Gothic loli. Style "Lolita": description, outfits. Lolitas and music

Lolita is one of the most common trends in Japanese street fashion, which is gaining increasing popularity in the West. He is characterized by an image of emphasized youth and innocence. Gothic Lolita is one of the trends in the Lolita subculture, which, as its name suggests, combines the Gothic style with the Lolita style. Now you can dress in the Gothic Lolita style and adopt her demeanor. Cosplay (from the English "costume play") is a very expensive and time-consuming hobby, but it is also a very exciting activity with an ever-growing number of participants.



    Get to know how lolitas dress. The Gothic Lolita look has many elements that you can change to suit your taste, but there are a few basic rules. One of them says that Gothic lolitas prefer dark colors, making an exception only for white or cream accents. You are unlikely to see one of them dressed in pink or other bright colors. Here's everything else you need to know, in the order in which you'll dress.

    • Start with your underwear. Distinctive feature Lolita look - a fluffy skirt five centimeters above or below the knee. Therefore, you will definitely need a specially cut petticoat that will maintain its shape. To maintain decency, if the wind accidentally lifts the skirt, lolita pants are worn under the petticoat. They are worn over regular underwear. The Gothic Lolita may also wear a corset, properly laced or buttoned. (Corset or bustier as outerwear- this is already part of the ero-lolita style.) Knickers and petticoats should not be visible from under clothes!
    • Choose an elegant blouse good quality. Gothic lolita blouses often feature subtle details such as pintucks, embroidery, or fancy collars or cuffs. Ideally, the blouse fits exactly to your figure - it should never be too loose.
    • Wear a smart skirt, sundress or dress. Gothic lolitas often wear skirts with frills, elaborate patterns, or even bustles. The skirt should sit strictly at the waist, not lower. When you stand, it should almost cover your knees. A sundress or sleeveless dress is worn over a blouse. This black sundress with a white blouse is a typical combination for a Gothic Lolita look. On special occasions, Lolitas sometimes wear just dresses, without a blouse. The bodice of the dress should fit tightly, the bottom should be fluffy and retain its shape due to the underskirt.
    • Wear modest stockings or tights. Some lolitas wear socks or knee socks, but gothic lolitas prefer knee-high stockings. If necessary, you can wear garters or a garter belt under your pantaloons. In general, Gothic Lolitas avoid sheer stockings or tights and wear thick ones instead.
    • Choose dark shoes. The Lolita style as a whole is characterized by Mary Jane-style shoes (with a rounded toe and a transverse strap), sometimes with heels. Gothic lolitas wear black or other dark colored shoes. If you want to wear boots or boots, do not forget to keep the silhouette natural and graceful - rough combat boots are completely inappropriate here.
    • Wear hair accessories. The iconic accessory of Gothic Lolitas is a large bow like the main character of “Alice in Wonderland”, dark in color. You can also wear fancy headbands, combs or barrettes, as well as matching hats or tiny hats.
    • Choose the right jacket. In cool weather, the Gothic Lolita wears a fitted jacket or coat. In addition to black, burgundy, purple, dark blue or dark green are suitable.
    • Add accessories to complete the look. Some Gothic Lolitas carry parasols, others wear jewelry, especially finely crafted crosses, or coffin-shaped handbags. Get creative with your accessories to make your gothic lolita look unique.
  1. Form your wardrobe. Quality gothic lolita clothing items will last you a long time, but they will cost more than regular everyday items. Buy things wisely, choose the ones you really like, and have them made from high quality materials. Start with knickers and petticoats, then work your way up to the rest.

    Keep your makeup looking natural. One of the significant differences between goths and gothic lolitas is precisely in makeup - gothic lolitas do not have deathly white faces, black lips and overly lined eyes. Light effect" smoky eye" or red lipstick are acceptable, but in general, Gothic Lolitas try to wear natural colors.

    Dress to impress. Stepping out as a gothic lolita should be a real event. Make sure your clothes are clean and thoroughly ironed, and your hair and makeup are impeccable. It would be unforgivable to look shabby in such an outfit. Think everything through!

    Incorporate elements of the Lolita look into your everyday life. If you can't dress like a lolita every day, take separates and combine them with your everyday clothes. Perhaps this lace necklace will look good with business suit, and that pretty handbag is just perfect for a shopping trip. This will highlight your individuality, and the Lolita look will become part of your look, even if you don’t dress in this style all the time.


