If your newborn is bleeding from the navel. What to do when a newborn's belly button bleeds. Why doesn't a baby's belly button heal?

While inside the mother, the baby is directly connected to her by the umbilical cord. When a child is born, an umbilical ring is formed in place of the cut umbilical cord.

Normally, fragments of cut tissue gradually heal. This takes from two to three weeks.

The baby's navel dries out and looks slightly recessed.

Rules for treating the umbilical wound

In order for the navel to heal naturally and within the time frame established by nature, it is enough for parents to follow simple hygiene rules.

  • Firstly, a newborn should be bathed in the first month of life in boiled water with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Secondly, you need to give the baby daily air baths. In air, the crust in the navel area will dry out much faster;
  • Thirdly, the baby should not be placed on his tummy until his navel is healed.

Compliance with these rules helps protect the umbilical wound from infection and create conditions so that the navel does not bleed.

Normal from umbilical wound In the first few days of the baby's life, a little ichor is secreted, and then the navel dries out and heals. If weeping or slight bleeding occurs in the umbilical area, the wound area must first be treated cotton swab, soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Then the center of the umbilical ring should be lubricated with brilliant green. Hydrogen peroxide removes the remaining microbes, and an alcohol solution of brilliant green dries the wound and disinfects it.

During the healing process of the navel, a dry crust forms on it. It should not be deleted! The crust should fall off by itself.

When bathing or swaddling a baby, you can accidentally touch the crust and damage it or even tear it off. At the same time, blood will come out of the wound. If this happens, don't panic. You need to carefully treat the navel with peroxide and brilliant green. Then hold the baby's tummy open for a while so that the air dries the wound. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times a day until the dry crust forms again.

In order to protect the navel area as much as possible from mechanical damage, you need to ensure that the diaper or diaper does not rub the baby’s tummy.

Why does the navel bleed for a long time?

It happens that a newborn's navel does not heal for more than three weeks and continues to bleed. There may be the following reasons for this:

  • a careless movement tore off the drying crust from the navel;
  • the umbilical wound is not properly cared for;
  • due to the placenta being too thick, the umbilical cord was also thickened, so the wound on it heals more slowly;
  • the baby was born with an infectious disease or immediately after birth fell ill with it. Weakened immunity of the body does not allow the umbilical wound to heal on time;
  • education umbilical hernia;
  • There is a foreign body inside the umbilical wound.

When navel bleeding is a consequence of one of the first three reasons, proper treatment of the wound and proper care of the baby can help. In the presence of diseases, hernias or foreign bodies, the cause must be treated, not the effect. This will require the help of a qualified pediatrician.

In addition, if navel bleeding continues for more than three weeks, you need to carefully observe whether it is accompanied by the following signs:

  • swelling and hyperemia in the umbilical region;
  • discharge of purulent exudate from the umbilical wound;
  • increased body temperature of the child in the umbilical region;
  • general rise in body temperature of the newborn;
  • the presence of a putrid odor in the area of ​​the umbilical ring;
  • strong protrusion of the navel, especially when crying;
  • the muscles around the umbilical ring do not contract properly.

It is better not to take independent actions if the above signs are present. A newborn should definitely be seen by a doctor!

The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent medication treatment.

Before birth, the child was connected to his mother by the umbilical cord. After birth, the umbilical cord is cut in such a way that a small part of the umbilical cord, about 3-4 cm long, remains, is twisted with a flagellum and secured with a plastic clip. Normally, it disappears on its own after about 3-7 days. And in the place where the umbilical cord was previously attached (the future navel), a wound is formed that needs to be treated.

Often, parents have to deal with a situation where a newborn’s navel bleeds and many do not know why this happens and what to do in such cases. In fact, this fact may indicate that the umbilical wound may have been treated incorrectly and you should urgently seek help from a pediatrician. In order for the navel to heal normally, the wound must be constantly kept clean and dry. If you do not promptly understand the reasons why the navel is bleeding and do not take action, then the baby is at risk of developing an inflammatory process, which can result in sepsis.

Normally, the navel heals completely in about the 3rd week.. For some children, the duration of this process is shorter, for others it is longer. As for the clothespin on the navel, most often it falls off in the maternity hospital, about 3 days after birth, but this can happen a little later. It happens that the clothespin falls off for some babies at home after discharge.

Every responsible mother should understand that this wound in a newborn can become a gateway for various infections to enter the body. That is why it is necessary to monitor her condition and carry out antiseptics on her own or with the help of a visiting nurse.

