How to make crafts for March 8th. Creative indoor flower is ready

It is impossible to imagine the wonderful holiday of March 8th without beautiful flowers, warm congratulations and cute ones, including those made by yourself. Children's DIY crafts for March 8, which kids prepare for mothers and grandmothers in kindergartens and primary schools, are especially touching. What kind of materials do they use to create these sweet souvenirs for International Women's Day! WITH light hand ordinary cotton pads, corrugated paper, napkins, water straws, scraps of fabric are transformed into amazingly beautiful flowers, vases, decorations and other gifts. Such DIY crafts delight mothers and grandmothers for many years, reminding them of sincere and kind moments of the holiday. Our article today contains simple master classes With step by step photos and instructions for creating original crafts for March 8th, which any child can master. More details on how to do beautiful gift with your own hands for International Women's Day, read on.

DIY craft option for March 8th from cotton pads for the senior group of kindergarten, master class with photos

Let's start with a do-it-yourself craft for March 8th for the senior group of kindergarten - sophisticated calla lilies from cotton pads. This master class can also be used for children middle group kindergarten Learn more about how to make this version of the March 8 craft from cotton pads with your own hands in senior group kindergarten, further.

Necessary materials for March 8 crafts made from cotton pads for the older group

cotton pads

  • cotton swabs for ears
  • yellow felt-tip pen
  • straws for drinks

Instructions for DIY crafts made from cotton pads for March 8th for kindergarten

  1. As mentioned above, in this version of the craft it is proposed to make an original bouquet of cotton pads, consisting of calla lilies. First you need to make the stamens for this amazing flower. For this one side cotton swab need to be colored with a yellow felt-tip pen.

  2. Then the finished stamen should be glued to a cotton pad, as shown in the photo below.

  3. The edges of the disk need to be folded inward, forming the base for the bud, and secured with glue.

  4. The free end of the stick should be inserted into a green drinking tube, which will become the stem for the flower.

  5. Then you need to make another petal from a cotton pad and secure it to the stem with glue. Ready!

How to make a “Tulip” craft for March 8th with your own hands for your mother, grandmother, step by step

The tulip can be called the flower symbol of the International women's day, so it is not surprising that it is often chosen for gifts on March 8th. It’s not at all difficult to make a DIY craft in the shape of a tulip for March 8th for your mother or grandmother. For example, you can create a stunning bouquet of tulips from corrugated paper, which will delight its owner for many years. Learn how to make a “Tulip” craft with your own hands on March 8th for your mother or grandmother in the next master class.

Necessary materials for DIY crafts in the form of a tulip for March 8

  • corrugated paper of different colors
  • pliers
  • cardboard
  • simple pencil
  • green adhesive tape
  • thin wire
  • hot glue
  • scissors

Instructions on how to make a tulip with your own hands on March 8th for mother and grandmother

An original DIY postcard for March 8th for kindergarten, step by step

An original and good version of a DIY postcard for March 8th for kindergarten awaits you further. In this master class there will be no traditional figure eight, which usually adorns the front side of any children's card for March 8th. Read on to learn how to make an original DIY postcard for March 8th for kindergarten.

Necessary materials for crafts-postcards for March 8th in kindergarten

Instructions on how to make a postcard for March 8th with your own hands for kindergarten

  1. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half.

  2. Cut out hearts of the same size from pink and red paper.

  3. Take 2 pink and red hearts and place one piece on top of the other. Using the same principle, we will attach hearts to postcards, forming them into a three-dimensional beautiful flower.

  4. We attach double-sided tape to the back of the blanks. We place the heart petals on the cardboard, forming a flower similar to a peony. In this case, the red and pink hearts should also be connected to each other on one side with tape.

  5. We carefully move clockwise, forming a flower. Ready!

Beautiful DIY crafts for March 8 from satin ribbons, step-by-step master class

Incredible beautiful crafts on March 8th you can make it with your own hands from satin ribbons points Ribbons make lovely jewelry, such as brooches, for mothers and grandmothers. Find out how to make beautiful crafts for March 8th with your own hands from satin ribbons in the form of brooches from the following step-by-step master class with photo.

