What can you make for New Year's gifts? Creative DIY gifts for the New Year. Simple card with Christmas tree

New Year– how much magic and mystery is concentrated in this wonderful phrase. This winter holiday is loved equally by both adults and children for its unique fairy-tale charm. On New Year's Eve 2020, most of us are wondering what original gift to give to family and friends that would fully correspond to their interests and preferences. Puzzled, we immediately run to the shops, wasting a lot of time and energy on sometimes empty adventures. You have purchased a gift, but it doesn’t seem particularly impressive to you. After all, knowing the tastes and habits of our relatives and friends, we have a good idea of ​​what they need to buy as a New Year’s present. But our capabilities do not always coincide with our desires. This is where our crazy hands come to our rescue, which, if desired, can create literally anything. They can even do such an activity as preparing souvenirs for New Year's Eve, which results in truly unique and unusual things filled with a lot of positive emotions, warm feelings of respect and love for each other. Having given someone such a gift, be sure that this person will remember you for a long time as a creative and talented friend. He will be flattered by your attentiveness and will keep all the pleasant moments of this moment in his heart for many years to come. And in order to make the best gifts for the New Year 2020 with your own hands, beautifully and successfully, you should read our interesting article, in which we will offer you 76 cool photo ideas and instructive video master classes, here you will also find out what product options will be in the coming year of Belaya Metal Rat are current and top-notch.

Top best gifts for New Year 2020 with your own hands

When it's time to prepare gifts for your family and friends, options New Year's crafts with your own hands turns out to be even more than a lot. And each person finds exactly the method of making them that he likes. We all, first of all, strive to surprise with our unusual gift. This is an original work, and there should not be anything like it in the whole world. Everything should look quite individual. Having invested patience and diligence, we plunge into the world of creativity. And here the question arises, what so unusual should be made so that the present is not only liked in appearance, but also useful. Let's take a look at what hand-made New Year's gifts will be in the TOP in the coming 2020:

  • pillows with the symbol of the year (White Rat);
  • smiley pillows (always relevant and cheerful);
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • photo frames, ordinary and in the form of panels, made from disks;
  • photo albums;
  • photo balls ( wonderful gift in the form of a Christmas tree transparent ball with a photo of one of your family members or best friend inserted into it);
  • snow globes (a miniature winter fairy tale right in your jar);
  • 3D - gifts (from polymer clay, in the form of your child’s footprint or handprint and decorated for New Year’s);
  • soap self made;
  • funny refrigerator magnets (made of polymer clay);
  • kitchen utensils (mittens - oven mitts, apron, playful cover for a teapot - made of multi-colored fabric);
  • original candles;
  • New Year's candlesticks;
  • slippers with Santa Claus or other fairy-tale characters;
  • sky lanterns;
  • family collages (for lovers or friends);
  • topiary;
  • kitchen jars for cereals and spices (painted using acrylic or watercolor paints, with the addition of other decorative elements);
  • unique cards for friends, loved ones and parents;
  • jewelry (made from beads, beads and decorative stones);
  • knitted scarf, cover for cups in New Year's design;
  • vases made of wine bottles and threads (added with various decorations);
  • sweet New Year's baked goods;
  • button bouquets and much more.

As you understand, this list is far from complete, because the number of thoughts a person has, the number of creative ideas he has in his head. But these are the most common and easy to implement techniques for DIY New Year's gifts that will delight each of us, not to mention our relatives and friends. We provide you with our photo ideas for all kinds of New Year's gifts that will delight your loved ones for the New Year 2020.

Sweet pastries Knitted cup cover
Photoball Christmas baking Pillow "Smile"
Felt jewelry Jewelry in walnut 3D clay prints
Photo frame made of buttons
Mittens for kitchen utensils Stuffed Toys

Slippers with gifts Snowmen made of polymer clay Fridge magnet made from polymer clay

Master class on making New Year's gifts with your own hands

Very popular in new year holidays as fashion gifts They use snow globes in which snow slowly falls and this is what is fascinating and magical, in fact, just like the New Year. But in mass production, all snow globes are similar to each other, and it is very difficult to find something original. But you can try to create such a snow globe yourself, and this will not only be an exclusive and original gift for the New Year 2020, but also a manifestation of special attention and love for the person for whom this ball is intended. It’s very easy to build a snow globe with your own hands at home; it won’t take much time or money.

  • a small jar with a screw cap;
  • polymer clay;
  • elements of interior decor;
  • hot glue;
  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • Styrofoam.

Preparation method:

  1. Everything that you want to see in a New Year's snow globe must be attached to the lid of the jar using special glue.
  2. Next, you should mix water and glycerin in equal proportions, which will help the snow to smoothly crumble over the ball.
  3. In the form of snow, such improvised means as polystyrene foam, glitter, small petals, and confetti are suitable. This “snow” must be placed in a liquid consisting of water and glycerin.
  4. The final step is to tightly close the lid of the jar.
  5. In this simple way you can make original gift for the New Year 2020.

If you doubt the correctness of making a snow globe, then we recommend watching our video, which will help you in your work.

Master class on making a snow globe with your own hands

New Year's champagne

If on the eve of the New Year 2020 you are faced with the fact that you don’t know what gift to give your dear parents, then don’t despair and don’t hang your nose. Better stock up on your precious patience and get to work. We will transform with our own hands an ordinary bottle of champagne into a magical drink from a winter fairy tale. Don't worry, you don't need a lot of tools for this.

For production you will need:

  • a bottle of champagne;
  • water;
  • paper napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • acrylic paint and varnish;
  • fine sandpaper for sanding;
  • foam sponge;
  • rice napkin;
  • art and construction paints;
  • paint drying retardant;
  • decorative elements: rhinestones, beads, decorative stones, glitter, stickers, half-pearls, crystal paste;
  • paraffin candles.


  1. Remove the main label from the champagne bottle and, if desired, the gold label from the cork.
  2. We start decorating with the cork: take a white paper napkin and, tearing it off in small pieces, attach it to the cork, greased with glue. We straighten the pieces of napkin with a brush dipped in water. Then again glue, napkin, water. If the napkin is not tightly glued to the cork, then simply go over it with a wet brush. After the entire cork and neck are formed until the bottle expands, coat everything thoroughly with glue again and leave to dry for a day.
  3. When the paper on the cork and neck has dried, we proceed to priming the bottle, during which construction acrylic paint and acrylic varnish are used. To do this, first degrease our bottle using any alcohol-containing product. Then we apply a thin layer of acrylic paint with a roller or foam sponge. Let's give it time to dry. After time, apply a very thin layer of acrylic varnish. Dries out. Then again - paint and, after a while, varnish. After this, we take fine sandpaper and sand the surface, removing all the unevenness and roughness. After this, we cover the entire bottle, along with the cork and neck, paint and varnish. This results in a smooth surface.
  4. Now we decoupage the bottle: take a rice napkin with the desired image, slightly tear off its upper edge and attach it to the bottle with water, and then cover it with glue on top. When the picture dries, cover it with a small layer of acrylic varnish.
  5. We take art and construction paints that match the background of the picture, and apply them with a foam sponge to the surface of the resulting product, including the cork and neck. If necessary, apply several layers of paint. After drying, coat with acrylic varnish.
  6. When the varnish dries, give Special attention the joints of the napkin, or rather, their disguise. To hide flaws, you should finish painting with paints, and for this you should use a paint drying retardant.
  7. When the painting is completed, you need to apply two layers of acrylic varnish to the bottle, and when everything dries, sand it with the finest sandpaper to achieve a smooth and even surface. If the desired is not achieved, it is worth repeating the process: varnish - sandpaper.
  8. After covering the surface of the bottle with several layers of varnish, dry it and proceed to further decoration. By the way, it’s worth noting that the bottom should also be covered with paint and varnish as much as needed.
  9. In the process of decorating a bottle, your imagination is not limited. You can use rhinestones, beads, decorative stones, glitter of different colors, stickers, half-pearls, crystal paste, edema made with a paraffin candle.

