How to train a kitten to go to the litter box quickly and without unnecessary nerves. How to train a kitten to go to the litter box if he goes elsewhere When to start training kittens to use the litter box

Often, owners who take a furry ball into their home do not know how to train the kitten to use the litter box. Some people hope to buy an animal that already knows how to do everything necessary.

Despite the assurances of sellers, kittens often have no idea what a litter box is. Wayward kids may even choose to relieve themselves in places that are clearly not intended for this.

What age is best to start?

Photo: kittens need to be introduced to the toilet when he leaves his mother

At this age, their body is already strong enough to relieve themselves without the help of their mother’s magical massage.

It is very important to teach your baby to use the tray as early as possible. Mom does not teach her kittens this skill, so the responsibility for your pets learning to use the toilet rests with you.

Toddlers need strict discipline so that they know special places exactly. In fact, how to train a kitten to go to the litter box is not as difficult as you might think.

Where to install a cat litter box

Finding the right location for the litter box is very important. Cats do not like to be disturbed from doing their business. The tray should be installed in a quiet, comfortable and safe place.

Photo: the tray should be in a quiet place

Animal in a new home (and since then unfamiliar people) may experience a lot of stress. Kittens seem especially scared, anxious and nervous when they are in a different environment.

Try to ensure that nothing frightens your baby when introducing him to the litter box: a sudden noise, an object falling nearby, or another pet jumping out from around the corner with a desire to play can forever discourage the desire to visit the toilet.

The kitten values ​​safety very much. First, the tray can be placed in your pet’s own corner, where he considers himself safe. Gradually move the animal's toilet to a new place you have already chosen.

Under no circumstances place the tray near a bowl of water or food! Cats are very sensitive to hygiene, so odors from the toilet can cause your pet to become averse to food.

Which filler is best?

The choice of tray filler is no less important. Remember that kittens can be moody. Kids can scatter the inconvenient filler, and at the same time stain themselves and everything around them. Getting rid of these consequences is long and difficult.

Photo: it is very important to choose the appropriate structure and quality of filler

First, make sure that the filler is non-toxic and absolutely safe for the animal. Unscrupulous sellers, wanting to save money, add harmful chemicals to products.

Kids are often too inquisitive and love to taste life. Literally. It happened that kittens ate or licked the pellets and became nauseous.

Currently, the following types of cat litter are available on the market:

  • wood: consists of compressed sawdust; holds odor well; safe for the animal and comfortable for it;
  • corn: made from corn cobs in a woody style;
  • clumping: made from clay and minerals; has a good ability to absorb moisture and odor;
  • zeolite: created from volcanic rocks; Retains moisture and odors very well and for a long time;
  • silica gel: the most modern filler made of synthetic materials;
  • paper: the most budget-friendly, but most short-lived filler.

Different kittens may like any of these litters. If your pet doesn't like the product you bought, try to buy another one soon.

Ways to train a kitten to use a litter tray

Exist different techniques How to train a kitten to use the litter box quickly and reliably. The owners may be suitable different instructions and advice, since it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the apartment (or house) in which you live, the behavior of the pet and even its age.

Photo: it’s not difficult to train a kitten to use a litter box

First steps

For any method of toilet training a pet, it is very important to adhere to certain basic rules.

Thus, you will prevent your pet from acting out and instill discipline in him:

  1. Limit the kitten's movement around the house. From stress, the baby will begin to look for a secluded place for the toilet (for example, under the bed, behind a closet or under the bathtub). If the pet is in the same room, where you can easily control its actions, there will be an order of magnitude fewer unpleasant incidents.
  2. Try not to be aggressive (raise your voice, frown, or even hit) when putting the kitten in the litter box.
  3. Don’t rush your baby when he diligently sniffs the proposed toilet - let him understand what this strange object is for.
  4. When the kitten starts digging the litter with his paws, you can help him. Taking it by the legs, make several training rowing movements.
  5. If you notice that the kitten begins to dig or sit down to go to the toilet in the wrong place, carefully and quickly transfer the pet to the litter box.
  6. When your baby chooses the right place for the toilet, be sure to praise him with stroking and treats (this way the lesson will be learned much faster).
  7. Cats always choose one place to relieve themselves. If you place a napkin with the smell of your pet's waste products and show him the tray, then he will most likely only use it.

