DIY garland of fabric hearts. Garland of hearts: how to make it yourself and what materials to use. Garland pendant made of paper hearts

Sometimes you really want to please your loved one! Be it for a holiday, or just because. There are a lot of ideas, but at some point they end, my head is empty. It seems that everything has already been done, all the chips have been used, but nevertheless, it’s not that it’s really necessary, but I really want to come up with it! It is for such cases that you need a powerful assistant - the Internet! So, if inspiration has left you for now, watch and read various options how to make a garland with your own hands. Perhaps, after familiarizing yourself with it, you’ll even come up with something of your own, or you’ll modernize the existing one to suit your needs.

I would like to immediately note that the word “garland” does not necessarily imply that the hearts should be connected to each other. For example, for Valentine’s Day, I made my husband a decoration for our room, where we lived at that time: I hung about 30 paper hearts on the ceiling, each on a string (about 10 cm), and glued them to the ceiling with tape. Incredibly changes the look of a room! True, the ceiling seems lower because of this. Each heart had something nice written on it, like “I love you” in different languages ​​and more. But we liked it so much that more than a year were not filmed. But then there was such a contrast - the ceiling immediately became higher, the room became larger!

Little tricks

If you do not plan to leave this creativity for a long time, then the threads can be made different lengths– from 20 cm to a meter. And the hearts are of different colors.

The same can be done on the walls, but using tape is dangerous - then it can only be peeled off with the wallpaper. Therefore there is an alternative. This option requires minimal effort. Take a thin satin ribbon and buy tiny clothespins at a craft store. Cut out hearts from double-sided red colored paper. You can take velvet, but then in double quantities to glue them together so that each heart is colored on both sides. Attach the hearts to the ribbon with clothespins. Now you only need to glue the ends of the tape to the wall; if the tape is long enough, it is possible that not to the wall, but to the furniture.

DIY heart garland: ideas

As an option, the garland can be vertical. And not alone! In this case, take a red thread or fishing line, thread it through a needle and then pierce each heart in two places - top and bottom, threading each heart onto a thread.

There is another idea with threads: you need to cut out hearts from fabric or ribbons, overcast the edges, and then sew them together with one line on a sewing machine.

Don't want to struggle with stitching? Take felt:

Creativity in such matters is always encouraged! For example, come up with an unusual material or color for the hearts:

If you know a technique such as quilling, then keep in mind that hearts can also be made in this style:

But here is an option without glue, you need double-sided colored paper, a stapler and scissors or quilling paper:

If you want to make a garland for a wedding, then you can make it white, i.e. from white hearts or, alternatively, from white and red.

Taking twice as many paper hearts, attach them to each other in pairs. Machine stitch in the center. Bend it in different directions, it will work volumetric heart. Connect the finished hearts using any of the methods described above.

Hanging one at a time, the hearts can be decorated with beads and beads placed on threads over the hearts.

How to diversify garlands of hearts with your own hands

As you can see, you can diversify the garland not only with different colors, but also with differences in size. Combine small hearts with large ones in any order. You can also write anything on them - from a declaration of love to a marriage proposal!

Another idea is to decorate with hearts unusual decor. Actually, this will be close to the appliqué technique. For example, stick a smaller one on a large heart, an even smaller one on it, and so on, to make it look three-dimensional. In this case, you need to make them all either one color, or two contrasting colors, or all colors are different.

If you have free time and sewing skills, put in more effort, cut out patterns from fabric and make something like soft toy or pincushions, filling the hearts with filler.

The increasingly popular kanzashi technique is also a wonderful creative idea. The hearts here are made from ribbons, there are different options, watch any master classes on making hearts, flowers and butterflies in the kanzashi style.

In general, almost any technique can help. For example, see how flowers are made from corrugated paper(wrapping) and try to transfer it to the hearts.

Plain paper can be made more elegant: take salt, sprinkle it on the hearts coated with glue, and when everything is dry, paint it with red gouache. Or take red napkins, tear them into strips and roll the strips into balls, which you will then need to glue tightly to each other on both sides of the hearts.

