What is customary to give for a 10th wedding anniversary? The list of possible gifts is endless. What to give your wife for a pink wedding

Anna Lyubimova

Sometimes newlyweds are interested: after how many years of marriage does a pink (or tin) wedding occur? This name sounds so romantic! And when they hear the answer, they are surprised that they still have a long way to go along the road with obstacles. The steps to it will be chintz, paper, leather, wood and other no less amazing anniversaries - milestones and landmarks on their joint path.

What kind of wedding is called a tin wedding?

At first loving husband and the wife do not miss a single date of their marriage. Every year we live together is an occasion to receive family or a friendly party. But the decade requires a special approach. This is a milestone, and its overcoming is celebrated on a grand scale. There are good reasons for this.

The tin anniversary is when 10 years of marriage have passed, the experience of first common victories and confrontation with difficulties has already been accumulated. Both partners have matured, but their feelings are still hot and fresh, so I really want the 10th anniversary to become truly unforgettable.

So why is the tenth wedding anniversary called pink or tin? This means that the love of the spouses has acquired a new quality. Despite their youth, the years passed hand in hand contained many important events, which are of great importance for their common destiny. Education is completed, children are born, and the house is practically furnished. Relations with relatives on both sides have become stable and smooth.

All this made their union strong, taught them to be more flexible in difficult situations, find compromises in resolving pressing issues

That's why ten years family life It is customary to celebrate under the sign of tin, which has the rarest properties. The famous periodic table characterizes him as the most soft and at the same time durable metal. Under the influence of external forces, it bends but does not break. So is the relationship between two people who value each other. Their psychological plasticity and mutual compliance create strength that cannot be disturbed from the outside.

The second symbol of the original “ten” is even more clear. By this time, the beauty of the homemaker is entering a period of amazing flowering, and the love that surrounds her faithful companion emphasizes and enhances this. True masculinity and the ability to be responsible for the family gain strength within him, he establishes himself in the profession, and achieves success in business. It is no coincidence that such a union is associated with the perfect beauty of roses that highlight these celebrations.

Ten years of family life: celebrating like a real anniversary

To make a joyful event a success, you need to think about it in advance. Original ideas You can get inspiration from your 10th wedding anniversary literally everywhere - in TV shows and movies, conversations with friends and specialized literature, in communication with specialists and on the Internet. A status about a pink (tin) wedding, written on social networks “hot on the heels” by one of the participants in such an event, will also be useful. Will come in handy any interesting thought. After all, a ten-year anniversary is worth preparing well for!

Start off pleasant chores better from the guest list. There are recommendations that you need to invite everyone who was present at the wedding 10 years ago, but this is not always feasible for various reasons. It makes more sense to send an invitation to celebrate 10 years married life family, close friends and colleagues with whom you have common interests. The circle of those invited to the first real anniversary will be quite wide, but it will not include random people or those with whom life has managed to separate them on opposite sides of the “barricades.”

Then we choose the location of the holiday and its decoration. Depending on the time of year and the financial capabilities of the couple, it can take place in a cafe or restaurant, in the open air: at a rented recreation center, cottage or in the forest, on the river bank, etc. But any of these places must be appropriately decorated and equipped with all available comfort.

In the rays of the queen of flowers

On the holiday, the heroes of the occasion cannot escape not only from tin objects, but also from these amazing flowers. When ordering a dinner party in one of the restaurants or cafes, you can be sure that the designer of the establishment will make sure that the hall is decorated as the customer wishes. Chair covers can be white, tied at the back with lush pink bows. Tablecloths on tables or napkins, boutonnieres near cutlery, balloons under the ceiling and on the walls can be the same color. Roses will be everywhere: in bouquets that are presented to the spouses by those invited, in the uniform of the service personnel. To the point that some appetizers and desserts, including, can be sprinkled with their petals.

It's good that this royal flower has a variety of colors. This will help avoid excessive “caramelization” of the anniversary.

Somewhere in nature you will have to take care of all the surroundings yourself. You can make a poster with the inscription “10 years together” with your own hands and attach it above the symbolic arch under which the spouses will sit, weave wreaths from artificial plants and use them to decorate the area where the festivities will take place.

Guests must be warned in advance about the type of holiday being planned. They also need to choose clothes suitable for a particular situation, decide what to wear on pink wedding, take with you what you may need. Someone will happily dress up in special T-shirts for their 10th wedding anniversary or order them as a gift for young and athletic spouses.