With filler

Trays with filler perfectly absorb unpleasant odors. They retain moisture for a long time, so there is no need to change the contents of the cat litter within a week.

Photo: most cats like trays with fillers, they are convenient for digging

To teach a kitten to use a litter tray, you need to regularly show the place to dig. In nature, cats love to bury their “deeds” in shallow holes.

The litter is convenient for digging, so teaching a kitten to use it is very simple. The baby really likes to dig holes (some even play too much).

It is very important to choose the appropriate type of litter so that the animal feels comfortable using it. Remember that a product with small granules is more suitable for kittens.

With grill

Some kittens prefer to rustle with a newspaper. You shouldn’t deny your baby this. Tear unnecessary newspapers or papers into a tray with a grid. The principle of toilet training with a grid is approximately the same as with litter. Kittens quickly understand what needs to be done.

Photo: trays with bars get dirty faster, but they find their favorites

Unfortunately, this method has a number of serious problems:

  1. First of all, paper can't hold back bad smell animal waste products.
  2. Secondly, such a filler is short-lived. Literally after two or three trips, all the paper in the tray gets wet, and it must be removed immediately.

If the kitten prefers newspapers, and you are concerned about the unpleasant odor from the litter box, you can slightly “improve” it. Remove the grate from the toilet. Fill the bottom layer with good filler. Return the grid to its place and cover it with scraps of paper.

Thus, you get almost the same convenient tray with newspapers, but moisture and odors from the bottom will be absorbed by the filler granules (the cat won’t notice the dirty trick).

It is very important that the tray is made of high-quality plastic. Other materials cause discomfort to the pet and accumulate unpleasant odors, which will not be easy to get rid of.

Pay attention to how you wash the litter box. Foreign odors (such as bad plastic or cleaning products) can frighten your kitten.

Veterinarians confirm that babies are very impressionable at their young age. This feature can either help in raising a pet or harm it.

Try to associate the idea of ​​a litter box in your pet's mind with something good. Pet and praise the kitten every time he successfully completes his little mission.

Remember, if you scold (or, even worse, spank) because the baby misbehaved by scattering the litter, or did things past the tray, then your pet will lose all desire to go there.

Photo: take your choice of filler seriously!

Choose your filler carefully! A low-quality product can harm a fragile body.

You should not buy cheap fillers, which often contain dangerous chemicals. In addition, such products do not last long. Carefully read the composition of the filler.

Questions and answers

Many owners who decide to train their pet to use a litter box encounter certain difficulties. Often they have no one to turn to, but personal experience lacks. The most frequently asked questions are discussed below.

1. How to train a kitten to use a litter box in a new home?

Sometimes an animal enters a house from the street. Such kids often do not understand how everything works in the apartment. And sometimes you don’t know how to train a kitten from the street to use the litter box.

The most important thing is to gain the trust of your new pet. The first few days the kitten may experience severe stress. Because of this, the desire to go to the toilet disappears. Try to calm the animal, distract from fear fun games and caresses.

If the kitten does not go to the toilet in the litter box, you should constantly take it there. Show him how to dig by moving his paws.

If you still can’t keep track of your pet’s “hikes,” try taking the pile to the tray and show it to the kitten. Perhaps he will understand that his business needs to be done in this place.

The baby has never encountered fillers on the street. Try buying several products with different structure. Offer the fillings one by one and see which one you like.

2. How to accustom a kitten to another cat's litter box?

As mentioned earlier, cats are very sensitive to hygiene. For an animal, smell is the main signal for action and a source of information.

Photo: not all cats are ready to share their belongings

No cat will use the things of another pet, since they are very strict about territorial issues.

Because of this, cats rarely sleep on other people's bedding, eat from other people's bowls, or use other people's litter boxes. Pets who have not been able to make good friends and have established a clear hierarchy are especially jealous of their property.

Such relationships do not always arise. Typically, cats living in the same house share their belongings, so it will be easy to train your baby to use another pet's litter box.