This is the beauty we got, made with our own hands. By the way, such a gift for the New Year 2019 can be given not only to parents, but also to your management at work, as well as colleagues. Look at our photo ideas and your imagination will be greatly enriched.

Decoupage of a bottle of champagne for 2020 is, of course, a painstaking task, but it is worth it. Everyone will be delighted. Considering the difficulty of this creativity, many may have questions regarding production, to do this, watch our video, and you will certainly succeed.

Master class on New Year's decoupage of champagne bottles


Do you know that New Year has its own exceptional aroma? That's right, it's a citrus scent. Most of us associate New Year's holidays with this fruit. Directly from England, we came up with a wonderful idea to create Christmas crafts using citrus fruits, which are sprinkled with a special set of spices for a lasting fragrance. They have gained popularity in our country, so recently they have increasingly begun to appear on festively decorated tables. They are usually called pomanders. To make this New Year's craft with your own hands, you need to decorate the fruit with the desired additions, which can be a variety of herbs, nuts and spices. After finishing the decoration, the finished composition can be varnished, painted, and added with ribbons. But it’s worth making such a gift a few weeks before the New Year 2020.

For production you will need:

  • citrus;
  • napkin;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • toothpick;
  • unground cloves;
  • other decorative elements at your discretion.


  1. Taking a thin-skinned orange, tangerine or lemon, use a felt-tip pen to mark the future design and, armed with a toothpick, make punctures along its entire shape. Carry out the entire process on a napkin so that the juice does not stain the table surface.
  2. Then stick a clove into the resulting holes. The design is clear and expressive.
  3. It will look great if you cut off the peel of a citrus fruit in the form of a certain curly pattern, having previously outlined its pattern with a knife. This creative activity should only be undertaken by adults.
  4. Pomanders can be tied with a silk ribbon and hung on the Christmas tree as a decoration, and, if desired, they can be beautifully laid out on a large dish and added to the New Year's table.
  5. You can do it a little differently: put the fruit on a napkin and sprinkle with a mixture of spices, close tightly paper bag and leave in a warm place to dry, which will continue for several weeks.
  6. The spice mixture that is used to rub the pomanders before drying is as follows: 0.5 cups of ground cinnamon, 1/4 ground cloves, 2 - 4 heaping teaspoons of ground nutmeg, 2 - 4 teaspoons of ground allspice, 1/4 cup of chopped orris root .

There are many ideas for New Year's crafts, and making them is not a difficult task. After all, having spent very little time and effort, along with a gift you give the person your invested soul and a piece of yourself, and this is much more expensive than a purchased New Year's souvenir. Look through our photo ideas on this topic and in the New Year 2019, be ready to surprise your friends and relatives with homemade surprises.

By the way, to create a pomander, you can also use dried citrus slices, which are made using the oven. Watch our video and you will learn how to do it.

Master class on making dried citruses for decoration

New Year's craft "Slippers with Santa Claus"

To surprise your New Year 2020 best friend, it’s worth making her some cool slippers in the shape of Santa Claus with her own hands. She will certainly be surprised by such a priceless gift and will thank you with strong friendly hugs. And it doesn't take much skill to sew them. Only your patience and diligence.

For production you will need:

  • red slippers;
  • fabric for the face of Santa Claus and his headdress;
  • black beads for eyes - 2 pcs.;
  • white yarn for the beard, mustache, fluff and pompom for the hat;
  • padding polyester;
  • hot glue.


  1. In order to make such beautiful slippers, you need to buy ready-made ones in red and trim them with the elements missing for the New Year's look.
  2. Cut an oval from thick fabric. This will be the face of Santa Claus.
  3. Sew a red cap and attach it to the head of Santa Claus, making a fluff and a pom-pom using white yarn, slightly fluffed.
  4. Mustaches and beards are also made from white padding polyester yarn and attached with hot glue.
  5. The eyes, in the form of two black buttons, are glued to the face, and the nose is sewn from a small piece of red fabric, wrapped in a small ball, filled with soft filling and sewn to the slipper using a needle and thread.
  6. We complete our miracle slippers by making a mouth, which is cut out in an arched shape and also attached to glue.

You won't find a better handmade gift for New Year 2020. But suddenly it happens that it will be difficult for you to get red slippers in the store, don’t despair. We have a backup option for you. You can make Santa Claus himself from socks, and put your girlfriend or boyfriend’s treasured gift in his bag. Here is a gift for you, and its beautiful original packaging. And to make one like this New Year's character, you need to watch our video and start working immediately.

Master class on making Santa Claus from socks with your own hands

Original multi-colored candles

Cheer up your family's spirits New Year's Eve 2020 will be able to give gifts in the form of multi-colored candles made with your own hands. This is a rather pleasant and beautiful surprise that can decorate and highlight any corner of the interior of each room for the New Year.

For production you will need:

  • wax, stearin or ready-made candles;
  • glass glasses;
  • wick;
  • multi-colored wax crayons;
  • New Year's decorative elements: spruce branches, pine cones, red, gold or silver silk ribbons.


  1. Take a little wax or stearin, grind it and melt it in the microwave (about one minute). The easiest way, of course, is to melt it from ready-made candles.
  2. The melted wax should be poured into glass glasses, and the wick should be immersed inside so that the wax fixes it, wait until it hardens.
  3. We will remove the packaging and grind wax crayons of any color.
  4. While the base hardens, prepare the next batch of wax and put it in the microwave.
  5. Pour the resulting mass into glasses, tilting them slightly. Then fill them one third full. Waiting for it to cool down!
  6. We repeat this procedure several more times, but with different colors. We decorate the finished candles with red, gold or silver ribbons, small compositions of spruce branches and pine cones.

To make your work easier, watch the video we prepared.

Candle in a soy wax shell

What could be more original than a handmade soy wax candle in a shell for the New Year 2020? This gift is suitable for romantic people who dream of a warm summer and travel. Take out all the seashells you have collected with your loved one at sea, fill them with colorful soy wax and add them to a beautifully decorated festive table. This gift will undoubtedly please your loved one. And the technique of execution is completely unsophisticated.

For production you need:

  • shells;
  • soy wax;
  • wick;
  • matches;
  • essential oils: anise, lavender, sandalwood.


