Games that develop fine motor skills in a variety of ways. DIY games for developing fine motor skills Games for fine motor skills for different ages

Games for development fine motor skills with your own hands

The relationship between fine motor skills and mental activity.

The formation of a child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. It has been established that in the human brain the centers responsible for speech and finger movements are located close, so speech reactions are directly dependent on the training of the fingers.

Conditions for the effective development of fine motor skills.

It is necessary to use all fingers of both hands. Compression, stretching and relaxation movements should be combined. Exercises should be based on using isolated movements of each finger. To successfully develop fine motor skills, it is important to train both hands. It is important in games to equally develop subtle movements of the fingers of both hands, and in everyday life to strive to distribute various actions between the right and left hands.

The importance of games for the development of fine motor skills.

Games and exercises for developing fine motor skills are a powerful tool maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex, a means of interaction with underlying structures. In their process, children’s attention, memory, auditory and visual perception improve, perseverance is developed, and play and educational and practical activities are formed. Systematic exercises also help to develop skills of self-control and self-regulation of hand movements, not only under the control of vision, but also with the participation of touch, tactile and motor sensations.

Games that parents can make from scrap materials.

To strengthen and develop a child’s hand and coordinate movements, various exercises and actions with objects are recommended:

1. Twistingribbons, threads, winding balls.

2. Lacing. You will need a piece of linoleum with holes made and a cord, or ready-made forms with holes, tablets with pins. (game "Laces").

3. Buttoning. You will need fabric, buttons and thread. (game "Faspers").

4. Laying out, fingeringseeds, beans, large seeds, curly pasta.

5. Games with clothespins. You will need clothespins and cardboard, lids, rings.

6. Unscrewing and twistingcaps You will need necks and caps from plastic bottles, a dense base (linoleum, cardboard), all kinds of jars with threaded screws.

You can simultaneously teach children ordinal counting and color orientation.

7. Guessing by touchitems. (game "Magic Bag"). You will need a bag with a variety of small toys and objects or a “muff” with a pocket at the bottom.

8. Rollinga pencil or pen, a cone or a touch ball with spikes in the palms helps stimulate biologically active points, toning the body as a whole.

9. Outlining stencils, patterns, any shapes, cut from plastic bottles or linoleum.

10. Stringing beads, rings, buttons and any shapes with holes.

11. Laying out picturesfrom geometric mosaics or sticks. (will be required geometric figures from plastic, cardboard, linoleum or ready-made magnetic figures, forms, matches without sulfur heads or counting sticks, cocktail straws, tubes from used felt-tip pens, etc.)

12. Laying out and picking out with tweezersbeads, buttons, pebbles, small figures, putting them in a container with a hole.

13. Braiding.

14. Pushinginsert soft rough objects, pieces of fabric, ribbons into various holes and tunnels with your fingers.

Each of these techniques is aimed at the development of the child: his musculoskeletal system, sensory sensitivity, hand-eye coordination, voluntary attention, and psychoregulation skills.

One of the most important areas in working with a child is the development of fine motor skills.

The main helpers in this matter: finger exercises, hand massage, and of course, games.

There are a great variety of games for developing fine motor skills. In this article, I tried to collect those that are easiest to organize and which we enjoyed playing ourselves.

It is important to remember the rule: than smaller child, the larger the objects he plays with should be. Everything is small only under your watchful eye.

And one more thing: at any age, we do not use the hydrogel that is popular today - it is really dangerous.

One of the most favorite activities for children is putting something in and taking it out. That’s why sorter toys are so interesting for kids. We take advantage of this interest and offer the following games:

Pushing objects. Cut a hole in a suitable container (jar with a plastic lid, bottle, box) and invite your child to put the following in it:

  • counting sticks, matches, cotton buds, caps from felt-tip pens;
  • beads, coins, buttons, checkers, chestnuts, beans, pasta.
  • small lids - into small holes, large ones - into large ones.

You can stick a picture of an animal on the box and feed it. It is clear that what smaller item, the smaller the diameter of the hole we make.

We insert the chenille wire(My-shop) into a sieve or bowl from a double boiler.

Games with spoon, ladle, strainer. These games develop not so much fine motor skills as large ones. But they are very useful, because... contribute to the development of hand coordination. My son could do this for a long time, and still loves it.