To avoid misunderstandings between animals, you should still purchase separate toilets for them.

3. Why does the kitten refuse the litter box?

Photo: There are many reasons why a kitten does not use its litter box.

This question is difficult to answer. There are too many reasons why a kitten may refuse to go to the litter box:

  • the pet’s toilet is too dirty, and the pet is disdainful to go into it;
  • the animal is suffering urolithiasis or constipation;
  • experienced stress;
  • the baby may simply not like the tray (in size, material or shape);
  • uncomfortable filler;
  • unpleasant smell for cats detergent, lemon, etc.);
  • a too noisy and open toilet area can frighten the animal;
  • sometimes the kitten tries to attract the attention of the owner or take revenge on him for paying attention to another pet;
  • constipation due to poor diet.

4. What folk remedies are there?

You can also attract the kitten's attention to the tray using folk remedies:

  • place lemon or orange peels in inappropriate places where your pet goes (this will scare him away, for example, from your shoes, sofa or bathroom);
  • spray the scent of lavender next to the tray (kittens really like this scent);
  • pet stores have special “smart” aerosols that can repel and attract cats;
  • rustling pieces of paper in the tray may interest the baby.

5. How long does it take to train a kitten to use the litter box?

Kittens usually learn to use the litter box very quickly. In about 3-7 days you can train even the most stubborn child. It is very important to constantly monitor your pet’s actions, otherwise the process of familiarizing yourself with the litter box may take a month.

The pinnacle of training is to teach a kitten to use the human toilet. As a rule, the pet can confidently use the toilet after a month and a half.

When taming a kitten to the litter box, do not forget about the quality and structure of the filler. Position your pet's toilet correctly and try not to scare the baby.

Video: How to train a kitten to use the toilet/tray. Veterinarian advice

Video: How to TRAIN A KITTEN TO THE TRAY. Step-by-step instructions, my personal experience

Your childhood dream has finally come true - a cute fluffy ball has appeared in the house! One problem remains unsolved: how to train a kitten to use a litter box? This is exactly the question we will tackle by talking about the simplest and effective ways allowing raise a neat and clean pet.

Cats by nature love cleanliness, so in most cases, owners do not have any particular difficulties in effectively and quickly teaching a kitten to go to the toilet in the same place. Of course, in this very place there must be a special tray, in which your pet will relieve itself. This question is especially relevant when you get an animal in an apartment, where it is not possible to let it out into the street or take it to the yard every time to use the toilet.

Domestic cats have no need to go outside at all; they get used to the atmosphere of the house and adapt to almost any conditions. It should be borne in mind that even in a city apartment, cats walk on their own, choosing their favorite places to sleep, play and relax. But as for the toilet, here it is necessary to slightly adjust their behavior, because the baby must know where to go if necessary so that the owners are happy and satisfied. By the way, it is not worth intimidating and scolding an animal if it first relieves itself in the wrong place. To clearly understand how to teach a kitten to go to the litter box, zoologists recommend following two simple recommendations:

  • Firstly, you should provide the kitten with round-the-clock access to the toilet (keep the door of the toilet or bathroom where the tray is located always open);
  • and secondly, the tray should be clean and comfortable for the animal and preferably located in a secluded place that the kitten has chosen on its own.

Some owners teach their pet to use the toilet immediately, which is very convenient in terms of hygiene. However, to do this, you must have a very decent experience of interacting with animals and real “pedagogical” talent. This practice is suitable for an adult, established cat, so we will talk about toilet training for a domestic cat a little later. But we’ll tell you right now what to do if a wonderful meowing baby has just moved into your house.

How to teach a street kitten to go to the toilet: a simple solution to a spicy problem

We have all dreamed of sheltering an unfortunate street kitten at least once in our lives. However, not everyone brought this noble cause to completion. We dedicate this section to those who were not afraid of temporary difficulties and gave a street kitten a home. To begin with, it should be understood that a cat's baby his behavior resembles a small child: he can also be capricious and protest, he also requires your attention and care. Therefore, so that you don’t have to clean up the “traces of cat crime” day after day, wondering why I couldn’t immediately train the kitten to the toilet, you should understand some rules that will help you prepare both yourself and the animal for living together in a comfortable, comfortable environment. and most importantly - in a clean environment.