  1. We choose larger shells, wash and dry.
  2. Take a cup of soy wax and melt it at 50°C. It is worth carefully studying the instructions for use and following them. Wrap our bowl in a towel, thus preventing it from cooling quickly.
  3. You can make candles for relaxation, then you need to add a couple of drops to the wax essential oil: anise, lavender, sandalwood.
  4. Let's take the wick and attach one end of it to a match, this will make it much more convenient to hold it. Then we take the wax in the other hand and hold the wick, placing it in the middle of the shell. Slowly pour the wax to the desired level. All we have to do is wait until it cools down and cut the match. Of course, the wick must be long so that there is no big flame!

You can use different types of shells for making candles, whatever you have on hand. Look at our photo ideas and you will be impressed by their beauty.

You can make other original candles in the New Year spirit with your own hands from soy wax. For this we provide you most interesting video on this topic, which will broaden your horizons and help you prepare for 2020.

Master class on making New Year's scented soy candles and candlesticks with your own hands

Sky lanterns

You don't know what to give your girlfriend for New Year 2020, this is far from a problem. Give her a bunch of positive emotions. On New Year's Eve, such a surprise will come in handy. If you still have no idea what kind of gift we are talking about, then we’ll tell you straight - these are sky lanterns made by yourself. A great idea for lovers, it’s difficult to describe it in words, so we suggest you watch an exciting video that will tell you the secrets of making these air lanterns.

Master class on making and launching sky lanterns with your own hands

Bead necklace

If you are an attentive husband, then on the eve of the New Year 2020 you should think about the best gift for your beloved wife. But you shouldn’t immediately run headlong to the stores in search of something original and unique. Remember, the most expensive gift for your wife will be the one you make with your own hands. It is clear that best friends girls are diamonds, but jewelry made from beads of various configurations, multi-colored beads and much more will adequately decorate New Year's image your wife. Don't worry, this delicate work is very easy to do.

For production you will need:

  • silk ribbon;
  • beads;
  • glue or needle and thread;
  • fishing line;
  • pliers;
  • metal wire.


  1. We take a ribbon, bend it in a wave-like manner and glue beads (the beads can be different according to your desire).
  2. You can use a needle and thread and carefully sew everything together, or simply string the beads onto a fishing line and complete the jewelry with a delicate silk ribbon that will be tied around your wife’s neck in a beautiful bow.

Rest assured, there will be no limit to delight, the main thing is to awaken your imagination and give your hands free rein, and an original gift for the New Year 2020 is guaranteed. And ours interesting photos ideas will help you with this.

Master class on making a New Year's necklace with your own hands

Bead bracelet

During the New Year holidays, many of us are wondering what to give for New Year 2020 to a friend, mother, aunt or any other woman. After all, you want the gift to be unusual and, at the same time, inexpensive. To do this, it’s better to work with your own hands, preparing something original. Well, what do women need first of all, even if it’s the New Year? Of course, everyone's eyes will light up from jewelry. But so that the work process does not drag on for a long time, you should turn your attention to a lightweight option - a bracelet made of beads. It is made quickly, you won’t even notice how.

  • beads;
  • linen elastic;
  • VHI threads.


  1. First, take an elastic band, measure it according to your wrist, cut it off and sew it together.
  2. We take the beads, put them on a needle and sew them to the resulting elastic bracelet.
  3. The finished bracelet can, at your discretion, be supplemented with any other decorative elements. It's all very simple and looks good on the hand.

Options for bracelets can be different, and they can be given as a gift to both women and girls. You can make not only bracelets, but also earrings, hair bands, hairpins, and brooches. For this, auxiliary materials such as beads, seed beads, buttons, felt, wood, various ribbons, decorative stones and much more are used. But the result is the same - you can’t take your eyes off such beauty. And our photo ideas will help you create such beauty with your own hands.

Bracelet made of beads and ribbon

Beaded elastic bands

Bead earrings

Herringbone earrings

Earrings "Snowflake"

Earrings "Mittens"

New Year's hairpins "Snowman"

Bracelet "Tenderness"

New Year's hairpins “Jolly deer”

Master class on making a bracelet from beads with your own hands


We make a collage for the New Year 2020 with our own hands and present it as a warm and priceless gift to our family, loved ones and loved ones.

To make it you will need:

  • an old unnecessary frame (you can make it yourself);
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet);
  • coffee beans;
  • glue.


  1. To begin with, lay out all the photos, any desired pictures and other decorative elements on the frame, and see how you like it.
  2. Then start gluing. Leave your work for a few minutes to dry. Your wonderful New Year's present is ready.

Photo frame from disk

To make it you will need:

  • frame base;
  • disk;
  • glue;
  • contour paint on glass;
  • decorative elements: bows, ribbons, beads, buttons, rhinestones, etc.


  1. Let's start by breaking the disk into small pieces (be careful not to get hurt).
  2. Our frame needs to be lubricated with glue, and slowly glue the disk fragments. Then let the glue dry for some time.
  3. We take the outline and draw lines, outlining each fragment. We decorate with auxiliary elements that we like.

A photo frame made from a disk is a great handmade gift for your child and his friends for the New Year 2020, which they will surely like. To make this souvenir correctly, you should watch our video.

Master class on making a photo frame from a disk with your own hands

A handmade New Year's poster can also be used as a gift for the New Year 2020. It will look great on one of the walls in your apartment and will delight all family members. It can be done either as a joke or as an incentive (all the achievements and successes of relatives are listed). This is very easy to do. Here your imagination can completely run wild! Magazine clippings, your photographs, cool pictures, and if you also draw something, that’s great! This is a great gift not only for the New Year, but also for any other holidays. Moreover, this gift is suitable for a loved one, and for friends, and for girlfriends.

To work you will need:

  • A3 paper;
  • glue;
  • markers;
  • markers;
  • paints;
  • pencils;
  • photo;
  • clippings from newspapers, magazines.


  1. We prepared the paper, decorate it (it is desirable that everything be harmonious and fit into the width of the poster).
  2. Apply a little glue and slowly place the photos and clippings. All you have to do is wait for it to dry.
  3. When everything is dry, sign it with a marker and leave your wishes.

To make your work easier and more creative, we have selected videos on this topic.

Master class on making a New Year's poster with your own hands

Pillow "Dog"

You just need to make the “Dog” pillow with your own hands. Having sewn it and tastefully packaged it, you can give it to your grandparents, who will really be delighted with such a homemade gift. Well, if you wish, such a soft product will show off on your bed. The main thing is not to be lazy!

To make it you will need:

  • pattern paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • padding polyester;
  • multi-colored fabric.


  1. Let's start with a drawing on paper, then cut out our dog and transfer it to fabric (tracing the outline with soap). We also cut out the design on the fabric.
  2. We make the eyes and nose from black fabric.
  3. We sew the mouth with black thread, and, if desired, you can cut it out of red fabric in an arc.
  4. We make the tail, ears and paws from one fabric of a certain color, sew it together, stuff it lightly with padding poly, and then sew it to the pillow itself.
  5. We sew our product together, and leave a small hole at the bottom in order to fill it with filler (if not, then you can use cotton wool, foam rubber, or various scraps).

