What to give a primary teacher for the New Year. New Year's gift to the teacher: opinions of the parties. Calendar or planner

New Year- one of the most important holidays in our country. Traditionally, we congratulate family, friends and colleagues and, of course, dear teachers. One of the main New Year's tasks is to choose good gifts for everyone. But in the case of a teacher, this is not easy, because we rarely know about their preferences. If you don’t know what to give your teacher for New Year from yourself, use our tips.

How to choose the right New Year's gift for a teacher

If you are looking for a New Year's gift for a teacher on your own behalf, you must observe special tact. Do not forget that distance must always be maintained between the student and the teacher. The gift should express gratitude and respect. Therefore, the following items are prohibited:

  • Alcohol. Of course, the teacher is also a person and, quite possibly, on holidays he allows himself to drink a little. But this in no way concerns the students, and such a present may seem offensive.
  • Too personal things. Clothing, cosmetics, perfumes and other similar items are not best gift, especially from a stranger.
  • Items are too expensive. Such a gift will put the teacher in an awkward position and, quite possibly, will be regarded as a bribe.

Household items are also not considered the best idea - after all personal life teachers should remain outside the sphere of interests of students. However, sets of towels and dishes are one of the most popular gifts. You can give them, but only if there are no other options.

To choose a truly successful gift for a teacher, you need to consider:

  • Gender of the teacher. You can present a woman with something beautiful or useful for everyday life, for example, an aroma lamp or an unusual bouquet. A man should choose something more practical, for example, a wallet or a pen.
  • Teacher's hobby. If a teacher has a hobby that everyone knows about and is a source of pride, you can give something related to this activity, for example, materials for handicrafts or an invitation to a master class.
  • Subject of teaching. A great idea is to present something related to the teacher’s specialization. This useful gift, which the recipient will definitely not refuse.
  • Teacher's age. A young, advanced teacher can be presented with something modern, for example, a selfie stick or an unusual headset for a gadget. But an adult teacher will like the classic options.

It’s worth giving a gift personally, without attracting too much attention. You can go to the teacher in the back room or quietly call from the teacher’s room. A ceremonial presentation in front of other children is allowed if it is a gift from the entire class.

TOP 10 gifts for the teacher for the New Year from myself

  1. Stationery
  2. Cool stand for your phone, glasses or book
  3. Educational films on discs
  4. Compact electric kettle
  5. Thermal mug
  6. Basket with exotic fruits
  7. Christmas ball cake
  8. Christmas tree made of sweets or small chocolates
  9. Hollywood star
  10. Florarium

Universal gifts for teachers for the New Year

If you know that the teacher is not very good at personal presentations, or you are simply not at all aware of his preferences, choose universal options, such as:

  • Flowers. They are usually given as gifts for any occasion and to all teachers. The teacher is guaranteed not to refuse them, although, of course, the man may feel a little uneasy. If you want to make such a gift more original, you can present a bouquet of candies or a rose in a vacuum to a teacher, or a beautiful bonsai to a male teacher.
  • Vase. Another versatile and widely used present. To please your teacher, look for a truly original product in an online gift store.
  • Stationery. Teachers always don’t have enough of them, no matter how much they give, due to the specifics of their work. Present your teacher with a beautiful and reliable pen, a folder or briefcase for papers, an organizer and you will definitely make him happy.
  • Photo album or photo frame. The number of photographs each of us has is constantly increasing, so they can be given at least every year.

A great idea is cute symbolic gifts, for example:

  • Souvenir diplomas each teacher with a description of their merits;
  • Personalized cups with photo prints. You definitely need to put it on them nice congratulations and wishes.
  • Postcards. It’s better not to buy them at the nearest kiosk, but to order the product from a master self made or buy something unusual in an online store.
  • Christmas decorations. You can choose a set of cool figures, for example, fruits or gnomes. Another good idea is a large glass ball with a unique hand-painted design.
  • New Year's candles and compositions. The teacher can take them home or leave them in the classroom as holiday decor, but he definitely won’t refuse the present.
  • Cool stand for your phone, glasses or book. Look for something really interesting to surprise the recipient.

If all these ideas don’t suit you, you can use the most versatile option – a gift card. It is better to take cards from a bookstore or cosmetics store. Any teacher will definitely find something for themselves there.

Useful gifts for the teacher for the New Year from yourself

If you want to present something practical to your teacher, decide whether your gift will be intended for work or leisure. A good work gift would be reference books and any items that help in teaching, for example, a modern pointer or educational films on disk. Schools do not always provide teachers with everything they need, so such a gift will be received with gratitude.

If the child is in high school, you can choose a gift for each teacher related to his subject, for example:

  • Music teacher You will surely like the disc with a selection of the best classical music;
  • To the choreographer you can present a video with dances choreographed by famous masters;
  • English teacher I'll like it famous book, for example, the immortal works of Shakespeare in the original;
  • Mathematics magnets for an interactive whiteboard or modern reference books will be useful;
  • to the historian you can give a chic art album describing a certain era;
  • Geography teacher a globe or a beautiful atlas will come in handy;
  • Physics You will probably like a souvenir mobile or other toy that demonstrates the laws of nature;
  • Physical education teacher You can present a souvenir table punching bag or a cool whistle.