Let's remember school and imagine the entire process of teaching an animal in the form of a task. So, the task: you almost simultaneously got both a kitten and a litter tray, in which he must subsequently learn to go to the toilet. Initial data: you live in a city apartment, the animal does not go outside, and you do not plan to let it out. Exercise: how to train a cat to use a litter box, without extra effort and problems?

The solution of the problem consists of several steps

How to train a cat to use a litter box in 1 day?

Some novice owners dream of how to train a cat to use a litter box in 1 day. In principle, this is possible if you follow simple recommendations.

  1. Place the tray with the filler in a visible place. It is ideal for the cat's litter box to be located between its bowl and the place where the kitten sleeps or plays. Along the way, he will pass by the tray and will definitely become interested in it. Over time, you will move the litter box closer to the bathroom or wherever you plan to install the cat's litter box.
  2. Limit the space in which the kitten will move. At least for the first time, so that he looks in corners less and is more often near the tray.
  3. If your miracle is still shits where it shouldn't, take a piece of paper and blot it with cat urine (after your cat has peed). It is this “smelling bait” that should be placed in the tray so that the animal can find out where its toilet is. If the kitten has passed a lot, do the same with its excrement. Don't forget to put on rubber gloves first and wash your hands with soap afterward.

Some pet owners think that toilet training a cat is a rather strange and incredibly troublesome task. However, in such a delicate matter you should rely only on your patience and individual characteristics your kitty. Eg , it is worth considering the age of the animal. A very small kitten should not be trained to use the toilet - he may simply fall into it. First, you should accustom the cat to the litter box, and then gradually move it towards the toilet so that the animal moves to its final goal without any special obstacles or psychological trauma. Once the litter tray is near the toilet, lay down newspapers or plywood, and then install the cat litter on them. Increase the height of the tray every day until it reaches the toilet, and then move the tray itself onto it. Over time, the animal will get used to the “high” toilet, and you will be able to hide the tray and give the cat the opportunity to go to the toilet.

Exactly like people It takes 21 days for cats to develop the habit.. Look at the illustration and start training your cat.

How to train a kitten to use the litter box if he still goes to the toilet everywhere?

It happens that the animal cannot get used to the toilet that you obsessively provide for it, and continues to stubbornly walk past the tray. Do not hit the animal or dip its face in excrement under any circumstances. Continue to gently guide the cat to the tray, sit it down on the potty from time to time, and reward the animal when it manages to recover in a specially designated place. If the cat is “trying on” again, how to write “in the wrong direction,” strictly tell him “No!” and take it to the tray. Watch video recommendations from experienced livestock breeders and be patient. Perhaps your pet has not yet found its way into the new place and requires more attention and care.

A charming fluffy kitten appeared in the house, and life went out of its usual rhythm? Everyone loves to watch fun games, but these unexpected “gifts” in the most inappropriate places can really spoil the mood. To avoid this, you will have to make a lot of effort and show great patience. Getting your kitten used to the litter box quickly is a real challenge. A strict sequence of actions, perseverance and knowledge of some features of a cat’s character will help you with this.

Setting priorities

Decide on the location of the tray in the house

The choice of strategy depends on the living conditions that you can offer your new pet. At the beginning of training you will need:

  • Choose a tray for the kitten;
  • Decide on the litter tray filler;
  • Choose a location for the cat litter that will be convenient for the pet and will not create inconvenience for the owners.

Let's consider all these points in more detail.

Trays - what they are and how they differ

On sale you can find plastic trays for cat litter different sizes and designs. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 types:

  • A simple cuvette without an additional grid;
  • Tray with plastic protective grid.

When choosing a tray, you should base your decision on which apartment your pet will live in.

Features of keeping a kitten in a private house and in a comfortable apartment

The height of the tray should not be high

If the apartment is equipped with all amenities, then you can choose a simple tray with a grate, which is placed in the tray to protect the paws from contamination. Not every kitten will agree to relieve itself in an empty tray, however, if you manage to teach it to do this, then the next stage of toilet training will be almost painless.

