Flower made from cotton swabs. Original crafts from cotton pads and sticks: how to make jewelry with your own hands. Children's crafts from cotton pads

One of the beneficial materials for hand made work is cotton pads. They absorb paint well, flowers made from them fit perfectly into bouquets that will adequately decorate any postcard.

Particularly valuable are crafts made from cotton pads made by the hands of kids. An elementary example is the caterpillar, a cheerful, positive character in cartoons and children's books. This is a regular applique that uses different colored components.

You can create entire flower fields from cosmetic cotton pads. One such composition combines both artistic and applied creativity. In addition to cotton pads, you will need a minimum of materials: an A3 sheet, colored paper, glue and paints.

  • First, we draw the background (you can simply paint the sheet with blue or blue paint, or you can depict additional elements on it - the sun, stars, etc.)
  • Glue the cotton pad together as shown in Figure 2-4.
  • We cut out additional elements from paper (stems, leaves, grass).
  • All that remains is to arrange our flowers beautifully on a piece of paper.

Another option for applied creativity is eclectic flowers made from cotton pads. In this case, you don’t even need paper, just paints and glue. Step by step process the creation of such beauty is depicted in Fig. 2-5. To ensure that the paints fall in neat droplets, use a pipette.

Crafts from cotton swabs

If you have faded decorative flowers lying around at home, you can give them a second wind with the help of cotton swabs. Flowers made like this will look much more original than dull fabric inflorescences. We will need:

  • a set of cotton swabs;
  • gouache;
  • stems from old decorative flowers;
  • Super glue.

Take 10-15 cotton swabs (the more there are, the more voluminous the inflorescence will be) and cut in half. Place all the halves with the cotton sides facing up and fold them into a flower shape. Thoroughly coat the place where the stem is attached to the inflorescence with glue and attach our flower to it. Once the glue has dried, you can paint our crafts made from cotton swabs in any color by simply dipping them into the paint.

Another way to make flowers from cotton swabs is to use polystyrene foam balls, which can be purchased at any craft store. The working mechanism is similar: cut cotton swabs in half, stick them into a polystyrene foam ball to make a flower like a dandelion, and dip the ends of the sticks in paint. Twisted wire can be used as stems.

Using the same principle, you can make other crafts from cotton swabs: hedgehogs, the same snowmen, etc.

flower composition

For an older child it will be interesting master class on production flower arrangement, for example, in the form of a bouquet in a basket or in the form of a topiary (this is the word used today for original small trees made by hand). It is always fashionable to give such a gift to your mother on March 8 or her birthday.

For production you will need:

  • cotton pads (the quantity depends on the size of the composition);
  • needle;
  • beads;
  • packaging box for cotton pads;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • glue;
  • a piece of green silk or lining fabric for leaves;
  • stapler

We roll up the cotton pads and secure them into buds, as shown. We put the finished flowers aside and make leaves. They will be located around the perimeter of the vase and will serve as a living pillow for delicate and fragile flowers. The folding sequence for the leaf fabric is shown below.

We fill a jar from under discs (you can use any other one, for example, from under ear sticks) with foam and let it dry. Level the surface of the foam with a knife - make it flush with the edge of the can.

The jar itself can be painted in your favorite colors or decorated using decoupage.

We begin gluing flowers from cotton pads and leaves to the surface of the foam.

The work is ready. Flowers can be made in the form of calla lilies. Then the disks do not need to be completely rolled up, but can be fastened using staples and a stapler.

How to make a bouquet of roses - watch the video.

DIY crafts made from cotton pads can also be timed to coincide with such favorite holidays as New Year, Christmas. Cute airy angels, smoothly descending on threads of rain along the entire perimeter of the decorated room - just such an option. You can use them as Christmas tree decorations, garlands, or simply additions to New Year's gifts.

The manufacturing steps are shown below. By following the basic rules of this simple master class, you can quickly and at minimal cost make your living room intriguing, and the atmosphere of the nursery soft and romantic. Making angels begins with the design of the head and its smooth transition to the body - the dress.

At the end of the work, the head can be decorated with a wreath made of yellow-gold braid, wire, or painted with paint.

New Year's wreath

We have already figured out how to make flowers from cotton pads. Next in line is a chic souvenir, similar in manufacturing method to a flower, but a little more complicated - a floral Christmas wreath. These are often hung on entrance or interior doors, placed above the doorway or on the gate. True, such decoration is more homemade, since it will not withstand precipitation and fluctuations in air temperature.

Assembling the wreath step by step is not difficult, but it must be done carefully and slowly. The same disks bent into four sectors are used as blanks. The corner at the base is chopped off and attached to the main ring. You need to fasten the parts as much as possible closer friend to friend. This will create an effect of softness, fullness, and artistic exoticism.