Video on the topic of the article

Anyone, even a child, can make a garland of hearts with their own hands. You just need to choose suitable option, find materials, apply a little patience and skill. These garlands can be used to decorate a room on the eve of Valentine’s Day, birthday, or the Eighth of March, because the heart is a symbol of love.

Heart garland

"Double" hearts

Fold a sheet of colored paper in half. You need to cut out the figures, starting from the fold of the paper, so that they are connected in the middle. Prepare a beautiful thick thread (you can use knitting thread). Apply glue to the inside of the hearts, thread them onto the thread, and glue the two halves together. This garland will not only look very cute, but will also last a long time.

If you often have to make garlands of hearts with your own hands from paper, purchase a cutting plotter. This simple device will allow you to cut out complex shapes without any effort. You can use a plotter to cut hearts of different shapes and sizes, and then connect them together with tape. Figures consisting of several elements look beautiful: small ones are glued into the middle of large ones. You can glue the entire surface, or you can connect only the middle to obtain a multi-layer effect.

An office decoration option, for the manufacture of which there are enough materials that can be found in every office. Take paper and a stapler. Cut strips of paper. The width of the strips is 1-2 cm, the length is 10-15 cm (optional). Bend the edges of the strips so that they form hearts and fasten the entire structure with paper clips using a stapler. Simple, affordable and tasteful.

We use fabric

Fabric garlands are a more durable option that can be hidden at the end of the holiday and stored until the next celebration. Soft, gingerbread-like hearts look “tasty” and original. They look appropriate not only in a “love” room, but also in a New Year’s interior. Soft felt is very cozy and homey. So, take a piece of felt, stuffing material (cotton wool or synthetic padding, whatever you can find), thread, needles, pencil. Cut out squares from fabric that are suitable in size for future figures. Fold the squares in half. Draw one heart on each piece. Then sew a seam along the drawn outline, leaving a little space to push the stuffing inside. Stuff the fabric and sew up the gap. Now take scissors and cut out the hearts, stepping back approximately 1 cm from the drawn edges.

You can make “gingerbread cookies” from thick felt. You just have to choose the colors so that the “gingerbreads” look appetizing. You will need at least two pieces of felt: for the “dough” and for the “glaze”. Cut out the hearts for the “dough” from brown or sand-colored felt. For the “glaze” - from pink or red felt. The brown hearts should be slightly larger than the pink ones so that the “batter” can peek out from under the “icing.” Place the pink pieces of fabric on top of the brown ones and sew them together with an overlock stitch. The seam should look so that no one doubts that it is truly “handmade”. On the top you can make a “sprinkling” of seams, small buttons, and beads. Use braid to secure the garland.

DIY heart garland: with the children we make a paper garland - a valentine.

DIY heart garland:

making a paper garland with the children - a Valentine's card

February 14 - Valentine's Day. This holiday is celebrated by many people around the world. And although we have our Russian in Russia summer holiday— It’s a day of love, family and fidelity, but in many families and in our country, in February they make valentines with their children. Let us make garlands of hearts to decorate your apartment.

And let us remember - no matter what day of the calendar - that we love each other, value each other, trust each other and respect each other!

The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentyeva - reader of "Native Path", technology teacher, leader of the children's club artistic creativity, participant of our Internet Workshop of educational games “Through the game - to success!”

DIY heart garland: materials and tools

To work you need:

- a set of colored paper,

- glue stick,

- strong threads (type No. 0, or No. 30 jeans),

- scissors,

- pencil,

- heart templates.

DIY heart garland: step-by-step manufacturing description

Step 1

Cut out heart templates in two sizes from cardboard. I do not indicate sizes - they depend on your capabilities and imagination. I made classic symmetrical heart templates by folding cardboard in half. And you can make templates with asymmetry.

Step 2

Trace the patterns on colored paper and cut out hearts in two sizes. If you didn’t throw away scraps of colored paper from previous projects with children from the “Do It Yourself” section of the site, then they will be very useful to you now. Use them first!

