywriting are not enough to develop the skill of beautiful writing. Therefore, parents will have to study independently in parallel with the work of the teacher.

Purchase additional prescription

For the exercises, you don’t need to “reinvent the wheel”; just copy the usual school copybook in several copies and, instead of the prescribed 2-3 lines, write 5-6 daily.

Another benefit may be appropriate. The market offers a wide variety of options for performing copybooks, based on the wishes of the parents and the needs of the child. For example, it is good if a letter is written not once or twice at the beginning of a line, but is repeated several times on it. When working with such writing, it will be easier for the baby to copy the sample, since it will always be in his field of vision.

Copybooks with a rapid oblique ruler will help to form the correct inclination at the initial stage. The lines in them are located at a distance of only 5 mm from each other, forming a kind of “slanted cells”. For children who find it difficult to maintain the correct inclination, such additional writing will simply be a “lifesaver.”

Don't forget to show your chosen manual to your teacher. Perhaps he will recommend another recipe that better suits the requirements of the program.

Do not hurry

Write with your child only those letters that he has already learned to trace in class. And don’t worry that over time you will start to “lag behind” the program. Lessons are lessons, but the skill of drawing each letter will need to be reinforced. Let the baby learn to write beautifully only half of the letters he has completed by the end of the first half of the year - this is already very good.

Exercise regularly

Do not forget that classes should be regular and daily. Do not “pity” your child by allowing him not to sit down to write his copy during the holidays. 15-20 minutes a day is unlikely to ruin his entire rest.

When all the letters are mastered, move on to writing syllables, then words and, finally, sentences. There are also special recipes for these purposes.

How to teach writing correctly?

This is another question that parents of many first-graders ask. Let's start with the fact that absolutely any child in the first grade will make mistakes. Yes, even when copied from a book. And the reason for this is not even ignorance of the rules, but simply a large load on the baby’s brain while writing.

Now the child has to watch how beautifully he writes the letters, makes the correct connections, and maintains the slope. These skills are not yet automated. Accordingly, at any moment the concentration of attention on the correct spelling of a word can be reduced. Don't scold your child, just work with him patiently.

Literacy training should take place in parallel with calligraphy classes. When your child starts writing phrases and sentences, offer him a variety of copying tasks. And at the stage of working with small texts, let your child copy a few lines from the book every day.

Speak the words

To avoid annoying mistakes, immediately teach your child to pronounce the word he is about to write. By the way, interesting technique pronunciation to improve students' literacy was suggested by D.I. Tikhomirov at the end of the 19th century. He believed that in order to write a word correctly, it must be pronounced in full accordance with the spelling: “eGo”, “What”, “white”.

By practicing this approach, highlighting difficult places in words, you will help your child automatically pay attention to them in the future. In addition, it can turn boring activities into a rather exciting game of “distorting” words.

Train your attention

Most mistakes are made due to lack of attention. Offer your child regularly during reading and writing lessons. a little game: find in the text all the letters “A” or “E”, combinations of letters according to the rule passed. Offer your child tasks in which you need to insert the missing letter.

When is a specialist needed?

In some cases, he can cope with illiterate spelling of words without the intervention of a speech therapist or child psychologist fails. About 50% of modern first-graders and approximately 35% of schoolchildren high school suffer from dysgraphia. It can be recognized by specific mistakes made by the child:

  • The baby makes mistakes even in stressed vowels and clearly audible consonants.
  • Does not recognize paired consonants (“b-p”, “k-g”, “d-t”).
  • Skips, repeats or rearranges letters, and even entire syllables.
  • Does not see differences in graphically similar elements (“r-b”, “e-z”, etc.).
  • Does not mark the end of a sentence with a period, and regularly writes the beginning of a phrase with a small letter.
  • Doesn't complete the endings of words.
  • Some letters and numbers are written in mirror image.

If at least one of the errors listed above occurs in a child’s work with enviable regularity, it is worth consulting with a teacher and speech therapist. The sooner work on correcting written speech begins, the better. Of course, this will require some effort on the part of both the parents and the child, but the prognosis in 90% of cases is extremely favorable.

Remember that both beautiful handwriting and proper spelling are trainable skills. However, it is important that the learning process does not become a punishment for the child. Don't scold him for an ugly letter or a wrong word. On the contrary, praise him more often, draw his attention to those elements that he did well, encourage him and express your confidence that soon all the letters of the baby will be just as beautiful. Proper motivation, approval and support - necessary basis for successful studies.


Correct calligraphic handwriting characterizes a person from the good side. Such handwritten text is pleasant to look at, thanks to it the written information is easily perceived. You can learn to write beautiful handwriting at any age. To do this, you need to practice a lot and study some theoretical nuances.