But the hero of the day will not deny herself the pleasure of dressing in the most nice outfit or a dress for a 10 year wedding anniversary. If she is categorically against the excessive “naivety” of the pink toilet, you can limit yourself to some accessory or finishing in a similar tone. A small element of the same color (stripes on a cherry or gray tie and a pink handkerchief in a jacket pocket) will not harm the suit of the head of the family. It will unite the appearance of the spouses and emphasize the festive nature of their fashionable ensemble, and the tin items that the guests will present to them will become another bright accent of the celebrations.

Everything that is given with love makes me happy

Do not think that a bouquet for a pink wedding must consist only of flowers of the same name. Joy and happiness sparkle and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, and any of them have the right to be present in holiday ikebana.

A wonderful mood is given to the celebration by cheerful ideas of a pink wedding: a photo montage telling about the different stages of the formation of a new “unit of society”, humorous predictions written on “birch bark”, a medal for 10 wedding years, which the couple earned by devotion to their halves. You can also make a beautiful one photo shoot for a pink wedding all family. The invited toastmaster prepares serious and funny toasts for the 10th wedding anniversary, proclaiming toasts to all those present and, of course, the central heroes of the celebrations. Parents and friends can invite a cameraman to capture the celebration and later present the voiced film to yesterday’s newlyweds with wishes to remain as happy throughout their lives.

January 22, 2018, 21:50 Anna Lyubimova

A decade of married life together is already a significant anniversary, which is celebrated as a full-fledged family holiday with many invitees: relatives, friends and even colleagues. The relationship between the spouses has already entered a flexible and elastic stage of mutual understanding, like plastic and durable tin material. But the romance in the relationship has not faded away, which is symbolized by the delicate pink color, which is the basic color when decorating an anniversary celebration.

The combination of metallic and pink colors is very harmonious and pleasing to the eye. Therefore, in the decor of the room where the celebration is planned, you can safely use not only pewter objects and natural roses, but also gray-pink paints.

What can you give to your family of friends or relatives on this metal anniversary? Of course, the best gift is a practical one. But sometimes you really want to get away from everyday life and just allow yourself beauty, a pleasant environment that pleases the eye and brings back pleasant memories. Tin souvenirs are simply tin figurines, butterflies for interior decoration, roses made of tin, and whatever your imagination suggests, isn’t it wonderful, even if not so practical.

Gift for a pink (tin) wedding anniversary - tin box

What original gift to give to young friends for a pink (tin) wedding anniversary

Traditionally, the color pink is associated with feminine. But tin gifts are perfect for men. But if you plan to give a common gift to a married couple, then it is better to present things that are practical and valuable, decorated according to the theme. It can be tin coffee sets, a luxurious service painted with roses, a set of glasses with engraved roses, or, for extreme occasions, decorated with pink ribbons, bows and small roses. Pewter dinnerware sets, candlesticks, mirror or wall clock in pewter frame, rose quartz lamps, jewelry boxes, photo frames made of pewter or other material decorated with pink elements.

Photo of a gift for a pink wedding anniversary - pewter service

Very a good gift There will be a set of bed linen in pink tones or with rose prints, as well as a pair of bathrobes and towels. You can also give the newlyweds a pink wedding various equipment, for example, laptop, iPhones, household appliances: vacuum cleaners, toasters, food processors- everything that is useful on the farm. But the main thing is that at the time of giving the gift contains tin or pink decor.

Considering that there will certainly be a sea of ​​fresh flowers at a pink wedding, a wide or narrow pewter vase would be an excellent gift.

You should not give the newlyweds piercing or cutting objects. For example, knives, forks, sewing kits It is better to exclude those containing needles, awls, scissors.

An original gift that will delight the spouses will be a tin door bell, which will protect the home from negativity and keep the family happy and comfortable. You can also increase the positivity in the house by giving the spouses a tin horseshoe.

Photo of a pink wedding anniversary gift - tin vase

Another exclusive gift will be custom-made pewter rings engraved with the names of the spouses. Paired pewter spoons with handles, made in the form of a female and male figure with an engraved number 10, are practical and symbolic.