You can make other types of pillows and give them to your family for the New Year 2020. For a change, we bring you our wonderful photo ideas.

If you are interested in not only sewing, but also knitting, then watch our video and create a charming crochet “Dog” pillow.

Master class on making a crochet “Dog” pillow

Egg confetti

Egg confetti is a cool way to unexpectedly surprise all your loved ones and guests with your New Year's invention. Create gifts with your own hands, rejoice and enjoy positive emotions in the New Year 2020.

To make it you will need:

  • eggs;
  • confetti;
  • glue;
  • paints.


  1. Let's take the eggs and paint them first. Then we will make a hole with a needle and get rid of the egg. Carefully wash the shells and dry them thoroughly (with a hairdryer or naturally) and fill it with confetti.
  2. To prevent everything from falling apart, cut out a small circle from paper and seal the hole.

New Year's topiary - tree of happiness

Another wonderful gift that you can give to your loved ones for the New Year 2020 is an interesting DIY tree called topiary. This is a European tree, and its main role is to decorate the interior of the house or complement a beautifully laid holiday table.

For production you will need:

  • straight branch (trunk);
  • artificial pine wreath;
  • flower pot or other container;
  • stones for filling the pot;
  • hot glue;
  • artificial snow;
  • decor: artificial moss or grass, pine cones, tangerines, holly berries.


  1. The topiary can, if desired, be made in one evening. Take a flower pot and insert the trunk of the future tree into it. And so that it stands firmly, we fix it with cement - sand mortar or plaster. If these materials are not available, then you can use ordinary large stones and decorate the top with a layer of artificial moss or grass.
  2. We attach a wreath to the top of the trunk and decorate it with holly berries, pine cones, covered with artificial snow, and secured with hot glue. Tangerines can be attached to New Year's wreath optional.

  3. Master class on making topiary with your own hands

    Golden nuts with predictions

    DIY fortune nuts will intrigue anyone on New Year's Eve. Such a gift will make your New Year 2020 interesting and unpredictable.

    For production you will need:

  • nuts;
  • silk ribbon;
  • wishes written on a small piece of paper;
  • glue;
  • golden paint;
  • small bag for nuts.


  1. Let's start with the nut: it must be carefully split into two, preferably even parts.
  2. Next, you should remove the nut and leave one shell.
  3. Then we cut out our wishes and roll them into a tube, tying them with a ribbon.
  4. We connect the nut shells by lightly placing them on the glue.
  5. We paint the finished nuts and pack them in our bag.

Master class on making your own golden nuts with predictions


As you have already noticed, hand-made gifts for the New Year 2020 are not such a difficult task, you just need to prepare the components and, with patience, proceed with it exciting process. We have offered you a sufficient quantity interesting ideas for an original and cool gift. In general, the choice is yours. I hope we were able to help you.

What can you give your godson for the New Year that is inexpensive and useful at the same time? I'm sure you will find several good ideas for a gift! Come and read our article!

Now from this article you will learn what to give a matchmaker for the New Year 2020 that is inexpensive and original at the same time, several interesting DIY gift ideas.

The new year 2019 is just around the corner, which means that great things await us in preparation for this grand holiday! Fun, music, happy laughter, loved ones, family and friends nearby - the perfect picture winter holidays. So you should think carefully about how to surprise and please the people you care about. Maybe make your own gifts for 2019, it will be original, creative and very homey! Such gifts will take pride of place in your friends’ home and will remind them of you for a long time.

Pig pillow

The symbol of the upcoming 2019 New Year is the Yellow Earth Pig. The silhouette of a pig, as well as its funny face, can be used to create small sofa pillows as gifts for friends.

To make a small pillow, you will need fabric of a suitable color, thread and needle, pencil or soap, filler (hollobifer, etc.). Make a pattern on the fabric in the form of a silhouette of a pig. It is most convenient to apply a drawing with a pencil or a piece of soap. It must be duplicated in two copies for both sides of the future pillow.

Then you should cut out the pattern and sew it along the edges, leaving a small hole for stuffing with filling. Turn the product inside out, fill it with hollobifer and sew up the hole with the inner seam.

If you are new to sewing, you can make an ordinary square pillow, and then apply a design to it using fabric paints. Children can draw a funny face and snout, and adults can draw a silhouette of a pig.

Boot for gifts

A handmade boot for gifts is a wonderful interior decoration. Even a beginner can sew it and give it to every family member. To do this, you need to draw on paper the right size pattern and cut out all the details of the future product from it. Then they are sewn together using a machine, choosing a stitch that is not too small. Remember that the boot must have a lining, which is also sewn according to a paper pattern. The lining is attached to the top of the boot hidden seam, after which a loop is attached so that the souvenir can be hung on a hook.

A feather tree looks original and unusual. You will definitely like a gift in the form of such a Christmas tree. It can be of any color. It all depends on your imagination.

To make it you need to prepare:

  • Cardboard for the base;
  • Hot glue;
  • Feathers of different sizes;
  • Beads and sparkles.


  1. It is necessary to sort the feathers by length.
  2. Beads should be carefully glued to each feather using hot glue.
  3. Make the frame of the future Christmas tree from cardboard. Roll it into a cone and glue it together. To avoid accidental falls, as well as for greater stability of the New Year's beauty, glue a strip of paper to the inside of the frame. If you chose the color of the Christmas tree white, then you need to paint the frame in the same color.
  4. When the frame is completely dry, you can start gluing the feathers. They are attached with glue to the body with a rod. The fluffy part of the feather will act as twigs and thereby create volume.
  5. The DIY gift is ready; you can sprinkle it with glitter for more shine.

You can make several of these Christmas trees and give the composition as a gift during the New Year holidays.

The most popular gifts for the New Year 2019 are soft toys. But what a surprise it will be when you don’t just hand over soft toy, but a souvenir made with your own hands.

Necessary materials:

  • White socks (new);
  • Threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Rice or other cereal;
  • Face beads or buttons and embellishments;
  • Fabric for a scarf for a snowman.


  1. Cut off the toe from the sock and tie the bottom with thread.
  2. Pour in the cereal and give it a round shape. This will be the body of the snowman. Tie with thread.
  3. Add cereal and form a head. It will be smaller than the torso. Tie with thread.
  4. Use beads or buttons to make a snowman's face. Glue on the eyes, nose and mouth.
  5. Tie a scarf around the neck of our gift with your own hands, and put a hat on your head from a cut-off part of a sock.

An interesting and original gift that will be a good New Year's gift. He will take pride of place next to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

The snow globe is a toy that seems a little magical. Well, if it is made with your own hands, then such a gift will be the best and most memorable.

To make it you will need:

  • A transparent container, preferably glass, with a tightly screwed lid;
  • Water;
  • Multi-colored sparkles, available in different sizes, but not too large;
  • The glue is waterproof;
  • A small figurine that you want to place inside the globe.


  1. On inner side glue the figurine on the lid. Wait for the glue to dry.
  2. Pour colorful glitter into a container.
  3. Pour a full container of water. Do not forget that the figurine will take up a certain volume. Excess water will simply pour out when closing the lid.
  4. Close the lid.
  5. Invert the container and shake. The sparkles will swirl in the water, gradually settling. Your DIY gift for the New Year 2019 is ready.