If you decide to give something for relaxation, then best ideas will become:

  • Compact electric kettle. If the teacher has a utility room, then there will probably be a place for such a device. After all, a good cup of tea is an excellent remedy for fatigue after another lesson.
  • Coffee maker. If a teacher prefers coffee, he can now brew a natural ground drink right at work.
  • Thermal mug. She kept the drink warm in case the teacher didn’t drink it during the break and had to run to class.
  • Anti-stress toy. The work of a teacher often leads to stress, and a funny little animal with a special filling will help calm your nerves and compose yourself.

Delicious New Year gifts for teachers

This is one of the most common gifts. It is almost impossible not to please by giving a standard set of coffee, tea and chocolate. But such a gift is unlikely to be remembered by the recipient. Therefore, it’s worth coming up with something more original, for example:

  • Basket with exotic fruits. This gift looks very beautiful, and to make it more New Year’s, add more tangerines and decorate everything with fir branches.
  • Cake with Christmas tree and snowman figures made of mastic and with a nice inscription. A great idea is a cake in the shape of a Christmas ball.
  • Set of cakes. You can buy popular macaroons or order handmade cupcakes.
  • Mate tea and equipment for its preparation and use.
  • Set of oriental sweets in a beautiful box.
  • Christmas tree made of sweets or small chocolates. You can even make such a gift yourself.

If the teacher is a woman, you can present her with something related to delicacies, for example, a set of natural spices for making sushi or for carving.

Unusual gifts for teachers for the New Year

If you want to surprise and please your teacher, try to choose an original present. There are many options for such things, but you need to choose what the teacher likes. Best ideas:

  • Hollywood star. This is a copy made of stone, on which any inscription can be applied. It will be an excellent decoration for the office and will amuse the teacher’s pride.
  • Oscar statuette for the best teacher. A stylish product with a thank you note will definitely delight the recipient.
  • Japanese rock garden. This is not just an amazingly beautiful piece of furniture. Taking care of it helps relieve stress and put your feelings in order.
  • Florarium. It can be placed at home or in the office. It is very easy to care for such a mini-garden, and it looks unusual and elegant.
  • Thematic bookmarks made of metal with engraving. Be sure to choose something related to the subject taught.

A good gift will definitely cheer up the teacher before the holidays and give him strength and energy for further work. And the student will be pleased to know that he thanked his beloved teacher for his patience and diligence.

Everyone knows that school years- this is the time of development and formation of man in the early and adolescence as a self-confident and purposeful individual. And our dear teachers provide us with great help in this, who invest in us every day all their knowledge, strength, kindness and warmth. Our first teacher is especially close and dear to us, who literally led each of us by the hand from the very first grade into the world of knowledge, and surrounded all subsequent ones with his care. academic years At school. With their invaluable advice and instructions, they open the way for us to independent adult life. The work of our mentors is far from easy, because in addition to the school load, sometimes it happens that children early age, without realizing it themselves, do not want to follow the rules of diligent behavior and normative communication with adults. After all, no one thinks about the fact that this directly affects the health of our teachers.

But they still come important points, when children also have to give their attention and care - to surprise and please their teacher, for example, with a gift for his birthday or March 8, as well as other upcoming holidays. You have to plunge headlong into the bustle, choosing best options presents, walking for this purpose through entire rows of shops and supermarkets. If you chose a lush bouquet of roses and an additional souvenir for your teacher’s Angel Day, and women's holiday If you settled on a flower in a pot, a chic box of chocolates and a postcard, then for the New Year holidays I would like to choose something special and original. Our interesting article will help you with this, which will provide you with 79 photos of ideas for cool gifts for teachers for the New Year 2020, purchased in a store or made with your own hands, as well as instructive master classes and just good, useful advice.

If you want to receive the desired gift, write !

Possible gift ideas for teachers

A gift for a teacher for the New Year 2020 should be beautiful, useful, cause a pleasant smile and lift your spirits. You should not spend too much money on purchasing it, because all that is important for your teacher is attention. After consulting with your classmates, you should go in search of the treasured gift in a small group, since many opinions and ideas will help you quickly focus and settle on something specific. In addition, if you have such a talent as needlework, it will be excellent to make a New Year's souvenir with your own hands. And for you it will be a completely simple task. Taking into account the wishes of your peers, you need to buy only available materials, and everything else is a matter of your imagination and time. In general, decide for yourself which surprise options are more to your liking and strength. But it happens that your thoughts fly in different directions and the question of what to give your teacher for the New Year holidays becomes painful for you. To do this, we offer you the most popular and popular gift ideas:

  • a bouquet of sweets made by yourself;
  • a set of beautiful stationery;
  • tea ceremony set;
  • a set of sweets in New Year's packaging;
  • beautiful book;
  • notebook;
  • craft;
  • wall calendar with photos of students;
  • Frame;
  • photo album;
  • a card with signatures from the whole class;
  • a craft kit (if your teacher is interested in this);
  • original cup;
  • a living flower in a cool pot;
  • a commemorative figurine made of salt dough;
  • a set of Christmas tree toys made by the whole class with their own hands;
  • subjects related to your teacher’s profile, for example, a globe and an atlas if it’s geography or history, flasks if it’s chemistry or physics, etc.

The list could go on for a long time, but I hope you get the gist. Now you know approximately what you should give as a gift. Years of close communication with your teacher will help you easily decide on your future New Year's gift for the New Year 2020.