If you really want to do it cool gift For your 10th wedding anniversary, you can give a set of two cups and a teapot with two spouts next to each other. You can present two large pewter medals with engraved names and a diploma of newlyweds with 10 years of experience, paired heart-shaped pillows with a custom print of a photo of their married life or inscriptions, for example: “head of the family” on both. A humorous slideshow for the 10th wedding anniversary, collected from pictures of the couple’s family life, accompanied by comments with good humor, will also be a wonderful gift that will lift the spirits of everyone present and relax the atmosphere.

Nowadays, gifts that don’t “fit into your pocket” are very original, but leave bright positive emotions and memories

Give your friends an experience. Certificate for a romantic dinner, vacation on a yacht, flight to hot-air balloon, buggy rides, contemplating the starry sky through telescopes, massage and spa treatments for two, a country holiday away from the bustle of the world - depending on the preferences of the couple, you can choose an adventure to suit every taste.

If you have difficulty choosing a gift, just give money. They are placed in a tin box or purse, or in a pink envelope and presented with a huge bouquet of roses.

Photo of a gift for a pink wedding anniversary - a bouquet of pink roses

What flowers do you give for your 10th wedding anniversary? Mostly roses. Moreover, it can be a bouquet of pink roses or other shades. A good combination of red and white, as well as pink and white roses. The quantity must be unpaired, at least 11. You can also give a decorative rose in a pot, which will grow, bloom and delight the eyes of the spouses for a long time, recalling the wonderful moments of the event in honor of which it was presented.

What can spouses give each other for their 10th wedding anniversary?

The husband, of course, gives his beloved wife a bouquet of 11 roses, in which one should be pure white. And it comes with a romantic gift. This could be a set of pink linen, any tin decoration: bracelet, earrings, necklace, rings, medallions, an original compact mirror or amulet figurine. More options for gifts for your wife on a pink anniversary.

The husband is given pewter objects, such as a tin flint, a beer glass or a bracelet. A man will also be pleased with such aristocratic items as a tin cigarette case, an ashtray made in an unusual shape, an original tin lighter or a “stash” box. You can see more gift options for your husband on a pink anniversary.

Photo of a gift for my husband for a pink wedding anniversary - an ashtray

What to give children for their tenth pink wedding anniversary?

By the tenth anniversary of marriage, spouses, as a rule, already have a child, or even more than one. Guests, of course, cannot ignore these little family members as gifts. What can you give to children for their parents’ 10th wedding anniversary?

Photo of a gift for a child for a pink wedding anniversary - soft toy

To make the gift please the child and match the theme of the celebration, you can give the boy a collectible car, which is usually made of tin or a set of tin soldiers. The girl will like it pink soft toy, a doll or any children's jewelry: bows, bracelets, beads made of pink beads or a new dress made of delicate pink silk.

Original DIY gifts for the 10th tin wedding anniversary

A DIY pink wedding gift is especially valuable because work and soul are put into it. But this should not be a clumsily made craft from improvised means; it will look infantile and extremely unpresentable. This option is only acceptable when children give a gift to their parents on this anniversary. Completely different criteria are included here. These tips for adults apply exclusively to true craftsmen.

Culinary artists can bake a multi-tiered cake decorated with pink cream and fondant roses, presenting it on a tin tray

Here are more gift ideas for a married couple on their 10th wedding anniversary for hand-made artists and artists - embroidered with your own hands tablecloths, pillows and pillowcases in pink style, figurines and boxes engraved from tin, knitted hats and scarves - pink for the wife, gray for the husband, a painting of roses or a combination of a still life with a pewter tea set.

Photo of a gift for my wife for a pink wedding anniversary - a pillow

Cut out from different materials inscriptions painted in shades of pink and corresponding to the theme, or even neutral: “Happiness”, “Family”, “Love”, the number “10”, the names of spouses and children. They can be used for a photo shoot, and later as interior decoration.

13 January 2018, 19:11

10 years of family life is a big anniversary and a very serious date for every family. This is a fairly long period of time, which suggests that the couple has gone through many trials and proved their feelings, but at the same time, this is not a very long period of life, which means that there will be many years of family happiness. 10th anniversary wedding - what kind of wedding is it, how to celebrate it, what to give?

10 years of marriage: name and symbol of the wedding

The tenth anniversary of family life is popularly called the tin wedding, or pink wedding. Why tin, because it is not the strongest metal? The thing is that tin is inherently flexible. But exactly 10 years is a sign that the spouses have been through enough together a long way; went through all the obstacles and difficulties that invariably arise in the first years of family life. Tin symbolizes the flexibility of family relationships: spouses have learned to negotiate, understand each other, hear each other in order to find a way out of any complicated situations.

