How to calculate the second pension for a military personnel. Second pensions for military pensioners and calculation procedure Civil pension for military pensioners in

Military pensioners receive a pension for long service or disability through the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and a number of other law enforcement agencies. Many military personnel, after leaving military service, continue to work as employees in positions not related to military service. In this case, employers make cash contributions for them to the compulsory pension insurance system and, subject to certain conditions, military pensioners have the right to receive a pension through the Pension Fund.

In order for employer insurance contributions while working in civilian institutions to be taken into account when assigning a second pension, a military pensioner must be registered in the compulsory pension insurance system. Information about civil experience, accrued and paid insurance premiums, amount wages, as well as periods of work in civil organizations, are reflected in the individual personal account in the Pension Fund and will determine the right to an insurance pension and possible payment from pension savings.

The number of this account is indicated on the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance - SNILS. It can be obtained by personally contacting the territorial authority Pension Fund Russia at the place of registration or actual residence.

A second pension through the Pension Fund of Russia can be assigned to a military pensioner if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

Age. Achieving the generally established age - 65 years for men, 60 years for women (age is determined taking into account the transitional provisions of Annexes 5 and 6 to Law No. 400-FZ). Certain categories of military pensioners insurance pension for old age is assigned before reaching the generally established retirement age subject to the conditions for early appointment. For example, in the case of working in the North, working in difficult conditions, etc.

Experience. Availability of required insurance period, not taken into account when assigning a pension through the law enforcement department (in other words,

length of service in civilian life). In 2019 it is 10 years and will increase by 1 year annually until 15 years in 2024.

Points. Availability of a minimum amount of individual pension coefficients(points) - for 2019 it is set at 16.2 and will increase annually to 30 in 2025.

Pension. Availability of an established pension for long service or disability through the law enforcement agency.

When calculating the insurance and general work experience of military pensioners, it does not include periods of service preceding the assignment of a disability pension, or periods of service, work and other activities taken into account when determining the amount of a long-service pension in accordance with the Law Russian Federation dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I “On pension provision for persons undergoing military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, agencies for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families.”

Military pensioners are assigned an old-age insurance pension without taking into account the fixed payment.

The insurance pension is indexed annually by the state. If a military pensioner, after the assignment of the second pension, continues to work in civilian institutions, then the amount of his old-age insurance pension is subject to recalculation without application on August 1 annually.

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It should also be taken into account that the procedure for calculating the second payment to military pensioners involves excluding the following periods:

  • service, work and other periods labor activity taken into account when determining the size military pension for length of service;
  • service that occurred before the disability payment was awarded.

Indexation of insurance pension provision

The second pension for the military, like that assigned to ordinary citizens, is subject to the state. The size of the increase is set at the rate of inflation of the previous year in accordance with clause 10, art. 18 law “About insurance pensions”.

In 2019, insurance payments were indexed by 7.05% - this increase exceeds the inflation of the previous year. In addition, the indexation itself has been moved from February 1st to January 1st. The cost of the IPC is currently 87.24 rubles.

A further increase in the second pension for military personnel () may occur in August of this year and it will be associated with an increase for those pensioners who worked last year. The time for such recalculation is August 1. But do not forget that the maximum increase in in this case will limited to three points, expressed in monetary terms.

When should you apply for a civil pension?

Military pensioners can apply for Anytime without any time limit, but not before the emergence of the right at her.

It should be remembered that the right to a second payment arises if all requirements for assigning an insurance pension are met. In 2019 The general requirements are as follows:

  • reaching the age of 60.5 years for men and 55.5 years for women;
  • the minimum insurance period not taken into account when assigning a military pension must be 10 years;
  • the minimum sum of individual points must be 16.2;
  • the fact of granting a pension through the law enforcement agencies.

The general procedure for applying for an insurance pension, which is also applicable in this case, involves a written request for payment.

According to paragraph 1, art. 22 Federal Law No. 400 “About insurance pensions” civil payment is assigned from the day you apply for it provided that the right arises by that time.