By nature, kittens love to dig the ground or sand with their paws. It is on this property that the most easy way litter box training. Use a tray with filler. You need to carefully monitor your kitten's behavior, especially after feeding. As soon as you notice that he begins to look for a secluded place, you need to carefully transfer the kitten to the tray and dig sand or other filler directly with his paw. You will be surprised how quickly he will understand what they want from him.

The most comfortable conditions kittens receive accommodation in a private house. Here, a delicate problem is often solved very easily - instead of arranging a toilet area for the kitten in the house, it is provided with free access to the local area, where the pet can solve the problems on its own. A hole is made in the floor, somewhere in a secluded corner, through which he can go outside. The disadvantages of this simple and effective solution to the problem are that strange cats may enter your house.

Choose a tray for the kitten's height

This method is not always suitable - for example, your kitten is an expensive and purebred kitten - is it worth letting it out for free walks? After all, after one of them, he may not return home: in the wild, he is unprotected from attacks by dogs, larger cats, and the actions of intruders. Therefore, even in a private home, it is necessary to teach the kitten to use the litter box. The size of the tray is selected according to the height of the kitten - the height of the sides should not make it difficult to easily get inside the structure, and its area should ensure free placement of the kitten’s body during the “procedure” and prevent contamination of the surrounding area.

Some owners purchase two trays at once. One can be used for minor needs, the second for more serious cases, and perhaps they can be used equally. Then the second tray simplifies the process of cleaning and replacing the filler for the owner.

Methods and techniques

When placing the litter box, pay attention to the kitten's behavior

Without exception, all methods of training are based on careful observation of the animal and study of its character and habits. It’s great if you get a pet with developed instincts - then you won’t have to train him too much. In this case, the main emphasis should be on choosing the right location for the tray and the type of filler. Everything else will happen without your participation.

In an unfamiliar environment, the kitten becomes stressed and may urinate or poop anywhere. It is possible to get used to the tray in 1 month even in such difficult cases. The order of your actions:

If suddenly everything didn’t go according to plan, you were unable to keep an eye on the kitten, and you found a “surprise” in a completely different place, explain to your pet in a stern voice that this cannot be done. At the same time, you cannot punish with spankings or poking your nose. The “crime scene” itself is a good idea to process special means, for example, “antigadin”. This should prevent the kitten from repeating the dirty trick.

If you find a puddle in the wrong place, soak a piece of newspaper in it and place it in the tray. The probability that the next time the kitten will make a puddle in the tray is approximately 90-100 percent.

The sooner you start teaching healthy habits to your pet, the more effective it will be. The question of “how to train a kitten to a litter box” is solved when the kitten is 2 months old - later the task becomes much more complicated.

If you live in a comfortable apartment, then you can even train your kitten to go to the toilet. To ensure that the door to the toilet is always slightly open, install a special closing lock or make an entrance hole at the bottom of the door leaf.

Toilet training a kitten should begin only after he learns to use the litter box. Further training will consist of gradually moving the tray from its permanent location closer to the toilet. You need to move it over very short distances, no more than 10 cm at a time. When you get close to the toilet, you will have to use devices in the form of a stack of unnecessary magazines. Place the tray on a stack, which should gradually become equal in height to the toilet. We smoothly move the tray from the stack onto the toilet, let the kitten get used to it and understand what is required of it. It is not always possible to achieve results on the first try - do not give up, repeat the entire cycle again. Perseverance is the key to success.

Unpleasant odors are a side effect

You can use baking soda, vinegar, and other products to remove odors.

In a house where an animal is kept, enhanced measures must be taken to maintain the premises in normal sanitary condition. Modern cat litters make the task easier, reliably keeping the unpleasant odor inside. Special mineral “clumping” fillers are the most convenient and easy to use. Just remove any lumps that form from the tray in a timely manner, adding fresh filler in return.

In severe cases, when your pet suddenly stops following the rules and poops in the most inappropriate places, contact your veterinarian. It is possible that the reason for the animal’s inappropriate behavior lies in some of its diseases. Expert advice will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes and keep your pet healthy.