Thus, a 10-year wedding is a celebration of already strong and proven, but at the same time touching feelings. If we talk about what kind of wedding this is in terms of atmosphere and what to give for it, then this is a beautiful and romantic holiday in pink and abundance.

The name “pink wedding” symbolizes the rose - the most beautiful and romantic flower in the world. Popular wisdom says that in family relationships After 10 years of marriage, there is still room for romance and falling in love.

That is why a 10th anniversary wedding is a pink anniversary. We found out what kind of wedding this is, now we’ll look at how to celebrate it, decorate it and what to give. The main color of this anniversary is pink, so clothes, interior decoration where the celebration will take place, flowers - everything should be done in a delicate color scheme. It's not necessarily pink, but all pastel shades.

Traditionally, the ten-year period of family life is celebrated on a grand scale, since this is the first big anniversary in the life of the family. This means that you should think through all the details - design, decoration, and choose a good gift.

How to celebrate a tin wedding

A pink wedding is associated with tenderness, soft shades, and romance. Therefore, according to tradition, the celebration hall is decorated in pink or pastel colors. An abundance of flowers is a must, and, as is already clear, the queen of flowers should be the main one.

The hall is decorated not only with bouquets, but also with rose petals. Typically, the ten-year anniversary menu consists of light dishes and lots of sweets. Rose wine is served.

The color pink is also present in the clothes of the spouses, especially the bride. According to tradition, brides wear not white to this wedding, but... pink dress. If you prefer classic white, then add pink accents - for example, a belt or an airy scarf. The bride holds a bouquet of freshly cut roses in her hands.

As for the groom, the accent in his image can be a flower in his buttonhole. The second name of the wedding is also emphasized. Traditionally, spouses exchange tin coins for this purpose.

Many couples celebrate their first big anniversary with a wedding - a beautiful ceremony that confirms the tender but strong feelings of the couple.

It is not necessary to celebrate the tenth anniversary with re-weddings and new vows of fidelity - it all depends on the wishes of the spouses. Some people prefer to organize a full-fledged re-wedding, while others simply organize beautiful holiday. The location also depends on the preferences of the couple - it could be a restaurant, a cafe, or just a holiday outdoors in suburban conditions.

As for the wedding cake, many now prefer to order a lush cake in pink. You can highlight the name with a vintage-style pewter stand. Cream roses can be used as decoration.

We learned how a 10th anniversary wedding is arranged, what kind of wedding it is, now let’s dwell on the issue of gifts - what to give for a ten-year anniversary?

    How many years have passed since your wedding?

What to give to your wife

A 10th anniversary wedding is a beautiful and romantic holiday. What wedding is complete without gifts? Let's consider what we can give for a ten-year anniversary?

First of all, this is, of course, a bouquet of flowers. On such an important day, it should be a luxurious bouquet of freshly cut roses. You can stick to tradition and give ten scarlet buds, as well as one white bud - it symbolizes future family happiness and hopes for a long life together. The carpet can be strewn with petals.

What you can give:

  1. If your wife loves pink shades in clothes and accessories, then you can choose something in this direction for her. If there is nothing pink in her wardrobe, then pay attention to the pastel palette.
  2. The gift can be made taking into account the symbol of the holiday. For example, it could be a tin alloy jewelry with beautiful stones.
  3. Electronics in pink, such as a new cell phone, tablet or any other gadget. If your spouse is into fitness, then this could be a fashionable smart bracelet watch with a wide range of functions in pink color.
  4. Jewelry made of rose gold, with pink or other pink stones.
  5. A wonderful gift Any woman would love a spa membership.

What to give your husband

If you want to keep with tradition, you can give your husband a tin spoon with an engraving, for example, “beloved spouse.”

Choose a gift for your husband based on his preferences and wedding style:

  1. Since this is a tin wedding, it can be any item made from this metal. For example, a collectible car, a souvenir, a chess set. These can also be vintage pewter items.
  2. If your husband prefers business style, then you can choose for him stylish cufflinks made of tin alloy or a beautiful agraph on.
  3. Any man will be happy with a set of tin soldiers.
  4. If your husband loves beer, then give him a pewter mug with a personalized engraving.
  5. Stylish and original gift— an expensive lighter. It can be a massive vintage product, or made in the form of a cartridge, bullet, pistol, telephone.
  6. Pink is not the most popular color in a man's wardrobe, so you can give your spouse a shirt in a noble wine or garnet shade.
  7. For lovers of extreme recreation, a certificate for some kind of adventure, for example, shooting or hunting, would be a good gift.