In order not to miss the appointment of the second pension, documents can be submitted earlier than the date of entitlement to it, but no more than a month before the age of sixty.

Where to apply for a civil pension?

The civil pension should to the territorial administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

  • at the place of registration;
  • at the place of residence (in the absence of a place of residence confirmed by registration);
  • at the place of actual residence (in the absence of a registered place of residence and place of stay in our country).

Appeal for the second pension provision is strictly declarative in nature, that is, it must be issued in the form of a written notification.

You can apply in several ways:

  • independently or through legal representative to the client service of the PFR district office;
  • through your employer's HR department;
  • by sending the necessary documents by mail;
  • personally or through a representative by contacting MFC specialists.

In addition, recently it has become increasingly popular new way submission of documents electronic. This can be done using an Internet system such as the Unified Portal of Public Services. This will require preliminary registration in the system, but in the future the ability to use the portal will save wasted effort and time.

What documents are needed to apply for a second pension for a military pensioner?

To apply in writing for a second pension, a military pensioner will need to prepare. The general requirements for them are practically no different from the rules for filing necessary papers for the ordinary citizen.

TO mandatory documents when assigning the second payment, the following apply:

  1. passport (or other registration document);
  2. insurance certificate (SNILS);
  3. a document confirming the fact of assignment of a military pension;
  4. employment history;
  5. certificates of experience not taken into account in work book before the date of registration (from the employer, and in case of its liquidation from the archive);
  6. salary certificate for 60 consecutive months of employment (if there are periods of work before 2002);
  7. information about the presence of dependents (children under 18 years of age, and if they are full-time students, this age is extended to 23 years of age).

In addition, due to certain circumstances, military retirees may need to additional documents , For example:

  1. documents confirming the change of surname (or other personal data);
  2. data on the presence of disability (extract from the expert commission’s conclusion indicating the validity period);
  3. preferential clarifying certificates indicating special character performance of work, subject to preferential length of service;
  4. documents confirming the identity of the legal representative, if the application is submitted through him.

The procedure for receiving a second pension payment for military personnel upon reaching 60 years of age

Delivery second accrued pension payment for military personnel is carried out according to general rules for the current month. A military pensioner chooses the method of receiving a pension independently when submitting a written application for appointment.

Among them are the following:

  • Russian Post (at the cash desk of the institution itself or received at home);
  • bank (at the cash desk of one of the bank branches or making a payment to a bank card)
  • organization involved in the delivery of pensions (a complete list of such institutions is contained in the Pension Fund specialists and is presented to the military pensioner when choosing this method; Here you can also make a payment at the organization’s cash desk or at home).

It should be remembered that once selected method of obtaining insurance coverage you can always change in case of inconvenience after the expiration of time. To do this, the serviceman will need to re-apply to the PFR district office at the location of his payment file and submit an application to change the delivery method.

How much will military pensions increase from January 1, 2019? last news indexation of pensions for military pensioners today.

Vladimir Putin announced an increase in military pensions by more than 6% in 2019. October 1, 2019 thanks the decision taken on indexation, the pay of military personnel and persons equivalent to them will increase by 4.3%, and military pensions will be additionally indexed by another 2%. In total, the overall increase in military pensions will be 6.3%

Innovations in legislative framework raises the question: will the military pension increase from January 1, 2019? The reduction factor has not been cancelled, and is subject to indexation by at least 2%. This usually happened on January 1st.

The law changing the amount of military pay is based on the same date. Thus, the increase in military pensions in 2018 occurred in January. However, the Deputy Minister of Defense mentioned the date October 1 in his speech.

Therefore, today it is difficult to say unambiguously when the salary allowance, and, consequently, the military pension will be increased in 2019. More accurate information will appear at the time of publication of the bill on the next indexing. While he is gone, the retired military personnel should focus on the dates: October 1, 2019 and October 1, 2020.