Christmas balls

As a DIY gift for the New Year 2019, you can give homemade Christmas tree balls. Giving such a gift can become a kind of tradition. Every year, showing your imagination, make different Christmas tree balls that will take pride of place on the New Year's beauty.

Option 1

Christmas ball made of polystyrene foam and paper flowers.


  • Styrofoam ball;
  • Flower-shaped hole punch;
  • Colored cardboard;
  • Beads;
  • Ribbon;
  • Hot glue.


  1. Using a hole punch, make many flowers from colored cardboard.
  2. Carefully hot glue the flowers to the ball. Place symmetrically.
  3. Glue beads to each flower in the middle.
  4. Glue a ribbon on which your wonderful handmade New Year's gift will hang.

Another option beautiful ball for a Christmas tree made of ribbons

Option 2


  • Double-sided paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Ribbon;
  • Pencil and ruler with circles.


  1. On paper, draw 8 identical circles and 1 of smaller diameter.
  2. Fold the circle in half and in half again. You will get a triangle. Do this for all 8 circles.
  3. Glue 4 triangles on each side to the small circle.
  4. Carefully open all the triangles and glue them to each other. You will get a ball.
  5. Glue on the ribbon and your DIY gift decoration is ready.

The box is good gift, especially if it is made with your own hands and a piece of your soul is put into it.

  • Wooden box blank;
  • Napkin for decoupage with winter motifs;
  • Glue for decoupage;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Acrylic primer;
  • Lace ribbon;
  • Tassels;
  • A glass of water;
  • Hot glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Glossy finishing varnish.


  1. The workpiece should be pre-primed with acrylic primer. Let dry for at least 20 minutes.
  2. Paint the box with acrylic paints. The color should match the chosen pattern on the napkin.
  3. Glue a winter motif from a napkin onto the lid of the box using decoupage technique. To do this, you can use special glue or PVA glue diluted with water by half.
  4. After the glue has completely dried, completely coat the box with varnish.
  5. The perimeter of this gift and its lid can be decorated with lace ribbon.

Master class on weaving paper boxes

The gift is ready. You can safely give such a gift for the New Year 2019 with your own hands. Each time using this item, its owner will remember you and this holiday with warmth.

Lately, homemade gifts in the form of gingerbread men have become increasingly popular. Such a gift is not only original, but also a delicious dessert.

To prepare you need to take:

  • Flour – 315 grams;
  • Sugar – 200 grams;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Butter – 125 grams;
  • Soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • Ginger – 2 teaspoons;
  • Nutmeg – 1 teaspoon;
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt;
  • Lemon acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the butter over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Add honey, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg.
  2. In a second container, mix flour, sugar, salt and egg.
  3. Add the honey-oil mixture to the resulting mass.
  4. Place in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.
  5. After this time, remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll out a layer 3-4 mm thick.
  6. Cut out the men with a knife or do it using molds.
  7. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until beautifully brown.
  8. Prepare icing for cookies. Beat the egg whites and 100 grams of sugar and add citric acid.
  9. Decorate cooled cookies with glaze. You can give people the features of your friends.
  10. Let the glaze dry and wrap it in gift wrap.

Each such product can be given character traits your friends and acquaintances for whom this handmade gift is intended.

Gingerbread house is a colorful and unusual gift for the New Year 2019. Before you start making it, you need to practice on gingerbread men.

You need to prepare:

  • Gingerbread cookie dough;
  • Glaze;
  • Caramel glue: melt sugar over heat.
  • Lollipops for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Use the dough to bake the details of a gingerbread house. On some, immediately make holes for windows and doors.
  2. After they have cooled, start assembling the gingerbread house. It is necessary to glue the parts with caramel glue quickly and carefully before it cools down.
  3. Decorate the house with icing. Using caramel glue, add candies and lollipops.
  4. You can further decorate the house by enclosing it with a gingerbread fence and installing it nearby Christmas tree. Thus, you will learn how to create a whole fairy tale with your gift.

2019 New Year and Christmas is approaching, complete with all the others winter holidays. During this period, everyone wants something fabulous and unusual. And of course, it’s nice to please your family and friends with original and creative gifts that will reflect all the warmth and tenderness with which you treat them.

But when, on the eve of New Year's Eve, you start counting how many gifts you need to buy, you realize that it will result in a pretty decent amount, and this can spoil festive mood. How to organize everything in such a way as to please everyone (from those closest to you to colleagues at work) and not be left with an empty wallet? What can you give your beloved boyfriend or husband on New Year's Eve? What to give to mom and parents, and how to be a friend? 26 ideas and master classes on how to do this right here!

The answer is simple - we will make gifts with our own hands!

Homemade gifts and crafts for the New Year are not only about saving money, but also an additional opportunity to recharge yourself with anticipation of the holiday. And receiving such souvenirs is much more pleasant, because you can feel love and care in them.

So forget about Chinese consumer goods and think about what you would like to do. There are many interesting ideas for gifts and DIY crafts collected here, choose one to suit your taste and go ahead! And Almost every photo has a link to a master class on how to make such a souvenir!

I've broken down my New Year's gift ideas into several categories, to make it easier to figure out what and to whom you can give. Of course, the division is quite arbitrary, because a gift for a sister may also be suitable for an employee, but you will decide for yourself.

I have combined my mother, sister and friend into one category, which contains gift ideas for girls and women, which will require a little more work than gifts for just acquaintances. What to give - look here!

No. 1: DIY New Year's candlestick for 2019

No. 2: Painted plate or cup

Food served on a plate of your exclusive design will surely seem even tastier to your mother, don’t you agree? But painting is not at all difficult and does not take much time. A white plate, paints and a desire to do something nice will help you achieve the desired result and is an excellent gift for a friend or mother for the New Year.

No. 3: DIY Christmas vases

A vase is not only a stand for flowers, even without them it can decorate a room as a decorative element. You will have to pay quite a lot for a beautiful vase in the store, but in the master classes at the link below, there are 6 ways to turn ordinary jars (which everyone probably has at home) into original hand-made vases.

No. 4: Champagne decor for the New Year

What's New Year's without champagne? So why not add a bottle as a decorative element? Paint champagne bottles and get interesting gift for friends, see the link :

No. 5: Christmas decorations

Each toy on the Christmas tree has its own story, some were left over from childhood, others were bought at New Year's fair, the third was brought as a souvenir... Make a toy with your own hands and add to the history of the Christmas tree for a loved one. There are many options, one of them is to decorate the cones and attach threads to them.

TIP: To make such a ball: take a stencil, attach it to the ball with tape and paint it with spray paint

2019 is the year of the pig, so any symbolism with pigs will be appropriate. Like an idea simple toys for a pig-shaped Christmas tree!

No. 6: New Year'skitchen oven mitt

New Year and Christmas are a period of not only celebrations, but also preparations for them, including kitchen preparations. Everyone wants to fill the table with as many delicious dishes as possible. Many hours are spent near the stove to ensure everything is perfect. And even such a small detail as a New Year's oven mitt instead of a regular one can make the cooking process much more enjoyable.