  • spoon chestnuts, nuts, and kinder containers;
  • pour in cereals and beans;
  • pour water;
  • catching objects from the water.

Whisk the foam.

Also more of a gross motor activity, but a very fun activity.

Playing with kitchen tongs:

  • we sort chestnuts, nuts, cones, pebbles, Kinder surprise containers;
  • We catch floating objects from the water.

Remove the paper clips from the CD.

Or from cardboard. Colored ones can be sorted by color.

Unscrew and tighten the lids. Opening and closing various containers.

We put on:

  • rings from the pyramid, hair bands - on the rod of the pyramid;
  • drying - on a pencil;
  • pasta - on skewers. We pre-painted them and sorted them by color at the same time;
  • caps for felt-tip pens. It is good to use dried ones so that the child does not get dirty.

Lacing. There are laces different types. You can buy ready-made ones (Labyrinth, My-shop).

For the little ones, these are the ones where you need to insert a string with a hard tip into the holes.

For older children, we suggest stringing figures and beads onto a cord.

And the most difficult option is to attach the figures to the base using the lacing method:

You can come up with your own games:

  • string beads on chenille wire;
  • cocktail tubes cut into pieces - on a cord;
  • drying - on a string;
  • lace up a real shoe.

You can also make your own lacing. The following are suitable for this: thick cardboard, felt, absorbent kitchen napkins, large plastic lids. I created in the VKontakte group album “Fine Motor Skills”. In it you will find many ideas for creating lacing with your own hands.

There is a special large mosaic for the little ones.

Mosaic is not just about laying out patterns. Can be played story games. For example:

  • We invite the child to insert the elements yellow color- plant flowers, red ones - arrived
  • blue butterflies - it started to rain, remove the red ones - the butterflies flew away because of the rain;
  • we lay out paths for little people, lanterns for the runway;
  • we feed the birds by sticking “seeds” in them, putting the eggs in the nest;
  • we develop logic by playing “continue the series, sequence”;
  • we repair or destroy the road. Antoshka himself invented this game. The field is completely paved with large mosaics and suddenly holes begin to form in the ground. Antoshka’s task is to patch them up quickly so that “uncle doesn’t fail”;
  • create a drawing using paper templates.

Games with paper:

  • looking for surprises wrapped in paper, napkin, foil;
  • we hide the treasure by wrapping it;
  • tearing napkins, newspapers, toilet paper, foil - we make fireworks;
  • crumple paper, making “snowballs” out of it;
  • unwrap the candies;
  • smooth out the crumpled paper.

Playing with tweezers:

  • We play pharmacist - we put “pills” (beans, peas, vitamins) into the cells of an ice tray, Lego;

  • we feed the bird with pieces of crumpled paper;
  • We pull out the worms with tweezers and feed the chickens. For this game, I sewed floss to felt and cut it off at the back so that it would be interesting for my son to pull the worms “out of the ground.”

Games with a pipette, syringe:

  • my young chemist loves mixing paints with a pipette. And he likes to do this in ice cells.
  • Use a syringe to pour water from one container to another.

Games with matches:

  • take it out and put it in a box. You can color matches and boxes and sort them by color;
    insert into a small hole;
  • we stick it into plasticine, making a cherry stalk, a fence, a lollipop;
    We lay out the figures according to the sample.

Lay out the drawing according to the sample from buttons, pebbles, coins, beans.

To do this, you need to draw the contours of the future image. The smaller the child, the simpler the drawing. For very young children, ask them to lay out a path.

Winding ribbons, ropes, rolling rolls.

Playing with colored buttons:

  • We cut out a horseshoe from thick cardboard (from a box) and invite the child to insert “nails” (buttons) into it.
  • we stick “lights” on the runway so that the plane can see where to land.

We also have a construction set from Djeco with a cork board and a hammer. Here you need to nail machine parts.


We stick and unstick. Kids can do this for a very long time. Older children will be interested in magnetic puzzles and mosaics.


Until we were two years old, we only used reusable stickers (Labyrin t, My-shop). This is very convenient, because... Very young children often miss or glue crookedly, and are very upset if they cannot redo their idea.

Finger Theater.

You can do without toys by drawing eyes and a mouth on your fingers, or you can buy them.

It is useful to take such toys with you on a trip, I talked about this in the article "Toys for the Road".