Regarding the mounting plane, it must be remembered that only the front half of the ring should be filled with artificial flowers. The back should be left flat and smooth, since it needs to be in contact with the wall or other surface on which the wreath will be placed.

Once the wreath is ready, we proceed to the loop for fastening. Her appearance should not spoil the impression of the entire product. Therefore, a silk ribbon, folded into a loop and carefully attached with reverse side rings are an ideal option.

The general appearance of the finished product is shown in picture 26, it is very delicate, stylish and soft. An angel will be placed in place inside a wreath of blooming roses. The similarity of the materials used for crafts will give the souvenir the character of a single composition.


Working with a child younger age, you can invite him to fantasize, imagine which animal or plant has similar circles in its body. Surely it will be:

  • panda;
  • owl;
  • chicken with chicken after painting the rims yellow;
  • monkey;
  • sunflower.

An interesting craft for a lamb or ewe. For those who are not lazy, it will not be difficult to make a whole herd, decorating them with multi-colored toy accessories. Step-by-step instruction next:

Let's prepare:

  • pieces of felt;
  • threads;
  • stapler;
  • cotton pads;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • twine.

If you don't have colored felt, you can use a special fabric dye.

We start by folding the disk in four and securing the resulting shape with staples. We sew each received element and put them tightly on a silk cord.

To complete the work, we give the lace with strung disks the appearance of a ball. The first stage of work is completed.

All that's left to do is a simple design of the face. For this, the same pieces of felt are used, cut to the shape and size of the intended animal. Here you can play with colors and use materials of the most unexpected colors, the result will be more fun.

If the idea was to make a lamb step by step, we supplement its head with horns made of wire; if it was a sheep, there is no need for them.

Having attached the horns to the head, for example, with plasticine, and also embroidered the eyes and nose with threads or beads, we finish the work. The result is a masterfully executed self made a toy that will look original on a Christmas tree branch, for example.

The figure of a chicken from yellow disks will be obtained by gluing two circles (one slightly larger than the other), depicting the head and torso. The eyes are black beads, the beak is a red triangle.

Christmas card

A holiday card featuring a cheerful snowman is super easy to make! All you need is a sheet of colored paper (preferably blue), cotton pads, glue and markers. Take the largest diameter discs, as they will have to be shortened.

  • Cut out the “body” of the snowman. We only need three discs, two of which need to be shortened to make the snowman look more natural.
  • Glue the disks to the paper (Figure 2).
  • We “revive” the snowman by drawing his face, arms, headdress, etc. It is more convenient to draw on cotton pads with felt-tip pens, although you can also use watercolors or gouache.

You can add some zest to the craft with the help of additional details - nail polish, ribbons, etc. Let your child use his imagination. There is no doubt: the “Snowman” leaflet that the kid created is much nicer to receive than the most expensive New Year’s cards.

Snowman made from paper plates

We offer you a simple and interesting view home decor for New Year's holidays. The materials are the same cotton balls and paper picnic plates of different sizes. This decor can be used to decorate walls, the front door, or make a separate panel.

  • Lay out a snowman from three paper plates, securing them with thin strips of tape (if you are making the composition in the form of a panel, you can use glue).
  • Glue cotton balls to the plates, giving the snowman volume.
  • From paper or other available materials, make eyes, a nose, and a headdress for the New Year's hero.

Cheerful little penguin

Another idea that even a child can implement. To simplify the work, we have prepared a template that needs to be printed on paper. However, you can use any other penguin drawing you like, or draw it yourself. The principle of making crafts is the same in any case.

We need:

  • printed template;
  • cosmetic cotton balls;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • scraps of black and orange cardboard.

To get started, download and print the drawing template. Then cover the entire white area with glue and carefully place the cotton balls on it, being careful not to go too far beyond the borders. Then cut out the penguin's eyes and beak from cardboard and complete the craft.

In the same way any New Year characters(snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden). The main thing is to find a quality template.

Whether it is souvenirs made only from cotton pads, or crafts from cotton swabs, they carry a charge of positive energy, develop thinking, and contribute to the development of a child’s horizons. Let there be more of them. Let them unite children and make their inner world wider, brighter, more fun.

We offer you another selection of ideas for crafts with children. These simple master classes will appeal to mothers of preschoolers and students primary school. We will make a variety of crafts from cotton swabs with our own hands. In this article you will find lessons on creating various applications and volumetric compositions. All instructions are very simple - your children can easily handle it.

Working with cotton swabs is quite pleasant and interesting. That's why many kids love it so much. In addition, we will add bright colors to the crafts, which will make creative process even more interesting. Choose something that your child will appreciate and get down to business - great fun awaits you!