Sometimes ichor may come out of the wound; in this case, there is no need to sound the alarm. If the navel long time bleeds and arouses suspicion among parents, then the best way out of the situation would be to contact a pediatrician. It should be noted that daily treatment of the wound should become the norm for every mother, such as changing a diaper, until the navel is completely healed.

Possible causes of prolonged navel bleeding

The umbilical wound of a newborn is located close to a large node of blood vessels that supply the peritoneum and internal organs baby's blood. That is why it is very easy to disrupt the healing process by any inept or careless actions. In some cases, it can even come apart on its own, especially in the first time after birth, or an inexperienced mother can catch it when changing a diaper.

The following are also considered common causes of long-term non-healing of the navel:

  • individual characteristics of the child’s umbilical cord, for example, excessive thickness, leaving a deep wound after falling off;
  • insufficient number of air baths, which prevents normal drying of the wound due to lack of oxygen access;
  • inaccurate cutting of the umbilical cord, careless handling, when the navel is constantly touched or rubbed by diapers;
  • previously placing the newborn on his tummy, which is strictly prohibited before reaching 3 months of age;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • weakened immunity of the newborn ();
  • the development of certain diseases, for example.

If the bleeding is too intense and has bad smell, then the inflammatory process may have begun and there is a possibility of infection. In this case it is necessary urgently take the child to the pediatrician.

It is also necessary to sound the alarm in the following cases:

  • frequent and complex bleeding;
  • absence of navel contractions in volume;
  • purulent or yellowish discharge;
  • strong pulsation in the area of ​​the umbilical wound;
  • inability to quickly stop bleeding.

How to treat an umbilical wound at home

At home, you should carry out daily treatment of the baby’s umbilical wound, which is bleeding, and remove all crusts. To do this, you should use hydrogen peroxide, which can be dripped onto the wound using a pipette or cotton swab. In this case, all the secretions will become wet and will be easily separated. After treatment with peroxide, the umbilical wound must be lubricated with a solution of brilliant green using a tampon or a flagellum with cotton wool.

In case of discharge from the wound, it is strictly prohibited. All bath procedures should be carried out in such a way that water does not fall on the wound area.

You can, for example, wipe the baby's body with a soft, wet sponge, avoiding the navel area.

This simple procedure, if the navel of a newborn is bleeding, should be performed twice a day. In this case, the healing process will take place much faster, and the possibility of infection and the development of the inflammatory process will be reduced to a minimum.

With the arrival of a child in the home, young parents have many questions related to child care. Bathing, swaddling, cleaning the nose and ears is a whole science that most mothers master perfectly by the end of the first month. The focus is on many little things related to ensuring a comfortable and safe existence for the baby, but the treatment of the baby’s umbilical wound deserves special attention during the newborn period.

What is an umbilical wound and how is it formed?

A few minutes after the birth of the child, the mandatory procedure of cutting the umbilical cord is carried out. For nine long months she played the role of a reliable supplier of all substances necessary for intrauterine life, but with the baby’s first breath her existence ends. In the maternity unit, it is cut off and clamped at a distance of approximately 5 mm with a medical clamp, or tightly bandaged with surgical threads. In most cases, the navel heals within 10 days.

With proper care, the wound does not cause any concern, but you should be wary if the newborn's navel bleeds or a lump appears.

Slight bleeding from the umbilical stump in the first days is quite acceptable; it may appear due to the fact that a drying crust was accidentally touched during processing or changing a diaper. This is not scary, it is much worse if there is heavy bleeding or bleeding that does not stop for more than 5 minutes.

If a newborn's belly button bleeds, what should I do?

If you notice slight bleeding or dried blood crusts, do not panic.
  1. Inspect the area around the stump; there should be no inflammation or redness.
  2. Treat the umbilical wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, brilliant green, or another suitable remedy recommended by your pediatrician.
  3. Leave the navel open for a while. Air baths promote rapid epithelization of the wound.
  4. Give preference to diapers with a special recess for the navel. Such models do not rub or injure the baby’s tummy, which is very important when the umbilical wound takes a long time to heal or sensitive skin at the baby's.
  5. If the navel periodically bleeds, or the clamp that pinches the umbilical stump does not fall off for more than 10-14 days, refrain from bathing the baby.
Remember, the epithelization process is individual and medical standards say that the healing period can be up to 30 days.