Necessary materials for DIY crafts for March 8 from satin ribbons

  • satin ribbons 2-3 shades
  • lace
  • large beads/pearls/beads
  • thread and needle
  • scissors
  • pin

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a craft from satin ribbons for March 8 with your own hands

  1. First you need to make blanks for the brooch. To do this, the wide tape must be cut into 8 pieces of 6 cm in length. Each piece should be folded in half. Two pieces need to be folded in the shape of a heart, as shown in the photo below, and stitched with thread.

  2. Of the four ready-made blanks, you need to make two. To do this, 2 blanks need to be folded together crosswise and stitched with thread.

  3. Then the blanks should be folded together crosswise again and stitched with several stitches.

  4. A thinner ribbon of a different color should be cut into 5 pieces of 3-4 cm in length. Each piece must be folded in two and stitched from the bottom.

  5. Small blanks should be placed on top of the main part of the brooch and secured with threads. Then cut a small piece of lace ribbon and use a thread to form a blank from it, as in the photo below.

  6. The lace part should also be sewn to the main part of the brooch. Then the middle of the decoration must be decorated with beads or pearls. You need to secure a large pin to the back of the brooch with glue. Ready.

Do-it-yourself children's crafts for March 8 from napkins for elementary school, master class with photos

The next master class on children's crafts made from napkins for March 8th is perfect for elementary school. It tells how you can use ordinary origami techniques paper napkin turn it into a useful vase in which you can store small jewelry, sweets and other small items. Learn more about how to make a children's craft for March 8 with your own hands from napkins for elementary school in the master class below.

Necessary materials for DIY crafts for March 8 from napkins for school

  • paper napkins of different colors
  • small jar or glass

Instructions for children's crafts for March 8 from napkins for elementary school

  1. Take a napkin and straighten it carefully.

  2. Now we bend each corner of the napkin inward to its middle.

  3. We repeat the same thing, but with the corners of the resulting square.

  4. We repeat the same thing again - we bend each corner inward to the middle of the napkin. Press with your finger for a few seconds so that the workpiece holds its shape better.

  5. Now we turn the workpiece over. Again, bend each corner to the middle and lightly press with your finger so that the workpiece does not fall apart.

  6. Then we turn the workpiece over again and place it on the hole of the jar or glass.

  7. Now, holding the middle of the workpiece with your index finger, carefully straighten each fold of the napkin, as shown in the photo below.

  8. After the first four “petals” are straightened, we move on to the next row of corners. We continue to straighten each corner one by one until all the “petals” are dissolved.

  9. Now all that remains is to carefully remove the finished vase from the jar and turn it over. This is just the perfect device for storing small items that need to be kept at hand at all times.

DIY paper craft option for March 8th for mom, master class with photo

Any mother will like this DIY paper craft for March 8th. After all, it is a huge peony flower, which is not inferior in beauty to its living counterpart. Find out how to make this version of paper crafts for March 8th with your own hands for your mother from the following step-by-step master class.

Necessary materials for DIY paper crafts for mom on March 8

  • corrugated paper pink, green
  • wooden skewers
  • green paper tape
  • scissors

Instructions on how to make a paper craft with your own hands for your mother in honor of March 8

  1. The first step is to draw a template of a large heart, which will become the basis for the correct shape of the petals of our peony. The finished template should be attached to corrugated paper and cut out 8-10 blanks.

  2. We put two wooden skewers or sticks together and wrap them with green paper tape - this will be the basis for the peony stem.

  3. Now you need to give the petals the correct shape. To do this, each heart blank needs to be stretched well in the middle. Then the edges of the petal need to be lightly wrapped around a pencil in reverse side, as shown in the photo below.

  4. At the next stage, you can proceed to assembling the flower. To do this, each petal needs to be wrapped around the stem and secured with glue and tape.

  5. You need to cut out a blank for a leaf from green corrugated paper, and then secure it to the stem with paper tape.

  6. All that remains is to cut out the base for the sepals from green paper and secure it on top with tape.

Do-it-yourself crafts for a child on March 8th, video with instructions

You can find another simple master class on an original DIY March 8 craft for a child with step-by-step instructions in the video below. In this do-it-yourself crafts for a child on March 8th, this master class shows how you can make a very interesting present for your mother or grandmother from colored paper. Details in the video below.