Gifts for two

Of course, for such an important anniversary in the life of a family there is no best gift than a gift for two. Best example- honeymoon, vacation in a romantic place. But it doesn’t have to be expensive trips to another country. So, a vacation in the countryside will be a great way to spend your time.

For a pink wedding, you can arrange a beautiful photo shoot, decorated, of course, in pink. Also in the photo zone there should be accessories that will indicate the tenth anniversary.

The main decoration should be a rose. For example, this could be a traditional bouquet of 10 red and 1 white roses. The decoration emphasizes not only that this wedding is pink, but also pewter: the photo zone can be decorated with various vintage pewter items.

A 10-year wedding is therefore a celebration of strong feelings and undying romance. We looked at what kind of wedding it is and what you can give for your tenth anniversary.

10 years of marriage is a long time. The couple have already experienced many joys together, and perhaps trials, lessons and gifts of fate. The upcoming ten-year anniversary is called a pink or tin wedding.

This is the first round date that must be celebrated. In order for the holiday to be a success and to please both the celebrants themselves and the invited friends and relatives, you need to carefully prepare for it.

Those friends of the couple who attended the wedding ten years ago are sure to receive an invitation to the celebration.
In addition, there are a number of nuances that you need to know in order to properly organize a pink-tin anniversary.


Symbols play a special role in the scenario of any wedding anniversary. For the decade they are roses and tin, and the wedding is called rose or tin.


It is a very flexible, soft and at the same time durable metal. That is why it is a symbol for this date, showing the need for such properties as flexibility, softness and strength in family life.

Without mutual understanding and mutual concessions, it is impossible to build a healthy, reliable family.

By ten years of marriage, the couple knew each other completely: where to give in, where to insist, how to make peace after a quarrel, how to avoid it. All adjustments and checks have already been completed, lived through, and the union has become indestructible. Tin is the male symbol of the 10th wedding anniversary.

Another symbol of this round date. Ten years is already a long time to live together. But the spouses are still young, which means that romance and passion still bind this couple; romantic pink roses are a female symbol of the anniversary.

How to celebrate ten wedding years

The tenth anniversary is celebrated with the same attributes that symbolize it - roses and tin.

There is an ancient custom in which husband and wife carry a tin spoon in their pockets on this day. They say that it symbolizes mutual understanding, well-being and prosperity in the family.

Roses and pink color must be present at the holiday, for example - in clothes.

So that all guests do not forget - this is a pink wedding!

What to wear for an anniversary

It is best for the husband to wear a light-colored suit, with a pink tie and a handkerchief in his breast pocket.

It is better for children and relatives to also adhere to the given tone.

Well, and for the wife - of course, a gorgeous pink dress!

Guests are free to choose their outfits in any color.

Where to celebrate

There are no restrictions, a tin-pink wedding is celebrated solely according to the choice and preferences of the married couple. Someone will want to celebrate their anniversary at home, someone - in a restaurant or club, and someone - in nature.

Everyone has different tastes and desires, so weddings are also completely different.
But where and no matter how the holiday takes place, the whole atmosphere of the celebration should signal - a pink wedding! 10 years together! And this is just the beginning!

What to gift

As the anniversary approaches, the question arises, what to give? Wife to husband, husband to wife, friends, relatives to married couple.

If in the first years it is not difficult to understand what the newlyweds need, then by ten years of marriage the spouses, as a rule, have acquired everything they need long ago, and choosing a worthwhile gift that, after thanking them, will not be hidden away in the closet, becomes a difficult task.

What do you give your wife?

The husband traditionally gives his wife eleven roses, ten scarlet and one white.

Ten scarlet roses signify love and passion during the ten years of marriage, and the eleventh white rose represents hope for a happy future.

In addition to flowers, the wife, of course, will appreciate a useful additional gift.

This is a phone, a book, a laptop, some kind of accessory for a dressing table, and so on. It would be especially nice if the accessory also turned out to be pink.

A woman will always be happy with beautiful and stylish decoration. Therefore, on the day of the 10th wedding anniversary, a husband can please his wife with jewelry with pink stones.

Well, if you manage to find a product that contains tin, then the gift will be a real find for the pink-tin anniversary.