Military pensions from January 1, 2019, government decree

Pensions for military personnel are calculated somewhat differently than for civilians. For this purpose, there are several regulations that indicate how to determine the amount, what premiums are required, in which cases it can be increased, and how to index the amount annually. These include:

  • act of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1;
  • Government Decree of September 22, 1993 No. 941.

Article 49 of Law No. 4468-1 determines the one-time procedure for indexing monetary allowances for active military personnel and retired citizens. This operation lasted 9 years, until 2012, but after that, in accordance with Part 9 of Art. 2 acts dated November 7, 2011 No. 306-FZ indexing All types of payments for military personnel were frozen for 6 years. The situation changed only in 2018.

The increase in military pensions in 2018 was due to the signing of Government Resolution No. 1598 dated December 21, 2017. According to it military pensions from January 1, 2018 grew by 4%.

Some military retirees have additional social statuses, which allow you to receive additional cash allowance (EDV). These include:

  • war veterans;
  • combat veterans;
  • disabled people.

The procedure for calculating and the amount of EDV is established by regulations that apply to the civilian population of the country. The payment is financed from the Pension Fund. So on February 1, 2018, the EDV was increased by 2.5%. Specific sizes for individuals are shown in the table.

Pensioner status

Amount of EDV, in rubles.


War disabled
Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”

Military bodies of the Department of Internal Affairs, State Border Guard Service, Penitentiary Department, State Security Service, who became disabled due to wounds, concussions, injuries, if received in the line of duty

Combat Veteran

Family members of fallen (deceased) war invalids, combat veterans and military personnel of the Armed Forces, Department of Internal Affairs, State Border Guard Service, Penitentiary Service, State Security Service, who died in the line of duty

Family members of military personnel killed in captivity or missing in action

Group I disabled person
Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation"

Disabled person of group II

Group III disabled person

Military pensions from April 1, 2018 increased by 2,9 % due to size indexing social pension. The growth did not affect all payments, but those where they use social size civil pension. This applies to allowances for disabled military personnel in the reserve.

Amount of allowance for disability group, in rubles.

Due to war trauma

As a result of common diseases, work injuries

Disabled WWII

Having the sign “To a resident of besieged Leningrad”

According to Government Decree No. 238 of 03/07/2018, the size was increased lump sum benefit military personnel dismissed due to unsuitability. This condition must be caused war trauma. Although the law was adopted in March, its effect applies to cases that arose since the beginning of 2018. Amount of compensation including 4 % growth amounted to:

  • 2,562,112.32 rubles for contract employees;
  • 1281056.16 rubles for conscripts and civilians called to training camps.

From May 1, 2018 The minimum wage was increased to 11,163 rubles, but this did not have any effect on the size of military pensions.

Latest news from the Russian Ministry of Defense on increasing military pensions

The latest news from the Minister of Defense on military pensions was announced at a meeting with journalists at the end of 2017 - December 29. News sources TASS, Interfax, and the Zvezda media group report that Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova reported on a gradual increase in pay for all categories of military personnel and military pensioners. It is planned that this will happen in the period 2018 - 2020. The first indexation from the plan has already taken place on 01/01/18. Military pensions in 2018 increased by 4 % . The remaining two indexations will take place 1.10.19 And 1.10.2020 by the same 4%.

The budget for 2018 and the planned 2019 - 2020 contains sufficient financial resources and sources of replenishment for this. The total amount planned for the events is 81.8 billion rubles. By October 2020, the overall increase in pensions will be - 12 % .

Will there be an increase in military pensions from October 1, 2018: Latest news?

When drawing up the federal budget in 2017, it was planned that the four percent increase would be proportionally divided into 2 stages: 2% each from January and October. However, Vladimir Putin gave instructions to carry out early indexation of payments to retired military personnel - from January 1, 2018, indicating that the funds should be brought to recipients at the end of the current year with the advance calculation of pensions for the coming January.