Rules for beautiful writing

There are several simple but important rules, following which your letter will be beautiful and calligraphic. They will help you master the correct posture, how to hold a pen, and the location of your notebook:

  • Posture for writing. Correct posture is key point to learn beautiful handwriting. Sit up straight, fix your head, shoulders, and torso in an even position. You should lean on the back of the chair, keep your legs at a right angle at the knee, feet on the floor or a special stand. You cannot lean on the table with your chest, your hands on the tabletop, your elbows should protrude beyond the edge of the surface.
  • Placement of the sheet on the table. The clarity of handwriting often depends on the position of the notebook. Place the sheet at an angle of 10-15 degrees. This will allow you to sit correctly, while it will be easy to move your hand from the beginning to the end of the line. As you write, the sheet moves upward at the set angle. First, the left hand holds it from below, then from above (for left-handed people, a similar rule is valid, only for the right hand).
  • Holding the handle. The writing instrument should rest on the left side of the middle finger. At the same time, hold the handle on top with your index finger, and on the left side with your thumb. All three fingers need to be slightly rounded; there is no need to squeeze the handle too much. The index finger should rise easily without the instrument falling out of your hand. The ring and little fingers can be located inside the palm or lie at the base thumb. Maintain a distance of approximately 2 cm from the tip of the pen to index finger. Choose a comfortable tool, preferably one with a special rubber band to prevent your fingers from slipping.

Methods to Improve Handwriting for Adults

There are several scientific methods to improve handwriting. They will allow adults to learn beautiful writing and change an already formed letter for the better:

  1. Copying. A simple way is to completely copy the handwriting that you think is beautiful. It could be the style of writing loved one or a corresponding font from the Internet. Rewrite the text many times in your chosen handwriting until you repeat it accurately.
  2. Autotraining. Represents psychological method, which is not suitable for everyone. Before you sit down to write, you need to lie on your back for a long time, several times a day, close your eyes and completely relax. In this position, you need to imagine in detail how you write beautifully. It is important to feel warmth in your body, lightness and calm at these moments. Mentally say the words “my handwriting is perfect.” The disadvantage of this method is that more time is spent on auto-training than on writing itself. Not everyone achieves the desired result this way.

Do it yourself, or ask someone to stretch your hands. While writing, periodically do exercises for your neck, shoulders, back, and hands to stretch your muscles and restore blood circulation.

Correct your child's handwriting step by step; under no circumstances should you scold your child for writing a letter that is not very successful, so as not to discourage him from this activity. Some effective advice for classes to improve a child’s handwriting:

  1. Arrange a dictation for your child, let him write under the dictation of his parents, but do not rush so that he has time to write out the correct and beautiful symbols.
  2. It is important that the child likes the text; this will arouse interest in the letter.
  3. Use the “zebra”, it will help to form a correct understanding of the size of letters, their inclination, and develop the habit of writing smoothly on any sheet, even on unlined sheets.
  4. If a child is not good at writing specific symbols, then you should pay attention to this and devote special time to writing them down.
  5. Focus on those letters and words that are written perfectly; success will delight and motivate your child.
  6. For variety, teach your child to write alphabetic symbols of different languages ​​of the world.
  7. You shouldn’t overwork your children with activities; set aside a special time along with studying, playing and relaxing.

Secrets of beautiful writing

The main secret of beautiful writing is practice; the more you write, the better your hand becomes. When writing, consider the following nuances of calligraphic handwriting:

  • all letters (capital and upper case) must be the same size;
  • write characters and words evenly, maintaining a uniform slant;
  • at first, to learn beautiful handwriting, use notebooks with oblique rulers, at the end of training, switch to unlined sheets;
  • the edges of the characters should not break out to the top of the line or slide down;
  • learn to make equal spaces between words;
  • do not ignore punctuation marks, write them clearly, legibly and in the same size.

How to write numbers beautifully

After you have successfully learned how to write letters beautifully, move on to numbers. Get your notebook in a box and start copying according to the following recommendations:

  1. Unit: learning to write this number is very simple, because it consists of only two sticks. Start writing a small line from a point above the middle of the cell and slightly to the right, moving towards the upper right corner. Then, in one movement, confidently draw a line to the center of the bottom edge of the square.
  2. Deuce: Draw a gooseneck at the top of the cell, ending above the bottom edge. At the bottom, draw a wavy or straight line, both options are acceptable.
  3. Three: resembles a printed “Z”, consists of two semi-ovals that are located on top of each other. Start writing the number from the top half-oval. Make two confident movements with your hand.
  4. Four: an analogue of the printed version of the letter “H”, consists of three sticks. Draw a corner at the top of the cell, then in one motion add a large vertical line going from right side corner.
  5. Five: five has no letter counterparts. Draw an inclined line, then draw a semi-oval from its lower end, at the end it remains to add a small horizontal line at the top.
  6. Six: the number is regarded as an oval with a curved side. It is also often said that the six looks like the letter “C” squeezed on both sides, in the lower part of which a small circle has formed. The writing technique is similar to the letter presented, only you need to close the oval at the bottom.
  7. Seven: a complicated modification of the unit with a wavy line at the top and a short horizontal stroke crossed out at the base.
  8. Eight: Represents an inverted infinity symbol. Consists of two ovals located one above the other.
  9. Nine: An inverted version of the number six. Draw a curl resembling an oval at the top of the cell, then add a rounded tail.
  10. Zero: the letter analogue is the letter “O” flattened on both sides. This is one of the simplest numbers and is extremely easy to learn to write.

