Favorable psychological climate in the family. What is the climate like in a family and how not to go down a slippery slope. Where does gastritis come from?

In the scientific literature, synonyms for the concept of “family psychological climate” are “family psychological atmosphere”, “family emotional climate”, “family socio-psychological climate”. It should be noted that there is no strict definition of these concepts. For example, O. A. Dobrynina understands the socio-psychological climate of a family as its generalized, integrative characteristic, which reflects the degree of satisfaction of the spouses with the main aspects of the family’s life, the general tone and style of communication.

The psychological climate in the family determines the stability of intrafamily relationships and has a decisive influence on the development of both children and adults. It is not something immutable, given once and for all. It is created by members of each family and it depends on their efforts whether it will be favorable or unfavorable and how long the marriage will last. Thus, a favorable psychological climate is characterized by the following signs: cohesion, opportunity comprehensive development the personality of each member, high benevolent demands of family members towards each other, a sense of security and emotional satisfaction, pride in belonging to one’s family, responsibility. In a family with a favorable psychological climate, each member treats the others with love, respect and trust, also with respect for parents, and with readiness to help the weaker at any moment. Important indicators of a favorable psychological climate of a family are the desire of its members to carry out free time in the home circle, talk about topics that interest everyone, do homework together, emphasize the virtues and good deeds of everyone. Such a climate promotes harmony, reduces the severity of emerging conflicts, relieves stress, increases the assessment of one’s own social significance and realizes the personal potential of each family member. The initial basis for a favorable family climate is marital relationships. Living together requires spouses to be willing to compromise, to be able to take into account the needs of their partner, to give in to each other, and to develop such qualities as mutual respect, trust, and mutual understanding.

When family members experience anxiety, emotional discomfort, and alienation, in this case they speak of an unfavorable psychological climate in the family. All this prevents the family from fulfilling one of its main functions - psychotherapeutic, relieving stress and fatigue, and also leads to depression, quarrels, mental tension, and a lack of positive emotions. If family members do not strive to change this situation for the better, then the very existence of the family becomes problematic.

Psychological climate can be defined as a more or less stable emotional mood characteristic of a particular family, which is a consequence of family communication, that is, it arises as a result of the totality of the mood of family members, their emotional experiences and worries, attitudes towards each other, towards other people, towards work, to surrounding events. It is worth noting that emotional atmosphere family is an important factor in the effectiveness of the family’s vital functions, the state of its health as a whole, it determines the stability of the marriage.

Many Western researchers believe that in modern society the family is losing its traditional functions, becoming an institution of emotional contact, a kind of “psychological refuge.” Domestic scientists also emphasize the increasing role of emotional factors in family functioning.

V. S. Torokhtiy speaks about the psychological health of the family and that this “integral indicator of the dynamics of vital functions for it, expressing the qualitative side of the socio-psychological processes occurring in it and, in particular, the family’s ability to resist unwanted effects social environment” is not identical to the concept of “socio-psychological climate”, which is more applicable to groups (including small ones) of heterogeneous composition, which more often unite their members on the basis of professional activities and the availability of ample opportunities for them to leave the group, etc. d. For a small group that has family ties that ensure stable and long-term psychological interdependence, where the closeness of interpersonal intimate experiences is maintained, where the similarity of value orientations is especially significant, where not one, but a number of family goals are simultaneously identified, and the flexibility of their priority and targeting is maintained, where the main condition for its existence is integrity - the term “psychological health of the family” is more acceptable.

Psychological health- this is a state of mind psychological well-being families, ensuring regulation of the behavior and activities of all family members that is adequate to their living conditions. To the main criteria for family psychological health B.C. Torokhtiy attributes the similarities family values, functional-role consistency, social-role adequacy in the family, emotional satisfaction, adaptability in microsocial relationships, commitment to family longevity. These criteria for family psychological health create a common psychological picture modern family and, above all, characterize the degree of her well-being.