The President drew attention to the fact that the 2018 budget draft violated the synchronicity of indexing, which is provided for Law No. 4468-1. Since salaries were indexed from 01/01/18, and pensions - from 02/01/18.

2.6 million people received pension payments at the new levels in December 2017. Thus, the budget reserve was exhausted, so from October 1, 2018, there will be no increase in pensions.

How is military pension calculated?

The basis for calculating a military pension is cash allowance (MSA), which consists of many components. This is the main difficulty. VDD includes:

  • Salaries for military rank.
  • Cash salaries.
  • Regular payments.
  • Accruals in the form of allowances like:
    • for qualifications;
    • behind special conditions military service;
    • for attitude to state secrets;
    • for service.

    The size of the pension payment is determined by the formula:

    P = (VDD * 50% + SDD * In * Kl) * Kp,

    • VDD– total salary accrued at the time of dismissal,
    • In– percentage for exceeding the established length of service, takes the value of 3% for length of service and 1% for seniority,
    • Cl– a year beyond the established period,
    • IP– the coefficient establishing the pension rate as a percentage of the gross income in 2018 is equal to 72.23%.

    After the calculations have been made, the pension amount is compared with the minimum and maximum dimensions established by law. So the lower limit should correspond to the size of the civil social pension, and the upper limit should not exceed the amount defined as 85% of the GDV. Let's look at the table.

    Calculation type
    Amount of pension payment

    By military service:

    Over a year more than 20

    Having mixed experience – 25 years or more, of which 12 months are military service

    More than 25 per year

    If a retired military man receives a pension calculated based on length of service, then, in accordance with Article 17 of Law No. 4468-1, he receives an additional payment. Its specific size depends on one of the conditions:

    • 32% if dependent on 1 disabled person;
    • 64% support 2 dependents;
    • 100% for the maintenance of 3 dependents or the recipient himself has a registered disability of group I, the recipient has reached the age of 80 years;
    • 100 - 300% of the amount of social civil pension if there is a disability;
    • 100 – 200% to Leningrad siege survivors with official status.

    Second pension for military pensioners: what is it for?

    A military pension comes early, when a citizen has not reached the age recognized for calculating a pension on a general basis - 55 or 60 years. Such persons have the opportunity to find employment in sectors of the economy not related to the Ministry of Defense and earn a second pension. The pension for military personnel in the reserve is calculated and transferred by the department where he served: the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Russian Guard. Having a first military pension does not negate the right of a citizen to receive a civil insurance pension.

    Second pension for military pensioners accrued by the Pension Fund subject to a number of conditions:

    • a person must register with the compulsory pension insurance system, thus opening an individual pension account;
    • it is necessary to be officially employed when the employer pays the required contributions to the Pension Fund;
    • exit to a second well-deserved rest at the age of 55 years for women, 60 years for men;
    • The minimum civilian work experience as of 2018 is from 9 years (for next years this figure gradually increases to the norm of 15 years);
    • earn the maximum number of points on a pension account – 13.8 points in 2018.

    The formula for calculating the second pension is as follows:

    P2 = Bp * Cb,

    Where bp– amount of accumulated pension points. This indicator is available for checking in your personal account on the portal of the Pension Fund, State Services. Information can also be obtained by submitting a personal application to the client department;

    Central Bank– the price of 1 point, in 2018 – it is 81.49 rubles. Every year the cost of one pension point increases by relevant Government resolution.

    A preliminary calculation can be made using online calculator, located on the Pension Fund portal. For example, with 10 years of civilian experience and a salary of 25,000 rubles, 29.38 points will be accumulated, and the pension will be 7,377.33 rubles.

    Pensions for working pensioners have not been indexed since May 1, 2018, because they are based on no minimum wage. Therefore, working military pensioners receive insurance payments in the same amount.

    For retired military personnel belonging to the following categories, it is possible to use pension savings in a way convenient for them:

    • receive the amount by one-time transfer to your account;
    • arrange an urgent payment;
    • distributed in such a way as to receive a supplement to the insurance part of the pension.