    Watch your posture. A gothic lolita outfit looks most impressive when you have an upright posture, shoulders back, and head held high. Try to walk with a light, measured step, without shuffling or dragging your feet.

    Pay attention to your manners. Since the Lolita style contains references to 19th century, try to copy the behavior adopted at that time. Speak politely and clearly, do not mince words or use slang. Be nice to everyone, greet strangers or new acquaintances with a slight tilt of the head and a smile. Be confident, but not rude; be courteous, but don't let them take advantage of you.

    Take up an old-fashioned hobby. Bring the charm of bygone times into your life by choosing one of the Victorian hobbies, such as sewing or embroidery (this is especially useful if you don’t have enough money for Lolita clothes or don’t want to order things from Japan), cooking, calligraphy, painting or painting, collecting antiques or stamps.

    Find beauty and inspiration in everyday life. In a sense, being a Lolita means preserving childhood innocence and the ability to be surprised. Look at life with fresh eyes and feel your attitude change!

  • Start gradually. If you're shy about dressing completely like a gothic lolita, try wearing separates in this style first.
  • To dress like a Lolita, you don't have to completely embrace the lifestyle.
  • There is a magazine called "The Gothic & Lolita Bible", which is published four times a year in English and Japanese. It can serve as a great source of information and inspiration. Look for back issues on eBay.
  • To dress in the Gothic Lolita style, you don't have to buy clothes from Japan.
  • Remember: the essence of Lolita culture is to be creative and different from others. You can (and should) maintain your individuality even when following a certain style.
  • You can find some nice items in second hand stores, but you may want to customize them a bit.


  • If you order clothes from Japan, be aware that they often run small. It is better to order a size larger and therefore have it sutured if necessary.
  • True proponents of this style call those who overdo it and play excessively in public, “ita lolita” or simply “ita”. Wear what you like, but keep in mind: being called "ita" is not a compliment!

What you will need

  • Knickers and petticoat
  • Gothic style skirts, blouses and dresses (skirts should not be too long)
  • Tights, knee-high stockings or frilly socks
  • Black Mary Jane shoes
  • Accessories in the Gothic Lolita style - pendants, lace, ribbons, lace-up corsets, lace mitts, lace collars, striped tights

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Lolita incredible Fashionable style in clothes in modern Japan . Originating in the 70s, it became most widespread in the late 90s. Now it is gaining popularity all over the world, including in Russia. Thousands of girls strive to maintain the image of an innocent and fragile animated porcelain doll. Designers inspired by the Victorian era offer the most various options Lolita image.

The cult representative of the Gothic Lolita image is Mana, guitarist of the famous band Moi Dis Moix(on the picture). This is what most girls of this style try to imitate.

Definitely wears long hair, curled curls are collected with bows, hairpins and headbands. Many girls wear straight thick bangs. Very popular are small cylinders that are pinned to the hair with bobby pins. Gothic Lolita Makeup focuses on skin color. With the help of white powder, the face is given porcelain transparency, sometimes even with a hint of deathly pallor. Eye makeup is very bright: black arrows or smokey eyes. False eyelashes are often used to create a more doll-like appearance. replete with accessories with a touch of gloom. Various hairpins and tiaras, pendants in the form of coffins and skeletons. Often accessories are Stuffed Toys or books, black lace umbrellas that girls carry in their hands.

Skirts with petticoats or crinolines, as well as pantaloons with frills that may well peek out from under the layers of skirts. Blouses with lace and frills, with short sleeves or with long sleeve, corsets and corsages. A black dress with lace sleeves can be complemented with knee socks or fishnet stockings. The preferred materials are silk, velvet, lace, taffeta or cambric. Gothic Lolita Shoes distinguish high heels and platforms. Often such boots and ankle boots are decorated with various spikes and rivets, and high lacing.

Overall or Gosurori(this is how it sounds in Japanese), although it is distinguished by gothic gloom, it still remains the image of a little girl striving to be an elegant doll. © Breathless

Many photographs and pictures on the topic can be found in the galleries:

Japanese girls are not afraid to carry out the most daring experiments with their appearance; some literally create a new themselves and get used to the fairy-tale image. Today we’ll look at Gothic Lolitas, who are almost impossible to meet in Russia.
Gothic Lolita is a very popular trend in Japanese street fashion and is a variation of the Lolita style.