Application "Willow"

This craft is for the little ones: even a child preschool age will cope with this task without difficulty. By the way, this is a good idea for a craft for an elementary school or kindergarten - willow made from cotton swabs and plasticine can be a good basis for a postcard.

We will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • plasticine;
  • cotton buds;
  • paints.

It's simple: dip cotton swabs into brightly colored paint and dry the cotton wool. Using plasticine rolled into thin flagella, we lay out the vase, and then the tree.

We cut off the soft part from the sticks, and from plasticine we make an imitation of buds - we make a willow. That's all - the cotton swab applique is ready!

Application "House"

Another craft made from cotton swabs for the littlest craftsmen. True, it is already a little more complicated than what is described above. However, preschoolers can handle it, so feel free to involve your child in creating this interesting application.

We will need:

  • blue cardboard;
  • cotton buds;
  • cotton wool;
  • PVA glue.

We form a house from cotton swabs - we make a cross lattice. We glue them on PVA. Next, cut the cotton wool into small pieces. Pour some glue into a bowl or onto any surface. Using tweezers, dip a piece of cotton wool into glue and fix it on the cardboard.

In the same way you can do color picture. To do this, you need to mix glue with paints or dry dye - this way the parts will be painted in bright colors.


For this beautiful crafts you will need one more simple material. We will create a beautiful bird with a peacock tail. The peacock made from cotton swabs should really appeal to children of primary school age.

We will need:

  • cotton buds;
  • disposable plastic spoons;
  • cardboard;
  • bright colors;
  • Super glue.

We cut out two elements from cardboard: a circle and a blank for the bird’s head. Next, paint the spoons in two or three bright colors. To ensure the paint adheres well, you can pre-mix it with PVA glue.

Glue the spoons to the round blank using superglue. We paint cotton swabs using bright colors. Dry the cotton wool and cut off the soft part. We fill the second part of the cardboard with these blanks. We connect two cardboards using superglue. Ready!

Use bright colors for this craft to make the peacock (or firebird, whatever you want) look attractive. Children usually really enjoy coloring both sticks and spoons.


Check out these cotton swab animals. They are united by the principle of creation. We will make each of them from the soft part of cotton swabs, and the base will be a cardboard blank. Such crafts will appeal to both preschool children and elementary school students.

We will need:

  • cotton buds;
  • thick cardboard;
  • Super glue;
  • stencils;
  • bright colors;
  • any decor.

Choose the stencil you like and cut it out of cardboard. For inspiration and ideas, we advise you to look at our collections of animal and bird templates. Alternatively, you can cut out any image from a children's coloring book and glue it to cardboard.

Cut the cotton swabs and bite off the soft part. Next, we tightly seat these blanks in a “fan” pattern on the cardboard. We fix them with superglue. All that remains is to add the accompanying decor and decorate the craft in bright colors.


This craft made from cotton swabs looks more complicated than others, but in fact its technique is very simple. Preschool children can also master this master class if you guide and help them. Only with the wire you will have to act on your own, but otherwise the children can handle it themselves.

We will make something like a simple topiary, or more precisely, an original flower bouquet.

We will need:

  • ornamental foam balls;
  • cotton buds;
  • crepe paper (can be replaced with colored tape);
  • wire;
  • bright colors;
  • PVA glue.

Cut the sticks exactly into two parts. Then we stick them in foam balls from all sides.

In a bowl we dilute paints with water (it is better to take not too much water and more paints). We lower the ball and paint it on all sides.

First you need to cut the wire to the length you want to make the stems of your flowers from cotton swabs. Wrap them in crepe paper soaked in PVA glue (or wrap it with colored tape). Stick the wire into the newly painted stick ball. Leave the “flower” to dry.

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Just a dozen years ago in kindergarten, the list of materials available to children for creativity was limited to a few items, the most accessible were paper, plasticine, paints and pencils, but now pupils in different age groups offer to carry out crafts made from cotton swabs or disks, cardboard or plastic bottles. Thus, a child at the age of 6 already knows how to work with a variety of different materials, he has developed fantasy and imagination, he knows how to find unusual ideas in ordinary, everyday things.

DIY crafts from cotton swabs contribute to the development of imagination in young children, have a positive effect on the functioning fine motor skills fingers. Such soft sticks are, of course, a simple material and affordable for every family, but you will be surprised what original things can be done with their help. This may be the first example for a child that familiar materials can also be used for creativity, because he will probably see a video of how mommy uses them for hygienic purposes, and for the child their creative potential will be a real discovery.

Crafts from cotton swabs

First children's crafts from cotton swabs Children already perform in junior developmental groups at the age of two years. Sticks with soft tips are safe for babies, unlike brushes, which is why they are used for the first artistic pictures. The child will become acquainted with paints for the first time, so the mother must carefully monitor that the child does not put it in his mouth.