"Sweet Grapes"


  • sweets;
  • wire;
  • scotch;
  • scissors and pliers;
  • artificial grape leaves.

Cooking procedure.

We choose candies with a wrapper of the appropriate color and glue one tail with tape to give it the shape of a grape. We round off one of the ends of the wire with pliers and glue it to the remaining tail of this yummy. Thus, we fix from 3 to 5 candies on one “branch”. We consistently collect the bunch by twisting the wires together.

Wrap them with sticky tape Green colour and attach artificial grape leaves. You can arrange one bunch in a basket or collect it in a bouquet. An extraordinary presentation will not leave anyone indifferent.

"Sweet Message"

Were you wrapped up and didn’t notice when it was time for gifts? Don't be discouraged, there is always a way out.

You will need:

  • goodies,
  • a beautiful box (a gift bag or vase that will look festive),
  • beautiful colored wrapping and ribbons or threads.

What needs to be done?

You cut the “parchment” into small “scrolls”, on which you draw out your wishes beautifully and colorfully. Then tie them with bright ribbons and place them together with sweets in a vase (for example). You can decorate with everything that comes to your mind: artificial flowers, threads with beads, LEDs that were left over from the New Year.

Such a gift will give the girl not only sweets, but also aesthetic pleasure.


What will you need?

  • A bottle of champagne.
  • Sweets.
  • Corrugated paper.
  • Cardboard.
  • Scotch.
  • Scissors.
  • Plastic yogurt jar.
  • Ribbons for decoration.

Cooking method

  1. We wrap the bottom (most voluminous) part of the bottle with part of the corrugated packaging and secure it with tape.
  2. Cut a circle out of cardboard 1-2 cm larger than the diameter of the yogurt jar.
  3. Wrap the cardboard and jar corrugated paper and secure it with tape. Glue it in the form of a hat.
  4. We cut out rectangles rounded at one end from the packaging and wrap them around the candy. It should look something like a rose.
  5. You can glue them onto the cap, creating a unique composition around the entire perimeter of the bottle. We decorate with ribbons and give as a gift.

An original and universal gift.

Paper crafts

Table stand


  • bright packaging;
  • stencil for teapot and cup;
  • glue stick;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • heat gun;
  • ribbons, flowers, bows and other decorations.

Formation order.

  • Take a stencil and trace it on cardboard in duplicate.
  • Then you need to cut it out and cover both sides with colorful packaging.
  • From the remaining cardboard, cut out 2 strips: 5.5 x 15 cm and 2.5 x 9 cm.
  • Cover with the remaining paper and fold 2 times to get 3 identical rectangles on the folds.
  • Using a heat gun and leaving space for the bags, glue a small strip to the cup with an edge, and a large strip to the teapot.
  • Attach the cup and teapot to the second edge of the strips in the same way.
  • Glue the cup onto the teapot and decorate with ribbons, bows and beads

Quite an original gift that can easily be used in everyday life. You can store tea, coffee, sugar bags and napkins in it.

Crafts made from paper and dough from kids to beloved mothers


For this you will need:

  • a base for which you can take a regular A4 sheet;
  • multi-colored and corrugated wrapping;
  • glue and scissors.

Choose a background: plain or multi-colored with watercolors. Take a white sheet of paper and, starting from top to bottom, paint with the colors you like. Cut the colored paper into 4 rectangles of approximately the same size. Fold them in half and round their corners. Lick the rectangles with an accordion and glue 2 at a time. Secure the middle with corrugated paper, while making antennae for the butterflies. Draw stems on a sheet or cardboard and cut out green petals. Glue them and then the butterflies. Ready. Everything is quite simple and looks nice.

Postcard made from napkins

You will need:

  • colorful napkins,
  • cardboard,
  • glue,
  • pencil.

Fold the cardboard base in half to form a card and trim off the excess. Draw the flower and petals on the front of the card. Tear and form small balls of colored napkins. Glue them according to the picture, draw a stem with a colored pencil.

A very simple gift that develops children's motor skills.