Of course, not everyone wants to sit down and sew a potholder completely from start to finish, especially if there is no sewing machine. But it’s quite easy to steal a ready-made one.

How to do:

  1. Select in store a regular pot holder and in addition, buy several colored ribbons, and sew the ribbons at home, making beautiful gathers.
  2. It does not take a lot of time, but it will save you money, because by the New Year the prices for all things “gift” and “regular” may differ even several times. And it’s nicer to get such a potholder than a ready-made store-bought one.

#7: Painted Kitchen Utensils for Mom

Make the cooking process more colorful and enjoyable. Buy a regular wooden set of kitchen utensils and paint them with special long-lasting paint - your mother will be delighted with such a gift.

No. 8: Photomagnets

Family photos can be viewed not only in an album or frame, place them on the refrigerator! To avoid doing this to order in a photo studio, buy magnets yourself, print the photos and connect them together.

#9: Coffee scrub for a friend

During the winter and New Year's holidays, you have additional time for yourself, you can take care of your body and help it move away from everyday work. Make yourself and your girlfriends a scrub, the quality and naturalness of which you will be sure of - it’s just a great New Year’s gift for a girlfriend.


  • 1 cup ground coffee
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4-1/2 cup almond oil(the more, the greasier the scrub will be)
  • 1/4 teaspoon vitamin E (oil)
  • 10 drops orange essential oil (optional)

Mix the ingredients in a small bowl and the scrub is ready. Store in an airtight container and use within 2-4 weeks.

No. 10: Sewing kit

Every girl in the household should have a sewing kit: either she needs to sew on a button, or she needs to stitch up something. This activity probably doesn’t cause much excitement, but it can be made more enjoyable.

Put the necessary sewing supplies in a beautifully designed box and with it sewing will not be such a boring process.

No. 11: Handmade soap

Make soap with exactly the scent, size and color you like. Surprise your friends and please them.

Key holder for home

A key holder or small key hanger is a great gift for family or friends. You don't have to buy it -!

Gifts for friends/employees and colleagues for the New Year 2019

What to give to colleagues and friends for the New Year holidays? The answer is simple: sweets, cards, Christmas decorations and small crafts - you can do all this quickly yourself. See ideas!

No. 12: Sweet gifts for New Year's Eve

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to sweets under the Christmas tree. This is probably the most universal gift, whatever you can think of, because both children and adults love candy. And if you present them to interesting packaging, it will be even more pleasant.

You can make a jar of sweets as follows:

  1. Take small jar(preferably some non-standard shape) and paint it to your taste. You can paint the glass or lid and tie it with ribbons.
  2. Fill with jelly candies, marshmallows, small meringues, chocolate pieces, whatever you like best. Place it all in a jar in layers.

As an option, you can make a “jar of healthy goodies”, instead of sweets, place different types nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits - what a great gift for work colleagues for the New Year.

No. 13 New Year's bouquet of candies or sweets

It’s always a pleasure to receive a bouquet, even for New Year’s, and it’s edible! The financial costs for such a bouquet are small:

  • about a dozen sweets,
  • wrapping paper
  • box or jar for the base of the composition.

Design options New Year's bouquet mass - look at the photo and choose what you like!

No. 13: Potholder for a cup/glass

For those who like to take coffee or tea with them, give them a small homemade potholder. With it, they will be able to run about their business with a hot drink in their hands without burning them.

Idea 14: New Year's Bottles - Reindeer

Fluffy wire, decorative eyes and a spout - and ordinary bottles turn into real New Year's deers! This gift is perfect for large quantity people at once, for example, work colleagues, when it is expensive to give something to everyone, but treating them to a bottle is just the thing.

No. 15: Knitted mobile phone case

A telephone is a thing that is constantly in front of our eyes. So even such a detail as what case it comes in can affect our mood. And if give homemade knitted cover , the recipient will remember you every time they use it.

No. 16: Linen bag with candies

Not only the gift plays an important role, but also how it will be packaged. Small homemade bags are perfect for showing that although the gift is small, your efforts and time have been invested into it.

No. 17: New Year's sweets - gingerbread

IN New Year's Eve It's time for a gingerbread hour. Perhaps you have your own special family recipe, if not, then there are many detailed cooking options on the Internet.

If you make them in the form of snowmen, people or gingerbread men, you will get small, delicious New Year's gifts. You can pack each one in a small gift bag and please your friends.

Another option is to attach a ribbon to the top of the gingerbread to hang on the tree as a toy.

No. 18: Happy New Year card

To show how sincere and warm your wishes are, write them on a handmade card. Fold the cardboard in half and decorate it drawings, applications, ribbons, as fantasy dictates.

You can make it in a small format with a hole in the corner so you can hang it on the Christmas tree.

Gifts for boyfriend or husband

There is a stereotype that men are given socks, panties, shampoo and shaving supplies on all holidays. Destroy it and make something interesting with your own hands, show your love and care.

What to give your beloved guy or man on New Year's Eve? Of course useful and practical gift made by you, for example, a cover, a pillow, a notepad - more ideas below.

Idea 19: "Snow Globe"

Snow globes are especially popular among small souvenir gifts; they are scattered from store windows.

To do this at home you will need:

  • jar,
  • artificial snow,
  • small artificial Christmas tree (or snowman figurine, house)
  • glue gun

How to do it: Attach a figurine to the lid of the jar (or to the bottom, but this is harder, since you have to drag your hand into the jar), artificial snow to the lid and to the bottom.

No. 20: Tablet case

If you buy felt or felt and sew a case for the tablet yourself, you will get a good gift with great savings. This can be done as follows: sewing machine, and manually, since there is little work.

No. 21: Floppy Notebook

Floppy disks have long lost their value as storage media; they have ceased to be used, replaced by flash drives.

But you can probably find a few at home in boxes or drawers that you’ve been meaning to clean for a long time. And now they can finally find a use.

  • From two floppy disks and about 50 leaves measuring 9x9 cm, you can make an original notebook, almost certainly no one else will have this.
  • All you need is pierce the leaves with a hole punch and connect it to the floppy disks with a ribbon.

No. 22: Hand-painted pillow

A very simple, pleasant and cute gift that will definitely not leave your husband or boyfriend indifferent. Required:

  • regular pillowcase
  • fabric marker

How to do: We take a stencil with a design and transfer it with a pencil onto the pillowcase. And we paint on the fabric with a special marker. Iron it through the fabric - your New Year's gift is ready.

Idea 23:Picture frame

To family photos looked even better, place them in a beautiful and original handmade frame. Buy the most ordinary and cheap picture frame and decorate it to your liking. To do this you will need a glue gun.

Second option: Just hang the photo on a branch. In this case, it is better to attach the photo to the tape with silicone glue.

No. 24: Chocolate tree

Almost everyone has a real or faux Christmas tree. It creates a mood and spreads the spirit of a fairy tale. But sweets do this too, so I think a gift in the form of a chocolate Christmas tree would be a good addition to it.