To let your imagination run wild, we have prepared for you a cool selection of photo ideas on this topic. You will certainly need it.

Also watch our instructional video that will help you make your own New Year's bouquet from sweets for your teacher.

Master class on creating a bouquet of sweets

Top 20 gifts for teachers for New Year 2020

When you don’t have enough money to buy a valuable gift for a teacher for the New Year 2020, you should try to give an inexpensive but good gift that will become a reminder of you and how much you love and respect him. You have a difficulty, you don’t know what to give your teacher for the New Year 2020, something original and unique. Don’t despair, because our top 20 gifts for teachers for the New Year 2020 have prepared useful and relevant tips for you, thanks to which you can easily find right choice. So, the following can be used as a valuable gift:

  • Souvenirs in the form of a symbol of the coming year 2020 or with his image. These could be figurines Stuffed Toys, Christmas decorations, keychains, magnets and other items that are easily used in Everyday life. Some products can be placed on your desk to remember your favorite students and original surprise which they presented.

  • Stationery. The teaching profession includes many different responsibilities and tasks that need to be recorded, since it is almost impossible to remember everything. Buy a diary in an expensive, beautiful binding, where he can write down everything that concerns his profession and the life of the school team. Important information that must be declared on parent meeting, any innovations or tasks that were announced at the teachers’ meeting - all this will certainly be recorded in the diary. You can also give a set of pens or an organizer. They are always appropriate for a person in this profession.

  • Original photo album. This thing is quite useful and necessary for every person who strives to capture all his important moments in life. Purely symbolically, the photo album can be given to your teacher, who, naturally, also has a lot of valuable things that require special careful storage. Such a gift, if you want, can be supplemented funny rhymes, wishes from each of the students, drawings, paintings, caricatures, stickers, etc. Don't forget about New Year's symbols. Design a photo album taking into account festive elements: snowflakes, fir branches and decorations. If you put in a little effort and involve all the students in your class in making a holiday album, you can make the best inexpensive gift for your teacher, which will remind him of your friendly and attentive team even after leaving school.

  • Books. Everyone knows that teachers love to read. fiction. This means that for them it will be a valuable gift that will bring not only spiritual upliftment, but also additional knowledge. In anticipation New Year's holidays purposefully raise the topic of books and find out carefully, so that your teacher does not have any suspicions, which authors he prefers to study, and give him this pleasure.

  • A table clock. If there is no clock in your class, and the teacher constantly forgets it at home, then purchasing one in a store would be an excellent gift option. Place the watch in a beautifully decorated package on the teacher’s desk and wait for the ceremonial moment of presentation.

  • Painting. Having received such beauty as a gift, the teacher will be able to admire it both at home and at school, if he decides to hang it on one of the walls in the classroom. Such a priceless thing will bring aesthetic pleasure to everyone.

  • Cup and greeting card . The range of cups is quite wide and amazes with its colorful and original appearance. Choose the best New Year's version and wrap it beautifully, decorating it with a chic gift bow. Since tea drinking is not possible without sweets and other sweets, a great idea would be to complement the main surprise with treats wrapped in gold and silver foil. A postcard, whether made by yourself or bought in a store, will highlight your efforts.

  • Room decor elements. Some interior elements are completely optional, but they allow you not only to decorate the room, but also to make it more cozy and comfortable. This could be a fashionable painting in an expensive frame, a large wall fan, a table or floor lamp, a set of small pillows for the sofa, beautiful plaid and a blanket, figurine and other items that can be placed in the room.

  • Pleasant tea party. As a rule, it is customary to give sweets to beloved teachers, and this is no longer a secret to anyone. A box of chocolates for the New Year 2020 is not so bad, but I want to diversify this New Year's gift a little. Make it larger and more solemn. Let's say you present a sweet dessert in the form of a New Year's cake, made to order or prepared with your own hands at home. You can write on it: “To your favorite teacher!”, “Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!”, “We wish you good luck in the coming year!”, “With love, 10-A!” etc.

  • A trip to a museum, circus, planetarium. Organize at winter holidays a joint trip. Depending on what subject your teacher teaches at school, choose the type of museum. This could be a local history museum, a museum of the history of the emergence of physics, a historical museum, a military museum (for a historian), etc. Such a gift will help you communicate with your teacher outside the school walls and learn something new for yourself. This way you will present an original, useful, and most importantly, educational surprise.

  • Visit to the botanical garden. If your class teacher specializes in biology, then give him a trip to the botanical garden together. In the middle of winter, such a spectacle will come in handy. You will receive incredible impressions and a flow of positive emotions. You can capture bright moments with your camera, and later warm your soul with these memories. You will celebrate New Year's Eve with such a positive attitude.

  • Pool membership. This gift is perfect for a physical education teacher. With such a gift you will definitely endear him to you and gain respect. And on top of everything else, your class lessons will be taught by a strong and healthy teacher, which is very important. Of course, if you want, you should join it to practice your swimming skills with the help of a professional, and also strengthen friendly communication with your mentor.

  • . A cultural walk with a visit to an exhibition will bring a lot of pleasure to your teacher and you as well. You will not only get acquainted with masterpieces of art, but will also enrich your inner world.