I have already talked about the Gothic style and the Lolita style more than once, so we will not repeat in detail that Lolitas love frills, ruffles, lace and bows, Mary Jane-style shoes, and the main features of the Lolita subculture are doll-likeness and childishness. Ideally, these traits should be part of the character, only then will it be possible to truly get used to the image of Lolita.

Not everyone can become a Gothic Lolita, especially if they are over 30 and have a life full of worries behind them, because the image of Lolita implies youth and carefreeness. But don’t be sad; in any case, it’s impossible to try everything in your life. If you really want to add a little of this aesthetics to your reality, just buy a couple of luxurious BJD dolls and put together a wardrobe for them in the Gothic Lolita style.

Gothic Lolita dolls will decorate your living room and will attract the attention of guests. I know this from my own experience - absolutely everyone is interested in dolls and their outfits, even the movers who brought a new sofa asked about my dolls...

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Lolita style – a type of street fashion Japanese girls and women, which originated in the 70s of the last century and became widespread in the 90s. His character traits– deliberate childishness and innocence of the image, which sometimes borders on the image of a doll.

The name of the style completely coincides with the name of Vladimir Nabokov’s famous work “Lolita” - and this coincidence is quite logical. Nabokov's Lolita is a teenage girl on the border between childhood and adolescence, between innocence and depravity.

Japanese lolitas are girls, and sometimes women, who strive with all their might to return to that innocent period. And if the traditional style that takes place in European civilization retains both components (innocence and depravity), then its Japanese interpretation is practically free from any touch of vulgarity. Japanese Lolita is a porcelain doll come to life, sweet and touching.

Initially, this Japanese style was called “Lolicon” - short for “Lolita complex”.

Some Japanese believe that adult women specifically try to attract the attention of the opposite sex, trying to look younger. This version has a right to life, but many psychologists offer a completely different interpretation. Japanese culture, although it gives women a very worthy place, is still quite patriarchal. An adult Japanese lady has a very clearly defined circle of obligations and social norms, which can weigh heavily on the female psyche. It is possible that women, in their own way, simply create a kind of wall around themselves that protects them from adult life.

Lolitas and music

As is most often the case, the subculture is quite closely related to music. The main musical direction, which enjoys constant popularity among Japanese girls, is called Visual Key (sometimes also called Visual Rock). This style also includes J-Rock and J-Pop. Its key feature lies not so much in the music itself, which has a rock and/or pop sound, but in the appearance of the performers of this music. Members of the groups playing Visual Key choose very bright and unusual costumes for their performances, turning the concert into a full-fledged theatrical performance.

Although not everyone is interested in this kind of music, the icons of this style still come from this area of ​​art. Eat two real idols for lolitas, their names - Mana and Kana. They are completely different, their images are just a stage outfit and nothing more. And yet, this is what most Japanese girls imitate.

Mana is the guitarist of the band Moi Dis Moix, which is quite famous in Japan. His style refers mainly to Gothic Lolita. It was he who became the main fashionable example for girls to imitate this style and contributed to its popularization. In particular, in 1999, Mana launched his own clothing line and Moi meme Moitie. The musician combined his products with the terms Elegant Gothic Lolita(Elegant Gothic Lolita, abbreviated as EGL) and Elegant Gothic Aristocrat(Elegant Gothic Aristocrat, or EGA). Subsequently, EGL and EGA emerged as a special substyle of Gothic aristocrats. At their core, they are no different from their comrades in subcultures, but they wear clothes exclusively from the Moi meme Moitie brand.

Kana is known to a wide circle of people as a singer. She is also a graphic artist, illustrator, and actress. He enjoys sewing soft toys.

Lolitas and the media

The subculture is so popular that a number of Japanese periodicals are devoted to this style. The most famous magazine introducing news and novelties of subculture and style - Gothic&Lolita bible (G&L). The word “Gothic” appeared in the title of the magazine because the Gothic style as such in the traditional sense does not exist among Japanese subcultures. For the Japanese, Gothic is closely associated exclusively with Gothic Lolitas.

G&L is completely dedicated to lolitas: on its pages you can find not only fashion news, announcements fashion news And stylish accessories, but also interviews with the most popular representatives of Visual Key, as well as useful practical advice and even clothing patterns. In addition, each issue contains a small manga - a special Japanese type of comics. The manga presents one or another life situation and a typical Lolita reaction to it. It is largely thanks to comics like these that our worldview is formed..