Now you need to dip the tip in paint and start drawing on a sheet of paper, it can be a blank sheet or a piece of paper that already has a picture on it, for example, you can place a Christmas tree in the center, and ask the child to draw a snowball that falls around the Christmas tree and lies on the ground .

At this age, it is still difficult for a child to hold a pencil correctly in his hand and press on it to draw; another thing is a cotton swab, which is so easy to write out any drawings. The tool will become a reliable assistant for the baby who is making his first attempts to draw for his mother. beautiful picture, but, of course, he will need his parents' help.

For a small child, the first dots drawn on paper will be a real success. Already at the age of four years, pictures can become more complex, because now the child can depict simple geometric figures or even letters known to him.

This instrument can be used by a child as young as six years old and can be used to depict bunches of rowan berries or grapes, a flower, or the crown of a tree.

Mommy should definitely show the baby the first example of how to work with this simple tool, during the first tests, mommy should help him in every possible way. For example, mommy can draw a giraffe on a sheet of paper and invite the baby to color it with black spots. First, you need to show the child what a giraffe looks like in pictures or in a cartoon, and note that there are black dots on its body.

IN middle group In kindergarten, the child is offered the outline of a drawing, and the child will color it. At first, he will have only one color of paint at his disposal, otherwise the baby may start mixing paints randomly, then you can give him two jars of paint, but also two tools, and explain that for each color he will need his own tool.

An older child can already alternate creative techniques, using drawing with a pencil, paints and cotton swabs in one picture.

New Year crafts from cotton swabs in the form of pictures and postcards, it is advisable to do it pointwise: pictures and landscapes can be made from dots on paper, the baby can draw vegetables and fruits, animals and fish.

DIY crafts from cotton swabs

Crafts made from cotton swabs with descriptions will help mothers understand how to complete them with their child and what materials need to be prepared. With the help of this simple material a preschooler can make his first topiary, because he has already seen how mommy creates round ones ornamental trees from coffee beans or flowers.

As a base, we will need a foam ball, some thick wire, scissors, watercolor paints and tape for decoration. The sticks need to be prepared additionally: cut them in half with scissors. Now they need to be inserted into the foam base, this must be done evenly. It is advisable to start from the middle of the ball, and first move to the top, arranging the elements in a checkerboard pattern. Then fill the base in the same way at the bottom.

These can be either, or use a plasticine ball instead of polystyrene foam. But the weight of such a craft will be much heavier, but if you make such a topiary on a foam base, then the finished ball can become a decoration for the New Year tree. Pre-white cotton heads should be decorated; for this we will use watercolor or food coloring. It will be more convenient to first paint the cotton heads by immersing them in a paint solution, and then decorate the base with them. The paint must be completely dry before you proceed with further decoration.

You need to insert a wire into the ball from below and wrap it with floral tape. Such a “flower” can be fixed in a decorative pot or placed in a small vase. If you decide to do Christmas ball In this way, you need to fix a wire loop on top, decorate it with a jar and hang it on the Christmas tree.

Children's crafts from cotton swabs

We have already done this, but the same technique can be used to create any animal. The essence of the craft is to cut out the outline of the future animal from thick paper, and then paste it with cotton heads. This is how it works monkey craft made from cotton swabs, and when the contour is covered with elements, they must be painted with the appropriate color.

Any contour can be filled with cut cotton heads, be it a sheep or a poodle, a panda or a monkey, and additional elements can be made using plasticine or a pencil.

We will use thick white cardboard as the basis for the panda; if you don’t have this on hand, you can take a box of household appliances or shoes and cover it with white paper.

For fastening we will use ordinary PVA glue, but if you want the elements to be fixed immediately, you can also use synthetic glue, for example, acrylic glue. The outline must be drawn on cardboard and cut out with scissors. Additional items- head, paws - are cut out separately and then attached to the body.

For the craft, only the heads should be cut off; they will be the main element of our craft, and the plastic tubes themselves are in this case we won’t need them, but don’t rush to throw them away; perhaps they will be useful to you to implement another creative idea. The soft heads should be glued from the bottom of the base, covering the entire surface in rows in a checkerboard pattern.

New Year's crafts from cotton swabs

If you are interested, then you will probably like this implementation New Year's snowflakes, which amaze with their simplicity, and, at the same time, children will be happy to immerse themselves in this creativity. In addition to the material already known to us, we will use white plastic lids; they should be low, so juice lids would be the ideal solution.

New Year's crafts from cotton swabs can be used as original decoration on the Christmas tree, they can be demonstrated at a New Year's exhibition in a kindergarten or made into a garland of them.

The basis for the snowflake will consist of two identical white lids: you need to place a piece of plasticine inside one, and cover it with the other half on top. There should be enough plasticine to fill the space in the two lids and leave a small gap of a few millimeters between them.