“old surprises” can be achieved using folk remedies – baking soda, vinegar. Their combined use is especially effective. There are many products available in stores to combat cat odors. There are:

  • Flavorings that mask unpleasant odors;
  • Adsorbents that absorb odors.

For a quick but short-term solution to the problem, you can use flavorings.

Don't overlook the natural flavoring properties of some herbs and substances. So, if, when cleaning, you wipe the washed areas with a lemon or orange peel, the smell of freshness will fill the house. Can be poured into small cups coffee beans and place it around the room. After a day, this simple remedy will not work, but during the day you will be able to enjoy an unobtrusive invigorating aroma.

Activated carbon tablets are a good adsorbent for foreign odors. It is enough to place them in problem areas and enjoy the effect.

If everything is done correctly, the kitten quickly begins to go to the litter box

For caring owners who know how to train a 1.5 month old kitten to use a litter tray, the problem of odors is not relevant in principle. Timely training of the pet in cleanliness and good manners facilitate the further coexistence of the pet and the pupil.

And now a few useful tips that will help you painlessly carry out the process of training a kitten to use the tray:

  • Do not leave potted plants in the access area. By not removing them, you create an extra temptation for the kitten to rummage around in such a pot, or even relieve itself. Just rule out this possibility.
  • A large and spacious closed tray is the best choice. It protects the room as much as possible from the penetration of unwanted aromas, and allows the kitten to feel comfortable and safe.
  • Love your pet! This is the best you can do

We are responsible for those we have tamed. Always remember this. Calculate your strengths and capabilities. If you fail to raise your kitten correctly, then instead of pleasant worries, keeping it will turn into daily stress for you. Therefore, before you adopt a kitten, make sure that in the first days you are at home, next to him. Only then can you do everything right.

“Happiness is measured in cats” is a fairly common phrase among cat lovers. And it’s true, because with the appearance of a little fluffy ball it immediately becomes more comfortable. The baby grows and develops, turning from a clumsy creature into a graceful animal. And to make life with him more comfortable, he needs to be taught to go to the toilet in the right place. Teaching your baby to go to the toilet in a specially designated place is not difficult. Below are tips on how to train a kitten to use a litter box.

Most often, mothers teach babies to do this. The cubs try to quickly learn everything that their parents can and repeat after the cat. Many of the litter learn to do their own business - they climb onto the potty after their mother.

What needs to be done to get the kitten to go to the litter box?

  1. Tray. Preferably low and small, only for the first time, until the baby gets bigger. Right away, it will be difficult for him to jump into a tray for adults, due to his clumsiness.
  2. Filler. Little kittens are curious. He needs to sniff everything in the world, and also taste it. And the filler too. To begin with, during the period of active growth, it is recommended to put in fine-grained wood filler so that the baby does not. Accustoming immediately to silicate will lead to intestinal upset if the kitten accidentally eats it.
  3. Patience. Some babies go to the litter box almost immediately, while others go through the blood, sweat and tears of their owners, continuing to relieve themselves where this is not at all necessary.
  4. Detergents. , only the human nose will not be able to smell the smell, but a kitten will always find it! Therefore, the places that the fluffy has chosen must be thoroughly washed, otherwise this place will forever remain his toilet.

Now it’s time to move on directly to how to train a kitten to use a litter tray.

Action plan:

  • Place the tray where it will be easier for the baby to reach it. At first, it is best to keep the kitten in one room so that it gets comfortable. The tray can be moved to another place when the fluffy will always defecate in it. Ideally, this should be a quiet and peaceful place.
  • The filler should interest a small cat. In the wild, cats dig a hole in the ground, defecate, and then bury their excrement. To trigger the natural instinct, it will be enough to dig a hole with the kitten’s paws (carefully holding them). The baby will become interested and will do this more often.
  • Watch the kitten. If he starts to sit down in the wrong place, carefully transfer him to the tray.