In addition to G&L, the following periodicals talk about Lolitas: Gothic&Lolita & Punk Brand book, Gosuloli, Kera. Television also contributes to the popularization of style. Manga, anime, feature films and TV series, even TV shows dedicated to the subculture - lolitas can boast of all this. Paradise Kiss, Le Portrait de Petit Cossette, Rozen Maiden, Sister Princess, Godchild, Karin, Rebelde, Tsukuyomi - Moon Phase, Othello, Chobits, Death Note, Princess Princess, Princess Ai, Cardcaptor Sakura, Coyote Ragtime Show, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Nana, Pitaten, Futakoi Alternative, Shimotsuma Monogatari, Peep Show, Gothic Lolita, Mahou Sentai Magiranger - this is just a small list of anime, TV shows and films that are somehow related to this subculture.

Types of Lolitas and their appearance

Girls and women who have chosen this style for themselves can be carried away only by the external attributes of the style, or they can truly live in the presented image, following certain rules of behavior and life position. All lolitas are divided into a number of “subspecies”.

Original Lolita

This is a girl doll as such. You could even say that this is simply a prototype of all existing types. In this category, it is easiest to identify the attributes that are most characteristic of the entire flow.


Clothes are, first of all, elegant dresses, skirts, replete with ruffles and frills, bows, ribbons, and lace. In these outfits, the Rococo and Victorian styles with all their pomp and elements of pomp are most evident.

It is permissible to wear petticoats and under dresses and skirts. The outfit should certainly look as gentle and feminine as possible. For this reason, lolitas do not wear shorts, but only in combination with blouses. In cool weather, they can wear appropriately styled jackets, jackets or. Clothing materials: silk, taffeta, organza, cambric, velvet, i.e. mostly quite expensive fabrics. Synthetics and cotton are also allowed, but in a second place.


Lolitas wear elegant shoes on their feet childlike(), With flat sole, round toe and strap front. In addition to them, they also wear heavy boots with rounded toes and heels or platforms.


The Japanese Lolita style is replete with a variety of accessories. Their common feature is typical femininity, one might even say “girlishness”. No crude paraphernalia.

Girls wear knee socks and stockings, pantaloons and... In addition, they love cute lace bonnets, frilly bonnets, dainty hats and even small crowns.

Many accessories are simply carried in the hands. For example, these could be suitcases, plush toys, dolls or large books.

Hair and makeup

These details of the image are largely determined by its specific subtype, but there are still some common features. Lolitas love to curl their hair - this makes them even more like porcelain dolls. Also, almost all of them always wear bangs. Hair is usually pinned up and tied with cute hairpins, bows, and ribbons.

Makeup is most often natural, natural. Usually they paint their eyelashes with mascara, and apply transparent gloss to their lips, or gloss or lipstick in calm, light colors.

Sweet lolita/Amaloli

Sweet lolitas can be called the most infantile and touching of all existing subspecies. They emphasize their childishness in everything from appearance and ending with the interior of your home or room.

Sweet lolitas dress predominantly in pink clothes and wear pink accessories. They always take their favorite teddy bear, doll or other toy with them. It is not uncommon to see a lollipop, ice cream, or milkshake in their hands. These girls look like real little girls good girls, and they even behave very well-mannered and decent.

Snow-white lolita (White lolita/Shirololi)

The name comes from the Japanese word shiro, meaning white.

The main element of the snow-white Lolita style is the predominance of white. White outfits, accessories, and even the interior - only white is present in the lives of these girls. Traditionally it symbolizes purity and innocence. Snow-whites, in accordance with the chosen image, behave very restrained, one might even say, chastely.

Dark lolita/Kurololi

The name comes from the Japanese "kuro" - dark.

This type of Lolita wears predominantly dark colored clothing, occasionally adding other colors to it, most often white, red and blue. Despite the rather gloomy surroundings, dark lolitas are still very similar to little girls, which emphasizes their love for accessories like soft toys, etc.

Unlike most, dark lolitas wear mostly straight hair.

Black lolita

It differs from dark lolita only in that it wears exclusively black, considering it the most stylish and beautiful.

Classic lolita (Classik lolita/Curashikku)

Dressing in the same child-doll style, classic lolitas use in their image almost all colors that are not included in the favorite range of previous subtypes. Their clothes feature floral tapestry designs, green, beige and other tones.

The image of this lolita is more restrained and feminine. Their classically cut outfits have noticeably fewer decorative elements (ruffles, frills, lace).