Family traditions

Family traditions are the usual norms, behavior patterns, customs and views accepted in the family that are passed on from generation to generation. Family traditions and rituals are, on the one hand, one of important signs healthy (as defined by V. Satir) or functional (as defined by E. G. Eidemiller and other researchers) family, and, on the other hand, the presence of family traditions is one of the most important mechanisms for transmitting the laws of intra-family interaction to the next generations of the family: the distribution of roles in all spheres of family life, rules of intrafamily communication, including ways to resolve conflicts and overcome emerging problems.

V. Satir believed that healthy family- this is a family in which 1) each family member is perceived as equal to the others; 2) trust, honesty and openness are essential; 3) intrafamily communication is congruent; 4) family members support each other; 5) each family member bears his part of responsibility for the family as a whole; 6) family members relax, enjoy and rejoice together; 7) traditions and rituals occupy a significant place in the family; 8) family members accept the characteristics and uniqueness of each of them; 9) the family respects the right to privacy (to have personal space, to inviolability of private life); 10) the feelings of each family member are accepted and processed.

The system of traditional beliefs for the Russian national culture, according to senior schoolchildren, contains the belief that “a man and a woman in a family should fulfill different roles”, “a man is a stronghold of the family, a source of wealth and a protector, the one who solves problems”, “the main sphere woman’s activities in the family - housework and raising children”, “a woman must be patient, compliant and ready for self-sacrifice”, “parents are obliged to take care of raising children”, and “children must respect their parents”. As an important belief, a negative attitude towards marital infidelity is noted: “a husband and wife should be true friend each other, to love each other and support each other in joy and sorrow, in illness and in old age.”

TO traditional forms behavior in the family, schoolchildren attributed the fact that “the right to make an offer to start a family belongs to the man (groom)”; “many family events (marriage, birth of children, death of family members) are covered by the church,” that is, there are wedding rites, baptism, funeral services; “The final word in resolving any issues belongs to the man.” The greatest difficulty was caused by the discussion leader’s question about what national traditions in raising children. In addition, it turned out that even those schoolchildren who know about the differences in religious rituals associated with family life (wedding, baptism of children) in various religious denominations do not know what exactly these differences are. The main difference is the “stricter subordination of the wife to her husband among Muslims”, “women in a Muslim family have fewer rights than in Orthodox families" Most schoolchildren were unable to explain the meaning of those rituals that they indicated as national family traditions: the meaning of wedding, baptism and funeral rites.

“This is certainly due to the fact that in 52% of families, parents and representatives of older generations either do not adhere to folk traditions and customs (more than 5%), or follow traditions inconsistently (47%). All this leads to the fact that the majority of schoolchildren (58.3%) are convinced that in their future family life they do not have to follow the customs and traditions of their people.”

Ethnocultural marriage and family traditions were one way or another persecuted and supplanted by unified requirements. Changing in accordance with the requirements of a higher order environment, the family preserves family traditions as one of the main ways of education and continuation of oneself. Family traditions bring all relatives closer together, making a family a family, and not just a community of relatives by blood. Home customs and rituals can become a kind of vaccination against the alienation of children from their parents and their mutual misunderstanding. Today, the only family tradition we have left is family vacations.

Of particular importance for the successful implementation of family education is the socio-psychological climate of the family, reflecting the state of its psychology. Taking shape in the process of direct communication and relationships between family members, being the result of the interaction of their needs, interests, attitudes, habits, value orientations, views, beliefs, emotions and feelings, the socio-psychological climate is a more or less stable formation of a moral and psychological order and acts an integral indicator of the level of development of the family as a socio-psychological community. The socio-psychological climate is one of the most important conditions for the functioning of a family. It not only leaves a peculiar imprint on family life and its participants, but also forms a spiritual environment in which it unfolds. family education.