Salt dough works

  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • half a tablespoon of water;
  • gouache;
  • clear varnish;
  • ribbons;
  • templates

Cooking method

Roll out the resulting dough to 0.3-0.5 cm and cut out the base according to the template. It could be a horseshoe, a heart, a number 8 basket, anything. Then you need to decorate with some small details: flowers, leaves, spirals, everything that your imagination is capable of. You can attach them by first moistening the surface of the base. Don't forget to make a hole for the ribbon if it's a keychain or something that needs to be hung.

The work is ready and needs to be painted. After this, it needs to be dried either on a radiator or in the oven until completely hardened. You need to be careful with the temperature as the dough may crack. To fix the paint, coat the work with colorless varnish.

Interesting and creative work will not deteriorate and will delight you for a long time.

Who said that making gifts is boring and tedious? You will get a lot of pleasure from the process of making a gift, especially in the labor-intensive but enjoyable process of working with dough. If you want it to be not only beautiful, but also tasty, then choose “Sweet Grapes” or champagne with sweets. And if you creative person and you like working with paper, then opt for a table stand or make a gift for your child.

International Women's Day on March 8 is not only a wonderful holiday with the kindest and brightest traditions, but also an excellent occasion for the manifestation of a child's talents. It’s not for nothing that in kindergartens and schools, on the eve of the main holiday of all women, there are always lessons on making themed crafts, which are great as gifts for mothers and grandmothers. Most often, children's crafts for March 8 are made from simple materials: colored paper, cotton pads, cardboard, napkins. Well, the most popular theme for children’s DIY crafts on March 8th are, of course, flowers. In their beauty, such homemade bouquets are not inferior to real flowers, and in their touching power for a woman’s heart they are many times greater. Find out more about how to make an original craft for March 8th from simple materials at hand in our article today with step-by-step master classes for the junior and senior groups of kindergarten.

DIY craft from cotton pads for March 8th in kindergarten for the younger group, step by step with photos

We suggest that you be the first to master crafts made from cotton pads with your own hands on March 8th for junior group kindergarten. The craft itself is a bouquet of beautiful flowers that can be given to your mother or grandmother. Find out how to make a craft from cotton pads with your own hands for March 8th in kindergarten in the younger group from the step-by-step master class with the photo below.

Materials for crafts from cotton pads for March 8th for the younger group of the garden

  • cotton wool cosmetic pads
  • green drinking straws
  • ear sticks
  • yellow paint

Instructions for DIY crafts from cotton pads for March 8th for kindergarten

Do-it-yourself crafts for March 8 in kindergarten for the older group from paper, master class with photos

Another touching bouquet for March 8, but already in the senior group of kindergarten, can be made with your own hands from colored paper, which is ideal for children's crafts. Such a bouquet will be made in the form of an applique, with which you can decorate a memorable card or present it as an independent gift. Learn step-by-step instructions on how to make crafts for March 8th with your own hands in kindergarten in the senior group from paper from the following master class with photos.

Necessary materials for crafts for March 8 from paper for the senior group of the garden

  • colored paper
  • simple pencil
  • cardboard
  • scissors

Instructions on how to make a DIY craft for March 8 from paper for kindergarten

DIY children's crafts for March 8th for mom - master class with step-by-step instructions for a child

You will find another version of the original bouquet - a children's craft for March 8 with your own hands for your mother in the following master class with step-by-step instructions for the child. This craft is more suitable for pupils of senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten, as well as for younger children school age. The peculiarity of this DIY children's craft for March 8th for mom (master class with step-by-step instructions for the child below) is that the flowers for the bouquet are made from the most ordinary cardboard packaging for eggs.

Necessary materials for DIY children's crafts for March 8th for mom

  • egg carton packaging
  • wire
  • green electrical tape or paper tape
  • paints and bones
  • scissors
  • yellow paper

Step-by-step instructions for a child on how to make a DIY March 8 craft for mom

How to make a craft with a photo for your grandmother on March 8th with your own hands, step-by-step master class

But probably the most memorable and touching DIY crafts for March 8th for both mother and grandmother are souvenirs with a photo of the child. These can be homemade photo frames, pendants, cups or just memorable souvenirs. From our next step-by-step master class you will learn how to make a craft with a photo for your grandmother on March 8th with your own hands from salt dough.

