How to properly dry an automatic umbrella after rain. How to clean and dry an umbrella at home. Etiquette for drying an umbrella in public places

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A beautiful and comfortable umbrella can restore cheerfulness to its owner even in bad weather. But, in addition to its protective functions, an umbrella also serves fashionable detail your fashion look. Therefore, you need to know some rules for caring for this item. We will tell you how to dry, clean, wash and maintain your umbrella. After all, without good care, proper maintenance and maintenance, it will quickly become unusable.

After rain, the umbrella should definitely be dried. You've probably seen more than once offices or other establishments where the floors are covered with open umbrellas after the rain. Many people believe that this is how it is necessary to dry an umbrella. But this is the wrong option!

According to international canons of etiquette, drying an umbrella open in a public place is bad manners.

In European offices, employees simply throw wet umbrellas on the floor at the threshold and this does not bother anyone. And in the USA there is a sign that drying an umbrella open is a sign of sadness.

In addition, if you dry it open, the dome will begin to sag over time. This will happen due to its stretching. Also stretched fabric may allow moisture to pass through.

But putting a cover on a wet umbrella is also not good. What is the way out?

You need to do this:

  • Open the umbrella slightly and hang it, for example, on a hook. In this position, it will dry well, and the dome will not stretch.
  • If you're drying an umbrella in the office, try to hang it in a way that won't drip on someone's clothes or shoes. After making sure that the umbrella is dry, you should carefully assemble it and put the cover on it.
  • A mandatory condition is not to place the umbrella to dry near heating devices. Not only for fire safety purposes, but also to avoid deforming the dome panel.
  • There is no need for the umbrella to dry in the open sun. This causes the fabric to fade, stains to appear, or the fabric to become discolored.

Rainwater sometimes leaves marks on the umbrella cover, and then it becomes necessary to wash it. How to do this? Might stick it in washing machine? This is definitely not worth doing.

Secrets of proper washing:

  1. Open the umbrella slightly and apply foamed shampoo or soap solution to it.
  2. Then open the umbrella and rinse thoroughly under warm water (not hot!).
  3. Shake off excess moisture from the panel and wipe the metal parts with a dry cloth.
  4. Now dry the umbrella as described above - in the slightly open position.

Removing rust, grease and dust stains

If there are prints of rusty knitting needles or other dirt on the fabric of the umbrella, it needs to be cleaned. For this procedure, only substances that are harmless to matter can be used.

  1. Grease stains from the umbrella canopy can be easily removed with dishwashing detergent.
  2. Rust stains can be removed with lemon juice. Then you need to rinse the umbrella with water and hold it over the steam.
  3. If the umbrella is simply covered with dust, then you can go over it with a coarse brush, onto which a cleaning agent for synthetic or woolen products has been applied.
  4. If the umbrella begins to leak water, you should wipe it with alcohol.

To clean the surface of the umbrella, it is strictly forbidden to use kerosene, acetone, gasoline and other eluents.

Depending on the color, umbrellas are cleaned in the following ways:

  1. Black umbrella, which has slightly lost its color, can be wiped with a sponge dipped in strong tea leaves. Of course, the tea should be black, not green. After this, rinse the umbrella fabric a little and wipe it with a solution consisting of table vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. White umbrella need to be cleaned with baking soda. It cleans well and at the same time whitens the fabric.
  3. Colored umbrellas cleaned with ammonia. For one liter of water, take 0.5 cups of ammonia.

Storage rules

After the rainy season has passed, our umbrellas go to winter on the shelves in the closet. Before you send your umbrella away for the winter, you need to take a little care of it. Here are some rules:

  1. Wash the fabric of the umbrella canopy.
  2. Wipe the knitting needles dry.
  3. Dry the umbrella according to the rules described above.
  4. Coat all metal parts of the umbrella with machine oil or grease (very carefully so as not to leave stains).
  5. All structural components must be wrapped in cellophane or wax paper.
  6. Now the umbrella can be placed in the case, and then in another package.

Please note that the umbrella must be stored in an unlit space.

In the rain we go indoors and suddenly get lost. What to do with wet clothes and how to dry an umbrella? In order not to feel awkward, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of etiquette, but also do not forget about the safety of your umbrella. After all, incorrect behavior can create inconvenience for others, and if drying is postponed until the future, the wet fabric will smell damp and the knitting needles will rust.

How to dry an umbrella according to etiquette?

How to dry an umbrella correctly

The usual method of drying umbrellas when opened is contrary to the rules of its operation. In this case, the spokes experience unnecessary stress and become deformed, and the dome fabric is greatly stretched. In order for the accessory to last as long as possible, you need to dry it in the following order.

Lightly shake off any drops from the fabric and hang the half-opened umbrella by the loop on the handle. There is no need to open the machine; just unfasten the clasp on it. If there is a special stand in the room, a cane is placed in it.