The family climate is formed on the basis of moral and emotional contact, as well as spiritual and socio-psychological compatibility of spouses, parents and children. Their consideration makes it possible to reveal the educational significance of the socio-psychological climate and to explore the mechanisms of its influence on the choice of a certain style of family education.

The concept of “socio-psychological climate” appeared in scientific language relatively recently, along with such integral concepts that characterize the group effects of joint forms of human life activity, such as “psychological atmosphere”, “psychological climate”, “moral atmosphere”, “moral-psychological climate” and etc., which have become widespread in modern science and practice.

Emotional contact is a two-way process of interaction in which each of the individuals feels like an object of interest and has a certain emotional mood that is consonant with the mood of the other individual. The nature of emotional connections (attention, care, respect, affection, love) determines satisfaction or dissatisfaction with family life, and, consequently, the strength and stability of the family. Emotional contact between family members also plays a big role in raising children and in their development as individuals. It can be positive or negative. Positive emotional connections are based on favorable emotions and feelings, while negative ones are accompanied by emotions and experiences of a negative nature. Based on this, we can, for example, say that positive emotional contact between parents and children is impossible in families where the main means of education is punishment, which leads to a feeling of fear, anxiety, constant fright and alienation in a growing person. Positive emotional contact between spouses, parents and children is the key to successful completion educational process in the family, which, as we know, never appears in its pure form, but only as the result of many trends and relationships overlapping each other. And therefore, in family education, both methods and techniques are important, as are the feelings shown towards children, especially in their early years. This results in the unfavorable educational impact of negative emotional contact on children, which is based on irritation, annoyance, anger, jealousy, etc. Along with this in real life There is often a hypertrophy of positive emotional contacts between parents and children.

Until now, in the literature, the state of the socio-psychological climate is assessed in two extreme positions - favorable and unfavorable, prosperous and disadvantaged.

Favorable (prosperous) socio-psychological climate is trust, high demands on each other, friendly (constructive) criticism, persistent satisfaction of the needs of spouses in all areas of marital interaction, stability of emotional relationships, provision of conditions for well-being and personal development, which creates favorable socio-psychological logic level adapted™. Low level of adaptation™ is determined by partial satisfaction with individual aspects and phenomena married life, inconsistency in the implementation of certain functions in the family, partial satisfaction of the significant needs of the spouses, but a positive attitude towards marriage in general.

Adverse the socio-psychological climate is assessed according to the following parameters: significant dissatisfaction of partners with one of the parties to the marital interaction, lack of psychological support for partners, a high level of conflict of a destructive nature, a negative attitude of one of the spouses towards the elimination of the family.

Samara scientists conducted a study of the socio-psychological climate of the family and styles of family education in Russian, Bashkir and Tatar families; the following methods were used: conversation map, observation, methods of statistical data processing. The results are as follows: among Russians there are no differences in the style of family education between families with a favorable and unfavorable socio-psychological climate. In families with a favorable socio-psychological climate, the Bashkirs have a more sympathetic style of family education, while the Tatars have a more judicious style. Much more differences were obtained when comparing families with a favorable and unfavorable socio-psychological climate. In families with a favorable socio-psychological climate, judicious and helpful styles of family education are more represented, and in families with an unfavorable socio-psychological climate, permissive and controlling styles of family education are more represented. The warning style, which forms the infantile personality type, stands out somewhat from the overall picture. The permissive and controlling styles essentially unite the desire to deprive the child of his own opinion, to accustom him to fulfilling some external requirements, the “rules” of the game, which indicates a lack of real care and love for the child, about imposing on him with the help of different methods strict stereotypes of behavior and shaping his thinking in the “right” direction, from the parents’ point of view. Warning and judicious styles differ from each other in many respects; apparently, they are united only by the absence of such a method of education as punishment.