6 tips: How to train a kitten to use the litter box. Remember them, or better yet, save them, because when the time comes, you will already have several options

  1. Send the baby to the tray as soon as he eats or wakes up.
  2. Praise him every time he does his job where it is supposed to be done.
  3. Do not change the tray frequently. At first, kittens are guided by smell, and look for a toilet only in this way.
  4. If a kitten relieves itself in the wrong place, you can’t scold it! This will undermine the baby's trust in the owner, which will undermine the relationship in the future.
  5. Collect urine with a paper towel and place the paper under the litter. So the kitten will look for a toilet by smell. And clean the crime scene thoroughly.
  6. Also place a bowl of food and water in the chosen area. The nature of cats is such that they will not relieve themselves in places where they drink and eat.
  • Poking its muzzle into its excrement, dragging it by the scruff of the neck into the tray, beating it and yelling. As mentioned above, this undermines the relationship between cat and owner.
  • Lock your baby in the toilet and wait for him to do his business.
  • Watering crime scenes with caustic liquids. This can lead to burns to the nasal mucosa.

Here are some tips on how to teach kittens to go to the toilet in the designated place. If you spend a couple of days on this, praise the baby and don’t let him “seclude himself” in dubious places, then the baby will quickly learn to do his business where it’s supposed to be done. And of course you need to know the general rules.

Many kittens purchased from conscientious breeders are already litter box trained, but this does not mean that, once in new house, they will immediately begin to demonstrate the acquired skills. It is quite possible that the baby will have to go through the training course again. If your domestic cat gave birth to a kitten, she herself can teach him a lesson in maintaining order: babies usually copy their mother’s behavior. In such happy cases, the owner who decides to keep the kitten in the family will only need to purchase an individual tray for the new pet and clean it regularly. But, as a rule, the work of toilet training a little furry still falls on the shoulders of its owner. This important mission includes a number of mandatory points and the understanding that it will be impossible to cope with such a task in a day or two.

Regardless of what age the kitten came to you, you need to teach it to go to the litter box from the moment it finds itself in your home. Already at one month old, babies are ready to absorb information and acquire new skills. It’s not too late to develop the necessary skills for a two-month-old baby. But it will be very difficult to wean a three-month-old kitten, to whom Skoda was frivolously forgiven, from shitting anywhere - by this time its character will be fully formed. After six months, re-education may be completely useless.

Limit your kitten's movement throughout the house. Let him temporarily stay in the room where you yourself stay most of the time - this way you can observe the baby’s behavior and at the right time have time to move him to the tray. For convenience, temporarily place the tray itself in the same room. When the kitten gets used to the box, move it to a more suitable place.

From time to time, gently place the kitten in the tray, giving the opportunity to explore it, understand its purpose, sniff it and get comfortable.

Kittens usually go to the toilet after eating or after sleeping. Seize this moment, carefully pick up the baby under the tummy and take him to the tray. If the experiment was successful, be sure to praise the cat and pet it.

A kitten that has made a puddle on the floor should not be poked with its nose, and there is no need to shout at the baby either - after all, he does not yet know what he is doing. There are other, more humane, ways of punishing an ugly person: you can lightly spray him with water from a spray bottle or clap your hands, but not deafeningly.

If the kitten makes a puddle in a secluded corner, blot it with an unscented napkin and place it in the tray. Do not remove it for several hours, be patient and wait until the baby “takes the bait” - there will be no unpleasant odors from the baby’s feces. The scene of the “crime” itself needs to be processed, otherwise the kitten will get into the habit of going there. Chemical means it should not be used. Wipe the floor with water containing a little squeezed citrus juice - kitties hate this smell.

How to understand that a kitten wants to go to the toilet

Kittens may demonstrate their desire to go to the toilet in different ways. Tiny furries usually squeak and act as if they are looking for something: they look around, sniff. The kitten may sit down, scratch objects, rake with its paws, and demonstrate a desire to hide somewhere.

Growing up, many kittens acquire the habit of rushing around the room with their tail raised, jumping sideways - in a word, showing suspicious hyperactivity before going “on business”.

Where to put the tray

Kittens need privacy for their litter box. This is his personal space. The baby will get used to the tray faster if you place it in a secluded corner where you can easily access it. Living rooms, kitchen, corridor, hall are completely unsuitable places for a cat's litter box; you will have to choose between the bathroom, toilet and balcony.