Massage and regular small balls:

  • squeeze and unclench with your palms, between two fingers;
  • roll on the table with your finger or palm;
  • we move the ball along the drawn winding path.

Finger games.

This is one of the most useful species activities to develop fine motor skills.

There are so many finger games that you could write a separate article. Start with Soroka-Soroka, and add new ones over time.

We have a book “Tell Poems with Your Hands” (Labyrinth, My-shop). You read poems, and the child plays them out with his hands. At the same time, over time, he will learn these poems himself.

The development of fine motor skills is also helped by:

  • massage of palms and fingers;
  • drawing with stencils;
  • shading, painting, tracing contours;
  • picking toys out of jelly;
  • putting rubber bands on fingers;
  • games with hairpins, curlers, fasteners;
  • small designer;
  • puzzles;
  • Velcro games;
  • labyrinths;
  • games where you need to stick something in, screw it on;
  • cup and regular pyramid;
  • frame inserts;
  • sensory boxes;
  • businessboard().

We teach older children to sew, embroider, knit, and weave with beads.

This is not the entire list of games. But already, together with those links to which I gave at the beginning of the article, there will be enough not to think about what else to play with your child.

Games aimed at developing fine motor skills in older preschoolers

Game "Stringing".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

pasta of various shapes, painted by children, fishing line, berries, buttons, paper rings.

Description: The teacher invites the child to participate in the fair. To do this, you need to make beads, bracelets, and photo frames using gaming material.

Game "Color it right."

Goals: develop fine motor skills; learn to hatch objects with an inclination to the right, left, straight, with lines parallel to each other.

: pencils, outline images of various objects.

Description: children are invited to take part in a competition for the best hatcher. The teacher distributes contour images of objects, explaining the principle of shading (lines parallel to each other, slanted to the right (left, straight).

Game "Paper Crafts".

Goals: develop fine motor skills, develop the ability to fold a sheet in different directions.

Game material and visual aids: paper.

Description: suggest the game “Paper Toy Shop”. Then show examples of paper figures that children can make (cap, jackdaw, boat, dove).

Game "Shadow Theater".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: screen (light wall), desk lamp, flashlight.

Description: before the game, it is necessary to darken the room, the light source should illuminate the screen at a distance of 4-5 m. Hand movements are made between the screen and the light source, from which a shadow falls on the illuminated screen. The placement of hands between the wall and the light source depends on the strength of the latter, on average it is 1-2 m from the screen. Children are invited to use their hands to create shadow figures (bird, dog, lion, eagle, fish, snake, goose, hare, cat). “Actors” of a shadow theater can accompany their actions with short dialogues, acting out scenes.

Game “Why not Cinderella?”

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: cereals (rice, buckwheat).

Description: The teacher complains to the child that a little trouble happened to him, two types of cereals (rice and buckwheat) were mixed, and there is not enough time to sort through them. Therefore, we need his help: divide the cereal into different jars.

Game "The letter grows."

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: sheet of paper, pencil.

Description: the child receives a sheet of paper with letters drawn at opposite ends - one very small, the other very large. Invite the child to depict the process of increasing or decreasing letters, that is, next to the small one, draw a larger letter, the next one even larger, etc. Draw the child’s attention to the fact that the letter should grow little by little, thus bringing the letter to the size indicated on the opposite end of the sheet .

Game "Wonderful Cell".

Draw according to the cells and color them

DIY games for developing fine motor skills.

The relationship between fine motor skills and mental activity.
The formation of a child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. It has been established that in the human brain the centers responsible for speech and finger movements are located close, so speech reactions are directly dependent on the training of the fingers.

Conditions for the effective development of fine motor skills.

It is necessary to use all fingers of both hands. Compression, stretching and relaxation movements should be combined. Exercises should be based on using isolated movements of each finger. To successfully develop fine motor skills, it is important to train both hands. It is important in games to equally develop subtle movements of the fingers of both hands, and in everyday life to strive to distribute various actions between the right and left hands.

The importance of games for the development of fine motor skills.

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills are a powerful means of maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex, a means of interaction with underlying structures. In their process, children’s attention, memory, auditory and visual perception improve, perseverance is developed, and play and educational and practical activities are formed. Systematic exercises also help to develop skills of self-control and self-regulation of hand movements, not only under the control of vision, but also with the participation of touch, tactile and motor sensations.