Gothic lolita/Gosuloli

The image of the Gothic Lolita is fundamentally different from all previous ones in its emphasized gloom and sadness. These girls wear dark, mostly black clothes (white, red, blue splashes are acceptable) with mesh, lace and complement it with the usual Gothic accessories made of silver (crosses, ankhs, etc.).

Gothic Lolita makeup is brighter and more noticeable: white, “porcelain” skin, dark shadows and lipstick.

Like ordinary Goths, Gothic Lolitas have a rather gloomy view of life. the world. Gothic lolita is always cold and unemotional. Only the doll-like appearance significantly distinguishes it from the traditional Goths.

Country Lolita

Village lolitas themselves are quite positive, both in terms of the chosen image and in terms of lifestyle. They dress in cute things with images of berries (strawberries, raspberries, cherries, etc.) or checkered patterns. The dresses and skirts of these lolitas are often high-waisted. On their heads, village lolitas often wear straw hats decorated with artificial berries or flowers.

The accessories of this subculture are interesting: wicker baskets instead of bags. They are not always decorative in nature: village lolitas love to have picnics in nature. Also popular hobbies are flower picking and handicrafts (sewing, embroidery, etc.).

Casual Lolita

The style of everyday lolita is adapted from street style into one that is appropriate for use in a variety of life situations, right up to business negotiations. Fluffy dresses Everyday lolitas are practically not worn, preferring combinations of blouses or shirts with skirts. Although their clothes still retain decorative elements in the form of frills and ruffles, there are significantly fewer of them than others.

Punk Lolita/Punkuloli

Among others, the punk lolita style is rightfully considered the most brutal. Although they look like girls, there is quite a bit of puppetry in their image. Like real punks, punk lolitas love torn things, combinations of bright, sometimes even acidic colors on clothes, metal accessories: chains, pins, etc.

Punk lolitas are girls who are quite cheerful and restless, capable of original antics.

The European name for punk lolita is Industrial Lolita.

Cyber ​​Lolita/Saibaaloli

Cyber ​​lolitas especially stand out from the entire stylistic trend with their very extravagant manner of dressing. Their culture almost completely lacks close ties certain type things and the place on the body on which they are worn. For example, a top with straps in the cyber-lolita interpretation can easily turn out to be a skirt, and a skirt, on the contrary, is quite capable of becoming a top.

The image of a cyber lolita is very strange, but organic. There is certainly a tangible element of chaos in it. In addition to clothes, the hairstyle also adds chaos to the image: disheveled and protruding strands of hair are the norm for lovers of this style.

Erotic Lolita/Erololi

Erotic lolitas are closest to the original source of their name - Nabokov's Lolita. Sexuality comes first in their image, and not only the sexuality of a girl approaching adolescence, but also quite a mature woman.

Their image contains the most extravagant and sexy things and accessories: sweaters made of transparent fabrics, lace underwear, easily visible under transparent clothes, ultra-short mini, corsets. Most often, erotic lolitas, along with sexuality, emphasize their childishness and innocence with the help of delicate colors and shades, feathers, lace, etc. However, among them there are also those who prefer to wear more “aggressive” latex clothing.

Kimono Lolita/Waloli

Representatives of this Lolita movement took national Japanese clothing – the kimono – as the basis for their image. It is worn as a “top” and combined with the traditional lolita full skirt with lace and frills. Another national piece of clothing - the obi belt - connects these two parts into a single whole.

A kimono in this style is not always a classic option. There are examples elegantly decorated with ruffles, or deliberately careless and sloppy - a typically punk version.

Kimono Lolitas prefer to wear their makeup in the geisha style; they also borrow other attributes from them: fans, long hairpins in their hair, wooden pads on their feet.

Qi Lolita/Qiloli

Along with Lolita kimonos, these girls also prefer national motifs in their semi-children's clothing, but not Japanese, but Chinese. Their outfits almost always feature the traditional Chinese stand-up collar and side button closure; clothing is most often made from embroidered Chinese silk.

Alice in Wonderland

A very unusual subspecies, based on the main character of the book of the same name by Lewis Carroll. The image of such a Lolita certainly contains attributes of the fairy-tale world described by Carroll: playing cards, figurines or images of the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, Humpty Dumpty, the Cheshire Cat, etc.

Alices are divided into good and evil. The good ones adhere to the image that the writer painted for his heroine. The evil ones choose more extravagant accessories and attributes: knives, drawn blood, soft toys with a cross instead of eyes or even with their heads torn off.