We will only need the fluffy heads on one side of the tube, so they can be cut off on the other side. Now the elements should be secured in the gap by sticking the tubes into the plasticine base. The tubes must be placed evenly in a circle, leaving gaps, because the next layer will be smaller sticks, thus our impromptu snowflake will be openwork and unique.

Such DIY New Year's crafts from cotton swabs A child in the middle group of a kindergarten can easily do it, because complex, dangerous tools are not used here, only accessible and safe materials for a small child.

In the spaces between the long rays you need to insert smaller rays; to do this, the sticks should be cut in half and secured in a plasticine base. At the final stage, all that remains is to fasten the loop from the thread or rope so that the completed snowflake can be hung from the tree.

Crafts from cotton pads and sticks

Crafts from cotton pads and sticks may look like real paintings, you've probably seen such ideas on our website. These are callas, where the cotton pad serves as a petal, and the head, painted yellow, acts as a core. Ready flower can be attached to a stem or glued to a base.

You can also use cotton pads to decorate a cardboard cone, as a result you will get a fluffy Christmas tree, which may be shrouded in white snow. But it will be a real discovery for you that the cardboard cone, which we previously used to decorate with a variety of materials from coffee beans to pieces of napkins, can also be decorated using the same cotton swabs that are in every bathroom and are used for hygienic purposes.

Christmas trees like New Year's crafts from cotton pads and sticks have one important decorative property; white material can be given any color and shade using the most ordinary paints. A Christmas tree with a transition of color will be very beautiful, where there will be dark green branches at the bottom and slightly greenish ones at the top. To do this, we need to prepare cotton heads and a paint solution, which will be dark at first, and then we will need to add a little water to it so that the shade becomes lighter, and at each stage we will paint a certain number of elements.

Often completely ordinary things Unusual uses can be found. And I invite you to look at the objects around you in a new way. To do this, just watch the children, they definitely use everything that surrounds them in their own way.

And, if you are lucky and you become a mother or father, then believe me, the simplest household things can keep a child occupied longer than purchased toys. Today I will invite you and the children to make crafts from cotton pads. This material can be used for both one-year-old babies and schoolchildren. Only the level of complexity of creative work will differ.

To make the work brighter and more colorful, we will also take paints, scissors and glue. If you have some decorative buttons, sequins or beads on hand somewhere, feel free to use them.

I divided all the ideas by season, so we will look at spring and winter options for creativity.

The most suitable ones are selected for children simple tasks. Most often we make the sun, flowers or animals. I have selected several ideas where you can diversify crafts with cotton swabs.

My child and I fix all the products with PVA glue. It is considered the most harmless and is also used in nursery groups kindergartens.

Let's start with such positive sunshine! The idea is interesting because it can be held by a tube. It’s so interesting to run around and show something unusual to grandma and grandpa.

My daughter and I made a magic wand, which turned out very similar to this sun.

Now let's look at daisies. First, we glue cotton pads onto the base, which the child paints yellow. At this time we cut off the ends and sticks.

This craft requires the help of an adult, because children still cannot lay out the elements very evenly along the line.

A similar option, but the middle is glued on top of the cotton swabs.

A cute butterfly that can be painted in different colors with watercolors.

Next up is a cute little sheep. Look how aesthetically pleasing it looks.

First, we cut out the base for the body and head from paper. Notice that the larger part has an oblong shape, and the smaller one is slightly elongated, similar to a pear.

An adult cuts off the ends of the sticks. Take the cheapest product. As a rule, the manufacturer spares the material and the sticks will be cut off easily.

Glue the ears and bangs with PVA glue.

Draw the eyes and nose.

And laying out row by row we glue the fur coat. It’s difficult for a child to do this on his own, but it’s very interesting. Therefore, be nearby and tell me where to glue the next part.

My baby and I laid out the ends one at a time, so I was able to keep the rows even.

Attach clothespins to the reverse side. They can be not only wooden, but also colored plastic.

Now the options are simpler. For example, make “Day and Night” pendants. A young mother I knew used this idea when she sewed a mobile for her son.

An original craft made from plasticine with soft cotton clouds. At the same time, learn the sequence of colors.

To be honest, it took my daughter a long time to master the ability to roll a “sausage” out of plasticine. But still, by the last seventh color, we mastered this matter.

Observe your baby to see if he can control his hands easily or if he needs to spend more time developing fine motor skills.

A very beautiful and simple lamb. The eyelet was made of felt, but you can use self-adhesive paper.

Tadam! And now the favorite applique in our family is ice cream. I bought these snowflakes at a textile store last New Year, but they came in handy here too. Only our craft has not survived, so I present a very similar one.

You can arrange the balls in different ways. This is exactly why this ice cream won us over. Every time a new craft.