Step 3

— Cut the thread the right size(along the length of the garland plus an additional length for attaching the garland to the wall - 20 cm on each side).

— Decide on the color of large and small hearts for their combination. The color should not merge! It is best to choose contrasting colors - they look brighter and more festive.

- To the heart bigger size lay the thread, leaving 20 cm at the beginning of the thread for hanging the garland.

- Grease the small heart with glue on the bottom side and stick it onto the large heart prepared with thread.

— Step back 1.5–2 cm from the glued hearts and repeat the same technological operation.

- Repeat this technique until the thread runs out (at the end of which leave 20 cm free for attaching the garland to the wall).

So I'm ready horizontal garland of paper hearts !

Is it possible to do vertical garland of hearts . To do this, you need to glue large and small hearts together so that the thread between them is directed from top to bottom in the center. You can make several threads. This garland will look good if you hang several threads on a doorway or window.

Decorate your home with garlands. Admire your beauty and please your loved ones with it, the people dearest to you!

Good luck in your creativity!

More crafts - valentines on the "Native Path" website:

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From paper

A paper garland is quite simple to make; it can be made for a child’s birthday or simply to decorate a room for any holiday. Making the brightest and most spectacular paper garlands is not at all difficult - the instructions will help you do it in literally a matter of minutes.

We make a garland of flowers with our own hands.

Stylized flowers

Funny roses

Another garland of paper flowers - this time it's stylized roses. Making such a flower garland from paper with your own hands is quite simple - draw it yourself by hand or print out templates for cutting, and trace them on any paper (by the way, you can use paper with a pattern).

Make a lot of roses - you need to cut out a spiral and then glue an original rose out of it. When there are enough flowers, string the roses on a rope, and your DIY paper garland for a wedding or birthday is ready!

or you can cut out a spiral with a wave, you get a flower like this:

Printable template:

From felt

It is very easy to make a garland with your own hands from felt.

For this we need:

  • colored felt (it is better to take pure shades);
  • lace, ribbon or braid;
  • sharp scissors;
  • sewing machine(or thread and needle).
A DIY felt garland is made like this:

If you already have a flat garland, and now you want to make voluminous New Year's garlands, then you will like the butterfly garland.

Making this original Christmas tree garland is very, very simple:
  1. we cut the blanks (you can use diagrams - you can download them for free, you can cut them by eye);
  2. we collect bow ties - we sew a large rectangle with thread across it, pull it together, tighten the knot and close it with a small jumper;
  3. we string the butterflies on a thread or a beautiful cord; you can also use twine or ribbon for the garland;
  4. straighten the butterflies - your DIY wedding garland is ready!

From hearts

Garlands made of hearts look very impressive - they can be used for any holiday, you can make your own decoration for a wedding or simply decorate an apartment or office for Valentine's Day.

How to make a garland of hearts using colored paper and a stapler:

You can make a one-color garland - for example, in red or pink tones, or you can use paper of several shades (by the way, double-sided colored paper is well suited for a printer).

There is another option for a garland of hearts made from paper yourself. We will need colored paper, a cutting template (you can download and print), a pencil (to transfer the template onto paper), scissors and a sewing machine.

This DIY heart garland is made like this:

By the way, a garland of paper circles is made using the same principle - circles of colored paper are folded in pairs and stitched. You can stack three or four blanks, then you will get multi-colored paper balls.

From checkboxes

A flag garland looks very elegant - it can have an inscription happy birthday, or welcome, and a garland of flags can be used at any party or children's party.

How to make a garland of flags for a children's birthday with your own hands? Three simple steps: Simple, isn't it?

For those who want a little more complexity, a garland of flags and fabric. So, we already understand how to make a garland of flags with our own hands, but at what stage should we add fabric and what kind? Again, it's simple.

It is clear that paper garlands not very durable - they will last a maximum of one or two uses, but what if you want to make something more durable? For example, for kindergarten You can make a flag garland from fabric.