    Persons can do this:

    • 1967 born and younger, from whose income contributions to the funded part were transferred;
    • certificate holders maternity capital when the formation of a storage part was chosen;
    • those who voluntarily transferred additional contributions under the Co-financing Program;
    • men born in the period from 1953 to 1966, women - from 1957 to 1966, if for 2002-2004. Contributions to the funded part were transferred from their income.

    Will the reduction factor for military pensioners be abolished in 2018: Latest news?

    On January 1, 2012, the regulatory act of November 8, 2011 No. 309-FZ came into force. He installed a modified mechanism for calculating the value pensions for military pensioners. The formula includes an indicator equal to 54% of the GDV. In subsequent billing periods, this coefficient should be indexed by 2% until the total value is 100%.

    The government decided to take this forced step, since the country was experiencing instability in economic development and there was a severe shortage of budget funds.

    A simple calculation shows that this should happen in 2035. The document also stipulated that the coefficient could be increased due to inflation. In practice, this norm has come to be called a “reduction factor” or “pension tax”, since it does not allow the pensioner to receive the entire payment amount received in the standard calculation. Its abolition could significantly improve the situation of retirees. The positive thing is that the reduction rate has grown at an accelerated pace, and this year is equal to 72.23% of the GDV, instead of the 66% required by law.

    Since the introduction of the reduction factor, all military and some party representatives have demanded its removal, claiming that it violates constitutional rights. However, a number of definitions Constitutional Court(17.07.12 No. 1433-O, 24.09.12 No. 1800-0) established the fact that the norm does not entail a decrease in the absolute value of the pension payment, since there is a procedure for gradual indexation of the indicator, which partially compensates for the level of inflation.


    Until recently, a second pension was awarded to military pensioners with only five years of service.

    Currently, the situation is changing and with each subsequent year, in addition to the age requirements, annual increase in the requirements for minimum length of service and the number of pension points. Therefore, the refusal to grant an insurance pension to military personnel is currently the most popular issue among the issues.

    In order to find out how to obtain the right to a second pension for military pensioners, how it is calculated for military personnel and how not to get a refusal from the Pension Fund of Russia, you should have minimal knowledge in this area in advance.

    Military pension. Who are military pensioners?

    Military pensioners are, first of all, former employees of some law enforcement agencies who are paid a pension for long service or disability through their law enforcement agencies.

    Pension provision for military personnel is regulated by Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993. It should be noted that in addition to the pension for long service and disability, there is another one - in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. It is assigned regardless of the length of service.

    Retiring military personnel does not mean giving up work. After all, many continue to work in civilian life after her appointment. And such work for former military personnel brings not only income in the form of a salary, but also points from accrued insurance premiums.

    Therefore, upon reaching the appropriate age, they may receive the right to a second civil pension through the Pension Fund. This is an old-age insurance pension and it is regulated and it will definitely become an additional source of income.

    The only limitation and significant difference from ordinary civil pensioners is receiving an insurance pension without.

    Military pensioners are not entitled to a fixed payment and therefore the pension amount paid will be significantly less.

    How to get a second pension in civilian life

    Official work is accompanied by mandatory deductions from wages to the tax office and the pension fund. The tax authorities issue a tax identification number (TIN) to each citizen, and the Pension Fund issues a SNILS (“green card”) to account for pension rights.

    Military pensioners need to have their number in the Pension Fund of Russia () in order to keep records of accumulated experience and points (individual pension coefficients). You can get such a number at any nearest fund at your place of registration or place of residence, having only your passport with you.

    Perhaps you are already registered with the Pension Fund of Russia, which means that now everything and length of service are taken into account on your personal individual account. It is they who are gradually forming the right to second pensions for military pensioners.

    To assign and calculate insurance pensions for military personnel through the Pension Fund, it is necessary fulfillment of three mandatory conditions. They determine the possible refusal of its appointment.