Necessary materials for DIY crafts with photos for March 8th for grandmother

  • salt - 1 glass
  • flour - 1 cup
  • water - 1/2 cup
  • red paint with brush
  • photo
  • heart-shaped, for example, pasochka

Instructions on how to make a craft with a photo for your grandmother with your own hands on March 8

3. Using the same form, cut out a suitable template from the photo and insert it into our dough piece. Gently press down with your fingers so that the photo stays well in place and does not fall out in the future. We send the workpiece to dry in the sun or radiator.

Another simple and popular material for an original DIY children's craft for March 8th is ordinary napkins, from which you can make beautiful flowers. Despite the fact that in appearance such flowers cannot be immediately distinguished from real ones, making such a craft with your own hands is easy and quick, even small child. Learn more about how to make a DIY children's craft “Flowers” ​​for March 8 from napkins in the following video tutorial with step-by-step instructions.

DIY crafts for March 8th are original children's gifts that have long become traditional in kindergartens and schools. Our article contains quite simple master classes with photos and step by step instructions, which a child can master in both the junior and senior groups of the kindergarten. Thanks to the use of simple materials, such as colored paper, cotton pads or napkins, your child will be able to make an absolutely unique and inimitable craft. This means that each of the presented options for crafts for March 8 can become a worthy gift for mom or grandma. We are confident that our master classes will be able to inspire creativity in adults, whose help will never hurt children.

We offer a selection of DIY gift ideas for March 8th. In this article we have collected for you original crafts for children and adults, detailed master classes and the most useful tips. If you want to please a loved one with something simple and at the same time very beautiful and made from the heart, these easy lessons will definitely come in handy.

Any child wants to give his mother a gift on March 8th - you will certainly find great ideas in this collection. In addition, you can easily find crafts for school (for classmates and teachers), something for your beloved grandmother and just family friends of any age. Flowers, candles, candy gifts - all this and something else for your inspiration!

All the materials that we will use to create gifts for March 8 are very simple. Most likely, you already have everything you need. If this is not the case, you will not have any difficulty finding it in the craft departments or hypermarkets.

We have collected the most popular, but not trivial gifts. Choose what you like best and feel free to get down to business. A gift for International Women's Day can be made even in 15-20 minutes!

Paper flowers

Paper crafts for March 8 are very popular. We invite you to make a beautiful and very delicate bouquet of flowers using the quilling technique. Such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent, because it is difficult to find a woman who does not appreciate flowers. This simple craft– a great gift for mom, grandma or teacher.

We will need:

  • wire;
  • colored paper;
  • decorative branches;
  • decorative butterflies (or cardboard and stencil);
  • Styrofoam;
  • flower pot or basket;
  • Super glue;
  • glue stick;
  • quilling needle.

Please note that a flower pot or basket can easily be replaced with wrapping paper.

We have previously told you what it is. In the article at the link you will find useful tips on choosing paper for crafts using this technique, as well as information on what you can use to replace a quilling needle if you do not have a ready-made option.

Let's start creating flowers. To do this, cut all the paper into strips 0.5 centimeters wide. It is desirable that the length of each strip is at least 50 centimeters. However, to create petals that are not too large, A4 sheets will be sufficient, which we will divide into strips (cut along, not across).

We take a white strip and wind it tightly onto a needle, forming a very tight “bobbin”. Then we pull out the needle and, using our fingers, give the untwisted part the shape of a petal. Press the end well. The tip can be glued to a glue stick. Make at least 10 petals per flower. Determine the number of petals by the number of flowers in the craft by March 8th.

Stripe yellow color fold in half, and then in half again. Leaving 1-2 mm on top, make a fringe along the entire length of the resulting part. Coat the uncut strip with glue and twist the part into a flower - this is the middle of the flower.

We connect the yellow center with the petals using superglue; this must be done from the “wrong” side. The petals should point slightly upward. Do required amount daisies

Now let's take care of the legs. To do this, cut a small piece of wire (the length depends on the desired size of the flowers). We entangle the entire wire with a green strip of paper. On top we make the same dense bobbin as on the petal blanks. Raise it up a little and add a drop of superglue. Connect with the flower itself.