How to sew a garland of flags step by step:
Decorative braid with flags made in this way can be used at home and in the kindergarten, you can make special decor for the street (kids especially like this for the New Year).

for the new year

Making New Year's garlands is fun and exciting! To make a beautiful and original garland you will need small candle lamps, narrow tinsel and a couple of jars of paint - special for glass or regular acrylic. The light bulbs are dipped one at a time in paint and dried on a cardboard stand (the bases can be wrapped in cling film to prevent them from getting dirty). Then the light bulbs are glued to the tinsel in a chaotic manner, and the unusual Christmas tree garland is ready!

Making another Christmas tree garland is also not too difficult - the main thing is to stock up on a template. For printing, you can use colored paper at once, or you can make one general template and copy it onto paper of any color. Printed or redrawn templates must be cut as shown in the diagram and strung on bright twine.

A garland made of felt balls looks very cozy and very Christmas-like. You can do it together with your child - you just need help. In order to make such an interior decoration, you will need felt balls. No, not even that - A LOT of felt balls.

Making them is quite simple - take a little wool for felting in your palm, wet it under the tap, and then lightly roll it into a ball. Add foam or soap and continue rolling. When the ball starts to form, you need to apply a little effort.

If the fur is capricious, try changing the water temperature several times - after a couple of changes with cold water when hot and back, the fibers begin to fall off. The future ball must be thoroughly rinsed from soap. The ball is ready when it becomes hard.

Make a lot of these balls - they can be the same color (then it is better to take a contrasting thread for stringing) or different shades, and then just string them on a thread and a needle, and your cozy winter decor is ready. By the way, with such balls you can decorate a Christmas wreath on the door and christmas tree.

Christmas tree patterns:

Well, I’ve infected you with my handicraft enthusiasm and you already want to make all kinds of garlands from flowers, felt balls, flags and other things? Then it's time to see what other decors are available.

For example, you can make chic wedding garlands with your own hands.

How to sew a garland of artificial flowers in half an hour on a machine? There's an answer. By the way, if you want, you can make butterflies out of paper and alternate them with flowers.

What do you think gives us the mood and feeling of the holiday? Sweets, cakes, pies, candies, all kinds of goodies, favorite drinks. Of course, all this is needed. But what remains important is the decor and design, which will bring a special charm to our celebration and leave pleasant memories, making your holiday truly unforgettable. Nowadays you can find a huge number of ideas to decorate and transform your holiday. We have selected some of the most interesting and fairly easy-to-make decorations for your special dates in our article. So, let's get started: how to make a garland of paper hearts, as well as other decorations for a room for a celebration?

How to make a garland of hearts?

Threads and heart blanks are the main materials that we will need for work.

Important! A similar decoration can be used to decorate the ceiling in a room or a window or even a chandelier. The main thing is to choose correct colors, which will harmonize with the overall interior or simply become a bright accent.

Materials for work

To make a garland of hearts and thread we need the following materials:

  • Colored paper, cardboard (various shades)
  • Knitting threads, thin ribbon will also work.
  • Hole puncher.

Master class - assembling a garland of hearts

The process of creating such a garland is quite simple:

  1. We cut out hearts from any shade you like, preferably the same size.
  2. Using a hole punch, we pierce holes on the top of the hearts, and pull a thread or ribbon through our blanks.

An interesting garland came out. Everything is in your hands, the main thing is to do everything with love and a good mood.

Making another garland of hearts

You can create a delicate and very beautiful garland from a stapler and paper strips.

Important! Feel free to experiment and use two or more shades of sheets for one heart. It looks very original.

For the master class we need:

  • Stapler.
  • Small scissors.
  • Sheets of double-sided paper in different colors, you can also use notes or quilling material.

Operating procedure

So, let's start creating our decoration:

  1. If you have solid sheets of A4 format, then you need to cut them into strips of 1 cm (if you wish, you can do more), carefully cut them out so that they are even and identical.
  2. Next step: fold the strip in half, wrap the free ends inward, fastening with a stapler.
  3. You can do a similar manipulation with several strips at the same time, the hearts will turn out more openwork.
  4. How to sew together a garland of paper hearts? We thread the next strip into the finished heart and repeat in the same way. Continue until you are satisfied with the length of the garland.