All kids love pussies. These cute creatures are simply made from 3 cotton pads. To save money, I divide each of them into two halves.

Children will also appreciate this chamomile. You can simply draw the eyes and mouth with a felt-tip pen.

Even three-year-olds can glue a caterpillar together without the participation of their mother.

It is better to offer this bear to a child aged 4 years and older. Because very small parts are used, which are glued on top of the main ones and create volume.

Oh, a house made of colored paper and soft snow.

Another version of a caterpillar, painted in different colors.

these lambs look like characters from the cartoon “Smeshariki”, they are all round and have legs))). Roll the horns out of paper or plasticine.

This funny cockerel will appeal to lovers of bright colors. To make the task easier, invite your child to first paint the discs in the desired colors and dry them. And only after that start creating.

This is a fox that ate a bun. By the way, you can also add it to this craft and it will turn out to be a plot from a fairy tale.

Ladybugs are one of the first insects that we introduce our children to. They are completely harmless and mysterious. And everyone is so interested in finding out how old each bug is (at the same time, we’ll repeat counting to ten with mom).

Penguins are loved in our country. Because these birds move funny. Encourage your child to master scissors by cutting discs in half. And then you will assemble this craft together.

Nif-Nif is missing here, but it can be easily added. I also suggest making the applique more complicated and rolling grass out of plasticine.

By the age of three, it’s time to introduce your child to the world around him. We started this by studying birds. It’s easy to show the difference between a bullfinch and a tit. To reinforce your understanding, make a winter bird like this.

This idea is complex, but with the help of adults it is quite feasible. The difficulty lies in giving the cotton pad the shape of the paws and head. Therefore, be patient and prepare these details in advance. And the plot itself is very similar to the fairy tale about the smart polar bear Umka.

These are the options I have selected for preschoolers. There is very simple options, but there are more complicated ones. This is important because with more complex crafts the child develops faster.

Spring flowers for March 8 with description

Must be present in kindergarten and school programs. And at the very last moment they are done in family circle at 12 o'clock at night. We know, we passed!

Therefore, I will offer you a way out for such cases - roll flowers from cotton pads. The material is accessible, found in every home, and creating a composition from it is quite simple. However, it will look richer than the same one, but made of paper.

These flowers can also be created as . After all, it is customary to give bouquets. Therefore, give your child the opportunity to express himself.

We will begin our creativity by creating such roses.

They can be used for. This technique easily produces both buds and open flowers.

We will need:

  • PVA glue
  • Cotton pads
  • Paints

Take the disc and apply glue along the edge. Fold the circle in half - the other side should stick. Now we lubricate this part on both sides.

And we begin to roll the workpiece into a roll. We've got the middle.

Now we begin to make the petals. We also lubricate one edge and glue the disk in half. Apply glue to both sides and the end. And put it in the middle.

The main thing is to glue the edges well and remove all the fluff with your fingers.

We repeat the process of creating petals on 5 more disks.

And if you bend the workpiece not in half, but by 1/4, you will get a bud.

Now see how these blanks can be assembled into a composition.

This is such a soft card.

And here is a topiary with floral decoration.

Now let's move on to creating the chamomile.

We will need:

  • Colored paper
  • Glue stick
  • Cotton pads
  • One cocktail straw

We make preparations:

  1. Cut a circle from a green leaf with a diameter of 8 cm.
  2. A strip with dimensions of 20*6 cm and a leaf of any shape.
  3. From the yellow disk we cut out a round piece with a diameter of 4 cm.
  4. Free-form leaf

Take a straw and a green rectangle. Which we will wind on a stick. To keep the paper in place, coat the edges with glue.

Now we place the straw on one edge and wrap the paper around it.

We cut the finished stem at one edge by 1 cm. We need 4 such cuts.

And we bend them.

We take a large round green blank. We make a cut to the middle, in which we cut a hole. We will insert our stick into it.

Lubricate one edge with glue and glue the other side onto it. It turns out to be a cup.

We push the stem into the middle of the cup. And coating the pre-made cuts, we glue them to the circle. Here is the base for the chamomile and it’s ready.

Now we stick cotton pads on it. Attention: we need to overlap this so that 4 petals fit.

Glue a yellow base onto them. And all that remains is to fix the leaf.

I also found another option for creating petals. We make the stem and cup using the same principle. But we wrap the discs differently.

We coat two edges with PVA glue and bend them inward.

It will turn out like this.

We wrap the remaining petals and collect the flower. And it turns out like this!

You can make several daisies and put them into a bouquet.

An idea with a plastic cap in the middle.

An option for the little ones, when cuts act as petals. We will seal the middle with plasticine.

Most spring Flower- snowdrop. It may be different.

Another bouquet option.

Embossed cotton pads make beautiful petals. For example, like this narcissist.