If the spouses have free time and the possibility that a sea voyage will again breathe romance into the relationship, and the wife will again turn into a loving and romantic bride.

What to give your husband

If your husband is a beer lover, he will certainly appreciate a large, kind and good tin beer mug, which, by the way, would be nice to have signed.

If the husband is a brave man, a lover of weapons, then tin soldiers and weapon sets will perfectly decorate his office or desk.

If the husband is an amateur board games, then tin chess is what you need!

Any tin souvenirs, sets, fakes, pink stones are suitable as a gift for this wedding anniversary.

Gifts for friends - married couples

Traditional gifts from friends or relatives for spouses on this day will be:

1. Compositions of fresh or artificial pink flowers, which can be placed in baskets or pots.

2. Souvenirs made of pink minerals, various figurines and sculptures. A good choice would be, for example, Gold fish, symbolizing success in financial matters or a tree, symbolizing passion, ardor and romance in relationships.

3. Pink wines or expensive chocolates in a pink box.

4. Rose jam - lovely and tender sweet gift, especially touching if you can do it yourself.

5. Tin tea set.

6. Money is universal and, by the way, very useful gift, suitable for any wedding, it is enough to present them in a pink envelope or box.

7. Decorative tin or alloy jewelry containing tin.

8. Bed linen in pink colors or patterns.
9. Pink blanket, blanket, pillows and other bedding.

10. Artistic paintings, which depict roses.

11. Household appliances. In this case, you need to know exactly what the spouses need from household appliances. A certificate for the purchase of household appliances will come to the rescue here. Such a gift is simply destined to be successful.

12. A gift certificate from an interior design store will also appeal to spouses. They will definitely choose something for their home that they both will like.
13. An original gift - cast or forged rose products.

You need to remember that pink or roses must be present in a gift for a pink-tin anniversary.

If, for example, the gift is household appliances that are not pink in color, you can attach a beautiful one to it. pink rose, or package in pink.

Or if you have collected several things for a wedding gift that will definitely be useful to the spouses, but which are not pink or tin, then they need to be beautifully packaged in pink wrapping paper.

You can’t do without a bouquet of roses on this day. If there are a lot of roses in the bouquet, then their number can be either even or odd.

Gifts - hobby

For so many years lived together, the spouses probably found common interests and activities that both husband and wife equally love. Then gifts to each other can also be in this vein.

If they love to travel, they will be equally happy, for example, sleeping bag or a family camping tent.

Photographers will be happy to have the lens for a specific shoot or other photography accessories they need.

Adventure seekers will enthusiastically accept a certificate for some kind of adventure event.

And for those who like to be lazy, a large TV will add coziness and comfort to a quiet family life. A large, roomy suitcase will rightfully be appreciated by a spouse who loves a comfortable stay.
Those who like to sit at home at the computer will appreciate a variety of computer accessories.

The cost of a good gift

As a rule, really close people are invited to a wedding anniversary, both those who were invited to the wedding and those who became close to the family during the years of marriage. Therefore, an anniversary differs from a wedding in less pomp and becomes more of a home, family holiday.

Therefore, gifts here do not have to be bright, expensive and memorable. The invitees know the couple well and probably treat them well. Therefore, gifts, regardless of their cost, should serve most of all as a sign of friendship, love and respect.

If guests have a crisis in the family budget, then even a jar of homemade rose jam (which would be nice to present, however, beautiful packaging) will decorate festive table and will please the owners.

On the other hand, flowers can be bought at a flower stall relatively inexpensively, or you can fork out for an expensive bouquet in an online store worth twenty thousand rubles.

Souvenirs can also be budget but stylish keychains and, for example, mugs up to a thousand rubles or exclusive tin chess sets for forty-five thousand rubles and tin soldiers for twelve to fifteen thousand.

So, although the wedding anniversary is not as exciting as the wedding itself, it is also an event that deserves very careful preparation.
After all, it’s good to celebrate a wedding anniversary - it means showing everyone and yourself, first of all, that the family ship is not just afloat, but is also successfully plowing new temporary seas and oceans, and is not afraid of storms or hurricanes.
Both his captain and navigator are happy!

10 years of marriage - a tin or pink wedding. A marriage anniversary is a wonderful occasion to give your spouse positive emotions and unforgettable romantic memories. On this day you need to leave grudges and quarrels behind. And for the holiday to be a success, you need to know what to give and how to properly celebrate your marriage anniversary.