In both cases, the Bashkirs and Tatars do not use educational methods - neither praise nor punishment; parents provide the child with complete freedom of activity, treat the child with love and build positive relationships with people around them. However, in Bashkir families, the child is taught to act on the basis of a deep internalization of moral values, while among the Tatars the main thing is compliance with accepted rules of behavior. When calculating the difference between the empirical distribution and the theoretical distribution according to their criterion, it turned out that among Russian families with a favorable climate the competitive style predominates, among the Bashkirs - a sympathetic style, among the Tatars - a judicious style of family education.


A family is a complex system of relationships between spouses, parents, children, and other relatives. Taken together, these relationships constitute the microclimate of the family, which directly affects the emotional well-being of all its members, through the prism of which the rest of the world and their place in it are perceived. Depending on how adults behave with the child, what feelings and attitudes are expressed by loved ones, the child perceives the world as attractive or repulsive, benevolent or threatening. As a result, he develops trust or distrust in the world (E. Erikson).

The psychological climate of a family can be defined as a set of psychological attitudes, mood, and relationships between parents and children.The following indicators of the state of the psychological climate of the family are distinguished: the degree of emotional comfort, the level of anxiety, the degree of mutual understanding, respect, support, assistance, empathy and mutual influence; place of leisure (within or outside the family), openness of the family in relationships with its immediate environment.
D.V. Winnicott distinguishes two categories of psychological climate: favorable and unfavorable. A favorable psychological climate in a family is determined by the following features of intrafamily relationships: mutual understanding and stability, cohesion, positive emotional state, moral family values. An important influence on the psychological climate of the family is exerted by the culture of communication between spouses and with children, joint family self-care for the family, and the creation of a family subculture. The stabilization of emotional relationships depends on the equality of its members, the individual needs that marriage satisfies and family life generally .

A favorable home environment has a positive effect on relationships with friends and classmates, and creates a sense of teamwork in the child.An unfavorable psychological climate in a family is determined when there are chronic difficulties and conflicts in one or more areas of family relationships; family members experience constant anxiety and emotional discomfort; alienation prevails in relationships. At the same time, children are characterized by conflict in other areas of communication - at school, informal associations, and subsequently in work collectives.

It should be noted that one of the factors in shaping the psychological climate of a family is character. Stability and stability of character traits gives us the opportunity to predict how a person will behave in a certain situation, his reaction to everyday difficulties, etc.

Another important factor in the psychological climate in the family is marital compatibility, which is one of the most complex phenomena family and marital relations of people. The degree of this compatibility determines not only its psychological climate, but also the stability of the family, its social effectiveness in terms of fulfilling most important function- reproductive and educational, as well as psychotherapeutic.

The peculiarity of parent-child relationships in the family is that they are of particular emotional significance for both the child and the parents, and therefore form a certain psychological climate in the family. The most important manifestations parental attitude are tenderness, care, sensitivity to the needs of the child, reliability, security, predictability, consistency. These relationships involve two opposing trends. One of them is the desire for knowledge, risk, exciting situations, and the other is the desire for protection and security. One tendency encourages the child to separate from his parents and move into the outside world, while the other brings him back. The parent's ability to properly encourage these tendencies determines the usefulness of the parental relationship for the child's development.

There are a variety of types of psychological climate in the family, each of which characterizes intrafamily relationships, the components of which are parent-child relationships, reflecting the content of family values ​​and, consequently, the educational potential of the family.

V.M. Sokolov identifies the following types of psychological climate in the family:

1) a stable negative psychological climate of the family is the opposite of a positive climate. Typically, this type of psychological climate indicates problems within the family. A negative climate is characterized by a lack of family devotion on the part of the spouses, a low degree of mutual support, and insufficient concern for the welfare of each of its members. With a negative psychological climate of the family, one can observe a negative attitude between spouses, including towards children, irritability, suspicion; in such a family, minor quarrels constantly break out, which often grow into large, protracted conflicts;

2) the unstable, variable psychological climate in the family is manifested in the insufficiently friendly attitude of the spouses towards each other. Often the attributes of a variable psychological climate include minor quarrels, inattentive attitude towards each other, “formal” or “duty” smiles, jokes and even laughter.