  • To ski. If you have a forest belt or planting nearby, then give your teacher a ski trip, which can be rented without any problems. So you will strengthen your health by inhaling the frosty Fresh air, improve your appetite, and get some exercise. As they say, movement is life!

  • aromatic coffee and tea. A jar of elite brewed coffee or high-quality tea will also be a good enough gift. You can present such a surprise along with some sweets;

  • a vase for flowers. Teachers are often given flowers for various holidays. Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, Birthday and March 8th are simply impossible to imagine without a bouquet of flowers (of course, this applies more to the fair sex). The vase can be placed at home or in the office. If it will stand in the office, you can bring flowers cut from the home garden and decorate the office with them, placing them in a donated vase;

  • kitchen utensils. When thinking about what to surprise a teacher for the New Year 2020, you can immediately opt for kitchen utensils. We can say with confidence that a woman will always be happy with various kitchen elements. As a New Year's gift, you can give a set of cutlery, cups and saucers, pots or pans, ceramic dishes, an electric or ordinary kettle, a blender, a mixer, a microwave oven, a decanter with glasses, a tablecloth, etc.;

  • . Nowadays, the variety of dishes made of crystal delights with its originality, beauty and design. Buy a set of crystal glasses or glasses as a gift for your teacher original packaging. Crystal will certainly take pride of place in his home and will decorate any room, since crystal has always been highly valued;

  • . Women love these fragile little things so much that passing by a counter with such beauty is, to say the least, unreasonable. Colorful painted New Year's houses, figures of the symbol of the year 2020 - Rat, Santa Claus, gnomes, Snow Maiden, deer with a sleigh, pine cones, Christmas trees, boots, Christmas wreaths and other souvenirs are asking for your hands. Buy and give them to your teacher. Imagine how your teacher's eyes will light up when you place this gift on his desk at beautiful packaging, supplemented by any New Year's compositions. There will be no limit to delight, I assure you of this;

  • a set of terry or kitchen towels with a New Year's print. Don’t even doubt it, such a thing will always come in handy at home, especially for women. With your classmates, choose the brightest towel options and don’t forget about the decor of the packaging itself;

  • New Year's tablecloth and napkins. Your teacher will be pleasantly surprised by such a souvenir, because any woman strives to decorate not only her entire home for the New Year, but also decorate the table with taste. And for this you will need an elegant tablecloth and napkins made of fabric. This kind of gift will be received enthusiastically. That's why

Master class on making New Year's pillows for teachers

Top 15 DIY gifts for teachers for New Year 2020

It is worth noting, Dear friends that our teachers are quite sentimental, so the best solution would be a gift that was made with your own hands. After graduating from school, you may move to another city and will not have the opportunity to communicate with your school teacher. But by giving some homemade souvenir to your teacher in advance, you will leave him with a memory of yourself. Let's start creating such memorable gifts for the teacher for the New Year 2020 in order to have time to complete everything planned. But you can’t even think of what to do right away. But we will help you by providing rough ideas such as:

  • photo collage with school photographs and murals;
  • scarf with wishes, framed;
  • postcard with poems;
  • a cool song sung by the students;
  • original calendar;
  • napkin painting;
  • notebook;
  • knitted covers for the cup (so you can safely hold it in your hands with hot tea);
  • inlaid clock;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • photo frames;
  • photo albums;
  • decorated candles in candlesticks;
  • soap with herbs and aromatic oils;
  • rug made from strips of fabric;
  • pompom painting;
  • topiary from various scrap materials;
  • textiles for the kitchen and much more.

You can proudly give such a list of gifts for the New Year 2020. They will bring peace, comfort and warmth to your teacher's home. Don't worry that you won't succeed. Remember, it doesn’t work out for someone who never strives for anything. And since you want to please your teacher, then you should calm down and concentrate a little. Thoughts will immediately gather in your head, and your hands will try to make as many surprises as possible. You can take one of your school peers to help you, because working together is much more fun and faster. By the way, let’s make something, you and I. Well, let's say, for starters, it could be a beautifully decorated thick candle. This process is very simple and does not require anything supernatural.

New Year's candles decorated with cinnamon sticks and twine

To work you will need:

  • thick white candle - 3 pcs.;
  • cinnamon sticks (their length should exceed the candles) - 1 package;
  • a ball of twine;
  • elastic band - 1 pc.

Gift making process:

  1. First of all, we need to put our elastic band on the candle.
  2. We take our cinnamon sticks and insert them into the elastic band, pressing them tightly together.
  3. The final stage will be decorating with twine. We take a skein and tie it around our candles individually, making six or seven turns. Be sure to tie a bow at the end. It will look more interesting this way. As for other decorations, you can use glue to attach some artificial berries, leaves, twigs, pebbles, beads, dried fruits and much more that you like. Wrap this New Year's gift in a transparent gift paper and decorate with a satin or gift ribbon, making cool curls using scissors. Our first joint gift is ready, and no one will definitely be able to resist it.

In order to make and present to your teacher several types of decorated candles for the New Year 2020, you need to look through our photo ideas.

And in order to learn how to make another type of candles, for example, helium ones, you need to spend your time studying our educational video.