Usually the cats themselves prefer the toilet, as they understand perfectly well what it is intended for. For owners, this choice of animal is complicated by the fact that the doors there will have to be kept ajar: the kitten may not wait until you figure out why it meows demandingly, and will choose another available place. The bathroom from this point of view is more suitable option for the location of the tray.

If you decide to place the tray on a balcony or loggia, keep in mind that there should be no boxes or pots with soil there: the kitten will undoubtedly prefer them to a plastic box. A toilet on the balcony is an ideal option if it is glazed and connected to the room not only by a door, but also by a window with a window, which can always be kept open even in winter. The path to the tray through the window, of course, is a plan for the future. While your pet is very small, you will have to make sure that he always has access to the balcony through the door. If the balcony is not glazed, leaving a kitten alone there is dangerous.

How to choose a tray

Your little pet's toilet should be liked, first of all, by himself. Choose a tray made from lightweight but durable material. As a rule, this is plastic. Check that the material does not emit a strong chemical odor.

The box must be stable; lightweight options are dangerous because they can tip over when the baby actively scoops up his bowel movements with his paws. A toilet “accident” with the crash of an overturned box will certainly frighten him and, quite predictably, will discourage him from using the dangerous tray for a long time.

Today there are trays on sale in all kinds of models and sizes. Which one is more suitable for your kitten can only become clear over time, when the baby’s temperament manifests itself. Those who like to actively rake will like a box with high sides; for a shy pet, a tray with a voluminous roof, where it will be provided with complete privacy, will be a good choice. By the way, a nice tray-house can be placed in the hallway. There are trays with mesh and those in which you can insert disposable film bags. Automatic self-cleaning trays are also sold. Each of the options has its pros and cons, the main thing is that the cat does not feel cramped in the tray, and he has the opportunity to move freely in it, turn around and paddle to his heart’s content. As soon as the baby satisfies his needs, the tray needs to be cleaned.

For kittens belonging to large breeds - Maine Coons, Ragdolls, Siberians and others, it is better to immediately purchase large, comfortable trays so that over time there will be no difficulties with replacing the toilet for an older pet.


Not so long ago, traditional cat litters were torn newsprint, sand or soil brought from the street. This is not very hygienic and can even be dangerous for the animal. Today, it is convenient to lure a curious kitten into the litter tray with the help of litters sold in specialized stores. With them you can quickly accustom your baby to a permanent place. In a tray with attractive filling, he can row to his heart's content, examine it, sniff it thoroughly, and in general, have a good time.

There are chemical and natural fillers. The first ones are included in the expensive segment and are silica gel granules that can absorb not only moisture, but also unpleasant odors. However, despite the “high technology”, owners are often convinced that this is not the best option for kittens. Children often do not perceive silica gel as a toilet surface; they begin to roll out in it, as if on a bed, and taste the granules, which, however, is not dangerous.

Among the mineral fillers for kittens, it is better to choose wood, which is pellets made from sawdust from coniferous trees. They are inexpensive and completely safe for babies, unlike another natural filler in bentonite clay granules. An unintelligent kitten may accidentally swallow such a clay granule, which can lead to blockage of the digestive tract.

Some kittens are quite willing to go to the tray even without litter. Among them are mainly those who were taught good manners by their mother cat.

Reasons why a kitten refuses to go to the litter box

Kittens very rarely refuse to go to the litter box because they are harmful or malicious. This usually happens with adult animals, which are distinguished by their touchiness and quarrelsome character. Most likely, the reason lies elsewhere.

A kitten may not like even the most beautiful tray, and only he knows why this happens. Try replacing the toilet. Do this in front of the baby, try to interest him in the new product. If the kitten is already accustomed to the tray, do not change it to another one, following fashion.

Even the tiniest cats are very clean. A bad-smelling litter box may make them uncomfortable. Make sure that the scoop you use to scoop up the filler is clean.

Little kittens are susceptible to stress and after moving and parting with their feline family, they may not go to the litter box or even to the toilet for several days. Owners of new pets can be advised to provide their baby with complete comfort in his sleeping area by placing soft toy, a warm heating pad, and treat him during this period with special tenderness and care.