You can wrap the resulting gift in wrapping paper. A bouquet placed in a pot will look even more interesting. To do this, glue a piece of foam plastic to the bottom of the basket or flowerpot and simply stick the wire legs all the way to the base. We pass decorative leaves between the flowers, and plant a beautiful butterfly on top.

This craft will be perfectly complemented by vintage paper butterflies. If you like homemade paper flowers, you can see how to make your own dahlias for the holiday. This is no longer quilling, but the technique is also interesting.

Beaded roses

This March 8 gift master class will not be difficult even for children: we will make a beautiful festive rose from beads with our own hands. This is another option for presenting flowers to your beloved women, which the recipient will definitely like. A craft like this is a great holiday gift for your mother, sister, grandmother or friend. The main value of such flowers is amazing appearance and durability; Such gifts are kept for years.

Beads can be ordered profitably on AliExpress. Large selection of colors, excellent quality, good feedback, low price - check for yourself on the store page using this link.

We will need:

  • beading wire;
  • green beads;
  • beads for the base.

IN in this case you don't need complicated beading patterns. The flower is assembled from several petals, and this greatly simplifies the task. This means that even beginners can master the master class.

We start with weaving greenery. To do this, bite off a few pieces of wire and prepare green beads. We will need 13 beads for one leaf. Take a look at the photo to see how the rows are built.

At the end of each petal we make a small knot. For one beaded rose we will need at least 5 green leaves. It will be nice to place 1-2 extra leaves on the flower stem, but this is not necessary.

Then we weave one row at a time, constantly increasing the number of beads by 2. That is, in the third row there are four beads, in the fourth there are six, etc. In total you need to make 8 rows.

After this, pass a row of beads along the edges of each petal to the very base to complete the leaf beautifully and round the edges.

To diversify the composition, you can add several larger green petals. It is better to weave them right away - before assembling the flower.

We round the petals a little towards the center and insert them into each other. We weave the wire together - just twist it.

We place green leaves under the base of the bud. Place a couple of green leaves in the center of the stem. We braid the stem itself with an additional piece of wire to make the craft look neat.

The original gift for March 8 is ready! You can give one rose, making it large - with a long stem. If you wish, you can weave a few more flowers and arrange them into a beautiful homemade holiday bouquet.

Candy heart

What woman would refuse sweets in her main holiday? But giving candy just like that is a little boring, let's decorate it nicely! We will get a very beautiful present for March 8th, which will appeal to girls and women of any age. You can make it yourself for a friend or offer such a craft to your child ( Primary School, kindergarten) as a gift for a teacher or educator.

We will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • skin;
  • corrugated paper (white and colored);
  • acrylic or spray paints;
  • safety pins;
  • any decor.

An inexpensive set of acrylic paints can be ordered on AliExpress (check this link). Bright colors, excellent quality, high durability - a universal option for a wide variety of crafts.

Expanded polystyrene is the same material that can be found at the bottom of the boxes in which household appliances were packaged. Take a careful look to see if you still have this material that will be useful for you to create crafts for March 8th. If there is nothing suitable, replace it with foam. However, keep in mind that the foam will rustle unpleasantly when cutting and crumble.

Draw a big heart on a piece of polystyrene foam. This can be done using a stencil or by hand. A great idea is to cut out a heart from paper and then simply trace its outline; so you can't go wrong.

We cut out the heart using a hacksaw and sand the edges to make the craft smooth.

In the center of the future gift, draw another heart, and then carefully hollow out the middle part. We do this using a hacksaw and a hammer. It is also better to sand the edges so that the recipient does not notice the flaw in your holiday gift.

We paste over the side parts of the craft corrugated cardboard white, its remains can be fixed to the bottom (meaning the recess). Use superglue to securely fix the decor. Line the inside of the box with pink corrugated paper. Drape the edges of the product beautifully, trim off the excess. The bottom can be treated with acrylic paint or spray paint. If there is nothing suitable, cover it with corrugated paper.

The gift for March 8 is almost ready! We need to place the recipient's favorite candies in the center. Safety pins will be required for secure fixation. We attach one candy at a time - just stick the needle into the candy wrapper (you can do it on both sides). We complement the festive craft with decorative flowers.