Master class on making helium candles with your own hands

Handmade New Year's soap

If you don’t know how to delight your teacher, you’re worried that your gift won’t be appreciated, then keep it. Here's a super idea for you. Make your own soap for New Year 2020 and give it to your teacher. Be calm like that New Year's surprise not only will he like it, but it will also cause envy among other teachers. After this you will have to make another batch of these fragrant and colorful cosmetics to meet the needs of all teachers as a whole. Let’s imagine for a while that we are chemists and begin this process.

For production you will need:

  • soap base - 100 g;
  • essential oil(to your taste) - 1 tsp;
  • a few drops of food coloring;
  • base oil (olive, sea buckthorn or sweet almond oil);
  • silicone or plastic mold;
  • dry herbs, glitters, sea salt (for gommage) and much more.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The first thing we need to do is cut the soap base into small pieces.
  2. Place everything in a metal container and place in a water bath to completely melt. But do not stop constantly stirring the soap mass, as it may burn.
  3. After this, add the necessary herbs, flavors, oils, and glitter to the liquid base. Since it’s New Year’s Day, we should use something coniferous, for example, oil.
  4. After mixing thoroughly, distribute our liquid base into the molds.
  5. After the soap hardens, our gift is almost ready. But it remains to pay attention to its wrapper. It is advisable to make it from a transparent material, such as gift film. You can, of course, take colored paper. Nothing will come of it either. In general, decorate your soap bars as you wish for the New Year 2020. The main thing is to give them as soon as possible in order to see the enthusiastic emotions of your teacher.

We provide you with our photo ideas as additional material.

New Year is a holiday on which it is customary to give gifts to teachers. The question of choosing a present puts many parents in a difficult position. The teacher is not close person, whose tastes and interests you know. Therefore, problems arise with the purchase of necessary and useful things. After reading our publication, you will easily solve them. We know what to give a teacher for New Year 2020.

Traditional gifts for teachers

A teacher is a person who bears the responsibility for teaching and educating the younger generation. Parents should appreciate the teacher’s work and express gratitude. You can show your respect with a gift.

Traditional gifts that you can’t go wrong with include:

  • computer accessory– this could be a wireless mouse, powerful speakers, or a high-quality keyboard. If you want to surprise your teacher, buy a laser pointer. This is a modern gadget designed for conducting multimedia presentations in the classroom. Using a laser pointer, you can continuously present material and simultaneously demonstrate slides. The device connects to the USB port of a computer or laptop and does not require the installation of special programs. For convenience, the laser pointer is equipped with page down/up buttons;
  • stand for office supplies- a product that performs important functions. With its help, you maintain order on your desktop and reduce the time spent searching for the necessary stationery item. When choosing a stand for office supplies, give preference original models. They will effectively decorate the teacher's desk. Metal products with mesh walls and a solid bottom are on sale. The stands have several compartments and a tape dispenser. You can safely give such a thing to a teacher;
  • dated diary– a notepad in which you take notes and plan tasks. It has plenty of space to write down important information. On sale are diaries with covers made of artificial and genuine leather. When choosing a gift for the year of the White Rat, we advise you to pay attention to some aspects: the number of pages, the presence of bookmarks, paper thickness, appearance;
  • book- a great gift for a teacher. The main thing is that the book is related to the professional activities of the teacher and contains valuable information. This could be a reference book, a dictionary, a teaching aid. Before purchasing a book, find out what exactly the teacher needs. So that it doesn’t turn out that he already has a similar publication;
  • original souvenir– there is something to think about here. A gift for a teacher for New Year 2020 should not be banal. Therefore, you need to choose unusual and interesting products. We can name a few suitable options: decorative board with silk screen, beautiful set coasters for hot dishes, a document cover with an applique or a decorative soy wax candle placed in a glass;
  • Appliances- an expensive gift that representatives of the parent committee can present to the class teacher. The choice of devices that make daily work easier is huge. You can buy an immersion blender, a coffee maker, an electric kettle, and a waffle iron. A pancake maker is a wonderful gift. This is an indispensable device in the kitchen. Online stores sell pancake makers with a temperature regulator, non-stick coating, and anti-slip rubber feet. Some models come with a ladle, several spatulas and a recipe book.

Symbolic New Year's gifts

Such gifts are suitable if we are not talking about the class teacher. Parents can do pleasant surprises to all the teachers who teach in the classroom. This way you won’t ignore anyone and won’t spend a lot of money.

We offer interesting ideas symbolic gifts for the New Year 2020 for teachers:

  • refrigerator magnet;
  • handmade Christmas tree toy;
  • porcelain figurine;
  • chocolate figurine;
  • mug.

DIY teacher gifts

The teacher will definitely like the product that the students made. Today there is a large number of types of handicrafts that can be mastered. You just need to show desire and then everything will work out.