3) an uncertain psychological climate, manifests itself in families where spouses, partially disappointed in living together, experience some tension. This prevents the family from fulfilling one of its main functions - psychotherapeutic, relieving stress and fatigue, and also leads to depression, quarrels, mental tension, and a lack of positiveemotions . If family members do not strive to change this situation for the better, then the very existence of the family becomes problematic;

4) stable positive psychological climate. In a family with a favorable psychological climate, each member treats the others withlove , respect and trust, to parents - also with reverence, to the weaker - with readiness to help at any moment. Important indicators of a favorable psychological climate of a family are the desire of its members to spend free time in the home circle, talk about topics that interest everyone, do homework together, and emphasize the virtues and good deeds of everyone. Such a climate promotes harmony, reduces the severity of emerging conflicts, relieves stress, increases the assessment of one’s own social significance and realizes the personal potential of each family member.

The nature of the family atmosphere is determined primarily by how family members communicate with each other. Eat friendly families, in which no one is left on the sidelines, where there are no those who suppress the initiative and activity of others. Parents here respect and support each other - they do not denigrate each other in the eyes of the child or undermine their authority. The family thus turns into a world in which all life is reflected and where all difficulties are overcome with the help of all family members.

Of course, the climate in the family can change. Many things change as children grow older. Just as the weather changes in nature, so does the family atmosphere - one day can be clear and sunny, and another - cloudy, sometimes a thunderstorm can break out. The existence of a certain climate, characteristic of a particular family, is the main thing that largely determines the emotional, social and other types of development of the child.


  1. Winnicott, D.W. Conversation with parents / D.V. Winnicott. - M.: DiK, 2012. – 296 p.
  2. Clarina, L.M. Development of a preschooler in kindergarten and at home / L.M. Clarina. – St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2011. – 183 p.
  3. Kulikova T.A. Family pedagogy and home educationhttp://www.pedlib.ru/Books/3/0386/3_0386-23.shtml

  4. Sokolov, V.M. Moral development of a preschooler / V.M. Sokolov. - M.: Sfera, 2005. – 385 p.

Hello, dear readers! In some families, people develop dynamically, while in others they constantly face problems. People generally believe that women are solely responsible for the atmosphere. It is in her that the main causes of conflicts lurk and it is she who does not know how to create a “family hearth”. How far the views of psychologists are from the usual, everyday judgments.

What does the term hide?

Let's start with a definition.

The psychological climate in the family is the degree of satisfaction of both partners and their children with the manner of communication, interaction with each other and the main aspects. If one of the spouses is not satisfied with their material well-being, standard of living, or even the way they spend time together, all this affects their integration and psychological climate as a whole.

The development of children and adults, as well as, depends on the climate. The dissatisfaction of even one person can cause a general negative background.

How long the marriage will last and what it will be like depends on the efforts of both partners, as well as their children. What feelings do family members experience, how do they develop, and so on.


The psychological climate is usually divided into favorable and unfavorable. If family members can be called united, they try to help each other with advice and deeds, support each other in difficult situations and more, then such an atmosphere will be considered favorable.

Mom, dad and children feel protected, they are proud that they are growing up with other “inhabitants of the house.” Each of them tests for the others: tries to help, fulfill.

In such a family love and love reigns. Everyone willingly shares their problems and tries to solve them: without shouting or aggression, because they trust and do not feel discomfort. This is far from a “fairy tale”. Some people really live like this. They trust and know that they will not be unreasonably “scold”, but in any case they will understand and try to find a way out.

One of the most important indicators of a favorable climate is the desire to talk, do something and encourage each other, and support, as well as improve self-esteem.

The basis of such an environment is the spouses’ satisfaction with their life together, the desire to seek and the ability to give in, as well as mutual understanding, respect for the needs of the other, and complete trust.