Lolita Princess (Princess Lolita/Himeloli)

Within their subspecies, princesses are also divided into dark and sweet. Sweet princesses are real chic court ladies in incredibly magnificent outfits. Dark princesses take inspiration from the images of medieval girls of the Gothic era. They often use really expensive accessories: boas made of natural fur, jewelry.

Both dark and sweet princesses wear a crown or tiara on their heads. Sometimes lolitas are considered princesses even in any other image, if this accessory is present. Princesses are also distinguished by their behavior: they behave like capricious and spoiled daughters of royalty.

Schoolgirl Lolita

The image of the Lolita schoolgirl is known all over the world thanks to manga and anime. Girls who dress in this style wear clothes that copy or resemble Japanese ones school uniform. Usually this is a T-shirt combined with a skirt, sometimes quite short. The set of clothes is selected either in dark colors, or a dark top is combined with plaid skirt. Lolita schoolgirls also wear jackets, vests and blazers.

Often girls of this type wear knee-high socks or stockings. They wear bows or neat ones on their heads.

Sailor Lolita

These lolitas are very similar to lolita schoolgirls, but their image certainly has a “sea” theme: accessories in the form of ropes and anchors, steering wheels, lifebuoys, sailor suits, and caps.

Lolita maid (Franch maiden)

Quite a sexy image based on a traditional maid uniform. A short dark dress, a white cap and a starched apron are typical clothes for such lolitas.

Lolita Nun (Nun Lolita)

Although most Japanese people profess Shintoism and Buddhism, Lolita nuns choose the clothes of traditional nuns for their images. European countries Christianity. Black and white vestments are often complemented by cross-shaped accessories.

Lolita Angel (Angelic Lolita)

Dark and light angels wear homemade wings behind their backs, and sometimes halos above their heads.

Bride Lolita

These girls wear fluffy white dresses and small bouquets as an accessory. Often they are accompanied by friends and girlfriends, as if playing the role of bridesmaids or groomsmen.

Nurse Lolita

They wear medical gowns or dresses styled after them. Stethoscopes, syringes, and blisters with tablets are used as accessories. There are light and dark.

Pirate Lolita

They use traditional pirate paraphernalia in their image, such as eye patches, cocked hats, treasure chests, etc.

Grotesque Lolita (Gurololi)

An image that seems to make fun of lolitas in general. Artificial bruises, abrasions, torn clothes - in a word, everything that helps create the image of a broken doll.

Neo Lolita

A very sexy and provocative image. Neo Lolitas wear costumes made of latex, leather and vinyl, and use hairpieces, i.e. how they can emphasize their femininity and sexuality.

Bi lolita (B-Lolita)

Bi Lolitas are not girls, but boys who dress like girls.

Fake Lolita (Painful Lolita/Italoli)

This is the name given to girls who strive to be like one of the Lolitas, but they fail to do so (for example, due to lack of taste).

Lolita cosplayers (Cosplay Lolita/Otaku Lolita/Otaloli)

They mean girls who imitate the lolita heroines of anime and manga in clothing and behavior.

Band-lolita (Bandgirl/Bangyaloli)

Girls who use the image only when going to a concert of their favorite musical group.

How to create a Gothic Lolita look?

P The first thing that comes to mind when I glance at Azonka, whose neck is adorned with a gothic cross in the form of a cross, is anime "Perfect Girl Evolution", it's the same "The Seven Shapes of Yamato Nadesiko". Were there minor characters- a trio of lolitas, ardent fans of one of the main characters, Kyohei. The symbol of their vows, or maybe just a saying, was the phrase “Goth, goth, loli, loli!” They were dressed, as you understand, appropriately - lace, clothes in dark colors. But they didn’t show their faces, poor fellows. But that’s what Japan is for. There people are not ashamed of their body type and wear what they want. And they want to cosplay as gothic lolitas...
However, my Ike has nothing to be ashamed of. Her face is cute and her figure is just right. The standard of gothic lolita, which, in fact, is what it is.

It is noteworthy that this doll is part of a series Komorebimori no Dobutsutachi, where each girl symbolizes an animal that has temporarily transformed into a human. However, the girl has neither animal ears nor a tail. Perhaps this is because Aika has already “been” an animal - a cat, released in two versions: black and white. By the way, “Lolita” was also released in two versions: burgundy and black. So, if you are confused by burgundy, then you can switch all your attention to black. What if you like it? But keep in mind - these dolls are exclusive Azone International and finding them in regular online stores is very problematic.