After leaving school, former students rarely communicate with the class teacher. By making a gift with their own hands, they leave a memory of themselves and the class. If you like this option, check out these interesting ideas:

  • New Year's photo album- a gift that can be issued in a couple of days. To implement such an idea, you need an album, photos of all students and stickers. The work of creating a presentation is as follows. First you need to decorate the album with stickers with images of rats, Santa Claus, and snowflakes. Then you need to insert photos and make funny captions;
  • voluminous postcard- a memorable gift that the teacher will keep in a visible place. To create such a product you need imagination. If you don’t have creative thoughts, you can use the Internet. On the World Wide Web you can easily find step by step instructions, supplemented by photographs. Make it big New Year's card and let each student write his wish. Such a gift will bring a lot of joy to the teacher;
  • topiary- a tree of happiness that brings good luck and prosperity to the house. It is made from various materials: pine cones, candies, shells, artificial flowers. Cords, ribbons, and fabrics are used as decorative materials. The shape of topiary can be round or curly. The best gift for a teacher in the New Year 2020 will be a tree in the shape of a Christmas tree. To make it you need small Christmas tree balls, decorative materials, a stick for securing the topiary, a glue gun and a pot. Find a master class on creating a beautiful tree and repeat everything in practice;
  • cakedelicious gift, which no one refuses. Parents order a confectionery product or entrust the work to one of the mothers. Such a gift can be an occasion for drinking tea together and having fun;
  • natural soap– work for parents who have soap making skills. A handmade product has beautiful view and has valuable properties. It compares favorably with the store product. Natural ingredients are used to make soap. These include collecting herbs such as chamomile, mint or lemon balm. Orange, tangerine or sea buckthorn essential oil, grated chocolate, and honey are also used. You can come up with the shape yourself and add components that will give the cosmetic product beneficial properties.

List of the 10 best gifts for teachers

If you want to please your teacher with something more interesting than a standard stationery set, use our ideas.

  1. EBook– a modern gadget designed for storing and displaying text information. This is an excellent tool for reading books. It supports several graphic formats and is easy to use.
  2. Flash drive– a product that will definitely find a use. Choose storage devices with large memory capacity. Give preference to models that have a beautiful appearance.
  3. Event tickets– there is a wide choice: to the theater, to a concert, to the Philharmonic. When purchasing such a gift, you should be guided by the teacher's preferences. Then the person will like the present.
  4. Original wall clock– products that decorate the interior and perform a practical function. For sale there are watches in the shape of a tree, a painting, a snowflake, or a Christmas sock.
  5. A vase for flowers– parents can give the teacher an elegantly shaped vessel with beautiful jewelry. Products made from brass, impact-resistant glass, and ceramics are on sale.
  6. Expensive bottle of champagne- a specific gift that not all teachers will be happy with. Please take this into account. If you decide to buy champagne, present it in a package with the symbols of the New Year 2020.
  7. Gift certificate to the store– the optimal choice if parental committee cannot choose a gift for the teacher. You can present the certificate to a computer equipment, cosmetics, or bed linen store.
  8. Tea in stylish packaging or in a glass jar- a win-win. Choose products from leading brands. This is a guarantee of high quality tea.
  9. Decor element- a product that effectively complements the interior. It can be a modular picture, a wall fan, decorative pillows for the sofa.
  10. New Year's fantasy in a basket– a delicious gift that your teacher will definitely like. You can put expensive wine, exotic fruits, and chocolates in your basket. Festive tinsel and ribbons are used as decoration.

For New Year 2020, you can give your teacher many interesting gifts. When choosing a gift, bring a piece of your soul into it. A teacher is a person who spends a lot of time with your sons and daughters. He cultivates positive qualities in children, lays a foundation of knowledge and shares his experience!

New Year's holidays are a time when everyone gives each other gifts. Agree, I would like to present a piece New Year's mood people you respect and appreciate? But it is often difficult to come up with a gift for a teacher, because you don’t want to give a useless thing that will simply take up space in the closet. We have collected the most popular gift ideas, and they will definitely help you choose what to give your teacher for New Year 2020. And it doesn’t matter whether you are giving a gift personally or from the whole class, whether you are studying yourself or your children are already going to school. There are many options for pleasant gifts, and here are just a few of them.

Traditional gifts for teachers

There is a whole category of gifts that in any case would be appropriate to give to a teacher. For example, stationery and office supplies, products for professional activities, household appliances. The most common “win-win” gifts for teachers:

  • Stand for office supplies. It is better to choose something original, maybe a handmade item, or made of leather, stone, birch bark. In short, an object that can decorate a teacher’s desk.
  • Computer accessories. A comfortable mouse pad, some office equipment and other computer devices (mouse, keyboard, speakers). You can also give more expensive devices: a printer, a copy machine, a laptop (of course, it is better to buy such gifts from the whole class).
  • Flash drive. You can choose any one, depending on your budget - for a modern teacher there can never be too many flash drives. Whichever of them you give: the simplest, small volume, personalized, in an original design, with engraving or something more unusual, it will find use in any case.
  • Stationery. This could be a beautiful, expensive diary or notepad. As an option - a wall or desk calendar with the symbol of the year - the Rat. You can choose a high-quality ballpoint or fountain pen from a good company as a gift. It will be a useful and pleasant gift for a teacher.
  • Books. Typically, teachers are given literature related to their professional activities. You should choose a colorful gift edition on the subject taught by the teacher, an art album, the latest edition of a reference book or dictionary, or rare and valuable second-hand books.
  • A set of tea and sweets. You can buy tea in a beautiful New Year's tin box, a box of chocolates and package it beautifully. Such a gift can be supplemented and changed according to your wishes and possibilities; coffee, marzipan cookies, pineapple, red caviar, or a set of different types honey
  • Tickets for an event, concert, theater. They can be given as a gift if you know the tastes of the teacher. Of course, a ticket to a performance of a classical work for a literature teacher will always be a win-win gift, and, for example, for a music school teacher - a visit to a concert at the Philharmonic.
  • Electrical appliances, household appliances. A good gift for the teacher there will be an electric kettle (for a lover of Russian antiquity - a beautiful painted samovar), a coffee maker, also possible options: a mixer, a blender, a multicooker, a radio tape recorder for use in lessons, an e-book.
  • Gift certificate to the store. If you cannot choose a gift, present the teacher with a certificate to a bookstore, or to a computer store, for example. He will be able to choose the things he needs for himself, and you won’t have to buy him a gift just “for show.”
  • Original souvenirs. You should only give them if you are confident in the teacher’s tastes. Key holders, porcelain figurines, panels, and Russian folk crafts are good gifts.