You did great sweet gift, which the recipient will definitely like. Complete the composition with a bouquet of flowers - and the recipient will be amazed! Flowers and sweets are a standard gift for March 8th for mothers, grandmothers, and girls, but all this can be presented in a very unusual and soulful way.

Beautiful rose candles

Candles are one of the best gifts for women. It's romantic, beautiful and very cute. Especially if the gift is made with your own hands and looks like buds of beautiful roses. Candles will be an excellent present for mother (children of primary and high school can do this under the supervision of adults), friends of any age and their beloved mother-in-law or sister.

Of course, you can find beautiful candles in any hypermarket, but in reality they cannot be compared with homemade ones. Just imagine how nice it will be for the person who receives as a gift a unique item that you worked so hard on.

We will need:

  • several white candles (the simplest ones);
  • candles with a metal base (“floating” candles);
  • dry food coloring or red (pink) pencil lead;
  • wooden skewer;
  • metal plate or saucepan.

If you have crayons or pencil leads, all you have to do is take one of them and crumble or grate one of them. However, for richness it will be better to add dry food coloring. If you don’t have pink or red dyes, use others - no problem (modern roses come in yellow, blue, and any others).

Mix the dyes in a metal bowl and rub paraffin from old candles into it. Save the wick strings - we will need them later. Don’t throw away the metal candlesticks either – we will place our roses in them.

Place the plate in a water bath or over very low heat and melt the mixture. It should resemble jelly in consistency and be evenly colored.

Next, we need an old cutting board or any other surface that you don’t mind scraping with a knife. Using a brush, make a few blurry drops: they should be slightly narrower at the bottom and wider at the top. Do not remove the remaining paraffin from the water bath yet.

When the mass applied to the surface has cooled slightly, carefully scrape it off with a knife and roll it into a tube around the wick. Form a petal by pressing the bottom part with your fingers.

Gradually build up the mass of petals around the wick. Press each new petal slightly in the center and bend it back, giving the shape of a bud.

Please note that the petals do not have to be the same shape. It's okay if the outer part of the petals is wider. It's even more convenient.

Distribute the paraffin that you did not remove from the bath over metal candlesticks. Stick the formed bud into this mass and wait until the mass sets. Ready!

If you want to make scented candles, add 10-12 drops to the mixture essential oil roses. This way, when the candle burns, the room will be filled with a wonderful aroma. Additionally, the festive craft can be decorated with dry glitter. They do not smell when in contact with fire, and make candles elegant.

Another great idea is colored petals. If you have several food colors and the ability to place several plates in a water bath at once, then the petals can be made in two or more colors, and then combined in random order or alternately.

This gift is appropriate to give even to a stranger. For example, such candles would be good as a gift for female colleagues. It’s absolutely okay if your gifts for March 8th are homemade, because this is always highly appreciated.

If you don't have floating candles or want to "plant" a rose in a jar, take a look at these instructions. However, please note that you don’t need an ordinary jar, but one with a wide neck so that the paraffin does not drip onto the table when burning.

Topiary for the holiday

Another great gift for March 8th is homemade topiary. This craft seems difficult, but even children can handle it. Topiary – wonderful gift for mom with her own hands. In addition, it can be given as a gift to a teacher or grandmother. The craft can become the central decoration of the holiday and will last for a very long time.

In this video tutorial, crepe paper serves as the basis for a festive topiary. However, there is nothing wrong with replacing it with something. For crafts for March 8, ready-made decorative flowers, roses made of satin ribbons, kanzashi flowers, paper flowers on skewers, tulips and roses made of beads (instructions can be seen above), buds made of felt or foamiran are suitable.

In a word, choose any material and make holiday flowers, and then simply stick them into a ball and decorate them, as shown in the video master class. A girl of any age will love this gift. If you have a child and are going to do crafts for school on March 8, take these instructions into account.

Choose any of the presented master classes and please your beloved women with pleasant homemade gifts! Don't forget to add sweets or flowers to the gift to make it even more enjoyable. Your work will definitely be appreciated. All the instructions presented will help you make win-win gifts with your own hands, which are always popular with women and girls of any age.

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