The child began to take the first timid steps towards writing letters. Is this a reason to celebrate? Of course. At the same time, this is a wake-up call for parents that it’s time to familiarize themselves with materials on the topic of how to teach their child to write beautifully, clearly, and legibly. The basics laid down from childhood will make life easier for the little man, his loving family, and teachers. “Nowadays everyone types on a computer,” many will say. Yes, but this does not exclude dictations, essays, filling out math notebooks, and so on. Illegible scribbles can lead to negative consequences:

  • Underestimation of grades (affects academic performance, the moral state of the child, his psyche and self-confidence);
  • Deterioration of brain activity (writing develops thought processes, improves memory, and perception of new information).

It is impossible to explain to young children the importance of penmanship, so it is better to make the process of developing beautiful handwriting as easy as possible and turn it into an exciting game.

Development of fine motor skills

To write in calligraphic handwriting, a child should develop fine motor skills. Games with objects of different sizes and textures are suitable for this. The store offers a wide selection of educational games and rugs. Lack of finances is not a reason to be upset, because in every house there are beads, coins, buttons, cereals, pasta, and so on, and on the street it is easy to find pine cones, chestnuts, and acorns. The whole family can use them to make crafts, sort through them, and sort them. Depending on age, it is recommended:

  • drawing, modeling, coloring;
  • activity with cereals (helping mom in the kitchen);
  • games with mosaics, puzzles, construction sets;
  • crafts (origami, cutting out snowflakes, figures, etc.);
  • beading, weaving from rubber bands, using creativity kits.

Joint activities in game form will unite the family and help the child not only learn to write beautifully, but will also contribute to the development of the nervous system, thinking, memory, imagination, and creative abilities.

How to teach a child to write using “simulators”?

Correct grip of the pen directly affects the quality of handwriting. The pressure, direction, and therefore the speed of writing text and hand fatigue depend on it. Several ways will help you develop the habit of holding a pen correctly:

  • the use of special pens that write only with the correct grip;
  • application of overlays;
  • performing exercises using points and rubber bands;
  • use of fountain pen and ink.

To learn to write beautifully and legibly, a child must become interested in the process, so it is better to play up the use of “simulators”, wrap them in exciting stories, add a competitive moment, and so on. For example, pay attention to the texts of the 18th century, how smooth they are, the same in height and slope, and what curls they have. You can draw the child’s attention to how much history the inscriptions contain and how incomprehensible they would be if they were written “like a chicken with its paw.”

Another auxiliary element is copybooks that demonstrate appearance each letter and allow you to practice writing it using a stencil. For first-graders and preschoolers, it won’t hurt to stock up on specially lined notebooks, which are familiar to us from Soviet times.

Another “simulator” can be notebooks with tasks for shading and coloring. Small texts that need to be rewritten also develop penmanship.

How to choose a pen to learn to write beautifully?

Now we come to filling the pencil case. The main classification of handles is as follows:

  • ballpoint (at the end of the rod there is a ball with which ink is transferred to paper);
  • gel (filled with ink of gel consistency);
  • quill (an old-fashioned option when writing requires ink).

Each type is presented in cases of different sizes, colors, shapes. There are also regular and automatic pens designed for right-handers and left-handers. Among all the variety, it is better to stick to simple ones. ballpoint pens, which will not scratch the paper, stop writing, or distract. In the grip area, the handle should have a special anti-slip area made of rubber, plastic with a rough or textured surface.

Read more about pens for right-handers and left-handers. Previously, it was customary to retrain children and force them to write exclusively with their right hand. Now there is no such trend, so on the stationery market you can find options specially created for “left-handed people”. Not only pens are presented here, but also scissors, pencils and other writing utensils. The fact is that ordinary pens, if you put them in left hand can stop writing, leave scratches on the paper and cause a lot of inconvenience and simply ruin your nerves. With the right pen, your child will be able to write comfortably and calmly.

Be sure to check the handle in the store to ensure it is in working order. Also evaluate it based on simple criteria: does it glide easily across the paper, does it require special effort when writing.

Correct body position

To ensure optimal pressure and grip, you will need to pay attention to the position of the body, namely the back. Straight posture will reduce eye fatigue and prevent scoliosis. Daily morning work-out will help strengthen your back muscles. For gymnastics, you can choose a few simple exercises:

  • bending while standing in different directions, sitting;
  • head rotation;
  • exercise “mill”;
  • walking or running;
  • “swallow”, “bridge”, “birch” and other exercises.

If the child still “nods” at the notebook while writing, then you can use grandma’s method: use a wide ribbon to connect the shoulders and the back of the chair in such a way that when moving forward and trying to bend, the ribbon stops him.