Before drying a dirty umbrella, stains of dirt should be removed from it, for which the canopy should be wiped with a soapy solution, for particularly dirty areas using a brush, and then rinsed with water.

Place a container under the umbrella to catch the water.

Hang the cover to dry.

When the fabric is completely dry, you need to straighten it and wrap it around the leg, after shaking the umbrella.

Now you can put on the cover and put the umbrella away until the next rain.

When choosing a place for drying, you need to avoid sunlight. Heating devices, radiators, and stoves should not be located nearby, the heat from which dries out and makes the fabric stiff.

How to dry an umbrella according to etiquette

The general rules for caring for an umbrella are fully consistent with the requirements of etiquette. Upon entering the room, you need to fold the umbrella and place it in a special stand. This is exactly what the prim young ladies did. But modern rhythms have made some adjustments to the traditional rules.

First of all, not every home has an umbrella stand. This item is not very popular, and it takes up a lot of space. In addition, a modern three-fold automatic machine will be difficult to fit into a design designed for canes. Now the rules of etiquette allow you to hang a folded umbrella on a hanger or put it on a shelf, asking permission from the owner or administrator.

I had to change umbrellas quite often - for some unknown reason they were torn. And I looked after her correctly, so it seemed to me. However, the reason for the damage to the accessory was found - improper drying. Let's figure out how to dry an umbrella correctly.

Everyone knows how to use an umbrella, but many make mistakes when using it. For example, they forget that you can’t use it when you’re going against the wind. And we also don’t think at all about how to dry an umbrella after rain.

The most common mistakes that cause an umbrella to break:

Photo Description

Mistake 1. Drying the umbrella open

The danger is that the fabric becomes too stretched. Depending on the material, this can lead to two problems:

  1. The fabric will stretch too much and will sag over time.
  2. The peculiarity of other fabrics is that when wet, their structure expands, and when dried, it contracts. After several such dryings, you will notice small holes in the material.
Error 2. Drying the umbrella fully assembled

If you prefer, when you come home, to fold and put away a wet umbrella on a shelf without drying it, then after some time your device will develop a number of problems:

  • rust on the spokes;
  • unpleasant smell of mold;
  • flabby material.

All of the above problems are the consequences of the fact that moisture does not evaporate, but is absorbed into parts of the umbrella and destroys their structure.

Mistake 3. Drying the umbrella in the sun

If you decide to send your umbrella to dry in the sun, then:

  1. The umbrella may develop stains and stains from dried water.
  2. The tarpaulin may completely burn out and lose its brightness.

How to dry an umbrella at home: 4 steps

So, we found out what you shouldn’t do with an umbrella while drying. Now we can talk about how to dry the accessory so that it serves as your rain protector for many years:

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Step 1

When you come from the street, open and close your umbrella several times to shake off drops of water. You can do this at the entrance, on the balcony or above the bathroom.

Step 2

Fold the umbrella, but do not wrap it up or put it in a cover - let the knitting needles remain free.

Step 3

Hang the umbrella in a well-ventilated area and be sure to wait until it dries completely.

Step 4

After complete drying, open the umbrella and leave for half an hour - this will protect the metal parts from rust.

You can easily protect various surfaces in the house from water flowing from an umbrella with your own hands - just place plastic bag or an old newspaper.

With a wet umbrella at a party: 5 rules of etiquette

When we come to visit or work after the rain, and we have a wet umbrella in our hands, and we have absolutely no idea where to put it - you must admit, it’s a rather awkward situation. You can't just throw it on the floor.

Although in some European countries that's exactly what they do. But we’re not like that... I’ll tell you what to do with a wet umbrella when visiting:

Image Recommendations

Rule 1

Shake off excess water before entering the room.

Rule 2

Fold up your umbrella and ask the owners where to put it. The ideal option is a special stand; if available, feel free to dry the umbrella in it.

Unfortunately, such devices are not very popular - they take up extra space in the hallway, and the price of a quality item will not please everyone.

Rule 3

Most affordable option How to properly dry an umbrella when visiting is to hang it on a hanger. Make sure that the accessory does not touch other people's clothing.

Rule 4

Do not use heaters or hair dryers for drying - this will damage the tarpaulin.

Rule 5

It would be nice to send an umbrella to the balcony if friends live in an apartment.


From now on, you know how to properly dry your umbrella after rain. Try it yourself and see that with proper care, any thing can surprise you with its service life. Still have questions? Write in the comments, I will be glad.

The expert talked about how to choose the right umbrella and properly care for this accessory. You can find out the expert’s opinion from the video in this article.

An umbrella is a necessary accessory for everyone. It reliably protects from rain and wind, complements the style and image. But, unfortunately, not everyone cares for and dries products correctly. Many people leave their umbrella open on the floor after rain. Such drying is contrary to the rules and regulations of etiquette, and also reduces the service life of the accessory.