May sunny flowers - dandelions. They are made very quickly, but look like the real thing.

To make it look more realistic, glue not the whole disk, but one side with the cotton wool facing out.

And here they are still yellow.

Another similar composition with paper leaves.

This photo clearly shows that the disks are separated. On a tall flower, the stem is even visible. It seems that the head is very airy and weightless.

I also liked the home decor arrangement in this video.

The flowers are also soft and not quite familiar. I think you will also like this idea.

Original ideas on a winter theme (for the New Year)

We've talked about the spring topic, let's move on to the winter one. Of course, here we do everything related to snow and the new year. The first idea that comes to mind is to depict snowmen, because our consumables are already round!

Or you can give the disks different sizes and you will get such a cutie.

Option with a funny broom.

The Christmas tree is also made in an unusual way. Look how original it looks.

Notice how much neater high-quality stitched wheels look. There are no extra lint anywhere.

And here is the whole composition!

Also the idea with cotton wool. The legs can be replaced with thread pompoms. The result will be a craft made using different techniques.

Now let's find out how to make Santa Claus.

Another applique with plasticine and felt snowflakes.

Funny pendants from which you can make a garland. We made this little frosty last holiday and put it under the tree.

And this one is generally very unusual and funny! Acts as a New Year's toy.

Let's move on to the Christmas trees.

Use beads or plasticine balls as decoration.

The toys themselves can also be made of cotton wool.

Or like this.

The winter bird always accompanies blizzards and blizzards. Therefore, without a bullfinch winter theme will not be complete.

Trees in a fur coat and snow caps on the roofs of houses.

Children create entire panoramas.

There are a lot of ideas for creativity, I think that you won’t get away with just one pack of cotton pads))

We make chickens for kindergarten for children 5-6 years old

For some reason I associate chickens. We usually prepare these yellowwings for this holiday. But, of course, you can not tie this type of craft to any holiday, but simply spend time with the kids doing a useful activity.

It couldn't be simpler. Suitable for little ones too.

Did you see what the bows are made of? Yes, you're right - from pasta! We use everything we have on hand!

Disposable tableware will also work.

What do you think of these round pieces? Bright, sunny and easy to do.

I think it's still a duckling, because chicks don't swim. But it fits perfectly into our theme.

Make the missing parts from plasticine and feed your chick millet or grains.

Shish kebab skewers are used for the stand. It is interesting to play puppet theater with such figures.

Any of these crafts can become congratulatory if you fold the base in half and write wishes inside.

How to make crafts from cotton pads for February 23

February is also a winter month, but I highlighted this topic separately to show how we can congratulate our men on this. In fact, there are not so many ideas. But with a certain amount of imagination, they can be thought out.

If your dad is not related to the army, then make a similar option with a panda.

And, for servicemen, a postcard with a tank and cotton wool clouds is suitable.

If you have ideas on this topic, please send them.

Original ideas for creativity with elementary school children (8.9 years old)

Students can make more complex crafts. And they won't necessarily be. Today I will offer you to make angels in five minutes. They can be a stand-alone decoration for Christmas or a Christmas tree. But also become a talisman for a name day or birthday.

You will need:

  • Cotton pads
  • Threads
  • Paints
  • Toothpick

Take a cotton pad and open it.

We put cotton wool, a bead or another disk inside to make a voluminous head.

We fix it with a thread. The edges can be made embossed.

Spread the wings.

Now let's prepare the skirt. We wrap the edges inward and fix them with glue.

Insert a toothpick into the middle.

Now we will glue the skirt to the center of the wings with the head.

All that remains is to decorate the angel with paints or sequins.

It is better to purchase discs for crafts that are of higher quality; there are even ones with stitched edges. This way they won’t fall apart during creativity. And they won’t spoil the appearance of the applique with sloppy gestures.

A very interesting stork on a leg made of fluffy wire. You had to come up with such a cutie!

Or this simple lamb. Minimum material - maximum taste.

Many people will also like the white and fluffy bunny.

And here is a whole composition with swans. Look, they are very similar to the real ones.

This picture shows kittens basking in the sun.

You can make a lion.

Or a cockerel. But I don’t want it to be unpainted.

And here is the hedgehog. You can make mushrooms from the halves of a cotton pad and place them on the needles.

Also, killer whales and fish can be adjusted to round shape material.

Do-it-yourself voluminous calla lilies

I was also captivated by the idea of ​​snow-white callas. These are flowers with one large white petal and a yellow pistil. But we have everything necessary materials to repeat such an unpretentious form.

We will need:

  • PVA glue
  • Cotton pads
  • Cotton buds
  • Yellow gouache
  • Cocktail straws

First of all, paint the tips of the sticks in yellow gouache and dry them. Then we take one thing and wrap a disk around it. We fix the edges well with PVA.