New Year's gifts for children

If you have a child or are going to visit friends who have children, you should definitely have a gift for them too. After all, at this age, the New Year is not just a weekend, but a real fairy tale, an expectation of miracles. So what can you do with your own hands?

No. 25: Chalk board

Such a board is a wonderful alternative to reminder notes, which are so difficult to find at the right time. It can be used not only by children, but also by adults!

  1. You can write on it grocery shopping list or things to do tomorrow.
  2. She may also be part of the interior, for example, make a drawing and change it periodically, depending on your mood.
  3. This is an opportunity for children to develop their Creative skills without spoiling the wallpaper in the apartment (which is very important for their parents).

You can make a board yourself.

No. 26: Chocolate - snowman

Such a chocolate bar as a New Year's gift will be twice as tasty as a regular one, that's for sure!

How to do:

  1. Wrap a chocolate bar (or small rectangular box of chocolates) white paper, can be secured with glue or double-sided tape.
  2. The top of the package about a quarter, wrap with knitted fabric cheerful colors. Easy to attach with a glue gun.
  3. Tie the ends of the jersey, protruding above the packaging, with a thin ribbon from the same fabric, trim it, make a fringe - the hat is ready. Tie another thin piece like a scarf.

New Year is on the list of holidays that are dearly loved not only by children, but also by adults. They look forward to it and believe that something magical and fabulous will happen on this day. Main tradition This holiday is all about exchanging gifts with friends and family. Some people enjoy giving gifts, others, on the contrary, enjoy receiving them, but in any case, every person asks the question of choosing a gift. Let's consider how to make gifts for the New Year 2017 with your own hands.

When choosing gifts, the main task is to find an unusual and original present. Of course, modern stores offer a wide range of various interesting things, but it’s much nicer to make original gifts for the New Year with your own hands.

New Year photo frame

A photo frame is a fairly common gift, so it can also be given for the New Year holidays, casting doubts aside. It will always remind your loved ones of your love for them and, of course, please the eye. There are many advantages to such a gift, the main one being ease of implementation. The frame can be decorated with any decorative elements that seem suitable to you.

To work you will need:
  • Any frame;
  • Beads, rhinestones, sparkles;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard or photograph;
  • Varnish for coating.
Manufacturing principle:

You can use any frame as a basis: wood, plastic or metal. In addition to this, you will need various beads, rhinestones, glitter, glue and varnish for coating. You need to cut out snowflakes from felt, each of its own size and color. A cardboard base on which wishes will be written or a photograph will be pasted will also be useful for work. Glass can be used if desired. A cardboard base should be attached to the frame, snowflakes, beads and other decorations should be glued to it. At the end of the work, apply varnish and let the product dry. Such a gift will become a pleasant and warm memory for those for whom it is intended.

Other DIY Christmas frame ideas:

New Year frame for DIY photos

A regular frame sprinkled with glitter makes a cool DIY souvenir

DIY Christmas tree

A homemade Christmas tree is a gift that anyone will surely like. He is unique in that he is able to create a real New Year's atmosphere and will perfectly replace a large real spruce. After all, some people do not always manage to put up this tree and decorate it.

To work you will need:
  • Paper, whatman paper or cardboard;
  • Tinsel;
  • Small toys;
  • Garland.
Manufacturing principle:

It’s not difficult to make such a gift; for this you need to take cardboard or whatman paper. The size of the sheet or roll depends on how large the tree you want to make. You need to roll the paper into a cone shape and screw tinsel onto it, after applying glue there. The main thing is to wrap the cone tightly with tinsel so that there are no gaps. The finished Christmas tree can be safely decorated with small toys or garlands. This will create a real feeling of the New Year's holiday.

Other homemade options Christmas trees:

A small Christmas tree is a cute souvenir in addition to any New Year gift

DIY sweet gifts for the New Year

Many people associate New Year with sweets. Giving or receiving something tasty and original as a gift is doubly pleasant.

Sweet Christmas decorations

A great gift is a delicious and edible decoration for the Christmas tree. These gingerbread cookies will look great as decoration and will be a great addition to other sweets on the table. Such delicious gifts For the New Year, you will pleasantly surprise everyone with your own hands.

To work you will need:
  • Butter good quality;
  • Linden honey;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Cardamom;
  • Egg yolks;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Sugar;
  • Flour;
  • Chocolate;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Ginger;
  • Carnation.
Cooking steps:
  1. 120 g of sugar and ½ part of a stick of butter must be mixed and heated until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  2. Add 250 g of linden honey to this mixture and mix.
  3. Grind 20 clove inflorescences.
  4. Add ½ kg of flour, cloves, 2 tsp. peeled and grated ginger, 3 yolks, 1 tsp. cardamom grains and 2-3 tsp. cinnamon.
  5. Next, all ingredients must be mixed and brought to a homogeneous mass.
  6. Roll out the layer with an oak rolling pin so that its thickness is at least 0.5 cm. Use molds or a glass to cut out the desired shapes.
  7. Make small punctures on the gingerbread cookies with cocktail straws.
  8. Bake the products for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of at least 190 degrees.
  9. Then you need to prepare the sugar icing. To do this, grind 50 g of sugar in a coffee grinder. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and stir.
  10. Fill the gingerbread cookies with sugar glaze. You can also melt 120 g of chocolate in the microwave and dip the gingerbread cookies into it.
  11. Ribbons should be pulled through the holes and the gingerbread cookies should be decorated.
  12. To achieve vibrant colors, you can add natural food colors to the frosting, such as beet or carrot juice.

Sweet ball for the Christmas tree

A sweet ball for the Christmas tree is a genuine joy for those with a real sweet tooth.

To work you will need:
  • Round Christmas tree toy made of transparent plastic or glass;
  • Cocoa powder;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Small candies;
  • Chocolate drops or pieces of bar;
  • Small marshmallow.
Cooking steps:
  1. You need to remove the top part from the transparent ball, rinse it and dry it.
  2. Pour cocoa powder, powdered sugar and chocolate drops inside. Mix.
  3. Add small candies and marshmallows.
  4. Place the top on the ball.

You can safely give such a gift to friends and family. It will be an excellent decoration for the Christmas tree, and after the celebration, the contents of the ball can be poured into a cup, poured with milk or boiling water and enjoyed with a fragrant drink.

Other options for sweet New Year's gifts:

Symbolic do-it-yourself gifts for the New Year 2017

You can prepare a gift in the form of a Fire Rooster. This mythical bird is the symbol of the New Year in 2017. For example, make an original souvenir in the form of this bird.

To work you will need:
  • Flour – 200 g;
  • Water – 130 g;
  • Salt – 125 g;
  • Paints;
  • Beads;
  • Glue.

In order to make such a souvenir, you need to mix flour, salt and water. From the resulting dough, mold a rooster: head, beak, eyes, tail, comb. Fasten all the parts together with glue and paint with bright colors. You can also glue beads onto the colored rooster for decoration.

Cock bottle

Turn a bottle of champagne into a rooster - an invariable attribute New Year's table. Her appearance will delight children and will undoubtedly surprise adults.