    1. AGE

    Recalculation of pensions for working military pensioners in August will occur in the same way as for ordinary civilians. Therefore, if there are any pension points that were not taken into account when assigning the second pension, the calculation of pension points will also be recalculated in August.

    Funded pension military personnel can also develop and therefore, when submitting documents for appointment, you should immediately ask customer service specialists about the availability of the right to a funded pension. In this case, you can make a choice to receive savings funds in the form of an urgent payment, or to receive a lump sum payment of your pension savings.


    Pension provision for military personnel involves the payment of a pension for long service and disability in the service department according to Law No. 4468-1. At the same time, a serviceman can also apply for a second military pension in the Pension Fund system according to the Law.

    To do this, a military pensioner only needs to meet three basic conditions:

    — minimum age;

    minimum experience(not a scientist in the military department);

    - minimum number of points.

    The second pension will be refused if one of these requirements is not met.

    In order to dial required experience and the required number of points for assigning an insurance pension, we recommend paying attention to the collective farm experience over the past years. Work on a collective farm (state farm) is also counted towards the insurance period when assigning an insurance pension.

    If you refuse a pension, military personnel in the law enforcement department can additionally receive fixed payment to an insurance pension through the Pension Fund.

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    How much will military pensions increase from January 1, 2019, the latest news on indexation of pensions for military pensioners for today.

    Vladimir Putin announced an increase in military pensions by more than 6% in 2019. On October 1, 2019, thanks to the decision on indexation, the pay of military personnel and persons equivalent to them will increase by 4.3%, and military pensions will be additionally indexed by another 2%. In total, the overall increase in military pensions will be 6.3%

    Innovations in the legislative framework raise the question: will the military pension increase from January 1, 2019? The reduction factor has not been cancelled, and is subject to indexation by at least 2%. This usually happened on January 1st.

    The law changing the amount of military pay is based on the same date. Thus, the increase in military pensions in 2018 occurred in January. However, the Deputy Minister of Defense mentioned the date October 1 in his speech.

    Therefore, today it is difficult to say unambiguously when the salary allowance, and, consequently, the military pension will be increased in 2019. More accurate information will appear at the time of publication of the bill on the next indexing. While he is gone, the retired military personnel should focus on the dates: October 1, 2019 and October 1, 2020.

    Military pensions from January 1, 2019, government decree

    Pensions for military personnel are calculated somewhat differently than for civilians. For this purpose, there are several regulations that indicate how to determine the amount, what premiums are required, in which cases it can be increased, and how to index the amount annually. These include:

    • act of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1;
    • Government Decree of September 22, 1993 No. 941.

    Article 49 of Law No. 4468-1 determines the one-time procedure for indexing monetary allowances for active military personnel and retired citizens. This operation lasted 9 years, until 2012, but after that, in accordance with Part 9 of Art. 2 acts dated November 7, 2011 No. 306-FZ indexing All types of payments for military personnel were frozen for 6 years. The situation changed only in 2018.

    The increase in military pensions in 2018 was due to the signing of Government Resolution No. 1598 dated December 21, 2017. According to it military pensions from January 1, 2018 grew by 4%.

    Some military pensioners have additional social statuses that allow them to receive additional cash allowance (EDS). These include:

    • war veterans;
    • combat veterans;
    • disabled people.

    The procedure for calculating and the amount of EDV is established by regulations that apply to the civilian population of the country. The payment is financed from the Pension Fund. So on February 1, 2018, the EDV was increased by 2.5%. Specific sizes for individuals are shown in the table.