Not only adults, but also children in such an atmosphere begin to feel their own importance, conflicts with the outside world lose their relevance, everyone strives to realize their ideas and plans.

In such families, even when someone experiences emotional discomfort, everyone else, help and fatigue, prevent the emergence and fill life with positive emotions. These are the main functions of the family psychologically.

If all this is missing, and people begin to experience discomfort, the very existence of the family becomes problematic. Children and adults are increasingly dissatisfied with themselves, with life in general, with fatigue and stress. Such a climate is considered unfavorable.

There are two types of families according to the degree of turmoil. Conflict ones include those in which negative emotions prevail. The impact lasts a long time, is constantly present in everyone’s life and, as a rule, concerns. The reason is not a specific problem, people argue and quarrel, finding a new reason for this every time.

In problem families, there is one specific and objective situation. For example, lack of housing, serious illness, and so on. They try to maintain a common life, they need help in overcoming difficulties.

How to improve the environment at home

Creating harmonious relationships is not so easy, especially if only one person begins to set this goal. And yet, do not despair, he is capable of much. A little later others will definitely join him.

It would be difficult for me to tell you everything in one short article, so I’d better recommend books to you. In this case, the manual will be complete and comprehensive. Fragmentary knowledge is still not so useful.

One of best books about this theme "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families" by Stephen Covey. This bestselling author talks about what character traits you need to develop to achieve marital happiness.

Another interesting work by a domestic psychologist Artem Tolokonin "Secrets of successful families." This is not the first time I have recommended this book to my readers. Its distinctive feature is that it is written based on our realities. Russian society is not in everything similar to foreign society, it has its own specifics, and, of course, development and life happen in our own way.