To work you will need:

Even a first-grader will have no difficulty making such an original gift. You need to make a cone out of yellow paper and cut out the wings. Cut out small details from red paper: beak, scallop, eyes. The tail can be made from feathers, or can also be cut out of paper. Glue all the parts together, and the symbolic original rooster-case for champagne is ready.

Unusual gifts for the New Year with your own hands

A gift with the real thing New Year's mood- This is a Christmas tree toy with a photo. Everyone, without exception, will be pleased to receive such a gift. After all, photography is pleasant memories, and in this form it will not leave anyone indifferent.

To work you will need:
  • Transparent Christmas ball;
  • Artificial snow;
  • Ribbon;
  • The photo is approximately 5x5.

First, print out the photo. Its size depends on the size of the toy itself. Next, pour artificial snow into the hole of the toy and insert a neatly folded photograph. Using a needle or toothpick, straighten the photo inside. Tie the toy to a bright ribbon, and the gift is ready.

Snowmen made from light bulbs can be a great addition to the New Year's interior. The proposed New Year's gift will definitely please its new owners, especially if it was made by hand.

To work you need:
  • Bulb;
  • Glue;
  • White paint;
  • Brush;
  • Colored paper;
  • Markers and felt-tip pens;
  • Scraps of fabric;
  • Scissors.

For this option, you can take burnt out light bulbs. First, you need to paint them white and let them dry. Then cut out rectangles from scraps of fabric - these will be snowman scarves. They should be glued to the snowmen. You can use markers and felt-tip pens to draw eyes, pockets, a mouth and buttons, and cut out a carrot nose from orange or red colored paper. A little smiling guest will certainly decorate the festive table.

Creative DIY gifts for the New Year

It’s very easy to give your loved ones warmth, comfort and a little bit of magic. A beautiful and festive candlestick will help create that very atmosphere.

To work you will need:
  • Glue;
  • Glass vase, glass or jar;
  • White paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Brush;
  • Candle;
  • Decor elements.

To make this creative candle holder, cut out snowflakes of different sizes from white paper. The container that will become the candlestick must be perfectly clean and dry. You need to take a brush, dip it in glue and carefully apply it over the entire surface. Next glue the snowflakes. After the snowflakes are glued, you need to apply another layer of glue to create an uneven texture. After this, leave the candlestick to dry for 1 day. Next, you can take beads or seed beads, string them on a thread and tie it around the candlestick. Bright ribbons are also suitable for this. When the candlestick is ready, you will need to place a candle inside.

What else the New Year holidays are associated with are pine cones. You can also use them to create an original gift that will be remembered for a long time.

To work you will need:
  • A frame wreath with a diameter of 40-50 cm;
  • Green nylon thread;
  • Glue gun;
  • Fir cones.

To make a wreath of pine cones, the frame must be carefully wrapped with nylon thread. You can make it yourself from wire and foam rubber. Using glue, large cones need to be glued to the moss. Use small cones to fill the empty space between the large ones. Next, you should wait until the wreath dries, and then the gift is ready.

The listed gifts with instructions will help bring to life the most original and creative ideas for the New Year. Don't be afraid of difficulties, because everything is much simpler than it might seem. In order to create a universal gift for loved ones, you don’t need any special knowledge at all, you just need to want it and make it with love.

Other DIY New Year's crafts from pine cones

There is very little time left until the New Year. We are sure that most of our readers are now concerned about choosing and buying New Year's gifts for their loved ones. I would like to give something necessary and memorable, unusual and original for the New Year. With a large selection of New Year gifts in stores, it can be very difficult to find something worthwhile. Stop for a minute... wait, don’t rush... Think about it, because all the above characteristics are met by a New Year’s gift made with your own hands. And you don’t have to convince yourself that your “hands are growing in the wrong place” or that you don’t have enough time to make gifts for the New Year with your own hands. In this article you will find a lot of great New Year's gift ideas that require minimal investment of time and money. But how much joy and pleasure you will get by making gifts for the New Year. And how nice it will be for the person to whom you give them! Be sure to involve children in the process of making original New Year gifts. This will be a useful creative practice for them.

1. New Year's gifts. Sweet gifts for the New Year

One of the most popular New Year's gifts is, of course, candy. Santa Claus always gives sweet gifts for the New Year to children at all kinds of matinees and New Year trees. Adults are also happy to receive a sweet gift for the New Year. Meanwhile, not everyone knows that regular candies You can give it for the New Year in a very unusual way. It’s easy to make from candies and tinsel christmas tree with your own hands.

To make a Christmas tree gift from candies you will need:

Delicious candies in a beautiful, bright wrapper,
- tinsel (by the way, not necessarily green)
- thick Whatman paper or cardboard
- double-sided tape, stapler, glue, scissors.

Make a cone out of paper or cardboard. The paper should be thick enough to support the weight of the candy. You can fasten the paper using glue, a stapler or tape. Next on paper cone Using double-sided tape, glue the candies onto the “tails.” You can glue them either in even rows or in a creative mess, as if you were hanging toys on a Christmas tree. Finally, fill the space between the candies with tinsel. Your DIY New Year's gift is ready!

2. DIY New Year's gifts. Sweet gifts for the New Year

Here is another New Year gift that you can easily make with your own hands. What do you think this wonderful pineapple is made of? We answer, this is a bottle of New Year's champagne, decorated with candies and corrugated paper.

To make such a New Year's gift with your own hands you will need:

Champagne bottle
- chocolate candies round shape in gold wrapper
- corrugated paper in two colors: green and yellow
- twine
- glue gun

For a detailed master class on how to make a pineapple from a bottle of champagne and sweets, see the photo below. The most convenient way to make this New Year's gift with your own hands is to use a glue gun. You can buy corrugated paper at art or office supply stores.

3. DIY New Year's gift ideas. DIY New Year's gifts photo

Is giving alcohol as a gift for New Year boring and banal? There is a way to change this common belief. An original New Year's gift - a bottle of champagne decorated using decoupage technique. To make such a gift for the New Year with your own hands, you will need:

A bottle of good champagne
- napkins for New Year’s themed decoupage
- special glue for decoupage or regular PVA glue
- ribbons, beads for decoration

If you are not yet familiar with the decoupage technique, then especially for you we present here detailed instructions how to make such a New Year's gift with your own hands. First, separate the top layer with the pattern from the napkin. Cut out the image with scissors. Using special decoupage glue, stick the picture onto the bottle. Instead of decoupage glue, you can use regular PVA glue, diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1. Finally, decorate the bottle with ribbons and beads.

4. Gifts for the New Year. DIY gifts New Year

5. Gifts for the New Year. Original gifts for the New Year

If you want to please your loved ones with New Year's gifts with your own hands, then a good idea would be to make them Christmas tree decorations and Christmas decorations with your own hands. To make gifts for the New Year, you can use any materials: paper, felt, beautiful buttons, waste material, natural material.

Felt Christmas tree decorations look very impressive and cozy. Sewing them will not be difficult for you. Such New Year's gift Any friend or relative of yours will be happy.

To make an original gift for the New Year, it is not at all necessary to use expensive creative materials. Look at the photo below. These DIY Christmas tree decorations are made from old light bulbs. For painting you will need acrylic paints bright colors.