    Pensioner status Amount of EDV, in rubles. Base
    War disabled 5180,46 Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”
    Military bodies of the Department of Internal Affairs, State Border Guard Service, Penitentiary Department, State Security Service, who became disabled due to wounds, concussions, injuries, if received in the line of duty 5180,46
    Combat Veteran 2850,26
    Family members of fallen (deceased) war invalids, combat veterans and military personnel of the Armed Forces, Department of Internal Affairs, State Border Guard Service, Penitentiary Service, State Security Service, who died in the line of duty 1555,13
    Family members of military personnel killed in captivity or missing in action 1555,13
    Group I disabled person 3626,98 Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”
    Disabled person of group II 2590,24
    Group III disabled person 2073,51

    Military pensions from April 1, 2018 increased by 2,9 % through indexation of the size of the social pension. The increase did not affect all payments, but those where the social size of the civil pension is used. This applies to allowances for disabled military personnel in the reserve.

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    According to Government Decree No. 238 dated March 7, 2018, the amount of one-time benefits for military personnel dismissed due to unsuitability was increased. This condition must be caused by war trauma. Although the law was adopted in March, its effect applies to cases that arose since the beginning of 2018. Amount of compensation including 4 % growth amounted to:

    • 2,562,112.32 rubles for contract employees;
    • 1281056.16 rubles for conscripts and civilians called to training camps.

    From May 1, 2018 The minimum wage was increased to 11,163 rubles, but this did not have any effect on the size of military pensions.

    Latest news from the Russian Ministry of Defense on increasing military pensions

    The latest news from the Minister of Defense on military pensions was announced at a meeting with journalists at the end of 2017 - December 29. News sources TASS, Interfax, and the Zvezda media group report that Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova reported on a gradual increase in pay for all categories of military personnel and military pensioners. It is planned that this will happen in the period 2018 - 2020. The first indexation from the plan has already taken place on 01/01/18. Military pensions in 2018 increased by 4 % . The remaining two indexations will take place 1.10.19 And 1.10.2020 by the same 4%.

    The budget for 2018 and the planned 2019 - 2020 contains sufficient financial resources and sources of replenishment for this. The total amount planned for the events is 81.8 billion rubles. By October 2020, the overall increase in pensions will be - 12 % .

    Will there be an increase in military pensions from October 1, 2018:
    Last news?

    When drawing up the federal budget in 2017, it was planned that the four percent increase would be proportionally divided into 2 stages: 2% each from January and October. However, Vladimir Putin gave instructions to carry out early indexation of payments to retired military personnel - from January 1, 2018, indicating that the funds should be brought to recipients at the end of the current year with the advance calculation of pensions for the coming January.

    The President drew attention to the fact that the 2018 budget draft violated the synchronicity of indexing, which is provided for Law No. 4468-1. Since salaries were indexed from 01/01/18, and pensions - from 02/01/18.

    2.6 million people received pension payments at the new levels in December 2017. Thus, the budget reserve was exhausted, so from October 1, 2018, there will be no increase in pensions.

    How is military pension calculated?

    The basis for calculating a military pension is cash allowance (MSA), which consists of many components. This is the main difficulty. VDD includes:

    1. Salaries for military rank.
    2. Cash salaries.
    3. Regular payments.
    4. Accruals in the form of allowances like:

    See also: Transfer holidays in 2019 in Russia, Government calendar with transfers

    • for qualifications;
    • for special conditions of military service;
    • for attitude to state secrets;
    • for service.

    The size of the pension payment is determined by the formula:

    P = (VDD * 50% + SDD * In * Kl) * Kp,

    • VDD– total salary accrued at the time of dismissal,
    • In– percentage for exceeding the established length of service, takes the value of 3% for length of service and 1% for length of service,
    • Cl– a year beyond the established period,
    • IP– the coefficient establishing the pension rate as a percentage of the gross income in 2018 is equal to 72.23%.

    After the calculations have been made, the amount of the pension is compared with the minimum and maximum amounts established by law. So the lower limit should correspond to the size of the civil social pension, and the upper limit should not exceed the amount defined as 85% of the GDV. Let's look at the table.

    If a retired military man receives a pension calculated based on length of service, then, in accordance with Article 17 of Law No. 4468-1, he receives an additional payment. Its specific size depends on one of the conditions:

    • 32% if dependent on 1 disabled person;
    • 64% support 2 dependents;
    • 100% for the maintenance of 3 dependents or the recipient himself has a registered disability of group I, the recipient has reached the age of 80 years;
    • 100 - 300% of the amount of social civil pension if there is a disability;
    • 100 – 200% to Leningrad siege survivors with official status.