Games that parents can make from scrap materials.

To strengthen and develop a child’s hand and coordinate movements, various exercises and actions with objects are recommended:

1. Twisting the ribbons.

2. Lacing. You will need a piece of linoleum with holes made and a cord. (game "Laces").

You can also find at home some object that is not heavy, which will have a lot of holes.

Another option..

You will need:

As a basis, you can take any dense, non-flowing material, such as felt, fleece, or best of all, foamed polymer in different colors. Buy cleaning cloths at a chemical store or supermarket.

laces and lace stops;

large buttons, preferably on a stem;

marker, pencil or pen;

scissors with pointed ends;

Lacing "Hedgehog"

Draw a hedgehog figurine on the wrong side of the material and cut it out along the contour. On the front side, use a marker or felt-tip pen to mark the nose, eye and mouth.

From the same material, cut out various fruits, mushrooms, and leaves that the child will lace to the back of the hedgehog. If you also have a problem with the required color scheme, use colored paper and glue it with PVA glue. Let the glue dry well, otherwise the paper may become deformed when you make holes.

The lacing is ready. Take a string, make a knot at one end or put a stopper on it to prevent it from slipping through the hole, and show your child how to attach the fruit to the back of the hedgehog. At the same time, you can even come up with some kind of fairy tale about how a hedgehog collected fruits and mushrooms for lunch.

You can just take the figures and make more: boats, cars, butterflies, flowers, etc. you can buy bright laces and play with your child)))

Now we can invite the baby to arrange the leaves by color. Don't forget to blow like the wind, mixing all the leaves. Include breathing exercises very useful in class!

There is another great game: which tree is the leaf from? We collect leaves of one type, for example, only maple leaves.

If you've played enough with the leaves, you don't need to put them away in the closet; they will perfectly decorate the house! We take a rope and string the leaves. For kids, the sequence can be any, but older children can be asked to string in a certain sequence. By following the sequence, the child trains not only fine motor skills, but also attention, memory, and thinking. This is a great exercise to prepare for school.

We make a tree trunk from felt, porous rubber or thick cardboard.

The beauty of such lacing is that the more randomly the leaves are laced, the more magnificent and beautiful the tree is. We gradually teach order in such games; with a little practice, it will turn out nice and smooth. Children will like the tree, here you can lace to your heart's content :) and no one will say that this is wrong.

And the last version of the game for today is a wreath. Do I need to say how much children love to decorate themselves and their mother and give gifts? Such a wreath from autumn leaves can become part of a fall costume at a holiday in kindergarten. You can not limit yourself to a wreath, but make beads, a bracelet and even a ring from a tiny leaf.

We choose a lace or ribbon and collect the leaves. You can take several leaves at once to make the wreath richer.

3. Fastening buttons. You will need fabric, buttons and thread. (game "Faspers").

Zipper, Velcro, buttons, buttons...

4. Laying out according to the pattern, sorting through seeds, cereals, multi-colored pebbles,

5. Games with clothespins. You will need clothespins and cardboard.

6. Unscrewing and tightening covers. You will need necks and caps from plastic bottles, a shoe box, and glue.

You can also use lids of different sizes and shapes, and with lids for juice.

You can also use bolts and nuts of different sizes)

7. Guessing objects by touch. (Game “Magic Bag”). You will need a bag with a variety of small toys and objects.

8. Rolling a pencil or pen in your palms helps stimulate biologically active points, toning the body as a whole.

9. Outlining stencils. Required plastic bottle with a flat wall (a shampoo bottle or scissors will do).

Each of these techniques is aimed at the development of the child: his musculoskeletal system, sensory sensitivity, hand-eye coordination, voluntary attention, psychoregulation skills, develop fine motor skills of the fingers through actions with objects; develop the ability to examine objects by touch; develop quick thinking; cultivate perseverance

The early development of a child always includes the development of fine motor skills, that is, learning to hold and operate small objects. There are different ways to develop fine motor skills of the hands: each parent is free to choose what he and the child like. Below we discuss the main nuances associated with the development of fine motor skills, answer the question of why it is necessary to develop it, and also present games that are sure to captivate your baby.

Why and when do you need to develop fine motor skills?