And finally we get an airy and light decoration. We can safely use it even in the decoration of a New Year tree.

How to sew together a garland of felt hearts?

Paper, of course, is a convenient and affordable material, but there is no less pleasant and flexible felt. You can also easily make a garland of hearts from it.

Important! Such a garland will last much longer than a regular paper one and can bring more comfort and warmth to your holiday.

Materials for work:

  • felt in any delicate or bright colors as desired - two contrasting colors look good, for example, red and white;
  • white threads;
  • needle;
  • balls, pompoms or foam balls;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • chalk or a piece of white soap;
  • sewing machine.

Let's start the master class:

  1. Cut out two evenly shaped rectangles from red felt.
  2. We place one strip on top of the other along the width of our parts, and sew them together using a sewing machine.
  3. We need to unfold the previously fastened strips, forming a heart.
  4. Stepping back literally 1 cm or 1.5 cm, we sew our heart-shaped blank from the bottom.
  5. We cut the resulting rectangle into strips; you can choose their width yourself.
  6. We string the resulting hearts one by one on a thread, alternating with pom-poms or, if available, large beads.
  7. We continue to do this until the garland reaches the length we need.

We are sure you will definitely like the result and create festive mood for all guests.

Garlands made of colored paper and threads

Interesting and quite simple idea How to create a garland from multi-colored paper and thread.

Important! To make the decoration look more interesting, we suggest alternating with colored hearts made of shiny cardboard. You can also use thin fishing line in your work, then our product will seem more airy and light.

For this craft you will need the following materials:

  • colored double-sided paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • small scissors;
  • white thread;
  • tape, preferably transparent.

Making master class:

  1. On a sheet of colored paper we apply a design in the shape of hearts, some larger with a cut out part in the middle, others smaller.
  2. We begin to decorate the garland, lay out the blanks of hearts in front of us in order: large, small, and so on.
  3. We attach the thread with tape on one side.

Wire hearts

It would seem like a wire, what’s romantic about it? But fantasy and skillful hands can work wonders and will make your family wonder. You can also make many different crafts from it. For example, a delicate garland of hearts, which will be a wonderful decoration for your holiday.

Important! Decorate the hearts with colored ribbons, like dream catchers, then your garland will become more festive and original.

Prepare the following materials:

  • small jar;
  • thin wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • pliers;
  • satin ribbon, thread or yarn.

Making master class:

  1. Use wire cutters to divide the wire into small pieces - you can choose the size yourself. Subsequently, each of them will become a separate heart.
  2. Using pliers, bend each piece of wire into two even parts.
  3. We bend the free ends of the wire around the can to get semicircular elements.
  4. Afterwards, carefully remove the wire. Forming a heart.
  5. Next, you need to create the same heart blanks for the garland from the remaining pieces of wire. Use ribbons to tie all the elements together. As a result, you will succeed unusual decoration for home and celebrations.
  6. To connect our heart-shaped workpiece, you need to connect the ends of the wire and twist it using pliers.

Finally, our heart garland is ready to decorate your celebration and add an interesting accent to it.

DIY festive garland of hearts for Valentine's Day

The heart symbolizes love and acceptance. And, of course, Valentine's Day cannot be complete without such important symbols as hearts. And if they are made with the thought of your loved ones and with the desire to give your tenderness, then they will certainly leave the warmest and unforgettable memories.

For the craft you will need:

  • double-sided colored paper - you can use paper with a pattern;
  • PVA glue or glue stick;
  • medium scissors;
  • a thread;
  • a simple pencil;
  • heart template - you can draw it by hand.

Master Class:

  1. We transfer the heart template onto our colored paper, then we need to cut them out.
  2. You need to glue the second one to one of the hearts, having first bent it lengthwise, and glue the third heart in the same way.
  3. We then attach the volumetric heart to the thread using glue. Depending on the required length, we prepare a certain number of triple hearts.

As a result, we get an interesting garland, and you are guaranteed a romantic mood.

Important! This decoration can also be used as decoration for a wedding photo shoot.