Many mothers worry why their newborn’s belly button bleeds, despite the fact that it is regularly treated. This is quite normal; the appearance of crusts and ichor in small quantities is evidence of the ongoing healing process.

You should be concerned if the following symptoms appear:

  1. The wound bleeds profusely and the bleeding does not stop for a long time. Don't waste time, call emergency assistance, this could be a sign of a dangerous infection.
  2. The wound became red and inflamed.
  3. An unpleasant odor appeared.
  4. You notice pus.
  5. Touching the umbilical stump causes discomfort to the baby, and he begins to cry.
  6. The appearance of tubercles around the navel, which increase when screaming or crying.

If any of the above symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor in order to promptly prevent the spread of a possible infection or the appearance of an umbilical hernia. The doctor will prescribe adequate treatment, select antiseptics, and, if necessary, antibiotics; hospital treatment may be required.

Dear mothers, remember the umbilical wound is, in fact, a direct, not yet healed channel into the child’s body, through which, in the absence of proper care, it is very easy for infections to enter. Do not forget to carefully clean the navel area every day, do not place the baby on the tummy before the wound heals, try to prevent the baby from screaming for a long time. If you have the slightest suspicion that there is something wrong with your navel, call a doctor!

If you are in doubt about anything regarding the baby’s health, if a newborn’s navel is bleeding, a qualified pediatrician or children’s nurse will tell you what to do. Do not use under any circumstances medical supplies on the advice of mothers on online forums. The use of any solutions, ointments and powders must be agreed with the pediatrician. Don't risk your baby's health in vain.

Return of a young mother and baby from maternity hospital- a responsible and very important period. After all, now all responsibility for growth, development and health little man rests entirely with his mother and all his relatives. Very often, one of the most confusing aspects is belly button care. The need for this can even cause panic among inexperienced parents. However, in reality there is nothing complicated about it. After all, you can master the basics of this matter under the guidance of a visiting pediatrician.

Even in the maternity hospital, mothers ask the doctor how long it takes for a newborn’s belly button to heal. The answer to the question, how long does it take to heal? umbilical wound , rather, individual. In most cases, this occurs in the third week of a child's life. But sometimes this process can take a little longer. Therefore, parents should clearly know how to understand that the navel has healed.

What you need to know about the navel

In the womb, the baby receives the nutrients it needs, as well as oxygen, through the umbilical cord. In addition, products come out through it. When a baby is born, this connection between his and his mother’s body is cut. The remainder of the umbilical cord is placed Rogovin bracket .

However, even if the navel is not bandaged after birth, bleeding will not occur. The umbilical ring contains two arteries and a vein. After cutting, the arteries gape due to the denser structure of the wall, and the vein collapses. However, this does not mean that bacteria cannot enter the resulting wound. To prevent this, in the maternity hospital the umbilical remnant is bandaged and carefully processed.

And when the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off, which happens after about 4-5 days, you need to continue to carefully treat the wound. There is no need to panic about the fact that “the remainder has fallen off, what should I do?”, because if handled correctly, everything will be fine.

If the belly button does not fall off, you need to wait a few more days. Sometimes this does not happen in the maternity hospital, and this means that it will disappear in 7-10 days at home. After the navel falls off, you need to treat the umbilical wound very carefully, doing this in three stages.

Initially, using a sterile cotton swab, you need to treat the wound from all sides. It is best to take hydrogen peroxide at 3% concentration.

To prevent infection, it is necessary to lubricate the wound alcohol 96% . The remaining stump needs to be dried and carefully lubricated. potassium permanganate 5% .

If the belly button has not fallen off, is it possible to bathe the baby?

After the umbilical cord has fallen off, the mother can safely bathe the baby. It is better to bathe in boiled water. But until the cord falls off, the baby is not bathed - his body only needs to be gently wiped with a warm, damp sponge.

Treatment of a newborn's navel at home

At normal development In a baby, the umbilical wound heals in the 3rd week - during this period it epithelializes. The local nurse or pediatrician will explain to the woman how to treat the navel of a newborn until it heals. This procedure must be carried out as it happens in a maternity hospital. For a mother who needs to know exactly how to properly treat a newborn’s navel, it is important to note that this should be done every day after bathing. First, mom needs to wash her hands thoroughly with soap.