Improper drying causes the wet canopy fabric to stretch and loosen the knitting needles. In addition, the material begins to sag, and the product loses its attractiveness. appearance. Let's find out how to properly dry an umbrella after rain, cleaning or washing so that it maintains its quality and presentability.

How to properly dry an umbrella

Open the wet umbrella slightly and hang it half-open or place it in a special stand. This will preserve the material and fabric of the product. It will not allow moisture to pass through and will not stretch, which is especially true for nylon and silk.

By the way, the highest quality umbrellas are made from rubberized satin with water-repellent impregnation or pongee. The latter is a durable and dense fabric in a combination of polyester and cotton or silk.

To properly dry your umbrella, you cannot open the canopy completely, otherwise it will stretch. As a result of improper drying, strength and water-repellent properties are reduced, the knitting needles begin to loosen and the fabric begins to sag. From beautiful and stylish accessory there won't be a trace left.

In addition, you should not put a damp or even slightly damp umbrella in the cover, otherwise mold will appear on the material! Place the product in its case only after it has completely dried. Moreover, the product is dried at room temperature away from batteries, radiators and electrical appliances. It is not recommended to dry the accessory in the sun, otherwise it may fade.

How to dry an umbrella according to etiquette

If you are interested in the question of how to dry an umbrella according to etiquette, in this case The product must not be left open. This is a sign of bad taste. If you are visiting or in a public place, leave the umbrella half-open and hang it on a hanger or place it on a special stand.

If you hang an umbrella on a hanger, be careful not to let any water dripping from the fabric get on anyone's clothes or shoes. When the product is dry, collect and shake the umbrella, put it in the case. Thus, the product is dried at room temperature in a semi-closed state, hanging by the handle or placing the dome down on a stand. This way the dome will dry well and will not stretch or lose its shape.

How long does it take for an umbrella to dry?

Pongee and satin dry in five to ten minutes, since drops easily roll off the dome, and the material remains almost dry. These are reliable and durable fabrics that do not tear or stretch, do not shrink or fade, and look aesthetically pleasing, solid and presentable.

Traditional polyester is a cheaper option. It is also characterized by durability and quick drying, but is less durable in the places where the knitting needles are attached and looks less attractive. Read how to care for polyester, pongee and other synthetic fabrics.

Nylon takes longer to dry than other materials. Experts do not advise choosing this dome material, as it quickly tears and stretches, fades and even fades under heavy rain. It can stain a person's clothes when it rains or objects they lie next to.

Drying umbrellas in a half-open state takes longer than in a fully open state. However, this method will preserve the fabric in its original form and protect the color and brightness of the product. The umbrella will last a long time.

How to store an umbrella

The umbrella should be stored folded, in its cover, at room temperature. Before long-term storage, thoroughly rinse and dry the product. Wipe the handle, shaft and knitting needles dry. Lubricate the spokes with machine oil and the metal frame with grease. This will prevent rust from occurring.

If the material is worn out in some places, treat the damaged areas from the inside with clear nail polish. Wrap the joints in newspaper, paper or film, fold the umbrella, put it in a cover, and then in a bag. Do not store the accessory at the bottom of a shelf or bag, or stack other items on top of the product. This can cause the knitting needles to bend or break. During long-term storage, periodically remove and ventilate the umbrella.

What not to do

  • Do not dry the umbrella completely open;
  • Do not dry on or near a radiator, radiator or electrical appliances;
  • Do not dry the accessory folded;
  • Do not put a wet or damp product in the case;
  • Do not place things or objects on the product when wearing or storing it;
  • Do not wash or clean the dome material with solvents, gasoline or acetone.

Umbrella care

In order for the accessory to serve for a long time, not break and maintain a presentable appearance, it is important not only to store and dry it correctly, but also to regularly wash and clean the umbrella. To do this, use soft brushes and a solution of water and detergent for synthetic, woolen or silk items.

To remove dirt and stains, traces of rust, colored materials are cleaned with a solution of ammonia in a ratio of alcohol and water of 1 to 10. For dark and black materials, use table or Apple vinegar. To do this, dissolve two tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water and wipe the surface with the solution. This method will remove stains and dirt, refresh and preserve color.

To remove rust stains, use lemon juice to greasy stains and traces - detergents for dishes. And to return the color to the black umbrella, clean the surface with a sponge and brewed strong black tea. After the manipulations, rinse the fabric thoroughly with warm, clean water and leave the product to dry completely.

During heavy use during the rainy season, the products are cleaned regularly to keep them neat and attractive. To do this, wash the umbrella in warm soapy water with the addition of washing powder or rinse aid. Open the dome and wipe the surface with a soft sponge soaked in this composition.