We insert the second end into the tube. All that remains is to glue the petals and decorate all the sloppy joints.

The same technique can be used to make gift baskets.

Or compositions on openwork paper napkins.

And here the callas are painted with gouache. The bouquet looks very bright.

My dears, there are a lot of ideas. I gladly made this selection because I know. It will definitely be useful to someone.

For most people, cotton pads and ear buds are just hygiene items for cosmetic care. But not everyone realizes that if you use your imagination, you can use these improvised creative materials to create original crafts that you can use to decorate your interior or give as a gift to loved ones. Let's see what you can make from cotton swabs and disks with your own hands.

Original ideas

DIY crafts made from cotton pads are so easy to make that even kindergarten-aged children can make them. These can be applications, panels, flowers, animals or New Year's toys.

Creating flowers

To create a rose, you need to do the following:

That's all, the rose is ready.

To make a voluminous dandelion You need to stock up on the following materials:

First of all, you need to cut all the sticks with cotton into two parts. Then each piece must be inserted into a foam ball so that the area with the cotton wool is on the outside. Do similar actions with all ear sticks. Then dilute the paint in a small amount of water and immerse a dandelion made from cotton swabs in it.

To protect your hands from paint, you can use rubber gloves. The stem can be made from a wooden stick or skewer, pre-painted green color, or from wire wrapped with green floral tape. These crafts made from cotton swabs can be used for decoration. home interior or bring children's crafts to competitions.

The floral ball can be replaced with a round piece of plasticine. But then the halves of the ear sticks must be painted in advance, and only then stuck into a plasticine ball.

Paintings and postcards

Using cotton swabs, you can bring ideas for paintings to life.

Required for work:

First you need to glue green paper to a sheet of cardboard, and to depict the sky on blue, then cut it out and glue it to the top of the picture. Then cut out a house from brown paper. To make the building look like logs, use hygienic ear sticks. At the location of the walls, glue them horizontally, and at the top repeat the outline of the roof. All that remains is to glue the windows - and the original house painting is ready.

But the work is not over yet. Place two cotton swabs together, two more need to be cut in half - they will be used as the man’s hands. Now you need to attach the parts to each other using yarn, while simultaneously decorating the upper part of the body in the form of a sweater, and the lower part in the form of a skirt. Wrap a little cotton wool around the tops of two sticks to add volume to the face. Use yarn as hair Brown. Shape the glued strands of thread in the shape of a tree, and use yellow ones for the sun. All that remains is to glue the men from cotton swabs and decorate the work with beads. Three-dimensional picture ready.

To create an applique of swans with your own hands you need to prepare:

  1. Blue cardboard;
  2. White, green, brown, blue, yellow paper;
  3. Red and black paint;
  4. Cosmetic discs.

You also need scissors. Use them to cut out the swan's head and neck and wings from the disks at the same time. If you only have white cardboard, then you need to stick a sheet of blue paper on it and dry it. The result will be colored cardboard.

Cut out the lake from paper in a contrasting color so that it stands out against the blue background. Glue it onto the cardboard, and fix the swan's body from a cotton pad on top. Glue the wings and head along with the neck to it. Cut out reeds from brown paper, and leaves and stems from green paper. Attach them to the picture and the sun to the sky. The waves can be made from blue paper or painted with paint of the same color. Paint the eyes with black paint and the beak with red paint. That's all. The work is completed.

Made from plain cardboard and cosmetic discs you can make a wonderful card, for example, to express sincere feelings for a loved one - in the shape of a heart with roses. Necessary materials:

  1. Red cardboard;
  2. Paper;
  3. Cotton pads;
  4. Pencil;
  5. Scissors;
  6. PVA glue.


Fold paper sheet doubled. Draw half a heart and cut it out. Take cardboard and trace the heart template with a pencil - on the wrong side. Divide the cotton pads into two parts. Using scissors, cut the disks in a spiral. Then twist the blanks into the shape of a rose. The number of flowers can be absolutely any. To complete the work, you need to glue the roses with glue along the edge of the heart.

Various animals

Crafts from cotton pads and sticks can be made in the shape of animals. It could be a cat, a hedgehog or a monkey. For the monkey In addition to the standard set of materials you will need:

  1. Plastic eyes for crafts;
  2. Any black pen.

Course of action.

Paint one cotton pad with brown paint and let it dry. Then cut out the following parts: body, head, tail, muzzle, two ears and four legs. Glue all the parts onto a colored cardboard base. Then attach the eyes and draw the mouth and nose.

Thus, using ordinary cosmetic discs and cotton swabs, you can easily make original crafts in the form of panels, postcards or animals - to decorate any room. You just need to show a little imagination.

Attention, TODAY only!