It is also important to know how to treat a newborn’s navel. Used for these purposes hydrogen peroxide , alcohol 96% , brilliant green solution 2% or for processing. And here is the solution potassium permanganate It is not recommended to use it for these purposes, since preparing a solution of the correct concentration of their powder is not easy, and, moreover, if the crystal accidentally ends up on the child’s skin, it can provoke burn .

Initially, you need to soften the crust with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide. If the peroxide does not begin to foam, this means that the navel has healed.

During the healing process, crusts will gradually fall off and must be removed very carefully. Do not peel off the crusts using force.

When treating the navel you need Special attention give to the base of the umbilical cord. It is wiped very thoroughly each time to remove all wet secretions. This is most conveniently done with a cotton swab. This can speed up the drying and healing process.

How many times per day?

This procedure should be carried out once a day.

If the navel is not healing well, regular “airing” will help speed up this process, for which you need to open the tummy more often. When using diapers, you need to bend the waistband down so that the wound remains open. There is no need to touch the wound unless necessary.

What to do if a newborn’s belly button bleeds?

Parents who don’t know what to do if blood appears on the umbilical wound, first need to figure out why the newborn’s belly button is bleeding.

Sometimes the reasons for this phenomenon are simple and understandable. The umbilical wound bleeds if it occurs traumatization when the child was swaddled, dried or bathed. You should put on the diaper very carefully until the wound is completely healed. Some mothers are too active in cleaning the wound from crusts, thereby causing injury.

The navel may bleed due to formation umbilical granuloma (fungus ). If the umbilical cord was thick, after cutting it, a wide umbilical ring remains, and it takes a long time to heal. As a result, granulation increases, and the navel resembles a mushroom in its shape. This formation is painful, and even when swaddling, catching it can cause pain. And even after minor injury, the umbilical wound in this case begins to bleed.

If blood appears from the umbilical wound, you should proceed as follows:

  • If the blood appears as a result of careless handling of the wound, you need to drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on the umbilical wound.
  • There is no need to place the baby on his stomach.
  • Air access to the navel should be ensured.
  • During the period when the umbilical wound is bleeding, you cannot bathe the baby. You need to wait until the navel stops bleeding completely and a crust appears on it.

But it is best to consult a doctor and show him the baby, provided that blood is flowing from the wound.

It is especially important to immediately show the child to a pediatrician if his umbilical wound not only bleeds, but also worsens general state. In such a situation, it is better to urgently go to the hospital or call an ambulance.

If the navel of a newborn does not heal for a long time, you need to pay special attention to this. When the so-called weeping navel is noted, this indicates the first stage omphalitis – inflammatory process of the umbilical wound. During this period, the navel does not yet fester, but a light-colored serous discharge appears from the wound, and the skin around it turns a little red. However, the baby feels fine.

In such a situation, local treatment is practiced - you must first disinfect the navel with hydrogen peroxide, and then treat it with brilliant green. This procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day.

In some cases, additional use is indicated ultraviolet irradiation . If a newborn's navel becomes wet, the use of ointments or powders containing. Treatment of a weeping navel in a newborn involves the use of ointments containing bacitracin And polymyxin .

Provided that the inflammation was not stopped in a timely manner, it may begin to appear from the wound. pus . In such a situation, the umbilical ring turns red and swelling appears. Gradually, the navel turns outward, the skin on it and nearby becomes hot and red. With omphalitis, the body temperature rises, the child is capricious, reluctant to take the breast, and becomes lethargic.

In this case, it is very important to consult a doctor immediately and ensure proper treatment. Otherwise, the pus will begin to spread into the subcutaneous tissue and spread to other organs, which can subsequently lead to the development sepsis .

Features of treatment

Such babies undergo treatment in inpatient departments pathologies of newborns. They must be prescribed antibacterial treatment.

If the baby's temperature is very high and there are signs of severe intoxication , the baby may be given intravenous administration of the necessary medications.

Sometimes, after culture for sterility, the presence of staphylococcus in the umbilical wound. In this case, the treatment uses antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin .

It is necessary to treat the inflamed area antiseptics , doing this several times a day.

Provided that the body temperature has stabilized, it is possible to carry out physical therapy , namely microwave.


Thus, you need to be very careful with the wound until the navel heals.

Parents should not make extra efforts to speed up the healing process. Let everything happen by itself.

It is also important to remember that babies’ belly buttons are very different. In some children they are deep, in others they are protruding. You should not practice any actions to change the shape, as such actions can provoke irritation and inflammation.

In general, caring for an umbilical wound is not difficult, the main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations and not rush things.