A good option would be to arrange a gift for the teacher in the form of a beautiful basket decorated with fir branches with cones. To secure such branches in the basket, you can use thin sheet polystyrene foam: a circle is cut out of it and placed on the bottom of the basket, and it is already inserted into the foam fir branches. After this, the basket is filled with sweets and souvenirs of your choice. You can also decorate this entire composition with gift ribbons or artificial snow.

You should only give alcohol to your teacher for New Year if you are sure that such a gift will be appropriate. In this case, you can present him with a bottle of good champagne or cognac.

Symbolic gifts in the year of the White Rat

Not all teachers like to be given gifts in the form of a symbol of the year on New Year’s Day, especially when a teacher teaches in several classes; he may have a whole collection of such figurines. But it’s still worth giving the teacher a nice little souvenir with a rat - the patroness of 2020. For example:

  • Fridge magnet. It would be quite appropriate as an addition to a gift.
  • Christmas tree toy in the form of the symbol of the year - a rat or with its image. You can find a handmade Christmas tree toy or a whole set of balls in a beautiful package. Every year the teacher will remember you by decorating the Christmas tree.
  • Mug with the image of the symbol of the year.
  • A small figurine (clay, porcelain, wood, Gzhel or Khokhloma painting) or even a soft toy.
  • Chocolate figurine.

Sets of dishes are given to teachers very often, and therefore it is better to discuss such a gift in advance with the teacher himself, otherwise you may give him another box that will take up space in the closet.

DIY gifts

Any teacher will tell you that the most memorable gifts are those that students made on their own and put a piece of their soul into them. These are the things that teachers keep as memories of their students. You can use a little imagination and give it to the teacher, for example:

  • Handmade postcard. A cute rat card made by one student or the whole class, with signatures from each student and wishes for a happy New Year. It's pleasant, personal and memorable gift, which the teacher will definitely keep.
  • New Year's photo album. You can buy a regular album and decorate it with snowflakes (you can buy such stickers), images of the symbol of the year, drawings, caricatures, insert photos of all the students in the class with funny captions.
  • Topiary. It can become a decoration for a teacher's classroom or home office. You can do it yourself, even if you have never done it before. There are a great many master classes on the Internet.
  • Collage of photos, videos– you can take photos of students and teachers and make an interesting and fun film out of them, which not only the teacher, but the whole class will enjoy watching. You can simply order a calendar with photos of students or the entire class.
  • Any handmade. Pencil holder, patchwork, handmade soap, scrapbooking. For a teacher, the best gift is the understanding that the student spent time making the gift and made it with soul and diligence.

TOP 10 gifts for teachers for New Year 2020

  1. Figurine of the symbol of the year – White Rat
  2. Postcard, calendar and other handmade things
  3. A set of sweets, tea in gift packaging
  4. Flash drive
  5. Gift editions of books, fiction or specialized literature
  6. Computer accessories
  7. Household appliances and other electrical appliances
  8. Bookstore gift certificate
  9. Tea pair, set of dishes
  10. Stationery set.

Choosing a gift for a teacher is not difficult; in any case, he will be pleased to receive a sign of respect and attention from you. And it doesn’t matter how much money you spend, the main thing is the desire to sincerely please the teacher.

What can you give your teacher for New Year 2020 from the whole class? This should be an inexpensive and useful souvenir that will bring a kind smile to the school teacher and pleasant memories of his students. Also, each schoolchild, together with his parents, can personally congratulate the school teacher on the New Year by choosing the right gift in terms of price and functionality.

  • Gift for teacher from parents

What to give a teacher for New Year 2020

Giving a gift to a teacher is not so easy. When choosing items suitable for gifting in a store, you should consider a number of important factors:

Age of the teacher;
his gender;
individual preferences of the school teacher.

Women are more likely to work as school teachers. For them, you can present inexpensive, but memorable and pleasant gifts from the class or from a specific student and his parents:

Bouquet of sweets;
beautiful stationery;
small coffee or tea set;
set for sweets;
small household appliances;
warm blanket;
a sofa cushion with a photo of the teacher;
an original cup with exclusive photo prints;
a set of textile accessories for the home;
a figurine or an original vase;
holiday set of Christmas decorations;
original book holder;
original photo album New Year's decoration;
a calendar with photographs of students, made in a limited edition;
book in gift edition, etc.

When choosing such a gift, you should remember what you can give to the teacher for the New Year 2020 from yourself, and what you cannot. You should not give expensive gifts from the whole class or from an individual student, the cost of which starts from 5 thousand rubles. It may turn out that not all students can find the necessary amount to purchase an expensive present for the teacher.