    Second pension for military pensioners: what is it for?

    A military pension comes early, when a citizen has not reached the age recognized for calculating a pension on a general basis - 55 or 60 years. Such persons have the opportunity to find employment in sectors of the economy not related to the Ministry of Defense and earn a second pension. The pension for military personnel in the reserve is calculated and transferred by the department where he served: the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Russian Guard. Having a first military pension does not negate the right of a citizen to receive a civil insurance pension.

    Second pension for military pensioners accrued by the Pension Fund subject to a number of conditions:

    • a person must register with the compulsory pension insurance system, thus opening an individual pension account;
    • it is necessary to be officially employed when the employer pays the required contributions to the Pension Fund;
    • exit to a second well-deserved rest at the age of 55 years for women, 60 years for men;
    • the minimum civilian work experience as of 2018 is 9 years (for the following years this figure gradually increases to the norm of 15 years);
    • earn the maximum number of points on a pension account –
      13.8 points in 2018.

    The formula for calculating the second pension is as follows:

    P2 = Bp * Cb,

    Where bp– the amount of accumulated pension points. This indicator is available for checking in your personal account on the portal of the Pension Fund, State Services. Information can also be obtained by submitting a personal application to the client department;

    Central Bank– the price of 1 point, in 2018 – it is 81.49 rubles. Every year the value of one pension point is increased by the relevant Government resolution.

    Preliminary calculations can be made using the online calculator located on the Pension Fund portal. For example, with 10 years of civilian experience and a salary of 25,000 rubles, 29.38 points will be accumulated, and the pension will be 7,377.33 rubles.

    Pensions for working pensioners have not been indexed since May 1, 2018, because they are based on no minimum wage. Therefore, working military pensioners receive insurance payments in the same amount.

    For retired military personnel belonging to the following categories, it is possible to use pension savings in a way convenient for them:

    • receive the amount by one-time transfer to your account;
    • arrange an urgent payment;
    • distributed in such a way as to receive a supplement to the insurance part of the pension.

    Persons can do this:

    • 1967 born and younger, from whose income contributions to the funded part were transferred;
    • holders of a maternity capital certificate when the formation of a funded part was chosen;
    • those who voluntarily transferred additional contributions under the Co-financing Program;
    • men born in the period from 1953 to 1966, women - from 1957 to 1966, if for 2002-2004. Contributions to the funded part were transferred from their income.

    Will the reduction factor for military pensioners be abolished in 2018: Latest news?

    On January 1, 2012, the regulatory act of November 8, 2011 No. 309-FZ came into force. He installed a modified mechanism for calculating the value pensions for military pensioners. The formula includes an indicator equal to 54% of the GDV. In subsequent billing periods, this coefficient should be indexed by 2% until the total value is 100%.

    The government decided to take this forced step, since the country was experiencing instability in economic development and there was a severe shortage of budget funds.

    A simple calculation shows that this should happen in 2035. The document also stipulated that the coefficient could be increased due to inflation. In practice, this norm has come to be called a “reduction factor” or “pension tax”, since it does not allow the pensioner to receive the entire payment amount received in the standard calculation. Its abolition could significantly improve the situation of retirees. The positive thing is that the reduction rate has grown at an accelerated pace, and this year is equal to 72.23% of the GDV, instead of the 66% required by law.

    Since the introduction of the reduction factor, all military and some party representatives have demanded its removal, claiming that it violates constitutional rights. However, a number of rulings of the Constitutional Court (17.07.12 No. 1433-O, 24.09.12 No. 1800-0) established the fact that the norm does not entail a decrease in the absolute value of the pension payment, since there is a procedure for gradual indexation of the indicator, which partially compensates for the level of inflation.