What wedding

10 years of marriage is called a tin or pink wedding. Tin is a flexible and pliable metal. These are the properties that folk wisdom attributes to spouses who were able to spend so many years together. Mutual respect, mutual understanding, sincerity, trust, fidelity and the ability to find compromises make relationships strong and beautiful.


Traditionally, a tin wedding requires the husband and wife to exchange rings made from tin or a tin alloy. The most romantic spouses engrave congratulations or vows on them.

On the anniversary day, the husband must put a tin spoon in his pocket, and in the evening put it under the pillow. Beliefs say that this will further strengthen the marriage union.

How to celebrate

Ten years of marriage is a real anniversary, which is usually celebrated on a grand scale. This is a worthy occasion to throw a festive feast, invite friends, arrange a photo shoot, learn a new mating dance and exchange vows. Witnesses must certainly be present at a tin wedding, or better yet, all those who were at your first celebration.

Event decoration

Since this is a pink wedding, flowers and their colors must have something in common in the interior design of the cafe and when choosing dishes. Roses can be used as table decoration with treats. They will look beautiful in the husband's buttonholes and in the wife's hands. The spouse can wear Evening Dress red or pink. The marital bed can be strewn with rose petals.

By ten years of marriage, many couples already have children by this time. They can also be dressed according to the pink theme and given baskets of flowers.

The festive dinner menu includes meat with pink sauce, red fish, and red or rose wine.

The table is well decorated in pink tones, which will fit perfectly into the holiday atmosphere.

Some couples don't like to celebrate anniversaries, but taking the time to celebrate is a must if only to take your mind off the hustle and bustle and mark a milestone in family life. On the eve of the tin wedding, you can sum up the decade, outline new serious plans and goals, mark them on paper, seal them in an envelope and close them for 10 years. And when will the spouses celebrate porcelain wedding, you can open the envelope and see what wishes and goals have come true.

Gift for husband

For a tin wedding, you can give your husband a mug made of tin alloy: such an accessory holds the cold well. You can also give:

  • pewter wine glass;
  • a set of chess or checkers;
  • collectible tin soldiers.
  • ashtray or cigarette case.

You can also give your spouse a belt with a tin alloy buckle, a business card holder, or a writing set.

Pink color, as a rule, does not fit into a man’s everyday life, but if you try, you can find a suitable gift. For example, pick up a pink shirt famous brand or a pink tie – provided that the color is coming to my husband. But there are also more democratic options: rose wine, rosewood photo frame. And if you are in a romantic mood, you can buy a set of pink lingerie so that you can appear in it in front of your spouse in the evening after the celebration.

Gift for wife

One of the traditional gifts for the wife is a bouquet of 11 roses. Moreover, 10 of them should be red, symbolizing years lived in love and harmony, 1 should be white, the embodiment of tenderness and purity of thoughts towards one’s chosen one. Continuing the theme of roses, you can give your wife Jewelry with pink stones:

  • ornamental – rhodochrosite, rhodonite, jasper, coral;
  • semi-precious – corundum, quartz, agate;
  • precious - sapphire, spinel, topaz, rubellite, morganite (pink beryl).

And the tenth anniversary is a great reason to enjoy rose petal jam, especially if you haven’t tried it yet.

If you prefer a tin theme, then the following would be suitable as a gift for your wife:

  • jewelry made of tin alloys;
  • souvenirs and amulets for the home;
  • tabletop and compact mirrors in a figured frame;
  • tin vases.

What do guests give?

An anniversary gift should be useful, and in such a way that the spouses can use it together. It can be decorated in the symbolism of a tin or pink wedding.

If you doubt that you can choose a gift that will exactly match the taste of your friends, focus on universal things. It is customary to give gifts on this occasion:

  • Souvenirs made of pink stones or tin. These can be boxes, mirrors, watches in decorative frames, vases and other interior decorations.
  • Money. Universal gift, which any married couple will appreciate. To stay with the holiday theme, place them in a pink envelope or pewter box. The equivalent of such a gift is a certificate for the purchase of household appliances or electronics.
  • Tour abroad- a great gift if guests present it together. This will give the spouses the opportunity to relax and be alone in a romantic setting.


For a wedding anniversary, it is important not only to choose a gift, but also to present it beautifully. You can remember pleasant moments from life married couple. You can wish them to preserve love, devotion and sincerity and celebrate at least another porcelain anniversary.