In addition, such a gift from strangers will essentially look more like a bribe and may offend the teacher. It is better to select beautiful and useful inexpensive gifts for teachers for the New Year holidays, which will not oblige them to anything to the parents of this or that student, but will become a sign of attention and respect from students and their parents.

Important! When choosing a New Year's souvenir for a teacher, you should take into account the age of the teacher and the class in which her students study. Such a gift must be somehow connected with the class and the school process.

Parents can order small and original souvenirs from a printing company in the form of a themed calendar, original photo album or Christmas tree decorations with photographs of the students themselves and their teacher. Such a memorable souvenir does not oblige a person to anything and always brings a pleasant smile when remembering those who presented it.

Modern digital technologies allow you to quickly select original and inexpensive souvenirs for official congratulations in institutions. Such gifts correspond business etiquette, allow you to express your gratitude and do not put the person receiving them in an awkward position.

What to give a male teacher for New Year

If a child’s class teacher is a man, or a student wants to congratulate a physical teacher with a Trudovik in gratitude for personal support and individual training, then you need to take into account that giving a male teacher a spectacular bouquet of chocolates for the New Year will not be very logical.

When choosing a gift for such a teacher, you should consider:

1. His age.
2. The subject he teaches to children.
3. Individual preferences.
4. The degree of his participation in the educational process.

Present expensive gifts It's worth it only to the class teacher. Male subject teachers can be given inexpensive but very effective gifts like:

1. A metal “Eternal” pencil that does not break and does not require sharpening.
2. Original eco-watch that runs on water.
3. Book-safe.
4. Room thermometers and barometers original form.
5. Original painting;
6. Wall or table clock.

Advice! When choosing a gift, first of all, it is necessary to proceed from the financial capabilities of the students’ parents. There is no need to collect large sums from each student in the class to buy an expensive gift for the teacher, which will look like a bribe.

New Year - calendar holiday, on which it is not customary, according to etiquette, to give expensive gifts to people who are not close to you. Teachers can be presented with original New Year's souvenirs by choosing the appropriate price segment for the following products:

Up to 1000 rub.;
from 1500 to 2000 rubles;
from 2000 to 3000 rub. and higher.

Gifts should not be very expensive, original and useful. Instead of candies and sweets for the New Year's holiday, a male teacher can be presented with an impressively packaged jar natural honey. If the children’s subject teacher is still young, then you can choose cool gifts for him.
For teachers with extensive experience, parents can present personalized or original New Year's souvenirs for such a holiday.

You can give cool gifts to young teachers:

Flash drives of original form;
T-shirt with the inscription “Teacher of the Year”;
mugs with funny inscriptions, etc.

The choice of a New Year's gift also depends on the status of the teacher. Usually, students give New Year souvenirs to their class teachers.

New Year's gift for the class teacher

To congratulate your class teacher, you don’t need to buy expensive gifts. According to etiquette, on this holiday it is worth showing attention to representatives educational institutions who communicate with children every day. They should be presented with gifts in the form of memorable souvenirs or useful things. All students can make New Year's gifts to the class teacher by collecting the required amount of money, or one student can congratulate the class teacher on his own behalf on the New Year.

The child does not have to ask his parents for a large sum of money to do this. He can give a stylized New Year's card in the form of his photo or photographs of his classmates, decorated in a New Year's theme. You can order such a thing in one copy inexpensively in any online printing salon.

Students can also agree and chip in for a gift for their teacher who is implementing general leadership. But such a gift for the New Year should not be very expensive. Gifts for school teachers on New Year's holiday symbolize signs of attention and, according to etiquette, should not be more expensive than memorable original souvenirs or small practical products.

Children can give their class teacher inexpensive, factory-made souvenirs useful in his work:

Laser pointer;
stand for pencils and pens on the desktop of an original shape;
a beautifully designed work diary;
indoor plant, decorated like a New Year tree.

The gift must be originally packaged in a special New Year's box or paper. It should be useful, inexpensive and worthy at the same time. Such a thing should not make the class teacher feel dependent and obligated to those who handed it over.

Children can also organize a festive tea party for their class teacher on the eve of the New Year holidays and present gingerbread cookies, cinnamon gingerbread cookies, lemon cake or other homemade baked goods as a cute and original gift. It can be packed in beautiful baskets with snow-white napkins and themed boxes decorated with Christmas trees and Santa Clauses.

According to etiquette, a child should not give expensive gifts to a person older in age and social status. A small souvenir is enough to express your respect and gratitude on the eve of everyone’s favorite winter holiday.

Parents can also show the class teacher signs of attention on such a holiday by presenting a more expensive souvenir.

Gift for teacher from parents

Choose suitable ideas You can buy gifts online on special websites that sell original and inexpensive things that you can’t find in a regular store. On New Year's Eve, parents can give their children's class teacher inexpensive, but high-status gifts:

Certificates for certain services and goods;
funny anti-stress toys in the form of a symbol of the coming year, which will help you relax at the right moment and relieve tension;
tea and coffee sets with a New Year theme;
floral compositions from spruce branches;
scented candles or knitted accessories useful for winter.

The gift should not be very expensive, but it must have a respectable appearance. According to the rules of etiquette, souvenirs from people connected by such relationships should have a certain value for the recipient. The gift should not be too expensive for those who give it.