Scientists have long proven that the development of fine motor skills gives impetus to the development of speech in a child. Those children with whom mothers regularly play, who are given a large number of subjects of varied texture for study, begin to speak earlier than their peers, who are denied the said entertainment. In addition, such children absorb information faster (tactile sensations are associated with brain activity), learn more easily, and begin to write faster. Quite often, the development of tactile sensations is used as preparation for school.

From all of the above, we can conclude that fine motor skills in a child should be developed as early as possible. There are finger games that you can play almost from birth.

How to develop fine motor skills in children of different years?

Each age has its own games. You can’t argue with this statement, so it’s important not to rush things and consistently offer your child those toys that are appropriate for his age.

From birth to six months

At this time, the baby is actively developing tactile skills on his own. Starting from 3-4 months, the child consciously reaches out to toys, feels rattles, his mother’s hands, and examines his fingers. You can offer your baby different games.

  • Hand massage - gently knead children's fingers, stroke them, gently twist them. You can accompany the process with rhymes and jokes.
  • Give your child yours thumbs and try to lift the baby. The more often you do this exercise, the stronger the baby will grab your hands.
  • Offer your baby paper books or plain sheets of paper. Show that they can be torn, crushed, twisted.
  • Rattles, balls and toys with a ribbed surface are excellent helpers in early development baby.

From 7 months to a year

During this time, you can use the same materials and games as before six months. You can add a few others.

  • Pyramids - they will introduce the child to the concept of size and develop the ability to quickly string rings onto a rod.
  • Cereals, beans, pasta - everything you find in the kitchen. It is important to supervise your child at all times to prevent him from swallowing foreign objects.
  • Fabric and bags made from it with various fillings.
  • Constructor.
  • Cubes.

From one to two years

The number of toys to develop fine motor skills should be gradually increased. Cereals and bags of grain remain interesting and useful for playing, but the baby is getting older and smarter, so with the existing toys you can come up with new games that require a logical and thoughtful approach.

You can also add unusual attributes to your gaming collection.

  • Water. Ask your child to pour water from one bowl to another, spilling as little liquid as possible.
  • Laces and lacing.
  • Beads, buttons, clothespins and other household items.
  • Chinese chopsticks.
  • Puzzles and mosaics.
  • Drawing.

From 2 to 3 years

A three-year-old child is already a complete person. This is not a baby who puts everything into his mouth, exploring the world in this way. At 2-3 years old, you can play quite serious games with your child that require attentiveness, responsibility, and a clear sequence of actions.

  • Working with the dough.
  • Finger gymnastics.
  • Origami.
  • Working with scissors and colored paper.

A construction set for children is not only a fashionable toy, but also a wonderful material for learning simple everyday truths, as well as a way to develop intelligence and thinking while playing.

When choosing a construction set, follow the rule: the smaller the child, the larger the details. For the little ones, it is better to purchase a construction set consisting of large elements that will definitely not fit down the little one’s throat if he wants to taste them.

Games with a constructor can be different. You can “build” with your child buildings and objects of only certain colors (learning colors), you can invite your child to count the parts (learning counting). One way or another, the designer will develop your child’s fine motor skills and improve his intelligence.

Modeling for the development of tactile sensations

Plasticine is known to everyone. This is a universal remedy that is used both in kindergartens and at home and allows you to keep your baby occupied for a while. Almost all children love to sculpt from plasticine, but this is not what we will talk about below.

There is a safer, unconventional, but very interesting way to develop fine motor skills in a baby using modeling. This salty dough. It is prepared very simply and quickly from products that are available in any home, and at the same time, salted dough is completely safe (although it is edible, a child is unlikely to eat it). In addition, crafts made from dough can be saved as souvenirs, as they harden naturally(or they are baked in the oven), unlike plasticine masterpieces.

Salt dough recipe

You will need:

  • flour – 250 grams;
  • salt – 250 grams;
  • water – 125 ml.

Mix all ingredients and knead the dough. To make it more elastic and not stick to your hands, you can add a spoon to it vegetable oil. There are also recipes with the addition of glue, starch and even cream. However, there is no need for unnecessary frills. The simplest dough made from flour and salt is great for children's crafts.

Show your child several sculpting techniques: rolling, flattening, kneading, etc. Let the baby work with his whole hand, sculpting small details. This will perfectly develop the flexibility of his fingers and fine motor skills.

Drawing teaches your child how to hold a brush correctly, which will subsequently help him master spelling quickly and without problems.