When family members experience anxiety, emotional discomfort, and alienation, in this case they speak of an unfavorable psychological climate in the family. All this prevents the family from fulfilling one of its main functions - psychotherapeutic, relieving stress and fatigue, and also leads to depression, quarrels, mental tension, and a lack of positive emotions. If family members do not strive to change this situation for the better, then the very existence of the family becomes problematic. Often, unfortunately, there are families where there is no cohesion and friendliness. It all starts with the lack of meaningful communication between spouses and children. The communication sphere has great importance for the development and unity of the family. A negative psychological climate is not necessarily formed in a socially disadvantaged family, that is, single-parent family, or one where there are drug addicts, alcoholics, or mentally ill people. It happens that a family is financially secure, each member is engaged in study or work, children develop, and live in a healthy way parents, but there is no communication and understanding. Then it is worth paying attention to what caused the alienation. Perhaps this is the incompatibility of a man and a woman in marriage, the undesirability of children, the lack of common goals and plans for the future. Children in such families grow up detached, or, on the contrary, too spoiled if parents buy off the need to communicate with them with gifts and money. Each family can be considered as a whole, which has its own type of character. The development of a teenager’s personality in the family depends on the type of relationship established between parents. Each type of family relationship is a prerequisite for a certain type of upbringing. Here we mean an understanding of the goals of education, and methods of education, and taking into account what can and cannot be allowed in relation to the child. For an unfavorable climate in the family, 3 tactics of upbringing in the family can be distinguished and 3 types of family relationships corresponding to them, which are the prerequisite and result of their occurrence: dictate, guardianship, “non-interference.” Diktat in the family is manifested in the systematic suppression by parents of initiative and self-esteem in children. In such a family there are certain people who consider their opinion unquestioning and always correct. Often this is either one of the parents or both, and they suppress the will of the weaker family member, that is, the child. Of course, parents can and should make demands on their child based on the goals of education, moral standards, and specific situations in which it is necessary to make pedagogically and morally justified decisions. However, those who prefer order and violence to all types of influence are faced with the resistance of a child who responds to pressure, coercion and threats with hypocrisy, deception, outbursts of rudeness, and sometimes outright hatred. But even if resistance turns out to be broken, along with it there is a breakdown of many personality qualities: independence, self-esteem, initiative, faith in oneself and one’s capabilities, all this is a guarantee of unsuccessful personality formation. Growing up, a child can fall under the influence of any other authoritarian system: a sect, a criminal company, in which he will be just as obedient and controlled. As an adult, he either himself has a very authoritarian character, or he will become an executor of someone else’s will: passive, dependent and depressed. Family care is a system of relationships in which parents satisfy all the needs of the child, protect him from any worries, efforts and difficulties, taking them upon himself. The question of active personality formation fades into the background. Parents, in fact, block the process of serious preparation of a teenager for reality beyond the threshold of his home. Such excessive care for a child, excessive control over his entire life, based on close emotional contact, is called overprotection. It leads to passivity, lack of independence, and difficulties in communication. The child develops an infantile-consumer attitude towards the world; he reacts painfully to any demands and restrictions. There is a delay in the development of skills, as a result of a decrease in intellectual and physical development. There is also the opposite concept - hypoprotection, which implies a combination of an indifferent parental attitude with a complete lack of control. Teenagers can do whatever they want. As a result, they become selfish, cynical people who are unable to respect anyone, do not deserve respect themselves, but still demand fulfillment of all their whims. The system of interpersonal relations in the family, built on the recognition of the possibility and even expediency of independent existence of adults from children, can be generated by the tactics of “non-interference.” It is assumed that two worlds can coexist: adults and children, and neither one nor the other should cross the line thus drawn. Most often, this type of relationship is based on the passivity of parents as educators, and sometimes on their emotional coldness, indifference, inability and unwillingness to learn to be a parent. Such a system of interpersonal relations takes place both in dysfunctional families, where the parents drink or lead an immoral lifestyle, and in a family with a high level of income, where the parents are busy with their own affairs. Deviations in family relationships negatively affect the development of a teenager’s personality, his character, self-esteem and other psychological qualities of the individual; These children may experience various problems: anxiety, deterioration in school performance, communication difficulties and many others. Parents must be sympathetic to the various and diverse manifestations of the child’s personality, must have the ability to perceive and love their children as they are. This gives children a chance to find acceptable, non-competitive positions in relation to each other, and maintains emotional contact between parents and children. In raising a teenager, what is more effective is not direct manipulation through strict restrictions, but faith in the child’s self-developing strength and the development of his independence.

Conclusion for chapter 1:

Modern science has numerous data indicating that family education is incomparable in strength and effectiveness to any, even qualified, education in kindergarten or school. Uniqueness home education is explained, first of all, by the primacy and special significance of close adults in the child’s life due to his biological and psychological dependence on them. Creating moral, spiritual intra-family relationships that ensure a healthy microclimate is the basis for successful personality development. The determination of the stability of intrafamily relationships is the psychological climate in the family, which has a decisive influence on the development and formation of the child’s personality. The child's position in the family changes depending on his age. The younger he is, the more central his place in the family, the stronger his dependence on his parents. As he gets older, his dependence decreases; on the contrary, his autonomy increases, and his rights are noticeably equalized with other family members. The psychological development of adolescents is characterized by the fact that virtually this entire period is accompanied by a crisis. Its prerequisite is the destruction of the old personality structure, inner world, and system of experiences of the child, which were formed before this age. Deviations in family relationships negatively affect his character, self-esteem and other psychological qualities of the individual. A family where the leading type of relationship is cooperation, where parents communicate with teenagers on equal terms, where everyone can make a question or request and receive help acquires a special quality, becomes group high level development - by the team. In families where the types of upbringing are dictate, guardianship or “non-interference”, adolescents may experience various problems: anxiety, deterioration in school performance, difficulties in communication and many others. Parents should be sensitive to the various and diverse manifestations of the child’s personality, should have the ability to perceive and love your children as they are.