For drawing you can use paints and brushes, pencils and felt-tip pens, crayons and pastels. Or you can invite your child to draw with his hands! This exercise will also be very useful for the development of fine motor skills. But keep in mind that it is better to paint with your fingers using edible paints or, in extreme cases, paints without harmful substances.

You can create your own edible paints. Take as a basis baby puree or semolina porridge, and use either food coloring or vegetable and fruit juices as a coloring pigment.

You can start playing finger games from birth. First, the mother will make movements with the baby’s arms. But soon the baby himself will understand what’s what and will begin to move his fingers to the beat of a song or rhyme.

Finger games are an excellent exercise through which you can accelerate the development of fine motor skills, stimulate brain function, and also lay the foundation for teaching your child to write.

  1. Babies up to 6-7 months can have a finger massage. Mom rubs each finger, saying his name. For example, you can use a nursery rhyme: Get up, Bolshak! Get up, Pointer!

    Get up, Seredka!

    Get up, Little Orphan,

    And little Eroshka!

    Hello, palm!

  2. By the age of one year, a child can already understand what is required of him. At this age, the mother acts only as an instructor. She shows the child the basic movements that the child must repeat. As a rule, the baby’s fingers represent animals or people. You can also read a poem to the baby and make basic movements to it. Clap your hands, join your fingers into a pinch, clench your palm into a fist.
  3. With a child 3 years old and older, you can arrange a shadow show. It is better to select spectators from relatives so that the child will be interested in “rehearsing” the performance. Also for finger exercises You can use various items: nuts, beads, buttons, fabric.

Toys for developing fine motor skills

For clarity, below is a general list of toys that help develop tactile sense of touch and “teach” the baby’s fingers to move in accordance with the nerve impulses of the brain.

  1. Pyramid.
  2. Cubes.
  3. Ribbed rattles.
  4. Balls of different sizes.
  5. Sorter.
  6. Books with raised pictures.
  7. Constructor.
  8. Abacus.
  9. Puzzles.
  10. Labyrinths.
  11. Frame with lacing.
  12. Beads.
  13. Button toys.

Development of fine motor skills using the Montessori method

In Maria Montessori's method, much attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. There are many games in her recordings that contribute to this. Below are the most interesting of them.

"Like an adult"

Give your child a sponge and some dirty cups. Let the baby, imitating his mother, wash the dishes. Does this seem easy to you? For inflexible children's fingers, it is quite difficult to hold a cup in the water and not drop it; this exercise will also be an excellent training for finger flexibility and the development of fine motor skills of the hands.


Give your child a sweater, jacket or other item that has buttons, hooks and other fasteners. You can make a special trainer for your baby: combine several fasteners on one thing. This exercise is good for fine motor skills and also trains self-care skills.


Take two bowls. Place peas and buckwheat on the table (pasta and beans - choose any cereal). Ask your child to sort one from the other and put it in two bowls.

Is it too reminiscent of the task that the stepmother came up with for Cinderella? Maybe. But this task is an excellent workout for little children's fingers.

Just don't overdo it. There is no need to force a child to sort through cereals if he is tired of it or is tired.

Drawing on flour

Pour flour (semolina, sand, sugar) onto the table. Invite your baby to draw on the sprinkled surface. The advantage of this type of drawing is that the drawing can be easily erased and started again.


Take several pieces of fabrics with different textures. Wool, chunky knitting, velvet, silk. Invite your child to touch each one and describe his feelings.


Ordinary laces are very good for developing fine motor skills in children. You can purchase a special frame with lacing, or you can teach your baby using his own shoes as an example.


Ask your little one to transfer water from one bowl to another using a regular dish sponge. In this case, the baby should try to ensure that as few drops as possible get on the table. This is not only a good exercise for the fingers, but also teaches accuracy.


Scatter on the floor small items and ask your child to collect them in a bowl or bag. You can also ask your baby to say the color or “name” of each item.


Place several items in a hat or opaque bag. The child must feel what is in the bag by touch. Ask the baby to pull out this or that thing. Before doing this, the child will study things with his fingers for a long time.


These and many other exercises and games are designed to develop the child’s ability to control his own hands, as well as enrich the list of his skills and abilities, and teach him to think logically.

It is very important to regularly engage with your baby, but not to bother him. All lessons should be taught in game form.